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Celebrating The Croatian-American Partnership
USAID Legacy Publication

Cover of the USAID Publication 'Celebrating The Croatian-American Partnership
USAID Legacy Publication'
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English Version - PDF, 1.32 mb
Croatian Version - PDF, 1.33 mb

Preface Excerpt

Croatia has undertaken a remarkable transformation since its independence in 1991. Thousands of courageous, optimistic and enterprising Croatians have realized an enduring dream of independence, democracy, and peace. USAID is privileged to have supported many of these individuals and their organizations as partners. This publication relates the Croatian and American people’s enduring and productive partnership that helped Croatia’s people and government build a better future.

Across Central and Eastern Europe in the late 1980s, formerly socialist countries began the complex transition to market-based economies and multiparty, democratic governments. The United States supported and promoted democratic transition in each of the countries, through funding from the 1989 Congressional Act to Support for East European Democracy Act (SEED). In socialist Yugoslavia, the transitional process, which continued unabated, was overshadowed by war. It was the most devastating conflict in Europe since World War II, engulfing Croatia, neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina, and later Kosovo.

Shortly after the war’s outbreak, in early 1992 USAID began working with Croatian partners. The Croatian people showed unflinching resolve in facing the dual burdens of seeking reconciliation, while rebuilding a society and economy based upon democratic and free-market principles. When its mission began, the overarching goal for the United States was to help secure regional peace and foster re-integration among the former republics of Yugoslavia.

The newly independent Government of Croatia shared this objective and had set the highest, longer-term priority on attaining economic integration with the European Union, eventually culminating in full Union membership. Over the course of USAID’s mission, the partnership with the Croatian people evolved in three distinct phases. Initially, USAID worked to deliver humanitarian relief and help the victims of war rebuild their lives and communities. Reconstruction and rehabilitation projects were augmented by programs to strengthen civil society and democratic institutions. The displaced were aided in returning to their homes and war-affected communities received support in revitalizing their economies and infrastructure.

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Wed, 09 Jul 2008 17:20:13 -0500