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Advanced Research | Communities of Practice | International Activities | Lab Assessments | Partnerships | Peer Review | Pooled Fund Projects | SBIR

Opportunities to Get Involved

There are many opportunities to get involved in the process of developing highway research and deploying technologies and innovations. See the following opportunities.

Advanced Research
As part of the Exploratory Advanced Research program, the Federal Highway Administration issues Broad Agency Announcements soliciting proposals for high-risk, high-payoff research and innovations to help solve critical highway challenges. For details, go to the Exploratory Advanced Research Proposal Web page or FedBizOpps.

Communities of Practice
One way is through the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Highway Community Exchange "Community of Practice" (CoP). This CoP is dedicated to the open exchange of information and knowledge about a variety of issues, that are important to the transportation community, including highway research and technology deployment. The exchange of knowledge and information throughout the transportation community promotes better decisionmaking, sparks innovation, speeds technology transfer, and better meets the needs of customers and partners. The Highway Community Exchange allows the contribution of thoughts and ideas in an open forum. Content found in this community area may not necessarily reflect the opinion or policy of the Federal Highway Administration.

International Activities
Through its Office of International Programs (OIP), FHWA works to improve the technological and institutional base of highway transportation system performance and program delivery in the United States and abroad. OIP's programs and activities include:

Research, Technology, and Education Partnerships
The highway community has numerous opportunities for formal and informal partnerships. For stakeholders, researchers, consultants, small businesses, and technologists seeking to become directly involved in highway research and technology deployment, please review the diverse opportunities identified in the partnerships section of this Web site.

Scientific Peer Review
Get involved through participation in the U.S. Department of Transportation's (USDOT) scientific peer review process that has been developed in response to the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB), "Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review." (December 16, 2004).

This bulletin has established government-wide guidance aimed at enhancing the practice of peer review of government-endorsed scientific information. The OMB bulletin can be accessed at
pdf icon(263 kb).

Influential or highly influential scientific information pertaining to highway research and technology transfer will be peer reviewed. Selected peer review also may include a public involvement component. FHWA intends to use USDOT's Docket Management System to manage peer reviews and public involvement in the peer review process. The DMS can be accessed at Peer review opportunities pertaining to research and technology will be announced on the Corporate Research and Technology Web site.

Small Business Innovation Research
Congress established the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program to stimulate technological innovation, utilize small business to meet federal research and development needs, encourage participation by minority and disadvantaged businesses in technological innovation, and increase private sector commercialization of innovations derived from federal R&D. For more information, go to

Transportation Pooled Fund
The Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF) Program allows State departments of transportation (DOTs) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to leverage resources, avoid duplication of effort, and collaborate on planning and research projects of mutual interest. A federal, state, regional, or local transportation agency may initiate pooled fund studies. Private companies, foundations, and colleges/universities may partner with any or all of the sponsoring agencies to conduct pooled fund projects. Go to for more information.

Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center Laboratory Assessments
The laboratory assessment process is designed to enhance laboratory performance and quality by providing feedback to laboratory managers and staff regarding their work. It provides a credible, professional, and objective assessment that further improves stakeholder confidence in the value of the work performed and outcomes produced. It also serves as an opportunity for technical experts, customers, and stakeholders to exchange views on a regular basis with Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) staff. While assessments focus primarily on the conduct of research, they also examine whether the researchers have achieved stated objectives. For more information, go to


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This page last modified on 02/10/09

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