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Republika Srpska Enacts Business-Friendly Reforms

Starting a business in Republika Srpska (RS) now takes far less time than it used to thanks to the efforts of USAID’s Streamlining Permits and Inspection Regimes Activity (SPIRA).

SPIRA staff met recently with RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik to present proposals for improving the business environment in the RS. These included transferring the certification of compliance with “Minimum Technical Requirements” (MTR) to follow—rather than precede—a business launch. Within two weeks, all three RS laws that needed to be changed to support the MTR shift had been amended by the RS Assembly, effectively reducing the time it takes to start a company in the RS by a full 25 days. Further, the shift in the RS MTR verification and the proposed elimination of the Urban Permit in construction are projected to save the RS government and businesses over $8 million in the next five years.

Since its initial success, USAID has established a partnership with the RS Government to substantially reduce its approval procedures and inspection-related measures, as well as shorten the time to register a craft shop. Firms located elsewhere in BiH have taken note of the adoption of reforms which have resulted in lower taxes and a more business-friendly regulatory environment in the RS, and are actively advocating for similar reforms throughout the Federation. USAID is also urging the Federation to make regulatory reform a priority; SPIRA is working to achieve this.

RS Prime Minister Dodik demonstrates the amount of paperwork reduced by USAID-supported reforms
RS Prime Minister Dodik demonstrates the amount of paperwork reduced by USAID-supported reforms

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Tue, 03 Apr 2007 10:03:13 -0500