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OPPTS Journal Collection

Current Journals:

OPPTS currently subscribes to 18 journals and newsletters in print. For a list of the latest issues received by the Library, see New Journal Issues Received This Month.

Back Issues:

Complete holdings are listed below. Current subscriptions appear in bold. If the holdings are in a non-paper format, this will be noted in italics. If a journal is available online to EPA Staff, the title will be linked. More full-text titles are available to EPA Staff through the EPA Desktop Library.

OPPTS, OPPT, OPP, ORD/NCEA, and OW/HECD staff who wish to order a specific journal article may fill out an electronic Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Form.

Please note that some issues may be missing from our collection.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  U  W  X-Y-Z


AIHA: A Journal for the Science of Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety
      v.64(5) 2003

AIHAJ: A Journal for the Science of Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety
      v.61 2000-v.62(1) 2001

      v.1 1972-v.22(1) 1993

American Chemistry
      v.1 2005-present

American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal
      v.31 1970-v.60 1999

American Journal of Epidemiology
      v.81 1965 - v.100 1974
      v.101 1975-v.110 1979 Microfilm
      v.113 1981-v.162 2005

American Journal of Industrial Medicine
      v. 9 1986-v.23 1993
      v.25 1994-v.33 1998
      v.35 1999-present

American Journal of Public Health
      v.68(11) 1978-v.89 1999
      v.91 2001-v.92(1) 2002
      v.93(8) 2003
      v.94(4-5) 2004-v.95(7) 2005

American Naturalist
      v.113 1979-v.120 1982 Microfilm
      v.116 1980-v.118 1981
      v.121 1983-v.130 1987

Analytical Chemistry
      v.19 1947-v.63 1991
      v.43 1971-v.54 1982 Microfilm

Annals of Occupational Hygiene Exit Disclaimer
      v.44 2000-v.45 2001
      v.46(2) 2002
      v.39 February 1995-v.45 November 2001 (Abstracts only) Online

Annals of Statistics
      v.9 1981-v.15 1987

Applied and Environmental Microbiology Exit Disclaimer
      v.35 1978-v.64 1998
      v.66 2000-v.69 2003
      v.70(2) 2004
      v.71(5) 2005
            v.58 1992 - v.60 1994 (Abstracts only)
            v.61 1995 - v.63 1997 (PDF and Abstracts)
            v.64 1998 - v.70 2004 (Full text and Abstracts)

Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
      v.8 1993-v.10 1995
      v.15 2000-v.18 2003

Aquatic Toxicology Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1981-v.28 1994
      v.61 2002
            v.1 1981-v.30 1994 (Abstracts only)
            v.31 1995-v.70 2004 (Full text and PDF)

Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
      v.11973-v.6 1977 Microfilm
      v.1 1973
      v.3 1975
      v.6 1978-v.40(2) 2001
      v.44 2003-present

Archives of Environmental Health
      v.6 1963-v.8 1964
      v.27 1970-v.59(2) 2004
      v.24-25 1972 Microfilm
      v.31 1976-v.34 Microfiche
      online version through EPA's Desktop Library Full Text Medical Journals Search

Archives of Toxicology
      v.25 1969-v.41 1979
      v.25 1969-v.33 1975
      v.36 1976-v.61 1988
      v.63 1989-v.71 1997
      v.73 1999-v.74 2001
      v.77 2003

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Bacteriological Reviews Exit Disclaimer [continued by Microbiological Reviews]
      v.1 December 1937-v.41 December 1977 (PDF) Online
      v.32 1968-v.41 1977

Bio-IT World
      current 6 months

Biochemical Journal
      v.51 1952
      v.53 1953
      v.62 1956-v.232 1985
      v.201-208 1982 Microfilm

Biochemical Pharmacology Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1958-v.30 1981 Microfilm
      v.1 1958-v.48 1994 (Abstract only) Online
      v.21 1972-v.47 1994
      v.49 1995-v.68 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

      v.7 1968-v.20 1981 Microfilm
      v.20 1981-v.33 1994

Biology of Reproduction
      v.4 1971-v.41 1989
      v.43 1990-v.58(1) 1998

      v.311975-v.33 1977 Microfilm
      v.34 1978-v.53 1997

Bio/technology [continued by Nature Biotechnology]
      v.2 1984-v.14(2) 1996

Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology [formerly Teratology]
      v.67(11-12) 2003
      v.70(1) 2004

Birth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews
      v.67(4) 2003

British Journal of Cancer
      v.37 1978-v.66 1992
      v.67(6) 1993

British Journal of Industrial Medicine [continued by Occupational and Environmental Medicine]
      v.27 1970-v.50 1993

Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
      v.1 1966-v.65 2000
      v.70 2003-present
      v.6 1971-v.18 1977 Microfilm

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Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences [formerly Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada]
      v.37 1980-v.39 1982 Microfilm
      v.37 1980-v.50 1993
      v.57 2000

Canadian Journal of Microbiology
      v.28 1982-v.32 1986

      v.31 1973-v.43 1979
      v.63 1989-v.68 1991

Cancer Letters Exit Disclaimer
      v.22 1984-v.47(2) 1989
      v.1 1975, v.3 1977, v4.1978-v.87 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.53 1990-v.79 1994
      v.88 1995-v.216 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

Cancer Research
      v.14 1954-v.62 2002
      v.36 1976-v.42 1982 Microfilm

      v.1 1980-v.18 1997
      v.20 1999-v.22(3) 2001

CD-ROM Professional [continued by EMedia Professional]
      v.4 1991-v.6 1993
      v.8 1995-v.9 1996

Cell Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1974-v.119 2004 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.28 1982-v.51 1987

Chemical and Engineering News [donation]
      v.59 1981-present

Chemical Engineering
      v.105 1998-v.108(4) 2001

Chemical Research in Toxicology
      v.12 1999-v.14(2) 2001
      v.16 2003-v.17(3) 2004
      v.18 2005-present

Chemical Week
      v.160 1998-v.163 2001

Chemico-Biological Interactions Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1969-v.93 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.10 1975-v.23 1978 Microfilm
      v.3 1971-v.11(5) 1975
      v.24 1979-v.81(2) 1992
      v.94 1995-v.149 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

Chemistry Business
      v.31(9) 2003-present

Chemosphere Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1972-v.9 1980 Microfilm
      v.1 1972-v.29 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.7 1978-present
      v.30 1995-v.57 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

Chemosphere Global Change Science
      v.1 1999-v.2(1) 2000

Clinical Cancer Research
      v.1 1995-v.6(2) 2000

Clinical Toxicology [continued by Journal of Toxicology -- Clinical Toxicology]
      v.1 1968-v.18 1981

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Parts A-C
      v.68 1981-v.92 1989

Computers in Libraries
      v.20 2000-v.21(2) 2001

Contact Dermatitis
      v.48-49 2003

Critical Reviews in Biotechnology Exit Disclaimer
      v.1(1) 1983
      v.2 1984-v.7 1988
      v.9 1990-v.13 1993
      v.18 1998-v.23 2003 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

Critical Reviews in Environmental Control [continued by Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology]
      v.1 1970-v.8 1978
      v.10 1990-v.22 1992

Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology Exit Disclaimer [formerly Critical Reviews in Environmental Control]
      v.23 1993
      v.28 1998-v.33 2003 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

Critical Reviews in Toxicology Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1971-v.31(1) 2001
      v.28 1998-v.33 2003 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.35(1) 2005

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Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials Report
      v.1(2) 1980-v.14 1994

      v.15(3) 1994-v.18 1997
      v.19(3) 1998
      v.20(2-5) 1999

Drug and Chemical Toxicology
      v.1 1977-v.10 1987

Drug Metabolism and Disposition
      v.1 1973-v.24 1996

Drug Metabolism Reviews
      v.1 1972-v.29 1997
      v.34(S1) 2002
      v.35(S1) 2003

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Ecological Economics Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1989-v.12 1995
      v.1 1989-v.50 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.14 1995-v.24 1998

Ecological Modelling Exit Disclaimer
      v.19 1983-v.21 1984
      v.1 1975-v.75-76 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.23 1984-v.39 1987
      v.77 1995-v.181 2005 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.159-160 2003

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Exit Disclaimer
      v.1(2) 1977-v.48(1) 2001
      v.25 1993-v. 28 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.30 1995-v.60 2005 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.51(1) 2002
      v.54 2003-v.57(2) 2004
      v.60(1) 2005

EMedia Professional [formerly CD-ROM Professional]
      v.10 1997-v.11 1998

Endocrine Reviews
      v.11(4) 1990-v.18(4) 1997

      v.89 1971-v.125 1989
      v.127 1990-v.142(1) 2001
      v.144(2-6) 2003

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis [formerly Environmental Mutagenesis]
      v.10 1987-v.43 2004
      v.44 2004

Environmental Entomology
      v.1 1972 Microfilm
      v.1 1972-v.16 1987

Environmental Health Perspectives Exit Disclaimer [donation]
      v.1 1972-v.59 1985
      v.2 1972-v.112 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.61 1985-present

Environmental Health Perspectives Supplements Exit Disclaimer
      v.101 1993-v.110 2002
      v.101 1993-v.110 2002 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

Environmental Manager
      v.7(8) 1996-v.10(9) 1999

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
      v.1 1981-v.9 1987

Environmental Mutagenesis [continued by Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis]
      v.1 1979-v.9 1987

Environmental Professional
      v.12(4) 1990-v.15 1993

Environmental Quality Management [formerly Pollution Prevention Review]
      v.8(3) 1999-v.13(2) 2003

Environmental Research Exit Disclaimer
      v.4 1971-v.6 1973
      v.9 1975-v.16 1978
      v.18 1979-v.32(2) 1983
      v.60 1993-v.67 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.68 1995-v.98 2005 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

Environmental Science and Policy Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1998-v.7 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.3 2000-v.4(1) 2001

Environmental Science and Technology Exit Disclaimer [donation]
      v.1 1967-present
      v.1 1967-v.38 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.5 1971-v.16 1982 Microfilm

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
      v.1 1982-present

Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality
      v.6 1991-v.13 1998

Enzyme and Microbial Technology Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1979-v.16 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.6 1984-v.10 1988
      v. 17 1995-v. 35 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

EPA Journal
      v.1 1975-v.21 1995

      v.5 1994-v.12 2001

European Journal of Cancer (1965) Exit Disclaimer
      v. 1 1965-v. 17 1981 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.14 1978-v.17 1981 [continued by European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology]

European Journal of Cancer Exit Disclaimer
      v.26 1990-v.29 1993
      v.28 1992-v.40 2004 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.30A 1994-31A(10-14) 1995

European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology Exit Disclaimer [formerly European Journal of Cancer]
      v.17(7) 1981-v.25 1989 [continued by European Journal of Cancer]
      v. 18 1982-v. 27 1991 (Abstracts only) Online

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FASEB Journal
      v.1 1987-v.10(3) 1996
      v.13 1999-v.16(1) 2002

Federal Register
      current 2 years
      The Federal Register (1936 - 1986, Hein Online) Exit Disclaimer
      The Federal Register (1994 - present, GPO) Exit Disclaimer

Food and Chemical Toxicology Exit Disclaimer [formerly Food and Cosmetics Toxicology]
      v.20 1982-v.43 2006
      v.21 1983-v.32 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.33 1995-v.42 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

Food and Cosmetics Toxicology Exit Disclaimer [continued by Food and Chemical Toxicology]
      v.1 1963-v.8 1970
      v.6 1968-v.19 1981 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.10 1972-v.19 1981

Fundamental and Applied Toxicology Exit Disclaimer [continued by Toxicological Sciences Exit Disclaimer]
      v.1 1981-v.40 1997
      v.4 1984-v.40 1997 (Abstracts only) Online

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      v.73(S) 1973
      v.87 1977-v.90 1978
      v.93 1979-v.98 1981
      v.115-117 1987

Government Executive Exit Disclaimer [donation]
      v.23(11) 1991-present

Government Information Insider
      v.1 1990-v.3 1994

Green Chemistry
      v.1(1) 1999
      v.2 2000-v.4 2002

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Harvard Business Review
      online version through EPA's Desktop Library Full Text Financial Journals Search
      v.44 1999-v.78 2000
      v.81 2003

Human and Experimental Toxicology
      v.22 2003

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ILAR Journal Exit Disclaimer [formerly ILAR News]
      v.31 1989-v.45 2004 Online
      v.37 1995-v.38 1997

ILAR News [now ILAR Journal Exit Disclaimer]
      v.32 1990-v.36 1994

Inside EPA's Risk Policy Report
      v.3(2) 1997-v.9(10) 2002

International Journal of Toxicology [formerly Journal of the American College of Toxicology]
      v.16 1997-v.21(3) 2002

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JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association
      online version through EPA's Desktop Library Full Text Medical Journals Search
      v.225 1973-v.248 1982 Microfilm
      v.227 1974-v.235 1976
      v.238(23) 1977
      v.240 1978-v.279(2) 1998
      v.282(10) 1999
      v.283 2000-v.287 2002
      v.289 2003-v.295(2) 2006

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
      v.5 1957-v.37(2) 1989
      v.20 1972 Microfilm
      v.48 2000-v.49(2) 2001

Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics
      v.2 1997
      v.4 1999-v.6(1) 2001
      v.8(1) 2003

Journal of AOAC International [formerly Journal of the AOAC]
      v.75 1992-v.77 1994

Journal of Bacteriology Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1916-v.186 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text access) Online
      v.153-156 1983 Microfilm
      v.157 1984-v.176 1994
      v.181 1999-v.182 2000
      v.184 2002-v.185 2003

Journal of Biological Chemistry Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1905-v.297 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.242 1967-v.257 1982 Microfilm
      v.254 1979-v.262 1987

Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences
      v.36 1996-v.43 2003

Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
      v.29 1979-v.59(1) 1994

Journal of Cleaner Production Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1993-v.2 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.3 1995-v.13 2005 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.4 1996-v.7(1) 1999

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
      v.52 1981-v.62 1986
      v.74 1992-v.79 1994
      v.81 1996-v.82 1997

Journal of Economic Entomology
      v.39 1946
      v.41 1948-v.43 1950
      v.63 1970
      v.64 1971-v.65 1972 Microfilm
      v.66 1973-v.90 1997

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1974-v.27 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.28 1995-v.48 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.32 1997-v.36(2) 1998

Journal of Environmental Pathology and Toxicology [continued by Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology]
      v.2 1978-v.5(1) 1981

Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology [formerly Journal of Environmental Pathology and Toxicology]
      v.5(6) 1985-v.9(2) 1989

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering
      v.A11 1976-v.A13 1978
      v.A16 1981-v.A28 1993

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes
      v.B11 1976-v.B28 1993

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C: Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews [formerly Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C: Environmental Carcinogenesis Reviews]
      v.C9 1991-v.C18 2000

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C: Environmental Carcinogenesis Reviews [continued by Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C: Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews]
      v.C1 1983-v.C8 1991

Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology
      v.1(3) 1991
      v.3(4) 1993
      v.4 1994-v.7 1997
      v.9 1999-v.10 2000
      v.13 2003
      v.15 2005

Journal of Invertebrate Pathology Exit Disclaimer
      v.37 1981-v.46 1985
      v.61 1991-v.64 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.65 1995-v.87 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
      v.22 1979-v.37(4) 1994

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
      v.37 1995-v.42 2000
      v.45 2003-present

Journal of Occupational Medicine
      v.12 1970-v.36 1994

Journal of Organic Chemistry
      v.27 1962-v.46 1981
      v.45 1980-v.59(4) 1994

Journal of Pediatrics
      v.98 1981-v.107 1985

Journal of Pesticide Science
      v.6 1981-v.12 1987

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
      v.72(6) 1983-v.84(4) 1995

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
      v.176 1971-v.238 1986
      v.180-183 1972 Microfilm
      v.241 1987-v.268 1994

Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data
      v.1 1972-v.16 1987

Journal of Physical Chemistry
      v.67 1963-v.86 1982 Microfilm
      v.86 1982-v.92 1988

Journal of the American Chemical Society
      v.83 1961
      v.89 1967
      v.90 1968-v.104 1982 Microfilm
      v.93 1971-v.118 1996

Journal of the American College of Toxicology [continued by International Journal of Toxicology]
      v.1 1982-v.15 1996

Journal of the American Statistical Association
      v.64 1969-v.89 1994

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
      v.183(6) 1983-v.223 2003

Journal of the AOAC [continued by Journal of AOAC International]
      v.49 1966-v.50 1967
      v.53 1970-v.74 1991
      v.55 1972 Microfilm

Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada [continued by Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences]
      v.29 1972-v.30 1973
      v.31 1974-v.36 1979

Journal of the National Cancer Institute
      v.53(6) 1974
      v.54 1975-v.89 1997
      v.91 1999-v.93 2001

Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health
      v.1 1975-v.52 1997

Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A
      v.53 1998-present

Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part B
      v.5(3) 2002
      v.6(3) 2003

Journal of Toxicology--Clinical Toxicology [formerly Clinical Toxicology]
      v.19 1982-v.35 1997
      v.37 1999-v.38 2000
      v.41 2003

Journal Water Pollution Control Federation
      v.48 1976-v.56 1984
      v.58 1986-v.59 1987
      v.60(3) 1988

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The Lancet Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1823-v.344 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      1972-1982 Microfilm
      no.7793 1973-no.7929 1975
      1978 Microfiche
      no.8156 1979-no.8675 1989
      v.335 1990-v.352 1998
      v.345 1995-v.364 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.353(9150) 1999
      v.355 2000-v.359 2002
      v.361 2003-v.363(9408) 2004

Library Journal
      v.117(6) 1992-present

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Marine Pollution Bulletin Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1970-v.29 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.30 1995-v.49 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.38 1999-v.42(1) 2001
      v.46(1-6) 2003

Microbiological Reviews Exit Disclaimer [formerly Bacteriological Reviews]
      v.42 1978-v.57 1993
      v.42 1978-v.60 1996 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

Molecular and Cellular Biology Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1981-v.27 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.4 1984-v.13 1993

Molecular Endocrinology
      v.5 1991-v.12(1) 1998

      v.1 1986
      v.3 1988 - v.4 1989
      v.11 1996-v.12 1997
      v.14(5) 1999
      v.15 2000 - v.19 2004

Mutation Research
      v.17 1973-v.462 2000
      v.522-524,533-535,543 2003

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Nature Exit Disclaimer
      v.235 1972-v.300 1982 Microfilm
      v.265 1977-v.274 1978
      v.277 1979-v.436(7047) 2005
      v.325 1987-v. 384 1996 (Table of Contents only) Online
      v.385 1997-v. 430 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

Nature Biotechnology Exit Disclaimer [formerly Bio/technology]
      v.1 1983-v. 22 2004 (Table of Contents only) Online
      v.14 1996-v.19(2) 2001
      v.21(7) 2003-v.23(6) 2005

Neurobehavioral Toxicology [continued by Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology]
      v.2 1980

Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology [formerly Neurobehavioral Toxicology]
      v.4 1982-v.8 1986

      v.1 1979-v.22(1) 2001
      v.24 2003
      v.25(3) 2004

Neurotoxicology and Teratology Exit Disclaimer
      v.9 1987-v.16 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.9 1987-v.22 1999
      v.17 1995-v.26 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.22(1) 2000
      v.25 2003-v.26(1) 2004

New England Journal of Medicine
      online version through EPA's Desktop Library Full Text Medical Journals Search
      v.288-289 1973 Microfilm
      v.298 1978-v.313 1985 Microfiche
      v.300 1979-v.343 2000

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Occupational and Environmental Medicine [formerly British Journal of Industrial Medicine]
      v.51 1994-v.54 1997
      v.56 1999-present

Occupational Health and Safety
      online version through EPA's Desktop Library Full Text Medical Journals Search
      v.45 1976-v.65(4) 1996
      v.67(4-5) 1998

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P2 Review [formerly Pollution Prevention Review; merged with Environmental Quality Management]
      v.5 1994-v.12(1) 2002

      online version through EPA's Desktop Library Full Text Medical Journals Search
      v.105-106 2000
      v.112 2003-v.113 2004

Pesticide and Toxic Chemical News
      v.5 1976-v.31 2003

Pesticides Monitoring Journal
      v.1 1967-v.8 1975 Microfilm
      v.1 1967-v.8 1981
      v.8 1974-v.15 1981 Microfiche

Plant Physiology Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1926-v.133 2003 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.36(S) 1961
      v.37 1962-v.50 1972
      v.49 1972-v.70 1982 Microfilm

Pollution Prevention Review [continued by P2 Review; merged with Environmental Quality Management]
      v.1 1990-v.4 1994

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
      v.75 1978-v.79 1982 Microfilm
      v.75 1978-v.93(4) 1996

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Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships
      v.2 1983-v.6 1987
      v.8 1989-v.11 1992

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Recombinant DNA Technical Bulletin
      v.5 1982-v.16 1993

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1981-v.20 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.1 1981-v.34 2001
      v.21 1995-v.40 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.37 2003-present

Reproductive Toxicology
      v.2 (3/4) 1988
      v.7 1993-v.12 1998
      v.17 2003-v.18 (1) 2004
      v.19 2004-present

Residue Reviews (EJEM TX 501 .R48)
      v.1 1962 - v.8 1965
      v.10 1965 - v.83 1982
      v.94 1985 - v.97 1986

Reviews in Toxicology
      v.1(3-4) 1997-v.3(1-4) 1999/2000

Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (EJEM TX 501 .R48)
      v.99 - v.100 1987
      v.104 1988
      v.106 - v.107 1988
      v.111 - v.112 1990
      v.146 1996
      v.151 1997
      v.155 1998
      v.158 1998
      v.159 1999
      v.181 - v.183 2004

Risk Analysis
      v.1 1981-v.21 2001
      v.22(1) 2002
      v.23(1,4) 2003
      v.24(1) 2004

Russian Pharmacology and Toxicology
      v.30(4) 1967-v.50 1987

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SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research
      v.14 2003

Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health
      v.20 1994
      v.25 1999-v.27(1) 2001
      v.29 2003-v.30(1) Feb. 2004

Science Exit Disclaimer
      v.121 1955-v.222 1983
      v.181-182 1973 Microfilm
      v.224 1984-v.309(5734) 2005
      v.270 1995-v.306 2004 (Abstracts and/or Full-text) Online

Science News Exit Disclaimer [donation]
      v.141 1992-present
      v.149 1996-v.165 2004 (Abstracts and/or Full-text) Online

Science of the Total Environment Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1972-v.158 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.5(1) 1976
      v.17 1981-v.37 1984
      v.39 1984-v.62 1987
      v.64-67 1987
      v.159 1995-v.335 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

Scientific American Exit Disclaimer
      v.268 1993-v.290 2004
      v.291(1, 3-4) 2004
      2002-2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

Statistical Science
      v.1 1986-v.2(3) 1987

Statistics in Medicine
      v.1 1982-v.6 1987

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      v.22 1980-v.30(2) 1988

Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis
      v.1 1980-v.12 1992

Teratology [continued by Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology]
      v.3 1970-v.64 2001
      v.65-66 2002

Toxic Substance Mechanisms [formerly Toxic Substances Journal]
      v.14 1995-v.16 1997
      v.18(4) 1999
      v.19 2000

Toxic Substances Journal [continued by Toxic Substance Mechanisms]
      v.1(4) 1980
      v.2 1980-v.13 1994

Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry
      v.4 1981-v.5 1982
      v.9 1985-v.11 1986

Toxicological Sciences Exit Disclaimer [formerly Fundamental and Applied Toxicology Exit Disclaimer]
      v.41 1998-present
      v.41 1998-v.46 1998 (Abstracts only) Online

      v.1 1981-present
      v. 1994-present Online

Toxicology Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1973-v.94 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.1 1973
      v.7 1977-v.11 1978 Microfilm
      v.9 1978-v.28 1983
      v.30 1984-v.53 1988
      v.95 1995-v.205 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.159-162 2001
      v.168 2001-v.170 2002
      v.179 2002-v.184 2003
      v.190 2003-v.196 2004
      v.202(3) 2004, v.204(1) 2004

Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1959-v.129 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.9 1966-present
      v.130 1995-v.201 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

Toxicology and Industrial Health
      v.5(5) 1989
      v.8(4) 1992
      v.9(5) 1993
      v.10(4/5) 1994
      v.18 2002-v.19 2003
      v.21 2005

Toxicology Letters Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1977-v.74 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.5 1980-v.95 1998
      v.75 1995-v.154 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online
      v.104(3) 1999
      v.112-113 2000
      v.128 2002
      v.144(1-2) 2003
      v.153(2) 2004
      v.157(3) 2005

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
      v.103 1974-v.106 1977
      v.104 1975-v.108 1979 Microfiche
      v.107 1978-v.116 1987

Trends in Biochemical Sciences Exit Disclaimer
      v.1 1976-v.19 1994 (Abstracts only) Online
      v.4 1979-v.12 1987
      v.20 1995-v.29 2004 (PDF and/or Full-text) Online

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Veterinary and Human Toxicology
      v.42 2000-v.43(2) 2001
      v.45 2003-v.46(3) 2004

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Water, Air, and Soil Pollution
      v.2 1973-v.3 1974
      v.5 1975
      v.7 1977
      v.9 1978-v.39 1988
      v.40(1/2) 1988

Water Resources Research
      v.11 1975-v.15 1979 Microfilm
      v.16 1980-v.20 1984

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      v.1(6) 1971
      v.2 1972-v.22 1992
      v.24 1994

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