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Private Pesticide Applicator Training

This is an interactive guide to the Federal regulatory requirements and user health concerns for pesticide handling and application. It includes an extended tutorial on pesticide laws and reglulations, a guide to safe handling and mixing, and a short course in reading and interpreting the labels and health warnings. It also features a comprehensive test and slide shows with English or Spanish soundtracks.

The program can be used as a preparation, actual course material, or a followup tool for required FIFRA retraining or recertification. It comprises about 40% of the content of the Indiana CES FIFRA classroom course. While some particulars are based upon State of Indiana requirements, the bulk of the program is universally relevant and shows wise practices appropriate anywhere in the world.

Employers of handlers and applicators can use it as a part of a ptogram for training new hires, especially for individuals starting in the middle of the growing season. The slide shows provide a quick way to educate new workers. The program clearly explains pesticide laws and safe health practices. It offers significant economic benefits for employers by protecting worker health and encouraging appropriate levels of application.

(Created 2001.)


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