Title 17--Commodity and Securities Exchanges



TEXT PDF230.100 Definitions of terms used in the rules and regulations.
TEXT PDF230.110 Business hours of the Commission.
TEXT PDF230.111 Payment of fees.
TEXT PDF230.120 Inspection of registration statements.
TEXT PDF230.122 Non-disclosure of information obtained in the course of examinations and investigations.
TEXT PDF230.130 Definition of ``rules and regulations'' as used in certain sections of the Act.
TEXT PDF230.131 Definition of security issued under governmental obligations.
TEXT PDF230.132 Definition of ``common trust fund'' as used in section 3(a)(2) of the Act.
TEXT PDF230.133 Definition for purposes of section 5 of the Act, of ``sale'', ``offer'', ``offer to sell'', and ``offer for sale''.
TEXT PDF230.134 Communications not deemed a prospectus.
TEXT PDF230.134a Options material not deemed a prospectus.
TEXT PDF230.134b Statements of additional information.
TEXT PDF230.135 Notice of proposed registered offerings.
TEXT PDF230.135a Generic advertising.
TEXT PDF230.135b Materials not deemed an offer to sell or offer to buy.
TEXT PDF230.135c Notice of certain proposed unregistered offerings.
TEXT PDF230.135e Offshore press conferences, meetings with issuer representatives conducted offshore, and press-related materials released offshore.
TEXT PDF230.136 Definition of certain terms in relation to assessable stock.
TEXT PDF230.137 Definition of ``offers'', ``participates'', or ``participation'' in section 2(11) in relation to certain publications by persons independent of participants in a distribution.
TEXT PDF230.138 Definition of ``offer for sale'' and ``offer to sell'' in sections 2(10) and 5(c) in relation to certain publications.
TEXT PDF230.139 Definition of ``offer for sale'' and ``offer to sell'' in sections 2(10) and 5(c) in relation to certain publications.
TEXT PDF230.140 Definition of ``distribution'' in section 2(11) for certain transactions.
TEXT PDF230.141 Definition of ``commission from an underwriter or dealer not in excess of the usual and customary distributors' or sellers' commissions'' in section 2(11), for certain transactions.
TEXT PDF230.142 Definition of ``participates'' and ``participation,'' as used in section 2(11), in relation to certain transactions.
TEXT PDF230.143 Definition of ``has purchased'', ``sells for'', ``participates'', and ``participation'', as used in section 2(11), in relation to certain transactions of foreign governments for war purposes.
TEXT PDF230.144 Persons deemed not to be engaged in a distribution and therefore not underwriters.
TEXT PDF230.144A Private resales of securities to institutions.
TEXT PDF230.145 Reclassification of securities, mergers, consolidations and acquisitions of assets.
TEXT PDF230.146 Rules under section 18 of the Act.
TEXT PDF230.147 ``Part of an issue'', ``person resident'', and ``doing business within'' for purposes of section 3(a)(11).
TEXT PDF230.149 Definition of ``exchanged'' in section 3(a)(9), for certain transactions.
TEXT PDF230.150 Definition of ``commission or other remuneration'' in section 3(a)(9), for certain transactions.
TEXT PDF230.151 Safe harbor definition of certain ``annuity contracts or optional annuity contracts'' within the meaning of section 3(a)(8).
TEXT PDF230.152 Definition of ``transactions by an issuer not involving any public offering'' in section 4(2), for certain transactions.
TEXT PDF230.152a Offer or sale of certain fractional interests.
TEXT PDF230.153 Definition of ``preceded by a prospectus'', as used in section 5(b)(2), in relation to certain transactions.
TEXT PDF230.153a Definition of ``preceded by a prospectus'' as used in section 5(b)(2) of the Act, in relation to certain transactions requiring approval of security holders.
TEXT PDF230.153b Definition of ``preceded by a prospectus'', as used in section 5(b)(2), in connection with certain transactions in standardized options.
TEXT PDF230.154 Delivery of prospectuses to investors at the same address.
TEXT PDF230.156 Investment company sales literature.
TEXT PDF230.157 Small entities under the Securities Act for purposes of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
TEXT PDF230.158 Definitions of certain terms in the last paragraph of section 11(a).
TEXT PDF230.161 Amendments to rules and regulations governing exemptions.
TEXT PDF230.162 Submission of tenders in registered exchange offers.
TEXT PDF230.165 Offers made in connection with a business combination transaction.
TEXT PDF230.166 Exemption from section 5(c) for certain communications in connection with business combination transactions.
TEXT PDF230.170 Prohibition of use of certain financial statements.
TEXT PDF230.171 Disclosure detrimental to the national defense or foreign policy.
TEXT PDF230.174 Delivery of prospectus by dealers; exemptions under section 4(3) of the Act.
TEXT PDF230.175 Liability for certain statements by issuers.
TEXT PDF230.176 Circumstances affecting the determination of what constitutes reasonable investigation and reasonable grounds for belief under section 11 of the Securities Act.
TEXT PDF230.180 Exemption from registration of interests and participations issued in connection with certain H.R. 10 plans.
TEXT PDF230.215 Accredited investor.
TEXT PDF230.236 Exemption of shares offered in connection with certain transactions.
TEXT PDF230.251 Scope of exemption.
TEXT PDF230.252 Offering statement.
TEXT PDF230.253 Offering circular.
TEXT PDF230.254 Solicitation of interest document for use prior to an offering statement.
TEXT PDF230.255 Preliminary Offering Circulars.
TEXT PDF230.256 Filing of sales material.
TEXT PDF230.257 Reports of sales and use of proceeds.
TEXT PDF230.258 Suspension of the exemption.
TEXT PDF230.259 Withdrawal or abandonment of offering statements.
TEXT PDF230.260 Insignificant deviations from a term, condition or requirement of Regulation A.
TEXT PDF230.261 Definitions.
TEXT PDF230.262 Disqualification provisions.
TEXT PDF230.263 Consent to Service of Process.
TEXT PDF230.400 Application of 230.400 to 230.494, inclusive.
TEXT PDF230.401 Requirements as to proper form.
TEXT PDF230.402 Number of copies; binding; signatures.
TEXT PDF230.403 Requirements as to paper, printing, language and pagination.
TEXT PDF230.404 Preparation of registration statement.
TEXT PDF230.405 Definitions of terms.
TEXT PDF230.405 Definitions of terms.
TEXT PDF230.406 Confidential treatment of information filed with the Commission.
TEXT PDF230.408 Additional information.
TEXT PDF230.409 Information unknown or not reasonably available.
TEXT PDF230.410 Disclaimer of control.
TEXT PDF230.411 Incorporation by reference.
TEXT PDF230.412 Modified or superseded documents.
TEXT PDF230.413 Registration of additional securities.
TEXT PDF230.414 Registration by certain successor issuers.
TEXT PDF230.415 Delayed or continuous offering and sale of securities.
TEXT PDF230.416 Securities to be issued as a result of stock splits, stock dividends and anti-dilution provisions and interests to be issued pursuant to certain employee benefit plans.
TEXT PDF230.417 Date of financial statements.
TEXT PDF230.418 Supplemental information.
TEXT PDF230.419 Offerings by blank check companies.
TEXT PDF230.420 Legibility of prospectus.
TEXT PDF230.421 Presentation of information in prospectuses.
TEXT PDF230.423 Date of prospectuses.
TEXT PDF230.424 Filing of prospectuses, number of copies.
TEXT PDF230.425 Filing of certain prospectuses and communications under 230.135 in connection with business combination transactions.
TEXT PDF230.427 Contents of prospectus used after nine months.
TEXT PDF230.428 Documents constituting a section 10(a) prospectus for Form S-8 registration statement; requirements relating to offerings of securities registered on Form S-8.
TEXT PDF230.429 Prospectus relating to several registration statements.
TEXT PDF230.430 Prospectus for use prior to effective date.
TEXT PDF230.430A Prospectus in a registration statement at the time of effectiveness.
TEXT PDF230.431 Summary prospectuses.
TEXT PDF230.432 Additional information required to be included in prospectuses relating to tender offers.
TEXT PDF230.434 Prospectus delivery requirements in firm commitment underwritten offerings of securities for cash.
TEXT PDF230.434 Prospectus delivery requirements in firm commitment underwritten offerings of securities for cash.
TEXT PDF230.436 Consents required in special cases.
TEXT PDF230.437 Application to dispense with consent.
TEXT PDF230.438 Consents of persons about to become directors.
TEXT PDF230.439 Consent to use of material incorporated by reference.
TEXT PDF230.455 Place of filing.
TEXT PDF230.456 Date of filing.
TEXT PDF230.457 Computation of fee.
TEXT PDF230.459 Calculation of effective date.
TEXT PDF230.460 Distribution of preliminary prospectus.
TEXT PDF230.461 Acceleration of effective date.
TEXT PDF230.462 Immediate effectiveness of certain registration statements and post-effective amendments.
TEXT PDF230.463 Report of offering of securities and use of proceeds therefrom.
TEXT PDF230.464 Effective date of post-effective amendments to registration statements filed on Form S-8 and on certain Forms S-3, S-4, F-2 and F-3.
TEXT PDF230.466 Effective date of certain registration statements on Form F-6.
TEXT PDF230.467 Effectiveness of registration statements and post-effective amendments thereto made on Forms F-7, F-8, F-9, F-10 and F-80.
TEXT PDF230.470 Formal requirements for amendments.
TEXT PDF230.471 Signatures to amendments.
TEXT PDF230.472 Filing of amendments; number of copies.
TEXT PDF230.473 Delaying amendments.
TEXT PDF230.474 Date of filing of amendments.
TEXT PDF230.475 Amendment filed with consent of Commission.
TEXT PDF230.475a Certain pre-effective amendments deemed filed with the consent of the Commission.
TEXT PDF230.476 Amendment filed pursuant to order of Commission.
TEXT PDF230.477 Withdrawal of registration statement or amendment.
TEXT PDF230.478 Powers to amend or withdraw registration statement.
TEXT PDF230.479 Procedure with respect to abandoned registration statements and post-effective amendments.
TEXT PDF230.480 Title of securities.
TEXT PDF230.481 Information required in prospectuses.
TEXT PDF230.482 Advertising by an investment company as satisfying requirements of section 10.
TEXT PDF230.483 Exhibits for certain registration statements, financial data schedule.
TEXT PDF230.484 Undertaking required in certain registration statements.
TEXT PDF230.485 Effective date of post-effective amendments filed by certain registered investment companies.
TEXT PDF230.486 Effective date of post-effective amendments and registration statements filed by certain closed-end management investment companies.
TEXT PDF230.487 Effectiveness of registration statements filed by certain unit investment trusts.
TEXT PDF230.488 Effective date of registration statements relating to securities to be issued in certain business combination transactions.
TEXT PDF230.489 Filing of form by foreign banks and insurance companies and certain of their holding companies and finance subsidiaries.
TEXT PDF230.490 Information to be furnished under paragraph (3) of Schedule B.
TEXT PDF230.491 Information to be furnished under paragraph (6) of Schedule B.
TEXT PDF230.492 Omissions from prospectuses.
TEXT PDF230.493 Filing of opinions of counsel.
TEXT PDF230.494 Newspaper prospectuses.
TEXT PDF230.495 Preparation of registration statement.
TEXT PDF230.496 Contents of prospectus and statement of additional information used after nine months.
TEXT PDF230.497 Filing of investment company prospectuses--number of copies.
TEXT PDF230.498 Profiles for certain open-end management investment companies.
TEXT PDF230.501 Definitions and terms used in Regulation D.
TEXT PDF230.502 General conditions to be met.
TEXT PDF230.503 Filing of notice of sales.
TEXT PDF230.504 Exemption for limited offerings and sales of securities not exceeding $1,000,000.
TEXT PDF230.505 Exemption for limited offers and sales of securities not exceeding $5,000,000.
TEXT PDF230.506 Exemption for limited offers and sales without regard to dollar amount of offering.
TEXT PDF230.507 Disqualifying provision relating to exemptions under 230.504, 230.505 and 230.506.
TEXT PDF230.508 Insignificant deviations from a term, condition or requirement of RegulationD.
TEXT PDF230.601 Definitions of terms used in 230.601 to 230.610a.
TEXT PDF230.602 Securities exempted.
TEXT PDF230.603 Amount of securities exempted.
TEXT PDF230.604 Filing of notification on Form   1-E.
TEXT PDF230.605 Filing and use of the offering circular.
TEXT PDF230.606 Offering not in excess of $100,000.
TEXT PDF230.607 Sales material to be filed.
TEXT PDF230.608 Prohibition of certain statements.
TEXT PDF230.609 Reports of sales hereunder.
TEXT PDF230.610 Suspension of exemption.
TEXT PDF230.610a Schedule A: Contents of offering circular for small business investment companies; Schedule B: Contents of offering circular for business development companies.
TEXT PDF230.701 Exemption for offers and sales of securities pursuant to certain compensatory benefit plans and contracts relating to compensation.
TEXT PDF230.800 Definitions for 230.800, 230.801 and 230.802.
TEXT PDF230.801 Exemption in connection with a rights offering.
TEXT PDF230.802 Exemption for offerings in connection with an exchange offer or business combination for the securities of foreign private issuers.
TEXT PDF230.901 General statement.
TEXT PDF230.902 Definitions.
TEXT PDF230.903 Offers or sales of securities by the issuer, a distributor, any of their respective affiliates, or any person acting on behalf of any of the foregoing; conditions relating to specific securities.
TEXT PDF230.904 Offshore resales.
TEXT PDF230.905 Resale limitations.
TEXT PDF230.1001 Exemption for transactions exempt from qualification under 25102(n) of the California Corporations Code.

