Title 17--Commodity and Securities Exchanges



TEXT PDF275.0-2 Consent to service of process to be furnished by non-resident investment advisers and by non-resident investment general partners or managing agents of investment advisers.
TEXT PDF275.0-3 References to rules and regulations.
TEXT PDF275.0-4 General requirements of papers and applications.
TEXT PDF275.0-5 Procedure with respect to applications and other matters.
TEXT PDF275.0-6 Incorporation by reference in applications.
TEXT PDF275.0-7 Small entities under the Investment Advisers Act for purposes of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
TEXT PDF275.202(a)(1)-1 Certain transactions not deemed assignments.
TEXT PDF275.203-1 Application for registration of investment adviser.
TEXT PDF275.203-2 Withdrawal from registration.
TEXT PDF275.203(b)(3)-1 Definition of ``client'' of an investment adviser.
TEXT PDF275.203A-1 Eligibility for Commission registration.
TEXT PDF275.203A-2 Exemptions from prohibition on Commission registration.
TEXT PDF275.203A-3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF275.203A-4 Investment advisers registered with a State securities commission.
TEXT PDF275.203A-6 Transition period for Ohio investment advisers.
TEXT PDF275.204-1 Amendments to application for registration.
TEXT PDF275.204-2 Books and records to be maintained by investment advisers.
TEXT PDF275.204-3 Written disclosure statements.
TEXT PDF275.204-5 Year 2000 reports.
TEXT PDF275.205-1 Definition of ``investment performance'' of an investment company and ``investment record'' of an appropriate index of securities prices.
TEXT PDF275.205-2 Definition of ``specified period'' over which the asset value of the company or fund under management is averaged.
TEXT PDF275.205-3 Exemption from the compensation prohibition of section 205(a)(1) for investment advisers.
TEXT PDF275.206(3)-1 Exemption of investment advisers registered as broker-dealers in connection with the provision of certain investment advisory services.
TEXT PDF275.206(3)-2 Agency cross transactions for advisory clients.
TEXT PDF275.206(4)-1 Advertisements by investment advisers.
TEXT PDF275.206(4)-2 Custody or possession of funds or securities of clients.
TEXT PDF275.206(4)-3 Cash payments for client solicitations.
TEXT PDF275.206(4)-4 Financial and disciplinary information that investment advisers must disclose to clients.
TEXT PDF275.222-1 Definitions.
TEXT PDF275.222-2 Definiton of ``client'' for purposes of the national de minimis standard.

