Title 49--Transportation

Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Transportation


TEXT PDF24.1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF24.2 Definitions and acronyms.
TEXT PDF24.3 No duplication of payments.
TEXT PDF24.4 Assurances, monitoring and corrective action.
TEXT PDF24.5 Manner of notices.
TEXT PDF24.6 Administration of jointly-funded projects.
TEXT PDF24.7 Federal Agency waiver of regulations.
TEXT PDF24.8 Compliance with other laws and regulations.
TEXT PDF24.9 Recordkeeping and reports.
TEXT PDF24.10 Appeals.
TEXT PDF24.101 Applicability of acquisition requirements.
TEXT PDF24.102 Basic acquisition policies.
TEXT PDF24.103 Criteria for appraisals.
TEXT PDF24.104 Review of appraisals.
TEXT PDF24.105 Acquisition of tenant-owned improvements.
TEXT PDF24.106 Expenses incidental to transfer of title to the Agency.
TEXT PDF24.107 Certain litigation expenses.
TEXT PDF24.108 Donations.
TEXT PDF24.201 Purpose.
TEXT PDF24.202 Applicability.
TEXT PDF24.203 Relocation notices.
TEXT PDF24.204 Availability of comparable replacement dwelling before displacement.
TEXT PDF24.205 Relocation planning, advisory services, and coordination.
TEXT PDF24.206 Eviction for cause.
TEXT PDF24.207 General requirements--claims for relocation payments.
TEXT PDF24.208 Aliens not lawfully present in the United States.
TEXT PDF24.209 Relocation payments not considered as income.
TEXT PDF24.301 Payment for actual reasonable moving and related expenses.
TEXT PDF24.302 Fixed payment for moving expenses--residential moves.
TEXT PDF24.303 Related nonresidential eligible expenses.
TEXT PDF24.304 Reestablishment expenses--nonresidential moves.
TEXT PDF24.305 Fixed payment for moving expenses--nonresidential moves.
TEXT PDF24.306 Discretionary utility relocation payments.
TEXT PDF24.401 Replacement housing payment for 180-day homeowner-occupants.
TEXT PDF24.402 Replacement housing payment for 90-day occupants.
TEXT PDF24.403 Additional rules governing replacement housing payments.
TEXT PDF24.404 Replacement housing of last resort.
TEXT PDF24.501 Applicability.
TEXT PDF24.502 Replacement housing payment for 180-day mobile homeowner displaced from a mobile home, and/or from the acquired mobile home site.
TEXT PDF24.503 Replacement housing payment for 90-day mobile home occupants.
TEXT PDF24.601 Purpose.
TEXT PDF24.602 Certification application.
TEXT PDF24.603 Monitoring and corrective action.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix A to Part 24--Additional Information.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix B to Part 24--Statistical Report Form.
