Title 5--Administrative Personnel



TEXT PDF870.101 Definitions.
TEXT PDF870.102 The policy.
TEXT PDF870.103 Correction of errors.
TEXT PDF870.104 Incontestability.
TEXT PDF870.105 Initial decision and reconsideration.
TEXT PDF870.201 Types of insurance.
TEXT PDF870.202 Basic insurance amount (BIA).
TEXT PDF870.203 Post-election BIA.
TEXT PDF870.204 Annual rates of pay.
TEXT PDF870.205 Amount of Optional insurance.
TEXT PDF870.206 Accidental death and dismemberment.
TEXT PDF870.301 Eligibility for life insurance.
TEXT PDF870.302 Exclusions.
TEXT PDF870.303 Eligibility of foster children under Option C.
TEXT PDF870.401 Withholdings and contributions for Basic insurance.
TEXT PDF870.402 Withholdings for Optional insurance.
TEXT PDF870.403 Withholdings and contributions following a Living Benefit election.
TEXT PDF870.404 Withholdings and contributions provisions that apply to both Basic and Optional insurance.
TEXT PDF870.405 Direct premium payments.
TEXT PDF870.501 Basic insurance: Effective dates of automatic coverage.
TEXT PDF870.502 Basic insurance: Waiver/cancellation of insurance.
TEXT PDF870.503 Basic insurance: Cancelling a waiver.
TEXT PDF870.504 Optional insurance: Election.
TEXT PDF870.505 Optional insurance: Waiver/cancellation of insurance.
TEXT PDF870.506 Optional insurance: Cancelling a waiver.
TEXT PDF870.507 Open enrollment periods.
TEXT PDF870.508 Nonpay status.
TEXT PDF870.509 Transfers to international organizations.
TEXT PDF870.601 Termination of Basic insurance.
TEXT PDF870.602 Termination of Optional insurance.
TEXT PDF870.603 Conversion of Basic and Optional insurance.
TEXT PDF870.701 Eligibility for life insurance.
TEXT PDF870.702 Amount of Basic insurance.
TEXT PDF870.703 Election of Basic insurance.
TEXT PDF870.704 Amount of Option A.
TEXT PDF870.705 Amount and election of Option B and Option C.
TEXT PDF870.706 Reinstatement of life insurance.
TEXT PDF870.707 Reemployed annuitants.
TEXT PDF870.708 MRA-plus-10 annuitants.
TEXT PDF870.801 Order of precedence and payment of benefits.
TEXT PDF870.802 Designation of beneficiary.
TEXT PDF870.803 Child incapable of self-support.
TEXT PDF870.901 Assignments permitted.
TEXT PDF870.902 Making an assignment.
TEXT PDF870.903 Effective date of assignment.
TEXT PDF870.904 Amount of insurance.
TEXT PDF870.905 Withholdings.
TEXT PDF870.906 Cancellation of insurance.
TEXT PDF870.907 Termination and conversion.
TEXT PDF870.908 Annuitants and compensationers.
TEXT PDF870.909 Designations and changes of beneficiary.
TEXT PDF870.910 Notification of current addresses.
TEXT PDF870.1001 Purpose.
TEXT PDF870.1002 Definitions.
TEXT PDF870.1003 Coverage and amount of insurance.
TEXT PDF870.1004 Effective date of insurance.
TEXT PDF870.1005 Premiums.
TEXT PDF870.1006 Cancellation of insurance.
TEXT PDF870.1007 Termination and conversion.
TEXT PDF870.1008 Order of precedence and designation of beneficiary.
TEXT PDF870.1009 Responsibilities of the U.S. Department of State.
TEXT PDF870.1101 Eligibility for a Living Benefit.
TEXT PDF870.1102 Amount of a Living Benefit.
TEXT PDF870.1103 Election procedures.
TEXT PDF870.1201 Portability permitted.
TEXT PDF870.1202 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF870.1203 Amount of insurance.
TEXT PDF870.1204 Cost of insurance.
TEXT PDF870.1205 Electing portability for Option B.
TEXT PDF870.1206 Termination and cancellation of ported coverage.
TEXT PDF870.1207 Designations, assignments, and court orders.
TEXT PDF870.1208 Return to active service.

