Title 20--Employees' Benefits



TEXT PDF266.1 Introduction.
TEXT PDF266.2 Recognition by the Board of a person to act in behalf of another.
TEXT PDF266.3 Information considered in determining whether to make representative payments.
TEXT PDF266.4 Information considered in selecting a representative payee.
TEXT PDF266.5 Order of preference in selecting a representative payee.
TEXT PDF266.6 Information to be submitted by a representative payee-applicant; face-to-face interview.
TEXT PDF266.7 Accountability of a representative payee.
TEXT PDF266.8 Advance notice of the determination to make representative payment.
TEXT PDF266.9 Responsibilities of a representative payee.
TEXT PDF266.10 Use of benefit payments.
TEXT PDF266.11 Conservation and investment of benefit payments.
TEXT PDF266.12 Effect of matters or actions submitted or taken by legal guardian, etc.
TEXT PDF266.13 When a new representative payee will be selected.
TEXT PDF266.14 When representative payment will be stopped.
TEXT PDF266.15 Transfer of accumulated benefit payments.

