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Environmental Management Activities at MED

sustainable landscape

An Environmental Management System (EMS) is a means of managing an organization's environmental performance. MED has made a commitment to reduce the environmental impact and consumption of natural resources by modifying procedures at the facility. MED's EMS policy identifies six goals (1) ensure progress by meeting or exceeding all applicable environmental requirements, (2) strive to continually improve environmental management, (3) as appropriate, integrate source reduction and other pollution prevention approaches into day-to-day activities, (4) as appropriate, consider the environment when making planning, purchasing, and operating decisions, (5) establish, track, and review specific environmental performance goals and employee awareness, and (6) as appropriate, share environmental management information with our research partners and other interested parties.

To this end, the staff at MED have implemented several programs to address environmental concerns related to our facility. These include:

Sustainable Landscape: In the fall of 2003, local EPA staff members developed a plan to replace approximately two acres of mowed lawn with a “sustainable” landscape … (read more)

Recycling: Numerous waste products generated at the lab, ranging from office paper to food waste, are also recycled in corporation with … (read more)

Green Power: Since June 1, 2004, both the Duluth and Grosse Ile facilities have been using “Green Power” electricity to meet most of our electrical needs… (read more)

Green Lights Project: MED-Duluth completed a “Green Lights” project in February, 1995… (read more)

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