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National Grid USA

(PESP Partner as Eastern Utilities since March 1996)
(PESP Partner as National Grid USA since July 2000)
Edison Electric Institute member

National Grid is an international, U.K.-based company that builds, owns, and manages electricity and telecommunications networks. National Grid’s core U.S. business is the transmission and distribution of electricity. National Grid USA and its subsidiaries are committed to conducting business in a manner that preserves the quality of the environment by continuously seeking ways to minimize the environmental impact of past, present, and future activities. They believe that aggressively addressing environmental issues is good business and in the best interest of the communities they serve, their employees, shareholders, and all other stakeholders.

National Grid’s electricity distribution and transmission subsidiaries use nationally approved, environmentally sound techniques and procedures to maintain trees and other vegetation near their electric wires and poles. By keeping vegetation away from their lines, they help to prevent power outages and make the communities they serve safer places to live. Because they use herbicides in their vegetation management program, they actively participate in the Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program, a voluntary partnership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and users of pesticides that works to reduce environmental impacts.

Their use of herbicides is part of an Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) program to manage vegetation on their transmission rights-of-way. IVM produces a stable, low-growing plant community. This plant community provides a diverse wildlife habitat within a landscape that is increasingly made up of mature forest.

Member Contacts

Thomas Sullivan, System Forester
National Grid USA
Transmission Line Services Department
25 Research Dr
Westboro, MA  01582-0001
508-398-2725 (fax)

Michael Sikora, Forester
National Grid USA
Transmission Line Services Department
25 Research Dr
Westboro, MA  01582-0001
508-398-2725 (fax)

EPA Liaison to this Member

1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW (7511P)
Washington, DC 20460-0001
703-305-0118 (fax)

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