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Basic Information

Since 1988, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Region 5 and Purdue University have worked together to develop environmental software programs that make complex subjects clear and understandable and learning enjoyable.


In 1988, Region 5 established a partnership with students and faculty at Purdue University to develop two environmental software programs: Residential Waste Treatment Evaluation and Principles of Onsite Wastewater Treatment. By 1990 the partnership had produced six programs that ranged in complexity from simple linear tutorials to expert systems requiring the user to input data in order to receive a computer-calculated solution. All programs were developed for the IBM PC or compatibles. Our first programs were on water-related topics. The collection has grown to include new subjects such as solid waste, air pollution, and environmental assessment.

SEA directly benefits students, government and the general public, and has led to many public-private partnerships. We are leaders in applying interactive software to governmental regulation and outreach. We create affordable tools to help solve environmental problems.

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We are continuously developing new programs with Purdue. We fund projects through cooperative agreements from USEPA Region 5 and USEPA Headquarters. We are able to produce software at costs well below the usual rates by working in partnership with Purdue.

In addition to funding, EPA provides background materials including EPA outreach information, regulatory documents, and graphics. Students at Purdue write the software, under the guidance of professors in the Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department Exit EPA Disclaimer. EPA staff provide expert review of draft software products while the programs are being developed.

We make the final product available as shareware, with registration optional. Users are encouraged to share and recopy the programs, but the Purdue retains copyright on their programs to prevent their being modified and sold for profit.

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Distribution of the software continues to grow via this Web site and CD-ROMs from Purdue. We've used a variety of mechanisms over the years, including a Gopher site, electronic bulletin boards, and distribution on diskette via a barter system! (Since we lacked funding to purchase large quantities of diskettes for distribution, people would send us blank diskettes and we'd copy the programs they requested onto those diskettes and return them. That got much faster once we got a diskette duplicator.) We appreciate the help from other sites that link to us.

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Strategic Plan

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  1. Use interactive technologies to make environmental science and regulations clear and easy to understand.
  2. Develop and distribute software at extremely low cost in ways equally beneficial to government, students, faculty, and end users.
  3. Work as a unique high-productivity team.
  4. Use the software to help create major public-private partnerships.

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Here are a few examples of how people use SEA:

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