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HOME > Monitoring and Data > Monitoring Weather & Climate > Indices and Forecasts > Daily Arctic Oscillation Index
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1. Current Conditions

The daily AO index is constructed by projecting the daily (00Z) 1000mb height anomalies poleward of 20°N onto the loading pattern of the AO.

The daily AO index and its forecasts using MRF and Ensemble mean forecast data are shown for the previous 120 days as indicated and they are normalized by standard deviation of the monthly AO index from 1979 to 2000. A 3-day running mean is applied for the forecast indices.
  • Observations
Observed Daily Arctic Oscillation Index.
  • Monthly mean AO index since January 1950
  • Animations (circulations)
  • Time-Longitude Sections (circulations)
2. Forecasts

3. Expert Discussions

4. Composites

5. Linkage to Weather

6. FAQ's

7. Publications

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Page last modified: December 31, 2003
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