Title 32--National Defense



TEXT PDF636.0 Scope of this part.
TEXT PDF636.1 Responsibilities.
TEXT PDF636.2 Program objectives.
TEXT PDF636.3 Suspension or revocation of driving privileges.
TEXT PDF636.4 Administrative due process for suspensions and revocations.
TEXT PDF636.5 Army administrative actions against intoxicated drivers.
TEXT PDF636.6 Remedial driver training program.
TEXT PDF636.7 Extensions of suspensions and revocations.
TEXT PDF636.8 Registration policy.
TEXT PDF636.9 Registration requirement.
TEXT PDF636.10 Hunter Army Airfield vehicle registration.
TEXT PDF636.11 Installation traffic codes
TEXT PDF636.12 Traffic accident investigation.
TEXT PDF636.13 Traffic accident investigation reports.
TEXT PDF636.14 Parking.
TEXT PDF636.15 Traffic violation reports.
TEXT PDF636.16 Detection, apprehension, and testing of intoxicated drivers.
TEXT PDF636.17 Compliance with State laws.
TEXT PDF636.18 Driving records.
TEXT PDF636.19 Point system application.
TEXT PDF636.20 Point system procedures.
TEXT PDF636.21 Obedience to official traffic control devices.
TEXT PDF636.22 Speed regulations.
TEXT PDF636.23 Turning movements.
TEXT PDF636.24 Driving on right side of roadway; use of roadway.
TEXT PDF636.25 Right-of-way.
TEXT PDF636.26 Pedestrian's rights and duties.
TEXT PDF636.27 Regulations for bicycles.
TEXT PDF636.28 Special rules for motorcycles/mopeds.
TEXT PDF636.29 Go-carts, minibikes, and all terrain vehicles (ATV's).
TEXT PDF636.30 Stopping, standing and parking.
TEXT PDF636.31 Abandoned vehicles.
TEXT PDF636.32 Miscellaneous instructions.
TEXT PDF636.33 Vehicle safety inspection criteria.
TEXT PDF636.34 Restraint systems.
TEXT PDF636.35 Headphones and earphones.
TEXT PDF636.36 Alcoholic beverages.
TEXT PDF636.37 Use of ``Denver Boot'' device.
TEXT PDF636.38 Impounding privately owned vehicles (POVs).
