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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
Federal Assistance and Ecological Services Partner to Protect Snake
Region 3, September 15, 2006
A view of the current Middle Bass Island State Park marina. Plans call for the center peninsula to be excavated, the basin rounded, and the entrance moved to the north (left in the photo). 
- FWS photo
A view of the current Middle Bass Island State Park marina. Plans call for the center peninsula to be excavated, the basin rounded, and the entrance moved to the north (left in the photo).

- FWS photo

Federal Assistance provided a $2 million dollar Boating Infrastructure Grant to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) to rehabilitate and expand an existing marina on Middle Bass Island State Park, one of Ohio’s newest parks. 

The grant would partially fund an $11 million renovation of the existing marina, resulting in the creation of up to 360 boat slips.  The marina basin is home to a large number of Lake Erie Watersnakes (Nerodia sipedon insularum, LEWS), a federal threatened species.

Despite a number of proposed avoidance and minimization measures, Federal Assistance determined that, due to the large project area and number of LEWS within the project footprint, all adverse affects to LEWS could not be avoided.   

Formal Section 7 consultation was initiated with the Reynoldsburg Ecological Services Field Office, Ohio, on May 3, 2006, and a final biological opinion was issued on September 15. 

The non-jeopardy opinion determined that, during the course of the two-year project, up to 18 adult LEWS may be taken due to encounters with construction equipment, loss of hibernacula, and displacement from summer habitat.  However, as avoidance, minimization, and offsetting measures, Ohio DNR is designing the marina in such as way as to create artificial summer habitat for the LEWS in the form of rock-filled steel crib bulkheads, armor stone breakwalls, and high quality fish habitat (foraging habitat for LEWS). 

In addition, Ohio DNR constructed two experimental LEWS hibernacula, which will be monitored for LEWS use over the next two years.  They also will implement a LEWS education program for all contractors and consultants working on the project, and once construction is complete, for park visitors. 

While LEWS may experience temporary adverse effects from the action, it is anticipated that once the project is complete, LEWS will return to the project area and thrive, due to the habitat improvements and focused outreach. 

Federal Assistance and Ohio DNR are currently preparing a Draft Environmental Assessment for the project, which will go out for public comment in the next few months. 

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313, charles_traxler@fws.gov