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Celebration of the Reconstruction of the Water Supply System in Przdevo, Demir Kapija Municipality

On Saturday, May 24, 2003, CSHI/USAID representatives will join with members from the Przdevo community in an Inauguration Ceremony celebrating the completion of the Reconstruction of the Water Supply System (Water Pumps) in Przdevo, Demir Kapija Municipality. This celebration coincides with St. Cyril and Methody. Day, an annual event in the village. Part of this celebration will include a fair, the performance of traditional folk dances, and a visit to the local church. In addition to local residents, many visitors are expected from outside Przdevo for this event. Some key participants will include Trajce Dimitriev, Mayor of Demir Kapija, and other local government official, Kire Nedev, President of Przdevo Village Council, and other village councilors, and representatives from KFOR.

The United States Government, through the United States Agency for International Development’s Community Self Help Initiative Program (CSHI), helped the local Przdevo community plan and implement this project that involved the replacement of water pumps in the existing water supply system.

Prior to this project, the village of Przdevo’s (Demir Kapija Municipality) water pumps were badly damaged, leaving 260 residents without drinking water. The Municipality lacked the financial resources needed to replace the broken water pumps. The Village Council first turned to KFOR for assistance and KFOR redirected their request to CSHI. CSHI responded by providing two pumps and all the necessary accessories for the repairs (total cost $20,865). The villagers contributed to the project by providing the labor required in replacing the pumps and renovating the pump stations.

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