[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 13]
[Revised as of April 1, 2004]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[Page 153-160]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Procedure and Administration--Table of Contents
Sec.  1.6038-2  Information returns required of United States persons 

with respect to annual accounting periods of certain foreign corporations 
beginning after December 31, 1962.

    (a) Requirement of return. Every U.S. person shall make a separate 
annual information return with respect to each annual accounting period 
(described in paragraph (e) of this section) beginning after December 
31, 1962, of each foreign corporation which that person controls (as 
defined in paragraph (b) of this section) for an uninterrupted period of 
30 days or more during such annual accounting period. Such information 
shall not be required to be furnished, however, with respect to a 
corporation defined in section 1504(d) of the Code which makes a 
consolidated return for the taxable year. The return shall be made, with 
respect to annual accounting periods ending with or within the United 
States person's taxable year, on--
    (1) Form 2952 if such taxable year ends before December 31, 1982,
    (2) Form 5471 if such taxable year ends on or after December 31, 
1983, or
    (3) Either Form 5471 or Form 2952 if such taxable year ends on or 
after December 31, 1982 and before December 31, 1963.
    (b) Control. A person shall be deemed to be in control of a foreign 
corporation if at any time during that person's taxable year it owns 
stock possessing more than 50 percent of the total combined voting power 
of all classes of stock entitled to vote, or more than 50 percent of the 
total value of shares of all classes of stock of the foreign 
corporation. A person in control of a corporation which, in turn, owns 
more than 50 percent of the combined voting power, or of the value, of 
all classes of stock of another corporation is also treated as being in 
control of such other corporation. The provisions of this paragraph may 
be illustrated by the following example:

    Example. Corporation A owns 51 percent of the voting stock in 
Corporation B. Corporation B owns 51 percent of the voting stock in 
Corporation C. Corporation C in turn owns 51 percent of the voting stock 
in Corporation D. Corporation D is controlled by Corporation A.

[[Page 154]]

    (c) Attribution rules. For the purpose of determining control of 
domestic or foreign corporations the constructive ownership rules of 
section 318(a) shall apply except that:
    (1) Stock owned by or for a partner or a beneficiary of an estate or 
trust shall not be considered owned by the partnership, estate, or trust 
when the effect is to consider a United States person as owning stock 
owned by a person who is not a United States person;
    (2) A corporation will not be considered as owning stock owned by or 
for a 50 percent or more shareholder when the effect is to consider a 
United States person as owning stock owned by a person who is not a 
United States person; and
    (3) If 10 percent or more in value of the stock in a corporation is 
owned, directly or indirectly, by or for any person, section 
318(a)(2)(C) shall apply.

The constructive ownership rules of section 318(a) apply only for 
purposes of determining control as defined in paragraph (b) of this 
    (d) U.S. person. For purposes of section 6038 and this section, the 
term ``United States person'' has the meaning assigned to it by section 
7701(a)(30) of the Code, except that--
    (1) With respect to a corporation organized under the laws of the 
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, such term does not include an individual 
who is a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico, if a dividened received by 
such individual during the taxable year from such corporation would be 
excluded from gross income under section 933(1),
    (2) With respect to a corporation organized under the laws of the 
Virgin Islands, such term does not include an individual who is a bona 
fide resident of the Virgin Islands and whose income tax obligation 
under Subtitle A (relating to income taxes) of the Code for the taxable 
year is satisfied pursuant to section 28(a) of the Revised Organic Act 
of the Virgin Islands, approved July 22, 1954 (48 U.S.C. 1642), by 
paying tax on income derived from all sources both within and outside 
the Virgin Islands into the treasury of the Virgin Islands,
    (3) With respect to a corporation organized under the laws of Guam 
or the Northern Mariana Islands, such term does not include an 
individual who is a bona fide resident of Guam or the Northern Mariana 
Islands, respectively, and who is relieved of liability for income tax 
to the United States under section 935(c)(3) of the Code or section 601 
of the Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana 
Islands in Political Union with the United States of America (Pub. L. 
94-241), respectively, for such individual's taxable year referred to in 
paragraph (e) of this section, and
    (4) With respect to a corporation organized under the laws of any 
possession of the United States (other than Guam, the Northern Mariana 
Islands, Puerto Rico, or the Virgin Islands), such term does not include 
an individual who is a bona fide resident of such possession for the 
entire taxable year and whose income derived from sources within any 
possession of the United States is not, by reason of section 931(a), 
includible in gross income under subtitle A (relating to income taxes) 
of the Code for the taxable year.
    (5) For taxable years ending after December 31, 1987, with respect 
to a corporation organized under the laws of American Samoa, the term 
does not include an individual who is a bona fide resident of American 
Samoa, provided--
    (i) 80 percent or more of the gross income of the corporation for 
the 3-year period ending at the close of the taxable year (or for such 
part of such period as such corporation or any predecessor has been in 
existence) was derived from sources within American Samoa or was 
effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in 
American Samoa; and
    (ii) 50 percent or more of the gross income of such corporation for 
such period (or part) was derived from the conduct of an active trade or 
business within American Samoa.

An individual for whom an election under section 6013 (g) or (h) is in 
effect shall, subject to the exceptions contained in this paragraph (d), 
be considered a United States person for purposes of section 6038 and 
this section.
    (e) Period covered by return. The information required under 
paragraphs (f) and (g) of this section with respect to a foreign 
corporation shall be furnished

[[Page 155]]

for the annual accounting period of the foreign corporation ending with 
or within the United States person's taxable year. For purposes of this 
section, the annual accounting period of a foreign corporation is the 
annual period on the basis of which that corporation regularly computes 
its income in keeping its books. In the case of a specified foreign 
corporation (as defined in section 898), the taxable year of such 
corporation shall be treated as its annual accounting period. The term 
annual accounting period may refer to a period of less than one year, 
where, for example, the foreign income, war profits, and excess profits 
taxes are determined on the basis of an accounting period of less than 
one year as described in section 902(c)(5). If more than one annual 
accounting period ends with or within the United States person's taxable 
year, separate annual information returns shall be submitted for each 
annual accounting period.
    (f) Contents of return. The return on Form 2952 or Form 5471 shall 
contain so much of the following information, and in such form or 
manner, as the form shall prescribe with respect to each foreign 
    (1) The name, address, and employer identification number, if any, 
of the corporation;
    (2) The principal place of business of the corporation;
    (3) The date of incorporation and the country under whose laws 
    (4) The name and address of the foreign corporation's statutory or 
resident agent in the country of incorporation;
    (5) The name, address, and identifying number of any branch office 
or agent of the foreign corporation located in the United States;
    (6) The name and address of the person (or persons) having custody 
of the books of account and records of the foreign corporation, and the 
location of such books and records if different from such address;
    (7) The nature of the corporation's business and the principal 
places where conducted;
    (8) As regards the outstanding stock of the corporation--
    (i) A description of each class of the corporation's stock, and
    (ii) The number of shares of each class outstanding at the beginning 
and end of the annual accounting period;
    (9) A list showing the name, address, and identifying number of, and 
the number of shares of each class of the corporation's stock held by, 
each United States person who is a shareholder owning at any time during 
the annual accounting period 5 percent or more in value of any class of 
the corporation's outstanding stock;
    (10) For the annual accounting period, the amount of the 
    (i) Current earnings and profits;
    (ii) Foreign income, war profits, and excess profits taxes paid or 
    (iii) Distributions out of current earnings and profits for the 
    (iv) Distributions other than those described in paragraph 
(f)(10)(iii) of this section and the source thereof; and
    (v) For Forms 5471 filed for taxable years ending after December 15, 
1990, such earnings and profits information as the form shall prescribe, 
including post-1986 undistributed earnings described in section 
902(c)(1), pre-1987 amounts, total earnings and profits, and previously 
taxed earnings and profits described in section 959(c); and
    (11) A summary showing the total amount of each of the following 
types of transactions of the corporation, which took place during the 
annual accounting period, with the person required to file this return, 
any other corporation controlled by that person, or any United States 
person owning at the time of the transaction 10 percent or more in value 
of any class of stock outstanding of the foreign corporation, or of any 
corporation controlling that foreign corporation:
    (i) Sales and purchases of stock in trade;
    (ii) Purchases of tangible property other than stock in trade;
    (iii) Sales and purchases of patents, inventions, models, or designs 
(whether or not patented), copyrights, trademarks, secret formulas or 
processes, or any other similar property rights;
    (iv) Compensation paid and compensation received for the rendition 
of technical, managerial, engineering,

[[Page 156]]

construction, scientific, or like services;
    (v) Commission paid and commissions received;
    (vi) Rents and royalties paid and rents and royalties received;
    (vii) Amount loaned and amounts borrowed (except open accounts 
resulting from sales and purchases reported under other items listed in 
this paragraph (f)(11) that arise and are collected in full in the 
ordinary course of business);
    (viii) Dividends paid and dividends received;
    (ix) Interest paid and interest received; and
    (x) Premiums received for insurance or reinsurance.

For purposes of this paragraph (f)(11), if the United States person is a 
bank, as defined in section 581, or is controlled within the meaning of 
section 368(c) by a bank, the term ``transactions'' shall not, as to a 
corporation with respect to which a return is filed, include banking 
transactions entered into on behalf of customers; in any event, however, 
deposits in accounts between a foreign corporation, controlled (within 
the meaning of paragraph (b) of this section) by a United States person, 
and a person described in this paragraph (f)(11) and withdrawals from 
such accounts shall be summarized by reporting end-of-month balances.
    (g) Financial statements. The following information with respect to 
the foreign corporation shall be attached to and filed as part of the 
return required by this section. Forms 5471 filed after September 30, 
1991, shall contain this information in such form or manner as the form 
shall prescribe with respect to each foreign corporation:
    (1) A statement of the corporation's profit and loss for the annual 
accounting period;
    (2) A balance sheet as of the end of the annual accounting period of 
the corporation showing--
    (i) The corporation's asset;
    (ii) The corporation's liabilities; and
    (iii) The corporation's net worth; and
    (3) An analysis of changes in the corporation's surplus accounts 
during the annual accounting period including both opening and closing 

The information listed in this paragraph (g) shall be prepared in 
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, and in such 
detail as is customary for the corporation's accounting records.
    (h) Method of reporting. Except as provided in this paragraph (h), 
all amounts furnished under paragraphs (f) and (g) of this section shall 
be expressed in United States dollars with a statement of the exchange 
rates used. The following rules shall apply for taxable years ending 
after December 31, 1994, with respect to returns filed after December 
31, 1995. All amounts furnished under paragraph (g) of this section 
shall be expressed in United States dollars computed and translated in 
conformity with United States generally accepted accounting principles. 
Amounts furnished under paragraph (g)(1) of this section shall also be 
furnished in the foreign corporation's functional currency as required 
on the form. Earnings and profits amounts furnished under paragraphs 
(f)(10) (i), (iii), (iv), and (v) of this section shall be expressed in 
the foreign corporation's functional currency except to the extent the 
form requires specific items to be translated into United States 
dollars. Tax amounts furnished under paragraph (f)(10)(ii) of this 
section shall be furnished in the foreign currency in which the taxes 
are payable and in United States dollars translated in accordance with 
section 986(a). All amounts furnished under paragraph (f)(11) of this 
section shall be expressed in U.S. dollars translated from functional 
currency at the weighted average exchange rate for the year as defined 
in Sec.  1.989(b)-1. The foreign corporation's functional currency is 
determined under section 985. All statements submitted on or with the 
return required under this section shall be rendered in the English 
    (i) Time and place for filing return. Returns on Form 2952 or Form 
5471 required under paragraph (a) of this section shall be filed with 
the United States person's income tax return on or before the date 
required by law for the filing of that person's income tax return. 
District directors and directors of service centers are authorized to 
grant reasonable extensions of time for

[[Page 157]]

filing returns on Form 2952 or Form 5471 in accordance with the 
applicable provisions of Sec.  1.6081-1 of this chapter. An application 
for an extension of time for filing a return of income shall also be 
considered as an application for an extension of time for filing returns 
on Form 2952 or Form 5471.
    (j) Two or more persons required to submit the same information--(1) 
Return jointly made. If two or more persons are required to furnish 
information with respect to the same foreign corporation for the same 
period, such persons may, in lieu of making separate returns, jointly 
make one return. Such joint return shall be filed with the income tax 
return of any one of the persons making such joint return.
    (2) Persons excepted from furnishing information--(i) Conditions. 
Any person required to furnish information under this section with 
respect to a foreign corporation need not furnish that information 
provided all of the following conditions are met:
    (A) Such person does not directly own an interest in the foreign 
    (B) Such person is required to furnish the information solely by 
reason of attribution of stock ownership from a United States person 
under paragraph (c) of this section; and
    (C) The person from whom the stock ownership is attributed furnishes 
all of the information required under this section of the person to whom 
the stock ownership is attributed. (For a rule regarding attribution 
from a nonresident alien, see paragraph (l) of this section).
    (ii) If an individual who is a United States person required to 
furnish information with respect to a foreign corporation under section 
6038 is entitled under a treaty to be treated as a nonresident of the 
United States, and if the individual claims this treaty benefit, and if 
there are no other United States persons that are required to furnish 
information under section 6038 with respect to the foreign corporation, 
then the individual may satisfy the requirements of paragraphs (f)(10), 
(f)(11), (g), and (h) of this section by filing the audited foreign 
financial statements of the foreign corporation with the individual's 
return required under section 6038.
    (iii) Illustrations. The rule of this paragraph (j)(2) is 
illustrated by the following examples:

    Example (1). A, a U.S. person owns 100 percent of the stock of M, a 
domestic corporation. A also owns 100 percent of the stock of N, a 
foreign corporation organized under the laws of foreign country Y. A, in 
filing the information return required by this section with respect to N 
Corporation, in fact furnishes all of the information required of M 
Corporation with respect to N Corporation. M Corporation need not file 
the information.
    Example (2). X, a domestic corporation owns 100 percent of the stock 
of Y, a domestic corporation, Y Corporation owns 100 percent of the 
stock of Z, a foreign corporation. X Corporation is not excused by this 
paragraph (j)(2) from filing information with respect to Z Corporation 
because X Corporation is deemed to control Z Corporation under the 
provisions of paragraph (b) of this section without recourse to the 
attribution rules in paragraph (c) of this section.

    (3) Statement required. Any United States person required to furnish 
information under this section with his return who does not do so by 
reason of the provisions of paragraph (j)(1) or (2) of this section 
shall file a statement with his income tax return indicating that such 
liability has been (or, in the case of a joint return made under 
paragraph (j)(1) of this section, will be) satisfied and identifying the 
return with which the information was or will be filed and the place of 
    (k) Failure to furnish information--(1) Dollar amount penalty--(i) 
In general. If any person required to file Form 2952 or Form 5471 under 
section 6038 and this section fails to furnish any information described 
in paragraphs (f) and (g) of this section within the time prescribed by 
paragraph (i) of this section, such person shall pay a penalty of $1,000 
for each annual accounting period of each foreign corporation with 
respect to which such failure occurs.
    (ii) Increase in penalty for continued failure after notification. 
If a failure described in paragraph (k)(1)(i) of this section continues 
for more than 90 days after the date on which the district director 
mails notice of such failure to the person required to file Form 2952 or 
Form 5471, such person shall pay a penalty of $1,000, in addition to the 
penalty imposed by section 6038(b)(1) and

[[Page 158]]

paragraph (k)(1)(i) of this section, for each 30-day period (or fraction 
thereof) during which such failure continues after such 90-day period 
has expired. The additional penalty imposed by section 6038(b)(2) and 
this paragraph (k)(1)(ii) shall be limited to a maximum of $24,000 for 
each failure.
    (iii) Effective date. The penalty imposed by section 6038(b) and 
this paragraph (k)(1) shall apply with respect to information for annual 
accounting periods ending after September 3, 1982.
    (2) Penalty of reducing foreign tax credit--(i) Effect on foreign 
tax credit. Failure of a United States person to furnish, in accordance 
with the provisions of this section, any return or any information in 
any return, required to be filed for a taxable year under authority of 
section 6038 on or before the date prescribed in paragraph (i) of this 
section may affect the application of section 901 as provided in 
paragraph (k)(2)(ii) of this section and may affect the application of 
sections 902 and 960 as provided in paragraph (k)(2)(iii) of this 
section. Such failure may affect the application of sections 902 and 960 
to any such United States person which is a corporation or to any person 
who acquires from any other person any portion (but only to the extent 
of such portion) of the interest of such other person in any such 
foreign corporation.
    (ii) Application of section 901. In the application of section 901 
to a United States person referred to in paragraph (k)(2)(i) of this 
section, the amount of taxes paid or deemed paid by such person for any 
taxable year, with or within which the annual accounting peroid of a 
foreign corporation for which such person failed to furnish information 
required under this section ended, may be reduced by 10 percent. 
However, no tax reduced under paragraph (k)(2)(iii) of this section or 
deemed paid under section 904(c) shall be reduced under the provisions 
of this paragraph (k)(2)(ii).
    (iii) Application of sections 902 and 960. In the application of 
sections 902 and 960 to a United States person referred to in paragraph 
(k)(2)(i) of this section for any taxable year, the amount of taxes paid 
or deemed paid by each foreign corporation for the accounting period or 
periods for which such person was required for the taxable year of the 
failure to furnish information under this section may be reduced by 10 
percent. The 10-percent reduction is not limited to the taxes paid or 
deemed paid by the foreign corporation with respect to which there is a 
failure to file information but may apply to the taxes paid or deemed 
paid by all foreign corporations controlled by that person. In applying 
subsections (a) and (b) of section 902, and in applying subsection (a) 
of section 960, the reduction provided by this paragraph (k)(2) shall 
not apply for purposes of determining the amount of accumulated profits 
in excess of income, war profits, and excess profits taxes.
    (iv) Reduction for continued failure after notice. (A) If the 
failure referred to in paragraph (k)(2)(i) of this section continues for 
more than 90 days after the date on which the district director mails 
notice of such failure to such United States person, then the amount of 
the reduction referred to in paragraphs (k)(2) (ii) and (iii) of this 
section may be 10 percent plus an additional 5 percent for each 3-month 
period, or fraction thereof, during which such failure continues after 
the expiration of such 90-day period.
    (B) No taxes shall be reduced under this paragraph (k)(2) more than 
once for the same failure. Taxes paid by a foreign corporation when once 
reduced for a failure shall not be reduced again for the same failure in 
their status as taxes deemed paid by a corporate shareholder. Where a 
failure continues, each additional periodic 5-percent reduction, 
referred to in paragraph (k)(2)(iv)(A) of this section, shall be 
considered as part of the one reduction.
    (v) Limitation on reduction of foreign tax credit. The amount of the 
reduction under this paragraph (k)(2) for each failure to furnish 
information with respect to a foreign corporation as required under this 
section shall not exceed the greater of:
    (A) $10,000, or
    (B) The income of the foreign corporation for its annual accounting 
period with respect to which the failure occurs. For purposes of this 
section if a person is required to furnish information with respect to 
more than one foreign corporation, controlled (within

[[Page 159]]

the meaning of paragraph (b) of this section) by that person, each 
failure to submit information for each such corporation constitutes a 
separate failure.
    (vi) Offset for dollar amount penalty imposed. The total amount of 
the reduction or reductions which, but for this paragraph (k)(2)(vi), 
may be made under this paragraph (k)(2) with respect to any separate 
failure, shall not exceed the maximum amount of such reductions which 
may be imposed, reduced (but not below zero) by the amount of the dollar 
amount penalty imposed by paragraph (k)(1) of this section with respect 
to such separate failure.
    (3) Reasonable cause. (i) For purposes of section 6038 (b) and (c) 
and this section, the time prescribed for furnishing information under 
paragraph (i) of this section, and the beginning of the 90-day period 
after mailing of notice by the district director under paragraphs 
(k)(1)(ii) and (2)(iv)(A) of this section, shall be treated as being not 
earlier than the last day on which reasonable cause existed for failure 
to furnish the information.
    (ii) To show that reasonable cause existed for failure to furnish 
information as required by section 6038 and this section, the person 
required to report such information must make an affirmative showing of 
all facts alleged as reasonable cause for such failure in a written 
statement containing a declaration that it is made under the penalties 
of prejury. The statement must be filed with the district director for 
the district or the director of the service center where the return is 
required to be filed. The district director or the director of the 
service center shall determine whether the failure to furnish 
information was due to reasonable cause, and if so, the period of time 
for which such reasonable cause existed. In the case of a return that 
has been filed as required by this section except for an omission of, or 
error with respect to, some of the information required, if the person 
who filed the return establishes to the satisfaction of the district 
director or the director of the service center that the person has 
substantially complied with this section, then the omission or error 
shall not constitute a failure under this section.
    (4) Other penalties. The information required by section 6038 and 
this section must be furnished even though there are no foreign taxes 
which would be reduced under the provisions of this section, and even 
though the information required may not affect the amount of any tax due 
under the Internal Revenue Code. For criminal penalties for failure to 
file a return and filing a false or fraudulent return, see sections 
7203, 7206, and 7207 of the Code.
    (5) Illustrations. 1'The provisions of this paragraph may 
be illustrated by the following examples.

    Example (1). M, a domestic corporation owns 100 percent of the stock 
of N, a foreign corporation. Both M and N use the calendar year as a 
taxable year and annual accounting period, and all of the following 
events occur in or with respect to the 1980 taxable year. The dividend 
from N is the only dividend from a foreign corporation received by M 
during the taxable year, and the foreign taxes listed are the only 
foreign taxes paid or deemed paid by M and N for the taxable year. On 
March 15, 1981, M filed its income tax return and paid its income tax, 
but M did not file Form 2952 with respect to N's 1980 annual accounting 
period. On June 1, 1961, the district director mailed notice to M of M's 
failure to file Form 2952 with respect to N. On November 30, 1981, M 
filed a complete Form 2952 with respect to N's 1980 annual accounting 

(a) Gains, profits, and income of N........................     $100,000
(b) Foreign tax paid by N with respect to such gains,             40,000
 profits, and income.......................................
(c) Reduction of foreign tax paid by N (for purposes of M's        6,000
 section 902 deemed paid credit) resulting from M's failure
 to file information with respect to N as required under
 section 6038(a) and this section: failure to file within
 the time prescribed in paragraph (i) of this section, 10-
 percent reduction; continued failure for one additional 3-
 month period after 90-day period after notice mailed, 5-
 percent reduction; total reduction, 15 percent ($40,000
 times 15 percent).........................................
(d) Foreign tax paid by N after section 6038(c)(1)(B)             34,000
(e) Dividend paid by N to M................................       45,000
(f) Accumulated profits of N as defined in section               100,000
 902(c)(1) (determined without regard to the section
 6038(c)(1)(B) reduction)..................................

[[Page 160]]

(g) Accumulated profits of N as described in section 902(a)       60,000
 (determined without regard to the section 6038(c)(1)(B)
(h) For purposes of the section 902 credit, M is deemed to        25,500
 have paid the same proportion of foreign taxes paid
 (reduced as provided under section 6038(c)) with respect
 to the accumulated profits described in section 902(a)
 (determined without regard to the reduction provided under
 section 6038(c)) as the amount of the dividend (determined
 without regard to section 78) bears to such amount of
 accumulated profits.......................................


M must include $25,500 in gross income as a dividend under the 
provisions of section 78 of the Code. This example illustrates that the 
reductions in foreign taxes paid by the foreign corporation provided 
under section 8038(c) are taken into account in determining the amount 
included in gross income of the domestic corporation under section 78 of 
the Code as foreign taxes deemed paid, but such reductions are not taken 
into account in computing accumulated profits for purposes of 
determining the portion of foreign taxes deemed paid with respect to a 
particular dividend. The dollar amount penalty imposed by section 8038 
(b) and paragraph (k)(1) of this section does not apply with respect to 
information for annual accounting periods ending before September 4, 
1982, and therefore does not apply to M with respect to M's failure to 
file Form 2952 in this example.
    Example (2). The facts are the same as in example (1) except that 
all of the events occur in or with respect to the 1982 taxable year. On 
March 15, 1983. M filed its income tax return and paid its income tax, 
but M did not file Form 2952 or Form 5471 with respect to N's 1982 
annual accounting period. On June 1, 1983, the district director mailed 
notice to M of M's failure to file Form 2952 or Form 5471 with respect 
to N. On November 30, 1983, M filed a complete Form 5471 with respect to 
N's 1982 annual accounting period. Under paragraph (k)(1)(i) of this 
section, M is subject to a penalty of $1,000. Under paragraph (k)(1)(ii) 
of this section, that penalty is increased by $4,000 because the failure 
continued for 92 days (three full 30-day periods and a fraction of a 
fourth 30-day period) after the end of the 90-day period following 
mailing of the notice by the district director, bringing M's dollar 
amount penalty under paragraph (k)(1) of this section to $5,000. For 
purpose of determining the foreign tax credit available to M, there may 
be imposed a reduction of foreign tax paid by N of $6,000, which would 
be the total of reductions under paragraph (k)(2) of this section with 
respect to M's failure to file under section 6038 for N's 1982 annual 
accounting period, before application of paragraph (k)(2)(vi) of this 
section. Under said paragraph (k)(2)(vi), the amount of the foreign tax 
reduction imposed is reduced by the amount of the dollar amount penalty, 
leaving a foreign tax reduction penalty of $1,000 which may be imposed 
in addition to the $5,000 dollar amount penalty. If imposed, the $1,000 
tax reduction would then be applied in the calculation of taxes deemed 
paid by M under section 902 as in example (1), items (c), (d), and (h).

    (l) Other persons excepted from filing. For tax years of foreign 
corporations ending on or after December 29, 1999, any person required 
to furnish information under this section with respect to a foreign 
corporation does not have to furnish that information if the following 
conditions are met--
    (1) Such person does not own a direct or indirect interest in the 
foreign corporation; and
    (2) Such person is required to furnish information solely by reason 
of attribution of stock ownership from a nonresident alien(s) under 
paragraph (c) of this section.

[T.D. 8040, 50 FR 30163, July 24, 1985, as amended by T.D. 8573, 59 FR 
64302, Dec. 14, 1994; T.D. 8733, 62 FR 53385, Oct. 14, 1997; T.D. 8850, 
64 FR 72550, Dec. 28, 1999]