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Highways of the Future—A Strategic Plan for Highway Infrastructure Research and Development
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Infrastructure Research and Development (R&D) developed this strategic plan and roadmap to guide all aspects of the office's research and technology initiatives for the next 10 to 15 years. The strategic plan provides direction for future infrastructure research and a framework to support the reauthorization efforts in advance of the expiration of authority under SAFETEA-LU. [Read More]

FHWA Announces 2007 Broad Agency Announcement Awardees
FHWA selected 11 advanced research projects from the first ever Exploratory Advanced Broad Agency Announcement. Funding for eight projects was awarded in September and October of 2007, with three awards still to be made. A brief description of the eight BAA projects is available at the following Web site:

Advanced Research website screenshot

FHWA Launches Exploratory Advanced Research Web Site
The Federal Highway Administration launched a new Exploratory Advanced Research Program Web site. See the link below for more information about this program, intended to promote longer term and higher risk breakthrough research with the potential for transformational improvements to the transportation system. [More]


Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center Establishes New Office
 Secretary of Transportation Mary E. Peters recently approved the creation of the new Office of Corporate Research, Technology, and Innovation Management effective October 1, 2007. [More]

New Lime Test for Hot Mix Asphalt Unveiled
Lime is added to hot-mix asphalt to mitigate stripping and other modes of moisture damage. The Federal Highway Administation's Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center researchers have devised a test to measure lime in hot-mix asphalt. The laboratory procedure for the determination of lime in hot mix asphalt is available at the following Web site:

This page last modified on 02/04/09


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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration