[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 1]
[Revised as of April 1, 2004]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 26CFR1.171-2]

[Page 166-168]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
PART 1_INCOME TAXES--Table of Contents
Sec. 1.171-2  Amortization of bond premium.

    (a) Offsetting qualified stated interest with premium--(1) In 
general. A holder amortizes bond premium by offsetting the qualified 
stated interest allocable to an accrual period with the bond premium 
allocable to the accrual period. This offset occurs when the holder 
takes the qualified stated interest into account under the holder's 
regular method of accounting.
    (2) Qualified stated interest allocable to an accrual period. See 
Sec. 1.446-2(b) to determine the accrual period to which qualified 
stated interest is allocable and to determine the accrual of qualified 
stated interest within an accrual period.
    (3) Bond premium allocable to an accrual period. The bond premium 
allocable to an accrual period is determined under this paragraph 
(a)(3). Within an accrual period, the bond premium allocable to the 
period accrues ratably.
    (i) Step one: Determine the holder's yield. The holder's yield is 
the discount rate that, when used in computing the present value of all 
remaining payments to be made on the bond (including payments of 
qualified stated interest), produces an amount equal to the holder's 
basis in the bond as determined under Sec. 1.171-1(e). For this 
purpose, the remaining payments include only payments to be made after 
the date the holder acquires the bond. The yield is calculated as of the 
date the holder acquires the bond, must be constant over the term of the 
bond, and must be calculated to at least two decimal places when 
expressed as a percentage.
    (ii) Step two: Determine the accrual periods. A holder determines 
the accrual periods for the bond under the rules of Sec. 1.1272-
    (iii) Step three: Determine the bond premium allocable to the 
accrual period. The bond premium allocable to an accrual period is the 
excess of the qualified stated interest allocable to the accrual period 
over the product of the holder's adjusted acquisition price (as defined 
in paragraph (b) of this section) at the beginning of the accrual period 
and the holder's yield. In performing this calculation, the yield must 
be stated appropriately taking into account the length of the particular 
accrual period. Principles similar to those in Sec. 1.1272-1(b)(4) 
apply in determining the bond premium allocable to an accrual period.
    (4) Bond premium in excess of qualified stated interest--(i) Taxable 
bonds--(A) Bond premium deduction. In the case of a taxable bond, if the 
bond premium allocable to an accrual period exceeds the qualified stated 
interest allocable to the accrual period, the excess is treated by the 
holder as a bond premium deduction under section 171(a)(1) for the 
accrual period. However, the amount treated as a bond premium deduction 
is limited to the amount by which the holder's total interest inclusions 
on the bond in prior accrual periods exceed the total amount treated by

[[Page 167]]

the holder as a bond premium deduction on the bond in prior accrual 
periods. A deduction determined under this paragraph (a)(4)(i)(A) is not 
subject to section 67 (the 2-percent floor on miscellaneous itemized 
deductions). See Example 1 of Sec. 1.171-3(e).
    (B) Carryforward. If the bond premium allocable to an accrual period 
exceeds the sum of the qualified stated interest allocable to the 
accrual period and the amount treated as a deduction for the accrual 
period under paragraph (a)(4)(i)(A) of this section, the excess is 
carried forward to the next accrual period and is treated as bond 
premium allocable to that period.
    (ii) Tax-exempt obligations. In the case of a tax-exempt obligation, 
if the bond premium allocable to an accrual period exceeds the qualified 
stated interest allocable to the accrual period, the excess is a 
nondeductible loss. If a regulated investment company (RIC) within the 
meaning of section 851 has excess bond premium for an accrual period 
that would be a nondeductible loss under the prior sentence, the RIC 
must use this excess bond premium to reduce its tax-exempt interest 
income on other tax-exempt obligations held during the accrual period.
    (5) Additional rules for certain bonds. Additional rules apply to 
determine the amortization of bond premium on a variable rate debt 
instrument, an inflation-indexed debt instrument, a bond that provides 
for certain alternative payment schedules, and a bond that provides for 
remote or incidental contingencies. See Sec. 1.171-3.
    (b) Adjusted acquisition price. The adjusted acquisition price of a 
bond at the beginning of the first accrual period is the holder's basis 
as determined under Sec. 1.171-1(e). Thereafter, the adjusted 
acquisition price is the holder's basis in the bond decreased by--
    (1) The amount of bond premium previously allocable under paragraph 
(a)(3) of this section; and
    (2) The amount of any payment previously made on the bond other than 
a payment of qualified stated interest.
    (c) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules of this 
section. Each example assumes the holder uses the calendar year as its 
taxable year and has elected to amortize bond premium, effective for all 
relevant taxable years. In addition, each example assumes a 30-day month 
and 360-day year. Although, for purposes of simplicity, the yield as 
stated is rounded to two decimal places, the computations do not reflect 
this rounding convention. The examples are as follows:

    Example 1. Taxable bond--(i) Facts. On February 1, 1999, A purchases 
for $110,000 a taxable bond maturing on February 1, 2006, with a stated 
principal amount of $100,000, payable at maturity. The bond provides for 
unconditional payments of interest of $10,000, payable on February 1 of 
each year. A uses the cash receipts and disbursements method of 
accounting, and A decides to use annual accrual periods ending on 
February 1 of each year.
    (ii) Amount of bond premium. The interest payments on the bond are 
qualified stated interest. Therefore, the sum of all amounts payable on 
the bond (other than the interest payments) is $100,000. Under Sec. 
1.171-1, the amount of bond premium is $10,000 ($110,000-$100,000).
    (iii) Bond premium allocable to the first accrual period. Based on 
the remaining payment schedule of the bond and A's basis in the bond, 
A's yield is 8.07 percent, compounded annually. The bond premium 
allocable to the accrual period ending on February 1, 2000, is the 
excess of the qualified stated interest allocable to the period 
($10,000) over the product of the adjusted acquisition price at the 
beginning of the period ($110,000) and A's yield (8.07 percent, 
compounded annually). Therefore, the bond premium allocable to the 
accrual period is $1,118.17 ($10,000-$8,881.83).
    (iv) Premium used to offset interest. Although A receives an 
interest payment of $10,000 on February 1, 2000, A only includes in 
income $8,881.83, the qualified stated interest allocable to the period 
($10,000) offset with bond premium allocable to the period ($1,118.17). 
Under Sec. 1.1016-5(b), A's basis in the bond is reduced by $1,118.17 
on February 1, 2000.
    Example 2. Alternative accrual periods--(i) Facts. The facts are the 
same as in Example 1 of this paragraph (c) except that A decides to use 
semiannual accrual periods ending on February 1 and August 1 of each 
    (ii) Bond premium allocable to the first accrual period. Based on 
the remaining payment schedule of the bond and A's basis in the bond, 
A's yield is 7.92 percent, compounded semiannually. The bond premium 
allocable to the accrual period ending on August 1, 1999, is the excess 
of the qualified stated interest allocable to the period ($5,000) over 
the product of the adjusted acquisition price at the beginning of the 
period ($110,000) and A's yield, stated appropriately taking into 
account the length of the accrual period

[[Page 168]]

(7.92 percent/2). Therefore, the bond premium allocable to the accrual 
period is $645.29 ($5,000-$4,354.71). Although the accrual period ends 
on August 1, 1999, the qualified stated interest of $5,000 is not taken 
into income until February 1, 2000, the date it is received. Likewise, 
the bond premium of $645.29 is not taken into account until February 1, 
2000. The adjusted acquisition price of the bond on August 1, 1999, is 
$109,354.71 (the adjusted acquisition price at the beginning of the 
period ($110,000) less the bond premium allocable to the period 
    (iii) Bond premium allocable to the second accrual period. Because 
the interval between payments of qualified stated interest contains more 
than one accrual period, the adjusted acquisition price at the beginning 
of the second accrual period must be adjusted for the accrued but unpaid 
qualified stated interest. See paragraph (a)(3)(iii) of this section and 
Sec. 1.1272-1(b)(4)(i)(B). Therefore, the adjusted acquisition price on 
August 1, 1999, is $114,354.71 ($109,354.71 + $5,000). The bond premium 
allocable to the accrual period ending on February 1, 2000, is the 
excess of the qualified stated interest allocable to the period ($5,000) 
over the product of the adjusted acquisition price at the beginning of 
the period ($114,354.71) and A's yield, stated appropriately taking into 
account the length of the accrual period (7.92 percent/2). Therefore, 
the bond premium allocable to the accrual period is $472.88 ($5,000-
    (iv) Premium used to offset interest. Although A receives an 
interest payment of $10,000 on February 1, 2000, A only includes in 
income $8,881.83, the qualified stated interest of $10,000 ($5,000 
allocable to the accrual period ending on August 1, 1999, and $5,000 
allocable to the accrual period ending on February 1, 2000) offset with 
bond premium of $1,118.17 ($645.29 allocable to the accrual period 
ending on August 1, 1999, and $472.88 allocable to the accrual period 
ending on February 1, 2000). As indicated in Example 1 of this paragraph 
(c), this same amount would be taken into income at the same time had A 
used annual accrual periods.
    Example 3. Holder uses accrual method of accounting--(i) Facts. The 
facts are the same as in Example 1 of this paragraph (c) except that A 
uses an accrual method of accounting. Thus, for the accrual period 
ending on February 1, 2000, the qualified stated interest allocable to 
the period is $10,000, and the bond premium allocable to the period is 
$1,118.17. Because the accrual period extends beyond the end of A's 
taxable year, A must allocate these amounts between the two taxable 
    (ii) Amounts allocable to the first taxable year. The qualified 
stated interest allocable to the first taxable year is $9,166.67 
($10,000 x \11/12\). The bond premium allocable to the first taxable 
year is $1,024.99 ($1,118.17 x \11/12\).
    (iii) Premium used to offset interest. For 1999, A includes in 
income $8,141.68, the qualified stated interest allocable to the period 
($9,166.67) offset with bond premium allocable to the period 
($1,024.99). Under Sec. 1.1016-5(b), A's basis in the bond is reduced 
by $1,024.99 in 1999.
    (iv) Amounts allocable to the next taxable year. The remaining 
amounts of qualified stated interest and bond premium allocable to the 
accrual period ending on February 1, 2000, are taken into account for 
the taxable year ending on December 31, 2000.
    Example 4. Tax-exempt obligation--(i) Facts. On January 15, 1999, C 
purchases for $120,000 a tax-exempt obligation maturing on January 15, 
2006, with a stated principal amount of $100,000, payable at maturity. 
The obligation provides for unconditional payments of interest of 
$9,000, payable on January 15 of each year. C uses the cash receipts and 
disbursements method of accounting, and C decides to use annual accrual 
periods ending on January 15 of each year.
    (ii) Amount of bond premium. The interest payments on the obligation 
are qualified stated interest. Therefore, the sum of all amounts payable 
on the obligation (other than the interest payments) is $100,000. Under 
Sec. 1.171-1, the amount of bond premium is $20,000 ($120,000--
    (iii) Bond premium allocable to the first accrual period. Based on 
the remaining payment schedule of the obligation and C's basis in the 
obligation, C's yield is 5.48 percent, compounded annually. The bond 
premium allocable to the accrual period ending on January 15, 2000, is 
the excess of the qualified stated interest allocable to the period 
($9,000) over the product of the adjusted acquisition price at the 
beginning of the period ($120,000) and C's yield (5.48 percent, 
compounded annually). Therefore, the bond premium allocable to the 
accrual period is $2,420.55 ($9,000-$6,579.45).
    (iv) Premium used to offset interest. Although C receives an 
interest payment of $9,000 on January 15, 2000, C only receives tax-
exempt interest income of $6,579.45, the qualified stated interest 
allocable to the period ($9,000) offset with bond premium allocable to 
the period ($2,420.55). Under Sec. 1.1016-5(b), C's basis in the 
obligation is reduced by $2,420.55 on January 15, 2000.

[T.D. 8746, 62 FR 68178, Dec. 31, 1997]