[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 8]
[Revised as of April 1, 2004]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.737-3]

[Page 525-528]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Determination of Tax Liability--Table of Contents
Sec. 1.737-3  Basis adjustments; Recovery rules.

    (a) Distributee partner's adjusted tax basis in the partnership 
interest. The distributee partner's adjusted tax basis in the 
partnership interest is increased by the amount of gain recognized by 
the distributee partner under section 737 and this section. This 
increase is not taken into account in determining the

[[Page 526]]

amount of gain recognized by the partner under section 737(a)(1) and 
this section or in determining the amount of gain recognized by the 
partner under section 731(a) on the distribution of money in the same 
distribution or any related distribution. See Sec. 1.704-4(e)(1) for a 
determination of the distributee partner's adjusted tax basis in a 
distribution subject to section 704(c)(1)(B).
    (b) Distributee partner's adjusted tax basis in distributed 
property--(1) In general. The distributee partner's adjusted tax basis 
in the distributed property is determined under section 732 (a) or (b) 
as applicable. The increase in the distributee partner's adjusted tax 
basis in the partnership interest under paragraph (a) of this section is 
taken into account in determining the distributee partner's adjusted tax 
basis in the distributed property other than property previously 
contributed by the partner. See Sec. 1.704-4(e)(2) for a determination 
of basis in a distribution subject to section 704(c)(1)(B).
    (2) Previously contributed property. The distributee partner's 
adjusted tax basis in distributed property that the partner previously 
contributed to the partnership is determined as if it were distributed 
in a separate and independent distribution prior to the distribution 
that is subject to section 737 and Sec. 1.737-1.
    (c) Partnership's adjusted tax basis in partnership property--(1) 
Increase in basis. The partnership's adjusted tax basis in eligible 
property is increased by the amount of gain recognized by the 
distributee partner under section 737.
    (2) Eligible property. Eligible property is property that----
    (i) Entered into the calculation of the distributee partner's net 
precontribution gain;
    (ii) Has an adjusted tax basis to the partnership less than the 
property's fair market value at the time of the distribution;
    (iii) Would have the same character of gain on a sale by the 
partnership to an unrelated party as the character of any of the gain 
recognized by the distributee partner under section 737; and
    (iv) Was not distributed to another partner in a distribution 
subject to section 704(c)(1)(B) and Sec. 1.704-4 that was part of the 
same distribution as the distribution subject to section 737.
    (3) Method of adjustment. For the purpose of allocating the basis 
increase under paragraph (c)(2) of this section among the eligible 
property, all eligible property of the same character is treated as a 
single group. Character for this purpose is determined in the same 
manner as the character of the recognized gain is determined under Sec. 
1.737-1(d). The basis increase is allocated among the separate groups of 
eligible property in proportion to the character of the gain recognized 
under section 737. The basis increase is then allocated among property 
within each group in the order in which the property was contributed to 
the partnership by the partner, starting with the property contributed 
first, in an amount equal to the difference between the property's fair 
market value and its adjusted tax basis to the partnership at the time 
of the distribution. For property that has the same character and was 
contributed in the same (or a related) transaction, the basis increase 
is allocated based on the respective amounts of unrealized appreciation 
in such properties at the time of the distribution.
    (4) Section 754 adjustments. The basis adjustments to partnership 
property made pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section are not 
elective and must be made regardless of whether the partnership has an 
election in effect under section 754. Any adjustments to the bases of 
partnership property (including eligible property as defined in 
paragraph (c)(2) of this section) under section 734(b) pursuant to a 
section 754 election (other than basis adjustments under section 
734(b)(1)(A) described in the following sentence) must be made after 
(and must take into account) the adjustments to basis made under 
paragraph (a) and paragraph (c)(1) of this section. Basis adjustments 
under section 734(b)(1)(A) that are attributable to distributions of 
money to the distributee partner that are part of the same distribution 
as the distribution of property subject to section 737 are made before 
the adjustments to basis under paragraph (a) and paragraph (c)(1) of 
this section. See Sec. 1.737-1(c)(2)(ii) for the effect, if any, of 

[[Page 527]]

adjustments under section 734(b)(1)(A) on a partner's net 
precontribution gain. See also Sec. 1.704-4(e)(3) for a similar rule 
regarding basis adjustments pursuant to a section 754 election in the 
context of section 704(c)(1)(B).
    (d) Recovery of increase to adjusted tax basis. Any increase to the 
adjusted tax basis of partnership property under paragraph (c)(1) of 
this section is recovered using any applicable recovery period and 
depreciation (or other cost recovery) method (including first-year 
conventions) available to the partnership for newly purchased property 
(of the type adjusted) placed in service at the time of the 
    (e) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules of this 
section. Unless otherwise specified, partnership income equals 
partnership expenses (other than depreciation deductions for contributed 
property) for each year of the partnership, the fair market value of 
partnership property does not change, all distributions by the 
partnership are subject to section 737, and all partners are unrelated.

    Example 1. Partner's basis in distributed property. (i) On January 
1, 1995, A, B, and C form partnership ABC as equal partners. A 
contributes Property A, nondepreciable real property with a fair market 
value of $10,000 and an adjusted tax basis of $5,000. B contributes 
Property B, nondepreciable real property with a fair market value and 
adjusted tax basis of $10,000. C contributes $10,000 cash.
    (ii) On December 31, 1998, Property B is distributed to A in 
complete liquidation of A's interest in the partnership. A recognizes 
$5,000 of gain under section 737, an amount equal to the excess 
distribution of $5,000 ($10,000 fair market value of Property B less 
$5,000 adjusted tax basis in A's partnership interest) and A's net 
precontribution gain of $5,000 ($10,000 fair market value of Property A 
less $5,000 adjusted tax basis of such property).
    (iii) A's adjusted tax basis in A's partnership interest is 
increased by the $5,000 of gain recognized under section 737. This 
increase is taken into account in determining A's basis in the 
distributed property. Therefore, A's adjusted tax basis in distributed 
Property B is $10,000 under section 732(b).
    Example 2. Partner's basis in distributed property in connection 
with gain recognized under section 704(c)(1)(B). (i) On January 1, 1995, 
A, B, and C form partnership ABC as equal partners. A contributes the 
following nondepreciable real property located in the United States to 
the partnership:

                                                      market    Adjusted
                                                      value    tax basis
Property A1.......................................    $10,000      5,000
Property A2.......................................     10,000      2,000

    (ii) B contributes $10,000 cash and Property B, nondepreciable real 
property located outside the United States, with a fair market value and 
adjusted tax basis of $10,000. C contributes $20,000 cash.
    (iii) On December 31, 1998, Property B is distributed to A in a 
current distribution and Property A1 is distributed to B in a current 
distribution. A recognizes $5,000 of gain under section 704(c)(1)(B) and 
Sec. 1.704-4 on the distribution of Property A1 to B, the difference 
between the fair market value of such property ($10,000) and the 
adjusted tax basis in distributed Property A1 ($5,000). The adjusted tax 
basis of A's partnership interest is increased by this $5,000 of gain 
under section 704(c)(1)(B) and Sec. 1.704-4(e)(1).
    (iv) The increase in the adjusted tax basis of A's partnership 
interest is taken into account in determining the amount of the excess 
distribution. As a result, there is no excess distribution because the 
fair market value of Property B ($10,000) is less than the adjusted tax 
basis of A's interest in the partnership at the time of distribution 
($12,000). A therefore recognizes no gain under section 737 on the 
receipt of Property B. A's adjusted tax basis in Property B is $10,000 
under section 732(a)(1). The adjusted tax basis of A's partnership 
interest is reduced from $12,000 to $2,000 under section 733. See 
Example 3 of Sec. 1.737-1(e).
    Example 3. Partnership's basis in partnership property after a 
distribution with section 737 gain. (i) On January 31, 1995, A, B, and C 
form partnership ABC as equal partners. A contributes the following 
nondepreciable property to the partnership:

                                                      market    Adjusted
                                                      value    tax basis
Property A1.......................................     $1,000       $500
Property A2.......................................      4,000      1,500
Property A3.......................................      4,000      6,000
Property A4.......................................      6,000      4,000

    (ii) The character of gain or loss on Properties A1, A2, and A3 is 
long-term, U.S.-source capital gain or loss. The character of gain on 
Property A4 is long-term, foreign-source capital gain. B contributes 
Property B, nondepreciable real property with a fair market value and 
adjusted tax basis of $15,000. C contributes $15,000 cash.
    (iii) On December 31, 1998, Property B is distributed to A in 
complete liquidation of A's interest in the partnership. A recognizes 
gain of $3,000 under section 737, an amount equal to the excess 
distribution of $3,000 ($15,000 fair market value of Property B less 
$12,000 adjusted tax basis in A's partnership

[[Page 528]]

interest) and A's net precontribution gain of $3,000 ($15,000 aggregate 
fair market value of the property contributed by A less $12,000 
aggregate adjusted tax basis of such property).
    (iv) $2,000 of A's gain is long-term, foreign-source capital gain 
($3,000 total gain under section 737 x $2,000 net long-term, foreign-
source capital gain/$3,000 total net precontribution gain). $1,000 of 
A's gain is long-term, U.S.-source capital gain ($3,000 total gain under 
section 737 x $1,000 net long-term, U.S.-source capital gain/$3,000 
total net precontribution gain).
    (v) The partnership must increase the adjusted tax basis of the 
property contributed by A by $3,000. All property contributed by A is 
eligible property. Properties A1, A2, and A3 have the same character and 
are grouped into a single group for purposes of allocating this basis 
increase. Property A4 is in a separate character group.
    (vi) $2,000 of the basis increase must be allocated to long-term, 
foreign-source capital assets because $2,000 of the gain recognized by A 
was long-term, foreign-source capital gain. The adjusted tax basis of 
Property A4 is therefore increased from $4,000 to $6,000. $1,000 of the 
increase must be allocated to Properties A1 and A2 because $1,000 of the 
gain recognized by A is long-term, U.S.-source capital gain. No basis 
increase is allocated to Property A3 because its fair market value is 
less than its adjusted tax basis. The $1,000 basis increase is allocated 
between Properties A1 and A2 based on the unrealized appreciation in 
each asset before such basis adjustment. As a result, the adjusted tax 
basis of Property A1 is increased by $167 ($1,000x$500/$3,000) and the 
adjusted tax basis of Property A2 is increased by $833 ($1,000x$2,500/

[T.D. 8642, 60 FR 66736, Dec. 26, 1995; 61 FR 7214, Feb. 27, 1996]