Title 43--Public Lands: Interior



TEXT PDF3420.0-1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF3420.0-2 Objectives.
TEXT PDF3420.0-3 Authority.
TEXT PDF3420.1 Procedures.
TEXT PDF3420.1-1 Lands subject to evaluation for leasing.
TEXT PDF3420.1-2 Call for coal resource and other resource information.
TEXT PDF3420.1-3 Special leasing opportunities.
TEXT PDF3420.1-4 General requirements for land use planning.
TEXT PDF3420.1-5 Hearing requirements.
TEXT PDF3420.1-6 Consultation with Federal surface management agencies.
TEXT PDF3420.1-7 Consultation with states and Indian tribes.
TEXT PDF3420.1-8 Identification of lands as acceptable for further consideration.
TEXT PDF3420.2 Regional leasing levels.
TEXT PDF3420.3 Activity planning: The leasing process.
TEXT PDF3420.3-1 Area identification process.
TEXT PDF3420.3-2 Expressions of leasing interest.
TEXT PDF3420.3-3 Preliminary tract delineation.
TEXT PDF3420.3-4 Regional tract ranking, selection, environmental analysis and scheduling.
TEXT PDF3420.4 Final consultations.
TEXT PDF3420.4-1 Timing of consultation.
TEXT PDF3420.4-2 Consultation with surface management agencies.
TEXT PDF3420.4-3 Consultation with Governors.
TEXT PDF3420.4-4 Consultation with Indian tribes.
TEXT PDF3420.4-5 Consultation with the Attorney General.
TEXT PDF3420.5 Adoption of final regional lease sale schedule.
TEXT PDF3420.5-1 Announcement.
TEXT PDF3420.5-2 Revision.
TEXT PDF3420.6 Reoffer of tracts not sold in previous regional lease sales.
TEXT PDF3422.1 Fair market value and maximum economic recovery.
TEXT PDF3422.2 Notice of sale and detailed statement.
TEXT PDF3422.3 Sale procedures.
TEXT PDF3422.3-1 Bidding systems.
TEXT PDF3422.3-2 Conduct of sale.
TEXT PDF3422.3-3 Unsurveyed lands.
TEXT PDF3422.3-4 Consultation with the Attorney General.
TEXT PDF3422.4 Award of lease.
TEXT PDF3425.0-1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF3425.0-2 Objective.
TEXT PDF3425.1 Application for lease.
TEXT PDF3425.1-1 Where filed.
TEXT PDF3425.1-2 Contents of application.
TEXT PDF3425.1-3 Qualifications of the applicant.
TEXT PDF3425.1-4 Emergency leasing.
TEXT PDF3425.1-5 Leasing outside coal production regions.
TEXT PDF3425.1-6 Hardship leases.
TEXT PDF3425.1-7 Preliminary data.
TEXT PDF3425.1-8 Rejection of applications.
TEXT PDF3425.1-9 Modification of application area.
TEXT PDF3425.2 Land use plans.
TEXT PDF3425.3 Environmental analysis.
TEXT PDF3425.4 Consultation and sale procedures.
TEXT PDF3425.5 Lease terms.
TEXT PDF3427.0-1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF3427.0-3 Authority.
TEXT PDF3427.0-7 Scope.
TEXT PDF3427.1 Deposits subject to consent.
TEXT PDF3427.2 Procedures.
TEXT PDF3427.3 Validation of information.
TEXT PDF3427.4 Pre-existing consents.
TEXT PDF3427.5 Unqualified surface owners.
