Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor

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Yours Truly.

Governor Rod R Blagojevich

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Working Mothers and Families Deserve Access to Quality Healthcare
Illinois Maternal and Child Health Coaltion Executive Director Robyn Gabel discusses the current struggle for those who do not have access to health insurance and those who face the loss of coverage due to skyrocketing healthcare costs. Gabel, while citing the fact that the number of small business owners able to afford health insurance has dropped by 8 percent since 2001, said that as more small businesses are priced out of offering health insurance to their employees, individual premiums can only go up – pushing quality medical care out of reach for thousands of working mothers, individuals, and families.

3 min 26 sec (1.01 MB)
The Time for Healthcare Reform is Now 5-24-07
Edward Smith, vice president of Laborers International Union of North America and Midwest Regional Manager, lends his voice to urge lawmakers to pass legislation that will make affordable healthcare available to working families and small businesses. Smith discusses the role of small businesses as the employer of the majority of Illinois' workforce, and their critical need to have the ability to offer health insurance to their employees.

4 min 05 sec (1.20 MB)
Healthcare Crisis Consequences for the Under and Uninsured, and all Illinoisans 5-23-07
Dr. Javette Orgain, MD MPH and first vice president of the Illinois Academy of Family Physicians, discusses her experiences as a family physician and the struggle uninsured and underinsured people go through in order to find basic medical care and stay healthy. She also discusses how one the factors driving rising healthcare costs is the lack of access to basic, preventative care and how this forces people to rely on emergency rooms as primary care facilities and to forgo basic medical attention for chronic illnesses. Without reform, Dr. Orgain states that cost of healthcare for everyone will continue to rise and the numbers of uninsured will continue to increase.

4 min 09 sec (1.22 MB)
Education: Illinois' Most Important Investment 5-21-07
Charlie McBarron, director of communications for the Illinois Education Association, offers his testimony on behalf of the organization's 128,000 members, and makes an appeal for an investment in education and tax fairness in Illinois. He also discusses the importance of replacing the state's broken corporate income tax system with a fairer tax system that ensures that corporations contribute to pay for the state services that they benefit from.

2 min 27 sec (723 KB)
Tax Fairness is Essential to Illinois' Working Families 5-18-07
Hal Ruddick, recording secretary of the SEIU and president of the Local 4, adds his voice to those calling for fundamental tax fairness, education funding and access to healthcare for Illinois' small businesses and working families in the Blagojevich administration's latest podcast. Ruddick speaks on behalf of Illinois SEIU's 165,000 members about how people throughout the state will benefit from the Governor's Investing in Families Plan.

3 min 5 sec (912 KB)
Illinois Working Families Deserve Tax Fairness and Access to Healthcare 5-16-07
In this latest podcast Michael Carrigan, president of Illinois AFL-CIO, outlines the immediacy of Illinois' working families and individuals need for significant investments in education and legitimate access to quality, affordable healthcare. Carrigan singles out the even larger challenge of eliminating the growing inequity in Illinois' tax system, a disparity that has forced an overwhelming majority of the burden of funding state government onto the backs of Illinois working families and individuals.

4 min 25 sec (1.30 MB)
The Tax Fairness Plan: Investing in Illinois 5-9-07
Larry Ivory, president/CEO of the Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce, emphasizes that the merits of Governor Blagojevich's Tax Fairness plan lie in the investments it makes for working families, individuals and small businesses across Illinois. Ivory discusses further the impact of the governor's Tax Fairness and Illinois Covered plans, and the positive effect they will have for the 1.4 million uninsured people in Illinois, and for small business owners, families, and individuals who are struggling with the skyrocketing costs of healthcare.

3 min 56 sec (1.16 MB)
Investing in Illinois Families Plan: The Right Choice 5-8-07
John Bouman, president and director of advocacy for the Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law, explores the impact of Governor Blagojevich's Tax Fairness Plan vs. House Bill 750, another proposal filed with the Illinois General Assembly. HB 750, also know as the 'tax swap', proposes raising the state's personal and corporate income taxes, and the sales tax to fund education. Bouman says that the proposals inability to address a growing, long-term pension deficit and access to affordable healthcare to Illinois' 1.4 million uninsured people, is unacceptable to combat poverty and improve the quality of life for low and middle income families

3 min 23 sec (992 KB)
Losing Your Healthcare: A Personal Story 5-4-07
Linda Davis, owner and operator of "Paws and Claws Doggie Day Care" in Chicago, discusses her struggle to find affordable health insurance for herself, and her employees. At 57 years old, Davis worries about the costs of preventative care, medication, and other health related needs that are no longer covered by her health insurance because skyrocketing insurance premiums forced her to purchase the most minimal coverage available.

4 min 13 sec (1.00 MB)
Illinois Covered Will Stimulate Job Growth and Illinois' Economy 5-3-07
In this podcast Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA, discusses the results of a recently released study that shows Governor Blagojevich's Illinois Covered plan will stimulate job growth and Illinois' economy while providing access to affordable healthcare to 1.4 million uninsured adults. Families USA is a national non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to the achievement of high-quality, affordable healthcare for all Americans.

3 min 31 sec (1.00 MB)
Investments in Education and Healthcare are Critical to Enhancing Illinois' Business Climate 4-30-07
In this podcast Omar Duque, president of the Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, discusses the business community's immediate need for significant investments in both education and healthcare. He notes how the state's business community will be better-served with a more educated workforce and access to quality, affordable healthcare for small business owners and their employees.

4 min 20 sec (1.27 MB)
Healthcare and the Small Business Owner 4-27-07
Jerry Minor, owner and operator of A Quality Cleaning Services in Rockford, stresses the critical need for affordable healthcare for both families and small businesses. Minor discusses the crippling effect rising healthcare costs are having on his eight employees, his business and other small businesses, emphasizing the need to address this problem so small businesses can offer real healthcare solutions to their employees and still stay competitive.

2 min 21 sec (691 KB)
Education and Healthcare are top priorities for Illinoisans
Maria Whelan, CEO and President of Illinois Action for Children, addresses the long term benefits of investing in education and healthcare for both Illinois families and businesses, and emphasizes the importance of having a healthy and educated workforce in this latest podcast. Whelan takes into special consideration a recent study conducted by Northern Illinois University. The study reveals a majority of Illinoisans believe the state should increase funding for education and healthcare.

3 min 49 sec (1.12 MB)
Keeping Businesses and Illinois Healthy 4-20-07
Rona Spano, chief spokesperson for American Income Life Insurance, discusses the importance of tax fairness and passing the Governor’s Illinois Covered plan, which is estimated to save businesses and consumers nearly $16 billion dollars in healthcare costs over the next four years alone.

2 min 55 sec (855 KB)
Governor Blagojevich's Healthcare Plan: Illinois Covered
On March 7, 2007, Governor Blagojevich announced his plan to provide access to quality, affordable healthcare for all people in Illinois. The plan, Illinois Covered, will help address the high cost of healthcare for all Illinoisans, and provide coverage to the 1.4 million uninsured adults in the state.

4 min 51 sec (14.30 MB)
Governor Blagojevich's Education Plan: Helping Kids Learn
Helping Kids Learn is Governor’s Blagojevich’s bold plan to increase funding, quality and accountability in Illinois schools. In this podcast, you will hear the details of the Governor’s historic proposal.

6 min 40 sec (19.60 MB)
Investing Now, Saves Billions Later 4-17-07
Dr. Ken Thorpe, a nationally renowned economist, discusses his report detailing how Governor Blagojevich’s Illinois Covered healthcare plan would produce more than $15 billion in savings for Illinois businesses and consumers.

8 min 53 sec (2.87 MB)
The GRT - Building on Other States' Success 4-16-07
In his third podcast, Doug Kane, an economist and former member of the Illinois House of Representatives, discusses the reality of today's modern economy and how the GRT in other states has been successful in both creating economic growth and allowing their tax structures to evolve with this new economy.

4 min 06 sec (1.20 MB)
Just the Facts 4-13-07
Doug Kane, an economist and former member of the Illinois House of Representatives, separates fact from fiction about the proposed gross receipts tax (GRT). By presenting the facts, Kane confronts the "sky is falling" rhetoric used by groups representing big business and explains the positive effects the GRT has had on the economies of other states that have the GRT.

2 min 57 sec (867 KB)
The Gross Receipts Tax: Least Disruptive, Most Effective 4-12-07
Doug Kane, former member of the Illinois House of Representatives and economist, discusses the gross receipts tax, and why it is the most viable option to properly fund education and provide access to quality, affordable health care in Illinois.

3 min 33 sec (1.05 MB)
Illinois and California to Launch Energy Biosciences Institute
Governor Blagojevich recently joined with California Governor Arnold Schwarzenneger to announce that BP will invest $500 million over the next decade to establish an Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI), the first facility of its kind in the world. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of California, Berkeley will host the institute.

5 min 28 sec (1.64 MB)
Governor Blagojevich's Inaugural Address
Governor Rod R. Blagojevich, Illinois 40th Governor, took his Oath of Office during a ceremony at the Prairie Capitol Convention Center in Springfield to begin his second term. The Governor was joined at the ceremony by his wife Patricia and his two daughters, Amy and Annie. During his inaugural address, Gov. Blagojevich pledged to continue the work he began four years ago changing the priorities of state government so it works for people.

19 min 43 sec (5.92 MB)
Governor Signs New Minimum Wage Increase
The Governor signs legislation to raise the minimum wage in Illinois. On July 1, 2007, the minimum wage in Illinois will increase by a dollar and hour to $7.50/hour. The minimum wage will increase by

4 min 50 sec (1.45 MB)
Power Plants to Cut Mercury Pollution by 90%
The Governors plan to drastically reduce mercury and other dangerous emissions that cause asthma, lung disease and developmental disabilities wins legislative approval. The state's largest power plant

4 min 21 sec (1.31 MB)
Minimum Wage Increase Approved
The Illinois General Assembly approves Governor Blagojevich's plan to increase the minimum wage. On July 1, 2007, the minimum wage in Illinois will increase by a dollar and hour to $7.50/hour.

2 min 48 sec (844 KB)
Illinois Unemployment Drops to All-Time Low
The states unemployment rate dropped to 4.1% in October, tying the states lowest unemployment rate on record.

2 min 6 sec (1.27 MB)
Proposal to Increase the Minimum Wage
Governor Blagojevich proposes to increase the minimum wage in Illinois to $7.50/hour, an increase of $1.00/hour. He is joined at the event by Chicago Mayor Richard Daley. Together they will work with

5 min 21 sec (2.25 MB)
Governor Blagojevich's Energy Plan
Governor Blagojevich announced his ambitious new Energy Plan to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and make Illinois more energy independent.

9 min 2 sec (2.71 MB)
Protecting Access to Contraceptives
Governor Blagojevich discusses the steps he is taking to protect access to prescription contraceptives for Illinois women, and how the state is responding to pharmacists who delay, hassle or lie to wo

5 min 56 sec (2.49 MB)
Preschool for All
How Governor Blagojevich is making sure Illinois children have access to a quality preschool education through our Preschool for All initiative.

6 min 56 sec (2.08 MB)
Illinois Leads the Midwest in Jobs Growth
Governor Blagojevich discusses Illinois' national and regional leadership in creating new jobs. The Governor announced Illinois' recent record of job growth while visiting a growing business started b

5 min 16 sec (1.90 MB)
Expansion to the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
Governor Blagojevich discusses his expansion to the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program, providing screenings and treatment to thousands of women in Illinois.

4 min 57 sec (2.08 MB)
College Tuition: the new MAP Plus initiative
The MAP Plus program provides $500 college tuition grants to middle class families here in Illinois.

7 min 24 sec (3.11 MB)
Governor Blagojevich discusses Stem Cell Research funding
Governor Blagojevich discusses the importance of stem cell research, and announces the recipients of $5 million in state funding to support research efforts.

8 min 31 sec (3.58 MB)
Mininum Wage Enforcement
Governor Blagojevich announces a new hotline to report cases of minimum wage violations. If you or someone you know is not being paid $6.50 an hour, call us on our new toll free hotline (1-800-478-399

5 min 19 sec (2.24 MB)
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