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Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs) Library

 What's New
Brownfield Sites and SEPs (11/08/06) (PDF)
(5 pp., 62 KB, about PDF)
Project Ideas for SEPs (07/20/06) (PDF)
(15 pp., 1.02 MB, about PDF)
Clean Water Municipal Settlements and SEPs (11/04/05) (PDF)
(3 pp., 435 KB, about PDF)
 Related Information
SEP Policy (PDF)
(24 pp., 1.88 MB, about PDF)
SEP Library Proposal Recommendations
Submit a SEP Idea
SEP Website

A supplemental environmental project (SEP) is a project that produces environmental or public health and safety benefits beyond those required by law, for which a credit may be granted by EPA to offset partially the penalty imposed in the settlement of an enforcement action.

EPA Region 1 maintains a “library” for SEP proposals that might be appropriate for implementation in the settlement of a case. In order to submit a project for possible inclusion in EPA Region 1's SEP Library, please complete a SEP Idea Form by providing the information described in the instructions for each project or idea. Please submit all project proposals to EPA by e-mail to Amelia Katzen (katzen.amelia@epa.gov) of EPA Region 1's Regulatory Legal Office.

When evaluating a proposed project for inclusion as a SEP in a settlement, EPA considers many factors. The most important factors are the public health or environmental benefits expected from the project and the relationship of the project to the underlying violation of the enforcement action. Other factors include such things as the project’s pollutant of concern, geographic location, impact on sensitive human populations, impact on sensitive ecosystems, type of project, estimated cost, and length of time estimated for completion.

Appropriate SEP proposals will be posted in the Region’s internal SEP Library, which can only be accessed by EPA Region 1 employees. When violators ask EPA enforcement personnel to suggest SEP ideas for consideration in particular cases, the case team is able to consult the SEP Library for relevant SEP ideas. Inclusion of a project in the SEP Library does not in any way ensure that it will be implemented in a Region 1 case, only that it will be available for consideration.

Before submitting a form to the SEP Library, you should consult the SEP page of the EPA Headquarters website, where several important guidance documents can be found.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & Tribal Nations

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