Intelligent Transportation Systems

Electronic Freight Management Initiative

Slide 1. Electronic Freight Management Initiative

ITS JPO Lead: Kate Hartman
Technical Lead: Mike Onder, Office of Freight Management and Operations

Slide 2. Challenge

  • Current economic forecast indicate that freight volumes will double by 2020.
  • Existing and planned physical capacity to move this amount of freight will be severely challenged.
  • Freight movement is multi-modal, among partners with different with needs for information.

Slide 3. Opportunity

  • The activities under this initiative will:
    • Assist supply chain partners by using ITS to:
      • Exchange information electronically in a standardized format;
      • Provide an open architecture in which all shippers, across all modes can access needed information;
      • Allow information concerning freight to be made available for security screening

Slide 4. Goal

  • Improved operational efficiency, productivity and security of the transportation system through the use of a common electronic freight management (EFM) and message portal that enables access to shipment information to all supply chain partners in real time.

Slide 5. Milestone/End Product

  • Initial Milestone: Can all supply chain partners integrate the EFM into their business processes? Do we go forward with the deployment test?
  • Initiative Milestone: Do we expand to other modes?

Slide 6. Roadmap

Roadmap of the Electronic Freight Manifest

Image Details

Slide 7. Program Plan/Approach

  1. Coalition Building
    • Intermodal Freight Technology Working Group
      • A neutral organization for industry and government to work together on applying technology to freight issues of mutual concern.
    • EFM Steering Group
      • Project leaders from industry and government to help shape / direct this effort

Slide 8. Program Plan/Approach

  1. Foundation Elements
    • EFM Standards
      • Create Data Dictionary Standard
        • Electronic freight management
      • Monitor Biometric Standards
        • Biometric identifier to positively ID the possessor
      • Monitor Electronic Tracking & Tracing Device Standards
        • Tracking and tracing devices on cargo or conveyances
      • Working through International Standards Organization (ISO) on all three.

Slide 9. Program Plan/Approach

  1. Foundation Elements (continued)
    • EFM Freight Information Highway (FIH)
      • Operation Plan and Tools
        • Develop a concept for allowing an electronic message to move through a virtual portal for all supply chain partners to have equal access.
      • System Architecture
        • Develop an architecture approach for information flows between the virtual portal and the traffic management centers and traveler information systems.

Slide 10. Program Plan/Approach

  1. Foundation Elements (continued)
    • EFM Business Case
      • Develop Deployment Test Plan
        • Map the supply chain and model the changes that an EFM would require.
        • Determine the rules of engagement for partners.
      • System Level Design Document
        • Determine the operating procedures for adopting EFM, FIH and biometrics.
      • Initial Decision Point

Slide 11. Program Plan/Approach

  1. EFM Deployment Test and Evaluation
    • Conduct Deployment Test
      • All procedures in place and adopted.
      • Operate over 6-8 month period of time with new procedures.
    • Evaluate Deployment Test
      • Gather baseline data before test and operating data during test.
    • Initial Decision Point

Slide 12. Summary

  • Improve supply chain efficiency
  • Technology
    • Data Standards
    • Freight Information Highway
  • Improved methods of information sharing
  • Deployable across modes when successful
  • Broad benefits to industry