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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Releases Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan for Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge – Congressional Notification
Region 3, June 12, 2007

On June 12, 2007, a Congressional Update about the Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan was sent to the three local congressional offices in Wisconsin.

CU 07 - 24                                                     

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Releases Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan for Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge – Congressional Notification

- Public Comment Period Open until Aug. 11; Open House Scheduled for June 28

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released a draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge today.  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is asking interested individuals and organizations to review the plan and provide written comments by Aug. 11, 2007.

Once completed, the final EIS/CCP will articulate management goals and guide refuge operations for the next 15 years.  Public involvement is vital to making the CCP a meaningful document that addresses the needs of wildlife and the needs of citizens who care about the refuge.  To ensure there is ample opportunity to review and comment on the draft plan, the refuge is providing a 60-day review period that ends on Aug. 11, 2007. 

There are a variety of ways interested citizens can view the draft EIS/CCP: 1) a .pdf file of the document can be viewed and/or downloaded on the Refuge’s planning website at: http://midwest.fws.gov/planning/Trempealeau; 2) paper copies and electronic versions are available at libraries throughout the area; and, 3) electronic copies and a limited number of paper copies are also available at the refuge office.

For public comments to be considered, they must be received by Aug. 11, 2007, and they must be written comments.  Comments can be mailed t Trempealeau NWR, Attention:  CCP Comment, W28488 Refuge Rd., Trempealeau, WI  54661.  Written comments can also be submitted via e-mail at r3planning@fws.gov (please specify “Trempealeau NWR CCP Comment” in the subject line).  Written comments will also be accepted at the refuge office.

The Refuge is hosting an open house and public meeting on Thursday, June 28, at the Trempealeau Village Hall Community Room, in Trempealeau, Wis.  The informal open house will begin at 5:30 p.m., with a formal presentation of the plan at 6:30 p.m.  A question and answer period will follow the presentation.

The draft EIS/CCP identifies three possible management alternatives.  Under the preferred alternative (Integrated Public Use and Wildlife and Habitat Focus), the refuge proposes to increase the level of effort on fish and wildlife habitat management, as well as ensuring that diverse opportunities for wildlife-dependent and compatible non-wildlife-dependent activities are improved.  A few highlights of the proposed management actions include: increasing efforts to restore prairies, wetlands, and upland and floodplain forests; increasing efforts to remove invasive species; improving visitor services and providing additional opportunities for wildlife-oriented recreation; increasing volunteer involvement and promoting partnerships with area schools, colleges and universities to encourage research and monitoring; and, providing improved  environmental education facilities and programs. 

Anyone who has questions or is interested in learning more about the management plan for the Refuge is welcome to attend.  You can also contact the refuge at 608/539-2311, ext. 10, or visit the refuge office if you have questions.

Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge, established in 1936, lies within the Mississippi River flyway. This 6,226-acre Refuge contains rolling prairies, rich wetlands and bottomland forests, which support a variety of wildlife species.  It is an isolated backwater, providing needed resting and feeding areas for waterfowl and other birds. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the principal federal agency responsible for conserving, protecting and enhancing fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313, charles_traxler@fws.gov