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USAID, Cleveland State University Bring Croatian Officials to Ohio

Attendees watch a presentation
Attendees from Croatia participating in a session of the two-week seminar for Croatian municipal officials at Cleveland State University's Levin College of Urban Affairs. (Photo: Courtesy of Cleveland State University)

December 2, 2002

WASHINGTON, DC -- The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Unger Croatia Center for Local Government Leadership at Cleveland State University’s Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs are sponsoring a two-week conference for local government officials from Croatia on “Citizen Participation in Local Government” from November 30 to December 14, 2002. Ten officials from municipalities throughout Croatia arrived in Cleveland on Saturday to participate in the program, which will also include three days of meetings and sessions in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

USAID’s mission in Zagreb is currently administering a local government reform project in Croatia to assist the country make its transition to a market-oriented democracy. This effort depends in large measure on the capacity of local governments in Croatia to incorporate citizens into the political and economic life of the society. As such, USAID has worked through the Washington-based non-governmental organization World Learning to develop a program with the Unger Center to familiarize Croatian local officials with citizens’ participation as practiced in the United States.

“Broadening citizen engagement in the government process strengthens democracy and stems abuses. This program is an excellent way to introduce Croatian officials to successful U.S. models for involving citizens in local government affairs,” said Dr. Kent R. Hill, USAID Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia. “This comes at an extremely important time for Croatia, as it undertakes key structural reforms, such as devolving more power to local authorities, to prepare for eventual membership in the European Union.”

The program designed by the Unger Center includes several different sessions and site visits. Among other features of the fourteen-day program the participants will meet community leaders, government officials, members of the city council, and citizen action groups in the city of Cleveland Heights, Ohio and Chattanooga, Tennessee, visiting areas improved and renovated by community action programs. Afterwards, the group will participate in discussions to determine how to apply these experiences in Croatia. The program concludes with a breakfast at Cleveland State University on Friday, December 13.

USAID assistance to Croatia has totaled nearly $44 million in 2002. In addition to its efforts in areas such as improving political processes, strengthening civil society and reintegrating war-affected populations, USAID’s efforts also include significant economic reform and social transition programs. USAID’s efforts to foster stability in Croatia and more broadly in the region come at a critical period for the country as it moves closer to western institutions and distances itself from the conflicts of the 1990s. The Unger Center and Cleveland State University have played a valuable role in organizing programs designed to assist Croatian government officials, working closely with USAID on several initiatives to assist in Croatia’s continuing transition process.

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Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:23:41 -0500