Pat Quinn, Governor

Illinois Traffic Alert System Home Page

Welcome to the Illinois Department of Transportation Traffic Alert System. This system currently includes 72 route segments and we are working diligently to add other route segments in the near future. Please refer to our coverage map for more information on the expressways served by this system. You may use the links on this page to register for free traffic alerts, or to log in and modify your account settings or delete your account.

Please Note: The information contained on the reports is dependent on weather and construction factors, as well as the stability of various electronic systems, and thus may not always be accurate or available. The staff of the Illinois Traffic Alert System are in no way responsible for any decisions or actions taken as a result of providing this website or its Email reports to the public. Use this information at your own risk.

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   New Users   

Register for Traffic Reports

Registering for traffic reports will allow you to receive free traffic alerts in your e-mail Inbox, cell phone, or other e-mail enabled mobile device. When you register you will:

  1. Choose the segments of roadways you want to be alerted about
  2. Select the two times of day when you want to receive alerts
  3. Select the days of the week you want to receive alerts
  4. Customize alerts so you will receive them only if the average speed on the road is below what you select
  5. Customize the type of data you want to receive: incidents, construction, congestion and/or travel times

Click "Register" to receive free Email traffic alerts:

   Current Users   

View or Update Your Account Information

To access your Illinois Traffic Alert System account, enter your Email address or your phone number and cellular provider (if you receive alerts on your telephone) and your password in the form below and click "Log In":

Email Address
-- or --
Telephone Number

Forgot Password

We cannot remind you of your current Illinois Traffic Alert System password because it is encrypted in our database for your privacy. If you have forgotten your password, enter your Email address in the form below and click "Send Password", and a new password for accessing your Illinois Traffic Alert System account will be sent to you.

Email Address