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Mixed Waste
Waste Management: 

Preventing and Managing Mixed-Waste


Below are a number of reports and guidance documents to help generators prevent and manage mixed-waste. You can also find related documents at the National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP). (NSCEP is the largest repository of Agency publications with more than 5,500 available titles, including paper and electronic versions, available for distribution.)

On this page :

Preventing Mixed-Waste Generation

DOE Hanford Pollution Prevention
This page describes efforts to minimize radioactive, hazardous, and mixed-waste at DOE's Hanford facility in Washington State.

EPA RCRA Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention
The National Waste Minimization Program supports efforts that promote a more sustainable society, reduce the amounts of waste generated, and lower the toxicity and persistence of those wastes that are, of necessity, generated.

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Managing Mixed-Waste

Chosing the Right Regulations: Federal vs. State
This information helps you decide whether your state has the authorities to regulate mixed-waste.

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Identifying Mixed-Waste

Definition and Identification of Commercial Mixed-Waste October 4, 1989
This letter, jointly signed by NRC and EPA, sets out the fundamental definition for NRC/EPA low-level mixed-waste. A methodology to identify those wastes that are mixed is laid out. Anticipated questions by licensees are answered.

DOE Methods for Evaluating Environmental and Waste Management Samples
This document presents methods for collecting representative samples and for determining the radioisotope activity and organic and inorganic composition of a sample.

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Cleaning up Mixed-Waste Sites

Technology Screening Guide for Radioactively Contaminated Sites (PDF) (203pp, 555Kb [about pdf format]) [EPA 402-R-96-017], November, 1996
The guide is designed to give easy access to critical information on applied technologies that address radioactive contamination in solid and liquid media. The solid media includes soils, sediment, sludge, and solid waste, but does not include buildings and structures. The liquid media include groundwater, surface water, and waste water. This information is presented in technology profiles that can be used to screen and compare technologies for site-specific application.

Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Soil Treatment Technologies: Suggested Operational Guidelines to Prevent Cross-Media Transfer of Contaminants During Cleanup Activities (PDF) (166pp, 1.2 Mb [about pdf format]) [EPA 530-R-97-007] May, 1997
This document contains suggested guidelines to minimize the cross-media transfer of contaminants during cleanup activities. It was developed in response to concerns that some cleanup activities may unintentionally cause additional contamination through cross-media transfer of contaminants. Stakeholders involved in the development of the proposed Hazardous Waste Identification Rule for contaminated media (HWIR-media) specifically raised this concern to EPA. The Agency expects that this guidance will be of use in many contexts, including Superfund cleanups, RCRA Subtitle C corrective action, Underground Storage Tank corrective action, and state cleanups. If any of the recommendations provided in this guidance causes a conflict with a state or Federal regulation, such conflict is unintentional, and the applicable regulation should be followed.

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Laboratory-Generated Mixed-Waste

Profile and Management Options for EPA Laboratory Generated Mixed-Waste(PDF) (120pp, 953Kb [about pdf format])[EPA 402-R-96-015], August 1996
This report details the volumes and characteristics of EPA laboratory generated mixed-waste over a three year period. The report also outlines a suggested EPA laboratory-generated mixed-waste integrated waste management framework based on current research and documentation for improving EPA waste management and minimization effort.

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Storing Mixed-Waste

Storage, Treatment, Transportation, and Disposal of Mixed-Wastes; Final Rule and Proposed Rulemakings
This page contains EPA's mixed-waste rule and associated documents.

Guidance on the Land Disposal Restrictions' Effects on Storage and Disposal of Commercial Mixed-Waste
This page describes the effects on land disposal of mixed-waste of the 1984 Amendments to the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

Draft NRC-EPA Guidance on Low-Level Mixed-Waste Storage August 1995
This guidance is designed to assist persons currently storing mixed-waste to meet the regulatory requirements of both the AEA and RCRA. The guidance describes procedures that are generally acceptable to both NRC and EPA that resolves issues of concern which have been identified to the agencies by licensees. Public comment on this Draft Guidance Document closed on November 6, 1995. Comments received are currently being reviewed by both Agencies.

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Transporting Mixed-Waste

Low-Level Waste Forum Directory of Brokers and Processors Exit EPA Disclaimer
The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum, Inc. and the Southeast Compact Commission have created an electronic National Directory of Brokers and Processors. The directory is intended for use by compacts, states, federal agencies, and users of radioactive materials to provide information about companies that package, transport, process, or otherwise manage radioactive material in preparation for ultimate disposal. Access to the site and listing in the directory are free.

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Treating Mixed-Waste

Stabilization/Solidification Processes for Mixed-Waste (PDF) (91pp, 971Kb [about pdf format]) [EPA 402-R-96-014] June 1996
In 1995, EPA and the Department of Energy investigated technical issues related to the treatment processes for low-level radioactive and mixed-wastes. This document describes the status of the processes that were presented during the conference.

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Disposing of Mixed-Waste

Guidance on the Land Disposal Restrictions' Effects on Storage and Disposal of Commercial Mixed-Waste
Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments restricted the land disposal of hazardous wastes, including mixed-waste, and imposed deadlines. This joint guidance explains the land disposal restrictions (LDR's) on storage and disposal of commercial mixed-waste.

Low-Level Mixed-Waste Disposal

Joint NRC-EPA Siting Guidelines for Disposal of LLMW [OSWER Directive 9480.00-14] June, 1987
This document focused on issues for State low-level waste compacts that might be considering developing commercial mixed-waste disposal sites. This guidance was generic, though, for any disposal site receiving NRC/EPA mixed-waste.

Joint NRC-EPA Guidance on a Conceptual Design Approach for Commercial LLMW Disposal Facilities [OSWER Directive 9487.00-8] August 3, 1987
Presented in this document is a conceptual design that both meets EPA's minimum technology requirements for liners and leachate collection systems while satisfying NRC's requirement for minimization of waste contact with groundwater. While RCRA disposal site designs focus on reduction of short-term risk, assuming institutional control and maintenance, NRC focuses on long-term risk with designs that are free of institutional control and maintenance. This joint guidance was intended to create a mutually acceptable design.

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