[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 26, Volume 13]
[Revised as of April 1, 2004]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[Page 81-82]
                       TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE
Procedure and Administration--Table of Contents
Sec.  1.6012-4  Miscellaneous returns.

    For returns by regulated investment companies of tax on 
undistributed capital gain designated for special treatment under 
section 852(b)(3)(D), see Sec.  1.852-9. For returns with respect to tax 
withheld on nonresident aliens and foreign corporations and on tax-free 
covenant bonds, see Sec. Sec.  1.1461-1 to 1.1465-1, inclusive. For 
returns of tax on transfers to avoid income tax, see Sec.  1.1494-1. For 
the requirement of an annual report by persons completing a Government 
contract, see 26 CFR (1939) 17.16 (Treasury Decision 4906, approved June 
23, 1939), and 26 CFR (1939) 16.15 (Treasury Decision 4909, approved 
June 28, 1939) , as made applicable to section 1471 of the 1954 Code by 
Treasury Decision 6091, approved August 16, 1954 (19 FR 5167, C.B. 1954-
2, 47). See also Sec.  1.1471-1.

[T.D. 7332, 39 FR 44231, Dec. 23, 1974]

    Editorial Note: For the convenience of the user Sec. Sec.  16.15 and 
17.16 of 26 CFR (1939) are set forth below:

    Sec.  16.15 Annual reports for income taxable years--(a) General 
requirements. Every contracting party completing a contract or 
subcontract within the contracting party's income-taxable year ending 
after April 3, 1939 shall file with the district director of internal 
revenue for the internal revenue district in which the contracting 
party's Federal income tax returns are required to be filed an annual 
report on the prescribed form of the profit and excess profit on all 
contracts and subcontracts coming within the scope of the act and the 
regulations in this part and completed within the particular income-
taxable year. There shall be included as a part of such a report a 
statement, preferably in columnar form, showing separately for each such 
contract or subcontract completed by the contracting party within the 
income-taxable year the total contract price, the cost of performing the 
contract or subcontract and the resulting profit or loss on each 
contract or subcontract together with a summary statement showing in 
detail the computation of the net profit or net loss upon all contracts 
and subcontracts completed within the income-taxable year and the amount 

[[Page 82]]

the excess profit, if any, for the income-taxable year covered by the 
report. A copy of the report made to the Secretary of the Army (see 
Sec.  16.14) with respect to each contract or subcontract covered in the 
annual report, shall be filed as a part of such annual report. In case 
the income-taxable year of the contracting party is a period of less 
than twelve months (see Sec.  16.1), the report required by this section 
shall be made for such period and not for a full year.
    (b) Time for filing annual reports. Annual reports of contracts and 
subcontracts coming within the scope of the act and the regulations in 
this part completed by a contracting party within an income-taxable year 
must be filed on or before the 15th day of the ninth month following the 
close of the contracting party's income-taxable year. It is important 
that the contracting party render on or before the due date an annual 
report as nearly complete and final as it is possible for the 
contracting party to prepare. An extension of time granted the 
contracting party for filing its Federal income tax return does not 
serve to extend the time for filing the annual report required by this 
section. Authority consistent with authorizations for granting 
extensions of time for filing Federal income tax returns is hereby 
delegated to the various collectors of internal revenue for granting 
extensions of time for filing the reports required by this section. 
Application for extensions of time for filing such reports should be 
addressed to the district director of internal revenue for the district 
in which the contracting party files its Federal income tax returns and 
must contain a full recital of the causes for the delay.
    Sec.  17.16 Annual reports for income-taxable years--(a) General 
requirements. Every contracting party completing a contract or 
subcontract within the contracting party's income-taxable year ending 
after April 3, 1939 shall file, with the district director of internal 
revenue for the internal revenue district in which the contracting 
party's Federal income tax return is required to be filed, annual 
reports on the prescribed forms of the profit and excess profit on all 
contracts and subcontracts coming within the scope of the act. If any 
contracts or subcontracts so completed by the contracting party were 
entered into for the construction or manufacture of any complete naval 
vessel or any portion thereof, the profit and excess profit on all such 
contracts and subcontracts completed within the income-taxable year 
ending after April 3, 1939 shall be computed in accordance with the 
provisions of Sec.  17.6. If any contracts or subcontracts so completed 
by the contracting party were entered into for the construction or 
manufacture of any complete naval aircraft or any portion thereof, the 
profit and excess profit on all such contracts and subcontracts 
completed within the income-taxable year ending after April 3, 1939 
shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of Sec.  17.7. There 
shall be included as a part of the annual report a statement, preferably 
in columnar form, showing separately for each contract or subcontract 
completed by the contracting party within the income-taxable year and 
covered by the report, the total contract price, the cost of performing 
the contract or subcontract and resulting profit or loss on each 
contract or subcontract together with a summary statement showing in 
detail the computation of the net profit or net loss upon each group of 
contracts and subcontracts covered by the report and the amount of the 
excess profit, if any, with respect to each group of contracts and 
subcontracts covered by the report. A copy of the report made to the 
Secretary of the Navy (see Sec.  17.15) with respect to each contract or 
subcontract covered in the annual report, shall be filed as a part of 
such annual report. In case the income-taxable year of the contracting 
party is a period of less than twelve months (see Sec.  17.1), the 
reports required by this section shall be made for such period and not 
for a full year.
    (b) Time for filing annual reports. Annual reports of contracts and 
subcontracts completed by a contracting party within an income-taxable 
year ending after April 3, 1939 shall be filed on or before the 15th day 
of the ninth month following the close of the contracting party's 
income-taxable year. It is important that the contracting party render 
on or before the due date annual reports as nearly complete and final as 
it is possible for the contracting party to prepare. An extension of 
time granted the contracting party for filing its Federal income tax 
return does not serve to extend the time for filing the annual reports 
required by this section. Authority consistent with authorizations for 
granting extensions of time for filing Federal income tax returns is 
hereby delegated to the various district directors of internal revenue 
for granting extensions of time for filing the reports required by this 
section. Application for extension of time for filing such reports 
should be addressed to the district director of internal revenue for the 
district in which the contracting party files its Federal income tax 
returns and must contain a full recital of the causes for the delay.