Title 38--Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief



TEXT PDF8.0 Definitions of terms used in connection with title 38 CFR, part 8, National Service Life Insurance.
TEXT PDF8.1 Effective date for an insurance policy issued under section 1922(a) of title 38 U.S.C. (Service-Disabled Veterans' Insurance).
TEXT PDF8.2 Payment of premiums.
TEXT PDF8.3 Revival of insurance.
TEXT PDF8.4 Deduction of insurance premiums from compensation, retirement pay, or pension.
TEXT PDF8.5 Authorization for deduction of premiums from compensation, retirement pay, or pension.
TEXT PDF8.6 Calculation of time period.
TEXT PDF8.7 Reinstatement of National Service Life Insurance except insurance issued pursuant to section 1925 of title 38 U.S.C.
TEXT PDF8.8 Health requirements.
TEXT PDF8.9 Application and medical evidence.
TEXT PDF8.10 How paid.
TEXT PDF8.11 Cash value and policy loan.
TEXT PDF8.12 Payment of the cash value of National Service Life Insurance in monthly installments under section 1917(e) of title 38 U.S.C.
TEXT PDF8.13 Policy loans.
TEXT PDF8.14 Provision for extended term insurance--other than 5-year level premium term or limited convertible 5-year level premium term policies.
TEXT PDF8.15 Provision for paid-up insurance; other than 5-year level premium term or limited convertible 5-year level premium term policies.
TEXT PDF8.16 Conversion of a 5-year level premium term policy as provided for under 1904 of title 38 U.S.C.
TEXT PDF8.17 Discontinuance of premium waiver.
TEXT PDF8.18 Total disability--speech.
TEXT PDF8.19 Beneficiary and optional settlement changes.
TEXT PDF8.20 Proof of death, age, relationship and marriage.
TEXT PDF8.21 Misstatement of age.
TEXT PDF8.22 Examination of applicants for insurance or reinstatement.
TEXT PDF8.23 Examination in connection with total disability benefits.
TEXT PDF8.24 Expenses incident to examinations for insurance purposes.
TEXT PDF8.25 Options.
TEXT PDF8.26 Renewal of National Service Life Insurance on the 5-year level premium term plan.
TEXT PDF8.27 Conditional designation of beneficiary.
TEXT PDF8.28 Application for reinstatement of total disability income provision.
TEXT PDF8.29 Policy provisions.
TEXT PDF8.30 Appeal to Board of Veterans Appeals.
TEXT PDF8.31 Total disability for twenty years or more.
TEXT PDF8.32 Authority of the guardian.
TEXT PDF8.33 Cash value for term-capped policies.
