Title 5--Administrative Personnel



TEXT PDF875.101 Definitions.
TEXT PDF875.102 Where do I send benefit claims?
TEXT PDF875.103 Do I need to authorize release of my medical records when I file a claim?
TEXT PDF875.104 What are the steps required to resolve a dispute involving benefit eligibility or payment of a claim?
TEXT PDF875.105 May OPM correct errors?
TEXT PDF875.106 What responsibilities do agencies have under this Program?
TEXT PDF875.107 What are OPM's responsibilities as regulator under this Program?
TEXT PDF875.108 If the Carrier approves my application, will I get a certificate of insurance?
TEXT PDF875.109 Is there a delegation of authority for resolving contract disputes between OPM and the Carrier?
TEXT PDF875.201 Am I eligible as a Federal civilian or Postal employee?
TEXT PDF875.202 Am I eligible as a Federal annuitant?
TEXT PDF875.203 Am I eligible if I separated under the FERS MRA+10 provision?
TEXT PDF875.204 Am I eligible as a member of the uniformed services?
TEXT PDF875.205 Am I eligible as a retired member of the uniformed services?
TEXT PDF875.206 As a new Federal civilian or Postal employee or member of the uniformed services, when may I apply?
TEXT PDF875.207 What happens if I am in nonpay status during an open season?
TEXT PDF875.208 May I apply as a qualified relative if the person on whom I am basing my eligibility status has died?
TEXT PDF875.209 How do I demonstrate that I am eligible to apply for coverage?
TEXT PDF875.210 What happens if I become ineligible after I submit an application?
TEXT PDF875.211 What happens if my eligibility status changes after I submit an application?
TEXT PDF875.212 Is there a minimum application age?
TEXT PDF875.301 Is there a Government contribution toward premiums?
TEXT PDF875.302 What are the options for making premium payments?
TEXT PDF875.303 How are premium payment errors corrected?
TEXT PDF875.304 How does the Carrier account for FLTCIP funds?
TEXT PDF875.401 How do I apply for coverage?
TEXT PDF875.402 When will open seasons be held?
TEXT PDF875.403 May I apply for coverage outside of an open season?
TEXT PDF875.404 What is the effective date of coverage?
TEXT PDF875.405 If I marry, may my new spouse apply for coverage?
TEXT PDF875.406 May I change my coverage?
TEXT PDF875.407 Who makes insurability decisions?
TEXT PDF875.408 What is the significance of incontestability?
TEXT PDF875.409 Must I provide an authorization to release medical information?
TEXT PDF875.410 May I continue my coverage when I leave Federal or military service?
TEXT PDF875.411 May I continue my coverage when I am no longer a qualified relative?
TEXT PDF875.412 When will my coverage terminate?
TEXT PDF875.413 Is it possible to have coverage reinstated?
TEXT PDF875.414 Will benefits be coordinated with other coverage?

