Title 43--Public Lands: Interior



TEXT PDF2561.0-2 Objectives.
TEXT PDF2561.0-3 Authority.
TEXT PDF2561.0-5 Definitions.
TEXT PDF2561.0-8 Lands subject to allotment.
TEXT PDF2561.1 Applications.
TEXT PDF2561.2 Proof of use and occupancy.
TEXT PDF2561.3 Effect of allotment.
TEXT PDF2562.0-3 Authority.
TEXT PDF2562.1 Initiation of claim.
TEXT PDF2562.2 Qualifications of applicant.
TEXT PDF2562.3 Applications.
TEXT PDF2562.4 Survey.
TEXT PDF2562.5 Publication and posting.
TEXT PDF2562.6 Form of entry.
TEXT PDF2562.7 Patent.
TEXT PDF2563.0-2 Purpose.
TEXT PDF2563.0-3 Authority.
TEXT PDF2563.0-7 Cross references.
TEXT PDF2563.1 Purchase of tracts not exceeding 5 acres, on showing as to employment or business (Act of March 3, 1927).
TEXT PDF2563.1-1 Application.
TEXT PDF2563.1-2 Approval.
TEXT PDF2563.2 Purchase of tracts not exceeding 5 acres, without showing as to employment or business (Act of May 26, 1934).
TEXT PDF2563.2-1 Procedures for initiating claim.
TEXT PDF2564.0-3 Authority.
TEXT PDF2564.0-4 Responsibility.
TEXT PDF2564.1 Application for restricted deed.
TEXT PDF2564.2 No payment, publication or proof required on entry for native towns.
TEXT PDF2564.3 Native towns occupied partly by white occupants.
TEXT PDF2564.4 Provisions to be inserted in restricted deeds.
TEXT PDF2564.5 Sale of land for which restricted deed was issued.
TEXT PDF2564.6 Application for unrestricted deed.
TEXT PDF2564.7 Determination of competency or noncompetency; issuance of unrestricted deed.
TEXT PDF2565.0-3 Authority.
TEXT PDF2565.0-7 Cross reference.
TEXT PDF2565.1 General requirements.
TEXT PDF2565.2 Application; fees; contests and protests.
TEXT PDF2565.3 Subdivision.
TEXT PDF2565.4 Deeds.
TEXT PDF2565.5 Sale of the land.
TEXT PDF2565.6 Rights-of-way.
TEXT PDF2565.7 Final report of trustee; disposition of unexpended moneys and unsold lots.
TEXT PDF2565.8 Records to be kept by trustee.
TEXT PDF2565.9 Disposition of records on completion of trust.
TEXT PDF2566.0-3 Authority.
TEXT PDF2566.0-7 Cross references.
TEXT PDF2566.1 General procedures.
TEXT PDF2566.2 Public sale.
TEXT PDF2568.10 What Alaska Native allotment benefits are available to certain Alaska Native veterans?
TEXT PDF2568.20 What is the legal authority for these allotments?
TEXT PDF2568.21 Do other regulations directly apply to these regulations?
TEXT PDF2568.30 What terms do I need to know to understand these regulations?
TEXT PDF2568.40 Does BLM have the authority to ask me for the information required in these regulations?
TEXT PDF2568.50 What qualifications do I need to be eligible for an allotment?
TEXT PDF2568.60 May the personal representatives of eligible deceased veterans apply on their behalf?
TEXT PDF2568.61 What are the requirements for a personal representative?
TEXT PDF2568.62 Under what circumstances does BLM accept the appointment of a personal representative?
TEXT PDF2568.63 Under what circumstances does BLM reject the appointment of a personal representative?
TEXT PDF2568.64 Are there different requirements for giving an allotment to the estate of a deceased veteran?
TEXT PDF2568.70 If I am qualified for an allotment, when can I apply?
TEXT PDF2568.71 Where do I file my application?
TEXT PDF2568.72 When does BLM consider my application to be filed too late?
TEXT PDF2568.73 Do I need to fill out a special application form?
TEXT PDF2568.74 What else must I file with my application?
TEXT PDF2568.75 Must I include a Certificate of Indian Blood as well as a Department of Defense verification of qualifying military service when I file my application with BLM?
TEXT PDF2568.76 Do I need to pay any fees when I file my application?
TEXT PDF2568.77 Do I have to post, on-the-ground, the land in my application?
TEXT PDF2568.78 Will my application segregate the land for which I am applying from other applications or land actions?
TEXT PDF2568.79 Are there any rules about the number and size of parcels?
TEXT PDF2568.80 Does the parcel have to be surveyed before I can receive title to it?
TEXT PDF2568.81 If BLM finds errors in my application, will BLM give me a chance to correct them?
TEXT PDF2568.82 If BLM decides that I have not submitted enough information to show qualifying use and occupancy, will it reject my application or give me a chance to submit more information?
TEXT PDF2568.90 If I qualify for an allotment, what land may BLM convey to me?
TEXT PDF2568.91 Is there land owned by the Federal government that BLM cannot convey to me even if I qualify?
TEXT PDF2568.93 Is there a limit to how much water frontage my allotment can include?
TEXT PDF2568.94 Can I receive an allotment of land that is valuable for minerals?
TEXT PDF2568.95 Will BLM try to reacquire land that has been conveyed out of Federal ownership so it can convey that land to a Native veteran?
TEXT PDF2568.100 What is a CSU?
TEXT PDF2568.101 If the land I used and occupied is within a CSU other than a National Wilderness or any part of a National Forest, can I receive a title to it?
TEXT PDF2568.102 Is the process by which the managing agency decides whether my allotment is not inconsistent with the CSU the same as other such determination processes?
TEXT PDF2568.103 By what process does the managing agency of a CSU decide if my allotment would be consistent with the CSU?
TEXT PDF2568.104 How will a CSU manager determine if my allotment is consistent with the CSU?
TEXT PDF2568.105 In what situations could a CSU manager likely find an allotment to be consistent with the CSU?
TEXT PDF2568.106 In what situations could a CSU manager generally find an allotment to be inconsistent with the purposes of a CSU?
TEXT PDF2568.110 If I qualify for Federal land in one of the categories BLM cannot convey, is there any other way for me to receive an allotment?
TEXT PDF2568.111 What if BLM decides that I qualify for land that is in the category of Federal land that BLM cannot convey?
TEXT PDF2568.112 What do I do if BLM notifies me that I am eligible to choose an alternative allotment?
TEXT PDF2568.113 Do I have to prove that I used and occupied the land I've chosen as an alternative allotment?
TEXT PDF2568.114 How do I apply for an alternative allotment if the CSU manager determines my application is inconsistent with a CSU?
TEXT PDF2568.115 When must I apply for an alternative allotment if the CSU manager determines my application is inconsistent with a CSU?
TEXT PDF2568.120 What can I do if I disagree with any of the decisions that are made about my allotment application?
TEXT PDF2568.121 If an agency determines my allotment is inconsistent with the purposes of a CSU, what can I do if I disagree?
TEXT PDF2568.122 What then does the CSU manager do with my request for reconsideration?
TEXT PDF2568.123 Can I appeal the CSU Manager's reconsidered decision if I disagree with it?
