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This is an archived USAID document retained on this web site as a matter of public record.

Horn of Africa (Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, & Somalia) - Drought Crisis Update

April 26, 2006
Press Office: 202-712-4320
Public Information: 202-712-4810


Successive seasons of failed rains have contributed to a humanitarian emergency across pastoralist areas of the Horn of Africa. Chronic food insecurity, which stems from poverty, weak governance, and in some cases political marginalization of local populations, has compounded the situation. According to the U.N. Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP) for the Horn of Africa , the current drought is affecting more than 8 million people, primarily in the region spanning southern Somalia, northern Kenya, southern Ethiopia, and parts of Djibouti. Relief efforts have been hampered by conflict and banditry, which is limiting humanitarian access throughout Somalia and parts of Ethiopia. Resource-based conflict-inter-clan and cross-border-has also reportedly risen in Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia, as water, food, and forage supplies became depleted during the long dry season. A U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) assessment team is currently in the region to assess levels of food insecurity and make recommendations for future programming.

USAID's ongoing assistance programs in the Horn of Africa enable aid agencies to respond quickly to the current emergency. To date in FY 2006, the U.S. Government (USG) has committed more than $208 million for immediate life-saving interventions, targeting the most affected areas in the Horn of Africa with water and sanitation, health, nutrition, and food assistance.

USAID's drought-response in the Horn of Africa also includes the following non-food humanitarian interventions: treating children suffering from acute malnutrition; providing emergency health services to vulnerable populations; rehabilitating existing water sources and facilitating the creation or enhancement of local water committees; providing animal vaccines; introducing small-scale livelihoods activities; and supporting logistics for relief operations.


Country Estimated Numbers Affected Source
Djibouti 88,000 Horn of Africa CAP* April 7, 2006
Ethiopia 2.6 million Horn of Africa CAP April 7, 2006
Kenya 3.5 million Horn of Africa CAP April 7, 2006
Somalia 2.1 million Horn of Africa CAP April 7, 2006

* U.N. Consolidated Appeals Process

Total FY 2006 USAID Humanitarian Assistance to the Horn of Africa: $199,801,635
Total FY 2006 U.S. Government (USG) Humanitarian Assistance to the Horn of Africa: $208,421,635


  • To date in FY 2006, USAID has contributed 1,240 MT of food assistance, valued at more than $800,000, to meet the needs of 70,000 people. This is part of $1.1 million that USAID has provided to support emergency health and nutrition and food assistance programs in Djibouti.


  • USAID has provided more than $47.5 million for humanitarian activities in Ethiopia in FY 2006. This includes committing nearly 76,660 MT of emergency food assistance to date, valued at more than $42.7 million.
  • In addition, the U.S. Department of State has provided UNHCR with $2.3 million to assist refugees in Ethiopia.
  • In total, the USG has provided more than $49.9 to Ethiopia in FY 2006.


  • To date in FY 2006, USAID has contributed more than $67.2 million to support programs in Kenya. USAID's implementing partners are providing urgently-needed water and sanitation and health interventions. This includes over 98,000 metric tons (MT) of emergency food assistance, valued at more than $65.4 million, to the drought relief and refugee feeding program of World Food Program (WFP).
  • In addition, the U.S. Department of State has contributed more than $5 million to the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for programs to support refugees in Kenya.
  • In total, the USG has provided more the $72.5 to Kenya in FY 2006.


  • USAID has provided nearly $84 million to Somalia to support humanitarian activities. This includes 102,350 MT in emergency food assistance, valued at $81.4 million.
  • The U.S. Department of State has provided more than $1 million in funding to UNHCR in order to support the Somalia country program.
  • To date in FY 2006, the USG has committed more than $84.9 million to support humanitarian activities in Somalia.

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