Title 38--Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief



TEXT PDF20.1 Rule 1. Purpose and construction of Rules of Practice.
TEXT PDF20.2 Rule 2. Procedure in absence of specific Rule of Practice.
TEXT PDF20.3 Rule 3. Definitions.
TEXT PDF20.100 Rule 100. Name, business hours, and mailing address of the Board.
TEXT PDF20.101 Rule 101. Jurisdiction of the Board.
TEXT PDF20.102 Rule 102. Delegation of authority--Rules of Practice.
TEXT PDF20.200 Rule 200. What constitutes an appeal.
TEXT PDF20.201 Rule 201. Notice of Disagreement.
TEXT PDF20.202 Rule 202. Substantive Appeal.
TEXT PDF20.204 Rule 204. Withdrawal of Appeal.
TEXT PDF20.300 Rule 300. Place of filing Notice of Disagreement and Substantive Appeal.
TEXT PDF20.301 Rule 301. Who can file an appeal.
TEXT PDF20.302 Rule 302. Time limit for filing Notice of Disagreement, Substantive Appeal, and response to Supplemental Statement of the Case.
TEXT PDF20.303 Rule 303. Extension of time for filing Substantive Appeal and response to Supplemental Statement of the Case.
TEXT PDF20.304 Rule 304. Filing additional evidence does not extend time limit for appeal.
TEXT PDF20.305 Rule 305. Computation of time limit for filing.
TEXT PDF20.306 Rule 306. Legal holidays.
TEXT PDF20.400 Rule 400. Action by claimant or representative on notification of administrative appeal.
TEXT PDF20.401 Rule 401. Effect of decision on administrative or merged appeal on claimant's appellate rights.
TEXT PDF20.500 Rule 500. Who can file an appeal in simultaneously contested claims.
TEXT PDF20.501 Rule 501. Time limits for filing Notice of Disagreement, Substantive Appeal, and response to Supplemental Statement of the Case in simultaneously contested claims.
TEXT PDF20.502 Rule 502. Time limit for response to appeal by another contesting party in a simultaneously contested claim.
TEXT PDF20.503 Rule 503. Extension of time for filing a Substantive Appeal in simultaneously contested claims.
TEXT PDF20.504 Rule 504. Notices sent to last addresses of record in simultaneously contested claims.
TEXT PDF20.600 Rule 600. Right to representation.
TEXT PDF20.601 Rule 601. Only one representative recognized.
TEXT PDF20.602 Rule 602. Representation by recognized organizations.
TEXT PDF20.603 Rule 603. Representation by attorneys-at-law.
TEXT PDF20.604 Rule 604. Representation by agents.
TEXT PDF20.605 Rule 605. Other persons as representative.
TEXT PDF20.606 Rule 606. Legal interns, law students and paralegals.
TEXT PDF20.607 Rule 607. Revocation of a representative's authority to act.
TEXT PDF20.608 Rule 608. Withdrawal of services by a representative.
TEXT PDF20.609 Rule 609. Payment of representative's fees in proceedings before Department of Veterans Affairs field personnel and before the Board of Veterans' Appeals.
TEXT PDF20.610 Rule 610. Payment of representative's expenses in proceedings before Department of Veterans Affairs field personnel and before the Board of Veterans' Appeals.
TEXT PDF20.700 Rule 700. General.
TEXT PDF20.701 Rule 701. Who may present oral argument.
TEXT PDF20.702 Rule 702. Scheduling and notice of hearings conducted by the Board of Veterans' Appeals in Washington, DC.
TEXT PDF20.703 Rule 703. When a hearing before the Board of Veterans' Appeals at a Department of Veterans Affairs field facility may be requested.
TEXT PDF20.704 Rule 704. Scheduling and notice of hearings conducted by the Board of Veterans' Appeals at Department of Veterans Affairs field facilities.
TEXT PDF20.705 Rule 705. Where hearings are conducted.
TEXT PDF20.706 Rule 706. Functions of the presiding Member.
TEXT PDF20.707 Rule 707. Designation of Member or Members to conduct the hearing.
TEXT PDF20.708 Rule 708. Prehearing conference.
TEXT PDF20.709 Rule 709. Procurement of additional evidence following a hearing.
TEXT PDF20.710 Rule 710. Witnesses at hearings.
TEXT PDF20.711 Rule 711. Subpoenas.
TEXT PDF20.712 Rule 712. Expenses of appellants, representatives, and witnesses incident to hearings not reimbursable by the Government.
TEXT PDF20.713 Rule 713. Hearings in simultaneously contested claims.
TEXT PDF20.714 Rule 714. Record of hearing.
TEXT PDF20.715 Rule 715. Recording of hearing by appellant or representative.
TEXT PDF20.716 Rule 716. Correction of hearing transcripts.
TEXT PDF20.717 Rule 717. Loss of hearing tapes or transcripts--motion for new hearing.
TEXT PDF20.800 Rule 800. Submission of additional evidence after initiation of appeal.
TEXT PDF20.900 Rule 900. Order of consideration of appeals.
TEXT PDF20.901 Rule 901. Medical opinions and opinions of the General Counsel.
TEXT PDF20.902 Rule 902. Filing of requests for the procurement of opinions.
TEXT PDF20.903 Rule 903. Notification of evidence secured and law to be considered by the Board and opportunity for response.
TEXT PDF20.904 Rule 904. Vacating a decision.
TEXT PDF20.1000 Rule 1000. When reconsideration is accorded.
TEXT PDF20.1001 Rule 1001. Filing and disposition of motion for reconsideration.
TEXT PDF20.1003 Rule 1003. Hearings on reconsideration.
TEXT PDF20.1100 Rule 1100. Finality of decisions of the Board.
TEXT PDF20.1102 Rule 1102. Harmless error.
TEXT PDF20.1103 Rule 1103. Finality of determinations of the agency of original jurisdiction where appeal is not perfected.
TEXT PDF20.1104 Rule 1104. Finality of determinations of the agency of original jurisdiction affirmed on appeal.
TEXT PDF20.1105 Rule 1105. New claim after promulgation of appellate decision.
TEXT PDF20.1106 Rule 1106. Claim for death benefits by survivor--prior unfavorable decisions during veteran's lifetime.
TEXT PDF20.1200 Rule 1200. Privacy Act request--appeal pending.
TEXT PDF20.1201 Rule 1201. Amendment of appellate decisions.
TEXT PDF20.1300 Rule 1300. Removal of Board records.
TEXT PDF20.1301 Rule 1301. Disclosure of information.
TEXT PDF20.1302 Rule 1302. Death of appellant during pendency of appeal.
TEXT PDF20.1303 Rule 1303. Nonprecedential nature of Board decisions.
TEXT PDF20.1304 Rule 1304. Request for change in representation, request for personal hearing, or submission of additional evidence following certification of an appeal to the Board of Veterans' Appeals.
TEXT PDF20.1400 Rule 1400. Motions to revise Board decisions.
TEXT PDF20.1401 Rule 1401. Definitions.
TEXT PDF20.1402 Rule 1402. Inapplicability of other rules.
TEXT PDF20.1403 Rule 1403. What constitutes clear and unmistakable error; what does not.
TEXT PDF20.1404 Rule 1404. Filing and pleading requirements; withdrawal.
TEXT PDF20.1405 Rule 1405. Disposition.
TEXT PDF20.1406 Rule 1406. Effect of revision; discontinuance or reduction of benefits.
TEXT PDF20.1407 Rule 1407. Motions by the Board.
TEXT PDF20.1408 Rule 1408. Special rules for simultaneously contested claims.
TEXT PDF20.1409 Rule 1409. Finality and appeal.
TEXT PDF20.1410 Rule 1410. Stays pending court action.
TEXT PDF20.1411 Rule 1411. Relationship to other statutes.
