Title 11--Federal Elections



TEXT PDF7.1 Purpose and applicability.
TEXT PDF7.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF7.3 Notification to employees and special Commission employees.
TEXT PDF7.4 Interpretation and advisory service.
TEXT PDF7.5 Reporting suspected violations.
TEXT PDF7.6 Disciplinary and other remedial action.
TEXT PDF7.7 Prohibited conduct--General.
TEXT PDF7.8 Gifts, entertainment, and favors.
TEXT PDF7.9 Outside employment or activities.
TEXT PDF7.10 Financial interests.
TEXT PDF7.11 Political and organization activity.
TEXT PDF7.12 Membership in associations.
TEXT PDF7.13 Use of Government property.
TEXT PDF7.14 Prohibition against making complaints and investigations public.
TEXT PDF7.15 Ex parte communications.
TEXT PDF7.16 Miscellaneous statutory provisions.
TEXT PDF7.17 Use of Commission employment.
TEXT PDF7.18 Use of inside information.
TEXT PDF7.19 Coercion.
TEXT PDF7.20 Gifts, entertainment, and favors.
TEXT PDF7.21 Miscellaneous statutory provisions.
TEXT PDF7.22 Scope.
TEXT PDF7.23 Initiation of investigation.
TEXT PDF7.24 Conduct of preliminary investigation.
TEXT PDF7.25 Initiation of administrative disciplinary proceeding.
TEXT PDF7.26 Notice to former employee.
TEXT PDF7.27 Hearing examiner designation and qualifications.
TEXT PDF7.28 Hearing date.
TEXT PDF7.29 Hearing rights of former employee.
TEXT PDF7.30 Hearing procedures.
TEXT PDF7.31 Examiner's decision.
TEXT PDF7.32 Appeal.
TEXT PDF7.33 Administrative sanctions.

