Title 38--Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief



TEXT PDF19.1 Establishment of the Board.
TEXT PDF19.2 Composition of the Board; Titles.
TEXT PDF19.3 Assignment of proceedings.
TEXT PDF19.4 Principal functions of the Board.
TEXT PDF19.5 Criteria governing disposition of appeals.
TEXT PDF19.7 The decision.
TEXT PDF19.8 Content of Board decision, remand, or order in simultaneously contested claims.
TEXT PDF19.9 Remand for further development.
TEXT PDF19.11 Reconsideration panel.
TEXT PDF19.12 Disqualification of Members.
TEXT PDF19.13 Delegation of authority to Chairman and Vice Chairman, Board of Veterans' Appeals.
TEXT PDF19.14 Delegation of authority--Appeals regulations.
TEXT PDF19.25 Notification by agency of original jurisdiction of right to appeal.
TEXT PDF19.26 Action by agency of original jurisdiction on Notice of Disagreement.
TEXT PDF19.27 Adequacy of Notice of Disagreement questioned within the agency of original jurisdiction.
TEXT PDF19.28 Determination that a Notice of Disagreement is inadequate protested by claimant or representative.
TEXT PDF19.29 Statement of the Case.
TEXT PDF19.30 Furnishing the Statement of the Case and instructions for filing a Substantive Appeal.
TEXT PDF19.31 Supplemental statement of the case.
TEXT PDF19.32 Closing of appeal for failure to respond to Statement of the Case.
TEXT PDF19.33 Timely filing of Notice of Disagreement or Substantive Appeal questioned within the agency of original jurisdiction.
TEXT PDF19.34 Determination that Notice of Disagreement or Substantive Appeal was not timely filed protested by claimant or representative.
TEXT PDF19.35 Certification of appeals.
TEXT PDF19.36 Notification of certification of appeal and transfer of appellate record.
TEXT PDF19.37 Consideration of additional evidence received by the agency of original jurisdiction after an appeal has been initiated.
TEXT PDF19.38 Action by agency of original jurisdiction when remand received.
TEXT PDF19.50 Nature and form of administrative appeal.
TEXT PDF19.51 Officials authorized to file administrative appeals and time limits for filing.
TEXT PDF19.52 Notification to claimant of filing of administrative appeal.
TEXT PDF19.53 Restriction as to change in payments pending determination of administrative appeals.
TEXT PDF19.75 Field hearing docket.
TEXT PDF19.76 Notice of time and place of hearing before the Board of Veterans' Appeals at Department of Veterans Affairs field facilities.
TEXT PDF19.100 Notification of right to appeal in simultaneously contested claims.
TEXT PDF19.101 Notice to contesting parties on receipt of Notice of Disagreement in simultaneously contested claims.
TEXT PDF19.102 Notice of appeal to other contesting parties in simultaneously contested claims.
