Title 43--Public Lands: Interior



TEXT PDF2881.2 What is the objective of BLM's right-of-way program?
TEXT PDF2881.5 What acronyms and terms are used in the regulations in this part?
TEXT PDF2881.7 Scope.
TEXT PDF2881.9 Severability.
TEXT PDF2881.10 How do I appeal a BLM decision issued under the regulations in this part?
TEXT PDF2881.11 When do I need a grant from BLM for an oil and gas pipeline?
TEXT PDF2881.12 When do I need a TUP for an oil and gas pipeline?
TEXT PDF2882.10 What lands are available for grants or TUPs?
TEXT PDF2883.10 Who may hold a grant or TUP?
TEXT PDF2883.11 Who may not hold a grant or TUP?
TEXT PDF2883.12 How do I prove I am qualified to hold a grant or TUP?
TEXT PDF2883.13 What happens if BLM issues me a grant or TUP and later determines that I am not qualified to hold it?
TEXT PDF2883.14 What happens to my application, grant, or TUP if I die?
TEXT PDF2884.10 What should I do before I file my application?
TEXT PDF2884.11 What information must I submit in my application?
TEXT PDF2884.12 What is the processing fee for a grant or TUP application?
TEXT PDF2884.13 Who is exempt from paying processing and monitoring fees?
TEXT PDF2884.14 When does BLM reevaluate the processing and monitoring fees?
TEXT PDF2884.15 What is a Master Agreement (Processing Category 5) and what information must I provide to BLM when I request one?
TEXT PDF2884.16 What provisions do Master Agreements contain and what are their limitations?
TEXT PDF2884.17 How will BLM process my Processing Category 6 application?
TEXT PDF2884.18 What if there are two or more competing applications for the same pipeline?
TEXT PDF2884.19 Where do I file my application for a grant or TUP?
TEXT PDF2884.20 What are the public notification requirements for my application?
TEXT PDF2884.21 How will BLM process my application?
TEXT PDF2884.22 Can BLM ask me for additional information?
TEXT PDF2884.23 Under what circumstances may BLM deny my application?
TEXT PDF2884.24 What fees do I owe if BLM denies my application or if I withdraw my application?
TEXT PDF2884.25 What activities may I conduct on BLM lands covered by my application for a grant or TUP while BLM is processing my application?
TEXT PDF2884.26 When will BLM issue a grant or TUP when the lands are managed by two or more Federal agencies?
TEXT PDF2884.27 What additional requirement is necessary for grants or TUPs for pipelines 24 or more inches in diameter?
TEXT PDF2885.10 When is a grant or TUP effective?
TEXT PDF2885.11 What terms and conditions must I comply with?
TEXT PDF2885.12 What rights does a grant or TUP convey?
TEXT PDF2885.13 What rights does the United States retain?
TEXT PDF2885.14 What happens if I need a right-of-way wider than 50 feet plus the ground occupied by the pipeline and related facilities?
TEXT PDF2885.15 How will BLM charge me rent?
TEXT PDF2885.16 When do I pay rent?
TEXT PDF2885.17 What happens if I pay the rent late?
TEXT PDF2885.18 When must I make estimated rent payments to BLM?
TEXT PDF2885.19 What is the rent for a linear right-of-way?
TEXT PDF2885.20 How will BLM calculate my rent for linear rights-of-way the schedule covers?
TEXT PDF2885.21 How must I make rent payments for my grant or TUP?
TEXT PDF2885.22 How will BLM calculate rent for communication uses ancillary to a linear grant, TUP, or other use authorization?
TEXT PDF2885.23 If I hold a grant or TUP, what monitoring fees must I pay?
TEXT PDF2885.24 When do I pay monitoring fees?
TEXT PDF2886.10 When can I start activities under my grant or TUP?
TEXT PDF2886.11 Who regulates activities within my right-of-way or TUP area?
TEXT PDF2886.12 When must I contact BLM during operations?
TEXT PDF2886.13 If I hold a grant or TUP, for what am I liable?
TEXT PDF2886.14 As grant or TUP holders, what liabilities do state, tribal, and local governments have?
TEXT PDF2886.15 How is grant or TUP administration affected if the BLM land my grant or TUP encumbers is transferred to another Federal agency or out of Federal ownership?
TEXT PDF2886.16 Under what conditions may BLM order an immediate temporary suspension of my activities?
TEXT PDF2886.17 Under what conditions may BLM suspend or terminate my grant or TUP?
TEXT PDF2886.18 How will I know that BLM intends to suspend or terminate my grant or TUP?
TEXT PDF2886.19 When my grant or TUP terminates, what happens to any facilities on it?
TEXT PDF2887.10 When must I amend my application, seek an amendment of my grant or TUP, or obtain a new grant or TUP?
TEXT PDF2887.11 May I assign my grant or TUP?
TEXT PDF2887.12 How do I renew my grant?
TEXT PDF2888.10 What is trespass?
TEXT PDF2888.11 May I receive a grant if I am or have been in trespass?
