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Our vision is a world without Alzheimer's

Every 70 seconds, someone gets Alzheimer's. Join the fight.

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Alzheimer champion

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Tune in May 10, 11 and 12 
"The Alzheimer's Project," a four-part HBO documentary, looks at the faces behind the disease and the hope for a cure. This series dramatically raises awareness of the Alzheimer crisis facing our nation and the need for urgent action.
Get details

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Know the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer's

Memory loss that disrupts everyday life is not a typical part of aging. It may be a symptom of Alzheimer's.

Caring for Alzheimer's

Tips to care for a loved one with dementia and for yourself.

Brain Tour

Find out how Alzheimer's affects the brain.

Message boards and blog

Join our community of caregivers and people living with Alzheimer's. Get support and share information.

Mother's Day is this Sunday, May 10

Express your love and appreciation on a special Tribute Web page you make.

Rock with our stars of science!

Find out more about the Alzheimer researchers featured in June's GQ magazine.

Grey's Anatomy connects to the Alzheimer's Association

The Alzheimer's Association is one of the designated charities on Meredith and Derek's wedding site.

Write Congress and help make Alzheimer's a national priority

Make an impact on our elected officials by letting them know that Alzheimer's disease demands attention now.

What's Happening to Grandpa?
by Maria Shriver

Maria Shriver's children's book is about a
grandparent with Alzheimer's. A great resource
for explaining the disease to kids. $9.99

More resources for kids

Learn how Maria Shriver is raising awareness


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