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Research Portfolio | Ongoing Research | Innovation Life Cycle | Roadmaps | Deployment

Priority, Market-Ready Technologies and Innovations


Adaptive Control Software Lite (ACS-Lite)


Problem: Ineffective signal timing contributes to increased traffic congestion

Outdated signal timing accounts for 5 to 10 percent of all traffic delay, or 295 million hours of vehicle delay on major roadways alone.1

Solution: By actively monitoring traffic conditions and persistently updating signal timing congestion can be avoided or significantly reduced.

Adaptive Control Software-Lite continuously improves the efficiency of traffic signal timing by updating phase splits and offsets in response to current traffic conditions.



During peak hours, ACS-Lite operation resulted in reduced fuel consumption (up to 7 percent), travel time (up to 35 percent), stops and delay (up to 29 percent).


Successful Applications: Integrating software with controllers in field tests

Four field tests were commissioned to integrate and test the software with traffic signal controllers manufactured by the four participating private sector partners. The test sites were located in Gahanna, OH, Houston, TX, Bradenton, FL, and El Cajon, CA. ACS-Lite has also been deployed in Tyler, TX.

ACS-Lite is designed to work on closed-loop arterial traffic signal systems. The system is not designed for grid systems.

National Deployment Statement

Incorporating ACS-Lite into existing closed loop traffic signal systems keeps signal timing operating at a high level of efficiency and provides the ability to actively monitor traffic conditions resulting in fewer complaints, and reduced congestion.

National Deployment Goal

The fiscal year 2009 goal is for at least ten agencies to initiate deployments of ACS-Lite and to identify ten additional sites for potential deployment. The desired outcome is that the number of deployments doubles each subsequent year.

National Deployment Status

ACS-Lite is eligible for Federal aid. The FHWA Resource Center Operations Technical Services Team will provide workshops, training, and technical assistance for agencies interested in pursuing deployment.


Any of the four participating vendors (Eagle/Siemens, Econolite, McCain, and Quixote/Peek) or the FHWA should be contacted to initiate ACS-Lite deployment.

The public/private partnership formed to develop ACS-Lite will also facilitate deployment tracking. The FHWA Office of Operations will meet regularly with the vendors to gauge and report deployment progress.

Phase of Deployment

PHASE III-Delivery Activities

  • Face-to-face communication
  • Conduct presentations
  • Conduct pilot
  • Conduct training and education
  • Public/ private partnerships

Additional Resources


For More Information Contact:


Eddie Curtis
Traffic Management Specialist
(404) 562-3920

To request additional copies of this publication, contact:

TaMara McCrae




1. Temporary Losses of Highway Capacity and Impacts on Performance: Phase 2. Report No. ORNL/TM-2004/209. Oak Ridge, TN: U.S. Department of Transportation, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, November 2004.


This page last modified on 04/22/09



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