Title 32--National Defense



TEXT PDF644.1 Preface.
TEXT PDF644.2 General.
TEXT PDF644.3 Navigation Projects.
TEXT PDF644.4 Reservoir Projects.
TEXT PDF644.5 Mineral Acquisition Practices.
TEXT PDF644.6 Feasibility Reports and Design Memoranda.
TEXT PDF644.7 Acquisition lines.
TEXT PDF644.8 Planning and scheduling real estate activities.
TEXT PDF644.21 General.
TEXT PDF644.22 Site selection.
TEXT PDF644.23 Real Estate Planning Documents.
TEXT PDF644.24 Acquisition by Transfer from other Government Departments or Agencies (except Public Domain).
TEXT PDF644.25 Withdrawal of Public Domain for Defense Purposes.
TEXT PDF644.26 Required clearances.
TEXT PDF644.27 Authority to issue Real Estate Directives.
TEXT PDF644.28 Responsibility for acquisition.
TEXT PDF644.29 Authority to proceed with acquisition.
TEXT PDF644.30 Preliminary real estate work.
TEXT PDF644.41 General.
TEXT PDF644.42 Appraisal report.
TEXT PDF644.43 Gross appraisals.
TEXT PDF644.44 Fee appraisals.
TEXT PDF644.45 Rental value.
TEXT PDF644.46 Easements.
TEXT PDF644.47 Appraisal of other interests.
TEXT PDF644.48 Review and approval.
TEXT PDF644.49 Contracts.
TEXT PDF644.61 General.
TEXT PDF644.62 Title evidence.
TEXT PDF644.63 Contracting for title evidence.
TEXT PDF644.64 Award of contracts.
TEXT PDF644.65 Ordering title evidence.
TEXT PDF644.66 Payment for title services.
TEXT PDF644.67 Approval of Title by the Attorney General.
TEXT PDF644.68 Title Clearance--Certificate of Title and Title Insurance.
TEXT PDF644.69 Title Clearance--Easements.
TEXT PDF644.70 Closing of cases.
TEXT PDF644.71 Final Title Assembly.
TEXT PDF644.72 Transfer to Condemnation.
TEXT PDF644.81 General.
TEXT PDF644.82 Prerequisites to acquisition.
TEXT PDF644.83 Negotiations.
TEXT PDF644.84 Counteroffers.
TEXT PDF644.85 General negotiation procedures.
TEXT PDF644.86 Exceptions and reservations.
TEXT PDF644.87 Preparation and execution of offers.
TEXT PDF644.88 Other acquisition.
TEXT PDF644.101 General.
TEXT PDF644.102 Examples of involuntary acquisitions.
TEXT PDF644.103 Litigation Reports.
TEXT PDF644.104 Procurement of deed and title assembly.
TEXT PDF644.111 General.
TEXT PDF644.112 Applicable statutes in condemnation proceedings.
TEXT PDF644.113 Filing of complaint without declaration of taking.
TEXT PDF644.114 Acquisition by declaration of taking.
TEXT PDF644.115 Revestment of title by stipulation.
TEXT PDF644.116 Distribution, reservations, and title evidence.
TEXT PDF644.117 Procedure prior to trial.
TEXT PDF644.118 Awards.
TEXT PDF644.119 Procedure after final judgment.
TEXT PDF644.120 Condemnation for local cooperation projects.
TEXT PDF644.121 Leasehold condemnation requirements.
TEXT PDF644.131 General.
TEXT PDF644.132 Authority.
TEXT PDF644.133 Responsibilities.
TEXT PDF644.134 Definitions.
TEXT PDF644.135 Lease authorization and approvals.
TEXT PDF644.136 Leasing guidelines.
TEXT PDF644.137 Maneuver agreements.
TEXT PDF644.138 Family housing leasing program.
TEXT PDF644.139 Leases for civil works purposes.
TEXT PDF644.140 Physical protection.
TEXT PDF644.141 Alterations and construction on leased real property.
TEXT PDF644.142 Lease forms and instructions.
TEXT PDF644.155 General.
TEXT PDF644.156 Definition.
TEXT PDF644.157 Procedures.
TEXT PDF644.165 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF644.166 Authority and applicability.
TEXT PDF644.167 Implementation.
TEXT PDF644.168 Exercise of options.
TEXT PDF644.175 Cross Reference.
TEXT PDF644.311 General.
TEXT PDF644.312 Applicability.
TEXT PDF644.313 Authority.
TEXT PDF644.314 Rules and regulations of the General Services Administration (GSA).
TEXT PDF644.315 Disposal priorities.
TEXT PDF644.316 Environmental considerations.
TEXT PDF644.317 Preserving historic landmarks and properties.
TEXT PDF644.318 Compliance with State Coastal Zone Management Programs.
TEXT PDF644.319 Protection of wetlands.
TEXT PDF644.320 Floodplain management.
TEXT PDF644.321 Nondiscrimination covenant.
TEXT PDF644.322 Disposition of proceeds from disposal.
TEXT PDF644.323 Neutral language.
TEXT PDF644.326 Army military real property.
TEXT PDF644.327 Air Force military real property.
TEXT PDF644.328 Army military leased property.
TEXT PDF644.329 Army civil works real property.
TEXT PDF644.333 Screening for defense needs.
TEXT PDF644.334 Reassignment and transfer procedures.
TEXT PDF644.335 Screening of excess DOD property for nondefense Federal agency needs.
TEXT PDF644.336 Notices to Departments of Interior (DI); Health and Human Resources (HHR); Education; and Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
TEXT PDF644.340 Reports to the Armed Services committees.
TEXT PDF644.341 Clearance with the Armed Services committees.
TEXT PDF644.342 Prior approval of Department of Defense.
TEXT PDF644.343 Additional data for clearance with the committees.
TEXT PDF644.344 Coordination with GSA.
TEXT PDF644.348 Delegation of authority to division and district engineers.
TEXT PDF644.349 Excess property reported for disposal.
TEXT PDF644.350 Excess property reported for screening.
TEXT PDF644.351 Excess property exempted from reporting.
TEXT PDF644.352 Evaluation and reporting of flood hazards.
TEXT PDF644.353 Determination of values for reporting.
TEXT PDF644.354 Conditional reports of excess.
TEXT PDF644.355 Preparation and submission of reports of excess.
TEXT PDF644.356 Report on Government title.
TEXT PDF644.357 Outgrant instruments, appraisals and muniments of title.
TEXT PDF644.358 Deposit of proceeds from disposal of family housing in the family housing management account.
TEXT PDF644.359 Supplemental information.
TEXT PDF644.360 Reports submitted for screening.
TEXT PDF644.361 Distribution of report of excess.
TEXT PDF644.362 Notice of receipt.
TEXT PDF644.363 Withdrawals or corrections of reports of excess.
TEXT PDF644.364 Supply of forms.
TEXT PDF644.368 Procedures and responsibilities for care, custody, accountability, and maintenance.
TEXT PDF644.369 Guidelines for protection and maintenance of excess and surplus real property.
TEXT PDF644.370 Transfer of custody to General Services Administration (GSA).
TEXT PDF644.371 Contracting for care and custody.
TEXT PDF644.372 Care and custody through interim use.
TEXT PDF644.376 Procedure for disposal of public domain land.
TEXT PDF644.377 Formal revocation of public land withdrawals and reservations.
TEXT PDF644.378 Cancellation of permits.
TEXT PDF644.379 Procedure for cancellation of permits.
TEXT PDF644.380 Restoration of lands made available by other Government agencies.
TEXT PDF644.381 Disposal of buildings and other improvements.
TEXT PDF644.385 Record of excess classification.
TEXT PDF644.386 Utilization for other needs.
TEXT PDF644.387 Suspension of acquisition action on installations proposed for disposal.
TEXT PDF644.388 Army military--screening, clearance, preliminary report of excess, except where an E.O. 11954 survey has been made.
TEXT PDF644.389 Army military--modified predisposal procedures where E.O. 11954 surveys have been made.
TEXT PDF644.390 Executive Order 11954 surveys of civil works properties.
TEXT PDF644.391 Predisposal conference.
TEXT PDF644.392 Air Force--preliminary report of excess.
TEXT PDF644.393 Final report of excess to GSA.
TEXT PDF644.394 Protection of disposal information.
TEXT PDF644.395 Coordination on disposal problems.
TEXT PDF644.396 Assignment of personnel to administer.
TEXT PDF644.400 Authorities--general.
TEXT PDF644.401 Transfers--general.
TEXT PDF644.402 Transfers among the armed services.
TEXT PDF644.403 Transfers to Tennessee Valley Authority.
TEXT PDF644.404 Transfers to Federal Prison Industries, Inc.
TEXT PDF644.405 Transfers to Veterans Administration.
TEXT PDF644.406 Transfers to Secretary of Transportation and the National Weather Service.
TEXT PDF644.407 Transfers to District of Columbia.
TEXT PDF644.408 Interchange of national forest and military and civil works lands.
TEXT PDF644.409 Procedures for Interchange of National Forest Lands.
TEXT PDF644.410 Procedure for other transfers.
TEXT PDF644.411 Form of inter-agency transfer instrument.
TEXT PDF644.412 Transfer of custody and accountability.
TEXT PDF644.413 Exchanges of fee-owned land and easement interests.
TEXT PDF644.414 MCA acts.
TEXT PDF644.415 Army military and Air Force lands--$50,000 limitation.
TEXT PDF644.416 Army civil works lands.
TEXT PDF644.417 For MCA family housing.
TEXT PDF644.418 Procedure for exchange.
TEXT PDF644.419 Public Law 87-852 easements.
TEXT PDF644.420 Disposal of property in which the military departments have a continuing interest under special acts of Congress.
TEXT PDF644.421 Highway purposes.
TEXT PDF644.422 Authorized widening of a public highway, street, or alley.
TEXT PDF644.423 Airport development.
TEXT PDF644.424 Development of public port or industrial facilities.
TEXT PDF644.425 Authority and procedure for disposal of surplus property by DA to eligible public agencies.
TEXT PDF644.426 Classification.
TEXT PDF644.427 Notice to eligible public agencies.
TEXT PDF644.428 Airport property.
TEXT PDF644.429 Wildlife purposes.
TEXT PDF644.430 Shrines, memorials, or religious purposes.
TEXT PDF644.431 Power transmission lines.
TEXT PDF644.432 Assignment to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) or successor agencies for health or educational purposes.
TEXT PDF644.433 Surplus disposal to private parties.
TEXT PDF644.434 Cottage site disposal.
TEXT PDF644.435 Procedure.
TEXT PDF644.436 Appraisal.
TEXT PDF644.437 Disposal plan for fee-owned land.
TEXT PDF644.438 Disposal plan for easements.
TEXT PDF644.439 Sale and conveyance.
TEXT PDF644.440 Application of antitrust laws.
TEXT PDF644.441 Preparation and execution of deeds.
TEXT PDF644.444 Authority.
TEXT PDF644.445 Procedure for termination of leases.
TEXT PDF644.446 Vacation and protection of premises.
TEXT PDF644.447 Joint survey of premises.
TEXT PDF644.448 Limits on government obligation to restore.
TEXT PDF644.449 Requirement for notice by lessor.
TEXT PDF644.450 Items excluded from usual restoration obligation.
TEXT PDF644.451 Nature of required restoration.
TEXT PDF644.452 Minor restoration cases--determining extent of restoration required.
TEXT PDF644.453 Major restoration cases--determining extent of restoration required.
TEXT PDF644.454 Negotiating restoration settlements.
TEXT PDF644.455 Claims for loss or damage of personal property.
TEXT PDF644.456 Rent during the period required for restoration.
TEXT PDF644.457 Settlement where part of the premises is surrendered.
TEXT PDF644.458 Documenting lease terminations and restoration settlements.
TEXT PDF644.459 Preparation of supplemental agreements effecting settlement.
TEXT PDF644.460 Supplemental agreement assembly.
TEXT PDF644.461 Payment for restoration or settlement in lieu of restoration.
TEXT PDF644.462 Performance of restoration work by district engineer--extension of time.
TEXT PDF644.463 Termination and settlement of leasehold condemnation proceedings.
TEXT PDF644.464 Negotiating stipulation where proposed settlement not acceptable.
TEXT PDF644.465 Physical restoration where stipulation not obtained.
TEXT PDF644.466 Release and record of physical restoration.
TEXT PDF644.467 Condition reports.
TEXT PDF644.468 Settlement of claims.
TEXT PDF644.472 Authority.
TEXT PDF644.473 Methods of disposal.
TEXT PDF644.474 Determining method of disposal.
TEXT PDF644.475 Excessing Army military and Air Force property.
TEXT PDF644.476 Excessing civil works property.
TEXT PDF644.477 Civil works property--reimbursement of appropriation.
TEXT PDF644.478 Demolition of buildings and other improvements for utilization of salvage material.
TEXT PDF644.479 Authority for transfer of buildings and improvements to other Federal agencies.
TEXT PDF644.480 Procedure for transfer.
TEXT PDF644.481 Responsibility of transferee.
TEXT PDF644.482 Assignment to Department of HEW or successor agencies.
TEXT PDF644.483 Notification of Department of HEW or successor agencies.
TEXT PDF644.484 Procedure for disposal through the Department of HEW or successor agencies.
TEXT PDF644.485 Sale of buildings and other improvements.
TEXT PDF644.486 Disposal of buildings and improvements constructed under emergency plant facilities (EPF) or similar contracts.
TEXT PDF644.487 Procedure for disposal of surplus chapels.
TEXT PDF644.488 Soliciting applications for purchase of chapels.
TEXT PDF644.489 Conditions of sale of chapels.
TEXT PDF644.490 Determining price and provisions of sale for chapels.
TEXT PDF644.491 Coordination with the Chief of Chaplains.
TEXT PDF644.492 Report on disposal of chapel.
TEXT PDF644.493 Release of restrictions on chapels sold.
TEXT PDF644.494 Donation, abandonment or destruction.
TEXT PDF644.495 Donation to a public body.
TEXT PDF644.496 Abandonment.
TEXT PDF644.497 Destruction.
TEXT PDF644.501 Authority.
TEXT PDF644.502 Determination of excess status.
TEXT PDF644.503 Methods of disposal.
TEXT PDF644.504 Disposal plan for timber.
TEXT PDF644.505 Disposal plan for embedded gravel, sand or stone.
TEXT PDF644.506 Procedure for transfer to another Federal agency.
TEXT PDF644.507 Sales.
TEXT PDF644.508 Agreement with Small Business Administration (SBA) on sale of timber.
TEXT PDF644.509 Status as small business.
TEXT PDF644.510 Information for SBA on timber sales.
TEXT PDF644.511 Certificate of competency by SBA.
TEXT PDF644.512 DA-SBA joint set-aside determination.
TEXT PDF644.516 Clearance of Air Force lands.
TEXT PDF644.517 Clearance of Army lands.
TEXT PDF644.518 Determination of categories.
TEXT PDF644.519 Responsibilities.
TEXT PDF644.520 Contaminated industrial property.
TEXT PDF644.521 Limitations on clearance cost.
TEXT PDF644.522 Clearance of military scrap.
TEXT PDF644.523 Restricting future of artillery and other ranges.
TEXT PDF644.524 Reporting contaminated land to the General Services Administration.
TEXT PDF644.525 Statement of clearance in reporting excess property to GSA.
TEXT PDF644.526 Reporting target ranges.
TEXT PDF644.527 Recording Statements of Clearance.
TEXT PDF644.528 Return of contaminated leased land to owners.
TEXT PDF644.529 Supplemental agreement with owner of contaminated leased land.
TEXT PDF644.530 Conditions in conveying land suspected of contamination.
TEXT PDF644.531 Warning to public of danger in handling explosive missiles.
TEXT PDF644.532 Reporting accidents.
TEXT PDF644.533 Contamination discovered after return of land to owner, or sale.
TEXT PDF644.534 Return of public domain land.
TEXT PDF644.535 Support in clearance of Air Force lands.
TEXT PDF644.540 Advertising.
TEXT PDF644.541 Award of contract.
TEXT PDF644.542 Application of anti-trust laws.
TEXT PDF644.543 Determination of acceptable offers after advertising.
TEXT PDF644.544 Negotiated sales.
TEXT PDF644.545 Form of invitation for bids and contract of sale.
TEXT PDF644.546 Credit.
TEXT PDF644.547 Extensions of time.
TEXT PDF644.548 Abstract of bids.
TEXT PDF644.549 Payments.
TEXT PDF644.550 Sale to employees or military personnel.
TEXT PDF644.551 Equal opportunity--sales of timber, embedded sand, gravel, stone, and surplus structures.
TEXT PDF644.552 Statement of contingent or other fees.
TEXT PDF644.553 Preparation and distribution of sales documents and reports of sales.
TEXT PDF644.554 Insurance against loss or damages to buildings and improvements by fire or acts of God.
TEXT PDF644.558 Properties requiring compliance inspections.
TEXT PDF644.559 Civilian component training facilities.
TEXT PDF644.560 Inspections of civilian component training facilities and other properties conveyed subject to conditions.
TEXT PDF644.561 Inspections of civil works properties.
