Title 42--Public Health



TEXT PDF411.1 Basis and scope.
TEXT PDF411.2 Conclusive effect of QIO determinations on payment of claims.
TEXT PDF411.4 Services for which neither the beneficiary nor any other person is legally obligated to pay.
TEXT PDF411.6 Services furnished by a Federal provider of services or other Federal agency.
TEXT PDF411.7 Services that must be furnished at public expense under a Federal law or Federal Government contract.
TEXT PDF411.8 Services paid for by a Government entity.
TEXT PDF411.9 Services furnished outside the United States.
TEXT PDF411.10 Services required as a result of war.
TEXT PDF411.12 Charges imposed by an immediate relative or member of the beneficiary's household.
TEXT PDF411.15 Particular services excluded from coverage.
TEXT PDF411.20 Basis and scope.
TEXT PDF411.21 Definitions.
TEXT PDF411.23 Beneficiary's cooperation.
TEXT PDF411.24 Recovery of conditional payments.
TEXT PDF411.25 Third party payer's notice of mistaken Medicare primary payment.
TEXT PDF411.26 Subrogation and right to intervene.
TEXT PDF411.28 Waiver of recovery and compromise of claims.
TEXT PDF411.30 Effect of third party payment on benefit utilization and deductibles.
TEXT PDF411.31 Authority to bill third party payers for full charges.
TEXT PDF411.32 Basis for Medicare secondary payments.
TEXT PDF411.33 Amount of Medicare secondary payment.
TEXT PDF411.35 Limitations on charges to a beneficiary or other party when a workers' compensation plan, a no-fault insurer, or an employer group health plan is primary payer.
TEXT PDF411.37 Amount of Medicare recovery when a third party payment is made as a result of a judgment or settlement.
TEXT PDF411.40 General provisions.
TEXT PDF411.43 Beneficiary's responsibility with respect to workers' compensation.
TEXT PDF411.45 Basis for conditional Medicare payment in workers' compensation cases.
TEXT PDF411.46 Lump-sum payments.
TEXT PDF411.47 Apportionment of a lump-sum compromise settlement of a workers' compensation claim.
TEXT PDF411.50 General provisions.
TEXT PDF411.51 Beneficiary's responsibility with respect to no-fault insurance.
TEXT PDF411.52 Basis for conditional Medicare payment in liability cases.
TEXT PDF411.53 Basis for conditional Medicare payment in no-fault cases.
TEXT PDF411.54 Limitation on charges when a beneficiary has received a liability insurance payment or has a claim pending against a liability insurer.
TEXT PDF411.100 Basis and scope.
TEXT PDF411.101 Definitions.
TEXT PDF411.102 Basic prohibitions and requirements.
TEXT PDF411.103 Prohibition against financial and other incentives.
TEXT PDF411.104 Current employment status.
TEXT PDF411.106 Aggregation rules.
TEXT PDF411.108 Taking into account entitlement to Medicare.
TEXT PDF411.110 Basis for determination of nonconformance.
TEXT PDF411.112 Documentation of conformance.
TEXT PDF411.114 Determination of nonconformance.
TEXT PDF411.115 Notice of determination of nonconformance.
TEXT PDF411.120 Appeals.
TEXT PDF411.121 Hearing procedures.
TEXT PDF411.122 Hearing officer's decision.
TEXT PDF411.124 Administrator's review of hearing decision.
TEXT PDF411.126 Reopening of determinations and decisions.
TEXT PDF411.130 Referral to Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
TEXT PDF411.160 Scope.
TEXT PDF411.161 Prohibition against taking into account Medicare eligibility or entitlement or differentiating benefits.
TEXT PDF411.162 Medicare benefits secondary to group health plan benefits.
TEXT PDF411.163 Coordination of benefits: Dual entitlement situations.
TEXT PDF411.165 Basis for conditional Medicare payments.
TEXT PDF411.170 General provisions.
TEXT PDF411.172 Medicare benefits secondary to group health plan benefits.
TEXT PDF411.175 Basis for Medicare primary payments.
TEXT PDF411.200 Basis.
TEXT PDF411.201 Definitions.
TEXT PDF411.204 Medicare benefits secondary to LGHP benefits.
TEXT PDF411.206 Basis for Medicare primary payments and limits on secondary payments.
TEXT PDF411.350 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF411.351 Definitions.
TEXT PDF411.352 Group practice.
TEXT PDF411.353 Prohibition on certain referrals by physicians and limitations on billing.
TEXT PDF411.354 Financial relationship, compensation, and ownership or investment interest.
TEXT PDF411.355 General exceptions to the referral prohibition related to both ownership/investment and compensation.
TEXT PDF411.356 Exceptions to the referral prohibition related to ownership or investment interests.
TEXT PDF411.357 Exceptions to the referral prohibition related to compensation arrangements.
TEXT PDF411.361 Reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF411.370 Advisory opinions relating to physician referrals.
TEXT PDF411.372 Procedure for submitting a request.
TEXT PDF411.373 Certification.
TEXT PDF411.375 Fees for the cost of advisory opinions.
TEXT PDF411.377 Expert opinions from outside sources.
TEXT PDF411.378 Withdrawing a request.
TEXT PDF411.379 When CMS accepts a request.
TEXT PDF411.380 When CMS issues a formal advisory opinion.
TEXT PDF411.382 CMS's right to rescind advisory opinions.
TEXT PDF411.384 Disclosing advisory opinions and supporting information.
TEXT PDF411.386 CMS's advisory opinions as exclusive.
TEXT PDF411.387 Parties affected by advisory opinions.
TEXT PDF411.388 When advisory opinions are not admissible evidence.
TEXT PDF411.389 Range of the advisory opinion.
TEXT PDF411.400 Payment for custodial care and services not reasonable and necessary.
TEXT PDF411.402 Indemnification of beneficiary.
TEXT PDF411.404 Criteria for determining that a beneficiary knew that services were excluded from coverage as custodial care or as not reasonable and necessary.
TEXT PDF411.406 Criteria for determining that a provider, practitioner, or supplier knew that services were excluded from coverage as custodial care or as not reasonable and necessary.
TEXT PDF411.408 Refunds of amounts collected for physician services not reasonable and necessary, payment not accepted on an assignment-related basis.
