[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 13]
[Revised as of April 1, 2004]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[Page 359-361]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Procedure and Administration--Table of Contents
Sec.  1.6050I-2  Returns relating to cash in excess of $10,000 received 
as bail by court clerks.

    (a) Reporting requirement. Any clerk of a Federal or State court who 
receives more than $10,000 in cash as bail for any individual charged 
with a specified criminal offense must make a return of information with 
respect to that cash receipt. For purposes of this section, a clerk is 
the clerk's office or the office, department, division,

[[Page 360]]

branch, or unit of the court that is authorized to receive bail. If 
someone other than a clerk receives bail on behalf of a clerk, the clerk 
is treated as receiving the bail for purposes of this paragraph (a).
    (b) Meaning of terms. The following definitions apply for purposes 
of this section--
    Cash means--
    (1) The coin and currency of the United States, or of any other 
country, that circulate in and are customarily used and accepted as 
money in the country in which issued; and
    (2) A cashier's check (by whatever name called, including 
treasurer's check and bank check), bank draft, traveler's check, or 
money order having a face amount of not more than $10,000.
    Specified criminal offense means--
    (1) A Federal criminal offense involving a controlled substance (as 
defined in section 802 of title 21 of the United States Code), provided 
the offense is described in Part D of Subchapter I or Subchapter II of 
title 21 of the United States Code;
    (2) Racketeering (as defined in section 1951, 1952, or 1955 of title 
18 of the United States Code);
    (3) Money laundering (as defined in section 1956 or 1957 of title 18 
of the United States Code); and
    (4) Any State criminal offense substantially similar to an offense 
described in this paragraph (b).
    (c) Time, form, and manner of reporting--(1) Time of reporting--(i) 
In general. The information return required by this section must be 
filed with the Internal Revenue Service by the 15th day after the date 
the cash bail is received.
    (ii) Multiple payments. If multiple payments are made to satisfy 
bail reportable under this section and the initial payment does not 
exceed $10,000, the initial payment and subsequent payments must be 
aggregated and the information return required by this section must be 
filed with the Internal Revenue Service by the 15th day after receipt of 
the payment that causes the aggregate amount to exceed $10,000. However, 
if payments are made to satisfy separate bail requirements, no 
aggregation is required. Thus, if in Month 1 a clerk receives $6,000 in 
bail for an individual charged with a specified criminal offense and 
later, in Month 2, receives $7,000 in bail for that same individual 
charged with another specified criminal offense, no aggregation is 
    (2) Form of reporting. The return of information required by 
paragraph (a) of this section must be made on Form 8300 and must contain 
the following information--
    (i) The name, address, and taxpayer identification number (TIN) of 
the individual charged with the specified criminal offense;
    (ii) The name, address, and TIN of each person posting the bail 
(payor of bail), other than a person posting bail who is licensed as a 
bail bondsman in the jurisdiction in which the bail is received;
    (iii) The amount of cash received;
    (iv) The date the cash was received; and
    (v) Any other information required by Form 8300 or its instructions.
    (3) Manner of reporting--(i) Where to file. Returns required by this 
section must be filed with the Internal Revenue Service office 
designated in the instructions for Form 8300. A copy of the information 
return required to be filed under this section must be retained for five 
years from the date of filing.
    (ii) Verification of identity. A clerk required to make an 
information return under this section must, in accordance with Sec.  
1.6050I-1(e)(3)(ii), verify the identity of each payor of bail listed in 
the return.
    (d) Requirement to furnish statements--(1) Information to Federal 
prosecutors--(i) In general. A clerk required to make an information 
return under this section must furnish a written statement to the United 
States Attorney for the jurisdiction in which the individual charged 
with the specified crime resides and the United States Attorney for the 
jurisdiction in which the specified criminal offense occurred 
(applicable United States Attorney(s)). The written statement must be 
filed with the applicable United States Attorney(s) by the 15th day 
after the date the cash bail is received.

[[Page 361]]

    (ii) Form of statement. The written statement must include the 
information required by paragraph (c)(2) of this section. The 
requirement of this paragraph (d)(1)(ii) will be satisfied if the clerk 
provides to the applicable United States Attorney(s) a copy of the Form 
8300 that is filed with the Internal Revenue Service pursuant to this 
    (2) Information to payors of bail--(i) In general. A clerk required 
to make an information return under this section must furnish a written 
statement to each payor of bail whose name is set forth in a return 
required by this section. A statement required under this paragraph 
(d)(2) must be furnished to a payor of bail on or before January 31 of 
the year following the calendar year in which the cash is received. A 
statement will be considered furnished to a payor of bail if it is 
mailed to the payor's last known address.
    (ii) Form of statement. The statement required by this paragraph 
(d)(2) need not follow any particular format, but must contain the 
following information--
    (A) The name and address of the clerk's office making the return;
    (B) The aggregate amount of reportable cash received during the 
calendar year by the clerk who made the information return required by 
this section in all cash transactions relating to the payor of bail; and
    (C) A legend stating that the information contained in the statement 
has been reported to the Internal Revenue Service and the applicable 
United States Attorney(s).
    (iii) Aggregate amount. The requirement of furnishing the aggregate 
amount in paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(B) of this section will be satisfied if 
the clerk provides to the payor of bail either a single written 
statement listing the aggregate amount, or a copy of each Form 8300 
relating to that payor of bail.
    (e) Cross-reference to penalty provisions. See sections 6721 through 
6724 for penalties relating to the failure to comply with the provisions 
of this section.
    (f) Effective date. This section applies to cash received by court 
clerks on or after February 13, 1995.

[T.D. 8652, 61 FR 7, Jan. 2, 1996]