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Online Publication Title List | NSCEP | US EPA

Online Publication Title List

000A65001 Bottom Currents In Lake Erie {abstract}

000B03001 National Pesticide Competency Guidelines For Medical and Nursing Education

000B75100 Work Plan Handbook For A Section 208 Areawide Waste Treatment Management Planning

000B76100 Nonpoint Source Control Guidance Construction Activities

000B79100 Neic Safety Manual For Hazardous Waste Site Investigations

000B85001 Permit Applicants Guidance Manual For Exposure Information Requirements Under RCRA Section 3019 Final

000B87001 Guide To Nonpoint Source Pollution Control

000D75001 Health Effects Of Increasing Sulfur Oxides Emissions Draft

000D75100 Guidelines Series Guidance For Monitoring Network Design and Instrument Sitting, Revised

000D79100 Water Quality-water Allocation Coordination Study Draft Report To Congress In Response To Section 102(d) Of The Clean Water Act

000D80100 Draft Wqm Needs Assessment Fy 80-84

000D81100 1990 Preliminary Draft Strategy For Municipal Wastewater Treatment

000D81100B 1990 Preliminary Draft Strategy For Municipal Wastewater Treatment Management

000D81100C 1990 Preliminary Draft Strategy For Municipal Wastewater Treatment Operations

000D81100D 1990 Preliminary Draft Strategy For Municipal Wastewater Treatment Compliance

000D81100E 1990 Preliminary Draft Strategy For Municipal Wastewater Treatment Planning

000D82001 Draft RCRA Guidance Document Surface Impoundments Liner Systems, Final Cover, and Freeboard Control

000D82002 Draft RCRA Guidance Document Waste Pile Design Liner Systems

000D82003 Draft RCRA Guidance Document Land Treatment

000D82004 Guidance Manual For Hazardous Waste Incinerator Permits Draft

000D89100 Practical Guide For Assessing and Remediating Contaminated Sites {Draft}

000D91100 Assessment and Control Of Bioconcentratable Contaminants In Surface Water

000D93001 Revised Draft Lake Michigan Lakewide Management Plan For Toxic Pollutants

000D99001 Guidance On Metals and Hydrogen Chloride Controls For Hazardous Waste Incinerators Volume 4 Of The Hazardous Waste Incineration Guidance Series {Draft}

000F00002 Common List Of Pesticide Products That Contain 2,4-d, Carbaryl, Diazinon, Diuron, Malathion, Triclopyr Bee Or Trifluralin

000F00003 Areas and Zip Codes In Which Point-of-sale Notification Is To Be Made For Listed Pacific Salmonids

000F70001 Report On Effluents From Abbott Laboratories North Chicago, Illinois

000K00001 Ipa Internationalgovernmental Personnel Act Handbook Guide For Supervisors, Managers, Employees

000K66001 Bottom Dwelling Macrofauna In Water Pollution Investigations

000K73001 Common Environmental Terms A Glossary

000K74002 Areawide Waste Treatment Management Planning

000K74003 The Clean Air Act

000K76001 A Primer On Wastewater Treatment

000K76002 Needed Clean Water Problems Of Pollution

000K76004 Pollution and Your Health

000K76005 Everybody's Business The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1975

000K77001 First Annual Report (1977) Administration Of The Toxic Substances Control Act

000K77002 Common Environmental Terms

000K77003 Women and The Environment women As Agents Of Change

000K77100 United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA

000K80001 Polychlorinated Biphenyls An Alert For Food and Feed Facilities

000K80002 Tso Qed Reference Booklet

000K83001 Information Clearinghouse Handbook August 1983

000K88001 The Waste System

000K88002 Creating Successful Nonpoint Source Programs The Innovative Touch

000N00001 Small Business Ombudsman Update, July 2000

000N00002 Star Report Volume 4, Issue 1

000N01001 Small Business Ombudsman Update, January 2001

000N02001 Small Business Ombudsman Update, July 2002

000N02002 Small Business Ombudsman Update

000N75001 Clean Water Construction Grants Program News, Fall 1975

000N83001 EPA Times, Issue No 23, March 21, 1983

000N87001 The EPA Times, Volume 4, Number 4

000N87002 The EPA Times, Volume 4, Number 3

000N87003 The EPA Times, Volume 4, Number 6

000N87004 The EPA Times, Volume 4, Number 8

000N87005 The EPA Times, Volume 4, Number 9

000N87006 The EPA Times, Volume 4, Number 11

000N87007 The EPA Times, Volume 4, Number 12

000N88001 The EPA Times, Volume 5, Number 1

000N88002 The EPA Times, Volume 5, Number 2

000N88003 The EPA Times, Volume 5, Number 3

000N88004 The EPA Times, Volume 5, Number 7

000N88005 The EPA Times, Volume 5, Number 6

000N89001 The EPA Times, Volume 6, Number 2

000N92001 EPA Insight, July 1992

000N92002 EPA Insight, Volume 1, Number 2

000N92003 EPA Insight, Volume 1, Number 3

000N92004 EPA Insight, June 1992

000R00001 School Hearing Test Program

000R00100 Epa's Office Of The Inspector General Annual Superfund Report To The Congress For Fiscal 1999

000R04101 Programas De Educacion Ambiental No Formal Pautas Para La Excelencia

000R05101 Overview Of In Situ Bioremediation Of Chlorinated Ethene DNALPl Source Zones

000R32001 Public Health Bulletin No 203 Study Of The Pollution And Natural Purification Of The Upper Mississippi River

000R41001 Public Health Bulletin No 276 Study Of The Pollution And Natural Purification Of The Scioto River

000R42001 Ohio River Pollution Survey Final Report To The Ohio River Committee Volume 1

000R53001 Water Pollution Series No 57 Upper Portion Upper Mississippi River Drainage Basin

000R54001 Bi-state Development Agency Mississippi River Water Pollution Investigation St Louis Metropolitan Area

000R59101 Illinois River Basins Reservoirs

000R60001 Proceedings The National Conference On Water Pollution

000R60002 Wastewater Disposal Practices At Federal Installation, Volume 14 Illinois

000R60003 Wastewater Disposal Practices At Federal Installation, Volume 15 Indiana

000R60004 Wastewater Disposal Practices At Federal Installation, Volume 23 Michigan

000R60005 Wastewater Disposal Practices At Federal Installation, Volume 24 Minnesota

000R60006 Wastewater Disposal Practices At Federal Installation, Volume 36 Ohio

000R60007 Wastewater Disposal Practices At Federal Installation, Volume 50 Wisconsin

000R62100 Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards, 1962

000R62101 Inventory Of Research In Water Pollution And Other Related Fields Columbia Basin And Pacific Coast States 1962

000R62101B Transcript Of Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of The Navigable Waters Of The Detroit River And Lake Erie And Their Tributaries Within The State Of Michigan, Volume 2

000R62102 The Social And Economic Aspects Of Water Resource Quality Control

000R63001 Lake Michigan Studies Biological Investigators

000R63002 Lake Michigan Studies Lake Currents At A Single Station Special Report Number LM 9

000R63003 Lake Michigan Studies Sampling Surveys Special Report Number LM 2

000R63004 Lake Michigan Studies Microbiological Investigators Special Report Number LM 5

000R63005 Lake Michigan Studies Currents At Fixed Stations Near Chicago Special Report Number LM 11

000R63006 Lake Michigan Studies Currents In The Southern Basin Special Report Number LM 12

000R63007 Air Pollution Aspects of the Iron and Steel Industry

000R63008 Lake Michigan Studies Trends In Water Quality Southern Basin Special Report Number LM1

000R63009 Lake Michigan Studies Special Report Number Sampling Surveys LM 2

000R63010 Lake Michigan Studies Special Report Number LM3 Physical And Chemical Investigations

000R63011 Lake Michigan Studies Special Report Number LM4 Biological Investigations

000R63012 Lake Michigan Studies Special Report Number LM5 Microbiological Investigations

000R63013 Lake Michigan Studies Special Report Number LM6 Radiochemical Investigations

000R63014 Lake Michigan Studies Special Report Number Lm7 Instroduction To Lake Current Studies

000R63015 Lake Michigan Studies Special Report Number Lm8 Lake Temperatures

000R63016 Lake Michigan Studies Special Report Number LM 9 Lake Currents At A Single Station

000R63017 Lake Michigan Studies Special Report Number Lm 10 Drogue Surveys Of Lake Currents Near Chicago

000R63018 Lake Michigan Studies Special Report Number LM 11 Currents At Fixed Stations Near Chicago

000R63019 Lake Michigan Studies Special Report Number LM 12 Currents In The Southern Basin

000R63021 Protecting Water Quality In The Midwest

000R63022 National Water Quality Network Operating Manual For Particiipating Laboratires

000R63023 Report On The Illinoise River Systeml Water Quality Conditions, Part 1 Text

000R63024 Report On The Illinois River System Water Quality Conditions Part 2, Tables Chapters 2 and 3

000R63028 Report on the Illnois River System Stream Flows Required for Water Quality Control

000R63101 Inventory Of Research In Water Pollution And Other Related Fields Columbia Basin And Pacific Coast States 1963

000R63102 Water Temperature Influences Effects And Control

000R63103 Statement On Water Quality Conditions Chicago And Environs

000R63104 Papers Prepared In The Division Of Water Supply And Pollution Control Region 5 For Presentation At ASCE Water Resources Engineering Conference

000R64001 Summary and Pollution Abatement Recommendations For The Upper Mississippi River and Major Tributaries

000R64002 Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of The Interstate Waters Of The Upper Mississippi River Vol 2

000R64003 Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of The Interstate Waters Of The Upper Mississippi River Vol 1

000R64004 Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of The Interstate Waters Of The Upper Mississippi River Vol 3

000R64005 Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of The Interstate Waters Of The Upper Mississippi River Vol 4

000R64006 Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of The Interstate Waters Of The Upper Mississippi River Vol 5

000R64007 Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of The Interstate Waters Of The Upper Mississippi River Vol 6

000R64101 Annual Program Review Fy-1964- Fy-1965- Fy-1966 Great Lakes-illinios River Basins Project

000R64102 Report On Existing & Potential Condition Of The Interstate Waters Of The St Croix River From Prescott Wisconsin To Stillwater Minnesota

000R64103 Upper Mississippi River Basin Study Plan For A Comprehensive Water Pollution Control Program

000R65004 Proceedings Volume 2 Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of The Interstate Waters If The Grand Calumet River Little Calumet River Calumet River Wolf Lake Lake Michigan And Their Tributaries

000R65007 Environmental Health Series Water Supply and Pollution Control Water Oxygen Demand No 2 Analytical Reference Service

000R65008 Report On Hydrographic Studies Of The Mississippi, Minnesota, and Saint Croix Rivers

000R65011 Report On Pollution Of The Waters If The Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River, Calumet River, Lake Michigan, Wolf Lake and Their Tributaries, Illinois-Indiana

000R65012 Nitrogen and Phosphorus In Water Annotated Selected Bibliography Of Their Biological Effects

000R65100 Report On Pollution Of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries, Part 3 New York and Pennsylvania Sources

000R65101 An Intergovernmental Project To Improve Environmental Quality In An Area Of Abandoned Mines

000R65102 Comprehensive Water Pollution Control Planning Proceedings Of The 13th Pacific Northwest Symposium On Water Pollution Research

000R65103 Pollution Of Interstate Waters Of The Mahoning River And Its Tributaries Summary Of Conference

000R65104 Biological Problems In Water Pollution Third Seminar August 13-17 1962

000R65105 The Second Battle Of Lake Erie

000R66003 Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of The Interstate Waters If The Grand Calumet River Little Calumet River Calumet River Wolf Lake Lake Michigan And Their Tributaries Volume 1

000R66007 Statement On Water Pollution In The Lake Erie Basin

000R66009 Pollution Of The Upper Mississippi River And Major Tributaries

000R66010 Comprehensive Water Pollution Control Program For The Lake Michigan Basin Grand River Basin, Michigan

000R66011 Chemical Analysis For Water Quality Training Course Manual In Water Supply And Pollution Control

000R66016 Report On Water Pollution In The Lake Erie Basin Southeastern Michigan Area Clinton River

000R66017 First Monthly Progress Report Lake Superior Basin Comprehensive Water Pollution Control Study

000R66100 Report On Water Pollution In The Lake Erie Basin Maumee River Area

000R66102 Useful Information For Stream Pollution Surveys and Evaluations

000R66103 Environmental Requirements Of Blue Green Algae

000R66104 Inventory Of Research In Water Pollution And Other Related Fields Columbia Basin And Pacific Coast States

000R66105 Technical Appendix To The Report On The Water Quality Of Charleston Harbor And The Effects Thereon On The Proposed Cooper River Rediversion

000R66106 Report On The Pollution Of The Upper Mississippi River And Major Tributaries

000R66107 Report On The Calumet Area Surveillance Program By Department Of Health Education & Welfare For The Period June Through November 1965

000R67002 Pollution of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries: Conference Proceedings, Third Session, Buffalo, NY, March 22,1967 Volume 1

000R67006 Progress Evaluation Meeting Volume 2 In The Matter Of Pollution Of The Interstate Waters Of The Grand Calumet River Calumet River Wolf Lake Lake Michigan And Their Tributaries

000R67009 Cost Of Clean Water, Volume 3 Industrial Waste Profile No 1 blast Furnaces and Steel Mills

000R67010 Cost Of Clean Water, Volume 3 Industrial Waste Profile No 2 Motor Vehciles and Parts

000R67011 Cost Of Clean Water Volume 3 Industrial Waste Profile No 4 Textile Mill Products

000R67012 Cost Of Clean Water Volume 3 Industrial Waste Profile No 5 Petroleum Refining

000R67013 Cost Of Clean Water, Volume 3 Industrial Waste Profile No 6 Canned Frozen Fruits and Vegetbles

000R67014 Cost Of Clean Water Volume 3 Industrial Waste Profile No 7 Leather Tanning And Finishing

000R67015 Cost Of Clean Water, Volume 3 Industrial Waste Profile No 8 Meat Products

000R67016 Cost Of Clean Water, Volume 3 Industrial Waste Profile No 9 Dairies

000R67021 Report On Water Pollution In The Lake Erie Basin Southeastern Michigan Area Immediate Pollution Control Needs

000R67022 Pollution Of Navigable Water

000R67023 Results Of 1967 Sampling Program Detroit Program Office

000R67100 Water Quality and Control Management: Lake Eire Basin

000R67102 Report On The Water Quality Of Lower Lake Michigan, Calumet River, Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River and Wolf Lake

000R67103 Report On Water Pollution In The Lake Huron Basin Immediate Pollution Control Needs

000R67106 Study Of Precision and Accuracy Of Laboratories and Methods Of Analysis Of Ammonia Nitrogen In Lake Michigan Waters

000R67107 Report On The Water Quality Of Lower Lake Michigan, Calumet River, Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River and Wolf Lake Illinois -Indiana

000R67108 Background Information Concerning Big Stone Lake

000R67109 Results Of 1967 Sampling Program Detroit Program Office

000R67110 Water Quality Lake Michigan Lake Currents

000R67111 Data Reports, 9-19, Volume 10

000R67112 Immediate Water Pollution Control Needs Roanoke River Basin Virginia And North Carolina

000R67113 Disposal Of Solid Aluminum Process Wastes In The Ocean

000R67114 Houseboat Wastes Methods For Collection And Treatment

000R67115 Present Water Use Inventory Snake River Main System

000R67116 Willamette River Basin Water Quality Control And Management

000R67117 Willamette River Basin Water Quality Control And Management Summary

000R67118 Report On Oil Pollution Control Activities

000R67119 Lake Erie Basin Water Quality Problems Needs Actions

000R68005 Phosphate Removal By Activated Sludge Amenability Studies At Pontiac Michigan

000R68006 Phosphate Removal By Activated Sludge Amenability Studies At Mansfield, Ohio

000R68007 Phosphate Removal By Activated Sludge Amenability Studies At Indianapolis, Indiana

000R68008 Phosphate Removal By Activated Sludge Amenability Studies At Cleveland, Ohio

000R68017 Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Northwest Region, Pacific Northwest Water Laboratory, Industrial Waste Guide On Thermal Pollution, Revised

000R68018 Speical Report On Water Quality Of Lake Superior Int He Vicinity Of Silver Bay, Minnesota

000R68019 Water Quality Investigations Lake Michigan Basin Biology

000R68020 Federal Water Pollution Control Administration

000R68101 Cost Of Wastewater Treatment Processes

000R68102 Lake Erie Surveillance Data Summary, 1967-1968

000R68103 Analysis Of Water and Water-related Research Requirements In The Great Lake Region

000R68105 Pollution Observations In The Lake Superior Basin

000R68106 Immediate Water Pollution Control Needs Of The Saint Louis River Basin Minnesota and Wisconsin Lake Superior Watershed

000R68107 Analysis Of Industrial Wastewater Under The Jurisdiction Of The Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago

000R68108 Data Reports, Volume 9

000R68109 Technical Papers, 11-13 Volume 21

000R68110 Clean Water For The Nation's Estuaries

000R68111 Piscataway Creek Watershed A Water Quality Study Report

000R68112 Technical Papers, Volume 22

000R68113 Stream Pollution By Coal Mine Drainage Upper Ohio River Basin

000R68114 Biological Survey Of The Upper and Middle Patuxent River and Some Its Tributaries

000R68115 A Steady State Segmented Estuary Model

000R68116 Potato Processing Wastes Progress Report On Pilot Plant Studies Of Secondary Treatment

000R68117 Plywood Plant Glue Wastes Disposal Progress Report

000R68118 Preliminary Assessment Of The Extent Of Thermal Pollution In The Ohio River Basin

000R68119 Integrated Iron And Steel Industry Air Pollution Problem

000R69005 Glossary Of Aquatic Ecological Terms

000R69006 Tall Stacks, Various Atmospheric Phenomena, and Relaed Aspects

000R69007 Control Techniques For Sulfur Oxide Air Pollutants

000R69008 Chemistry Laboratory Manual Bottom Sediments

000R69009 Proceedings April 15-16 1969 Council Bluffs Iowa

000R69015 Lake Erie Bathing Beach And Tributary Bacterial Water Quality

000R69017 Upper Mississippi River National Recreation Area Study Water Qualityan Uses Of The Mississippi River From Missouri River To Minnapolis

000R69018 Case Histories Improved Activated Sludge Plant Performance By Operations Control

000R69019 Proceeding Conference To Consider The Establishment Of Water Quality Standards For The Mississippi River Basin Interstate Waters State Of Iowa Davenport Iowa 1969

000R69020 Second Session of the Conference to Consider the Establishment of Water Quality Standards for the Missouri River Basin Interstate Waters - State of Iowa

000R69101 Primer On Wastewater Treatment

000R69102 Aircraft Emissions Impact On Air Quality and Feasibility Of Control

000R69104 Lake Huron Basin Water Quality Data 1965 Survey

000R69105 Hypolimnetic Oxygen Depletion Mechanisms In Lake Erie

000R69106 Bibliographies

000R69107 Working Documents 1-2, Volume 12

000R69108 Working Documents 3-7, Volume 13

000R69109 Working Documents 8-11 Volume 14

000R69110 Working Documents 13-15 Volume 15

000R69111 Working Documents 16-20 Volume 16

000R69112 Working Documents 21-28 Volume 17

000R69113 Working Documents Volume 19

000R69114 Flow Requirements In The James River Basin Water Supply and Water Quality Control

000R69115 Water Supply And Water Quality Control Study Chemung River Basin Pa-ny

000R69116 Preliminary Report James River Survey Richmond To Hopewell

000R69117 Mathematical Model For Predicting Temperature In Rivers And River Run Reservoirs

000R69118 Fox River And Fox Chain Of Lakes Study

000R69119 Monthly Regional Directors Report To Commissioner

000R69121 Water Use And Stream Quality Comprehensive Planning Study Of The Grand River Basin Michigan - Appendix G

000R70005 Water Quality Of The Ohio River Louisville Ky - Evansville In

000R70007 Heat Transfer In Fluidized Beds

000R70008 Study Of Precision and Accuracy Of Laboratories and Methods Of Analysis Of Phosphate In Lake Michigan Waters

000R70009 Clean Water For Mid American

000R70010 Status Of Compliance With Lake Erie Enforcement Conference Abatement Schedules For Northeast Ohio Area

000R70011 Status Of Compliance With Lake Erie Enforcement Conference Abatement Schedules For Northeast Maumee Rive Basin

000R70012 National Oil and Hazardous Materials Pollution Contingency Plan

000R70013 Technical Reports 5-11, Volume 1

000R70014 Technical Reports 13-17, Volume 2

000R70015 Technical Reports 19-27, Volume 3

000R70016 Technical Reports 29-35, Volume 4

000R70017 Technical Reports 37-45 Volume 5

000R70018 Technical Reports 47-54 Volume 6

000R70019 Technical Reports 55-57, Volume 7

000R70020 Technical Reports 58-60, Volume 8

000R70021 Technical Papers 1-10, Volume 20

000R70100 Physical and Ecological Effects Of Waste Heat On Lake Michigan

000R70101 Storm and Combined Sewer Demonstration Projects

000R70103 Working Documents, 29-31, Volume 18

000R70104 Benthic Biology Scioto River Basin Ohio

000R70108 Data Reports, 20-34, Volume 11

000R7022 Status Of Compliance With Lake Erie Enforcement Conference Abatement Schedules For Northeast Greater Cleveland Akron Area

000R7023 Water Quality Standards Summary

000R7024 Report For The Subcommittee On Energy Natural Resources And Environment Of The Senate Commerce Committee Hearing On Mercury Contamination

000R7025 Results Of 1969 Water Quality Monitoring Program Lake Huron Basin Office

000R71002A Proceedings Third Session March 24 25 1971 Chicago Il Volume 2 Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of Lake Michigan And Its Tributary Basin

000R71003 Water Physics No 1 Anakytical Reference Service, Report Number 39

000R71005 Public Hearings On Noise Abatement and Control, Volume 3 Urban Planning , Architectural Design and Noise In The Home

000R71006 Public Hearings On Noise Abatement and Control, Volume 1 Construction Noise, Atlanta, Ga

000R71008 Sanitary Survey Of Drinking Water Systems On Federal Water Resource Developments A Pilot Study

000R71100 Guidelines Water Quality Management Planning

000R71101 Sewage Treatment Plant Dependability With Special Reference To The Activated Sludge Process

000R72004 Report Of The Environmental Protection Agency To The Lake Michigan Enforcement Conference On Thermal Question

000R72005 Relationship Between Animal Wastes and Water Quality

000R72006 Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of Federal-state Criteria On Mercury and Heavy Metals

000R72007 Final Report A Study Of Hazardous Waste Materials, Hazardous Effects and Disposal Methods Volume 1

000R72008 Water Quality Management Planning Addendum To Simplified Mathematical Modeling Of Water Quality

000R72100 Cost Effectiveness In Water Quality Programs A Discussion

000R72101 Proceedings Environmental Quality Sensor Workshop November 30 - December 2, 1971 Western Environmental Research Laboratory Las Vegas, Nevada

000R72102 Noise Facts Digest

000R72103 The Challenge Of The Environment A Primer On EPA's Statutory Authority

000R72104 Algae-temperature-nutrient Relationships and Distribution In Lake Erie 1968

000R72105 Economic Impact Of Pollution Control Summary Of Recent Studies

000R72109 Cooperative Mine Drainage Survey Kiskiminetas River Basin

000R72116 Codorus Creek Water Quality Investigation Report

000R72117 Summary Of Noise Control Act Of 1972

000R72118 Environmental Exchange A Beginning Presidents Environmental Merit Awards Program

000R72119 Don't Leave It All To The Experts The Citizen's Role In Environmental Decision Making

000R73002 Quality Of Life Concept A Potential New Tool For Decision Makers

000R73101 Military Aircraft and Airport Noise and Opportunities For Reduction Without Inhibition Of Military Missions

000R73103 Federal Guidelines Pretreatment Of Pollutants Introduced Into Publicly Owned Treatment Works

000R73104 Guidelines Series Guidelines For Determining The Need For Plan Reivision To The Conytol Sytategy Portion Of The Approved State Implementation Plan

000R73106 Preliminary Draft Air Monitoring Methodology For The Duluth Asbestos Study

000R73107 Aerial Infrared Survey Of Portions Of The Monongahela Ohio And Allegheny Rivers Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Vicinity

000R73108 James River Basin Water Quality Study 1973

000R73109 Facilities and Services Needed To Support Bicycle Commuting Into Center City Philadelphia

000R73110 Water Quality Assessment For The Ohioriver Main Stem

000R73111 West Virginia Water Quality Standards Summary

000R73112 Initial Analysis Of The Economic Impact Of Water Pollution Control Costs Upon The Dairy Products Industry

000R74009 Water Pollution Prevention and Control Oil and Hazardous Materials Program Series Ohm 74 03 001

000R74100 Solid Waste Management Strategy

000R74101 Reactor Safety Study and Assessment Of Accident Risks In US Commercial Nuclear Power Plants

000R74102 Guidelines Series Interim Guidelines For The Interpretation Of Air Quality Standards, Volume 4

000R74105 Guidelines Series Interim Guidelines For The Interpretation Of Air Quality Standards, Volume 1

000R74107 Guidelines Series Interim Guidelines For The Interpretation Of Air Quality Standards, Volume 2

000R74109 Guideline Series Guidance For Decentralization and Continued Operation Of The Nasn {Draft}

000R74110 Statement Of Honorable John R Quarles Jr Deputy Administrator Environmental Protection Agency Before The Subcommittee On The Environment Committee On Commerce United States Senate May 7 1974

000R75002 Guideline Series Guidance For Air Quality Monitoring Network Design and Instrument Siting, Supplement A Co Citing

000R75003 Oils Spills and Spills Of Hazardous Substances

000R75004 Quality Of Life Indicators In US Metropolitan Area 1970 A Comprehensive Assessment

000R75005 Inflation Impact Statement for Portable Air Compressor Regulation

000R75007 Draft Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards Of Performance For The Machinery and Mechanical Products Manufacturing Point Source Category Volume 1 Draft

000R75008 Draft Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards Of Performance For The Machinery and Mechanical Products Manufacturing Point Source Category Volume 2 Draft

000R75009 Draft Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards Of Performance For The Machinery and Mechanical Products Manufacturing Point Source Category Volume 3

000R75010 Draft Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards Of Performance For The Machinery and Mechanical Products Manufacturing Point Source Category Volume 4

000R75011 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards Of Performance Miscellaneous Chemicals Industry

000R75100 Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago Department Of Research and Development

000R75101 EPA Index Of Policies and Final Opinions Pursuant To The Freedom Of Information Act As Amended

000R75102 Usa-ussr Symposium On Physical-chemical Treatment From Municipal and Industrial Sources

000R75103 Cost Analysis Handbook For Section 208 Areawide Waste Treatment Management Planning Federal Assistance Applications

000R75104 Draft Development Document For Effluent Limitations and Standards Of Performance Water Supply Industry

000R75105 EPA Demolition and Renovation Inspection Procedures

000R75106 Guidelines Series Guidance For Specifying Primary Standard Conditions Under Eseca

000R75107 Guideline On Use Of Reactivity Criteria In Control Of Organic Emissions For Reduction Of Atmospheric Oxidants

000R75108 Interim Output Evaluation Handbook For Section 208 Areawide Waste Treatment Management Planning

000R75109 Ocean Dumping Surveys, 1973-75 Volume 23

000R75110 Seguridad De Los Trabajadores Agricolas Durante El Uso De Pesticidas

000R75111 Review Of Federal Actions Impacting The Environment

000R76003 Emission Investigations Report

000R76004 Guidelines Series Example Scope Of Work For Contracts To Prepare Sip Revisions To Attain and Maintain Naaqs

000R76005 Guidelines For Air Quality Monitoring and Data Reporting Under Eseca

000R76006 Guideline Series Aeros User's Manual

000R76007 Guideline Series Aeros Summary & Retrieval Manual

000R76008 Guideline Series Nadb Internal Operations Manual

000R76009 Guideline Series Aeros Manual Of Cides

000R76010 Guideline Series Sip Preparation Manual For NOx

000R76011 Guideline Series Policies For The Inclusion Of Carbon Monoxide and Oxidant Controls In State Implementation Plans (tcp Policy Paper)

000R76013 Guideline Series De-designation Of Air Quality Maintenance Areas {memo}

000R76014 Summaries Of Active Extramural Research Tasks Of The Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory

000R76015 Construction Grants Program For Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Handbook Of Procedures

000R76016 Industry Cost Recovery Systems

000R76017 Clean Water Report to Congress 1975-1976

000R76018 Guideline Series Relationship Between Air Quality Planning and The State and Areawide Quality Management Program Eligible Uses Of Section 208 Funds For Air Quality Analyses

000R77001 Conservation Districts and 208 Water Quality Management

000R77002 Guidelines Series, Interim Guideline On Air Quality Models

000R77003 Guideline Series Requirements and Procedures For Implementing Section 111(d)

000R77004 Guideline Series Guidance For The Future Use Of Nasn

000R77005 Guidelines Series Regulatory and Technical Control Strategies For Fine Particles

000R77006 Guideline Series Guideline For Implementation Of The Standardized Sip Filing System

000R77007 Guideline Series Control Strategy Preparation Manual For Photochemical Oxidant

000R77008 Oil Spills Amd Spills Of Hazardous Substances

000R77009 Guideline Series Abstract Control Of Volatile Organic Emissions From Solvent Metal Cleaning

000R77010 Guidlines Series Clean Air Act Section 174 Guidance

000R77011 US EPA Policy and Implementation Questions Addendum Toward A National Strategy For Noise Control

000R77020 Noise Toward A National Strategy For Noise Control

000R77100 Guideline Series Interim Guideline On Air Quality Models

000R77101 Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology

000R77103 Report Of Sub-group A Of The United States Senior Review Group On Review Of The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

000R77103A Appendix I To Report Of Sub-group A Of The United States Senior Review Group On Review Of The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

000R77104 Proceedings Seminar On Analytical Methods For Priority Pollutants

000R77105 Implmementation Pland For The Lead National Ambient Air Quality Strandard

000R77106 Environment Germany

000R77107 Land Use and Environmental Quality

000R77108 Report On Subgroup C On Review Of The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

000R77109 Report Of Subgroup B On Review Of The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

000R77110 Report On Sub-group A Of The United States Senior Review Group On Review Of The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Appendix 1

000R77111 Where Do We Go From Here- The Challenge Of Water Quality Management For Elected Officials

000R77112 Regulation Development Calendar

000R77113 Global Environmental Concern EPA Scientific Activities Overseas Program

000R78001 Report To Congress Waste Water Treatment Contracting and Bid Shopping

000R78100 Design Seminar Handout Small Wastewater Treatment Facilities

000R78101 Seminar For Analytical Methods For Priority Pollutants

000R78102 Wastewater Stabilization Pond Linings

000R78103 Water Use and Conservation At Federal Facilities In The Washington Dc Metropolitan Area

000R78104 Analysis Of Organic Air Pollutants In The Kanawha Valley, Wv An The Shenandoah Valley, Va

000R78105 Proposed Motorcycle Noise Emission Regulations And Motorcycle Replacement Exhaust Systems Volume 1

000R78106 Proposed Motorcycle Noise Emission Regulations And Motorcycle Replacement Exhaust Systems Volume 3

000R78107 State-EPA Agreement Concept Paper On Regulations

000R78108 On The Threshold Of A New Environmental Era

000R79002 Hazardous Waste Guidelines and Regulations Transcript Of Proceedings Denver Colorado March 7-9 1979

000R79100 State-EPA Agreements A Handbook For Substate Regional Agencies

000R79101 A Review Of The International Surveillance Program For The Great Lakes As It Relates To Water Quality

000R79102 Statement Of Douglas Costle Administrator Environmental Protection Agency Before The Subcommittee On Public Works and Transportation

000R79103 Seminar For Analytical Methods For Priority Pollutants, Norfolk, Va, March 8-9, 1979

000R79104 Lake Erie Wastewater Management Study Water Quality Data

000R79105 Symposium On Advanced Treatment Of Biologically Treated Effluents Including Nutrients Removal

000R79106 Decline Of Submerged Aquatic Plants In Chesapeake By

000R79107 The Functional Ecology Of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation In The Lower Chesapeake Bay

000R79108 Second Annual Workshop Chesapeake Bay Program US Environmental Protection Agency November 27-29, 1979 The Chamberlin Hampton Virginia

000R80001 Arsenic Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

000R80002 Municipal Management System

000R80003 Cyanide Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

000R80004 Zinc Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

000R80005 Mercury Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

000R80006 Copper Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

000R80008 Lead Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

000R80009 Iron Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

000R80010 General Toxic Substances

000R80011 Other Elements Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

000R80012 Pesticides Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

000R80013 Intermittent Streams Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries A Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

000R80014 General Provisions-freedoms Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

000R80015 Cadmium Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State Federal Criteria

000R80016 International Seminar On Control Of Nutrients In Municipal Wastewater Effluents Proceedings Volume 1, Phosphorus

000R80017 International Seminar On Control Of Nutrients In Municipal Wastewater Effluents Proceedings Volume 2 Nitrogen

000R80018 International Seminar On Control On Nutrients In Municipal Wastewater Effluents Proceedings Volume 3 Nitrogen and Phosphorus

000R80101 Second Annual Report State-epa Agreements

000R80102 Air Programs Policy and Guidance Notebook, May 1990

000R80103 Air Programs Policy and Guidance Notebook, Volume 2

000R80104 Procedure For Storing Tissue Data In The Storet Water Quality File Selected Retrievals and Analyses, 2nd Edition

000R80106 Definitions Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries A Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

000R80107 State-EPA Agreement Indiana Us Environmental Protection Agency Fiscal Year 1980

000R80108 Enforcement Considerations For Evaluation Of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites

000R80109 Be A Better Writer A Manual For EPA Employees

000R81002 Electric Arc Furnace Revision Argon Oxygen Decarburiztion Emission Test Report Altech Specialty Steel Corporation Albany New York

000R81003 US Point Source Programs Loading To The Great Lakes Water Year 1980

000R81004 Chloride Budget For The Great Lakes Current Assessment

000R81101 1990 Preliminary Draft Strategy For Municipal Wastewater Treatment Funding

000R81102 World Environment Day Bibliography Environmental Economics June 5 1981

000R82002 Report To The Congress Of The United States A More Comprehensive Approach Is Needed To Clean Up The Great Lakes

000R82003 Chesapeake Bay Program Technical Studies A Synthesis

000R82100 Overview Of Environmental Pollution In The Niagara Frontier, New York

000R82102 Cyanide Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

000R82103 Development Document Of Proposed Limitations Guidelines and Standards For Control Of Polychlorinated Biphenyls In The Deink Subcategory Of The Pulp, Paper and Paperboard

000R82200 Investigation Of Carbon Monoxide National Ambient Air Quality Standards Based On Multiple Expected Exceedances

000R83001 Support Document For The National Priorities List

000R83002 Water Quality Instructional Resource Information System Supplement Xvi

000R83101 The Model Implementation Program Lessons Learned From Agricultural Water Quality Projects

000R83102 Questions & Answers On Water Quality Standards

000R83103 Source Control Feasibility Study Omc Hazardous Waste Site Waukegan Illinois

000R83104 Water Quality Standards Handbook, 1983

000R83105 Impact Assessment Work Group I Memorandum Of Intent On Transboundary Air Pollution

000R84002 Monitoring Strategy Office Of Water

000R84003 Water Quality Instruction Resource Information System, Supplement Xviii

000R84004 Water Quality Instruction Resource Information System, Supplement Xvii, March 1984

000R84005 Water Quality Instructional Resources Information System (iris), Supplement Xx

000R84006 Water Quality Instructional Resources Information System (iris), Supplement Xix

000R84020 Draft Listing Background Document C1-c5 Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Production Utilizing Free Radical Catalyzed Processes

000R84100 Ground-water Protection Strategy

000R84101 Financial Capability Guidebook

000R84102 Environmental Protection Agency Federal Facilities Compliance Program Strategy For Resolution Of Compliance Problems At Federal Facilities

000R85002 Rcra Information On Hazardous Wastes For Publicly Owned Treatment Works

000R85100 Permits Applicants' Guidance Manual For Exposure Information Requirements Under RCRA Section 3019, Final

000R85101 State Groundwater Program Summaries Volume 2

000R85102 Prevention and Resolution Of Contractor Claims EPA Construction Grant Program Guidance For Municipal Grants

000R85104 Superfund Factbook 2nd Edition September 1985

000R85105 Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Second Interim Report Of Selected Information On State and Local Agency Toxics Activities

000R85106 Selected Summary Of Information In Support Of The Organic Chemicals Plastic And Synthetic Fibers Point Source Category Notice Of Availability Of New Information

000R85107 Searching For Answers Guide To Database Searching At The EPA Headquarters Library

000R86001 Modeling The Behavior and Fate Of Nutrients and Trace Contaminants In The Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels

000R86002 Pesticides In Ground Water Background Document

000R86100 Rcra Permit Quality Protocol

000R86101 Innovative and Alternative Technology Projects 1986 Progress Report

000R86102 Septic Systems and Groundwater Protection and Executive Guide

000R86103 Superfund National Priorities List Descriptions Of Sites Which Are At The Design Or Construction Stage Of Remedial Response

000R86104 Septic Systems and Groundwater Protection A Program Manager's Guide and Reference Book

000R86105 Rcra Facility Assessment Guidance

000R86106 Uapsp Comparison Of Weekly and Daily Wet Depposition Sampling Results

000R86107 ROD Annual Report Fy 85

000R87001 Motor Vehicle Tampering Survey, 1986

000R87002 The Hazardous Waste System

000R87100 Hazardous Waste Casefinder User's Manual

000R87101 The 1987 List Of Lists

000R87102 International Symposium On Toxics In The Niagara Shared Challenge

000R87103 Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Report For Fiscal Year 1987

000R87104 Technical Report Air Toxics Emissions From Motor Vehicles

000R87900 Effects Of Using Unleaded and Low-lead Gasoline, and Non-lead Additives On Agricultural Engines Designed For Leaded Gasoline

000R87901 Unfinished Business A Comparative Assessment Of Environmental Problems Overview Report

000R87902 Books For Young People On Environmental Issues

000R87903 Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation And Liability Act Of 1980

000R88002 Summary Reviews Of Remedial Action Plans Including Comments Of Individual Reviewers

000R88003 Motor Vehicle Tampering Survey, 1987

000R88004 Review Of Historical Data For Characterization Of Quincy Bay Contamination

000R88005 Analysis Of Risks From Consumption Of Quincy Bay Fish and Shellfish

000R88006 Histopathological and Chemical Assessment Of Winter Founder, Lobster and Soft-shelled Clam Indigenous To Quincy Bay, Boston Harbor and An In Situ Evaluation Of Oysters

000R88007 Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels Study Volume 2 Final Report

000R88008 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force 1987 Status Report and 198-1989 Program Recommendations

000R88101 Fy 1988 Measurable Environmental Results Initiatives Underground Storage Tank Impacts On Ground Water

000R88102 Common Synonyms For Chemicals Listed Under The Section 313 Of The Emergency Planning and Community Right To Know Act

000R88103 Asbestos-in-schools Guide New Federal Requirements For Local Education Agencies

000R88900 Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels Volume 1 Executive Summary

000R89001 Great Lakes Committees and Workgroups Supporting The Clean Water Act and The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

000R89002 Results Workshop On Environmental Indicators For The Surface Water Program

000R89101 Procedures For Estimating and Allocating Area Source Emissions Of Air Toxics {working Draft}

000R89103 Report To The Great Lakes Water Quality Board Review Of Pretreatment Programs In The Great Lakes Basin

000R89104A Background Document For Second Third Wastes To Support 40 CFR Part 260 Land Disposal Restrictions Final Rule Second Third Waste Volumes Characteristics Volume 1

000R89104B Background Document For Second Third Wastes To Support 40 CFR Part 260 Land Disposal Restrictions Final Rule Second Third Waste Volumes CharacteristicsVolume 2

000R89105 Nonpoint Source Agenda For The Future Nps

000R89106 Motor Vehicle Tampering Survey 1988

000R90002 Special Report Office Of Mobile Sources Analysis Of The Economic and Environmental Effects Of Compressed Barrel Gas As A Vehicle Fuel, Volume 2 Heavy Duty Vehicles

000R90003 Canada-us Great Lakes Water Quality Agreemetn Parties Policy Regarding Annex 15

000R90100 Recommended I-m Short Test Procedures For The 1990's Six Alternatives Technical Report

000R90101 Automated Laboratory Standards Results From Survey Of Laboratory Automated Data Management Practices, Volume 1

000R90101C Automated Laboratory Standards Results From The Survey Of Current Technology For Automated Laboratories, Volume 3

000R91100 I-m Network Type Effects On Emission Reductions, Cost, and Convenience Technical Information Document

000R91101 US EPA Green Lights Decision Support System

000R92001 EPA Workforce Snapshots What Does Epa's Workforce Look Like, 1992

000R92002 Empowering The Public Lessons and Ideas For Communication In The Great Lakes' Areas Of Concern

000R92003 Interim Guidance On Interpretation and Implementation Of Aquatic Life Criteria For Metals

000R92004 Environmental Indicators Transition Project

000R92101 EPA Energy Star Computers

000R93001 Superfund Progress Aficionado's Version

000R93002 Summary Of Public Comments To January 1992 Draft Michigan Lakewide Management Plan and EPA Responses To Comments

000R94001 Region 5's Use Of Allocation Tools and Mixed Funding Under The Superfund Administrative Improvements Initiatives

000R94101 Pcb Q&a Manual

000R95001 Supplemental Platform, Poster and Breakout Session Abstracts

000R95101 Memorandum For The President

000R96101 EPA At Research Triangle Park Twenty Five Years Of Environmental Protection

000R99001 Rcra Enforcement Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Significant Non-complier Enforcement

000S63100 Summary Statement on Water Quality Conditions, Chicago and Environs

000S67001 Oil Pollution Southern End Of Lake Michigan, September 17-26, 1967, Summary Report

000S91001 Fy 1991 Action Plan For The Great Lakes {executive Summary}

001B76100 Audit Guide For EPA Grants Other Than Construction Grants

001B79100 Summer Employment Program For Youth A Guide For Managers and Supervisors

001B79102 EPA Agency Guidance Fiscal Year 1980-81

001B82100 Operating Year Guidance 1982

001B82101 Environmental Modeling Catalogue Abstracts Of Environmental Models

001B84100 US Environmental Protection Agency Guidance On Ethics and Conflicts Of Interest

001B85102 Wood Preservatives A Chronology Of Regulatory Action & Bibliography

001B86001 Bibliographic Series Asbestos In Schools

001B97101 EPA Research and Development Guidance Fiscal Year 1980-1981

001D70100 Methods, Processes and Procedures To Control Pollution Resulting From Dredging and Dredge Spoil Disposal {Draft}

001D73100 The Control Of Pollution From Construction Activities Causing Changes In The Circulation Of Water {Draft}

001D73101 Explanatory Statement Implementation Of The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System {Draft}

001D74101 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Treatment and Conveyance System, North Lake Tahoe-truckee River Basin (tahoe-truckee Sanitation Agency)

001D74102 Draft Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Auto and Other Laundries Point Source Category

001D76103 Draft National Safe Drinking Water Strategy One Step At A Time, November 1976 {Draft}

001D80100 Development and Application Of Test Procedures For Specific Organic Toxic Substances In Wastewaters Draft Final Report

001D80101 Determination Of Bensulide In Industrial and Municipal Wastewaters By Liquid Chromatography Method 636 {Draft}

001D85100 Alternate Concentration Limit Guidance Based on S264.94(b) Criteria: Part I - Information Required in ACL Demonstrations, Draft

001D86100 Joint Evaluation Of Upstream-downstream River Monitoring Data, 1984-1985 {Draft}

001D86101 Determination Of Mercaptobenzothiazole In Wastewaters By Liquid Chromatography Method 640

001F75100 Pesticides Examination Services

001F77001 Pesticides read The Label First

001F78100 Bicycle For A Better Environment Programs and Projects

001F83100 Our Challenge

001F84100 Cercla Getting Into The Act Contracting and Subcontracting Opportunities In The Superfund Program

001K74100 EPA and The Worldwide Struggle To Save Our Planet

001K75100 Policy Library Systems Branch Management and Organization Division Office Of Administration Office Of Planning and Management

001K76100 Noise and You The Abc's Of Hearing Conservation , 1976 Edition

001K78100 Portable Air Compressor Noise Emission Standards

001K84100 Employment Opportunities 1984

001K84101 Your Guide To The United States Environmental Protection Agency

001R67100 Pollution Of Navigable Water

001R69100 Water Quality Conditions At The Jordan River National Fish Hatchery, Elmira, Michigan

001R70101 Lake Michigan Entrainment Studies Big Rock Nuclear Power Plant Escanaba Power Plant November-december 1971

001R71100 Our Urban Environment and Our Most Endangered People

001R72100 Solid Waste Systems Planning

001R72101 Hazardous Of Zinc In The Environment With Particular Reference To The Aquatic Environment

001R73100 Descriptions Of Short-term Training Courses and Educational Programs In Abatement and Pollution Control, Scheduled For Presentation July 1973 Through June 1975

001R73101 Costs Of Construction Of Publicly-owned Wastewater Treatment Works 1973 Needs Survey

001R73102 Working Paper Number 17 Coarse Bubble Diffusers For Aerated Lagoons In Cold Climates

001R74100 A Preliminary Report On Asbestos In The Duluth, Minnesota Area

001R74101 Year-end Report To The Members Of EPA

001R75100 Bibliography For Larval Fish Identification

001R75101 The Determination Of Arsenic Antimony, Selenium and Tellurium In Environmental Water Samples By Flameless Atomic Absorption

001R75102 Cost For Treating Coal Mine Discharges

001R75103 208 Areawide Management

001R76001 Cost Of Air and Water Pollution Control 1976-1985 Section 2 Draft

001R76002 Environmental Product Control A Comparative Study Of The United States and Norway

001R76003 Cost Of Air and Water Pollution Control 1976-1985 Section 4 Draft

001R76004 Cost Of Air and Water Pollution Control 1976-1985 Section 3 Draft

001R77100 Ambient Monitoring Near The Land Disposal Site For Taconite Tailings Reserve Mining Company Silver Bay, Minnesota

001R77101 Analysis Of The Tax Implications Of Rapid Amortization

001R77102 The National Organic Monitoring Survey

001R77103 EPA Briefing Ierl-cincinnati

001R77104 Water Quality Program Strategy

001R77105 Needs For Plume Analysis For Thermal and Toxic Point Source Discharge

001R77106 Desalination Of Brackish Groundwater

001R77108 Nonpoint Source Program Status Report

001R78001 Noise A Health Problem

001R78102 A Compilation Of State Water Quality Standards For Marine Waters

001R78103 EPA Regulation Of Biological Pesticides

001R78105 EPA Adp Survey

001R79100 Bibliography Prepared For World Environment Day

001R79101 EPA Policy On Land Treatment and The Clean Water Act Of 1977

001R79102 Design Example High Systems

001R80100 Black River Waste Load Allocation Report, Volume 2 Water Quality and Effluent Data

001R80101 Black River Waste Load Allocation Report, Volume 1

001R80102 Final Report On Wisconsin Surface Impoundment Study

001R80104 Addendum-supplemental Information For Valley Crster Isc

001R81100 Treatment For The Control Of Trichloroethylene and Related Industrial Solvents In Drinking Water

001R82101 Water Quality Instructional Resources Information System

001R82102 Cost Effectiveness Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Standards and Limitations For Copper Forming

001R83100 Water Quality Criteria For The Evaluation Of Aquatic Life and Its Uses Ammonia Final Draft

001R85001 Surveillance Issue Contaminants

001R86101 Protest Appeals Of Recipients' Procurement Actions Under EPA Assistance Agreements Subject Indexes Of Protest Determinations Issued From 1974 Through 1984

001R86102 Determination Of Mbts and Tcmtb In Municipal and Industrial Wastewaters By Liquid Chromatography Method 637

001R87100 Agency Operating Guidance Fy 1988

001R87101 Project Report Contributions Of The Fluid Modeling Facility To Epa's Complex Terrain Model Development Program

001R95007 Multi-resolution Land Characteristics Consortium Documentation Notebook

001R99002 Development Of and Application Of The Swirl and Helical Bend Devices For Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement and Runoff Control

001R99100 Cost Effectiveness Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Standards and Limitations For Foundries

001R99101 Displacing Oil Power Plants With Coal An Economic Analysis

001S77100 Beyond Environmental Regulation Industry Takes The Initiative {executive Summary}

00406 Research Report Environmental Research Laboratory Athens, Ga 30613

00412 Quarterly Progress Report July Through September 1988 Environmental Research Laboratory, Duluth, Minnesota

00412A Quarterly Progress Report, April - June 1988

00412B Quarterly Progress Report, April - June 1989

00701 Feasibility Report Maintenance Dredeging Demonstrations Peoject In The Lower Jame Sriver, Virginia

01A0004413 Procedures Manual For Reviewing A Potw Pretreatment Program Submission

01A0004461 Neds Source Classification Codes And Emission Factor Listing

01A0006101 Establishing and Managing A Records Management Program, Draft

10019891 Environmental Backgrounder Medical Waste

100988501 EPA Study Of Asbestos-containing Materials In Public Buildings

100B00001 Science Policy Council Handbook: Peer Review, 2nd Edition

100B00001A Memorandum: Peer Review Handbook, Second Edition

100B00002 Science Policy Council Handbook, Risk Characterization

100B00002A Risk Characterization Handbook (Memorandum)

100B03001 Science Policy Counsil: Assessment Factors

100B04001 Office Of Science Advisor STAFF PAPER

100B04001ES EPA Risk Assessment Principles And Practices

100B04002 Potential Implications Of Genomics For Regulatory And Risk Assessment Applications At EPA

100B04003 Science Policy Council

100B05002 Science Policy Council WHITE PAPER: Genomics

100B07001 Nanotechnology White Paper

100B08001 A Business Guide to U.S. EPA Climate Partnership Programs

100B80001 Directory Office of Civil Rights

100B94001 Guidance for Conducting External Peer Review of Environmental Regulatory Models

100B96001 Partnerships In Preventing Pollution: Catalogue of the Agency's Partnership Programs

100B96002 Reinvention Resource Binder A Resource Guide Of Up-to-date Information On EPA Reinvention Initiatives

100B96003 Sustainable Development Challenge Grant Application Guidance for FY 1996 Pilot Program

100B97003 Partners for the Environment: Catalogue of the Agency's Partnership Programs

100B98001 Science Policy Council Handbook: Peer Review

100B98001ES Memorandum: Peer Review Handbook (Errata Sheet)

100D05001 Project Work Plan for Revised Air Quality Criteria for Lead : CASAC Review Draft

100D91001 Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR part 70 Operating Permit Program Draft

100D94001 1995 Farm Bill : Policies to Integrate Agriculture and the Environment ; Summary ; Draft: For Discussion Purposes Only

100D94001A 1995 Farm Bill : Policies to Integrate Agriculture and the Environment ; Appendix ; Draft: For Discussion Purposes Only

100D98001 Framework for the Economic Assessment of Ecological Benefits Draft

100D99001 Integrated Environmental Decision-Making in the 21st Century Peer Review Draft

100D99002 Integrated Environmental Decision-making in the Twenty-first Century Summary Recommendations Peer Reivew Draft

100F00001 Tips to Protect Children from Environmental Threats

100F00008 Como Proteger a los Ninos de las Amenazas Amblentales/Tips to Protect Children from Environmental Threats (Spanish/English)

100F00035 Project XLIENWEST: Puget Sound Naval Shipyard

100F02004 Tips To Protect Children From Environmental Risks

100F02005 Tips to Protect Children from Environmental Risks

100F02006 Children's Environmental Health: Call for Global Protection

100F02008 Tips to Protect Children from Environmental Risks

100F02009 Tips to Protect Children from Environmental Risks (Spanish)

100F02010 Como Proteger a los Ninos de los Riesgos Ambientales

100F03001 Regulations: A Vital Tool for Protecting Public Health and the Environment

100F03005 Improving EPA’s Performance With Program Evaluation A Review of Statewide Watershed Management Approaches

100F04001 Fact Sheet Age Healthier Breathe Easier

100F04008 Information For Older Adults And Family Caregivers

100F04009 Effective Control Of Household Pests

100F04014 Envejezca de mamera mas saludable Respire con mayor facilidad

100F04016 Fact Sheet: Age Healthier Breathe Easier {Chinese}

100F04017 EPA Celebrates Children's Health Month, October 2004

100F04020 To Thong Tin Song Lau Song Khoe Song Manh {Fact Sheet Age Healthier, Breathe Easier} {Vietnamese}

100F04021 EPA: Aging EPA: Effective Control of Household Pest 2005 Vietnamese

100F04023 Hoja De Datos Manejo Eficaz De Pesticidas En El Hogar {Fact Sheet Effective Control Of Household Pests} {Spanish}

100F04024 Epa: Aging: Planning For Excess Heat, Chinese Version

100F04900 Protect Children, Protect Our Future

100F04901 Fact Sheet: Effective Control of Household Pests: Information for Older Adults and Family Caregivers

100F05001 Hoja De Datos Cuando Calienta El Sol, Tomar Medidas Necesarias En Caso De Calor Excesivo (fact Sheet: It's Too Hot, Planning For Excessive Heat Events) {spanish}

100F05003 State Innovation Grant Program Michigan: Michigan Environmental Results Program (MERP) Dry Cleaning Sector

100F05004 State Innovation Grant Program Minnesota: Environmental Results Program Applied to Feedlots

100F05005 State Innovation Grant Program Indiana: CLEAN Community Challenge, State of Indiana (Comprehensive Local Environmental Action Network)

100F05007 State Innovation Grant Program Vermont: a Cross-media Environmental Results Project for the Retail Gasoline Sales Sector

100F05008 State Innovation Grant Program Wisconsin: Improved Environmental Results and Increased Regulatory Flexibility in Air Permitting for the Printing Sector Using Environmental Management Systems and an Environmental Results Program

100F05009 State Innovation Grant Program Wyoming: Watershed-Based NPDES Permitting for the Powder River Basin

100F05010 State Innovation Grant Program Rhode Island: Auto Salvage Environmental Results Program: Improved Compliance and Performance Through Innovation

100F05014 Age Healthier; Breath Easier {Russian}

100F05015 Fact Sheet Effective Control Of Household Pests {Russian}

100F05016 It's Too Darn Hot: Planning For Excessive Heat Events, Information For Older Adults And Family Caregivers {Russian}

100F05017 Age Healthier, Breathe Easier

100F05018 Fact Sheet Safe Steps To Rid Your Home And Garden Of Pests Information For Older Adults And Family Caregivers {low}

100F05019 Fact Sheet It's Too Darn Hot Planning For Excessive Heat Events Information For Older Adults And Family Caregivers {low}

100F05020 Fact Sheet Environmental Hazards Weigh Heavy On The Heart Information For Older Americans And Their Caregivers

100F05021 Los Peligros Ambientales Sobrecargan El Corazon {Environmental Hazards Weigh Heavy on the Heart} {Spanish}

100F05022 Environmental Contributors To Heart And Lung Disease {Chinese}

100F05024 Environmental Contributors To Heart And Lung Disease {Russian}

100F05025 Fact Sheet Environmental Hazards Weigh Heavy On The Heart Information For Older Americans And Their Caregivers

100F05026 Environmental Results Program (ERP) Overview

100F05027 Environmental Results Program (ERP) Automotive Repair Shops

100F05028 Environmental Results Program (ERP) Business Sector Fact Sheet:

100F05029 Environmental Results Program (ERP) Business Sector Fact Sheet:

100F05033 Pran Laj Ak Pi Bon Sante Respire Pi Fasil Fact Sheet Age Healthier Breathe Easier Information For Older Adults And Their Families {Haitian Creole}

100F05034 Kontwol Efikas Kont Viemin Anndan Kay {Effective Control Of Household Pests} {Haitian Creole}

100F05035 Chale A Two Fo: Preparasyon Pou Moman Ki Gen Two Gwo Chale Yo {FACT SHEET: It's Too Darn Hot: Planning for Excessive Heat Events: Information for Older Adults And Family Caregivers} {HAITIAN CREOLE

100F05036 Age Healthier Breathe Easier {Korean}

100F05037 Fact Sheet It's Too Darn Hot Planning for Excessive Heat Events Information for Older Adults and Family Caregivers {Korean}

100F05038 Effective Control Of Household Pests {Korean}

100F05039 Polisyon Nan Anviwonnman An Gen Gwo Konsekans Sou Ke Moun Enfomasyon Pou Ti Granmoun Ansanm Ak Moun K Ap Okipe Yo {Environmental Hazards Weigh Heavy On The Heart} {Haitian Creole}

100F05040 Environmental Contributors To Heart And Lung Disease {Korean}

100F05041 Children's Environmental Health 2005 Summary Of EPA Activities

100F05042 Water Works Information For Older Adults And Family Caregivers

100F05045 Children's Environmental Health 2005: Summary of EPA's activities {Spanish}

100F05048 Nong Qua Xa Chuan Bi Khi Gap Thoi Tiet Qua Nong Va Khac Nghiet {Fact Sheet It's Too Darn Hot Planning For Excessive Heat Events Information For Older Adults And Family Caregivers} {Vietnamese}

100F05052 Folha De Fatos Envelheca De Maneira Mais Saudavel Respire Com Maior Facilidade {Fact Sheet Age Healthier Breathe Easier} {Portuguese}

100F05053 Folha De Fatos: Controle Efetivo De Pragas Domesticas: Informacoes Para Individuos Da Terceira Idade E Familiares Que Deles Cuidam {Fact Sheet: Effective Control of House Pests} {Portuguese}

100F05054 Folha De Fatos Quando Esquenta O Sol Tomando Medidas Necessarias Em Caso De Calor Excessivo {Fact Sheet It's Too Darn Hot Planning For Excessive Heat Events} {Portuguese}

100F06006 Folha De Fatos Agua Trata {Fact Sheet Water Works} {Portuguese}

100F06007 Folha De Fatos Danos Ambientais Pesam Muito No Coracao {Fact Sheet Environmental Hazards Weigh Heavy On The Heart} {Portuguese}

100F06008 Whats In The Water- Information For Older Adults And Their Care Givers {spanish}

100F06011 Children's Environmental Health 2006 Report

100F06012 Informazioni Sull' Acrua Aging Water Works {Italian}

100F06013 L'eau Est Utile US EPA: Aging: Water Works {French}

100F06014 Water Works {Korean}

100F06016 Water Works {vietnamese}

100F06017 Environmental Hazards Weigh Heavy on the Heart {Vietnamese}

100F06018 Water Works Japanese Translation

100F06019 Fact Sheet Water Works {Russian}

100F06021 Effective Control of Household Pests: Arabic Translation of

100F06022 Arabic translation of Water Works

100F06907 Protect Children, Protect Our Future

100F07001 Water Works {Chinese}

100F07002 Water Works {Haitian Creole}

100F07004 Water Works Information for Older Adults and Family Members Who Take Care of Older Adults Fact Sheet

100F07005 It's Too Darn Hot, Planning for Excessive Heat Events; Arabic Translation

100F07010 Invecchiare Bene Respirare Meglio Informazioni Per Gli Americani In Età Avanzata E Coloro Che Li Assistono Ffact Sheet Age Healthier Breathe Easier {italian}

100F07011 Water Works {arabic}

100F07012 Environmental Hazards Weigh Heavy on the Heart {Arabic}

100F07013 Prenez De L’âge En Bonne Santé Respirez Mieux Information Pour Les Personnes Âgées Et Leur Personnel Soignant Fact Sheet Age Healthier Breathe Easier {French}

100F07014 Age Healthier Breathe Easier; Arabic Translation

100F07016 Fact Sheet Age Healthier Breathe Easier

100F07017 Fact Sheet Effective Control of Household Pests {French}

100F07018 Fact Sheet Environmental Hazards Weigh Heavy on the Heart {French}

100F07019 Fact Sheet It's Too Darn Hot Planning for Excessive Heat Events {French}

100F07020 Fact Sheet Diabetes and Environmental Hazards Information for Older Adults and Their Caregivers

100F07021 Diabetes and Environmental Hazards: Information for Older Adults and Their Caregivers (Arabic)

100F07022 Diabetes and Environmental Hazards Information for Older Adults and Their Caregivers {Spanish}

100F07024 Diabetes and Environmental Hazards {Korean}

100F07025 It's Too Darn Hot Planning for Excessive Heat Events, Information for Older Adults and Family Caregivers

100F07026 Diabetes and Environmetal Hazards {Chinese}

100F07027 Diabetes and Environmental Hazards Information for Older Adults and Their Caregivers {Portuguese}

100F07028 Women and Environmental Health Information for Older Adults and Their Caregivers

100F07029 Diabetes and Environmental Hazards Information for Older Adults and Their Caregivers {Vietnamese}

100F07030 Effective Control of Household Pests {Italian}

100F07031 It's Too Darn Hot Planning for Excessive Heat Events {Italian}

100F07032 Environmental Hazards Weigh Heavy on the Heart {Italian}

100F07033 Diabetes and Environmental Hazards {Italian}

100F07034 Age Healthier Breathe Easier {Polish}

100F07035 State Innovation Grant Program: Indiana Implementing an ERP to Reach Measurable Environmental Results in the

100F07036 State Innovation Grant Program: Kentucky

100F07037 State Innovation Grant Program: Massachusetts Implementing a States Common Measures Project for Improving ERP Compliance Strategies (2005 Competition)

100F07038 State Innovation Grant Program: Nevada Instituting the Nevada Environmental Results Program (NVERP) for Better Environmental Results in the Dry Cleaning Sector (2005 Competition)

100F07039 State Innovation Grant Program New Hampshire Encouraging Superior Environmental Performance through Management Systems, Recognition, and Rewards (2005 Competition)

100F07040 State Innovation Grant Program: Virginia Seeking to Improve Compliance of Underground Storage Tanks through Development of a Self-Certification Environmental Results Program (ERP) (2005 Competition)

100F07042 State Innovation Grant Program Arizona Environmental Performance Track Increasing Membership By Lowering Membership Hurdles Building A Broader Base And Improving Key Incentives (2006 Competition)

100F07043 State Innovation Grant Program Indiana Indiana Environmental Stewardship Program (2006 Competition)

100F07044 State Innovation Grant Program Louisiana Multimedia Oil and Gas Production Environmental Results Program (2006 Competition)

100F07045 State Innovation Grant Program Rhode Island Underground Storage Tanks-Alternative Inspection Programs and the US Energy Policy Act of 2005 (2006 Competition)

100F07046 State Innovation Grant Program Virginia Infrastructure and Capacity Building for Improved Incentive Development and Delivery for Performance-Based Programs (2006)

100F07048 Age Healthier Breathe Easier {Armenian}

100F07049 Age Healthier Breathe Easier {Tagalog}

100F07050 Diabetes and Environmental Hazards Information for Older Adults and Their Caregivers {French}

100F07051 Women and Environmental Health {Portuguese}

100F07052 It's Too Darn Hot! Planning for Excessive Heat Events Information for Older Adults and Family Caregivers {Polish}

100F07053 Diabetes And Environmental Hazards Information For Older Adults And Their Caregivers {Polish}

100F08002 Environmental Hazards Weigh Heavy on the Heart {Polish}

100F08003 Effective Control of Household Pests {Polish}

100F08005 Women and Environmental Health {French}

100F08006 Water Works {Polish}

100F08007 Women and Environmental Health {Korean}

100F08008 Women and Environmental Health {Arabic}

100F08009 Women and Environmental Health {Italian}

100F08010 Women and Environmental Health {Spanish}

100F08011 Age Healthier Breathe Easier {Thai}

100F08012 Women and Environmental Health {Vietnamese}

100F08017 State Innovation Grant Program: South Carolina Incorporating EMS into Permitting Decisions (2004 Competition)

100F08018 State Innovation Grant Program: Maine Automotive Body Environmental Results Program (2004 Competition)

100F08019 State Innovation Grant Program: Texas Developing an Innovative Permit Initiative to Promote EMSs (2002 Competition)

100F08020 Diabetes and Environmental Hazards: Information for Older Adults and Their Caregivers {Armenian}

100F08021 Water Works {Armenian}

100F08022 Women and Environmetal Health {Armenian}

100F08023 Effective Control of Household Pests {Armenian}

100F08024 It's Too Darn Hot! Planning for Excessive Heat Events Information for Older Adults and Family Caregivers {Armenian}

100F08025 Environmental Hazards Weigh Heavy on the Heart {Armenian}

100F08026 Women and Environmental Health {Chinese}

100F08027 Women and Environmental Health (Polish)

100F08028 Age Healthier, Breathe Easier: Information for Older Adults and Their Caregivers {Spanish}

100F08029 Children's Environmental Health Disparities: Black and African American Children and Asthma

100F08030 Children's Environmental Health Disparities: Black and African American Children and Secondhand Smoke

100F08031 Children's Environmental Health Disparities: Hispanic and Latino American Children and Asthma

100F08032 Children's Environmental Health Disparities: Hispanic and Latino American Children and Secondhand Smoke

100F08034 Environmental Hazards Weigh Heavy on the Heart {Japanese}

100F08035 Environmental Hazards Weigh Heavy on the Heart {Thai}

100F08036 State Innovation Grant Program: Michigan Environmental Results Program (MERP) Dry Cleaning Sector (2004 Competition)

100F08037 State Innovation Grant Program: Minnesota Environmental Results Program Applied to Feedlots (2005 Competition)

100F08038 State Innovation Grant Program: Vermont

100F08039 State Innovation Grant Program: Environmental Management Systems and an Environmental Results Program to Improve Air Permitting for the Printing Sector (2005 Competition)

100F08044 Women and Environmental Health (Russian)

100F08045 Mga Dapat Malaman Ang mga Panganib sa Kapaligiran ay Nakapagdudulot ng Matinding Panganib sa Puso

100F08050 Effective Control of Household Pests (Chinese)

100F08051 Effective Control of Household Pests (Japanese)

100F08053 Diabetes and Environmental Hazards (Russian)


100F08060 Water Works (Thai)

100F08061 State Innovation Grant Program New Hampshire - Superior Environmental Results Through Innovative Land Development Technical Assistance and Permitting

100F08070 Lean: Excellence in Government Improving Environmental Agency Processes With Lean and Six Sigma

100F08072 State Innovation Grant Program Georgia

100F94002 Putting Customers First: EPA Rises to the Challenge of Executive Order 12862

100F94003 Executive Summary Customer Service Plan

100F94004 EPA Customer Service Plan: The Common Sense Initiative Regulation Improvement Teams

100F94005 EPA Customer Service Plan: Environmental Permitting Permits Improvement

100F94006 Customer Service Hotline Solid Waste and Emergency Response

100F94007 Responses to Inquiries Communications, Education, and Public Affairs

100F94008 EPA Customer Service Plan: Water Grants Management Office of Water and Region 6, Dallas, TX

100F94009 Public Access to Information About Hazardous Chemicals Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention and Pollution Prevention

100F94010 Responses to Inquiries Region 3 Philadelphia, PA Customer Service Plan

100F96002 Fact Sheet Community-Based Environmental Protection May 1996

100F97008 Small Business Compliance Assistance Centers

100F98008 Project XL: Good for the Environment, Good for Business, Good for Communities

100F98010 Reinventing Environmental Protection: EPA's Approach

100F98013 Partners for the Environment

100F99001 Project XL Stakeholder Involvement: A Guide for Project Sponsors and Stakeholders

100F99010 Tips to Protect Children from Environmental Threats

100H07002 US EPA: Aging Initiative [Spanish}

100H08002 Envejezca de manera más saludable: Respire con mayor facilidad

100H08056 Women and Environmental Health {Haitian-Creole}

100K04001 Live Learn Play Tune In To Your Health and Environment

100K06003 The Lean and Environment Toolkit

100K07001 Children's Environmental Health Excellence Awards: Honoring Exceptional Efforts to Protect Our Children, 2007

100K07002 Children's Environmental Health, 2007 Highlights Environment, Health, and a Focus on Children

100K08001 Building Healthy Communities for Active Aging Awards 2007

100K08003 An In-depth Look at the United Kingdom Integrated Permitting System Exploring Global Environmental Protection Strategies

100K08005 Lean in Air Permitting Guide A Supplement to the Lean in Government Starter Kit

100K93001 Pollution Prevention and Right-to-Know in the Government: Executive Order 12856

100K98001 Compilation of Speeches by EPA Officials, 1996-1997

100N93001 Administrator's Update: September 24, 1994. Number 5. National Performance Review

100R00001 Partners for the Environment: Boosting Your Bottom Line

100R00018 EPA Children's Environmental Health Yearbook Supplement

100R00019 Innovations in Environmental Management: Helping Companies Cut Costs and Improve Performance

100R00020 Innovation at the Environmental Protection Agency: Decade of Progress

100R00020ES Innovation at the Environmental Protection Agency: Decade of Progress (Errata Sheet)

100R00021 Green Dividends: Relationship Between Firms' Environmental Performance and Financial Performance

100R00023A Project XL: Directory of Regulatory, Policy, and Technology Innovations 2000 Comprehensive Report Volume 1

100R00040 Stakeholder Involvement & Public Participation At The US EPA Lessons Learned Barriers & Innovative Approaches

100R00900 Eliminating Childhood Lead Posioning: A Federal Strategy Targeting Lead Paint Hazards

100R00903 Comments Regarding the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Draft Fiscal Year 2001 Annual Compliance Assistance Activity Plan

100R00904 EPA Sector Program 2001-2005 As endorsed by the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technologh (NACEPT) and the NACEPT Sector Committee

100R00905 Review of EPA's Health Assessment Document for Diesel Exhaust (EPA 600/8-90/057E) : Review by the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Commitee (CASAC)

100R01001 Greening EPA The Architecture, Engineering, and Real Estate Branch's Greening Activities Draft

100R01004 Report and Recommendations: Evaluation of EPA's Workforce Assessment Project and Strategy for Human Capital

100R01005 Maximizing Compliance Assisstance Recommendations for Enhancing Compliance Assistance Opportunities at EPA and Through Other Providers

100R01007 Recommendations Regarding: Options for Use of Funds by States and Tribes

100R02001 Environmental Future: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities for EPA, Report from the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT)

100R02004 Evaluation of Community Based Environmental Protection Projects: Accomplishments and Lessons Learned

100R02006 Integration of Environmental Justice Federal Agency Programs A Report Developed from the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council Meeting of December 11-14, 2000

100R02007 National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology NACEPT, National Environmental Technology Competition Advice Letter

100R02008 National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT) July 18-19 2002

100R02009 National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT) Emerging Trends and Issues Advice Letter

100R02010 Environmental Protection Agency Audit Guide for Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs

100R03003 Children's Health Valuation Handbook

100R03008 Federal Advisory Committee Handbook

100R04001 Innovating For Better Environmental Results

100R04004 Proceedings EPA Scinece Forum 2004 Healthy Communities and Ecosystems Washington DC June 1-3 2004

100R04005 Advisory Council on Clean Air Compliance Analysis Response to Agency Request on Cessation Lag

100R05001 National Center For Environmental Innovation 2004 Report On Progress

100R05002 Environmental Innovation: Portfolio

100R05005 Everyday Choices: Opportunities for Environmental Stewardship

100R05006 Review of EPA's Draft Framework for Inorganic Metals Risk Assessment : Internal Deliberative Draft

100R05007 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency : External Review Draft ; Nanotechnology White Paper

100R05008 Proceedings EPA Science Forum 2003 Partnering to Protect Human Health and the Environment Washington DC May 6-8 2003

100R05009 Proceedings EPA Science Forum 2002: Meeting the Challenges Washington DC May 1-2 2002

100R06004 EPA Technology Programs And Intra-agency Coordination May 2006

100R06007 NACEPT Comments on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Draft 2006-2011 Strategic Plan Architecture March 2006

100R06008 Submission of NACEPT Comments on EPAs Draft 2006-2011 Strategic Plan

100R06009 National Strategy for Agriculture

100R06010 Review of EPA's Draft Framework for Inorganic Metals Risk Assessment

100R07006 The National Center for Environmental Innovation: Report on Progress, 2005-2006

100R07007 ERP States Produce Results - 2007 Report. States' Experience Implementing the Environmental Results Program. Executive Summary

100R07009 ERP States Produce Results 2007 Report. States' Experience Implementing the Environmental Results Program

100R08002 2008 Sector Performance Report

100R08009 Lean in Government Starter Kit

100R64001 Gasolina Sin Plomo... Es Lo Mejor

100R71001 Environmental Protection Agency Progress Report

100R72001 Report to the International Joint Commission Great Lakes Board on the Control of Pollution of Boundary Water in Connecting Channels St. Mary's River St. Clair River Detroit River Coliform Densities United States Side of Detroit River

100R73001 EPA Fiscal Year 1973 Budget

100R76101 Audit Guide For The Construction Grant Program

100R77010 Earth Trek Explore Your Environment

100R77101 Accounting Guide For Construction Grants

100R77101B Decisions Of The Administrator And Decisions Of The General Counsel Volume 2

100R78001 EPA Fiscal Year 1978 Budget Part 1

100R78002 EPA Fiscal Year 1978 Budget Part 2

100R78101 Facilities Protection Plan

100R79001 EPA Guidance To The States Fiscal Year 1980

100R79101 Progress Report State Implementation Of EPA Guidelines On The Use Of Population

100R80001 Fiscal Year 1980 Zbb Budget Overview

100R80002 Fiscal Year 1980 Zbb Budget Air Radiation Noise

100R80003 Fiscal Year 1980 Zbb Budget Management and Support Buildings and Facilities Scientific Activities Overseas

100R80004 Fiscal Year 1980 Zbb Budget Interdisciplinary Energy

100R80005 Fiscal Year 1980 Zbb Budget Toxic Substances Pesticides

100R80006 Ley Sobre Conservacion y Recuperacion de Recursos Ley Publica 94-580 94o Congreso

100R80007 Fiscal Year 1980 ZBB Budget: Water Quality Drinking Water Solid Waste

100R80101 Audit Guide For Construction Grant Program

100R80102 Organization Charts Management And Organization Division

100R80103 Financial Reports Financial Management Division

100R81101 Statement Of Anne Mcgill Gorsuch Before The Us Senate Committee On Environment And Public Works

100R82002 Storage and Retrieval of Water Related Data : The STORET System ; ADP Audit Report

100R82003 Guide to Library Sources and Services

100R82102 Strategic Planning And Management System First Quarter FY 1983 Report

100R83101 Policy And Management Review Of Headquarters-regional Relationships

100R83102 EPA's FY 1984 Budget

100R83103 Management Accountability System Fourth Quarter FY 1983 Report

100R83104 Administrator's Management Accountability System Second Quarter FY 1983 Report

100R83105 Strategic Planning And Management System First Quarter FY 1984 Report

100R83106 Strategic Planning And Management System Third Quarter FY 1983 Report

100R84001 Abstracts and Index to Publications Dealing with PCP or Creosote

100R84002 EPA Drilling Fluid Hazard Assessment Research Program Index and Abstracts to Publications

100R84003 Gulf Breeze Laboratory Titles and Abstracts 1983/84 Publications in Press and in Preparation

100R84101 Recipient's Guidance For Utilization Of Minority Business Enterprise In Procurements Under EPA Assistance Agreements

100R84102 1984 Environmental Management Report Updates Problem Summary

100R84103 Office Of Information Resources Management Reorganization Package

100R84104 Remarks Of The Honorable William D Ruckelshaus Administrator EPA National Newspaper Association Reno Nevada September 27 1984

100R84105 Strategic Planning And Management System Second Quarter FY 1984 Report

100R84106 Strategic Planning And Management System Fourth Quarter FY 1984 Report

100R84107 Strategic Planning And Management System Third Quarter FY 1984 Report

100R85001 Statement of Lee M. Thomas : Acting Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ; Before the Senate Committee on Environment of Public Works

100R85002 Remarks of Lee M. Thomas, Administrator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Before the Second National Enforcement Converence, Washington, D.C.: February 13, 1985

100R85004 Assessing and Managing Risks in the Real World

100R85101 Strategic Planning And Management System Fy 1986 Goals Objectives Commitments And Measures

100R85102 Strategic Planning And Management System Fourth Quarter FY 1985 Report

100R85103 EPA's FY 1986 Budget

100R85104 Strategic Planning And Management System First Quarter FY 1986 Report

100R86002 Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for Owners and Operators of Underground Storage Tanks

100R86101 Agency Operating Guidance Fy 1987

100R86102 Freedom Of Information Act Manual 1550 1986 Edition

100R86103 Survey Of American Indian Environmental Protection Needs On Reservations Lands 1986

100R86104 Strategic Planning And Management System Fourth Quarter FY 1986 Report

100R86105 Strategic Planning And Management System First Quarter FY 1987 Report

100R86106 Strategic Planning And Management System Third Quarter FY 1986 Report

100R86107 Strategic Planning And Management System Second Quarter FY 1986 Report

100R87001 Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Drinking Water Treatment: Filtration

100R87101 FY 1987 Strategic Planning And Management System Measures And Commitments

100R87102 Strategic Planning And Management System Fourth Quarter FY 1987 Report

100R87103 Strategic Planning And Management System Third Quarter FY 1987 Report

100R87104 Strategic Planning And Management System First Quarter FY 1988 Report

100R87105 Strategic Planning And Management System Second Quarter FY 1987 Report

100R88101 Strategic Planning And Management System Second Quarter FY 1988 Report

100R88102 Strategic Planning And Management System Third Quarter FY 1988 Report

100R89001 Interstate Carrier Conveyance Program The Role of Interstate Carrier Conveyances Under the Safe Drinking Water Act

100R89101 Agency Operating Guidance FY 1990 Office Of Water

100R89102 FY 1989 Goals Objectives Commitments And Measures

100R89103 Strategic Planning And Management System Second Quarter FY 1989 Report

100R89104 Strategic Planning And Management System Third Quarter FY 1989 Report

100R90017 Hazard Ranking System (HRS) for Uncontrolled Hazardous Substance Releases Appendix A of the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan

100R90102A Changing Climate and the Coast: Volume 1, Adaptive Responses and Their Economic, Environmental, and Institutional Implications

100R90102B Changing Climate and the Coast Volume 2: Western Africa, the Americas, the Mediterranean Basin, and the Rest of Europe

100R90103 No Deje Al Alcance De Sus Ninos Ningun Producto Venenoso

100R90104 Strategic Targeted Activities for Results System : First Quarter FY 1990 Report

100R90105 Strategic Targeted Activities for Results System : Second Quarter FY 1990 Report

100R90106 Strategic Targeted Activities for Results System : Third Quarter FY 1990 Report

100R91101 Management Review Of The Superfund Program William K Reilly, Administrator, US Epa, Washington Dc

100R91102 Protecting the Nation's Ground Water: EPA's Strategy for the 1990s ; The Final Report of the EPA Groung-Water Task Force

100R91103 1991 State/Federal Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan for the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill : Volume I: Assessment and Restoration Plan ; Appendices A, B, C

100R91104 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency : 1991 Management Control Plan

100R91105 Environmental Protection Agency: Agency's FY 1992 Budget

100R91107 1991 State/Federal Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan for Exxon Valdez Oil Spill : Volume II: Response to Public Comment ; Appendix D

100R92005a Responses to Administrator's 3/10/92 Request for Assessments of Problems Related to Contract and Program Management

100R92005b Responses to Administrator's 3/10/92 Request for Assessments of Problems Related to Contract and Program Management

100R93001 Final Comprehensive State Ground Water Protection Program Guidance

100R93002 Greening of World Trade: Report to EPA from the Trade and Environment Committee of the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology

100R93004 Transforming Environmental Permitting and Compliance Policies to Promote Pollution Prevention: Removing Barriers and Providing Incentives to Foster Technology Innovation, Economic Productivity, and Environmental Protection

100R93005 Memoranda and Letters From the Administrator's Office on the Topic of EPA's Peer Review Process and Science Policy Council

100R94001 State Pollution Prevention Initiatives Utilizing Media-Program Grant Flexibility

100R94003 Encouraging State Innovation: Preventing Pollution Through Grant Flexibility

100R94005 Statement of Carol M. Browner: Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Before the Subcommittee on Superfund, Recycling and Solid Waste Management of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, U.S. Senage; February 10, 1994

100R94006 Superfund Reform Act of 1994 : Senate Bill S1834

100R94008 Engineering, Planning, Architecture and Space Standards and Guidelines for EPA Facilities Strategic and Physical Facilities Master Plan

100R94009 Strategic Targeted Activities for Results System : FY 1994 Goals, Objectives, Commitments, and Measures

100R95001 EPA Pollution Prevention Accomplishments: Incorporating Pollution Prevention into Business Decisions, 1994

100R95002 EPA Commitments To Support Comprehensive State Groundwater Protection Programs

100R95008 Eliminating and Improving Regulations: Report to the President

100R95009 EPA Risk Characterization Program


100R95011 What Is It All About: Clean Water Act, Section 319 ; Nonpoint Source Management

100R96001 Prototype Study of Industry Motivation for Pollution Prevention

100R96001A Interview Results: Prototype Study of Industry Motivation for Pollution Prevention

100R96003 Promoting Innovative Approaches to Environmental Protection: A Summary of Recommendations from the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology

100R96004 Reinventing Environmental Regulation: National Performance Review, March 29, 1996, Progress Report

100R96009 Facility Safety, Health, and Environmental Management Manual

100R97001 NEW Directions: A Report On Regulatory Reinvention

100R97002 New Directions: A Report On Regulatory Reinvention

100R97003 People, Places, and Partnerships: Progress Report on Community Based Environmental Protection

100R97004 Managing for Better Environmental Results

100R97005 New Directions: A Report on Regulatory Reinvention, May 1997

100R97007 New Directions: Report on Regulatory Reinvention: Creating a Fundamentally Different System, July 1997

100R97008 Annual Report of the Good Neighbor Environmental Board

100R97012 Report and Recommendations of the Community-Based Environmental Protection Committee: National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT)

100R98002 Managing Information as a Strategic Resource: Final Report and Recommendation of the Information Impacts Committee, National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT)

100R98003 Changing Nature of Environmental and Public Health Protection: An Annual Report on Reinvention

100R98004 New Directions: Report on Regulatory Reinvention: Reinventing Environmental Information: Making Data Resources Work for Better Environmental Results

100R98005 Finding New Ways of Doing Business: How the States and EPA Are Working Together to Improve Environmental Protection

100R98006 Report of the Federal Advisory Committee on the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program: The National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT)

100R98007 New Directions: Report on Regulatory Reinvention, Harnessing the Power of the Internet

100R98008 Project XL Preliminary Status Report An Evaluation of Projects in Implementation

100R98009 Evaluation of Project XL Stakeholder Processes Executive Summary

100R98010 New Directions: Report on Regulatory Reinvention, The Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative

100R98011 Common Sense Initiative: Lessons Learned About Protecting the Environment in Common Sense, Cost Effective Ways

100R98100 EPA Children's Environmental Health Yearbook

100R98101 Toxic Final Report 12/98 : Report of the Toxics Data Reporting Committee on the Toxic Release Inventory Program

100R99001 Regional Geographic Initiative Highlights 1998

100R99002 Reinventing Environmental Protection: Annual Report, 1998

100R99004 Report of the Title VI Implementation Advisory Committee: Next Steps for EPA, State, and Local Environmental Justice Programs, National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology

100R99005A National Advisory Council For Environmental Policy And Technology (NACEPT) Past And Future Decade Of Stakeholder Advice

100R99005B National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology, Past and Future: Chronology and History Report, Appendix M

100R99006 Aiming for Excellence: Actions to Encourage Stewardship and Accelerate Environmental Progress

100R99006ES Aiming for Excellence: Actions to Encourage Stewardship and Accelerate Environmental Progress (Cover Letter)

100R99009 National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT), Final Report and Recommendations of the Reinvention Criteria Committee, Identification of Evaluation Criteria for EPA's Reinvention Programs

100R99010 National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT) Reinvention Criteria Committee Final Report and Recommendations Incentives to Promote Environmental Syewardship

100R99013 EPA Custodial Officer Guide

100R99014 Modeling of Radionuclide Releases from Disposal of Low Activity Mixed Waste Advisory on the Office of Radiation and Indoor Air's Draft Proposals on Modeling of Radionuclide Releases from Disposal of Low Activity Mixed Waste

100R99015 Report and Recommendations: April 1998 - August 1998 : Environmental Information and Public Access Committe (EIPAC)

100R99016 Report of the Title IV Implementation Advisory Committee : Next Steps for EPA, State, and Local Environmental Justice Programs

100S08001 An In-depth Look at the United Kingdom Integrated Permitting System Exploring Global Environmental Protection Strategies - Executive Summary

100S85001 ERLGB Data Processing Resources A Briefing Book

100S91001 Summary Report of EPA's Federal Manager's Financial Integrity Act Program

100S93001 Progressive Environmental Management: Leveraging Regulatory and Voluntary Action

100S96001 Food Safety Advisory Committee September-December 1996 Meeting Summary Compilation

100S98001 Changing Nature of Environmental and Public Health Protection, Executive Summary

100S98002 EPA Children's Environmental Health Yearbook, Executive Summary

100S98003 Project XL Preliminary Status Report An Evaluation of Projects in Implementation Executive Summary

100S99001 Reinventing Environmental Protection, Annual Report, 1998, Executive Summary

101F90037 Cleanup Of Underground Storage Tank Releases Using Pump And Treat Methods

101F90038 Mobilizing For Safe Drinking Water Blueprint For Action

101F90039 How Do State Agencies In Region 3 Determine Compliance With Volatile Organic Compound Regulations

101F90040 Report On Land-Based Sources Of Marine Pollution In The Carribbean

101F90043 Study Of Freeway Capacity Increases In The San Francisco Bay Area And Greater Sacramento

101F90046 Urban Stormwater Runoff And Groundwater Quality

101F90049 Distribution Of Heavy Metal Loadings To The South Fork Couer D'Alene River In Northern Idaho

101F90050 Application Of Utility Theory To The Valuing Of Air Pollution-related Health Effects Three Proposed Pilot Studies On Subjective Judgements Of Asthma

101F90051 Criteria For Choosing Indicator Species For Ecological Risk Assessments At Superfund Sites

101F90501 Study Of The Relevant Incineration Technologies And Air Pollution Control Devices For The Delaware Sand And Gravel Landfill

101F91044 How Can The Building Professions Best Obtain Information And Training On Indoor Air

101F91045 Improving Federal Facility Compliance With Regulation 15 Strategy For EPA Action

101F91047 Nitrate Risk Management Under Uncertainty

101F91048 Scrap Tire Consumption In New England And New Jersey

101F91052 Growth Management Planning In New England Role Of EPA

101N91001 Report and Recommendations of the Technology Innovation and Economics Committee: Permitting and Compliance Policy: Barriers to U.S. Environmental Technology Innovation

11010FMY1070 Engineering Feasibility Demonstration Study For Muskegon County, Michigan Wastewater Treatment-irrigation System

11020FAL0371 Evaluation Of Storm Standby Tanks, Columbus, Ohio

11022DMU0770 Combined Sewer Regulator Overflow Facilities

11022DMU0870 Combined Sewer Regulation and Management - A Manual of Practice

11024DQU1070 Urban Runoff Characteristics

11024EQER0671 Impregnation of Concrete Pipe

11034DUY0372 Investigation of Porous Pavements for Urban Runoff Control

110R72101 Primer On The Law Evidence And Management Of Federal Waster Pollution Control Cases

110R74101 Current Laws Statutes And Executive Orders

120000770 Projects Of The Industrial Pollution Control Branch

12020EEQ1071 Treatment Of Wastewater From The Production Of Polyhydric Organics

12020EXG0372 Effect Of Chlorination On Selected Organic Chemicals

120D00001 GENII Version 2 Sensitivity/Uncertainty Multimedia Modeling Module User's Guidance Draft

120F92001 Science Advisory Board

120R04002 Review of EPA's Draft Report on the Environment 2003 : A Report by The Science Advisory Board Panel on EPA's Report on the Environment ; QRC Revuew Draft

120R05001 Review of EPA's Drinking Water Research Program Multi-Year Plan 2003 : Draft Sabreport - Board Review Draft

120R05002 Science Advice for EPA : The Path Forward ; The EPA Science Advisory Board Staff Office and Science Advisory Committees Accomplishments Report for Fiscal Years 2003-2004

120R05003 Science and Research Budgets for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Fiscal Year 2006 ; An Advisory Report by the EPA Science Advisory Board : Draft

120R05004 Valuing the Protection of Ecological Systems and Services: An Expanded and Integrated Approach ; SAB Draft Report

120R06004 Toxics Release Inventory Data

120R06005 Valuing the Protection of Ecological Systems and Services: An Expanded and Integrated Approach ; SAB Draft Report

120R07001 Framework for Metals Risk Assessment

120R87001 Science Advisory Board : Organization and Functions - Committees, Boards, Panels, and Councils ; Appendix A

130300270 Industrial Wast Guide Logging Practices

13030ELY1269 Collected Papers Regarding Nitrates In Agricultural Wastewaters

130489003 Federal Facilities Compliance Strategy

130679001 Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines For New Source Fossil Fueled Steam Electric Generating Stations

130987501 Hazardous Waste Pickup Problems Among Automotive Maintenance And Dry Cleaning Firms

130E05001 Good Neighbor Environmental Board To The President And Congress Of The United States {English/Spanish}

130K08001 Everyone's Business Working Towards Sustainability Through Environmental Stewardship and Collaboration

130R00001 Fourth Report of the Good Neighbor Environmental Board to the President and Congress of the United States

130R02001 Fifth Report of the Good Neighbor Environmental Board to the President and Congress of the United States, December 2001

130R03001 US/Mexico Border Environment 2002: Report of the Good Neighbor Environmental Board to the President And Congress of the United States, 6th Report (Spanish/English)

130R04001 Children's Environmental Health Spotlight On The US-Mexico Border 7th Report Of The Good Neighbor Environmental Board To The President And Congress Of The United States {English-Spanish}

130R05001 Water Resources Manangement On The U.S.-Mexico Border

130R06002 Us-mexico Border Environment Air Quality And Transportation And Cultural And Natural Resources 9th Report Of The Good Neighbor Environmental Board To The President{spanishenglish}

130R07003 Environmental Protection and Border Security on the U.S.-Mexico Border, Tenth Report of the Good Neighbor Environmental Board to the President and Congress of the United States. {English/Spanish}

130R07004 EPA Technology Programs Engaging the Marketplace

130R08001 Natural Disasters and the Environment Along the U.S.-Mexico Border: 11th Report of the Good Neighbor Environmental Board to the President and Congress of the United States, March 2008 {English/Spanish}

130R92001 Improving Technology Diffusion for Environmental Protection Report and Recommendations of the Technology Innovation and Economics Committee

130R93001 Building State and Local Pollution Prevention Programs: 1) Status and Trends 2) Findings and Recommendations

130R96001 Proceedings: National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT) Meeting : Environmental Statistics Subcommittee

130R98001 Good Neighbor Environmental Board Annual Report, July 1998

130R98002 Corporate Environmental Performance As A Factor In Financial Industry Decisions

130R99001 Office of Cooperative Environmental Management: Status Report on EPA Advisory Committees, Fiscal Year 1999

130S00001 National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT): Past and Future, Executive Summary

140100470 Elkins Mine Drainage Pollution Control Demonstration Project 7 Reports 1970-1973

140100570 Neutralization Of High Ferric Irion Acid Mine Drainage

14010FPS0270 Sulfide To Sulfate Reaction Mechanism

150B01001 Employment Civil Rights Training for Supervisors and Managers: Training Manual

150B86001 Dimethoate: Issues Related to the Hazard and Dose Response Assessment

150F93001 Quality For Equality A Report On Workshop 2000

150R85001 Affirmation Action Plan Agencywide Accomplishment Report 1984 Update 1985

150R85002 Affirmation Action Plan, Headquarters Accomplishment Report FY 1984 update FY 1985

150R94001 Affirmative Employment Program Plan For Minorities Women And People With Disabilities FY 1994 Plan Update And FY 1993 Accomplishments Report

160101067 Symposium Proceedings Environmental Requirements Of Blue-green Algae

16020031 Background Information On Mercury Sources And Regulations : Great Lakes Toxics Reduction

16020GDO1071 Microbiological Survey of Lake Erie Near Cleveland, Ohio

16050FGS0770 Interrelation Of Carbon and Phosphorus In Regulating Heterotrophic and Autotrophic Populations In Aquatic Ecosystems

16070EFG1271 Limitations And Effects Of Waste Disposal On An Ocean Shelf

16070ENSO671 Airphoto Analysis of Ocean Outfall Dispersion

160B95001 Compendium of EPA Binational and Domestic US/Mexico Activities

160B97900A Coral Reefs: English Compilation of Activities for Middle School Students

160B97900B Arrecifes De Coral: Una Coleccion De Actividades En Espanol Para Estudiantes De Escuela Intermedia (Coral Reefs: Spanish Compilation of Activities for Middle School Students)

160B99001 Implementer's Guide to Phasing Out Lead in Gasoline

160B99002 Environmental Information On Line Guide For International Users

160B99003 Compendium of EPA U.S. - Mexico Border Activities

160D96001 US- Mexico Border 21 Program: Draft Framework Document

160F02001 Persistent Organic Pollutants: A Global Issue A Global Response

160F06001 Environmental Results Through International Collaboration

160K95001 EPA's International Programs:Serving U.S. Environmental, Economic, Foreign Policy and National Security Interest

160K97001 Emerging Global Environmental Issues

160K98002 Dark Past, Bright Future: Environmental Cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States

160R00001 U.S.-Mexico Border XXI Program: Progress Report 1996-2000

160R004 Proceedings / Actes: G-7 Environmental Futures Forum, April 4-5, 1997, Cabourg, France

160R06001 State Of The Border Region Border 2012: U.s.-Mexico Environmental Program Indicators Report 2005

160R86001 Internal Report on Application and Assessment of Conventional and Toxic Pollutant Models for PRC

160R88001 Paper on the US Environmental Protection Agency and Environmental Protection Work in Hong Kong

160R89001 Report to Congress : Requested under Section 703 of the Support for East European Democracy (SEED) Act of 1989 ; Environmental Conditions in Poland and Hungary

160R91001 Kuwait Oil Fires: Interagency Interim Report

160R91002 Report on Administrative Management Systems of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources, and Forestry, Warsaw, Poland

160R95001 U.S. and Mexico Sponsored International Workshop on Phasing Lead out of Gasoline: Proceedings, March 14-15, 1995

160R96001 US- Mexico Border 21 Program: Summary of Domestic Meetings

160R96002 EPA's International Technology Program

160R96003 US-Mexico Border 21 Program: Framework Document, October 1995

160R96004 US-Mexico Border 21 Program: 1996 Implementation Plans, October 1996

160R97001 US-Mexico Border XXI Program Comment And Response Summary Report

160R97003 US-Mexico Border 21 Program: Comment and Response Summary Report, June 1997

160R97005 United States Great Lakes Program Report on the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

160R97006 Strengthening EPA's International Programs: A Report to Congress

160R98001 US-Mexico Border 21 Program: 1997-98 Implementation Plans, and 1996 Accomplishments Reports

160R98003 U.S. / Mexico Border XX1 Program, Implementation Plans, 1998

160S00001 U.S.-Mexico Border XXI Program: Progress Report 1996-2000, Executive Summary

160S96001 US- Mexico Border 21 Program: Executive Summary, October 1996

16110GNT0272 Development Of A State Effluent Charge System

161300969 Working Paper No 67 Economic Aspects Of Thermal Pollution Control In The Electric Power Industry

1613OFHJ0970 Beneficial Uses Of Waste Heat An Evaluation

17010EKI0971 Phosphate Precipitation with Ferrous Iron

1708654000 Pesticide Safety For Non-certified Mixers Loaders And Applicators Spanish

170B84001 Communications Training

170JR89152 EPA Journal: The Garbage Crisis: Understanding It and Finding Answers, Volume 15, Number 2, March/April 1989

170OPA19T1001 Pesticide Safety and Training Materials Catalog

170OPA87003 Don't Bug Me

170OPA87019 Trends In The Quality Of The Nation's Air

170OPA87117S Ropa Protectora Para Los Que Usan Pesticidas (Protective Clothing for Pesticide Users)

170OPPE861 Effects Of Changes In Stratospheric Ozone and Global Climate Volume 1 Overview

170R78001 Pollution: A Common Concern

170R86001 Superfund Cleanups to Accelerate

170R91001 Audio Teleconferencing Services Quick Reference Guide

170R93001 Position Paper on Liability

170S90001 Summary Report of Six Governmentwide Study Groups that Examined Federal Information Resources Management Issues for the Mid-1990's

171B00001 Environmental Education Materials: Guidelines for Excellence Workbook, Bridging Theory and Practice

171B01001 Dr. Art's Guide to Planet Earth, for Earthlings Ages 12 to 120

171B04001 Nonformal Environmental Education Programs: Guidelines For Excellence

171B04003 Environmental Education Materials: Guidelines For Excellence

171B04004 Excellence In Environmental Education: Guidelines For Learning(PRE K-12)

171B04005 Excellencence In Environmental Education: Guidelines For Learning(Pre K - 12)

171B04006 Guidelines For The Preparation And Professional Development Of Environmental Educators

171B07001 Materiales De Educaci'on Ambiental: Pautas Para La Excelencia

171B94002 Getting Started: A Guide to Bringing Environmental Education Into Your Classroom

171B94003 Environmental Education Grant Profiles Fiscal Year 1994

171B96004 Environmental Education Grant Profiles Fiscal Year 1996

171B97003 Environmental Education Collection: A Review of Resources for Educators, Volume 1

171B98001 Environmental Education Collection: A Review of Resources for Educators, Volume 2

171B98002 EE-TIPS: Environmental Education, Technical Information Packages, Resource Materials to Support Your Environmental Education Efforts

171B98003 Catalog of EPA Environmental Education Materials and Resources

171B98004 Environmental Education At a Glance

171B98005 Environmental Education Collection: A Review of Resources for Educators: Volume 3

171B99001 EEducator: North American Association for Environmental Education, Advancing Education Reform

171B99002 Excellence in EE: Guidelines for Learning (K-12)

171B99003 Organizational Assessment Tool for Environmental Education Organizations

171B99004 Guidelines for the Initial Preparation of Environmental Educators

171B99005 Excellence In Environmental Education: Guidelines for Learning (K-12) Executive Summary and Self Assessment Tool

171F00007 Explorers Club

171F00010 Environmental Education Grants Program: Tips for Developing Successful Grants Applications

171F04002 Environmental Eduacation Grant Program

171F94002 National Network for Environmental Management Studies (NNEMS) 1994-95

171F94003 President's Environmental Youth Awards {Brochure and Application}

171F95001 President's Environmental Youth Awards: 1994 National Winner {Brochure and Application}

171F96001 President's Environmental Youth Awards (1996 Brochure and Application)

171F97001 President's Environmental Youth Awards

171F98001 Office Of Environmental Education In Brief

171F98002 Programs And Partnerships Office Of Environmental Education

171F98004 Environmental Education Contacts

171F98006 Educator Training Environmental Education And Training Program

171F98007 College Student Fellowships National Network For Environmental Management Studies

171F98009 Youth Awards President's Environmental Youth Awards

171F98010 Office Of Environmental Education Services To EPA Headquarters And Regional Offices

171F98011 Public-Private Foundation National Environmental Education And Training Foundation

171F98012 Environmental Education World Wide Web Sites

171F98013 Environmental Education Publications

171F98014 Federal Agency Partnerships Federal Task Force On Environmental Education

171F98015 Fact Sheet Environmental Education Improves Our Everyday Lives

171F98016 Fact Sheet Environmental Education Advances Quality Education

171F98017 Getting Involved In Environmental Education Things Educators Can Do

171F98018 Fact Sheet Test Your Environmental IQ

171F98019 Fact Sheet Key Findings Of America's Environmental Knowledge Attitudes And Behaviors

171F99001 Environmental Education Grants Program: TIPS for Developing Successful Grant Applications

171F99004 Environmental Education Publications

171K01003 Infobrief: Information Brief of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

171K02001 El Agua es Importante: Volume 3

171K72001 Noise Pollution

171K93001 Environmental Education Outlook for the Future

171K99002 National Network for Environmental Management Studies: Program Summary FY 2000 Undergraduate & Graduate Student Fellowship Program

171N92001 Earth Notes For Educators, Issue Number 2 {grades K-6}

171R00001 Environmental Readiness for the 21st Century: Eighth Annual National Report Card on Environmental Attitudes, Knowledge, and Behavior, December 1999

171R00002 2000 Environmental Education Grant Profiles

171R01001 Lessons from the Environment: Why 95% of Adult Americans Endorse Environmental Education, Ninth Annual National Report Card on Environmental Attitudes; Knowledge, and Behavior

171R01002 Report to Congress 2: Prepared for Congress by the National Environmental Education Advisory Council, July 2001

171R01003 2001 Environmental Education Grant Profiles

171R03001 Environmental Education Grant Profiles, 2002

171R04001 2003 Environmental Education Grant Profiles

171R92001 Guide To EPA Region 3 Program Data Systems

171R92002 Pollution Prevention In Delaware Maryland And West Virginia Survey Of Industrial Facilities

171R92003 Use Of SNCR As Bact For Nox Control In Boilers And Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators

171R92005 Estimating Voc Emissions From Superfund Sites In The Houston-Galveston Texas Area

171R92006 Alternative Uses Of Wetlands Other Than Conventional Farming In Iowa Kansas Missouri And Nebraska

171R92007 Summary Of Contaminated Sediment Remedial Actions In Region 5 Of The US Environmental Protection Agency

171R92008 Sea Level Rise Issues And Potential Management Options For Local Governments

171R92010 Developing a System for Evaluation the Effectiveness of Inspector Training

171R92011 Radon Mitigation Employee Health And Safety {Student Manual}

171R92012 Delegating Superfund Responsibilities Implementation Strategies And Political Ramifications Of A State-wide Lead Metal

171R92013 Inventory Of Organic And Metal Contamination In Massachusetts Bay Cape Cod Bay And Boston Harbor Sediments And An Assessment Of Regional Sediment Quality

171R92014 Environmental Risk in Indian Country

171R92016 Study Of House Dust Mites And Cat Dander In The Office Environment

171R92017 Future Land Use Scenarios For Federal Facilities

171R92018 Analysis Of Pollution Prevention As An Environmental Policy

171R92020 System 33-50 Tracking EPA's 33-50 Program In Region 3

171R92023 Survey Of Local Groundwater Wellhead Protection Efforts In California

171R92024 Affordable Drinking Water Treatment For Public Water Systems Contaminated By Excess Levels Of Natural Fluoride

171R92025 Applicability Of Receptor Modeling To The EPA Great Lake Toxic Deposition Study

171R92026 Evaluation Of Overlay Zoning For Wellhead Protection

171R92027 Seawater Intrusion Control In Coastal Washington Department Of Ecology Policy And Practice

171R92028 US EPA Region 3 403(C) Determination Of Bethany Beach DE And Ocean City MD Ocean Outfalls

171R94001 Environmental Education Grant Profiles, Fiscal Year 1994

171R96001 Report Assessing Environmental Education In The United States And The Implementation Of The National Environmental Education Act Of 1990

171R97001 National Report Card on Environmental Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors: 6th Annual Survey of Adult Americans

171R98001 Environmental Education Grant Profiles, 1997

171R98006 National Report Card on Environmental Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors: 7th Annual Survey of Adult Americans

171R99001 Environmental Education Grant Profiles, 1998

171R99003 Environmental Education Grant Profiles, 1999

173B05001 EPA And Federal Partners Warn Of Potential Environmental Health Hazards When Returning To Homes And Businesses After Hurricane Katrina

173F05001 Cleaning Up After A Flood Addressing Mold Problems

173F05002 Fact Sheet On Drinking Water

173R92001 Environmental News EPA Rule Clarifies Lender Liability Limits Under Superfund

174F98001 Empact Approach

174K84005 Your Guide To The United States Environmental Protection Agency

174R78001 State Profiles : Energy, Environment, Economy

174R89001 Clean Air Act Amendments of 1989 Section-By-Section Analysis

175B92001 Terms Of Environment Glossary Abbreviations And Acronyms

175B93001 Terms of Environment: Glossary, Abbreviations, and Acronyms

175B97001 Terms of Environment: Glossary, Abbreviations, and Acronyms, Revised December 1997

175F96001 Environmental Health Threats to Children

175K77901 EPA Protecting Our Environment

175K92002 Spreading The Word Guide To OCEPA Services

175K93001 Publication Management Guide To Processes Standards And Style

175K95001 Earth Day 25 Earth Is On Your Hands

175N92001 EPA Journal: Environmental Protection - Has it Been Fair?, Volume 18, Number 1, March/April 1992

175N92003 EPA Journal: Trading for the Future: New Approaches to Environmental Protection, Volume 18, Number 2, May/June 1992

175N92004 Insight Epa, August

175N92006 EPA Journal: Recycling: Closing the Loop, Volume 18, Number 3, July/August 1992

175N92007 Insight EPA

175N92008 Insight EPA

175N92009 Insight Epa, November 1992

175N92010 EPA Journal: Post-Rio: The Challenge at Home, Volume 18, Number 4, September/October 1992

175N92011 Insight Epa, December 1992

175N93001 EPA Insight, January 1993

175N93002 Insight Epa, February 1993

175N93003 Insight Epa, March 1993

175N93006 EPA InSight, June 1993

175N93013 Insight Epa, Policy Paper

175N93015 EPA Insight Policy Paper President Clinton's Earth Day Message

175N93018 EPA Journal: Sustainable Development; Linkages and Partnerships for the Developing World, Volume 19, Number 4, April/June 1993

175N93021 EPA Journal: Pollution Prevention. It's a Whole New Way of Doing Business. Volume 19, Number 3, July/September 1993

175N93023 Insight Epa, October-november 1993

175N93024 Inside Policy Paper Food Safety, September 1993

175N93025 Insight Epa, Public Health

175N93027 EPA Journal: Indoor Air No Longer Seen as a Safe Haven, Air Indoors Presents Special Problems. Volume 19, Number 4, October-December 1993

175N94002 EPA Journal: Clean Water Agenda: Remaking the Laws That Protect Our Water Resources, Volume 20, Number 1-2, Summer 1994

175N95003 EPA Journal: Looking Ahead at Environmental Education, Volume 21, Number 2, Spring 1995

175R92001 Securing Our Legacy: An EPA Progress Report 1989-1991

175Z92001 Federal Register: October 16, 1992, Part 2. Environmental Education Grants; Solicitation Notice

176B91001 Developing Products For The Public EPA Communicators {Handbook}

180B93001 National Environmental Directory of Minority and Women-Owned Businesses

180B95001 Small Disadvantaged Women-Owned, and 8(A) Business Directory January 1995

180B96003 Small Disadvantaged and 8(a) Directory April 1996

180F97001 Finding your way through EPA.

180N01001 OSBDU News Spring-Summer 2001

180R94001 Forecast of Contract Opportunities for 8(A) and Small Businesses for Fiscal Year 1995

180R95001 Forecast of Contract Opportunities for 8(A) and Small Businesses for Fiscal Year 1996

180R97001 Final Report of the SBREFA Small Business Advocacy Review Panel for Control of Emissions of Air Pollution from Nonroad Diesel Engines

180R97002 Final Report of the SBREFA Small Business Advocacy Review Panel on EPA's Planned Proposed Rule for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Pretreatment Standards for the Industrial Laundries Point Source Category

180R99001 Active Contract List

180S00001 2000 National SBO/SBAP Conference - Summary Report : Missoula, Montana, June 19-22, 2000

182B95001 Doing Business with EPA

19020053 Combined Operations of the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Funds

190F99001 Overview of EPA's Strategic Plan

190F99002 Managing for Results: Making a Difference in Environmental Protection

190R00001 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Fiscal Year 1999 Annual Performance Report

190R00001ER Errata Sheet to FY 1999 Annual Performance Report

190R00002 Strategic Plan

190R00003 FY 1999 Audited Financial Statements

190R01001 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Fiscal Year 2000 Annual Report

190R02001 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Fiscal Year 2001 Annual Report

190R03001 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Fiscal Year 2002 Annual Report

190R03002 Fiscal Year 2003 Annual Report: US Environmental Protection Agency; Financial And Environmental Progress

190R03003 2003-2008 EPA Strategic Plan: Direction for the Future

190R03004 Environmental Finance Center Network 2003 Annual Report

190R03005 Use of the Financial Test and Corporate Guarantees in RCRA Programs : EFAB Draft

190R03006 Useful Life Financing of Environmental Facilities

190R03007 Environmental Protection Agency: FY 2006 Annual Performance Plan and Congressional Justification EPA Proposed Budget

190R04001 Fiscal Year 2004 Annual Report

190R05001 Us Environmental Protection Agency Performance And Accountability Report, Fiscal Year 2005 Environmental And Financial Progress

190R05002 EFAB Report on Innovative Finance Techniques

190R05003 Innovations in Watershed Financing

190R06001 2006-2011 EPA Strategic Plan: Charting Our Course

190R06002 US Environmental Protection Agency Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2006

190R06003 Affordability Rate Design for Households

190R06004 Application of Useful Life Financing to State Revolving Funds EFAB Report

190R06005 Establishment of a New State Revolving Fund Loan Guaranty Program

190R06006 Financial Assurance in RCRA Programs

190R07001 Environmental Protection Agency Fiscal Year 2007 Performance and Accountability Report

190R08001 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Performance and Accountability Report Highlights, Fiscal Year 2007

190R97002 EPA Strategic Plan

190R99005 A Guidebook of Financial Tools : payng for sustainable environmental systems

19K1002 Glossary Of Environmental Terms and Acronym List

2000P00019 Report Of Epas Oversight Of State Stack Testing Programs

200294001 New Generation of Environmental Protection: A Summary of EPA'S 5 Year Strategic Plan

200294002 New Generation of Environmental Protection: EPA's 5 Year Strategic Plan

2008 Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Program: Final FY2008 PWSS Grant Allotments

200B00001ES National Publications Catalog (Errata Sheet)

200B01001 National Publications Catalog 2001

200B03001 National Publications Catalog 2003

200B80001 Volcanic Ash : Bibliography of selected documents

200B85001 Environmental Education: August 1982-January 1985 A Bibliogrpaphy

200B86001 Annotated Bibliography on Excellence in Organizations

200B89001 United States Environmental Protection Agency : Facilities Guide

200B90001 Cost Analysis Guide

200B90002 Handbook for Reviewing Contractor Property Control Systems How to review written property control systems and conduct compliance reviews

200B94002 New Generation Of Environmental Protection EPA's 5 Year Strategic Plan

200B99001 National Publications Catalog, 1999

200D84001 Administrative Automated Office Systems Feasibility Study : Implementation and Operational Guidelines

200D95901 Environmental Justice Draft Strategic Plan: U.S. Department of Defense {Include Letter}

200D95904 Environmental Justice Draft Strategic Plan: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development {Include Letter}

200F03001 EPAs Green Future For Laboratories Case Study Of The Kansas City Science And Technology Center

200F93003 Serving a Diverse Society: EPA's Role in Environmental Justice

200F94004 Boletin Informativo de Justicia Ambiental

200F95012 Environmental Justice Fact Sheet: Environmental Justice at EPA

200R00001 Forecast of contract opportunities : fiscal years...

200R01001 National Environmental Justice Advisory Council Strategic Plan

200R02001 Opportunities for Advancing Environmental Justice: Analysis of U.S. EPA Statutory Authorities

200R02011 Guia Del Ciudadano Para Las Leyes Ambientales Federales Para Asegurar Justicia Ambiental

200R02012 EPA Strategic Information Plan A Framework for the Future

200R03001 Advancing Environmental Justice Through Pollution Prevention : A Report developed from the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council Meeting of December 9-13, 2002

200R06001 Protecting the Environment and Our Employees Performance 2005 Highlights

200R80001 Strong Audits : An Essential Ingredient in Delegating Construction Grants

200R83001 Organization Charts and Listing of Principal Officials

200R84101 Organization Charts and Listing of Principal Officials

200R88001 EPA Custodial Officer Guide

200R88002 Contracts Management: The People and the Process

200R88003 Interagency Agreement Policy and Procedures Compendium

200R89101 Policies, Legal Authorities, and Structures for Environmental Management in Trinidad and Tobago

200R89102 Public-private Partnership Case Studies Profiles Of Success In Providing Environmental Services

200R90002 Financial Management and Leveraging $RF Workshop

200R90003 OARM's Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 1991-1995

200R90004 Use of Recycled Paper

200R92001 Contracts Management At EPA Managing Our Mission Standing Committee Recommendations Standing Committee Staff Report

200R92006 Literature Search and Best Practices Work Group

200R93001 Environmental Justice Initiatives 1993

200R95002 Environmental Justice Strategy: Executive Order 12898

200R95003 Environmental Justice Annual Report, 1994: Focusing on Environmental Protection for all People

200R95003A Reporte anual 1994 de Justicia Ambiental: Enfocando la Proteccion Ambiental para Todo el Mundo (Spanish)

200R95900 Environmental Justice Implementation Strategy United States Department of Agriculture

200R95906 Environmental Justice Strategic Report: Untied States Department of Health and Human Services, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations

200R95907 Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations

200R95908 Environmental Justice Strategic Report: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

200R95910 Department of Transportation Environmental Justice Strategy

200R95911 Building International Eco-Rights Case Studies: Brazil, Chile, France, India, Poland, and the United States

200R96001 National Environmental Justice Advisory Council: Westin Hotel, Renaissance Center, Detroit MI May 29-31 1996, Summary

200R96003 National Environmental Justice Advisory Council: Omni Inner Harbor Hotel, Baltimore, MD December 10-12, 1996, Summary

200R97001 National Environmental Justice Advisory Council: Indian Springs Lodge and Conference Center, Potawatomi Indian Reservation Wabeno, WI May 13-15

200R97002 National Environmental Justice Advisory Council: Regal University Hotel, Durham NC December 8-10, 1997, Summary

200R98002 National Environmental Justice Advisory Council: Marriott City Center Oakland, CA May 31-June 3, 1998, Summary

200R98003 OARM Development Survey Results

200R98004 EPA Facilities Manual Volume 4 4844 Facility Safety Health, and Environmental Management Manual

200R98005 EPA Facilities Manual Volume 1 Architecture Engineering And Planning Guidelines

200R99001 Environmental Justice Small Grants: Emerging Tools for Local Problem-Solving

200S96001 National Environmental Justice Advisory Council: Omni Inner Harbor Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland December 10-12, 1996, Executive Summary

200S97001 National Environmental Justice Advisory Council: Regal University Hotel Durham, North Carolina December 8-10, 1997, Executive Summary

201R01101 2001 EPA Nationwide Facilities Guide

201R97001 Safety, Health, and Environmental Management Guidelines

202B91001 Contract Administration

202B92006 Financing Models for Environmental Protection: Helping communities Meet Their Environmental Goals

202B92009 Small Purchases Guide For Program Offices

202B92011 Quality of Worklife Compendium : A Summary of Benefits and Special Programs Offered at EPA

202B92013 Contract Recertification : Materials for Attendees

202B93003 Managing Your Financial Assistance Agreement Project Officer Responsibilities

202B94002 US EPA Agency Advisory Committees Charters Rosters And Accomplishments June 1994

202B94003 Guide For Preparing Independent Government Cost Estimates

202F94001 Energy And Water Conservation News Volume 1 Number 2

202F94002 Delegations Of Authority What Managers Need To Know

202K01002 Douglas M. Costle: US EPA Oral History Interview

202K01003 The United States EPA's Asian American and Pacific Islander Outreach Strategy

202k92003 EPA Oral History Interview 1, William D. Ruckelshaus, January 1993

202K92003 US EPA Oral History interview 1: William D. Ruckleshaus, January 1993

202K92004 The Guardian: Origins Of The EPA

202K93001 US EPA Oral Interview 2:Russell E. Train, July 1993

202K93002 Guardian: EPA's Formative Years, 1970-1973

202K93004 Competition Advocacy Program

202k94005 EPA Oral History Interview 3, Alvin L. Alm, January 1994

202K94005 US EPA Oral History Interview 3: Alvin L. Alm, January 1994

202K95002 EPA Oral History Interview 4, William K. Reilly, September 1995

202N90002 Recycling Update December 1990

202N91001 Recycling Update March 1991

202N91002 Recycling Update August1991

202N92004 Printing Management Circular: Publication Mangement, Guide to Processess Standards, and Styl

202N92005 Recycling Update President Strengthens Federal Recylcing Effort

202N97003 Conservation News Summer 1997

202N97004 Conservation News Fall 1997

202N98002 Conservation News Spring 1998

202N99002 Greening EPA Look At Agency Wide Environmental Progress Issue 2

202R00001 National Hispanic Outreach Strategy

202R88101 Training Catalogue

202R91001 Implementation of the Seven Management Systems Recommendations

202R92002 Management's Semiannual Report to the Congress on Audits April 1, 1992 through September 30, 1992

202R93004 Interim Report Of The Federal Facilities Environmental Restoration Dialogue Committee: Recommendations For Improving The Federal Facilities Environmental Restoration Decision-Making And Priority-Setting Processes, February 1993

202R94902 EPA's FY 1993 Annual Financial Statements

202R95001 Guide to EPA Iinformation Sources Arranged By Statute

202R98004 Revised Customer Service Standards : Office of Administration

205B88001 Internal Control Guidance for Managers and Coordinators A Guide to Successful Implementation of FMFIA

205B93001 Cost Analysis Guide

205F93002 Environmental Finance Program: Helping States And Communities Pay For Environmental Facilities And Services

205R08001 A Guidebook of Financial Tools:Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems

205R74001 Fund Control (Your Office - Your Money)

205R79001 Justifications Of Appropriation Estimates For Committee On Appropriations, Fiscal Year 1979

205R85001 Justifications Of Appropriation Estimates For Committee On Appropriations, Fiscal Year 1985

205R86001 Justifications Of Appropriation Estimates For Committee On Appropriations, Fiscal Year 1986

205R90001 Environmental Entrepreneurs Changing Directions in the 1990s Region 3 Workshop Proceedings, Penn Harris Inn and Convention Center, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, September 20, 1990

205R91001 Guidance for Preparing The 1991 Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act Annual Report

205R92002 Narrowing The Gap: Environmental Finance for the 1990's

205R92003 Superfund Data Integrity Process Team Improving Cost Documentation through Total Quality Management Phase 1 Management Report October 1992

205R92999 Alternative Financing Mechanisms For Environmental Programs State Capacity Task Force

205R93001 Fiscal Year 1994 Justification Of Appropriation Estimates For Committee On Appropriations

205R94001 Fiscal Year 1995 Justification On Appropriation Estimates For Committee On Appropriations

205R94004 Management's Semiannual Report to the Congress on Audits April 1, 1994 through September 30, 1994

205R95001 Fiscal Year 1996 Justification On Appropriation Estimates For Committee On Appropriations

205R95002 Management's Semiannual Report to the Congress on Audits October 1, 1994 through March 31, 1995

205R95004 Management's Semiannual Report to the Congress on Audits April 1, 1995 through September 30, 1995

205R96006 1996 Integrity Act Report to The President and Congress: Federal Manager's Financial Integrity Act (P.L. 97-255) October 1, 1995-September 30, 1996

205R97001X Administrative Control of Appropriated Funds : Release 1.0

205S87001 1988 Budget in Brief

205S93001 Summary Of The 1994 Budget

205S93002 Environmenetal Protection Agency Fy 1994 President's Budget

205S98002 FY 1999 Annual Plan Summary

208B92001 NDPD Operational Policies Manual

208B93014 RACF Security Administrator Training Materials

208B94002 Audio Teleconferencing Services Quick Reference Guide

208B94004 FY1995 Guide to NDPD Operating Service Agreements: Headquarters Local Services

208D90001 IRM Strategic Plan 1991-1995 Draft

208K93001 FY 1993 National Environmental Supercomputing Center (NESC) Annual Report

208K95001 National Environmental Supercomputing Center (NESC) Annual Report, FY 1994

208R89001 Environmental Protection Agency Information Technology Architecture

208R92001 Information Technology Architecture

20A-4001 Indoor Air Facts Number 7: Residential Air Cleaners

20E2001 Enforcement Accomplishments Report Fy 1989

20K-1007 Guide to EPA Hotlines, Clearinghouses, Libraries, and Dockets

20K-9001 EPA Journal: Earth Day, Volume 16, Number 1, January/February 1990

20K-9004 EPA Journal: The World Economy and the Environment: A New Relationship, Volume 16, Number 4, July/August 1990

20M-2003 Public-Private Partnerships for Environmental Facilities: A Self-Help Guide for Local Governments

20M-2005 Public-Private Partnership Case Studies: Studies Profiles of Success in Providing Environmental Services

20M1002 Preparing Indirect-Cost Rate Proposals for Grants and Contracts : Guide for Nonprofit Organizations

20M2004 Paying For Progress Perspectives On Financing Environmental Protection

20M3003 1990 Blueprint Review A report on the findings from interviews with key agency officials concerning human resources programs, resources, and issues

20P-1001 Threats to Biological Diversity In the United States

20S-0002 When All Else Fails! Enforcement of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act A Self Help Manual for Emergency Planning Committees

20T-1002 Suspended Cancelled And Restricted Pesticides

20T-1003 Citizens Guide To Pesticides

20T-2003 Managing Asbestos In Place Building Owner's Guide To Operations And Maintenance Programs For Asbestos-Containing Materials

20T-2004 Atlas Of Dermal Lesions

20T-3001 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Emmons County, North Dakota

20T-3002 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Navajo County, Arizona

20T-3003 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Towns County, Georgia

20T-3004 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Jackson County, Mississippi

20T-3005 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Monongalia County, West Virginia

20T-3006 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Aransas County, Texas

20T-3007 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Eddy County, North Dakota

20T-3008 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, McHenry County, North Dakota

20T-3009 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Kidder County, North Dakota

20T-3010 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Morton County, North Dakota

20T-3011 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Benson County, North Dakota

20T-3012 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Burke County, North Dakota

20T-3013 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Divide County, North Dakota

20T-3014 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Coconino County, Arizona

20T-3015 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Clayton County, Iowa

20T-3016 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Dubuque County, Iowa

20T-3017 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Fayette County, Iowa

20T-3018 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Jackson County, Iowa

20T-3019 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Burleigh County, North Dakota

20T-3021 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Habersham County, Georgia

20T-3022 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, McIntosh County, North Dakota

20T-3023 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, McKenzie County, North Dakota

20T-3024 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Rabun County, Georgia

20T-3025 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Stevens County, Georgia

20T-3026 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Oliver County, North Dakota

20T-3027 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Pierce County, North Dakota

20T-3028 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Sheridan County, North Dakota

20T-3029 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Sioux County, North Dakota

20T-3030 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Ward County, North Dakota

20T-3031 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Williams County, North Dakota

20T-3033 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Stutsman County, North Dakota

20T-3034 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, McLean County, North Dakota

20T-3035 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Mercer County, North Dakota

20T-3036 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Mountrail County, North Dakota

20T-3037 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Cochise County, Arizona

20T-3038 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Bolivar County, Mississippi

20T-3039 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Sunflower County, Mississippi

20T-3040 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Austin County, Texas

20T-3041 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Culberson County, Texas

20T-3042 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, El Paso County, Texas

20T-3043 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Hudspeth County, Texas

20T-3044 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Graham County, Arizona (Sep '90)

20T-3045 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Carter County, Tennessee

20T-3046 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Davidson County, Tennessee

20T-3047 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Franklin County, Tennessee

20T-3048 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Wilson County, Tennessee

20T-3049 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Avery County, North Carolina

20T-3050 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Decatur County, Georgia

20T-3051 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Gordon County, Georgia

20T-3052 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Dooly County, Georgia

20T-3053 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Henderson County, North Carolina

20T-3054 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Lee County, Georgia

20T-3055 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Baker County, Georgia

20T-3056 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Mitchell County, North Carolina (Sep '90)

20T-3057 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Mohave County, Arizona (Sep '90)

20T-3058 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Yavapai County, Arizona (Sep '90)

20T-3059 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Burke County, Georgia (Sep '90)

20T-3060 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Wheeler County, Georgia

20T-3061 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Walker County, Georgia

20T-3062 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Sumter County, Georgia

20T-3063 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Colorado County, Texas

20T-3064 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Floyd County, Georgia

20T1004 Pesticides In Drinking Water Wells

20W-4003 Onsite Assistance Program: Helping Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Achieve Permit Compliance

20W-7002 Regulation And Policy Matrices A Guide To The Rules Governing Grants Awarded Under The Construction Grants Program

20Z-1005 Educators Earth Day Sourcebook Grades K-6

20Z1004 Educators Earth Day Sourcebook Grades 7-12

21019916 The Quality Course For EPA

21019981 National Workforce Profile Report

210B00001 Management Development Resources Guide for EPA's Supervisors, Managers, SES Candidates, and Executives

210B88001 Achieving Excellence in Customer Service Participant's Resource Guide Module One Compassion for the Customer

210B97001 Intergovernmental Personnel Act Policies And Procedures Manual (IPA)

210K01001 EPA Employment Overview

210K94001 Countdown to Retirement: A Guide to Effective Participation in the Retirement Process

210K94005 Master Collective Bargaining Agreement Between United States Environmental Agency And The American Federation Of Government Employees

210K95002 Epa Update On Leave Benefits

210N94002 Creating Diversity In Management Reflections Of Change

210R80001 Project Management and the Procurement Process A Seminar Workshop for Project Officers and Other Technical Personnel

210R84001 Occupational Health and Safety Program

210R87001 Excellence In EPA Fy 1987 Awards Report

210R88001 Compendium Regional Technology Transfer Through Training October 1988

210R88002 Excellence In EPA Fy 1988 Awards Report

210R89001 Excellence In EPA Fy 1989 Awards Report

210R89002 System Design and Development Guidance

210R92004 Affirmative Employment Program FY 1992 Mid-Year Review

210R93002 Minority Academic Institutions Task Force Final Action Plan

210R93004 Creating A US Environmental Protection Agency That Works Better And Costs Less Phase I Report National Performance Review

210R93005 Creating A US Environmental Protection Agency That Works Better And Costs Less Phase Ii Report National Performance Review

210R96002 Family-Friendly Work Arrangements: A Report to the National Performance Review

210S84001 Summary Report of Human Resources Planning Conference : Hunt Valley, November 27-29, 1984

210S85001 Summary Report of Human Resources Council Meeting : Washington, D.C., May 20-22, 1985

212-1001 Risk Ranking Project: Region 2, Comparative Risk Ranking of the Health, Ecological, and Welfare Effects of Twenty-Seven Environmental Problem Areas Overview Report

212-1002 Economic/Welfare Ranking and Problem Analysis

212-1003 Ecological Ranking and Problem Analysis

216R03001 Grants Management Plan, 2003-2008

216R04001 Long-Term Grants Management Training Plan 2004--2008

21A-4002 Handbook For Reducing And Eliminating Chlorofluorocarbons In Flexible Polyurethane Foams

21A2001 Nonroad Engine and Vehicle Emission Study

21E-2001 Enforcement Four-Year Strategic Plan: Enhanced Environmental Enforcement for the 1990's

21E-2002 Enforcement Accomplishments Report, Fiscal Year 1990

21E4001 Cross-cutting Environmental Laws A Guide For Federalstate Project Officers

21G-1001 Office Of The Inspector General Training And Development Sources 1992 Supplement

21K-1004 EPA Journal: The New Clean Air Act: What it Means to You. Volume 17, Number 1, January/February 1991

21K-1006 Environmental Stewardship: EPA's First Two Years in the Bush Administration

21K-1007 EPA Journal: Setting Environmental Priorities: The Debate About Risk, Volume 17, Number 2, March/April 1991

21K-1010 Environmental Health Risk Education for Youth: A Resource Manual

21K-1011 EPA Journal: If Hell Had a National Park: Emergency Response in the Gulf and Hazardous Waste Cleanup at Home, Volume 17, Number 3, July/August 1991

21K-1012 Preserving Our Future Today: Your Guide to the United States Environmental Protection Agency

21K-2001 Meeting the Environmental Challenge: EPA's Review of Progress and New Directions in Environmental Protection

21K1006 Environmental Stewardship Epa's First Two Years In The Bush Administration

21K1010 Environmental Health Risk Education For Youth A Resource Manual

21K1012A Preserving Our Future Today Your Guide To The US EPA

21K2001 Meeting The Environmental Challenge Epa's Review Of Progress and New Directions In Environmental Protection

21M-1004 3115 Merit Promotion Program, March, 1991

21M-1005 Superfund Procurement Outreach Program Participants Handbook

21M-1006 Relocation Assistance And Payments Course Nhi Course No 14112

21M-1017 Oarm Management Assistance And Advisory Services Contracts Delivery Order Project Officer Guide

21M-1019 Agency Catalog Of Datapolicies And Standards

21M1014 Information Systems Inventory (ISI) Users Guide Macintosh Version

21M1015 Information Systems Inventory (ISI) User's Guide PC Version

21M1016 Information Systems Inventory

21P-1003 Assessing the Environmental Consumer Market

21P-2001 Economic Incentives Options for Environmental Protection

21P-2004 Integrated Analysis Of Country Case Studies Report Of The US-Japan Expert Group To The Energy And Industry Subgroup

21P-2006 Overview Of Fruit And Vegetable Standards Relating To Cosmetic Appearance And Pesticide Use

21P3003 Pollution Prevention 1991 Progress on Reducing Industrial Pollutants

21R-1004 FY 1990 Annual Report Of The Research Grant Program

21R-1005 Hazardous Substance Research Centers Program: Program Summary, FY 1991, Office of Exploratory Research

21R1005 Hazardous Substance Research Centers Program, Program Summary Fy 1990

21S2001 Three City Urban Soil-lead Demonstration Project Midterm Project Update

21T-1005 EPA's Pesticide Programs

21T-1006 Pesticide Reregistration Progress Report

21T-1022 Pesticide and Ground-Water Strategy

21T-2001 Implementation Of The Superfund Alternative Remedial Contracting Strategy (arcs) Report Of The Administrator's Task Force

21T-3001 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Gila County, Arizona

21T-3002 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Maricopa County, Arizona

21T-3003 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Pima County Arizona

21T-3004 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Pinal County, Arizona

21T-3005 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Alcona County, North Dakota

21T-3006 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Clare County, Michigan

21T-3007 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Crawford County, Michigan

21T-3008 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Iosco County, North Dakota

21T-3009 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Kalkaska County, Michigan

21T-3010 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Missaukee County, Michigan

21T-3011 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Montmorency County, Michigan

21T-3012 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Ogemaw County, Michigan

21T-3013 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Oscoda County, Michigan

21T-3014 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Presque Isle County, Michigan

21T-3015 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Roscommon County, Michigan

21T-3016 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Catron County, New Mexico

21T-3017 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Chaves County, New Mexico

21T-3018 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Dona Ana County, New Mexico

21T-3019 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Eddy County, New Mexico

21T-3020 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Lincoln County, New Mexico

21T-3021 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, McKinley County, New Mexico

21T-3022 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Otero County, New Mexico

21T-3023 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico

21T-3024 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, San Juan County, New Mexico

21T-3025 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Sierra County, New Mexico

21T-3026 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Socorro County, New Mexico

21T-3027 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Harney County, Oregon

21T-3028 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Walowa County, Oregon

21T-3029 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Pulaski County, Virginia

21T-3030 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Polk County, Tennessee

21T-3031 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Le Flore, McCurtain, and Pushmataha Counties, Oklahoma

21T-3032 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Murray and Whitfield Counties, Georgia

21T-3034 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Claiborne, Copiah, and Hinds Counties, Mississippi

21T-3035 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Itawamba County, Mississippi

21T-3036 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Monroe County, Mississippi

21T-3037 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Cumberland County, Tennessee

21T-3038 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Giles County, Tennessee

21T-3039 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Morgan County, Tennessee

21T-3040 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Moore County, Tennessee

21T-3041 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Fentress County, Tennessee

21T-3042 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Bedford County, Tennessee

21T-3043 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Anderson County, Tennessee

21T-3045 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Putnam County, Tennessee

21T-3046 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Campbell County, Tennessee

21T-3047 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Bradley County, Tennessee

21T-3048 US EPA, Endangered Species Coloring Book, Save Our Species

21T1005 Epa's Pesticide Programs

21W-4004 National Pretreatment Program: Report to Congress

21W-7004 Yes, You Can: Two Small Towns Show How to Save Money and Water

21W-7005 Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual EPA Conference on Analysis of Pollutants in the Environment: May 9 and 10, 1990

21W4001 Control Of Slug Loadings To POTWs: Guidance Manual

21Z-1001 Green Thumb Of Capitalism The Environmental Benefits Of Sustainable Growth

21Z-1020 Protecting the Nation's Ground Water: EPA's Strategy for the 1990s

21Z-1021 The Next Environmental Policy: Preventing Pollution

21Z1020 Protecting The Nation's Groundwater Epa's Strategy For The 1990s The Final Report Of The EPA Ground-water Task Force

21Z1021 Next Environmental Policy Preventing Pollution

2200017 Operating Year Guidance

22019951 EPA Information Security Manual

220387501 Guide For Preparing and Reviewing Superfund Cooperative Agreements

220A78001 A Feasibility Study of a Potential ADP System for the Enforcement Division : Abstract

220B77001 ADP Training Guide

220B90001 Access EPA Library and Information Services

220B91001 User's Guide for the TOSS/MOSES Contacts : Technical Operational Support Services (TOSS) and Mission Oriented Systems Engineering Support (MOSES)

220B92001 Access To Journals Subject Guide To Journals In The EPA Headquarters Library

220B92001A Innovative Management Strategies Customer Strategy

220B92002 2100 Information Resources Management Policy Manual

220B92003 Bibliography Series Public Information Access

220B92004 Solid Waste Contract Negotiation Handbook

220B92006 Access To Audio-visual Collections Video Tapes In The Headquarters Library

220B92007 Facility Identification Data Standard Implementation Plan

220B92008 Locational Data Policy Implementation Guidance Guide To Selecting Latitude

220B92010 Innovative Management Strategies Total Customer Service

220B92011 Guidance For EPA Regional Oversight Of State National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Delegation

220B92012 IRM Strategic Plan 1991-1995

220B92013 EPA Reviewer's Checklist NEPA Documents 40 CFR Part 6

220B92017 Public Access Online Library System (ols) {user's Guide}

220B92018 Innovative Management Strategies: The Learning Organization

220B92019 EPA Journal Holdings Report 1992

220B92021 Public Access How To Guide

220B92023 Directory of EPA Technical Information Packages (TIPS)

220B92024 Innovative Management Strategies Environmental Equity

220B92027 Superfund Information Access Series Guide To Key Documents And Information Sources

220B92028 Superfund Information Access Series Journals

220B92029 Superfund Information Access Series Databases And Electronic Systems

220B92030 Superfund Information Access Series Hazardous Waste Superfund Databases Users Manual

220B92031 Superfund Information Access Series Hazardous Waste Superfund Database Thesaurus

220B92032 Superfund Information Access Series Legislation And Regulations

220B92033 Superfund Information Access Series Building A Hazardous Waste Collection

220B93002 Access Express February 1993

220B93009 Library Management Series Environmental Law Selective Annotated Bibliography And Guide To Legal Research

220B93020 Access EPA Records Management Programs

220B94001 Information Systems Inventory (isi) January 1994

220B94002 Information Systems Inventory (ISI) January 1994 {PC Users Guide}

220B94003 ACCESS Express

220B94009 EPA Journal Holdings Report 1994

220B95002 Providing Information To Decision Makers To Protect Human Health and The Environment Information Resources Management Strategic Plan

220B95004 Access EPA: 1995/96 Edition (Rainbow Book)

220B95006 2185 Good Automated Laboratory Practices Principles And Guidance To Regulations For Ensuring Data Integrity In Automated Laboratory Operations With Implementation Guidance 1995 Edition

220B95007 ACCESS Express

220B95009 Information Systems Inventory, PC User's Guide

220B97004 Access to Audio-Visual Collections : Videotapes in the EPA Headquarters Information Resources Center

220D84001 Program System Strategy : An Action Plan for Program Systems Management and Development : Draft

220D89001 Initial Report on the Feasibility of an EPA Systems Development Center Executive Summary Draft

220F04001 EPA Campus Research Triangle Park Map

220F92009 EPA Records Management Tools

220F94004 Public Access to EPA's Online Library System

220F95003 Public Information Center (PIC): A Window to EPA

220F97001 Be a Common-Sense Kid: The Earth is in Your Hands

220F98001 Visit EPA's Website

220K02001 Greening Curve: Lessons Learnedin the design of the EPA Campus in North Carlonia

220K97001 Startling Statements Activity

220N00007 Caribbean Currents Volume 8, Number 2 April 2000

220N00008 Caribbean Currents Volume 8, Number 3, July 2000

220N00009 Caribbean Currents Volume 8, Number 4, October 2000

220N90001 International Update, June 1990 Issue

220N90002 International Update, December 1990 Issue

220N90004 International Update, September 1990 Issue

220N91001 International Update, January 1991 Issue

220N91002 International Update, February 1991 Issue

220N91003 International Update, March 1991 Issue

220N91004 International Update, April 1991 Issue

220N91005 International Update, May 1991 Issue

220N91006 International Update, June 1991 Issue

220N91007 International Update, July 1991 Issue

220N91008 International Update, August 1991 Issue

220N91009 International Update, September 1991 Issue

220N91010 International Update, October 1991 Issue

220N91011 International Update, November 1991 Issue

220N91012 International Update, December 1991 Issue

220N92002 International Update, July 1992 Issue

220N92004 International Update, August 1992

220N92008 International Update, September 1992

220N92009 International Update, October 1992

220N92011 International Update, November 1992

220N92017 Catalyst: Information for Environmental Action, April 1992

220N92023 International Update, June 1992 Issue

220N92024 International Update, May 1992 Issue

220N92025 International Update, April 1992 Issue

220N92026 International Update, March 1992 Issue

220N92027 International Update, February 1992 Issue

220N92028 International Update, January 1992 Issue

220N93002 International Update, January

220N93019 International Update, May 1993

220N93023 International Update, July 93

220N93029 International Update, September

220N93034 International Update, November

220N94020 Catalyst: Information for Environmental Action, October/November 1994

220N94024 International Update, March

220N94025 International Update, May

220N94026 International Update, July

220N94027 International Update, September

220N94028 International Update, November

220N95004 Info Access Library Network Communications Issue Number 49 January 1995

220N95005 Info Access Records Network Communications Issue Number 50 February 1995

220N95006 Info Access Library Network Communications Issue Number 51 March 1995

220N95007 Info Access Records Network Communications Issue Number 52 April 1995

220N95009 Epa Info Access Library Network Communitcations Issue Number 54 June 1995

220N95009A EPA Info Access Library Network Communitcations Issue Number 54 June 1995

220N95010 Info Access Library Network Communications Issue Number 51 July 1995

220N95011 Info Access Records Network Communications Issue Number 56 August 1995

220N95016 Catalyst: Information for Environmental Action, December-January 1995

220N95017 International Update, January

220N95019 International Update, March

220N95021 International Update, May

220N95022 Catalyst: Information for Environmental Action, June/July 1995

220N96016 Catalyst July-august 1996

220N96017 Catalyst September-october 1996

220N96018 Catalyst: Information for Environmental Action, November/December 1996

220N97001 Caribbean Currents Volume 6, Number 4

220N97002 Catalyst January-february 1997

220R00003 EMPACT Local Urban Environmental Issues Study of 86 Metropolitan Areas

220R00004 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act section 313 EPCRA/TRI Training Materials One Day Workshop

220R00005 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act section 313 EPCRA/TRI Training Materials Two Day Workshop

220R010010 EMPACT Local Urban Environmental Issues Study of Metropolitan Areas in EPA Region 10

220R01007 Empact Local Urban Environmental Issues Study of Metropolitan Areas in EPA Region 7

220R01009 EMPACT Local Urban Environmental Issues Study of Metropolitan Areas in EPA Region 9

220R76001 Guide to EPA Standard Data Processing Communications Terminals

220R77001 Pollutant Standard Index (PSI) : Multi-Pollutant Retrieval Software

220R79001 Data Management and Standardization Program Feasibility Study Final Report

220R80001 ADP System Documentation Standards

220R83101 Assessing EPA's Long Range Information System Needs Final Report Of The Long Range Adp User Requirements Task Force

220R84001 Management Review of EPA's National Computer Center

220R85001 Major EPA Information Systems Using Data Provided by State and Local Agencies

220R85002 Information Resources Management Steering Committee Meeting Summary, December 16, 1985

220R85003 Overview of RCRA Facilities and Superfund (CERCIA) Sites National Systems

220R86001 CDHS Users Bulletin Volume XI Number 1 January 1986

220R86002 CDHS Users Bulletin Volume XI Number 2 May 1986

220R86003 Establishing a Special Hazardous Waste Collection for the EPA Library Network A Guidance Document

220R87001 EPA's National Mapping Requirements Program Opportunities and Benefits

220R88101 Geographic Information Systems Management Study (gis) Summary Of Geographic Data Sources

220R88102 EPA DTP/LAN Catalog

220R88103 Facility and Company Tracking System (FACTS) User Guide

220R88104 Facility Index System (FINDS) User's Guide

220R88105 Mission Needs Analysis for a Superfund Chemical Analysis Data System Report of the Data Collection Effort

220R89001 EPA Systems Profile Final

220R89002 Information Systems Inventory ISI

220R89003 IRM Program Profiles

220R89004 PC TAP Consumer Report : Color Hardcopy Output ; Technology Assessment Around EPA ; Open Forum: PC 386 Upgrades

220R89005 PC TAP Consumer Report : PC Graphics File Transfers

220R89006 PC TAP Consumer Report : Graphics Software for Scientific Applications ; Desktop Printers ; Open Forum: MS Windows DOS Extention ; Macintosh 35mm Slides

220R89007 PC TAP Consumer Report : Personal Information Management Systems ; Open Forum: Sun Workstation/DOS Windows

220R89008 Project Scheduling A Project Manager's Perspective

220R89009 Storet and the Water Quality Enterprise: An Initial Assessment for Storet 1995

220R89010 Superfund Chemical Analysis Data System : Mission Needs Statement

220R89011 Superfund Chemical Analysis Data System : Project Management Plan

220R90001 Information Resources Management Review Program FY 1990 Report

220R90002 PC TAP Consumer Report : Evaluation of WordPerfect Version 5.1 ; Open Forum ; Graphics Software for Scientific Applications: A Followup

220R90003 PC TAP Consumer Report: Desktop Scanners

220R90004 PC TAP Consumer Report : Text Retrieval Software ; Open Forum ; PostScript Cartridge for HP Printers ; New Hewlett-Packard LaserJet III Printer

220R90005 Statistical Software for Microcomputer : A Compilation of Product Reviews

220R90006 Superfund Chemical Analysis Data System (SCADS) : Preliminary Requirements Analysis (Final)

220R90007 United States Environmental Protection Agency : FY91 Tactical Plans

220R90007A Automated Laboratory Standards Results From Survey Of Laboratory Automated Data Management Practices

220R92004 Common User Interface Guidelines

220R93007 Core List For An Environmental Reference Collection

220R94002 Guide to Conducting a Records Management Baseline Assessment

220R94003 Reinventing EPA Steps Toward A Stronger Workforce Guidance For Implementing Plans

220R95004 Ecological Impacts from Climate Change: Economic Analysis of Fresh Water Recreational Fishing (Includes Insert)

220R95101 Good Automated Laboratory Practices 1995 Edition

220Z93002 2183 - Common User Interface Guidelines 1993 Edition

22A-1001 EPA Cultural Diversity Vendor Catalog

22A-5000 Strategy on Federal/State Cooperation for Radon Certification Program Development

22E-2000 Enforcement in the 1990's Project Recommendations of the Analytical Workgroups

22K-1000 EPA Journal: Environmental Education: The Mandate, Preparing Our Youth, Training Professionals, Informing the Public, Thinking Globally, Volume 17, Number 4, September/October 1991

22K-1001 Earth Notes for Educators, Grade K-6, Issue Number 1

22K1005 Planning Our Third Decade

22M-3000 Administrative Support Career Management System Practical Guide For Developing High Performance Teams (includes Appendix)

22P-2001 Cooling Our Communities Guidebook On Tree Planting And Light-colored Surfacing

2300190073 The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality, How Well is it Working?

2300191001 Communicating Environmental Risks: A Guide to Practical Evaluations

2300191002 Review Of Epa's Great Lakes Program Report To The Committees On Appropriations

2300286003 Assessment Of Incineration As A Treatment Method For Liquid Organic Hazardous Wastes

2300286004 Assessment Of Incineration As A Treatment Method For Liquid Organic Hazardous Wastes

2300287026 Saving Louisiana's Coastal Wetlands: The Need for a Long-term Plan of Action

2300289042 Methods For Evaluating The Attainment Of Cleanup Standards Volume 1 Soils And Solid Media

2300290075 Evaluation of Strategies for Promoting Effective Radon Mitigation

23003047 ASA-EPA Conferences On Interpretation Of Environmental Data: IV Compliance Sampling, October 5-6th, 1987

2300387027 Asa EPA Conferences On Interpretation Of Environmental Data Current Assessment Of Combined Toxicant Effects May 5 And 6 1986 Statistics 1986

2300389043 Nature And Extent Of Ecological Risks At Superfund Sites And Rcra Facilities

2300389044 Ecological Risk Assessment Methods A Review And Evaluation Of Past Practices In The Superfund And RCRA Programs

2300389045 Ecological Risk Management In The Superfund And RCRA Programs

2300389046 Summary Of Ecological Risks Assessment Methods And Risk Management Decisions In Superfund And Rcra

2300389048 Communicating Radon Risk Effectively: Radon Testing in Maryland Final Report

2300490077 Communicating with the Public About Hazardous Materials: An Examination of Local Practice

2300584008 Cost Of Clean Air And Water Report To Congress 1984

2300586010 Greenhouse Effect Sea Level Rise And Salinity In The Delaware Estuary

2300589050 Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on the United States

2300785011 The Effluent Charge System in the Federal Republic of Germany

2300785012 The Emissions Trading Policy in the United States of America: an Evaluation of its Advantages and Disadvantages and Analysis of its Applicability in the Federal Republic of Germany

2300787029 Communicating Radon Risk Effectively: A Mid-Course Evaluation

2300788033 Environmental Progress and Challenges: EPA's Update

2300790079 The Relevance of Willingness-To-Pay Estimates of the Value of a Statistical Life in Determining Wrongful Death Awards

2300888035 ASA-EPA Conferences On Interpretation Data 3 - Sampling And Site Selection In Environmental Studies May 14-15 1987

2300888036 Alerting the Apathetic and Reassuring the Alarmed: Communicating about Radon Risk in 3 Communities

23009007 Projecting Future Sea Level Rise Methodology Estimates To The Year 2100 And Research Needs

2300986019 Reducing Lead In Drinking Water Benefit Analysis

2300989066 Risk Communication About Chemicals in Your community: A Manual for Local Officials

2300990081 Hazardous Substances In Our Environment: A Citizen Guide to Understanding Health Risks and Reducing Exposure

2300990082 Understanding Environmental Health Risks And Reducing Exposure Highlights Of A Citizen's Guide

2301085013 Potential Impacts Of Sea Level Rise On The Beach At Ocean City Maryland

2301085014 Potential Impacts Of Sea Level Rise On Wetlands Around Charleston South Carolina

2301088041 Review Of Ecological Risk Assessment Methods

2301189071 Achieving Greater Consistency Between Subjective and Objective Risks

2301190083 Environmental Investments Cost Of A Clean Environment, Report Of The Administrator Of The Environmental Protection Agency To The Congress Of The United States

2301284002 Survey Management Handbook Volume II Overseeing The Technical Progress Of A Survey Contract

2301286021 Model Estimating the Economic Impacts of Current Levels of Acidification on Recreational Fishing in the Adirondack Mountains

2301286022 Dimensioning Uncertainty in Estimates of Regional Fish Population Damage Caused by Acidification in Adirondack Ponded Waters A Final Report

2301287001 Using Risk Assessments in Policy Decisions

2301287032 ASA-EPA Conferences On Interpretation Of Environmental Data 2 Statistical Issued In Combining Environmental Studies October 1-2 1986

2301290084 Environmental Investments Cost Of A Clean Environment {Summary}

230129084 Environmental Investments: The Cost of a Clean Environment, A Summary

230173001 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Asbestos Products Manufacturing Industry

230173002 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Beet Sugar Industry

230173003 Economic Impact Of Costs Of Proposed Effluent Limitation Guidelines For The Cane Sugar Refining Segment Of The Sugar Processing Industry

230173004 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Cement Industry

230173005 Economic Impact Of Costs Of Proposed Effluent Limitation Guidelines For The Dairy Processing Industry

230173006 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Steam Electric Powerplants

230173007 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines The Electroplating Industry

230173008 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Feed Lots Industry

230173009 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines The Ferrousalloys Industry

230173010 Economic Impact Of Costs Of Proposed Effluent Limitation Guidelines For The Fertilizer Industry

230173011 Economic Analysis Of The Proposed Effluent Guidelines For The Insulation Fiberglass Industry

230173012 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Fruit And Vegetable Processing Industry

230173013 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Flat Glass Industry

230173014 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Grain Milling Industry

230173015 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Inorganic Chemicals Alkali And Chlorine Industries (major Products)

230173016 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Leather Tanning And Finishing Industry

230173017 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Meat Packing Industry

230173018 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Nonferrous Metals Industry - Aluminum

230173021 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines The Industrial Phosphate Industry

230173022 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines -- Plastics And Synthetics (viscose Rayon Cellophane Cellulose Acetate And Triacetate Fibers)

230173023 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Pulp Paper And Paperboard Industry (selected Segments)

230173024 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines The Rubber Processing Industry

230173027 Economic Analysis Of The Proposed Effluent Guidelines For The Integrated Iron And Steel Industry

230173028 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Textile Industry

230173029 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Timber Processing Industry

230174030 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Asbestos Products Manufacturing Industry

230174032 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Metal Finishing Industry

230174032A Electroplating Economic Analysis Of Effluent Guidelines Metal Finishing Industry Appendix E

230174032B Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Sugar Cane Milling Industry Phase II

230174034 Economic Analysis Of Effluent Guidelines On The Electrolytically Produced Chromium Manganese And Synthetic Manganese Dioxide Industries And On The Calcium Carbide Industry

230174034A Economic Analysis Of Proposed And Interim Final Effluent Guidelines The Specialty Steel Industry

230174035 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines For The Fertilizer Manufacturing Industry Phase II

230174037 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines - The Pressed & Blown Glass Industry

230174038 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines For Animal Feed Breakfast Cereal And Wheat Starch Segments Of The Grain Mills Point Source Category Final Report

230174040 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Meat Processing Industry

230174042 Economic Analysis Of Interim Final Effluent Guidelines For The Organic Chemicals Industry Phase II

230174043 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines For The Nonfertilizer Phosphate Manufacturing Industry

230174044 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines The Plastics And Synthetics Industry Phase II

230174046 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines The Rubber Processing Industry (phase Ii)

230174047 Economic Analysis Of Interim Final Effluent Guidelines Seafoods Processing Industry Fish Meal Salmon Bottom Fish Clams Oysters Sardines Scallops Herring Abalone

230174049 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Timber Processing Industry Phase II

230174052 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Paint And Allied Products And Printing Ink Industries

230174053 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Printing Industry

230174055 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Paving And Roofing Materials (tars And Asphalt)

230174057 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines Wooden Furniture & Fixture Manufacturing Segment Of The Timber Products Processing Industry Phase II

230174059A Economic Impact Of Effluent Guidelines Mineral Mining And Processing Industry Construction Sand And Gravel Crushed Stone Industrial Sand Phosphate Rock

230175036 Economic Analysis of Interim Final and Proposed Effluent Guidelines Canned Frozen and Preserved Fruits and Vegetables Industry

230175041 Economic Impact Of Proposed Water Pollution Controls On The Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Industry Phase 2

230175058A Economic Impact Of Interim Final Effluent Guidelines Of The US Coal Mining Industry

230175062 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines The Ore Mining And Dressing Industry

230175063 Economic Analysis Of Proposed And Interim Final Effluent Guidelines Of The Offshore Oil And Gas Producing Industry

230175063A Economic Analysis Of Proposed And Interim Final Effluent Guidelines Of The Offshore Oil And Gas Producing Industry

230175063B Economic Analysis Of Proposed And Interim Final Effluent Guidelines For The Onshore Oil Producing Industry

230175065A Economic Analysis Of Interim Final Effluent Guidelines For Selected Segments Of The Explosives Industry-group 2

230176029A Economic Analysis Of Pretreatment Standards For The Wood Preserving Subcategories Of The Timber Processing Point Source Category

230176041A Economic Analysis Of Pretreatment Standards Secondary Copper And Aluminum Subcategories Of The Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Point Source Category

230176065B Economic Analysis Of Interim Final Effluent Guidelines For The Hospitals Industry-group 2

230176065C Economic Analysis Of Interim Final Effluent Guidelines For The Carbon Black Industry Group Ii

230176065F Economic Analysis Of Interim Final Effluent Guidelines For The Pesticides And Agricultural Chemicals Industry Group 2

230176068 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Toxic Pollutant Standards For Polychlorinated Biphenyls Transformer, Capacitor, and Pcb Manufactures

230178001 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Pretreatment Standards For Existing Sources Of The Electroplating Point Source Category

230184003 Guidelines For Performing Regulatory Impact Analysis

23019822 Superfund financial assessment system : instruction manual May 1982

23019915 Environmental Indicators Policies, Programs and Success Stories Notebook Workshop July 17-19, 1991

23019922 Workshop on Risk Communication : U.S. EPA Risk Communication Project : Draft

230206002 Regulatory Plan and Semiannual Regulatory Agenda

23021278005 Impact Of TSCA Proposed Premanufacturing Notification Requirements

230274040A Economic Analysis Od Effluent Guidelines (nsps) On The Independent Rendering Industry Updated To 1976 Conditions

230274042A Economic Analysis Of Effluent Guidelines The Primary 1 3 Butadiene Subcategory Of The Organic Chemical Industry

230276045 Economic Analysis Of Proposed And Interim Final Effluent Guidelines For The Bleached Kraft, Groundwood, Sulfite, Soda, Deinked And Non-integrated Paper Sectors Of The Pulp And Paper Industry

230286002 Assessment Of Incineration As A Treatment Method For Liquid Organic Hazardous Wastes Summary And Conclusions

230286003 Assessment Of Incineration As A Treatment Method For Liquid Organic Hazardous Wastes Background Report I Decsription of Incineration Technology

230286004 Assessment Of Incineration As A Treatment Method For Liquid Organic Hazardous Wastes Background Report Ii Assessment Of Emerging Alternative Technologies

230286005 Assessment Of Incineration As A Treatment Method For Liquid Organic Hazardous Wastes Background Report III Assessment Of The Commercial Hazardous Waste Incineration Market

230286008 Assessment Of Incineration As A Treatment Method For Liquid Organic Hazardous Wastes Background Report V Public Concerns Regarding Land Based And Oean Based Incineration

230287025A Unfinished Business Comparative Assessment Of Environmental Problems Overview Report

230287025B Unfinished Business Comparative Assessment Of Environmental Problems Appendix I Report Of The Cancer Risk Work Group

230287025C Unfinished Business Comparative Assessment Of Environmental Problems Appendix Ii Non-cancer Risk Work Group

230287025D Unfinished Business Comparative Assessment Of Environmental Problems Appendix III Ecological Risk Work Group

230287025E Unfinished Business Comparative Assessment Of Environmental Problems Appendix Iv Welfare Risk Work Group

230376004 Analysis Of The Economic Impact Of EPA Regulation Of The Petroleum Refining Industry

230384005 Costs And Benefits Of Reducing Lead In Gasoline

230384503 Environmental Progress And Challenges An EPA Perspective

230385001 Benefits Of Environmental Auditing Case Examples Report To US Environmental Protection Agency

230385502B Assessment Of Incineration As A Treatment Method For Liquid Organic Hazardous Wastes Volume 2

230385502C Assessment Of Incineration As A Treatment Method For Liquid Organic Hazardous Wastes Background Report Volume 3

230689063 Processing Hazardous Materials Risk Information at the Local Level

230983006 Current Practices In Environmental Auditing Report To US Environmental Protection Agency

230983007 Projecting Future Sea Level Rise Methodology Estimates To The Year 2100 And Research Needs

230986019 Reducing Lead in Drinking Water: A Benefit Analysis

230988501 1986-1987 Survey Of Selected Firms In The Commercial Hazardous Waste Management Industry Final Report

230989066 Risk Communication About Chemicals in Your Community: A Manual for Local Officials

230989067 Risk Communication About Chemicals in Your Community: A Manual for Local Officials, Facilitator's Guide

230989501 Policy Options For Stabilizing Global Climate Draft Report To Congress Volume 1

230989501A Policy Options For Stabilizing Global Climate Draft Report To Congress Volume 1

230989501B Policy Options For Stabilizing Global Climate Draft Report To Congress Volume 2

230B00001 Desk Top Guide to Partners for the Environment U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's Partnership Programs

230B06001 EPA's Liquefied Natural Gas Regulatory Roadmap

230B70001 OPPE Work Assignment Manager Manual

230B70002 OPPE Work Assignment Manager Training Tool Box

230B89001 Annotated Bibliography on Environmental Auditing September 1989 Eight Edition Rev.1

230B91001 Workshop on Risk Communication : Student Manual

230B92001 Agency Operating Guidance FY 1993

230B92002 State Workbook Methodologies for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions

230B93001 Guide to Federal Water Quality Programs and Information

230B93003 A Guidebook to Comparing Risks and Setting Environmental Priorities


230B94002A IPCC Draft Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 1: Greenhouse Gas Inventory Reporting Instructions

230B94002B IPCC Draft Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 2: Greenhouse Gas Inventory Workbook

230B94002C IPCC Draft Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 3: Greenhouse Gas Inventory Reference Manual

230B94003 Implications of Climate Change for International Agriculture: Crop Modeling Study

230B95003 Framework for Measuring the Economic Benefits of Ground Water

230B95004 Putting Customers First Epa's Customer Service Plan

230B95005 Framework for Measuring the Economic Benefits of Ground Water : Oct 1995

230B96001 Biological Assessment Methods, Biocriteria, and Biological Indicators: Bibliography of Selected Technical, Policy, and Regulatory Literature

230B96003 Community-Based Environmental Protection A Resource Book for Protecting Ecosystems and Communities

230D00001 Project XL Stakeholder Involvement Evaluation : Draft Final Report

230D80001 1990 Strategy Paper : The Role of EPA in Construction Grants ; Draft

230D80002 1990 Strategy Paper: Regional Oversight of State Programs ; Draft

230D85001 Current Practices in Handling Hazardous Chemicals in the Chemical Industry A Report for the MIC Task Force Draft

230D86001 Fiscal Assessment: A Part of the 1990 Strategy for the Construction Grants Program Draft

230D89001 Industrial Environmental Management An Annotated Bibliography of Practical Sources Second Edition August 1989 Draft

230D89002 Strategies for Improving Industrial Environmental Compliance : A Draft Report

230D95002 Environmental Goals For America With Milestones For 2005

230D96001 Stream Restoration: The Costs of Engineered and Bio-Engineered Alternatives

230D96004 Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act, 1970 to 1990 <Draft>

230D97001 Quantifying the Impacts of Road Construction on Wetlands Loss : Draft Final Report

230F00001 Detailed Industry Questionnaire: Phase II Cooling Water Intake Structures Traditional Steam Electric Utilities

230F96004 To Protect Public Health

230F97001 Cool Facts About Global Warming

230F97008CC Climate Change and New Hampshire

230F97008DD Climate Change and New Jersey

230F97008E Climate Change and California

230F97008F Climate Change and Colorado

230F97008FF Climate Change and New York

230F97008G Climate Change and Connecticut

230F97008H Climate Change and Delaware

230F97008I Climate Change and Florida

230F97008J Climate Change and Georgia

230F97008LL Climate Change and Pennsylvania

230F97008M Climate Change and Illinois

230F97008QQ Climate Change and Texas

230F97008R Climate Change and Louisiana

230F97008U Climate Change and Massachusetts

230F97008UU Climate Change and Washington

230F97008V Climate Change and Michigan

230F97008W Climate Change and Minnesota

230F97008WW Climate Change and Wisconsin

230F97008y Climate Change and Missouri

230F97008Y Climate Change and Missouri

230F97008Z Climate Change and Montana

230K92001 Seven Cardinal Rules of Risk Communication, May 1992

230K95001 President's Council on Sustainable Development Principles, Goals, and Definition Task Force Background Papers

230K95002 Small Business and the Environmental Protection Agency: Building a Common Sense Approach to Environmental Protection

230N92002 Quarterly Progress Report Third Quarter FY 1992 Report

230N92003 Quarterly Progress Report Fourth Quarter FY 1992 Report

230N95002 Protection of the Ozone Layer

230Q93003 Quarterly Progress Report Fy 1993 -third Quarter

230Q94002 Quarterly Progress Report FY 1994 Second Quarter

230R00001 Customer Service in Permitting: Toolkit for Regions, States, Tribes, and Local Permitting Authorities

230R00002 Proceedings of the Second National Customer Service Conference: November 30 - December 1, 1999, Philidelphia, Pennsylvania

230R02001 Fish Consumption and Environmental Justice A Report developed from the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council Meeting of December 3-6, 2001

230R02002 Office of Emergency and Remedial Response : Strategic Plan ; Fiscal Years 2002-2005

230R04001 Model Documentation Second Generation Model

230R04002 Second Generation Model 2004: An Overview

230R06001 Growing Toward More Efficient Water Use Linking Development Infrastructure And Drinking Water Policies

230R70001 Fostering Effective Environmental Management

230R75001 Impacts of Energy Conservation Measures Applied to Commuter Travel

230R80001 Technical Support Centers : Draft

230R82001 Coordination of EPA Ground Water Activities: A Background Report

230R82002 Improving Delegations of EPA Programs to the States

230R83001 Alternative models of EPA -- State Relationships: A Literature Survey

230R83002 EPA's Current Oversight Practices

230R83003 Final Report of the State/Federal Roles Task Force

230R83004 Oversight as Practiced in Successful Organizations: Insights for EPA

230R83005 Trends Likely to Affect EPA in the Next Five to Ten Years

230R83006 Profile of EPA Activities

230R84001 Assessment of State Needs for Technical Assistance in NPDES Permitting

230R84002 Management Review of the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Final Report

230R84003 Prospects for Reducing the Backlog of Expired Major Permits in NPDES-Approved States

230R84004 Modeling Criteria: The Key to Major Reforms for Emissions Trades

230R85001 EPA Policy Concerning Delegation to State and Local Governments

230R85002 Technical Information Clearinghouses at EPA : A Status Report

230R86900 Explaining Environmental Risk

230R86901 Logical Data Base Design Review of the AIRS Stationary Source Emission Inventory System (AIRS-SSEIS)

230R87001 Baltimore Integrated Environmental Management Project Phase II Report Indoor Air

230R87002 Baltimore Integrated Environmental Management Project Phase II Report Reducing the Hazards from Abatement of Lead Paint .

230R87003 Baltimore Integrated Environmental Management Project Phase II Report Underground Storage Tanks Study

230R87004 Evaluation of Implementation of Risk-Based Decisionmaking in RCRA Annotated Briefing

230R88100 Seven Cardinal Rules Of Risk Communication, April 1988

230R89100 Pollution Prevention Benefits Manual, Volumes 1 and 2, Phase 2

230R89101 Comparing Risks and Setting Environmental Priorities: Overview of Three Regional Projects

230R89103 EPA Headquarters Library Keyword List of Current Journals

230R89104 Educational Opportunities for Environmental Professionals: A Database

230R89105 National Environmental Information Conference Building Environmental Partnerships Through Information Sharing Proceedings Nov 13-16, 1989 Kansas City, Missouri

230R91901 EPA Quarterly Progress Report First Quarter FY 1992

230R92001 US Experience With Economic Incentives To Control Environmental Pollution

230R92003 Guide to Selected National Environmental Statistics In the U.S. Government (Apr '95)

230R92005 Enhancing Management Of Forests And Vegetation On Department Of Defense Lands Opportunities Benefits And Feasibility

230R92008 Environmental Equity: Reducing Risk for all Communities

230R92008A Environmental Equity: Reducing Risk for all Communities, Volume 2: Supporting Document

230R92010 Preserving Our Future Today Strategies And Framework

230R92011 Biological Populations as Indicators of Environmental Change

230R92014 Methods For Evaluating The Attainment Of Cleanup Standards Volume 2 Groundwater

230R92017 Tribes At Risk Wisconsin Tribes Comparative Risk Project

230R93001 Enforcement Accomplishments Report: FY 1992

230R93003 Guide to Selected National Environmental Statistics In the U.S. Government (Aug '93)

230R93005 Report to Congress: Sustainable Development and the Environmental Protection Agency

230R93007 Local Government Implementation Of Environmental Mandates 5 Case Studies Final Report

230R93008 Agricultural Atrazine Use and Water Quality A CEEPES Analysis of Policy Options

230R93009 Colorado River Basin and Climatic Change: The Sensitivity of Streamflow and Water Supply to Variations in Temperature and Precipitation

230R93010 International Anthropogenic Methane Emissions: Estimates for 1990

230R93018 Benefits Transfer: Procedures, Problems, and Research Needs 1992 Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Workshop, Snowbird, Utah June 3-5, 1992

230R93900 Community Structure and Press Coverage of Health Risks from Environmental Contamination

230R93901 Defining Practitioners' Risk Communication Needs {Contains Interim Report for Phase I and Interim Report for Phase II}

230R93902 Risk Communication, Recycling and Young People Final Report June 1993

230R94001 Customer Incentives for Water Conservation: A Guide

230R94002 State Management of NPDES Minor Dischargers: Survey Results

230R94004 Statistical Methods For Evaluating The Attainment Of Cleanup Standards Volume 3 Reference-Based Standards For Soils And Solid Media

230R94006 Sustainable Industry: Promoting Strategic Environmental Protection In The Industrial Sector Phase 1 Report Thermoset Plastics Industry

230R94007 Sustainable Industry: Promoting Strategic Environmental Protection In The Industrial Sector Phase 1 Report Photoimaging Industry

230R94008 Sustainable Industry: Promoting Strategic Environmental Protection In The Industrial Sector Phase 1 Report Metal Finishing Industry

230R94014 Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-1993

230R94020 Location and Wetland Values: Some Pitfalls of Offsite Wetland Mitigation in the Chesapeake Watershed

230R94021 Riparian and Terrestrial Issues in the Chesapeake: A Landscape Management Perspective

230R94022 Compensation Ratios for Wetland Mitigation Guidelines and Tables for Applying the Methodology

230R94023 A Technical Summary of Wetland Restoration Costs in the Continental United States

230R94902 Communicating Effectively about Risk Magnitudes: Bottom Line Conclusions and Recommendations for Practitioners

230R94903 Explaining Uncertainty in Health Risk Assessment: Effects of Risk Perception and Trust

230R94904 Industry Response to SARA Title II: Pollution Prevention Risk Reduction and Risk Communication

230R94905 Public Knowledge and Perceptions of Chemical Risks in Six Communities: Follow-Up Survey Results

230R94906 Upper Mississippi River Basin Natural Resource Accounting Project. Regional Economic Accounts: Estimation of Sector Contributions to Current Economic Income

230R95001 Community Environmental Compliance Flexibility: Case Study Assessments in Idaho and Oregon

230R95002 Climate Change Mitigation Strategies in the Forest and Agriculture Sectors

230R95003 Climate Change and Boston Area Water Supply

230R95008 Probability Of Sea Level Rise

230R95010 Presidential Regulatory Reform Initiative: Summary Report to the President, June 15, 1995

230R95900 Anticipatory Planning for Sea-Level Rise Along the Coast of Maine

230R95901 Colloquium on Economics, Ecology, and Sustainability Policies

230R95902 Draft Interim 1995 Indicators Report Background Material for Annual Planning Meeting

230R95903 Review of Federal Agency/Nonprofit Organization Partnerships for Stream Restoration

230R95904 Compendium of Federal Programs with Stream Restoration Activities

230R96002 Making Sense of Wetland Restoration Cost

230R96003 Wetland Compensation Cost in EPA Region 4: The Southeast

230R96004 Wetland Compensation Cost in EPA Region 9: The Southeast

230R96005 Natural Resource Accounting and Sustainable Watershed Management: With Illustrations for The Upper Mississippi River Watershed

230R96006 Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks, 1990-1994

230R96007 Summary of State Biological Assessment Programs for Streams and Rivers

230R96008 Landscape Change and the Ecological Effects of Mitigation Banks

230R96009 Indicators of the environmental Impacts of Transportation: Highway, Rail, Aviation, and Maritime Transport

230R96012 Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition Loadings To The Chesapeake Bay Initial Analysis Of The Cost Effectiveness Of Control Options

230R96013 Managing for Environmental Results Using Goals and Indicators

230R98001 Report to Congress : Status of the State Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program (SBTCP), for the Reporting Period, January - December 1997

230S95001 Inventory of EPA Headquarters Ecosystem Tools

230S98001 Environmental Futres And Transportation Roundtable: Meeting Summary April 14, 1998 Washington, DC

230Z00001 Federal Register April 2000 Agenda Of Regulatory And Deregulatory Actions

230Z01001 Federal Register November 2000 Agenda Of Regulatory And Deregulatory Actions

230Z01002 Federal Register April 2001 Agenda Of Regulatory And Deregulatory Actions

230Z02001 Fall 2001 Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions and Regulatory Plan

230Z02002 Spring 2002 Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions

230Z02003 Fall 2002 Regulatory Plan and Semiannual Regulatory Agenda

230Z03001 Federal Register May 19 2003 Semiannual Regulatory Agenda Spring 2003

230Z03002 Regulatory Plan And Semiannual Regulatory Agenda Fall 2003

230Z04001 Agenda Of Regulatory And Deregulatory Actions

230Z04002 Regulatory Plan Semiannual Regulatory Agenda

230Z05001 Semiannual Regulatory Agenda Spring 2005

230Z05002 Regulatory Plan And Semiannual Regulatory Agenda Fall 2005

230Z07001 Semiannual Regulatory Agenda - Spring 2007

230Z07002 Regulatory Plan and Semiannual Regulatory Agenda, Fall 2007

230Z08001 US EPA Semiannual Regulatory Agenda - Spring 2008

230Z94001 Federal Register November 14 1994 Regulatory Plan And Regulatory Agenda

230Z95001 Federal Register May 8 1995 Epa's Semiannual Regulatory Agenda

230Z95002 Federal Register: November 28, 1995, Number 228. Environmental Protection Agency, Regulatory Plan and Regulatory Agenda

230Z96001 Federal Register: Environmental Protection Agency: Regulatory Agenda

230Z96002 Federal Register: November 29, 1996. Environmental Protection Agency: Regulatory Plan and Regulatory Agency

230Z97001 Federal Register: April 25, 1997, Part 22. Semiannual Regulatory Agenda

230Z97002 Federal Register: October 29, 1997. Environmental Protection Agency: Regulatory Plan and Semiannual Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions

230Z98001 Federal Register: April 27, 1998 Part 22. Semiannual Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions

230Z98002 Federal Register: November 9, 1998. October 1998 Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions and Regulatory Plan

230Z99001 Federal Register: April 26, 1999. Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions

230Z99002 Federal Register November 22 1999 October 1999 Agenda Of Regulatory And Deregulatory Actions And Regulatory Plan

231B00001 Environmental Assistance Services For Small Businesses Resource Guide

231B01001 Environmental Assistance Services For Small Businesses Resource Guide

231B05001 Using Smart Growth Techniques As Stormwater Best Management Practices

231B05002 Using Smart Growth Techniques As Stormwater Best Management Practices

231D96001 List of Facility Issues New Jersey Chemical Industry Project Draft

231D97001 Proposed Framework for a Flexible Track Program : New Jersey Chemical Industry Project ; Draft

231F02002 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement 2002

231F03002 National Award For Smart Growth Achievement 2003

231F04001 National Award For Smart Growth Achievement

231F06008 Free Smart Growth Publications From EPA and Smart Growth Network Partners

231F99002 National Metal Finishing Strategic Goals Program: Industry's Voluntary Commitment to a Cleaner Environment

231K05001 National Award For Smart Growth Achievement 2005

231K06001 Parking Spacescommunity Places Finding The Balance Through Smart Growth Solutions

231K06004 National Award For Smart Growth Achievement 2006

231K07001 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement, 2007

231K99001 Parking Alternatives: Making Way For Urban Infill And BrownField Redevelopment

231R00001 Method for Quantifying Environmental Indicators of Selected Leisure Activities in the United States

231R00006 Smart Growth at Work : Project Highlights from EPA's Ten Regions

231R01001 Comparing Methodologies to Assess Transportation and Air Quality Impacts of Brownfields and Infill Development

231R01002 Our Built and Natural Environments

231R02001 Selected Smart Growth Publications from the Smart Growth Network

231R02101 Getting To Know Smart Growth 100 Policies For Implementation

231R03004 Travel And Environmental Implications Of School Sitings

231R03101 Getting To Smart Growth 2 100 More Policies For Implementation

231R04002 Protecting Water Resources With Smart Growth

231R04003 Schools For Successful Communities: An Element Of Smart Growth

231R05001 Getting to Smart Growth: 100 Polocies For Implementation

231R05002 Getting To Smart Growth II: 100 More Polocies For Implementation

231R06001 Protecting Water Resources With Higher Density Development

231R07001 Measuring the Air Quality and Transportation Impacts of Infill Development

231R88101 Nneps National Network For Environmental Policy Studies 1988 Topic Catalogue

231R95001 Initial Profile of the New Jersey Chemical Industry

231R95002 Second Profile of the New Jersey Chemical Industry

231R98001 Food Production and Environmental Stewardship: Examples of How Food Companies Work with Growers

231R98003 Sharing the Load: Effluent Training for Indirect Dischargers

231R98004 Smart Investments For City And County Managers

231R98006 Technical Methods for Analyzing Pricing Measures to Reduce Transportation Emissions

231R98007 Assessing the Emissions and Fuel Consumption Impacts of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

231R98016 Compliance Assistance Materials for New Jersey Environmental Regulations

232R89101 Building Environmental Partnerships Through Information Sharing State-epa Data-management Program Progress Report 1988-1989

233B00001 Environmental Management Guide For Small Laboratories

233B00002 Little Known But Allowable Ways To Deal With Hazardous Waste

233B00003 Small Business Source Book On Environmental Auditing

233B00004 Small Businesses Publications

233B02001 Resource Directory Small Business Environmental Assistance Providers

233B03001 EPA's Response to Comments: on the 2000 Draft Public Involvement Policy

233B03002 Public Involment Policy of The US Enviromental Protection Agency

233B98003 Hearing The Voice Of The Customer Customer Feedback And Customer Satisfaction Measurement Guidelines

233B99002 Hearing the Voice of the Customer: Customer Feedback and Customer Satisfaction Measurement Guidelines, Revised May 1999

233B99003 Revised Interim Guidance for EPA Rulewriters: Regulatory Flexibility Act as Amended by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act

233F03001 Framework For Implementing EPA'S Public Involvement Policy

233F03004 Introducing EPA's Public Involvement Policy

233F03005 How To Plan And Budget For Public Involvement

233F03006 How To Identify People To Involve

233F03007 How To Provide Technical And Financial Assistance For Public Involvement

233F03008 How To Provide Information And Conduct Outreach {Brochure}

233F03009 Step 5 How To Consult With And Involve The Public

233F03010 How To Review and Use Public Input, and Provide Feedback

233F03011 How To Evaluate Public Involvement {Brochure}

233F03012 How To Improve Public Meetings And Hearings {Brochure}

233F03014 How To Involve Environmental Justice Communities {Brochure}

233F03015 How to Overcome Barriers to Public Involvement Involvement brings the pieces together

233F99002 Fact Sheet: Information for Potential Small Entity Representatives to the Small Business Advocacy Review Panel Process

233R02001 Status Of The State Of Small Business Stationery Source Technical And Environmental Compliance Assistance Program (SBTCP) Report To Congress

233R81100 Summary Of 1982 Budget

233R90001 Technical Support Documentation For Part I Of The National Sewage Sludge Survey Notice Of Availability

235B98002 EPA Customer Service: Forging the Links, Participant's Workbook

235F98001 Center for Environmental Information and Statistics (CEIS Website Brochure)

235R73101 Initial Economic Impact Analysis Of Water Pollution Control Costs Upon The Fiber Glass Industry

235R73102 Initial Economic Impact Analysis Of Water Pollution Control Costs Upon The Coal Mining Industry

235R73103 Initial Analysis Of The Economic Impact Of Water Pollution Control Costs Upon Ten Inorganic Chemicals

235R73104 Initial Analysis Of The Economic Impact Of Water Pollution Control Costs Upon The Textile Industry

235R98003 Proceedings of the First EPA National Customer Service Conference: April 14-16, 1998

236B00001 Annotated Summary of Climate Change Related Resources

236F98001 Climate Change Solutions: Utah's Solar Project Helps Reduce Greenhouse Gases

236F98004 Climate Change Solutions: Vermont Trims Energy Bills for Low-Income Families

236F98005 Climate Change Solutions: Twin Cities Trim Climate Change

236F98007A Climate Change: Alabama **See 230-F-98-007 for Remaining States**

236F98007AA Climate Change: Vermont

236F98007B Climate Change: Alaska

236F98007BB Climate Change: Virginia

236F98007C Climate Change: Arizona

236F98007CC Climate Change: West Virginia

236F98007D Climate Change: Arkansas

236F98007DD Climate Change: Wyoming

236F98007E Climate Change: Hawaii

236F98007F Climate Change: Idaho

236F98007G Climate Change: Indiana

236F98007h Climate Change and Iowa

236F98007H Climate Change: Iowa

236F98007I Climate Change: Kansas

236F98007J Climate Change: Kentucky

236F98007K Climate Change: Maine

236F98007L Climate Change: Maryland

236F98007M Climate Change: Mississippi

236F98007N Climate Change: Nebraska

236F98007O Climate Change: Nevada

236F98007P Climate Change: New Mexico

236F98007Q Climate Change: North Carolina

236F98007R Climate Change: North Dakota

236F98007S Climate Change: Ohio

236F98007T Climate Change: Oklahoma

236F98007U Climate Change and Oregon

236F98007V Climate Change: Rhode Island

236F98007W Climate Change: South Carolina

236F98007X Climate Change: South Dakota

236F98007Y Climate Change: Tennessee

236F98007Z Climate Change: Utah

236F99002 Climate Change and Cold Water Fish: Is Trout Fishing an Endangered Sport

236F99003 Climate Change and Birds: Change on the Wing

236F99004 Climate Change and Public Lands: National Parks at Risk

236F99005 Saving New Jersey's Vanishing Shores

236K92001 Reports to the Nation on Our Changing Planet: Our Ozone Shield

236K97001 Reports to the Nation on Our Changing Planet: Our Changing Climate

236K97002 Climate Change: State of Knowledge

236R00001 Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-1998

236R01001 Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-1999

236R04001 International Experiences with Economic Incentives for Protecting the Environment.

236R96001 Lay Views on Uncertainty in Health Risk Assessment: A Report on Phase II Research

236R96002 Ecosystem Approach: Healthy Ecosystems and Sustainable Economies

236R98006 Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks 1990 - 1996

236R99003 Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-1997

237K99001 EPA's Framework for Community-Based Environmental Protection

237R99002 Taking Stock for the Future : A Management Review of Partnership Programs at EPA

237S99001 EPA's Framework for Community-Based Environmental Protection, Executive Summary

238B96900 Environmental Technologies Testing and Demonstration Sites: A Federal Directory, Environmental Technology Working Group Committee on Environment and Natural Resources National Science and Technology Council

238F96001 Environmental Technology Initiative: Projects Report, FY 94-FY95

238R96001 Environmental Technology Imitative: Removing Barriers to Innovations that Protect Public Health and the Environment, Fiscal Year 1994-1995 Projects

238R96002 Education for Sustainability: An Agenda for Action

238S96900 White House Briefing and Conference on Environmental Technologies: National Environmental Technology Strategy, Summary

239R95012 Conceptual Framework To Support Devlopment And Use Of Environmental Information In Decision-making

240B00001 National Environmental Achievement Track: Program Description

240B00003 National Environmental Achievement Track: Application Package

240B01002 EPA Requirements For Quality Management Plan

240B01004 Guidance For The Preparation Of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) For Quality Related Documents

240B06001 Guidance on Systematic Planning Using the Data Quality Objectives Process

240B06002 Data Quality Assessment: A Reviewer's Guide

240B06003 Data Quality Assessment: Statistical Methods for Practitioners

240B06004 Systematic Planning: A Case Study for Hazardous Waste Site Investigations EPA QA/CS-1

240F02002 Environmental Management Systems (EMS): Your Business Advantage

240F08001 Aiminghigh Has Its Rewards Is Your Environmental Performance Being Recognized?

240R00002 Developing for the Future: Hometown USA, Innovative Community Projects Supported by EPA Grants

240R00002ES Re: Developing for the Future; Hometown USA

240R00003 Guidelines for Preparing Economic Analyses

240R00005 Engaging the American People: Review of EPA's Public Participation Policy and Regulations with Recommendations for Action

240R00006 America's Children and the Environment: First View of Available Measures

240R02001 Achievement Through Partnership: Progress Report Through 2000

240R02003 EPA Quality System For Environmental Data And Technology Overview

240R02004 Guidance Of Environmental Data Verification And Data Validation

240R02005 Guidance For Choosing A Sampling Design For Environmental Data Collection

240R02007 Guidance For Quality Assurance Project Plans For Modeling

240R02008 Guidance For Developing Quality Systems For Environmental Programs

240R02009 Guidance For Quality Assurance Project Plans

240R03001 America's Children and the Environment Measures of Contaminants, Body Burdens and Illnesses

240R03002 Guidance On Assessing Quality Systems

240R03003 Guidance For Geospatial Data Quality Assurance Project Plans

240R04001 Stigma : The Psychology and Economics of Superfund

240R05001 Setting The Standard Measuring Results Celebrating Successes Report To Congress On The Status Of Environmental Education In The United States

240R05002 Robustness of VSL Values from Contingent Valuation Surveys

240R79101 Regulatory Reform Initiatives Progress Report October 1979

245R04002 Government @ EPA: Accelerating Our Progress Using New Information Technology

245R04004 Earned Value Management Fiscal Year 2004 Lessons Learned

245R79101 Employment Opportunities In The Environmental Protection Agency

245R80101 National Accomplishments In Pollution Control 1970-1980 Some Case Histories

245S95001 Summary Of The 1997 Budget

250F01002 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Dockets Available Online

250F01003 Regulatory Public Access System:Quick Reference Guide

250R03001 Global Positioning Systems - Technical Implementation Guidance

2518000HIP0771 Industrial Waste Study Memrcury Using Industries

260B01003 Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act - Section 313: Guidance for Reporting Toxic Chemicals: Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds Category

260B01004 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, Section 313: Guidance for Reporting Toxic Chemicals: Mercury and Mercury Compounds Category

260B01005 Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act - Section 313: Guidance for Reporting Toxic Chemicals: Pesticides and Other Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic (PBT) Chemicals

260B01013 Emergency Planning And Community Right To Know Section 313 Reporting Guidance For Presswood And Laminated Products Industry

260B03001 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Forms and Instructions: Revised 2002 Ver.

260B04002 Toxic Release Inventory Epcra Section 313 Questions And Answers Addendum To The Revised 1998 Version As Of December 2004 Section 313 Of The Emergency Planning And Community Right To Know Act

260F00001 EPA's Web Site: Brings You a World of Environmental Information, WWW.EPA.GOV

260F01001 1999 Toxics Release Inventory: Public Data Release, State Fact Sheets

260F02004 Toxics Release Inventory State Fact Sheets Public Data Release 2000

260F02007 EPA's Web Site: Highlights a World of Environmental Information

260F03001 Toxic Release Inventory Made Easy(TRI-ME) Software Overview

260F03002 Toxics Release Inventory State Fact Sheets Public Data Release 2001

260F04003 Environmental Indicators Initiative And Draft Report On The Environment

260F06002 Best Practices For Identifying Reference Condition In Mid-Atlantic Streams

260F08001 EPA National Library Network

260F08002 Highlights from the EPA National Library Network

260K01001 Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act Section 313 Release and Other Waste Management Reporting Requirements

260R002004 How are the Toxics Release Inventory Data Used? -- government, business, academic and citizen uses

260R01001 1999 Toxics Release Inventory: Public Data Release

260R02001 Core List For An Environmental Reference Collection

260R02002 Environmental Sustainabilty Policies and Practices: Summary Benchmark Evaluation of Corporate Environmental Reports

260R02003 Toxics Release Inventory Public Data Release 2000

260R02005 Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) Overview and Purpose

260R02006 Report On The Environment, 2003 {DRAFT}

260R02008 Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility, and Integrity of Information Disseminated by the Environmental Protection Agency

260R03001 Toxics Release Inventory Public Data Release 2001

260R05003 Policy and Implementation Guide for Communications Product Development and Approval {electronic resource}

260R06002 Bioassessment Tools for Stony Corals: Statistical Evaluation of Candidate Metrics in the Florida Keys

260R06004 Bioassessment Tools for Stony Corals: Field Testing of Monitoring Protocols in the US Virgin Islands (St. Croix)

260R08004 EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment: Indicators Presenting Data for EPA Region 10

260R08005 EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment: Indicators Presenting Data for EPA Region 9

260R08006 EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment: Indicators Presenting Data for EPA Region 8

260R08007 EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment: Indicators Presenting Data for EPA Region 7

260R08008 EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment: Indicators Presenting Data for EPA Region 6

260R08009 EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment: Indicators Presenting Data for EPA Region 5

260R08010 EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment: Indicators Presenting Data for EPA Region 4

260R08011 EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment: Indicators Presenting Data for EPA Region 3

260R08012 EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment: Indicators Presenting Data for EPA Region 2

260R08013 EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment: Indicators Presenting Data for EPA Region 1

260S02001 2000 Toxics Release Inventory(TRI) Public Data Release Report: Executive Summary

270B80001 Handbook for FY 1981 State/EPA Agreements

270K93001 Guide to Federal Environmental Requirements for Small Governments

270K94002 Using Information Strategically to Protect Human Health and the Environment: Recommendations for Comprehensive Information Resources Management

270R83001 Options for Improving the State-EPA Partnership

270R93001 Report of the Task Force to Enhance State Capacity: Strengthening Environmental Management in the United States

270R97001 Results of the 1994 EPA Survey of Small Local Governments

2DT-2001 Environmental Hazards In Your School Resource {handbook}

2DT2001 Environmental Hazzards In Your School Resource Handbook

30019941 Introduction To Preliminary Assessment Training

300800006 Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits of Storage Tanks under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

300B00001 Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits of Facilities Regulated Under Subtitle D of RCRA

300B00002 Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits of Used Oil and Universal Waste Generators Under the Resources Conservation and Recovery Act

300B00003 Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)

300B00004 Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits of Facilities with PCB's, Asbestos, and Lead-Based Paint Regulated Under TSCA

300B00005 Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits of Public Water Systems Under the Safe Drinking Water Act

300B00006 Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits of Storage Tanks Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

300B00007 Supplemental Environmental Projects: Protecting and Enhancing Public Health and the Environment (Jul '00)

300B00008R Environmental Justice Federal Interagency Directory

300B00016 Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits for Municipal Facilities Under U.S. EPA's Wastewater Regulations

300B02001 Worker Protection Field Inspection Pocket Guide

300B02013 Revised Environmental Management Review Policy And Guidance For Federal Facilities {memorandum}

300B07001 Compliance Literature Search Results: Citations to Over Two Hundred Compliance-Related Books and Articles From 1999-2007

300B07002 Guide for Measuring Compliance Assistance Outcomes Revised, August 2007

300B90100 Environmental Enforcement Citizen's Guide

300B94003 IDEA User's Guide Integrated Data for Enforcement Analysis

300B94006 Evaluation of Ecological Impacts from Highway Development

300B94007 Pollution Prevention In The Federal Government Guide For Developing Pollution Prevention Strategies For Executive Order 12856 And Beyond

300B94013 Federal Facility Pollution Prevention Planning Guide

300B94014 NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual

300B95001 Federal Agency Environmental Management Program Planning Guidance

300B95005 Guidance for Implementing Executive Order 12856: Federal Compliance with Right-to-Know Laws and Pollution Prevention Requirements, March 28, 1995

300B95008 Federal Facility Pollution Prevention Project Analysis: Primer for Applying Life Cycle and Total Cost Assessment Concepts

300B95015 NPDES Compliance Inspection : Training Program Instructor's Guide

300B96004D Integrated Data for Enforcement Analysis: IDEA Users Guide

300B96005 Integrated Data for Enforcement Analysis: IDEA Basic Training Course (Student Booklet)

300B96013 Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Implementation Guideline

300B98001 Supplemental Environmental Projects: Protecting and Enhancing Public Health and the Environment (Oct '98)

300B98006A Resource Manual for environmental Impact Assessment Review, July 1998 (Sections 1-4)

300B98006B Resource Manual for environmental Impact Assessment Review, July 1998 (Sections 5-7)

300B99002 Guide For Measuring Compliance Assistance Outcomes

300D05901A Draft Environmental Impact Statement Crown Jewel Mine Okanogan County Washington Volume 1

300D05901B Draft Environmental Impact Statement Crown Jewel Mine Okanogan County Washington Volume 2

300D05902 American And Crooked River Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Nez Perce National Forest, May 2004 {Draft}

300D05903 Hoover Dam Bypass Project: Environmental Impact Statement Administrative Draft

300F00002 Leveling the Playing Field: Eliminating the Economic Benefit of Violating Environmental Laws

300F02002 Revised Environmental Management Review Policy And Guidance For Federal Facilities

300F02004 Environmental Justice for All

300F03001 US EPA Small Business Resources

300F03003 Environmental Justice Fact Sheet EPA's Commitment to Environmental Justice

300F04003 Environmental Justice For All

300F04004 Environmental Justice For All

300F04005 Environmental Justice For All # 2

300F06921 EPA's Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreement Program

300F07003 Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Information Sheet: U.S. EPA Small Business Resources

300F93001 Principles of Environmental Enforcement

300F94002 Creating An Innovation Compliance Program Introduction To The Office Of Compliance (carol Buckingham New Contact)

300F95002 Office Of Compliance Introductory Guide

300F95006 Memorandum: Issuance of Interim Revised Supplemental Environmental Projects Policy

300F96015 Policy On The Issuance Of Comfort-Status Letters

300F98004 Enforcement and Compliance

300F98006 EPA Supplemental Environmental Projects Policy

300F99003 The Consumer Confidence Report Rule: Annual Reporting Requirements for Drinking Water Suppliers

300F99004 Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Information Sheet: U.S. EPA Small Business Resources

300F99006 Consumer Confidence Report Rule: Annual Reporting Requirements for Drinking Water Suppliers

300K00001 Model Plan for Public Participation

300K04002 Collaborative Problem Solving

300K96003 Model Plan for Public Participation

300K96003S El Plan Modelo Para la Particiacion Publica ( Model Plan for Public Participation ) (Spanish)

300K99001 Protecting Your Health and the Environment Through Innovative Approaches to Compliance: Highlights from the Past Five Years

300K99002 Federal Facilities Enforcement Office.

300K99003 Innovative Approaches to Enforcement and Compliance Assurance

300N00001 Enforcement Alert: Foundry Industry's Hazardous Waste Management of Major Concern to U.S. EPA

300N00002 Enforcement Alert: Facilities May Have Annual Toxics Release Inventory Reporting Requirements for Nitrate Compounds

300N00003 Enforcement Alert: EPA Steps up Enforcement of Diesel, Gasoline Nonroad Engine Imports

300N00005 Enforcement Alert: Clean Water Act Prohibits Sewage Bypass

300N00006 Clean Up News

300N00007 Enforcement Alert: EPA Announces Clean Air Act Compliance Incentive Program Developed With API

300N00010 Enforcement Alert EPA's Audit Policy Offers Opportunity for Telecommunications Industry to Remedy Violations

300N00011 Clean Up News

300N00012 Universities, Colleges Not Receiving Top Marks for Environmental Compliance

300N00013 Enforcement Alert: September 2000 US EPA Focusing Enforcement Efforts on Oil Spill Violations

300N00014 Enforcement Alert: Frequent, Routine Flaring May Cause Excessive, Uncontrolled Sulfur Dioxide Releases, Revised Document

300N00015 Enforcement Alert: Hazardous Waste Management Practices at Mineral Processing Facilities Under Scrutiny by U.S. EPA

300N00016 Enforcement Alert: December 2000

300N00019 FedFacs: Fall 2000

300N01001 Enforcement Alert: EPA Finding Many Industrial Dischargers Failing to Obtain Storm Water Permits as Law Requires

300N01004 Audit Policy Update, Spring 2001

300N01005 Enforcement Alert: May, 2001, Community Water Systems Required to Provide Consumers Annual Right-to-Know Report on Drinking Water Quality by July 1, 2001

300N01006 Fedfacs: Environmental Bulletin for Federal Facilities, Spring 2001

300N01008 Enforcement Alert: U.S. EPA Notifying Defendants of Securities and Exchange Commission's Environmental Disclosure Requirements

300N02001 Enforcement Alert: January 2002,

300N02002 Enforcement Alert: Battery Act, Law Creates Public Health Environmental Safegaurds Through Phaseout of Mecury Batteries and Other Important Requirements

300N02004 Enforcement Alert:Volume 5, Number 4, April 2002

300N02006 Cleanup News, Spring Edition

300N02007 FedFacs: An Environmental Bulletin For Federal Facilities

300N02008 Environmental Justice Quarterly Fall 2002

300N03001 Enforcement Alert: Volume 6, Number 1, Maech 2003

300N03003 EPA Enforcement Alert: Financial Assurance Requirements: A Fundamental Compliance Obligation Volume 6, Number 2 April 2003

300N03004 Cleanup News Issue Number 12, Spring 2003

300N03007 Cleanup News Issue 13, Summer 2003

300N03009 Cleanup News: Issue 14, Fall 2003

300N03010 Environmental Justice Quarterly

300N03011 Cleanup News

300N04001 Fedfacs - Winter 2003-2004 - Issue #16

300N04006 Collaborative Solutions Awarded With Cooperative Agreements

300N04008 EPA Enforcement Alert: Mismanagement of Laboratory Waste Creates Risk of Serious Injury

300N05001 Enforcement Alert Many Scooters And Off-road Motorcycle Imports Fail To Meet EPA Standards

300N05002 Clean Up News Issue 19, Winter 2005

300N05005 Clean Up News Issue 21 Summer 2005

300N05006 Environmental Justice Quarterly Summerfall 2005

300N06001 Environmental Justice Quarterly

300N06008 Enforcement Alert EPA Enforcing Stringent Standards for All Nonroad Engines

300N07002 Environmental Justice Quarterly, Summer 2007

300N98003 Audit Policy Update, Volume 3, Number 1

300N98004 Enforcement Alert: Pesticide Labels Must Warn Workers of Health Risks

300N98005 Enforcement Alert: Clean Air Act Prohibits ''Defeat Devices'' in Vehicles, Engines

300N98006 Enforcement Alert: Owners, Operators of Stationary Sources Must Comply with Clean Air Act's ''General Duty'' Clause

300N98007 EPA-Enforcement Alert: EPA Takes Actions Against Violators of Lead Paint Disclosure Rule

300N99001 Audit Policy Update: Volume 4, Number 1

300N99002 Enforcement Alert: Compliance With Permitting Critical to Clean Air Act Goals

300N99003 Petroleum Refineries: Compliance with RCRA Requirements Critical to Protecting Public Health, Environment

300N99005 Enforcement Alert EPA Settles First SDWA Penalty Case Against Federal Facility for $900,000

300N99006 Enforcement Alert Aquarium and Pond Chemicals May Require Federal Registration, Labeling as Pesticides

300N99007 Enforcement Alert: EPA Promotes Corporate-Wide Audits Through Voluntary Agreements

300N99008 Clean Up News: Issue Number 2, Spring 1999

300N99009 Fed Facts: Spring/Summer 1999

300N99010 Enforcement Alert Y2K Is Your Facility Ready

300N99011 Enforcement Alert: Facilities Urged to Review Systems for Risk of Check or Butterfly Valves Safety Hazards

300N99012 OECA Echo: Enforcement and Compliance Assurance for a Cleaner Environment

300N99013 Enforcement Alert: EPA Takes Enforcement Action Against Violators Who Ditch Wetlands and Channelize Streams

300N99014 Enforcement Alert Proper Monitoring Essential to Reducing Fugitive Emissions Under Leak Detection and Repair Programs

300N99017 Enforcement Alert: Airlines Must Comply With Federal Fuel Standards, Stormwater and Spill Prevention Requirements, and Report Emergency Releases

300N99020 Audit Policy Update: Volume 4, Number 2

300R00002 State of Federal Facilities Overview of Environmental Compliance at Federal Facilities FY 1997-98

300R00003 Summary of the Meeting of the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council

300R00004 Environmental Justice in The Permitting Process: A Report from the Public Meeting on Environmental Permitting Convened by the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council, Arlington, Virginia November 30-December 2, 1999

300R00005 Annual Report on Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Accomplishments in 1999

300R00006 An Environmental Management System Review of the National Park Service: Based on the Code of Environmental Management Principles

300R00007A Summary Of The Meeting Of The National Environmental Justice Advisory Council

300R00007B Summary of the Meeting of the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council

300R00008 Integrated Federal Interagency Environmental Justice Action Agenda

300R01004 The State of Federal Facilities An Overview of Environmental

300R01005 Environmental Justice 2000 Biennial Report: Continuing to Move Towards Collaborative and Constuctive Problem-Solving

300R01900 Environmental Justice In EPA Permitting: Reducing Pollution In High-Risk Communities Is Integral To The Agencys Mission, December 2001

300R02001 EPA - Status Report on the Environmental Justice Collaborative Model A Framework to Ensure Local Problem Solving

300R02002 Environmental Justice Small Grants: Emerging Tools for Local Problem Solving, @nd Edition

300R02003 National Nitrate Compliance Initiative

300R02005 Citizen's Guide to Using Federal Environmental Laws to Secure Environmental Justice

300R02008 Models for Change: Efforts by Four States to Address Environmental Justice

300R02010 Fiscal Year 2001 Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Accomplishments Report Protecting The Public and the Enviroment Through Innovative Approaches

300R02011 Guia Del Ciudadano para Usar las Leyes Ambientales Federales para Asegurar Justicia Ambiental: Junio 2002

300R02900 Models For Change: Efforts By 4 States To Address Environmental Justice, June 2002

300R03001 Environmental Justice 2002 Biennial Report; Constructive Engagement and Collaborative Problem-Solving

300R03002 Environmental Results Through Smart Enforcement Fiscal Year 2002 Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Accomplishments Report

300R03003 Moving Towards Collaborative Problem-Solving: Business And Industry Perspectives And Practices On Environmental Justice

300R03004 Using Dispute Resolution Techiques To Address Enviromental Justice Concerns

300R03900 Addressing Communities Concerns: How Environmental Justice Relates To Land Use Planning And Zoning, July 2003

300R04001 The State of Federal Facilities - An Overview of Environmental Compliance at Federal Facilities FY 2001-2002

300R04002 Toolkit For Assessing Potential Allegations Of Environmental Injustice

300R04900 Ensuring Risk Reduction In Communities With Multiple Stressors

300R04901 Evironmental Justice And Federal Facilities

300R04902 Meaningful Involvement And Fair Treatment By Tribal Environmental Regulatory Programs Report Of The National Environmental Justice Council

300R04903 Ensuring Risk Reduction In Communities With Multiple Stressors Environmental Justice and Cumulative Risk-impacts National Environmental Advisory Council, December 2004

300R04904 King William Reservoir Project Reservoir Mitigation Plan

300R04905 Recommended Record Of Decision Of The District Commander King William Reservoir Project On Cohoke Creek In King William County Virginia

300R04906 Appendix M Response To Comments Received On The Draft Environmental Impact Statement

300R04907 EPA FY 2004 End of Year Enforcement & Compliance Assurance Results

300R05002 Environmental Justice Biennial Report 2004 Integrating Environmental Justice

300R05004 The State of Federal Facilities , An Overview of Environmental Compliance at Federal Facilities, FY 2003 -2004

300R05900A Final Environmental Impact Statement Crown Jewel Mine Okanogan County Washington Volume 1

300R05900B Final Environmental Impact Statement Crown Jewel Mine Okanogan County Washington Volume 2

300R05900C Final Environmental Impact Statement Crown Jewel Mine Okanogan County Washington Volume 3

300R05900D Final Environmental Impact Statement Crown Jewel Mine Okanogan County Washington Volume 4

300R05900E Final Environmental Impact Statement Crown Jewel Mine Okanogan County Washington {Summary}

300R05900F Record Of Decision For The Final Environmental Impact Statement Crown Jewel Mine Okanogan County Washington

300R05902A American And Crooked River Project: Final Environmental Impact Statement, March 2005

300R05902B American And Crooked River Project: FEIS Appendices, March 2005

300R05902C American And Crooked River Project: Record Of Decision, April 2005

300R05903A Us 93 Hoover Dam Bypass Project: Final Environmental Impact Statement And Section 4 (F) Evaluation, Volume 1

300R05903C US 93 Hoover Dam Bypass Project Record Of Decision, March 2001

300R06002 EPA's Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Model

300R07001 FY 2006 OECA Accomplishments Report

300R07002 Environmental Justice Biennial Report: Integrating Environmental Justice {2006}

300R07003 Fy 2007 OECA Accomplishments Report Protecting The Environment

300R07003 OECA Accomplishments Report: Protecting the Environment, FY 2007

300R08001 Emerging Tools for Local Problem-Solving: Environmental Justice Small Grants Program, 3rd Edition

300R08005 Case Studies From the Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Program: Models for Success

300R78001 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act : Capabilities and Requirements Analysis ; Final Report ; Task 3A

300R85900A Draft Environmental Impact Statement US Department of the Army: Waikoloa Beach Resort Anchialine Ponds, Waikoloa, South Kohala District, Island of Hawai'i

300R85900B Final Environmental Impact Statement US Department of the Army: Waikoloa Beach Resort Anchialine Ponds, Waikoloa, South Kohala District, Island of Hawai'i

300R89001 Management Report on EPA Federal Penalty Practices

300R90100 Proceedings International Enforcement Workshop Utrecht The Netherlands May 8-10 1990 Volumes 1 And 2

300R92008 Enforcement Accomplishments Report, Fiscal Year 1991

300R92009 Guidance for Conducting a Pretreatment Compliance Inspection

300R92012 Proceedings: International Conference On Environmental Enforcement, Budapest, Hungary, September 22-25, 1992, Volume 2

300R92013 Fy 1991 State-by-State Enforcement Data Summary

300R92020 Proceedings: International Conference On Environmental Enforcement, Budapest, Hungary, September 22-25, 1992, Volume 1

300R93001 Environmental Activities On Indian Reservations, FY92

300R93003 Enforcement Mediation Status Report On The Use Of Alternative Dispute Resolutions Year 1992

300R93005 Integrated Enforcement Approaches for EPA : Report

300R94002 Third International Conference on Environmental Enforcement: Proceedings Volume 1, 1994 Oaxaca, Mexico

300R94003 Enforcement Accomplishments Report: FY 1993

300R94004 Environmental Activities on Indian Reservations, FY 1993

300R94005 Proceedings: Third International Conference on Environmental Enforcement Oaxaca, Mexico, April 25-28, 1994, Volume 2

300R94900 Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, Navigation Improvement Project and Berth Dredging Project, Draft Environmental Impact Report and Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1 of 2

300R95004 Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Accomplishments Report: FY 1994

300R95005 Recent Experience In Encouraging the Use of Pollution Prevention In Enforcement Settlements: A Handbook For EPA Regions

300R95006 Recent Experience in Encouraging the Use of Pollution Prevention in Enforcement Settlements: Final Report

300R95009 Technical Support Document International Training Workshop Principles Of Environmental Enforcement Residential And Industrial solid Waste Disposal

300R95010 Technical Support Document International Training Workshop Principles Of Environmental Enforcement Tourism

300R95012 Technical Support Document International Training Workshop Principles Of Environmental Enforcement Deforestation

300R95014 Meeting the Challenge: Summary of Federal Agency Pollution Prevention Strategies

300R95900A Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, Navigation Improvement Project and Berth Dredging Project, Final Environmental Impact Report (EOEA File Number 8695) and Final Environmental Impact Statement Volume 1 of 3

300R95900B Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, Navigation Improvement Project and Berth Dredging Project, Final Environmental Impact Report (EOEA File Number 8695) and Final Environmental Impact Statement Volume 2 of 3

300R95900C Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, Navigation Improvement Project and Berth Dredging Project, Final Environmental Impact Report (EOEA File Number 8695) and Final Environmental Impact Statement Volume 3 of 3

300R96002 The State of Federal Facilities - An Overview of Environmental Compliance at Federal Facilities, FY 1993-94

300R96006 Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Accomplishments Report, FY 1995

300R96008 Proceedings: 4th International Conference On Environmental Compliance And Enforcement, Chiang Mai, Thailand, April 22-26, 1996, Volume 1

300R96009 Proceedings: 4th International Conference On Environmental Compliance And Enforcement, Chiang Mai, Thailand, April 22-26, 1996, Volume 2

300R96900 Environmental Impact Statement Lisbon Valley Copper Project, Draft

300R97001 Identification of Pollution Prevention (P2) Technologies for Possible Inclusion in Enforcement Agreements Using Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs) and Injunctive Relief: Final Report

300R97003 Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Accomplishments Report, Fiscal Year 1996

300R97004 Environmental Justice: Working Toward Solutions, Annual Report, 1996

300R97900 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Section 4(F) Evaluation: US 113 Planning Study, Snow Hill, Maryland to Delaware State Line Worcester County, Maryland

300R97901 Final Environmental Impact Statement Lisbon Valley Copper Project, February 1997

300R97902 Regional Raw Water Study Group: Lower Virginia Peninsula Regional Raw Water Supply Plan

300R97903 Regional Raw Water Study Group Lower Virgina Peninsula Regional Raw Water Supply Plan

300R98001 Fifth International Conference on Environmental Compliance and Enforcement

300R98002A The State of Federal Facilities: Overview of Environmental Compliance at Federal Facilities, FY 1995-96, Executive Summary

300R98002B The State of Federal Facilities: Overview of Environmental Compliance at Federal Facilities, FY 1995-96, Program Reports

300R98003 Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Accomplishments Report, Fiscal Year 1997

300R98004A Proceedings: International Conference On Environmental Compliance And Enforcement, 5th, Volume 1: November 16-20, 1998 Monterey California, USA

300R98004B Proceedings: International Conference on Environmental Compliance and Enforcement, Fifth, Volume 2, November 16-20, 1998, Monterey, California

300R98900A Final Environmental Impact Statement: US 113 Planning Study, Snow Hill, Maryland to Delaware State Line Worcester County, Maryland (Part1)

300R98900B Final Environmental Impact Statement: US 113 Planning Study, Snow Hill, Maryland to Delaware State Line Worcester County, Maryland (Part2)

300R99002 Compliance Information Project: Literature Summaries

300R99003 Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Accomplishments Report FY1998

300R99004 1998 Environmental Justice Biennial Report: Moving Towards Collaborative and Constructive Problem Solving

300R99005 Water Enforcement Bulletin: Issue 15, April 1999

300R99007 Water Enforcement Bulletin: Issue 16, September 1999

300S00003 Summary of the Meeting of the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council, Executive Summary

300S05900A Draft Environmental Impact Statement Crown Jewel Mine Okanogan County Washington {Summary}

300S89001 Fy 1989 State-by-State Eenforcement Data Summary

300S90001 Fy 1990 State-by-State Enforcement Data Summary

300S91001 Summary of Criminal Prosecutions Resulting from Environmental Investigations

300S93001 FY 1992 State-By-State Enforcement Data Summaries

305B00001 Environmental Screening Checklist and Workbook for Terminal Operations

305B00002 Environmental Screening Checklist and Workbook for Short line Railroads

305B00003 Environmental Screening Checklist and Workbook for Airports and Tenant Operations

305B00004 Environmental Screening Checklist and Workbook for Water Transportation Industry

305B00005 Environmental Screening Checklist and Workbook for Trucking Industry

305B00006 Implementation Guidance for Off-site Waste and Recovery Operations (OSWRO) NESHAP: Interrelationships with Other Related Air Rules

305B01002 Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act and CERCLA Section 103

305B01003 Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits for Hazardous Waste Generators Under RCRA

305B01005 Compliance Assistance Tool for CAA Regulations: Subpart GGG of 40 CFR Part 63 - NESHAPs for Source Category Pharmaceuticals Production

305B01006 Micronutrient Fertilizer Industry: From Industrial Byproduct to Beneficial Use

305B03001 Model State Compliance Assurance Program Guide for Auto Recycling Facilities

305B03004 Consolidated Screening Checklist Automotive Repair Facilities Guidebook

305B04001 U.S. EPA Compliance Assistance Tool for Pharmaceutical Production, Pesticide Active Ingredient Production, and Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing NESHAP: Comparison of Regulatory Requirements and Case Study Compliance Illustrations for Nondedicated Equipment

305B04003 Managing Your Environmental Responsibilities a Planning Guide for Construction and Development

305B04004 Compliance Assurance Resources Compendium for the FY2005-2007 National Enforcement and Compliance Priorities

305B05001 Implementation Document For The Pesticide Active Ingredient Production NESHAP- (40CFR 63, Subpart MMM)

305B05002 Guide For Evaluating Capacity, Management, Operation, And Mantenance(CMOM) Programs At Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems

305B06002 Inspection Tool For The Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing NESHAP

305B06003 Implementation Tool For The Miscellaneous Coating Manufacturing NESHAP

305B06004 Protect Yourself from Pesticides: A Guide for Agriculture Workers {Chinese,Mandarin}

305B06005 Protect Yourself From Pesticides: Guide For Agricultural Workers {Polish}

305B06006 Protect Yourself From Pesticides: Guide For Agricultural Workers {Filipino,Tagalog}

305B06007 Protect Yourself From Pesticides: Guide For Agricultural Workers {Haitian,Creole}

305B06008 Protect Yourself From Pesticides: Guide For Agricultural Workers {Laotian}

305B06009 Protect Yourself From Pesticides: Guide For Agricultural Workers {Hmong}

305B06010 Protect Yourself From Pesticides: Guide For Agricultural Workers {IIocano}

305B07002 Implementation Tool for the Organic Liquids Distribution NESHAP

305B08001 Compliance Guide for the Chemical Import Requirements of the Toxic Substances Control Act

305B95002 Self-Audit and Inspection Guide for Facilities Conducting Cleaning, Preparation, and Organic Coating of Metal Parts

305B96001 Multimedia Inspection Guidance for Dry Cleaning Facilities

305B96002 Plain English Guide for Perc Dry Cleaners: A Step By Step Approach to Understanding Federal Environmental Regulations

305B97001 Plain Korean Guide for Perc Dry Cleaners: A Step By Step Approach to Understanding Federal Environmental Regulations

305B97002 Process-Based Self-Assessment Tool for the Organic Chemical Industry

305B97003 Multimedia Compliance/Pollution prevention Assessment Guidance For Screen Printing Facilities

305B97004 Multimedia Compliance Pollution Prevention Assessment Guidance for Lithographic Printing Facilities

305B97006 HON Inspection Tool

305B97007 Empower Your Cooperative: Environmental Compliance Guide for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

305B97008 Regulatory and Inspection Manual for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants, Revised

305B97010 EPA Petroleum Refinery MACT Standard Guidance

305B98001 Providing Greater Access to Environmental Data: Guide to the Sector Facility Indexing Project

305B98005 Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits of Hazardous Waste Generators Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

305B98006 Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits of Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

305B98007 Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits Under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act

305B98009 Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act

305B98010 Chemical Industry Compliance Improvement Tool

305B98011 Inspection Manual: Federal Equipment Leak Regulations for the Chemical Manufacturing Industry: (3 Volume Set)

305B99001 Introduction to the Chemical Import Requirements of the Toxic Substances Control Act

305B99003 Environmental Management Resources for Indian Tribes

305B99004 How to Review and Issue Clean Air Act Applicability Determinations and Alternative Monitoring: New Source Performance Standards, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Includes Attachment)

305B99005 Multimedia Environmental Compliance Guide for Food Processors

305D07001 Leak Detection and Repair Compliance Assistance Guidance Best Practices Guide

305D97001 Environmental Leadership Program: ELP Framework

305F00003 Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship: National Education Program for Producers

305F00005 Agrichemicals: Food Quality Protection Act, Children and Consumers

305F00006 Agrichemicals Food Quality Protection Act, Pesticide Reviews

305F00007 Agriculture Compliance Assistance Project: General Agriculture

305F00008 Agriculture Compliance Assistance Project: Livestock

305F00017 Compliance Assistance: Publications Available, November 2000

305F00018 National Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse

305F01008 Animal Agriculture Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Livestock Operation Inspection

305F01009 Agrichemicals WPS - Growers Must Inform Commercial Handlers

305F01010 Agrichemicals WPS - Commercial Handlers Must Inform Growers, Information Commercial Handlers Must Provide to Growers

305F01011 Agrichemicals: WPS - Information Exchange Between Commercial Handlers and Growers, When the Pesticide is not Applied as Scheduled

305F01012 Agrichemicals WPS - Basic Information About Central Posting, Q & A's on Information Displayed at a Central Location

305F01013 Agrichemicals WPS - Central Posting on Large Establishments, Q & A's on Central Posting on Large or Non-contiguous Establishments

305F01014 Agrichemicals WPS - Central Posting When the Treated Area has Moved, Q & A's on Posting When the Treated Plant or Soil Has Been Sold or Moved

305F01018 Compliance Assistance Activity Plan FY2001: Fact Sheet

305F02017 National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center Publications Available

305F02018 Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship (LPES) Curriculum:National Education Program

305F02019 National Environmental Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse Your Online Guide To Environmental Resource {brochure}

305F03001 Fact Sheet: Swine Production And Environmental Stewardship

305F03002 Fact Sheet: Poultry Production And Environmental Stewardship

305F03003 Fact Sheet: Dairies And Environmental Stewardship

305F03004 Fact Sheet: Beef Cattle And Environmental Stewardship

305F03006 Do I Nooe to Develop a Risk Management Program?

305F03007 Federal Environmental Requirements for Construction: What You Need to Consider

305F03009 Animal Agriculture Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations- Livestock Operations Inspection

305F03013 EPA's AG Center

305F03014 EPA's Planned Compliance Assistance Activities for Fiscal Year 2004: Preliminary Highlights of the Annual Plan and Inventory

305F04001 EPA Ag Center Animal Feeding Operations and Livestock-Related Publications

305F04003 EPA’s Planned Compliance Assistance (CA) Activities for Fiscal Year (FY) 2005

305F05005 Quick Reference Guide 2005 Update Worker Protection Standard (wps) Including All Revisions Through 2004 {brochure}

305F06001 EPA's Planned Compliance Assistance (CA) Activites for Fiscal Year (FY) 2006

305F07002 EPA Compliance Assistance in Fiscal Year 2006-essential Facts

305F08001 Over 3 Million Entities Reached With Compliance Assistance from EPA in Fiscal Year 2007

305F797003 Small Business Compliance Assistance Centers

305F797004 Compliance Assistance Centers (Rolodex Card)

305F97005 Industry Sector Notebooks, September 1997

305F97008 Fact Sheet: What are Used Oil Mixing Requirements?

305F98001 Black Market CFCs and You: A Criminal Combination

305F98002 Fact Sheet: Compliance Assistance, Model Projects

305F98003 Animal Agriculture Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: CAFO Permit Requirements, General

305F98010 Fact Sheet: Partners in Healthy Drinking Water Grants

305F98017 Workers Protection Standard Fact Sheet Agrichemicals, Closed Systems

305F98020 Responsible Practices: Servicing and Disposing of Refrigeration Equipment

305F98023 Workers Protection Standard Fact Sheet Agrichemicals. Equipment Safety

305F98024 Workers Protection Standard Fact Sheet Agrichemicals. Posted Warnings

305F98025 Workers Protection Standard Fact Sheet Agrichemicals. Enclosed Cabs

305F98026A Workers Protection Standard Fact Sheet: Agrichemicals. Information Exchange 1

305F98026B Workers Protection Standard Fact Sheet: Agrichemicals. Information Exchange 2

305F98026C Workers Protection Standard Fact Sheet: Agrichemicals. Information Exchange 3

305F98027A Workers Protection Standard Fact Sheet: Agrichemicals, Information Display 1

305F98027B Workers Protection Standard Fact Sheet: Agrichemicals, Information Display 2

305F98028 Workers Protection Standard Fact Sheet Agrichemicals, Eyeflush Requirements

305F98029 Workers Protection Standard Fact Sheet Agrichemicals. Pesticide Handler Definition

305F98030 Workers Protection Standard Fact Sheet Agrichemicals. Handler Monitoring/Instructions

305F98031 Workers Protection Standard Fact Sheet Agrichemicals. Requirements for Growers/Family

305F98032B Compliance Assistance Centers: Innovative Partnerships for Environmental Compliance

305F98036 Hazardous Waste: Determining Your Generator Status

305F98037 Do I Need A Hazardous Waste Generator Identification Number?

305F98038 Hazardous Waste: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator

305F98039 Hazardous Waste: Emergency Procedures, Contingency Planning, And Notification

305F98040 Hazardous Waste: Small Quantity Generator

305F98041 Identifying Hazardous Waste

305F98042 Fact Sheet: How Do I Dispose Of Used Antifreeze?

305F98043 Fact Sheet: What Should I Do With Oil Filters?

305F98044 Fact Sheet: Are There Any Cost Effective Uses For Used Oil?

305F99001 Partners in PERC: Pilot Mentoring Program for Dry Cleaners

305F99003 Fact Sheet: Environmental Management Resources for Indian Tribes

305F99006 Animal Agriculture Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: CAFO Permit Requirements, Slaughter and Feeder Cattle

305F99007 Animal Agriculture Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: CAFO Permit Requirements, Poultry

305F99008 Animal Agriculture Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: CAFO Permit Requirements, Swine

305F99010 Animal Agriculture Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: CAFO Permit Requirements, Sheep

305F99011 Animal Agriculture Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: CAFO Permit Requirements, Dairy Cattle

305F99012 Industry Sector Notebooks (Brochure)

305F99021 Fact Sheet: Compliance Assistance Centers

305H08001 EPA's Ag Center {Bookmark}

305K00005 Quick Guide For Case Conclusion Data Dheet

305K96002 Fuel for Thought, How to Reduce Wastes at Your Shop

305K98001 International Trade in Hazardous Waste: Overview

305K98003 Compliance Assistance Tools

305K99001 New Projects Under the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act

305K99006 Working Effectively with Federally-Recognized Indian Tribes: A Practical Guide for EPA Employees

305R00002 Providing Safe Drinking Water In America - 1998 National Public Water Systems Compliance Report

305R01002 Compliance Assistance Activity Plan Fiscal Year 2001

305R01003 Providing Safe Drinking Water in America: 1999 National Public Water Systems Compliance Report

305R02002 Compliance Assistance Activity Plan An Inventory of EPA Activities, Fiscal Year 2002

305R03001 Providing Safe Drinking Water In America: National Public Water Systems Compliance Report, 2001

305R04001 Providing Safe Drinking Water In America

305R05002 Providing Safe Drinking Water In America: National Public Water Systems Compliance Report, 2003

305R07001 Guide for Addressing Environmental Problems Using an Integrated Strategic Approach

305R08002 The State of Federal Facilities an Overview of Environmental Compliance at Federal Facilities FY 2005-2007

305R71101 Mixing Formulae For Activated Sludge Characteristics

305R82103 Administrative Law Judges and EPA Administrators Civil Penalty Decisions (under Tsca) Volume 4

305R89101 Basic Inspector Training Course Fundamentals Of Environmental Compliance Inspections

305R96002 Chemical Industry National Environmental Baseline Report 1990 to 1994

305R98001 Providing Safe Drinking Water in America: 1996 National Public Water Systems Compliance Report and Update on Implementation of the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments

305R99001 EPA/CMA Root Cause Analysis Pilot Project: An Industry Survey

305R99002 Providing Safe Drinking Water in America: 1997 National Public Water Systems Compliance Report and Update on Implementation of the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments

305S97003 Perfumes, Cosmetics, and Other Toilet Preparations Manufacturing (SIC 2844) Statutory and Regulatory Summaries

305S97005 Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Allied Products Manufacturing (SIC 2851) Statutory and Regulatory Summaries

305S97006 Environmental Leadership Program: Summary of the 1995-96 Pilots

305X04002 Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Inspection Manual

305X04003 Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Inpection Manual

310B95007 Profile of the Fabricated Metal Products Industry

310B96001 Wood Preserving Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Compliance Guide: A Guide to Federal Environmental Regulation

310B98003 Putting it all Together: Case Development Process (Participant's Guide)

310B99001 Kraft Pulp Mill Compliance Assessment Guide (Includes: CAA, CWA, RCRA and EPCRA)

310F00002 Putting it All Together CBT Start-up Instructions and System Requirements (Goes with 310C00001)

310F05001 Fact Sheet: Industry Sector Notebooks

310R00001 Profile of the Agricultural Crop Production Industry

310R00002 Profile of the Agricultural Livestock Production Industry

310R00003 Profile of the Agricultural Chemical, Pesticide, and Fertilizer Industry

310R00004 Profile of the Oil and Gas Extraction Industry

310R02001 Profile Of The Organic Chemical Industry, 2ND Edition: Sector Notebook Project

310R02002 Profile Of The Pulp And Paper Industry, 2ND Edition: Sector Notebook Project

310R02003 Superfund Recycling Equity Act Of 1999 Factors To Consider In A CERCLA Enforcement Case

310R05001 Draft Profile of Tribal Government Operations EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project

310r05002 Profile Of The Healthcare Industry

310R05003 Profile Of The Rubber And Plastics Industry, 2nd Edition

310R05004 National Program Managers Guidance Final FY 2006 Update

310R07001 Profile of Tribal Government Operations

310R95001 Profile of the Dry Cleaning Industry: The Sector Notebook Project

310R95002 Electronics And Computer Industry

310R95002A Proyecto De Agenda De Sectores De La Ofincina De Conformidad De La EPA: Perfil De La Industria De La Electronica Y

310R95003 Profile of the Wood Furniture and Fixtures Industry

310R95004 Profile of the Inorganic Chemical Industry

310R95004A Proyecto De Agenda De Sectores De La Oficina De Conformidad De La EPA: Perfil De La industria De Quimicos inorgan

310R95005 Profile of the Iron and Steel Industry

310R95006 Profile of the Lumber and Wood Products Industry

310R95007 Perfil de la Industria de Productos Metalicos Fabricados

310R95007 Proyecto De Agenda De Sectores De La Oficina De Conformidad De La EPA: Perfil De La industria De Productos Metali

310R95008 Profile of the Metal Mining Industry

310R95009 Profile of the Motor Vehicle Assembly Industry: Sector Notebook Project

310R95010 Profile of the Nonferrous Metals Industry

310R95011 Profile of the Non-fuel, Non-Metal Mining Industry

310R95012 Profile of the Organic Chemicals Industry

310R95012A Proyecto De Agenda De Sectores De La Oficina De Conformidad De La EPA: Perfil De La industria De Quimicos Organic

310R95013 Profile of the Petroleum Refining Industry

310R95014 Profile of the Printing Industry: Sector Notebook Project

310R95015 Profile of the Pulp and Paper Industry

310R95016 Profile of the Rubber and Plastics Industry

310R95017 Profile of the Stone, Clay, Glass, and Concrete Industry

310R95018 Profile of the Transportation Equipment Cleaning Industry

310R97001 Profile of the Air Transportation Industry: EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project

310R97002 Profile of the Ground Transportation Industry, Trucking, Railroad, and Pipeline: Sector Notebook

310R97002ES Profile of the Ground Transportation Industry Trucking, Railroad and Pipeline (Errata Sheet)

310R97003 Profile of the Water Transportation Industry: Sector Notebook

310R97004 Profile of the Metal Casting Industry: Sector Notebook

310R97005 Profile of the Pharmaceutical Industry: Sector Notebook

310R97006 Profile of the Plastic Resin and Man-Made Fiber Industry: Sector Notebook

310R97007 Profile of the Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation Industry: Sector Notebook

310R97008 Profile of the Shipbuilding and Repair Industry: Sector Notebook

310R97009 Profile of the Textile Industry: Sector Notebook

310R97010 Sector Notebook Data Refresh, 1997

310R97013 Profile Of The Inorganic Chemical Industry: Sector Notebook Project

310R97014 Profile Of The Fabricated Metal Products Industry: Sector NotebookProject, 1995 {Spanish}

310R97015 Profile Of The Organic Chemical Industry: Sector Notebook Project,1995 Version {Spanish}

310R98001 Profile of the Aerospace Industry : Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project

310R99001 Profile of Local Government Operations: Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project, Government Series

310S00001 Summary of Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Data for Steel Mills

315B00001 Guide for Ship Scrappers: Tips for Regulatory Compliance

315B00002 Index of Conference Proceedings: International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement, (Papers, Discussions, Studies

315B00002ES INECE Index of Conference Proceedings, Errata Sheet

315B98001 Principles of Environmental Impact Assessment

315B98003 Financing Environmental Permit, Compliance, and Enforcement Programs: Capacity Building Support Document International Training Workshop

315B98004 Source Self-Monitoring Requirements: Capacity Building Support Document International Training Workshop

315B98005 Multimedia Inspection Protocols: Capacity Building Support Document International Training Workshop

315B98006 Communications Strategies for Enforcement Programs: Capacity Building Support Document International Training Workshop

315B98008 Inspector Training Compendium, Course and Program Comparison: Capacity Building Support Document International Training Workshop

315B98010 Citizen Enforcement: Tools for Effective Participation: Capacity Building Support Document International Training Workshop

315B98011 Yellow Book: Guide to Environmental Enforcement and Compliance at Federal Facilities

315B98012 Principles of Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Student Text

315B98012A L'etude Des Principes D' Evaluation De L'impact Environnemental {Principles Of Environmental Impact Assessment Review} {French}

315B98013 Facilitator's Manual for Principles of Environmental Impact Assessment Review

315K08001 Environmental Review Guide for Special Appropriation Grants

315N00001 INECE Newsletter, September, 2000

315N99001 International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE) {Newsletter}

315R01001 Federal Facilities Enforcement & Compliance Accomplishments Report FY 1999

315R01002 Federal Facilities Enforcement and Compliance Accomplishments Report FY 2000

315R02002 Proceedings: 6th International Conference On Environmental Compliance And Enforcement, Volume 1: San Jose, Costa Rica, April 15-19, 2002

315R02003 Proceedings: 6th International Conference On Environmental Compliance And Enforcement, Volume 2: San Jose, Costa Rica, April 15-19, 2002

315R03001 Federal Facilities Enforcement and Compliance Accomplishments Report FY 2001

315R03002 EPA - Federal Facilities Enforcement & Compliance Accomplishments Report FY 2002

315R07001 Proceedings: International Conference on Environmental Compliance and Enforcement, 7th, Marrakech, Morocco, April 9-15, 2005, Volume 1

315R07002 Proceedings: International Conference on Environmental Compliance and Enforcement, 7th, Marrakech, Morocco, April 9-15, Volume 2

315R94001 EIA Guidelines for Mining Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines for New Source NPDES Permits

315R98900 Sustainable Business: Economic Development and Environmentally Sound Technologies, 1998

315R99001 Considering Ecological Processes In Environmental Impact Assessments

315R99002 Consideration Of Cumulative Impacts In EPA Review Of NEPA Documents

315R99003 Environmental Management Review (EMR) National Report: Lessons Learned in Conducting EMRS in Federal Facilities

325F07001 Enforcement Alert: EPA Enforcing Diesel Fuel Pump Label Requirements

325F07002 Enforcement Alert: EPA Enforcement Reduces Threat from Polyvinyl Chloride Manufacturing Plants

325F08001 Large Animal feeding Operations; Reducing Their Impact on Air Quality

325F08002 Enforcement Alert Failure to Report Chemical Risks Can Result in Major Fines

325N03001 Enforcement Alert: Protecting The Quality Of Our Nation's Drinking Water

325N03002 Enforcement Alert: Volume 6, Number 2, July 2003

325N03003 Enforcement Alert

325N04001 Schools Learn To Protect Studentss, Staff From Exposure To Asbestos Hazards

325R01001 Beyond Compliance: Supplemental Environmental Projects

325R80100 Federal Rules Of Evidence Manual, Annotated

32641980 Summary Of 1980 Budget

3264A Environmental Protection Agency 1992 Budget Estimates

3264B Environmental Protection Agency 1992 Budget Estimates

330176001 Toxicity Of Organic Compounds Found In Petrochemical Effluents

330177007 Summary, Final Effluent Guidelines And Standards Effluent Limitations Guidelines For Existing Sources Standards Of Performance For New Sources

330177013 Summary Of Toxic Substances Information For The Kanawha Valley, West Virginia

330181004 Step-by-step Approach To Development Of NPDES And RCRA Permits

330183001 Motor Vehicle Tampering Survey-1982

330286002 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Sca Chemical Services, Model City, N y

330286003 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Chemical Waste Management, Inc , Kettleman Hills Facility, Kings County, California

330286009 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of GSX Services Of South Carolina, Inc , Genstar Corporation, Pinewood, South Carolina

330286010 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Ground-water Monitoring Evaluation Rollins Environmental Services (tx), Inc , Deer Park, Texas

330286012 Evaluation Of BHS Inc Wright City, Missouri

330286013 Evaluation Of Chem-Security Systems Inc , Arlington, Oregon Facility, Arlington, Oregon

330287001 Evaluation Of Uniform Tubes, Inc , Collegeville, Pennsylvania

330287028 Hazardous Waste Groundwater Task Force Evaluation Of CEOCS International Inc Niagara Falls, New York

330288036 Hazardous Waste Groundwater Task Force Evaluation Of US Pollution Control Inc Grassy Mountain Facility Utah

330288042 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Acme Fill Corporation, Martinez, California

330288051 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Ground Water Monitoring Evaluation, US Department Of Energy - Rocky Flats Plant Golden Colorado

330289006 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of IT Corporation Vine Hill And Baker Facilities, Martinez, California

330975002 Translocation Of Heptachlor and Chlordane From Indiana Cornfields

330978001R NEIC Policies And Procedures

330981002 NEIC Manual For Groundwater Subsurface Investigations At Hazardous Waste Sites

330989003R Multi Media Investigation Manual

330989003RA Multi Media Compliance Audit Procedures

330989004 PCB Analytical Program Standard Operating Procedures

330994001 Summary of NEIC Leak Detection and Repair Program Investigations

330997001 Process Based Investigation Guide

330B01001 Brownfields Handbook: How to Manage Federal Environmental Liability Risks

330B95010 Compliance Guidance for Industrial Process Refrigeration Leak Repair Regulations Under Section 608 of the Clean Air Act

330B98001 Handbook of Tools for Managing Federal Superfund Liability Risks at Brownfields and Other Sites

330D88001 Management of Contracts Supporting the Office of Solid Waste Draft Audit Report

330F97001 Creating Partnerships in Redevelopment: Breathing Life Back Into Brownfields

330K93001 National Enforcement Investigations Center

330N98001 RCRA Corrective Action Newsletter

330R82001 Interim Report of Audit of the Environmental Protection Agency's Portion of the Hazardous Substance Response Trust Fund as of September 30, 1981 : OIG Internal and Management Audit Report

330R83001 Evaluation of Credit Period and Preagreement Costs Claimed for the Picillo Waste Site, Coventry, Rhode Island by the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management : Audit Report

330R98001 Superfund Reforms Annual Report, FY 1997

335 Envirosense Common Sense Solutions To Environmental Problems

340173001A Technical Guide For Review And Evaluation Of Compliance Schedules For Air Pollution Sources

340175002 Inspection Manual For Enforcement Of New Source Performance Standards Fossil-fuel-fired Steam Generators

340175009 Application Of Remote Monitoring Techniques In Air Enforcement

340177023 Major Financial Assistance Programs Available For Industrial Pollution Control Expenditures Federal and EPA Region 3 State Program

340178004 Controlled and Uncontrolled Emission Rates and Applicable Limitations For Eighty Processes

340178005A Resource Manual For Implementing The Nsps Continuous Monitoring Regulations, Manual 1 Source Selection and Location Of Continuous Monitoring Systems

340178005D Resource Manual For Implementing The Nsps Continuous Monitoring Regulations, Manual 4 Source Operating and Mtce Procedures For Continuous Monitoring Systems

340178011 Environmental Protection Agency Performance Test Methods

340179002 Control Of Air Emissions From Process Operations In The Rock Crushing Industry

340179006 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants Compilation

340179008 Solvent Metal Cleaning Inspection Source Test Manual

340179110 Implications Of Ract For The Cutback Asphalt Industry Executive Summary

340180001A Standards Of Performance For New Stationary Sources A Compilation As Of July 1, 1980

340180003 Compliance Data System Users Guide

340180007 RACT Compliance Guidance for Carbon Adsorbers on Perchloroethylene Drycleaners

340180011 Techniques To Detect Failure In Carbon Adsorption Systems

340180012 Inspection Manual For Control Of Volatile Organic Emissions From Gasoline Marketing Operations January 1980

340180013a Development of VOC Complianc Monitoring and Enforcement Strategies: The Wholesale Gasolin Marketing Chain - Volume II

340180015 RACT for the Use of Cutback Asphalts in Road Construction and Maintenance: Enforcement Implications and Equipment Changes

340180016 Enforceability Aspects for RACT for the Chemical Synthesis Pharmaceutical

340180017 RACT Enforceability Aspects for Pneumatic Tire Manufacturing

340180018 Annotated Bibliography of Literature on Flue Gas Conditioning 1966-1980

340180020 Summary of Factors Affecting Compliance by Ferrous Foundries, Volume I: Text, Final Report

340181002 Investigation Of Corrosion In Particulate Control Equipment

340181005 Ferrous Foundry Inspection Guide

340182007 Portland Cement Plant Inspection Guide

340183007 Introduction To Continuos Emission Monitoring Programs

340183008 Regulations And Resource File Of Continuous Monitoring Information

340183009 Guidelines For The Observation Of Performance Specification Tests Of Continuous Emission Monitors

340183010 Performance Audit Procedures For Opacity Monitors

340183011 Compilation Of Opacity Monitor Performance Audit Results

340183012 Compilation Of SO2 And NOx Continuous Emission Monitor Reliability Information

340183013 Performance Tests For Pollutant And Diluent Gas Monitors Reporting Requirements, Report Format And Review Procedures

340183015 Performance Audit Procedures For So2and O2 Continuous Emission Monitors

340183016 Transportable Continuous Emission Monitoring System Operational Protocol Instrumental Monitoring Of So2noxco2 And O2 Effluent Concentrations

340183017 Kraft Pulp Mill Inspection Guide

340183018A Initial Design Considerations For A Model State And Local Administrative Fines Program Volume 1 Final Report

340183018B Initial Design Considerations For A Model State And Local Administrative Fines Program Volume 2 Final Report

340183019 Envirotech Chemico Pushing Emissions Control System Analysis Final Report

340183021 Development Of Pilot Inspection System F For Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board

340183022 Wet Scrubber Inspection and Evaluation Manual

340183023 Combustion Efficiency Optimization Manual for Operators of Oil and Gas-Fired Boilers

340183024A Study Of Ambient Tsp Levels Near Major Steel Facilities (1978-80) Volume 1

340183024B Ambient Tsp Levels Near Major Steel Facilities 1978 - 1980 Update Volume 2

340183025 Coal-Fired Industrial Boiler Inspection Guide

340184013 Nitric Acid Plant Inspection Guide

340184014 Compilation Guide of Procedural Decisions on EPA NSPS Reference Methods

340184015 Technical Guidance On The Review And Use Of Excess Emission Reports

340184016 Summary Of Opacity And Gas Cems Audit Programs

340184017 Guidelines on Preferred Location and Design of Measurement Ports For Air Pollution Control Systems

340184019a Wet Scrubber Inspection Procedures Workshop : Instructor Manual

340185007 Inspection and Operating and Maintenance Guidelines for Secondary Lead Smelter Air Pollution Control

340185008 Neshaps Asbestos Demolition And Renovation Inspection

340185010 Technical Guidance On The Review And Use Of Coal Sampling And Analysis (csa) Data

340185013B Field Inspection Notebook For Monitoring Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS) From Kraft Pulp Mills

340185014 Project Summary, Utility Fgd Survey, October 1983 - September 1984

340185019 Guide to Effective Inspection Reports for Air Pollution Violations

340185020 Air Compliance Inspection Manual

340186006 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants

340186007 Summary Report: A Pilot Project to Demonstrate the Feasibility of a State Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) Regulatory Program

340186009A Cems Pilot Project Evaluation Of Opacity Cems Reliability And Qa Procedures, Volume 1

340186010 Recommended Quality Assurance Procedures for Opacity Continuous Emission Monitoring

340186011 Handbook for the Review of Excess Emission Reports

340186015 Portable Instruments User's Manual For Monitoring Voc Sources

340186021 Technical Assistance Document Recommended Recordkeeping Systems For Air Pollution Control Equipment

340187002 Municipal Waste Combustion Systems Operation and Maintenance Study

340188003 Recordkeeping Guidance Document For Surface Coating Operations And The Graphic Arts Industry

340188004 A Guideline for Graphic Arts Calculations

340188007 Municipal Waste Incinerator Field Inspection Notebook

340189001 Hospital Waste Incinerator Field Inspection And Source Evaluation Manual

340189010 Hospital Waste Incinerator Field Inspection and Source Evaluation Manual

340190001 Benzene Equipment Leak Inspection

340190007 Guidelines for Asbestos: NESHAP Demolition and Renovation Inspection Procedures

340190015 A Guide to the Asbestos NESHAP, Revised, November 1990

340190016 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for Waste Disposal: A Field Guide

340190018 Asbestos/NESHAP Regulated Asbestos Containing Materials Guidance

340190019 Asbestos/NESHAP Adequately Wet Guidance

340190021 Common Questions on the Asbestos NESHAP

340191008 Manual for Coordination of VOC Emissions Testing Using EPA Methods 18, 21, 25, and 25A

340191009 Report on Compliance Coatings for the Miscellaneous Metal Parts Industry

340191010 Standard Procedure For Collection Of Coating and Ink Samples For Analysis By Reference Methods 24 and 24a

340191011 Standard Operating Procedure For Analysis Of Coating and Ink Samples By Reference Methods 24 and 24a

340191012 EPA Reference Methods 24 And 24a Compilation Of Procedures References

340I92010 Guidelines for Catastrophic Emergency Situations Involving Asbestos

340R73001 Report On Water Quality And Waste Source Investigations Missouri River And Kansas River Kansas City Kansas

340R73101 Studies Regarding The Effect Of The Reserve Mining Company Discharge On Lake Superior

340R73102 Legal Compilation Noise Volume 1

340R73103 Legal Compilation Noise Volume 5

340R73104 Legal Compilation Pesticides Volume 4 Supplement 1

340R73105 Legal Compilation Pesticides Volume 3

340R73106 Legal Compilation Pesticides Volume 2

340R73107 Legal Compilation Pesticides Volume 1

340R73108 Legal Compilation Solid Waste Volume 1

340R73109 Legal Compilation Water Volume 5

340R73110 Legal Compilation Water Volume 3

340R73111 Legal Compilation Water Volume 2

340R73112 Legal Compilation Water Volume 4

340R73113 Legal Compilation Water Volume 1

340R73114 Legal Compilation Radiation Volume 2

340R73115 Legal Compilation Radiation Volume 1

340R73116 Legal Compilation Radiation Volume 3

340R73117 Legal Compilation General Volume 1

340R73118 Legal Compilation General Volume 4

340R73119 Legal Compilation General Volume 6

340R73120 Legal Compilation General Volume 5

340R73121 Legal Compilation General Volume 3

340R73122 Legal Compilation General Volume 3 Supplement 2

340R73123 Legal Compilation General Volume 1 Supplement 2

340R73124 Legal Compilation General Volume 2 Supplement 2

340R73125 Legal Compilation General Volume 2

340R73126 Legal Compilation Air Volume 1

340R73127 Legal Compilation Air Volume 2

340R73128 Legal Compilation Air Volume 3

340R73129 Legal Compilation Air Volume 4

340R73130 Legal Compilation Air Volume 5

340R73131 Legal Compilation Water Volume 1 Supplement 1

340R73132 Legal Compilation Water Volume 1 Supplement 2

340R73133 Legal Compilation Water Volume 2 Supplement 1

340R73134 Legal Compilation Water Volume 2 Supplement 2

340R73135 Legal Compilation Water Volume 3 Supplement 1

340R73136 Legal Compilation Water Volume 7

340R74100 Legal Compilation Index

340R74101 Legal Compilation Noise Volume 1 Supplement 2

340R74102 Legal Compilation Pesticides Volume 1 Supplement 2

340R74103 Legal Compilation Solid Waste Volume 1 Supplement 2

340R74104 Legal Compilation Water Volume 6

340R74105 Legal Compilation Air Supplement 2 Volume 1

340R75101 EPA Visible Emission Inspection Procedures

340R87101 General Counsel Opinions From The Office Of General Counsel

35019932 OIG Special Report: special review of construction grant no. C061092-210 awarded to City of San Diego for construction of South Bay Land Outfall San Diego, CA

3502006P00027 EPA Could Improve Its Redistribution of Superfund Payments to Specific Sites

350F93002 Microcomputer Security

350F93003 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act: Awareness Bulletin 94-1

350F95002 Conferences and Meetings

350F96001 Participation in Professional Societies and Associates

350K00001 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To Congress FY 2000

350K00002 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To Congress April 2000 Through September 2000

350K01001 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To Congress October 2000 through March 2001

350K01002 Office Of The Inspector General Semiannual Report To Congress April 2001 Through September 2001

350K02001 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To Congress

350K02002 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To Congress April through September 2002

350K03001 Office of Inspector General Catalyst for Improving the Environment Semiannual Report to the Congress - October 1, 2002 through March 31, 2003

350K03002 Semiannual Report To Congress Office Of The Inspector General, April 1-September 30, 2003

350K04001 Semiannual Report To Congress Office Of The Inspector General, October 1, 2003 To March 31, 2004

350K94001 EPA Office Of The Inspector General Report To Congress Highlights Fiscal 1993

350K99001 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To Congress October 1998 to March 1999

350K99002 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To Congress April 1999 to September 1999

350N95001 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To Congress, April 1, 1995 Thru Sept 30, 1995

350R00001 Office Of Inspector General Strategic Plan Thru 2005

350R00003 Enforcement EPA's Multimedia Enforcement Program OIG Audit Report

350R00004 Financial Management Audit of EPA's Fiscal 1999 Financial Statements OIG Audit Report

350R00005 Grant Management Practices of Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Grants Management OIG Audit Report

350R00006 OIG Fiscal 2000 Audit Plan and Performance Plan

350R00007 Water : Biosolids Management and Enforcement ; OIG Audit Report

350R01001 Enforcement Compliance with Enforcement Instruments OIG Audit Report

350R01002 EPA's Progress in Using the Government Performance and Results Act to Manage for Results OIG Special Reivew

350R01003 Increased Focus on Grant Management and Internal Relatinships Would Improve Region 8's Tribal Assistance Program Grants Management OIG Memorandum Report

350R01004 State Enforcement of Clean Water Act Dischargers Can Be More Effective

350R01005 Superfund : Region 6's Accounts Receivable Management Practices

350R01006 Superfund : Superfund Interagency Agreements ; OIG Audit Report

350R01007 Superfund Program Review : Accounts Receivable Process ; Region 1

350R01008 Superfund Program Review : Accounts Receivable Process ; Region 5

350R02002 Air Open Market Trading Program for Air Emissions Needs Strengthening

350R02003 Consistency and transparency in determination of EPA's anticipated ozone designations.

350R02005 Wastewater Management : Controlling and Abating Combined Sewer Overflows ; OIG Evaluation Report

350R03001 Annual Superfund Report to Congress Fiscal 2002

350R03002 Office of Inspector General Catalyst for Improving the Environment Multi-year Plan Fiscal 2003 - 2005

350R03005 EPA Needs a Better Strategy to Measure Changes in the Security of the Nation's Water Infrastructure OIG Evaluation Report

350R03006 Congressionally requested review of EPA actions taken in response to financial assistance agreement reports.

350R03007 Decline in EPA Particulate Matter Methods Development Activities May Hamper Timely Achievement of Program Goals OIG Evaluation Report

350R03008 EPA Should Take Further Steps to Address Funding Shortfalls and Time Slippages in Permit Compliance System Modernization Effort OIG Memorandum Report

350R03009 Implementation, Information, and Statutory Obstacles Impede Achievement of Environmental Results from EPA's National Hardrock Mining Framework OIG Evaluation Report

350R03010 Pollution Prevention: Effectiveness of EPA's Efforts to Encourage Purchase of Recycled Goods Has Not Been Demonstrated : OIG Memorandum Report

350R03011 Survey of Air Quality Information Related to the World Trade Center Collapse : OIG Evaluation Report

350R04001 OIG Strategic Plan Fiscal 2004-2008

350R04004 Office of Inspector General Catalyst for Improving the Environment Annual Superfund Report to Congress for Fiscal 2003

350R04005 Semiannual Report To Congress Office Of The Inspector General, April 1, 2004 To September 30, 2004

350R04006 EPA and States Not Making Sufficient Progress in Reducing Ozone Precursor Emissions in Some Major Metropolitan Areas OIG Evaluation Report

350R04007 EPA Needs to Better Manage Counter Terrorism/Emergency Response Equipment OIG Audit Report

350R04008 EPA Needs to Consistently Implement the Intent of the Executive Order on Environmental Justice OIG Evaluation Report

350R04009 Congressional request on funding needs for non-federal Superfund sites.

350R04010 Congressional request regarding EPA clean water enforcement actions.

350R04011 Effectiveness of Effluent Guidelines Program for Reducing Pollutant Discharges Uncertain OIG Evaluation Report

350R04012 EPA Needs to Improve Change Controls for Integrated Financial Management System OIG Audit Report

350R04013 EPA Needs to Improve Tracking of National Petroleum Refinery Compliance Program Progress and Impacts OIG Evaluation Report

350R04014 EPA Should Take Steps to Improve Industrial Reporting to the Toxics Release Inventory System OIG Memorandum Report

350R04015 EPA's Final Water Security Research and Technical Support Action Plan May Be Strengthened Through Access to Vulnerability Assessments OIG Evaluation Report

350R04016 EPA's Homeland Security Role to Protect Air from Terrorist Threats Needs to be Better Defined OIG Evaluation Report

350R04017 EPA's Method for Calculating Air Toxics Emissions for Reporting Results Needs Improvement OIG Evaluation Report

350R04018 Federal Information Security Management Act Fiscal Year 2004 Status of EPA's Computer Security Program OIG Evaluation Report

350R04019 Immediate Action Needed to Address Weaknesses in EPA Efforts to Identify Hazardous Waste Sites in Indian Country OIG Evaluation Report

350R04020 Nationwide Identification of Hardrock Mining Sites OIG Evaluation Report

350R04021 New Source Review Rule Change Harms EPA's Ability to Enforce Against Coal-fired Electric Utilities OIG Evaluation Report

350R04022 OIG Special Report Congressional Request on EPA Enforcement Resources and Accomplishments

350R04023 Office of Underground Storage Tanks: Contract Administration and Performance Measurement Concerns OIG Report of Review

350R04024 Office of the Inspector General - Annual Plan October 1, 2003 - September 30, 2004

350R04025 Response Action Contracts: Structure and Administration Need Improvement ; OIG Audit Report

350R04026 Review of Conflict of Interest Allegations Pertaining to the Peer Review of EPA's Draft Report, Exposure and Human Health Evaluation of Airborne Pollution from the World Trade Center Disaster : OIG Special Report

350R04027 Some States Cannot Address Assessment Needs and Face Limitations in Meeting Future Superfund Cleanup Requirements

350R04028 States Making Progress on Source Water Assessments, But Effectiveness Still to be Determined : OIG Evalutaion Report

350R04029 Survey Results on Information Used by Water Utilities to Conduct Vulnerability Assessments : OIG Evaluation Report

350R04030 Effectiveness of the Office of Children's Health Protection Cannot Yet be Determined Quantitatively : OIG Evalutaion Report

350R04031 OIG Two Year Plan : October 1, 2004-September 30, 2006

350R05001 Annual Superfund Report to Congress for Fiscal 2004

350R05002 Office of Inspector General Semiannual Report to Congress October 1 2004 - March 31 2005

350R05006 EPA Can Better Manage Brownfields Administrative Resources OIG Evaluation Report

350R05007 EPA Managers Did Not Hold Supervisors and Project Officers Accountable for Grants Management OIG Audit Report

350R05008 EPA Needs to Direct More Attention, Efforts, and Funding to Enhance its Speciation Monitoring Program for Measuring Fine Particulate Matter OIG Evaluation Report

350R05009 EPA Needs to Fulfill its Designated Responsibilities to Ensure Effective BioWatch Program OIG Evaluation Report

350R05010 Changes Needed to Improve Public Confidence in EPA's Implementation of the Food Quality Protection Act OIG Evaluation Report

350R05011 Continued EPA Leadership Will Support State Needs for Information and Guidance on RCRA Financial Assurance OIG Evaluation Report

350R05012 Efforts to Manage Backlog of Water Discharge Permits Need to Be Accompanied by Greater Program Integration OIG Evaluation Report

350R05013 EPA Practices for Identifying and Inventorying Hazardous Sites Could Assist Similar Department of the Interior Efforts OIG Evaluation Report

350R05014 Limited Knowledge of the Universe of Regulated Entities Impedes EPA's Ability to Demonstrate Changes in Regulatory Compliance OIG Evaluation Report

350R05015 Natural Resources Defense Council Reported Outlays Under EPA Cooperative Agreements CX82546101, CX8267510, and XA83033101 OIG Attestation Report

350R05016 Ongoing Management Improvements and Further Evaluation Vital to EPA Stewardship and Voluntary Programs OIG Evaluation Report

350R05017 Office of Acquisition Management Can Strengthen Its Organizational Systems OIG Audit Report

350R05018 Progress Made in Monitoring Ambient Air Toxics, But Further Improvements Can Increase Effectiveness : OIG Evalution Report

350R05019 Security Configuration and Monitoring of EPA's Remote Access Methods Need Improvement : OIG Audit Report

350R05020 Source Water Assessment and Protection Programs Show Initial Promise, But Obstacles Remain

350R05021 Substantial Changes Needed in Implementation and Oversight of Title V Permits If Program Goals Are To Be Fully Realized : OIG Evaluation Report

350R06007 Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators Incurred Costs for Seven EPA Assistance Agreements Attestation Report

350R06008 EPA Can Better Manage Superfund Resources OIG Evaluation Report

350R06009 EPA Can Improve Emissions Factors Development and Management OIG Evaluation Report

350R06011 EPA is Properly Addressing the Risks of Using Mercury in Rituals

350R06012 EPA Provided Quality and Timely Information on Hurricane Katrina Hazardous Material Releases and Debris Management OIG Evaluation Report

350R06013 EPA Provided Quality and Timely Information Regarding Wastewater after Hurricane Katrina OIG Evalutaion Report

350R06014 EPA's and Louisiana's Efforts to Assess and Restore Public Drinking Water Systems after Hurricane Katrina OIG Evaluation Report

350R06015 Measuring the Impact of the Food Quality Protection Act: Challenges and Opportunities OIG Evaluation Report

350R06016 Much Effort and Resources Needed to Help Small Drinking Water Systems Overcome Challenges OIG Evaluation Report

350R06017 Opportunities to Improve Data Quality and Children's Health through the Food Quality Protection Act OIG Evaluation Report

350R08002 Office of Inspector General Annual Performance Report - Fiscal Year 2007

350R79100 Annual Report State EPA Agreements

350R83101 EPA Office Of Inspector General Report To Congress 1983

350R84001 Report To Congress Nonpoint Source Pollution In The US

350R84101 EPA Office Of Inspector General Report To Congress 1984

350R85101 EPA Office Of Inspector General Report To Congress 1985

350R86001 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To The Congress, Aptil 1, 1986 Through September 30, 1986

350R86002 Report of Final and Interim Audits of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation's Administration of its Superfund Cooperative Agreements : OIG Audit Report

350R86003 Report of Financial and Compliance Audit Obligations and Disbursements Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, Fiscal Years Ended September 30, 1984 and 1983 : OIG Audit Report

350R86004 Report of Interim Audit of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Administration of its Superfund Cooperative Agreements with EPA Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 ...

350R86005 Report on Audit of Costs Claimed by Total Chem Services, Inc., Folcroft, Pennsylvania : In Performance of EPA Contract Number 68-01-6794 for the period August 1, 1983 through June 18, 1984

350R86006 Superfund Management : U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, D.C. ; Audit Report

350R86101 EPA Office Of Inspector General Report To Congress 1986

350R87001 Audit of Superfund Interagency Agreements with the Department of Energy

350R87002 Consolidated report of financial and compliance audit obligations and disbursements under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 for fiscal years ended September 30, 1984 and 1983.

350R87003 Consolidated Report of Financial and Compliance Audit Obligations and Disbursements Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1986 : OIG Audit Report

350R87004 EPA's Implementation of the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act in Fiscal 1987 Audit Report

350R87005 Report of Financial and Compliance Audit Obligations and Disbursements of the Hazardous Substance Superfund for Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1987 : OIG Audit Report

350R87006 Report Interim Audit of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources' Administration of its Superfund Cooperative Agreements

350R87007 Report of Interim Audit of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency's Administration of its Superfund Cooperative Agreements with EPA Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 ...

350R87008 Report of Interim Audit of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality's Administration of its Superfund Cooperative Agreements

350R87009 Report of Interim Audit of Maine Department of Environmental Protection's Administration of its Superfund Cooperative Agreements

350R87010 Report of Interim Audit of Multi-Site Cooperative Agreement No. V008429 Awarded to Utah Department of Health, Division of Environmental Health Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980

350R87011 Report of Interim Audit of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's Administration of its Superfund Cooperative Agreements : Audit Report

350R87012 Report on Unannounced On-site Audit of Region II Removal Activities at the Delancy Street Trailer, Newark, New Jersey : Audit Report

350R87013 Review of Controls over EPA Property in Contractors' Possession : Audit Report

350R87014 Special Review of On Scene Coordinator Activities : Del Norte County Pesticide Storage Area Site ; Crescent City, California

350R87015 Interim Audit of Michigan Department of Natural Resources' Administration of its Superfund Cooperative Areements with EPA Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 ...

350R87016 Report on Audit of EPA, Region III's : Monitoring of Superfund Remedial Sites ; Second Report

350R87017 Report on Audit of EPA, Region III : Monitoring of Superfund Remedial Sites; First Report

350R87018 Report on Audit of Region III's Procedures for Monitoring Cooperative Agreements Awarded to the State of Maryland : Fiscal Years 1983 through 1986

350R87019 Report on Audit of Superfund Activities : (Fiscal Years 1984 - 1986) ; United States Coast Guard

350R88001 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To The Congress, October 1, 1987 Through March 31, 1988

350R88002 Accounts Receivable : OIG Audit Report

350R88003 Audit of Fiscal Year 1987 Superfund Financial Transactions - Corps of Engineers : Audit Report

350R88004 Capping Report on EPA : Office of the Inspector General Audits of Superfund Cooperative Agreements for Fiscal Years 1985 through 1987 : Audit Report

350R88005 EPA's Interagency Agreements with the Department of Justice for Superfund Activities - Fiscal 1987 : Audit Report

350R88006 EPA's Utilization Zone I Field Investigation Team : OIG Audit Report

350R88007 Evaluation of Proposed Costs for CERCLA Funding of Drinking Water Treatment Plant, Lidgerwood, North Dakota : Audit Report

350R88008 Interim Audit of Tennessee Department of Health and Environmental Services : Grant No. V004485-85-5 ; for the period March 27, 1985 to June 30, 1987 : Audit Report

350R88009 Lead-in-soil Demonstration Project Cooperative Agreement with the Trustees of Health and Hospitals of the City of Boston, Incorporated : Audit Report

350R88010 Report of Financial and Compliance Audit Obligations and Disbursements of the Hazardous Substance Superfund for Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1988 : OIG Audit Report

350R88011 Report of audit on the Management of the Technical Assistance Team Services : OIG Audit Report

350R88012 Region 3's Superfund Indirect Cost Rate Under CERCLA for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1984 : Supplemental Audit Report

350R88013 Region 4 Review of Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Studies

350R88014 Report of Financial and Compliance Audit of Regions 4's Adjusted Personnel Compensation and Benefits Under the CERCLA for Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1983 : OIG Audit Report

350R88015 Report of Interim Audit of New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Water Supply and Pollution Control Division Administration of Superfund Cooperative Agreements with EPA Under the Comprehensive ...

350R88016 Resolution of Superfund Contract Audit Reports

350R88017 Review of Region IV's Management of Significant Superfund Removal Actions : Volume 1

350R88019 Review of the EPA Rule Regulating Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Transformer Fires : Audit Report

350R88020 Superfund Interagency Agreements with the National Bureau of Standards, Department of Commerce: Audit Report

350R88021 Superfund Interagency Agreements with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration : Audit Report

350R88022 Superfund Interagency Agreements with the Corps of Engineers : Aidex Corporation Site ; Audit Report

350R88023 Superfund Interagency Agreements with the Corps of Engineers Charles George Waterline Site : Audit Report

350R88024 EPA's Program to Control Exports of Hazardous Wastes Report of Audit

350R88101 EPA Office Of Inspector General Report To Congress 1988

350R89001 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To The Congress, April 1, 1989 Through September 30, 1989

350R89002 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To The Congress, October 1, 1988 Through March 31, 1989

350R89003 EPA Wellness Services

350R89004 Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Act (ASHAA) : Audit Report

350R89005 Audit of Superfund Activities in the Department of Justice's Land and Natural Resources Division for Fiscal Year 1988

350R89006 Audit of Superfund Interagency Agreements with the Department of Energy - Fiscal 1988

350R89007 Audit of Superfund Interagency Agreements with the Department of Health and Human Services (Missouri Department of Health)

350R89008 Audit of Superfund Interagency Agreements with the United States Coast Guard - Fiscal 1987 Audit Report

350R89009 Environmental Protection Agency cooperative agreement : report of interim audit of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation multi-site cooperative agreement number V002437-84 (Fulton terminals, clothier and volney landfill sites) for the period December 31, 1984 to March 31, 1989

350R89010 Capping Report on the Computation, Negotiation, Mitigation, and Assessment of Penalties Under EPA Programs

350R89011 Consolidated Report on Review of EPA's Controls Over Administrative Penalties under the RCRA Enforcement Program : Audit Report

350R89012 Costs Claimed Under Cooperative Agreement V004477-02 by the Department of Health and Environmental Control, Columbia, South Carolina : Audit Report

350R89013 Credit Period Costs Claimed by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for Love Canal : for the period January 1, 1978 to December 11, 1980 ; Audit Report

350R89014 Final Audit of Cooperative Agreement No. V008496-010 : Colorado Department of Health, Denver, Colorado ; Audit Report

350R89015 Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Program : Audit Report

350R89016 New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection : Interim Audit, Cooperative Agreement V-002550-84, Burnt Fly Bog Site ; Audit Report

350R89017 Report of Audit on the Management of the Chesapeake Bay Program : Point Source Pollution Control Program : OIG Audit Report

350R89018 Region 6 Management of Significant Superfund Removals : Audit Report

350R89019 Report of Financial and Compliance Audit of Region 3's Adjusted Personnel Compensation and Benefits Under the CERCLA for Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1984 : OIG Audit Report

350R89021 Report on CERCLIS Reporting : OIG Audit Report

350R89022 Report on Interim Audit of Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet Cooperative Agreement No. V004484-85 : Audit Report

350R89023 Review of EPA's Controls over Advisory and Assistance Service Contracts : Audit Report

350R89024 Review of Region 2's Occupational Safety and Health Programs for Superfund and RCRA Activities : Audit Report

350R89026 Review of Two Significant Removal Actions in Region 5 : Audit Report

350R89027 Review of White House Referral - Oak Grove Sanitary Landfill, Oak Grove, Minnesota : Audit Report

350R89028 Review of PM10 Monitoring Program Volume 2 : Audit Report

350R89029 Special Review of Region 9 OSC Activities : Middlefield-Ellis-Whisman Study Area ; Mountain View, California

350R89030 Superfund Interagency Agreements with the Federal Emergency Management Agency for Fiscal 1987 : Audit Report

350R89031 Unannounced On-Site Audit of Region I Immediate Removal Activities at Waterboro Patent Leather Site, Waterboro, Maine : Audit Report

350R89101 EPA Office Of Inspector General Report To Congress 1989

350R90001 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To The Congress, April 1, 1990 Through September 30, 1990

350R90003 Audit of Reimbursable IRS Superfund Costs Fiscal 1988

350R90004 Audit Report Accounting for Reimbursable Expenditures of EPA Superfund Money, Office of Environmental Project Review, Office of the Secretary

350R90005 Audit Report Summaries for Semiannual Report to Congress

350R90007 Consolidated report on audit of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Enforcement Program.

350R90008 Follow-up on Report Number 8000855 (Formerly 80855) : EPA's Program to Control Exports of Hazardous Waste ; Audit Report

350R90009 Guidance Needed for Disposing of Wastes Stemming from Pre-Remedial Site Investigations Special Report

350R90010 Improvements Needed in Controls Over Small Purchases Audit Report No. E1BMF9-11-0040-0100202

350R90011 Lead in Drinking Water Program : Audit Report

350R90012 Obligations and Disbursements of the Hazardous Substance Superfund for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1989

350R90013 Report on Interim Audit of Costs Claimed and Review of Financial Management System for the California Department of Health Services Toxics Substance Control Program Under the Stringfellow Superfund Cooperative Agreement Number V-009380-01

350R90014 Report on Interim Audit of Alabama Department of Environmental Management Cooperative Agreement No. V004550-87 : Audit Report

350R90015 Report on Region 5's Implementation of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 : Audit Report

350R90016 Report on Special Review CERCLIS Post-Implementation Evaluation

350R90017 Review of EPA Region 8's Corrective Actions Taken in Response to Audit Report No. E5eH7-08-0005-71992 : Review of EPA Region 8's Administration of Superfund Cooperative Agreements : Special Report No. E1SGG9-08-5000-0400013

350R90018 Review of Region 2's Oversight of Superfund Post-Settlement Activities : Audit Report

350R90019 Review of Region 4's Regulation and Management of Combined Sewer Overflows : Audit Report

350R90020 Review of Selma Pressure Treating Site RI/FS : Final Audit Report

350R90021 Review of Superfund Cost Recovery Accounts Receivable Establishment and Collection Region 4 : Audit Report

350R90022 Review of Superfund Cost Recovery Accounts Receivable Establishment and Collection : Audit Report

350R90023 Review of the Fiscal Year 1988 Superfund Report to Congress : Audit Report

350R90024 Review of the Fiscal Year 1988 : Superfund Report to Congress : Audit Report

350R90025 Review of the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study for the Baird & McGuire Company Site : Holbrook, Massachusetts ; Audit Report

350R90026 Review of the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study for the Iron Horse Park site : North Billerica, Massachusetts : Audit Report

350R90027 Review of the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study for the Nyanza Chemical Site : Ashland, Massachusetts ; Audit Report

350R90028 SITE Demonstration Program : Much Promise But Delayed Results

350R90029 Special Review of EPA Handling of the Bunker Hill Superfund Site : Audit Report

350R90030 Unannounced Site Review of Removal Action, Better Brite Zinc Shop in DePere, Wisconsin : Special Report

350R90031 Unliquidated Obligations in M Accounts : OIG Audit Report

350R90032 Audit Report No E1SJF9-05-0274-0100126 Review of Superfund Cost Recovery Accounts Receivable Establishment and Collection Region 5

350R90033 Final Report on Special Review of Cooperative Agreement CR-817670-01 Awarded to Center for Hazardous Materials Research (CHMR)Pittsburgh PA OIG Report of Review

350R9006 Audit Report Report of Audit on Region III Oversight of Post-Settlement Activities

350R90101 EPA Office Of Inspector General Report To Congress 1990

350R91001 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To The Congress, October 1, 1990 Through March 31, 1991

350R91002 Office of Inspector General's Fiscal 1992 Audit Plan

350R91003 Special Review of Allegations of Improprieties and Management of the Interim Computer Workstation Contract : OIG Review Report

350R91004 Mexican Environmental Laws, Regulations and Standards : Preliminary Report of EPA Findings

350R91101 EPA Office Of Inspector General Report To Congress 1991

350R92001 OIG Report of Audit Labeling of Pesticides September 30, 1992

350R92002 Office Of The Inspector General Semiannual Report To Congress April 1 1992 Through September 30 1992

350R92003 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To The Congress, October 1, 1991 Through March 31, 1992

350R92005 EPA's Management of Computer Sciences Corporation Contract Activities OIG Report of Audit

350R92006 Survey Report on Contracting Activities at the Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Laboratory : OIG Survey Report

350R92007 Computer Systems Integrity EPA Must Fully Address Longstanding Information Resources Management Problems OIG Report of Audit

350R92101 EPA Office Of Inspector General Report To Congress 1992

350R93003 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To The Congress, April 1, 1993 Through September 30, 1993

350R93004 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To The Congress, Ooctober 1, 1992 Through March 31, 1993

350R93901 Brief Guide For EPA Executives

350R93902 OIG Report of Audit Final Report of Audit on Use of Cooperative Research and Development Agreements by EMSL Cincinnati

350R93903 Management of Extramural Resources at the Environmental Research Laboratory Athens Georgia Audit Report

350R94003 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To The Congress, April 1, 1994 Through September 30, 1994

350R94004 Office of Inspector General Semiannual Report to the Congress October 1993 Through March 31, 1994

350R94005 EPA's 8(a) Contracting Program : OIG Audit Report

350R94006 EPA's Handling of Superfund Bankruptcy Settlements OIG Report of Audit

350R94007 EPA's Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) : Audit Report

350R94008 EPA's Integrity Act Implementation OIG Audit Report

350R94009 EPA's Pesticide Program : OIG Audit Report

350R94010 Follow-up Review on EPA's Mitigation of Penalties OIG Report of Review

350R94011 Management of Assistance and Interagency Agreements : Office of Research and Development ; Environmental Research Laboratory ; Corvallis, Oregon ; OIG Audit Report

350R94012 Management of Cooperative Agreements : Office of Research and Development ; Environmental Research Laboratory ; Gulf Breeze, Florida ; OIG Audit Report

350R94014 Special Review Report : Consolidating Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory-Releases Control Branch (Edison, New Jersey) to Cincinnati, Ohio ; OIG Special Report

350R94015 Special Review Report on EPA's Management of Emergency Response Cleanup Services (ERCS) Contracts : OIG Review Report

350R94016 Final Report of Audit on Contracts Not Closed Audit Report

350R94017 Report of Review Survey of EPA's Management of the Ann Arbor Facility

350R95002 Audit Report The Southwest Center for Environmental Research and Policy Should Focus on Border Problem Solutions

350R95003 Audit Report EPA's Acquisition of Analytical Support

350R95004 EPA Procedures to Ensure Drinking Water Data Integrity : OIG Audit Report

350R95005 EPA's Administration of Intergovernmental Personnel Act Assignments : OIG Audit Report

350R95006 EPA's Management and Oversight of Eastern Zone Environmental Services Assistance Team Contractor OIG Report of Audit

350R95007 Final Report of Audit on EPA's Controls Over Assistance Agreements : OIG Audit Report

350R95008 Fiscal 1994 Financial Statement Audit of EPA's Trust Funds, Revolving Funds and Commercial Activity : OIG Audit Report

350R95009 Interim Policy on Compliance Incentives for Small Businesses

350R95010 Management of Application Software Maintenance at EPA : Audit Report

350R95011 MBE Utilization in EPA's Financial Assistance Programs : OIG Review Report

350R95012 Region 5's Budget Execution Process

350R95013 Review of EPA's Bankcard Program

350R95014 Survey Report on the Cross-Connections Control Program

350R96001 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To Congress October 1995 through March 1996

350R96002 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To Congress,April 1996 through September 1996

350R96006 Audit Report Development of Maximum Achievable Control Technology Standards

350R96007 EPA's Changing Budget Process: Opportunity for Improved Financial Management: OIG Audit Report

350R96008 Region 7's Efforts to Address Water Pollution from Livestock Waste : OIG Audit Report

350R96009 Final Report of Audit on the Establishment of the National Environmental Supercomputing Facility in Bay City, Michigan : OIG Audit Report

350R96010 Final Report of Special Review on EPA Agreements CR-815792-01 and X-816597-01 Awarded to the Center for Hazardous Materials Research (CHMR) : OIG Review Report

350R96011 Financial Contract Audits Contracts 2000 Strategy Fiscal Years 1999-2003 OIG Strategic Planning Document

350R96012 Major EPA Information Systems are Vulnerable to Failure Due to the Upcoming Century Change : OIG Review Report

350R96013 North Dakota Block Grant Decreased Administrative Costs and Disclosed Potential Barriers : OIG Review Report

350R96014 Ohio Lust Cooperative Agreements

350R96015 Region 1's Overview of Small Grantees : OIG Audit Report

350R96016 Region 5's Air Enforcement and Compliance Assistance Program : Audit Report

350R96017 Region 8 Needed to Further Improve Interagency Agreement Oversight to Ensure Efficient Summitville Superfund Site Cleanup : OIG Review Report

350R96018 Region 8's Budget Execution Process : OIG Special Report

350R96019 Review of EPA's American Express Card Program at Headquarters

350R96020 Review of the Accuracy of EPA's Payroll and Personnel System (EPAYS) : Audit Report

350R96021 National Enforcement Investigations Center Could Improve Litigation Support Services Administration : OIG Special Report

350R96022 Special Review of Lessons Learned from the New Hampshire Grant Flexibility Demonstration Program : OIG Review Report

350R97001 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To Congress October 1996 through March 1997

350R97002 Office Of Inspector General Semiannual Report To Congress April 1997 through September 1997

350R97003 Consolidated Review of the Air Enforcement and Compliance Assistance Programs

350R97003X Region 8 Nonpoint Source Grant Oversight Needs Improvement : OIG Audit Report

350R97004 Region 6's Oversight of Arkansas Air Enforcement Data : Audit Report

350R97006 EPA's Office Of The Inspector General Annual Superfund Report To The Congress For Fiscal 1996

350R97007 Survey Results of EPA's Contract Management Initiatives

350R97008 Final Report of Audit on the Maryland Department of the Environment Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program : OIG Audit Report

350R97009 Special Review of Lessons Learned from the Massachusetts Grant Flexibility Demonstration Program : OIG Review Report

350R97014 Audit Report Audit of Missouri Department of Natural Resources Superfund Cooperative Agreements V-007587-03 and VC-007494-05

350R97015 Review of ORD's Extramural Management Specialist Position : Audit Report

350R97016 Results of Assessment of Controls Over Emergency Removal Actions at Methyl Parathion Sites : Report

350R97017 Acquisition Management : OMB Requested Review of EPA Contracting ; OIG Audit Report

350R97018 EPA Assistance Agreement Awarded to The National University Continuing Education Association, Inc. (NUCEA) : OIG Audit Report

350R97019 Biennial Hazardous Waste Data: Opportunity for Improvement ; OIG Audit Report

350R97020 Idaho's State Revolving Fund : Idaho Department of Health and Welfare ; Division of Environmenatl Quality ; OIG Audit Report

350R97021 Region 5's Billing and Collection of Accounts Receivable : OIG Audit Report

350R97023 Information Technology : User Satisfaction of the Grants Information and Control System ; OIG Audit Report

350R97025 Risk Reduction Through Voluntary Programs

350R98001 Office Of The Inspector General's Semiannual Report To Congress October 1997 through March 1998

350R98002 Office Of The Inspector General Audit Report Effectiveness And Efficiency Of EPA's Air Program

350R98004 Office Of The Inspector General's Semiannual Report To Congress, 1998

350R98005 Consolidated Report On OECA's Oversight Of Regional And State Air Enforcement Programs

350R98007 Environmental Protection Agency Clean Water State Revolving Fund Audit Guide

350R98008 Contractor Access to Confidential Data Acquisition Management

350R98009 EPA's Training Assistance Agreements OIG Audit Report

350R98010 Office of Water Data Integration Efforts Audit Report

350R98011 Audit Report Region 2's Deobligation and Closeout of Construction Grants

350R98012 Review of Personal Services : Audit Report

350R98013 Underground Storage Tank : Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cooperative Agreement Nos. L006515-91 and L006515-04 and Interim Audit of Cooperative Agreement No. L006515-05 Awarded to Texas Natural Resource Conservation ... : OIG Audit Report

350R99009 Audit Report Financial Management EPA's Fiscal 1998 Financial Statements

350R99010 Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Review Guide Assessing EPA and States' Systems For Measuring and Reporting on Environmental Performance OIG Guide

350R99011 Office of the Inspector General's (OIG) FY 2000 Audit Plan October 1, 1999 through September 30, 2000

350R99013 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Programs Significant Non-Complier Enforcement : RCRA Enforcement

350R99014 Follow-up Audit of Superfund Five-Year Review Program

350R99015 Superfund Sites Deferred to RCRA : OIG Audit Report

350RR99012 Region III Water Quality Standards, Monitoring, and Reporting : OIG Audit Report

350S86001 Summary of Major Statutes Administered by the Environmental Protection Agency

3510-06 Notice Of Intent (NOI) For Stormwater Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity Under The Npdes General Permit

35102D Application Form 2D-New Sources And New Dischargers: Application For Permit To Discharge Process Wastewater

35102E Facilities Which Do Not Discharge Addendum Cfr-1320 Will Be Sent With This Form

35102F Application For Permit To Discharge Stormwater Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity

35102S NPDES Form 2S Application Overview

360B86100 Subject Indexes Of Protest Appeal Determinations Issued From 1974 Through 1984 J Kent Holland Jr

360F00001 Resource Guide: Resolving Environmental Conflicts in Communities

360R92001 Clean Air Act

360R95001 Consent decree : United States of America, plaintiff, v. General Motors Corporation, defendant, in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.

4001174002 Transportation Controls To Reduce Automobile Use And Improve Air Quality In Cities The Need, The Options, And Effects On Urban Activity

400177001 Procedure Fro Tracking Emissions Growth And Air Quality Maintenance Final Report

400180001A Transportation Air Quality Analysis - Sketch Planning Methods Volume I Analysis Methods

400180001B Transportation Air Quality Analysis - Sketch Planning Methods Volume Ii Case Studies

400187001A Assessing The Risks Of Trace Gases That Can Modify The Stratosphere Volume 1 Executive Summary

400187001B Assessing The Risks Of Trace Gases That Can Modify The Stratosphere Volume 2 Chapters 1-5

400187001C Assessing The Risks Of Trace Gases That Can Modify The Stratosphere Volume 3 Chapters 6-18

400187001D Ultraviolet Radiation And Melanoma With A Special Focus On Assessing The Risks Of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion

400187001E Assessing The Risks Of Trace Gases That Can Modify The Stratosphere Volume 5 Appendix B (potential Effects Of Future Climate Changes On Forest & Vegetation Agriculture Water Resources & Human

400187001F Assessing The Risks Of Trace Gases That Can Modify The Stratosphere Volume 6 Technical Support Documentation Production Projections

400187001G Assessing The Risks Of Trace Gases That Can Modify The Stratosphere Volume 7 Technical Support Documentation Atmospheric Science Papers

400187001H Assessing The Risks Of Trace Gases That Can Modify The Stratosphere Volume 8 Technical Support Documentation Ozone Depletion And Plants

400188004 Inside Story Guide To Indoor Air Quality

400189001 State Acid Rain Program Final Report

400189001A Indoor Air Quality Report To Congress {executive Summary- Recommendations}

400190002 Residential Air-Cleaning Devices A Summary Available Information

400191001 Summary of Acid Rain Provisions

400191004 Improving Ruminant Production and Reducing Methane Emissions from Ruminants by Strategic Supplementation

400191005C Acid Rain Advisory Committee Meeting: December 13-14, 1990 Emissions Monitoring Issue Papers

400191005D Acid Rain Advisory Committee Meeting: December 13-14, 1990 Permits and Technology Issue Papers

400191006A Acid Rain Advisory Committee Meeting: January 28-29, 1991 Allowance Trading Issue Papers

400191006B Acid Rain Advisory Committee Meeting: January 28-29, 1991 Energy Conservation and Renewables Issue Papers

400191006D Acid Rain Advisory Committee Meeting: January 28-29, 1991 Permits and Technology Issue Papers

400191007 Acid Rain Advisory Committee Meeting: February 20-22, 1991

400191007A Acid Rain Advisory Committee Meeting: February 20-22, 1991 Allowance Trading Issue Papers

400191007D Acid Rain Advisory Committee Meeting: February 20-22, 1991 Permits and Technology Issue Papers

400191008B Acid Rain Advisory Committee Meeting: March 20-22, 1991 Energy Conservation and Renewables Issue Papers

400191008C Acid Rain Advisory Committee Meeting: March 20-22, 1991 Emissions Monitoring Issue Papers

400191008D Permits and Technology Subcommittee Papers March 20-22, 1991

400191012 1990 Clean Air Acid Amendments: Title IV Acid Rain Deposition Control

400191013 United States-Canada Air Quality Agreement

400191016 Aqueous And Semi-aqueous Alternatives For CFC-113 And Methyl Chloroform Cleaning Of Printed Circuit Board Assemblies

400191017 Conservation and Recycling Practices for CFC-113 and Methyl Chloroform

400191018 Eliminating CFC-113 and Methyl Chloroform in Precision Cleaning Operations

400191019 Alternatives for CFC-113 and Methyl Chloroform in Metal Cleaning

400191029 Development of Annualized SO2 Emission Conversion Factors Final Report

400191031 International Directory of Methane Related Activities

400191033 Building Air Quality: Guide for Building Owners and Facility Managers (IAQ0016)

400191035 Permits Proposed Acid Rain Rule

400191041 Theoretical Analysis of Replacement Refrigerants for R22 for Residential Uses

400192002 United States/ Canada Air Quality Agreement- Progress Report- March, 1992

400391003 Introduction to Indoor Air Quality: Reference Manual

400978006 Mobile Source Emission Factors For Low-altitude Areas Only

400978008 Bicycle Strategies To Reduce Air Pollution

400990007 Methane Emissions And Opportunities for Control Workshop Results Of Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change

400B06001 CARE Community Guide to EPA’s Voluntary Programs

400B94001 Outreach and Communications Resources

400B94002 Transition Guidance : Transition to Funding Portions of State and Local Air Programs with Permit Fees Rather than Federal Grants

400B97001 Office of Air and Radiation Information Resources

400D06001 Recommendations for Reducing Emissions from the Legacy Diesel Fleet : Draft

400D91001 Nitrogen Action Plan Draft

400F06003 Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE) Do You Need Help Reducing Harmful Pollution in Your Community?

400F91100 What You Should Know About Combustion Appliances and Indoor Air Pollution ('91)

400F91102 Building Air Quality: Guide for Building Owners and Facility Managers (Order Form)

400F92004 Air Toxics From Motor Vehicles

400F92006 Automobiles And Ozone



400F92012 Electric Vehicles.

400F92013 Motor Vehicle and the 1990 Clean Air Act Fact Sheet

400F92014 Milestones In Auto Emissions Control

400F920142 Milestones in Auto Emissions Control Fact Sheet

400F92016 Clean Cars For Clean Air Inspection And Maintenance Programs

400F94100 What You Should Know About Combustion Appliances and Indoor Air Pollution ('94)

400F99001 Office of Air an Radiation Docket and Information Center: Public Resource for Informed Decision Making

400K90100 Asbestos in Your Home

400K92002 Air Quality Atlas {Brochure}

400K92004 Implementation Strategy For The Clean Air Act Amendments Of 1990 Update 1992

400K92005 Climate Is Right For Action Voluntary Programs To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

400K93001 Plain English Guide to the Clean Air Act

400R73101 Air Polution Technical Publications of the U.S. Environmental Protections Agency, July 1973

400R74101 Air Pollution Technical Publications Of The US Environmental Agency

400R74102 Air Pollution Technical Publications of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, July 1974

400R75101 Air Polution Technical Publications of the Environmental Protection Agency: Quarterly Bulletin No. 1, July 1975

400R75102 Air Polution Technical Publications of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Quarterly Bulletin No. 2, October 1975

400R76101 Air Polution Technical Publications of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Quarterly Bulletin No. 3, January 1976

400R76102 Air Polution Technical Publications of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency: Quarterly Bulletin No. 4, April 1976 Final Issue

400R76103 Air Polution Technical Publications of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Quarterly Bulletin No. 5, July 1976 Final Issue

400R87001 Federal Register Proposal for Post 1987 Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Policy Discussion Policy Statement Appendices

400R90001X Proceedings of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Workshop on Integrating Case Studies Carreid Out Under the Montreal Protocol

400R92001 Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents

400R92003 User's Guide for SYSPOP Program A PC Version of the PRESTO-EPA-POP Operation System

400R92005 Renewable Electric Generation An Assessment Of Air Pollution Prevention Potential

400R92007 Guidelines for Asbestos NESHAP Landfill Recordkeeping Inspections

400R92008 National List of Asbestos Landfills

400R92011 Technical Support Document for the 1992 Citizen's Guide to Radon

400R92012 Targeting Indoor Air Pollution EPA's Approach and Progress

400R92013 Report of the Office of Air and Radiation to Administrator William K. Reilly: Implementing the 1990 Clean Air Act: The First Two Years

400R92101 The Chief Newsletter Volume 3 Number 3 April 1992

400R92501 Business Opportunities Of The New Clean Air Act The Impact Of The Caaa Of 1990 On The Air Pollution Control Industry

400R92502 The Chief Newsletter Volume 3 Number 2 January 1992

400R92503 The Chief Newsletter Volume 3 Number 4 July 1992

400S08001 Protocol for Project Type: Industrial Boiler Efficiency

400Z89100 Federal Register: December 15, 1989, Part 2, 40 CFR Part 61. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants; Radionuclides; Final Rule and Notice of Reconsideration

40200004A Take the Smoke Free Home Pledge

40219851 Impact Of Proposed Federal Guidance For Radiofrequency (rf) Radiation On Non-broadcast Sources

402B05001 Program Needs For Indoor Environments ResearchIPNIER)

402B94001 Radon Measurement in Schools: Self-Paced Training Workbook

402B95004 Guide to Radon

402B95005 Resource Information on Radon and Radon Resistant Construction

402B96003 Radon and Indoor Air Directory

402C01001 I-Beam: Indoor Air Quality Building Education And Assessement Model {Cd Rom}

402C99002 Indoor Air - IAQ Tools For Schools

402D01001 Multi-Agency Radiological Laboratory Analytical Protocols Manual Volume 1 Chapters 1-9 Draft

402D01002 Multi-Agency Radiological Laboratory Analytical Protocols Manual Volume II Chapters 10-20 and Appendices Draft

402D04001 EPA Green Indoor Environments Program {Draft}

402D86001 Adjusting Radionuclide Reportable Quantities -- Issues and Approaches : Draft

402D93001 Technical Support for Amending Standards for Management of Uranium Byproduct Materials: 40 CFR Part 192, Subpart D, Background Information Document (May '93)

402E00001 Indoor Air - Smoke-Free Homes

402E07001 National Radon Action Month Event Planning Kit

402E95001 Passive Radon Control System in Crawlspace for New Construction (3 Sticker Set)

402E95012 Passive Radon Control System in Crawlspace for New Construction (Copies of Stickers)

402F00002 IAQ Tools for Schools Bulletin, April 2000

402F00009 Indoor Air Quality and Student Performance

402F00010A Case Study: G.W. Carver and Charles Drew Elementary Schools

402F00010B Case Study: William Blackstone Elementary School

402F00010C Case Study: King Murphy Elementary School

402F00010D Case Study: Chicopee Public Schools

402F00010E Case Study Little Harbour School

402F00010F Case Study: Shamona Creek Elementary School

402F00010G Case Study: Burlington High School

402F00010H Case Study Robert K. Shafer Middle School

402F00010I Case Study: Okaloosa County School District

402F00010J Case Study: Fairgrounds Junior High School

402F00011 Here's Your Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools: Easy Reference Guide

402F01002 IAQ Tools for Schools Bulletin

402F01008 I Feel Like A Fish with no Water: You Know How to React to Their Asthma Attacks, Here's how to Prevent Them

402F01008A Ya Sabe Como Reaccioner A Sus Ataques de Asma. Aqui Esta Cama Prevenirlos

402F01019 IAQ Tools for Schools Bulletin: Asthma and Allergy, Volume 3

402F01021 Radiation Protection: EPA's Unique Role

402F02001 Association of Cinicians for the Underserved, Calender for 2003

402F02002 IEN News: January-March 2002

402F02003 Calendar of Radon/IAQ Projects and Activities: January-March 2002

402F02004 EPA Indoor Environments Program Publication Order Form

402F02005 Regulating the Safety of the WIPP

402F02007 Asthma has Reached Epidemic Proportions (Letter)

402F02008 Epa Hosts National School Symposium

402F02009 Calender of Radon/IAQ Projects and Activities: April-June 2002

402F02010 How to Implement a District Wide IAQ Tools for Schools Program

402F02011 Indoor Environments Network (IEN): April-June 2002

402F02013 Facts About Controlling Cockroaches in Your Home and Asthma

402F02022 Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program

402F02023 Calendar of Radon/IAQ Projects and Activities, July-September 2002

402F02024 IEN Quarterly July-September, 2002

402F02025 EPA Indoor Environments Program: Publications Order Form

402F02026 Change in Contact Information Radon and IAQ Partner Network

402F02027 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Tools For Schools Bulletin Special Symposium Supplement 2002

402F02028 Clearing the Air of Indoor Asthma Triggers

402F02029 Find Information On Healthy School Environments Faster

402F02030 Indoor Environment Network: Change in Radon/IAQ Program Information Form

402F02031 EPA Indoor Environments Program Publication Order Form

402F02032 IEN Quarterly October-December 2002

402F02033 Calender of Radon/IAQ Projects and Activities: October-December 2002

402F02035 Asthma In-Home Intervention

402F02036 Asthma Bulletin: December 2002

402F03003 Do the Right Thing! Go Outside for your Kids (Certificate)

402F03004 Working Together, So Everyone Can Breathe Better

402F03008 Calender of Radon/IAQ Projects and Activities: January-March 2003

402F03009 IEN Quaterly: Janurary-March 2003

402F03010 Change in Contact Information: Indoor Environment Partner Network

402F03011 IAQ Tools For Schools: Indoor Air Quality Tools For Schools Program

402F03012 Indoor Air Quality: Design Tools For Schools

402F03015 Childcare Asthma/Allergy Action Card

402F03016 Student Asthma Action Card

402F03017 Fact Sheet: IAQ Tools For Schools Mentor Network

402F03029 Mold In Schools

402F03030 Asthma Home Environment {checklist}

402F04002 Protect Your Children

402F04004 New Smoke-Free Products

402F04008 Dusty the Asthma Goldfish and His Asthma Triggers Funbook

402F04009 Dusty (In Spanish)

402F04017 Clearing the Air of Asthma Triggers 10 Steps to Making Your Home Asthma-Friendly

402F04018 Clearing The Air Of Asthma Triggers 10 Steps To Making Your Home Asthma Friendly {Spanish}

402F04019 Asthma Facts

402F04020 Datos Sobre el Asma

402F04021 Help Your Child Gain Control Over Asthma

402F04026 An Update On FORMALDEHYDE 1997 Revision

402F04028 Indoor Environments Network Quarterly, October-december 2004

402F05001S Alianza Para Aire Limpio Intradomiciliario

402F05002 Asthma Bulletin February 2005

402F05015A Building Design, Maintenance and Operations Cleaning Products

402F05015B Environmental Problems in Schools Mold

402F05015C Building Design, Maintenance, and Operations Ventilation

402F05021 Ayude A Su Nino A Controlar El Asma {Help Your Child Gain Control Over Asthma} {Spanish}

402F05022 Healthy Seat Healthy School Environments Assessment Tool Helping You Keep Your Schools Healthy Places For Children To Learn {flyer}

402F05023 Healthy Seat Healthy School Environments Assessment Tool

402F06055F Partenariat Pour L’air Intérieur Propre

402F06058 Partnership for Clean Indoor Air

402F06061 Ionizing Radiation Fact Book

402F07005 BASE: Building Assessment Survey and Evaluation Study

402F07016 Mold and Moisture: Guidance for Clinicians {REGISTRATION FORM}

402F07044 National Radon Action Month Start the New Year Off Right Conduct a National Radon Action Month Activity or Event

402F07045 Internal Radiotherapy: Brachytherapy

402F07047 Depleted Uranium Projectiles

402F08004 Guide to Air Cleaners in the Home

402F80001 Fact Sheet on Ocean Dumping of Radioactive Waste Materials

402F90100 Ionizing Radiation Series No.1: General Description

402F90101 An Update on Formaldehyde

402F90102 Biological Pollutants in Your Home

402F91100 Ionizing Radiation Series No.2: Health Effects From Exposure To Ionizing Radiation

402F91101 Indoor Air Facts, Number 8: Use and Care of Home Humidifiers

402F91102 Building Air Quality

402F92002 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA's Role Under the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Land Withdrawal Act

402F92003 Comment on the Use of Plants as a Means to Control Indoor Air Pollution (IAQ0047)

402F93004 SecondHand SMOKE As Parents, Decisionmakers, And Building Occupants

402F93004A Air and Radiation (Spanish)

402F93004B Air and Radiation (Asian)

402F93004G Secondhand Smoke

402F93005 Fact Sheet: Flood Cleanup: Avoiding Indoor Air Quality Problems

402F93012 EPA's Revised Activities Regarding the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

402F93013 EPA Map of Radon Zones

402F93014 Map of Radon Zones: Fact Sheet

402F94003 Fact Sheet: Ventilation and Air Quality In Offices

402F94004 Indoor Air Facts, Number 4: Sick Building Syndrome

402F94005 Setting the Record Straight: Secondhand Smoke is a Preventable Health Risk

402F94006 Radon: Legislating Lower Health Risks

402F94009 Radon In Schools, 2ND Edition

402F94010 Use and Care of Home Humidifiers

402F94011 Carpet and Indoor Air Quality

402F95001 Asthma, Air Quality, and Environmental Justice: EPA's Role in Asthma Education and Prevention

402F95010 Radon Resistant Techniques: Active System

402F95011 Radon Resistant Construction in New Homes

402F95012 Passive Radon Control System for New Construction: Architectural Drawings of : 1) Passive Radon Control System 2) Crawlspace Radon Control System 3) Additional Fan for Active System, for One and Two Family Dwellings

402F95013 Indoor Air Quality Tools For Schools (Order Form)

402F95014A Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools, IAQ Backgrounder

402F95014B Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools, Administrative Staff Checklist

402F95014C Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools, Building Maintenance Checklist

402F95014D Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools, FoodService Checklist

402F95014E Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools, Health Officer/School Nurse

402F95014F Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools, Renovation and Repairs Checklist

402F95014G Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools, Teacher's Classroom Checklist

402F95014H Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools, Ventilation Checklist and Log

402F95014I Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools, Waste Management Checklist

402F95014J Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools, Walkthrough Inspection Checklist

402F95014K Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools, Sample Memo for School Staff

402F95014L Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools, Memo

402F95014M Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools, IAQ Coordinator's Guide

402F95014P Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools, Contains Sub-publications A to M

402F96004 Indoor Air Quality Basics (IA0095)

402F96005 Protect Your Family and Yourself from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

402F96005A Protect Your Family and Yourself from Carbon Monoxide (Chinese)

402F96005B Protect Your Family and Yourself from Carbon Monoxide (Korean)

402F96005C Protect Your Family and Yourself from Carbon Monoxide (Vietnamese))

402F97001 How Healthy is the Air in Your Home? A Room-by-Room Checklist for Your Home's Indoor Air Quality

402F97002 Radon Reduction In New Construction

402F97004 Proteja Su Vida Y La De Su Familia: Evite El Envenenamiento Con Monoxido De Carbono (Protect Your Family and Yourself from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning)

402F97007 Potential Association Between Indoor Mold Growth and Pulmonary Hemorrhage in Infants

402F98001 Building a New Home, Have You Considered Radon?

402F98008 Buying a New Home: How to Protect Your Family From Radon

402F98009 Ionizing Radiation Series No. 1: General Description

402F98010 Ionizing Radiation No. 2: Health Effects From Exposure

402F98014A Protect Yourself and Your Family From Secondhand Smoke (Dec '94)

402F98014B Protect Yourself and Your Family From Secondhand Smoke (Apr '97)

402F98014c Protect Yourself and Your Family From Secondhand Smoke (Spanish)

402F99003 Children and Secondhand Smoke

402F99003A Los ninos y el humo de segunda mano (el humo de cigarrillo) (Children and Secondhand Smoke) (Spanish)

402F99004A Protecting Your Family and Yourself from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (English/Chinese)

402F99004B Protecting Your Family and Yourself from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (English/Korean)

402F99004C Protecting Your Family and Yourself from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (English/Vietnamese)

402F99005 Clear Your Home of Asthma Triggers, Your Children Will Breathe Easier

402F99005A Clear Your Home of Asthma Triggers, Your Children Will Breathe Easier - Chinese

402F99005B Clear Your Home of Asthma Triggers, Your Children Will Breathe Easier - Vietnamese

402F99005C Clear Your Home of Asthma Triggers, Your Children Will Breathe Easier - Korean

402F99005D Mantenga su hogar libre de los factores que (IAQ-1025S) (Clear Your Home of Asthma Triggers)

402F99006 Indoor Environments Program Publication Order Form

402H06001 Flood Cleanup and the Air In Your Home {Vietnamese}

402K00002 A Vision for the 21st Century Healthy Buildings, Healthy People Draft Final Report

402K00003 IAQ Tools for Schools: Managing Asthma in the School Environment

402K00004 Take the Smoke-Free Home Pledge

402K00006 School Solutions: How to Save Money and Improve Indoor Air Quality Using Energy Performance Contracts

402K00008 Home Buyer's And Seller Guide To Radon

402K01001 Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings

402K01002 Building Radon Out: Step-by-Step Guide on How to Build Radon-Resistant Homes

402K01003 Healthy Buildings, Healthy People: Vision for the 21st Century

402K02001 Guia del Radon Para el Comprador y Vendedor de Viviendas

402K02002 Learning About Radon a Part of Nature

402K02003 Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture and Your Home

402K02004 Reporter's Guide to Yucca Mountain

402K02005 Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program Benefits of Improving Air Quality in the School Environment

402K02006 A Citizen's Guide To Radon: (Fourth Edition)

402K02007ES Healthy Builds, Healthy People: Visions for the 21st Century (ERRATA)

402K02008 Indoor Air Quality Tools For Schools: Communications Guide

402K02009 All About Asthma

402K02010 Indoor Environments Directory

402K03001 Take the Smoke-Free Home Pledge

402K03002 Consumer's Guide To Radon Reduction: How To Fix Your Home

402K03003 Asthma Awareness Month Event Planning Kit

402K03006 Indoor Air Quality And Student Performance

402K03008 UNA Breve Guia Para El Moho

402K04900 Captain BIO "Clearing the Air!"

402K05002 IAQ Tools for Schools: Managing Asthma in the School Environment

402K05003 Pediatric Asthma Speakers Kit

402K05004 Design Principles For Wood Burning Cook Stoves

402K05006 Implementing An Asthma Home Visit Program 10 Steps To Help Health Plans Get Started

402K05007 Working Together So Everyone Can Breathe Better

402K05008 Citizen's Guide To Radon Guide To Protecting Yourself And Your Family From Radon Revised Sept 2005

402K06004 Guide to Designing Retained Heat Cookers

402K06093 Home Buyer's And Seller's Guide To Radon

402K06094 Consumer's Guide to Radon Reduction

402K07002 Flood Cleanup and the Air in Your Home

402K07003 La limpieza después de la inundación y el aire en su hogar Flood Cleanup and the Air in Your Home (Spanish Version)

402K07005 Design Principles For Wood Burning Cook Stoves {French}

402K07009 Citizen's Guide to Radon: The Guide to Protecting Yourself and Your Family From Radon

402K07010 Standard Practice for Radon Control Options for the Design and Construction of New Low-Rise Residential Buildings

402K07011 Asthma Health Outcomes Project: Asthma Programs with an Environmental Component A Review of the Field and Lessons for Success

402K07012 Guide to Designing Retained Heat Cookers {Spanish}

402K91001 Radon Awareness: Coloring Book

402K92001 A Citizen's Guide to Radon: The Guide to Protecting Yourself and Your Family from Radon, 2nd Edition

402K92003 Consumer's Guide to Radon Reduction: How to Reduce Radon Levels in Your Home

402K92004 Radiation: Risks and Realities

402K92100 Respiratory Health Effects of Passive Smoking: Lung Cancer and Other Disorders

402K93005 El Radon: Guia Para Su Proteccion Y La De Su Familia; Guide to Radon: How to Protect Yourself and Your Family (Spanish/English)

402K93007 Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality

402K93008 Physicians Guide to Radon: General Information on Radon Health Risks, and Targeted Specifically at Physicians (Currently Under Revision)

402K93009 EPA and the WIPP

402K93010 EPA Y WIPP

402K94001 Radioactive Waste Disposal: An Environmental Perspective

402K95001A Indoor Air Quality Problem Solving Wheel

402K95005 Current Federal Indoor Air Quality Activities (Jun '95)

402K95006 EPA's Communications Plan for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

402K95007 Plan De La EPA De Comunicaciones Para La Planta Piloto Para La Aislacion Desperdicios (EPA Communication Plan for WIPP) (Spanish)

402K96002 ALERT: Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning from Small Gasoline-Powered Engines and Tools

402K96003 Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning from Small Gasoline Powered Engines and Tools

402K97002 Should You Have the Air Ducts in Your Home Cleaned

402K97003 An Office Building Occupant's Guide to Indoor Air Quality

402K97004 US Government Information About . . .Environmental Protection (GPO Order Publication)

402K98001 Building Air Quality Action Plan: June 1998

402K98002 Healthy Indoor Air for America's Homes: Indoor Air Hazards Every Homeowner Should Know About

402K98003 Ozone Generators That Are As Solid As Air Cleaners

402K98004 Radon Guide for Tenants

402K99001 Current Federal Indoor Air Quality Activities (Mar '99)

402K99002 Secondhand Smoke and Children: Conducting Public Outreach Programs

402N02001 WIPP Bulletin A Message From the Director

402N98001 Environmental Justice and The Indoor Environment, February 1998

402N98002 Air Quality Memo: Update on Air Quality on Activities from the National Safety Council, Summer 1998

402R00003 Environmental Protection Agency Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP)

402R00005 CAP88-PC, Version 2.0: Updated{User Guide}

402R00008 Testing Stabilization/Solidification Process For Mixed Waste

402R00010 Scoping Analysis: Econmic Impacts Of Radiation Protection Standards For Metals Imports and Exports

402R01004 Public Health and Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada, Final 40 CFR 197

402R01005 Public Health and Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Yucca Mountain Neveda: Background Information Documant for 40 CFR 197

402R01009 Public Health and Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Yucca Mountain, Neveda (40 CFR Part 197) Final Rule, Response to Comments Document

402R02001 Comments And Response To Comments Response To Comments: Amendment To Radionuclide Neshaps(Part 40 CFR 61), Subpart H and Subpart I

402R03003 EPA Assessment of Risks from Radon Homes

402R04001 Thank You For Making Your Home And Car Smoke-Free For Children

402R04002C Understanding Varation In Partition Coefficient, Kd, Values: Volume III

402R04900 Guidance For Clinicians On The Recognition And Management Of Health Effects Related To Mold Exposure And Moisture Indoors

402R05007 Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials from Uranium Mining Volume 2: Investigation of Potential Health Geographic and Environmental Issues of Abandoned Uranium Mines

402R06001 Implementation of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Land Withdrawal Act FY 2004 Report to Congress

402R06003 Technology Reference Guide For Radiologically Contaminated Surfaces

402R06007 Inventory Of Radiological Methodologies For Sites Contaminated With Radioactive Materials

402R07004 Technology Reference Guide for Radioactively Contaminated Media

402R07007 Radiological Laboratory Sample Analysis Guide for Incidents of National Significance-Radionuclides in Water

402R08003 National Residential Radon Survey Design Report, Final Draft

402R08005 Technical Report on Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials from Uranium Mining Volume 2: Investigation of Potential Health Geographic and Environmental Issues of Abandoned Uranium Mines

402R75990 Summary Of Groundwater Quality Impacts Of Uranium Mining And Milling In The Grants Mineral Belt New Mexico

402R80001 EPA Office of Radiation Programs Publications

402R90101 Guidance State Indoor Radon Grants Program Section 306, Indoor Radon Abatement Act / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

402R91001 Guidance for the Indian Radon Pilot Projects

402R92001 Implementation of protective actions for radiological incidents at other than nuclear power reactors : proceedings of a workshop held at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office f Radiation Programs, National Air and Radiation Environmental Laboratory, Montgomery, Alabama, September 25-26, 1991.

402R92002 Potential Uses of Phosphogypsum and Associated Risks: Background Information Document

402R92003 Protocols for Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurements in Homes

402R92004 Indoor Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurement Device Protocols

402R92008 EMF in Your Environment: Magnetic Field Measurements of Everyday Electrical Devices

402R92009 Electromagnetic Fields (emf) Questions And Answers

402R93002 Implementation Strategy for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Land Withdrawal Act of 1992

402R93003 Home Buyer's And Seller's Guide To Radon

402R93004 Analysis and Evaluation of a Radioactive Waste Package Retrieved from the Atalntic 3800-Meter Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site

402R93009 Environmental Pathway Models-Ground-Water Modeling in Support of Remedial Decision-Making at Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Material

402R93011 Envi Characteristics Of EPA And Doe Sites Contaminated With Radioactive Substances

402R93012 Incineration of Low-Level Radioactive and Mixed Wastes: Waste Handling and Operational Issues

402R93021 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Alabama

402R93022 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Alaska

402R93023 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Arizona

402R93024 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Arkansas

402R93025 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: California

402R93026 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Colorado

402R93027 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Connecticut

402R93028 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Delaware

402R93029 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Florida

402R93030 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Georgia

402R93031 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Hawaii

402R93032 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Idaho

402R93033 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Illinois

402R93034 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Indiana

402R93035 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Iowa

402R93036 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Kansas

402R93037 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Kentucky

402R93038 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Louisiana

402R93039 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Maine

402R93040 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Maryland

402R93041 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Massachusetts

402R93042 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Michigan

402R93043 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Minnesota

402R93044 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Mississippi

402R93045 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Missouri

402R93046 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Montana

402R93047 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Nebraska

402R93048 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Nevada

402R93049 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: New Hampshire

402R93050 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: New Jersey

402R93051 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: New Mexico

402R93052 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: New York

402R93053 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: North Carolina

402R93054 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: North Dakota

402R93055 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Ohio

402R93056 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Oklahoma

402R93057 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Oregon

402R93058 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Pennsylvania

402R93059 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Rhode Island

402R93060 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: South Carolina

402R93061 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: South Dakota

402R93062 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Tennessee

402R93063 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Texas

402R93064 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Utah

402R93065 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Vermont

402R93066 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Virginia

402R93067 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Washington

402R93068 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: West Virginia

402R93069 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Wisconsin

402R93070 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: Wyoming

402R93071 EPA's Map of Radon Zones: National Summary

402R93072 High-Level and Transuranic Radioactive Wastes Response to Comments for Amendments to 40 CFR Part 191 Environmental Standards for the Management and Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel, High-Level and Transuranic Radioactive Wastes

402R93073 High-Level and Transuranic Radioactive Wastes: Background Information Document For Amendments to 40 CFR Part 191

402R93075 Survey of Indoor Air Quality Diagnostic and Mitigation Firms

402R93077 Ecological Impact of Land Cleanup and Restoration

402R93078 Radon Mitigation Standards

402R93081 External Exposure to Radionuclides in Air, Water, and Soil; Federal Guidance Report Number 12

402R93084 Issues Paper on Radiation Site Cleanup Regulations

402R93085 Technical Support for Amending Standards for Management of Uranium Byproduct Materials: 40 CFR Part 192, Subpart D, Background Information Document (Oct '93)

402R93087 Environmental Radiation Data Report 68 October-December 1991

402R93088 Environmental Radiation Data Report 69 January-March 1992

402R93089 Environmental Radiation Data Report 70 April-June 1992

402R93090 Environmental Radiation Data Report 71 July-September 1992

402R93091 Environmental Radiation Data Report 72 October-December 1992

402R93092 Environmental Radiation Data Report 73 January-March 1993

402R93095 Special Report: EPA's Strategy to Reduce Risk of Radon

402R94007 Indoor Air Pollution: An Introduction for Health Professionals

402R94008 Reducing Radon in Schools : A Team Approach

402R94009 Model Standards and Techniques for Control of Radon in New Residential Buildings

402R94010 Implementation of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Land Withdrawal Act 1993 Report to Congress

402R94012 Technical Guide To Groundwater Model Selection At Sites Contaminated With Radioactive Substances

402R94015 Background Information Document: Support NESHAPS Rulemaking On Nuclear Power Reactors: 40 CFR Part 61, National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants

402R94016 Radon in Rental Housing: Legal and Policy Strategies for Reducing Health Risks

402R95007 National Radon Contractor Proficiency (RCP) Program for Kansas August 1995

402R95014 Compliance Application Guidance for 40 CFR Part 194

402R95900 Proceedings: 2ND Workshop On Residual Radioactivity And Recycling Criteria, November 9-11, 1994 Tokai, Japan

402R96016 Radiation Exposure And Risks Assessment Manual (RERAM): Risk Assessment Using Radionuclide Slope Factors, Review Draft; Revision 2

402R96017 Technology Screening Guide for Radioactively Contaminated Sites

402R96021 NESHAPS Rulemaking on Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Agreement State Licensees Other Than Nuclear Power Reactors, Background Information Document

402R96022 NESHAPS Rulemaking on Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Agreement State Licensees Other than Nuclear Power Reactors: Response to Comments

402R97006 Electrokinetic Laboratory and Field Processes Applicable to Radioactive and Hazardous Mixed Waste in Soil and Groundwater

402R97009 Animal Investigation Program (AIP) A.I.P. Summary Report On and Around the Nevada Test Site From 1982-1995

402R97014 Health Risks from Low-Level Environmental Exposure to Radionuclides: Federal Guidance Report Number 13, Part 1, Interim Version

402R97017 Radiation Protection Standards for Scrap Metal: Preliminary Cost Benefit Analysis (4 Volume Set)

402R98007 NESHAPS: National Emission Standards For Radon Emissions From Phosphogypsum Stacks: Comments And Response To Comments

402R98008 Statistical Procedures For Certifying Phosphogypsum For Entry Into Commerece, As Required By Section 61.207 Of 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart R: Background Infomation Document

402R98009 Risk Assessment For Research And Development, Uses Of Phosphogypsum: Background Information

402R99001 Cancer Risk Coefficients for Environmental Exposure to Radionuclides: Federal Guidance Report No. 13

402R99001ES Executive Correspondence (Errata Sheet)

402R99002 Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in the Southwestern Copper Belt of Arizona

402R99004A Understanding Variation in Partition Coefficient, Kd, Values, Volume 1: The Kd Model of Measurement, and Application of Chemical Reaction Codes

402R99004B Understanding Variation in Partition Coefficient, Kd, Values, Volume 2: Review of Geochemistry and Available Kd Values for Cadmium, Cesium, Chromium, Lead, Plutonium, Radon, Strontium, Thorium, Tritium (3H), and Uranium

402R99006 Environmental Protection Agency Radiological Exercise Planning Manual

402S00002 International Radiological Post-Emergency Response Issues Conference: Executive Summary

402S01001 Energy Cost And IAQ Performance Of Ventilation Systems And Controls

402S01001A Energy Cost And IAQ Performance Of Ventilation Systems And Controls: Report 1: Project Objective And Methodology

402S01001B Energy Cost And IAQ Performance Of Ventilation Systems And Controls: Project Report #2

402S01001C Energy Cost And IAQ Performance Of Ventilation Systems And Controls: Project Report #3

402S01001D Energy Cost And IAQ Performance Of Ventilation Systems And Controls: Project # 4

402S01001E Energy Cost And IAQ Performance Of Ventilation Systems And Controls: Project # 5

402S01001F Energy Cost And IAQ Performance Of Ventilation Systems And Controls: Project # 6

402S01001G Energy Cost And IAQ Performance Of Ventilation Systems And Controls: Report # 7

402S94004 The Costs And Benefits Of Smoking Restrictions: An Assessment Of The Smoke-Free Environment Act Of 1993(H.R. 3434): Executive Summary

402S98001 International Radiological Post-Emergency Response Issues Conference: Meeting Proceedings

402Z01001 Federal Register: June 13, 2001 Part 4.40 CFR Part 197. Public Health And Environmental Radiation Protection Standards For YUCCA Mountain Neveda Final Rule

402Z94001 Federal Register: July 15, 1994 Part III. 40 CFR Part 61. National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants; Final Rule

410D94001 Analysis of the Impact of Environmental Compliance on Plant Operations Draft Final Report

410E00001 Clean Air Act Information Packet: to Accompany Release of Section 812 Prospective Study Nov. 16, 1999

410K93001 Implementation Strategy for the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: Update, November 1993

410K94001 Implementation Strategy for the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: Update, May 1994

410K95001 Implementation Strategy For the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: Update, November 1995

410K97001 Implementation Strategy for the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990

410K99001 Implementation Strategy For the Clean Air Act Amendment of 1990, Update March 1999

410N93001 The Clean Air Marketplace: Welcome to Marketplace...

410N93002 The Clean Air Marketplace: The Economy vs. the Environment: Working Toward a Win-Win Solution

410R78001 Noise A Health Problem

410R97002 Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act: 1970 to 1990 EPA Report to Congress

410R99001 Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act 1990 to 2010: EPA Report to Congress

420B02002 2000 Calendar Year Emissions Related Recall

420B02003 2001 Calendar Year Emissions Related Recall Service Campaign Reports

420B03012 List Of All Operating State I/m Programs

420B03015 2002 Calendar Year Emissions Related Recall Services Campaign Report

420B04004 Mobile Source Observation Database (MDOD) User Guide And Reference

420B04007 Boundary Scenarios For 8-hour Ozone Nonattainment Areas Previosly Designated As Nonattainment Of Maintenance For The 1-hour Ozone Standard

420B04011 Acceleration Simulation Mode Test Procedures Emission Standards Quality Control Requirements and Equipment Specifications Final Technical Guidance

420B04018 2003 Annual Summary Emission Related Recall And Voluntary Service Campaigns Performed On Light Duty Vehicles And Light Duty Trucks

420B05001 Emission Related Recall And Voluntary Service Campaigns Performed On Light Duty Vehicles And Light Duty 2004 Annual Summary

420B05006 Small Entity Compliance Guide for "Control of Air Pollution from New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles Standards and Highway Diesel Fuel Sulfur Control Requirements

420B05009 Small Entity Compliance Guide for "Control of Emissions from Nonroad Diesel Engines and Fuel 40 CFR Parts 9, 69, et al. June 29, 2004

420B05010 Questions And Answers On The Clean Diesel Fuel Rules September 2005

420B05017 Commuter Model V2.0 User Manual

420B05018 Procedures Manual For The Commuter Model V2.0

420B05019 Commuter V2.0 Model Coefficients

420B06003 Guidance on Mobile Facilities

420B06005 Diesel Retrofits Quantifying and Using Their Benefits in SIPs and Conformity Guidance for State and Local Air and Transportation Agencies

420B06010 Questions and Answers on the Clean Diesel Fuel Rules

420B06013 RFG/Anti-Dumping Questions and Answers October 12, 2006

420B07001 High Sulfur NRLM Credit Calculation Guidance

420B08002 Smartway Graphic Standards and Usage Guide

420B08015 Implementing Nitrogen Dioxide Limits for Retrofit Technologies

420B94004 Reformulated Gasoline: Major Step Toward Cleaner Air, Better for Your Health and the Environment

420B98002 Certification Guidance for Engines Regulated Under: 40 CFR Part 86 (On-Highway Heavy-Duty Engines) and 40 CFR Part 89 (Nonroad CI Engines)

420B99001 Transportation Air Quality Center Products: Publications, Policy Memos, Guidance Documents, Electronic Databases, Second Edition

420D01002a User’s Guide to MOBILE6 Printed on Recycled Paper Mobile Source Emissions Factor Model Draft

420D01004 Draft Regulatory Support Document: Printed on Recycled Paper Control of Emissions from Unregulated Nonroad Engines

420D01005 Draft Technical Support Document: Printed on Recycled Paper Analysis of Regulation to Establish New Date for Receipt of Summer Grade RFG at Terminals

420D03002 EPA Moves Greenhouse Gas Runspec GUI Details{Draft}

420D04002 Advanced Technology Vehicle Modeling In PERE

420D04003 Draft Technical Support Document: In-Use Testing for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines and Vehicles

420D06002 Draft Technical Support Document Fuel Economy Labeling Of Motor Vehicles Revisions To Improve Calculation Of Fuel Economy Estimates

420D99001 Regulatory Impact Analysis Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles Tier 2 Motor Vehicle Emissions Standards and Gasoline Sulfur Control Requirements {Draft}

420E05001 Innovative Strategies For Cleaner Air National Clean Diesel Campaign Program Information Kit

420F00046 Regulatory Announcement Emission Standards for New Nonroad Engines and Highway Motorcycles

420F00047 Improving Air Quality Through Land Use Activities

420F00049 Updated Emission Modeling for Large SI Engines

420F00050 Emission Data and Procedures for Large SI Engines

420F00057 Regulatory Announcement Heavy-duty Engine and Vehicle Standards and Highway Diesel Fuel Sulfur Control Requirements

420F01011 Buying a New Car?

420F01014 Computer Choice Leadership Initiative Business Benefits Calculator

420F01015 Computer Choice Leadership Initiative Agreement Particulars

420F01017 Guidance to Parties Submitting Mobile Source Air Toxics Baseline Applications

420F01024 Environmental Fact Sheet Frequently Asked Questions: Emission Standards for Snowmobiles

420F01025 Environmental Fact Sheet Frequently Asked Questions: Emission Standards for Off-Highway Motorcycles

420F01026 Environmental Fact Sheet Emission Standards for New Nonroad Engines

420F01028 Environmental Fact Sheet Frequently Asked Questions: Emission Standards for Industrial Spark-ignition Engines

420F01029 Environmental Fact Sheet Frequently Asked Questions: Emission Standards for Recreational Marine Diesel Engines

420F02001 Fact Sheet Reformulated Gasoline Transition

420F02018 Smartway Transport Glance at Clean Freight Strategies Wide-base Tires

420F02019 Smartway Transport Glance At Clean Freight Strategies Weight Reduction

420F02020 Smartway Transport Glance At Clean Freight Strategies Low-viscosity Lubricants

420F02021 Smartway Transport Glance at Clean Freight Strategies Reducing Highway Speed

420F02022 Smartway Transport Glance at Clean Freight Strategies Driver Training

420F02023 Smartway Transport Glance at Clean Freight Strategies Idle Reduction

420F02025 Regulatory Announcement Non-Conformance Penalties for Heavy-duty Diesel Engines

420F02027 Green Transport Partnership a Glance at Clean Freight Strategies: Automatic Tire Inflation Systems

420F02028 Smartway Transport Glance At Clean Freight Strategies Improved Freight Logistics

420F02031 Smartway Transport Glance at Clean Freight Strategies Improved Aerodynamics

420F02034 Technical Highlights Emission Regulations For Stationary And Mobile Engines

420F02037 Regulatory Announcement Emission Standards For New Nonroad Engines

420F02048 Diesel Exhaust in the United States

420F02049 What You Should Know About Diesel Exhaust and School Bus Ideling

420F02050 Smartway Transport Facts & Figures

420F02051 Smartway Transport Frequently Asked Questions

420F02052 Smartway Transport Partnership Partnership Overview

420F02055 Technical Highlights EPA Fuel Cell Vehicle Testing Facts

420F03003 Final Rule for Service Information Availability

420F03004 Control Of Emissions From New Nonroad Diesel Engines Amendments To The Nonroad Engine Definition

420F03008 Summary of EPA's Proposed Program for Low Emission Nonroad Diesel Engines and Fuel

420F03009 EPA'S Proposed Program for Low-Emission Nonroad Diesel Engines and Fuel

420F03010 Public Health and Environmental Benefits of EPA's Proposed Program for Low-Emission Nonroad Diesel Engines and Fuel

420F03011 Reducing Air Pollution from Nonroad Engines

420F03019 Notice of Settlement Agreement with the Engine Manufacturers Association to Propose a Manufacturer-Run, In-Use Emissions Testing Program for Heavy-duty Diesel Trucks and to Provide Engine Certification Guidance.

420F03038 What You Should Know About Reducing Diesel Exhaust From School Buses

420F03039 Tomorrow's Buses For Today's Children: Clean Scho0l Bus {Brochure}

420F03044 Regulatory Announcement: EPA Finalizes Emission Standards for New Highway Morotcycles

420F03045 Frequently Asked Questions In-Depth Information For Motorcycle Owners On EPA's New Emission Standards For Highway Motorcycles

420F03046 Frequently Asked Questions Information For Motorcycle Owners On EPA's New Emission Standards For Highway Motorcycles

420F04018 Extension Of California Enforcement Exemptions For Reformulated Gasoline To California Phase 3 Gasoline

420F04022 Highway Diesel Questions and Answers from the Clean Diesel Engine Implementation Workshop 2007

420F04029 Clean Air Nonroad Diesel Rule Summary General Backround

420F04032 EPA Adopts Comprehensive Program For Low-emission Nonroad Diesel Engines And Fuel Overview Of The Clean Air Nonroad Diesel Rule

420F04033 Frequently Asked Questions Draft NONROAD 2004 Emission Inventory Model

420F04034 EPA Diesel Milestones Since the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990

420F04040 Emission Facts Clean Diesel Programs Facts And Figures

420F04041 EPA's Program For Locomotive And Marine Diesel Engines

420F04042 Regulatory Announcement Proposed In-use Testing Program for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines and Vehicles

420F04058 Resource Information National Vehicle And Fuel Emissions Laboratory

420F04059 Proposed Rule for Amendments to Vehicle Inspection Maintenance Program Requirements

420F05028 EPA Proposes Effective Date for Diesel Fuel Sulfur Control Requirements in Rural Alaska Regulatory Announcement

420F05029 Regulatory Announcement: Direct Final Rule and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Amendments to the Nonroad and Highway Diesel Fuel Regulations

420F05030 Regulatory Announcement EPA Issues A Direct Final Rule To Modify Certain Provisions Of The Reformulated And Conventional Gasoline Regulations

420F05031 National Clean Diesel Campaign Clean Agriculture Usa

420F05032 National Clean Diesel Campaign Clean Construction USA Building A Cleaner Future Together

420F05044 Heavy-duty Engine & Vehicle Standards & Highway Diesel Fuel Sulfur Control Requirements Summary

420F05050 Regulatory Announcement Final Rule To Extend California Enforcement Exemptions For Reformulated Gasoline To California Phase 3 Gasoline

420F05051 Regulatory Announcement -- Direct Final Rule and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Revisions to Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Sulfur Transition Provisions and Technical Amendments to the Highway Diesel, Nonroad Diesel, and Tier 2 Gasoline Programs

420F05054 Resource Information Office Of Transportation And Air Quality

420F05057 Regulatory Announcement: EPA Completes Regulations Clarifying the Default Standard for 2006 Under the Renewable Fuel Standard Program

420F05061 Regulatory Annoucement Final Rule For Emissions Durability Test Procedures

420F05062 Regulatory Announcement Supplemental Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking For Component Durability Test Procedures

420F06005 Partner Case Study Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Idling Reduction

420F06011 Partner Profile Contract Freighters Inc. Tire Technology Wide-Base Tires

420F06012 Partner Case Study Idling Reduction

420F06013 Partner Profile Triple S Trucking Idling Control Strategies Direct Fired Heaters

420F06014 Smart Way Partner Case Study Alternative Fuel Biodiesel

420F06015 Partner Case Study Trailer Aerodynamics Belly Fairings

420F06017 Partner Case Study Bison Transport Driver Incentives

420F06018 There are 25 Million Reasons Why It's Important to Reduce Idling

420F06029 EPA Technical Study on the Safety of Emission Controls for Nonroad Spark-Ignition Engines Below 50 Horsepower Program Update

420F06031 Partner Profile P.A.M. Transport Tire Technology Automatic Tire Inflation

420F06033 Direct Final Rule and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Amendments to the Nonroad and Highway Diesel Fuel Regulations

420F06034 EPA's Diesel Retrofits SIP and Conformity Guidance Technical Highlights

420F06040 EPA Finalizes Alternative Low-Sulfur Diesel Fuel Transition Program for Alaska - Regulatory Announcement

420F06060 EPA Proposes Regulations for 2007 and Beyond Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program

420F07002 Partner Profile AFN (Advantage Freight Network) Idling Reduction

420F07004 Partner Case Study Contract Freighters, Inc. Idling Reduction

420F07006 Partner Case Study H-E-B Grocery Idling Reduction

420F07007 Partner Case Study Hospira Fleet Services, LLC Speed Management

420F07008 Partner Profile Office Depot Fuel Efficiency

420F07009 Partner Case Study Owens Corning Idling Reduction

420F07010 Partner Case Study Schneider National, Inc. Aerodynamics

420F07011 Partner Case Study Sharp Electronics Corporation Intermodal Shipping

420F07013 Partner Profile USA Truck Idle Reduction

420F07015 Regulatory Announcement: EPA Proposal for More Stringent Emissions Standards for Locomotives and Marine Compression-Ignition Engines

420F07016 Smartway Financing for Truck Owner-Operators

420F07019 EPA Finalizes Regulations for a Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program for 2007 and Beyond

420F07031 National Clean Diesel Campaign: Retrofit Technology Verification

420F07035 Emission Facts; Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Expanded Renewable and Alternative Fuels Use (EPA420-F-07-035)

420F07037 Resource Information: Plain-Language Format of Emission Regulations for Nonroad Engines

420F07038 Ship Smarter You and the Environment Both Win

420F07039 Calculate Your Savings To the Environment To Your Bottom Line

420F07050 Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Control of Emissions from New Marine Compression-Ignition Engines at or Above 30 Liters Per Cylinder: Regulatory Announcement

420F07055 Nonroad Diesel Technical Amendments and Tier 3 Technical Relief Provision: Regulatory Announcement

420F07062 Renewable Fuel Standard Implementation: Frequently Asked Consumer Questions

420F07063 Green Vehicle Guide You Have Green Options!

420F07065 All 2008 Models Will Have Two New Things in Common...

420F07066 EPA's Fuel Economy Programs: Program Overview

420F08003 Partner Qualification Truck Carriers

420F08004 Regulatory Announcement: EPA Finalizes More Stringent Emissions Standards for Locomotives and Marine Compression-Ignition Engines

420F08005 Direct Final Rule for Approval of Louisiana's Petition to Relax the Summer Gasoline Volatility Standard for the Grant Parish Area -- Regulatory Announcement

420F08006 Questions and Answers on the Renewable Fuel Standard Program

420F08008 Cleaner Diesel Makes Good Business Sense: Low-Cost Ways to Cleaner Construction

420F08008 Low-Cost Ways to Cleaner Construction

420F08013 EPA Finalizes Emission Standards for New Nonroad Spark-Ignition Engines, Equipment, and Vessels

420F08014 Emission Facts: Control of Emissions from Idling Locomotives

420F08019 Regulatory Announcement -- Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Modifications to Renewable Fuel Standard Program Requirements

420F08031 Green Racing Initiative

420F92017 Remote Sensing A Supplemental Tool for Vehicle Emission Control

420F95011 Driving Alone? An Alternative Might Work Even Better (Poster)

420F96006 Heavy-Duty Engine Emissions Standards for Highway Trucks and Buses

420F96012 Environmental Fact Sheet Emission Standards for New Gasoline Marine Engines

420F96015 Environmental Fact Sheet Statement of Principles for Nonroad Diesel Engines

420F96016 Environmental Fact Sheet: Summary of EPA's Nonroad Engine Control Programs

420F96017 EPA Resources On Environmentally Beneficial Landscaping

420F96018 Be A Grower not A Mower


420F97002 Statement of Principles for Small Nonhandheld Spark-Ignited Engines

420F97004A Drive To Cleaner Air: Introduction to Enhanced Vehicle Emissions Testing (Focuses On Areas Required to Implement Enhanced I/M Testing)

420F97004B Drive To Cleaner Air: Introduction to Enhanced Vehicle Emissions Testing (Focus On Areas Implementing Basic I/M Testing)

420F97006 Next Steps: Correcting Your Vehicle's Emission Problems

420F97007 Environmental Fact Sheet Proposed Emission Standards For Locomotives

420F97012 Regulatory Announcement Overview Of The Baseline Adjustment Final Rulemaking

420F97014 Emission Standards Reference Guide for Heavy-Duty and Nonroad Engines

420F97015 Emission Control Potential for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines

420F97018 Gasoline Detergent Additives Enforcement and Recordkeeping Requirements

420F97020 Environmental Fact Sheet Proposed New Emission Standards for Nonroad Diesel Engines

420F97021 Environmental Fact Sheet: Transportation Control Measures

420F97022 Environmental Fact Sheet: Episodic Emission Control Programs

420F97030 Environmental Fact Sheet: Congestion Pricing

420F97031 Environmental Fact Sheet: Accelerated Vechicle Retirement Programs

420F97032 Environmental Fact Sheet: Bicycle And Pedestrian Programs As A Transportation Control Measure

420F97033 Environmental Fact Sheet: Intelligent Transportation Systems

420F97045 Proposed Phase 2 Standards for Small Spark Ignited Engines

420F97048 Regulatory Announcement Final Emissions Standards for Locomotives

420F98008 Resource Information Office Of Mobile Sources

420F98011 Transportation Air Quality Center Products: Publications, Policy Memos, Guidance Documents, Electronic Databases

420F98024 TRAQ Technical Brief: Initiative To Involve Youth In Reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled

420F98025 Small Engine Emission Standards: Answers to Commonly Asked Questions from Dealers and Distributors

420F98029 Environmental Fact Sheet: Commuter Choice Program: A Way to Save Money and Help the Environment

420F98031 Environmental Fact Sheet: Commuter Choice: Information for Employers

420F98032 Environmental Fact Sheet: Commuter Choice: Information for Employees

420F98034 Regulatory Announcement New Emission Standards for Nonroad Diesel Engines

420F98035 TRAQ Technical Brief: Transportation Air Quality Center Commuter Choice: Guidance Overview

420F99001 Regulatory Update: EPA's Nonroad Engine Emissions Control Programs

420F99002 What's New from EPA's TRAQ Center

420F99003 Environmental Fact Sheet: Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ)

420F99004 Regulatory Announcement Proposed Finding on Emission Standards for New Large Spark-Ignition Nonroad Engines

420F99009 Commuter Choice: Benefits for Commuters, Companies, Communities

420F99012 TRAQ Center: EPA's Transportation Air Quality Center

420F99024 Guidance To States On Smoke Opacity Cutpoints To Be Used With Sae J1667 In-use Smoke Test Procedure

420F99026 TRAQ Technical Brief: Transportation Air Quality Center

420F99027 Regulatory Announcement Reproposed Phase 2 Standards For Small Spark-ignition Handheld Engines

420F99030 Regulatory Announcement Proposed Flexibility Amendments to Inspection/Maintenance Program Requirements

420F99034 Regulatory Announcement Proposed Strategy To Reduce Emissions From Heavy Duty Vehicles

420F99042 Phase II Reformulated Gasoline: Next Major Step Toward Cleaner Air

420H04001 Did You Know? : Kids Breathe About 2 Gallons Of Air Every Minute.

420K07001 The Magic School Bus Gets Cleaned Up

420K93001 Your Car or Truck and the Environment

420K97001 Market Incentives Resource Center: Online Directory of Air Quality Economic Incentive Programs

420K97002 Smart Travel Resource Center

420K97003 EPA's Transportation Air Quality Center

420K97004 Voluntary Mobile Source Programs: Crediting Innovation and Experimentation

420K99001 Creating Transportation Choices: Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, Success Stories

420P00005 User’s Guide to Mobile6 Printed on Recycled Paper Mobile Source Emission Factor Model Draft

420P01004 Staff White Paper Study Of Unique Gasoline Fuel Blends Boutique Fuels Effects On Fuel Supply And Distribution And Potential Improvements

420P02002 Basic Evaporative Emission Rates For Nonroad Engine Modeling

420P02003 Refueling Emissions For Nonroad Engine Modeling

420P02004 Nonroad Engines Population Estimates

420P02006 Design And Implementation Plan For Epa's Multi-scale Motor Vehicle And Equipment Emission System (MOVES) Public Comment Draft

420P02007 Impacts of Lubrizol's Purinox Water/Diesel Emulsion on Exhaust Emissions from Heavy-duty Engines Draft Technical Report

420P02010 Seasonal And Monthly Activity Allocation Fractions For Nonroad Engine Emissions Modeling

420P02011 RVP And Temperature Corrections For Nonroad Engine Modeling

420P02012 Exhaust Emission Effects Of Fuel Sulfur And Oxygen On Gasoline Nonroad Engines

420P02013 EPA Nonroad Emissions Model, Draft NONROAD 2002 User's Guide

420P02014 Median Life, Annual Activity And Load Factor Values For Nonroad Engine Emissions Modeling

420P02015 Exhaust Emission Factors For Nonroad Engine Modeling Spark Ignition

420P02016 Exhaust And Crankcase Emission Factors For Nonroad Engine Modeling Compression Ignition

420P02017 Calculation Of Age Distributions In The Nonroad Model Growth And Scrappage

420P02018 Nonroad Engine Growth Estimates (NR-0086)

420P02019 Spark Ignition Engine Emission Deterioration Factors For The Draft Nonroad 2002 Emissions Model

420P03002 Conversion Factors For Hydrocarbon Emission Components

420P04003 Exhaust Emission Effects of Fuel Sulfur and Oxygen on Gasoline Nonroad Engines NR-003b

420P04004 Seasonal and Monthly Activity Allocation Fractions for Nonroad Engine Emissions Modeling NR-004b

420P04005 Median Life, Annual Activity, and Load Factor Values for Nonroad Engine Emissions Modeling NR-005c

420P04006 Nonroad Engine Population Estimates NR-006c

420P04007 Calculation of Age Distribution in the Nonroad Model: Growth and Scrappage NR-007b

420P04008 Nonroad Engine Growth Estimates NR-008c

420P04009 Exhaust and Crankcase Emission Factors for Nonroad Engiing Modeling--Compression-Ignition NR-009c

420P04010 Exhaust Emission Factors for Nonroad Engine Modeling--Spark-Ignition NR-010d

420P04011 Spark-Ignition Engine Emission Deterioration Factors for the Draft NONROAD2004 Emissions Model NR-011b

420P04013 Refueling Emissions for Nonroad Engine Modeling NR-013b

420P04014 Geographic Allocationn of State Level Nonroad Engine Population Data to the County Level NR-014c

420P04015 Weekday and Weekend Day Temporal Allocation of Activity in the Draft NONROAD2004 Model NR-015a

420P04016 Update Of Methane And Nitrous Oxide Emission Factors For On-highway Vehicle Public Comment Draft

420P04017 MOVES2004 Software Design Reference Manual {Draft}

420P04019 MOVES2004 User Guide {Draft}

420P04020 MOVES2004 Highway Vehicle Population and Activity Data Draft

420P05001 Fuel Consumption Modeling of Conventional and Advanced Technology Vehicles in the Physical Emission Rate Estimator (PERE) Draft

420P05002 MOVES2004 Validation Results-Draft Report

420P05003 MOVES2004 Energy and Emission Inputs Draft Report

420P05004 User Manual and Technical Issues of GREET for MOVES Integration

420P98018 Hot Soak Emissions as a Function of Soak Time

420P99023 Estimating Weighting Factors to Evaporative Emissions in Mobile6

420P99024 Estimating Running Loss Evaporative Emissions in Mobile6

420P99026 Evaluating Resting Loss and Diurnal Evaporative Emissions Using Real Time Diurnal Tests

420P99027 Modeling Hourly Diurnal Emissions and Interrupted Diurnal Emissions Based on Real-Time Diurnal Data Draft

420P99028 Granting Air Quality Credit For Land Use Measures Policy Options

420R00008 Light Duty Automotive Technology and Fuel Economy Trends 1975 Through 2000

420R00020 Procedures for Developing Base Year and Future Year Mass and Modeling Inventories for the Heavy- Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards and Highway Diesel Fuel (HDD) Rulemaking

420R00022 Summary and Analysis of Comments for Notice of Proposed Finding: Control of Emissions from New Nonroad Spark-ignition Engines Rated Above 19 Kilowatts and New Land-based Recreational Spark-Ignition Engines

420R00028 Technical Support Document for the Heavy-duty Engine and Vehicle Standards and Highway Diesel Fuel Sulfur Control Requirements: Air Quality Modeling Analyses Printed

420R01001 EPA Guidance: Improving Air Quality Through Land Use Activities

420R01001 Improving Air Quality Through Land Use Activities

420R01045 Large SI Engine Technologies and Costs Printed on Recycled Paper Draft Final Report

420R01046 Characterization of Off-Road Motorcycle Use Draft Final Report

420R01048 Report of the Small Business Advocacy Review Panel on Emissions Standards for New Compression-ignition and Spark-ignition Recreational Marine Engines

420R01051 Study of Boutique Fuels and Issues Relating to Transition from Winter to Summer Gasoline

420R01052 Nonroad Diesel Emission Standards Printed on Recycled Paper Staff Technical Paper


420R02019 Commercial Marine Emission Inventory Development

420R02020 Non-Conformance Penalties for 2004 and Later Model Year Emission Standards for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines and Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles Response to Comments

420R02021 Final Technical Support Document: Nonconformance Penalties for 2004 Highway Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines

420R02026 Epa's Onboard Emissions Analysis Shootout Overview And Results

420R02028 User’s Guide to Mobile 6.1 and Mobile 6.2 Mobile Source Emission Factor Model

420R02029 Technical Description Of The Toxics Module For Mobile6.2 And Guidance On Its Use For Emission Inventory Preparation

420R02030 Onroad Emissions Testing Of 18 Tier 1 Passenger Cars And 17 Diesel Powered Public Transport Buses

420R02033 Mobile Source Observation Data (MSOD) Database Update, Interim Report

420R02035 Sensitivity Analysis Of Mobile6.0

420R03001 Mobile 6.1 Particulate Emission Factor Model Final Report

420R03002 Effect Of Cetane Number Increase Due To Additives On Nox Emissions From Heavy-Duty Highway Engines Final Technical Report

420R03005 Proof Of Concept Investigation For The Physical Emission Rate Estimator (PERE) To Be Used In Moves

420R03007 Summary and Analysis of Comments: Service Information Availability

420R03008 Regulatory Impact Analysis Control Of Emissions From Nonroad Diesel Engines {Draft}

420R03009 Consolidated List Of Reformulated Gasoline and Anti-Dumping Questions and Answers July 1, 1994 Through November 10, 1997

420R03010 Mobile6.1 And Mobile 6.2 Mobile Source Emission Factor Model User's Guide

420R03011 Determination of CO Basic Emission Rates OBD and I/M Effects for Tier 1 and Later LDVs and LDTs Update

420R03012 Update To The Accounting For The Tier 2 And Heavy-Duty 2005-2007 Requirements In Mobile6

420R04004 Highway Diesel Progress Review Report 2

420R04007 Final Regulatory Impact Analysis Control Of Emissions From Nonroad Diesel Engines

420R04008 Summary And Analysis Of Comments Control Of Emissions From Nonroad Diesel Engines

420R04013 Technical Guidance On The Use Of Mobile6.2 For Emission Inventory Preparation

420R04014 Summary And Analysis Of The Highway Diesel Fuel Pre-compliance Report, 2004

420R04016 Safety And Security Analysis Investigative Report By NASA On Proposed EPA Hydrogen Powered Vehicle Fueling Station

420R05001 Light-Duty Automotive Technology And Fuel Economy Trends 1975 Through 2005

420R05006 In-Use Testing Program for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines and Vehicles: Technical Support Document

420R05011 Toward A Cleaner Future Office Of Transportation And Air Quality Progress Report 2005

420R06006 EPA Technical Study on the Safety of Emission Controls for Nonroad Spark-Ignition Engines <50 Horsepower

420R06007 Best Workplaces for Commuters: Demonstrating Excellence in Commuting Options

420R06008 Clean Automotive Technology Program: Developing Cleaner and More Efficient Vehicles and Engines for Tomorrow

420R06009 National Clean Diesel Campaign: Innovative Strategies for Cleaner Air

420R06011 Light-Duty Automotive Technology and Fuel Economy Trends: 1975 through 2006

420R06901 EPAct Section 1541(c) Boutique Fuels Report To Congress

420R06902 Report to the President : Task Force on Boutique Fuels

420R07006 Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Renewable Fuel Standard Program -- Summary and Analysis of Comments

420R08004a A Study of Potential Effectiveness of Carbon Dioxide Reducing Vehicle Technologies Revised Final Report

420R08014 Control of Emissions from Marine SI and Small SI Engines, Vessels, and Equipment: Final Regulatory Impact Analysis

420R08015 Light-Duty Automotive Technology and Fuel Economy Trends: 1995 through 2008

420R08016 Control of Emissions from Marine SI and Small SI Engines, Vessels, and Equipment: Summary and Analysis of Comments

420R08017 Summary and Analysis of the 2008 Nonroad Diesel Fuel Pre-Compliance Reports

420R89101 Analysis of the Economic and Environmental Effects of Methanol as an Automotive Fuel

420R90102 Analysis of the Economic and Environmental Effects of Ethanol as an Automotive Fuel

420R90104 Analysis of the Economic and Environmental Effects of Compressed Natural Gas as a Vehicle Fuel Volume I Passenger Cars and Light Trucks

420R92001 Transportation and Air Quality Planning Guidelines, 1992

420R92002 Evaluation of Resistively Heated Fuel Injection Technology to Reduce Cold Start Emissions and Assist Starting/Driveway of a Methanol-Fueled Vehicle

420R92003 Evaluation of a Schatz Heat Battery on a Flexible-Fueled Vehicle, Phase II

420R92004 Evaluation of An Emitec Resistively Heated Metal Monolith Catalytic Converter on Two M100 Neat Methanol-Fueled Vehicles

420R92005 Natural Gas Vehicle Challenge: EPA Emissions and Fuel Economy Testing, 1992

420R92008 VMT Forecasting and Tracking Guidance

420R93005 Motor Vehicles Related Toxics Study

420R93006 Federal Test Procedure Review Project: Status Report

420R93007 Federal Test Procedure Review Project: Preliminary Technical Report

420R93010 Light-Duty Automotive Technology and Fuel Economy Trends Through 1993

420R93011 Cold Starting an Alcohol Fueled Engine With Ultrasonic Fuel Atomization

420R93013 Guidance for Mobile Emission Credit Generation By Urban Buses

420R93014 Regulatory Impact Analysis Clean Fuel Fleet Program

420R93015 Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Clean-Fuel Fleets

420R93016 Guidance for Emission Reduction Credit Generation By Clean Fuel

420R93901 Epa's Survey Of In-use Driving Patterns Implications For Mobile Source Emission Inventories

420R94002 Methodologies for Estimating Emission and Travel Activity Effects of TCMS

420R97004 Opportunities to Improve Air Quality Through Transportation Pricing Programs

420R97004ES Opportunities to Improve Air Quality Through Transportation Pricing (Errata Sheet)

420R97006 Quantification of Episodic Control Programs

420R97007 Evaluation of Modeling Tools for Assessing Land Use Policies and Strategies

420R98002 Benefits Estimates for Selected TCM Programs

420R98006 Evaluation of a Toyota Prius Hybrid System (THS)

420R98007 State Implementation Plan Development Guidance: Using Emission Reductions from Commuter Choice Programs to Meet Clean Air Act Requirements

420R98009 Emissions of Nitrooxide from Highway Mobile Sources Comments on the Draft Inventory of US Greenhouse Emissions and Sinks 1990-1996

420R98012 Background Information for Land Use SIP Policy

420R98016 Regulatory Impact Analysis Control of Emissions from Nonroad Diesel Engines Final

420R98022 Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents

420R99006 Community Action Programs: Blueprint for Program Design

420R99008 US EPA Nonroad Model Technical Report Addenda For Tier 2 Rulemaking Version

420R99009 Exhaust Emission Factors For Nonroad Engine Modeling Spark Ignition

420R99011 Linking Transportation and Air Quality Planning: Implementation of the Transportation Conformity Regulations in 15 Nonattainment Areas Full Report

420R99014 Heavy-duty Diesel Emission Reduction Project Retrofit Rebuild Component

420R99015 Epa Evaluation Of The Vitalizer III Aftermarket Retrofit Device

420R99018 Light-Duty Automotive Technology and Fuel Trends Through 1999

420R99019 Commercial Marine Activity For Great Lake And Inland River Ports In The United States, Final Report


420R99026 Final Regulatory Impact Analysis: Control of Emissions from Marine Diesel Engines

420R99028 Summary and Analysis of Comments: Control of Emissions from Marine Diesel Engines

420S01002 Guaranteed Ride Home Programs: Implementing Commuter Benefits Under the Commuter Choice Leadership Initiative

420S01003 Transit and Vanpool Benefits: Implementing Commuter Benefits Under the Commuter Choice Leadership Initiative

420S01004 Carpool Incentive Programs: Implementing Commuter Benefits Under the Commuter Choice Leadership Initiative

420S01005 Commuter Tax Benefits: Implementing Commuter Benefits Under the Commuter Choice Leadership Initiative

420S01006 Parking Cash Out: Implementing Commuter Benefits Under the Commuter Choice Leadership Initiative

420S01007 Telecommuting/Telework Programs: Implementing Commuter Benefits Under the Commuter Choice Leadership Initiative

420S01010 Vanpool Programs: Implementing Commuter Benefits Under the Commuter Choice Leadership Initiative

420S01011 Marketing Commuter Benefits to Employees: Implementing Commuter Benefits Under the Commuter Choice Leadership Initiative

420S03001 Independent Peer Review Of EPA Technical Report EPA420-S-02-012: Effect Of Cetane Number Increase Due To Additives On Nox Emissions From Heavy-Duty Highway Engines

420S04001 Highway Diesel Progress Review Report 2 {Executive Summary}

420S04006 Analysis Of And Action On Georgia's Request For A Waiver Of Federal Reformulated Gasoline Program

420S05001 Light-Duty Automotive Technology And Fuel Economy Trends 1975 Through 2005 {Executive Summary}

420S05002 A Roadmap to MOVES2004

420S06001 Model State Idling Law

420S06002 Diesel Retrofit Technology An Analysis of the Cost-Effectiveness of Reducing Particulate Matter Emissions from Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines Through Retrofits

420S062006 Motor Coach Idling Field Observation Study for Washington, DC Metro Area

420S08001 Fuel Trends Report: Gasoline 1995 - 2005 - Executive Summary

420S89001 Summary and Analysis of Comments on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Emission Standards and Test Procedures for Methanol-Fueled Vehicles and Engines

420S98001 TRAQ Technical Overview: Transportation Control Measures: Accelerated Retirement of Vehicles

420S98002 TRAQ Technical Overview: Transportation Control Measures: Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs

420S98003 TRAQ Technical Overview: Transportation Control Measures: Commute Alternative Incentives

420S98004 TRAQ Technical Overview: Transportation Control Measures: Congestion Pricing

420S98005 TRAQ Technical Overview: Transportation Control Measures: Guaranteed Ride Home

420S98006 TRAQ Technical Overview: Transportation Control Measures: High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes

420S98007 TRAQ Technical Overview: Transportation Control Measures: Intelligent Transportation Systems

420S98008 TRAQ Technical Overview: Transportation Control Measures: Parking Management

420S98009 TRAQ Technical Overview: Transportation Control Measures: Parking Pricing

420S98010 TRAQ Technical Overview: Transportation Control Measures: Improved Public Transit

420S98011 TRAQ Technical Overview: Transportation Control Measures: Telecommuting

420S98012 TRAQ Technical Overview: Transportation Control Measures: Traffic Flow Improvements

420S98013 TRAQ Technical Overview: Transportation Control Measures: Trip Reduction Ordinances

420S98014 TRAQ Technical Overview: Transportation Control Measures: Work Schedule Changes

420S99002 Linking Transportation and Air Quality Planning: Implementation of the Transportation Conformity Regulations in 15 Nonattainment Areas Summary

420Z00001 Federal Register 40 CFR Part 52 Motor Vechicle Emissions Budgets In Attinment Demonstrations For The One-hour National Ambient Airb Quality Standard For Ozone

425R93015 Guidance on the Post-1996 Rate of Progress Plan and the Attainment Demonstration

4300007 Oil and Hazardous Materials Technical Assistance Data System

4300012 Tools And Rules Federal Environmental Protection Programs

43001026 Saving New Jersey's Vanishing Shores

4300987005 Technical Support Document For ODES Statistical Power Analysis

4300987008 Looking at User Charges: A State Survey and Report

43009880008 Wastewater Technical Assistance It Works in Tennessee

4300988006 Report To Congress Indian Wastewater Treatment Needs And Assistance

4300989007 Start-up And Operation Of Chemical Process Technologies In The Municipal Sector The Carver-greenfield Process For Sludge Drying

4300989009 Report To Congress On The Effectiveness Of The Innovative And Alternative Wastewater Treatment Technology Program

4300990015 Proceedings Of The US Environmental Protection Agency Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technology Forum 1990 March 20-22 1990 Orlando Florida

4300991004 State Revolving Fund (SRF) Interim Report To Congress Financial Status And Operations Of Water Pollution Control Revolving Funds

4300991008 State Revolving Fund: Final Report to Congress, Financial Status and Operations of Water Pollution Control Revolving Funds

4300991010 Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion In Wastewater Collection And Treatment Systems Report To Congress Technical Report

4300991018B SRF: Financing for Small Communities

4300991020 Proceedings Of The US EPA Municipal Wastewaters Treatment Technology Forum 1991 Held In Portland Oregon On June 5-7 1991

4300991022 Municipal Wastewater Reuse Selected Readings On Water Reuse

4300991024 1990 Needs Survey Report To Congress: Assessment Of Needed Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities In The United States - Including Federally Recognized Indian Tribes And Alaska Native Villages, November 1991

4300991026 Construction Grants and State Revolving Fund Grants Information and Control System (GICS) Reports Library

430173016 An Introduction to Gumbel, or Extreme-Value Probability Paper Training Manual

430174015 Self-monitoring Procedures Basic Parameters For Municipal Effluents {student Reference Manual}

430179001 Benthic Analysis Training Manual

430179002 Water Quality Instructional Resources Information System (iris) A Compilation Of Abstracts To Water Quality And Water Resources Materials

430179010 Basic Instructional Technology Participant Reference Manual

430179012 Advanced Instructional Technology Participant Reference Manual

430180002 O And M Considerations In The Construction Grants Process Participant Handbook

43019771 Oil Spills and Spills Of Hazardous Substances

43019781 Water Quality Control Instructional Materials

430973006 Survey Of Facilities Using Land Application Of Wastewater

430973007 Processes, Procedures and Methods To Control Polltution Resulting From All Construction Activity

430973010 Processes, Procedures, And Methods To Control Pollution Resulting From Silvicultural Activities

430973011 Process, Procedures, and Methods To Control Pollution From Mining Activities

430973012 Groundwater Pollution From Subsurface Excavations

430973014 Methods For Identifying And Evaluating The Nature And Extent Of Non-point Sources Of Pollutants

430973015 Methods And Practices For Controlling Water Pollution From Agricultural Nonpoint Sources

430973016 Comparative Costs Of Erosion And Sediment Control Construction Activities

430973017 Control Of Pollution From Hydrographic Modifications

430974001 Wastewater Treatment Ponds

430974002 Estimating Laboratory Needs For Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities

430974004 Maintenance Management Systems for Municipal Wastewater Facilities

430974008 Start-Up of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities

430974010 Protection Of Shellfish Waters

430974015 Evaluation Of Land Application Systems Evaluation Checklist And Supporting Commentary

430974252 Water Quality Strategy Paper A Statement Of Policy For Implementing The Requirements Of The 1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act

430975003 Cost of Land Treatment Systems

430975006 Inventory Of Interstate Carrier Water Supply Systems By States And Environmental Protection Agency Regions

430975008 Monograph Of The Effectiveness And Cost Of Water Treatment Processes For The Removal Of Specific Contaminants

430975020 Procedural Handbook For Value Engineering

430976001 Anaerobic Sludge Digestion: Operations Manual

430976004 Model Plan Of Study, Supplement To Guidance For Preparing A Facility Plan

430976008 Value Engineering Workbook For Construction Grants Projects

430976013 Application Of Sewage Sludge To Cropland Appraisal Of Potential Hazards Of The Heavy Metals To Plants And Animals

430976015 Guidance For Preparing A Facility Plan

430977009 Value Engineering: Case Studies and Formats for Proposals and Reports

430977011 Energy Conservation in Municipal Wastewater Treatment

430978001 Field Manual For Performance Evaluation And Troubleshooting At Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities

430978003 Environmental Changes From Long-term Application Of Sewage Effluent On Land

430978004 Upgrading Trickling Filters

430978009 Innovative And Alternative Technology Assessment Manual

430979004 1978 Needs Survey Continuous Stormwater Pollution Simulation Survey, Users Manual

430979008 Engineering And Design Design Of Wastewater Treatment Facilities Major Systems

430979009 Approach For Comparing Health Risks Of Wastewater Treatment Alternatives Limited Comparison Of Health Risks Between Slow Rate Land Treatment And Activated Sludge Treatment & Discharge

43097901 Computer-assisted Procedure For The Design And Evaluation Of Wastewater Treatment System Users Guide

430979010 Evaluation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants, Inspectors Guide

430979012 History of Land Application as a Treatment Alternative

430979018 Chemical Aids Manual for Wastewater Treatment Facilities

430979504 Interim NPDES Compliance Biomonitoring Inspection Manual

430979507 Determining Wastewater Treatment Costs For Your Community

430980001 Evaluation Of Sludge Management Systems Evaluation Checklist And Supporting Commentary

430980003 Construction Costs for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants: 1973-1978

430980005 Wastewater Irrigation Of Rice

430980010 Recommendations from Value Engineering Studies on Wastewater Treatment Works

430980015 A Guide to Regulations and Guidance for the Utilization and Disposal of Municipal Sewage Sludge

430980AOO The Alternative Is Conservation

430981001 Cost Estimates For Construction Of Publicly-owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities, 1980 Needs Survey

430981002 Facilities Planning 1981 Municipal Wastewater Treatment

430981003 Construction Costs for Municipal Wastewater Conveyance Systems: 1973-1979

430981004 Technical Report Operation and Maintenance Costs For Municipal Wastewater Facilities

430981005 Remedial Actions at Hazardous Waste Sites: Survey and Case Studies

430981007 Generic Facilities Plan For A Small Community Stabilization Pond and Oxidation Ditch

430981008 Conveyance, Treatment, and Control of Municipal Wastewater, Combined Sewer Overflows, and Stormwater Runoff Summaries of Technical Data, 1980 Needs Survey

430981010 Innovative and Alternative Technology Case Studies

430981011 Technical Bulletin Composting Processes To Stabilize And Disinfect Municipal Sewage Sludges

430981012 Utilization Of Municipal Wastewater and Sludge For Land Reclamation and Biomass Production Symposium Proceedings and Engineering Assessment

430981013 Institutional Constraints And Public Acceptance Barriers To Utilization Of Municipal Wastewater And Sludge For Land Reclamation And Biomass Production

430981019 The Role Of Consevation Districts And The Agricultural Community In Wastewater Land Treatment: Final Report

430981020 Construction Grants 1982 (CG-82) Interim Final

430982002 Energy Management Diagnostics

430982003 Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation And Selected Management Issues

430982004 Contract Operations

430982005 Contracting For Professional Services

430982006 Wastewater Utility Recordkeeping, Reporting And Management Information System

430982007 Sludge and the Land: The Role of Soil and Water Conservation Districts in Land Application of Sewage Sludge, Final Report

430982008 Sludge Recycling For Agricultural Use

430982009 Needs Survey Cost Estimates For Construction Of Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities, 1982 Needs Survey

430982010 Design Of 301(h) Monitoring Programs For Municipal Wastewater Discharges To Marine Waters

430982011 Revised Section 301(h) Technical Support Document

430983001 Addendum To The 1982 Needs Survey Cost Estimates For Control Of Combined Sewer Discharge To Marine Bays And Estuaries

430983002 1982 Needs Survey Conveyance, Treatment, And Control Of Municipal Wastewater, Combined Sewer Overflows, And Stormwater Runoff Summaries Of Technical Data

430983004 Construction Costs For Wastewater Treatment Plants, 1973-1982

430983005 Results Of The Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, September 1982, Appendices, Volume 2

430983006 Management Of Environmental Protection Agency Project By Local Grantee Final Report

430983009 Nonpoint Source Runoff Information Transfer System

430983010 Ecological Impacts Of Sewage Discharges On Coral Reef Communities

430984003 Construction Grants Program For Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Procedures

430984004 Construction Grants 1985 (CG-85)

430984005 Financial Management System For Publicly-Owned Treatment Works

430984006 User Charge Guidance Manual For Publicly-owned Treatment Works

430984007 Before And After Case Studies Comparisons Of Water Quality Following Municipal Treatment Plant Improvements

430984008 Summary Of Design Information On Rotating Biological Contactors

430984009 Value Engineering For Wastewater Treatment Works

430984011 Assessment Of Needed Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities In The United States, 1984 Needs Survey Report To Congress

430985001 Heat Treatment Low Pressure Oxidation Systems Design And Operational Considerations

430985002 Multiple-hearth And Fluid Bed Sludge Incinerators Design And Operational Considerations

430986001 Touching All The Bases Financial Management, For Your Wastewater Treatment Project {handbook}

430987001 Assessment Of Needed Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities In The United States, 1986 Needs Survey Report To Congress

430987006 It's Your Choice: A Guidebook For Local Officials on Small Community Wastewater Management Options

430987007 Preliminary Treatment Facilities Design And Operational Considerations

430987008 Looking At User Charges State Survey And Report

430987011 Value Engineering For Small Communities

430988004 Reference Guide On State Financial Assistance Programs

430988005 Report on the Use of Wetlands for Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Disposal

430988006 Indian Wastewater Treatment, Needs And Assistance Report To Congress

430988009 SRF Letter Of Credit How Is It Used In Epa's State Revolving Fund Program-

430989001 Report to Congress: 1988 Needs Survey: Assessment of Needed Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities in the United States

430989004 Water and Wastewater Manager's Guide for Staying Financially Healthy

430989005 Construction Incentive Guidance

430989006 Building Support for Increasing User Fees

430989007 Start-up and Operation of Chemical Process Technologies in the Municipal Sector: The Carver-Greenfield Process for Sludge Drying

430989008 Overview Of Selected EPA Regulations And Guidance Affecting POTW Management

430989009 Report To Congress On The Effectiveness Of The Innovative And Alternative Wastewater Treatment Technology Program

430989501 Guidelines and Requirements For Applying For Grants From The Indian Set-aside Program

430990005 Rainfall Induced Infiltration into Sewer Systems: Report to Congress

430990006 Funding of Expanded Uses Activities By State Revolving Fund: Examples and Program Recommendations

430990013 Assessment Of The Biolac Technology

430990014 State Design Criteria For Wastewater Treatment Systems

430990015 Proceedings Of The US Environmental Protection Agency Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technology Forum 1990 March 20-22 1990 Orlando Florida

430990016 Case Studies Collecting Household Hazardous Wastes At Wastewater Treatment Plants

430991005 Assessment of Single-Stage Trickling Filter Nitrification

430991007 Cooperative Testing of Municipal Sewage Sludges by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure and Compositional Analysis

430991008 State Revolving Fund Financial Status And Operations Of Water Pollution Control Revolving Funds Final Report To Congress

430991009 Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion on Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems: Report to Congress

430991010 Report to Congress: Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion in Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems, Technical Report

430991014 Managing Your Utility's Money: The Trainer's Manual

430991015 Managing Your Utility's Money: The Participant's Manual

430991022 Municipal Wastewater Reuse: Selected Readings on Water Reuse

430991024 Assessment Of Needed Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities In The United States 1990 Needs Survey Report To Congress

430991025 Do More With Score: Small-Community Outreach and Education Helps Solve Wastewater Problem

430B01001 Guidance for the EPA Halon Emission Reduction Rule (40 CFR Part 82, Subpart H)

430B01002 Convert Gas Pneumatic Controls to Instrument Air

430B03002, Tools of the Trade A Guide to Designing and Operating a Cap and Trade Program for Pollution Control

430B03002 Tools of the Trade: A Guide to Designing and Operating a Cap and Trade Program for Pollution Control

430B03003 Using the Energy Star Identity to Maintain and Build Value

430B03003 Using the ENERGY STAR Identity to Maintain and Build Value

430B03004 Options for Reducing Methane Emissions from Pneumatic Devices in the Natural Gas Industry

430B03008S Lecciones Aprendidas De Los Participantes De Natural Gas STAR Inspección Y Mantenimiento Controlados De Las Estaciones De Compresores

430B03010 Lessons Learned from Natural Gas Star Partnersusing Hot Taps for in Service Pipeline Connections

430B03014 Lessons Learned from Natural Gas Star Partners Replacing Gas-assisted Glycol Pumps With Electric Pumps

430B05001 Pennsylvania State Primer

430B06005 Excessive Heat Events Guidebook

430B06006 Excessive Heat Events Guidebook In Brief: Quick Tips For Responding To Excessive Heat Events

430B07001 Creating an Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Set Aside in the Nox Budget Trading Program Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification of Electricity Savings for Determining Emission Reductions from Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Actions

430B93002 The User's Guide to the Conservation Verification Protocols Acid Rain Program

430B93005 No-Clean Soldering To Eliminate CFC-113 and Methyl Chloroform Cleaning of Printed Circuit Board Assemblies

430B93006 Eliminating CFC-113 and Methyl Chloroform in Aircraft Maintenance Procedures

430B95012 Conservation Verification Protocols Version 2.0 A Guidance Document for Electric Utilities Affected by the Acid Rain Program of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990

430B96004 Turning a Liability into an Asset: A Landfill Gas-To-Energy Project Development Handbook

430B96030 Opportunities for Landfill Gas Energy Recovery in Washington: Draft Profiles of Candidate Landfills and Current Projects

430B96031 Opportunities for Landfill Gas Energy Recovery in Wisconsin: Draft Profiles of Candidate Landfills and Current Projects

430B96080 Helping Landfill Owners Achieve Effective, Low-Cost Compliance with Federal Landfill Gas Regulations

430B96081 Guide for Methane Mitigation Projects: Gas-to-Energy at Landfills and Open Dumps

430B97028 Manual on Environmental Issues Related to Geothermal Heat Pump Systems

430B97037 Opportunities for Landfill Gas Energy Recovery in Kansas: Draft Profiles of Candidate Landfills and Current Projects

430B97040 Putting Energy Into Profits Energy Star Small Business Guide

430B98000 Landfill Gas Projects in Washington

430D95001 Reducing Methane Emissions from Coal Mines in Russia: A Handbook for Expanding Coalbed Methane Recovery and Use in the Kuznetsk Coal Basin Public Review Draft

430D96001 A Guide for Methane Mitigation Projects : Gas-to-Energy at Coal Mines ; Draft

430DR92011 Assessment of Statistical Tests In 40 CFR 75.21 (FR, 12/3/91) Alternative Monitoring Systems

430F00002 El Paso Natural Gas Company Natural Gas Star Case Study Series

430F00003 Sun Safety for Kids: SunWise School Program

430F00005 Aircraft Contrails Factsheet

430F00008 SunWise Monitor Update on EPA's SunWise School Program, April 2000

430F00011 Global Warming and Our Changing Climate: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

430F00012 AgSTAR Digest

430F00014 Preparing for Global Warming: Smart Insurance

430F00015 Reducing GHG Emissions Through International Technology Transfer

430F00019 Sf6 Emissions Reduction Partnership for Electric Power Systems: An Opportunity for Industry

430F00021 Climate Change Solutions: Oregon Switches to Cleaner Power

430F01006 Adapting Boilers To Utilize Landfill Gas: Feasible And Cost-Effective

430F01010 Climate Change Solutions: Land and Water Fund of the Rockies Markets Green Power

430F01014 SunWise Monitor: Update on EPA's SunWise School Program, April 2001

430F01015 Sun Screen: The Burning Facts

430F01024 Climate Change and Coral Reefs: Sea Ecosystems at Risk

430F01027 Global Warming Wheel Card Classroom Activity Kit

430F01033 La Disminucion de la capa de ozono (Spanish)

430F01034 Medidas de seguridad para evitar danos a los ninos causados por la exposicion al sol: El Programa Escolar SunWise

430F01035 La radiacion ultravioleta (Spanish)

430F01036 Efectos de la sobreexposicion al sol sobre la salud (Spanish)

430F01037 Medidas para protegerse del sol (Spanish)

430F02004 Managing Manure With Biogas Recovery Systems Improved Performance At Competitive Costs

430F02006 Saving New Jersey's Vanishing Shores

430F02007 Saving Florida's Vanishing Shores

430F02008 In Brief U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory

430F02012 Powering Microturbines With Landfill Gas

430F02013 Landfill Methane Outreach Program, Creating Partnerships and Power From Landfill Gas

430F02014 EPA's Guide to Climate Change: Answers to Commonly Asked Questions. What Individuals Can do to Help Reduce Risk

430F02015 Summertime Saftey Keeping Kids Safe from Sun and Smog

430F02015ES Summertime Safety: Keeping Kids from Sun and Smog

430F02016 Change the World

430F02017 Cambia El Mundo: Money Isn't All You're Saving

430F02026 Building Owners Save Money, Save the Earth: Replace Your CFC Air Conditioning Chiller

430F02028 Agstar Digest, Winter 2003

430F03001 Smart Growth and Urban Heat Islands

430F03011 Sun Safety For Kids: The SunWise School Program

430F03013 A Hands-on Guide to Implementing the Natural Gas STAR Program

430F03014 Cooling Summertime Temperatures Strategies To Reduce Urban Heat Islands

430F03017 Change for the better with Energy Star Lighting

430F03019 Change for the better with Energy Star Appliances

430F03020 Change for the better with Energy Star Heating and Cooling

430F03023 New Homes Consumer Brochure

430F04002 Funding On-Farm Biogas Recovery Systems, A Guide to Federal and State Resources

430F04012 Sunwise Monitor March 2004

430F04014 UV Index And Air Quality Index

430F04020 A Guide To The UV Index

430F04024 Do-it-yourself Guide to ENERGY STAR Home Sealing: Sealing Air Leaks and adding Attic Insulation

430F04026 Sector fact sheet-hospitality

430F04027 Sector fact sheet - Healthcare

430F04028 Sector fact sheet - Commerical Real Estate

430F04029 Sector fact sheet - K-12 Schools

430F04033 Sector Fact Sheet - Corporate Real Estate

430F04048 Duct Sealing

430F04049 Home Sealing

430F04051 Integrating Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Measures in the

430F04052 Prevent Eye damage Protect Yourself from UV Radiation

430F04060 Sunwise Monitor: An Update On EPA's Sunwise Program

430F05009 Design to Earn the Energy Star

430F05016 Climate Leaders Program Guide

430F06002 Home Performance With Energy Star

430F06003 Energy Star Qualified Manufactured Homes

430F06003 Energy Star Qualified Manufactured Homes

430F06003S Energy Star Qualified Manufactured Homes {SPANISH}

430F06006 Clean Energy-Environment Guide to Action: Report Overview

430F06007 Clean Energy-Environment State Partnership Program

430F06008 Business Decision: Manage Energy Costs

430F06009 Helping Congregations Strengthen Stewardship


430F06011 Reducing SF6 Emissions Means Better Business for Utilities, PG&E Case Study

430F06013 The Burning Facts

430F06014 Fact Sheet What Is The Uv Index

430F06015 Green Power Partnership Brochure

430F06018 Prevent Eye Damage Protect Yourself From Uv Radiation

430F06019 Advertencia Para Los Consumidores Los Peligros de los Refrigerantes de Hidrocarburo Para el A/C de su Vehículo

430F06020 Become a Sunwise Partner; Make Sun Safety and Ozone Science Part of Your Educational Program

430F06021 Don't Just Replace a Light Shine

430F07004 U.S. Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: Fast Facts, Reference Tables, and Conversations, 1990 to 2005

430F07006 Climate Change and You: What You Can Do at Home

430F07007 Climate Change and You - What You Can Do at School

430F07008 Climate Change and You: What You Can Do on the Road

430F07009 Climate Change and You: What You Can Do at the Office

430F07011 Build Energy Star Qualified Homes

430F07016 The ENERGY STAR Challenge: Build a Better World 10% at a Time

430F07019 Energy Star for Your Business

430F07020 Energy Star at Home and Work

430F07021 Quick List of ENERGY STAR Resources for Buildings

430F07022 Quick List of ENERGY STAR Resources for Homes

430F07024 ENERGY STAR Overview of 2006 Achievements

430F07027 Help Us Change The World, One Energy Star Light at a Time {Brochure}

430F08011 Your Partner in Improving Operational Efficiency, Saving Money, and Reducing Emissions What is Natural Gas STAR?

430F08012 Home Electronics

430F08013 Office Equipment

430F08014 Appliances

430F08015 Heating and Cooling

430F08016 Lighting

430F08017 Bring Your Green to Work With Energy Star Live Green at Home With Energy Star

430F08019 Use Energy Information Services to Benchmark with ENERGY STAR

430F92013 Bright Investment In The Environment

430F92016 Fact Sheet: Acid Rain Program, Permits

430F92017 Fact Sheet: Auctions and Direct Sales

430F92019 Fact Sheet: Program Overview

430F92026 Environmental Benefits of Reducing Acid Rain

430F92027 Acid Rain Program

430F93004 Fact Sheet: Respiratory Health Effects of Passive Smoking

430F93004A Meeting Labeling Regulation Requirements: Final Rule Summary

430F93006 Air Conditioners and the Ozone Layer: Checklist for Citizen Action

430F93049 Energy Star Computers Introducing Energy Star Computers Program

430F93050 Green Lights Program Introducing Green Lights Program

430F93051 Energy Star Buildings Introducing Energy Star Building Program

430F93052 Energy Star Programs Energy Star Programs

430F93057 Accelerated Phaseout: Final Rule Summary

430F94002 Allowance Tracking System

430F94007 Protecting the Ozone Layer: A Checklist for Citizen Action

430F94009 Auto Air Conditioners and the Ozone Layer: Consumer Guide

430F94016 Federal Experimental Ultraviolet Index: What You Need to Know

430F94017 Experimental UV index The Experimental Ultraviolet Index Factsheet: Explaining the Index to the Public

430F94019 UV Index Bulletin of Sample Public Health Messages to Accompany UV Index

430F94036 Experimental UN Index Technical Appendices to the Experimental UV Index Factsheet

430F95003 Fact Sheet: UV Index: Health Effects of Overexposure to the Sun

430F95004 Sun Protection For Children

430F95006 Fact Sheet: UV Index: UV Radiation

430F95029 Coal Mine Profits and Environmental Protection Coalbed Methane Outreach Program

430F95032 Opt-In Program: Reducing the Cost of Acid Rain Control through Voluntary Participation

430F95048 Fact Sheet: The Opt-in Program

430F95079 Refrigeration, Your Business, and the CFC Phaseout

430F95092 Underhood Tips to Help Keep Your Cool: Servicing Vehicle Air-Conditioning Systems During the CFC Phaseout

430F95117 Fact Sheet: Final Rule Summary: Complying With the Section 608 Refrigerant Recycling Rule

430F95127 Listing of Lighting Resource Professionals A Green Lights Ally Directory

430F97007 What Is Your Share of $130 Billion?

430F97046 Landfill Gas: Creating Green Energy in your Community

430F97052 It's Your Choice: Retrofitting Your Car's A/C System

430F97069A Stratospheric Update: An Update on Ozone Protection Progress, September 1997

430F97092S Consejos Sobre Como Mantener El Acondicionador De Aire De Su Vehiculo Funcionando {spanish}

430F98080 EPA Coalbed Methane Outreach Program Technical Options Series: Coal Mine Methane Use In Fuel Cells

430F98081 EPA Coalbed Methane Outreach Program Technical Options Series: Enrichment of Medium Quality Coal Mine Gas

430F98082 EPA Coalbed Methane Outreach Program Technical Options Series: Coal Mine Methane Use In Brine Water Treatment

430F98083 EPA Coalbed Methane Outreach Program Technical Options Series: Generating Electricity With Coal Mine Methane-Fueled Micro Turbines

430F98084 EPA Coalbed Methane Outreach Program Technical Options Series: Using Coal Mine Methane To Heat Mine Ventilation Air

430F98085 EPA Coalbed Methane Outreach Program Technical Options Series: Use of Coal Mine Methane In Greenhouses

430F98086 EPA Coalbed Methane Outreach Program Technical Options Series: Conversion Of Coal Mine Ventilation Air Into Energy Using Oxidation Technologies

430F98087 EPA Coalbed Methane Outreach Program Technical Options Series: Use Of Coal Mine Methane In IC Engines At Coal Mines

430F98088 EPA Coalbed Methane Outreach Program Technical Options Series: Using Mine Ventilation Air As Combustion Air In Engines And Turbines

430F98089 EPA Coalbed Methane Outreach Program Technical Options Series: Use Of Coal Mine Methane In Blast Furnaces

430F98090 Coalbed Methane Clearinghouses: Introduction To Information Centers In Russia And China

430F99001 Methyl Bromide Alternatives

430F99005 Join the ENERGY STAR Partnership


430F99008 Coalbed Methane Outreach Program

430F99009 Stratospheric Update: Update on Ozone Protection Progress, September 1999

430F99023 Fact Sheet: Ozone Depletion

430F99024 Fact Sheet: UV Radiation

430F99025 Fact Sheet: Health Effects of Overexposure to the Sun

430F99026 Fact Sheet: Action Steps for Sun Protection

430F99033 Sunwise Monitor, November 1999

430H01001 Hagase Sunwise: Que es el indice UV? (Spanish)

430H02001 Hello Family! Did you know

430H04002 Energy Star guidelines for superior energy management {Poster}

430H05004 Beat The Heat 8 Simple Steps For Older Adults {poster}

430H06002 It's Never to Late to Be Sunwise {Poster}

430H99001 What is the UV Index? (8-1/2 X 11 Poster)

430K00001 Mission Sunwise

430K00002 Mission: Sunwise, Activity Book

430K00004 Creating an Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Set-Aside in the NOx Budget Trading Program Designing the Administrative and Quantitative Elements

430K00005 Sunwise School Program Guide (May '00)

430K0007 Global Warming - What's Your Score?

430K01006 Mision SunWise: Como te Proteges del Sol (Spanish)

430K01007 Mision Sunwise: Como te Proteges del Sol, Libro de Actividades

430K01009 Elmsol, la radiacion ultravioleta y usted: Gula Sunwise para la exposicion al sol

430K01010 Guia para el Programa Escolar SunWise

430K03002 Sunwise School Program Guide School Program That Radiates Good Ideas

430K04001 A Toolkit for States: Using Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs) to Promote Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE)

430K04003 Identifying Opportunities for Methane Recovery at U.S. Coal Mines: Profiles of Selected Gassy Underground Coal Mines, 1997-2001

430K04007 Mission: Sunwise Activity Book

430K04008 Mission:Sunwise

430K05003 Coalbed Methane Outreach Program

430K05004 Guide to Energy Efficient Heating and Cooling

430K05004S Guia para la Eficiencia de Energia en la Calefaccion y el Aire Acondicionado

430K05007 Teaming up to save energy: Protect our environment through energy efficiency

430K06005 A Beautiful World Starts with You

430K06005S Un Mundo Bello Comienza Contigo

430K06006 Protecting Our Environment Starts at Home 5 Steps You Can Take to Reduce Air Pollution

430K06006S Proteger a Nuestro Medio Ambiente Comienza En La Casa 5 Medidasque Puede Tomar Para Reducir La Contaminacion Ambiental

430K07005 Horton Activity Book (You Can Be An Energy Star)

430K93001 Protecting the Ozone Layer: Safe Disposal of Home Appliances Containing Ozone-Depleting Substances

430K93001A Green Lights An Enlightened Approach To Energy Efficiency And Pollution Prevention

430K93002 Moving to Alternative Refrigerants: 10 Case Histories; Comfort Coolers, Industrial Process, and Commercial Refrigeration

430K94003 Reducing Methane Emissions From Coal Mines in Russia and Ukraine: The Potential for Coalbed Methane Development

430K94004 The Climate is Right for Action Voluntary Programs to Prevent Atmospheric Pollution

430K94012 Solar Thermal Power and Clean Air Act Opportunities, Incentives from the Acid Rain Program

430K94021 UNEP: Montreal Protocol On Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer, Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1994

430K94022 UNEP: Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1994 Report of the Economics Options Committee, 1995 Assessment

430K94023 UNEP: Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1994 Report of the Technology and Economics Assessment Panel, 1995 Assessment

430K94027 UNEP: Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1994 Report of the Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps Technical Options Committee, 1995 Assessment

430K94028 UNEP: Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1994 Report of the Flexible and Rigid Foams Technical Options Committee, 1995 Assessment

430K94029 UNEP: Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1994 Report of the Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee, 1995 Assessment

430K94030 UNEP: Environmental Effects of Ozone Depletion, 1994 Assessment

430K95001 Learn About Lighting With Flossie

430K95003C Keeping Your Customer Cool: Servicing Vehicle Air-Conditioning Systems During The CFC Phaseout

430K95100 Highlights from EPA's ''Profitable Market Opportunities for Pollution Prevention'' Forum, 1995

430K96001 Energy Star Buildings: Tech Tips, Building Tune-Up, Findings and Results

430K96002 Small business: Save Money (Pamphlet)

430K98003 Newest Champions of the World: Winners of the 1997 Stratospheric Ozone Protection Awards

430K98004 Stay Healthy in the Sun: Information About UV Radiation for Meteorologists

430K98006 Stratospheric Update: An Update on Ozone Protection Progress

430K99003 Landfill Gas-to-Energy Project Opportunities Landfill Profiles for the State of Alabama

430K99005 Landfill Gas-to-Energy Project Opportunities Landfill Profiles for the State of Colorado

430K99009 Landfill Gas-to-Energy Project Opportunities Landfill Profiles for theState of Illinois

430K99028 Landfill Gas-to-Energy Project Opportunities Landfill Profiles for the State of Tennessee

430K99035 The Sun, UV, and You Guide to Sunwise Behavior

430K99036 Sunwise School Program Guide

430K99037 South Carolina State Landfill Gas Primer

430N00004 Coalbed Methane Extra - Fall 2006

430N01004 Natural Gas Star Summer 2001

430N02005 Natural GasStar Oct 2002

430N07001 Sunwise Monitor An Update on EPA's SunWise Program

430N08001 Sunwise Monitor, April 2008

430N94004 Countdown To CFC Phaseout 22 Months To Go

430N95001 Green Lights Update January-february 1995

430N95002 Green Lights Update March 1995

430N95003 Green Lights Update April 1995

430N95004 Green Lights Update May 1995

430N95005 Green Lights Update June 1995

430N95006 Green Lights Update July 1995

430N95007 Green Lights Update August 1995

430N95008 Green Lights Update September 1995

430N95009 Green Lights & Energy Star Update: Retail Partners Sold on Green Lights

430N99002 Energy Star Buildings And Green Lights Update Winter 1999 Issue

430N99003 Coalbed Methane Extra March

430N99004 Coalbed Methane Extra June

430N99007 Natural Gas Star Program Partner Update Spring 1999

430N99009 Energy Star Buildings And Green Lights Energy Star Building Label

430N99012 Natural Gas Program Partner Update STAR Program Expands to

430R00002 Carbon Dioxide as a Fire Suppressant: Examining the Risks

430R00004 Florida State Primer A Primer on Developing Florida's Landfill Gas-to-Energy Potential

430R00006 Climate Protection Division The Power To Make A Difference Energy Star And Other Partnership Programs

430R00007 1999 EPA Acid Rain Program Compliance Report

430R00008 Small Entity Compliance Guide Federal NOx Budget Trading Program 40 CFR Part 97

430R00011 Enhanced Gob Gas Recovery

430R01001 Coal Mine Methane In Ukraine: Opportunities For Production And Investment In The Donetsk Coal Basin

430R01002 Impacts of the Acid Rain Program on Coal Industry Employment

430R01003 Utah State Primer

430R01005 How to Measure the Effects of Acid Deposition: a Framework for Ecological Assessments

430R01006 Nitrogen: Multiple and Regional Impacts

430R01008 Acid Rain Program: Annual Progress Report 2000 Compliance and Emissions Trends

430R01009 The Power of Partnerships: ENERGY STAR and Other Voluntary Programs (2000 Annual Report)

430R02002 Partnerships and Progress: EPA State and Local Climate Change Program, 2001 Progress Report

430R02003 Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks : 1990-2000

430R02009 EPA Acid Rain Program 2001 Progress Report

430R02010 The Power of Partnerships: ENERGY STAR and Other Voluntary Programs (2001 Annual Report)

430R02011 Mississippi State Primer

430R03001 Industry Directory For On-Farm Biogas Recovery Systems

430R03002 Assessment of the Worldwide Market Potential for Oxidizing Coal Mine Ventilation Air Methane

430R03004 Inventory Of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions And Sinks: 1990-2001

430R03009 2002 Annual Report

430R03011 Acid Rain Program 2002 Progress Report

430R04001 Methane Emissions From Abandoned Coal Mines in the United States: Emissions Inventory Methodology and 1990-2002 Emissions Estimates

430R04002 Tennessee State Primer

430R04003 Inventory Of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions And Sinks: 1990-2002

430R04004 Characterization of Cover Gas Emissions from U.S. Magnesium Die Casting

430R04005 Funding Opportunities Directory Of Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy And Environmental Protection Assistance Programs

430R04007 United States Canada Air Quality Agreement Progress Report 2004

430R04008 Documentation Summary for EPA Base Case 2004 (v.2.1.9) Using the Integrated Planning Model

430R04009 EPA Acid Rain Program 2003 Progress Report

430R04010 NOx Budget Trading Program 2003 Progress and Compliance Report

430R04011 PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT? TOGETHER: ENERGY STAR and Other Voluntary Programs (2003 Annual Report)

430R05002 Decade of change in home building with ENERGY STAR: Market transformation through effective public-private partnerships, 1995-2005

430R05003 Inventory Of US Greenhouse Gas Emissions And Sinks 1990-2003

430R05005 United States - Canada Emissions Cap and Trading Feasibility Study Border Air Quality Strategy

430R05007 Atmosphere in Motion Results from the National Deposition Monitoring Networks 2005 Atlas

430R05010 INVESTING IN OUR FUTURE: ENERGY STAR and Other Voluntary Programs (2004 Annual Report)

430R05012 Acid Rain Program Annual Progress Report

430R06001 Clean Energy-Environment Guide to Action Policies, Best Practices, and Action Steps for States

430R06002 Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2004

430R06003 Global Anthropogenic Non-co2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 1990-2020

430R06005 Global Mitigation On Non-co2 Greenhouse Gases

430R06006 Final Report Environmental Footprints and Costs of Coal-Based Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle and Pulverized Coal Technologies

430R06007 Alternatives to SF6 for Magnesium Melt Protection

430R06011 Funding Opportunities: A Directory of Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, and Environmental Protection Assistance Programs

430R06012 2006 US-Canada Air Quality Agreement Progress Report

430R06013 NOx Budget Trading Program: 2005 Program Compliance and Environmental Results

430R06014 Energy Star And Other Climate Protection Partnerships 2005 Annual Report

430R06014 ENERGY STAR and Other Voluntary Programs (2005 Annual Report)

430R06015 Acid Rain Program 2005 Progress Report

430R06900 National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency

430R06901 Uses and Emissions of Liquid PFC Heat Transfer Fluids from the Electronics Sector

430R06902 Electric Power and Clean Air: Going Forward from Our Past

430R07001 Achievements in Stratospheric Ozone Protection; Progress Report

430R07002 Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2005 {Includes CD}

430R07003 Opportunities for and Benefits of Combined Heat and Power At Wastewater Treatment Facilities

430R07008 Characterization of Emissions and Occupational Exposure Associated with Five Cover Gas Technologies for Magnesium Die Casting

430R07009 NOx Budget Trading Program: 2006 Program Compliance and Environmental Results

430R07010 Energy Star and Other Climate Protection Partnerships 2006 Annual Report


430R08005 Inventory of Us Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks 1990-2006

430R08006 Climate Leaders Greenhouse Gas Inventory Protocol Core Module Guidance Optional Emissions from Commuting, Business Travel and Product Transport

430R08007 Climate Leaders: Guide to Greenhouse Gas Management for Small Business & Low Emitters

430R08010 Theoretical Analysis of Alternative Supermarket Refrigeration Technologies

430R86001 Health Effects of Industrial Aerosols Final Progress Report

430R92007 Experimental Investigation of R-22 Replacement Refrigerants in a Split-System Residential Air Conditioner

430R92009 Finite Element Analysis of Heat Transfer Through the Gasket Region of Refrigerator/Freezer

430R92011 NESHAPS Rulemaking on Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Agreement State Licensees Other Than Nuclear Power Reactors: Background Information Document

430R92110 Vacuum Panel and Thick Wall Foam Insulation for Refrigerators: Cost Estimates for Manufacturing and Installation, October 1992

430R93002 Technical Documentation for Phase II Allowance Allocations : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Acid Rain Program

430R93003 Anthopogenic Methane Emissions In The United States Report To Congress, Estimate For 1990

430R93006 Options For Methods Reducing Methane Emissions Internationally, Volume 1 Technological Options

430R93006B Options For Reducing Methane Emissions Internationally, Volume 2 International Opportunities For Reducing Methane Emissions

430R93006C An Introduction to Options for Reducing Methane Emissions from Coal Mines

430R93009 State of the Art Survey of Motor Technology Applicable to Hermetic Compressors for Domestic Refrigerator/Freezers

430R93010 State of the Art Survey of Hermetic Compressor Technology Applicable to Domestic Refrigerator/Freezers

430R93011 Current and Future Methane Emissions From Natural Sources Report To Congress

430R93012 Opportunities To Reduce Anthropogenic Methane Emissions In The United States Report To Congress, October 1993

430R93013 Acid Rain Program: Allowance Allocations and Reserves, 1993

430R94003 Vacuum Panel and Thick Wall Foam Insulation for Refrigerators: Cost Estimates for Manufacturing and Installation, Part 2, January 1994

430R94007 Environmental and Economic Benefits of Coalbed Methane Development in the Appalachian Region

430R94009 Cleaning the Air at Least Cost PUC Options for Treatment of SO2 Allowances

430R94010 Acid Rain Program: Conservation and Renewable Energy Reserve

430R94011 Energy-Efficient Refrigerator Prototype Test Results

430R94016 Operator's Guide to Eliminating Bias in CEM Systems

430R95001A Acid Deposition Standard Feasibility Study

430R95003 Reducing Methane Emissions from Coal Mines in Poland A Handbook for Expanding Coalbed Methand Recovery and Utilization in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin

430R95004 Green Lights, 4th Annual Report

430R95019 Qs and As on Ozone Depleting Solvents and Their Substitutes, 1995

430R96004 Acid Rain Program Update 3 Technology And Innovation

430R96005 Reducing Methane Emissions From Coal Mines in China: The Potential for Coalbed Methane Development Public Review Draft

430R96008 Moving to Alternative Refrigerants: 6 Case Histories, Comfort Coolers and Commercial Refrigeration, Update

430R96012 1995 Compliance Results Acid Rain Program

430R96021 Stratospheric Ozone Protection: Alternatives to Methyl Bromide, Ten Case Studies, Soil, Commodity, and Structural Use, Volume 2

430R97002 Green Lights And Energy Star Buildings 1996 Year In Review

430R97012 Technical and Economic Assessment of Potential to Upgrade Gob Gas to Pipeline Quality

430R97023 Champions of the World: Stratospheric Ozone Protection Awards

430R97025 1996 Compliance Report Acid Rain Program

430R97030 Stratospheric Ozone Protection: Alternatives to Methyl Bromide 10 Case Studies; Soil, Commodity, and Structural Use, Volume 3

430R97900 Technical and Economic Feasibility of Replacing Methylbromide in Developing Countries: Case Studies in Zimbabwe, Thailand and Chile

430R98003 Making Coal Mine Methane Work For You: A Guide to Coal Mine/Greenhouse Projects

430R98007 Technical and Economic Assessment of Coal Mine Methane in Coal-Fired Utility and Industrial Boilers in Northern Appalachia and Alabama

430R98012 1997 Compliance Report Acid Rain Program

430R98013 National Allowance Data Base Version 2.2 Technical Support Document 1998 Revision

430R98019 Technical and Economic Assessment of Coalbed Methane Storage in Abandoned Mine Workings

430R98023 White Paper: The Impacts of FERC Order 636 on Coal Mine Gas Project Development

430R98024 Ruminant Livestock Efficiency Program : Annual Conference Proceedings ; November 3-5, 1998

430R99001 International Efforts to Reduce Perfluorocarbon (PFC) Emissions From Primary Aluminum Production

430R99002 Reflecting On The Value of Energy Efficiency Energy Star Buildings and Green Lights 1998 Year in Review

430R99005 DRIVING INVESTMENT IN ENERGY EFFICIENCY Energy Star and Other Voluntary Programs 1998 Annual Report

430R99005 DRIVING INVESTMENT IN ENERGY EFFICIENCY: ENERGY STAR and Other Voluntary Programs (1998 Annual Report)

430R99006 Wisconsin State Primer

430R99007 Georgia State Primer

430R99009A EPA Flow Reference Method Testing And Analysis Findings Report

430R99010 Compliance Report Acid Rain Program 1998

430R99011 Progress Report on the EPA Acid Rain Program

430r99012 Conceptual Design for a Coal Mine Gob Well Flare

430R99013 U.S. Methane Emissions 1990-2020: Inventories, Projections, and Opportunities for Reductions

430R99014 White Paper: Opportunities For Coal Mine Gas Projects Created By Electric Industry Restructuring

430R99015 Design for a Program to Measure the Effectiveness of Passive Radon-Resistant New Construction

430S05001 Executive Summary Of The Inventory Of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions And Sinks: 1990-2003

430S06001 Inventory Of Us Greenhouse Gas Emissions And Sinks 1990-2003, Executive Summary

430S06003 Summary of the Financial Benefits of ENERGY STAR Labeled Buildings

430S94001 Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1994, Executive Summary

430SW73C Wichita's Municipal Solid Waste Management System A Case Study

430SW81C Detroits Municipal Solid Waste Management System A Case Study

4401280002 Guidelines For Review Of Highway Source Emission Inventories For 1982 State Implementation Plans

440173001 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Flat Glass Segment Of The Glass Manufacturing Point Source Category

440173001A Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for Fiberglass Manufacturing Segment of the Glass Manufacturing Point Source Category

440173002 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards Beet Sugar Segment Of The Sugar Processing Point Source Category

440173002A Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Cane Sugar Refining Segment Of The Sugar Processing Point Source Category

440173003 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards Copper, Nickel, Chromium and Zinc Segment Of The Electroplating Point Source Category

440173004 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards Feedlots Point Source Category

440173005 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards Of Performance Cement Manufacturing Category

440173006 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines For The: Phophorus Derived Chemicals

440173009 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Major Organic Products Segment For The Organic Chemicals Manufacturing

440173010 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Synthetic Resins Segment Of The Plastics and Synthetic Materials Manufacturing

440173011 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Basic Fertilizer Chemicals Segment Of The Fertilizer Manufacuring

440173012 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards Red Meat Processing Segments Of The Meat Products Point Source Category

440173013 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Tire And Synthetic Segment Of The Rubber Processing Point Source Category

440173019 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Primary Aluminum Smelting Subcategory Of The Aluminum Segment

440173019A Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Primary Aluminum Smelting Subcategory Of The Aluminum Segment

440173019B Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Secondary Aluminum Smelting Subcategory Of The Aluminum Segment

440173021 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Dairy Product Processing Point Source Category

440173024 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Steel Making Segment Of The Iron and Steel Manufacturing Point Source Category

440173027 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Citrus Apple And Potato Segment Of The Canned And Preserved Fruits And Vegetables

440173028 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Grain Processing Segment Of The Grain Mills Point Source Category

440174001B Insulation Fiberglass: Manufacturing Segment Of The Glass Manufacturing Point Source Category

440174001C Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Flat Glass Segment of the Glass Manufacturing Point Source Category, Final, January 1974

440174002B Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards of Performance for New Sources; BEET SUGAR PROCESSING Subcategory of the Sugar Processing Point Source Category

440174002C Cane Sugar Refining: Segment Of The Sugar Processing

440174003A Copper, Nickel, ChroMium, And Zinc Segment Of The Electroplating

440174004A Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines for the Feedlots Point Source Category

440174005A Cement Manufacturing

440174007A Major Inorganic Products

440174008A Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Smelting And Slag Processing

440174009A Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Major Organic Products

440174010A Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the SYNTHETIC RESINS Segment of the Plastics and Synthetic Materials Manufacturing Point Source Category

440174011A Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The: Basic Fertilizer Chemical

440174012A Red Meat Processing: Segment Of The Meat Product

440174013A Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Tire and Synthetic Segment of the Rubber Processing Point Source Category

440174014A Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Petroleum Refining

440174015 Development Document For Proposed Best Technology Available For Minimizing Adverse Environmental Impact Of Cooling Water Intake Structures

440174016A Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Leather Tanning and Finishing Point Source Category

440174017A Building, Construction, And Paper Segment Of The Asbestos Manufacturing

440174018A Soap And Detergent: Manufacturing Point Source Category

440174019C Bauxite Refining Subcategory Of The Aluminum Segment Of The Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing

440174019E Secondary Aluminum Smelting

440174020A Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Catfish, Crab, Shrimp, And Tuna

440174021A Dairy Product Processing

440174022 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Performance Standards For The Textile Mills Point Source Category

440174022A Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Textile Mills

440174023A Plywood, HardBoard, And Wood Preserving

440174024A Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Steel Making

440174025A Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines For: Unbleached Kraft & Semichemical Pulp

440174027A Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Apple, Citrus And Potato

440174028A Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Grain Processing Segment of the Grain Mills Point Source Category

440174028B Supplement To Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Corn Wet Milling Subcategory Grain Processing

440174030A Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Fabricated and Reclaimed Rubber Segment of the Rubber Processing Point Source Category

440174031 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The PROCESSOR

440174031D Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Renderer Segment Of The Meat Products

440174033 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines For The Wet Storage, Sawmills

440174033A Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Wood Furniture and Fixture Manufacturing Point Source Category

440174034 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Pressed And Blown Glass Segment Of The Glass Manufacturing

440174035 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Textile, Friction Materials and Sealing Devices Segment Of The Asbestos Point Source Category

440174035A Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines For The Textile Friction Materials And Sealing Devices

440174036 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Synthetic Polymers Segment Of The Plastics and Synthetic Materials Mfg Point Source Category

440174036A Addendum To Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines For The: Synthetic Resins

440174039 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Animal Feed, Breakfast Cereal, and Wheat Starch Segments Of The Grain

440174039A Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Animal Feed, Breakfast Cereal, and Wheat Starch Segment of the Grain Mills Point Source Category

440174041 Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Fish Meal, Salmon, Bottom Fish, Clam, Oyster, Scallop and Abalone Point Source Category

440174042 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Formulated Fertilizer Segment Of The Fertilizer Manufacturing Point Source Category

440174049 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Paving and Roofing Materials, Tars and Asphalt Point Source Category

44017418 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Soap and Detergent Manufacturing Point Source Category

440175 Development Document For Efflent Limitations Guidelines And Performance Standards Concrete Products Industries

440175031B Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Poultry

440175032 Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Proposed New Source Performance Standards For The Zinc Segment Of The Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing

440175032A Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Proposed New Source Performance Standards For The Lead Segment Of The Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing

440175032B Primary Copper Smelting Subcatergory And The Primary Copper Redefining Subcategory Of The Copper

440175032C Development Document For Intrim Final Effuent Limitations Guidelines And Proposed New Source Performance Standards For The Secondary Copper

440175034A Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Pressed And Blown Glass

440175036B Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performances Standards For The: Synthetic Polymers

440175037 Development Document For Interim Final and Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Proposed New Source Performance Standards For The Significant Inorganic Products Segment

440175038 Development Document for Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Proposed New Source Performance Standards for the Calcium Carbide Segment of the Ferroalloy Manufacturing Point Source Category

440175038A Development Document for Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Proposed New Source Performance Standards for the Electrolytic Ferroalloys Segment of the Ferroalloy Manufacturing Point Source Category

440175040 Development Document for Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Proposed New Source Performance Standards for the COMMON AND PRECIOUS METALS Segment of the ELECTROPLATING Point Source Category

440175040A Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations and New Source Performance Standards For The Metal Finishing Segment Of The Electroplating Manufacturing Point Source Category

440175041A Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Fish Meal, Salmon, Bottom Fish, Clam, Oyster, Sardine, Scallop, Herring and Abalone Segment of the Canned and Preserved Fish and Seafood Processing Industry

440175042A Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The: Formulated Fertilizer

440175043 Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Proposed New Source Performance Standards For The Other Non-fertilizer Phosphate Chemicals

440175043A Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines For The: Other Non-Fertilizer Phophate Chemicals

440175044 Development Document for Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Proposed New Source Performance Standards for the Raw Cane Sugar Processing Segment for the Sugar Processing Point Source Category

440175045 Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Significant Organic Products

440175046 Development Document For Interim Final And Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Fruits, Vegetables And Specialties

440175047 Development Document For Advanced Notice Of Proposed Or Promulgated Rule Making For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Group I, Phase II

440175048 Development Document for Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Periormance Standards for the Hot Forming and Cold Finishing Segment of the Iron and Steel Manufacturing Point Source Catego

440175049A Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Paving and Roofing Materials (Tars and Asphalt), Point Source Category

440175050 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Paint Formulating and The Ink Formulating

440175050A Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Oil Base Solvent Wash Subcategories Of The Paint Formulating and The Ink Formulating

440175055 Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Offshore Segment Of The Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category

440175057 Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines For The Coal Mining

440175059B Development Document For The: Minerals For The Construction Industry VOL. 1

440175059D Development Document For Intrim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Clay, Ceramic, Refractory And Micellaneous Minerals Vol. iii

440175060 Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Proposed New Source Performance Standards For The Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Point Source Category

440175060D Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines For The Pesticide Chemical Manufacturing Point Source Catergory

440175061 Development Document For Interim Final and Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Ore Mining and Dressing Industry Point Source Category Volume I

440175061C Development Document for Interim Final and Proposed Effluent Limitations Guideline and New Source Performance Standards for the Ore Mining and Dressing Industry Point Source Category Volume 2

440176015A Development Document for Best Technology Available for the Location, Design, Construction, and Capacity of Cooling Water Intake Structures for Minimizing Adverse Environmental Impact

440176047A Development Document For Interim Final And Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines And Proposed New Source Performance For The Volume 1 Segment Of The Pulp, Paper & Paperboard

440176047B Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines(BPCTCA) For The Bleached Kraft, Groundwood, Sulfite.Soda, Deink

440176048B Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines And Proposed New Source Performance Standards For The Forming Finishing And Specialty Steel Segments

440176048B2 Development Document for Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Proposed New Source Performance Standards for the Forming, Finishing and Specialty Steel Vol 2

440176055A Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Proposed New Source Performance Standards For The Oil & Gas Extraction Point Source Category

440176057A Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Coal Mining Point Source Category

440176059A Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards Of Performance Mineral Mining and Processing Industry

440176059B Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Mineral Mining and Processing Industry; Point Source Category, Final

440176060B Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations, Guidelines and Proposed New Source Performance Standards For The Gum and Wood Chemicals Manufacturing Point Source Category

440176060H Development Document for Interim Final Effluent Limitations, Guidelines and Proposed New Source Performance Standards for the Carbon B;ack Manufacturing Point Source Category

440176060J Development Document for Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Proposed New Source Performance Standards for the Explosives Manufacturing Point Source Category

440176060L Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Proposed New Sources Performance Standards For Photographic Processing

440176060N Development Document For Interim Final Effluent Limitations, Guidelines And Proposed New Source Performance Standards For The Hospital Point Source Category

440176081C Supplemental For Pretreatment To The Interim Final Development Document For The Secondary Aluminum Segment Of The Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Point Source Category

440176082 Supplement For Pretreatment To The Development Document For The Leather Tanning and Finishing

440176083A Interim Final Supplement For Pretreatment To The Development Document For The Petroleum Refining Industry Existing Point Source Category

440176084 Supplement For Pretreatment To The Development Document For The Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category {Draft}

4401765011 Land Use Water Quality Relationship Documentation Report Of Models

440177002 Economic Analysis Of Interim Final Pretreatment Standards For The Petroleum Refining Industry {Sobotka & Company, Inc }

440177007A Estuarine Pollution Control And Assessment Proceedings Of A Conference Volume 1

440177007B Estuarine Pollution Control And Assessment Proceedings Of A Conference Volume 2

440177009 Economic Analysis Of Pretreatment Standards For The Textile Industry

440177011 Study Of The Environmental Benefits Of Proposed Batea and Nsps Effluent Limitations For The Offshore Segment Of The Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category


440177081D Supplemental For Pretreatment To The Interim Final Development Document For The Secondary Copper Segment Of The Nonferrous Metals Mfg

440177084 Supplement For Pretreatment To The Development Document For The Steam Electric Generating Point Source Category

440177087A Supplement For Pretreatment To The Development Document For The: Inorganic Chemicals

440178028B Supplemental To Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines Existing Sources For The Corn Wet Milling Subcategory To The Grain Processing Of The Grain Point Source Category

440178085 Development Document For Proposed Existing Source Pretreatment Standards For The Electroplating Point Source Category

440178090 Guidance Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for Concrete Products, Point Source Category

4401790014b Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And Standards For The: Petroleum Refining

440179003 Development Document For Existing Source Pretreatment Standards For The Electroplating

440179007 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Inorganic Chemicals Manufacturing Point Source Category

440179016 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards: Leather Tanning and Finishing Point Source Category Proposed

440179019A Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Point Source Category

440179022b Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Textile Mills: Point Source Category

440179023B Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Timber Products Processing

440179049B Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Paint Formulating Point Source Category

440179076B Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Shipbuilding and Repair; Point Source Category (Draft)

440179078b Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Gum and Wood Chemicals Manufacturing: Point Source Category

440179078B Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And Standards For The Gum And Wood Chemicals Mfg

440179090B Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Ink Formulating: Point Source Category

440179102 Self-monitoring Program Analytical Methods Package (Organic Chemicals)

440179200 Evaluation Of Performance Capability Of Surface Mine Sediment Basins {Draft}

440179300 Fate of Priority Pollutants in Publicly Owned Treatment Works: Pilot Study

440180020 Report To Congress: Section 74 Seafood Processing Study Executive Summary

440180025B Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pulp, Paper and Paperboard and the Builders' Paper and Board Mills

440180029B Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Steam Electric Point Source Category

440180075A Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Electrical and Electronic Components Point Source Category

440180103 Treatability Studies for the Inorganic Chemicals Manufacturing Point Source Category

440180301 Fate Of Priority Pollutants In Publicly Owned Treatment Works Interim Report

440181023 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Timber Products

440181057B Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines, New Source Performance Standards, and Pretreatment Standards For The Coal Mining Point Source Cat

440181071B Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Coil Coating Point Source Category

440181072B Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Porcelain Enameling Point Source Category

4401810829 Guidance Document for the Control of Water Pollution int the: Photographic Processing Industry

440182007 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And Standards For The: Inorganic Chemicals Manufacturing

440182014 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And Standards For The Petroleum Refining Point Source Category

440182016 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Leather Tanning and Finishing Point Source Category

440182022 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And Standards For The Textile Mills

440182024 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines New Source Performance Standards For The Iron and Steel Manufacturing Point Source Category

440182024A Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Iron and Steel Manufacturing, Volume I

440182024B Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Iron and Steel Manufacturing, Point Source Category, Volume 2, Final

440182024C Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Iron and Steel Manufacturing: Point Source Category, Volume 3, Steel Making Subcategory, Vacuum Degassing Subcategory, Continuous Casting Subcategory

440182024D Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Iron and Steel Manufacturing: Point Source Category, Volume 4, Hot Foam Subcategory

440182024E Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Iron and Steel Manufacturing: Point Source Category, Volume 5, Salt Bath Descaling Subcategory, Acid Pickling Subcategory

440182024F Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Iron and Steel Manufacturing: Point Source Category, Volume 6, Cold Forming Subcategory, Alkaline Cleaning Subcategory, Hot Coating Subcategory

440182025 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And Standards For The Pulp, Paper And Paperboard

440182029 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Steam Electric Point Source Category

440182057 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Coal Mining Point Source Category, Final, September 1982

440182061 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Ore Mining and Dressing Point Source Category, Final, November 1982

440182061b Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Ore Mining and Dressing Point Source Category Proposed

440182061B Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Ore Mining and Dressing Point Source Category

440182067B Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Battery Manufacturing Point Source Category

440182070B Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Metal Molding and Casting (Foundries) Point Source Category

440182070B1 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Metal Molding and Casting (Foundries) Point Source Category, Volume 1

440182070B2 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Metal Molding and Casting (Foundries) Point Source Category, Volume 2

440182071 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Coil Coating Point Source Category Phase I, October 1982

440182072 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Porcelain Enameling, Final November 1982

440182073B Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And Standards For The Aluminum Forming

440182074B Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Copper Forming Point Source Category, Proposed

440182075B Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And Standards For The Electrical Components

440182079B Development Document For Expanded Best Practicable Control Technology, Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology, Best Available Technology, New Source Performance Technology

440182084 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pharmaceutical Point Source Category, Proposed November 1982

440182091B Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Metal Finishing Point Source Category

440182303 Fate of Priority Pollutants in Publicly Owned Treatment Works, Volume I

440182303B Fate of Priority Pollutants in Publicly Owned Treatment Works, Volume 2

440183007B Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Inorganic Chemicals Point Source Category, Phase II

440183009B Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Organic Chemicals and Plastics and Synthetic Fibers Vol 1 (brt) (feb 1983)

440183009B2 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And Standards For The Organic Chemicals And Plastics And Synthetic Fibers Vol2 (bat) (feb1983)

440183019B Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And Standards For The Nonferrous Metals

440183019B3 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Nonferrous Metals Point Source Category Volume 3

440183071 Development Document for Effluent Limitations GuideLines and Standards for the Coil Coating Point Source Category (Canmaking Subcategory)

440183071B Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Coil Coating (Canmaking Subcategory, March 1983)

440183075 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Electrical and Electronic Components Point Source Category, Phase I

440183075B Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Electrical and Electronic Components Point Source Category Phase II, February 1983

440183079C Test Methods Methods For Nonconventional Pesticides Chemicals Analysis Of Industrial and Municipal Wastewater

440183084 Development Document for Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines, New Source Performance Standards and Pretreatment Standards for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Point Source Category

440183084B Proposed Development Document for New Source Performance Standards for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Point Source Category

440183091 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Metal Finishing Point Source Category

440183304 Combined Sewer Overflow Toxic Pollutant Study Pilot Study

440183400 Summary Of Available Information On The Levels and Control Of Toxic Pollutants Discharges In The Printing and Publishing Point Source Category

440184007 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Inorganic Chemicals Point Source Category

440184019B Development Proposed Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Nonferrous Metals Forming and Iron and Steel, Copper Forming, Aluminum Metal

440184019B1 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Nonferrous Metals (proposed) Point Source Category Phase II Bauxite Refining

440184019B10 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Nonferrous Metals Point Source Category Phase II (Proposed) Secondary Nickel

440184019B2 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Nonferrous Metals (proposed) Point Source Category Phase II Secondary Mercury

440184019B3 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Nonferrous Metals (proposed) Point Source Category Phase II Primary Precious Metals and Mercury

440184019B4 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Nonferrous Metals (proposed) Point Source Category Phase II Primary and Secondary Tin

440184019B5 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Nonferrous Metals (proposed) Point Source Category Phase II Primary Antinomy

440184019B6 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Nonferrous Metals (proposed) Point Source Category Phase II Primary and Secondary Titanium

440184019B7 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Nonferrous Metals (proposed) Point Source Category Phase II Secondary Precious Metals

440184019B8 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Nonferrous Metals Point Source Category Phase II (proposed) Secondary Uranium

440184019B9 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Nonferrous Metals Point Source Category Phase II (proposed) Primary Molybdenum and Rhenium

440184019BA Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Nonferrous Metals Point Source Category Phase II (proposed) General Development Document

440184067 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Battery Manufacturing, Subcategory: Lead, Volume 2

440184067A Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Battery Manufacturing, Subcategories: Cadmium, Calcium, Leclanche, Lithium, Magnesium, Zinc, Volume 1

440184069 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Plastics Molding and Forming Point Source Category

440184069B Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Plastics Molding and Forming Point Source Category

440184073 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Aluminum Forming Point Source Category

440184073A Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Aluminum Forming, Point Source Category, Volume 1, Final

440184073B Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Aluminum Forming, Point Source Category, Volume 2, Final

440184074 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidlines and Standards for the Copper Forming Point Source Category

440184075 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines For The Electrical and Electronic Components Point Source Category Phase 2

440184091G Guidance Manual for Electroplating and Metal Finishing Pretreatment Standard

440185009T Guidance Manual for Implementing Total Toxic Organics (TTO) Pretreatment Standards

440185035 Proceedings of Eighth Annual Analytical Symposium, April 3-4, 1985, Norfolk, Virginia

440185055 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Offshore Subcategory Of The Oil & Gas Extraction Point Source Category

440185061B Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards For The Ore Mining and Dressing

440185070 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Metal Molding and Casting (Foundries): Point Source Category, Final

440185079 Dvelopment Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And Standards For The Pesticides: Point Source Category

440186016 Proceedings of Analytical Symposium, 8th Annual, March 19-20, 1986, Norfolk, Virginia

440186016S Supplementary Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines for the Leather Tanning and Finishing Point Source Category

440186019 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines And Standards For The Nonferrous Metals Forming And Metal Powders Point Source Category Volume 3

440186019V1 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Forming and Metal Powders Point Source Category Volume 1

440186019V2 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Forming and Metal Powders Point Source Category Vol II

440186019V3 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Forming and Metal Powders, Volume III

440186025 Development Document for Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology Effluent Limitations Guidelines for the Pulp, Paper and Paperboard and the Builders' Paper and Board Mills Point Source Categories, (Final)

440186084 Development Document for Final Best Conventional Technology Effluent Limitations Guidelines for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Point Source Category Final

440186093 Multimedia Technical Support Document for the Ethanol-for-Fuel Industry

440187009 Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Leather Tanning and Finishing Point Source Category

440187009A Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Organic Chemicals, Plastics and Synthetic Fibers; Point Source Category, Volume I

440187009B Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Organic Chemicals, Plastics and Synthetic Fibers; Point Source Category, Volume 2

440187014 Guidance Manual For Battery Manufacturing Pretreatment Standards

440187015 Proceedings: Analytical Symposium, 10th Annual, May 13-14, 1987, Norfolk, Virginia

440188016S Supplemental Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Leather Tanning And Finishing Point Source Category

440188025 US EPA / Paper Industry Cooperative Dioxin Screening Study

440189014 Preliminary Data Summary for the Used Oil Reclamation and Re-Refining Industry

440189019.1 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Point Source Category, Volume 1 General

440189019.10 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Point Source Category, Volume 10

440189019.2 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Point Source Category, Bauxite Refining Primary Aluminum Smelting Secondary Aluminum Smelting, Volume 2

440189019.3 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Point Source Category, Volume 3

440189019.4 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Point Source Category, Primary Zinc, Lead, Antimony, Secondary Lead, Primary Antimony

440189019.5 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Point Source Category, Volume 5

440189019.6 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Point Source Category, Volume 6

440189019.7 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Point Source Category, Volume 7, Primary Beryllium, Primary Nickel and Cobalt, Secondary Nickel, Secondary Tin, Final

440189019.8 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Point Source Category: Volume 8 Primary Columbium - Tantalum, Secondary Tantalum, Secondary Uranium, Final

440189019.9 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Point Source Category, Volume 9

440189023 Method 1624: Volatile Organic Compounds by Isotope Dilution GCMS. Method 1625: Semivolatile Organic Compounds by Isotope Dilution GCMS

440189024 Sampling Procedures and Protocols For The National Sewage Sludge Survey

440189025 Preliminary Data Summary for the Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Point Source Category

440189044 Report on the Evaluation of Wastewater Discharges from Raw Cane Sugar Mills on the Hilo-Hamakua Coast of the Island of Hawaii

440189050 Preliminary Data Summary For The Paint Formulatin Point Source Category

440189060E Preliminary Data Summary for the Pesticide Chemicals Point Source Category

440189060N Preliminary Data Summary for the Hospitals Point Source Category

440189084 Preliminary Data Summary For The Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Point Source Category

440189101 Preliminary Data Summary for the Drum Reconditioning Industry

440189102 Preliminary Data Summary for the Solvent Recycling Industry

440189104 Preliminary Data Summary For The Transportation Equipment Cleaning Industry

440189105 Preliminary Data Summary for the Coastal, Onshore and Stripper Subcategories of the Oil Gas Extraction Point Source Category

440189106 Preliminary Data Summary for the Machinery Manufacturing and Rebuilding Industry

440191009A Supplement to the OCPSF Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Organic Chemicals, Plastics, and Synthetic Fibers Point Source Category

440191009B Re-evaluation of the Economic Impact Analysis of Effluent Limitations Guidelines for the Organic Chemicals, Plastics, and Synthetic Fibers Industry Using Revised Compliance Costs

440191023 Preliminary Data Summary for the Wood Preserving Segment of the Timber Products Processing Point Source Category

440277003 Economic Impact Of Final Pretreatment Standards On The Leather Tanning and Finishing Industry

440279017 Economic Impact Analysis Of Alternative Pollution Control Technologies Wet Process Hardboard and Insulation Board Subcategories Of The Timber Products Industry

440279018 Economic Impact Analysis Of Alternative Pollution Control Technologies Wood Preserving Subcategories Of The Timber Products Industry

440279019 Economic Impact Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines, New Source Performance Standards and Pretreatment Standards For The Leather Tanning and Finishing Industry

440279020 Economic Impact Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines, New Source Performance Standards and Pretreatment Standards For The Textile Mills Point Source Category

440279030 Economic Impact Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines, New Source Performance Standards and Pre-treatment Standards For The Gum and Wood Chemicals Manufacturing

440280001 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Revised Effluent Guidelines and Standards For The Paint Manufacturing Industry

440280008 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Revised Effluent Guidelines and Standards For The Inorganic Chemicals Industry

440280082 Economic Impact Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Standards And Limitations For The Porcelain Enameling Industry

440280083 Background Document For Modification Of Ph Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For Point Sources Required By Npdes Permit To Monitor Continuously Effluent Ph

440280085A Economic Impact Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines, New Source Performance Standards, and Pretreatment Standards, For The Coal Mining Point Source Category, Volume 1

440280085B Economic Impact Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines, New Source Performance Standards, and Pretreatment Standards, For The Coal Mining Point Source Category, Volume 2


440281009 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines, New Source Performance Standards, and Pretreatment Standards For The Iron and Steel Manufacturing Point Source Category

440281023 Economic Impact Analysis Of Pollution Control Technologies For Segments Of The Inorganic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry

440282001 Economic Impact Analysis Of Effluent Limitations and Standards For The Textile Mills Industry

440282003 Economic Impact Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Limitations and Standards For The Electrical and Electronic Components Industry

440282004 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Standards and Limitations For The Metal Finishing Industry

440282006 Economic Impact Analysis Of Effluent Limitations and Standards For The Coal Mining Industry

440282007 Economic Impact Analysis Of Effluent Limitations and Standards For The Petroleum Refining Industry

440282009 Economic Impact Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Standards and Limitations For The Pesticides Industry

440282010 Economic Analysis Of Effluent Limitations And Standards For The Coil Coating Industry

440282011 Economic Impact Analysis Of Effluent Limitations and Standards For The Copper Forming Industry

440282013 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Standards and Limitations For The Pharmaceutical Industry

440282014 Economic Impact Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Limitations and Standards For The Deink Subcategory In The Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Industry

440282015 Economic Impact Analysis Of Effluent Guidelines and Standards For The Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Industry

440282016 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines For The Foundry Industry

440282017 Economic Impact Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines and Standards For The Aluminum Forming Industry

440283001 Economic Impact Analysis Of The Electrical and Electronics Components Industry Economic Analysis Of Phase II Electronics

440283003 Economic Impact Analysis Of Effluent Limitations and Standards For The Canmaking Industry

440283004 Economic Impact Analysis For Proposed Effluent Limitations and Standards For The Organic Chemicals, Plastics and Synthetic Fibers Industry

440283006 Economic Impact Analysis Of Effluent Limitations and Standards For The Copper Forming Industry

440283007 Economic Impact Analysis Of Effluent Standards and Limitations For The Metal Finishing Industry

440283009 Economic Impact Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Limitations and Standards For The Inorganic Chemicals Industry--phase II

440283010 Economic Impact Analysis Of Effluent Limitations and Standards For The Aluminum Forming Point Source Category

440283011 Economic Impact Analysis Of Effluent Limitations and Standards For The Canmaking Industry

440284001 Economic Impact Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Limitations and Standards For The Plastics Molding and Forming Industry

440284004 Economic Impact Analysis Of Effluent Limitations and Standards For The Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Industry (phase I)

440284006 National Water Quality Inventory 1982 Report To Congress

440284009 Economic Impact Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Limitations and Standards For The Nonferrous Smelting and Refining Industry (phase II)

440284013 Economic Impact Analysis Of Effluent Limitations and Standards For The Inorganic Chemicals Industry, Phase II

440284025 Economic Impact Analysis Of Effluent Limitations and Standards For Plastics Molding and Forming Industry

440285026 Economic Impact Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations and Standards for the Gold Placer Mining Industry

440285027 Economic Impact Analysis Of Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards For The Pesticide Chemicals Industry

440377018 Assessment Of Rural Nonpoint Source Pollution Model Based On The Universal Soil Loss Equation

440377019 Assessment Of Water Quality in Lakes by the Use of Bio-indices From Satellite Imagery

440377020 Onsite Wastewater Disposal Alternatives, Federal, State and Local Involvement

440377021 Onsite Wastewater Disposal Alternatives, Methodology for Evaluation

440377022 Joint Municipal-industrial Land Application and Wastewater Reuse System

440377023 Stormwater Management Master Plan For Davis County, Utah

440377024 Nonpoint Source Analysis Program Of Triangle J Council Of Governments A Case History In 208 Water Quality Management Planning

440377025 Planning Methodologies For Analysis Of Land Use Water Quality Relationships Case Study Application

440377026 Water Quality Management Accomplishments Compendium I, December 1977

440379023 A Statistical Method for the Assessment of Urban Storm Water

440379028 Best Management Practices Guidance Discharge Of Dredged Or Fill Materials

440479029B Water-Related Environmental Fate Of 129 Priority Pollutants

440481019 Exposure and Risk Assessment For Dichlorobenzenes


440484018 Planning and Managing Cooperative Monitoring Projects

440484019 Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allocations: Book 4, Lakes and Impoundments, Chapter 2, Nutrient/Eutrophication Impacts

440484021 Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allocations: Book 2, Streams and Rivers; Chapter 2: Nutrient/Eutrophication Impacts

440484022 Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allocations Book II Streams and Rivers Chapter 3 Toxic Substances

440484023 Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allocations: Book 7, Permit Averaging Periods

440484035 Dynamic Toxics: Waste Load Allocation Model (DYNTOX) Users Manual

440485005 Exposure and Risk Assessment For Arsenic {microform}

440485006 Exposure and Risk Assessment For Benzene Final Draft Report {microform}

440485007 Exposure and Risk Assessment For Chlorinated Phenols

440485008 Exposure and Risk Assessment For Cyanide

440485009 Exposure and Risk Assessment {for} Dichloroethanes 1,1-dichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane {microform}

440485010 Exposure and Risk Assessment For Lead

440485011 Exposure and Risk Assessment For Mercury

440485012 Exposure and Risk Assessment For Nickel

440485013 Exposure and Risk Assessment For Phenol

440485014 Exposure and Risk Assessment For 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane

440485015 Exposure and Risk Assessment For Tetrachloroethylene

440485017 Exposure and Risk Assessment For 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene

440485018 Exposure and Risk Assessment For Trichloroethanes 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane

440485020A Exposure and Risk Assessment For Benzo apyrene and Other Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Volume 1 Summary

440485020D Exposure and Risk Assessment For Benzo a pyrene and Other Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Volume IV

440485021 Approach To Assessing Exposure To and Risk Of Environmental Pollutants

440485022 Water-borne Routes Of Human Exposure Through Food and Drinking Water

440485023 Cadmium Contamination Of The Environment An Assessment Of Nationwide Risks

440485029 National Water Quality Inventory, 1984 Report To Congress

440485031 Guidance for State Water Monitoring and Wasteload Allocation Programs

440485032 Technical Support Document For Water Quality-based Toxics Control

440486037 Technical Support Manual Waterbody Surveys and Assessments For Conducting Use Attainability Analyses

440487003 National Dioxin Study Tiers 3,5,6, and 7

440487004 Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Wasteload Allocations Book VI Design Conditions Chapter I Stream Design Flow for Steady-State Modeling

440487005 Permit Writer's Guide To Water Quality-Based Permitting For Toxic Pollutants

440487008 National Water Quality Inventory, 1986 Report To Congress

440487009 Regulatory Applications Of Sediment Criteria

440487010 Guidance for Sampling of and Analyzing for Organic Contaminants in Sediments

440488091 Technical Guidance on Supplementary Stream Design Conditions for Steady State Modeling

440490003 National Water Quality Inventory: 1988 Report to Congress

440490005 The Quality Of Our Nation's Water

440490006 The Lake and Reservoir Restoration Guidance Manual, 2nd Edition

440490007 Monitoring Lake and Reservoir Restoration: Technical Supplement to The Lake and Reservoir Restoration Guidance Manual

440490010 Volunteer Water Monitoring: A Guide for State Managers

440490012 RCWP Rural Clean Water Program

440491001 Guidance for Water Quality-based Decisions: The TMDL Process

440491002 Volunteer Lake Monitoring: A Methods Manual

440491002A De Minimis Discharges Study: Report to Congress

440576101 EPA Noise Control Program Progress To Date

440577017 Pcbs Removal In Publicly-owned Treatment Works Final Report

440578012 In-place Pollutants In Trail Creek and Michigan City Harbor, Indiana

440579001 Lake Restoration

440579021 Clean Lakes and US

440580009 Our Nation's Lakes

440580011 Modeling Phosphorus Loading and Lake Response Under Uncertainty: A Manual and Compilation of Export Coefficients

440580014 Clean Lakes Program Strategy

440580015 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Acenaphthene

440580016 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Acrolein

440580017 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Acrylonitrile

440580018 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Benzene

440580019 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Aldrin/Dieldrin

440580020 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Antimony

440580021 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Arsenic

440580022 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Asbestos

440580023 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Benzidine

440580024 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Beryllium

440580025 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Cadmium

440580026 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Carbon Tetrachloride

440580027 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Chlordane

440580028 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Chlorinated Benzenes

440580029 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Chlorinated Ethanes

440580030 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Chloroalkyl Ethers

440580031 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Chlorinated Naphthalene

440580032 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Chlorinated Phenols

440580033 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Chloroform

440580034 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For 2-chlorophenol

440580035 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Chromium

440580037 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Cyanides

440580038 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For DDT

440580039 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Dichlorobenzenes

440580040 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Dichlorobenzidine

440580041 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Dichloroethylenes

440580042 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For 2,4-dichlorophenol

440580043 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Dichloropropane and Dichloropropene

440580044 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For 2,4-dimethylphenol

440580045 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Dinitrotoluene

440580046 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Endosulfan

440580047 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Endrin

440580048 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Ethylbenzene

440580049 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Fluoranthene

440580050 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Haloethers

440580051 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Halomethanes

440580052 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Heptachlor

440580053 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Hexachlorobutadiene

440580054 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Hexachlorocychexane

440580055 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Hexachlorocyclopentadiene

440580056 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Isophorone

440580057 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Lead

440580058 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Mercury

440580059 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Naphthalene

440580060 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Nickel

440580061 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Nitrobenzene

440580062 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Diphenylhydrazine

440580063 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Nitrophenols

440580064 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Nitrosamines

440580065 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Pentachlorophenol

440580066 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Phenol

440580067 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Phthalate Esters

440580068 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Polychlorinated Biphenyls

440580069 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

440580070 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Selenium

440580071 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Silver

440580073 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Tetrachloroethylene

440580074 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Thallium

440580075 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Toluene

440580076 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Toxaphene

440580077 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Trichloroethylene

440580078 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Vinyl Chloride

440580079 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Zinc

440581001 Section 404 Program Strategy

440584001 Lake and Reservoir Management Proceedings Of The Third Annual Conference, North American Lake Management Society, October 18-20, 1983, Knoxville, Tennessee

440584002 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria: 1986

440584007 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For 2, 3, 7, 8- Tetrachlorodibenzo - p - dioxin

440584012 Economic Impact Analysis Of Effluent Limitations Guidelines And Standards For The Pesticide Chemicals Industry

440584026 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Mercury - 1984

440584030 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Chlorine 1984

440584033 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Arsenic: 1984

440585001 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Ammonia

440585001X Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Ammonia 1984

440585033 Clean Lakes Program Review Of The 1st Decade

440586001 Quality Criteria for Water, 1986

440586003 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen

440586004 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Nickel, 1986

440586005 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Chlorpyrifos, 1986

440586006 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Toxaphene, 1986

440586007 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Parathion, 1986

440586008 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Aluminum, 1988

440586009 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Pentachlorophenol, 1986

440587001 Methodology for Analysis of Detention Basins for Control of Urban Runoff Quality

440587003 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Zinc, 1987

440587006 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Selenium, 1987

440587011 Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Silver

440587013 Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for DI-2-Ethylhexylphthalate

440588001 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Chloride: 1988

440588002 Lake and Reservoir Restoration Guidance Manual, 1st Edition

440588004 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Ammonia: Saltwater: 1989

440588005 Mercury: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria

440588006 Organics Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

440588007 Bacteria: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria

440588008 Designated Uses Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

440588009 Intermittent Streams: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria

440588010 General Provisions Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries Compilation Of State And Federal Criteria

440588011 Other Elements Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries Compilation Of State

440588012 Phosphorus: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria

440588013 Turbidity: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries; A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria

440588014 Cadmium: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria

440588015 Mixing Zones Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries Compilation Of State

440588016 Cyanide: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria

440588017 Definitions: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of Sate/Federal Criteria

440588018 Arsenic: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria

440588019 Zinc Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

440588020 Acidity: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of State/ Federal Criteria

440588021 Pesticides: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria

440588023 Temperature: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria

440588024 Dissolved Oxygen: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria

440588025 Dissolved Solids: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria

440588026 Chromium: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria

440588027 Copper: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria

440588028 Antidegradation: Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries: A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria

440588029 Nitrogen-ammonia-nitrate-nitrite Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries A Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

440588032 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Alaska

440588033 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Alabama

440588034 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Arkansas

440588035 State Water Quality Standards Summary: American Samoa

440588036 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Arizona

440588037 State Water Quality Standards Summary: California

440588038 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Colorado

440588039 State Water Quality Standards Summary: N. Mariana Islands

440588040 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Connecticut

440588041 State Water Quality Standards Summary: District of Columbia

440588042 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Delaware

440588043 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Florida

440588044 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Georgia

440588045 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Guam

440588046 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Hawaii

440588047 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Iowa

440588048 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Idaho

440588049 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Illinois

440588050 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Indiana

440588051 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Kansas

440588052 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Kentucky

440588053 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Louisiana

440588054 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Massachusetts

440588055 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Maryland

440588056 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Maine

440588057 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Michigan

440588058 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Minnesota

440588059 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Missouri

440588060 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Mississippi

440588061 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Montana

440588062 State Water Quality Standards Summary: North Carolina

440588063 State Water Quality Standards Summary: North Dakota

440588064 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Nebraska

440588065 State Water Quality Standards Summary: New Hampshire

440588066 State Water Quality Standards Summary: New Jersey

440588067 State Water Quality Standards Summary: New Mexico

440588068 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Nevada

440588069 State Water Quality Standards Summary: New York

440588070 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Ohio

440588071 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Oklahoma

440588072 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Oregon

440588073 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Pennsylvania

440588074 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Puerto Rico

440588075 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Rhode Island

440588076 State Water Quality Standards Summary: South Carolina

440588077 State Water Quality Standards Summary: South Dakota

440588078 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Tennessee

440588079 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Trust Territories

440588080 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Texas

440588081 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Utah

440588082 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Virginia

440588083 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Virgin Islands

440588084 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Vermont

440588085 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Washington

440588086 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Wisconsin

440588087 State Water Quality Standards Summary: West Virginia

440588088 State Water Quality Standards Summary: Wyoming

440588092 Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Hexachlorobenzene

440588093 Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Antimony (III)

440589001 Off-site Assessment National Workshop

440589003 Report To Congress Water Quality Of The Nation's Lakes

440589004 Proceedings Water Quality Standards For The 21st Century, March 1-3, 1989, Dallas, Texas

440590002 Reference Guide to Water Quality Standards for Indian Tribes

440590004 Biological Criteria: National Program Guidance for Surface Waters

440590013 Status Report: State Compliance with CWA Section 303 (c) (2) (B) as of February 4, 1990

440591003 Biological Criteria: State Development and Implementation Efforts

440591004 Biological Criteria: Guide to Technical Literature

440591005 Biological Criteria: Research and Regulation: Proceedings of a Symposium

440591006 Proposed Sediment Quality Criteria for the Protection of Benthic Organisms Acenaphthene

440591010 Proposed Sediment Quality Criteria for the Protection of Benthic Organisms Phenanthrene

440593001 Guidelines for Delineation of Wellhead Protection Areas

440685001 Issue Papers In Support Of Ground-water Classification Guidelines

440685003 Overview Of State Groundwater Program Summaries

440685006 Protecting Our Ground Water, 1985

440685008 Ground-water Monitoring Strategy For The US Environmental Protection Agency

440686002 Pesticides In Ground Water Background Document

440687002 EPA Activities Related To Sources Of Ground-water Contamination

440687003 Sole Source Aquifer Designation Petitioner Guidance

440687005 Ground-Water Data Management With STORET

440687007 Septic Tank Siting To Minimize The Contamination Of Ground Water By Microorganisms

440687008 State and Territorial Use of Ground Water Strategy Grant Funds

440687009 Wellhead Protection Decision-makers' Guide

440687010 Guidelines for Delineation of Wellhead Protection Areas

440687015 Sole Source Aquifer Background Study Cross-program Analysis

440688001 Protecting Groundwater Pesticides and Agricultural Practices

440688002 Model Assessment For Delineating Wellhead Protection Area

440688003 Developing A State Wellhead Protection Program User's Guide To Assist State Agencies Under The Safe Drinking Water Act

440688006 Indicators For Measuring Progress In Groundwater Protection

440688007 Survey Of State Groundwater Quality Protection Legislation Enacted From 1985 Through 1987

440689001 Local Financing for Wellhead Protection

440689002 Wellhead Protection Programs: Tools for Local Governments

440690001 Progress in Ground-Water Protection and Restoration

440690002 Hydrogeological Mapping Needs For Groundwater Protection and Management Workshop Report May 10-12, 1988

440690003 Technical Assistance Document: Guide to Groundwater Supply Contingency Planning for Local and State Government

440690004 Citizen's Guide to Ground-Water Protection

440690005 Review Of Sources Of Groundwater Contamination From Light Industry Technical Assistance Document

4407768000 Water Quality Management Directory, 4th Edition

440783100 Summary Of The Effluent Guidelines Division Rulemaking Activities

440970001 Fish Kills Caused By Pollution In 1970

440973002 Sewage Facilities Construction Report 1971

440973003 Auto-Qual Modelling System

440973004 Auto-Qual Modelling System Supplement I

440975010 Minimal Requirements For A Water Quality Assurance

440976005 Cost-effectiveness Analysis Of Municipal Wastewater Reuse

440976023 Quality Criteria For Water

440976025 Basic Water Monitoring Program

440977001 Preventive Approaches to Stormwater Management

440977504 Legal And Institutional Approaches To Water Quality Management Planning And Implementation

4409795042 Annual Report State EPA Agreements

440980504 Executive Summary Agricultural Land Use Water Interaction Problem Abatement Project Monitoring And Monitoring Strategies

440FR47220 Federal Register: November 15, 1982, Part II. Metal Molding and Casting Point Source Category; Effluent Limitations Guidelines, Pretreatment Standards, and New Source Performance Standards; Proposed Regulation

440R89001 Air Resources Study : An Analysis of the Section 105 Grant Program

440R94001 Guidance for the Stratospheric Ozone Protection Program

440R96001 Guidance Document for the Stratospheric Ozone Protection Program after January 1, 1996

440S90011 Water Quality Standards for Wetlands

4500586013 Review Of The National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Sulfur Oxides Updated Assessment Of Scientific and Technical Information, Addendum To The 1982 OAQPSs Staff Paper

450173001A National Air Monitoring Program Air Quality and Emmissions Trends, Annual Report, Volume 1

450173001B National Air Monitoring Program Air Quality and Emissions Trends Annual Report, Volume II

450173002 Atmospheric Emissions From The Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Industry

450173004 Monitoring and Air Quality Trends Report, 1972

450174001 Lead and Air Pollution A Bibliography With Abstracts

450174002 Air Pollution Aspects Of Emission Sourcescoke Ovens A Bibliography With Abstracts

450174003 Air Pollution Aspects Of Emission Sourcesprimary Zinc Production A Bibliography With Abstracts

450174004 Air Pollution Aspects Of Emission Sources Ferrous Foundries A Bibliography With Abstracts

450174005 Air Pollution Aspects Of Emission Sources Surface Coatings Their Production and Use A Bibliography With Abstracts

450174006 Control Of Odors From Inedibles, Rendering Plants, July 1974

450174007 Monitoring and Air Quality Trends Report, 1973

450176002 National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1975

450176003 Fluorine, Its Compounds, and Air Pollution A Bibliography With Abstracts

450177002 National Air Quality And Emissions Trends Report 1976

450178001 Control Techniques for Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Stationary Sources, Second Edition

450178002 Standard Air Pollution Classification Network A Thesaurus Of Terms (as Used In The Aptic Database)

450189001A Overview Of Air Pathway Assessments For Superfund Sites (revised) Volume 1

450189002 Air Superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Volume 2 Estimation Of Baseline Air Emissions At Superfund Sites

450189004 Air-Superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series, Volume 4 Procedures For Dispersion Modeling and Air Monitoring For Superfund Air Pathway Analysis, Interim Report, Final

450190001 Air-superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Superfund Air Pathway Analyses Review Criteria Checklists, Final Report

450190002 Air-superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Comparisons Of Air Stripper Simulations and Field Performance Data, Final Report

450190003 Air-Superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Air Stripper Design Manual, Final Report

450190004A Cancer Risk from Outdoor Exposure to Air Toxics, Volume I, Final Report

450190004B Cancer Risk From Outdoor Exposure to Air Toxics, Volume 2: Appendices, Final Report

450190005 Air-Superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Contingency Plans At Superfund Sites Using Air Monitoring

450191001 Air-Superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Emissions Factors For Superfund Remediation Technologies

450191002 Air-Superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Estimation Of Air Impacts For Air Stripping Of Contaminated Water

450191003 Air-superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Database Of Emission Rate Measurement Projects

450192001 Air-superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Estimation Of Air Impacts For Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Systems

450192002 Guideline For Predictive Baseline Emissions Estimation Procedures For Superfund Sites

450192003 Screening Procedures For Estimating The Air Impacts Of Incineration At Superfund Sites

450192004 Estimation Of Air Impacts For The Excavation Of Contaminated Soil

450273001 Emission Factors For Trace Substances

450273002 Technique For Calculating Overall Effeciencies Of Particulate Control Devices

450273004 Saroad Terminal User's Manual

450274002A Background Information For New Source Performance Standards Primary Copper, Zinc, and Lead Smelters Vol I Proposed Standards

450274003 Background Information For New Source Performance Standards Asphalt Concrete Plts, Petroleum Refineries, Storage Vessels, Secondary Lead Smelters And Refineries, Brass Or Bronze Ingot

450274005 Inspection And Maintenance Of Light-duty, Gasoline-powered Motor Vehicles A Guide For Implementation

450274006 Systems And Costs To Control Hydrocarbon Emissions From Stationary Sources

450274007 Air Quality Data 1973 First Quarter Statistics

450274008 Engineering And Cost Study Of The Ferroalloy Industry

450274010 Air Quality Data 1973 Second Quarter Statistics

450274011 Air Quality Data 1973 Third Quarter Statistics

450274012 1972 National Emissions Report National Emissions Data System (NEDS) Of The Aerometric And Emissions Re- Porting System (aeros)

450274015 Air Quality Dat1973 Annual Statistics 1 2 3 4 11-74

450274016 Overview Of Activities Directed Toward Long-term Maintenance Of Air Quality Standards

450274017A Background Information for Standards of Performance: Electric Arc Furnaces in the Steel Industry Volume 1: Proposed Standards

450274017B Background Information for Standards of Performance: Electric Arc Furnaces in the Steel Industry Volume 2: Test Data Summary

450274018A Background Information for Standards of Performance: Electric Submerged Arc Furnaces in the Steel Industry Volume 1: Proposed Standards

450274019A Background Information for Standards of Performance: Phosphate Fertilizer Industry Volume 1: Proposed Standards

450274019b Background Information For Standards Of Performance: Phosphate Fertilizer Industry Volume 2: Test Data Summary

450274020A Background Information for Standards of Performance: Primary Aluminum Industry Volume 1: Proposed Standards

450274020B Background Information for Standards of Performance: Primary Aluminum Industry Volume 2: Test Data Summary

450274020C Background Information for Standards of Performance: Primary Aluminum Industry, Volume 3: Supplemental Information

450274021a Background Information For Standards Of Performance: Coal Preparation Plants Volume 1: Proposed Standards

450274021B Background Information for Standards of Performance: Coal Preparation Plants Volume 2: Test Data Summary

450274023 EPA Response To Remand Ordered By US Court Of Appeals For The District Of Columbia In Portland Cement Assn V Ruckelshaus 486 F 2d 375, June 29, 1973

450275001 Technical Support Document EPA Regulations For Preventing The Significant Deterioration Of Air Quality

450275002 Air Quality Data 1974 First Quarter Statistics

450275005 Control Of Photochemical Oxidants Technical Basis and Implications Of Recent Findings

450275007 Position Paper On Regulation Of Atmospheric Sulfates

450275009 Standard Support And Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 2 Promulgated Emission Standard For Vinyl Chloride

450275009B Standard Support and Environmental Impact Statement Volume 2: Promulgated Emission Standard for Vinyl Chloride

450276001 OAQPS Guidelines Aeros Manual Series, Volume 1 Aeros Overview View

450276002A State Implementation Plan, Emission Regulations For Sulfur Oxides Fuel Combustion

450276003 Guidelines For Evaluating Supplementary Control Systems

450276004 National Emissions Data Systems (NEDS) Fuel Use Report, 1973

4502760052 Aeros Manual Series, Volume 5 Manual Of Codes Update Number 2 June 1979

450276005B OAQPS Guidelines Aeros Manual Series, Volume 5 Aeros Manual Of Codes, 3rd Edition

450276006 State Air Pollution Implementation Plan Progress Report July 1 to December 31, 1975

450276009 Aeros Manual Series, Volume 3

450276010 State Implementation Plans Emission Regulations for Particulate Matter: Fuel Combustion

450276011 Air Quality Data 1974 Annual Statistics

450276013 Guideline For Public Reporting Of Daily Air Quality Pollutant Standards Index (psi)

450276014A Standards Support and Environmental Impact Statement Volume 1: Proposed Standards of Performance for Kraft Pulp Mills

450276014b Standards Support And Environmental Impact Statement- Volume II: Promulgated Standards Of Performance For Kraft Pulp Mills

450276015 Technique For Supplementary Control System Reliability Analysis and Upgrading

4502760161 Health Implications Of Photochemical Oxidant Air Pollution To Your Community

450276016A Standard Support and Environmental Impact Statement Volume 1: Proposed Standards of Performance for Petroleum Refinery Sulfur Recovery Plants

450276016B Standards Support and Environmental Impact: Volume 2: Promulgated Standards of Performance for Petroleum Refinery Sulfur Recovery Plants

450276018 Air Quality Data 1969 Annual Statistics 1234

450276028 Guideline Series: Control of Volatile Organic Emissions from Existing Stationary Sources, Volume 1: Control Methods for Surface-Coating Operations

450276029 Interim Update, Volume 2 Aeros, User's Manual

450276029B Aeros Manual Series

450276030A Standards Support and Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1: Proposed Standards of Performance for Lignite-Fired Steam Generators

4502765012 Policies For The Inclusion Of Carbon Monoxide And Oxidant Controls In State Implementation Plans Tcp Policy Paper

4502765013 Legal Interpretation And Guideline To Implementation Of Recent Court Decisions On The Subject Of Stack Height Increase As A Means Of Meeting Federal Ambient Air Quality Standards

4502765014 Dedesignation Of Air Quality Maintenance Areas Memo

450277001B Standards Support and Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 2: Promulgated Standards of Performance for Grain Elevator Industry

450277002 Air Quality Data: 1975 Annual Statistics Including Summaries with Reference to Standards; 1234

450277005 Final Guideline Document Control Of Fluoride Emissions From Existing Phosphate Fertilizer Plants

450277007A Standards Support And Environmental Impact Statement Volume 1 Proposed Standards Of Performance For Lime Manufacturting Plants

450277008 Guideline Series Control Of Volatile Organic Emissions From Existing Stationary Sources Volume II Surface Coating Of Cans, Coils, Paper, Fabrics, Autos, and Light-duty Trucks

450277009 Directory Of Air Quality Monitoring Sites Active In 1975

450277012 Control Techniques For Lead Air Emissions, Volume 1 Chapters 1-3

450277013 Single Source (crster) Model {users Manual}

450277017A Standards Support and Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1 Proposed Standards Of Performance For Stationary Gas Turbines

450277017B Standard Gas Turbines: Standard Support and Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 2: Promulgated Standards of Performance

450277018 Valley Model User's Guide

450277019 Guideline Series Final Guideline Document Control Of Sulfuric Acid Mist Emissions From Existing Sulfuric Acid Production Units

450277020 Air Quality Data For Non-criteria Pollutants, 1957 Through 1970

450277021A Uses, Limitations And Technical Basis Of Procedures For Quantifying Relationships Between Photochemical Oxidants And Precursors

450277021B Procedures For Quantifying Relationships Between Photochemical Oxidants And Precursors Supporting Documentation

450277022 Control Of Volatile Organic Emissions From Solvent Metal Cleaning

450277023 Control Strategy Preparation Manual For Particulate Matter

450277024A Guideline On Procedures For Constructing Air Pollution Isopleth Profiles and Population Exposure Analysis

450277025 Control Of Refinery Vacuum Producing Systems, Wastewater Separators and Process Unit Turnarounds

450277026 Control Of Hydrocarbons From Tank Truck Gasoline Loading Terminals

450277027 Guidelines For The Regional Evaluation Of State And Local NSR Programs

450277028 Procedures For The Preparation Of Emission Inventories For Volatile Organic Compounds Volume 1 Second Edition (Sept 1980)

450277029 Guideline For Development Of Control Strategies In Areas With Fugitive Dust Problems

450277030 Standards Support Document Promulgated Amendments To The National Emission Standard For Asbestos

450277033 OAQPS Guideline Series Control of Volatile Organic Emissions from Existing Stationary Sources Volume IV: Surface Coating for Insulation of Magnet Wire

450277034 Control Of Volatile Organic Emissions From Existing Sources Volume Vsurface Coating Of Large Appliances

450277036 Control Of Volatile Organic Emissions From Storage Of Petroleum Liquids In Fixed-roof Tanks

450277037 Control Of Volatile Organic Compounds From Use Of Cutback Asphalt

450277504 Supplementary Guidelines For Lead Implementation Plans Draft

450278001 Air Quality Data For Non-criteria Pollutants, 1971 Through 1975

450278003B Kraft Pulping Control Of TRS Emissions From Existing Mills

450278005A Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Background Information for Proposed NOx Emission Standards

450278006A Electric Utility Steam Generating Units: Background Information for Proposed Particulate Matter Emission Standards

450278007A Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Background Information For Proposed So2 Emission Standards

450278009 Air Quality Data Annual Statistics Including Summaries With Reference To Standards, 1976

450278010 Emission Growth Factors For The Niagara Frontier

450278012 Control of Emissions from Lurgi Coal Gasification Plants

450278014 Sprayed Asbestos-containing Materials In School Buildings Guidance Document

450278014B Asbestos-containing Materials In School Buildings A Guidance Document Part 2

450278015 Guideline Series Control Of Volatile Organic Emissions From Existing Stationary Sources, Volume 4 Surface Coating Of Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products

450278019 Ambient Monitoring Guidelines For Prevention Of Significant Deterioration (psd

450278020 1975 National Emissions Report National Emissions Data System Of The Aerometric and Emissions Reporting System

450278022 Control Techniques For Volatile Organic Emissions From Stationary Sources

450278024 Air Pollutant Control Techniques For Electric Arc Furnances In The Iron and Steel Foundry Industry

450278025A Primary Aluminum Background Information Proposed Amendments

450278027R Guideline On Air Quality Models (Revised)

450278027RB Supplement B To The Guideline On Air Quality Models (revised)

450278027RC Supplement C To The Guideline On Air Quality Models Revised

450278028A Workbook For Comparison Of Air Quality Models

450278028B Oaqps Guideline Series Workbook For Comparison Of Air Quality Models-appendices (may 1978)

450278029 OAQPS Guideline Series Control of Volatile Organic Emissions from Manufacture of Synthesized Pharmaceutical Products

450278030 OAQPS Guideline Series: Control of Volatile Organic Emissions from Manufacture of Pneumatic Rubber Tires

450278032 Control Of Volatile Organic Emissions From Existing Stationary Sources, Volume 7 Factory Surface Coating Of Flat Wood Paneling

450278033 Control Of Volatile Organic Emissions From Existing Stationary Sources, Volume 8 Graphic Arts Rotogravure and Flexography

450278035 Control Of Volatile Organic Emissions From Manufacture Of Vegetable Oils

450278036 Control Of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks From Petroleum Refinery Equipment

450278037 Guideline Series Screening Procedures For Ambient Air Quality Data

450278038 Supplementary Guidelines For Lead Implementation Plans

450278041 Guideline Series Measurement Of Volatile Organic Compounds

450278044 Wood Residue-Fired Steam Generator Particulate Matter Control Technology Assessment

450278047 OAQPS Guideline Series: Control of Volatile Organic Emissions from Petroleum Liquid Storage in External Floating Roof Tanks

450278048 Directory Of Air Quality Monitoring Sites Active In 1977

450278049B Primary Aluminum Guidelines For Control Of Fluoride Emissions From Existing Primary Aluminum Plants

450278050 Guideline Series: Control of Volatile Organic Emissions from Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Systems

450278051 Control Of Volatile Organism Compound Leaks From Gasoline Tank Collection Systems

450278125A Stationary Internal Combustion Engines Standards Support and Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1 Proposed Standards Of Performance

450279002 Guideline Series: Development of an Example Control Strategy for Lead

450279004 Guidance To State And Local Agencies In Preparing Regulations To Control Volatile Organic Compounds From Ten Stationary Source Categories

450280001 Summary Of Group II Control Technique Guideline Documents For Control Of Volatile Organic Emissions From Existing Stationary Sources

450280004 Apti Course 435, Atmospheric Sampling {Student Manual}

450280063 Apti Course 427, Combustion Evaluation {Student Manual}

450280066 Apti Course 413, Control Of Particulate Emissions {Student Manual}

450280067 Apti Course 413, Control Of Particulate Emissions

450280070 Compilation of BACT/LAER Determinations, Revised

450280073 Regulatory Impact Assessment For The September 5, 1979, Proposed Regulations For Prevention Of Significant Deterioration

450280076 Apti (Air Pollution Training Institute) Course 444 Air Pollution Field Enforcement {Student Workbook}

450280081 Prevention Of Significant Deterioration Workshop Manual

450280083A Summary of Comments and Responses on the May 22, 1980 Proposed Regulations for Visibility Protection for Federal Class I Areas

450280083B Summary of Individual Comment on the May 22, 1990 Proposed Visibility Regulations: Appendix A

450281002 Processing Procedures For Sip Revisions (and 111(d) Plans)

450281003 Permit Fee Guideline

450281005 Apti Course 415, Control Of Gaseous Emissions Student Manual {microfiche}

450281014 APTI Course 411 Air Pollution Meteorology

450281017A Air Pollution Control Orientation Course Unit 1 Air Pollution And Their Sources

450281017B Air Pollution Control Orientation Course Unit 2 Effects Of Air Pollution

450281017C Air Pollution Control Orientation Course Unit 3 Air Pollution Meteorology

450281017D Air Pollution Control Orientation Course Unit 4 Sampling And Analysis Of Air Pollutants

450281017E Air Pollution Control Orientation Course Unit 5 Control Techniques For Gaseous And Particulate Pollutants

450281017F Air Pollution Control Orientation Course Unit 6 Air Pollution Law

450281017G Air Pollution Control Orientation Course Unit 7 Standards And Regulations

450281017H Air Pollution Control Orientation Course Unit 8 Enforcement Systems

450281017I Air Pollution Control Orientation Course Unit 9 Air Quality Management

450281033 Regulations and Non-regulatory Revisions To State Implementation Plan Illinois

450282001 Smoke Management: A Workbook For Balancing Air Quality and Land Management Goals

450282003 APTI Correspondence Course 414 Quality Assurance For Source Emission Measurement Methods Guidebook

450282004 APTI Correspondence Course 434 Introduction To Ambient Air Monitoring Guidebook

450282007 APTI Course Si410 Introduction To Dispersion Modeling Self-instructional Guidebook

450282009 APTI Course Si409 Basic Air Pollution Meteorology Student Guidebook

450282015 APTI Course SI-417, Controlling VOC Emissions From Leaking Process Equipment Student Guidebook

450282016 Air Programs Reports and Guidelines Index

450283003 Processing Procedures For SIP Revisions (And 111(d) Plans)

450283004 Maps Depicting Nonattainment Areas Pursuant To Section 107 Of The Clean Air Act - 1983

450283005A BACT-LAER Clearinghouse A Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations

450283005B BACT-LAER Clearinghouse: A Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations Appendix G Volume 1 Source Type Codes 1.0-5.0

450283005C BACT-LAER Clearinghouse: A Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations Appendix G Volume 2 Source Type Codes 6.0-12.0

450283007 National Air Audit System Guidelines For FY 84

450284009 National Air Audit System FY 1984 National Report

450285002 Progress In The Prevention and Control Of Air Pollution In 1983

450285003 Summary Of State VOC Regulations

450285006 Maps Depicting Nonattainment Areas Pursuant To Section 107 Of The Clean Air Act - 1985

450285007 Progress In The Prevention and Control Of Air Pollution In 1983

450285008 National Air Audit System Guidance Manual for FY 1986 - FY 1987

450285009 National Air Audit System FY 1985 National Report

450287002 Progress In The Prevention and Control Of Air Pollution In 1985

450288001 Progress In The Prevention and Control Of Air Pollution In 1986

450288003B Air Emissions Species Manual Volume 2 Particulate Matter Species Profiles

450288003C Air Emissions Species Manual, Addendum

450288004 Summary Of State VOC Regulations Volume 2 Group III CTG and Greater Than 100 Ton Per Year Non-CTG VOC Regulations

450288006A Toxic Air Pollutant Emission Factors Compilation For Selected Air Toxic Compounds and Sources

450288006B Toxic Air Pollutant Emission Factors Information Storage and Retrieval System, User's Manual

450289001 Estimating Air Toxics Emissions From Coal and Oil Combustion Sources

450289002 Locating And Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Chromium(Supplement)

450289004 Air Programs Reports and Guidelines Index Update Number 5

450289006 Locating And Estimating Air Toxics Emissions From Municipal Waste Combustors

450289007 Oilfield Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds

450289008 Compilation and Speciation of National Emissions Factors for Consumer/ Commercial Solvent Use: Information Compiled to Support Urban Air Toxics Assessment Studies

450289009 Progress In The Prevention and Control Of Air Pollution In 1987

450289010 Assessing Multiple Pollutant Multiple Source Cancer Risks From Urban Air Toxic Summary of Approaches and Insights from Completed and Ongoing Urban Air Toxics Assessment Studies

450289011 Review Of The National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Lead Exposure Analysis Methodology and Validation OAQPS Staff Report

450289012A Analysis of Air Toxics Emissions, Exposures, Cancer Risks and Controllability in Five Urban Areas: Volume 1: Base Year Analysis and Results

450289012B Analysis Of Air Toxics Emissions, Exposures, Cancer Risks and Controllability In Five Urban Areas Controllability Analysis and Results

450289013 Locating and Estimating Air Emissions From Sources of Perchloroethylene and Trichloroethylene

450289014 Analysis Of State and Federal Sulfur Dioxide Emission Regulations For Combustion Sources (revised)

450289015 Guidance Document For Residential Wood Combustion Emission Control Measures

450289016 Status Of Selected Air Pollution Control Programs

450289017 Toxic Air Pollutant-source Crosswalk Screening Tool For Locating Possible Sources Emitting Toxic Air Pollutants, 2nd Edition, December 1989

450289020 Transportation Control Measure: State Implementation Plan Guidance

450289021 Locating and Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of 1,3-Butadiene

450289022 Review Of The National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Lead Assessment Of Scientific and Technical Information, OAQPS Staff Paper

450290001A Air Emissions Species Manual, Volume 1: Volatile Organic Compound Species Profiles, 2nd Edition

450290001B Air Emissions Species Manual, Volume II: Particulate Matter Species Profiles, 2nd Edition

450290006 Survey of State and Local Air Pollution Agencies' Activities and Costs

450290007 Progress In The Prevention and Control Of Air Pollution In 1988 Report To Congress

450290008 Status Of Selected Air Pollution Control Programs, May 1990

450290009 Locating and Estimating Air Toxics Emissions From Sewage Sludge Incinerators

450290011 Toxic Air Pollutant Emission Factors Compilation For Selected Air Toxic Compounds and Sources, 2nd Edition

450290012 Designing and Implementing An Air Toxics Control Program Program Development Manual For State and Local Agencies

450290013 Guide to Public Awareness Materials on Wood Combustion

450291001 Directory Of OAQPS Information Services

450291004 Directory Of OAQPS Information Services

450291008 Clean Air Act Section 183(d) Guidance on Cost-Effectiveness

450291009 Status Of Selected Air Pollution Control Programs

450291011 Regulatory Impact Analysis and Regulatory Flexibility Act Screening For Operating Permits Regulations

450292001 Review Of The National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Ozone Assessment Of Scientific and Technical Information OAQPS Staff Report

450292002 Technical Information Document for Residential Wood Combustion Best Available Control Measures

450292003 Prescribed Burning Background Document and Technical Information Document for Prescribed Burning Best Available Control Measures

450292004 Fugitive Dust Background Document and Technical Information Document For Best Available Control Measures

450373002 Field Surveillance And Enforcement Guide For Primary Metallurgical Industries

450373003A Emissions Control In The Grain And Feed Industry

450373006A Engineering And Cost Study Of Air Pollution Control For The Petrochemical Industry Volume 1 Carbon Black Manufacture By The Furnace Process

450373006C Engineering And Cost Study Of Air Pollution Control For The Petrochemical Industry Volume 3 Ethylene Dichloride Manufacture By Oxychlorination

450373006I Engineering and Cost Study Of Air Pollution Control For The Petrochemical Industry Vol 9 Polyvinyl Chloride Manufacture

450374001 Studies Of Ingestion Dose Pathways From The Nuclear Fuel Services Fuel Reprocessing Plant

450374003B Vehicle Behavior In and Around Complex Sources and Related Complex Source Characteristics Volume II Airports

450374009 National Emissions Inventory Of Sources and Emissions Of Molybdenum

450374010 National Emissions Inventory Of Sources and Emissions Of Magnesium

450374011 National Emissions Inventory Of Sources and Emissions Of Silver

450374013 National Emissions Inventory Of Sources and Emissions Of Phosphorus

450374020 Guide For Considering Air Quality In Urban Planning

450374020A Air Quality For Urban and Industrial Planning

450374021 Development Of A Methodology To Allocate Liquid Fossil Fuel Consumption By County

450374022A Weighted Sensitivity Analysis Of Emissions Data Volume 1

450374022B Weighted Sensitivity Analysis Of Emissions Data Volume 2 Appendix B Numerical Analysis Appendix C Example Of Applied Analysis

450374027 Interagency Cooperation In Comprehensive Urban Planning And Air Quality Maintenance

450374030 Regional Air Pollution Study (raps) Preliminary Emission Inven-tory

450374030A Raps Emission Inventory Handbook Final

450374031 Air Pollution Control Engineering And Cost Study Of The Paint And Varnish Industry

450374032A Impact Of Motor Gasoline Lead Additive Regulations On Petroleum Refineries And Energy Resources 1974-1980, Phase I

450374034 Investigation Of Ozone and Ozone Precursor Concentrations At Nonurban Locations In The Eastern United States

450374034A Investigation Of Ozone and Ozone Precursor Concentrations At Nonurban Locations In The Eastern United States Phase Ii, Meteorological Analyses

450374035 Computer Assisted Area Source Emissions Gridding Procedure (caase) User's Manual

450374036A Investigation Of Fugitive Dust, Volume 1 Sources, Emissions and Control

450374036B Investigation Of Fugitive Dust Volume 2 Control Strategy and Regulatory Approach

450374037 Development Of Emission Factors For Fugitive Dust Sources

450374041 Study and Evaluation Of Comupter Carpool Programs In Certain Metropolitan Areas

450374045 Comprehensive Data Handling System Air Quality Data Handling Subsytem (AQDHS-II) Program Documentation And User's Guide

4503740451 Comprehensive Data Handling System Air Quality Data Handling Subsystem (AQDHS-II) Program Documentation And User's Guide

450374047 Administrative And Technical Aspects Of Source Sampling For Particulates

450374049 Carbon Monoxide Measurements In The Vicinity Of Sports Stadiums

450374051 Development Of A Sample Air Quality Maintenance Plan For San Diego

450374052 Development Of A Trial Air Quality Maintenance Plan For The St Louis AQMSA

450374053 Development Of An Example 10-year Air Quality Maintenance Plan For The Denver Aqmsa

450374054 Regional Air Pollution Study Point Source Methodology And Inventory

450374055 Characterization Of Sulfur Recovery From Refinery Fuel Gas

450374056A Hackensack Meadowlands Air Pollution Study Summary Report

450374056D Hackensack Meadowlands Air Pollution Study Evaluation and Ranking of LAnd Use Plans

450374058 Monitoring And Analysis Of Carbon Monoxide And Traffic Characteristics At Oakbrook

450374059 Validation Study Of An Approach For Evaluating The Impact Of A Shopping Center On Ambient Carbon Monoxide Concentrations

450374061 Determination Of The Feasibility Of The Long-range Transport Of Ozone Or Ozone Precursors

450374062 Emissions Inventory From Forest Wildfires, Forest Managed Burns, And Agricultural Burns

450374064 Implementation Plan Review For Alaska Required By The Energy Supply And Environmental Coordination Act

450374069 Implementation Plan Review For Hawaii Required By The Energy Supply And Environmental Coordination Act

450374070 Implementation Plan Review For Puerto Rico Required By The Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act

450374083 Implementation Plan Review For Oklahoma Required By The Energy Supply And Environmental Coordination Act

450374085 Emissions Inventory Of Agricultural Tilling, Unpaved Roads And Airstrips, And Construction Sites

450375010 Implementation Plan Review For Arkansas Required By The Energy Supply And Environmental Coordination Act

450375025 Implementation Plan Review For Texas Required By The Energy Supply And Environmental Coordination Act

450375036 Investigation Of Rural Oxidants Levels As Related To Urban Hydro Carbon Control Strategies

450375037 Regional Emission Projection System

450375038 Contribution Of Urban Planning To Air Quality

450375046A Study Of Vapor Control Methods For Gasoline Marketing Operations Volume I - Industry Survey And Control Techniques

450375046B Study Of Vapor Control Methods For Gasoline Marketing Operations Volume Ii

450375048 An Estimation Of River Towboat Air Pollution In Saint Louis Missouri

450375052 Evaluation Of Strategies For Airport Air Pollution Control

450375056 Updating The National Emissions Data System Point Source Inventory

450375059 Evaluation Of Selected Air Pollution Dispersion Models Applicable To Complex Terrain

450375065 Status Of Nadb Data Systems

450375066 Laboratory Simulation Of Plume Dispersion From Lead Smelter In Glover, Missouri, In Neutral and Stable Atmosphere

450375069A Photochemical Oxidant Modeling

450375069B Photochemical Oxidant Modeling Volume 2 Detailed Technical Report

450375077 Selected Sites For Carbon Monoxide Monitoring

450375078 Residential and Commercial Area Source Emission Inventory Methodology For The Regional Air Pollution Study

450375080A Air Quality Analysis Workshop Volume 1

450375082A Source Inventory And Emission Factor Analysis Volume 1

450375087 Calculation Of Emission Factors For Agricultural Burning Activities

450376002 Model Validation and Time-concentration Analysis Of Three Power Plants

450376005 Control of Particulate Matter from Oil Burners and Boilers

450376007 Tall Stacks And The Atmospheric Environment

450376009 Proceedings Of The Conference

450376017 Impact of New Source Performance Standards on 1985 National Emissions from Stationary Sources

450376018D Determining Input Variables For Calculation Of Impact Of New Source Performance Standards Worksheets For Mineral Products Industries

450376018F Determining Input Variables For Calculation Of Impact Of New Source Performance Standards {worksheets For Miscellaneous Sources}

450376019B Ranked Input And Output Data Used To Determine Impact Of New Source Performance Standards For Particulate Matter Nitrogen Oxides And Sulfur Oxides

450376019C Ranked Input And Output Used To Determine Impact Of New Source Performance Standards For Hydrocarbons Carbon Monoxide And Other Pollutants

450376020 Priorities And Procedures For Development Of Standards Of Performacne For New Stationary Sources Of Atmospheric Emissions

450376021 Regional Air Pollution Study (raps) Grid System

450376022 So2 Oxidation In Plumes A Review and Assessment Of Relevant Mechanistic and Rate Studies

450376026C National Assessment Of The Urban Particulate Problem

450376026H National Assessment Of The Urban Particulate Problem Volume X Seattle Area

450376027 Analysis Of Population Exposure To Air Pollution In New York-new Jersey-connecticut Tri-state Region

450376028C Open Space As An Air Resource Management Measure Volume III Demonstration Plan St Louis Missouri

450376030A Impact Of Natural Gas Curtailments On Electric Utility Plants

450376030B Impact Of Natural Gas Curtailments On Electric Utility Plants Volume 2 Schedules

450376033 Formation And Transport Of Oxidants Along Gulf Coast And In Northern Us

450376035 Methodology For The Determination Of Emission Line Sources

450376044 Emission Factor Development For Leaf Burning

450377004A Population Exposure To Oxidants and Nitrogen Dioxide In Los Angeles, Volume 1 Executive Summary

450377004B Population Exposure To Oxidants and Nitrogen Dioxide In Los Angeles, Volume 2 Weekday-weekend and Population Mobility Effects

450377004C Population Exposure To Oxidants and Nitrogen Dioxide In Los Angeles, Volume 3 Long Term Trends, 165-1974

450377009 Ambient Monitoring Aloft Of Ozone and Precursors Near and Downwind Of St Louis By Ce Decker {et Al}

450377010 Technical Guidance For Control Of Industrial Process Fugitive Particulate Emissions

450377012 Stram An Air Pollution Model Incorporating Nonlinear Chemistry, Variable Trajectories, and Plume Segment Diffusion

450377013 Optimum Site Exposure Criteria For So2 Monitoring

450377015 Addendum To User's Guide For Climatological Dispersion Model May 77

450377022A Relation Of Oxidant Levels To Precursor Emissions And Meteorological Features

450377022B Relation Of Oxidant Levels To Precursor Emissions And Meteorological Features Volume 2 Review Of Available Research Results And Monitoring Data

450377027 Quantification of Dust Entrainment from Paved Roadways

450377045 Environmental Assessment Of PCBs In The Atmosphere

450377047 Boiler Design and Operating Variables Affecting Uncontrolled Sulfur Emissions from Pulverized-Coal-Fired Steam Generators

450377050A Energy Requirements for Controlling SO2 Emissions from Coal-Fired Steam/Electric Generators

450378002 Ability of Electric Utilities with FGD to Meet Energy Demands

450378003 Method For Characterization And Quantification Of Fugitive Lead Emissions From Secondary Lead Smelters Ferroalloy Plants And Gray Iron Foundries

450378004 Assessment Of Organic Emission Factors

450378005 Diagnosing Vegetation Injury Caused By Air Pollution

450378007 Particulate and Sulfur Dioxide Emission Control Costs for Large Coal-Fired Boilers

450378012 Evaluation Of Hydrocarbon Emissons From Petroleum Liquid Storage

450378013 Site Selection for the Monitoring of Photochemical Air Pollutants

450378016 Emission Control Technology For Two Model Marine Terminals Handling Crude Oil And Gasoline

450378017 Hydrocarbon Control Strategies for Gasoline Marketing Operations

450378024 Use of Meteorological Data in Air Quality Trend Analysis

450378026 Comparison Of Ambient Nmhcnox Ratios With Nmhcnox Ratios Calculated From Emission Inventories

450378028 Project Da Vinci Ii Data Analysis and Interpretation

450378029 Economic Impact of Vapor Recovery Regulations on the Service Station Industry

450378038 Air Quality Assessment Of Particulate Emissions From Diesel-powered Vehicles

450378045A Linear Programming Derived Optimization Strategies for Control of SOx from Coal-Fired Power Plans

450378048 Emission Density Zoning Guidebook A Technical Guide To Maintaining Air Quality Standards Through Land-use-based Emission Limits

450378049 Legal Issues Of Emission Density Zoning

450378053 Air Pollution Regulations In State Implementation Plansarkansas

450378081 Air Pollution Regulations In State Implementation Plans New Mexico

450378086 Air Pollution Regulations In State Implementation Plans Oklahoma

450378107 Assessment Of Fugitive Particulate Emission Factors For Industrial Processes

450378110A Development Of Mathematical Models For The Prediction Of Anthropogenic Visibility Impairment

450378110C Development Of Mathematical Models For The Prediction Of Anthropogenic Visibility Impairment Volume 3 Case Studies For Selected Scenarios

450378116 Review Of Standards Of Performance For New Stationary Sources Iron and Steel Plants-basic Oxygen Furnaces

450378120 Summary Of Group I Control Technique Guideline Documents For Control Of Volatile Organic Emissions From Existing Stationary Sources

450378122 Development of Questionnaires for Various Emission Inventory Uses

450379005A Glass Manufacturing Plants: Background Information: Proposed Standards of Performance

450379005B Glass Manufacturing Plants: Background Information for Promulgated Standards of Performance

450379006 Control Techniques for Carbon Monoxide Emissions

450379009 A Review of Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources: Incinerators

450379013 A Review of Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources: Nitric Acid Plants

450379017 Phosphate Rock Plants: Background Information for Proposed Standards

450379021 Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Background Information For Promulgated Emission Standards

450379023 Revised Prioritized List of Source Categories for NSPS Promulgation

450379024 Guidance For Lowest Achievable Emission Rates From 18 Major Stationary Sources Of Particulate, Nitrogen Oxides, Sulfur Dioxide, Or Volatile Organic Compounds

450379026 Primary Aluminum: Background Information for Promulgated Amendments

450379028B Lead-Acid Battery Manufacture: Background Information for Promulgated Standards

450379029A Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaners: Background Information for Proposed Standards, Draft EIS

450379030 Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Surface Coating Operations: Background Information for Proposed Standards

450379030B Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Surface Coating Operations: Background Information for Promulgated Standards

450379033 Review Of Standards Of Performance For Electric Arc Furnaces In Steel Industry

450379034A Ammonium Sulfate manufacture: Background Information for Proposed Emission Standards

450379035A Benzene Emissions from Ethylbenzene/ EIS Styrene Industry: Background Information for Proposed Standards

450379038R Review of New Source Performance Standards for Phosphate Fertilizer Industry, Revised

450380003A Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Industry: Background Information for Proposed Standards Draft EIS

450380003B Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Industry: Background Information for Promulgated Standards Final EIS

450380004 Source Category Survey: Borax and Boric Acid Industry

450380005 Source Category Survey: Perlite Industry

450380007A Surface Coating Of Metal Furniture Background Information For Proposed Standards

450380009A Proposed Guidelines For Determining Best Available Retrofit Technology For Coal fired Power Plants And Other Major Stationary Sources

450380009B Guidelines for Determining Best Available Retrofit Technology for Coal-Fired Power Plants and Other Existing Stationary Facilities

450380011 Source Category Survey: Secondary Copper Smelting and Refining Industry

450380012 Source Category Survey: Secondary Zinc Smelting and Refining Industry

450380015 Source Category Survey: Animal Feed Defluorination Industry

450380020A Electric Arc Furnaces in Ferrous Foundries: Background Information for Proposed Standards, Draft EIS

450380021A Asphalt Roofing Manufacturing Industry: Background Information for Proposed Standards Draft EIS

450380026 Organic Chemical Manufacturing Combustion Control Devices - {microform} Volume 4

450380027 Organic Chemical Manufacturing Volume 5: Adsorption, Condensation, and Absorption Devices

450380028B Organic Chemical Manufacturing Selected Processes - {microform} Volume 7

450380028C Organic Chemical Manufacturing Selected Processes - {microform} Volume 8

450380031A Publication Rotogravure Printing Background Information For Proposed Standards

450380031B Publication Rotogravure Printing: Background Information for Promulgated Standards, Final EIS

450380032A Benzene Fugitive Emissions Background Information For Proposed Standards

450380032B Benzene Fugitive Emissions: Background Information for Promulgated Standards

450380034A Benzene Emissions from Benzene Storage Tanks: Background Information for Proposed Standards

450380036A Beverage Can Surface Coating Industry: Background Information for Proposed Standards

450380037A Industrial Surface Coating: Appliances: Background Information for Proposed Standards, Draft EIS

450380037B Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances: Background Information for Promulgated Standards

450380041 A Review of Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources: Ferroalloy Production Facilities

450381001 Urea Manufacturing Industry, Technical Document

450381002 Ammonium Nitrate Manufacturing Industry Technical Document

450381003A VOC Emissions From Volatile Liquid Storage Tanks

450381003B VOC Emissions from Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Tanks: Background Information for Promulgated Standards

450381004 Control Techniques for Sulfur Oxide Emissions from Stationary Sources

450381005A Control Techniques for Particulate Emissions from Stationary Sources: Volume 1, September, 1992

450381005B Control Techniques for Particulate Emissions from Stationary Sources, Volume 2

450381007 Summary Of Technical Information For Selected Volatile Organic Compound Source Categories

450381008A Rubber Tire Manufacturing Industry: Background Information for Proposed Standards Draft EIS

450381008B Rubber Tire Manufacturing Industry Background Information For Promulgated Standards

450381009A Metallic Mineral Processing Plants: Background Information for Proposed Standards, Volume 1: Chapters 1-9

450381009B Metallic Mineral Processing Plants: Background Information for Proposed Standards, Volume 2: Appendices

450381009C Metallic Mineral Processing Plants Background Information For Promulgated Standards Final

450381012 Organic Solvent Use In Web Coating Operations

450381015B Petroleum Fugitive EIS Emissions: Background Information for Promulgated Standards

450381016A Flexible Vinyl Coating and Printing Operations Background Information For Proposed Standards, January 1983 {Draft}

450381016B Flexible Vinyl and Urethane Coating and Printing Background Information For Promulgated Standards, Final

450382001A Air Oxidation Processes in Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry: Background Information for Proposed Standards

450382001B Air Oxidation Processes In Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry Background Information For Proposed Standards

450382002A Revised Test Methods 107 and 107 Summary of Comments and Responses

450382004 Revised Test Method 107a (proposed February 12, 1981 46 Fr 12188) Summary Of Comments and Responses

450382005A Revised Standards for Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces: Background Information for Proposed Standards

450382005B Revised Standards for Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces Background Information for Promulgated Standards

450382008 Revisions To Methods 101, 101a, and 102 For Determination Of Mercury Emissions (proposed October 15, 1980, 45 Fr 68514) Summary Of Comments and Responses

450382009 Control Of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Large Petroleum Dry Cleaners

450382011A Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities: Background Information for Proposed Standards: Draft EIS

450382011B Synthetic Fiber Production Facilities Background Information For Promulgated Standards

450382012A Petroleum Dry Cleaners: Background Information for Proposed Standards Draft EIS

450382012B Petroleum Dry Cleaners, Background Information for Promulgated Standards

450382013A Sulfur Oxides Emissions from Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit Regenerators: Background Information for Proposed Standards

450382013B Sulfur Oxides Emissions From Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit Regenerators: Background Information For Promulgated Standards

450382017 Methods 6 and 7 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Revisions Background Information

450382018 Performance Specifications For Continuous Monitoring Of Total Reduced Sulfur Emission (proposed July 20, 1981, 46 Fr 37287) Summary Of Comments and Responses

450382019 Measurement Of Volatile Organic Compounds

450382020A Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen Decarburization Vessels in Steel Industry: Background Information for Proposed Revisions to Standards, Draft EIS

450382020b Electric Arc Furnaces and Argon-Oxygen Decarburization Vessels in Steel Plants: Background Information for Promulgated Standards

450382022 Revisions To Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems Performance Specifications 2 and 3 (proposed January 26, 1981, 46 Fr 8352) Summary Of Comments and Responses

450382022A Wool Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing Industry: Background Information for Proposed Standards

450382023A SO2 Emissions in Natural Gas Production Industry: Background Information for Proposed Standards Draft EIS

450382024A Equipment Leaks Of Voc In Natural Gas Production Industry Background Information For Proposed Standards

450382024B Equipment Leaks Of Voc In Natural Gas Production Industry Background Information For Promulgated Standards

450382025 Performance Specification 1 Specifications and Test Procedures For Opacity Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems In Stationary Sources, Summary Of Comments and Responses

450382027 Revisions To Method 3, Appendix A Of 40 CFR Part 60, Summary Of Comments and Responses

450382028 Method 16A For Determination Of Total Reduced Sulfur Emissions Summary Of Comments and Responses

450383001A Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants: Background Information for Proposed Standards

450383001B Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants Background Information For Promulgated Standards

450383002 Control Techniques for Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Stationary Sources, Revised, 2nd Edition

450383004 Costs Of Particulate Matter Controls For Nonfossil Fuel Fired Boilers

450383005A Distillation Operations in Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Background Information for Proposed Standards

450383005B Distillation Operations In Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry Background Information For Promulgated Standards

450383006 Guideline Series: Control of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks from Synthetic Organic Chemical and Polymer Manufacturing Equipment

450383007 Control of Volatile Organic Compound Equipment Leaks from Natural Gas/Gasoline Processing Plants

450383008 Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Manufacture of High-Density Polyethylene, Polypropylene, and Polystyrene Resins

450383009A Inorganic Arsenic Emissions from High-Arsenic Primary Copper Smelters: Background Information for Proposed Standards

450383010A Inorganic Arsenic Emissions From Low-arsenic Primary Copper Smelters Background Information For Proposed Standards

450383010B Inorganic Arsenic Emissions from Primary Copper Smelters and Arsenic Plants

450383011A Inorganic Arsenic Emissions From Glass Manufacturing Plants Background Information For Proposed Standards

450383011B Inorganic Arsenic Emissions from Glass Manufacturing Plants, Final EIS

450383012 Control Techniques For Organic Emissions From Plywood Veneer Dryers

450383013 Glossary For Air Pollution Control Of Industrial Coating Operations (with Graphical Aids For Rapid Estimation Of Acceptable Compliance Alternatives)

450383013R Glossary For Air Pollution Control Of Industrial Coating Operations

450383014 Review Of New Source Performance Standards For Petroleum Refinery Claus Sulfur Recovery Plants

450383015b Petroleum Fugitive EIS Emissions- Background Information For Promulgated Standards

450383016A Benzene Emissions from Coke By-Product Recovery Plants: Background Information for Proposed Standards

450383016B Benzene Emissions From Coke By-product Recovery Plants Background Information For Revised Proposed Standards Draft Eis

450383017 Review Of New Source Performance Standards For Kraft Pulp Mills

450383018A Review Of New Source Performance Standards For Primary Copper Smelters Chapters 1 Through 9

450383018B Review Of New Source Performance Standards For Primary Copper Smelters, Appendices

450383019A Polymer Manufacturing Industry: Background Information for Proposed Standards

450383019B Polymer Manufacturing Industry Background Information For Promulgated Standards

450383020 Revisions To Methods 4 and 5, Appendix A Of 40 CFR Part 60 Summary Of Comments and Responses

450383021 Evaluation Of Method 5B At A Coal-Fired Boiler

450384001 Review Of New Source Performance Standards For Grain Elevators

450384002 Benzene Emissions From Maleic Anhydride Industry Background Information For Proposal To Withdraw Proposed Standards

450384003 Benzene Emissions From Ethylbenzene-Styrene Plants Background Information For Proposal To Withdraw Proposed Standards

450384004 Benzene Emissions From Benzene Storage Tanks Background Information For Proposed To Withdraw Proposed Standards

450384007 Evaluation Of Method 5B At An Oil-fired Boiler

450384008 Lime Manufacturing Plants Background Information For Promulgated Standards

450384009 Review of New Source Performance Standards for Secondary Brass and Bronze Plants

450384010 Standards of Performance for Sewage Sludge Incinerators, 2nd Review

450384011 Review Of New Source Performance Standards For Nitric Acid Plants

450384012A Evaluation of Air Pollution Regulatory Strategies for Gasoline Marketing Industry

450384012B Evaluation Of Air Pollution Regulatory Strategies For Gasoline Marketing Industry Executive Summary

450384012C Evaluation of Air Pollution Regulatory Strategies for Gasoline Marketing Industry: Response to Public Comments

450384013A Bact-Laer (Best Available Control Technology-lowest Achievable Emission Rate) Clearinghouse A Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations, Volume 1 Summary Tables and Appendices A-f

450384013B Bact-Laer (Best Available Control Technology-lowest Achievable Emission Rate) Clearinghouse A Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations Volume 2a Appendix G

450384013C Bact-Laer (Best Available Control Technology-lowest Achievable Emission Rate) Clearinghouse A Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations Volume 2b Appendix G

450384014 Review Of National Emission Standards For Mercury

450384014B Review Of National Emission Standards For Mercury

450384016 Development and Evaluation Of Method 5B Background Information For Proposed Reference Method

450384017 Evaluation Of Emission Controls For Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities

450384018 Survey Of Ethylene Dichloride Emission Sources

450384020 Evaluation and Selection Of Models For Estimating Air Emissions From Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities

450385001A Voc Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems -Background Information For Promulgated Standards

450385001B Voc Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems -Background Information For Promulgated Standards

450385003A Portland Cement Background Information For Proposed Revisions To Standards

450385003B Portland Cement Background Information For Promulgated Revisions To Standards

450385004 Review Of New Source Performance Standards For Ammonium Sulfate Manufacture

450385006 Hazardous Waste Ranking Assessment Of Air Emissons (i e Emissions) From Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities

450385007 Physical-Chemical Properties and Categorization Of RCRA Wastes According To Volatility

450385009 Industrial Boiler SO2 Technology Update Report

450385010 Fluidized Bed Combustion Effectiveness Of An So2 Control Technology For Industrial Boilers

450385011 Industrial Boiler So2 Cost Report

450385012 Review Of New Source Performance Standards For Sulfuric Acid Plants

450385013 Opacity Provisions Background Information For Promulgated Amendments

450385015 Survey Of Methylene Chloride Emission Sources

450385016A BACT-LAER Clearinghouse A Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations

450385016B BACT-LAER Clearinghouse A Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations

450385016C BACT-LAER Clearinghouse A Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations

450385016D BACT-LAER Clearinghouse A Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations

450385016SUP3 Bactlaer Clearinghouse A Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations Third Supplement To 1985 Edition Summary Tables And Appendices A-g

450385016SUP4 Bactlaer Clearinghouse A Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations Fourth Supplement To 1985 Edition, Summary Tables And Appendices A-h

450385017 Survey Of Perchlorethylene Emission Sources

450385018 Survey of Carbon Tetrachloride Emission Sources

450385019A Surface Coating of Plastic Parts for Business Machines: Background Information for Proposed Standards

450385019B Surface Coating Of Plastic Parts For Business Machines Background Information For Promulgated Standards

450385020 Kraft Pulp Mills: Background Information for Promulgated Revisions to Standards

450385021 Survey Of Trichloroethylene Emission Sources

450385022B Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates: Background Information for Promulgated Standards, Final EIS

450385025A Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries: Background Information for Proposed Standards

450385025b Calciners And Dryers In Mineral Industries Background Information For Promulgated Standards: Final EIS

450385026 Survey Of Chloroform Emission Sources

450385028A Coke Oven Emissions From Wet-Coal Charged By-product Coke Oven Batteries Background Information For Proposed Standards

450385029A Magnetic Tape Manufacturing Industry Background Information For Proposed Standards {Draft}

450385029B Magnetic Tape Manufacturing Industry: Background Information For Promulgated Standards, Final EIS

450385030 Analysis Of The Costs and Cost Effectiveness Of Allowing So2 Emission Credits For Cogeneration Systems

450386001 An Analysis of Costs and Cost Effectiveness of SO2 Control for Mixed-Fuel-Fired Steam Generating Units

450386002 Emission Factors For Equipment Leaks Of Voc and Hap

450386003 Fossil and Nonfossil Fuel-fired Industrial Boilers Background Information For Promulgated Pm and NOx Standards, Volume 3

450386004 Vinyl Chloride Standards Responses To Comments On January 1985 Proposed Revisions

450386005 Summary of Regulatory Analysis for New Source Performance Standards: Industrial Commercial Institutional Steam Generating Units of Greater that 100/Mil Btu/hr Heat Input

450386007 Projected Impacts of Alternative Sulfur Dioxide New Source Performance Standards for Industrial Fossil Fuel Boilers

450386009 RCRA TSDF Air Emissions Background Technical Memoranda For Proposed Standards

450386010 Review Of New Source Performance Standards For Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants

450386011 Review Of New Source Performance Standards For Petroleum Refinery Fuel Gas

450386012 Primary Aluminum Statistical Analysis Of Potline Fluoride Emissions and Alternate Sampling Frequency

450387001A Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis: Proposed Refueling Emission Regulations for Gasoline-Fueled Motor Vehicles: Volume 1 Analysis of Gasoline Marketing Regulatory Strategies

450387001B Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis Proposed Refueling Emission Regulations-fueled Motor Vehicles

450387006 Survey Of New Industrial Boiler Projects 1981-1984

450387008 Zinc-zinc Oxide Preliminary Source Assessment


450387010A Chromium Emissions from Comfort Cooling Towers: Background Information for Proposed Standards

450387010B Chromium Emissions From Comfort Cooling Towers Background Information For Promulgated Standards

450387016 Episodic Emissions Data Summary, Final Report

450387017 Air Stripping Of Contaminated Water Sources Air Emissions and Controls

450387018 Determination Of Total Gaseous Nonmethane Organic Emissions As Carbon Summary Of Comments and Responses

450387020 Summary of Continuous Emissions Data from Seven Source Categories Producing or Using Hazardous Organic Compounds

450387021 Evaluation Of Emission Sources At A Waferboard Manufacturing Plant

450387022 Evaluation Of Potential Emissions Of Tdi From Two Facilities

450387023 Evaluation Of Emission Factors For Formaldehyde From Certain Wood Processing Operations

450387024 Fossil and Nonfossil Fuel-Fired Industrial Boilers - Background Information for Promulgated SO2 Standards, Volume 4

450387025 Residential Wood Heaters: Background Information for Promulgated Standards

450387026 Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (tsdf) Air Emission Models

450388001 Second Review Of New Source Performance Standards For Coal Preparation Plants

450388002 Sodium Hydroxide Preliminary Source Assessment

450388003 Summary Of Emissions Associated With Sources Of Naphthalene

450388004 Cadmium Emissions From Pigment and Stabilizer Manufacturing Phase 1 Technical Report

450388005 Summary of Emissions Associated With Sources of Ethyl Chloride

450388006 Cadmium Emissions From Primary Lead and Primary Copper Smelting Phase 1 Technical Report

450388007 Reduction Of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From The Application Of Traffic Markings

450388010 Protocols For Generating Unit-specific Emission Estimates For Equipment Leaks Of Voc and Vhap

450388011 Bact-laer Information System (blis) User's Manual For The Ibm 3090

450388014 Summary of Emissions Associated with Propylene Oxide

450388015 Characterization and Control Of Radionuclide Emissions From Elemental Phosphorus Production

450388015 Directory of Information ResourcesRelated To Health, Exposure, and Risk Assessment

450388016 Glossary of Terms Related to Health, Exposure, and Risk Assessment

450388017 Hospital Waste Combustion Study Data Gathering Phase, Final Report

450388018 Protocol For Determining The Daily Volatile Organic Compound Emission Rate Of Automobile and Light-duty Truck Topcoat Operations

450389001 Evaluation Of Emission Control Options At Leeds Architectural Products

450389002 Operation and Maintenance Of Hospital Medical Waste Incinerators

450389003 Hospital Incinerator Operator Training Course Student Handbook Volume I

450389004 Hospital Incinerator Operator Training Course Volume II Presentation Slides

450389005 Economic Impact Of Air Pollutant Emission Guidelines For Existing Municipal Waste Combustors Final Report

450389006 Economic Impact Of Air Pollutant Emission Standards For New Municipal Waste Combustors Final Report

450389007 Alternative Control Technology Document Ethylene Oxide Sterilization-fumigation Operations

450389008 Control Technology Assessment Report For Air Emissions From Wastewater Treatment Operations

450389009 Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities Background Information For Promulgated Standards For Process Vents and Equipment Leaks

450389018 Projected Impacts Of Alternative Particulate Matter New Source Performance Standards For Industrial-commercial-institutional Nonfossil Fuel-fired Steam Generating Units

450389019 Hazardous Waste TSDF Fugitive Particulate Matter Air Emissions Guidance Document

450389020 Characterization And Control Of Radionuclide Emissions From Elemental Phosphorus Production

450389021 Hazardous Waste TSDF, Technical Guidance Document for RCRA Air Emission Standards for Process Vents and Equipment Leaks

450389023A Hazardous Waste TSDF Background Information for Proposed RCRA Air Emission Standards, Volume I: Chapters 1- 8, and Appendices A - C

450389023B Hazardous Waste TSDF Background Information for Proposed RCRA Air Emission Standards, Volume II: Chapters 1- 8, and Appendices D - F

450389023C Hazardous Waste TSDF Background Information for Proposed RCRA Air Emission Standards, Volume 3: Appendices G-L <Draft>

450389024 Ultrasonic Cleaning Of Rotogravure Cylinders

450389025 NATICH Bibliography Of Selected Reports and Federal Register Notices Related To Air Toxics, Volume 3 Citations 1989

450389025A National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Bibliography Of Selected Reports and Federal Register Notices Related To Air Toxics

450389026 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Ongoing Research and Regulatory Development Projects

450389027A Municipal Waste Combustors Background Information For Proposed Standards Cost Procedures

450389027B Municipal Waste Combustors Background Information For Proposed Standards 111(b) Model Plant Description and Cost Report

450389029 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Natich Data Base Report On State, Local and EPA Air Toxics Activities, Final

450389030 Alternative Control Technology Document Halogenated Solvent Cleaners

450389031 Benzene Emissions from Coke By-Product Recovery Plants, Benzene Storage Vessels, Equipment Leaks, and Ethylbenzene/Styrene Process Vents: Background Information and Responses to Technical Comments for 1989 Final Decisions

450390001 Affordability Analysis Of Lead Emission Controls For A Smelter Refinery

450390002 Evaluation Of Emission Control Devices At Waferboard Plants

450390004 Industrial Wastewater Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Background Information For Bact-laer Determinations

450390006 OAQPS Control Cost Manual

450390006B OAQPS Control Cost Manual Fourth Edition Supplement 2

450390006C OAQPS Control Cost Manual Hoods, Ductwork And Stacks

450390007 Guidance Document For Selecting Antiskid Materials Applied To Ice-And Snow-Covered Roadways

450390008 Symposium On Regulatory Approaches For Reducing Voc Emissions From The Use Of Consumer Products, November 14-15, 1989 Proceedings

450390009 Benzene Enabling Document For Standards On Benzene Transfer and Waste Operations

450390010 User's Manual For The Pm-10 Open Fugitive Dust Source Computer Model Package

450390013 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Ongoing Research and Regulatory Development Projects, Final Report

450390014 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Bibliography Of Selected Reports and Federal Register Notices Related To Air Toxics Volume 4 Citations

450390014A National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Bibliography Of Selected Reports and Federal Register Notices Related To Air Toxics Index 1990, Final Report

450390015A Bact-Laer Clearinghouse Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations Report Summary and Appendices A-G Volume1

450390015B Bact-Laer Clearinghouse Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations {microform}

450390015C Bact-laer Clearinghouse A Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations {microform}


450390016A Reactor Processes In Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry Background Information For Proposed Standards

450390016B Reactor Processes in the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry, Background Information for Promulgated Standards

450390017 National Emission Standards for Asbestos: Background Information for Promulgated Asbestos NESHAP Revisions

450390018 Enabling Document For New Source Performance Standards For Air Oxidation Processes and Distillation Operations In The Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry

450390019 Polymer Manufacturing Industry Enabling Document

450390020 Control Of Voc Emissions From Polystyrene Foam Manufacturing

450390021 Municipal Waste Combustion Background Infromation For Materials Separation

450390022 Air Pollution and Health Risk

450390023 Evaluating Exposures To Toxic Air Pollutants Citizens Guide

450390024 Risk Assessment For Toxic Air Pollutants Citizens Guide

450390026 Health Hazard Assessment Summary Steel Mill Emissions

450391002 Air Pollutant Emission Standards and Guidelines for Municipal Waste Combustors: Economic Analysis of Materials Separation Requirement

450391003A Air Pollutant Emission Standards and Guidelines for Municipal Waste Combustors: Revison and Update of Economic Impact Analysis and Regulatory Impact Analysis

450391004 Municipal Waste Combustion Background Information For Promulgated Standards and Guidelines

450391007 Alternative Control Technology Document Organic Waste Process Vents

450391008 Best Demonstrated Control Technology For Graphic Arts

450391010 HEM-II User's Guide

450391011 Impact Of Declaring Soybean Oil Exempt From VOC Regulations On The Coatings Program

450391012A Procedures For Establishing Emissions For Early Reduction Compliance Extensions, Draft Volume 1

450391012B Procedures For Establishing Emissions For Early Reduction Compliance Extensions, Volume 1

450391013 Enabling Document for Regulations Governing Compliance Extensions for Early Reductions of Hazardous Air Pollutants

450391015 Ract-Bact-Laer Clearinghouse A Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations First Supplement To 1990 Edition

450391016 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Bibliography Of Selected Reports and Federal Register Notices Related To Air Toxics

450391017 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Bibliography Of Selected Reports and Federal Register Notices Related To Air Toxics

450391018 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Natich Data Base Report On State, Local and EPA Air Toxics Activities, Final

450391019 General Provisions for 40 CFR Part 63: Background Information for Proposed Regulation

450391019B General Provisions For 40 CFR Part 63, National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants For Source Categories Background Information For Promulgated Regulation

450391020A Dry Cleaning Facilities, Background Information for Proposed Standards, Draft

450391020B Dry Cleaning Facilities: Background Information for Promulgated Standards, Final

450391021 Economic Impact Analysis Of Regulatory Controls In The Dry Cleaning Industry Final

450391021B Economic Impact Analysis of Regulatory Controls in the Dry Cleaning Industry

450391022A Technical Guidance Stateg 2 Vapor Recovery Systems For Control Of Vehicle Refueling Emissions At Gasoline Dispensing Facilities, Volume 1 Chapters

450391022B Technical Guidance Stage Ii Vapor Recovery Systems For Control Of Vehicle Refueling Emissions At Gasoline Dispensing Facilities, Volume 2 Appendices

450391023 Carbon Disulfide Emission Control Options

450391026 Alternative Control Techniques Document Nitric And Adipic Acid Manufacturing Plants

450391027 Assessment Of Voc Emissions And Their Control From Baker's Yeast Manufacturing Facilities

450391028 Enabling Document For New Source Performance Standards For Calciners and Dryers In Minerals Industries

450391029 Economic Impact Analysis For Proposed Emission Standards and Guidelines For Municipal Waste Combustors

450391030 Documentation For Developing The Initial Source Category List

450392001A Technical Support Document For The Development Of A Voc Rule For Marine Vessel Loading Operations

450392003 Health Effects and Dose-response Assessment For Hydrogen Chloride Following Short-term Exposure

450392004 Summary of NOx Control Technologies and Their Availability and Extent of Application

450392006B National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Compliance Extensions for Early Reductions, Background Information for Promulgated Standards

450392007A Guidelines For Mact Determinations Under Section 112(j) Proposal

450392007B Guidance For Mact Determinations Under Section 112(g) Proposal

450392009 Regulatory Impact Analysis For The National Emissions Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants For Source Categories Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants From The Synthetic Organic

450392010 Technical Background Document To Support Rulemaking Pursuant To The Clean Air Act Section 112(g) Ranking Of Pollutants With Respect To Hazard To Human Health

450392011 Monte Carlo Approach To Simulating Residential Occupancy Periods and Its Application To The General U s Population

450392012 Alternative Control Techniques Document For Pm-10 Emissions From Ferrous Foundries

450392013 Control Of Voc Emissions From Ink and Paint Manufacturing Processes

450392015 Production Of Acetal, Amino, and Phenolic Resins

450474001 Designation Of Air Quality Maintenance Areas Volume 1

450474002 Guidelines For Air Quality Maintenance Planning and Analysis Plan Preparation Volume 2

450474003 Guidelines for Air Quality Maintenance Planning and Analysis Volume 3 Control Strategies


450474005 Designation Of Unacceptable Analytical Methods Of Measurement For Criteria Pollutants

450474006 Guidelines For Air Quality Maintenance Planning and Analysis Volume 5 Case Studies In Plan Development

450474007 Guidelines for Air Quality Maintenance Planning and Analysis Volume 6: Overview Of Air Quality Maintenance Area Analysis

450474008 Guidelines for Air Quality Maintenance Planning and Analysis Volume 7: Projecting County Emissions, 2nd Edition

450474009 Guidelines for Air Quality Maintenance Planning and Analysis Volume 8: Computer Assisted Area Source Emissions Gridding Procedure

450474011 Guidelines For Air Quality Maintenance Planning and Analysis Reviewing New Stationary Sources Volume 10

450474012 Air Quality Monitoring and Data Analysis

450474013 Applying Atmospheric Simulation Models To Air Quality Maintenance Areas

450474014 Allocating Projected Emissions To Subcounty Areas Appendices A and B

450474014B Accounting For New Source Performance Standards In Projecting And Allocating Emmissions Hypothetical Example

450475001 Evaluating Indirect Sources

450475002 Guidelines For Air Quality Maintenance Planning and Analysis, Volume 14

450477001 Guidelines For Air Quality Maintenance Planning and Analysis Procedures For Evaluating Air Quality Impact Of New Stationary Sources

450478001 Evaluating Indirect Sources

450479003 Guideline For The Interpretation Of Ozone Air Quality Standards

450479007 Guideline Series Guidance For Selecting Tsp Episode Monitoring Methods

450479008B Study Of The Nature Of Ozone, Oxides Of Nitrogen, and Nonmethane Hydrocarbons In Tulsa, Oklahoma

450479008C Study Of The Nature Of Ozone, Oxides Of Nitrogen, and Nonmethane Hydrocarbons In Tulsa, Oklahoma Volume III Data Analysis and Interpretation

450479011 Evaluation Of Particulate Emission Factors For Vehicle Tire Wear

450479012 Empirical Approach For Relating Annual Tsp Concentrations To Particulate Microinventory Emissions Data and Monitor Siting Characteristics

450479015 Guideline For Use Of Fluid Modeling To Determine Good Engineering Practice Stack Height

450479016 Guideline For Fluid Modeling Of Atmospheric Diffusion

450479018 Procedures For The Preparation Of Emission Inventories For Volatile Organic Compounds, Volume 2 Emission Inventory Requirements For Photochemical Air Quality Simulation Models

450479025 Application Of Photochemical Models

450479030 Industrial Source Complex (ISC) Dispersion Model User's Guide

450479032 Performance Measures and Standards For Air Quality Simulation Models

450479039 Ozone and Precursor Transport Into An Urban Area Evaluation Of Measurement Approaches

450480006A Analysis Of The St Louis Rams (Regional Air Monitoring System) Ambient Particulate Data Volume I Final Report

450480006B Analysis Of The St Louis Rams (Regional Air Monitoring System) Ambient Particulate Data Volume II Technical Appendices

450480007A Engineering Reference Manual For Coding Neds and Eis-p&r Forms, Volume 2 Compendia Of Process

450480007B Engineering Reference Manual For Coding Neds and EIS-P&R Forms, Volume 3 Compendium Of Processes

450480009 Emissions Inventory System-Area Source {User's Guide}

450480012 Ambient Monitoring Guidelines For Prevention Deterioration (PSD)

450480016 Final Emission Inventory Requirements For 1982 Ozone State Implementation Plans

450480019 Emissions Inventory System-point Source (EIS-PS) Test Run Series Documentation

450480021 Emission Inventories For Urban Airshed Model Application In Tulsa, Oklahoma

450480023R Guideline For Determination Of Good Engineering Practice Stack Height (Technical Support Document For The Stack Height Regulations

450480034 Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Continuous Non-methane Organic Compound Data Collection

450480036B Appendix To Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Determination Of Organic Species Profiles For Gasoline Liquids and Vapors Sampling and Analysis Data Sheets

450481002 Evaluation Study For The Industrial Source Complex (ISC) Dispersion Model

450481003 Guideline For Use Of Fluid Modeling To Determine Good Engineering Practice Stack Height

450481005A Application Of The Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach To Urban Areas Volume I San Francisco-Sacramento

450481005B Application Of The Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach To Urban Areas Volume II Tulsa

450481005C Application of the Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach to Urban Areas: Philadelphia, Volume 3

450481006 Guideline For Lead Monitoring In The Vicinity Of Point Sources

450481007A Directory Of Volatile Organic Compound Sources Covered By Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Requirements Volume I Group I RACTCategories

450481007B Directory Of Volatile Organic Compound Sources Covered By Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Requirements Volume II Group II RACT Categories

450481007C Directory Of Volatile Organic Compound Sources Covered By Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Requirements Volume III Group III RACT Categories

450481012 Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project: Aircraft Measurements, New York and Vicinity

450481014 1980 Ambient Assessment-Air Portion

450481015 U s Environmental Protection Agency Intra-agency Task Force Report On Air Quality Indicators

450481016A Receptor Model Technical Series Volume 1 Overview Of Receptor Model Application To Particulate Source Apportionment

450481017 New Hampshire and Vermont Point Source Emission Inventory Update For NECRMP

450481018 Volatile Organic Compound Ract Sources Missing Form NEDS

450481019D Northeast Corridor Modeling Project -- Upper Air Meteorological Measurements: Upper Air Wind Data - Marlboro, NJ, Volume 4

450481019E Northeast Corridor Modeling Project - Upper Air Meteorological Measurements: Upper Air Wind Data, Newark, N.J. Volume 5

450481019G Northeast Corridor Modeling Project: Upper Air Meteorological Measurements; Upper Air Wind Data - Boston, MA. Volume 7

450481022 User's Manual For Mixing Height Computer Program

450481026A Procedures For Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume 1 Inventory Fundamentals

450481026B Procedures For Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume 2 Point Sources

450481026C Procedures For Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume 3 Area Solutions

450481026D Procedures For Emission Inventory Preparation, Volume 4 Mobile Sources

450481026E Procedures For Emission Inventory Preparation Volume V Bibliography

450481030 Questions and Responses At The 1981 Workshops On Procedures To Denmonstrate Attainment Of The NAQPS For Ozone In The 1982 SIPS

450481031A Sensitivity Of Complex Photochemical Model Estimates To Detail In Input Information

450481031D Comparative Application Of The EKMA In The Los Angeles Area

450481031E Evaluating Simple Oxidant Prediction Methods Using Complex Photochemical Models Cluster Analysis Applied To Urban Ozone Characteristics

450481034 Effects Of Chemistry and Meteorology On Ozone Control Calculations Using Simple Trajectory Models and The EKMA Procedure

450481035 Analysis Of Inhalable and Fine Particulate Matter Measurements

450481501 Regional Workshops On Air Quality Modeling A Summary Report

450482001 National Air Pollutant Emission Estimates, 1940-1980

450482005 Emissions Inventories For Urban Airshed Model Application In The Philadelphia AQRC (Apr 1982)

450482006 Tests Of The Industrial Source Complex (ISC) Dispersion Model At The Armco, Middletown, Ohio Steel Mill

450482008 Evaluation Of The EPA PLUVUE Model and The ERT Visibility Model Based On The 1979 VISTTA Data Base

450482012 National Air Pollutant Emission Estimates, 1970-1981

450482013B Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Annual Emission Inventory Compilation And Formatting Vol 2 Connecticut Emission Inventory

450482013C Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Annual Emission Inventory Compilation And Formatting Vol 3 Delaware Emission Inventory

450482013D Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Annual Emission Inventory Compilation And Formatting Vol 4 Maine Emission Inventory

450482013E Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Annual Emission Inventory Compilation And Formatting Vol 5 Maryland Emission Inventory

450482013F Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Annual Emission Inventory Compilation And Formatting Vol 6 Massachusetts Emission Inventory

450482013G Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Annual Emission Inventory Compilation and Formatting Vol 7 New Hampshire Emission Inventory

450482013H Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Annual Emission Inventory Compilation And Formatting Vol 8 New Jersey Emission Inventory

450482013I Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Annual Emission Inventory Compilation And Formatting Vol 9 New York Emission Inventory

450482013J Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Annual Emission Inventory Compilation And Formatting Vol 10 Ohio Emission Inventory

450482013K Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Annual Emission Inventory Compilation And Formatting Vol 11 Pennsylvania Emission Inventory

450482013M Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Annual Emission Inventory Compilation And Formatting Vol 13 Vermont Emission Inventory

450482013N Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Annual Emission Inventory Compilation And Formatting Vol 14 Virginia Emission Inventory

450482013O Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Annual Emission Inventory Compilation And Formatting Vol 15 Washington Dc Emission Inventory

450482013P Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Annual Emission Inventory Compilation And Formatting Vol 16 West Virginia Emission Inventory

450482013Q Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Annual Emission Inventory Compilation And Formatting Volume Xvii Development Of Allocation Factors

450482013R Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Annual Emission Inventory Compilation and Formatting, Volume Xv111 Inventory Review and Evaluation

450482014 Cost Analysis Of Proposed Changes To The Air Quality Modeling Guidelines

450482018 Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project: Description of the 1980 Urban Field Studies

450483002 Field Study To Determine Spatial Variability Of Lead From Roadways

450483003A Evaluation Of Rural Air Quality Simulation Models Addendum A, Muskingum River Data Base

450483003B Evaluation Of Rural Air Quality Simulation Models Addendum B Graphical Display Of Model Performance Using The Clifty Creek Data Base

450483003C Evaluation Of Rural Air Quality Simulation Models Addendum C Kincaid SO2 Data Base

450483003D Evaluation Of Rural Air Quality Simulation Models Addendum D Paradise SO2 Data Base

450483004 Characterization Of PM 10 and TSP Air Quality Around Western Surface Coal Mines

450483005 Guideline For Pm10 Episode Monitoring Methods

450483011 National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1981

450483014A Receptor Model Technical Series Volume 3 User's Manual For Chemical Mass Balance Model

450483014R CMB Users' Manual (Version 6 0)

450483015A Northeast Corridor Regional Modeling Project Urban Field Studies Data Base Description

450483018 Summary Of Particle Identification Techniques Volume 4 Summary of Particle Identification Techniques

450483019 St Louis Ozone Modeling Project

450483019 St. Louis Ozone Modeling Project

450483020 Evaluation Of Urban Air Quality Simulation Models

450483021 Evaluation Of Performance Measures For An Urban Photochemical Model

450484002 National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1982

450484003 Nonindustrial Sources Of Potentially Toxic Substances and Their Applicability To Source Apportionment Methods

450484005 Guideline For Using The Carbon-Bond Mechanism In City-Specific EKMA

450484006 Special Report, Issues Concerning The Use Of Precision and Accuracy Data

450484007A Locating and Estimating Air Emissions From Sources of Acrylonitrile

450484007B Locating and Estimating Air Emissions From Sources of Carbon Tetrachloride

450484007C Locating and Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Chloroform

450484007d Locating And Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Ethylene Dichloride

450484007E Locating and Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Formaldehyde

450484007F Locating And Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Nickel

450484007G Locating And Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Chromium

450484007H Locating and Estimating Air Emissions from Sources of Manganese

450484007I Locating And Estimating Air Emissions From Sources of Phosgene

450484007J Locating And Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Epichlorohydrin

450484007K Locating and Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Vinylidene Chloride

450484007L Locating and Estimating Air Emissions from Sources of Ethylene Oxide

450484007m Locating And Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Chlorobenzenes

450484007N Locating and Estimating Air Emissions from Sources of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

450484007P Locating and Estimating Air Emissions from Sources of Polycyclic Organic Matter

450484007Q Locating and Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Benzene

450484008 Analysis Of Particulate Matter Concentrations and Visibility In The Eastern United States

450484009 Technical Discussions Relating To The Use Of The Carbon Bond Mechanism In OZIPM-EKMA

450484010 Procedures For Estimating Probability Of Nonattainment Of A PM10 NAAQS Using Total Suspended Particulate Of Inhalable Particulate Data

450484012 Optimum Sampling Site Exposure Criteria For Lead

450484014A National Dioxin Study Tier 4 - Combustion Sources Project Plan

450484014C National Dioxin Study Tier 4 Combustion Sources: Sampling Procedures

450484014D National Dioxin Study Tier 4 - Combustion Sources Ash Sampling Program

450484014E National Dioxin Study Tier 4 Combustion Sources: Quality Assurance Project Plan

450484014F National Dioxin Study Tier 4 Combustion Sources: Quality Assurance Evaluation

450484014G National Dioxin Study Tier 4 - Combustion Sources, Project Summary Report

450484014H Engineering Analysis Report

450484014I National Dioxin Study Tier 4 Combustion Sources, Final Test Report, Site 3, Final Literature Review

450484014J National Dioxin Study Tier 4 Combustion Sources, Final Test Report, Site 1, Sewage Sludge Incinerator SSI-A

450484014K National Dioxin Study Tier 4 Combustion Sources, Final Test Report, Site 2

450484014L National Dioxin Study Tier 4 Combustion Sources: Final Test Report, Site 3, Sewage Sludge Incinerator SSI-B

450484014M National Dioxin Study Tier 4 Combustion Sources, Final Test Report, Site 4

450484014N National Dioxin Study Tier 4 Combustion Sources, Final Test Report, Site 5

450484014O National Dioxin Study Tier 4 Combustion Sources, Final Test Report, Site 6

450484014P National Dioxin Study Tier 4 Combustion Sources, Final Test Report, Site 7

450484014q National Study Tier 4 - Combustion Sources: Final Test Report - Site 8 Black Liquor Boiler BLB - C

450484014R National Dioxin Study Tier 4 Combustion Sources, Final Test Report, Site 9

450484014S National Dioxin Study Tier 4 Combustion Sources, Final Test Report, Site 10

450484014T National Dioxin Study Tier 4 Combustion Sources, Final Test Report, Site 11, Drum and Barrel Reclamation Furnace DBR-A

450484014U National Dioxin Study Tier 4 Combustion Sources, Final Test Report, Site 12, Sewage Sludge Incinerator SSI-C

450484014V National Dioxin Study Tier 4 Combustion Sources, Final Test Report, Site 13

450484015 Compilation Of Air Toxic and Trace Metal Summary Statistics

450484016 Potential Causes Of Elevated PMON and PMOS Concentrations In The Inhalable Particulate Network

450484017 Evaluation Of Complex Terrain Air Quality Simulation Models

450484020 Receptor Model Technical Series Volume 5 Source Apportionment Techniques and Consideration In Combining Their Use

450484021 Estimating PM10 and FP Background Concentrations from TSP and Other Measurements

450484022 Network Design and Site Exposure Criteria For Selected Noncriteria Air Pollutants

450484022A Network Design and Site Exposure Criteria For Selected Noncriteria Air Pollutants Appendix E and F

450484023 Interim Procedures For Evaluating Air Quality Models (Revised)

450484024 User's Manual For OZIPM-2 Ozone Isopleth Plotting With Optional Mechamisms

450484025 1982 National Emissions Data System (NEDS) Fuel Use Report

450484028 National Air Pollutant Emission Estimates, 1940-1983

450484029 National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1983

450484990 Estimation Of The Public Health Risk From Exposure To Gasoline Vapor Via The Gasoline Marketing System A Staff Paper Submitted For Review To The Science Advisory Board

450485001 Dispersion Of Airborne Particulates In Surface Coal Mines Data Analysis

450485002 Receptor Model Source Composition Library

450485003 Evaluation and Application Of The Urban Airshed Model In The Philadelphia Air Quality Control Region

450485005 Air Quality Data - 1984 Annual Statistics Including Summaries With Reference To Standards

450485006 Interim Procedures For Evaluating Air Quality Models Experience With Implementation

450485008 PM 10 and Fugitive Dust In The Southwest Ambient Impact, Sources and Remedies

450485009 User's Guide For The Multiple Airshed (MASH) Model

450485010 Examination Of 1982-1983 Particulate Matter Ratios and Their Use In The Estimation Of PM10 NAAQS Attainment Status

450485011 Review Of Control Strategies For Ozone And Their Effects On Other Environmental Issues

450485012 Technical Support Document For Residental Wood Combustion

450485014 National Air Pollutant Emission Estimates, 1940-1984

450486001 National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report 1984

450486002 Evaluation Of Mobile Source Air Quality Simulation Models

450486003 Continued Analysis and Derivation Of A Method To Model Pit Retention

450486005A Industrial Source Complex (ISC) Dispersion Model User's Guide Volume 1

450486005B Industrial Source Complex (ISC) Dispersion Model User's Guide Volume 2 Appendices

450486006 Activities Of The EPA Model Clearinghouse A Summary Report: FY81 - FY85

450486007 Guideline on the Identification and Use of Air Quality Data Affected by Exceptional Events

450486008A Air Quality Data 1985 Annual Statistics Including Summaries with Reference to Standards

450486010 Compiling Air Toxics Emission Inventories

450486010 Compiling Air Toxics Emission Inventories

450486013 Generalized Particle Size Distribution For Use In Preparing Size Specific Particulate Emission Inventories

450486014 Options For Reducing The Cost Of Criteria Pollutant Monitoring

450486015 Review Of NMOC, NOX and NMOC-NOX Ratios Measured In 1984 and 1985

450486016A Evaluation Of Short-term Long-range Transport Models Volume 1Analysis Procedures and Results

450486016B Evaluation Of Short-term Long-range Transport Models Volume 2 Appendices A Through E

450486017 Procedures For Estimating Probability Of Nonattainment Of A PM10 NAAQS Using Total Suspended Particulate Or PM10 Data

450486018 National Air Pollutant Emission Estimates, 1940-1985

450487001 National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1985

450487002 Analysis and Evaluation Of Statistical Coastal Fumigation Models

450487003 Technical Discussion Related To The Choice Of Photolytic Rates For Carbon Bond Mechanisms In OZIPM4/EKMA

450487005 Guideline On Exceptions To Data Requirements For Determining Attainment Of Particulate Matter Standards

450487007 Ambient Monitoring Guidelines For Prevention Of Significant Deterioration (PSD)

450487009 Network Design and Optimum Site Exposure Criteria For Particulate Matter

450487010 Protocol For Applying and Validating The CMB Model

450487011 Application Of The Urban Airshed Model To The New York Metropolitan Area

450487012 Example Modeling To Illustrate Sip Development For The PM10 NAAQS

450487013 On-site Meteorological Program Guidance For Regulatory Modeling Applications

450487022 Urban Air Toxics Monitoring Program

450487023A Toxic Air Pollutant Source Crosswalk A Screening Tool For Locating Possible Sources Emitting Toxic Air Pollutants

450487023B Toxic Air Pollutant-source Crosswalk Information Storage and Retrival System User's Manual

450487024 National Air Pollutant Emission Estimates, 1940-1986

450488002A Industrial Source Complex (isc) Dispersion Model User's Guide Second Edition Volume 1 (revised)

450488003 Gap Filling PM10 Emission Factors For Selected Open Area Dust Sources

450488004 Estimating Air Toxics Emissions From Organic Liquid Storage Tanks

450488005 Chemical Mass Balance Receptor Model Diagnostics

450488006A Dispersion Model For Elevated Dense Gas Jet Chemical Releases Vol 1

450488006B Dispersion Model For Elevated Dense Gas Jet Chemical Releases

450488007 Statistical Properties Of Hourly Concentrations Of Volatile Organic Compounds At Baton Rouge, Louisiana (revised)

450488008 Compilation of Air Toxics Emission Inventory Questionnaires

450488009 Workbook Of Screening Techniques For Assessing Impacts Of Toxic Air Pollutants

450488010 Screening Procedures For Estimating The Air Quality Impact Of Stationary Sources

450488012 1987 Nonmethane Organic Compound and Air Toxics Monitoring Program Final Report

450488013 Multiple Air Toxics Exposure Study Working Paper, Number 3: South Coast Air Basin

450488015 Workbook For Plume Visual Impact Screening and Analysis

450488016 PC Based System for Generating EKMA Input Files

450488017 User's Guide To SDM A Shoreline Dispersion Model

450488019 Emission Inventory Requirements For Post-1987 Ozone State Implementation Plans

450488020 Emission Inventory Requirements For Post-1987 Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plans

450488022 National Air Pollutant Emission Estimates, 1940-1987

450488023 Guidance For The Preparation Of Quality Assurance Plans For O3/CO SIP Emission Inventories

450488024 User's Guide For RVD 2.0 A Relief Valve Discharge Screening Model

450489002 Proceedings: Hospital Waste Incineration and Hospital Sterilization Workshops May 10-12, 1988, Golden Gateway Holiday Inn, San Francisco, CA, May 24-26, 1988, Hotel Belvedere, Baltimore, MD

450489003 1988 Nonmethane Organic Compound Monitoring Program Final Report Volume 1: Nonmethane Organic Compounds

450489005 1988 Nonmethane Organic Compound and Air Toxics Monitoring Program Final Report Volume 2: Urban Air Toxics Monitoring Program

450489009A OZIPM-4 (Ozone Isopleth Plotting With Optional Mechanisms) Volume 1 User's Manual

450489009B User's Manual for OZIPM-4 (Ozone Isopleth Plotting with Optional Mechanisms) Volume 2: Computer Code

450489010 Consideration of Transported Ozone and Precursors and Their Use in EKMA

450489012 Procedures for Applying City-Specific EKMA

450489013A Surface Impoundment Modeling System (SIMS) User's Manual

450489013B Background Document For The Surface Impoundment Modeling System (SIMS)

450489015 Guidance On Applying The Data Quality Objectives Process For Ambient Air Monitoring Around Superfund Sites (Stages 1 and 2)

450489017 Soil Vapor Extraction VOC Control Technology Assessment, Final Report

450489019 User's Guide For The DEGADIS 2.1 Dense Gas Dispersion Model

450489020 Review and Evaluation Of Area Source Dispersion Algorithms For Emission Sources At Superfund Sites, Final Report

450490001 National Air Pollutant Emission Estimates, 1940-1988

450490002 National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1988

450490003 Airs Facility Subsystem Source Classification Codes and Emission Factor Listing For Criteria Air Pollutants

450490004 Receptor Model Technical Series Volume 3 1998 Revision CMB 7 Users' Manual

450490005 Guidance On Applying The Data Quality Objectives Process For Ambient Air Monitoring Around Superfund Sites (Stages 1 and 2)

450490006A Urban Airshed Model Study Of Five Cities

450490006B Urban Airshed Model Study Of Five Cities Demonstration Of Low-cost Application Of The Model To The City Of Atlanta and The Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex Region

450490006C Urban Airshed Model Study Of 5 Cities Evaluation Of Base Case Model Performance For The Cities Of St Louis and Philadelphia Using Rich and Sparse Meteorological Inputs

450490006D Urban Airshed Model Study Of Five Cities Low Cost Application Of The Model To Atlanta and Evaluation Of The Effects Of Biogenic Emissions On Emission Control Strategies

450490006E Urban Airshed Mode Study Of Five Cities Low Cost Application Of The Urban Airshed Model To The New York Metropolitan Area and The City Of Saint Louis

450490006F Low-Cost Application of the Model to Future-Year SIP Control and Alternative Fuel Strategies for Dallas, Fort Worth, Atlanta, Philadelphia, and St. Louis (Volume I- Results)

450490006G Urban Airshed Model Study Of 5 Cities Low-cost Application Of The Model To Future-year Sip Control and Alternative Fuel Strategies (Volume II Appendices B-II)

450490007A Urban Airshed Model, Volume 1 User's Manual For The UAM (CB-IV) User's Guide

450490007B Urban Airshed Model, Volume 2 User's Manual For The Uam (CB-IV) Modeling System User's Guide

450490007C User's Guide for the Urban Airshed Model Volume 3: User's Manual for the Diagnostic Wind Model

450490007D User's Guide for the Urban Airshed Model Volume 4: User's Manual for the Emissions Preprocessor System

450490007DR User's Guide For The Urban Airshed Model, Volume 4 User's Manual For The Emissions Preprocessor System 2 0, Part B Interface and Emission Display System

450490007E Urban Airshed Model, Volume 5 Description and Operation Of The ROM-UAM Interface Program System {User's Guide}

450490007F User's Guide For The Urban Airshed Model Volume VI User's Manual For The Postprocessing System

450490007G User's Guide For The Urban Airshed Model Volume Viiuser's Manual For The Performance Evaluation System

450490008 Improve Progress Report

450490008A Improve Progress Report, Appendix A

450490008B Improve Progress Report APPENDICES B - H

450490011 1989 Nonmethane Organic Compound Monitoring Program and Three-hour Air Toxics Monitoring Program

450490012 Method Development and Evaluation Of Draft Protocol For Measurement Of Condensible Particulate Emissions Test Report


450490014 Air-superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Development Of Example Procedures For Evaluating The Air Impacts Of Soil Excavation Associated With Superfund Remedial

450490015 Protocol For The Field Validation Of Emission Concentrations From Stationary Sources

450490016 Emission Factor Documentation for AP-42 Section 2.1.1, Municipal Waste Combustion

450490017 Emission Factor Documentation for AP-42 Section 2.5, Sewage Sludge Incineration

450490018 Evaluation of Dense Gas Simulation Models

450490019A Surface Impoundment Modeling System (SIMS) Version 2 0, User's Manual

450490019B Background Document For The Surface Impoundment Modeling System (SIMS) Version 2 0

450491001 1989 Urban Air Toxics Monitoring Program

450491002A Regional Ozone Modeling for Northeast Transport (ROMNET) Project Final Report

450491002B Regional Ozone Modeling for Northeast Transport (ROMNET)

450491003 National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1989

450491003B National Air Quality and Emissions Report, 1989

450491004 National Air Pollutant Emission Estimates 1940-1989

450491005B Feasibility Of Including Fugitive PM-10 Emissions Estimates In The EPA Emissions Trends Report

450491006 1989 Urban Air Toxics Monitoring Program Aldehyde Results

450491007 Guidance On The Application Of Refined Dispersion Models For Air Toxics Releases

450491008 1990 Nonmethane Organic Compound and Three-hour Air Toxics Monitoring Program

450491009 Gridded Model Information Support System (GMISS), Volume 2 UAM Subsystem {user's Guide}

450491012 Locating and Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Formaldehyde

450491013 Guideline for Regulatory Application of the Urban Airshed Model

450491014 Procedures For The Preparation Of Emission Inventories For Carbon Monoxide and Precursors Of Ozone Emission Inventory Requirements For Photochemical Air Quality Simulation Models, Volume 2

450491015 Criteria For Assessing The Role Of Transported Ozoneprecursors In Ozone Nonattainment Areas

450491017 User's Guide To The Personal Computer Version Of The Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (PC-BEIS)

450491020 Office Of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) Technology Transfer Network TNN), User's Manual

450491021 Screening Methods for the Development of Air Toxics Emission Factors

450491023 National Air Quality and Emissions Trend Report 1990

450491024 1990 Urban Air Toxics Monitoring Program

450491025 1990 Urban Air Toxics Monitoring Program Carbonyl Results

450491026 National Air Pollutant Emission Estimates, 1940-1990

450491029 Locating and Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Styrene, Interim Report

450491031 Guideline Series Control Of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Reactor Processes And Distillation Operations Processes In The Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry draft

450491031A Guideline Series Control Of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Reactor Processes and Distillation Operations Processes In The Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry

450491032 Gridded Model Information Support System (GMISS) User's Guide Volume III: Model Concentration Data Retrieval Subsystem

450491033 Enhanced Ozone Monitoring Network Design And Siting Criteria Guidance Document Submitted Toneil Berg US EPA

450492001 Tiered Modeling Approach For Assessing The Risks Due To Sources Of Hazardous Air Pollutants

450492002 Toxic Modeling System Short-term (TOST) User's Guide

450492003 Toxic Modeling System Long-term (TOXLT) User's Guide

450492005A Major CO, NO(2) and VOC Sources in the 25-mile Boundary Around Ozone Nonattainment Areas Volume I: Classified Ozone Nonattainment Areas

450492006 Screen2 Model User's Guide

450492008A Users Guide For The Industrial Source Complex ICS2 Dispersion Models Volume 1 User Instructions

450492008B User's Guide For The Industrial Source Complex ISC2 Dispersion Models, Volume 2 Description Of Model Algorithms

450492008C User's Guide For The Industrial Source Complex (ISC2) Dispersion Models, Volume 3 Guide To Programmers

450492009 Guide for Using the Empirical Kinetics Modeling Approach Interface (EKMAI)

450492010 Performance Audit Procedures For Opacity Monitors

450492011A Guideline For Regulatory Application Of The Urban Airshed Model For Areawide Carbon Monoxide, Volume 1 Technical Report

450492011B Guideline For Regulatory Application Of The Urban Airshed Model For Areawide Carbon Monoxide, Volume 2 Appendices

450492013 Evaluation Of Two Methods For The Measurement Of Mercury Emissions In Exhaust Gases From A Municipal Waste Combustor

450492015 Air Chief CD-ROM User's Manual Version 2 0 Beta

450579002 Cost and Economic Impact Assessment For Alternative Levels Of The National Ambient Air Quality Standard For Ozone

450579004 Studies In The Review Of The Photochemical Oxidant Standards

450579006 Sources of Atmospheric Cadmium

450579007 Assessment of Human Exposures to Atmospheric Cadmium

450579009 Empirical Studies Of The Relationship Between Emissions And Visibility In The Southwest

450579010 Existing Visibility Levels In The United States Isopleth Maps Of Visibility In Suburbannonurban Area During 1974-76

450580004 Carcinogen Assessment Group's Final Report on Population Risk to Ambient Benzene Exposures

450580006 Methodologies To Conduct Regulatory Impact Analysis Of Ambient Air Quality Standards For Carbon Monoxide

450582001 Review Of The National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Particulate Matter Assessment Of Scientific and Technical Information OAQPS Staff Paper

450582002 Review Of The National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Nitrogen Oxides Assessment Of Scientific and Technical Information OAQPS Staff Paper

450582003 Response To Public Comments On Epa's Listing Of Benzene Under Section 112

450582005 Preliminary Study Of Sources Of Inorganic Arsenic

450582007 Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Sulfur Oxides: Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information - OAQPS Staff Paper

450582008 Hazardous Air Pollutant Prioritization System HAPPS

450583001A Benefits Analysis Of Alternative Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Sulfur Dioxide and Total Suspended Particulates Volume 1

450583001B Benefits Analysis Of Alternative Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Sulfur Dioxide and Total Suspended Particulates Volume 2

450583001C Benefits Analysis Of Alternative Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Sulfur Dioxide and Total Suspended Particulates Volume 3

450583001D Benefits Analysis Of Alternative Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Sulfur Dioxide and Total Suspended Particulates Volume 4

450583001E Benefits Analysis Of Alternative Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Sulfur Dioxide and Total Suspended Particulates Volume 5

450583001F Benefits Analysis Of Alternative Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Sulfur Dioxide and Total Suspended Particulates Volume 6

450583003 NAAQS Exposure Model (NEM) Applied To Carbon Monoxide

450583004B Benefit And Net Benefit Analysis Of Alternative National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Particulate Matter Volume 2

450583005A Residential Wood and Coal Combustion, Task 1 Summary Of Current and Proposed State And-or Local Regulatory Activities

450583005B Residential Wood and Coal Combustion, Task 2 Summary Of Major Fuel Use Projections

450583006 Review and Evaluation Of The Evidence For Cancer Associated With Air Pollution Review Draft

450583006R Review and Evaluation Of The Evidence For Cancer Associated With Air Pollution Final Report

450583010A Ambient Concentrations Of Polycyclic Organic Matter Final Technical Note

450583010B Sources and Emissions Of Polycyclic Organic Matter (POM)

450585001 Inorganic Arsenic NESHAPS: Response to Public Comments on Health, Risk Assessment, and Risk Management

450585002 Inorganic Arsenic Risk Assessment For Primary And Secondary Lead Smelters, Primary Zinc Smelters, Zinc Oxide Plants, Cotton Gins, And Arsenic Chemical Plants

450585003 Regulatory Impact Analysis Of The National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Nitrogen Dioxide

450585004 Naaqs Exposure Model (NEM) Applied To Carbon Monoxide Addendum

450585005A Ambient Ozone and Human Health An Epidemiological Analysis

450585005B Ambient Ozone and Human Health Epidemiological Analysis Volume 2

450585005C Ambient Ozone and Human Health An Epidemiological Analysis, Volume 3

450585005D Executive Summary Ambient Ozone and Human Health Epidemiological Analysis

450585006 Cost and Economic Assessment Of Alternative National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Carbon Monoxide, Revised

450585007 Regulatory Impact Analysis Of The National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Carbon Monoxide

450585008 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse (NATICH) Data Base Users Guide For Data Viewing

450586001 User's Manual For The Human Exposure Model (HEM)

450586007 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Ongoing Research and Regulatory Development Projects

450586008 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Bibliography Of Selected Reports and Federal Register Notices Related To Air Toxics

450586009 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse How The Clearinghouse Can Help To Answer Your Air Toxics Questions

450586010 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Methods For Pollutant Selection and Prioritization

450586011A National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse NATICH Data Base Report On State and Local Agency Air Toxics Activities, Volume 1 Final Report

450586011B National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse NATICH Data Base Report On State and Local Agency Air Toxics Activities Volume 2 Final Report

450587003 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Qualitative and Quantitative Carcinogenic Risk Assessment

450587004 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Ongoing Research and Regulatory Development Projects

450587005 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Bibliography Of Selected Reports and Federal Register Notices Related To Air Toxics Volume 2

450587005A NATIONAL AIR TOXICS INFORMATION CLEARINGHOUSE : Bibliography of Selected Reports and Federal Register Notices Related to Air Toxics Volume 1: Citations

450587006 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse NATICH Data Base Report On State and Local and EPA Air Toxics Activities, Final

450588002 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse (NATICH) Data Base Users Guide For Data Viewing

450588003 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Case Studies In Risk Communication, Final

450588004 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Ongoing Research and Regulatory Development Projects

450588005 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Bibliography Of Selected Reports and Federal Register Notices Related To Air Toxics Volume 2 Citations, 1988

450588006 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Bibliography Of Selected Reports and Federal Register Notices Related To Air Toxics, Index 1988

450588007 National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Natich Data Base Report On State, Local and EPA Air Toxics Activities, Final

450973001 Flue Gas Desulfurization Answers To Basic Questions

450976001 Workbook For Operators Of Small Boilers and Incinerators Self-instructional Text On The Proper Operation and Maintenance Of Small Oil Fired Boilers and Flue Fed Incinerators

450AP424EDB Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Volume I: Stationary Point and Area Sources, Supplement B

450AP424EDE Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Volume 1: Stationary Point and Area Sources, Supplement E

450AP424EDF Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Volume 1: Stationary Point and Area Sources, Supplement F

450AP425ED Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Volume 1: Stationary Point And Area Sources, 5th Edition

450APTD069 National Inventory Of Sources And Emissions Nickel 1968

450B02001 Clean Air Act Confidential Business Information Security Manual

450B03001 Clean Air Act Confidential Business Information Security Manual

450B92001 Total Quality Process (TQP) : Student Guide

450B98001 Clean Air Act Confidential Business Information Security Manual

450D84001 Locating and Estimating Air Emissions from Sources of Vinylidene Chloride Draft Report

450K90100 Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: Overview of Summary Materials

450K92001 Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: A Guide for Small Businesses

450K92002 What You Can Do to Reduce Air Pollution: A Citizens Guide to What Individuals and Communities can do to Help Meet the Goals of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990

450K92003 Clean Air Act of 1990: An Introductory Guide to Smart Implementation

450K92005 Clean Air Act of 1990: A Guide to Public Financing Options

450R04001 Health Based Cost Effectiveness of Ambient PM2.5 Reductions

450R69101 Air Quality Criteria For Particulate Matters

450R71101 CHAMP Community Health Air Monitoring Program

450R72101 Air Pollution Aspects Of Emission Sources Boilers

450R72102 Mixing Heights Wind Speeds And Potential For Urban Air Pollution Throughout The Contiguous United States

450R72103 Users Manual For The Aptic Terminal Searching System

450R73101 Nationwide Air Pollutant Emission Trends 1940-1970

450R73102 Control Techniques For Beryllium Air Pollutants

450R73103 EPA Position On The Health Implications Of Airborne Lead

450R73104 EPA Automobile Gasoline Mileage Test Results 1974 Cars And Light Duty Trucks

450R74101 Development Document For Proposed Effluent Limitation Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Air Transportation Segment Of The Transportation Industry

450R75101 Environmental Radiation Protection Requirements For Normal Operations Of Activities In The Uranium Fuel Cycle

450R75102 Design Criteria For Stage I Vapor Control Systems Gasoline Service Stations

450R75103 The Catalyst And Clean Air

450R76101 The Report Of The Leptophos Advisory Committee

450R76102 Leptophos Advisory Committee Meeting Stenographic Transcript Of Hearings July 21 1976

450R76103 Leptophos Advisory Committee Meeting Stenographic Transcript of Hearings July 20 1976

450R77101 Clean Air Act Section 174 Guidelines

450R78101 An Assessment Of The Health Effects Of Coke Oven Emissions

450R78102 Atmospheric Cadmium Population Exposure Analysis

450R78103 Economic Impact Assessment

450R78104 Criteria For Approval Of 1979 Sip Revisions

450R78105 Air Quality Trends In The Nations Largest Urbanized Areas

450R79101 Cleaning The Air EPA Program For Air Pollution Control

450R80001 Total Human Exposure to Air Pollution : Presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, June 22-27, 1980, Montreal, Canada

450R80002 Forest Nonpoint Source Control Strategy

450R80101 Public Hearing On Proposed National Emission Standards For Identifying Assessing And Regulating Airborne Substances Posing A Risk Of Cancer And Advance Notice Of Proposed General Standards

450R80102 PUBLIC HEARING - Proposed Airborne Carcinogen Policy, March 12, 1980, Boston, MA

450R80103 PUBLIC HEARING - Proposed Airborne Carcinogen Policy, March 10, 1980, Washington D.C.

450R80104 Carcinogen Assessment Groups List Of Carcinogens

450R80105 Petroleum Storage Tanks Final Regulation

450R80106 Parallel Goals Clean Air And Economic Development

450R80107 Visibility Protection Proposed Regulations

450R80108 Benzene Emissions From Maleic Anhydride Plants Proposed Regulation

450R80109 Acid Rain The Time To Act Is Now

450R81101 Progress In The Prevention And Control Of Air Pollution In 1980 And 1981 Annual Report Of The Administrator Of The Epa To Congress

450R81102 Application Format For Certification Of Light-duty Motor Vehicles 1981 Model Year Recommended Procedures

450R81103 Preliminary Interpretation Of Inhalable Particulate Network Data

450R82101 Progress In The Prevention And Control Of Air Pollution In 1982 Annual Report Of The Administrator Of The Epa To Congress

450R83101 Bicycling To Work Seminar Information

450R84101 Ongoing Research And Regulatory Development Projects

450R84501 Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse Bibliography

450R84503 Developing Long-Term Strategies for Regional Haze Findings and Recommendations of the Visibility Task Force

450R84504 Selected Bibliography Of Health Effects And Risk Assessment Information

450R84505 Report Of The Acid Rain Peer Review Panel

450R85101 Field Standard Operating Procedures For Air Surveillance

450R86001 Regulatory Impact Analysis of The National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter : Second Addendum

450R88002 US EPA Regional Office and OAQPS Contact Points For Selected Air Pollution Control Activities

450R88003 Status of Selected Air Pollution Control Programs

450R88101 EPA Study Of Asbestos-containing Materials In Public Buildings

450R89006 AIRS : National Air Data Branch Demonstration Project ; The Use of Graphic Presentation Techniques to Display Data from the AIRS Subsystems

450R90101 Clean Air Act Amendments Of 1990 Detailed Summary Of Titles

450R90102 Report To The Deputy Administrator Clean Air Act Implementation Task Force

450R91101 Clean Air Act Stationary Source Civil Penalty Policy

450R92001 National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1991

450R92502 Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET) : Technical Design Proposal

451F01001 Refineries and Cleaner Fuels: Reducing Sulfur to Improve the Air

451F01002 Bad Day Advisory How To Protect Your Kids

451F02002 Tribal Air Website

451F93011 Ozone: Good Up High, Bad Nearby (Jan '94)

451K03001 Good Up High OZONE Bad Nearby

451K94001 Measuring Air Quality Pollutant Standards Index

451K97001 Regional Approaches to Improving Air Quality

451K97002 Ozone: Good Up High, Bad Nearby (Oct '97)

451K98001 Taking Toxics Out Of The Air Progress In Setting Maximum Achievable Control Technology Standards Under The Clean Air Act

451K98002 Air Pollution Operating Permit Program Update Key Features and Benefits

451R92001 Air Superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Applicability Of Open Path Monitors For Superfund Site Clean-up

451R92002 Assessing Potential Indoor Air Impacts For Superfund Sites

451R93001 Models For Estimating Air Emission Rates From Superfund Remedial Actions

451R93002 Air-Superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Air Emissions From Sources Estimating Soil and Soil-Gas Sample Number Requirements

451R93003 Air/Superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Estimation Of Air Impacts For Bioventing Systems Used At Superfund Sites

451R93004 Air-Superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Estimation Of Air Impacts From Area Sources Particulate Matter Emissions At Superfund Sites

451R93005 Air-Superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Estimation Of Air Impacts For Thermal Desorption Units Used At Superfund Sites

451R93006 Air-Superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Estimation Of Air Impacts For Solidification and Stabilization Processes Used At Superfund Sites

451R93007 Air-superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Volume 4 Guidance For Ambient Air Monitoring At Superfund Sites, Revised

451R93008 Air-superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Compilation Of Information On Real-time Air Monitoring For Use At Superfund Sites

451R93009 Air-superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Evaluation Of Short-term Air Action Levels For Superfund Sites

451R93012 Air-superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Options For Developing and Evaluating Mitigation Strategies For Indoor Air Impacts At CERCLA Sites

451R94002 Air-superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Air-superfund Guide To Pollutant Toxicity

451R96001 Air-superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Guideline For Predictive Baseline Emissions Estimation For Superfund Sites, Interim Final

451R96006 Air-superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Air-superfund Guide To Pollutant Toxicity

451R96007 Estimation of Air Impacts for Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Systems

45203001 Benefits Of The Proposed Inter-State Air Quality Rule

452B05001 Economic Impact Analysis Of The Proposed Perchlorethylene Dry Cleaning Residual Risk Standard

452B92001 Regional Office And OAQPS Contact Points For Selected Air Pollution Control Activities

452B92001A Directory of OAQPS Information Services - May 1992

452B92008 Bibliography of Literature on Current Trends in Land-Use Transportation Interactions

452B92009 Studies on Alternatively Fueled Buses

452B93006 Directory Of Oaqps Information Services

452B94010 Directory Of Oaqps Information Services

452D00001 Economic Impact Analysis Spandex Production {Draft}

452D00005 Economic Impact Analysis Of The Proposed Municipal Solid Waste Landfills NESHAP

452D03001 Review Of The National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Particulate Matter Policy Assessment Of Scientific And Technical Information OAQPS Staff Paper {1st Draft}

452D05001 Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter: Policy Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information OAQPS Staff Paper -- Second Draft

452D05002 Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: Policy Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information OAQPS Staff Paper -- First Draft

452D05003 Concept Plan for Ambient Air Monitoring After Hurricane Katrina Draft #6 September 13, 2005

452D05004 EPA's Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter (Second Draft PM Staff Paper, January 2005)

452D08001 Draft Plan for Review of the Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Carbon Monoxide

452D08002 Draft Scope and Methods Plan for Risk/exposure Assessment: Secondary Naaqs Review for Oxides of Nitrogen and Oxides of Sulfur

452D95001 Economic Impact Analysis For The Printing And Publishing NESHAP {Draft}

452D95002 Economic Impact Analysis For The Polymers And Resins IV NESHAP {Draft}

452D95004 Economic Impact Analysis For The Polymers And Resins I NESHAP {Draft}

452D96002 Regulatory Impact Analysis Implementation Requirements For The Reduction Of SO2 Emissions

452D96005 Economic Impact Analysis And Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Of Air Pollution Regulations Architectural And Industrial Maintenance Coatings {draft}

452D98001 Total Risk Integrated Methodology Technical Support Document For The Trim Fate Module {Draft}

452D99001 Economic Incentive Program Guidance {Draft}

452F00001 El Ozono y Su Salud

452F020002 How Smoke from Fires Can Affect Your Health

452F02002 How Smoke From Fires Can Affect Your Health

452F03001 Particle Pollution and Your Health

452F03002 Air Quality Guide For Particle Pollution

452F04001 Effects of Common Air Pollutants {Poster}

452F04002 Astham and Outdoor Air Pollution

452F05001 Efectos de los Contaminantes Comunes del Aire

452F99002 Regional Haze and Visibility Protection: Cleaning the Air and Improving the View

452F99003 Ozone and Your Health

452K00001 El Smog: A Quien Perjudica? Lo Que Usted Necesita Saber Accerca del Ozono y Su Salud

452K00002 Taking Toxics Out of the Air

452K99001 Smog Who Does it Hurt? What You Need to Know About Ozone and Your Health

452P06001 Economic Impact And Small Business Analysis For The Standards Of Performance For Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines And Neshap For Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines

452P08003 Risk and Exposure Assessment to Support the Review of the So2 Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standards: First Draft

452P08004a Risk and Exposure Assessment to Support the Review of the NO2 Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard: Second Draft

452P08004b Risk and Exposure Assessment to Support the Review of the NO2 Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard: Second Draft Appendices

452P08006 Draft Integrated Review Plan for the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter

452R00001 Economic Impact Analysis (EIA) Small Municipal Waste Combustors, Emissions Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards

452R00002 Economic Impact Analysis Of The Leather Tanning And Finishing Operations NESHAP

452R00003 Economic Impact Analysis For The Final Primary Copper Smelting NESHAP

452R00005 Economic Impact Analysis For The Proposed Rubber Tire Manufacturing NESHAP

452R01001 Improving Air Quality With Economic Incentive Programs

452R01002 Economic Impact Analysis For The Proposed Mercury Cell Chlor-alkali Production, NESHAP

452R01005 Economic Impact Analysis For The Final Vegetable Oil Processing Neshap, Final Report

452R01007 Economic Impact Analysis Of The Proposed Clay Minerals Processing NESHAP

452R01008 Visibility in Mandatory Federal Class 1 Areas (1994 - 1998): Report to Congress

452R01009 Economic Impact Analysis Of The Final Primary Copper Smelting NESHAP

452R01010 Economic Impact Analysis Of The Proposed Asphalt Roofing And Processing NESHAP

452R01011 Economic Impact Analysis of the Boat Manufacturing NESHAP

452R01013 Regulatory Impact Analysis for the Proposed Automobile and Light Duty Truck Coating NESHAP: Final Report

452R01014 Economic Impact Analysis For The Proposed Hydrochloric Acid Production, NESHAP

452R01015 Economic Impact Analysis of The Leather Tanning and Finishing Operations NESHAP: Final Rule

452R01017 Economic Impact Analysis Of The Refractory Product Manufacturing Neshap, Final Report

452R02001 Economic Impact Analysis For The Supplemental Proposal To The Municipal Solid Waste (msw) Landfills Neshap, Final Report

452R02004 Federal Implementation Plans Under the Clean Air Act for Indian Reservations in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington

452R02005 Economic Impact Analysis of Metal Can MACT Standards

452R02010 Developing a Tribal Implementation Plan

452R02012 Regulatory Impact Analysis of the Proposed Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines NESHAP: Final Report

452R02013 Economic Impact Analysis of the Proposed Taconite Iron Ore NESHAP: Final Report

452R03004 Economic Impact Analysis of the Refactory Product Manufacturing NESHAP - Final Rule

452R03005 Economic Impact Analysis for the Brick and Structual Clay Products Manufacturing NESHAP, Final Rule

452R03006 Economic Impact Analysis For The Brick And Structural Clay Products Manufacturing Neshap, Final Rule

452R03007 Economic Impact Analysis Of The Clay Ceramics Manufacturing NESHAP: Final Rule

452R05002 Regulatory Impact Analysis for the Final Clean Air Interstate Rule

452R05004 Regulatory Impact Analysis For The Final Clean Air Visibility Rule Or The Guidelines For Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) Determinations Under The Regional Haze Regulations

452R05006 Economic Impact Analysis Of The Standards Of Performance For Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines

452R07008 Regulatory Impact Analysis of the Proposed Revisions to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards

452R07011 Survey of New Findings in Scientific Literature Related to Atmospheric Deposition to the Great Waters: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH)

452R07012 Survey of New Findings in Scientific Literature Related to Atmospheric Deposition to the Great Waters: Polychlorinated Biphenyls

452R08004 Integrated Review Plan for the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter

452R08006 Integrated Review Plan for the Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide

452R92003 Technical Support Document To Aid States With The Development Of Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plans

452R92004 OAQPS Staff Paper: Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Carbon Monoxide Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information

452R92005 Adjusted Base Year Emission Inventory And The 1996 Target

452R92006 State Air Pollution Control Programs A Profile Report

452R92010 Guidelines for Estimating and Applying Rule Effectiveness for Ozone/CO State Implementation Plan Base Year Inventories

452R93001 Procedures for Identifying Reasonably Available Control Technology for Stationary Sources of PM-10

452R93003 Issues And Approaches To Improving Transportation Modeling For Air Quality Analysis

452R93005 Guidance on Preparing Enforceable Regulations and Compliance Programs for the 15 Percent Rate-of-Progress Plans

452R93007 Guidance On The Relationship Between The 15% Rate-of-Progress Plans And Other Provisions Of The CAA

452R93008 PM-10 Guideline With Appendices

452R93009 Lead Guideline With Appendices

452R93009A Lead Guideline Document Appendix

452R93013 Simultaneous Control of PM-10 and Hazardous Air Pollutants: Rationale for Selection of Hazardous Air Pollutants as Potential Particulate Matter of Associated With Particulate Matter at Source Conditions, Final Report

452R93014 Effects Of The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments On Visibility In Class I Areas EPA Report To Congress

452R93015 Guidance on the Post-1996 Rate-of-Progress Plan and the Attainment Demonstration

452R93016 Pm-10 Innovative Strategies Sourcebook For Pm-10 Control Programs

452R94001 Rule Effectiveness Guidance Integration Of Inventory, Compliance And Assessment Applications

452R94008 SO2 Guideline Document Appendices

452R94009 Guidelines for PM-10 Sampling and Analysis Applicable to Receptor Modeling

452R94011 Comparability Study For The Northeast Ozone Transport Region, Stage 2

452R94013 Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Sulfer Oxides: Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information, Supplement to the 1986 OAQPS Staff Paper Addendum

452R94016 PM-10 Serious Nonattainment Area Example Best Available Control Technology Analysis for a Ready Mix Concrete Facility

452R95002 Life-Cycle Impact Assessment: A Conceptual Framework, Key Issues, and Summary of Existing Methods

452R95003 Economic Impact Analysis for the Petroleum Refineries NESHAP: Final

452R95004 Regulatory Impact Analysis for the Petroleum Refineries NESHAP, Final

452R95005 Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Nitrogen Dioxide Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information

452R95006 Escalation Indexes For Air Pollution Control Costs

452R96001A Mercury Study Report To Congress, Volume 1 Executive Summary {SAB Review Draft}

452R96001B Mercury Study Report To Congress, Volume 2 Inventory Of Anthropogenic Mercury Emissions In The US SAB Review Draft

452R96001C Mercury Study Report To Congress, Volume 3 Assessment Of Exposure From Anthropogenic Mercury Emissions In The US SAB Review Draft

452R96001D Mercury Study Report To Congress, Volume 4 Health Effects Of Mercury And Mercury Compounds {SAB Review Draft}

452R96001E Mercury Study Report To Congress Volume 5 Ecological Assessment Of Anthropogenic Mercury Emissions In The US {sab Review Draft}

452R96001F Mercury Study Report To Congress, Volume 6 Characterization Of Human Health And Wildlife Risks From Anthropogenic Mercury Missions In The US {SAB Review Draft}

452R96001G Mercury Study Report To Congress, Volume 7 Evaluation Of Mercury Control Technologies And Costs {SAB Review Draft}

452R96001H Mercury Study Report To Congress Volume 8 Supplemental Materials For SAB Review {SAB Review Draft}

452R96005 NOx Policy Documents For The Clean Air Act Of 1990

452R96007 Review Of National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Ozone Assessment Of Scientific And Technical Information

452R96009 Economic Impact Analysis For The Polymer And Resins IV NESHAP Final

452R96010 Economic Impact Analysis For The Printing And Publishing NESHAP Final

452R96011 Economic Impact Analysis For The Off-Site Waste And Recovery Operations NESHAP

452R96012 Economic Impact Analysis Of The Proposed Neshap For Flexible Polyurethane Foam Final Report

452R96013 Review Of The National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Particular Matter Policy Assessment Of Scientific And Technical Information {oaqps Staff Paper}

452R96014 Regulatory Impact Analysis Proposed Intervention Level Program For Sulfur Dioxide Final Report

452R97001 Stationary Source Control Techniques Document For Fine Particulate Matter

452R97002 Nitrogen Oxides Impacts On Public Health And The Environment

452R97003 Mercury Study Report To Congress, Volume 1 Executive Summary

452R97004 Mercury Study Report To Congress, Volume 2 Inventory Of Anthropogenic Mercury Emissions In The United States

452R97005 Mercury Study Report To Congress, Volume 3 Fate And Transport Of Mercury In The Environment

452R97006 Mercury Study Report To Congress, Volume 4 Assessment Of Exposure To Mercury In The United States

452R97007 Mercury Study Report To Congress, Volume 5 Health Effects Of Mercury And Mercury Compounds

452R97008 Mercury Study Report To Congress, Volume 6 Ecological Assessment For Anthropogenic Mercury Emissions In The United States

452R97009 Mercury Study Report To Congress, Volume 7 Characterization Of Human Health And Wildlife Risks From Mercury Exposure In The United States

452R97010 Mercury Study Report To Congress, Volume 8 Evaluation Of Mercury Control Technologies And Costs

452R98001 Total Risk Integrated Methodology Implementation Of The Trim Conceptual Design Through The Trim Fate Module, Status Report

452R98002 Economic Impact And Regulatory Flexibility Analyses Of The Final Architectural Coatings Voc Rule

452R98003A Regulatory Impact Analysis NOx SIP Call, FIP, And Section 126 Petitions, Volume 1 Costs And Economic Impacts

452R98003B Regulatory Impact Analysis NOx SIP Call, FIP, And Section 126 Petitions, Volume 2 Health And Welfare Benefits

452R99001 Economic Impact Analysis For The Proposed National Emission Standard For Hazardous Air Pollutants From The Production Of Wet-formed Fiberglass Mat

452R99003 Economic Impact Analysis Of The Oil And Natural Gas Production NESHAP And The Natural Gas Transmission And Storage Neshap, Final Report

452R99005 Economic Impact Analysis Of The Proposed Boat Manufacturing NESHAP

452R99006 Economic Impact Analysis For The Final Secondary Aluminum Production National Emission Standard For Hazardous Air Pollutants

452S92001 Highlights Of The EPA Innovative Regulatory Strategies Workshop Market Based Incentives & Other Innovations For Air Pollution Control Summary Of Workshop Discussion Sessions Jan 15-17, 1992

453B92006 NATICH Bibliography Of Selected Reports And Federal Register Notices Related To Air Toxins, V 6 Citations 1992

453B92007 NATICH Bibliography Of Selected Reports And Federal Register Notices Related To Air Toxins, Index, 1992

453B92012 RACT-BACT-LAER Clearinghouse Information System (BLIS) User's Manual

453B93018 Medical Waste Incinerator Operator Training Program Course Handbook

453B93019 Medical Waste Incinerator Operator Training Program Instructor's Guide

453B93021 Municipal Waste Combustor Operator Training Program Instructor's Guide

453B93023 Guidebook For Explaining Environmental Regulations To Small Businesses

453B93043 NATICH Bibliography Of Selected Reports And Federal Register Notices Related To Air Toxics, Volume 7 Citations

453B93044A NATICH Bibliography Of Selected Reports And Federal Register Notices Related To Air Toxics, Index Part I, 1987-1991

453B93044B NATICH Bibliography Of Selected Reports And Federal Register Notices Related To Air Toxics, Index Part 2,1992-1993

453B93049 RACT-BATC-LAER Clearinghouse Information System (BLIS) User's Manual

453B94030 EPA Great Waters Program: Introduction to the Issues and the Ecosystems

453B94038 HAP-PRO Model, Version 1 2 User's Manual

453B94056 High Capacity Fossil Fuel Fired Plant Operator Training Program Student Handbook

453B94072 RACT-BACT-LAER Clearinghouse Information System (BLIS), User's Manual

453B96001 OAQPS Control Cost Manual, 5th Edition

453B97001 Guidebook On How To Comply With The Shipbuilding And Ship Repair (Surface Coating) Operations National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants

453D92014 Regulatory Impact Analysis Of National Emissions Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants For Byproduct Coke Oven Changing, Door Leaks And Topside Leaks

453D92016A Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions from Process Units in the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry, Background Information for Proposed Standards, Volume 1A: National Impacts Assessment

453D92016B Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions For Process Units In The Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry Background For Proposed Standards, Volume I-b Control Technologies

453D92016C Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions from Process Units in the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry, Background Information for Proposed Standards, Volume 1C: National Impacts Assessment

453D93016 Ethylene Oxide Emissions from Commercial Sterilization/Fumigation Operations: Background Information for Proposed Standards

453D93056 Guideline Series: Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Industrial Wastewater

453D93058 Economic Impact Analysis of the Halogenated Solvent Cleaning NESHAP, Draft

453D94011A Surface Coating Operations At Shipbuilding And Ship Repair Facilities Background Information For Proposed Standards

453D94052 Economic Impact Analysis for the Petroleum Refineries NESHAP, Draft

453D94053 Regulatory Impact Analysis Petroleum Refineries NESHAP Draft

453D94067 New Source Performance Standards For Cold Cleaning Machine Operations Background Information, Basic And Purpose Document

453D95001 Control Of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Offset Lithographic Printing, Guideline Series Draft

453D95002 Guideline Series Control Of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations {Draft Document}

453D95004 Flexible Polyurethane Foam Emission Reduction Technologies Cost Analysis Preliminary Draft

453D95005A Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Automobile Refinishing - Background Information for Proposed Standards, Draft

453D96016 Control Of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Coating Operations At Aerospace Manufacturing And Rework Operations, Guideline Series Draft

453D99001 Total Risk Integrated Methodology Trim Expo Technical Support Document, External Review Draft

453D99002A Total Risk Integrated Methodology Trim Fate Technical Support Document, Volume 1 Description Of Module, External Review Draft

453D99002B Total Risk Integrated Methodology Trim Fate Technical Support Document, Volume 2 Description Of Chemical Transport And Transformation Algorithms, External Review Draft

453F04001 Reducing Air Toxics In Your Community

453F93033 Control Tecnology Center: Tecnical Assistance for State, Local and Federal Agencies, and Others on Air Pollution Control

453F95001 New Regulation Controlling Air Emissions From Chromium

453F99002 Air Toxins Emissions: EPA's Strategy for Reducing Health Risks in Urban Areas

453F99002A Emisiones De Toxicos En El Aire: Estrategia De La EPA Para Reducir Riesgos De Salud En Las Areas Urbanas

453K04001A Air Toxics Risk Assessment Library, Volume 1 Technical Resource Manual

453K04001B Air Toxics Risk Assessment Library, Volume 2 Facility-specific Assessment

453P00001 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants Metal Coil Surface Coating Industry Background Information For Proposed Standards

453P99001 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Polymers And Resins (groups 1 And 4) Summary Of Public Comments And Responses On Proposed Amendments

453R00001 Small Municipal Waste Combustors Background Information Document For New Source Performance Standards and Emission Guidelines Public Comments and Responses

453R00002 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants For Source Categories Paper and Other Web Coating Operations Background Information For Proposed Standards

453R00004 Preliminary Industry Characterization Wood Building Products Surface Coating

453R00005 Deposition of Air Pollutants to the Great Waters: Third Report to Congress

453R00006 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (neshap) For Source Category Large Appliances Surface Coating Operations, Background Information For Proposed Standards

453R01002 Industry Profile For The Proposed Wood Building Products, NESHAP Final Report

453R01003 National-scale Air Toxics Assessment For 1996

453R01004 Background Information Document for Proposed Plywood and Composite Wood Products NESHAP

453R01006 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (neshap) For Coke Ovens Pushing, Quenching, and Battery Stacks Background Information For Proposed Standards

453R01008 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (neshap) For The Friction Materials Manufacturing Industry Background Information Document

453R01009 Frequently Asked Questions About Atmospheric Deposition Watershed Managers

453R01010 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (neshap) For Source Category Metal Furniture Surface Coating Background Information For Proposed Standards

453R01012 National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment

453R02001 Guidelines for MACT Determinations Under Section 112(J)) Requirements

453R02002 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Catagories: General Provisions and Requirements for Control Technology Determinations for Mojor Sources in Accordance with Clean Air Act Sections, Sections 112(g) and 112(j): Background Information for Promulgated Standards

453R02003 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) For Primary Copper Smelters Background Information For Promulgated Standards

453R02004 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) For Source Category Large Appliances Surface Coating Operations Background Information For Promulgated Standards

453R02007 Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Mercury Cell Chlor-Alkali Plants Background Information Document For Proposed Standards

453R02009 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants Metal Coil Surface Coating Background Information For Promulgated Standards

453R02010 Technical Support Document Printing, Coating, and Dyeing Of Fabrics and Other Textiles, Proposed NESHAP

453R02011A Total Risk Integrated Methodology (TRIM) Trim fate Technical Support Document, Volume 1 Description Of Module

453R02011B Total Risk Integrated Methodology (TRIM) Trim fate Technical Support Document, Volume 2 Description Of Chemical Transport and Transformation Algorithms

453R02012 Evaluation Of Trim fate, Volume 1 Approach and Initial Findings

453R02015 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) For Taconite Iron Ore Processing Plants Background Information For Proposed Standards

453R03004 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) For The Hydrochloric Acid Production Industry Summary Of Public Comments and Responses

453R06004 Control Techniques Guidelines for Flat Wood Paneling Coatings

453R08002 Protocol for Determining the Daily Volatile Organic Compound Emission Rate of Automobile and Light-duty Truck Primer- Surfacer and Topcoat

453R08003 Control Techniques Guidelines for Miscellaneous Metal and Plastic Parts Coatings

453R08004 Control Techniques Guidelines for Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing Materials

453R08005 Control Techniques Guidelines for Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives

453R92001 Control Of VOC Emissions From Non-ferrous Metal Rolling Processes

453R92002 RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse A Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations, 2nd Supplement to the 1990 Edition

453R92005 NATICH Ongoing Research & Regulatory Project Developments

453R92008 NATICH Database Report On State, Local, And EPA Air Toxics Activities

453R92010 Evaluation And Costing Of NOx Controls For Existing Utility Boilers In The Nescaum Region

453R92011 Alternative Control Technology Document Control Of Voc Emissions From The Applications Of Agriculture Persicides

453R92017 Alternative Control Technology Document Bakery Oven Emissions

453R92018 Control Techniques For Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Stationary Sources

453R92019 Alternative Control Technology Document For Carbon Reactivation Processes

453R93007 Alternative Control Techniques Document NOx Emissions From Stationary Gas Turbines

453R93010 Benzene Waste Operations NESHAP Waiver Guidance Document

453R93015 Alternative Control Techniques Document NOx Emissions From Process Heaters

453R93017 Control Technology Guidelines For Volatile Organic Compounds From Batch Processes {Draft}

453R93022 Chromium Emissions from Industrial Process Cooling Towers: Background Information for Proposed Standards

453R93023 Locating And Estimating Air Toxics Emissions From Sources Of Mercury And Mercury Compounds

453R93024 Implementation Of Section 112 Of The Clean Air Act Amendments Of 1990 Report To Congress

453R93025 Air Emissions And Control Technology For Leather Tanning And Finishing Operations

453R93026 Protocol For Equipment Leak Emission Estimates

453R93027 Toxic Emissions From Aircraft Firefighting Training

453R93028 Toxic Emissions From Aircraft Engines

453R93029 Analysis Of Ambient Monitoring Data In The Vicinity Of Open Tire Fires

453R93030A Chromium Emissions From Chromium Electroplating and Chromic Acid Anodizing Operations Background Information For Proposed Standards, Volume 1

453R93030B Chromium Emissions From Chromium Electroplating and Chromic Acid Anodizing Operations Background Information For Proposed Standards, Volume 2

453R93031 Technical Assessment Of New Emission Control Technologies Used In The Hard Chromium Electroplating Industry

453R93032 Alternative Control Techniques Document NOx Emissions From Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines

453R93034 Alternative Control Techniques Document NOx Emissions From Process Heaters, Revised

453R93035 Documentation Of De Minimis Emission Rates, Proposed 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart B, Background Document

453R93036 Summary Of The Emissions Characterization and Noncancer Respiratory Effects Of Wood Smoke

453R93037A RACT-BACT-LAER Clearinghouse Compilation Of Control Technology Determination, 3rd Supplement To The 1990, Volume 1

453R93037B RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations, 3rd Supplement To The 1990, Volume 2

453R93038 Descriptive Guide To Risk Assessment Methodologies For Toxic Air Pollutants

453R93039 Guidance For Review Of High Risk Point Sources Under The Section 112 Of The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments

453R93040 Interim Enabling Guidance for the Implementation of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart #

453R93041 NATICH Data Base Report On State, Local and EPA Air Toxics Activities, September 1993

453R93042 NATICH Ongoing Research and Regulatory Development Projects, September 1993

453R93045 Report to Congress on Hydrogen Sulfide Air Emissions Associated With the Extraction of Oil and Natural Gas

453R93046 Schedule For Standards Methodology For The Source Category Ranking System, Final

453R93047 Source Category Schedule For Standards Summary Of Public Comments and Responses

453R93048 National Emissions Inventory Of Mercury and Mercury Compounds Interim Final Report

453R93050A Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Industry Background Information For Proposed Air Emissions Standards Manufacturing Processes At Kraft, Sulfite, Soda and Semichemical Mills

453R93050B Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Industry - Background Information for Promulgated Air Emission Standards

453R93051A Study Of Hazardous Air Pollutant and Mercury Emissions From Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Pursuant To Section 112(n) Of The Clean Air Act Amendments Of 1990 Interim Report

453R93052 Enabling Document For National Emission Standards For Coke Oven Batteries 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart L

453R93053 Schedule For Standards Methodology And Results For Ranking Source Categories Based On Environmental Effects Data

453R93054 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants Halogenated Solvent Cleaning Background Information Document

453R93055 Deposition of Air Pollutants to the Great Waters: 1st Report to Congress

453R93059 Hazardous Air Pollutants From Magnetic Tape Manufacturing Background Information For Proposed Standards

453R94001 Alternative Control Techniques Document: Volatile Organic Liquid Storage in Floating and Fixed Roof Tanks

453R94002A Gasoline Distribution Industry (Stage 1) Background Information For Proposed Standards

453R94002B Gasoline Distribution Industry (Stage 1) Background Information For Promulgated Standards, Final

453R94003A Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Process Units In The Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry Background Information For Final Standards, Volume 2 Comments On Process Vents

453R94003B Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Process Units In The Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry Background Information For Final Standards, Volume 2b Comments On Wastewater

453R94003C Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Process Units In The Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry Background Information For Final Standards

453R94003D Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Process Units In The Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry Background Information For Final Standards, Volume 2D

453R94003E Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Process Units In The Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry Background Information For Final Standards, Volume 2E

453R94003F Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Process Units In The Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry Background Information For Final Standards, Volume 2F

453R94004 Alternative Control Techniques Document NOx Emissions From Cement Manufacturing

453R94005 Alternative Control Techniques Document PM-10 Emissions From Selected Processes At Coke Ovens and Integrated Iron and Steel Mills

453R94012 New Source Performance Standards, Subpart Da - Technical Support For Proposed Revisions To NOx Standard

453R94015 Alternative Control Techniques Document Industrial Cleaning Solvents

453R94017 Alternative Control Techniques Document Surface Coating Of Automotive-transportation and Business Machine Plastic Parts

453R94018 Evaluation Of Mercury Emissions From Fluorescent Lamp Crushing

453R94019 Regulatory Impact Analysis National Emissions Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants For Source Categories Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants From The Synthetic Organic

453R94021 Air Emissions From Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Background Information For Final Standards and Guidelines

453R94022 Alternative Control Techniques Document NOx Emissions From Industrial-commercial-institutional (ici) Boilers

453R94023 Alternative Control Techniques Document NOx Emissions From Utility Boilers

453R94024A Secondary Lead Smelting Background Information Document For Proposed Emissions Standards, Volume 1

453R94024B Secondary Lead Smelting Background Information Document For Proposed Standards, Volume 2 Appendices

453R94026 Guidelines for MACT Determinations under Section 112(j)

453R94029 Automobile Assembly Plant Spray Booth Cleaning Emission Reduction Technology Review

453R94031 Alternative Control Techniques Document: Automobile Refinishing

453R94032 Alternative Control Techniques Document Surface Coating Operations At Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Facilities

453R94033A Emissions From Epoxy Resins Production and Non-nylon Polyamides Production Background Information For Proposed Standards

453R94034 Economic Impact Analysis For The Polymers and Resins 2 NESHAP Draft

453R94036A National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants For Source Categories Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework, Background Information For Proposed Standards {Draft}

453R94037 Alternative Control Techniques Document NOx Emissions From Glass Manufacturing

453R94040 Industry Profile For The Secondary Lead Smelters NESHAP

453R94042A Medical Waste Incinerators: Background Information for Proposed Standards and Guidelines; Industry Profile Report for New and Existing Facilities

453R94043A Medical Waste Incinerators: Background Information for Proposed Standards and Guidelines: Process Description Report for New and Existing Facilities

453R94044A Medical Waste Incinerators: Background Information for Proposed Standards and Guidelines; Control Technology Performance Report for New and Existing Facilities

453R94045A Medical Waste Incinerators: Background Information for Proposed Standards and Guidelines; Model Plant Description and Cost Report for New and Existing Facilities

453R94046A Medical Waste Incinerators: Background Information for Proposed Standards and Guidelines: Environmental Impacts Report for New and Existing Facilities

453R94047a Medical Waste Incinerators - Background Information For Proposed Standards And Guidelines: Analysis Of Economics Impacts For New Sources

453R94048A Medical Waste Incinerators: Background Information for Proposed Standards and Guidelines; Analysis of Economic Impacts for Existing Sources

453R94055 Ract-bact-laer Clearinghouse Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations, 4th Supplement To The 1990 Edition

453R94058A Toxic Modeling System Short-term (TOXST) Volume 1 User's Manual

453R94058B Toxic Modeling System Short-term (TOXST) Volume 2

453R94060 Rationale For New Source Performance Standards Starch Production Plants

453R94061B Federal Operating Permit Programs: Permits for Early Reductions Sources, Background Information for Promulgated Rule

453R94063A Medical Waste Incinerators: Background Information for Proposed Standards and Guidelines: Regulatory Impact Analysis for New and Existing Facilities

453R94065 Alternative Control Techniques Document: NOx Emissions from Iron and Steel Mills

453R94066A Study Of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Consumer and Commercial Products Report To Congress

453R94066B Study Of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Consumer and Commercial Products

453R94066E Study Of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Consumer And Commercial Products Economic Incentives To Reduce Voc Emissions From Consumer And Commercial Products

453R94066F Study Of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Consumer and Commercial Products Aerosol Products and Packaging Systems

453R94068 Nitrogen Oxide Emissions and Their Control from Uninstalled Aircraft Engines in Enclosed Test Cells: Joint Report to Congress on the Environmental Protection Agency - Department of Transportation Study

453R94070A Off-site Waste And Recovery Operations Background Information For Proposed Standards, Draft

453R94071 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants Halogenated Solvent Cleaning, Background Information For Final Standards

453R94073 Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Facilities General Recommended Operating and Maintenance Practices For Dry Cleaning Equipment

453R94074B Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions from Magnetic Tape Manufacturing Operations: Background Information for Promulgated Standards

453R94075 Screening Analysis Of Ambient Monitoring Data For The Urban Area Source Program, Final Report

453R94076B Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities (TSDF): Background Information for Promulgated Organic Air Organic Air Emission Standards for Tanks, Surface Impoundments, and Containers

453R94077B Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities (TSDF) Regulatory Impact Analysis for Promulgated Air Emission Standards for Tanks, Surface Impoundments, and Containers

453R94079A National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories: Oil and Natural Gas Production and Natural Gas Transmission and Storage: Background Information for Proposed Standards

453R94081 Guidance Document For The Halogenated Solvent Cleaner NESHAP

453R94082B Chromium Emissions from Chromium Electroplating and Chromic Acid Anodizing Operations: Background Information for Promulgated Standards

453R95002A National Emissions Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants Printing and Publishing Industry Background Information For Proposed Standards

453R95003A Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Process Units In The Thermoplastics Manufacturing Industry Supplementary Information Document For Proposed Standards

453R95004A Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Process Units In The Thermoplastics Manufacturing Industry Basis and Purpose Document For Proposed Standards

453R95005A Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Process Units In The Elastomer Manufacturing Industry Supplementary Information Document For Proposed Standards

453R95006A Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Process Units In The Elastomer Manufacturing Industry Basis and Purpose Document For Proposed Standards

453R95007 Enabling Document for Permits for Early Reductions Sources

453R95009A Architectural Coatings Background For Proposed Standards {Draft}

453R95010 Beyond VOC RACT CTG Requirements

453R95011 Flexible Polyurethane Foam Emission Reduction Technologies Cost Analysis

453R95012 New Source Performance Standards, Subpart Db-technical Support For Proposed Revisions To Nox Standard

453R95014 Federal Standards For Marine Tank Vessel Loading Operations And National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants For Marine Tank Vessel Loading Operations

453R95015B National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Petroleum Refineries: Background Information for Final Standards, Summary of Public Comments and Responses

453R95018B National Emissions Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations, Background Information Document For Final Standards

453R95136 Municipal Waste Combustion Background Information Document For Promulgated Standards and Guidelines Public Comments and Responses {disk}

453R96001B Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions from Process Units in the Thermoplastics Manufacturing Industry: Basis and Purpose Document for Final Standards, Summary of Public Comments and Responses

453R96002 NOX Controls For The MARAMA and Nescaum Regions Phase II

453R96003B National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants For Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Facilities (surface Coating) Background Information For Final Standards

453R96004 Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, Volume 1 Summary Of The Requirements For The New Source Performance Standards and Emission Guidelines For Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, Final

453R96005B National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) For The Printing and Publishing Industry Background Information For Promulgated Standards

453R96006B Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Process Units In The Elastomer Manufacturing Industry Basis and Purpose Document For Final Standards Summary Of Public Comments and Responses

453R96007 Guidelines Series Control Of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations

453R96008A Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From The Production Of Flexible Polyurethane Foam Basis and Purpose Document For Proposed Standards

453R96009A Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From The Production Of Flexible Polyurethane Foam Supplementary Information Document For Proposed Standards

453R96010B Basis and Purpose Document For The Development Of Final National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants For Off Site Waste and Recovery Operations

453R96011B Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Automobile Refinishing Background Information For Promulgated Standards

453R96012 Technical Support Document: Chemical Recovery Combustion Sources at Kraft and Soda Pulp Mills

453R96013A Study Of Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Interim Final Report, Volume 1

453R96013B Study Of Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Interim Final Report, Volume 2 Appendices A-G

453R96013C Study Of Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Interim Final Report, Volume 3 Appendices H-M

453R96014 Economic Impact and Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Of The Regulation Of VOCs From Consumer Products Final Report

453R96016 Economic Impact Analysis Of The Proposed Oil and Natural Gas NESHAPs, Final Report

453R97003B National Emissions Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) For The Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Industry, Background Information and Promulgated Standards

453R97003C National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for the Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Industry, Background Information for Promulgated Standards, Addendum, January 1998

453R97004 Guidelines Series Control Of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Coating Operations At Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Operations

453R97006B Hospital, Medical, Infectious, Waste Incinerators: Background Information for Promulgated Standards and Guidelines, Summary of Public Comments and Responses

453R97007B Hospital, Medical, Infectious Waste Incinerators Background Information For Promulgated Standards and Guidelines, Analysis Of Economic Impacts For Existing Sources

453R97008B Hospital, Medical, Infectious Waste Incinerators Background Information For Promulgated Standards and Guidelines, Analysis Of Economic Impacts For New Sources

453R97009B Hospital, Medical, Infectious Waste Incinerators Background Information For Promulgated Standards and Guidelines, Regulatory Impact Analysis For New and Existing Facilities

453R97010A Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions Form The Production Of Polyether Polyols Basis and Purpose Document For Proposed Standards

453R97010C Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From The Production Of Polyether Polyols Supplementary Information Document For Proposed Standards

453R97011 Deposition of Air Pollutants to the Great Waters Second Report to Congress

453R97012 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Steel Pickling-HCl Process - Background Information for Proposed Standards

453R97013 Economic Impact Analysis For The Proposed Polyether Polyols NESHAP

453R98001 Basis and Purpose Document On Specifications For Hydrogen-fueled Flares

453R98002 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry Summary Of Public Comments and Responses

453R98004A Study Of Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Final Report To Congress, Volume 1

453R98004B Study Of Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions From Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Final Report To Congress, Volume 2 Appendices

453R98006B National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards For Architectural Coatings Background For Promulgated Standards

453R98007 Response To Comments On Section 183(e) Study and Report To Congress

453R98008B National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards For Consumer Products Background For Promulgated Standards

453R98009D National Emission Standards Air Pollutants (NESHAP) For The Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Industry Background Information For Promulgated Standards, Addendum

453R98011 National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) For Pesticide Active Ingredient Production Summary Of Public Comment and Responses

453R99001 Residual Risk Report To Congress

453R99002B National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Polyether Polyols Manufacturing Industry Summary Of Public Comments and Responses

453R99003 Small Entity Compliance Guide National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards For Architectural Coatings

453R99004B National Emissions Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants For Source Categories: Oil And Natural Gas Production And Natural Gas Transmission And Storage, Background Information For Final Standards Summary of Public Comments and Responses

453R99005 Evaluation Of Application For Approval Of Alternative Methodology For Compliance With The NESHAP For Shipbuilding and Ship Repair and Recommended Requirements For Compliance

453R99006 Consolidated Federal Air Rule For Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry Background Information For Promulgated Standards

453R99007 National Air Toxics Program Integrated Urban Strategy, Report To Congress

453R99010 Total Risk Integrated Methodology Status Report

453Z98900 Federal Register: April 15, 1998 Part 2, 40 CFR Parts 63, 261, and 430 National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Category: Pulp and Paper Production; Effluent Limitations Guidelines; Pretreatment Standards, and New Source Performance Standards: Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Category; Final Rule

454B92008 Plume Visibility Model, Pluvue 2 User's Manual, Revised

454B93004 User's Guide for the Urban Airshed Model, Volume 8: User's Manual for the Quality Assurance System

454B93012 Reactive Plume Model IV (RPM-IV) User's Guide

454B93051 Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations Implementation Manual

454B94003 AIRS User's Guide Volume AF1 Version 2.0 AFS Data Dictionary

454B94006 AIRS User's Guide Volume AQ2: Air Quality Data Coding

454B94008 AIRS User's Guide Volume AQ4: Air Quality Data Retrieval

454B94009 AIRS User's Guide Volume AQ5: Ad hoc Retrieval

454B94023 User's Guide to Tscreen: Model for Screening Toxic Air Pollutant Concentrations (Revised)

454B94025 Mesopuff 2 User's Guide, Version 51 Revised

454B95001 Plume Visibility Model Pluveii User's Maunaul Revised

454B95002 User's Guide for the Calmet Meteorological Model

454B95003A User's Guide for the Industrial Source Complex (ISC3) Dispersion Models, Volume 1: User Instructions

454B95003B User's Guide for the Industrial Source Complex (ISC3) Dispersion Models, Volume 2: Description of Model Algorithms

454B95004 Screen3 User's Guide

454B95006 Calpuff Dispersion Model, User's Guide

454B95007 Guidance on Use of Modeled Results to Demonstrate Attainment of the Ozone NAAQS

454B96001 Pcrammet, User's Guide

454B96002 Meteorological Processor for Regulatory Models (MPRM) User's Guide

454D00001 Quality Assurance Guidance Document Quality Assurance Project Plan Pm25 Speciation Trends Network Field Sampling Draft Final

454D05001 Advisory on Superfund Benefits Analysis Draft

454D05002 EPA's Final Draft National Ambient Air Monitoring Strategy

454D05003 EPA's Draft 2003 Drinking Water Research Multi-Year Plan

454D05004 EPA's Fourth External Review Draft of Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter

454D94001 Guideline On The Identification And Handling Of Ambient Air Quality Data Affected By Special Events Or Special Conditions

454E99001 Environmental Impacts of Natural Hazards: The Need for Agency Action

454F00002 Latest Findings on National Air Quality 1999 Status and Trends

454F03001 New Approach For Monitoring Air Quality Meeting The Air Monitoring Needs Of The 21st Century

454F92001 Tools For Estimating Air Emissions Of Criteria And Toxic Pollutants

454F95003 Air Quality Trends

454F96008 National Air Quality Status & Trends {Brochure}

454F98005 Supplement C to Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors: Volume 1: Stationary Point and Area Sources

454F98009 Latest Findings On National Air Quality 1997 Status And Trends

454F99003 Supplemental D To Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Volume 1 Stationary Point And Area Sources Ap-42 5th Edition

454K01002 Latest Findings On National Air Quality Status And Trends, 2000

454K02001 Latest Findings on National Air Quality: 8001 Status and Trends

454K03001 Latest Finding On National Air Quality>

454K03002 Air Quality Index Guide To Air Quality And Your Health

454K04001 The Ozone Report

454K05001 Evaluating Ozone Control Programs In The Eastern United States Focus On The Nox Budget Trading Program 2004

454N92020 The Chief Newsletter, Volume 4, Number 1

454N93003 The Chief Newsletter, Volume 4, Number 2

454N93010 The Chief Newsletter, Volume 4, Number 3

454N93026 Chief Newsletter - International Conference On The Emission Inventory - Perception And Reality

454N93054 Chief Newsletter The Emission Inventory - Perception And Reality - Third Annual Conference Is A Success

454N94010 Chief Newsletter, Volume 5, Number 2 & 3, Spring-summer 1994

454N94028 Chief Newsletter, Volume 5, Number 4, Fall, 1994

454N94036 The Chief Newsletter, Volume 4, Number 1

454N95002 Chief Newsletter The Clearinghouse For Inventories And Emission Factors, Volume 6, Number 2, Spring 1995

454N95003 Chief Newsletter, Summer 1995, Volume 6, Number 3

454R00002 National Air Pollutant Emission Trends, 1900-1998

454R00003 National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1998

454R00005 Air Quality Index: Guide to Air Quality and Your Health

454R00006 Lime Manufacturing Industry Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Huron Lime Company, Huron Ohio, Final Report

454R00007 Lime Manufacturing Industry Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties, Woodville, Ohio, Final Report

454R00008 Lime Manufacturing Industry Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Austin White Lime Company, Austin, Texas, Final Report

454R00009 Lime Manufacturing Industry Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, National Lime And Storage Company, Carey, Ohio, Final Report

454R00010 Manual Testing And Continuous Emissions Monitoring Vertical Lime Kiln Baghouse Inlet And Outlet Chemical Lime Company, Marble Falls, Texas

454R00011 Manual Testing And Continuous Emissions Monitoring, Rotary Lime Kiln Scrubber Inlet And Stack, Redland Stone Products Company, San Antonio, Texas Final Report

454R00012 Lime Manufacturing Industry Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Redland Stone Products Company, San Antonio Texas, Final Report

454R00013 Manual Testing And Continuous Emissions Monitoring, Kiln No 2 Scrubber Inlet And Outlet And Kiln No 3 Baghouse Inlet And Stack, Austin White Lime Company, Austin, Texas, Final Report

454R00014 Manual Testing Lime Kiln No 1, Scrubber Inlet And Stack, Chemical Lime Company, Alabaster, Alabama Final Report

454R00015 Manual Testing And Continuous Emissions Monitoring, Lime Kiln No 4, Baghouse Inlet And Stack, Dravo Lime Company, Saginaw, Alabama Final Report

454R00016 Ambient Measurement Methods and Properties of the 188 Clean Air Act Hazardous Air Pollutants

454R00017 Assessment System For Population Exposure Nationwide (ASPEN Version 1.1) Model User's Guide

454R00018 Emissions Modeling System For Hazardous Air Pollutants EMS-HAP Version 1.1 User's Guide

454R00019 Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Emission Assessment Report

454R00021A Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Kiln Dryer Stack, Manual Methods Testing, Asphalt Plant A, Clayton, North Carolina, Volume 1 Of 2

454R00021B Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Kiln Dryer Stack, Manual Methods Testing, Asphalt Plant A, Clayton, North Carolina, Volume 2 Of 2

454R00023A Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Kiln Dryer Stack, Manual Methods Testing, Asphalt Plant B, Cary, North Carolina, Volume 1 Of 2

454R00023B Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Kiln Dryer Stack, Manual Methods Testing, Asphalt Plant B, Cary, North Carolina, Volume 2 Of 2

454R00024 Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Truck Loading And Silo Filling Instrumental Methods Testing Asphalt Plant C, Los Angeles, California

454R00025A Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Truck Loading And Silo Filling Manual Methods Testing, Volume 1 Asphalt Plant C, Los Angeles California

454R00025B Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Truck Loading And Silo Filling Manual Methods Testing, Volume 2 Asphalt Plant C, Los Angeles California

454R00025C Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Truck Loading And Silo Filling Manual Methods Testing, Volume 3 Asphalt Plant C, Los Angeles California

454R00025D Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Truck Loading And Silo Filling Manual Methods Testing Volume 4 Asphalt Plant C Los Angeles California

454R00025E Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Truck Loading And Silo Filling Manual Methods Testing Volume 5 Asphalt Plant C Los Angeles California

454R00025F Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Truck Loading And Silo Filling Manual Methods Testing Volume 6 Asphalt Plant C Los Angeles California

454R00025G Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Truck Loading And Silo Filling Manual Methods Testing Volume 7 Asphalt Plant C Los Angeles California

454R00025H Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Truck Loading And Silo Filling Manual Methods Testing Volume 8 Asphalt Plant C Los Angeles California

454R00026 Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Technical Systems Audit Of Testing At Asphalt Plant C Los Angeles California

454R00027 Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Truck Loading And Instrumental Methods Testing Asphalt Plant D, Barre, Massachusetts

454R00029 Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Response To Comments On Testing Program For Asphalt Plants C And D

454R00030 Hot Mix Asphalt Plants Stakeholders Opinions Report

454R00031 Manual Testing and Continuous Emissions Testing Kiln No 1 Electrostatic Precipitator Inlet and Stack Kiln No 2 Baghouse Inlet and Stack

454R00032 Manual And Continuous Emissions Testing, Kiln No 3 Scrubber Stack, Huron Lime, Huron, Ohio, Final Report

454R00033 Manual And Continuous Emissions Testing, Kiln No 1 Wet Scrubber Inlet And Stack, National Lime And Stone Company, Carey, Ohio, Final Report

454R00036A Testing of a 2-Stroke Lean Burn Gas-Fired Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine to Determine the Effectiveness of an Oxidation Catalyst System

454R00036B Testing of a 2-Stroke Lean Burn Gas-Fired Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine to Determine the Effectiveness of an Oxidation Catalyst System Volume 2

454R00037 Final Report: Volume 1 of 1, Testing of a 4-Stroke Lean Burn Gas-fired Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine to Determine the Effectiveness of Oxidation Reduction Catalyst System for Reduction of Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions

454R00038A Source Characterization For Sewage Sludge Incinerators {Executive Summary}

454R00038B Source Characterization For Sewages Sludge Incinerators Final Emissions Report Volume 1 Of 3

454R00038E Source Characterizations For Sewage Sludge Incinerators Data Quality Assessment Report

454R00039 Current Knowledge Of Particulate Matter (pm) Continuous Emission Monitoring

454R00040A Evaluation Of Particulate Matter (pm) Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (cems) Volume 1 Technical Report, Final Report

454R00040C Evaluation Of Particulate Matter (pm) Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (cems) Volume 3 Appendices For Rca No 1, Final Report

454R00040D Evaluation Of Particulate Matter (pm) Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (cems) Volume 4 Appendices For Rca No 2, Final Report

454R00041 Quality Assurance Report, Calendar Year 1999 Pm25 Ambient Air Monitoring Program

454R00043 Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors: Volume 1: Stationary Point and Area Sources, AP-42 Supplement C, 1990

454R01004 National Air Quality And Emissions Trends Report, 1999

454R01007 Quality Assurance Guidance Document Quality Assurance Project Plan For The Air Toxics Monitoring Program

454R01009 Quality Management Plan For The Fine Particle Speciation Trends Monitoring Program

454R01010 Emission Testing At A Structural Brick Manufacturing Plant Final Emission Test Report For Testing At Belden Brick Company Plant 6, Sugarcreek, Oh, November 8 To 12, 1993

454R01012 Supplement F To Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Volume 1 Stationary Point And Area Sources Ap-42 5th Edition

454R02003 Example Application Modeling Toxic Air Pollutants In Urban Areas

454R02004 Air Toxics Pilot Study Laboratory Intercomparison Quality Assurance Report

454R03005 National Air Quality And Emission Trends Report: Special Studies Edition, 2003

454R03011 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Particulate Matter (PM) Review Panel's Review of the Agency's Fourth External Review Draft of Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter (June 2003)

454R04002 The Particle Pollution Report: Current Understanding of Air Quality and Emissions through 2003

454R04006 Advisory on Plans for Emissions Estimation in the Analytical Plan for EPA's Second Prospective Analysis - Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act, 1990-2020; An Advisory by the Advisory Council for Clean Air Compliance Analysis

454R04007 Advisory on Plans for Health Effects Analysis in the Analytical Plan for EPA's Second Prospective Analysis - Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act, 1990-2020 Advisory by the Health Effects Subcommittee of the Advisory Council on Clean

454R04008 Advisory Report on the Science and Research Budgets for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for Fiscal Year 2005; A Report by the EPA Science Advisory Board

454R04009 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Ambient Air Monitoring and Methods (AAMM) Subcommittee Consultation on Methods for Measuring Coarse-Fraction Particulate Matter (PMc) in Ambient Air (July 2004)

454R04010 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Particulate Matter (PM) Review Panel's Ongoing Peer Review of the Agency's Fourth External Review Draft of Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter (June 2003)

454R04011 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Particulate Matter (PM) Review Panel's Ongoing Peer Review of the Agency's Fourth External Review Draft of Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter (June 2003)

454R04012 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Particulate Matter (PM) Review Panel's ongoing peer review of the Agency's Fourth External Review Draft of Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter (June 2003) and peer review of the Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter: Policy Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information (OAQPS Staff Paper - First Draft)(August 2003) and a related draft technical report, Particulate Matter Health Risk Assessment for Selected Urban Areas (Draft Report)(August 2003)

454R04013 EPA's Air Toxics Research Strategy and Air Toxics Multi-Year Plan

454R04014 EPA's Multimedia, Multipathway, and Multireceptor Risk Assessment (3MRA) Modeling System

454R05004 Comparison Of Integrated Filter And Semi Continuous Measurements Of PM2.5 Nitrate Sulfate And Carbon Aerosols In The Speciation Trends Network stn

454R05006 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Ozone Review Panel's Consultation on EPA's Draft Ozone Environmental Assessment Plan: Scope and Methods for Exposure, Risk and Benefits Assessment (August 2005)

454R05007 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) review of the EPA staff recommendations concerning a potential thoracic coarse PM standard in the Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter: Policy Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information (Final PM OAQPS Staff paper, EPA-452-R-05-005, June 2005)

454R05008 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Peer Review of the Federal Reference Method (FRM) for Coarse Particulate Matter (PM 10-2.5)

454R05009 EPA's Contaminated Sites and RCRA Multi-Year Plans

454R06002 National Scale Modeling Of Air Toxics For The Mobile Source Air Toxics Rule Technical Support Document

454R06004 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee's (CASAC) peer review of the agency's Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Related Photochemical Oxidants (Second external review draft), volumes I, II, and III, (EPA/600/R-05/004aB, bB, and cB, August 2005

454R06005 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee's (CASAC) Ozone Review Panel's Consultation on EPA's First Draft Ozone Staff Paper, Risk Assessment and Exposure Assessment Documents

454R06006 EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB) Consultation on the Polychlorinated Biphenyl-Artificial Reef Risk Assessment

454R06007 EPA Science Advisory Board's Homeland Security Advisory Committe Consultation on the WaterSentinel Program and Standard Analytical Methods

454R06008 EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB) Consultation on a Proposed Framework for Revising the Guidelines for Deriving Water Quality Criteria for Protection of Aquatic Life

454R07007 Latest Findings on National Air Quality Status and Trends Through 2006

454R92001 Interagency Work Group On Air Quality Modeling (iwaqm) Work Plan Rationale

454R92004 Evaluation of CO Intersection Modeling Techniques Using a New York City Database

454R92005 Guideline For Modeling Carbon Monoxide From Roadway Intersections

454R92006 User's Guide to CAL3QHC Version 2.0: A Modeling Methodology for Predicting Pollutant Concentrations Near Roadway Intersections

454R92006R Cal3qhc Version 2 0 Modeling Methodology For Predicting Pollutant Concentrations Near Roadway Intersections , Revised {user's Guide}

454R92007 Quality Review Guidelines For 1990 Base Year Emission Inventories

454R92009 Guidance For Siting Ambient Air Monitors Around Stationary Lead Sources

454R92009R Guidance for Sitting Ambient Air Monitors Around Stationary Lead Sources

454R92013 National Air Pollutant Emission Estimates, 1900-1991

454R92014 Comparison Of A Revised Area Source Algorithm For The Industrial Source Complex Short Term Model And Wind Tunnel Data

454R92015 Sensitivity Analysis Of The Revised Area Source Algorithum For The Isc 2 Short Term Model

454R92016 Development And Evaluation Of The Revised Area Source Algorithum For The Industrial Source Complex (isc 2) Long Term Model

454R92017 Development And Testing Of A Generated Dry Deposition Algorithum For Toxic Pollutants

454R92019 The Screening Procedures For Estimating The Air Quality Impact Of Stationary Sources, Revised

454R92021 Modeling Protocol For Applying Mesopuff II To Long Range Transport Problems

454R92023 Workbook For Plume Visual Impact Screening And Analysis Revised

454R92024 Workbook Of Screening Techniques For Assessing Impacts Of Toxic Pollutants Revised

454R92025 Protocol For Determining The Best Performing Model

454R92026 Procedures For The Preparation Of Emission Inventories For Carbon Monoxide And Precursors Of Ozone Emission Inventory Requirements For Photochemical Air Quality Simulation Models Volume 2

454R93001 Contingency Analysis Modeling For Superfund Sites And Other Sources

454R93002 Guidance To A Systematic Approach For Applying Dense Gas Models To Hazard Analysis

454R93006 Locating and Estimating Air Emissions from Sources of Methylene Chloride

454R93007 Determination Of Volatile Organic Compounds In Ultraviolet Radiation-cured Coatings

454R93011 Locating And Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Styrene, Final Report

454R93015 Interagency Workgroup On Air Quality Modeling (IWAQM) Phase 1 Report Interim Recommendation For Modeling Long Range Transport And Impacts On Regional Visibility

454R93021A Regional Interim Emission Inventories (1987-1991) Development Methodologies

454R93021B Regional Interim Emission Inventories 1987-1991

454R93024 Role Of Ozone Precursors In Trophospheric Ozone Formation And Control

454R93025 Summary Of Public Comments And EPA Responses On The Draft Report Role Of Ozone Precursors On Tropospheric Ozone Formation And Control

454R93031 National Air Quality And Emission Trends Report 1992

454R93032 National Air Pollutant Emission Trends 1900-1992

454R93033 Independent Quality Assurance Of Refinery Fugitives Testing By Western States Petroleum Association Final Audit Report

454R93037 Review Of Methods For Measuring Fugitive Pm-10 Emission Rates

454R93040 Locating and Estimating Air Emissions from Sources of Cadmium and Cadmium Compounds

454R93041 Preliminary Data Search Report for Locating and Estimating Air Emissions from Sources of Cyanide Compounds

454R93042 Guidance For Estimating Ambient Air Monitoring Costs For Criteria Pollutants And Selected Air Toxic Pollutants

454R93044 Locating and Estimating Air Emissions from Sources of Chlorobenzenes, Revised

454R93045 Locating and Estimating Air Emissions from Sources of Methyl Chloroform

454R93046 Locating And Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Methyl Ethyl Ketone

454R93047 Locating and Estimating Air From Sources of Toluene

454R93048 Locating and Estimating Air Emissions from Sources of Xylene

454R93049 Standards For The Development And Enhancement Of Oaqps TTN Bulletin Boards

454R93052 Comparison Of Design Concentrations Based On Hourly Mixing Heights Estimated By Rammet And Metpro

454R93053 Locating And Estimating Air Toxic Emissions From Sources Of Medical Waste Incinerators

454R93055 Evaluation Of A Solar Radiation-delta-t Method For Estimating Pasquill-gifford p-g Stability Categories

454R93056 Guidance on Urban Airshed Model (UAM) Reporting Requirements for Attainment Demonstration

454R94015 Development And Testing Of Dry Deposition Algorithms, Revised

454R94016 Emissions Test Method 29 Determination Of Metals Emissions From Stationary Sources

454R94018 Comparison Of Isc2 Dry Deposition Estimates Based On Current And Proposed Deposition Algorithms

454R94022 Public Participation Procedures For EPA Emissions Estimation Guidance Materials

454R94024 Modeling Fugitive Dust Impacts From Surface Coal Mining Operations Phase 1

454R94025 Modeling Fugitive Dust Impacts From Surface Coal Mining Operations Phase 2 Model Evaluation Protocol

454R94026 National Air Quality And Emissions Trends Report, 1993

454R94033 PM-10 Emission Inventory Requirements

454R94035 Clean Air Act Ozone Design Value Study Report To Congress, Final Report

454R95001 Report to Congress: National Annual Industrial Sulfur Dioxide Emission Trends 1995-2015

454R95003 Air-superfund National Technical Guidance Study Series Volume 5, Procedures For Air Dispersion Modeling At Superfund Sites

454R95004 Fourier Transform Infrared (ftir) Method Validation At A Coal-fired Boiler

454R95005 Testing Of Meteorological And Dispersion Models For Use In Regional Air Quality Modeling

454R95006 Inter-agency Workgroup On Air Quality Modeling (iwaqm) Assessment Of Phase I Recommendations Regarding The Use Of Mesopuff Ii

454R95007 Review Of Surface Coal Mining Emission Factors

454R95008 Development Of A Plan For A Surface Coal Mine Study

454R95009 Surface Coal Mine Study Plan

454R95010 Surface Coal Mine Emission Factor Field Study

454R95011 National Air Pollutant Emission Trends, 1900-1994

454R95012 Fire Version 5.0: Source Classification Codes and Emission Factor Listing for Criteria Air Pollutants

454R95014 National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1994

454R95015 Procedures For Preparing Emission Factor Documents

454R96002 Modeling Fugitive Dust Impacts from Surface Coal Mining Operations - Phase 3: Evaluating Model Performance

454R96003 Procedures For Verification Of Emissions Inventories

454R96004 Compilation Of Photochemical Models' Performance Statistics For 11-94 Ozone Sip Applications

454R96005 National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1995

454R96006 Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations Data Analysis Results Report 1996

454R96007 National Air Pollutant Emission Trends, 1900-1995

454R96008 Locating And Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of 1,3-butadiene

454R97001 Ambient Air Precision And Accuracy Program, Annual Report 1995

454R97002A Quality Assurance Procedures Index To Key Provisions

454R97003 Locating and Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Dioxins and Furans

454R97004A Introduction to the Emission Inventory Improvement Program Volume 1

454R97004B Introduction to Stationary Point Source Emission Inventory Development Volume 2 Chapter 1

454R97004C Introduction to Area Source Emission Inventory Development Volume 3 Chapter 1

454R97004D Eiip Volume 4 Mobile Sources Preferred And Alternative Methods

454R97004E Biogenic Sources Preferred And Alternative Methods EIIP Volume 5

454R97004F EIIP Volume 6 Quality Assurance Procedures

454R97004G Eiip Volume 7 Data Management Procedures

454R97005 Reporting Guidance for 1996 Periodic Emissions Inventories and National Emission Trends (NET) Inventories

454R97007 Ambient Air Precision And Accuracy Program Annual Report 1996

454R97010 National Specialty Workshop On Technical Tools For Air Toxics Assessment

454R97011 National Air Pollutant Emission Trends 1900-1996

454R97012 Locating And Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Mercury And Mercury Compounds

454R97013 National Air Quality And Emission Trends Report 1996

454R98001 Guideline For Selecting And Modifying The Ozone Monitoring Season Based On An 8 Hour Ozone Standard

454R98002 Guideline On Ozone Monitoring Site Selection

454R98003 Slams-nams-pams Network Review Guidance

454R98004 Quality Assurance Air Pollution Measurement Systems, Volume 2 Part 1, Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program Quality System Development {Handbook}

454R98005 Quality Assurance Guidance Document Model Quality Assurance Project Plan For The Pm25 Ambient Air Monitoring Program At State And Local Air Monitoring Stations slams

454R98006 Locating and Estimating Air Emissions From Sources of Lead and Lead Compounds

454R98008 National Air Pollutant Emission Trends Procedures Document, Sections 1, 4, and 6 1985 - 1996, Projections 1999 - 2010

454R98008A National Air Pollutant Emission Trends Procedures Document, 1900 - 1996, Projections 1999 - 2010

454R98011 Locating And Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Benzene

454R98012 Guidance For Using Continuous Monitors In Pm2 5 Monitoring Networks

454R98013 Locating And Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Arsenic And Arsenic Compounds

454R98014 Locating And Estimating Air Emissions From Sources Of Polycyclic Organic Matter

454R98015 Office Of Air Quality Planning And Standards oaqps Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection Guidance

454R98016 National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report, 1997

454R98017 Guideline On Data Handling Conventions For The 8 Hour Ozone Naaqs

454R98019 Interagency Workgroup On Air Quality Modeling iwaqm Phase 2 Summary Report And Recommendations For Modeling Long Range Transport Impacts

454R98020 Comparison of CALPUFF with ISC3

454R99003 Visibility Monitoring Guidance

454R99004 Guidance On The Use Of Models And Other Analyses In Attainment Demonstrations For The 8 Hour Ozone Naaqa {draft}

454R99005 Site Specification Meteorological Monitoring Guidance For Regulatory Modeling Applications

454R99006 Emissions Inventory Guidance For Implementation Of Ozone And Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards naaqs And Regional Haze Regulations

454R99008 Guideline On Data Handling Conventions For The Pm Naaqs

454R99009 Guideline For Developing An Ozone Forecasting Program

454R99010 Guidelines for Reporting of Daily Air Quality - Air Quality Index (AQI)

454R99011 Nonmethane Organic Compounds And Speciated Nonmethane Organic Compounds Monitoring Program 1992

454R99012 Nonmethane Organic Compounds And Speciated Nonmethane Organic Compounds Monitoring Program 1993

454R99013 Nonmethane Organic Compounds And Speciated Nonmethane Organic Compounds Monitoring Program 1994

454R99014 Nonmethane Organic Compounds And Speciated Nonmethane Organic Compounds Monitoring Program 1995

454R99015 Nonmethane Organic Compounds nmoc And Speciated Nonmethane Organic Compounds snmoc Monitoring Program 1996

454R99016 Nonmethane Organic Compounds (NMOC) And Speciated Nonmethane Organics Compounds SNMOC) Monitoring Program 1997

454R99021 Air Dispersion Modeling Of Toxic Pollutants In Urban Areas Guidance Methodology And Applications

454R99022 Guidance For The Network Design And Optimum Site Exposure For Pm 25 And Pm10

454R99023 Emission Testing At Culp Aluminum Alloy

454R99036 Urban Ait Toxics Monitoring Program (uatmp), 1997

454R99037 Handbook for Criteria Pollutant Inventory Development: Point and Area Sources

454R99042B Integrated Iron And Steel Industry Final Report, Volume 2 Of 3 Ltv Steel Company Indiana Harbor Works, East Chicago, Illinois

454R99042C Integrated Iron And Steel Industry Final Report, Manual Testing, Volume 3 Of 3 LTV Steel Company Indiana Harbor Works, East Chicago, Il

454R99053 Nonmethane Organic Compounds (NMOC) And Speciated Nonmethans Organic Compounds (SNMOC) Monitoring Program, 1998

455B92002 Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning (MVAC) Inspection Program <Training Manual>

456B00001 Petroleum Refinery Mact Standard Guidance

456B05001 AQI Toolkit for Weathercasters

456B06001 Guidance for Quantifying and Using Emission Reductions From Voluntary Woodstove Changeout Programs in State Implementation Plans

456B07001 Air Quality Awareness Week Event Planning Kit

456B94002 Hap-pro Model, Version 2 0 User's Manual

456B97001 User's Manual For The Rblc Bbs

456B98002 RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse Information System (RBLC): User's Manual

456B98003 Potential To Emit Guide For Small Businesses

456D00001 Implementation Document For The Pesticide Active Ingredient Production NESHAP (40 CFR Part 63, Subpart Mmm)

456F00001 Boletin Tecnico Seleccionando Un Sistema De Asdorcion Para Cov Carbon, Zeolita, O Polimeros- {technical Bulletin Selecting An Adsorption System For Voc Carbon, Zeolite Or Polymers}{Spanish}

456F00002 Boletin Tecnico Oxidos De Nitrogeno (nox) Por Que Y Como Se Controlan- {Spanish}

456F00003 Guia de Calidad del Aire para el Ozono

456F00004 New Regulation Controlling Emissions from Secondary Aluminum Production (Sweat Furnace Operations)

456F06001 How Air Pollution Affects the View

456F07002 AQI Forecasts: Your Advance Notification About Unhealthy Air

456F08001 Air Quality Guide for Ozone

456F97003 Regulating Smog and Particle Air Pollution

456F97004 Final Revisions To The Ozone And Particulate Matter Air Quality Standards

456F98004 Technical Bulletin Zeolite A Versatile Air Pollutant Adsorber

456F98005 NOX How Nitrogen Oxides Affect The Way We Live And Breathe

456F98006 Regional Transport Of Ozone New EPA Rulemaking On Nitrogen Oxide Emissions

456F99002 Air Quality Guide for Ozone

456F99003 Boletin Tecnico Zeolita Un Adsorbente Versatil De Contaminantes Del Aire {Spanish}

456F99004 Technical Bulletin Choosing An Adsorption System For Voc Carbon, Zeolite, Or Polymers-

456F99006 Technical Bulletin: Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Why and How They Are Controlled

456F99006R Technical Bulletin Nitrogen Oxides (nox), Why And How They Are Controlled

456K01001 Ultraviolet And Electron Beam (UV-EB) Cured Coatings, Inks And Adhesives

456K07001 Plain English Guide To The Clean Air Act

456R00002 Implementation Document For The Polyether Polyols Production NESHAP (40 CFR Part 63, Subpart Ppp)

456R00003 Hospital-medical-infectious Waste Incinerators Background For Information For Federal Plan Summary Of Public Comments And Responses

456R01003 Pulp And Paper Combustion Sources National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (neshap) Plain English Description

456R01004 Technical Bulletin: Refrigerated Condensers for Control of Organic Air Emissions

456R03002 Guidelines For Developing An Air Quality (Ozone And PM2.5) Forecasting Program

456R03005 Technical Support Document Prevention Of Significant Deterioration (PSD) And Nonattainment Area New Source Review (NSR) Reconsideration

456R05005 Compliance Guide to the Reinforced Plastic Composites Production NESHAP 40 CFR 63 Subpart WWWW

456R06001 SEQL - Tackling Environmental Challenges in a Growing Metropolitan Area

456R95001 Used Oil Analysis And Waste Oil Furnace Emissions Study

456R95002 Control And Pollution Prevention Options For Ammonia Emissions

456R95003 Survey Of Control Technologies For Low Concentration Organic Vapor Gas Streams

456R95005 RACT BACT LEAR Clearinghouse Compliation of Control Technologies Determinations Fifth Supplement

456R96001 Used Oil Analysis And Waste Oil Furnace Emissions Study State Of Vermont

456R96002 RACT BACT LEAR Clearinghouse Compliation of Control Technologies Determinations Sixth Supplement

456R96003 Municipal Waste Combustion Summary Of The Requirements For Section 111(d)-129 State Plans For Implementing The Municipal Waste Combustor Emission Guidelines

456R96004 Federal Operating Permits Program Under Title V Of The Clean Air Act

456R96005 National Emission Standards For Halogenated Solvent Cleaning Summary Of Requirements For Implementing The NESHAP

456R97001 Summary and Analysis Of Available Air Toxics Health Effects Data, Final Draft

456R97002 RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse Clean Air Technology Center Compilation Of Control Technology Determinants, 7th Supplement To The 1990 Edition

456R97003 MACT Implementation Strategy

456R97004 Ethylene Oxide Commercial Sterilization And Fumigation Operations NESHAP Implementation Document

456R97005 Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations NESHAP Implementation Document

456R97006 National Emission Standards For Aerospace Manufacturing And Rework Facilities Summary Of The Requirements For Implementing The NESHAP

456R97007 Hospital-medical-infectious Waste Incinerator Emission Guidelines Summary Of The Requirements For Section 111(d)-129 State Plans

456R98001 Ambient Air Monitoring Plan For Ciudad Acunand Piedrnegras, Coahuila, Mexico

456R98002 Plan De Red De Monitores Del Aire Ambiental Para Cuidad Acuna Y Piedras, Negras, Coahuila, Mexico {Spanish}

456R98004 RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse Annual Report For 1998 Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations, 8th Supplement To 1990 Edition

456R98005 Municipal Waste Combustion Background Document For Federal Plan Public Comments And Responses

456R98006 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Off-Site Waste and Recovery Operations

456R98008 Pulp And Paper NESHAP Plain English Description

456R98009 Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, Volume 2 Summary Of The Requirements For Section 111(d) State Plans For Implementing The Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Emission Guidelines

456R98018 State Experience Integrating Pollution Prevention into Permits

456R99001 Municipal Waste Landfills Background Information Document For Federal Plan, Public Comments And Responses

456R99002 Emission Estimation Techniques For Unique Source Categories In Mexicali, Mexico

456R99003 Tecnicas Para Calcular Emisiones De Categorias De Fuentes Unicas En Su Genero En Mexicali, Mexico {Spanish}

456R99004 RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse Clean Air Technology Center Annual Report For 1999 Compilation Of Control Technology Determinations, 9th Supplement To The 1990 Edition

456R99005 Emisiones Y Prevencion Technicas de Control para Talleres de Carroceria en Ciudad Juarez Mexico

456R99006 Emissions And Prevention-control Techniques For Automobile Body Shops In Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

456R99007 Plain Language Implementation Assistance Document For 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart Dd (off-site Waste And Recovery Operations Neshap)

460373007 Condenser And Fan Development For Rankine Cycle Engines

460374004A Medium Duty Vehicle Emission Control Cost Effectiveness Comparisons Volume I Executive Summary

460374004B Medium Duty Vehicle Emission Control Cost Effectiveness Comparisons Volume Ii Technical Discussion

460374014 Study Of Emissions From 1967-1974 Light-duty Vehicles In Newark New Jersey

460374022 Study Of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emissions From Heavy Duty Diesel Engines

460374023A Process Demonstration And Cost Analysis Of A Mass Production Forging Technique For Automotive Turbine Wheels Phase I

460375010 Evaluation Of Interface Between Vehicle Fuel Fillpipes And Vapor Recovery Nozzles

460376006 Expansion Of Investigation Of Passenger Car Refueling Losses

460376014 Investigation And Assessment Of Light-duty-vehicle Evaporative Emission Sources And Control

460377003 Advanced Fuel Metering Demonstration

460381006 User's Guide To Mobile2 Mobile Source Emissions Model

460381008 Nitrosamine Analysis Of Diesel Crankcase Emissions

460381015 Characterization Of Diesel Emissions As A Function Of Fuel Variables

460381017 Study Of Emissions From Light-duty Vehicles In Denver

460381018 Study Of Emissions From Light Duty Vehicles In Los Angeles

460381019 Study Of Emissions From Light Duty Vehicles In San Antonio Texas

460381031 Emissions From Heavy-Duty Engines Using The 1984 Transient Test Procedure Volume II Diesel

460381034 Acrolein Health Effects

460382005 Study Of Emissions From Light Duty Vehicles In Los Angeles

460382009 Study Of Emissions From Light Duty Vehicles In San Antonio Texas

460382012 Scarcity Recycling And Substitution Of Potentially Critical Materials Used For Vehicular Emissions Control Final Report

460383002 Study Of Aftertreatment And Fuel Injection Variables For Particulate Control In Heavy Duty Diesel Engines

460383007 Petroleum Versus Alternate-source Fuel Effects On Light-duty Diesel Emissions

460383008 Characterization Of Exhaust Emissions From Operation Of A Light-duty Gasoline Vehicle On Alternative-source Gasoline Fuels

460383009 Calculation of Emissions and Fuel Economy When Using Alternate Fuels

460384002 User's Guide To Mobile3 mobile Source Emissions Model

474R91101 Answers To The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Reinspections Under The Ahera Asbestos In Schools Rule

500990001A Office Of Water Information Resources Management Annual Report (in Brief) Fiscal Years 1989-90

500990001B Office Of Water Information Resources Management Annual Report Fiscal Years 1989-90

500990002 Office Of Water Environmental And Program Information Systems Compendium, Fy 1990

500990005 Information Resources Management Tools For Making Water Program Decisions

500B83001 Options for Financing State Response to Releases of Hazardous Substances and Wastes : Handbook ; Volume I

500B86001 Oswer Life Cycle Management Guidance

500B92004 State Program Approval Handbook (UST #78)

500B92005 Suggested Procedures For Review Of State Underground Storage Tank Applications

500B92006 Groundwater Modeling Compendium Fact Sheets, Descriptions, Applications And Assessment Framework

500B94003 Assessment Framework for Ground-Water Model Applications

500B94004 Ground-Water Modeling Compendium: Model Fact Sheets, Description, Applications and Cost Guidelines, 2nd Edition

500B94005 Compendium of Systems Which Support RCRA and CERCLA: OSWER Information Management

500CB92001 HyperVentilate Users Manual A Software Guidance System Created for Vapor Extraction Applications

500ECAOCING001 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For Acetophenone

500ECAOCING002 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For Selected Chlorinated Toluenes

500ECAOCING003 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For Chloroanilines

500ECAOCING004 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For Dichlorobutenes

500ECAOCING005 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For N-propyl Alcohol

500ECAOCING006 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For Methyl Styrenes

500ECAOCING007 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For Benzoic Acid

500ECAOCING008 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For Selected Nitriles

500ECAOCING011 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For Trichloroanilines

500ECAOCING012 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For Cyclopentadiene and Dicyclopentadiene

500ECAOCING013 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For Chlorinated Phenols

500ECAOCING015 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For P-hydroquinone

500ECAOCING016 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For Selected Nitrofurans

500ECAOCING017 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For Cyclohexylamine

500ECAOCING021 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For 1-3-butadiene

500F00020 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Glen Cove, NY

500F00021 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Greenfield, MA

500F00022 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Hartford, CT

500F00023 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Hudson County, NJ

500F00024 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Indianapolis, IN

500F00025 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Kalamazoo, MI

500F00026 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Kansas City, KS/MO

500F00028 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Lewiston, ME

500F00030 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Lowell, MA

500F00031 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Lynn, MA

500F00032 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Miami, FL

500F00034 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Milwaukee, WI

500F00035 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Montachusett, MA

500F00036 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Mystic Valley, MA

500F00037 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Naugatuck Valley, CT

500F00086 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Concord, NC

500F00088 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot, Crow Nation, MT

500F00089 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Elyria, OH

500F00090 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Essex County, NJ

500F00092 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Fort Dodge, IA

500F00093 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Frankfort, MI

500F00094 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Gardena, CA

500F00095 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Gary, IN

500F00096 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot South Gate, CA

500F00097 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Gila River Indian Community, AZ

500F00099 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Gloucester, NJ

500F00100 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Greenville, SC

500F00101 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - State of Hawaii Dept. of Business, Econ. Dev., and Tourism

500F00102 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Kitsap County, WA

500F00103 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Lanaster County, PA

500F00104 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Lansing, MI

500F00105 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Lauringburg, NC

500F00106 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Mansfield, OH

500F00107 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - New London, CT

500F00108 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - North Adams, MA

500F00109 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - North Hempstead, NY

500F00110 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Oakland County, MI

500F00112 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Oshkosh, Wi

500F00115 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Port Arthur, TX

500F00116 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Providence, RI

500F00117 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Pulaski County, AR

500F00118 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Red Lake Band of Chippewa, MN

500F00119 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Signal Hill, CA

500F00120 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Silver City, NM

500F00121 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Somerset County, NJ

500F00122 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot St. Joseph, MO

500F00123 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Syracuse, NY

500F00130 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Riverdale, South Chicago Heights, Chicago Heights, and Dolton/Lansing IL

500F00167 Brownfields Job Training And Development Demonstration Pilot City Of Brockton MA

500F00168 Brownfields Job Training And Development Pilot Carengie Mellon University Pittsbugh PA

500F00169 Brownfields Job Training And Development Demonstration Pilot Concurrent Technologies Corp Charleston SC

500F00172 Brownfields Job Training And Development Demonstration Pilot Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition PA

500F00173 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot - Long Beach, CA

500F00174 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot - City of Los Angeles, CA

500F00175 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot - Middletown, CT

500F00176 Brownfields Job Training And Development Demonstration Pilot National Association Of Black Environmentalsists, Denver, Co

500F00177 Brownfields Job Training And Development Demonstration Pilot New Jersey Youth Corps, Phillipsburg And Middlesex County, Nj

500F00178 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot -St. Louis, MO, and IL

500F00179 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot - Buffalo, NY

500F00180 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot - Tacoma, WA

500F00182 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot - Belcourt, ND

500F00186 Charlotte Maintains Redevelopment Momentum

500F00192 Rising From the Depths in Naugatuck Valley:The Restoration and Reuse of Idle Land

500F00213 The Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative Proposal Guidelines for Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilots

500F00240 EPA Brownfields Showcase Communities

500F00247 Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative Proposal Guidelines for Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund

500F00262 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Charlotte, NC

500F00265 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Jacksonville, FL

500F00267 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Laredo, TX

500F00270 Brownfields Job Training And Development Demonstration Pilot Boston Connects People To Economic Opportunity, Inc , Boston, Ma

500F00271 Brownfields Job Training And Development Demonstration Pilot Workplace Inc, Bridgeport, Connecticut

500F00272 Brownfields Job Training And Development Demonstration Pilot Troy Rehabilitation and Improvement Program Inc Troy NY

500F00273 Brownfields Job Training And Development Demonstration Pilot

500F00274 Brownfields Job Training And Development Demonstration Pilot City Of Winston-salem, Nc

500F00275 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Pilot - Riverdale, IL

500F00276 Brownfields Job Training And Development Demonstration Pilot City Of Shreveport, La

500F00277 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot -Sioux City, IA

500F00278 Brownfields Job Training And Development Demonstration Pilot Spirit Lake Nation, Nd

500F01006 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Columbia, MS

500F01011 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Oktibbeha County, MS

500F01031 Gretna

500F01034 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot, Dayton, OH

500F01035 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Hennepin County, MN

500F01037 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Columbus, OH

500F01038 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Springfield, OH

500F01041 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot St. Joseph/Benton Harbor/ Benton CharterTownship,MI

500F01044 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Missoula, MT

500F01046 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Emeryville, CA

500F01047 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Ogden City, UT

500F01257 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Montgomery AL

500F01258 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Selma, AL

500F01259 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, AZ

500F01261 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Summit County, CO

500F01263 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot South Central Regional Council of Governments, CT

500F01266 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - LaPorte, IN

500F01267 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Michigan City, IN

500F01268 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot, Davenport, IA

500F01274 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, MI

500F01275 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot St. Louis, MI

500F01283 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Port of Bandon, OR

500F01285 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Puerto Rico Infrastructure Financing Authority

500F01287 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - El Paso, TX

500F01290 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Clarksburg, WV

500F01291 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Ranson and Charles Town, WV

500F01297 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Great Barrington, MA

500F01298 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Lawrence, MA

500F01303 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Lacon, IL

500F01304 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Jackson County, MI

500F01311 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Lockland, OH

500F01321 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Galveston, TX

500F01328 Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative Proposal Guidelines for Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilots

500F01329 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Cowpens, SC

500F01330 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Tallahassee,FL

500F01331 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Shreveport,LA

500F01333 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Phoenix, AZ

500F01335 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Port of Bellingham, WA

500F01343 Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative Proposal Guidelines For Brownfields Job Training And Development Demonstration Pilots

500F01354 Brownfields Job Training And Devleopment Demonstration Pilot Saint Nicholas Neighborhood Preservation Corporation, Brooklyn, New York

500F01355 Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot - Wilmington, Delaware

500F01357 Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot - Greenville, South Carolina

500F01359 Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot - Cincinnati, Ohio

500F01361 Browfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot - Nespelem, Washington

500F01362 Brownfields Job Training Development Demonstration Pilot - Butte, Montana

500F02043 EPA Brownfields Assessment Pilots, City of Delavan, WI Fact Sheet

500F02045 EPA Brownfields Assessment Pilots, City of Duluth, MN Fact Sheet

500F02048 Brownfields Assessment Pilots City of Lackawanna, NY

500F02051 EPA Brownfields Assessment Pilots, City of Manistee, MI Fact Sheet

500F02057 EPA Brownfields Assessment Pilots, City of Columbus, GA Fact Sheet

500F02058 EPA Brownfields Assessment Pilots, Franklin Regional Council of Governments, MA Fact Sheet

500F02059 EPA Brownfields Assessment Pilots, Humboldt County, CA Fact Sheet

500F02060 EPA Brownfields Assessment Pilots, Kanawha County, WV Fact Sheet

500F02063 EPA Brownfields Assessment Pilots, Nye County, NV Fact Sheet

500F02064 Brownfields Assessment Pilots Rutland Redevelopment Authority, VT

500F02065 EPA Brownfields Assessment Pilots, San Bernardino County, CA Fact Sheet

500F02066 EPA Brownfields Assessment Pilots, Sanilac County, MI Fact Sheet

500F02069 EPA Brownfields Assessment Pilots, Village of Lincoln Heights, OH

500F02071 EPA Brownfields Assessment Pilots, Lakewood Development Corporation, NJ Fact Sheet

500F02072 EPA Brownfields Assessment Pilots, South Central Planning and Development Commission, LA Fact Sheet

500F02073 EPA Brownfields Assessment Pilots, Port of Shelton, WA Fact Sheet

500F02074 Brownfields Assessment Pilots City of Spokane, WA

500F02075 EPA Brownfields Supplimental Assistance Award, Lewiston, ME Fact Sheet

500F02076 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Funding Award City of Marlborough, MA - May 2002

500F02077 EPA Brownfields Supplimental Assistance Award, Nashua, NH Fact Sheet

500F02078 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance Award, Town of New Milford, CT Fact Sheet

500F02086 EPA Brownfields Supplimental Assistance Award, Johnstown, PA Fact Sheet

500F02087 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance Award, City of Newport News, VA Fact Sheet

500F02093 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance Award, City of Hammond, IN Fact Sheet

500F02094 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance Award, Hennepin County, MN Fact Sheet

500F02111 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance Award, City of Gardena, CA Fact Sheet

500F02112 EPA Brownfields Supplimental Assistance Award, Naco Fire District, AZ Fact Sheet

500F02141 EPA - Green Buildings on Brownfields Initiative: Pilot Projects Fact Sheet, November 2002

500F02143 EPA - Proposal Guidelines for Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilots Grants

500F03003 La Nueva Ley De Brownfields EPA Brownfields Law - Spanish Version

500F03020 Brownfields Negotiated Rulemaking Fact Sheet

500F03023 Urban Rivers Restoration Initiative

500F03025 EPA - Brownfields Grant Fact Sheet 2003 - Coalition for a Better Acre, Lowell, MA

500F03028 EPA - Brownfields 2003 Grant Fact Sheet - Oklahoma City Office of Workforce Development, Oklahoma City, OK

500F03029 EPA - Brownfields 2003 Grant Fact Sheet - New Jersey Youth Corps, Newark and Phillipsburg, NJ

500F03030 EPA - Brownfields 2003 Grant Fact Sheet - The Workplace Inc., Southwest, CT

500F03057 EPA Brownfields 2003 Grant Fact Sheet- Blackfeet Tribe Blackfeet Indian Reservation MT

500F03084 Brownfields 2003 Grant Fact Sheet Development Downtown Inc Buffalo NY

500F03097 EPA Brownfields 2003 Grant Fact Sheet Freeport IL

500F03109 EPA Brownfields 2003 Grant Fact Sheet - Hope Community Development Corporation Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge LA

500F03124 EPA Brownfields 2003 Grant Fact Sheet - Lower Brule Indian Reservation, SD

500F03138 EPA Brownfields 2003 Grant Fact Sheet Missoula County, MT

500F03145 EPA Brownfields 2003 Grant Fact Sheet- New Britain, CT

500F03151 EPA Brownfields 2003 Grant Fact Sheet- Northwest Regional Planning Commission, VT

500F03158 EPA Brownfields 2003 Grant Fact Sheet - Passaic County, NJ

500F03194 EPA Brownfields 2003 Grant Fact Sheet St. Paul Port Authority, MN

500F03207 EPA Brownfields 2003 Grant Fact Sheet - Washington Department of Economic Development

500F03212 EPA Brownfields 2003 Grant Award - Allegheny County, PA

500F04004 Design Solutions for Vapor Intrusion and Indoor Air Quality

500F05017 Long-Term Stewardship: Ensuring Environmental Site Cleanups Remain

500F06002 Collaborative Cleanups: Achieving Cleanup Restoration and Revitalization With Communities

500F06003 Land Revitalization Restoring Land for America's Communities

500F92001 Controlling Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Costs: Fact Sheets Number {UST #1}

500F92002 Controlling UST Cleanup Costs Fact Sheet 2: Negotiating the Contract

500F92003 Controlling UST Cleanup Costs Fact Sheet 3: Interpreting the Bill

500F92004 Controlling UST Cleanup Costs Fact Sheet 4: Managing the Process

500F92005 Controlling UST Cleanup Costs Fact Sheet 5: Understanding Contractor Code Words

500F95901 Resource Conservation And Recovery Act Legislative Reform Initiative

500F96067 Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative Application Guidelines for Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilots

500F97009 EPA National Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Chicopee, MA

500F97010 EPA National Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Chippewa County/Kinross Township, MI

500F97011 EPA National Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Cleveland, OH

500F97015 EPA National Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Houston, TX

500F97016 EPA National Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Indianapolis, IN

500F97017 EPA National Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Knoxville, TN

500F97019 EPA National Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Lawrence, MA

500F97020 National Brownfields Assessment Pilot Lima OH

500F97021 EPA National Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Louisville, KY

500F97022 EPA National Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Lowell, MA

500F97023 National Brownfields Assessment Pilot Navajo Nation, AZ

500F97042 Regional Brownfields Assessment Pilot Atlanta, GA

500F97047 EPA Regional Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Camden, NJ

500F97048 EPA Regional Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Cincinnati, OH

500F97049 EPA Regional Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Clearwater, FL

500F97054 EPA Brownfields Assessment Pilot - St. Louis, IL

500F97055 EPA Regional Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Kalamazoo, MI

500F97056 EPA Regional Brownfields Assessment Pilot -Miami, FL

500F97057 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Murray City, UT

500F97058 EPA Regional Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Naugatuck Valley, CT

500F97073 EPA Brownfields Supplemental Assistance - Sioux Falls, SD

500F97075 EPA Regional Brownfields Assessment Pilot - State of Illinois

500F97076 EPA Regional Brownfields Assessment Pilot - State of Indiana

500F97077 EPA Regional Brownfields Assessment Pilot - State of Minnesota

500F97089 Archival of CERCLIS Sites

500F97093 EPA Brownfields Internet Homepage

500F97101 EPA/HUD Brownfields Research Project

500F97102 EPA Federal Interagency Working Group on Brownfields

500F97104 Liability and Other Guidance

500F97110 EPA National Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Greenfield, MA

500F97111 EPA National Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Hartford, CT

500F97113 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Maine

500F97116 EPA Regional Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Chicago, IL

500F97117 EPA Regional Brownfields Assessment Pilot - East Palo Alto, CA

500F97118 EPA Regional Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Lynn, MA

500F97122 EPA National Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Elmira, NY

500F97124 EPA National Brownfields Assessment Pilot Wilmington DE

500F97126 EPA Regional Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Englewood, CO

500F97127 EPA National Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Dade County, FL

500F97133 EPA National Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Memphis, TN

500F97144 EPA National Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Borough, AK

500F97148 EPA Regional Brownfields Assessment Pilot -Milwaukee County, WI

500F97152 EPA Regional Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Elizabeth, NJ

500F97153 EPA Brownfields Assessment Pilot - Glen Cove, NY

500F97156 The Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative: Proposal Guidelines for Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilots, October 1997

500F98131 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Lewiston ME

500F98133 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Methuen, MA

500F98135 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Chelsea, MA

500F98136 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Malden, Medford, & Everett, MA

500F98140 EPA - Brownfields Tax Incentive - Property Eligibility

500F98144 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Jackson, MS

500F98146 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Charleston, SC

500F98152 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Milwaukee, WI

500F98155 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Grand Prarie, TX

500F98157 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Galveston, TX

500F98160 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Colton, CA

500F98167 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Mansfield, MA

500F98169 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Montachusett Reg. Planning Commission MA

500F98170 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - MA Dept. Env. Protection

500F98174 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Colrain, MA

500F98175 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Middletown, CT

500F98177 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Hudson County, NJ

500F98179 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Long Branch, NJ

500F98180 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Morris County, NJ

500F98181 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Middlesex County, NJ

500F98185 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Hagerstown, MD

500F98187 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Shenandoah, VA

500F98191 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Escambia County, FL

500F98192 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - East Point, GA

500F98195 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Columbia, SC

500F98198 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - East Moline, IL

500F98200 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Canton, IL

500F98209 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Hamilton, OH

500F98213 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Glendale, WI

500F98214 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Kenosha, WI

500F98218 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Comanche Nation, OK

500F98221 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Clinton, IA

500F98223 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Cedar Rapids, IA

500F98229 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - State of California TCA

500F98230 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Long Beach, CA

500F98232 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - West Hollywood, CA

500F98233 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot -Montebello, CA

500F98234 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Hoopa Valley Tribe, CA

500F98236 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Los Angeles, CA

500F98238 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot - Clearwater, FL

500F98239 Brownfields Job Training And Development Demonstration Pilot New Bedford MA

500F98240 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot - Philadelphia, PA

500F98241 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot - Jobs for Youth - Boston, Lynn, and Somverville, MA

500F98242 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot Metropolitan Community Colleges Kansas City, MO

500F98243 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot Miami-Dade Community College Miami, FL

500F98244 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot Milwaukee Community Service Corps Milwaukee, WI

500F98250 The Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative: Proposal Guidelines for Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilots, October 1998

500F99001 Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative: Proposal Guidelines for Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund

500F99003 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Antrim County, MI

500F99005 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Duquesne, PA

500F99006 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Fort Myers, FL

500F99007 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Fort Valley, GA

500F99008 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Fort Worth, TX

500F99009 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Girard, OH

500F99010 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Great Barrington, MA

500F99011 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Hillsborough County, FL

500F99012 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Jackson County, MI

500F99013 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Johnstown, NY

500F99015 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Lockland, OH

500F99016 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Macon, GA

500F99017 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Nashua, NH

500F99099 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Hennepin County, MN

500F99100 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot - Houston, TX

500F99102 EPA Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilot - Mineral Area College, MO

500F99107 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Haddam, CT

500F99108 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Marlborough, MA

500F99114 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Albany, NY

500F99115 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Hackensack Meadowlands District, NJ

500F99121 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Borough of Central City, PA

500F99123 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Luzerne/Lackawanna Counties, PA

500F99124 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Mifflin County, PA

500F99125 Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Montgomery County, PA

500F99126 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Neville Township, PA

500F99128 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Anderson, SC

500F99130 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Chattanooga, TN

500F99132 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Fort Lauderdale, FL

500F99136 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot Wilmington NC

500F99138 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Hammond, IN

500F99139 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Minneapolis, MN

500F99148 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Albuquerque, NM

500F99153 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Sioux City, IA

500F99157 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Anaheim, CA

500F99158 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Carson, CA

500F99159 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Lynwood, CA

500F99160 EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilot - Naco, AZ

500F99164 Brownfields Tax Incentive Guidelines.

500F99166 Brownfields Tax Incentive Case Study Alliance Environmental Systems, Inc. West Chester, Pennsylvania

500F99167 Brownfields tax incentive case study : Triangle Park, LLC, Portland, Oregon.

500F99288 The Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative Proposal Guidelines for Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilots

500F99291 Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative Proposal Guidelines for Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilots

500K93001 In Situ Treatment Of Contaminated Groundwater Inventory Of Research And Field Demonstrations And Strategies For Improving Groundwater Remediation

500R00001 Regulatory Strategy for Siting and Operating Waste Transfer Stations A Response to a Recurring Environmental Justice Circumstance The Siting of Waste Transfer Stations in Low-Income Communities and Communities of Color

500R00002 Regulatory Strategy for Siting and Operating Waste Transfer Stations : A Response to a Recurring Environmental Justice Circumstance: The Siting of Waste Transfer Stations in Low-Income Communities and Communities of Color; Executive Summary

500R00003 1997-1998 Waste Programs Environmental Justice Accomplishments Report

500R00006 Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund Marketing Guide and Tool Kit

500R00009 Permits Improvement Team National Stakeholder Meeting Report

500R05001 Long Term Stewardship: Ensuring Environmental Site Cleanups Remain Protective Over Time

500R05002 Long Term Stewardship Task Force Report and the Development of Implementaion Options for the Task Force Recommendations

500R06002 Measuring Revitalization of Contaminated Properties in America’s Communities: Past Accomplishments and Future Opportunities

500R70001 CERCLA Cost Recovery Notebook Volume I Office of Enforcement

500R70002 CERCLA Cost Recovery Notebook Volume II Office of Enforcement

500R70003 CERCLA Cost Recovery Notebook Volume III Office of Enforcement

500R70004 CERCLA Cost Recovery Notebook Volume IV Office of Enforcement

500R70005 CERCLA Cost Recovery Notebook Volume V Office of Enforcement

500R88012 Health and Environmental Effects Document for Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate

500R88015 Updated health effects assessment for chloroform.

500R88101 Review Of Emergency Systems Report To Congress Section 305b Title III Superfund Amendments And Reauthorization Act Of 1986

500R88103 Proceedings: Workshop on Municipal Solid Waste Technology, October 3 - 4, 1988, Washington, D.C.

500R88104 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for Ethylenediamine ; Final Draft

500R89002 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for 1,3-Dichloropropene

500R89003 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene ; Final Draft

500R89004 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document Butyl Benzyl Phthalate ; Final Draft

500R89005 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for 2-Chloro-1,3-Butadiene (Chloroprene) ; Final Draft

500R89006 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for Aramite ; Final Draft

500R89007 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for Dibromochloromethane ; Final Draft

500R89008 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for Gglycidaldehyde ; Final Draft

500R89009 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for Hexachloroethane ; Final Draft

500R89017 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for Vinyl Acetate ; Final Draft

500R90001 Final Guidance on Implementation of the 'Consistency' Exemption to the Statutory Limits on Removal Actions

500R90002 Report on Survey of the Alternative Remedial Contracting Strategy: Contract Bidding and Award Process

500R90003 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for 2-Hexanone ; Final Draft

500R90004 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for Hydrazine ; Final Draft

500R90005 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine ; Final Draft

500R90010 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for Methylchlorocarbonate ; Final Draft

500R90011 Health and Environmental Effects Document for N-Heptane : Final Draft

500R90012 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for N-Hexane ; Final Draft

500R90013 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for Nitrite ; Final Draft

500R90014 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) ; Final Draft

500R90015 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for RDX Cyclonite ; Final Draft

500R90016 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for Thiram ; Final Draft

500R91001 Research and Development : Drinking Water Criteria Document for Hexachlorocyclopentadiene

500R91002 Research and Development : Drinking Water Criteria Document for Trichlorobenzenes ; Final Draft

500R91003 Research and Development : Drinking Water Criteria Document for Phthalic Acid Esters (PAES) ; Final Draft

500R91004 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for 2-Nitroaniline ; Final Draft

500R91005 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for 3-Nitroaniline ; Final Draft

500R91006 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for 4-Methylphenol ; Final Draft

500R91007 Research and Development : Health and Environmental Effects Document for Endosulfan ; Final Draft

500R92002 Strategic Information Resources Management (IRM) Plan

500R92004 Research and Development : Drinking Water Criteria Document for Cyanide

500R92005 Research and Development : Drinking Water Criteria Document for Endrin ; Final

500R93001 Advanced RCRA Inspector's Institute

500R94001 Report of the Agency Task Force on Environmental Regulatory Modeling: Guidance, Support Needs, Draft Criteria and Charter

500R96001 Potential Insuranceproducts for Brownfields Cleanup and Redevelopment Survey Results of Insurance Industry Products Available for Transference of Risk At Potentially Contaminated.....

500R96002 Environmental Justice Urban Revitalization and Brownfields The Search For Authentic Signs of Hope

500SW677 Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches

501F02017 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin 41 June 2002, (UST#20)

503291004 Portraits of Our Coastal Waters: Supplement to the National Water Quality Inventory: Report from the EPA Regions

503388001 Linking Estuarine Water Quality and Impacts on Living Resources: Shrinking Striped Bass Habitat in Chesapeake Bay and Albemarle Sound

503390001 Bioaccumulation Monitoring Guidance 1. Estimating the Potential for Bioaccumulation of Priority Pollutants and 301(h) Pesticides Discharged into Marine and Estuarine Waters

503390002 Bioaccumulation monitoring guidance 3. Recommended Analytical Detection Limits

503490003 Harbor Studies Program: November, 1988 - February 1989

503490004 A Technical and Scientific Model for Interstate Environmental Monitoring

503491001 Monitoring, Research, and Surveillance Plan for Deepwater Municipal Sludge Dump Site and Environs

503590001 Economics of Improved Estuarine Water Quality: An NEP Manual for Measuring Benefits

503690001 Report to Congress on Implementation of Section 403(c) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act

503690002 Bioaccumulation Monitoring Guidance: 4. Analytical Methods for U.S. EPA Priority Pollutants and 301(h) Pesticides in Tissues from Estuarine and Marine Organisms

503690003 Green Bay Mass Balance Project: An Advanced Analytical Model for Environmental Management

503888001 Financing Marine and Estuarine Programs: A Guide to Resources

503888001B Saving Bays And Estuaries A Handbook Of Tactics

503889001 Saving Bays And Estuaries Primer For Establishing And Managing Estuary Projects

503889002 Assessing Human Health Risks From Chemically Contaminated Fish And Shellfish Guidance Manual

503890005 Saving Bays And Estuaries: A Primer For Establishing And Managing Estuary Programs, Appendices G, H, And I

503890008 301(h) Permit Reissuance Guidance Document for Small Dischargers.

503892001 Guide to Wetlands Educational Programs and Materials in Pennsylvania

503989001 Citizen Volunteers in Environmental Monitoring Summary Proceedings of a National Workshop

503989002 Marine and Estuarine Protection Programs and Activities

503989009 Proceedings: The Ocean Dumping Workshop 106-Mile Site, Ocean City, New Jersey, March 28-30, 1989

503990005 Progress in the National Estuary Program: Report to Congress

503990009 Citizen Volunteers in Environmental Monitoring: Summary Proceedings of the 2nd National Workshop, December 1989, New Orleans, Louisiana

503990010 Great Lake Environmental Management Framework: International Management Model for Environmental Protection

503991001 Protecting Our Nation's Marine and Coastal Waters

503991008 National Estuary Program Proceedings of the Data Management Workshop May 20-21, 1991 New Orleans, Louisiana

503991009 Report to Congress on Ocean Dumping 1987 - 1990

503992002 Watershed Protection Approach: An Overview

503992006 National Water Quality Inventory: 1990 Report to Congress

503992007 National Estuary Program After Four Years: A Report to Congress

505290001 Technical Support Document for Water Quality-Based Toxics Control

505890001 Guidance For Writing Case-by-case Permit Requirements For Municipal Sewage Sludge

505891002 Guidance Manual for the Preparation of NPDES Permit Applications for Storm Water Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity

505891003A Guidance Manual For The Preparation Of Part 1 Of The NPDES Permit Applications For Discharges From Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems

505B98003 Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office: Federal Cleanups that Put Citizens First (Brochure)

505F07003 Emerging Contaminant - Perchlorate

505F07004 Emerging Contaminant - 1,4 Dioxane

505F07005 Emerging Contaminant Tungsten

505F07006 Emerging Contaminant - N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA)

505F07007 Emerging Contaminants - Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE) and Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB)

505F07008 Emerging Contaminant 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (TCP)

506289002 Report To Congress Dam Water Quality Study

506289003 Selecting Priority Nonpoint Source Projects: You Better Shop Around

506690002 Managing Contaminated Sediments: EPA Decision-Making Processes

506690003 Contaminated Sediments: Relevant Statutes and EPA Program Activities

506989001 Rural Clean Water Program 1988 Workshop Proceedings National Water Quality Evaluation Project September 12-15, 1988, St. Paul, Minnesota

506989003 Activities And Programs Implemented Under Section 319 Of The Clean Water Act Fiscal Year 1988 Report To Congress

506990 Managing Nonpoint Source Pollution

510B00001 Catalog of EPA Materials on Underground Storage Tanks (UST#35)

510B00004 List of Known Insurance Providers for Underground Storage Tanks (UST#10)

510B00005 Underground Storage Tank Program Directory: Good Tank Management Benefit's Everyone(UST#59)

510B00007 List of Leak Detection Evaluations for Underground Storage Tank Systems, 7th Edition (UST#3)

510B00008 Operating and Maintaining Underground Storage Tank Systems: Practical Help and Checklists

510B00009 Automatic Tank Gauging Systems for Release Detection: Reference Manual for Underground Storage Tank Inspectors

510B01001 The UST Fields Initiative: Proposal Guidelines for UST Fields Pilots

510B03001 RCRA Training Module: Introduction to Underground Storage

510B05002 Operating And Maintaining Underground Storage Tank Systems Practical Help And Checklists

510B92002 Filter Canisters: New Method for Recovering Free Product

510B92004 Guide To EPA Materials On Underground Storage Tanks (ust #106)

510B93001 Organizing a Consultants Day: A Guide for UST Program Officials (UST #86)

510B93004 Doing Inventory Control Right for Underground Storage Tanks {UST #108}

510B93005 Manual Tank Gauging: For Small Underground Storage Tanks

510B93010 Using Bonds to Close the Gap: A Guide to Revenue Options for State Fund Administrators

510B94002 Don't Wait Until 1998: Spill, Overfill, And Corrosion Protection for Underground Storage Tanks {UST #122}

510B94003 How to Evaluate Alternative Cleanup Technologies for Underground Storage Tank Sites: A Guide for Corrective Action Plan Reviewers

510B94004 Leak Detection Methods: A List Compiled by EPA Region 10, 7th Edition {UST #96B}

510B94007 Guide to EPA Materials on Underground Storage Tanks (UST #106)

510B94008 Leak Detection Equipment/Procedures Evaluations: Draft List

510B95002 Regional and State UST/LUST Program Contacts, February 1995 (UST #93)

510B95003 Underground Storage Tank Systems: Kentucky Requirements {UST #136}

510B95004 State-EPA Strategy for Encouraging Early Compliance With UST Upgrade, Replace, Closure Requirements {UST #73}

510B95007 How to Evaluate Alternative Cleanup Technologies for Underground Storage Tank Sites: A Guide for Corrective Action Plan Reviewers {Complete Revised Guide}

510B95008 No Espere Hasta El 1998

510B95009 Introduction To Statistical Inventory Reconciliation For Underground Storage Tanks {UST #143}

510B95010 Financing Underground Storage Tank Work: Federal and State Assistance Programs {UST #145}

510B95011 UST Program Facts: Implementing Federal Requirements for Underground Storage Tanks (UST #144}

510B95012 List of Leak Detection Evaluations (UST #147)

510B96002 Pay-For-Performance Cleanups: Effectively Managing Underground Storage Tank Cleanups (UST #149)

510B96005 Underground Storage Tank Program Directory (UST #150)

510B96006 RCRA Subtitle I: Underground Storage Tanks (40 CFR Part 280) Updated July 1996

510B97001 Expedited Site Assessment Tools For Underground Storage Tank Sites Guide For Regulators

510B97002 State Funds in Transition: Models for Underground Storage Tank Assurance Funds (UST #155)

510B97003 State Third-Party Service Provider Programs: Augmenting State Underground Storage Tank Programs <UST #126>

510B97004 List of Leak Detection Evaluations for Underground Storage Tank Systems, 3rd Edition, 1997 <UST #148>

510B97006 Ninth Annual UST/LUST National Conference: Session Highlights

510B97007 Straight Talk on Tanks: Leak Detection Methods for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks and Piping

510B97008 Session Highlights: The 6th Annual State Fund Administrators Conference, June 16-18, 1997

510B98001 Catalog of EPA Materials on Underground Storage Tanks: Publications, Videos, Software, and Internet Availability

510B98002 UST/LUST National Conference: Session Highlights, 106h Annual (UST #161)

510B98003 Underground Storage Tank Program Directory

510B98004 Test Protocol for Evaluating Integrity Assessment Procedures for Underground Storage Tanks

510B98005 List of Leak Detection Evaluations for Underground Storage Tank Systems (5th Edition 1998) (UST #3)

510B99001 RBCA FATE and Transport Models: Compendium and Selection Guidance

510B99002 Financing Underground Storage Tank Work: Federal and State Assistance Programs (UST # 40)

510B99003 List of Known Insurance Providers for Underground Storage Tanks (UST#25)

510D06001 Grant Guidelines To States For Implementing The Secondary Containment Provision Of The Energy Policy Act Of 2005 {Draft}

510D06002 Grant Guidelines To States For Implementing The Financial Responsibility and Certification Provision Of The Energy Policy Act Of 2005 {Draft}

510D06003 Grant Guidelines To States For Implementing The Delivery Prohibition Provision Of The Energy Policy Act Of 2005 {Draft}

510D06004 Grant Guidelines To States For Implementing The Public Record Provision Of The Energy Policy Act Of 2005

510D06005 Strategy For An EPA-Tribal Partnership To Implement Section 1529 Of The Energy Policy Act Of 2005 {Draft}

510D06006 Draft Inspection Grant Guidelines Implementing UST Provisions Of The Energy Policy Act

510D06009 Draft Financial Responsibility And Certification Grant Guidelines

510D06010 Read The Draft Delivery Prohibition Grant Guidelines

510D06011 Read The Draft Secondary Containment Grant Guidelines

510D07001 Grant Guideline to States for Implementing the Provision of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 Requiring States to Report on the Comoliance of Government Underground Storage Tanks

510D07002 Grant Guidelines To States For Implementing The Operator Training Provision Of The Energy Policy Act of 2005

510E94001 Selected EPA Products and Assistance on Alternative Cleanup Technologies {Includes Remediation Guidance Documents Produced by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources}

510F00001 Underground Storage Tank Program: Regional and State Contacts (Jan '00)

510F00002 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin 34, February 2000 (UST#20)

510F00003 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin Number 35, June 2000 (UST#74)

510F00004 Underground Storage Tanks and Brownfields Sites: UST Fields Initiative (UST#2)

510F00005 Underground Storage Tanks and Brownfields Sites: UST Fields Pilots (UST#2)

510F00006 Underground Storage Tanks and Brownfields Sites: Questions and Answers (UST#2)

510F00007 Underground Storage Tanks and Brownfields Sites: New Hampshire, Nashua (UST#2)

510F00008 Underground Storage Tanks and Brownfields Sites: New Jersey, Trenton (UST#2)

510F00009 Underground Storage Tanks and Brownfields Sites: Delaware, Wilmington (UST#2)

510F00010 Underground Storage Tanks and Brownfields Sites: South Carolina, Anderson (UST#2)

510F00011 Underground Storage Tanks and Brownfields Sites: Illinois, Chicago (UST#2)

510F00012 Underground Storage Tanks and Brownfields Sites: New Mexico, Albuquerque (UST#2)

510F00013 Underground Storage Tanks and Brownfields Sites: Missouri, Kansas City (UST#2)

510F00014 Underground Storage Tanks and Brownfields Sites: Utah, Salt Lake City (UST#2)

510F00015 Underground Storage Tanks and Brownfields Sites: California, Oakland (UST#2)

510F00016 Underground Storage Tanks and Brownfields Sites: Oregon, Portland (UST#2)

510F00017 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin 36 November, 2000 (UST#20)

510F01001 Ordering Information on Underground Storage Tanks

510F01002 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin Number 37, March 2001

510F01004 L.U.S.T. Line: June 2001

510F01005 Order Free Publications About UST Requirements

510F01009 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin 19, November 2001 (UST#27)

510F02001 Ordering Information on Underground Storage Tanks

510F02003 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin 40, March 2002

510F02020 L.U.S.T. Line: October 2002

510F03001 Underground Storage Tanks Fact Sheet Analytical Methodologies For Fuel Oxygenates

510F03002 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin 43, 2003 (UST3)

510F03008 Gasoline Oxygenates, Petroleumn Distribution Networks, And Detections In Groundwater At LUST Sites

510F04004 L.U.S.T.LINE

510F04008 L.U.S.T. LINE

510F05003 Release Of UST Systems: Inspecting And Maintaining Sumps And Spill Buckets

510F05004 UST Systems: Inspecting And Maintainig Sumps And Spill Buckets- Practical

510F85100 Notification Requirements For Owners Of Underground Storage Tanks

510F87501 Proposed Regulations for Underground Storage Tanks What's in the Pipeline?

510F92003 Using Abelpro in UST Cost Recovery Cases

510F93001 Hyperventilate: A Software Guidance System Created for Vapor Extraction Systems for Apple Macintosh and IBM PC-Compatible Computers {UST #107}

510F93009 Environmental Fact Sheet EPA Proposed To Exempt Underground Storage Tanks Petroleum-contaminated Media And Debris From Rcra Hazardous Waste Requirement

510F93010 Environmental Fact Sheet: Additional Mechanisms for Local Government Entities Owning or Operating Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks: Final Rule {UST #96A}

510F93011 Streamlined Implementation: A New Way to Look at UST Corrective Actions (UST#94)

510F93012 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Releases Report to House Appropriations Committee on the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program {UST #118}

510F93016 Environmental Fact Sheet: 1998 Financial Responsibility Compliance Deadline for Underground Storage Tank Owners that Meet Certain Federal Criteria: Proposed Rule {UST #83}

510F93017 Fact Sheet Groundwater Remediation For UST Sites In-situ Air Sparging With Soil Vapor Extraction

510F93018 Fact Sheet Groundwater Remediation For UST Sites In-situ Bioremediation

510F93019 Fact Sheet Groundwater Remediation For UST Sites In-situ Bioventing Combined With Low Flow Air Sparging

510F93020 Fact Sheet Groundwater Remediation For UST Sites Vacuum Enhance Pump And Treat

510F93021 Fact Sheet Soil Bioremediation For UST Sites In-situ Soil Vapor Extraction

510F93022 Fact Sheet Soil Remediation For UST Sites In-situ Bioremediation Bioventing

510F93023 Fact Sheet Soil Remediation For UST Sites Ex-situ Bioremediation Biomounding

510F93024 Fact Sheet Soil Remediation For UST Sites On-site Low Temperature Thermal Desorption

510F93025 Fact Sheet Soil Remediation For UST Sites Ex Situ Bioremediation Land Farming

510F93026 Fact Sheet Soil Remediation For UST Sites In-situ Passive Biodegradation Natural Attenuation

510F93027 Fact Sheet Soil Remediation For UST Sites Excavation And Off-site Treatment

510F93029 Overview of Underground Storage Tank Remediation Options (UST #7)

510F93030 Groundwater Remediation For UST Sites Pump And Treat

510F93031 Environmental Fact Sheet: STI Notice of Data Availability

510F94001 Environmental Fact Sheet: 1998 Financial Responsibility Compliance Deadline for Indian Tribes that own Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Lands, Final Rule {UST #127}

510F94002 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Proposes a Lender Liability Rule for Underground Storage Tanks

510F94011 UST Program Fact Sheets {Set of Fact Sheets 510/F94003 through 510/F94010 in folder}

510F94014 General Information on Underground Storage Tanks {UST #135}

510F95001 Risk-Based Decision-Making: A New Approach to UST Corrective Action {UST #137}

510F95002 Don't Wait Until 1998: Brief Facts {UST #25}

510F95003 Introducing...How to Evaluate Alternative Cleanup Technologies for Underground Storage Tank Sites: A Guide for Corrective Action Plan Reviewers {UST #129}

510F95004 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA's Lander Liability Rule for Underground Storage Tanks September 1995 {UST #110}

510F95008 Fact Sheet: List of Known Insurance Providers for Underground Storage Tanks (11/1995)

510F96003 Fact Sheet: Regional and State UST/LUST Program Contacts, September 1996 (UST #151)

510F96004 Closing Underground Storage Tanks: Brief Facts

510F96005 Introducing, How to Effectively Recover Free Product at Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites: Guide for State Regulators

510F96006 Free Publications About UST Requirements

510F96008 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin 25, December 1996 <UST #10>

510F96009 Options and Costs for 1998

510F97002 EPA's Office of Underground Storage Tanks is on the WEB

510F97004 Expedited Site Assessment Tools for Underground Storage Tank Sites: Guide for Regulators

510F97005 Underground Storage Tanks: Requirements and Options

510F97007 Hyperventilate Info, June 1997 <UST #107>

510F97008 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin 26, July 1997 (UST #10)

510f97009 Are You Upgrading an Underground Storage Tank System?

510F97012 State UST Program Offices

510F97013 Sample Article: Can't Wait Until 1998

510F97021 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin 27, November 1997

510F98001 MTBE Fact Sheet #1: Overview

510F98002 MTBE Fact Sheet #2: Remediation of MTBE Contaminated Soil and Ground Water

510F98003 MTBE Fact Sheet #3: Use and Distribution of MTBE and Ethanol

510F98008 Controlling UST Cleanup Costs: Fact Sheets

510F98009 Federal UST Technical Regulations

510F98011 Getting the Most Out of Your Automatic Tank Gauging System

510F98012 Leak Detection Fact Sheet #1: For Some USTs, Inventory Control Expires December 22, 1998 (UST #92)

510F98013 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin Number 28, February 1998

510F98014 Underground Storage Tank Program: Regional and State Contacts (Apr '98)

510F98015 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin Number 29, June 1998 (UST #49)

510F98016 Ordering Information on Underground Storage Tanks

510F98017 L.U.S.T. Lines, Bulletin 30, September 1998 ( UST 150)

510F99001 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin Number 31, March 199 (UST #113)

510F99002 L.U.S.T. Line June 1999

510F99003 Basic Checklist for USTs (UST#107)

510F99006 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin Number 33, October 1999 (UST #19)

510K08001 Developing a Third-Party Underground Storage Tank Inspection Program a Guide to Assist States

510K92001 Managing Chemicals Safely: Putting It All Together

510K92007 Straight Talk on Tanks: Common Questions on Leak Detection; LD Q's & A's (UST#90A)

510K92201 Preventing Leaking Underground Storage Tanks: Using Government Assistance Programs to Finance Tank System Improvements (UST#48)

510K92802 Tank Corrosion Study: Final Report (UST#42)

510K92809 Survey of State Programs Pertaining to Contaminated Soils

510K92810 Review of Effectiveness of Static Tank Testing (UST#50A)

510K92811 Evaluation of U-Tube Underground Tank Systems for Soil Vapor Testing: Suffolk County, New York (UST #65)

510K92812 Fuel Vapor Background Concentration Measurement and Tracer Testing in Underground Storage Tank Backfill, San Jose, California (UST #64)

510K92813 Free-Product Release Detection for Underground Storage Tank Systems, Volume 1 (UST #64)

510K92814 Free-Product Release Detection for Underground Storage Tank Systems, Volume 2 (UST #63B)

510K92901 Estimating Air Emissions From Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanups

510K93001 Demonstration Projects Spread the Use of Alternative Technologies (UST#130)

510K94001 Letter to Mr. John D. Barnes, June 8, 1994

510K95001 Cost Recovery Procedures for State UST Programs to Recover Lust Trust Fund Expenditures {UST #54}

510K95002 Musts for USTS: A Summary of federal Regulations for Underground Storage Tank Systems, July 1995 {UST #26A}

510K95003 Straight Talk on Tanks Leak Detection Methods for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks and Piping {UST #49}

510K95004 Dollars and Sense Financial Responsibility Requirements for Underground Storage Tanks {UST 26B}

510N05001 L>U>S>T.Line: Environmental Forensics: Chemical Fingerprinting Gasoline And Diesel Fuel At LUST Sites

510N05002 LUST Line Bulletin 50 August 2005 {UST #6}

510N05003 LUST Line Bulletin 51 December 2005 {UST #32}

510N06001 LUST Line Bulletin 52 May 2006 {UST #49}

510N07001 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin 54, February 2007

510N07002 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin 55, June 2007

510N07003 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin 56, August 2007

510N07004 L.U.S.T. Line: Bulletin 57, November 2007

510N08001 L.U.S.T. Line Bulletin 58, September 2008

510R00001 Report to Congress on a Compliance Plan for the Underground Storage Tank Program

510R00002 Risk--Based Decision Making Performance Assessment Study Bulletin 2: Study Results and Recommendations for RBDM Program Performance Monitoring

510R04001 Underground Storage Tanks Building On The Past To Protect The Future {UST #52}

510R04002 How To Evaluate Alternative Cleanup Technologies For Underground Storage Tank Sites

510R04003 Model Underground Storage Tank Environmental Results Program Workbook Based on the Federal Regulations

510R04004 Freqency And Extent Of Dispenser Releases At Underground Storage Tank Facilities In South Carolina

510R05001 UST Systems: Inspecting And Maintaining Sumps And Spill Buckets

510R07001 Grant Guidelines to States for Implementing the Public Record Provision of the Energy Policy Act of 2005

510R07002 Grant Guideline to States for Implementing the Financial Responsibility and Installer Certification Provision of the Energy Policy Act of 2005

510R07003 Grant Guidelines To States For Implementing The Provision Of The Energy Policy Act Of 2005 Requiring States To Report On The Compliance Of Government Underground Storage Tanks

510R07004 Grant Guidelines To States For Implementing The Inspection Provisions Of The Energy Policy Act Of 2005

510R07005 Grant Guidelines To States For Implementing The Operator Training Provision Of The Energy Policy Act Of 2005

510R07006 Report To Congress On Implementing and Enforcing The Underground Storage Tank Program In Indian Country

510R08001 Annual Report on the Underground Storage Tank Program, FY 2007

510R85001 Law on new underground tanks : interim prohibition on installing unprotected tanks.

510R87001 Designing And Installing Underground Storage Tanks Under The New Federal Law

510R89001 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund State Financial Management Handbook Final Draft

510R89002 Underground heating oil and motor fuel tanks exempt from regulation under subtitle I of RCRA : a study for report to Congress

510R92002 Report To Congress: Underground Heating Oil and Motor Fuel Tanks Exempt From Regulation Under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

510R92003 Underground Heating Oil and Motor Fuel Tanks Exempt from Regulation Under Subtitle I of RCRA: {UST #85B}

510R92201 Report to the Senate Committee on Appropriations Regarding Underground Storage Tank Financial Responsibility and Related Issues {UST #98}

510R92702 Causes of Release from Underground Storage Tank Systems: Attachments (UST#32B)

510R92703 Causes of Release From Underground Storage Tank Systems: Attachments (UST #32B)

510R92801 Research for Abatement of Leaks from Underground Storage Tanks Containing Hazardous: Draft Final Report {UST #68}

510R92802 Background Hydrocarbon Vapor Concentration Study for Underground Fuel Storage Tanks: Draft Final Report (UST #67)

510R92804 Report to the Senate Committee on Appropriations Regarding Underground Storage Tank Financial Responsibility and Related Issues

510R93001 HyperVentilate Users Manual (v1.01 and v2.0) A Software Guidance System Created for Vapor Extraction Applications by Paul C. Johnson, Ph.D.

510R93006 Report to House Appropriations Committee on the Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Program {UST #53}

510R96001 How to Effectively Recover Free Product at Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites: Guide for State Regulators

510R97001 Piri Issue Papers, July 2, 1997 <UST #39>

510R97002 Survey of Flexible Piping Systems

510S92801 Development of Procedures to Assess the Performance of External Leak Detection Devices: Executive Summary, Draft (UST #69)

510S92802 Analysis of Manual Inventory Reconciliation: Executive Summary (UST #66)

510Z90100 Federal Register: May 2, 1990, Part 8. 40 CFR Part 280. Underground Storage Tanks Containing Petroleum; Financial Responsibility Requirements; Interim Final Rule (UST #128)

510Z91001 Federal Register: September 27, 1991, Part 7. 40 CFR Part 24. Issuance of and Administrative Hearings on RCRA Section 9003(H) Corrective Action Orders for Underground Storage Tanks; Final Rule

510Z91002 Federal Register: January 2, 1991. 40 CFR Part 280. Underground Storage Tanks; Technical Requirements; Interim Final Rule (UST #132)

510Z92005 Federal Register: August 14, 1992, Part 4. 40 CFR Part 261. Deferral of Petroleum UST-Contaminated Media and Debris from RCRA Hazardous Waste Requirements: Notice of Data Availability; Proposed Rule (UST #121)

510Z92102 Federal Register: December 23, 1991. 40 CFR Part 280. Underground Storage Tanks Containing Petroleum; Financial Responsibility Requirements

510Z92501 Federal Register: November 8, 1985, Part 6, 40 CFR Part 280. Notification Requirements for Owners of Underground Storage Tanks; Final Rule (UST #3)

510Z92601 Federal Register Part IV: Environmental Protection Agengy: 40 CFR Part 280. Hazardous Waste; Interim Prohibition Against Installation of Unprotected Underground Storage Tanks; Interpretive Rule

510Z92801 Federal Register: September 23, 1988, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 280 and 281. Underground Storage Tanks; Technical Requirements and State Program Approval; Final Rules (UST #04A)

510Z92802 Federal Register: October 26, 1988, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 280 and 281. Underground Storage Tanks Containing Petroleum Financial Responsibility Requirements and State Program Approval (UST #4B)

510Z92901 Federal Register: November 9, 1989, 40 CFR Part 280. Underground Storage Tanks Containing Petroleum: Financial Responsibility Requirements

510Z93001 Federal Register: February 18, 1993, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 280. Underground Storage Tanks Containing Petroleum; Financial Responsibility Requirements; Final Rule (UST#59)

510Z93003 Federal Register: October 25, 1993. Evaluation of the Potential for External Corrosion and Review of Cathodic Protection Monitoring Associated With sti-P3 Underground Storage Tanks Data Availability

510Z93004 Federal Register: November 2, 1993. 40 CFR Part 282. Underground Storage Tank Program; Approved Program for New Hampshire; Rule (UST #44)

510Z93005 Federal Register: February 12, 1993, Part 8. 40 CFR Part 261. Exemption of Petroleum-Contaminated Media and Debris from Underground Storage Tanks from RCRA Hazardous Waste Requirements; Proposed Rule

510Z94001 Federal Register: February 28, 1994, Part 4. 40 CFR Part 280. Underground Storage Tanks Containing Petroleum; Financial Responsibility Requirements; Rule {UST #2}

510Z94002 Federal Register: June 13, 1994, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 280 and 281. Underground Storage Tanks: Lender Liability; Proposed Rule

510Z95002 Federal Register: September 7. 1995, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 280 and 281. Underground Storage Tanks; Lender Liability; Final Rule {UST #100}

520174004 Airem Program Manual A Computer Code For Calculating Doses, Population Doses, And Ground Depositions Due To Atmospheric Emissions Of Radionuclides

520177009 Radiological Quality Of The Environment In The United States, 1977

520179501 Evaluation Of Health And Environmental Effects Of Extra High Voltage Transmission

520182005 Materials for Containment of Low-Level Nuclear Waste in the Deep Ocean

520182022 Draft Environmental Impact Statement For Standards For The Control Of Byproduct Materials From Uranium Ore Processing (40 Cfr 192)

520183006 Survey of the Marine Benthic Infauna Collected from the United States Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites off the Farallon Islands, California

5201830081 Final Environmental Impact Statement For Standards For The Control Of Byproduct Materials From Uranium Ore Processing (40 Cfr 192) Volume 1

5201830082 Final Environmental Impact Statement For Standards For The Control Of Byproduct Materials From Uranium Ore Processing (40 Cfr 192) Volume 2 {microform}

520183010 Regulatory Impact Analysis Of Final Environmental Standards For Uranium Mill Tailings At Active Sites {microform}

520183017 Atlantic 3800-Meter Radioactive Waste Disposal Site Survey: Sedimentary, Micromorphologic and Geophysical Analysis, 1978

520183018 Geologic Observations at the 2800-Meter Radioactive Waste Disposal Site and Associated Deepwater Dumpsite 106 (DWD-106) in the Atlantic Ocean

520185014 Radiofrequency Radiation Environment Environmental Exposure Levels And Rf Radiation Emitting Sources

520185016 Effects of Radiation on Aquatic Organisms and Radiobiological Methodologies for Effects Assessment

520185024.1 High-Level and Transuranic Radioactive Wastes: Response to Comments for Final Rule, Volume I

520185025V1 Estimate Of The Potential Costs Of Guidelines Limiting Public Exposure To Radiofrequency Radiation From Broadcast Sources Volume 1 - Report

520185025V2A1 Estimate Of The Potential Costs Of Guidelines Limiting Public Exposure To Radiofrequency Radiation From Broadcast Sources Volume 2 - Appendix Part 1

520185025V2A2 Estimate Of The Potential Costs Of Guidelines Limiting Public Exposure To Radiofrequency Radiation From Broadcast Sources Volume 2 - Appendix Part 2

520186008 Radon-radon Progeny Cumulative Proficiency Report

520186016 Prediction of Vertical Transport of Low-Level Radioactive Middlesex Soil at a Deep-Ocean Disposal Site

52018604 Interim Indoor Radon And Radon Decay Product Measurement Protocols

520187002 Radon-Radon Progeny Measurement Proficiency Program Cumulative Proficiency Report

5201870121 Low-Level and NARM Radioactive Wastes: Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Rules: Volume 1: Background Information Document

5201870122 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Volume 2 Economic Impact Assessment Low-level And NARM Radioactive Wastes

520187013 Proceedings of a meeting on Ocean Modeling Efforts at EPA

520187015 Radon/Radon Progeny Measurement Proficiency Program Cumulative Proficiency Report, Revised September, 1987

520187191 Summary of State Radon Programs

520187192 Summary of State Radon Programs: Appendix

520188006 Key Elements of a State Radon Program

520188020 Limiting Values of Radionuclide Intake and Air Concentration and Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation, Submersion, and Ingestion. Federal Guidance Report, Number 11

520188023 Ground-Water Protection Standards for Inactive Uranium Tailings Sites (40 CFR 192). Background Information for Final Rule

520188024 The National Radon Measurement Proficiency (RMP) Program: Cumulative Proficiency Report

520189001 Background Information Document: Procedures Approved for Demonstrating Compliance with 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart I

520189003 User's Guide for the Comply

520189005 Risk Assessments Methodology Environmental Impact Statement NESHAPS for Radionuclides: Background Information Document, Volume 1

520189006-1 Risk Assessments: Environmental Impact Statement: NESHAPS For Radionucides: Background Information Document: Volume 2

520189006.2 Risk Assessments Appendixes: Environmental Impact Statement; NESHAPS For Radionuclides: Background Information Document, Volume 2

520189007 Economic Assessment, Environmental Impact Statement: NESHAPS for Radionuclides, Background Information Document: Volume 3

520189009 Indoor Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurement Protocols

520189016 Evaluation of Skin and Ingestion Exposure Pathways

520189020 Radon Reduction Techniques in Schools: Interim Technical Guidance

520189027 Radon in Schools: Every School Should Take This Simple Test

520189031 Comments and Response to Comments : NESHAPS for Radionuclides

520190002 Radon Detection Kit

520190013 Proceedings: Residual Radioactivity and Recycling Criteria Workshop, St. Michaels, Maryland, September 1989

520190016 Transuranium Elements Volume 2: Technical Basis for Remedial Actions

520191010-1 Radiation and Mixed Waste Incineration Background Information Document Volume 1: Technology

520191010-2 Radiation and Mixed Waste Incineration Background Information Document Volume 2: Risk of Radiation Exposure

520191015-1 1989 Summary of State Radon Programs

520191015 1989 Summary Of State Radon Programs

520191019 Background Information Document to Support NESHAPS Rulemaking on Nuclear Power Reactors Draft

520191021 Radon Contractor Proficiency Program (RCPP) Handbook and Application

520191027 EPA's Radiological Emergency Prepareness And Response Program

52019843 National Priorities List 786 Current and Proposed Sites In Order Of Ranking and By State, October 1984

520374001 Studies of Ingestion Dose Pathways From Nuclear Fuel Services Fuel Reprocessing Plant

520378006 The Ecological Impact of Land Restoration and Cleanup

520380007 Radiation Exposures from Solidification Processes for High-Level Radioactive Liquid Wastes

520476016 Environmental Radiation Protection Requirements for Normal Operations of Activities in the Uranium Fuel Cycle Statement Volume 1

520476016B Environmental Radiation Protection Requirements for Normal Operations of Activities in the Uranium Fuel Cycle, Volume 2

520476017 Environmental Analysis of the Uranium Fuel Cycle Part 4: Supplementary Analysis, 1976

520478010 Response to Comments: Guidance on Dose Limits for Persons Exposed to Transuranium Elements In the General Environment

520478013 Indoor Radiation Exposure Due To Radium-226 In Florida Phosphate Lands

520577002 EPA Assessment Of Fallout In The United States From Atmospheric Nuclear Testing On September 26 And November 17, 1976 By The People's Republic Of China

520583027 Methods And Results Of EPA Study Of Radon In Drinking Water

520585026 Environmental Pathway Models For Estimating Population Health Effects From Disposal Of High-Level RadioActive Waste In Geologic Repositories, Final Report

520685011 Engineering Assessment Of The Potential Impact Of Federal Radiation Protection Guidance On The Am, Fm And Tv Broadcast Services

52074150D Directory Of Managers Engineers And Scientists In Ocean Waste Disposal And Related Environmental Science Field

52074501F Navigation Aids For Ocean Waste Disposal Control

52074503 Manual For Preparation Of Environmental Impact Statements For Wastewater Treatment Works

52074504 Guidance For Sewer System Evaluation

52075501 Guidance For Preparing A Facility Plan Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program

520755011 Model Facility Plan For A Small Community Supplement To Guidance For Preparing A Facility Plan Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program

52075505 Guidelines For Areawide Waste Treatment Management Planning

52075506 Work Plan Handbook For Section 208 Areawide Waste Treatment Management Planning

52075507 Land Application Of Wastewater In Australia The Werribee Farm System

52076503 Federal Guidelines Industrial Cost Recovery Systems Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program

520776007 Office Of Radiation Programs Program Statement

520776504 Final Environmental Impact Statement Designation Of A Site In The Gulf Of Mexico For Incineration Of Chemical Wastes

520779006 Radiological Impact Caused By Emission Of Radionuclides Into Air In The United States Preliminary Report

520974020 Compilation Of Industrial And Municipal Injection Wells In The United States

520974022 Fluoridation Engineering Manual

520974024 Guide To The Interstate Carrier Water Supply Certification Program

520974251 Manual For Evaluating Public Drinking Water Supplies

520979022 Economic Impact Analysis Of The Promulgated Trihalomethane Regulation For Drinking Water

520B93003 Introduction to the Superfund Enforcement Program Two-Day Training Course Participants' Viewgraph Guide

520B94001 Guide To Environmental Issues

520CSD791 Alternative Disposal Concepts For High-level And Transuranic Radioactive Waste Disposal

520F92002 Superfund Information Repositories And Administrative Records

520F92005 Superfund At Work Bulletin Celanese Fibers Region 4

520F92006 Superfund At Work Bulletin Valley Of The Drums Region 4

520F92009 Superfund At Work Bulletin American Therostat Region 2

520F92010 Superfund At Work Bulletin Wide Beach Region 2

520F92011 Superfund At Work Bulletin Krysowaty Farm Region 2

520F92016 Superfund At Work Hazardous Waste Cleanup Efforts Nationwide

520F92017 Superfund At Work Hazardous Waste Cleanup Efforts Nationwide

520F93002 Superfund At Work A Chrome-plated Success At Superfund Site In Oregon

520F93003 Superfund At Work Hazardous Waste Cleanup Efforts Nationwide Old Midland Products Site Profile

520F93004 Superfund At Work Hazardous Waste Cleanup Efforts Nationwide French Limited Site Profile

520F93005 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Pesticide Contamination Addressed At Powersville Dump Site

520F93006 Superfund At Work Success In Brief EPA Actions Abate Community Exposure To Radium Facility

520F93007 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Cleaning Nearly Complete At Harvey And Knott Site

520F93008 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Hazardous Waste Contributors Pay For Fulton Terminals Site Cleanup

520F93009 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Accelerated Cleanup At Tri-state Plating

520F93010 Superfund At Work Success In Brief EPA Defuses A Toxic Time Bomb At Fike-artel Chemical Site

520F93011 Superfund At Work Success In Brief EPA Gains Cooperation Of 86 Parties To Clean Up Coal Creek

520F93012 Superfund At Work Success In Brief EPA Oversees Cleanup Of Pioneer Sand Company Site

520F93013 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Criminal Suit For Environmental Pollution Settled Against Ranch Owner

520F93014 Superfund At Work Success In Brief The Superfund Removal Team

520F93015 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Environmental Victory At Army Creek Landfill

520F93016 Superfund At Work Success In Brief EPA And Virgina Power Shine At York County Site

520F93018 Superfund At Work Hazardous Waste Cleanup Efforts Nationwide Eastern Diversified Metals Site Profile

520F93019 Superfund and Small Waste Contributors

520F94001 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Innovative Technology Used To Restore Environment

520F94002 Superfund At Work Success In Brief EPA And State Combine Tough Enforcement With Careful Oversight

520F94003 Superfund At Work Success In Brief EPA Orders Incineration Of Hazardous Chemicals

520F94004 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Restoring The Environment Epa's Efforts At Bunker Hill

520F94005 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Model Superfund Cleanup In Seymour Indiana

520F94006 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Saltwater Marshland Preserved On Texas Coast

520F94007 Superfund At Work Success In Brief US Army Cleans Up Superfund Site

520F94008 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Pesticide Taints Ground Water In North Dakota

520F94009 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Site Restored For Unrestricted Use In Colorado

520F94010 Superfund At Work Cooperative Efforts Hasten Cleanup In Arkansas

520F94011 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Superfund Tackles Operation That Spawned Four Waste Sites

520F94012 Superfund At Work Enforcement Tools Allocate Liability Speed Cleanup

520F94013 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Diverse Conditions Require Tailored Cleanup In New York

520F94014 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Cooperative Efforts Abate Asbestos Hazards

520F94015 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Electrical Transformers Removed From Farming Community

520F95001 Superfund At Work Louisiana's First Completed Superfund Cleanup

520F95002 Superfund At Work Strong Effective Enforcement Brings Michigan Industries To The Table

520F95003 Superfund At Work Private Parties Use Innovation In Cleaning Up Reclaimer's Wastes

520F95004 Superfund At Work Innovative Technologies Accelerate A Brownfields Redevelopment

520F95006 Superfund At Work From Coal To Natural Gas Fueling The Demand For Lights

520F95007 Superfund At Work Success In Brief Largest Site In New Jersey Completed

520F95008 Superfund At Work Alerting Environmental Officials The Community's Role

520F95009 Superfund At Work Innovative Technologies Enhance Ground Water Restoration

520F95010 Superfund At Work Innovative Technologies Applied To Soil And Ground Water

520F96001 EPA Works With Homeowners To Reduce Radium Exposure

520F96002 Largest Private Party Settlement Achieved In Southern California

520F96003 Catalyst For Environmental Responsibility

520F96004 Cooperative Efforts Protect River Ecosystem From Toxic Waste

520F96006 Superfund At Work From Coal To Natural Gas Fueling The Demand For Lights

520F97001 Superfund At Work Companies Remove Oily Wastes

520F97003 New Jersey Cleanup Settlement One Of The Largest

520F97004 Superfund At Work Summit National Site Profile

520R78101 Public Notification Handbook For Public Drinking Water Suppliers

520R84001 Papers Presented by EPA Office of Solid Waste & Emergency Response at the First Public Briefing on the 1984 Amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Video Teleconference December 11, 1984

520R93001 Report to Congress Settlements with Municipal Waste Generators and Transporters Since 1991 under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980


520TAD763 Public Health Considerations Of Carbon 14 Discharges From The Light Water Cooled Nuclea Power Reactor Indusrty

530176501 Guidelines For State and Areawide Water Quality Management Program Development

53019852 Post-Closure Liability Trust Fund Simulation Model : Volume II: Graphs and Tables of Model Results

5305W Resource Guide of Solid Waste Educational Materials

53074251 Problems And Approaches To Areawide Water Quality Management

53074252 Solid Waste Management Strategy

530792007 Federal Register Part Ii 40 CFR Parts 260, 261, 262, 264 And 268 Hazardous Waste Management System Identification And Listing Of Hazardous Waste Proposed Rule

5309755012 Sludge Processing Transportation And Disposal Resource Recovery A Planning Perspective

530B00001 Catalog of Hazardous and Solid Waste Publications: Thirteenth Edition

530B00002 Office of Solid Waste Publications, Fall 2000

530B01001 Catalog of Hazardous and Solid Waste Publications: 14th Edition

530B02001 Catalog of Hazardous and Solid Waste Publications 15th Edition

530B03001 Catalog Of Hazardous Solid Waste Publications, 16th Edition

530B04001 Catalog Of Hazardous And Solid Waste Publications: 17th Edition

530B89001 RCRIS : System Startup Guide

530B92001 Catalogue Of Hazardous And Solid Waste Publications 6th Edition

530B92003 Compendium of ORD and OSWER Documents Relevant to RCRA Corrective Action

530B92004 RCRIS System Technical Guide

530B92005 RCRIS Data Element Dictionary

530B92006 RCRIS User Guide

530B93001 State Scrap Tire Programs: A Quick Reference Guide

530B93002 Catalogue Of Hazardous And Solid Waste Publications 7th Edition

530B94001 Catalogue Of Hazardous Waste Database Reports February 1993

530B94002 Method Status Table SW-846 3rd Edition Updates I, II, IIA

530B95001 Catalog of Hazardous and Solid Waste Publications, 8th Edition

530B95002 Non-Paper Office Products Containing Recovered Materials

530B95003 Landscaping Products Containing Recovered Materials (Jun '95)

530B95004 Construction Products Containing Recovered Materials (Jun '95)

530B95005 Vehicular Products Containing Recovered Materials (Jun '95)

530B95006 Transportation Products Containing Recovered Materials (Jun '95)

530B95007 Parks and Recreation Products Containing Recovered Materials

530B95008 Tissue Mills which Use Postconsumer Recovered Paper

530B95009 Mills which Produce Newsprint Containing at Least 40 Percent Postconsumer Recovered Paper

530B95010 Mills which Manufacture Printing and Writing Paper, Computer Paper, Office Paper, Envelopes, Bristols, and Coated Printing and Writing Papers, Using Recovered Paper

530B95011 Source Reduction Bibliography

530B96001 Vehicular Products Containing Recovered Materials (Jul '96)

530B96002 Construction Products Containing Recovered Materials (Jul '96)

530B96003 Transportation Products Containing Recovered Materials (Jul '96)

530B96004 Park and Recreation Products Containing Recovered Materials (Jul '96)

530B96005 Landscaping Products Containing Recovered Materials (Jul '96)

530B96006 Nonpaper Office Products Containing Recovered Materials (Jul '96)

530B96007 Catalog of Hazardous and Solid Waste Publications, 9th Edition

530B96008 Publications on Solid Waste Management in Indian Country (Feb '97)

530B96009 Publications on Mining Waste Management in Indian Country (Oct '96)

530B97001 Electronics Reuse and Recycling Directory

530B97003 Catalog of Hazardous and Solid Waste Publications, 10th Edition

530B97004 Resource Guide of Solid Waste Educational Materials

530B97005 Vehicular Products Containing Recovered Materials (Oct '97)

530B97006 Park and Recreation Products Containing Recovered Materials (Oct '97)

530B97007 Miscellaneous Products (Pallets) Containing Recovered Materials (Oct '97)

530B97008 Mills That Manufacture Printing and Writing Paper, Computer Paper, Office Paper, Envelopes, Bristols, and Coated Printing and Writing Paper, Using Recovered Products

530B97009 Mills That Produce Tissue Products Containing Recovered Paper

530B97010 Mills That Produce Newsprint Containing Postconsumer Recovered Paper

530B97011 Nonpaper Office Products Containing Recovered Materials (Oct '97)

530B97012 Landscaping Products Containing Recovered Materials (Oct '97)

530B97013 Transportation Products Containing Recovered Materials (Oct '97)

530B97014 Construction Products Containing Recovered Materials (Oct '97)

530B98001 Catalog of Hazardous and Solid Waste Publications: 11th Edition

530B98002 Resources on Waste for Your Home and Community (May '98)

530B98003 Office of Solid Waste Publications

530B98004 Publications on Solid Waste Management in Indian Country (Aug '98)

530B98005 Resources on Waste for Your Home and Community (Sep '98)

530B98006 Resources on Waste for Businesses and Governments

530B98008 Vehicular Products Containing Recovered Materials (Oct '98)

530B98009 Park and Recreation Products Containing Recovered Materials (Oct '98)

530B98010 Miscellaneous Products (Pallets) Containing Recovered Materials (Oct '98)

530B98012 Mills that Produce Tissue Products Containing Recovered Paper

530B98013 Mills that Produce Newsprint Containing Postconsumer Recovered Paper

530B98014 Nonpaper Office Products Containing Recovered Materials (Oct '98)

530B98015 Landscaping Products Containing Recovered Materials (Oct '98)

530B98016 Transportation Products Containing Recovered Materials (Oct '98)

530B98017 Construction Products Containing Recovered Materials (Oct '98)

530B99001ES Catalog of Hazardous and Solid Waste Publications (ERRATA SHEET)

530B99002 State Scrap Tire Programs: A Quick Reference Guide: 1999 Update

530B99006 Publications on Mining Waste Management in Indian Country (Jul '99)

530B99007 Training and Technical Assistance Directory for Tribal Solid Waste Managers

530B99011 Mills, Converters, and Distributors of Printing and Writing Paper Containing Postconsumer Recovered Fiber

530C96001 MSW Factbook, Version 3.0

530D00001 Groundwater Policies for Rcra Corrective Action {Draft} {handbook}

530D01001 Waste Transfer Stations: Manual for Decision-Making, Draft

530D06001 Paper on Tribal Issues Related to Tribal Traditional Lifeways, Risk Assessment, and Health & Well Being: Documenting What We've Heard Draft Final

530D85005 Draft Guidance For Facility Management Planning

530D89001 Alternative Conveyance System Report Vacuum Systems Draft

530D93001 Draft Strategy for Combustion of Hazardous Waste

530D94001 RCRA Waste Minimization National Plan: Draft

530D94002 Hazardous Waste Minimization and Combustion Strategy: Announcement and Review of Past Activities; Draft

530D95001 Draft Paper Products Recovered Materials Advisory Notice (RMAN): Supporting Analyses

530D97002 Prioritized Chemical List, Draft

530D97003 Chemical Waste Code Crosswalk, Draft

530D97004 Prioritized Chemical List, June 1997 <Draft>

530D97005 Chemical-Waste Code Crosswalk <Draft>

530D98001A Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities, Volume 1, Peer Review Draft

530D98001B Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities, Volume 2, Appendix A

530D98001C Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities, Volume 3, Appendices B and C

530D98001D Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities (Peer Review Draft) ERRATA August 2, 1999

530D98002 Guidance on Collection of Emissions Data to Support Site-Specific Risk Assessments at Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities

530D99001A Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessment Protocol For Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities Volume 1 Peer Review {Draft}

530D99001B Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessment Protocol For Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities, Volume 2 Appendix A

530D99001C Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessment Protocol For Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities Volume 3 Appendices B-h

530E00001 Managing Hazardous Waste in your Community

530E00001A Hazardous Waste in your Community

530E00001B State Hazardous Waste Contacts

530E00001C How Does RCRA Work?

530E00001D Safe Hazardous Waste Recycling

530E00001E What Makes a Waste Hazardous?

530E00001F How You Can Make a Difference in Hazardous Waste Management

530E03001S Mando: Todo Lo Que Haga Puede Hacer Una Diferencia

530E03002 Climate Change and Waste: Reducing Waste Can Make a Difference

530E97001 Source Reduction Program Potential Manual Planning Packet {manual-reduceit Software}

530E98002A Planet Protector: Adult Pocket Guide

530E98002B Planet Protector: Kids' Pocket Guide

530E98002C Planet Protectors Club: Completion Certificate

530E98002cs El Certificado del Club de los Protectores del Planeta

530E98002D Planet Protector Member Badge

530E98002ds Insignia De Membresía del Club de los Protectores del Planeta

530E99001 Monitoring Science in the RCRA Program

530E99002 Climate Change and Waste (Folder with Inserts)

530E99002A Pay-As You-Throw: Cooling Effect on Climate Change

530E99002B Wastewise: Climate Benefits From Reducing Waste

530F00001 Building Savings: Strategies for Waste Reduction of Construction and Demolition Debris from Buildings, Contains A to G Sub-Documents

530F00001A Building Savings: Strategies for Waste Reduction of Construction and Demolition Debris from Buildings: Bagley Downs Apartments

530F00001B Building Savings: Strategies for Waste Reduction of Construction and Demolition Debris from Buildings: Erickson's Diversified Corp. HQ.

530F00001C Building Savings: Strategies for Waste Reduction of Construction and Demolition Debris from Buildings: Four Times Square

530F00001D Building Savings: Strategies for Waste Reduction of Construction and Demolition Debris from Buildings: Marion County Senator Block

530F00001E Building Savings: Strategies for Waste Reduction of Construction and Demolition Debris from Buildings: Ridgehaven Green Office Bldg.

530F00001F Building Savings: Strategies for Waste Reduction of Construction and Demolition Debris from Buildings: Stowe Village

530F00001G Building Savings: Strategies for Waste Reduction of Construction and Demolition Debris from Buildings: Whole Food Market Corp. HQ. Bldg.

530F00002 13,101 Reasons to Reduce Your Solid Waste

530F00007 Waste Reduction Tips for Hotels and Casinos in Indian Country

530F00009 2000 Buy-Recycled Series: Construction Products

530F00010 2000 Buy-Recycled Series: Landscaping Products

530F00011 2000 Buy-Recycled Series: Nonpaper Office Products

530F00012 2000 Buy-Recycled Series: Miscellaneous Products

530F00013 2000 Buy-Recycled Series: Paper Products

530F00014 2000 Buy-Recycled Series: Park and Recreation Products

530F00015 2000 Buy-Recycled Series: Transportation Products

530F00016 2000 Buy-Recycled Series: Vehicular Products

530F00017 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Expands Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG)

530F00019 Accessing RCRA Solid and Hazardous Waste Information (English/Spanish)

530F00020 Environmental Fact Sheet Final Rule Promotes Metals Recovery From Wastewater Treatment Sludge f006

530F00026 Environmental Fact Sheet: Hazardous Waste Regulation Proposed for Some Inorganic Chemicals, September 2000

530F00029 Environmental Fact Sheet Amendments to CAMU Rule Proposed

530F00032 Risky Business? Overview of Risk Assessment and RCRA

530F00034 Join The Planet Protectors Club!

530F01001 RCRA Cleanup Reforms: Reforms II: Fostering Creative Solutions

530F01003 Environmental Fact Sheet: Hazardous Waste Manifest System to Be Streamlined

530F01006 Electronics: New Opportunity for Waste Prevention, Reuse, and Recycling

530F01014 RCRA, Superfund and EPCRA Call Center

530F01020 RCRA Corrective Action Showcase Pilots Announced, October 2001

530F01021 Handbook of Groundwater Protection and Cleanup Policies for RCRA Corrective Action

530F02005 Recycling is Working in the United States

530F02006 Environmental Fact Sheet: Rule Proposed To Reduce Hazardous Waste Record Keeping Requirements

530F02008 Environmental Fact Sheet: Interim Emission Standards for 1999 Hazardous Waste Combustor Rule, February 2002

530F02011 You Can Make A difference: Learn About careers In Waste Management

530F02011S Puedes Hacer Una Diferencia

530F02014 Environmental Fact Sheet: Paint Wastes not Listed as Hazardous Waste

530f02019 Success Story: Getting on the Books with Waste Reduction

530F02020 Fact Sheet: Moving Targets

530F02021 Success Story Turning Garbage into Gold

530F02022 Fact Sheet Cover Up with Compost

530F02023 Fact Sheet Recycling the Hard Stuff

530F02024 Fact Sheet: Cutting Edge Software to Cut Emissions

530F02025 Join the Planet Protectors Club

530F02026 Solid Waste Management: A Local Challenge with Global Impacts

530F02026a What Is Integrated Solid Waste Management?

530F02026b How to Establish Recycling and Composting Programs

530F02027 You Dump It, You Drink It. Recycle Used Motor Oil

530F02027S You Dump It, You Drink It. Recycle Used Motor Oil

530F02028 Managing Used Motor Oil

530F02031 What Can You Save Today?

530F02032 Resource Conservation Challenge: Reducing Waste and Recovering Energy

530F02033 Resource Conservation Challenge: Campaigning Against Waste

530F02034 Resource Conservation Challenge: Making the Connection with Solid Waste Facts and Figures

530F02035 National Waste Minimization Partnership Program and Priority Chemicals

530F02036 Resource Conservation Challenge in Action

530F02037 Enhancing Facility-Community Relations: Strengthening the Bridge Between Hazardous Waste Facilities and Their Neighbors

530F03001 Industrial Waste Management: Guide to Best Practices

530F03003 State And Local Goveronments Are Key To Reducing Backyard Burning

530F03004 Coal Combustion Products Partnership

530F03005 Open Dump Cleanup Project nHelps Tribes Fight Waste

530F03008 Program Snapshot Pay-as-you-throw Cooling Effect On Climate Change

530F03009 Program Snapshot Wastewise Climate Benefits From Reducing Waste

530F03009 WasteWise: Climate Benefits from Reducing Waste Program Snapshot

530F03010 New Item Proposed for Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines

530F03011 RCRA Online: Quick Reference Guide

530F03012 The Hiden Hazards Of Backyard Burning

530F03013S Su Vida, Su Mundo, Sus Opiniones: Todo Lo Que Haga Puede Hacer una Diferencia

530F03015 Resource Conservation Challenge: What Can You Save Today, Update

530F03016 Tribal Leaders Are Key To Reducing Backyard Burning

530F03017 Reducing Backyard Burning In Indian Country

530F03018 OSW 2004 Earth Day Poster Contest {Flyer}

530F03019 Osw CD-ROM Cover Art Contest {Flyer}

530F03020 Partnership In The Resource Conservation Challenge

530F03023 Greenscapes Environmentally Beneficial Landscaping Success Story Bobsledding On Bottles

530F03024 GreenScapes Success Story: Food Scraps and Wine: An Agreeable Combination

530F03025 GreenScapes Success Story: Compost as Cure-All

530F03026 GreenScapes Success Story: These Tires Were Made for Walkin’

530F03027 GreenScapes Success Story: Recycled Rubber Raises the Road

530F03028 GreenScapes Success Story: New Jersey's Milk Jug Bridge

530F03030 GreenScapes Success Story: Parks Abound with Plastic Lumber

530F03031 GreenScapes Success Story: Golden Compost

530F03032 Using The C2p2 (coal Combustion Products Partnership) Logo

530F03033 You Can Change The World

530F03035 Regulatory Changes Proposed For Certain Hazardous Waste Recycling Activities

530F03039 Making Permitting More Efficient and Effective Through the Use of Environmental Management Systems

530F03040 Got Your Drivers License? You Can Make A Difference.

530F03040S Licencia De Conducir

530F03041 The National Waste Minimization Partnership Program AND Priority Chemicals

530F03042 RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA Call Center

530F03054 Developing Your Leader Program

530F03055 Guide To Becoming A Resoure Conservation Challenge Partner

530F03056 Be Waste Aware Waste Reduction Resources And Tools For Students

530F04001 Plug-In To Ecycling {Brochure}

530F04002 Pay-As-You-Throw(PAYT) Online!

530F04004 Safe Options For Home Needle Disposal

530F04004C Protect Yourself Protect Others Safe Options For Home Needle Disposal {Chinese}

530F04007 Reducing Waste When You Travel Making Environmental Choices

530F04010 Join The Planet Protectors Club!

530F04019 Reducing Waste When You Travel Making Environmental Choices

530F04020 The New Wave In Ecycling: Reuse Or Recycle Old Electronics

530F05001 Hazardous Waste Manifest System Streamlined

530F05003 Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, And Disposal In The United States: Facts And Figures For 2003

530F05011 Resource Conservation Challenge What Can You Change Today?

530F05013 Score One For The Environment! {flyer}

530F05014 GreenScapes Success Story: Improving Highway Safety Through Erosion Control

530F05015 GreenScapes Success Story: Benefits of Native Landscaping

530F05017 Wastewater Treatment Exemptions for Certain Hazardous Waste Mixtures

530F05018 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants

530F05019 Resource Conservation Challenge Improving Recycling Nationwide

530F05020 Resource Conservation Challenge Reusing And Recycling Industrial Materials

530F05021 Resource Conservation Challenge Green Initiatives Electronics

530F05022 Resource Conservation Challenge Reducing Priority And Toxic Chemicals In Products And Waste

530F06004 Putting Surplus Food to Good use: A How-To Guide for Food Service Providers

530F06009 Fact Sheet: Wastewise: Preserving Resources, Preventing Waste

530F06011 Fact Sheet: Wastewise Endorser Program

530F06013 Sure, Your Home Is Clean, But Is It Safe for Your Family

530F06013S Sure, Your Home Is Clean But Is It Safe for Your Family {spanish}

530F06017 Starting a Planet Protectors Club

530F06021 Recycle on the Go : Recycling Places in Pubilc Spaces

530F06032 GreenScapes Success Story: EPA Facilities Reduce Water Consumption and Meet Goals

530F06033 GreenScapes Success Story: GreenScaping from the Ground Up

530F06034 GreenScapes Success Story: Adding Green to Queens Botanical Garden

530F06035 Food Scraps Go to the Animals: Barthold Recycling and Roll-off Services

530F06036 Shopping for Change: MassDEP Supermarket Recycling Program

530F06037 Food to Fuel: Pacific Biodiesel, Inc.

530F06038 Rockin' to Fight Hunger: Rock and Wrap It Up

530F06039 Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, and Disposal in the United States: Facts and Figures for 2005

530F07001a Donate or Recycle Electronics E-Cycle Errata

530F07001B Recycle Your Cell Phone. It's an Easy Call.

530F07001bS ¿Tiene teléfonos celulares viejos?

530F07003 Do the PC Thing: Donate Used Computers

530F07004 Do the PC Thing: Donate Used Computers

530F07007 Ecycle: Donate Or Recycle Electronics

530f07008 Industrial Materials Recycling Managing Resources for Tomorrow

530F07009 Plug-In Update: 2006 Activities

530F07010 Coal Combustion Partnership (C2P2) Fact Sheet

530F07012 Join the Planet Protectors Club {ORDER FORM}

530F07016 Beneficial Uses for Chat Finalized

530F07017 EPA Proposes to Expand Comparable Fuels Exclusion, May 2007

530F07020a Building for the Future by Recycling Industrial Materials

530F07032 Greenscapes Tip Sheet

530F07033 GreenScapes Rebuy Checklist

530F07036 2007 Buy Recycled Series: Construction Products

530F07037 2007 Buy Recycled Series: Landscaping Products

530F07038 2007 Buy Recycled Series: NonPaper Office Products

530F07039 2007 Buy Recycled Series: Paper Products

530F07040 2007 Buy Recycled Series: Park and Recreation Products

530F07041 2007 Buy Recycled Series: Transportation Products

530F07042 2007 Buy Recycled Series: Vehicular Products

530F07043 2007 Buy Recycled Series: Miscellaneous Products

530F07044 2007 CPG Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines

530F07045 Greenscapes Seasonal Planner

530F07046 Recycle Your Cell Phone. It's an Easy Call Fact Sheet

530F08001 Recycle on the Go Success Story: King County’s Marymoor Park Turns Up the Volume on Recycling

530F08006 Modification to the Definition of Solid Waste Aims to Increase Recycling

530F08007 Sustainable Revitalization: Optimizing the Environmental, Social, and Economic Benefits Throughout the Land Revitalization Process

530F08009 Agricultural Uses for Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Gypsum

530F08010 Recycle on the Go Success Story: San Francisco Uses Ordinance to Promote Recycling in Public Places

530F08011 Cold Weather Concrete Mix Design for the Beneficial Use of Coal Fly Ash as a Supplementary Cementitious Material

530F08013 Construction Initiative Supporting Green Design in Construction Through Industrial Materials Recycling

530F08014 Fact Sheet: Management of Electronic Waste in the United States

530F08015 SC3: Protecting Students and Staff with Green Cleaning

530F91001 Opportunities and Challenges for Local Emergency Planning Committees: Federal Laws and Technical Assistance

530F91002 Environmental Fact Sheet Superfund Progress Across The Nation Environmental Indicators Fy 1991 Update

530F92001 Environmental Fact Sheet Clarification On Timing For Retrofitting Surface Impoundments Under Ldr

530F92002 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Issues Interim Final Regulations on the Mixture and Derived-from Rules

530F92003 Recycle: You can Make a Ton of Difference {Leaflet}

530F92005 How to Access the RCRA Information Center, June 1992

530F92006 Environmental Fact Sheet: No Hazardous Waste Listing for Used Oil that is Being Disposed

530F92007 Environmental Fact Sheet Entry Into Force Of Basel Convention

530F92008 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Proposes Revised Hazardous Waste Identification Rule

530F92009 Environmental Fact Sheet: Effective Date for Hazardous Debris Treatment Standards Extended One Year

530F92010 Environmental Fact Sheet: Properly Managing Used Oil Filters

530F92011 Environmental Fact Sheet: Treatment Standards Finalized for 20 Newly Listed Hazardous Wastes and Hazardous Debris

530F92012 Environmental Fact Sheet: Recycling Grass Clippings

530F92013 Environmental Fact Sheet: Recycled Coke Wastes Exempt from Hazardous Waste Regulation

530F92014 Federal Recycling Program

530F92016 Environmental Fact Sheet: Municipal Solid Waste Prevention in Federal Agencies

530F92017 Environmental Fact Sheet: Mercury in the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Stream

530F92018 Environmental Fact Sheet: Management Standards Issued to Control Potential Risks from Recycled Used Oil - No Hazardous Waste Listing

530F92019 Environmental Fact Sheet: Characterizing Municipal Solid Waste: Facts and Figures

530F92020 Environmental Fact Sheet: Proposed No Migration Variances to the Land Disposal Restrictions of Hazardous Wastes

530F92021 Environmental Fact Sheet: Coke Listing Determination Made Final

530F92022 Environmental Fact Sheet: Regulations for Burning Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces Clarified

530F92024 Green Advertising Claims

530F92026 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Revises Quality Assurance Measures for the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure

530F92027 Environmental Fact Sheet The National Corrective Action Prioritization System

530F92028 Environmental Fact Sheet: Wastes Generated During the Manufacture of Chlorinated Toluenes Listed as Hazardous

530F92029 Environmental Fact Sheet: Final Modifications to the Wood Preserving Regulations

530F92030 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Issues Final Rule Regarding Liquids in Hazardous Waste Landfills

530F92031 Household Hazardous Waste Steps to Safe Management

530F93001 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Issues Final Rules for Corrective Action Management Units and Temporary Units

530F93002 Environmental Fact Sheet: Proposed Modifications to the Hazardous Waste Recycling Program

530F93003 Environmental Fact Sheet: Update to Third Edition of RCRA Test Methods Document SW-846, Proposed

530F93004 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Revises Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste (SW-846)

530F93005 Environmental Fact Sheet: Delisting Petitions and the Petition Review Process

530F93006 Environmental Fact Sheet: Wood Surface Protection Wastes Proposed as Hazardous

530F93007 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Issues New Treatment Standards for Certain Ignitable and Corrosive Wastes

530F93008 Waste Prevention: It Makes Good Business Sense

530F93009 Environmental Fact Sheet: Hazardous Waste Minimization: Interim Final Guidance for Generators

530F93010 Environmental Fact Sheet: Source Reduction and Combustion of Hazardous Waste

530F93011 Statement by Carol Browner, EPA Administrator, on Source Reduction and Hazardous Waste

530F93012 Environmental News: EPA Administrator Browner Announces New Hazardous Waste Reduction and Combustion Strategy

530F93013 Environmental Fact Sheet: Proposed Extension of Some Effective Dates in Federal Landfill Regulations

530F93014 Environmental Fact Sheet: Large-Volume Wastes from Coal-Fired Electric Utilities Exempt as Hazardous Waste

530F93015 Hazardous Waste Boilers and Industrial Furnaces (BIFs), July 1, 1993

530F93016 Hazardous Waste Incinerators, July 1, 1993

530F93017 State Recycling Contacts

530F93018 WasteWise: EPA's Voluntary Program for Reducing Business Solid Waste

530F93020 Environmental Fact Sheet: Controlling the Impacts of Remediation Activities in or Around Wetlands

530F93022 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Proposes Treatment Standards for Newly Listed and Identified Wastes and for Hazardous Soil

530F93023 Draft Strategy on Combustion and Waste Minimization: Project Plans

530F93024 Environmental Fact Sheet: Some Deadlines in Federal Regulations Extended for Small Landfills; Extra Time Provided to Landfills in Midwest Flood Regions

530F93025 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Seeks Public Involvement in Implementing Draft Strategy on Hazardous Waste Minimization and Combustion

530F93027A Disposal Tips for Home Health Care {Professional Brochure}

530F93027B Disposal Tips for Home Health Care {Patient Flyer}

530F93029 Press Advisory: EPA Announces Opportunities for Public Involvement in Hazardous Waste Minimization and Combustion Strategy

530F93035 Environmental Fact Sheet: Financial Assurance Mechanisms Proposed for Landfill Operators

530F93036 Letters From EPA Administrator To Ceos And Large Quantity Generators Of Hazardous Waste

530F94000 Charter Members Wastewise Commitment To Environmental Leadership

530F94001 Fact Sheet: Recycling Means Business: EPA's Market Development Strategy

530F94002 Waste Wise Tip Sheet: Waste Wise Program ''Road Map''

530F94003 Waste Wise Tip Sheet: Waste Prevention

530F94004 Waste Wise Tip Sheet: Recycling Collection

530F94005 Waste Wise Tip Sheet: Buying or Manufacturing Recycled Products

530F94006 Waste Wise Tip Sheet: Facility Waste Assessments

530F94007 Fact Sheet: How to Start or Expand a Recycling Collection Program

530F94008 Collecting Used Oil for Recycling/Reuse: Tips for Consumers Who Change Their Own Motor Oil and Oil Filters

530F94008S Recoleccion De Aceite Usado Para Reciclaje O Reutilizaction: Consejos Para Los Consumidores Que Cambian Ellos Mismos El Aceite Y El Filtro De Aceite De Su Automovial <Spanish>

530F94009 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Sets Degradability Standards for Plastic Ring Carriers

530F94010 Is Unit Pricing Right for Your Community?

530F94011 Environmental Fact Sheet: Principles for Basel Convention Aim to Prevent Pollution, Reduce Risk, and Promote Recycling

530F94013 RCRA/UST, Superfund, and EPCRA Hotline

530F94014 Environmental Fact Sheet: More Public Participation in RCRA and Revised Combustion Permitting Procedures Proposed

530F94015 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Proposes Comprehensive Procurement Guideline

530F94017 Memorandum on the Application of Enhanced Public Participation and Stronger Combustion Permitting Requirements

530F94018 RCRA Policy Statement: Clarification of the Land Disposal Restrictions' Dilution Prohibition and the Combustion of Inorganic Metal-bearing Hazardous Waste

530F94019 Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities

530F94020 Press Release: May 24, 1994. Announcing EPA's Proposal Expanding Public Participation in permitting All Hazardous Waste Facilities, Including Incinerators and Other Hazardous Waste Burners.

530F94021 Implementation Strategy of U.S. Supreme Court Decision in City of Chicago vs. EDF for Municipal Waste Combustion Ash; Memorandum

530F94022 Environmental Fact Sheet: Options Proposed for Managing Discarded Fluorescent and Other Lights that Contain Mercury

530F94023 Memorandum on Trial Burns

530F94024 Environmental Fact Sheet: Certain Hazardous Waste Slag Uses Now Subject to Regulation

530F94025 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Simplifies Land Disposal Restrictions by Establishing a Set of Universal Treatment Standards, and Finalizes Treatment Standards for 42 Newly Listed and Identified Wastes

530F94026 Jobs Through Recycling Initiative

530F94027 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Announces Strategy for Hazardous Waste Minimization and Combustion

530F94028 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Releases RCRA Hazardous Waste Minimization National Plan

530F94029 Environmental Fact Sheet: Hazardous Waste Incinerators {as of November 1, 1994}

530F94030 Fact Sheet: Universe of Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities {as of November 1, 1994}

530F94031 Fact Sheet: Regulation of Fuel Blending and Related Treatment and Storage Activities Memo

530F94032 Fact Sheet: Hazardous Waste Boilers and Industrial Furnaces (BIFS) {as of November 1, 1994}

530F94033 Fact Sheet: Status of Rulemaking on Emissions Standards and Controls

530F94034 Fact Sheet: Commercial Hazardous Waste Boilers and Industrial Furnaces {as of November 1, 1994}

530F94035 Fact Sheet: Statement of Michael Shapiro, Director of the Offices of Solid Waste: (Strategy for Hazardous Waste Minimization and Combustion)

530F94036 Permit Process Steps: For Interim Status Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities and for New Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities

530F94037 Fact Sheet: Update on Implementation of the Hazardous Waste Minimization and Combustion Strategy

530F94038 Fact Sheet: Commercial Hazardous Waste Incinerators {as of November 1, 1994}

530F94039 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Releases The Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1991 Data)

530F94040 Fact Sheet: Commercial Hazardous Waste Boilers and Industrial Furnaces-Cement Kilns Only {as of November 1, 1994}

530F94041 Fact Sheet: Final Air Emission Standards Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) for Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities: Tanks, Surface Impoundments and Containers

530F94042 Environmental Fact Sheet: Update Released on Solid Waste management in the United States

530F94042A Environmental Fact Sheet: Recycling Municipal Solid Waste; Facts and Figures, 1994

530F94043 Environmental Fact Sheet: Revisions Proposed To Post-Closure Landfill Requirements

530F95002 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Proposes Concentration-Based Treatment Standards for Hazardous Constituents Found in Characteristic Wastes Managed in Clean Water Act Systems

530F95003 Environmental Fact Sheet: Regulatory Determination Issued For Cement Kiln Dust

530F95004 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Determines that Ash from Waste-To-Energy Facilities Is Subject to Hazardous Waste Regulations Upon Exiting the Combustion Building

530F95005 Environmental Fact Sheet: Recycling Municipal Solid Waste: 1994 Facts and Figures

530F95006 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Finalizes Listing of Wastes from The Production of Carbamates and Adds 58 Chemicals to the Off-Specifications Product List

530F95007 Environmental Fact Sheet: Proposed Procedures and Criteria For Determining Adequacy of State / Tribal Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Permitting Programs

530F95008 Environmental Fact Sheet: Report To Congress On Flow Control And Municipal Solid Waste

530F95009 Environmental Fact Sheet: Effective Date Delayed for Landfill Financial Assurance Requirements

530F95010 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Issues Comprehensive Procurement Guideline

530F95011 Environmental Fact Sheet: Final Streamlined Regulations For Collecting And Managing Universal Wastes

530F95012 Environmental Fact Sheet: Proposed Standards for Nonmunicipal Solid Waste Facilities

530F95013 Revised Implementation Strategy for City of Chicago versus EDF Municipal Waste Combustion Ash Supreme Court Decision, memorandum

530F95014 Environmental Fact Sheet: Electronic Resources Guide

530F95015 Environmental Fact Sheet: Redesigning Hazardous Waste Regulations on Recycling

530F95017 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Proposes Hazardous Waste regulations Associated with Clean Water Act Treatment Equivalency, Treatment Standards for Wood Preserving Wastes, and Toxicity Characteristic Metal Wastes

530F95018 Environmental Fact Sheet: Paperless Office Campaign Reduces EPA Paper use by 15 Percent

530F95019 Environmental Fact Sheet: Purchasing and Maintaining Retread Passenger Tires

530F95020 Environmental Fact Sheet: Final RCRA Expanded Public Participation Rule

530F95021 Environmental Fact Sheet: Office of Solid Waste Reorganized, September 30, 1995

530F95022 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Proposes Regulations Under RCRA for Military Munitions

530F95023 Environmental Fact Sheet: Proposal to List 3 of the 14 Residuals from Petroleum Refining Processes

530F95024 Proposal to Release Low-Risk Hazardous Waste from Regulation

530F95025 Universal Waste Rule

530F95027 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Implements the OECD Decision on Transfrontier Movements of Recyclable Wastes

530F95028 Fact Sheet: State / Tribal Implementation Rule (STIR)

530F95029 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Encourages Recycling of Mineral Processing Materials By Proposing to Make Changes to the Definition of Solid Waste

530F95030 RCA: Expanded Public Participation Rule

530F95030S Reglamento de Participacion Publica Expandida de la RCRA

530F96001S Como Obtener Acceso al Centro de Informacion Sobre la RCRA (Ley Para la Conservacion y Recuperacion de Recursos) (Spanish)

530F96003 Environmental Fact Sheet: Revised Technical Standards Proposed for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities (Includes Errata Table)

530F96004 Managing Used Oil: Advice for Small Businesses

530F96004S Manejando Aceite Usado: Consejos Para Empresas Pequenas (Managing Used Oil: Advice for Small Business)

530F96005 Passing The Torch Streamlined State Authorization

530F96006 Environmental Fact Sheet: Electronic Access to OSW (Aug '96)

530F96007 Hazardous Waste Facility Permitting Process

530F96007S El Proceso De Permisos Para Instalaciones De Residuos Peligrosos

530F96008 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Publishes Land Disposal Restrictions Treatment Standards

530F96009 Agency Reopens Corrective Action for Solid Waste Management units at Hazardous Waste Management Facilities

530F96010 Fact Sheet: Hazardous Waste Identification Rule for Contaminated Media (HWIR-Media), Proposed Rule

530F96011 Fact Sheet: 1996 Buy-Recycled Series: Transportation Products

530F96012 Fact Sheet: Buy-Recycled Series: Park and Recreation Products, 1996

530F96013 Fact Sheet: Buy-Recycled Series: Non-paper Office Products, 1996

530F96014 Fact Sheet: Buy-Recycled Series: Paper Products, 1996

530F96015 Fact Sheet: No Hazardous Waste Listing Proposed for 14 Solvents

530F96016 Pick Up Savings: Adjusting Hauling Services While Reducing Waste

530F96017 Environmental Fact Sheet: Land Disposal Restriction (LDR) Treatability Variance Approved for CITGO Petroleum Refinery

530F96018 Environmental Fact Sheet: Assurance Mechanisms Finalized For Local Goveronment Owners Of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills

530F96019 Fact Sheet: Buy-Recycled Series, Vehicular Products, 1996

530F96020 Fact Sheet: Buy-Recycled Series: Construction Products, 1996

530F96025 RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA Hotline

530F96025S Linea Informativa Para La RCRA, El Superfondo Y La EPCRA

530F96026 Fact Sheet: Agency Extends Policy on Reduced Enforcement Priority for Storage of Mixed Waste for Which Treatment Technology or Storage Capacity Does not Exist

530F96028 Pay-As-You-Throw: Throw Away Less and Save

530F96029 Pay-As-You-Throw: A Fact Sheet for State Officials

530F96030 Pay-As-You-Throw A Fact Sheet for MSW Planners

530F96031 Pay-As You-Throw : A Fact Sheet for Elected Officials

530F96032 Fact Sheet: Hazardous Waste Requirements for Large Quantity Generators

530F96033 Environmental Fact Sheet Agency Proposes To Authorize Hazardous Waste Management To Indian Tribes

530F96034 Environmental Fact Sheet: Recycling Municipal Solid Waste: 1995 Facts and Figures (Jun '96)

530F96035 Environmental Fact Sheet: 1995 Update Published on Solid Waste Management in the United States

530F96036 Environmental Fact Sheet: Standards Issued for Nonmunicipal Solid Waste Units that Receive CESQG Hazardous Waste

530F96037 WasteWi$e Tip Sheet: Managing Food Scraps as Animal Feed

530F96038 WasteWi$e Tip Sheet: Donating Surplus Food to the Needy

530F96039 Financing Guide for Recycling Businesses: Investment Forums, Meetings and Networks

530F96043 Environmental Fact Sheet: Amendment Proposed for Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG)

530F97001 Landfill Reclamation

530F97002 Geosynthetic Clay Liners Used in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills

530F97004 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Finalizes Regulations Under RCRA For Military Munitions

530F97006 Pay-As-You-Throw: A Fact Sheet for Environmental and Civic Groups

530F97007 Pay-As You-Throw Success Stories

530F97009 Waste Minimization: Increased Profits and Productivity, HADCO Corporation

530F97012B Pay-As-You-Throw Products and Tools

530F97013 Environmental Fact Sheet: Schedule Changed for Final Hazardous Waste Identification Rule (HWIR-WASTE)

530F97014 Environmental Fact Sheet: Treatment Standards Finalized for Wood Preserving Wastes; less Paper Work Required Under Land Disposal Restrictions (LDR) Program

530F97015 Environmental Fact Sheet: Recycling Municipal Solid Waste: 1995 Facts and Figures (Apr '97)

530F97016 Environmental Fact Sheet: Treatment Standards Proposed for Toxicity Characteristic (TC) Metal and Mineral Processing Wastes

530F97017 Environmental Fact Sheet: Electronic Access to OSW (Nov '97)

530F97019 It's 1997 Do You Know All About the Upcoming Municipal Waste Landfill Deadlines?

530F97020 Waste Minimization: Increased Profits and Productivity, Harris Corporation

530F97021 Waste Minimization: Reduction in Combustible Waste, FMC Corporation

530F97022 Waste Minimization: Increased Profits and Productivity, PPG Industries

530F97023 Waste Minimization: Reducing Releases of Chlorinated Solvents, Ford Motor Company

530F97024 Waste Minimization: Relief from RCRA Large Quantity Generator Status, 105TH Airlift Wing, New York Air National Guard

530F97025 Waste Minimization: Increased Profits and Productivity, Charles H. Lilly Company

530F97026 Waste Minimization: Reducing Paint Waste Through Efficiency, General Motors Hamtramck Plant

530F97027 Solid Waste Funding: Guide to Federal Assistance (Brochure)

530F97029S Identificando Su Residuo: El Punto de Partida

530F97030 Welcome to the Waste Minimization National Plan

530F97031 Buy Recycled Series: Pallets (Miscellaneous Products), 1997

530F97032 Buy Recycled Series: Park and Recreation Products, 1997

530F97033 Fact Sheet: Buy Recycled Series: Non-Paper Office Products, 1997

530F97034 Fact Sheet: Buy-Recycled Series: Landscaping Products; 1997

530F97035 Fact Sheet: Buy-Recycled Series: Construction Products, 1997

530F97036 Fact Sheet: Buy-Recycled Series: Transportation Products, 1997

530F97037 Fact Sheet: Buy-Recycled Series: Vehicular Products, 1997

530F97038 JTR Grantee Series: North Carolina

530F97039 JTR Grantee Series: Minnesota

530F97040 JTR Grantee Series Arizona

530F97041 JTR Grantee Series: Oregon

530F97042 Innovative Uses of Compost: Bioremediation and Pollution Prevention

530F97043 Innovative Uses of Compost: Erosion Control, Turf Remediation, and Landscaping

530F97044 Innovative Uses of Compost: Disease Control for Plants and Animals

530F97045 Innovative Uses of Compost: Composting of Soils Contaminated By Explosives

530F97046 Innovative Uses of Compost: Reforestation, Wetlands Restoration, and Habitat Revitalization

530F97048 Measuring Recycling: EPA's Voluntary Standard Method

530F97049 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Expands Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG)

530F97050 Partnerships in Solid Waste Management

530F97051 Preparing Successful Grant Proposals

530F97053 Environmental Fact Sheet: Waste-Derived Fertilizers

530F98000 Pay As You Throw Programs

530F98001 Jobs Through Recycling Program

530F98002 Don't Throw Away That Food: Strategies for Record Setting Waste Reduction (Includes 530R98002A Thru 530R98002I)

530F98003 Questions and Answers About Full Cost Accounting

530F98004 JTR Grantee Series: Maryland

530F98005 JTR Grantee Series Delaware

530F98006 RCRA, Superfund and EPCRA Hotline, March 1998

530F98006S La Linea Informativa De RCRA, El Superfondo, y EPCRA (RCRA, Superfund and EPCRA Hotline) (Spanish)

530F98007 Environmental Fact Sheet: Two Hazardous New Waste Codes Added from Organobromine Production

530F98008 Environmental Fact Sheet: Final Standards for Hazardous Waste Combustors, Phase I

530F98010 Environmental Fact Sheet: Treatment Standards Set for Toxicity Characteristics (TC) Metal Wastes, Mineral Processing Wastes, and Contaminated Soil

530F98011 RCRA Organic Air Emission Standards for TSDFs and Generators

530F98013 Inert Resource Guide to Planet Protectors Club, ''Environauts''

530F98014 Environmental Fact Sheet Final Standards Promulgated for Petroleum Refining Waste

530F98015 RCRA Information Center

530F98022 RCRA Online: Quick Reference Guide

530F98023 Don't Throw Away That Food: Strategies for Record-Setting Waste Reduction

530F98024 Environmental Fact Sheet: State Implementation Rule

530F98025A Disposal Tips for Home Health Care

530F98026 Management of Remediation Waste Under RCRA

530F98027 Preparing for the Year 2000: Waste Management and Y2K

530F98028 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Releases RCRA Waste Minimization PBT Chemical List

530F98029 Environmental Fact Sheet: Final HWIR-MEDIA Rule

530F98031 Environmental Fact Sheet: Post-Closure Permit Amendment Addresses Corrective Action

530F98032 Environmental Fact Sheet No Hazardous Waste Listing Determined for 14 Solvents

530F99001 JTR Grantee Series: California

530F99002 JTR Grantee Series: New York

530F99003 JTR Grantee Series: Ohio

530F99005 Source Reduction Program Potential Manual Planning Packet

530F99006 Source Reduction and Your Community: Introduction to EPA's Planning Packet, Frequently Asked Questions

530F99007 Will a Source Reduction Program Work in Your Community?

530F99009 Environmental Fact Sheet: Proposed Rule Aims to Promote Metals Recovery from Waste Water Treatment Sludge

530F99010 Multifamily Recycling: Golden Opportunity for Solid Waste Reduction

530F99011 Pay as You Throw Products and Tools (Order Form)

530F99012 Wastewise: Turn on Savings: (Promo)

530F99013 Could Waste Be Eating Away Your Profits

530F99014 Environmental Fact Sheet: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Options on Mixed Waste Storage

530F99016 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPa Releases WIN/Informed Initiative Program Evaluation Program Area Analysis (PE PAA) Report

530F99017 Cutting the Waste Stream in Half: Community Record-Setters Show How (Includes 530F99017A thru 530F99017R)

530F99018 RCRA Cleanup Reforms: Faster, Focused, More Flexible Cleanups

530F99019 Earth Day 2000 Poster Contest

530F99020 Earth Day 2000 CD Cover Contest

530F99021 Fact Sheet: Comprehensive Review of the Treatment Standards for Mercury-Bearing Hazardous Waste

530F99022 Complex Recycling Issues: Record-Setting Waste Reduction in Multi-Family Swellings (Includes 530F99022A thru 530F99022I)

530F99023 Environmental Fact Sheet: Management Standards Proposed for Cement Kiln Dust Waste

530F99024 Fact Sheet: Some Used Lamps are Universal Wastes

530F99037 Fact Sheet: Hazardous Waste Listing Determination for Two Dye and Pigment Wastes

530F99038 Environmental Fact Sheet: Source Reduction of Municipal Solid Waste

530F99039 Environmental Fact Sheet: Revised Technical Standards for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities

530F99040 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Proposes Listing Certain Wastes From the Production of Chlorinated Aliphatics

530F99042 Environmental Fact Sheet EPA Discontinues Action on 1990 Subpart S Proposa

530F99043 Land Disposal Restrictions for Hazardous Wastes: A Snapshot of the Program

530F99044 Environmental Fact Sheet: Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Standards Available for Comment

530F99046 Environmental Fact Sheet: Hazardous Waste Identification Rule: Proposed Rule

530F99048 RCRA Helps Turn Brownfields Green: RCRA Corrective Action Returns Brownfields Sites To Beneficial Reuse

530FR88009 Federal Register: June 6, 1988, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 264, 265, and 270. Delay of the Closure Period for Hazardous Waste Management Facilities; Proposed Rule

530H04002S El Ciclo De Vida De Un Telefono Celular {Life Cycle of a Cell Phone} {Poster} {Spanish}

530H05001S El Ciclo De Vida De Un Balón De Fútbol Life Cycle of a Soccer Ball (Spanish Poster)

530H06002 Be Smart (Poster for Consumers)

530H06003 Be Smart (Poster for Businesses)

530H06005a Planet Protectors Club Stickers for Use with Calendar of Activities

530K00001 Trash and Climate Change Planet Protectors Discover the Hidden Reasons to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

530K00001A Trash and Climate Change: Play the Game and Make the Connection

530K00001S La Basura y el Cambio del Clima

530K00002 RCRA in Focus: Leather Manufacturing

530K00003 RCRA in Focus: Motor Freight and Railroad Transportation


530K00005 Social Aspects of Sitting RCRA Hazardous Waste Facilities

530K00005S Aspectos Sociales de la Ubicación de Instalaciones de Residuos Peligrosos de RCRA

530K00006 Solid Waste Funding: Guide to Federal Assistance

530K00008 Science Fair Fun Designing Environmental Science Projects

530K00008S Diversion en la Feria Cientifica: Disenando Proyectos Cientificos Ambientales

530K01002 Volunteer for Change: Guide to Environmental Community Service

530K01002S Voluntarios para el Cambio Una Guia para el Servicio Comunitario Ambiental

530K01003 Waste Transfer Stations: Involved Citizens Make the Difference

530K01004 Exemption of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Wastes from Federal Hazardous Waste Regulations

530K01004S Exención de los Residuos de Exploración y Producción de Petróleo Crudo y Gas Natural de los Reglamentos Federales de Residuos Peligrosos

530K01005 Managing Hazardous Waste: A Guide for Small Businesses

530K01005S Manejando Sus Residuos Peligrosos Una Guia Para Empresas Pequenas (Managing Your Hazardous Waste Guide For Small Business) {Spanish}

530K02001 Service-Learning: Education Beyond the Classroom

530K02001S Aprendiendo A Traves Des Servicio: Educacion Fuera De La Aula {Service Learning: Education Beyond The Classroom} {SPANISH}

530K02005 RCRA Training Module: Introduction to Closure and Post-Closure (40 CFR Parts 264/265, Subpart G)

530K02027 25 Years of RCRA: Building on Our Past to Protect Our Future

530K02028 RCRA in Focus: Textile Manufacturing

530K03001 Reuse+Recycling=Waste Reduction: Guide For Schools And Groups

530K030014S Reutilizacion + Reciclaje = Reduccion de Desechos Una Guia para Escuelas y Grupos

530K030015 Una Gua Para Escuelas y Gruoos

530K03002 Greenscaping Your Lawn and Garden

530K03002S Haciendo Aun Mas Verde(Greenscaping) Su Cesped y Jardin

530K03003 Greenscapes Environmentally Beneficial Landscaping

530K03005 RCRA in Focus: Furniture Manufacturing and Refinishing

530K04001 Community Options For Safe Needle Disposal

530K04002 Moving Out, Moving In: Making Environmental Choices When You Move

530K04003 Let's Go Green Shopping

530K04003S Vayamos De Compras: Verdes

530K04004 Plug-In to eCycling Guidelines for Materials Management

530K04005 RCRA in Focus: Construction, Demolition, And Renovation

530K04007 National Partership For Environmental Priorities

530K04010 Greenscapes Environmentally Beneficial Landscaping

530K05002 Using Coal Ash in Highway Construction: A Guide to Benefits and Impacts

530K05003 Greenscapes Environmentally Beneficial Landscaping

530K05004 Don't "Waste" Your Chance To Do Your Share

530K06002 Jardinería Ecológica: La Manera Fácil De Lograr Un Jardín Más Verdosos Y Saludable (Greenscaping Easy Way To A Greener Healthier Yard)

530K06003 Make a Difference in Your School: A How-to Guide for Engaging Students in Resource Conservation and Waste Reduction

530K06004 Waste Shipments Between the US and Canada

530K06005 Enroll Now: National Partnership for Environmental Priorities

530K06008 Working Together for a Healthy Environment: A Guide for Multi-Cultural Community Groups

530K07001 Teach English, Teach About the Environment: A Resource for Teachers of Adult English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

530K07002 Tools to Reduce Waste in Schools

530K92002 Solid Waste Resource Guide for Native Americans Where to Find Funding and Technical Assistance

530K92003 The Consumer's Handbook for Reducing Solid Waste

530K92004 Business Guide for Reducing Solid Waste

530K92005 Waste Prevention Pays Off: Companies Cut Waste in the Workplace

530K92006 Used Dry Cell Batteries: Is a Collection Program Right for Your Community?

530K93001 Joining Forces on Solid Waste Management: Regionalization is Working in Rural and Small Communities

530K93002 Reporting on Municipal Solid Waste: A Local Issue

530K94001 Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Permit Programs: A Primer for Tribes

530K94002 A Solid Waste Resource Guide For Native Americans

530K94003 Review of Industrial Waste Exchanges

530K95001 Understanding the Hazardous Waste Rules: A Handbook for Small Businesses, 1996 Update

530K95001S Entiendo Los Reglamentos Sobre Reiduos Peligrosos: Manual Para Empresas Pequenas Actualizacion En 1996 (Understanding the Hazardous Waste Rules: Handbook for Small Businesses, 1996 Update)

530K95002 Spotlight on Waste Prevention: EPA's Program to Reduce Solid Waste at the Source

530K95003 Crude Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production Wastes: Exemption from RCRA Subtitle C Regulation

530K95004 Recycling Means Business

530K95005 Don't Trash It! Super Fun {activity Booklet}

530K95006 Recycling Guide for Native American Nations

530K95009 State and Tribal Partnerships to Promote Jobs Through Recycling

530K95010 Planning for Disaster Debris

530K96002 It's Easy Being Green! A Guide to Planning and Conducting Environmentally Aware Meetings and Events

530K96002S Es Facil Ser Verde! Una Guia Para Planear y Dirigir Reuniones y Eventos Conscientes del Ambiente

530K96003 Consumer's Handbook for Reducing Solid Waste

530K97002 Financial Responsibility for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills: Introduction for Local Governments

530K97003 Sensitive Environments and the Siting of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities

530K97003S Medio Ambientes Delicados Y La Ubicacion de Instalaciones Para Manejo de Residuos Peligrosos (Surrounding Delicate Environments and the Location of Installations for Handling...)(Spanish)

530K97004 Rcra Reducing Risk From Waste

530K97004S RCRA Reduciendo el Riesgo de Residiuo (Reducing Risk from Waste) (Spanish)

530K97007 RCRA in Focus: Printing

530K97007S RCRA en FOCO: Imprenta (RCRA In Focus: Printing) (Spanish)

530K97008 Puzzled About Recycling's Value? Look Beyond the Bin

530K97009 Implementation of the Mercury-Containing and Rechargeable Battery Management Act

530K98001 Planet Protectors Club: Follow that Trail

530K98001S Sigue El Rastro (Follow That Trail: Activitie Guide for Grades K - 3) (Spanish)

530K98002 Planet Protectors Club: Case of the Broken Loop

530K98002S El Caso Del Circulo Roto (Case of the Broken Loop Activity Guide for Grades 4 - 6) (Spanish)

530K98004 Extended Product Responsibility: Strategic Framework for Sustainable Products

530K99001 Service Learning: Education Beyond the Classroom

530K99002 RCRA In Focus: Photo Processing

530K99003 Recycling Works! State and Local Solutions to Solid Waste Management Problems

530K99004 RCRA in Focus: Vehicle Maintenance

530K99004S RCRA Enfoco: Mantenimiento de Vehiculos

530K99005 RCRA in Focus: Dry Cleaning

530K99005K RCRA In Focus Dry Cleaning (Korean)

530K99006 Planet Protectors Create less Waste in the 1st Place! (Coloring Book)

530K99006S Los Prorectores del Planeta Generan Menos Desechos Desde un Principio

530K99007 Collection Efficiency: Strategies for Success

530K99008 Handle With Care How to Throw Out Used Insulin Syringes and Lancets at Home Booklet for Young People With Diabetes and Their Families

530N00001 PAYT Bulletin: Listing of Pay-As-You-Throw News and Events

530N00002 WasteWise Update: Moving Toward Sustainability

530N00003 Native American Network, Spring 2000

530N00004 RCRA Corrective Action News, Spring 2000

530N00005 PAYT Bulletin: Listing of PAY-as-You-Throw News and Events, Summer 2000

530N00006 Reusable News: Fall 2000

530N00007 WasteWise Update: Electronics Reuse and Recycling

530N00008 Native American Network, Fall 2000

530N00009 RCRA Corrective Action News: Fall 2000

530N01001 Payt Bulletin: Listing of Pay-As-You-Throw News and Events, Spring 2001

530N01002 WasteWise Update: July 2001, Environmentally Preferable Purchasing

530N01003 PAYT Bulletin: Listing of Pay-AS-You-Throw News and Events, Summer 2001

530N01004 Reusable News: Link Between Climate Change and Waste Management

530N02001 Tribal Waste Journal:Respect Our Resources: Prevent Illegal Dumping

530N02002 WasteWise Update: Resource Management: Strategic Partnerships for Resource Efficiency

530N02003 WasteWise Update: Builbing for the Future

530N02005 Reusable News: Spring 2002

530N02007 WasteWise Update: Global Warming. . . Is A Waste

530N02008 PAYT Bulletin: Winter 2003

530N03001 Reusable News: Resource Conservation Challenge: Are You Uo To It?

530N03002 Wastewise Update: Environmental Management Systems

530N03003 Tribal Waste Journal: Agaisnt All Odds: Transfer Station Triumphs

530N03004 Payt Bulletin: Listing Of Pay As You Throw News And Events, Fall 2003

530N03005 Tribal Waste Journal: Alaska Villages Chart Their Own Course Toward Solid Waste Solutions

530N04001 RCRA Corrective Action News March 2004

530N05001 Tribal Composting Nourishes Land And Tradition

530N06006 National Partnership for Environmental Priorities (NPEP) Bulletin

530N08001 Tribal Waste Journal: Methamphetamine: Threatening the Health and Environment of Tribal Communities

530N08003 Pay-As-You-Throw Summer 2008 Bulletin

530N92001 Reusable News, Spring 1992

530N92002 Used Oil Recycling: Maryland Holds Used Oil Disposal at Bay

530N92003 RCRA Information Access

530N92004 Reusable News, Summer 1992

530N92005 Reusable News, Fall 1992

530N93001 Reusable News, Winter/Spring 1993

530N93003 Native American Network: Issue Number 4

530N93004 Reusable News, Summer/Fall 1993

530N94001 Reusable News, Winter 1994

530N94002 Native American Network: A RCRA Information Exchange, Issue Number 5, Spring/Summer 1994

530N94003 Reusable News: Spring 1994

530N94003B Reusable News, Spring 1994

530N94004 Reusable News, Summer 1994

530N94005 Strategy Update; A newsletter on EPA's Hazardous Waste Minimization and Combustion Activities

530N94006 Wastewise Update Kickoff Issue

530N94007 Reusable News, Fall 1994

530N94008 Native American Network: Issue Number 6, Fall/Winter 1994

530N95001 Reusable News, Winter 1995

530N95001A List of MSW Publications 1995

530N95002 Strategy Update: A Newsletter on EPA's Hazardous Waste Minimization and Combustion Activities, January 1995

530N95003 Reusable News, Spring 1995

530N95005 Reusable News, Summer/Fall 1995

530N95006 WasteWi$e Update: Issue 3, September 1995

530N95007 Reusable News, Winter 1996

530N96001 Wastewi$e Update: January 1996

530N96002 Reusable News Bulletin, November/December 1995

530N96002A List of MSW Publications, 1996

530N96003 Reusable News Bulletin, January/February 1996

530N96004 Strategy Update: A Newsletter on EPA's Hazardous Waste Minimization and Combustion Activities

530N96006 Reusable News Bulletin, April/May 1996

530N96007 Wastewi$e Update: Going Paperless With Technology, Issue 5, June 1996

530N96008 Reusable News Bulletin, July 1996

530N96009 Reusable News, August/September 1996

530N96010 Reusable News, November/December 1996

530N97001 Strategy Update: A Newsletter on EPA's Hazardous Waste Minimization and Combustion Activities, May 1997

530N97002 Wastewise Update: Remanufactured Products: Good as New, May 1997

530N97003 Reusable News, Spring 1997

530N97003A Municipal Solid Waste Publications List, 1997

530N97004 Reusable News, Summer 1997

530N97005 WasteWi$e Update: Donation Programs: Turning Trash into Treasure

530N97005A Donation and Reuse Resource Listing

530N97006 Native American Network: The White Mountain Apache Tribe: Working Together to Restore Earth

530N97007 Reusable News, Fall 1997

530N97008 WasteWise Update: Closing the Loop, December 1997

530N97008A Buy-Recycled Resource Listing

530N98001 Reusable News, Winter 1998

530N98002 Native American Network, Winter 1998

530N98003 Wastewi$e Update: Building Supplier Partnerships

530N98004 Native American Network, May 1998

530N98005 Reusable News, Spring/Summer 1998

530N98006 Pay-As-You-Throw Bulletin, Fall 1998

530N98007 Resources About Buying Recycled Products

530N98008 Reusable News, Fall 1998

530N98009 Pay As You Throw Bulletin, Winter 1998

530N99001 Reusable News, Winter 1999

530N99002 PAYT Bulletin: Listing of Pay-As-You-Throw News and Events, Spring 1999

530N99003 WasteWise Update: the Measure of Success, Calculating Waste Reduction

530N99005 Native American Network, fall 1999

530N99006 RCRA Corrective Action News Record of Success, November 1999

530N99007 Wastewise Update: Recovering Organic Wastes, Giving Back to Mother Nature

530N99008 Pay as Your Throw Bulletin, Fall 1999

530N99009 Reusable News, Fall 1999

530Q97001 Municipal Solid Waste Grant Program for Indian Country: Request for Proposals, 1997

530R00002 Background Document for the Final CPG III and Final RMAN III

530R00003A RCRA Superfund, EPCRA Monthly Hotline Report, January 2000

530R00004 WIN/INFORMED: Universe Identification, Waste Activity Monitoring, Program Area Analysis; Final Report

530R00007 WasteWise Sixth-Year Progress Report

530R00008 Quest for Less Activities and Resources for Teaching K-6, Teacher's Guide to Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling

530R01001 Risk Burn Guidance for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities

530R01002 Abandoned Mine Site Characterization and Cleanup Handbook

530R01010 Biennial Report State Summary Analysis (Based on 1999 Data), June 2001

530R01012 List of Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities in the United States the National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1999 Data)

530R01014 Municipal Solid Waste in the United States: 1999 Facts and Figures

530R01015 Handbook of Groundwater Protection and Cleanup Policies for RCRA Corrective Action for Facilities Subject to Corrective Action Under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

530R01018 Multifamily Recycling National Study

530R01019 Waste Wise: 7th Year Annual Report, November 2001

530R02001 Municipal Solid Waste in the United States: 2000 Facts and Figures

530R02002 Waste Transfer Stations: Manual for Decision Making

530R02006 Solid Waste Management and Greenhouse Gases: Life Cycle Assessment of Emissions and Sinks

530R02009 Beyond RCRA: Waste And Material Management In The Year 2020

530R02010 Industrial Waste Air Model Technical Background Document

530R02011 Industrial Waste Air Model (IWAIR) User's Guide

530R02012 Industrial Waste Management Evaluation Model (IWEM) Technical Background Document

530R02013 Industrial Waste Management Evaluation Model (IWEM) User's Guide

530R02015 WasteWise 2002 Annual Report

530R02016 RCRA Orientation Manual

530R02017 Consolidated Recovered Materials Advisory Notice (RMAN) for the Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG)

530R03001 Guide for Industrial Waste Management

530R03004 WasteWise Resource Management: Innovative Solid Waste Contracting Methods

530R03007 National Analysis National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report based On 2003 Data

530R03011 Municipal Solid Waste In The United States: 2001 Facts And Figures

530R03012 Results-Based Approaches and Tailored Oversight Guidance for Facilities Subject to Corrective Action Under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

530R03013 Tribal-Decision maker's Guide To Solid Waste Management

530R03014 WasteWise 2003

530R04001 Resource Conservation Challenge Year Of Progress, Annual Report 2002-2003

530R04006 RCRA Training Module: Introduction to Containers (40 CFR Parts 264/265,Subpart I; §261.7)

530R04007 RCRA Training Module: Containment Buildings (40 CFR Parts 264/265, Subpart DD)

530R04010 RCRA Training Module: Generators

530R04012 RCRA Training Module: Hazardous Waste Identification

530R04013 RCRA Training Module: Land Disposal Restrictions (40 CFR Part 268)

530R04014 Rcra Training Module; Introduction to Land Disposal Units (40 CFR Parts 264/265 Subparts K, L, M, N)

530R04016 RCRA Training Module: Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Facility Criteria

530R04017 RCRA Training Module: Permits and Interim Status

530R04025 RCRA Training Module: Tanks (40 CFR Parts 264/265, Subpart J)

530R04028 RCRA Training Module: Universal Waste

530R04031 A Guide To Waste Reduction At Shopping Centers

530R04034 Consolidated Recovered Materials Advisory Notice (RMAN) for the Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG)

530R04035 WasteWise 2004 Annual Report: Substaining Excellence

530R04036 Resource Conservation Challenge : Strategic Plan ; What Can You Save Tomorrow? ; Draft

530R05001 Resource Conservation Challenge Progress Report 2005

530R05005 The Quest For Less: Activities And Rsources For Teaching K-8

530R05021 Wastewise 2005 Annual Report Forging Ahead

530R05022 National Priority Chemicals Trends Report, 1999-2003

530R06001 Scrap Tire Cleanup Guidebook Resource For Solid Waste Managers Across The United States

530R06002 Mercury Lamp Drum-Top Crusher Study

530R06003 RCRA Orientation Manual 2006 Resource Conservation And Recovery Act

530R06004 Solid Waste Management and Greenhouse Gases: A Life-Cycle Assessment of Emissions and Sinks

530R06012 Coal Combustion Waste Management at Landfills and Surface Impoundments, 1994-2004

530R06013 Office of Underground Storage Tanks Has Improved Contract Administration, But Further Action Needed OIG Followup Review

530R07001 National Priority Chemicals Trends Report, 2000-2004

530R07005 Border 2012 Scrap Tire Summary Report

530R07007 Bioreactor Performance Final Report,

530R07008 WasteWise Annual Report 2007: Building Community and Business Partnerships

530R08005 Resource Conservation Challenge Update: Managing Materials for a Sustainable Future

530R08009 Electronics Waste Management in the United States: Approach 1

530R73001 First Japan--United States of America Governmental Conference on Solid Waste Management January 29 and 30, 1973 Tokyo, Japan Papers and Presentations

530R74101 Second United States-japan Governmental Conference On Solid Waste Management September 24-25 1974 Washington DC

530R75100 Analysis Of Demand and Supply For Secondary Fiber In The U s Paper and Paperboard Industry Volume One Sections I-viii and X

530R75101 Analysis Of Demand and Supply For Secondary Fiber In The U s Paper and Paperboard Industry Volume 2 Section Ix - Process Economics

530R75102 Resource Recovery And Waste Reduction Third Report To Congress

530R83101 Rcra Final Authorization Guidance Manual

530R84001 Sixth United States-Japan Governmental Conference on Solid Waste Management, September 12-14, 1984, Washington, D.C.

530R84101 Permit Writer's Guidance Manual For Hazardous Waste Land Storage And Disposal Facilities Phase 1 Criteria For Location Acceptability And Existing Applicable Regulations Final Draft

530R85100 Guidance For Implementing The RCRA Dioxin Listing Rule

530R85101 Rcra Groundwater Monitoring Enforcement Guidance Compliance Order Guidance, Final and Enforcement Guidance Document, Draft

530R85102 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For May 1985

530R85107 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For October 1985

530R85110 Field Standard Operating Procedures For The Decontamination Od Response Personnel Fsop 7

530R85111 Field Standard Operating Procedures Fsop 6 Work Zones

530R85112 Post-Closure Liability Trust Fund Simulation Model Volume I Model Overview and Results

530R85113 Post-Closure Liability Trust Fund Simulation Model Volume III Model Description

530R86101 Water Quality Advisory Alachlor

530R86102 Water Quality Advisory Endosulfan Sulfate

530R86103 Water Quality Advisory Mirex

530R86104 Water Quality Advisory Dcpa

530R86105 Water Quality Advisory Propachlor

530R86106 Water Quality Advisory Metolachlor

530R86107 Water Quality Advisory Metribuzin

530R86108 Water Quality Advisory Atrazine

530R86109 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For January 1986

530R86110 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For February 1986

530R86111 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For March 1986

530R86112 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For April 1986

530R86113 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For May 1986

530R86114 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For June 1986

530R86115 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For July 1986

530R86116 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For August 1986

530R86117 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For September 1986

530R86118 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For October 1986

530R86120 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For December 1986

530R86121 RCA Facility Investigation Guidance : Volume II of III ; Subsurface Investigations

530R86123 Configuration Management Guidance

530R86124 Superfund A Six Year Perspective

530R87101 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For January 1987

530R87102 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For February 1987

530R87104 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For April 1987

530R87105 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For May 1987

530R87106 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For June 1987

530R87107 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For July 1987

530R87108 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For August 1987

530R87109 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For September 1987

530R87110 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For October 1987

530R87111 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline Monthly Report For November 1987

530R87112 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Cepp Hotline Report For December 1987

530R88101 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Cepp Hotline Report For January 1988

530R88102 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Cepp Hotline Report For February 1988

530R88103 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Cepp Hotline Report For March 1988

530R88104 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For April 1988

530R88105 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For May 1988

530R88106 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For June 1988

530R88107 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For July 1988

530R88108 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For August 1988

530R88109 RCRA-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Information and Title III Hotline Report For September 1988

530R88110 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For October 1988

530R88111 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For November 1988

530R88112 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For December 1988

530R88113 Investigation of the fate of Oily Wastes in Streams as a Tool for Hazardous Waste Screening: A Preliminary Identification of Research Approach and Model Development

530R88114 Proceedings: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Mixed Waste Workshop, Denver, Colorado, July 19-20, 1988

530R89101 Summary Report Of Capacity At Commercial Facilities Volume I

530R89102 Summary Report Of Capacity At Limited Commercial and Company Captive Facilities Volume II

530R89103 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For January 1989

530R89104 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For February 1989

530R89105 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For March 1989

530R89106 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For April 1989

530R89107 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For May 1989

530R89108 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For June 1989

530R89109 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For July 1989

530R89110 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For August 1989

530R89112 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For October 1989

530R89113 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For November 1989

530R89114 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For December 1989

530R89115 Catalog of Standard Reports

530R89117 RCRIS : System Architecture

530R89118 When All Else Fails Enforcement Of The Emergency Planning And Community Right To Know Act

530R90101 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For January 1990

530R90102 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For February 1990

530R90110 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For October 1990

530R90111 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For November 1990

530R90112 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For December 1990

530R90113 Permits and State Programs Division Operating Plan

530R91101 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For January 1991

530R91102 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For February 1991

530R91103 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For March 1991

530R91104 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For April 1991

530R91105 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For May 1991

530R91106 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For June 1991

530R91107 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For July 1991

530R91108 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For August 1991

530R91109 Rcra-superfund Industry Asssistance Hotline and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Hotline Report For September 1991

530R91110 Land Disposal Restrictions Potential Treatment Standards for Newly Identified and Listed Wastes and Contaminated Debris

530R91111 RCRA reports catalog

530R92003 Compilation Of Current Practices At Land Disposal Facilities

530R92004 Action Leakage Rates For Leak Detection Systems

530R92004A RCRA/SF/OUST and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Hotline Questions and Answers January 1993

530R92010 Preliminary Use And Subsititutes Anaylsis Of Lead And Cadmium In Products In Municipal Solid Waste

530R92011 Implementation Document For Boilers And Industrial Furnace (bif) Regulations

530R92013 Charatization Of Products Containing Mercury In Municipal Solid Waste In The United States, 1970 To 2000

530R92014A Rcra-superfund Hotline Monthly Report, January 1992

530R92014B Rcra-superfund Hotline Monthly Report, February 1992

530R92014C RCRA-Superfund Hotline Monthly Report, March 1992

530R92014D RCRA-Superfund Hotline Monthly Report, April 1992

530R92014E Rcra-superfund Hotline Monthly Report, May 1992

530R92014F RCRA-Superfund Hotline Monthly Report, June 1992

530R92014G RCRA-Superfund Hotline Monthly Report, July 1992

530R92014H RCRA-Superfund Hotline Monthly Report, August 1992

530R92014I Rcra-superfund Hotline Monthly Report, September 1992

530R92014J Rcra-superfund Hotline Monthly Report, October 1992

530R92014K Rcra-superfund Hotline Monthly Report, November 1992

530R92014L Rcra-superfund Hotline Monthly Report, December 1992

530R92014M Inside The Hotline Compilation Of 1992 Monthly Hotline Reports

530R92015 Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Composting Options: Lessons from 30 Communities (Errata Sheet Included)

530R92019 Characterization Of Municipal Solid Waste In The United States 1992 Update

530R92020 RCRA Waste Minimization Action Plan

530R92021 RCRA Implementation Study Update: The Definition of Solid Waste

530R92022 Handbook Of Rcra Groundwater Monitoring Constituents Chemical And Physical Properties draft

530R92023 "No Migration" Variances to the Hazardous Waste Land Disposal Prohibitions a Guidance Manual for Petitioners : Draft

530R92026 Household Hazardous Waste Management: A Manual for One-Day Community Collection Programs

530R92027 National Biennial Rcra Hazardous Waste Report Based On 1989 Data

530R92028 Hazardous Waste FOIA Reports

530R92505 Third Report on the Remedial Action to Isolate DDT from People and the Environment in the Hunstsville Spring Branch-Indian Creek System, Wheeler Reservoir, Alabama : Volume 2. Appendices

530R93001 Rcra Groundwater Monitoring Draft Technical Guidance

530R93002 Geotechnical Systems For Structures On Contaminated Sites Technical Guidance Document

530R93003 Statistical Training Course for Ground-Water Monitoring Data Analysis

530R93004B Rcra-superfund-oust Hotline Monthly Report, February 1993

530R93004C Rcra-superfund-oust Hotline Monthly Report, March 1993

530R93004D Rcra-superfund-oust Hotline Monthly Report, April 1993

530R93004E Rcra-superfund-oust Hotline Monthly Report, May 1993

530R93004F Rcra-superfund-oust Hotline Monthly Report, June 1993

530R93004H Rcra-superfund-oust Hotline Monthly Report, August 1993

530R93004I RCRA/SF/OUST and Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Hotline Questions and Answers September 1993

530R93004J RCRA-Superfund-OUST Hotline Monthly Report, October 1993

530R93004K RCRA-Superfund-OUST Hotline Monthly Report, November 1993

530R93004L RCRA-Superfund-OUST Hotline Monthly Report, December 1993

530R93004M Inside The Hotline Compilation Of 1993 Monthly Hotline Reports March 1994

530R93005 Technical Guidance Document Determining The Integrity Of Concrete Sumps

530R93006 Rcra Public Involvement Manual

530R93007 Petitions To Delist Hazardous Wastes 2nd Edition Guidance Manual

530R93008 Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference on Household Hazardous Waste Management Decenber 8-12, 1992 Minneapolis, Minnesota

530R93009 RCRA Implementation Plan: Fiscal Year 1994

530R93009A Rcra Implementation Plan Fiscal Year 1994 Addendum

530R93010 Hazardous Waste Management Planning Needs And Practices Review Of Several State Agency Approaches

530R93011 Rcra Environmental Indicators Fy 1992 Progress Report

530R93012 Technical Resource Document Solidification-stabilization And Its Application To Waste Materials

530R93013 Report to Congress: A Study of the Use of Recycled Paving Material

530R93013A Engineering Aspects of Recycled Materials for Highway Construction

530R93018 Report to Congress on Metal Recovery, Environmental Regulation & Hazardous Waste

530R93023 Summary of Data Presented in the Background Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards - Ore Mining and Dressing Point Source Category

530R93025 Summary and Technical Review of Supporting Literature for the 1985 Report to Congress on Wastes from the Extraction and Beneficiation of Metallic Ores, Phosphate Rock, Asbestos, Overburden from Uranium Mining, and Oil Shale

530R93503 Hazardous Waste Management System; Modification of the Hazardous Waste Program; Mercury-Containing Lamps

530R93504 Reports Library : RCRIS

530R94002 One-time Waste Estimates for Capacity Assurance Planning Capacity Planning Pursuant to CERCLA Section 104(c)(9)

530R94003 Composting Yard Trimmings and Municipal Solid Waste

530R94004 Pay As You Throw Lessons Learned About Unit Pricing

530R94005B RCRA-Superfund-OUST Hotline Monthly Report, February 1994

530R94005C RCRA-Superfund-OUST Hotline Monthly Report, March 1994

530R94005D RCRA-Superfund-OUST Hotline Monthly Report, April 1994

530R94005E RCRA-Superfund-OUST Hotline Monthly Report, May 1994

530R94005G RCRA-Superfund-OUST Hotline Monthly Report, July 1994

530R94005H RCRA-Superfund-OUST Hotline Monthly Report, August 1994

530R94005I RCRA-Superfund-OUST Hotline Monthly Report, September 1994

530R94005J RCRA-Superfund-OUST Hotline Monthly Report, October 1994

530R94005K RCRA-Superfund-OUST Hotline Monthly Report, November 1994

530R94005L RCRA-Superfund-OUST Hotline Monthly Report, December 1994

530R94005M Inside the Hotline: A Compilation of 1994 Monthly Hotline Reports

530R94008 Municipal Solid Waste Flow Control Summary of Public Comments

530R94010 National Roundtable on Hazardous Waste Minimization and Combustion: November 15-18, 1993: Summary Report

530R94011 Technical Resource Document Lead-zinc Extraction And Beneficiation Of Ores And Minerals Volume 1

530R94012 Innovative Methods Of Managing Environmental Releases At Mine Sites

530R94013 Technical Resource Document Gold Extraction And Beneficiation Of Ores And Minerals, Volume 2

530R94014 Combustion Emissions Technical Resource Document (CETRED)

530R94015 Setting Priorities for Hazardous Waste Minimization

530R94015A Setting Priorities for Hazardous Waste Minimization: Appendices

530R94016 Re-engineering RCRA for Recycling Report and Recommendations of the Definition of Solid Waste Task Force

530R94018 Combustion of Hazardous Wastes Containing Arsenic, Lead, and Mercury

530R94019 Waste Analysis Guidance for Facilities That Burn Hazardous Wastes {Draft}

530R94020 Sampling And Analysis Of Municipal Refuse Incinerator Ash Draft

530R94021 Exposure Assessment Guidance for RCRA Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities (Include Insert)

530R94023 Analysis of Potential Cost Savings and the Potential for Reduced Environmental Benefits of the Proposed Universal Waste Rule

530R94024 Waste Analysis at Facilities that Generate, Treat, Store, and Dispose of Hazardous Wastes: A Guidance Manual

530R94025 RCRA Implementation Plan: Fiscal Year 1995: Addendum Containing Changes, Clarifications, or Additions to FY 1994 RIP

530R94030 Technical Resource Document Iron Extraction And Beneficiation Of Ores And Minerals Volume 3

530R94031 Technical Resource Document Copper Extraction And Beneficiation Of Ores And Minerals, Volume 4

530R94032 Technical Resource Document Uranium Extraction And Beneficiation Of Ores And Minerals, Volume 5

530R94034 Technical Resource Document Other Mining Sectors Phosphate And Molybdenite Extraction And Beneficiation Of Ores And Minerals, Volume 7

530R94035 Technical Resource Document Gold Placer Extraction And Beneficiation Of Ores And Minerals, Volume 6

530R94036 Technical Report Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

530R94037 Technical Report Treatment Of Cyanide Heap Leach And Tailings

530R94038 Technical Report Design And Evaluation Of Tailings Dams

530R94039A Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report: List of Large Quantity Generators (Based on 1991 Data)

530R94039B Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report: List of Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities in the United States (Based on 1991 Data)

530R94039C National Analysis: Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report: (Based on 1991 Data)

530R94039D Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report: State Detail Analysis (Based on 1991 Data)

530R94039E State Summary Analysis: Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report: (Based on 1991 Data)

530R94040 National Capacity Assessment Report Capacity Planning Pursuant To CERCLA Section 104(c)(9) {draft}

530R94041 Roundtables On Hazardous Waste Minimization And Combustion Executive Summaries

530R94042 Characterization Of Municipal Solid Waste In The United States 1994 Update

530R94043 US Environmental Protection Agency Mine Waste Policy Dialogue Committee Meeting Summaries And Supporting Material

530R94044 Strategy for Hazardous Waste Minimization and Combustion

530R94045 The Hazardous Waste Minimization National Plan

530R94046 CMA/EPA BIF Workshop: Edited Transcript

530R94047 Used Qil Questions and Answers : A Collection of Questions Compiled by the Hotline

530R95001 Manufacturing from Recyclables: 24 Case Studies of Successful Enterprises

530R95002B Monthly Hotline Report RCRA-UST, Superfund, and EPCRA February 1995

530R95002C Monthly Hotline Report RCRA-UST Superfund, and EPCRA, March 1995

530R95002D RCRA-UST, Superfund and EPCRA Monthly Hotline Report, April 1995

530R95002E RCRA-UST, Superfund, and EPCRA Monthly Hotline Report, May 1995

530R95002F RCRA-UST, Superfund, and EPCRA Monthly Hotline Report, June 1995

530R95002G Monthly Hotline Report RCRA-UST, Superfund, and EPCRA, July 1995

530R95002H Monthly Hotline Report RCRA-UST, Superfund, and EPCRA, August 1995

530R95002I Monthly Hotline Report RCRA-UST, Superfund, and EPCRA, September 1995

530R95002J Monthly Hotline Report Rcra-ust, Superfund, and Epcra, October 1995

530R95002K Monthly Hotline Report Rcra-ust, Superfund, and Epcra, November 1995

530R95002L Monthly Hotline Report Rcra-ust, Superfund, and Epcra, December 1995

530R95002M Inside the Hotline: A compilation of 1995 Monthly Hotline Reports

530R95004 Index to the Monthly Hotline Report Questions, June 1982 to December 1994

530R95005A List of Large Quantity Generators in the United States The Preliminary Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1993 Data)

530R95005B List of Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities in the United States The Preliminary Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1993 Data)

530R95005C National Analysis The Preliminary Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1993 Data)

530R95005D State Detail Analysis The Preliminary Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1993 Data)

530R95006 RCRA Implementation Plan (RIP): Fiscal Years 1996-97

530R95007 State Program Advisory #15

530R95008 Report to Congress on Flow Control and Municipal Solid Waste

530R95009 Life Cycle Assessment: Public Data Sources for the LCA Practitioner

530R95010 Guidelines for Assessing the Quality of Life-Cycle Inventory Analysis

530R95011 Water Quality In Open Pit Precious Metal Mines

530R95012 Geochemical Modeling Of Mine Pit Water Overview And Application Of Computer Codes

530R95013A Application Of Geophysics To Acid Mine Drainage Investigations Volume 1 Literature Review And Theoretical Background

530R95013B Application Of Geophysics To Acid Mine Drainage Investigations Volume 2 Site Investigations

530R95015 Summary of OSW's RCRA Regulatory Reform Analysis: Preliminary Results

530R95016 National Capacity Assessment Report: Capacity Planning Pursuant to CERCLA Section 104(c)(9)

530R95019 List of Industrial Waste Landfills and Construction and Demolition Waste Landfills, September 1994

530R95020 Damage Cases: Construction and Demolition Waste Landfills

530R95021 Background Document for the CESQG Rule

530R95022 Cost and Economic Impact Analysis of the Proposed CESQG Rule

530R95023 Decision-Makers' Guide to Solid Waste Management, 2nd Edition

530R95025 Final Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document for Newly Listed Wastes K107, K108, K109, K110, K111, K112, U328, U353, K117, K118, K136, K123, K124, K125, K126, K131, K132, U359

530R95027 Final Best Demonstrated Available Technology Background Document for F001-F005 Spent Solvents

530R95029 Final Amendments to the Final Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Documents for Wastes for Which Wastewater Treatment Standards were Determined Based on Concentrations in Incinerator Scrubber Water

530R95030 Cost and Economic Impact Analysis of Land Disposal Restrictions for Newly Listed Wastes and Contaminated Debris (Phase I LDRs) Final Rule

530R95031 Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document for Organic Toxicity Characteristic Wastes D018-D043 and Addendum to Nonwastewater Forms of Pesticide Toxicity

530R95032 Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document for Universal Standards, Volume A: Universal Standards for Nonwastewater Forms of listed Hazardous Wastes, Final

530R95033 Final Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document for Universal Standards Volume B: Universal Standards for Wastewater Forms of Listed Hazardous Wastes

530R95036 Guidance for the Sampling and Analysis of Municipal Waste Combustion Ash for the Toxicity Characteristic

530R95037 Community-based Environmental Protection: OSWER Action Plan

530R95039A National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1993 Data)

530R95039B National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report based On 1993 Data List Of Treatment Storage And Disposal Facilities In The United States

530R95039C National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report based On 1993 Data National Analysis

530R95039D National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report Based On 1993 Data State Detail Analysis

530R95039E National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (based On 1993 Data) State Summary Analysis

530R95040 Long Term Dissolution Testing Of Mine Waste

530R95040A Long Term Dissolution Testing Of Mine Waste Appendices

530R95041 Full Cost Accounting for Municipal Solid Waste Management: A Handbook

530R95042 Report to Congress: Recovery and Recycling of Plastics from Durable Goods

530R95043 Background for NEPA Reviewers: Non-Coal Mining Operations

530R95044 WasteWi$e: First Year Progress Report

530R95049 RCRA/UST, Superfund, & EPCRA Hotline Training Module Introduction to: Generators (40 CFR part 262) Updated as of July 1995

530R95077 Full Cost Accounting Resource Guide

530R95078 Hazardous Waste Management System; Testing and Monitoring Activities Final Rule

530R96001 Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in the United States, 1995 Update

530R96002B Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, February 1996

530R96002C Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, March 1996

530R96002D Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, April 1996

530R96002E Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, May 1996

530R96002F Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, June 1996

530R96002G Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, July 1996

530R96002H Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, August 1996

530R96002I Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, September 1996

530R96002J Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, October 1996

530R96002K Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, November 1996

530R96002L Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, December 1996

530R96002M Inside the Hotline: A Compilation of 1996 Monthly Hotline Reports

530R96003 Summary of Comments on the Proposed Paper Products Recovered Materials Advisory Notice (RMAN)

530R96004 Final Paper Products Recovered Materials Advisory Notice (RMAN): Response to Public Comments

530R96006 List of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills

530R96007 RCRA Public Participation Manual

530R96007S Manual de Participacion: Publica de la RCRA (RCRA Public Participation Manual)

530R96008 International Waste Minimization Approaches & Policies to Metal Plating

530R96009 Waste Minimization for Selected Residuals in the Petroleum Refining Industry

530R96010 RCRA Environmental Indicators Progress Report: 1995 Update

530R96011 RCRA Permit Policy Compendium Update Package, Revision 5

530R96012 Financing Guide For Recycling Businesses Investment Forums Meetings And Networks

530R96015 Bdat Best Demonstrated Available Technology Background Document For Spent Potliners From Primary Aluminum Reduction, K088

530R96016 Second Year Progress Report

530R96017 Solvents Study

530R96018 Study of Selected Petroleum Refining Residuals: Industry Study

530R96020 Preparing No-Migration Petitions for Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Facilities, Guidance Document

530R96021 RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA Hotline Training Module Air Emission Standards (40 CFR Parts 264/265, Subparts AA, BB and CC) Updated July 1996

530R96022 Boilers and Industrial Furnaces (40 CFR Part 266, Subpart H)

530R96024 Containers (40 CFR Parts 264/265, Subpart I Section 261.7)

530R96025 Containment Buildings (40 CFR Parts 264/265, Subpart DD)

530R96026 Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling (40 CFR Sections 261.2 and 261.9)

530R96027 Drip Pads (40 CFR Parts 264/265, Subpart W)

530R96028 RCRA Financial Assurance (40 CFR Parts 264/265, Subpart H) Updated July 1996

530R96029 RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA Hotline Training Module Introduction to: Generators (40 CFR Part 262) Updated July 1996

530R96044 RCRA State Programs Updated June 1996

530R96050 Hazardous Waste Program Information Strategy Plan

530R96050A Hazardous Waste Program Information Strategy Plan (Appendices)

530R96051 Grant Resources for Solid Waste Activities in Indian Country, December 1996

530R96052 Third National Tribal Conference on e

530R96053 Hazardous Waste Characteristics Scoping Study

530R96053A Hazardous Waste Characteristics Scoping Study (Appendices)

530R97002 Source Reduction Program Potential Manual: A Planning Tool

530R97003 Organic Materials Management Strategies (May '98)

530R97005A Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, January 1997

530R97005B Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, February 1997

530R97005C Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, March 1997

530R97005D Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, April 1997

530R97005G Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, July 1997

530R97005H Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, August 1997

530R97005I Rcra-ust Superfund And Epcra Monthly Hotline Report September 1997

530R97005J Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, October 1997

530R97005K Rcra-ust, Superfund and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, November 1997

530R97007 Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Soil Treatment Technologies: Suggested Guidelines to Prevent Cross-Media Transfer of Contaminants During Clean-Up Activities

530R97008A Preliminary National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report: List of Large Quantity Generators in the United States (Based on 1995 Data)

530R97008B Preliminary National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report: List of Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities in the United States (Based on 1995 Data)

530R97008C Preliminary National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report: National Analysis (Based on 1995 Data)

530R97008D Preliminary National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report: State Detail Analysis (Based on 1995 Data)

530R97009 Extended Product Responsibility: A New Principle for Product-Oriented Pollution Prevention

530R97010 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Municipal Waste Management: Working Paper, Draft

530R97011 Measuring Recycling: A Guide for State and Local Governments

530R97015 Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in the United States, 1996 Update

530R97016 Site-Specific Flexibility Requests for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills in Indian Country Draft Guidance

530R97017 Waste Reduction Activities of Selected WasteWise Partners: Electric Power Industry

530R97019 Waste Minimization Prioritization Tool Beta Version 1.0: User's Guide and System Documentation <Draft>

530R97020 Proceedings of the Workshop on Extended Product Responsibility

530R97022 National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report ( Based on 1995 Data ): Executive Summary

530R97022A National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report ( Based on 1995 Data ): List of Large Quantity Generators in the United States

530R97022B National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1995 Data): List of Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities in the United States

530R97022C National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1995 Data): National Analysis

530R97022D National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report ( Based on 1995 Data ): State Detail Analysis

530R97022E National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1995 Data): State Summary Analysis

530R97024 Indexing of Long-term Effectiveness of Waste Containment Systems for a Regulatory Impact Analysis; Draft

530R97025A Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land Disposal Restrictions Phase III - Decharacterized Wastewaters, Carbamate Wastes, and Spent Poltiners (Final Rule)

530R97025B Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land Disposal Restrictions Phase III - Decharacterized Wastewaters, Carbamate Wastes, and Spent Poltiners (Final Rule)

530R97026 Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document for Wood Preserving Wastes F032, F034, and F035; Final

530R97027 Response to Comments Document: Land Disposal Restrictions-Phase IV: Treatment Standards for Wood Preserving Wastes, Paperwork Reduction and Streamlining, Exemptions from RCRA for Certain Processed Materials, & Miscellaneous Hazardous Waste

530R97028 Background Document for Land Disposal Restrictions - Wood Preserving Wastes (Final Rule) Capacity Analysis and Response to Capacity-Related Comments

530R97030 Regulatory Impact Analysis Phase IV Land Disposal Restrictions Final Rule for Newly Identified Wood Preserving Wastes

530R97031 Economic Impact Assessment of the Phase IV Land Disposal Restrictions Final Rule on Newly Identified Wood Preserving Hazardous Wastes Contaminated Media at Inactive and Abandoned Wood Preserving Sites

530R97037A Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Newly Listed Wastes and Hazardous Debris to Support 40 CFR 268 Land Disposal Restrictions (Final Rule) Volume 1, Capacity Analysis Methodology and Results Appendix A Organic Waste Phone Logs

530R97037B Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Newly Listed Wastes and Hazardous Debris to Support 40 CFR 268 Land Disposal Restrictions (Final Rule) Volume 2: Appendix C - Background Data for Incineration and Cement Kiln Capacity (Part 1)

530R97037C Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Newly Listed Wastes and Hazardous Debris to Support 40 CFR 268 Land Disposal Restrictions (Final Rule) Volume 3: Appendix C - Background Data for Incineration and Cement Kiln Capacity (Part 2)

530R97037D Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Newly Listed Wastes and Hazardous Debris to Support 40 CFR 268 Land Disposal Restrictions (Final Rule) Volume 4: Appendix C - Background Data for Incineration and Cement Kiln Capacity (Part 3)

530R97037E Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Newly Listed Wastes and Hazardous Debris to Support 40 CFR 268 Land Disposal Restriction (Final Rule) Volume 5, Appendix D - Category 1 Facilities for the F037 and F038 Capacity Analysis

530R97037G Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Newly Listed Wastes and Hazardous Debris to Support 40 CFR 268 Land Disposal Restrictions (Final Rule) Volume 7: Appendix F - Category 3 Facilities for the F037 and F038 Capacity Analysis

530R97038 Background Document for First Third Wastes to Support 40 CFR Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions (Final Rule); Addendum: Capacity Analysis for K061 Wastes

530R97041 Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land Disposal Restrictiopns, Phase III - Universal Treatment Standards and Treatment Standards for Organic Toxicity Characteristic Wastes and Other Newly Listed Wastes (Final Rule)

530R97045 Wastewise Third Year Progress Report: 1996

530R97047 Boilers and Industrial Furnaces (40 CFR Part 266, Subpart H)

530R97050 Containment Buildings (40 CFR Parts 264/265, Subpart DD)

530R97051 Definition of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Recycling (40 CFR parts 261.2 and 261.9)

530R97073 RCRA, Superfund, & EPCRA Hotline Training Module Introduction to: Transporters (40 CFR part 263) Updated July 1997

530R97074 RCRA, Superfund, & EPCRA Hotline Training Module Introduction to: Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (40 CFR part 264/265, Subpart A-E) Updated July 1997

530R98002 Economic Impact Analysis for Proposed Comprehensive Procurement Guideline III

530R98003 Background Document for Proposed Comprehensive Procurement Guideline III and Draft Recovered Materials Advisory Notice III

530R98004 RCRA Orientation Manual

530R980051 RCRA Superfund and EPCRA Monthly Hotline Report December 1998

530R98005A Rcra, Superfund, Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, January 1998

530R98005B Rcra, Superfund, Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, February 1998

530R98005C Rcra, Superfund, Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, March 1998

530R98005D Rcra, Superfund, Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, April 1998

530R98005E Rcra, Superfund, Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, May 1998

530R98005K Rcra, Superfund, Epcra Monthly Hotline Reports, November 1998

530R98006 Availability of Uncoated Printing and Writing Papers Containing 30 Percent Postconsumer Fiber

530R98008 Analysis of Composting as an Environmental Remediation Technology

530R98009B Air Characteristic Study: Volume 2, Technical Background Document

530R98010 Characterization of Building-Related Construction and Demolition Debris in The United States

530R98011 RCRA Implementation Plan (RIP): Fiscal Years 1998-1999

530R98013 greenhouse Gas Emissions from Management of Selected Materials in Municipal Solid Waste

530R98014 Grant Resources for Solid Waste Activities in Indian Country

530R98015 Pollution Prevention Solutions During Permitting, Inspection and Enforcement

530R98016 Fourth Year Wastewise Progress Report: Preserving Resources, Preventing Waste

530R98017 Municipal Solid Waste Source Reduction: A Snapshot of State Initiatives

530R98018 Full Cost Accounting in Action: Case Studies of Six Solid Waste Management Agencies

530R98043 Metal Finishing F006 Benchmark Study

530R99001 Guide for Industrial Waste Management: BUilding Partnerships, Protecting Ground Water, Surface Water

530R99001A Appendices to the Guide for Industrial Waste Management: Building Partnerships, Protecting Ground Water, Surface Water, Air

530R99002 Industrial Waste Management Evaluation Model (IWEM): Ground-Water Model, Draft

530R99003 User's Guide for the Industrial Waste Management Evaluation Model (IWEM): Tier 1; Look-Up Tables and Tier 2; Neutral Networks for Ground-Water Model, Draft

530R99004 Industrial Waste Air Model Technical Background Document

530R99005 Industrial Waste Air Model (IWAIR) User's Guide

530R99006 Rate Structure Design: Setting Rates for a Pay As You Throw Program

530R99008 Preparing No-Migration Demonstrations for Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Facilities: A Screening Tool

530R99009 Biosolids Generation, Use, and Disposal in the United States

530R99010 Report to Congress: Wastes from the Combustion of Fossil Fuels, Volume 2, Methods, Findings, and Recommendations

530R99012E Rcra, Superfund, and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, May 1999

530R99012F Rcra, Superfund, and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, June 1999

530R99012G Rcra, Superfund, and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, July 1999

530R99012H Rcra, Superfund, and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, August 1999

530R99012I Rcra, Superfund, and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, September 1999

530R99012J Rcra, Superfund, and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, October 1999

530R99012K Rcra, Superfund, and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, November 1999

530R99012L Rcra, Superfund, and Epcra Monthly Hotline Report, December 1999

530R99013 Cutting the Waste Stream in Half: Community Record Setters Show How

530R99014 Report on Emergency Incidents at Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities and Other Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities (TSDFs)

530R99016 Organic Materials Management Strategies (Jul '99)

530R99017 Program Evaluation Program Area Analysis, Final Report (WIN/INFORMED)

530R99020M Response To Comments Document Land Disposal Restrictions Phase IV Final Rule Promulgating Treatment Standards For Metal Wastes Mineral Processing Secondary Materials And Bevill Exclusion Issues Treatment Standards For Hazardous Soils And Exclusion Of Recycled Wood Preserving Wastewaters Comments Related To First Supplemental Proposed Rule January 26, 1996, Clarification Of Bevill Exclusion For Mining Wastes, Changes To The Definition Of Solid Waste For Mineral Processing Wastes, Treatment Standards For Characteristic Mineral Processing Wastes, and Associated Issues

530R99021 Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in The United States: 1998 Update

530R99034 National Source Reduction Characterization Report for Municipal Solid Waste in the United States

530R99035 Wastewise 5TH Year Progress Report

530R99036A National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1997 Data): List of Large Quantity Generators in the United States

530R99036B National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1997 Data): List of Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities in the United States

530R99036c The National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1997 Data): National Analysis

530R99036D National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1997 Data): State Detail Analysis

530R99036e National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1997 Data) State Summary Analysis

530R99038 Getting More for Less Improving Collection Efficiency

530R99039 Marketshare: Tips and Advice from the Jobs Through Recycling Experience

530R99040 Waste Not, Want Not: Feeding the Hungry and Reducing Solid Waste Through Food Recovery

530R99046 RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA Call Center Training Module: Definition of Solid Waste, February 2000

530R99062 RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA Call Center Training Module: RCRA State Programs, February 2000

530R99065 RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA Call Center Training Module: Solid and Hazardous Waste Exclusions

530R99071 Notification of Regulated Waste Activity

530R99072 RCRA Part A Permit application

530S01014 Municipal Solid Waste in the United States 1999 Facts and Figures, Executive Summary

530S02001 Municipal Solid Waste in the United States: 2000 Facts and Figures, Executive Summary

530S03011 Municipal Solid Waste In The United States 2001 Facts And Figures {executive Summary}

530S88001 Planning for RCRIS Implementation An Executive Summary

530S92001 RCRA Hazardous Waste: Information Management Executive Summary

530S92013 Characterization of Products Containing Mercury in Municipal Solid Waste in the United States 1970 to 2000; Executive Summary

530S92019 Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in the United States: 1992 Update, Executive Summary

530S92027 National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report Based on 1989 Data. Executive Summary

530S93018 Report to Congress on Metal Recovery, Environmental Regulation and Hazardous Waste, Executive Summary

530S94001 Report to Congress on Cement Kiln Dust. Executive Summary

530S94002 RCRA Waste Minimization National Plan: Summary; Draft

530S94014 Combustion Emissions Technical Resource Document (CETRED), Executive Summary

530S94039 Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report {executive Summary} {based On 1991 Data}

530S94040 National Capacity Assessment Report: Capacity Planning Pursuant to CERCLA Section 104(c)(9), Executive Summary

530S94042 Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in the United States: 1994 Update. Executive Summary

530S95005 The Preliminary Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report {Based on 1993 Data}: Executive Summary

530S95008 Flow Control And Municipal Solid Waste Report To Congress {executive Summary}

530S95039 Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1993 Data): Executive Summary

530S96001 Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in the United States, 1995 Update, Executive Summary

530S97008 Preliminary National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1995 Data): Executive Summary

530S97015 Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in the United States, 1996 Update; Executive Summary

530S97022 The National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based On 1995 Data)

530S98007 Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in the United States: 1997 Update, Executive Summary

530S98013 Greenhouse Emissions From Management of Selected Materials in Municipal Solid Waste, Executive Summary

530S99010 Report to Congress: Wastes from the Combustion of Fossil Fuels, Volume 1, Executive Summary

530S99021 Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in the United States: 1998 Update (Executive Summary)

530S99036 National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on 1997 Data) (Executive Summary)

530SSW86031 Technical Guidance Document: Construction Quality Assurance for Hazardous Waste Land Disposal Facilities. Project Summary

530SW013 Composition And Management Of Used Oil Generated In The United States

530SW112 OSWMP Publishing Fiscal Years 1967-1974 Current Report On Solid Waste Management

530SW113 Heuristic Routing For Solid Waste Collection Vehicles

530SW115 Disposal Of Hazardous Wastes Report To Congress

530SW119 Scrap Tires As Artificial Reefs Written For The Federal Solid Waste Management Programs

530SW126C Evaluation Of A Compartmentalized Refuse Collection Vehicle For Separate Newspaper Collection

530SW127C Potential For Capacity Creation In The Hazardous Waste Management Service Industry

530SW133C Municipal-scale Thermal Processing Of Solid Wastes

530SW134C Economic Assessment Of Potential Hazardous Waste Control Guidelines For The Inorganic Chemical Industry

530SW136 Packaging Source Reduction Can Industry And Government Cooperate-

530SW136C Assessment Of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practices Electroplating And Metal Finishing Industries, Job Shops

530SW137 Liners For Land Disposal Sitesan Assessment

530SW138C Energy Potential From Construction And Demolition Wood Wastes Final Report

530SW140C Assessment Of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practices Electronic Components Manufacturing Industry

530SW141C Assessment Of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practice Special Machinery Manufacturing Industries

530SW142 Nationwide Surveywaste Reduction And Resource Recovery Activities

530SW142C Yosemite National Park Beverage Container Deposit Experiment Final Report

530SW145 Information About Hazardous Waste Management Facilities

530SW1462 Hazardous Waste Management Facilities In The United States

530SW1463 Hazardous Waste Management Facilities In The United States 1977

530SW146C Technical, Environmental And Economic Evaluation Of The Glass Recovery Plant At Franklin, Ohio

530SW147 Solid Waste Estimation Procedure Material Flows Approach

530SW149 Recycled Materials Markets February 1975 A Summary A Current Report On Solid Waste Management

530SW149C Alternatives For Hazardous Waste Management In The Inorganic Chemicals Industry

530SW150 Relationship Of Solid Waste Storage Practices In The Inner City To The Incidence Of Rat Infestation and Fires

530SW150A Systems Analysis Study Of Solid Waste Collection Management Volume 1

530SW150B Systems Analysis Study Of Solid Waste Collection Management Volume 2

530SW151 Hazardous Waste Disposal Damage Reports

530SW1512 Hazardous Waste Disposal Damage Reports

530SW1513 Hazardous Waste Disposal Damage Reports, Document No 3

530SW152 Resource Recovery Plant Implementation Guides For Municipal Officials Interim Report

530SW154 Accounting System For Solid Waste Shredders

530SW156 Industrial Waste Management Seven Conference Papers

530SW1571 Resource Recovery Plant Implementation Guides For Municipal Officials Planning and Overview

530SW1573 Resource Recovery Plant Implementation Markets Guides For Municipal Officials 1974 (formerly Sw-157-3)

530SW1574 Resource Recovery Plant Implementation Guides For Municipal Officials, Financing

530SW1575 Resource Recovery Plant Implementation Guides For Municipal Officials, Procurement

530SW1576 Resource Recovery Plant Implementation Guide For Municipal Officials, Accounting Format

530SW1577 Resource Recovery Plant Implementation Guides For Municipal Officials, Risks And Contracts

530SW1578 Resource Recovery Plant Implementation Guides For Municipal Officials, Further Assistance

530SW158 State Activities In Solid Waste Management, 1974

530SW15RG Acid Hydrolysis Of Refuse

530SW160 State Program Implementation Guide Hazardous Waste Surveys

530SW163 Resource Recovery Plant Cost Estimates A Comparative Evaluation Of Four Recent Dry-shredding Designs

530SW165 Landfill Disposal Of Hazardous Waste

530SW166 Land Availability, Crop Production, and Fertilizer Requirements In The United States

530SW24P Transcript Public Meeting On The Public Participation Guidelines, Section 7004(b) Of The Resource Conservation And Recovery Act Of 1976, July 1, 1977, Washington, Dc

530SW287 Sanitary Landfill Design and Operation

530SW30D1 Agricultural Benefits And Environmental Changes Resulting From The Use Of Digested Sludge On Field Crops Final Report

530SW432 Resource Recovery and Waste Reduction Activities A Nationwide Survey

530SW45D1 Identification Of Opportunities For Increased Recycling Of Ferrous Solid Waste

530SW45P Public Meeting On Epa's Current Schedule For Promulgating Under The Resource Conservation And Recovery Act, September 15, 1978, Washington, Dc

530SW46C Alternatives To The Management Of Hazardous Wastes At National Disposal Sites Volume Ii Appendices

530SW49C Baltimore's Municipal Solid Waste Management Systema Case Study

530SW514 Leachate Damage Assessment Case Study Of The Fox Valley Solid Waste Disposal Site In Aurora, Illinois

530SW517 Leachate Damage Assessment In Rockford Illinois

530SW518 Market Locations For Recovered Materials

530SW527 Review Of Pesticide Disposal Research

530SW536 Resource Conservation and Recovery Current Reports

530SW54 Summaries Of Solid Waste Management Contracts, July 1, 1970-March 31, 1975 Current Report

530SW543 Growth Potential In The Hazardous Waste Management Service Industry

530SW545 Federal Surveys Of Industrial Waste

530SW547 Environmental Assessment Of Subsurface Disposal Of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Sludge Interim Report Prepared By Ronald Lofy

530SW548 Wrapping Up The Solid Waste Management Problem A Model For Regional Solid Waste Management Planning

530SW552 Resource Recovery Projects Requests For Proposals - Contracts - Summaries

530SW562 Disposing Of Small Batches Of Hazardous Wastes

530SW567 Resource Recovery Planning An Overview Of The Implementation Process

530SW574 Wrap A Model For Regional Solid Waste Management Planning A User's Guide

530SW5827 Available Information Materials Total Listing January 1966 To October 1977

530SW5829 Available Information Materials On Solid Waste Management Total Listing, 1966 To 1978

530SW583 Treatment and Utilization Of Landfill Gas Mountain View Project Feasibility Study

530SW600 Resource Recovery and Waste Reduction Fourth Report To Congress

530SW611 Procedures Manual For Ground Water Monitoring At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities

530SW635 Model State Hazardous Waste Management Act (annotated)

530SW688 Industrial Waste Exchanges Fact Sheet

530SW704 Financial Assistance Grants Authorized By The Resource Conservation & Recovery Act

530SW707 Technical Assistance To State & Local Governments Resource Conservation & Recovery Panels Program

530SW718 Cadmium Additions To Agricultural Lands Via Commercial Phosphate Fertilizers A Preliminary Assessment

530SW722 Siting Solid Waste Facilities A Bibliography

530SW729 Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities

530SW731 Use Of Liner Materials For Land Disposal Facilities

530SW73D Suggested Solid Waste Management Ordinance For Local Government

530SW77C Memphis' Municipal Solid Waste Management System A Case Study

530SW79C Middletown's Municipal Solid Waste Management System A Case Study

530SW7P Proceedings 1975 Conference On Waste Reduction

530SW80C Study Of Solid Waste Management Practices In The Pulp And Paper Industry

530SW82C Columbus Municipal Solid Waste Management System A Case Study

530SW83027 Proceedings: RCRA & Superfund Update Impacts on the Northeast, May 5-7, 1983

530SW84001 Procedures For Modeling Flow Through Clay Liners To Determine Required Liner Thickness Technical Resource Document For Public Comment

530SW84002 Assessment Of Hazardous Waste Mismanagement Damage Case Histories

530SW84003 Inventory of Open Dumps, May 1984

530SW84004 Permit Applicants' Guidance Manual For Hazardous Waste Land Treatment Storage And Disposal Facilities Final Draft

530SW84005 National Survey of Hazardous Waste Generators and Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities Regulated under RCRA in 1981

530SW84006 Interim National Criteria For A Quality Hazardous Waste Management Program Under Rcra

530SW84007 National Permits Strategy For Implementation Of The Resource Conservation And Recovery Act

530SW84008 Assessing The Releases And Costs Associated With Truck Transport Of Hazardous Wastes

530SW84009 Hydrologic Evaluation Of Landfill Performance (help) Model, Volume 1

530SW84010 Hydrologic Evaluation Of Landfill Performance (HELP) Model Volume 2

530SW84011 Risk Assessment Of Waste Oil Burning In Boilers & Space Heaters Final Report

530SW84012 Waste Analysis Plans Guidance Manual

530SW85003 Petitions To Delist Hazardous Wastes A Guidance Manual

530SW85004 National Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator Survey

530SW85005 Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator New RCRA Requirements

530SW85006 Requirements For Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generators Questions And Answers

530SW85007 Asbestos Waste Management Guidance

530SW85008 Highlights Of The Hazardous And Solid Waste Amendments Of 1984 The New RCRA Requirements

530SW85009 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) The New RCRA Requirements

530SW85012 Guidance On Implementation Of The Minimum Technological Requirements Of HSWA Of 1984

530SW85013 Draft Minimum Technology Guidance On Single Liner Systems For Landfills Etc

530SW85014 Draft Minimum Technology Guidance On Double Liner Systems For Landfills Etc

530SW85017 Inventory of Open Dumps, June 1985

530SW85019 Directory Of Commercial Hazardous Waste Treatment And Recycling Facilities

530SW85021 Construction Quality Assurance For Hazardous Waste Land Disposal {draft}

530SW85022 The Solid Waste Disposal Act as Amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984, The Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1986, and The Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986

530SW85023 Interim Prohibition Guidance For Design And Installation Of Underground Tanks Final Report

530SW85033 Wastes From The Extraction And Beneficiation Of Metallic Ores Phosphate Rock Asbestos Overburden Form Uranium Mining And Oil Shale Report To Congress

530SW85034 Federal Register: November 29, 1984, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 260, 261, 264, 265, 266, 270, 271, and 302. Hazardous Waste Management System; Used Oil; Final Rule and Proposed Rules

530SW85035 New RCRA Fact Book

530SW85901 Regulatory Analysis For Proposed Regulations Under Rcra For Small Quantity Generators Of Hazardous Wastes

530SW85990 Economic Analysis Of Resource Conservation And Recovery Act Regulations For Small Business Quantity Generators

530SW86001 RCRA Orientation Manual

530SW86004 Report To Congress On The Discharge Of Hazardous Wastes To Publicly Owned Treatment Works

530SW86005 Land Disposal Ban Variance Petitioner's Guidance Manual, Draft (Includes Errata Sheet)

530SW86006 Soiliner Model Documentation And User's Guide (Version 1)

530SW86007 Design Construction And Evaluation Of Clay Liners For Waste Management Facilities

530SW86007F Design, Construction, and Evaluation of Clay Liners for Waste Management Facilities

530SW86008 Guidance Manual For Research Development And Demonstration Permits Under 40 CFR Section 27065

530SW86011 Hazardous Waste Tanks Risk Analysis

530SW86014 EPA Guide For Infectious Waste Management

530SW86015 Guidance Manual On The RCRA Regulation Of Recycled Hazardous Wastes

530SW86017 Interim Status Surface Impoundments Retrofitting Variances

530SW86018 Evaluation Of Casmalia Resources Disposal Facility Casmalia California

530SW86019 Understanding the Small Quantity Generator Hazardous Waste Rules: A Handbook for Small Business

530SW86020 EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers

530SW86027 EPA Activities And Accomplishments Under The Resource Conservation And Recovery Actfiscal Years 1980 To 1985

530SW86031 Technical Guidance Document: Construction Quality Assurance For Hazardous Waste Land Disposal Facilities

530SW86032 Permit Guidance Manual On Hazardous Waste Land Treatment Demonstrations

530SW86033 Report To Congress Minimization Of Hazardous Waste

530SW86033 Report to Congress: Minimization of Hazardous Waste Appendices

530SW86037 Solving The Hazardous Waste Problem EPA's RCRA Program

530SW86038 Survey Of Household Hazardous Wastes And Related Collection Programs

530SW86039 Census Of State And Territorial Substitle D Non-hazardous Waste Programs

530SW86040 Permit Guidance Manual On Unsaturated Zone Monitoring For Hazardous Waste Land Treatment Units

530SW86041 Minimization Of Hazardous Waste October 1986 Report To Congress

530SW86041A Report To Congress: Minimization Of Hazardous Waste: Executive Summary

530SW86042 Waste Minimization Issues And Options Volume II

530SW86043 Waste Minimization Issues And Options Volume III

530SW86044 Technical Resource Document For The Storage And Treatment Of Hazardous Waste In Tank Systems

530SW86051 Wastes From The Exploration, Development And Production Of Crude Oil, Natural Gas And Geothermal Energy - An Interim Report On Methodology For Data Collection And Analysis

530SW86054 Subtitle D Study Phase I Report

530SW86055 RCRA Groundwater Monitoring Technical Enforcement Guidance Document

530SW86056A Best Demonstrated Available Technology BDAT Background Document For F001-F005 Spent Solvents - Volume 1

530SW86056B Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document For F001-F005 Spent Solvents Volume 2

530SW86056C Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document For F001-F005 Spent Solvents Volume 3

530SW86057 Questions and Answers on the Land Disposal Restrictions Program

530SW87002A Technical Resource Document For Obtaining Variances From The Secondary Containment Of Hazardous Waste Tank Systems Volume 1 Technology-based Variance

530SW87002B Technical Resource Document For Obtaining Variances From The Secondary Containment Of Hazardous Waste Tank Systems Volume 2 Risk-based Variance

530SW87005 Technical Report Exploration, Development And Production Of Crude Oil And Natural Gas - Field Sampling And Analytical Results

530SW87005A Technical Report Exploration, Development And Production Of Crude Oil And Natural Gas - Appendix A Analytical Results

530SW87005B Technical Report Exploration, Development And Production Of Crude Oil And Natural Gas - Appendix B Sampling Strategy

530SW87005C Technical Report Exploration, Development And Production Of Crude Oil And Natural Gas - Appendix C Sampling Reports Volume 1 Of 2

530SW87005D Technical Report Exploration, Development And Production Of Crude Oil And Natural Gas - Appendix D Analytical Methods

530SW87005E Technical Report Exploration, Development And Production Of Crude Oil And Natural Gas - Appendix E Role And Function Of EPA Sample Control Center

530SW87005F Technical Report Exploration, Development And Production Of Crude Oil And Natural Gas - Appendix F List Of Analytes

530SW87005G Technical Report Exploration, Development And Production Of Crude Oil And Natural Gas - Appendix G Sampling Plan And Sampling Quality Assurance Quality Control

530SW87006 Technical Resource Document Batch-type Procedures For Estimating Soil Adsorption Of Chemicals

530SW87006A Batch-Type Procedures For Estimating Soil Adsorption of Chemicals, Project Summary

530SW87006F Batch-Type Procedures for Estimating Soil Adsorption of Chemicals

530SW87012 Questions and Answers Regarding the July 14, 1986 Hazardous Waste Tank System Regulatory Amendments

530SW87015 Background Document On Proposed Liner And Leak Detection Rule

530SW87016A Osw Documents In Demand

530SW87016B Osw Documents In Demand

530SW87018 Implementation Strategy For The Hazardous Waste Tank System Regulations

530SW87019A Land Disposal Restrictions Summary: Solvents and Dioxins, Volume 1

530SW87020 Questions and Answers on Land Disposal Restrictions for Solvents and Dioxins

530SW87021A Municipal Waste Combustion Study Report To Congress

530SW87021B Municipal Waste Combustion Study Emission Data Base For Municipal Waste Combustors

530SW87021C Municipal Waste Combustion Study Combustion Control Of MSW Combustors To Minimize Emission Of Trace Organics Final Report

530SW87021D Municipal Waste Combustion Study Flue Gas Cleaning Technology

530SW87021E Municipal Waste Combustion Study Costs Of Flue Gas Cleaning Technologies

530SW87021F Municipal Waste Combustion Study Sampling And Analysis Of Municipal Waste Combustors

530SW87021H Municipal Waste Combustion Study Characterization Of The Municipal Waste Combustion Industry

530SW87021I Municipal Waste Combustion Study Recycling Of Solid Waste

530SW87023 Rcra Information Center How To Find Hazardous And Solid Waste Information

530SW87024 Directory Of Commercial Hazardous Waste Management Facilities

530SW87025 National Dioxin Study - Report To Congress

530SW87026 Waste Minimization Environmental Quality with Economic Benefits, 1987

530SW87027 Joint NRC-EPA Guidance on a Conceptual Design Approach for Commercial Mixed Low-Level Radioactive and Hazardous Waste Disposal Facilities: Action Memorandum

530SW87028A Characterization Of Municipal Waste Combustor Ashes And Leachates From Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, Monofills, And Codisposal Sites Volume I of VII Summary

530SW87028B Characterization Of Municipal Waste Combustor Ashes And Leachates From Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, Monofills, And Codisposal Sites Volume II of VII Leachate Baseline Report

530SW87028C Characterization Of Municipal Waste Combustor Ashes And Leachates From Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Monofills and Codisposal Sites Volume III of VII

530SW87028D Characterization Of Municipal Waste Combustor Ashes And Leachates From Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Monofills and Codisposal Sites Volume IV of VII

530SW87028E Characterization Of Municipal Waste Combustor Ashes And Leachates From Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Monofills and Codisposal Sites Volume V of VII

530SW87028G Characterization Of Municipal Waste Combustor Ashes And Leachates From Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, Monofills, And Codisposal Sites Volume VII of VII Addendum To Monofill Report

530SW87029 Jointly Developed NRC-EPA Siting Guidelines for Disposal of Mixed Low-Level Radioactive and Hazardous Waste

530SW87526 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For Cumene

530SW880009A Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document For K015 Proposed

530SW880009B Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document For Chlorinated Organics Treatability Group (k016, K018, K019, K020, K030)

530SW880009C Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document Supporting The Proposed Land Rule For First Third Wastes Volume 3 Petroleum Refining Waste Codes K048, K049, K050, K051, K052

530SW880009D Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document For K061 (iron And Steel Industry)

530SW880009E Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document For K062 (iron And Steel Industry)

530SW880009F Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document For K071 Proposed

530SW880009G Best Demonstrated Available Technology bdat Background Document For K103 And K104 Final

530SW880009H Best Demonstrated Available Technology BDAT Background Document For K024

530SW880009I Best Demonstrated Available Technology bdat Background Document For K037 Volume 9

530SW880009J Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document For K046 Proposed

530SW880009K Best Demonstrated Available Technology bdat Background Document For K101 K102 Volume 12

530SW880009M Best Demonstrated Available Technology bdat Background Document For K087 Volume 14

530SW880009N Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document For K086 Solvent Wash Proposed

530SW880009O Best Demonstrated Available Technology bdat Background Document For K001 Wood Preserving Industry Draft Report

530SW880009P Best Demonstrated Available Technology bdat Background Document For K106 Volume 17

530SW880009Q Best Demonstrated Available Technology bdat Background Document For K022 Volume 18

530SW880009R Best Demonstrated Available Technology bdat Background Document Volumes 1 And 2 For F001-f005 Spent Solvents Volume 10

530SW88001 Model Rcra Permit For Hazardous Waste Management Facilities

530SW88002 Report To Congress: Wastes From The Combustion Of Coal By Electric Utility Power Plants

530SW88003 Management Of Wastes From The Exploration Development And Production Of Crude Oil Natural Gas And Geothermal Energy Report To Congress

530SW88003A Report To Congress Management Of Wastes From The Exploration, Development and Production Of Crude Oil, Natural Gas and Geothermal Energy Volume 1 Oil And Gas

530SW88003B Report To Congress Management Of Wastes From The Exploration, Development and Production Of Crude Oil Natural Gas and Geothermal Energy Volume 2 Geothermal Energy

530SW88003D Report To Congress Management Of Wastes From The Exploration, Development and Production Of Crude Oil Natural Gas and Geothermal Energy Executive Summaries

530SW88004 Rules For Hazardous Waste Tank Systems

530SW88007 Report to Congress: EPA Activities and Accomplishments Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act: 4th Quarter Fiscal Year 1986 through Fiscal Year 1987

530SW88009A Best Demonstrated Available Technology BDAT Background Document For K015 Proposed

530SW88009D Best Demonstrated Available Technology BDAT Background Document For K061

530SW88009F Best Demonstrated Available Technology BDAT Background Document For K071 Volume 6

530SW88009G Best Demonstrated Available Technology BDAT Background Document For Aniline Production Group k103 K104 Volume 7

530SW88009H Best Demonstrated Available Technology BDAT Background Document For K024 Volume 8

530SW88009I Best Demonstrated Available Technology BDAT Background Document For K037 Proposed

530SW88011A Report to Congress: Solid Waste Disposal in the United States, Executive Summary

530SW88011B Report To Congress Solid Waste Disposal In The United States Volume 2

530SW88012 Land Disposal Restrictions Summary California List Wastes Volume 2

530SW88014 Household Hazardous Waste: Bibliography of Useful References and List of State Experts

530SW88018 Hazardous Waste Incineration: Questions and Answers

530SW88024 Permitting Hazardous Waste Incinerators

530SW88028 RCRA Corrective Action Plan Interim Final

530SW88029 RCRA Corrective Action Interim Measures Guidance Interim Final

530SW88030 Background Document for First Third Wastes to Support 40 CFR Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions Proposed Rule

530SW88033 Characterization Of Municipal Solid Waste In The United States 1960 to 2000 Update 1988

530SW88047 Used Oil Recycling, March 1988 (Brochure)

530SW88048 Proposed Revisions to Criteria for Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Landfills. A Summary

530SW88049 Background Document for First Third Wastes to Support 40 CFR Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions Final Rule

530SW88052 Municipal Solid Waste Dilemma Agenda For Action

530SW89001 Environmental Fact Sheet: Proposed Rule to Eliminate Most Ore And Mineral Processing Solid Wastes From the Bevill Amendment

530SW89004 Environmental Fact Sheet: Amendment To Requirements For Hazardous Waste Incinerator Permits

530SW89006 Used Oil Recycling, November 1988

530SW89007 Environmental Fact Sheet: Delay Of Closure Period For Hazardous Waste Facilities

530SW89012 Environmental Fact Sheet: Proposed Rule To List Wood Preserving And Surface Protection Wastes As Hazardous

530SW89014 Recycling Works

530SW89015B Characterization of Products Containing Lead and Cadmium in Municipal Solid Waste in the U.S.: Executive Summary and Chapter 1

530SW89015C Characterization of Products Containing Lead and Cadmium in Municipal Solid Waste in the U.S.: Executive Summary

530SW89016 Environmental Fact Sheet: Land Disposal Restrictions For The Second Third of Scheduled Wastes Proposed Rule

530SW89017i Proposed Best Demonstrated and Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document for F024

530SW89017M Proposed Best Demonstrated and Available Technology (BDAT) Background Document for K028, K029, K095, K096

530SW89019 Solid Waste Dilemma: An Agenda for Action

530SW89020 Tracking Medical Wastes

530SW89021 Managing and Tracking Medical Wastes: A Guide to the Federal Program for Generators

530SW89022 Managing and Tracking Medical Wastes: A Guide to the Federal Program for Transporters

530SW89023 Managing and Tracking Medical Wastes: A Guide to the Federal Program for Treatment, Destruction, and Disposal Facilities

530SW89026 Statistical Analysis Of Groundwater Monitoring Data At RCRA Facilities Interim Final Guidance

530SW89027 Trial Burn Observation Guide Final Report

530SW89031 RCRA Facility Investigation RFI Guidance 4 Volume Set

530SW89038 Yard Waste Composting: A Study of 8 Programs

530SW89039A How to Set Up A Local Program to Recycle Used Oil

530SW89039B Recycling Used Oil: What Can You Do?

530SW89039D Recycling Used Oil: For Service Stations and Other Vehicle-Service Facilities

530SW89040 Management Of Hazardous Wastes From Educational Institutions Report To Congress

530SW89041 Environmental Fact Sheet: Proposed Rule To Eliminate Most Mineral Processing Wastes From The Bevill Amendment

530SW89045 Environmental Fact Sheet: Toxicity Characteristic Rule Finalized

530SW89046 Environmental Fact Sheet: Land Disposal Restrictions-Second Third

530SW89047 Technical Guidance Document: Final Covers on Hazardous Waste Landfills and Surface Impoundments

530SW89049 Waste Minimization in Metals Parts Cleaning

530SW89050 Modifying RCRA Permits

530SW89051 Report to Congress: Methods to Manage and Control Plastic Wastes

530SW89051A Report to Congress: Methods to Manage and Control Plastic Wastes: Executive Summary

530SW89052 Environmental Fact Sheet: Delisting Regulation Amendment

530SW89054 A Catalog Of Hazardous And Solid Waste Publications Third Edition

530SW89055 Bibliography of Municipal Solid Waste Management Alternatives

530SW89057A Background Document for Second Third Wastes to Support 40 CFR PART 268 Land Disposal Restrictions; Final Rule, Second Third Waste Volumes, Characteristics, and Required and Available Treatment Capacity Volume I

530SW89057B Background Document For Second Third Wastes To Support 40 Cfr Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions Volume 2final Rule Second Third Waste Volumes Characteristics

530SW89062 Environmental Fact Sheet: Final Rule to Eliminate Most Mineral Processing Wastes From the Bevill Amendment

530SW89063 Environmental Fact Sheet: New Regulations Proposed for Hazardous Waste Burners

530SW89064 Environmental Fact Sheet: Notification of Ground-Water Monitoring Policy for Delisting Petitions

530SW89066 Promoting Source Reduction And Recyclability In The Market Place

530SW89069 Technical Guidance Document: Fabrication of Polyethylene FML Field Seams

530SW89070 Proposed Rule to Identify the Status of Twenty Mineral Processing Wastes Within the Bevill Amendment

530SW89071 Environmental Fact Sheet: Prposed Land Disposal Restrictions-Third Third

530SW89072 Decision-Makers Guide to Solid Waste Management

530SW90001 Office Paper Recycling An Implementation Manual

530SW90002 Environmental Fact Sheet: America's War on Waste

530SW90004 Guidance On Metals And Hydrogen Chloride Controls For Hazardous Waste Incinerators

530SW90005 Let's Reduce and Recycle: Curriculum for Solid Waste Awareness

530SW90005A Why Teach Trash? (Insert)

530SW90013 Environmental Fact Sheet: Final Rule to Identify the Status of Twenty Mineral Processing Wastes Conditionally Retained Within the Bevill Amendment

530SW90014A Disposal Tips For Home Health Care

530SW90015 Environmental Fact Sheet: Tighter Controls Proposed for Hazardous Waste Incinerators

530SW90016 Guidance on the Definition and Identification of Commercial Mixed Low-Level Radioactive and Hazardous Waste and Answers to Anticipated Questions

530SW90017A Environmental Fact Sheet: Plastics: The Facts About Production, Use, and Disposal

530SW90017B Environmental Fact Sheet: The Facts About Plastics in the Marine Environment

530SW90017C Environmental Fact Sheet: The Facts on Source Reduction

530SW90017D Environmental Fact Sheet: The Facts On Degradable Plastics

530SW90017E Environmental Fact Sheet: The Facts on Recycling Plastics

530SW90018 Reusable News, Winter 1990

530SW90019 Sites for Our Solid Waste: A Guidebook for Effective Public Involvement

530SW90020 Siting Our Solid Waste: Making Public Involvement Work

530SW90023 School Recycling Programs: A Handbook for Educators

530SW90024 Adventures of the Garbage Gremlin: Recycle and Combat a Life of Grime (Coloring Book)

530SW90025 Recycle Today! {Brochure}

530SW90025A Order Extra Copies of Recycle Today! Publications

530SW90027A Vehicle Maintenance

530SW90027B Dry Cleaning and Laundry

530SW90027C Furniture/Wood Finishing

530SW90027D Equipment Repair

530SW90027E Textile Manufacturing

530SW90027F Wood Preserving

530SW90027G Printing and Allied Industry

530SW90027H Chemical Manufactures

530SW90027I Pesticide End-Users

530SW90027J Construction {Leaflet}

530SW90027K Railroad Transport

530SW90027L Educational and Vocational Shops {Leaflet}

530SW90027M Laboratories

530SW90027N Metal Manufacturing

530SW90027O Pulp and Paper Industry

530SW90027P Formulators

530SW90027Q Cleaning Agents and Cosmetics Manufacturers

530SW90027R Leather/Leather Products

530SW90027S Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest Instructions

530SW90029A Characterization Of Municipal Waste Combustion Ash Ash Extracts And Leachates Coalition On Resource Recovery And The Environment

530SW90029B Executive Summary Characterization of Municipal Waste Combustion Ash, Ash Extracts, and Leachates

530SW90029C Environmental Fact Sheet: Report Analyzes Municipal Waste Combustion Ash, Ash Extracts, and Leachates

530SW90030 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Proposes Modifications to the Definition of Wastewater Treatment Unit

530SW90034A Be An Environmental Alert Consumer

530SW90034B Environmental Consumer's {handbook}

530SW90035 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Proposes A Conditional No-Migration Variance for DOE's Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

530SW90036 RCRA Orientation Manual: 1990 Edition

530SW90039 Reusable News, Spring 1990

530SW90040 Guidance on PIC Controls for Hazardous Waste Incinerators, Volume 5

530SW90041 Proposed Methods For Stack Emissions Measurement Of Co O2 THC HCl And Metals At Hazardous Waste Incinerators

530SW90043 Environmental Fact Sheet: Listing of Wastes from Primary Treatment of Oily Wastewaters

530SW90044 Waste Minimization Environmental Quality with Economic Benefits

530SW90046 Environmental Fact Sheet: Final Rule for Third Scheduled Wastes Completes Statutory Requirements for Land Disposal Restrictions

530SW90047 Charging Households For Waste Collection And Disposals The Effects Of Weight Or Volume-based Pricing On Solid Waste Management

530SW90048 Environmental Fact Sheet: Milestone! Fifth Rulemaking Finalizes Land Disposal Restrictions

530SW90051B Medical Waste Management in the United States: First Interim Report to Congress. Executive Summary

530SW90052 Catalogue of Hazardous and Solid Waste Publications, 4th Edition

530SW90055 Reusable News, Summer 1990

530SW90056 Reusable News, Fall 1990

530SW90057 Low-Level Mixed Waste Rcra Perspective For NRC Licensees

530SW90058A Environmental Fact Sheet: The Solid Waste Dilemma: Updating the Agenda for Action

530SW90067 Environmental Fact Sheet: Proposed Rulemaking for Corrective Action for Solid Waste Management Units at Hazardous, Waste Management Facilities

530SW90068 Used Oil Recycling, Fall 1990

530SW90069 Nation's Hazardous Waste Management Program at a Crossroads: The RCRA Implementation Story

530SW90070A Environmental Fact Sheet: Agency Releases Report to Congress on Special Wastes from Mineral Processing

530SW90070B Report to Congress on Special Wastes from Mineral Processing Summary and Findings

530SW90070C Report To Congress On Special Wastes From Mineral Processing Summary And Findings Methods And Analyses Appendices

530SW90071A Markets for Recovered Glass

530SW90071B Markets For Recovered Glass {Summary}

530SW90072A Markets for Recovered Aluminum

530SW90072B Markets For Recovered Aluminum {Summary}

530SW90073A Markets for Compost

530SW90073B Summary of Markets for Compost

530SW90074A Markets For Scrap Tires

530SW90074B Summary of Markets for Scrap Tires

530SW90079 Native American Network: A RCRA Information Exchange, Issue 1, Fall 1990

530SW90082 Recycling in Federal Agencies

530SW90083 Environmental Fact Sheet: Coke Wastes Proposed as Hazardous

530SW90084A Variable Rates in Solid Waste: Handbook for Solid Waste Officials: Volume I, Executive Summary

530SW90084B Variable Rates In Solid Waste Handbook For Solid Waste Officials

530SW90087A Medical Waste Management In The United States 2nd Interim Report To Congress

530SW90087B Medical Waste Management in the United States: Second Interim Report to Congress. Executive Summary

530SW90089 Handle With Care: How to Throw Out Used Insulin Syringes and Lancets at Home

530SW91001 Native American Network: A RCRA Information Exchange, Issue Number 2, Spring 1991

530SW91002 Native American Network: A RCRA Information Exchange Summer/ Fall 1991

530SW91005 Unit Pricing: Providing an Incentive to Reduce Municipal Solid Waste

530SW91007 Environmental Fact Sheet: Proposed Revisions to the Subtitle C Financial Responsibility Requirements

530SW91008 Environmental Fact Sheet Wood Preserving Wastes Listed As Hazardous

530SW91009 Environmental Fact Sheet: Yard Waste Composting

530SW91010 Methods Manual For Compliance With The BIF Regulations Burning Hazardous Waste In Boilers And Industrial Furnaces

530SW91011 Procurement Guidelines for Government Agencies

530SW91012 New Rule for Wood Preserving Wastes

530SW91013 Catalogue Of Hazardous And Solid Waste Publications

530SW91014 Environmental Fact Sheet: Hazardous Waste Boilers and Industrial Furnaces Now Under Strict RCRA Regulations

530SW91020 Reusable News, Winter 1991

530SW91021 Reusable News, Spring/Summer 1991

530SW91022 Reusable News, Fall 1991

530SW91023 RCRA Implementation Plan for FY 1992

530SW91024 Environmental Fact Sheet Recycling Municipal Solid Waste Facts and Figures

530SW91025 Environmental Fact Sheet: Swich: EPA's National Solid Waste Information Clearinghouse

530SW91028 Environmental Fact Sheet: Interim Final Rule Suspending Application of the Toxicity Characteristic for Used Chlorofluorocarbon Refrigerants Being Reclaimed

530SW91029 States' Efforts To Promote Lead-Acid Battery Recycling

530SW91032 Environmental Fact Sheet: New Treatment Standards Proposed for K061 High Zinc Subcategory Wastes

530SW91033 Environmental Fact Sheet: Proposal Will List Wastes Generated During the Manufacture of Chlorinated Toluenes as Hazardous

530SW91036 Environmental Fact Sheet: Proposed Amendments to Interim Status Standards for Downgradient Monitoring Well Locations at Hazardous Waste Facilities

530SW91043 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Guideline for Purchasing Re-Refined Lubricating Oil

530SW91044 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Guideline for Purchasing Building Insulation Containing Recovered Materials

530SW91045 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Guideline for Purchasing Retread Tires

530SW91046 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Guideline for Purchasing Paper and Paper Products

530SW91047 State Program Advisory #8

530SW91048 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Amends Primary Petroleum Sludge Listing

530SW91051 Technical Guidance Document Inspection Techniques For The Fabrication Of Geo-membrane Field Seams

530SW91052 Administrative Stay Of Wood Preserving Rule

530SW91053 Environmental Fact Sheet: Agency Determines Final Regulatory Status of Special Wastes from Mineral Processing

530SW91054 Technical Resource Document Design, Construction, And Operation Of Hazardous And Non-hazardous Waste Surface Impoundments

530SW91055 Environmental Fact Sheet New Treatment Standards Finalized For K061 High Zinc Subcategory Wastes

530SW91058 Report To The Senate Appropriations Committee Regulation Of Wood Preserving Wastes

530SW91058A Report To The Senate Appropriations Committee

530SW91061A National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report, 1987 {Executive Summary}

530SW91063 Environmental Fact Sheet: Amendment to the Regulations for Burning Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces

530SW91064 Environmental Fact Sheet: Coke Ovens Temporarily Exempted from BIF Rule Provisions

530SW91066 Environmental Fact Sheet: Municipal Landfill Regulations Mean Safer Disposal of Solid Waste

530SW91067 Environmental Fact Sheet: Small Communities and the Municipal Landfill Regulations

530SW91068 Environmental Fact Sheet: Comments Requested on New Options for Listing and Managing Used Oil

530SW91071 Used Oil Recycling, Fall 1991

530SW91072 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA to Develop Guidance on the Use of the Terms ''Recycled'' and ''Recyclable'' in Product Labeling and Advertising

530SW91072A Proposed Guidance on the Use of Environmental Marketing Terms

530SW91074 Modifications Proposed For Wood Preserving Regulations

530SW91077 Regulatory Determination Landfills And Surface Impoundments Receiving Pulp And Paper Mill Sludge

530SW91079 Background Document For The Liquid Release Test Single Laboratory Evaluation And 1988 Collaborative Study

530SW91080 Environmental Fact Sheet: Profile of the RCRA Information Center (RIC)

530SW91081 Environmental Fact Sheet: Treatment Standards Proposed for 20 Newly Listed Hazardous Wastes and Contaminated Debris

530SW91083 Environmental Fact Sheet EPA Amends Regulations Related To 3rd Party Liability Coverage Closure And Post-closure Care

530SW91084 Environmental Fact Sheet: Final Cover Requirements for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills

530SW91085 Reusable News, Winter 1992

530SW91086 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Guideline for Purchasing Cement and Concrete Containing Fly Ash

530SW91087 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Amends Monitoring Well Requirements for Interim-Status Hazardous Waste Facilities

530SW91088 Environmental Fact Sheet: EPA Releases Final Rule on Liners and Leak Detection Systems

530SW91089 Criteria for Solid Waste Disposal Facilities: A Guide for Owners/Operators

530SW91092 Safer Disposal for Solid Waste The Federal Regulations for Landfills

530SW91093K Monthly Hotline Report November 1991

530SW91093L Monthly Hotline Report December 1991

530SW91093N Inside The Hotline Compilation Of 1991 Monthly Hotline Reports

530SW91094 Index To Monthly Hotline Report Questions June 1982 To December 1991

530SW91100 Recycling in Federal Offices: Resource Materials

530SW958 Guide To Energy From Municipal Waste For Small Communities

530UST88001 Cleanup Of Releases From Petroleum Usts Selective Technologies

530UST88002 Funding Options For States And Local Governments {UST #72}

530UST88003 Underground Storage Tanks: Building State Compliance Programs (UST #79)

530UST88004 Oh No! Petroleum Leaks And Spills What Do You Do? {UST #73}

530UST88005 Dollars and Sense (UST #26b)

530UST88006 Leak Lookout: Preventing Petroleum Contamination with External Leak Detectors (UST #74)

530UST88008 Musts For USTs Summary Of The Regulations For Underground Storage Tank Systems

530UST88009 Financial Assurance Programs States {Handbook} {UST #81}

530UST89012 Detecting Leaks: Successful Methods Step-by-Step

530UST90001 Normas Y Procedimientos Para TSA {Musts For USTs Spanish} {UST #26S}

530UST90003 Field Measurements Dependable Data When You Need It

530UST90004 Standard Test Procedures for Evaluating Leak Detection Methods: Volumetric Tank Tightness Testing Methods (Includes Results Form) (UST#45A)

530UST90005 Standard Test Procedures for Evaluating Leak Detection Methods: Nonvolumetric Tank Tightness Testing Methods

530UST90006 Standard Test Procedures for Evaluating Leak Detection Methods: Automatic Tank Gauging Systems

530UST90007 Standard Test Procedures for Evaluating Leak Detection Methods: Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Methods; Final Report

530UST90008 Standard Test Procedures for Evaluating Leak Detection Methods: Vapor-Phase Out-of-Tank Product Detectors

530UST90009 Standard Test Procedures for Evaluating Leak Detection Methods: Liquid-Phase Out-of-Tank Product Detectors

530UST90010 Standard Test Procedures for Evaluating Leak Detection Methods: Pipeline Leak Detection Systems (UST#45D)

530UST90012 Straight Talk on Tanks (UST #49) (Insert Included)

530UST91014 How to Develop Your Own UST Field Citation Program (UST#75A)

530UST91015 Field Citations Training: Instructor's Manual (UST#75B)

530UST91016 Field Citation Training: Student's Manual (UST#75C)

530UST91018 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks and Health: Understanding Health Risks From Petroleum

530X93006a In-Depth Studies of Recycling and Composting Programs: Designs, Costs, Results Volume I: Rural Communities

530X93006B In-Depth Sudies of Recycling and Composting Programs: Designs, Costs, Results ; Volume II: Suburbs and Small Cities

530X93006c In-Depth Studies of Recycling and Composting Programs: Designs, Costs, Results Volume III: Urban Areas

530Z91001 Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces

530Z92003 Federal Register: March 3, 1992, Part 4. 40 CFR part 261. Hazardous Waste Management System; Definition of Hazardous Waste; Mixture and Derived-from Rules; Interim Final Rule

530Z92004 Federal Register: February 18, 1992. 40 CFR Parts 264 and 265. Wood Preserving; Standards and Interim Status Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities

530Z92006 Federal Register: May 20, 1992, Part 3. 40 CFR part 260, 261, 262, 264, and 268. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Proposed Rule

530Z92007 Federal Register: May 20, 1992, 40 CFR Parts 260, 261, 262, 264, and 268. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Proposed Rule

530Z92008 Federal Register: May 13, 1992, Part 5. Hazardous Waste Management System; Notification Concerning the Basel Convention's Potential Implications for Hazardous Waste Exports and Imports; Notice

530Z92009 Federal Register: May 15, 1992. 40 CFR Parts 268. Hazardous Waste Management System; Land Disposal Restrictions

530Z92010 Federal Register: August 18, 1992. Part 2. 40 CFR Part 148 Et Al. Land Disposal Restrictions for Newly Listed Wastes and Hazardous Debris; Rule

530Z92011 Federal Register: September 10, 1992, 40 CFR Part 260, et al. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste, Recycled Used Oil Management

530Z92012 Federal Register: August 11, 1992, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 268 and 271. Land Disposal Restrictions No Migration Variances; Proposed Rule

530Z92013 Federal Register: August 25, 1992, Part 3. 40 CFR 260 et al. Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces; Final Rule

530Z92015 Federal Register: September 16, 1992, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 264 and 265. Standards Applicable to Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities; Financial Responsibility for Third-Party Liability, Closure, and Post-Closure; Final Rule

530Z92017 Federal Register: October 15, 1992, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 261 et al. Hazardous Waste Management System: Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste and CERCLA Hazardous Substance Designation; Reportable Quantity Adjustment, Chlorinated Toluenes Production Wastes; Rule

530Z92018 Federal Register: December 24, 1992, Part2. 40 CFR Parts 261, et al. Wood Preserving; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; et al., Final Rule

530Z92019 Federal Register: November 18, 1992, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 260 et al. Hazardous Waste Management; Liquids in Landfills; Rule

530Z92020 Federal Register: November 24, 1992, 40 CFR Parts 260 and 271. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Toxicity Characteristic Revision

530Z93001 Federal Register: February 16, 1993, 40 CFR Parts 260, et al. Corrective Action Management Units and Temporary Units; Corrective Action Provisions; Final Rule

530Z93002 Federal Register: February 11, 1993, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 260, et al. Hazardous Waste Management System; Modification of the Hazardous Waste Recycling Regulatory Program, Proposed Rule

530Z93003 Federal Register: April 7, 1993, 40 CFR Parts 238. Degradable Ring Rule; Proposed Rule

530Z93004 Federal Register: May 3, 1993, 40 CFR Parts 261 et al. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Recycled Used Oil Management Standards; Final Rule

530Z93005 Federal Register: April 27, 1993, 40 CFR Parts 260, et al. Wood Surface Protection; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Testing and Monitoring Activities; Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities; Proposed Rule

530Z93006 Federal Register: May 24, 1993, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 264 et al. Land Disposal Restrictions for Ignitable and Corrosive Characteristic Wastes Whose Treatment Standards were Vacated; Interim Final Rule

530Z93007 Federal Register: May 28, 1993, Part 7. Guidance to Hazardous Waste Generators on the Elements of a Waste Minimization Program; Notice

530Z93008 Federal Register: May 14, 1994, 40 CFR Part 268. Hazardous Waste Management System; Land Disposal Restrictions; Renewal of the Hazardous Debris Case-by-Case Capacity variance and Renewal of Variance

530Z93009 Federal Register: August 9, 1993. 40 CFR Part 261. Final Regulatory Determination on Four Large-Volume Wastes from the Combustion of Coal by Electric Utility Power Plants; Final Rule

530Z93010 Federal Register: July 28, 1993. 40 CFR Part 258. Solid Waste Disposal Facility Criteria; Delay of the Effective Date; Proposed Rule

530Z93011 Federal Register: September 14, 1993, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 148, et al. Land Disposal Restrictions for Newly Identified and Listed Hazardous Wastes and Hazardous Soil; Proposed Rule

530Z93012 Federal Register: October 1, 1993. 40 CFR Part 258. Solid Waste Disposal Facility Criteria; Delay of Compliance and Effective Dates; Final Rule

530Z94001 Federal Register: January 4, 1994, Part 5. 40 CFR Parts 260 and 261. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Wastes From Wood Surface Protection; Final Rule

530Z94002 Federal Register: March 1, 1994 Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 261, 271, and 302. Hazardous Waste Management System; Carbamate Production Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Proposed Rule

530Z94003 Federal Register: March 4, 1994, 40 CFR Parts 271 and 279. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Recycled Used Oil Management Standards; Final Rule

530Z94004 Federal Register: March 1, 1994. 40 CFR Part 238. Degradable Plastic Ring Carriers; Rule

530Z94005 Federal Register: May 11, 1994, Part 3. 40 CFR Part 261, et al. Hazardous Waste Management System; Proposed Rule

530Z94006 Federal Register: April 20, 1994, Part 3. 40 CFR Part 247, et al. Comprehensive Guideline for Procurement of Products Containing Recovered Materials and Issuance of a Draft Recovered Materials Advisory Notice; Proposed Rule and Notice

530Z94007 Federal Register: June 2, 1994, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 124 and 270. RCRA Expanded Public Participation and Revisions to Combustion Permitting Procedures; Proposed Rule

530Z94008 Federal Register: June 7, 1994. 40 CFR Part 270. Extension of Date for Submission of Part a Permit Applications for Facilities Managing Ash From Waste-To-Energy Facilities; Notice

530Z94009 Federal Register: July 28, 1994, Part 7. 40 CFR Parts 261 and 266. Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Final Rule

530Z94010 Federal Register: July 27, 1994, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 260, 261 and 273. Hazardous Waste Management System; Modification of the Hazardous Waste Program; Mercury-Containing Lamps; Proposed Rule

530Z94011 Federal Register: September 19, 1994, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 148 et al. Land Disposal Restrictions Phase 2: Universal Treatment Standards, and Treatment Standards for Organic Toxicity

530Z94012 Part II: Environmental Protection Agency

530Z94013 Federal Register: December 6, 1994, 40 CFR Part 9 Et Al. Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities and Hazardous Waste Generators; Organic Air Emission Standards for Tanks, Surface Impoundments, and Containers; Final Rule

530Z94014 Federal Register: December 22, 1994, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 261 Et Al. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Dye and Pigment Industries; Hazardous Waste Listing Determination Policy; and CERCLA Hazardous Substance Designation and Reportable Quantities; Proposed Rules

530Z95001 Federal Register: January 1995, Part 5. 40 CFR Part 268. Land Disposal Restrictions Phase II; Universal Treatment Standards, and Treatment Standards for Organic Toxicity Characteristic Wastes and Newly Listed Wastes; Final Rule

530Z95002 Federal Register: March 2, 1995, Part II. 40 CFR Parts 148 et al. Land Disposal Restrictions-Phase II: Decharacterized Wastewaters, Carbamate and Organobromine Wastes, and Spent Potliners; Proposed Rule

530Z95003 Federal Register: February 7, 1995 Part IV 40 CFR Part 261 Regulatory Determination on Cement Kiln Dust; Final Rule

530Z95005 Federal Register: March 15, 1995 Part VII. Paper Products Recovered Materials Advisory; Notice

530Z95006 Federal Register: May 1, 1995, Part 5. 40 CFR Part 247. Comprehensive Guideline for Procurement of Products Containing Recovered Materials; Final Rule

530Z95007 Federal Register: May 1, 1995, Part 6. Recovered Materials Advisory Notice

530Z95008 Federal Register: May 11, 1995, Part IV. Universal Waste Rule (Hazardous Waste Management System; Modification of the Hazardous Waste Recycling Regulatory Program) Final Rule

530Z95009 Federal Register: June 12, 1995, Part III. 40 CFR Parts 257, 261 and 271. Criteria for Classification of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities and Practices Identification

530Z95010 Federal Register: January 26, 1996, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 239 and 258. State/Tribal Permit Program Adequacy Determination: Municipal; Solid Waste Facilities, Proposed Rule

530Z95011 Federal Register: August 22, 1995, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 148 Et Al. Land Disposal Restrictions-Phase 4: Issues Associated with Clean Water Act Treatment Equivalency, and Treatment Standards for Wood Preserving Waste and Toxicity Characteristic Metal Wastes; Proposed Rule

530Z95012 Federal Register: December 11, 1995, 40 CFR Parts 9, 124, and 270. Expanded Public Participation; Final Rule

530Z95013 Federal Register: November 8, 1995, Part 3. 40 CFR Part 260, et al. Military Munitions Rule: Hazardous Waste Identification and Management; Explosives Emergencies; Redefinition of On-Site; Proposed Rule

530Z95014 Federal Register: November 20, 1995, 40 CFR Parts 261, 266, 268, 271, and 302. Hazardous Waste Management System, Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste: Petroleum Refining Process Wastes, Land Disposal Restrictions for Newly Identified Wastes, and CERCLA Hazardous Substance Designation and Reportable Quantities

530Z95015 Federal Register: December 21, 1995 Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 260, 261, 266 and 268. Hazardous Waste: Identification and Listing; Proposed Rule

530Z95016 Federal Register: January 25, 1996, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 148, et al. Hazardous Waste, Land Disposal Restrictions, Definitions and Clarifications, Proposed Rule

530Z96001 Federal Register: April 19, 1996, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 60, et al. Hazardous Waste Combustors; Revised Standards; Proposed Rule

530Z96002 Federal Register: April 8, 1996, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 148, et al. Land Disposal Restrictions Phase III; Final Rule and Partial Withdrawal and Amendment of Final Rule

530Z96003 Federal Register: May 1, 1996, Part 5. 40 CFR Ch. I. Corrective Action for Releases from Solid Waste Management Units at Hazardous Waste Management Facilities; Proposed Rule

530Z96004 Federal Register: April 29, 1996, Part 5. 40 CFR Part 260, et al. Requirements for Management of Hazardous Contaminated Media; Proposed Rule

530Z96005 Federal Register: May 29, 1996, Part 4. Paper Products Recovered Materials Advisory Notice

530Z96006 Federal Register: July 1, 1996, Part 5. 40 CFR Part 257, et al. Criteria for Classification of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities and Practices; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Requirements for Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Programs; Final

530Z96007 Federal Register: August 14, 1996, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 261, 271, and 302. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Solvents; CERCLA Hazardous Substance Designation and Reportable Quantities; Proposed Rule

530Z96008 Federal Register: November 27, 1996, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 258. Financial Assurance Mechanisms for Local Government Owners and Operators of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facilities; Final Rule

530Z96009 Federal Register: Part 3. 40 CFR Part 247. Comprehensive Guideline for Procurement of Products Containing Recovered Materials; Proposed Rule and Notice

530Z96010 Federal Register: November 25, 1996, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 261 et al. Organic Air Emission Standards for Tanks, Surface Impoundments, and Containers; Final Rule

530Z97001 Part II Environmental Protection Agency: 40 CFR Part 260

530Z97002 Federal Register: February 19, 1997, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 268. Land Disposal Restrictions: Correction of Tables; Treatment Standards for Hazardous Waste and Universal Treatment Standards; Final Rule

530Z97003 Federal Register: May 2, 1997 Part 3. 40 CFR Part 60, et al. Revised Technical Standards for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities; Proposed Rule

530Z97003A Federal Register: May 12, 1997. 40 CFR Parts 60, 63, 260, 261, 264, 265, 266, 270, and 271. Revised Technical Standards for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities; Correction

530Z97004 Federal Register: May 12, 1997, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 148 et al. Land Disposal Restrictions Phase 4: Treatment Standards for Wood Preserving Wastes, Paperwork Reduction and Streamlining Exemptions from RCRA for Certain Processes Materials; and Miscellaneous Hazardous Waste Provisions; Final Rule

530Z97005 Federal Register: May 12, 1997. 40 CFR Parts 148, 261, 266, 268, and 271. Land Disposal Restrictions Phase 4: Second Supplemental Proposal on Treatment Standards for Metal Wastes and Mineral Processing Waste, Mineral Processing and Bevill Exclusion Issues, and the Use of Hazardous Waste as Fill

530Z97006 Federal Register: June 23, 1997. Notice of Availability of Waste Minimization Software and Documents

530Z97007 Federal Register: April 14, 1997. 40 CFR Part 247. Comprehensive Guideline for Procurement of Products Containing Recovered Materials; Proposal to Designate Ink Jet Cartridges

530Z97008 Federal Register: June 17, 1997, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 261, 268, 271 and 302. Hazardous Waste Management System: Carbamate Production, Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Land Disposal Restrictions; Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Programs; and CERCLA Hazardous Substance Designation and Reportable Quantities; Final Rule

530Z97009 Federal Register: November 13, 1997, Part 3. 40 CFR Part 247. Comprehensive Guideline for Procurement of Products Containing Recovered Materials; Final Rule

530Z97010 Federal Register: November 13, 1997, Part 4. Recovered Materials Advisory Notice II; Notice of Availability

530Z97011 Federal Register: December 9, 1997, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 264, et al. Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities and Hazardous Waste Generators; Organic Air Emission Standards for Tanks, Surface Impoundments, and Containers; Final Rule

530Z98001 Federal Register: May 26, 1998 Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 148, 261, 266, 268, and 271. Land Disposal Restrictions Phase IV: Final Rule Promulgating Treatment Standards for Metal Wastes and Mineral Processing Wastes; Mineral Processing Secondary Materials and Bevill Exclusion Issues; Treatment Standards for Hazardous Soils, and Exclusion of Recycled Wood Preserving Wastewaters; Final Rule

530Z98002 Federal Register: June 8, 1998. Recovered Materials Advisory Notice I Update

530Z98003 'Federal Register/Vol. 63 No. 109/Monday June 8 1998/Notices

530Z98004 Federal Register: August 6, 1998, Part 2. CFR Parts 148, 261, 199 etc. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous and Listing of Hazardous Waste; et al; Final Rule and Proposed Rule

530Z98005 Federal Register: August 26, 1998, Part 2. 40CFR Part 247. Comprehensive Guideline for Procurement of Products Containing Recovered Materials; Proposed Rule

530Z98006 Federal Register: August 26, 1998, Part 3. Recovered Materials Advisory Notice III; Notice

530Z98007 Federal Register: October 22, 1998. 40 CFR Parts 263, 265, 270 and 271. Standards Applicable to Owners and Operators of Closed and Closing Hazardous Waste Management Facilities: Post-Closure Permit Requirement and Closure Process; Final Rule

530Z98008 Federal Register: October 23, 1998. 40 CFR Parts 239, 257, and 258. Subtitle D Regulated Facilities: State Permit Program Determination of Adequacy, State Implementation; Final Rule

530Z98009 Federal Register: November 9, 1998. Notice of Availability of Draft RCRA Waste Minimization PBT Chemical List

530Z98010 Federal Register: November 19, 1998, Part 4. 40 CFR Part 261. Hazardous Waste Management System: Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste, Solvents: Final Rule

530Z98011 Federal Register: June 19, 1998, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 63, 261, and 270. Hazardous Waste Combustors; Revised Standards; Final Rule

530Z98012 Federal Register: November 30, 1998, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 260 et al. Hazardous Remediation Waste Management Requirements (HWIR-Media); Final Rule

530Z98013 Federal Register: December 18, 1998, Part 2. Management and Disposal of Lead-Based Paint Debris; Proposed Rule Temporary Suspension of Toxicity Characteristic Rule for Specified Lead-Based Paint Debris; Proposed Rule

530Z99001 Federal Register: March 1, 1999 Part 2, 40 CPR Chapter 1, Approach to Reinventing Regulations of Storing Mixed Low-Level Radioactive Waste; Proposed Rule

530Z99002 Federal Register: May, 1999, 40 CPR Part 261, Land Disposal Restrictions Phase IV: Treatment Standards for Wood Preserving Wastes, Treatment Standards for Metal Wastes, Zinc Micronutrient Fertilizers, Carbamate Treatment Standards, and K088 Treatment Standards; Final Rule

530Z99003 Federal Register: May 28, 1999: Potential Revisions to the Land Disposal Restrictions Mercury Treatment Standards: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

530Z99004 Federal Register: Office of Solid Waste Burden Reduction Project: Notice of Data Availability and Request for Comment

530Z99005 Federal Register: July 6, 1999 Part 4, 40 CFR Parts 260, 261, 264, etc. Hazardous Waste Management System; Modification of the Hazardous Waste Lamps; Final Rule

530Z99006 Federal Register: July 1999, Part 6, 40 CFR Parts 148, 261, Hazardous Waste Management Systems

530Z99007 Federal Register: August 20, 1999 Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 259, 261, 266, and 270. Standards for the Management of Cement Kiln Dust; Proposed Rule

530Z99008 Federal Register: August 25, 1999 Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 148, 261, 264, 265, 268, 271, and 302. Hazardous Waste Management System Identification Listing of Hazardous Waste: Chlorinated Aliphatics Production Wastes; Land Disposal Restrictions for Newly Identified Wastes; and CERCLA Hazardous Substance Designation and Reportable Quantities; Proposed Rule

531R02001 Highlights From Study Of The Implementation Of The RCRA Corrective Action Program

5400004 Child Resistant Packages For Pesticides

5400990087 Dietary Exposure Branch Standard Evaluation Procedure Residues in Meat, Milk, Poultry and Eggs Feeding Studies/Feed-throughs

5400992204 Emergency Exemptions Under Section 18 of The Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act : I. Guidance For State and Federal Agencies

5400992205 Emergency Exemptions Under Section 18 of The Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act : II. Instructions for Submission of Emergency Exemption Applications

540174001 Production, Distribution, Use And Environmental Impact Potential Of Selected Pesticides

540174002 Farmers Pesticide Use Decisions And Attitudes On Alternate Crop Protection Methods

540186001 Health Effects Assessment For Hexachlorcyclopentadiene

540186002 Health Effects Assessment For 1,2 Dichloroethane

540186003 Health Effects Assessment For Methyl Ethyl Ketone

540186004 Health Effects Assessment For Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBS)

540186005 Health Effects Assessment For 1,1,2-trichloroethane

540186006 Health Effects Assessment For Xylene

540186007 Health Effects Assessment For Phenol

540186008 Health Effects Assessment For Ethylbenzene

540186009 Health Effects Assessment For Tetrachloroethylene

540186010 Health Effects Assessment For Chloroform

540186011 Health Effects Assessment For Cyanide

540186012 Health Effects Assessment For Sodium Cyanide

540186013 Health Effects Assessment For Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH)

540186014 Health Effects Assessment For Napthalene

540186015 Health Effects Assessment For Cis-1,2 Dichloroethylene

540186016 Health Effect Assessment For Acetone

540186017 Health Effects Assessment For Hexachlorobenzene

540186018 Health Effects Assessment For Nickel

540186019 Health Effects Assessment For Hexavalent Chromium

540186020 Health Effects Assessment For Hexavalent Arsenic

540186021 Health Effects Assessment For Barium

540186022 Health Effects Assessment For Benzoate Pyrene

540186023 Health Effects Assessment For Chlordane

540186024 Health Effects Assessment For Coal Tars

540186025 Health Effects Assessment For Copper

540186026 Health Effects Assessment For DDT

540186027 Health Effects Assessment For 1,1 Dichloroethane

540186028 Health Effects Assessment For Methylene Chloride

540186029 Health Effects Assessment For Phenanthrene

540186030 Health Effects Assessment For Pyrene

540186031 Health Effects Assessment For Sulfuric Acid

540186032 Health Effects Assessment For 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane

540186033 Health Effects Assessment For Toluene

540186034 Health Effects Assessment For 2,4,5-trichlorophenol

540186035 Health Effects Assessment For Trivalent Chromium

540186036 Health Effects Assessment For Vinyl Chloride

540186037 Health Effects Assessment For Benzene

540186038 Health Effects Assessment For Cadmium

540186039 Health Effects Assessment For Carbon Tetrachloride

540186040 Health Effects Assessment For Chlorobenzene

540186041 Health Effects Assessment For 1,2-T Dichloroethylene

540186042 Health Effects Assessment for Mercury

540186043 Health Effects Assessment For Pentachlorophenol

540186044 Health Effects Assessment For 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

540186045 Health Effects Assessment For 1,1,2-Trichloroethane

540186046 Health Effects Assessment For Trichloroethylene

540186047 Health Effects Assessment For 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol

540186048 Health Effects Assessment For Zinc and Compounds

540186049 Health Effects Assessment For Asbestos

540186050 Health Effects Assessment For Cresols

540186051 Health Effects Assessment For 1,1-Dichloroethylene

540186052 Health Effect Assessment For Glycol Ethers

540186053 Health Effects Assessment For Hexachlorobutadiene

540186054 Health Effects Assessment for Iron and Compounds

540186055 Health Effects Assessment For Lead

540186056 Health Effects Assessment For Lindane

540186057 Health Effects Assessment For Manganese

540186058 Health Effects Assessment For Selenium (and Compounds)

540186060 Superfund Public Health Evaluation Manual

540186061 Superfund Risk Assessment Information Directory

540187001 Study Of Joint Use Of Vehicles For Transportation Of Hazardous And Nonhazardous Materials

540187001A Hazardous Waste Bibliography

540188001 Superfund Exposure Assessment Manual

540189001 Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund, Volume 2: Environmental Evaluation Manual, Interim Final

540189002 Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund, Volume 1: Human Health Evaluation Manual, Interim Final

540189003 OSWER Comparative Risk Project Executive Summary And Overview

54019795 Suspended And Cancelled Pesticides

54019873 Classification Of Proliferative Hepatic Lesions In Mice An EPA Sponsored Workshop

54019874 Report To Congress On Indoor Air Pollution And Radon Under Title Iv Superfund Amendments And Reauthorization Act Of 1986

540284001 Slurry Trench Construction for Pollution Migration Control

540284002A Case Studies Of Remedial Response At Hazardous Waste Sites Volume 1

540284002b Case Studies 1-23: Remedial Response at Hazardous Waste Sites

540284003A Review Of In-Place Treatment Techniques For Contaminated Surface Soils Volume 1 Technical Evaluation

540284003B Review Of In-Place Treatment Techniques For Contaminated Surface Soils Volume 2 Background Information For In Situ Treatment

540284502 Compendium Of Cost Of Remedial Technologies At Hazardous Waste Sites

540285001 Modeling Remedial Actions At Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites

540285002 Covers For Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites

540285003 Handbook: Dust Control at Hazardous Waste Sites

540285004 Leachate Plume Management

540286001 Handbook for Stabilization/Solidification of Hazardous Wastes

540286002 Systems to Accelerate In Situ Stabilization of Waste Deposits

540286003F Mobile Treatment Technologies For Superfund Wastes

540287001 Handbook: Responding to Discharges of sinking Hazardous Substances

540288002 Technological Approaches To The Cleanup Of Radiologically Contaminated Superfund Sites

540288003 Assessment Of International Technologies For Superfund Applications Technology Review And Trip Report Results

540288004 Technology Screening Guide For Treatment Of CERCLA Soils And Sludges

540288005 Field Screening Methods Catalog {User's Guide}

540289001 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Abstracts

540289002 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Pilot Investigation Of Low-temperature Stripping Of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCS) From Soil Volume I-Technical Report And Volume II Appendices

540289003 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse CERCLA Bdat Sarm Preparation And Results Of Physical Soils Washing Experiments (final Report)

540289004 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Field Plot Test Report, Phase III Engineering Design, Old Inger Superfund Site, Darrow, Louisiana

540289005 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Endangerment Assessment And Feasibility Study, Picillo Site, Coventry, Rhode Island

540289006 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Incineration Test Of Explosives Contaminated Soils At Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, Illinois

540289007 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Compositing Explosives-Organics Contaminated Soils

540289008 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Compositing Of Explosives

540289009 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Final Report Development Of Optimum Treatment System For Wastewater Lagoons Phase II - Solvent Extraction Laboratory Testing

540289010 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Summary Report On The Field Investigation Of The Sapp Battery Site Jackson County Florida

540289011 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Final Report On-site Incineration Of Shirco Infrared Systems Portable Pilot Test Unit Times Beach Missouri

540289012 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Extractive Methods For Soil Decontamination, A General Survey And Review Operational Treatment Installations

540289013 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Development Of Treatment Data On The Kpes Process For Cercla-bdat Standards

540289014 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Engineering And Development Support Of General Decon Technology For The U S Army's Installation-restoration Program

540289015 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Pcb Destruction Facility Circulating Bed Combustor

540289016 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Soil Stabilization Pilot Study, United Chrome Npl Site Pilot Study And Health And Safety Program, United Chrome NPL Site Pilot Study

540289017 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Preliminary Report On Treatment-detoxification Alternatives For Pcbs And Chlorinated Organics

540289018 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Full Scale Rotary Kiln Incinerator Field Trial Phase I, Verification Trial Burn On Dioxin-Herbicide Orange Contaminated Soil

540289019 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Bdat Incineration Of CERCLA Sarms At The John Zink Company Test Facility (Final Project Report)

540289020 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Treatment Of Contaminated Soils With Aqueous Surfactants Interim Report Project Summary

540289021 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Harbauer Soil Cleaning System

540289022 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse On-site Remediation Of Gasoline-contaminated Soil

540289023 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Evaluation Of An Engineered Biodegradation System At The Nashua Nh Site

540289024 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Technology Demonstration Of A Thermal Desorptionuv Photolysis Process For Decontaminating Soils Containing Herbicide Orange

540289025 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse BDAT Treatability Data For Soils Sludges And Debris From The Circulating Bed Combustion (CBC) Process

540289026 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Abstract On-site Incineration Testing Of Shirco Infrared Systems Portable Demonstration Unit-contaminated Soils Treatability Study

540289027 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Crf Test Burn Of PCB Contaminated Wastes From The Bros Superfund Site

540289028 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Advanced Electric Reactor (aer) For The Treatment Of Dioxin-contaminated Soils

540289029 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Soil Remediation And Site Closure Mckin Superfund Site Gray Maine

540289030 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Leetown Pesticide Site Treatability Study

540289031 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Trial Burn Test Report Part 1 Data Summaries

540289032 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Final Report Phase I Immediate Assessment Acme Solvents Site

540289033 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Low Temperature Treatment Of CERCLA Soils And Debris Using The It Laboratory Scale Thermal Desorption Furnaces

540289034 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Final Report, Soil Treatment Pilot Study Brio-dop Site

540289035 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Final Report, Onsite Incineration Testing At Brio Site, Friendswood, Tx

540289036 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Final Report Demonstration Test On-site Pcb Destruction, Shirco Infrared Portable Unit At Florida Steel Indiantown Mill Site, Indiantown, Florida

540289037 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Case Study Hazardous Waste Management Utilizing Lime

540289038 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse PCB Sediment Decontamination Process Selection For Test And Evaluation

540289040 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Representative Selection Of Lab Experiments And Reports Of Full-scale Commercial Use Which Demonstrate Effectiveness Of K-20 Lead-in Soil Control System

540289041 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Technical Resource Document Treatment Technologies For Dioxin Containing Wastes

540289044 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Bengart And Memel (bench-scale) Gulfport (bench And Pilot-scale) Montana Pole (bench-scale) And Western Processing (bench-scale) Treatability

540289045 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Contract Daak 11-85-c-0007 (task Order 4 Bench Scale Investigation Of Volatile Organic Compounds (voc's) From Soil

540289046 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Workplan For Biodegradation Of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (pcbs) At A Superfund Site

540289047 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Pilot Study Of Enclosed Thermal Soil Aeration For Removal Of Volatile Organic Contamination At The Mckin Superfund Site

540289048 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Input-output Data For Several Treatment Technologies

540289049 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Litigation Technical Support And Services Rocky Mountain Arsenal (basis F Wastes)

540289050 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Bdat For Solidification-stabilization Technology For Superfund Soils Draft Final Report

540289051 Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Laboratory Feasibility Testing Of Prototype Soil Washing Concepts

540289052 Guide To Treatment Technologies For Hazardous Wastes At Superfund Sites

540289054 Evaluation Of Ground-water Extraction Remedies

540289054B Evaluation of Ground-Water Extraction Remedies: Volume 2, Case Studies 1-19, Interim Final

540289054C Evaluation of Ground-Water Extraction Remedies, Volume 3: General Site Data Base Reports Interim Final

540289055 Proceedings Forum On Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies Domestic And International Atlanta Ga June 19-211989 Abstract

540289056 Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies: Domestic and International, Atlanta, Georgia, June 19-21, 1989, Technical Papers

540289057 Determining Soil Response Action Levels Based on Potential Contaminant Migration to Ground Water: A Compendium of Examples

540289058 Guide For Conducting Treatability Studies Under Cercla Interim Final

540290001 Assessment of Technologies for Remediation of Radioactively Contaminated Superfund Sites

540290002 In Situ Treatment Of Hazardous Waste-contaminated Soils {handbook}

540290003A Inventory Of Treatability Study Vendors Volume 1

540290003B Inventory Of Treatability Study Vendors Volume 2

540290004 Bioremediation in the Field: Number 1, November 1990

540290005A Environmental as Asbestos Assessment Manual: Superfund Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Ambient Air, Part 1: Method

540290005B Environmental Asbestos Assessment Manual Superfund Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Ambient Air, Part 2: Technical Background Document

540290007 CERCLA Site Discharges to POTWS Treatability Manual

540290008 Cercla Site Discharges To Potws Cercla Site Sampling Program Detailed Data Report

540290009 Proceedings Forum On Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies Domestic And International 2nd Philadelphia Pa May 15-17 1990 Abstract

540290010 Forum On Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies Domestic And International 2nd Philadelphia Pa May 15-17 1990 Technical Papers

540290011 Subsurface Contamination Reference Guide

540290012 International Evaluation of In-Situ Biorestoration of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater

540290013 Engineering Bulletin Solvent Extraction Treatment

540290014 Engineering Bulletin: Mobile/Transportable Incineration Treatment

540290015 Engineering Bulletin: Chemical Dehalogenation Treatment: APEG Treatment

540290016 Engineering Bulletin: Slurry Biodegradation

540290017 Engineering Bulletin Soil Washing Treatment

540290018 Guide to Pump and Treat Groundwater Remediation Technology

540291001 Innovative Treatment Technologies Semi-Annual Status Report

540291002 Understanding Bioremediation: Guidebook for Citizens

540291003 Soil Vapor Extraction Technology Reference {handbook}

540291004 Superfund Engineering Issue: Issues Affecting the Applicability and Success of Remedial/Removal Incineration Project

540291005 Engineering Bulletin: In Situ Steam Extraction Treatment

540291006 Engineering bulletin: In Situ Soil Vapor Extraction Treatment

540291007 Bioremediation In The Field Number 2 March 1991

540291008 Engineering Bulletin Thermal Desorption Treatment

540291009 Superfund Engineering Issue Treatment Of Lead-contaminated Soils

540291010 Survey of Materials-Handling Technologies Used at Hazardous Waste Sites

540291013A Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies Under CERCLA: Aerobic Biodegradation Remedy Screening: Interim Guidance

540291013B Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies Under CERCLA: Aerobic Biodegradation Remedy Screening, Quick Reference Fact Sheet

540291014 Selection Of Control Technologies For Remediation Of Lead Battery Recycling Sites Interim Report

540291015 Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies: Domestic and International, 3rd, Dallas, Texas, June 11-13, 1991, Technical Papers

540291016 Abstract Proceedings: Third Forum On Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies: Domestic And International

540291018 Bioremediation In The Field Number 3 August 1991

540291019A Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies Under CERCLA: Soil Vapor Extraction

540291019B Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies Under CERCLA: Soil Vapor Extraction, Quick Reference Fact Sheet

540291020A Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies Under CERCLA Soil Washing, Interim Guidance

540291020B Guide to Conducting Treatability Studies Under CERCLA: Soil Washing, Quick Reference Fact Sheet

540291021 Engineering Bulletin: In Situ Soil Flushing

540291022 Engineering Bulletin: Air Stripping of Aqueous Solutions

540291023 Engineering Bulletin: Control of Air Emissions From Materials Handling During Remediation

540291024 Engineering Bulletin: Granular Activated Carbon Treatment

540291025 Engineering Bulletin: Chemical Oxidation Treatment

540291027 Bioremediation In The Field Number 4, December 1991

540296600 Federal Register: May 7, 1996. 40 CFR Part 300: National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan; National Priorities List Update

540476004 EPA Actions To Cancel and Suspend Uses Of Chlordane and Heptachlor As Pesticides Economic and Social Implications Part I

540489001 Superfund Ground Water Issue: Ground Water Sampling for Metals Analyses

540489002 Superfund Groundwater Issue Accuracy Of Depth To Water Measurements

540489003 Superfund Ground Water Issue: Facilitated Transport

540489004 Superfund Ground Water Issue: Contaminant Transport in Fractured Media: Models for Decision Makers

540489005 Ground Water Issue: Performance Evaluation of Pump-and-Treat Remediations

540490002 National Priorities List Sites: Alabama, 1990

540490003 National Priorities List Sites: Alaska, 1990

540490004 National Priorities List Sites: Arizona and Nevada, 1990

540490005 National Priorities List Sites: Arkansas, 1990

540490006 National Priorities List Sites: California, 1990

540490007 National Priorities List Sites: Colorado, 1990

540490008 National Priorities List Sites: Connecticut, 1990

540490009 National Priorities List Sites: Delaware, 1990

540490010 National Priorities List Sites: Florida, 1990

540490011 National Priorities List Sites: Georgia, 1990

540490012 National Priorities List Sites: Hawaii, 1990

540490013 National Priorities List Sites Idaho, 1990

540490014 National Priorities List Sites: Illinois, 1990

540490015 National Priorities List Sites: Indiana, 1990

540490016 National Priorities List Sites: Iowa, 1990

540490017 National Priorities List Sites: Kansas, 1990

540490018 National Priorities List Sites: Kentucky, 1990

540490019 National Priorities List Sites: Louisiana, 1990

540490020 National Priorities List Sites: Maine, 1990

540490021 National Priorities List Sites: Maryland, 1990

540490022 National Priorities List Sites: Massachusetts, 1990

540490023 National Priorities List Sites: Michigan, 1990

540490024 National Priorities List Sites: Minnesota, 1990

540490025 National Priorities List Sites: Mississippi, 1990

540490026 National Priorities List Sites: Missouri, 1990

540490027 National Priorities List Sites: Montana, 1990

540490028 National Priorities List Sites: Nebraska, 1990

540490029 National Priorities List Sites: New Hampshire, 1990

540490030 National Priorities List Sites: New Jersey, 1990

540490031 National Priorities List Sites: New Mexico, 1990

540490032 National Priorities List Sites: New York, 1990

540490033 National Priorities List Sites: North Carolina, 1990

540490034 National Priorities List Sites: North and South Dakota, 1990

540490035 National Priorities List Sites: Ohio, 1990

540490036 National Priorities List Sites: Oklahoma, 1990

540490037 National Priorities List Sites: Oregon, 1990

540490038 National Priorities List Sites: Pennsylvania, 1990

540490039 National Priorities List Sites: Rhode Island, 1990

540490040 National Priorities List Sites: South Carolina, 1990

540490042 National Priorities List Sites: Tennessee, 1990

540490043 National Priorities List Sites: Texas, 1990

540490044 National Priorities List Sites: Utah, 1990

540490045 National Priorities List Sites: Vermont, 1990

540490046 National Priorities List Sites: Virginia, 1990

540490047 National Priorities List Sites: Washington, 1990

540490048 National Priorities List Sites: West Virginia, 1990

540490049 National Priorities List Sites: Wisconsin, 1990

540490050 National Priorities List Sites: Wyoming, 1990

540490051 National Priorities List Sites: Puerto Rico

540490052 National Priorities List Sites: American Samoa, Guam and Trust Territories

540490053 Basic Concepts Of Contaminant Sorption At Hazardous Waste Sites

540490054 Reductive Dehalogenation Of Organic Contaminants In Soils and Groundwater

540491001 Groundwater Issue Soil Sampling and Analysis For Volatile Organic Compounds

540491002 Groundwater Issue Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquids

540491003 Groundwater Issue Characterizing Soils For Hazardous Waste Site Assessments

540588001 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program (SITE) Progress and Accomplishments Report To Congress

540588002A Technology Evaluation Report site Program Demonstration Test: SHIRCO Infrared Incineration System Peak Oil, Brandon, Florida, Volume 1

540588003 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program SITE Technology Profiles

540589001A Technology Evaluation Report Site Program Demonstration Test, Hazcon Solidification, Douglassville, Pennsylvania - Volume I

540589003A Technology Evaluation Report Site Program Demonstration Test, Terra Vac In Situ Vacuum Extraction System, Groveland Massachusetts, Volume 1

540589004A Technology Evaluation Report: SITE Program Demonstration Test International Waste Technologies In Situ Stabilization/Solidification Hialeah, Florida, Volume I

540589005A Technology Evaluation Report: SITE Program Demonstration Test Soliditech, Inc. Solidification/Stabilization Process, Volume 1

540589007A Technology Evaluation Report: Site Program Demonstration Test: Shirco Pilot-Scale Infrared Incineration System at the Rose Township Demode Road Superfund Site

540589008 Technology Evaluation Report: Site Program Demonstration Test: The American Combustion Pyretron Thermal Destruction System at the US EPA's Combustion Research Facility

540589009 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program (site) Progress and Accomplishments Fiscal Year 1988 2nd Report To Congress

540589011A Technology Evaluation Report Chemfix Technologies, Inc , Solidification- Stabilization Process Clackamas, Oregon, Volume 1

540589012 Site Program Demonstration Of The Ultrox International Ultraviolet Radiation Oxidation Technology

540589013 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Technology Profiles

540590001 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program (site) Progress and Accomplishments Fiscal Year 1989 3rd Report To Congress

540590002 Technology Evaluation Report: CF Systems Organics Extraction System, New Bedford, Massachusetts, Volume 1

540590005A Emerging Technologies: Bio-Recovery Systems Removal and Recovery of Metal Ions From Groundwater

540590006 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program SITE Technology Profiles

540591001 Biological Treatment of Wood Preserving Site Groundwater by Biotrol, Inc.

540591003A Technology Evaluation Report: Biotrol Soil Washing System for Treatment of a Wood Preserving Site, Volume 1

540591003B Technology Evaluation Report: Biotrol Soil Washing System for Treatment of a Wood Preserving Site, Volume 2, Part A

540591003C Technology Evaluation Report: Biotrol Soil Washing System for Treatment of a Wood Preserving Site, Volume 2, Part B

540591004 Report to Congress: Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Progress and Accomplishments Fiscal Year 1990

540591006A Design and Development of a Pilot Scale Debris Decontamination System. Volume 1

540591008 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Technology Profiles, 4th Edition

540596500 Determination Of Background Concentrations Of Inorganics In Soils and Sediments At Hazardous Waste Sites

54072251 Acceptable Common Names And Chemical Names For The Ingredient Statement On Pesticide Labels

54075501 Apply Pesticides Correctly

54077501 Establishment And Reviews Of Original Kepone Action Levels

54077502 Mathematical Evaluation Of Kepone Action Levels

540889002 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program

540889003 Progress Toward Implementing Superfund Fiscal Year 1987 Report To Congress

540889005 Superfund Emergency Response Actions: A Summary of Federally Funded Removals: Volume 3

540889006 ROD Annual Report, FY 1988

540889007 Management Review of the Superfund Program - 90-day Study

540889008 Catalog Of Superfund Program Publications, October 1989

540889009 Management Review Of The Superfund Program Implementation Plan

540889010 Superfund Technology Evaluation Program (SITE) Program

540889011 Analysis Of State Superfund Programs 50-State Study

540889012 Contract Laboratory Program {User's Guide}

540889013 Emergency Response Notification System

540890001 Technical Support Services for Superfund Site Remediation: Interim Directory <See 540/8-90/011 for Revision>

540890004 Progress Toward Implementing Superfund Fiscal Year 1988 Report To Congress

540890005 Status Of State Involvement In The Superfund Program FY 80 To FY 89

540890006 ROD Annual Report, FY 1989

540890007 Technology Transfer Needs Assessment 1990

540890009 Superfund: Focusing on the Nation at Large

540890010 Superfund: Reporting on Environmental Progress

540890011 Technical Support Services for the Superfund Site Remediation: Interim Directory < Revision of 540/8-90-001>

540890012 Federal Register: March 8, 1990, Part 2. 40 CFR Part #00. National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; Final Rule

540890014 Superfund Emergency Response Actions: A Summary of Federally Funded Removals: 4th Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1989

540890017 Progress Toward Implementing Superfund Fiscal Year 1989 Report To Congress

540890502 Statement Of Work For Inorganics Analysis Multi-media, Multi-concentration

540891002 Analysis of State Superfund Programs: 50-State Study, 1990 Update

540891003 Superfund Program: Ten Years of Progress

540891005 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program, Spring Update

540891007 Bibliography of Federal Reports and Publications Describing Alternative and Innovative Treatment Technologies for Corrective Action and Site Remediation

540891008 Accessing Federal Data Bases for Contaminated Site Clean-up Technologies

540891009 Synopses of Federal Demonstrations of Innovative Site Remediation Technologies

540891010 Superfund Emergency Response Actions: A Summary of Federally-Funded Removals: Volume 1

540891011 Superfund Emergency Response Actions: A Summary of Federally-Funded Removals: Volume 2

540891012A Conference Proceedings Design and Construction Issues At Hazardous Waste Sites, Part 1 1 Thru 700

540891012B Conference Proceedings Design and Construction Issues At Hazardous Waste Sites, Part B 701 Thru 1479

540891013 Superfund Desk Reference for Municipalities

540891014 Compendium of Superfund Program Publications 1992

540891014A Catalog of Superfund Program Information Products: 1994

540891016 Superfund Focusing On The Nation At Large 1991 Update

540891017 National Priorities List Sites Alabama, 1991

540891018 National Priorities List Sites Alaska, 1991

540891019 National Priorities List Sites Arizona And Nevada, 1991

540891020 National Priorities List Sites Arkansas, 1991

540891021 National Priorities List Sites California And Hawaii, 1991

540891022 National Priorities List Sites Colorado, 1991

540891023 National Priorities List Sites Connecticut, 1991

540891024 National Priorities List Sites Delaware, 1991

540891025 National Priorities List Sites Florida, 1991

540891026 National Priorities List Sites Georgia, 1991

540891027 National Priorities List Sites Idaho, 1991

540891028 National Priorities List Sites Illinois, 1991

540891029 National Priorities List Sites Indiana, 1991

540891030 National Priorities List Sites Iowa, 1991

540891031 National Priorities List Sites Kansas, 1991

540891032 National Priorities List Sites Kentucky, 1991

540891033 National Priorities List Sites Louisiana, 1991

540891034 National Priorities List Sites Maine, 1991

540891036 National Priorities List Sites Massachusetts, 1991

540891037 National Priorities List Sites Michigan, 1991

540891038 National Priorities List Sites Minnesota, 1991

540891039 National Priorities List Sites Mississippi, 1991

540891040 National Priorities List Sites Missouri, 1991

540891041 National Priorities List Sites Montana, 1991

540891042 National Priorities List Sites Nebraska, 1991

540891043 National Priorities List Sites New Hampshire, 1991

540891044 National Priorities List Sites New Jersey, 1991

540891045 National Priorities List Sites New Mexico

540891046 National Priorities List Sites New York

540891047 National Priorities List Sites North Carolina

540891048 National Priorities List Sites North And South Dakota

540891049 National Priorities List Sites Ohio

540891050 National Priorities List Sites Oklahoma

540891051 National Priorities List Sites Oregon 1991

540891052 National Priorities List Sites Pennsylvania, 1991

540891053 National Priorities List Sites Rhode Island, 1991

540891054 National Priorities List Sites South Carolina, 1991

540891055 National Priorities List Sites Tennessee, 1991

540891056 National Priorities List Sites Texas, 1991

540891057 National Priorities List Sites Utah, 1991

540891058 National Priorities List Sites Vermont, 1991

540891059 National Priorities List Sites Virginia, 1991

540891060 National Priorities List Sites Washington, 1991

540891061 National Priorities List Sites West Virginia, 1991

540891062 National Priorities List Sites Wisconsin, 1991

540891063 National Priorities List Sites Wyoming, 1991

540891064 National Priorities List Sites American Samoa, Guam, And The Trust Territories, 1991

540891065 National Priorities List Sites Puerto Rico, 1991

540891067 ROD Annual Report Fy 1990

540891068 National On Scene Coordinator Directory

540891069 Superfund NPL Characterization Project National Results

540891070 Superfund NPL Characterization Project Region 1 Results

540891071 Superfund NPL Characterization Project Region 2 Results

540891072 NPL Characterization Project Region 3 Results

540891073 Superfund NPL Characterization Project Region 4 Results

540891074 Superfund NPL Characterization Project Region 5 Results

540891076 Superfund NPL Characterization Project Region 7 Results

540891077 Superfund NPL Characterization Project Region 8 Results

540891078 Superfund NPL Characterization Project Region 9 Results

540891079 Superfund NPL Characterization Project Region 10 Results

540891080 Superfund CERCLIS Characterization Project National Results

540891081 Superfund CERCLIS Characterization Project Region 1 Results

540891082 CERCLIS Characterization Project: Region 2 Results

540891083 Superfund CERCLIS Characterization Project Region 3 Results

540891084 Superfund CERCLIS Characterization Project Region 4 Results

540891085 Superfund CERCLIS Characterization Project : Region 5 Results

540891086 Superfund CERLIS Characterization Project Region 6 Results

540891087 Superfund CERCLIS Characterization Project Region 7 Results

540891088 Superfund CERCLIS Characterization Project Region 8 Results

540891089 Superfund CERCLIS Characterization Project Region 9 Results

540891090 Superfund CERCLIS Characterization Project Region 10 Results

540891091 Technical Support Services for Superfund Site Remediation and RCRA Corrective Action, 3rd Edition

540891093 Superfund Emergency Response Actions Summary Of Federally Funded Removals 5th Annual Report Fiscal Year 1990

540971006 Ecological Effects Of Pesticides On Non-target Species

540975011 Acceptable Common Names And Chemical Names For The Ingredient Statement On Pesticide Labels

540975029 Sensory Chemical Pesticide Warning System Experimental, Summary And Recommendations Final Report Covering The Period June 1974-July 1975

540977013 Recognition and Management Of Pesticide Poisonings

540977018 Economic Analysis Of Pesticide Disposal Methods Final Report

540977021 Survey Of Mathematical Models

540980005 Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings 3rd Edition

540982004 Creosote Inorganic Arsenicals Pentachlorophenol and Position Document No 2-3

540986135 Hazard Evaluation Division Standard Evaluation Procedure Non-Target Plants: Terrestrial Field Testing - Tier 3

540988001 Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings, 4th Edition

540989012 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act as Amended

540991001 Oswer Source Book Training and Technology Transfer Resources

540991002 Innovative Treatment Technologies Overview and Guide To Information Sources

540A589001 Hazcon Solidification Process, Douglassville, Pa.: Applications Analysis Report

540A589003 Terra Vac In Situ Vacuum Extraction System: Applications Analysis Report

540A589004 International Waste Technologies/Geo-Con In Situ Stabilization / Solidification: Applications Analysis Report

540A589005 Soliditech, Inc. Solidification / Stabilization Process: Applications Analysis Report

540A589008 American Combustion Pyretron Destruction System: Applications Analysis Report Site Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation

540A589010 Shirco Infrared Incineration System Applications Analysis Report

540A589011 Applications Analysis Report: Chemfix Technologies, Inc: Solidification/Stabilization Process

540A589012 Ultrox International Ultraviolet Radiation/Oxidation Technology: Applications Analysis Report

540A590002 CF Systems Organics Extraction Process New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts: Applications Analysis Report

540A590007 Applications Analysis Report: Dupont/Oberlin Microfiltration

540A590008 Applications Analysis Report: Toxic Treatments, In Situ Steam/Hot-Air Stripping Technology

540A591001 Applications Analysis Report: Biological Treatment of Wood Preserving Site Groundwater by BioTrol, Inc.

540A591002 Applications Analysis Report Awd Technologies, Inc, Aquadetox-SVE Technology

540A591003 Biotrol Soil Washing System for Treatment of a Wood Preserving Site: Application Analysis Report

540A591005 Applications Analysis Report: Horsehead Resource Development Company Inc., Flame Reactor Technology

540A591007 Application Analysis Report: Retech, Inc., Plasma Centrifugal Furnace

540A591009 Pilot-Scale Demonstration of a Slurry-Phase Biological Reactor for Creosote-Contaminated Soil Applications Analysis Report

540AR92002 Applications Analysis Report: The Carver-Greenfield Process Dehydro-Tech Corporation

540AR92010 Silicate Technology Corporation's Solidification-Stabilization Technology For Organic and Inorganic Contaminants In Soils Applications Analysis Report

540AR92014 Applications Analysis Report: Membrane Treatment of Wood Preserving Site Groundwater by SBP Technologies, Inc.

540AR92015 Applications Analysis Report: Demonstration of a Trial Excavation at the McColl Superfund Site

540AR92017 Applications Analysis Report: Babcock and Wilcox Cyclone Furnace Vitrification Technology

540AR92019 Applications Analysis Report: Low Temperature Thermal Treatment (LT3) Technology, Roy F Weston, Inc.

540AR92075 Applications Analysis Report: Bergmann USA Soil Sediment Washing Technology

540AR92079 B.E.S.T. Solvent Extraction Technology: Applications Analysis Report, Resources Conservations Company

540AR93501 perox-pure Chemical Oxidation Technology: Applications Analysis Report, Peroxidation Systems, Inc.

540AR93503 Application Analysis Report: BESCORP Soil Washing System for Lead Battery Site Treatment

540AR93504 Application Analysis Report: Low Temperature Thermal Aeration (LTTA) Process, Canonie Environmental Services, Inc.

540AR93506 CWM PO*WW*ER Evaporation Catalytic Oxidation Technology, Applications Analysis Report

540AR93508 Applications Analysis Report: EPA RREL's Mobile Volume Reduction Unit

540AR93509 Applications Analysis Report: Accutech Pneumatic Fracturing Extraction and Hot Gas Injection, Phase I

540AR93513 Applications Analysis Report: Microfiltration Technology, EPOC Water Incorporated

540AR93517 Toronto Harbour Commissioners (THC) Soil Recycle Treatment Train: Applications Analysis Report

540AR93520 CAV-OX Cavitation Oxidation Process, Magnum Water Technology, Inc

540AR93522 Applications Analysis Report: ECO LOGIC International Gas-Phase Chemical Reduction Process, The Reactor System

540AR94504 Applications Analysis Report: Eco Logic International Gas-Phase Chemical Reduction Process, The Thermal Desorption Unit

540AR94510 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: In Situ Steam Enhanced Recovery Process

540B00004 Health And Safety 8 Hour Training

540B00008 Introduction to Groundwater Investigations (165.7) Student Manual

540B00009 Introductory Site Inspection Training : Student Manual

540B00010 Introductory Preliminary Assessment Training Student Manual

540B00011 Safety and Health Decision-Making for Managers (165.8) Student Manual

540B00012 Sampling For Hazardous Materials

540B00014 Environmental Remediation Technologies (165.3) Student Manual

540B00016 Inland Oil Spills

540B00017 Environmental Response Training Program Schedule of Courses October 1, 2000 - September 30, 2001

540B04001 Superfund Environmental Indicators Guidance Manual

540B82001 Bibliographic Update on Superfund

540B90001 Review Procedures for OSWER Guidance Documents

540B91101 Bibliography of Articles from the NTIS Database Describing Alternative and Innovative Technologies for Corrective Action and Site Remediation

540B91102 Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual : Supplemental Guidance ; Standard Default Exposure Factors ; Interim Final

540B92001 WasteLAN s System Administration Manual Version 4.0 March 11, 1992

540B92002 WasteLAN User's Manual Version 4.0 March 11, 1992

540B92005 Superfund guidance on the Applicability and Incorporation of the Davis Bacon and Service Contract Acts into Superfund Acquisitions

540B92006 User's Guide to the Contract Laboratory Program

540C93002 Health and Safety Plan (HASP) User's Guide

540C94002 Data Quality Objectives Decision Error Feasibility Trials (DQO-DEFT), User's Guide, Version 4 0

540C97003 Superfund Program Superfund Public Information Systems RODS On Cd Roms

540D04001 Draft Guidance for Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air Pathway from Groundwater and Soils (Subsurface Vapor Intrusion Guidance)

540D05001 National Strategy to Manage Post Construction Completion (PCC) Activities at Superfund Sites Goes Out for Stakeholder Review DRAFT May 2005

540F00005 Institutional Controls: A Site Manager's Guide to Identifying, Evaluating and Selecting Institutional Controls at Superfund and RCRA Corrective Action Cleanups

540F00006 Short Sheet: IEUBK Model Bioavailability Variable

540F00007 Short Sheet: IEUBK Model Soil/Dust Ingestion Rates

540F00008 Short Sheet: IEUBK Model Mass Fraction of Soil in Indoor Dust (MSD) Variable

540F00010 TRW Recommendations for Sampling and Analysis of Soil at Lead (Pb) Sites : Short Sheet

540F00020 Tools for Enhancing Community Involvement in Risk Assessment:

540F00021 EPA Fact Sheet for Presenters of the 40-Minute Videotape: Superfund Risk Assessment and How You Can Help

540F00023 Superfund Today: Focus on Construction Completion

540F00500 Announcement of New SITE Publications

540F00501 Notification of the EPA Solicitation for Sites to Host Innovative Technology Evaluations

540F01009 Superfund Post Construction Completion : An Overview

540F01010 Superfund Post Construction Completion Activities

540F01502 SITE Emerging Technology Bulletin: Photoelectrocatalytic Degradation and Removal of Organic and Inorganic Contaminants in Ground Waters

540F02004 Five Year Review Process in the Superfund Program

540F02005 Final SPCC Rule Fact Sheet

540F02006 Oil Program Origins and Directions {Brochure}

540F03002 Fact Sheet Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) Program

540F03011 Using Dynamic Field Activities for On-Site Decision Making : Announcing new OSWER One Cleanup Program Guidance

540F291008 Engineering Bulletin Thermal Desorption Treatment

540F92001 Emerging Technology Project Bulletin: Constructed Wetlands Treatment for Toxic Metal Contaminated Waters

540F92002 Emerging Technology Project Bulletin: Chemical Treatment and Ultra Filtration

540F92003 Emerging Technology Project Bulletin: Removal and Recovery of Metal Ions From Groundwater, Bio-Recovery Systems, Inc

540F92004 Emerging Technology Project Bulletin: Laser Induced Photochemical Oxidative Destruction

540F92008 Emerging Technology Bulletin: Metals Treatment at Superfund Sites by Adsorptive Filtration

540F92009 Emerging Technology Bulletin: Electron Beam Treatment for Removal of Trichloroethylene and Tetrachloroethylene from Streams and Sludge

540F92010 Emerging Technology Bulletin: The Babcock & Wilcox Cyclone Furnace Soil Vitrification Technology

540F92011 Emerging Technology Bulletin: Alternating Current Electrocoagulation

540F92012 Bioremediation Field Initiative

540F93024 Superfund Accelerated Cleanup Model (SACM) : Information Sources

540F93035 Presumptive Remedy For CERCLA Muncipal Landfill Sites

540F93038 Integrating Removal and Remedial Site Assessment Investigations

540F93041 Emergency Responders Agreements For Fund Lead Remedial Actions

540F93043 Data Quality Objectives Process For Superfund Fact Sheet

540F93047 Presumptive Remedies Policy And Procedures

540F93500 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Technology with an Impact

540F93501 Site Emerging Technology Bulletin: Destruction of Organic Contaminants in Air Using Advanced Ultraviolet Flashlamps

540F93502 Site Emerging Technology Bulletin: Electron Beam Treatment for the Removal of Benzene and Toluene from Aqueous Streams and Sludge

540F93503 Site Emerging Technology Bulletin: A Cross-Flow Pervaporation System for Removal of VOCs from Contaminated Wastewater, Wastewater Technology Center

540F93506 Emerging Technology Bulletin: Methanotrophic Bioreactor System, Biotrol, Inc.

540F93507 Site Emerging Technology Bulletin: Bioscrubber, Aluminum Company of America

540F93508 Site Emerging Technology Bulletin: Spouted Bed Reactor

540F93509 Site Emerging Technology Bulletin: Removal of Phenol from Aqueous Solutions Using High Energy Electron Beam Irradiation

540F93510 Bioremediation Field Initative

540F93510A Bioremediation Field Initiative Site Profile: Libby Ground Water Superfund Site (Sep '93)

540F93510B Bioremediation Field Initiative Site Profile: Eielson Air Force Base Superfund Site (Sep '93)

540F93510C Bioremediation Field Initiative Site Profile: Hill Air Force Base Superfund Site (Sep '93)

540F93510D Bioremediation Field Initiative Site Profile: Public Service Company of Colorado (Sep '93)

540F93510E Bioremediation Field Initiative Site Profile: Park City Pipeline

540F93510F Bioremediation Field Initiative Site Profile: Bendix Corporation/Allied Automotive Superfund Site

540F93510G Bioremediation Field Initiative Site Profile: Escambia Wood Preserving Site, Brookhaven

540F93510H Bioremediation Field Initiative Site Profile: Reilly Tar and Chemical Corporation Superfund Site (Sep '93)

540F93510I Bioremediation Field Initiative Site Profile: West KL Avenue Landfill Superfund Site

540F94009 Conducting Non Time Critical Removal Actions Under CERCLA

540F94022 Fact Sheet: Computer Models Used to Support Cleanup Decision-Making at Hazardous and Radioactive Waste Sites

540F94023 Fact Sheet: Environmental Characteristics of EPA, NRC, and DOE Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Substances

540F94024 Fact Sheet: Environmental Pathway Models - Ground-Water Modeling in Support of Remedial Decision-Making at Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Material

540F94025 Fact Sheet: A Technical Guide to Ground-Water Model Selection at Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Substances

540F94028 Using Qualified Data To Document An Observed Release and Observed Contamination

540F94040 Descriptions Of 42 Final Sites Added To The National Priorities List In May 1994 Volume 4 Number 3

540F94041 Superfund Emergency Response Program: Over a Decade of Protecting Human Health and the Environment

540F94048 BTAG Forum: Highlights of the 9th Annual RRAC/6th Annual SEEW. Volume 4: Number 2, August 1994

540F94050 ECO Update: Selecting and Using Reference Information in Superfund Ecological Risk Assessments

540F94500 Forum On Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies, 5th Domestic and International

540F94501 Site Emerging Technology Bulletin: Institute of Gas Technology, Fluid Extraction-Biological Degradation Process

540F94502 Site Emerging Technology Bulletin: Photolysis/Biodegradation of PCB and PCDD/PCDF Contaminated Soils

540F94503 Site Emerging Technology Bulletin: Volatile Organic Compound Removal from Air Streams by Membranes Separation

540F94504 Site Emerging Technology Bulletin: Institute of Gas Technology

540F94505 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Innovation Making a Difference

540F94506 Bioremediation in the Field Search System (Jun '94)

540F94508 Emerging Technology Bulletin: Reductive Photo-Dechlorination (RPD) Process for Safe Conversion of Hazardous Chlorocarbon Waste Streams

540F94509 Emerging Technology Bulletin: New Jersey Institute of Technology, GHEA Associates Process

540F94510 Site Emerging Technology Bulletin: Reclamation of Lead from Superfund Waste Material Using Secondary Lead Smelters

540F95002 Guidance On Deferral Of NPL Listing Determinations While States Oversee Response Actions

540F95004 Proposed Ncp Deferral Policy Concept, 1988 Response For Comment

540F95013 Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) Audits

540F95030 Engineering Forum Issue Paper: Soil Vapor Extraction Implementation Experiences

540F95031 Engineering Forum Issue Paper Thermal Desorption Implementation Issues

540F95037 ECO Update Ecological Significance and Selection Of Candidate Assessment Endpoints

540F95038 ECO Update Ecotox Thresholds

540F95500 Emerging Technology Bulletin: Ambersorb 563 Adsorbent, Rohm and Haas Company

540F95502 Site Emerging Technology Program

540F95503 Site Emerging Technology Bulletin: Waste Vitrification Through Electric Melting

540F95504 Emerging Technology Bulletin: Electrokinetic Soil Processing

540F95505 Emerging Technology Bulletin: Development of a Photothermal Detoxification Unit

540F95506A Bioremediation Field Initiative Site Profile: Libby Ground Water Superfund Site (Sep '95)

540F95506B Bioremediation Field Initiative Site Profile: Eielson Air Force Base Superfund Site (Sep '95)

540F95506C Bioremediation Field Initiative Site Profile: Hill Air Force Base Superfund Site (Sep '95)

540F95506D Bioremediation Field Initiative Site Profile: Public Service Company of Colorado (Sep '95)

540F95506G Bioremediation Field Initiative Site Profile Escambia Wood Preserving Site

540F95506H Bioremediation Field Initiative Site Profile: Reilly Tar and Chemical Corporation Superfund Site (Sep '95)

540F95507 Bioremediation in the Field Search System (Jul '95)

540F95508 Bioremediation in the Field Electronic Questionnaire

540F95509 Emerging Technology Bulletin: Process for the Treatment of Volatile Organic Carbon and Heavy-Metal-Contaminated Soil, International Technology Corp.

540F95510 Emerging Technology Bulletin: Two-Zone PCE Bioremediation System, ABB Environmental Services, Inc.

540F96002 Fact Sheet: Documenting Ground-Water Modeling At Sites Contaminated With Radioactive Substances

540F96008 Vocs In Soils Presumptive Remedy User's Guide

540F96016 Community Advisory Groups (CAGs) at Superfund Sites

540F96017 Fact Sheet Landfill Presumptive Remedy Saves Time and Cost, Volume 1 Number 1

540F96018 Role Of Cost In The Superfund Remedy Selection Process

540F96023 State Participation In Federal Lead Removal Actions

540F96503 Fact Sheet Demonstration Of VOC Treatment and Disposal Via Spray Irrigation, Hastings, Nebraska

540F96505 SITE Emerging Technology Bulletin: Innovative Methods for Bioslurry Treatment, IT Corporation

540F97001 Technical Assistance Grants (TAG): How to Find, Choose and Hire a Technical Advisor

540F97004 Presumptive Remedy Supplemental Bulletin Multi-phase Extraction (MPE) Technology For Vocs In Soil and Groundwater

540F97030 El Superfondo En Nuestro Dias: Concentracion En La Evaluacion Del Riego (Spanish)

540F97031 Grupos De Consulta De La Comunidad (CAGs) En Sitios Del Superfondo

540F97036 Frequently Asked Questions: Rags Part D

540F97500 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation: SITE on the Move

540F97502 Bioremediation in the Field Search System (May '97)

540F98001 Superfund Today: September 2000

540F98015 Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS) Volume 1, Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part D, Standardized Planning, Reporting, and Review of Superfund Risk Assessments)

540F98020 Returning Superfund Sites to Productive Use: Luminous Processors, Athens, Georgia

540F98022 Returning Superfund Sites to Productive Use: Bowers Landfill, Pickaway County, Ohio

540F98030 Clarification to the 1994 Revised Interim Soil Lead Guidance for CERCLA Sites and RCRA Corrective Action Facilities

540F98033 Interim Policy on the Use of Permanent Relocations as Part of Superfund

540F98034 Technical Assistance Grants (TAG): Incorporation and Tax-Exempt Status

540F98051 Evaluating Groundwater Plumes Under The Hazard Ranking System

540F98052 Evaluating Karst Geology Using The Hazard Ranking System

540F98053 Superfund Today: Superfund Site In My Backyard! (Jan '99)

540F98055 Superfund Today Focus On Revisions To Superfund's Risk Assessment Guidance

540F98056 Grupos de Consultra de la Comunidad (CAGs) en Sitios del Superfundo

540F98501 Land Remediation and Pollution Control Division; Science and Technology to Treat Contaminated Soils, Sludges and Sediments

540F98502 Seminar Series: Monitored Natural Attenuation for Ground Water: March 9-10, 1999, New York, NY

540F99006 Improving Site Assessment: Integrating Removal and Remedial Site Evaluations

540F99048 RCRA Helps Turn Brownfields Green

540FS87045 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 13dcna, {microform}

540FS87095 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 79 Sodium and Calcium Hypochlorite {microform}

540FS88082 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 183hexazinone

540FS88085 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 185sulfotepp {microform}

540FS88096 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 186streptomycin {microform}

540FS88114 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 9422,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid {microform}

540FS88116 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 1551metalaxyl {microform}

540FS88120 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 52terbufos {microform}

540FS88125 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 175strychnine Alkaloid and Sulfate {microform}

540FS88126 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 174sodium Fluoracetate (compound 1080) {microform}

540FS88127 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 176ethephon {microform}

540FS88129 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 178strychnine Update {microform}

540FS88130 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 1792, 4-db {microform}

540FS88133 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 481picloram {microform}

540FS89001 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 181metiram {microform}

540FS89004 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 184tetrachlorvinphos

540FS89014 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 187methoxychlor {microform}

540FS89026 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 189carbofuran {microform}

540FS89029 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 191metaldehyde {microform}

540FS89031 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 192mecroprop (mcpp) {microform}

540FS89035 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 194difenzoquat {microform}

540FS89040 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 198rotenone {microform}

540FS89046 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 198cypermethrin {microform}

540FS89047 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 200hexythiazox {microform}

540FS89051 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 201methomyl Microform

540FS89053 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 1072heptachlor Microform

540FS89054 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 202flurprimidol Microform

540FS89057 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 203trichoderma Harzianum and Trichoderma Polysporum Microform

540FS89058 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 204triadimenol (baytan) Microform

540FS89060 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 205sulfluramid Microform

540FS89065 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 206terbacil Microform

540FS89067 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 207coumaphos Microform

540FS89070 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 208mcpa {microform}

540FS90075 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 209ethion {microform}

540FS90080 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 210fenpropathrin {microform}

540FS90081 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 211oryzalin {microform}

540FS90093 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 214primisulfuron-methyl {microform}

540FS91118 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 217gliocladium Microform

540FS91119 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 218trichoderma Harzianum Microform

540FS91123 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 219tribenuron Methyl {microform}

540FS91130 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 220cadmium Chloride {microform}

540FS91137 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 223dithiopyr {microform}

540FS91138 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 224uniconazole- {microform}

540FS92168 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 228triflumizole {microform}

540FS92170 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 230Clethodim {microform}

540FS92175 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 231Prodiamine {microform}

540FS92210 R.E.D Facts Allium sativum (Garlic)

540FS92220 Pesticide Fact Sheet Number 237oxadixyl (new Chemical Registration) {microform}

540G85002 Guidance On Remedial Investigations Under CERCLA

540G85003 Guidance On Feasibility Studies Under CERCLA

540G86001 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (site) Strategy & Program Plan

540G87001 Superfund Federal-Lead Remedial Project Management {Handbook}

540G87002 Superfund State-Lead Remedial Project Management {Handbook}

540G87003 Data Quality Objectives For Remedial Response Activities Development Process

540G87004 Data Quality Objectives for Remedial Response Activities: Example Scenario: RI/FS Activities at a Site with Contaminated Soils and Ground Water

540G87005 RPM Primer: An Introductory Guide to the Role and Responsibilities of the Superfund Remedial Project Manager

540G87006 Guidance Document for Providing Alternate Water Supplies

540G88001 Citizens' Guidance Manual For The Technical Assistance Grant Program

540G88002 Community Relations In Superfund Interim Version

540G88003 Guidance On Remedial Actions For Contaminated Groundwater At Superfund Sites

540G89001 Superfund Community Relations Program: A Guide to Effective Presentations With Visual Aids

540G89002 Procedures for Completion and Deletion of National Priorities List Sites

540G89003A Superfund Getting Into The Act Contracting And Subcontracting Opportunities In The Superfund Program

540G89004 Guidance for Conducting Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies Under CERCLA. Interim Final

540G89006 CERCLA Compliance with Other Laws Manual: Draft Guidance

540G89007 Guidance On Preparing Superfund Decision Documents Interim Final

540G89009 CERCLA Compliance with Other Laws Manual: Part 2 Clean Air Act and Other Environmental Statutes and State Requirements. Interim Final

540G89009 CERCLA Compliance with Other Laws Manual: Part II. Clean Air Act and Other Environmental Statutes and State Requirements Interim Final

540G89010 US Environmental Protection Agency: SARA Title I Section 126: Health and Safety Audit Guidelines

540G90001 Guidance on EPA Oversight of Remedial Designs and Remedial Actions Performed by Potentially Responsible Parties: Interim Final

540G90002 Scoper's Notes: RI/FS Costing Guide

540G90003 Hazmat Team Planning Guidance

540G90004 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Guidance for Removal Activities: Sampling QA/QC Plan and Data Validation Procedures. Interim Final

540G90005 CERCLA Site Discharges to POTWs: Guidance Manual

540G90006 Guidance On Expediting Remedial Design And Remedial Action

540G90007 Guidance On Remedial Actions For Superfund Sites With Pcb Contamination

540G90008 Guidance For Data Usability In Risk Assessment Interim Final, October 1990

540G91001 Continuous Release - Emergency Response Notification System and Priority Assessment Model: User's Manual for EPA Regions

540G91002 Assessing Reports of Continuous Releases of Hazardous Substances: A Guide for EPA Regions

540G91003 Reporting Requirements for Continuous Releases of Hazardous Substances: A Guide for Facilities and Vessels on Compliance

540G91004 Continuous Release - Emergency Response Notification System and Priority Assessment Model: Model Documentation

540G91005 Continuous Release - Emergency Response Notification System: User's Manual for Industry

540G91009 Management of Investigation-Derived Wastes During Site Inspections

540G91010a Guidance on Oversight of Potentially Responsible Party Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies Final, Volume 1

540G91010B Guidance on Oversight of Potentially Responsible Party Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies: Final, Volume 2

540G91011 Guidance On RCRA Corrective Action Decision Documents The Statement Of Bases Final Decision And Response To Comments

540G91012 Contracting And Subcontracting Guide To The Superfund Program

540G91013 Guidance For Performing Preliminary Assessments Under CERCLA

540H86001 Descriptions of Eight Sites Deleted from the National Priorities List in March 1986

540H87001 Descriptions of 64 Sites on Proposed Update #6 to National Priorities List

540I87001 Hazardous Waste Bibliography

540K00002 EPA Emergency Response and Removal Program: Over Two Decades of Protecting Human Health and the Environment

540K00004 Reusing Superfund Sites: Turning Toxic Wastelands into Productive Assets

540K01003 Superfund Community Involvement Handbook

540K02002 Technical Assistance Resources Communities Near Contaminated Sites

540K02003d Facility Response Planning Compliance Assistance Guide

540K02004D Planificacion De Respuesta Para Instalaciones Guia De Asistencia Para El Cumplimiento

540K02006 Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Regulation

540K03001 Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) Program {Application Forms-Instructions}

540K03008 RCRA Training Module: Oil Pollution Prevention Regulation and the Oil Pollution Act of 1990

540K93001 Superfund Technical Assistance Grants

540K93002 Superfund Technical Assistance Grants (TAGs)

540K93003 Superfund Technical Grant (TAG) Handbook: Applying F\for Your Grant

540K93003A Understanding Oil Spills and Oil Spill Response **Printed as 540K93003**

540K93004 Superfund Technical Grant (TAG) Handbook The Application Forms with Instructions

540K93005 Superfund Technical Grant (TAG) Handbook Procurement - Using TAG Funds

540K93006 Superfund Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) Handbook: Managing Your Grant; Hazardous Ranking System Guidance Manual

540K93007 Environmental Response Center Your Link To Information About Hazardous Waste Cleanup And Emergency Response

540K93008 This Is A Superfund Citizen's Guide To EPA's Superfund Program

540K94002 El Programa De Superfund: Guia Del Programa De Superfund De La EPA

540K95001 Warning: It's Dazzling, It's Slick, It's Awesome, It's Mercury, and It Can Kill You (Brochure)

540K95005 Haz-Ed: Classroom Activities for Understanding Hazardous Waste

540K96001 Guidance for Community Advisory Groups at Superfund Sites

540K96002 Superfund Today: Superfund Site In My Backyard! (Apr '96)

540K96003 Superfund Today: What is Risk Assessment?

540K96004 Superfund Today: Focus on Cleanup Costs

540K96005 Superfund Today: Focus on the Community Advisory Group Program

540K96008 Groundwater Cleanup At Superfund Sites

540K96009 Superfund Today: Focus on Construction Completion

540K96010 Proceedings Superfund Relocation Roundtable Meeting Pensacola Civic Center May 2-4 1996 Pensacola Fl

540K97004 Fact Sheet: Mercury, Emergency Spill and Release Facts

540K97007 About the Community Advisory Group Toolkit: A Summary of the Tools

540K98001 Regional Superfund Ombudsman Program

540K98003 Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Regulation 40 CFR 112: Facility Owner/ Operator's Guide to Pollution Prevention

540K98004 Superfund Today: Focus on Risk Assessment: Involving the Community

540K98005 This Brochure May Be Worth $25,000: How Local Governments Can Recover Costs for Emergency Response to Hazardous Substance Releases

540K98006 Sobre el Caja de Herramientas para la Crear un Grupo Asesor Comunitario: Un Resumen de las Herramientas

540K98008 Donaciones para Asistencia Tecnica del ''Superfund''

540K98011 EPA's Superfund Website: Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Information

540K99003 Superfund Risk Assessment- What It's All About and How You Can Help

540K99005 El Superfund Hoy Dia: Que es la Estimacion del Riesgo Para la Salud Humana? (Spanish)

540K99006 This is Superfund: Citizen's Guide to EPA's Superfund Program

540K99007 Understanding Oil Spills and Oil Spill Responses

540M588002 Demonstration Bulletin: Electric Infrared Incineration, Shirco Infrared systems, Inc.

540M589001 Site Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation - Demonstration Bulletin: Solidification/Stabilization Process Hazcon, Inc.

540M589003 Demonstration Bulletin: In-Situ Vacuum Extraction, Terra Vac, Inc.

540M589004 Site Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation - Demonstration Bulletin: In-Situ Soil Stabilization

540M589005 Demonstration Bulletin: Solidification/Stabilization Process, August 1989

540M589006 Site Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation: Demonstration Bulletin: Organic Extraction Utilizing Solvents

540M589008 Demonstration Bulletin: The Pyretron Oxygen Burner, American Combustion Technologies, Inc.

540M589012 Demonstration Bulletin: Ultraviolet Radiation and Oxidation, Ultrox International, Inc.

540M590003 Demonstration Results In-Situ Steam / Hot Air Soil Stripping, Toxic Treatment Incorporated, USA

540M590007 Demonstration Bulletin: Membrane Microfiltration: E.I. Dupont De Nemours and Company, Inc., Oberlin Filter Company

540M591001 Demonstration Bulletin: Aqueous Biological Treatment System (Fixed-Film Biodegradation), Biotrol, Inc.

540M591002 Demonstration Bulletin: AWD Technologies Aquadetox/SVE System, AWD Technologies, Inc

540M591003 Demonstration Bulletin: Soil Washing System, BioTrol, Inc.

540M591005 Demonstration Bulletin: Flame Reactor, Horsehead Resource Development, Inc.

540M591007 Demonstration Bulletin: The Plasma Centrifugal Furnace, Retech Inc.

540M591009 Demonstration Bulletin: Slurry Biodegradation, International Technology Corporation

540M90008 Tech Trends: Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, Number 1, July 1990

540M90009 Tech Trends: Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, Number 2, October 1990

540M90010 Tech Trends: Applied Technologies Journal For Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, Number 3, December 1990

540M91001 Tech Trends: Applied Technologies Journal For Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, Number 4, March 1991

540M91002 Tech Trends: Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, Number 5, May 1991

540M91003 Proceedings Superfund Technical Support General Meeting December 1990 Abstract

540M91004 Tech Trends: Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, Number 6, August 1991

540M91005 Tech Trends: Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, Number 7, December 1991

540MR00504 SITE Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation, Demonstration Bulletin, Enhanced In-Situ Bioremediation Process, Earth Tech, Inc.

540MR01501 SITE: Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation, Demonstration Bulletin, Biological Denitrification Process, EcoMat, Inc.

540MR01503 SITE: Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation, Demonstration Bulletin, Adsorption-Integrated-Reaction (AIR) Process, KSE, Inc.

540MR02500 SITE Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation: Draft Demonstration Bulletin, Minergy Glass Furnace Technology

540MR03500 SITE Demonstration Bulletin: Minergy Glass Furnace Technology

540MR03503 SITE : Demonstration Bulletin, Steam Enhanced Remediation, SteanTech Environmental Services, Inc

540MR04057 SITE: Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation

540MR04507 Site Demonstration Bulletin Electrochemical Remediation Technologies ecrts

540MR92001 Demonstration Bulletin: Circulating Bed Combustor

540MR92002 Demonstration Bulletin: The Dehydro-Tech Corporation, Carver-Greenfield Process

540MR92008 Demonstration Bulletin: AOSTRA-SoilTech Anaerobic Thermal Processor: Wide Beach Development Site, SoilTech ATP Systems, Inc.

540MR92010 Demonstration Bulletin: Solidification/Stabilization of Organic/Inorganic Contaminants, Silicate Technology Corporation

540MR92011 Demonstration Bulletin: Cyclone Furnace Soil Vitrification Technology Babcock & Wilcox

540MR92014 Demonstration Bulletin: Membrane Filtration, SBP Technologies, Inc.

540MR92015 Demonstration Bulletin: Soil Recycling Treatment Train: The Toronto Harbour Commissioners

540MR92018 Treatability Study Bulletin Enzyme-activated Cellulose Technology Thorneco Inc

540MR92019 Demonstration Bulletin: Low Temperature Thermal Treatment (LT3R) System, Roy F. Weston, Inc.

540MR92075 Demonstration Bulletin: Soil/Sediment Washing System, Bergmann USA

540MR92078 Demonstration Bulletin: SoilTech Anaerobic Thermal Processor, Outboard Marine Corporation Site

540MR92079 Demonstration Bulletin: The Basic Extractive Sludge Treatment (B.E.S.T.), Resources Conservation Company (RCC)

540MR93501 Demonstration Bulletin: Perox-Pure Chemical Oxidation Treatment, Peroxidation Systems, Inc.

540MR93502 Demonstration Bulletin: X*Trax Model 200 Thermal Desorption Systems, Chemical Waste Management, Inc.

540MR93503 Demonstration Bulletin: BESCORP Soil Washing System Alaskan Battery Enterprises Site, Brice Environmental Services Corporation

540MR93504 Demonstration Bulletin: Low Temperature Thermal Aeration (LTTA) Process, Canonie Environmental Services, Inc.

540MR93505 Demonstration Bulletin: Hydraulic Fracturing of Contaminated Soil, Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory and the University of Cincinnati

540MR93506 Demonstration Bulletin: PO*WW*ER Wastewater Treatment System, Lake Charles Treatment Center, Chemical Waste Mnagement Inc.

540MR93508 Site Demonstration Bulletin: Mobile Volume Reduction Unit

540MR93509 Demonstration Bulletin: Pneumatic Fracturing Extraction and Hot Gas Injection, Phase I, Accutech Remedial System, Inc.

540MR93510 Demonstration Bulletin: Biogenesis Soil Washing Technology, Biogenesis

540MR93511 Treatability Study Bulletin: Mobile Volume Reduction Unit at the Escambia Superfund Site

540MR93512 Treatability Study Bulletin: Mobile Volume Reduction Unit at the Sand Creek Superfund Site

540MR93513 Demonstration Bulletin: Microfiltration Technology, Epoc Water, Inc.

540MR93514 Demonstration Bulletin: Fungal Treatment Bulletin, USEPA-RREL/USDA-FPL

540MR93520 Demonstration Bulletin: CAV-OX Ultraviolet Oxidation Process: Magnum Water Technology

540MR93522 Demonstration Bulletin: Gas-Phase Chemical Reduction, Eco Logic International, Inc.

540MR93524 Demonstration Bulletin: IN-SITU Thermal Oxidative Process, HRUBETZ Environmental Services

540MR93527 Demonstration Bulletin: Augmented In Situ Subsurface Bioremediation Process, BIO-REM, Inc.

540MR94501 Demonstration Bulletin: Colloid Polishing Filter Method

540MR94504 Demonstration Bulletin: The ECO Logic Thermal - Desorption Unit, Middle Ground Landfill, Bay City, Michigan

540MR94505 Demonstration Bulletin: GIS\Key Environmental Data Management System: GIS\Solutions, Inc.

540MR94507 Demonstration Bulletin: Thermal Desorption System, Clean Berkshires, Inc.

540MR94508 Demonstration Bulletin: Ex-Situ Anaerobic Bioremediation System: Dinoseb

540MR94510 Demonstration Bulletin: In Situ Steam Enhanced Recovery Process, Hughes Environmental Systems, Inc.

540MR94514 Demonstration Bulletin: Texaco Gasification Process Texaco, Inc.

540MR94520 Demonstration Bulletin: In-Situ Vitrification

540MR94521 Demonstration Bulletin: Terra-Kleen Solvent Extraction Technology

540MR94522 Demonstration Bulletin: Forager Sponge Technology

540MR94525 Demonstration Bulletin: SFC Oleofiltration System

540MR94527 SITE: SuperFund Innovative Technology Evaluation

540MR94528 Demonstration Bulletin: Radio Frequency Heating

540MR94529 Demonstration Bulletin: Subsurface Volatilization and Ventilation System

540MR95500 Unterdruck-Verdampfer-Brunnen Technology (UVB) Vacuum Vaporizing Well

540MR95502 Demonstration Bulletin: Cello Pulse Combustion Burner System, Sonotechy, Inc.

540MR95503 Demonstration Bulletin: ZenoGem Wastewater Treatment Process

540MR95510 Demonstration Bulletin: Metal-Enhanced Abiotic Degradation Technology, Environmental Technologies, Inc.

540MR95511 Demonstration Bulletin: Zenon Cross-Flow Pervaporation Technology, Zenon Environmental, Inc.

540MR95514 Demonstration Bulletin: PCP Immunoassay Technologies, Penta RISc by Ensys Inc., Penta RaPID by Ohmicron Corp., EnviroGard by Millipore

540MR95515 Demonstration Bulletin: HNU-Hanby PCP Immunoassay Test Kit, HNU-Systems, Inc.

540MR95517 Demonstration Bulletins: EnviroGard PCB Test Kit, Millipore Inc.

540MR95518 Demonstration Bulletin: Clor-N-Soil PCB Test Kit L2000 PCB/Chloride Analyzer, Dexsil Corp.

540MR95519 Demonstration Bulletin: Rapid Optical Screen Tool (ROST), Loral Corporation

540MR95520 Demonstration Bulletin: Site Characterization Analysis Penetrometer System (SCAPS) LIF Sensor, U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force (Tri-services)

540MR95521 Demonstration Bulletin: Field Analytical Screening Program: PCB Method, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

540MR95524 Demonstration Bulletin: New York State Multi-Vendor Bioremediation: ENSR Consulting and Engineering/Larsen Engineers Ex-Situ Biovault

540MR95525 SITE: Demostration Bulletin: New York State Multi-Vendor Bioremediation

540MR95528 Demonstration Bulletin: Field Analytical Screening Program: PCP Method, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

540MR95529 Demonstration Bulletin: Ex-Situ Anaerobic Bioremediation Technology-TNT, J.R. Simplot Company

540MR95535 SITE: Gognis Terramet- Lead Extraction Process Twins Cities Army Ammunition Plant

540MR95536 Demonstration Bulletin: Grace Dearborn Incorporated, Daramend; Bioremediation Technology

540MR96504 SITE Demonstration Bulletin: High Voltage Electron Beam Technology

540MR96507 Demonstration Bulletin: Disc Tube Module Technology Rochem Separation Systems Incorporated

540MR97506 SITE: Cold Top Ex-Situ Vitrification Process

540MR97507 SITE Demonstration Bulletin: Molecular Bonding System for Heavy Metals Stabilization, Solucorp Industries Limited

540MR97509 Demonstration Bulletin: In Situ Electrokinetic Extraction System: Sandia National Laboratories

540MR99501 SITE Demonstration Bulletin: Soil Rescue Remediation Solution, Star Organics, L.L.C.

540MR99502 SITE Demonstration Bulletin: Envirobond Process, Rocky Mountain Remediation Services

540N000012 USEPA Oil Spill Program Update, July 2000

540N00002 USEPA Oil Spill Program Update, October 2000

540N00003 Oil DROP, October 2000, Volume 4, Issue 1

540N01002 USEPA Oil Spill Program Update, April 2001

540N01003 Oil DROP, April 2001

540N01004 USEPA Oil Spill Program Update, July 2001

540N01007 Oil DROP, October 2001, Volume 5, Number 1

540N01009 USEPA Oil Spill Program Update, January 2002

540N02002 U.S. EPA Oil Program Center Update, July 2002

540N02003 Oil Spill Program Update, Special Edition, August 2002

540N03002 Oil Program Update, October 2003

540N03003 Oil DROP, October 2003

540N05004 Oil Program Update

540N92004 Bioremediation in the Field: Number 7, October 1992

540N93001 Bioremediation in the Field: Number 8, May 1993

540N93002 Bioremediation in the Field, Number 9, August 1993

540N94500 Bioremediation In the Field: Number 10, March 1994

540N94501 Bioremediation in the Field: Number 11, July 1994

540N95500 Bioremediation in the Field: Number 12, August 1995

540P87001 Compendium Of Superfund Field Operations Methods {formerly 2 Volumes}

540P87001A Compendium Of Superfund Field Operations Methods Volume 1

540P87001B Compendium Of Superfund Field Operations Methods Volume 2

540P90001 Field Test Of The Proposed Revised Hazard Ranking System (hrs)

540P90003 Removal Cost Management System Version 3.2

540P90004 Superfund Removal: Action Memorandum Guidance

540P90005 Guidelines for the Cleanup of Clandestine Drug Laboratories

540P90006 Samplers Guide To The Contract Laboratory Program

540P91001 Conducting Remedial Investigations/Feasibility Studies for CERCLA Municipal Landfill Sites

540P91004A Superfund Program Management Manual Fiscal Year 1992 Volume 1

540P91004B Superfund Program Management Manual Fiscal Year 1992 Volume 2

540P91005 Compendium Of ERT Surface Water And Sediment Sampling Procedures

540P91006 Compendium of ERT Soil Sampling and Surface Geophysics Procedures

540P91007 Compendium of ERT Groundwater Sampling Procedures

540P91008 Compendium of ERT Waste Sampling Procedures

540P91009 Compendium of ERT Toxicity Testing Procedures

540P91010 PA-Score Software Users Manual And Tutorial Version 10

540P91011 Superfund Removal Procedures: Guidance on the Consideration of ARARS During Removal Actions

540P91013 Guidance on Site Assessment Cooperative Agreements

540R00001 USEPA Oil Spill Program Update, May 2000

540R00002 Guide to Developing and Documenting Cost Estimates During the Feasibility Study

540R00007 Superfund: 20 Years of Protecting Human Health and the Environment

540R00500 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Western Research Institute Contained Recovery of Oily Wastes (CROW) Process

540R00501A SITE Technology Capsule: Pintail Systems Inc's Aqueous Biocyanide Process

540R00502 SITE Technology Capsule: NoVOCs Evaluation at NAS North Island

540R00504 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Earth Tech Inc.'s Enhanched In-Situ Bioremedation Process

540R01005 Task Force on Ritualistic Uses of Mercury Report

540R01007 Comprehensive Five-Year Review Guidance

540R01500 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Annual Report to Congress FY 1999

540R01501 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Ecomat Inc.'s Biological Denitrifcation Process

540R02003 National Functional Guidelines for Chlorinated Dioxin/Furan Data Review

540R02501 Rocky Mountain Remediation Services (RMRS) Soil Amendment Process: Innovative Technology Evaluarion Report

540R02501A SITE Technology Capsule Demonstration of Rocky Mountain Remediation Services Soil Amendment Process

540R02503 EarthSoft, Inc. Environmental Quality Information System - EQuIS; Innovative Technology Evaluation Report

540R02505 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Annual Report to Congress, FY 2000

540R02506 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Anaerobic Compost Constructed Wetlands System (CWS) Technology

540R02506A SITE Technology Capsule: Anaerobic Compost Constructed Wetlands Technology

540R02507 Forms II Lite Role in Tracking Superfund Sampling Data

540R02508 Principles for Managing Contaminated Sediment Risks at Hazardous Waste Sites

540R02509 Response Selection and Enforcement Approach for Superfund Alternative Sites

540R03002 Using Dynamic Field Activities For On-Site Decision Making: Guide For Project Managers

540R03016 Call For Presenters: 2004 Community Involvement Conference And Training

540R03500 Minergy Corporation Glass Furnace Technology Evaluation

540R03501 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program(SITE): Technology Profiles, Demostration Program 11th Edition: Volume 1

540R03501A Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program(SITE): Technologies Profiles, Emerging Technology, 11TH Edition: Volume 2

540R03501B Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program(Site): Technolgy Profiles, Measurement And Monotoring Program 11TH Edition: Volume 3

540R03502 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Annual Report To Congress, FY 2001

540R03505A Site Technology Capsule MatCon Modified Asphalt For Waste Containment

540R03506 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report Phytoremediation Of Groundwater At Air Force Plant 4 Carswell Texas

540R03508 Artic Foundations, Inc. Freeze Barrier Technology: Innovative Technology Evaluation Reort

540R03508a SITE Technology Capsule

540R03509 Assessment of OSW's 35% Municipal Solid Waste Recycling National GPRA Goal for 2005

540R03510 Human Health Toxicity Values in Superfund Risk Assessments

540R03511 Regional Determinations Regarding Which Sites are Not Eligible Response Sites under CERCLA Section 101(41)(C)(i), as Added By the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Reviltalization Act

540R04005 Groundwater Sampling And Monitoring With Direct Push Technologies

540R04010 Updating Remedy Decisions at Select Superfund Sites : Summary Report FY 2002 and FY 2003

540R040501 Demostration Of Aquafix And SAPS Passive Mine Water Treatment Technologies At The Summitville Mine Site: Innovative Technology Evaluation Report

540R04501 Demonstration of Aquafix and SAPS Passive Mine Water Treatment Technologies at the Summitville Mine Site

540R04502 Stabilization Of Mercury In Waste Material From The Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine: Innovative Technology Evaluation Report

540R04505 The Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Annual Report To Congress FY 2002

540R04506 Electrochemical Design Associates: Lead Recovery Technology Evaluation

540R04507 Electrochemical Remediation Technologies (ECRTs) - In situ Remediation of Contaminated Marine Sediments - Innovative Technology Evaluation Report

540R04508 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report Dredged Material Reclamation At The Jones Island Confined Disposal Facility

540R04508A Site Technology Capsule Dredged Material Reclamation At Jones Island Confined Disposal Facility Us Army Corps Of Engineers

540R04509 A Discussion of Asbestos Detection Techniques for Air and Soil

540R04510 Bioremediation of Arsenic, Chromium, Lead, and Mercury

540R04511 Clarifying Cleanup Goals and Identification of New Assessment Tools for Evaluating Asbestos at Superfund Cleanups

540R04512 OSWER Guidance for the Regional Public Liaisons

540R04513 Phytoremediation Field Studies Database for Chlorinated Solvents, Pesticides, Explosives, and Metals

540R04514 Emerging Technologies for the In Situe Remediation of PCB Contaminated Soils and Sediments Bioremediation and Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron

540R05001 Innovative Technology Verification Report: Technologies for Monitoring and Measurement of Dioxin and Dioxin-like Compounds in Soil and Sediment

540R05003 Innovative Technology Verification Report: Technologies for Monitoring and Measurement of Dioxin and Dioxin-like Compounds in Soil and Sediment

540R05004 Innovative Technology Verification Report: Technologies for Monitoring and Measurement of Dioxin and Dioxin-like Compounds in Soil and Sediment

540R05005 Innovative Technology Verification Report: Technologies for Monitoring and Measurement of Dioxin and Dioxin-like Compounds in Soil and Sediment

540R05006 Treatability Study Report of Green Mountain Laboratories Inc's Bioremediation Process

540R05007 Field Evaluation of TerraTherm In-Situ Thermal Destruction (ISTD) Treatment of Hexachlorocyclopentadiene Innovative Technology Evaluation Report

540R05010 Steam Enhanced Remediation Research For Dnapl In Fractured Rock, Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Maine

540R05011 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report Deployment Of Phytotechnology In The 317-319 Area At Argonne National Laboratory-east

540R05012 Contaminated Sediment Remediation Guidance for Hazardous Waste Sites

540R05013 Integrating Water And Waste Programs To Restore Watersheds

540R05015 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report Active And Semi-Passive Lime Treatment Of Acid Mine Drainage At Leviathan Mine California

540R05016 National Remedy Review Board Criteria Revision

540R05017 SPCC Guidance for Regional Inspectors

540R05021 Superfund : Building on the Past, Looking to the Future ; 120-Day Study Action Plan

540R05022 Statement of Thomas P Dunne Deputy Assistant Administrator Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response US Environmental Protection Agency before the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs United States Senate

540R05023 National Strategy to Manage Post Construction Completion Activities at Superfund Sites

540R05030 Mine Site Cleanup For Brownsfields Redevelopment Three Part Primer

540R06001 Plan Conjunto de Contingencia Estados Unidos-México Preparación y Respuesta a Emergencias Ambientales en la Frontera

540R06002 Innovative Technology Verification Report XRF Technologies for Measuring Trace Elements in Soil and Sediment--Innov-X XT400 Series XRF Analyzer

540R06004 Innovative Technology Verification Report Niton Xlt 700 Series XRF Analyzer

540R06005 Innovative Technology Verification Report XRT Technologies for Measuring Trace Elements in Soil and Sediment Rontec Picotax XRF Analyzer

540R06010 The Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program Annual Report to Congress FY 2003

540R06011 Enforcement FIrst to Ensure Effective Institutional Controls at Superfund Sites

540R06012 Interim Guidance for EPA's Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Program

540R06013 NAFTA Guidance Document for Conducting Terrestrial Field Dissipation Studies

540R06069 Remediation System Evaluation, Penta Wood Products Site, Daniels, Wisconsin, February 2006

540R06072 ECO Update/ Ground Water Forum Issue Paper

540R07005 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Xpert Design and Diagnostics' (XDD) In Situ Chemical Oxidation Process Using Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4)

540R08003 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation: Attenuated Anaerobic Dechlorination of Groundwater Using HRC - MACTEC - Harding ESE Demonstration Bulletin

540R08004 Ground Water Remedy Optimization Progress Report: 2006-2007

540R84001 Issuance of Administrative Orders Under Section 3013 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

540R84002 Participation of Potentially Responsible Parties in Development of Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies

540R84003 Superfund Waste Disposal Evaluation

540R85001 Model CERCLA {section}106 Consent Order for an RI / FS

540R85002 Field Standard Operating Procedures (FSOP) #9 Site Safety Plan

540R85003 Field Standard Operating Procedures (FSOP) #4 Site Entry

540R86001 National Priorities List, Final Rulemaking Background Information

540R86002 National Priorities List, Proposed Update #5 Background Information

540R86003 Public Involvement in the Superfund Program

540R86004 Superfund Remedial Program

540R86005 Superfund Removal Program

540R86006 Superfund

540R86007 1986 Industrial Technology Division List of Analytes

540R88101 Standard Operating Safety Procedures

540R88102 National Priorities List, Final and Proposed Sites (by Site Name) March 1988

540R88103 OSWER Directives System Update - January 31, 1988

540R88104 Pesticide Assessment Guidelines : Subdivision O ; Residue Chemistry ; Series 171-4 ; Specialty Applications ; Addendum 5 on Data Reporting

540R89001 EPA's Superfund Tag Game A Report on the Implementation of the Superfund Technical Assistance Grant Program

540R89002 Headquarters Support Contract Management Procedures

540R89003 National Priorities List Final and Proposed Sites (by State) November 1989

540R89004 National Priorities List Final and Proposed Sites (by State) October 1989

540R89005 National Priorities List, Final Rules Background Information

540R89006 OSWER Models Study: Promoting Appropriate Use of Models in Hazardous Waste/Superfund Programs Phase I Final Report

540R89007 Review of the Fiscal Year 1987 Superfund Report to Congress : OIG Audit Report

540R89009 OSWER Directives System Catalog Guidance and Policy Issued Through April 1989

540R89010 Superfund Comprehensive Accomplishments Plan Manual Volume 1 SCAP for Fiscal Year 1989

540R89011 Superfund Comprehensive Accomplishments Plan Manual Volume 2 SCAP for Fiscal Year 1989 Appendixes A-E

540R90001 Review of Superfund Cost Recovery Accounts Receivable Establishment and Collection Region 3 : Audit Report

540R90002 Transmittal of OSWER Directives System Database

540R90003 OSWER Directives - Keyword and CFR Indexes

540R90004 OSWER Directives System Catalog Guidance and Policy Issued Through March 1990

540R91101 CERCLIS National Reports Library

540R91102 SRIS Report Listing

540R91103 Superfund Program : Data Element Dictionary ; Interim Final

540R91104 Transportable Debris Washing System : Field Demonstration Results and Status of Full-Scale Design

540R91105 OSWER Directives System Catalog Guidance and Policy Issued Through March 1991

540R91106 Fact Sheet Federal Agency Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket

540R92001 Technology Evaluation Report: Ogden Circulation Bed Combustor at the McColl Superfund Site

540R92003 Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund: Volume 1: Human Health Evaluation Manual: Part B. Development of Risk-Based Preliminary Remediation Goals

540R92004 Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund: Volume 1: Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part C, Risk Evaluation of Remedial Alternatives)

540R92005 Presentations EPA State Soil Standards Conference

540R92006 Prescore Software Users Manual And Tutorial Version 10

540R92009 Community Relations In Superfund {Handbook}

540R92010 Technology Evaluation Report: Silicate Technology Corporation, Solidification Stabilization of PCP and Inorganic Contaminants in Soils, Selma, CA

540R92013A Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies Under CERCLA: Chemical Dehalogenation

540R92013B Chemical Dehalogenation Treatability Studies Under CERCLA: An Overview

540R92016A Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies Under CERCLA: Solvent Extraction, Interim Guidance

540R92016B Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies Under CERCLA: Solvent Extraction

540R92020 Superfund Emergency Response Actions Fiscal Year 1991

540R92021 Guidance For Performing Site Inspections Under CERCLA

540R92026 Hazard Ranking System Guidance Manual

540R92029 Mentor-protege Program

540R92071A Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies Under CERCLA, Final

540R92073 Technical Guidance Document: Construction Quality Management for Remedial Action and Remedial Design Waste Containment Systems

540R92074A Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies Under CERCLA, Thermal Desorption, Interim Guidance

540R92074B Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies Under CERCLA: Thermal Desorption, Quick Reference Fact Sheet

540R92076 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Progress and Accomplishments for Fiscal Year 1991: 5th Report to Congress

540R92077 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Technology Profiles, 5th Edition

540R92081 Proceedings: Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies: Domestic and International

540R92101 Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables Supplement A

540R92505 Superfund Program Management Manual Fy 1993

540R92600 Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables

540R92601 Chemical Cross-Index of Hazardous Chemicals regulated by various state and federal agencies California List of Lists

540R92602 Long-Term Contracting Strategy for Superfund -- Implementation

540R92603 OERR Organizational Conflict of Interest Review and Approval Program (Superfund Management Review Recommendation No. 46c)

540R92604 Planning Document : EPA's Superfund Program

540R92605 Preliminary Report on the Indirect Effects of the Superfund Program

540R92606 Printing Control and Inventory of OERR Publications

540R92607 Project Officer Planning Guide for New Contract Acquisitions

540R92608 Re-Emphasize Use and Expand Tracking of the Superfund Reform Updating Remedy Decisions

540R92609 Release of Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil Screening Levels (Eco-SSLs) and Eco-SSLs for Nine Contaminants

540R92611 Review of Adult Lead Models Evaluation of Models for Assessing Human Health Risk Associated with Lead Exposures at Non-Residential Areas of Superfund and Other Hazardous Waste Sites

540R92612 Standard Headings for Superfund Fact Sheets and Intermittent Bulletins

540R92613 Superfund Historical Performance

540R92615 TRW Recommendations for Performing Human Health Risk Analysis on Small Arms Shooting Ranges

540R92616 Uniform Format for OERR Policy/Directive Memos : Revised Instructions

540R93001 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Alabama, 1992 Update

540R93002 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Alaska, 1992 Update

540R93003 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Arizona and Nevada, 1992 Update

540R93004 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Arkansas, 1992 Update

540R93005 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, California and Hawaii, 1992 Update

540R93007 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Connecticut, 1992 Update

540R93008 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Delaware, 1992 Update

540R93009 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Florida, 1992 Update

540R93010 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Georgia, 1992 Update

540R93011 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Idaho, 1992 Update

540R93012 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Illinois, 1992 Update

540R93013 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Indiana, 1992 Update

540R93014 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Iowa, 1992 Update

540R93015 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Kansas, 1992 Update

540R93016 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Kentucky, 1992 Update

540R93017 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Louisiana, 1992 Update

540R93018 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Maine, 1992 Update

540R93019 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Maryland, 1992 Update

540R93022 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Minnesota, 1992 Update

540R93023 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Mississippi, 1992 Update

540R93024 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Missouri, 1992 Update

540R93025 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Montana, 1992 Update

540R93026 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Nebraska, 1992 Update

540R93027 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, New Hampshire, 1992 Update

540R93028 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, New Jersey, 1992 Update

540R93029 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, New Mexico, 1992 Update

540R93030 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, New York, 1992 Update

540R93031 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, North Carolina, 1992 Update

540R93032 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, North and South Dakota, 1992 Update

540R93033 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Ohio, 1992 Update

540R93034 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Oklahoma, 1992 Update

540R93035 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Oregon, 1992 Update

540R93036 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Pennsylvania, 1992 Update

540R93037 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Rhode Island, 1992 Update

540R93038 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, South Carolina, 1992 Update

540R93039 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Tennessee, 1992 Update

540R93040 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Texas, 1992 Update

540R93041 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Utah, 1992 Update

540R93042 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Vermont, 1992 Update

540R93043 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Virginia, 1992 Update

540R93044 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Washington, 1992 Update

540R93045 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, West Virginia, 1992 Update

540R93046 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Wisconsin, 1992 Update

540R93047 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Wyoming, 1992 Update

540R93048 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, Puerto Rico And The Virgin Islands, 1992 Update

540R93049 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites, American Samoa, Guam, The Commonwealth Of The Northern Mariana Islands, And The Trust Territory Of The Pacific, 1992 Update

540R93051 Specifications And Guidance For Contaminant Free

540R93053 Compendium Of Good Ideas Models Of Success and Lessons Learned

540R93054 Compendium of Good Ideas: Models of Success and Lessons Learned, Volume 2

540R93055 Superfund EPA/ICMA Superfund Revitalization Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 12-13, 1992

540R93058 Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables Annual Update

540R93067 Superfund Administrative Improvements Executive Summary

540R93071 Data Quality Objectives Process For Superfund Interim Final Guidance

540R93073 Evaluation Of The Likelihood Of DNAPL Presence At Npl Sites National Results

540R93078 Data Quality Objectives Process For Superfund Workbook

540R93079 Fact Book National Priorities List Under The Original Hazard Ranking System, 1981-1991

540R93080 Guidance for Evaluation the Technical Impracticability of Ground-Water Restoration

540R93081 Guidance Manual For The Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model For Lead In Children

540R93084 Superfund Revitalization Measures Of Success

540R93085 Cost Management Manual For The Superfund Remedial And Enforcement Programs

540R93301 Sampling For Hazardous Materials (165 9) 3 Days

540R93317 Air Monitoring For Hazardous Materials

540R93500 Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies: Domestic and International, 4th, San Francisco, Ca., November 17-19, 1992, Technical Papers

540R93505 Technology Evaluation and Applications Analysis Reports: University of Cincinnati/Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory: Hydraulic Fracturing Technology

540R93510 Biogenesis Soil Washing Technology: Innovative Technology Evaluation Report

540R93519A Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies Under CERCLA: Biodegradation Remedy Selection, Interim Guidance

540R93519B Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies under CERCLA: Biodegradation Remedy Selection, Quick Reference Fact Sheet

540R93520 Applications Analysis Report: CAV-OX Cavitation Oxidation Process Magnum Water Technology, Inc.

540R93522 Technology Evaluation Report: Site Program Demonstration Eco Lodge International Gas-Phase Chemical Reduction Process Bay City, Michigan

540R93525 Report to Congress: Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program, 1992

540R93526 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Technology Profiles, 6th Edition

540R93600 Data Quality Objectives Decision Error Feasibility Trials (DEFT) Beta Version 1

540R93601 Five-Year Review Program Initiatives

540R93602 Guidance on Lead Determinations for CERCLA Fund-Financed Responses

540R93603 OSWER Directives Catalog March 1993

540R93604 Standard Document for Remedial Site Assessment Decisions

540R93605 State Remedy Selection Reform Closeout Report

540R93615 Superfund Site Progress Profiles : Status Report

540R93616 Technical Support Document for a Protocol to Assess Asbestos-Related Risk : Final Draft

540R93617 Tracking of Institutional Controls (IC) and Formation of the Superfund IC Management Advisory Committee

540R93619 Updating the National Priorities List (NPL)

540R94001 Report On State/Territory Non-NPL Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Efforts For The Period 1980-1992

540R94003 OSWER Environmental Justice Task Force, Draft Final Report

540R94004 OSWER Environmental Justice Task Force, Draft Final Report Executive Summary


540R94009 Superfund Chemical Data Matrix

540R94010 Superfund Chemical Data Matrix Appendix B Tables

540R94012 Usepa Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines For Organic Data Review

540R94013 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines For Inorganic Data Review

540R94016 Progress Toward Implementing Superfund Report To Congress 1991

540R94017 Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables

540R94018 Technical Background Document For Draft Soil Screening Level Guidance

540R94019 Considering Wetlands At CERCLA Sites

540R94020 Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables

540R94021 Superfund Program Management Manual 1994

540R94022 Response Action Contract (RAC) Users' Guide, Volume 1 Reference Guide

540R94023 Superfund Removal Procedures Removal Response Reporting Polreps And Osc Reports

540R94024 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines For Quick Turnaround Method Data Review July 1994 {draft}

540R94038 Removal Response To Radiation Sites Reference Document

540R94039 Validation Strategy For The Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model For Lead In Children

540R94040 National Capacity Assessment Report: Capacity Planning Pursuant to CERCLA Section 104(C)(9), Draft

540R94041 Rpm Site Data {user's Guide}

540R94043 Common Cleanup Methods at Superfund Sites

540R94044 Common Chemicals Found at Superfund Sites

540R94048 Region 4 Inland Area Contingency Plan Texas

540R94050 Region 4 Inland Area Contingency Plan New Mexico

540R94051 Region 4 Inland Area Contingency Plan Oklahoma

540R94054 Cercla Comprehensive Data Element Dictionary

540R94055 Cercla Comprehensive Data Element Dictionary Update

540R94057 Superfund Delegations Work Group Final Report August 1994

540R94059 Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables Fy 1994 Supplement Number 1

540R94060 Quality Management Plan For The Office Of Emergency And Remedial Response

540R94069 Superfund Administrative Improvements Closeout Report June 23 1993-september 30 1994

540R94072 Superfund Today Fall 1995

540R94073 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement Of Work For Organic Analysis Olmo 31

540R94074 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement Of Work For Inorganics Analysis Multi-media High-concentration Ihco 13

540R94075 Superfund Analytical Methods For Low Concentration Water For Organics Analysis

540R94076 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement Of Work For Inorganics Analysis Multi-media Multi-concentration Ilmo 30

540R94078 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement Of Work For Inorganics Analysis Multi-media Multi-concentrations Olmo 10 Including Revisions Olmo 11 Through Olmo 18

540R94080 Feasibility Study Analysis For Cercla Sites With Volatile Organic Compounds In Soil

540R94081 Feasibility Study Analysis For Cercla Municipal Landfill Sites

540R94082 Laboratory Data Validation Functional Guidelines For Evaluating Organics Analysis

540R94083 Laboratory Data Validation Functional Guidelines For Evaluating Inorganics Analysis

540R94085 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program Volatile Organics Analysis Of Ambient Air In Canisters Vcaao 10

540R94086 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program Draft Statement Of Work For Quick Turnaround Analysis

540R94089 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement Of Work For Analysis Of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins (pcdd) And Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans (pcdf) Multi-media Multi-concentration

540R94090 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines For Organic Data Review Multi-media Multi-concentration (ilmo 10) And Low Concentration Water (olco 10)

540R94092 Superfund Analytical Methods For Low Concentration Water For Inorganics Analysis

540R94093 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement Of Work For Inorganics Analysis Multi-media Multi-concentration Sow No 788

540R94094 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement Of Work For Inorganics Analysis Multi-media, Multi-concentration, Ilmo 10

540R94095 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement Of Work For Inorganics Analysis Multi-media, Multi-concentration, Ilmo 21

540R94097 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement Of Work For Inorganics Analysis Multi-media, Multi-concentration, Olmo 10

540R94101 Soil Screening Guidance

540R94105 Soil Screening Guidance Issues Document {draft}

540R94114 Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables Fy 1994 Supplement Number 2

540R94500 United States and German Bilateral Agreement on Remediation of Hazardous Waste Sites: Interim Status Report

540R94501 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Colloid Polishing Filter Method, Filter Flow Technology, Inc.

540R94501A Site Technology Capsule: Filter Flow Technology, Inc., Colloid Polishing Filter Method

540R94502 Potential Use Of Ultrasound In Chemical Monitoring

540R94503 Proceedings: Fifth Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies: Domestic and International, 5th, Chicago, Illinois, May 3-5, 1994

540R94505 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report Dial: GIS/KEY Environmental Data Management System

540R94506 Symposium Summary: Measuring and Interpreting VOCs in Soils: State of the Art and Research Needs, Las Vegas, NV., January 12-14, 1993

540R94507A Site Technology Capsule: Clean Berkshires, Inc.; Thermal Desorption System

540R94508 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: J. R. Simplot Ex-Situ Bioremediation Technology for Treatment of Dinoseb-Contaminated Soils

540R94508A Site Technology Capsule: J.R. Simplot Ex-Situ Bioremediation Technology: Dinoseb

540R94509 User's Guide to Environmental Immunochemical Analysis

540R94510 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: In Situ Steam Enhanced Recovery Process

540R94510A SITE Technology Capsule: In Situ Steam Enhanced Recovery Process

540R94511A Bioremediation In The Field Search System (bfss) User Documentation

540R94514 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Texaco Gasification Process

540R94514A Site Technology Capsule: Texaco Gassification Process

540R94515 Symposium Intrinsic Bioremediation of Ground Water

540R94518 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Annual Report to Congress, 1993

540R94519 Field Screening Method for Polychlorinated Biphenyl Compounds in Water

540R94520 Geosafe Corporation In Situ Vitrification: Innovative Technology Evaluation Report

540R94520A Site Technology Capsule: Geosafe Corporation In Situ Vitrification Technology

540R94521 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Terra-Kleen Response Group, Inc. Solvent Extraction Technology

540R94521A Site Technology Capsule: Terra-Kleen Solvent Extraction Technology

540R94522 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report

540R94522A Site Technology Capsule: Dynaphore, Inc., Forager Sponge Technology

540R94525 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: InPlant Systems, Inc. SFC 0.5 Oleofiltration System

540R94525A Site Technology Capsule: InPlant Systems, Inc.

540R94526 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Technology Profiles, 7th Edition

540R94527 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: IITRI Radio Frequency Heating Technology

540R94527A Site Technology Capsule: IITRI Radio Frequency Heating Technology

540R94528 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Radio Frequency Heating, KAI Technologies, Inc.

540R94528A Site Technology Capsule: KAI Radio Frequency Heating Technology

540R94529A Site Technology Capsule: Subsurface Volitilization and Ventilation System (SVVS)

540R94530 Site Program: An Engineering Analysis of the Demonstration Program

540R95021 US EPA Region 7 Inland Area Contingency Plan

540R95023 Oswer Environmental Justice Action Agenda

540R95024 Diagnostico Y Tratamiento De Los Envenenamientos Por Plaguicidas, Cuarta Edicion {recognition and Treatment Of Pesticide Poisonings, 4th Edition} {Spanish}

540R95036 Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables Annual 1995

540R95040 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement Of Work For Analysis Of Ambient Air, July 1991, Iair01 2

540R95053 Safety and Health Decision Making For Managers {training Manual}

540R95055 Radiation Safety At Superfund Sites

540R95057 Waste Programs Environmental Justice Accomplishments Report

540R95058 Waste Programs Environmental Justice Accomplishments Report {executive Summary}

540R95059 Remedial Design/Remedial Action Handbook

540R95062 Close Out Procedures For National Priorities List Sites

540R95068 Inland Area Contingency Plan Region 5, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin

540R95070 National Priorities List Sites Alabama 1995

540R95071 National Priorities List Sites Alaska 1995

540R95072 National Priorities List Sites US Territories 1995

540R95073 National Priorities List Sites Arizona And Nevada 1995

540R95074 National Priorities List Sites Arkansas 1995

540R95075 National Priorities List Sites California 1995

540R95076 National Priorities List Sites Colorado 1995

540R95077 National Priorities List Sites Connecticut 1995

540R95078 National Priorities List Sites Delaware 1995

540R95080 National Priorities List Sites Delaware 1995

540R95081 National Priorities List Sites Georgia 1995

540R95082 National Priorities List Sites Hawaii 1995

540R95083 National Priorities List Sites Idaho 1995

540R95084 National Priorities List Sites Illinois 1995

540R95085 National Priorities List Sites Indiana 1995

540R95086 National Priorities List Sites Iowa 1995

540R95087 National Priorities List Sites Kansas 1995

540R95088 National Priorities List Sites Kentucky 1995

540R95089 National Priorities List Sites Louisiana 1995

540R95090 National Priorities List Sites Maine 1995

540R95091 National Priorities List Sites Maryland 1995

540R95092 National Priorities List Sites Massachusetts 1995

540R95093 National Priorities List Sites Michigan 1995

540R95094 National Priorities List Sites Minnesota 1995

540R95095 National Priorities List Sites Mississippi 1995

540R95096 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites - Missouri 1995 Update

540R95097 National Priorities List Sites Montana 1995

540R95098 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites - Nebraska 1995 Update

540R95099 Superfund Progress At National Priority List Sites - New Hampshire 1995 Update

540R95100 National Priorities List Sites New Jersey 1995

540R95101 National Priorities List Sites New Mexico 1995

540R95102 National Priorities List Sites New York 1995

540R95103 National Priorities List Sites North Carolina 1995

540R95104 National Priorities List Sites North And South Dakota 1995

540R95105 National Priorities List Sites Ohio 1995

540R95106 National Priorities List Sites Oklahoma 1995

540R95107 National Priorities List Sites Oregon 1995

540R95108 National Priorities List Sites Pennsylvania 1995

540R95109 National Priorities List Sites Puerto Rico 1995

540R95110 National Priorities List Sites Rhode Island 1995

540R95111 National Priorities List Sites South Carolina 1995

540R95112 National Priorities List Sites Tennessee 1995

540R95113 National Priorities List Sites Texas 1995

540R95114 National Priorities List Sites Utah 1995

540R95115 National Priorities List Sites Vermont 1995

540R95116 National Priorities List Sites Virginia 1995

540R95117 National Priorities List Sites Washington 1995

540R95118 National Priorities List Sites West Virginia 1995

540R95119 National Priorities List Sites Wisconsin 1995

540R95120 National Priorities List Sites Wyoming 1995

540R95121 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement Of Work For Inorganics Analysis Multi-media Multi-concentration Ilmo 40

540R95128 Presumptive Remedies for Soils, Sediments, and Sludges at Wood Treater Sites

540R95128 Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document

540R95131 Air Monitoring For Hazardous Materials

540R95132 Risk Assessment Guidance For Superfund

540R95140 Superfund Program Representative Sampling Guidance Volume 2: Air (Short-term Monitoring) Interim Final

540R95141 Superfund Program Representative Sampling Guidance Volume 4: Waste Interim Final

540R95142 Heast Supplement #1 November 1995

540R95143 Emergency Response To Hazardous Material Incidents

540R95145 Progress Toward Implementing Superfund Report To Congress Fiscal Year 1992

540R95146 Progress Toward Implementing Superfund Report To Congress Fiscal Year 1993

540R95147 Progress Toward Implementing Superfund Report To Congress Fiscal Year 1994

540R95500 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Roy F. Weston, Inc. and IEG Technologies Corporation Unterdruck-Verdampfer-Brunnen (UVB) Technology

540R95500A Site Technology Capsule: Unterdruck-Verdampfer-Brunnen Technology (UVB) Vacuum Vaporizing Well

540R95501 Bioremediation in the Field Search System: Questionnaire

540R95502 Sonotech Incorporated Frequency Tunable Pulse Combustion System Cello Pulse Burner: Innovative Technology Evaluation Report

540R95502A Site Technology Capsule: Sonotech Pulse Combustion System

540R95503 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: ZenoGem Biological and Ultrafiltration Technology, Zenon Environmental, Inc.

540R95503A Site Technology Capsule: ZenoGem Wastewater Treatment Process

540R95508A Bioremediation in the Field Search System (BFSS) {User Documentation}

540R95511 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Cross-Flow Pervaporation Technology, Zenon Environmental, Inc.

540R95511A Site Technology Capsule: Cross-Flow Pervaporation System

540R95512 Contaminants and Remedial Options at Selected Metal-Contaminated Sites

540R95513 Review of Mathematical Modeling for Evaluating Soil Vapor Extraction Systems

540R95514 PCP Immunoassay Technologies: Innovative Technology Evaluation Report

540R95515 HNU-Hanby PCP Immunoassay Test Kit

540R95517 EnviroGard PCB Test Kit, Millipore, Inc.

540R95518 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Clor-N-Soil PCB Test Kit, Dexsil Corp.

540R95519 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Rapid Optical Screen Tool (ROST)

540R95520 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Site Characterization Analysis Penetrometer System (SCAPS)

540R95521 Field Analytical Screening Program: PCB Method

540R95522 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Annual Report to Congress, FY 1994

540R95527 Pilot Scale Incineration Testing of Fluff Waste and Contaminated Soil From the M. W. Manufacturing Superfund Site: Volume 1, Technical Results

540R95528 Field Analytical Screening Program: PCP Method

540R95529 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: J.R. Simplot Ex-Situ Bioremediation Technology for Treatment of TNT-Contaminated Soils

540R95529a SITE Technology Capsule: J.R. Simplot Ex-Situ Anaerobic Bioremediation Technology: TNT

540R95532 Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development, and Field Evaluations

540R95533 Bioremediation Field Evaluation: Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska

540R95534A Bioventing Principles and Practices, Volume 1: Bioventing Principles (Manual)

540R95534B Bioventing Principles and Practices, Volume 2: Bioventing Principles (Manual)

540R95536 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: GRACE Dearborn Incorporated, Daramend Bioremediation Technology

540R95536A SITE Technology Capsule: GRACE Bioremediation Technologies' DARAMEND Bioremediation Technology

540R95538 State Participation in the Development of EPA Programs Guidance and Regulation

540R96002 Inland Area Contingency Plan Region 7 Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa

540R96003 Documenting Ground-Water Modeling at Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Substances

540R96004 Three Multimedia Models Used at Hazardous and Radioactive Waste Sites

540R96013 Final Report Of The Federal Facilities Environmental Restoration Dialogue Committee Consensus Principles And Recommendations For Improving Federal Facilities Cleanup

540R96018 Soil Screening Guidance: User's Guide

540R96023 Presumptive Response Strategy and Ex-Situ Treatment Technologies for Contaminated Ground Water at CERCLA Sites, Final Guidance

540R96029 Superfund Chemical Data Matrix, Managers User's Guide {read Only Version}

540R96036 Analysis Of State Superfund Programs 50 State Study, 1995 Update

540R96041 Superfund Removal Procedures State Participation In Federal-lead Removal Actions

540R96043 Community Advisory Groups: Partners in Decisions at Hazardous Waste Sites, Case Studies

540R96044 Guidance For Use Of The Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund

540R96046 Superfund Administrative Reforms Annual Report Fiscal Year 1996

540R96047 Synopsis: Superfund Administrative Reforms Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1996

540R96502 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: General Environmental Corporation; Cure Electrocoagulation Technology

540R96503 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Metal-Enhanced Dechlorination of Volatile Organic Compounds using an Aboveground Reactor

540R96503A SITE Technology Capsule: Metal Enhanced Dechlorination of Volatile Organic Compounds Using an Aboveground Reactor

540R96504 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: High Voltage Environmental Applications Incorporated, Electron Beam Technology

540R96507 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Rochem Separation Systems, Inc. Disc Tube Module Technology

540R96507A SITE Technology Capsule: Rochem Separation Systems, Inc.: Disc Tube Module Technology

540R96509 Symposium Proceedings Natural Attenuation Of Chlorinated Organics In Groundwater Hyatt Regency Dallas Tx September 11-13 1996

540R96535 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: COGNIS TERRAMET Lead Extraction Process

540R96537 Final Report on the Reivew of the Times Beach Site

540R97001 National Remedy Review Board Progress Report, Fiscal Year 1996

540R97002 Safety And Health Decision Making For Managers

540R97010 Superfund/Oil Program Implementation Manual Fiscal Year 1998: Program Goals and Planning Requirements, Program Implementation Procedures

540R97013 Rules Of Thumb For Superfund Remedy Selection

540R97028 Superfund Method for the Determination of Releasable Asbetos in Soils and Bulk Materials

540R97029 Implementing Presumptive Remedies: Notebook of Guidance and Resource Materials

540R97034 Disaster and Emergency Response Mission Assignment Guidance: Final

540R97036 Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables, Fy 1997 Update

540R97037 Community Advisory Group Toolkit: For the Community

540R97038 Community Advisory Group Toolkit: For EPA Staff

540R97047 Reporting Requirements for Continuous Releases of Hazardous Substances: Guide for Facilities on Compliance

540R97500 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Annual Report Congress, Fiscal Year 1995

540R97501 Federal Facilities Forum Issue: Field Sampling and Selecting On-Site Analytical Methods for Explosives in Soil

540R97502 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation: Technology Profiles, 9th Edition

540R97503 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Matrix Photocatalytic, Inc. Photocatalytic Oxidation

540R97504 Proceedings: Symposium on Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Organics in Ground Water

540R97505 Bioremediation Field Evaluation: Hill Air Force Base, Utah

540R97506 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Geotech, Inc., Cold Top Ex-Situ Vitrification System

540R97506A SITE Technology Capsule: Geotech Development Corporation Cold Top Ex-Situ Vitrification Technology

540R97507 Molecular Bonding System: Innovative Technology Evaluation Report

540R97508 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Annual Report to Congress FY 1996

540R97509 Sandia National Laboratories In Situ Electrokinetic Extraction Technology

540R97509A Site Technology Capsule: In Situ Electrokinetic Extraction System

540R98001 Superfund Oil Program Implementation Manual Fiscal Year 99/00: Program Goals and Planning Requirements, Program Implementation Procedures

540R98002 Meeting Summaries from the EPA/ICMA Relocation Stakeholder Forums

540R98004 Compendium of Federal Facilities Cleanup Management Information

540R98008 Common Contaminants Found at Superfund Sites

540R98012 Plan to Enhance the Role of States and Tribes in the Superfund Program

540R98016 Close Out Procedures for National Priorities List Sites

540R98017 Updating Remedy Decisions at Select Superfund Sites Summary Report, FY 1996 and FY 1997

540R98018 Methyl Parathion After-action Report

540R98031 Guide to Preparing Superfund Proposed Plans, Records of Decision, and Other Remedy Selection Decision Documents

540R98033 Progress Toward Implementing Superfund: Fiscal Year 1995, Report to Congress

540R98034 Progress Toward Implementing Superfund: Fiscal Year 1996, Report to Congress

540R98035 Progress Toward Implementing Superfund: Fiscal Year 1997, Report to Congress

540R98038 Quality Assurance Guidance for Conducting Brownfields Site Assessments

540R98042 Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Human Health Evaluation Manual Supplement to Part A Community Involvement in Superfund Risk Assessments, Volume 1

540R98046 Analysis of State Superfund Programs: 50 State Study, 1998 Update

540R98501 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: EnviroMetal Technologies, Inc., Metal-Enhanced Dechlorination of Volatile Organic Compounds Using an In-Situ Reactive Iron Wall

540R98502 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Sprinkler Irrigation as a VOC Separation and Disposal Method

540R98503 Annual Report to Congress: Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program, FY 1997

540R98505 Superfund Enforcement Strategy and Implementation Plan

540R99002 Superfund Reforms Annual Report, FY 1998

540R99005 Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part E Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment) Final Office

540R99006 Radiation Risk Assessment at CERCLA Sites, Q&A, December 1999

540R99008 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines For Organic Data Review

540R99009 Use Of Monitored Natural Attenuation At Superfund, RCRA Corrective Action, and Underground Storage Tank Sites

540R99013 Presenter's Manual for: Superfund Risk Assessment and How You Can Help, 40 Minute Video Tape

540R99500A Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Technology Profiles, Demonstration Program, Tenth Edition, Volume 1

540R99500AES Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Technology Profiles, Demonstration Program, Tenth Edition Volume One (Addendum)

540R99500B Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Technology Profiles, Emerging Technology Program, Tenth Edition, Volume 2

540R99500C Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Technology Profiles, Monitoring and Measurement Program, Tenth Edition, Volume 3

540R99501 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Evaluation of Soil Admendment Technologies at the Crooksville/Roseville Pottery Area of Concern Star Organics Soil Rescue

540R99501A Site Technology Capsule: Evaluation of Soil Admendment Technologies at the Crooksville/Roseville Pottery Area of Concern, Star Organics Soil Rescue

540R99503 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: ELI/SBP's UVB (Vacuum Vaporization Well) System for treatment of VOC-Contaminated Soils

540R99503A Site Technology Capsule: Multi-Vendor Bioremediation Demonstration Project: Environmental Laboratories/SBP Technologies' UVB Vacuum Vaporization Well Process

540R99504 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program: Annual Report to Congress FY 1998

540R99505 Proceedings: 1999 Meeting of the National Association of Remedial Project Managers (NARPM), Chicago, Illinois, August 2-6, 1999

540R99506 Field-Based Site Characterization Technologies Course Participant Manual

540RS83001 Guidance for the Reregistration of Pesticide Products Containing Formetane Hydrochloride (097301) as the Active Ingredient

540RS86154 Guidance for the Reregistration of Pesticide Products Containing Calcium Hypochlorite Salts as the Active Ingredient

540RS88081 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Hexazinone As The Active Ingredient

540RS88086 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Sulfotepp As The Active Ingredient

540RS88097 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Streptomycin Streptomycin Sulfate As The Active Ingredient

540RS88115 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing 24-Dichloro-Phenoxyacetic Acid (24-D) As The Active Ingredient

540RS88117 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Metalaxyl As The Active Ingredient

540RS88121 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Terbufos As The Active Ingredient

540RS88128 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Ethephon As The Active Ingredient

540RS88131 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing 2-(24 Dichlorophenoxy) Propionic Acid (24-dp) As The Active Ingredient

540RS88132 Guidance For The Reregistation Of Pesticide Products Containing Picloram As The Active Ingredient

540RS89002 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Metiram As The Active Ingredient

540RS89013 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Methoxychlor As The Active Ingredient

540RS89016 Registration Standard For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Diazinon {057801} As The Active Ingredient

540RS89018 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Oxytetracycline Xoytetracycline Hydrochloride Oxytetracycline Calcium Compl

540RS89020 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Phorate As The Active Ingredient

540RS89022 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Propazine As The Active Ingredient

540RS89030 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Mecoprop (mcpp) As The Active Ingredient

540RS89034 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Difenzoquat Methyl Sulfate As The Active Ingredient

540RS89039 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Rotenone As The Active Ingredient

540RS89052 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Methomyl The Active Ingredient

540RS89064 Registration Standard For Pesticide Products Containing Terbacil As The Active Ingredient {microform}

540RS89068 Registration Standard For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Coumaphos As The Active Ingredient

540RS89069 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Mcpa As The Active Ingredient

540RS90074 Guidance For The Reregistration Of Pesticide Products Containing Ethion As The Active Ingredient

540RS90082 Guidance for the Reregistration of Pesticide Products Containing Oryzalin as the Active Ingredient

540RS92207 Allium Sativum (Garlic) : Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED)

540RS92208 Alkyl Amine Hydrochloride : Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED)

540RS92209 Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED) Putrescent Whole Egg Solids

540RS92222 Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED) Capsaicin

540RS93223 Ethylene Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED)

540RS93226 Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED) Nosema locustae /

540RS93229 Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED) Zinc Salts

540RS93231 Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED) Soap Salts

540RS93235 Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED) Sodium Hydroxide

540S01500 Ground Water Issue: Phytoremediation of Contaminated Soil and Ground Water at Hazardous Waste Sites

540S02500 Calculation And Use Of First-Order Rate Constants For Monitored Natural Attenuation Studies

540S03500 Ground Water Issue: Movement And Longevity Of Viruses In The Subsurface

540S186059 Health Effects Assessment Documents. Project Summary

540S285003 Fugitive Dust Control Techniques At Hazardous Waste Sites Results Of Three Sampling Studies To Determine Control Effectiveness

540S285004 Leachate Plume Management. Project Summary

540S288001 Case Studies Addendum: 1 -8 Remedial Response at Hazardous Waste Sites. Project Summary

540S291003 Soil Vapor Extraction Technology Reference Handbook. Project Summary

540S291010 Survey of Materials-Handling Technologies Used at Hazardous Waste Sites. Project Summary

540S588002 Technology Demonstration Summary Shirco Electric Infrared Incineration At The Peak Oil Superfund Site

540S589001 Technology Demonstration Summary Technology Evaluation Report, Site Demonstration Test, Hazcon Solidification, Douglassville, Pennsylvania

540S589003 Technology Demonstration Summary: Terra Vac In Situ Vacuum Extraction System, Groveland, Massachusetts

540S589004 Technology Demonstration Summary: International Waste Technologies In Situ Stabilization/Solidification, Hialeah, Florida

540S589004A Site Technology Demonstration Summary International Waste Technologies-Geo-Con In Situ Stabilization-Solidification Update Report

540S589005 Technology Demonstration Summary Site Program Demonstration Test Soliditech Inc Solidification-stabilization Process

540S589007 Shirco Pilot-Scale Infrared Incinerator System At The Rose Township Demode Road Superfund Site Technology Demonstration Summary

540S589008 Technology Demonstration Summary: The American Combustion Pyretron Thermal Destruction System at the US EPA'S Combustion Facility

540S589011 Technology Demonstration Summary Chemfix Solidification-Stabilization Process Clackamas Oregon

540S590002 Technology Demonstration Summary: CF Systems Organics Extraction System, New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts

540S590005 Emerging Technology Summary Removal And Recovery Of Metal Ions From Groundwater

540S590007 Technology Evaluation Report: Site Program Demonstration of the Dupont/Oberlin Microfiltration Technology

540S591001 Technology Evaluation Report: Biological Treatment of Wood Preserving Site Groundwater by Biotrol, Inc

540S591003 Technology Demonstration Summary: BioTrol Soil Washing System for Treatment of a Wood Preserving Site

540S591005 Technology Evaluation Report: Site Program Demonstration Test: Horsehead Resource Development Company, Inc.: Flame Reactor Technology: Monaca, Pennsylvania

540S591006 Design and Development of a Pilot Scale Debris Decontamination System

540S591007 Technology Evaluation Report: Retech's Plasma Centrifugal Furnace, Volume 1

540S591007A Technology Evaluation Report: Retech, Inc., Plasma Centrifugal Furnace, Volume 1

540S591009 Technology Demonstration Summary Pilot Scale Demonstration Of A Slurry-Phase Biological Reactor For Creosote Contaminated Soil Volume 1 Project Summary

540S84001 Superfund National Priorities List : Individual Site Summaries : Status as of September 30, 1984

540S92001 Chemical Enhancements To Pump-and-Treat Remediation

540S92002 TCE Removal From Contaminated Soil And Groundwater

540S92003 Groundwater Issue In-Situ Bioremediation Of Contaminated Groundwater

540S92004 Evaluation of Soil Venting Application. Ground Water Issue

540S92005 Ground Water Issue Fundamentals of Ground-Water Modeling

540S92006 Engineering Bulletin: Supercritical Water Oxidation

540S92007 Engineering Bulletin: Rotating Biological Contractors

540S92008 Engineering Bulletin: Slurry Walls

540S92009 Engineering Bulletin: Technology Preselection Data Requirements

540S92010 Engineering Bulletin: Pyrolysis Treatment

540S92011 Engineering Bulletin: Selection of Control Technologies for Remediation of Lead Battery Recycling Sites

540S92012 Engineering Bulletin: Design Considerations for Ambient Air Monitoring at Superfund Sites

540S92013 Engineering Bulletin: Air Pathway Analysis

540S92014 Superfund Engineering Issue: Considerations for Evaluating the Impact of Metals Partitioning During the Incineration of Contaminated Soils from Superfund Sites

540S92015 Engineering Bulletin: Solidification/Stabilization of Organics and Inorganics

540S92016 Basic Concepts Of Contaminant Sorption

540S92017 In-situ Bioremediation Of Groundwater

540S92018 Ground Water Issue: Behavior of Metals in Soils

540S93500 Engineering Bulletin: Landfill Covers

540S93501 In Situ Bioremediation Of Contaminated Unsaturated Subsurface Soils Engineering Issue

540S93502 In Situ Bioremediation Of Contaminated Vadose Zone Soil Summary Paper

540S93503 Ground Water Issue: Suggested Operating Procedures for Aquifer Pumping Tests

540S93504 Emerging Technology Summary: Electro-Pure Alternating Current Electrocoagulation

540S93505 Emerging Technology Summary: Pilot-Scale Demonstration of a Two-Stage Methanotrophic Bioreactor for Biodegradation of Trichloroethylene in Groundwater

540S93506 Engineering Issue: Technology Alternatives for the Remediation of PCB-Contaminated Soil and Sediment

540S94500 Engineering Forum Issue: Considerations in Deciding to Treat Contaminated Unsaturated Soils In Situ

540S94501 Engineering Bulletin: Thermal Desorption Treatment

540S94502 Engineering Bulletin: In Situ Biodegradation treatment

540S94503 Engineering Bulletin: Solvent Extraction

540S94504 Engineering Bulletin: In Situ Vitrification Treatment

540S94505 Ground Water Issue: Natural Attenuation of Hexavalent Chromium in Ground Water and Soils, October 1994

540S95500 Ground Water Issue: Light Nonaqueous Phase Liquids, July 1995

540S95501 Engineering Bulletin: Biological Toxicity Testing

540S95503 Groundwater Issue Nonaqueous Phase Liquids Compatibility With Materials Used In Well Construction Sampling And Remediation

540S95504 Groundwater Issue Low-flow (minimal Drawdown) Groundwater Sampling Procedures

540S96501 Engineering Bulletin: Constructed Wetlands Treatment

540S96502 Engineering Bulletin: Composting

540S97500 Engineering Bulletin Technology Alternatives for the Remediation of Soils Contaminated With Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Mercury and Lead

540S97502 Groundwater Issue How Heat Can Enhance In-Situ Soil And Aquifer Remediation Important Chemical Properties And Guidance On Choosing The Appropriate Technique

540S97503 Engineering Bulletin: Separation/Concentration Technology Alternatives for the Remediation of Pesticide-Contaminated Soil

540S97504 Ground Water Issue Design Guidelines for Conventional Pump and Treat Systems

540S97505 Ground Water Issue Steam Injection for Soil and Aquifer Remediation

540S98500 Ground Water Issue Fundamentals of Soil Science as Applicable to Management of Hazardous Wastes

540S99001 Ground Water Issue: Microbial Processes Affecting Monitored Natural Attenuation of Contaminants in the Subsurface

540SR00503 SITE Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation: Emerging Technology Summary, In Situ Bioremediation by Electrokinetic Injection

540SR01502 Emerging Technology Summary Photoelectrocatalytic Degration And Removal Of Organic And Inorganic Contaminants In Ground Waters

540SR92002 Technology Evaluation Report: The Carver-Greenfield Process Dehydro-Tech Corporation

540SR92010 Technology Demonstration Summary: Silicate Technology Corporation, Solidification/Stabilization of PCP and Inorganic Contaminants in Soils, Selma, California. Project Summary

540SR92015 Technology Evaluation Report: Site Program Demonstration of a Trial Excavation at the MCCOLL Superfund Site

540SR92017 Technology Evaluation Report: Babcock & Wilcox Cyclone Furnace Vitrification Technology

540SR92079 Site Technology Demonstration Summary: Resources Conservation Company's Basic Extractive Sludge Treatment (B.E.S.T.) ; Grand Calumet River, Gary, Indiana

540SR92080 SITE: Emerging Technology Summary: Laser Induced Photochemical Oxidative Destruction Of Toxic Organics In Leachates And Groundwaters

540SR93501 Technology Evaluation Report: Perox-pure Chemical Oxidation Technology. Project Summary

540SR93505 Technology Demonstration Summary: Hydraulic Fracturing Technology

540SR93506 Site Demonstration Summary: Chemical Waste Management PO*WW*ER Evaporation-Catalytic Oxidation Technology

540SR93507 Site Emerging Technologies Summary: Babcock & Wilcox Cyclone Vitrification

540SR93508 Technology Evaluation Report: Site Program Demonstration: EPA RREL's Mobile Volume Reduction Unit. Project Summary

540SR93509 Technology Evaluation Report: Site Program Demonstration Test, Accutech Pneumatic Fracturing Extraction and Hot Gas Injection, Phase 1, Volume 1. Project Summary

540SR93510 SITE Technology Capsule: Biogenesis Soil Washing Technology

540SR93515 Emerging Technology Report: Metals Treatment at Superfund Sites By Adsorptive Filtration. Project Summary

540SR93516 Emerging Technology Report: Destruction of Organic Contaminants in Air Using Advanced Ultraviolet Flashlamps. Project Summary

540SR93517 Technology Evaluation Report: Toronto Harbour Commissioners (THC) Soil Recycle Treatment Train. Project Summary

540SR93518 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program Evaluation Report for Antox BTX Water Screen (BTX Immunoassay). Project Summary

540SR93520 Technology Demonstration Summary: Magnum Water Technology CAV-OX Cavitation Oxidation Process

540SR93521 Bioscrubber for Removing Hazardous Organic Emissions from Soil, Water, and Air Decontamination Processes. Site Summary

540SR93522 Site Demonstration Summary: ECO LOGIC International Gas-Phase Chemical Reduction Process and Thermal Desorption Unit, September 1994. Project Summary

540SR93523 Handbook for Constructed Wetlands Receiving Acid Mine Drainage

540SR94502 Potential Use of Ultrasound in Chemical Monitoring. Project Summary

540SR94505 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report Dial Gis-key Environmental Data Management System Project Summary

540SR94512 Emerging Technology Report: Cross-Flow Pervaporation for Removal of VOCs from Contaminated Wastewater

540SR94513 Site Emerging Technology Summary: Acid Extraction Treatment System For Treatment of Metal Contaminated Soils

540SR94519 A Field Screening Method for Polychlorinated Biphenyl Compounds in Water

540SR94531 Emerging Technology Summary: Bench-scale Testing of Photolysis, Chemical Oxidation, and Biodegradation of PCB Contaminated Soils, and Photolysis of TCDD Contaminated Soils

540SR95504 Emerging Technology Report: Reclamation of Lead from Superfund Waste Material Using Secondary Lead Smelters

540SR95505 Treatability Study: Removal of PCBs from Contaminated Soil Using the CF-Systems Solvent Extraction Process. Project Study

540SR95513 Review of Mathematical Modeling for Evaluating Soil Vapor Extraction Systems. Project Summary

540SR95516 Emerging Technology Summary: Demonstration of Ambersorb 563 Absorbent Technology. Project Summary

540SR95526 Emerging Technology Summery: Development of a Photothermal Detoxification Unit

540SR95527 Pilot-Scale Incineration Testing of Fluff and Soil from the M.W. Manufacturing Superfund Site. Project Summary

540SR96505 SITE Emerging Technology Summary: Innovative Methods for Bioslurry Treatment

540SR98500 SITE: Emerging Technology Summary: Simultaneous Destruction Of Organics And Stabilization Of Metals In Soils

540SR98504 SITE Emerging Technology Summary: Integration of Photocatalytic Oxidation with Air Stripping of Contaminated Aquifers

541R86101 Ntis Records Of Decisions Abstracts FY82 FY85

541R87101 Ntis Records Of Decision Abstracts FY 86

541R97003 EPA Superfund Record of Decision Amendment: Auburn Road Landfill, Londonderry, NH 12/19/1996

541R97004 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: PSC Resources, Palmer, MA 11/26/1996

541R97005 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Groveland Wells (No. 1 & 2 Site), (O.U. 1), (Management of Migration Operable Unit) Groveland, MA 11/15/1996

541R97006 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Groveland Wells (No. 1 & 2 Site), (Source Control Operable Unit), (O.U. 2), Groveland, MA 11/15/1996

541R97007 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: South Municipal Water Well Supply, Peterborough, NH 2/3/1997

541R97008 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Savage Municipal Water Supply, (OK Tool Source Area) Operable Unit 1, Milford, NH 12/19/1996

541R97013 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Croydon TCE, Croydon, PA 12/31/1996

541R97014 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Brown's Battery Breaking, Shoemakersville, PA 12/1996

541R97015 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Tonolli Corp., Nesquehoning, PA 1/7/1997

541R97016 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Industrial Lane, Williams Township, PA 12/5/1996

541R97035 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: United Heckathorn Company, Richmond, CA 11/29/1996

541R97036 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (USDOE) Treatement Facilities A & B, Livermore, CA 4/16/1997

541R97037 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: San Fernando Valley (Area 1), Burbank Operable Unit, Los Angeles, CA 2/12/1997

541R97038 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (USDOE), Metals Discharge Limits, Livermore, CA 4/15/1997

541R97039 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Apache Powder Co., St. David, AZ 4/16/1997

541R97040 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Tucson International Airport Area, Areas A & B Groundwater OU, Tucson, AZ 2/27/1997

541R97041 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Selma Treating Co., Selma, CA 4/18/1997

541R97042 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Westinghouse Electric Corp. (Sunnyvale), Sunnyvale, CA 3/14/1997

541R97053 EPA Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Toftdahl Drums, Brush Prairie, WA 6/17/1997

541R99001 Superfund Record of Decision Amendment: New Bedford Harbor Site Hotspot OU, New Bedford, MD

541R99002 Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: NL Industries Site, Pedricktown, NJ

541R99003 Superfund Record of Decision Amendment: Chem-Solv Inc. Site, Cheswold, DE

541R99004 Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Whitmoyer Laboratories Site, Myerstown, PA

541R99005 Superfund Record of Decision: USA Fort George G. Meade (TAP) OU, Fort Meade, MD

541R99006 Superfund Record of Decision: USA Fort George G. Meade (TAA) OU, Fort Meade, MD

541R99007 Superfund Record of Decision: Langley Air Force Base NASA Langley Center OU 42, Hampton, VA

541R99008 Superfund Record of Decision: Langley Air Force Base, NASA Langley Center OU 47, Hampton, VA

541R99009 Superfund Record of Decision: Boarhead Farm Site, Bridgeton Township, PA

541R99010 Superfund Record of Decision: Naval Weapons Station (WPNSTA) OUs 8 and 9, Yorktown, VA

541R99011 Superfund Record of Decision: Naval Weapons Station (WPNSTA) OUs 12, 13, 14, and 15, Yorktown, VA

541R99012 Superfund Record of Decision: Patuxent River Naval Air Station OU 1 Soils, Pesticide Shop (Site 17) St. Mary's County, MD

541R99013 Superfund Record of Decision: Aberdeen Proving Ground (Edgewood Area) Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

541R99014 Superfund Record of Decision: USA Vint Hill Farms Station AREEs 2, 4, 28-5, and 31 Warrenton, VA

541R99015 Superfund Record of Decision: USA Vint Hill Farms Station AREEs 3, 5, 7, 10, 16-2, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 26, 29-1, 29-2, 29-3, 30, and 33, Warrenton, VA

541R99016 Superfund Record of Decision: USA Vint Hill Farms Station AREEs 9, 11, 19, and 21, Warrenton, VA

541R99017 Superfund Record of Decision: USA Vint Hill Farms Station AREEs 13, 14, 16-1, 27 and 29-4 Warrenton, VA

541R99018 Superfund Record of Decision: USA Vint Hill Farms Station, Western South Run Tributary, Warrenton, VA

541R99019 Superfund Record of Decision: Homestead Air Force Base OUs 18, 26, 28, and 29, Homestead, FL

541R99020 Superfund Record of Decision: Savannah River Site (USDOE) C Area Burning/Rubble Pit (131-C) (U), Aiken, SC

541R99021 Superfund Record of Decision: Cecil Field Naval Air Station OU 3 (Site 7) Jacksonville, FL

541R99022 Superfund Record of Decision Amendment: Cecil Field Naval Air Station OU 7, Jacksonville, FL

541R99023 Superfund Record of Decision: Marine Corps Logistics Base OU 4, Albany, GA

541R99024 Superfund Record of Decision: Jacksonville Naval Air Station OU 2, Jacksonville, FL

541R99025 Superfund Record of Decision: Marzone Inc/Chevron Chemical Co. Site OU 2, Tifton, GA

541R99026 Superfund Record of Decision: Stauffer Chemical Company (LeMoyne Plant) Site OU 2, Axis AL

541R99027 Superfund Record of Decision: Ross Metals Inc OU 1, Rossville, TN

541R99029 Superfund Record of Decision: Ogallala Ground Water Contamination Site OU 1 Ogallala, NE

541R99030 Superfund Record of Decision: Ace Services Site, Colby, KS

541R99031 Superfund Record of Decision: Lake City Army Ammunition Plant Area 18 OU, Independence, MO

541R99032 Superfund Record of Decision Amendment: United Creosoting Company, Conroe, TX

541R99033 Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Idaho Pole Co. Bozeman, MT

541R99034 Superfund Record of Decision: Kennecott South Zone Site OUs 1, 4, 5, 10, and Portions of 11 and 17, Copperton, UT

541R99035 Superfund Record of Decision: Montrose Chemical and Del Amo Sites, Volume 1 and 2, Torrance, CA

541R99036 Superfund Record of Decision: Fort Wainwright OU 5, Fairbanks, AK

541R99037 Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Standard Steel and Metals Salvage Yard Site Anchorage, AK

541R99038 Superfund Record of Decision: Hanford Site - 200 Area (USDOE) Benton County, WA

541R99039 Superfund Record of Decision: Hanford Site 100 and 200 Areas (USDOE) Benton County, WA

541R99040 Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Treasure Island Naval Station, Hunters Point Ship Yard Site, Parcel B San Francisco, CA

541R99041 Superfund Record of Decision: Joliet Army Ammunition Plant Soil and Groundwater OUs (MFG and LAP Areas), Wilmington, IL

541R99042 Superfund Record of Decision: Travis Air Force Base West/Annexes/Basewide OU (WABOU) Solano County, CA

541R99043 Superfund Record of Decision: San Gabriel Valley Site (Area 1) El Monte OU Los Angeles, CA

541R99044 Superfund Record of Decision: McCormick and Baxter Creosoting Co. OU 1 and OU 3, Stockton, CA

541R99045 Superfund Record of Decision: George Air Force Base OU3 Victorville, CA

541R99046 Superfund Record of Decision: Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base OU 3 San Diego, CA

541R99047 Superfund Record of Decision: Jacobs Smelter Site OU1, Stockton, UT

541R99048 Superfund Record of Decision: Cecil Field Naval Air Station (Site 8 OU 3, Jacksonville, FL

541R99049 Superfund Record of Decision: Amoco Chemicals (Joliet Landfill), Joliet, IL

541R99050 Superfund Record of Decision: Aberdeen Pesticide Dumps OU 5, Aberdeen, NC

541R99051 Superfund Record of Decision: Langley Air Force Base NASA Langley Center OU 2, Hampton, VA

541R99052 Superfund Record of Decision: Defense General Supply Center (DLA) OU 4, Chesterfield County, VA

541R99053 Superfund Record of Decision: Savannah River Site (USDOE) Ford Building Waste Unit (643-11G) OU 57, Aiken, SC

541R99054 Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Motorola Inc. (52nd Street Plant) Site, Phoenix, AZ

541R99056 Superfund Record of Decision: Vancouver Water Station #4 Contamination Site Vancouver, WA

541R99057 Superfund Record of Decision Amendment: Cleveland Mill Site, Silver City, NM

541R99058 Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Tri-County Landfill, Waste Management Illinois, South Elgin, IL

541R99059 Superfund Record of Decision: Hanford Site 100 Area (USDOE) 100 KR 2 OU, Benton County, WA

541R99060 Superfund Record of Decision: Langley Air Force Base, NASA Langley Center OU 50, Hampton, VA

541R99061 Superfund Record of Decision: Naval Surface Warfare Dahlgren Sites 19 and 29 OUs 13 and 14, Dahlgren, VA

541R99062 Superfund Record of Decision: Naval Surface Warfare Dahlgren Site 25 OU 9, Dahlgren, VA

541R99063 Superfund Record of Decision: Pensacola Naval Air Station OU 6 Sites 9 and 29, Pensacola, FL

541R99064 Superfund Record of Decision: Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station OU 2, Cherry Point, NC

541R99065 Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Commencement Bay South Tacoma Channel Tacoma, WA

541R99066 Superfund Record of Decision: H and H Inc. Burn Pit Site, Farrington, VA

541R99067 Superfund Record of Decision: Federal Aviation Administration Technical Center OU 11, Atlantic County, NJ

541R99068 Superfund Record of Decision: Ordnance Works Disposal Area Site OU 1, Morgantown, WV

541R99069 Superfund Record of Decision: Homestead Air Force Base OU 5, Homestead, FL

541R99070 Superfund Record of Decision: Homestead Air Force Base OU 7, Homestead, FL

541R99071 Superfund Record of Decision Amendment: American Chemical Service Inc. Site, Griffith, IN

541R99072 Superfund Record of Decision: California Gulch Site OU 2 Leadville, CO

541R99073 Superfund Record of Decision: Ralston Site Cedar Rapids, IA

541R99074 Superfund Record of Decision: Quality Plating Site Sikeston, MO

541R99075 Superfund Record of Decision: 57th and North Broadway Streets Site OU 1, Wichita Heights, KS

541R99076 Superfund Record of Decision: Ilada Energy Company Site, East Cape Girardeau, Il

541R99077 Superfund Record of Decision: Jennison Wright Corporation Inc. Site, Granite City, IL

541R99078 Superfund Record of Decision: Southern Solvents Inc. Site OU 1, Tampa, FL

541R99079 Superfund Record of Decision: Battery Tech (Duracell-Lexington) OU 1, Lexington, NC

541R99080 Superfund Record of Decision: Naval Weapons Station Earle (Site A) OU4, Colts Neck, NJ

541R99081 Superfund Record of Decision: Naval Air Engineering Station Areas I and J Groundwater OU 26, Lakehurst, NJ

541R99082 Superfund Record of Decision: Brookhaven National Laboratory (USDOE) OU 1, Upton, NY

541R99083 Superfund Record of Decision: Pacific Sound Resources (PSR) Site Upland and Marine Sediments OUs Seattle, WA, 9/30/1999

541R99084 Superfund Record of Decision: Imperial Oil Company/Champion Chemical Company Site OU 3, Morganville, NJ

541R99085 Superfund Record of Decision: Federal Creosote Site OU1 Manville, NJ

541R99086 Superfund Record of Decision: Rodale Manufacturing Co. Inc. Site OU 1, Emmaus Borough, PA

541R99087 Superfund Record of Decision: Naval Air Development Center (8 Areas) OU 5 Site 8, Warminster Township, PA

541R99088 Superfund Record of Decision: Patuxent River Naval Station OU 1 Soils Bohneyard (Sites 6 and 6A), St. Marys County, MD

541R99089 Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: Cecil Field Naval Air Station OU 4, Jacksonville, FL

541R99090 Superfund Record of Decision: Pensacola Naval Air Station OU 1, Pensacola, FL

541R99091 Superfund Record of Decision: Whiting Field Naval Air Station Site 1 Northwest Disposal Area, Milton, FL

541R99092 Superfund Record of Decision: Whiting Field Naval Air Station Site 2 Northwest Open Disposal Area, Milton, FL

541R99093 Superfund Record of Decision: Texas Tin Corporation Site OU 1, Texas City, TX

541R99094 Superfund Record of Decision: Koppers Company Inc, Site (Oroville Plant) Oroville, CA

541R99095 Superfund Record of Decision: Idaho National Engineering Lab (USDOE) OU 3-13, Idaho Falls, ID

541R99096 Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision: American Cyanamid Company Site, Bound Brook, NJ

541R99097 Superfund Record of Decision Amendment: G.E. Wiring Devices Site, Juana Diaz, PR

541R99098 Superfund Record of Decision Amendment: Woodland Routes 72 Dump and 532 Dump Sites, Woodland Township, NJ

542290009 Abstract Proceedings: Second Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies: Domestic and International, May, 1990

542B00001 In Situ Permeable Reactive Barriers: Applications and Deployment

542B00002 Subsurface Remediation: Improving Long-Term Monitoring & Remedial Systems Performance

542B00003 Analysis of Barriers to Innovative Treatment Technologies Summary of Existing Studies and Current Initiatives

542B00004 Innovative Remediation Technologies Field Scale Demonstration Projects in North America, 2nd Edition, Year 2000 Report

542B00005 Site Remediation Technology Infobase Guide to Federal Programs, Information Resources, and Publications on Contaminated Site Cleanup Technologies, Second Edition

542B01001 Road Map to Understanding Innovative Technology Options for Brownfields Investigation and Cleanup, Third Edition

542B02001 Rutas a Technologías para la Investigación y Limpieza de Terrenos Contaminados

542B02099 On Scene Coordinator Phone Book: Fall 2002

542B03001 Directory of Technical Assistance for Land Revitalization

542B03002 Using The Triad Approach To Streamline BrownFields Site Assessment And Cleanup: Brownsfield Technology Primer Series

542B04002 Technical/Regulatory Guidelines: Technical And Regulatory Guidance For The Triad Approach: A New Paradigm For Environmental Project Management

542B05001 Road Map To Understanding Innovative Technology Options For Brownfields Investigation And Cleanup, 4th Edition

542B92001 Federal Publications On Alternative and Innovative Treatment Technologies For Corrective Action and Site Remediation, 2nd Edition

542B92002 Accessing Federal Databases For Contaminated Site Clean-Up Technologies, 2nd Edition

542B92003 Synopses Of Federal Demonstration Of Innovative Site Remediation Technologies, 2nd Edition

542B92004 Literature Survey of Innovative Technologies for Hazardous Waste Site Remediation, 1987-1991

542B92005B The OSWER Source Book, Volume 2 Training and Technology Transfer Resources, 1992-1993

542B93001 Selected Alternative and Innovative Treatment Technologies For Corrective Action and Site Remediation {bibliography Of EPA Information Resources}

542B93002 Cleanup Information Bulletin Board System Users Guide

542B93003 Online Guided Tour Of The Cleanup Information Bulletin Board System

542B93004 Bioremediation Resource Guide

542B93005 Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix and Reference Guide

542B93007 Federal Publications On Alternative and Innovative Treatment Technologies For Corrective Action and Site Remediation, 3rd Edition

542B93008 Accessing Federal Databases For Contaminated Site Clean-Up Technologies, 3rd Edition

542B93009 Synopses of Federal Demonstrations of Innovative Site Remediation Technologies, 3rd Edition

542B93011 Innovative Site Remediation Technology Thermal Desorption, Volume 6, November 1993

542B93012 Innovative Site Remediation Technology Soil Washing-Soil Flushing, Volume 3

542B94001 Innovative Site Remediation Technology Stabilization-Solidification, Volume 4

542B94002 Innovative Site Remediation Technology Vacuum Vapor Extraction, Volume 8

542B94003 Innovative Site Remediation Technology Thermal Destruction, Volume 7

542B94004 Innovative Site Remediation Technology Chemical Treatment, Volume 2

542B94005 Innovative Site Remediation Technology Solvent/Chemical Extraction, Volume 5

542B94006 Innovative Site Remediation Technology Bioremediation Volume 1

542B94007 Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Treatment Technology Resource Guide

542B94008 Physical/Chemical Treatment Technology Resource Guide

542B94009 Ground-Water Treatment Technology Resource Guide

542B94010 Environmental Technology Initiative: Program Solicitation Package FY 1995

542B94011A OSWER Source Book, Volume 1: Training and Technology Transfer Resources 1994-1995

542B94011B OSWER Source Book, Volume 2: Training and Technology Transfer Resources 1994-1995

542B94012 Innovative Hazardous Waste Technologies: A Developer's Guide to Support Services 3rd Edition

542B94013 Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix and Reference Guide, 2nd Edition, October 1994

542B95001 Selected Alternative and Innovative Treatment Technologies for Corrective Action and Site Remediation, {A Bibliography of EPA Information Resources} Winter Update, January 1995

542B95002 Guide to Documenting Cost and Performance for Remediation Projects

542B95003 Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Enhancement Technology Resource Guide

542B95004 Federal Publications on Alternative and Innovative Treatment Technologies for Corrective Action and Site Remediation, 4th Edition, October 1995

542B95005 Accessing Federal Data Bases for Contaminated Site Clean-up Technologies, 4th Edition, October 1995

542B95006 Accessing the Federal Government: Site Remediation Technology Programs and Initiatives

542B96002 Completed North American Innovative Remediation Technology Demonstration Projects

542B96003 Bibliography for Innovative Site Clean-Up Technologies, September 1996 (Update)

542B96010 Remediation Technologies Development Forum (Sep '96)

542B96010B Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents Consortium (Sep '96)

542B96010C Permeable Barriers Action Team

542B96010D IINERT Soil-Metals Action Team (Sept '96)

542B96012 Consortium for Site Characterization Technology

542B96016 Citizen's Guide to Treatment Walls

542B96017 Guia Del Ciudadano: Tecnicas de Tratamiento Innovadoras Para Suelos Contaminados, Fango Residual, Sedimentos Y detritos (Citizen's Guide to Innovative Treatment Technologies) (Spanish)

542B96018 Guia Del Ciudadano: El Lavado del Suelo (Citizen's Guide to Soil Washing) (Spanish)

542B96019 Guia Del Ciudadano: La Extraccion Con Solventes (Citizen's Guide to Solvent Extraction) (Spanish)

542B96020 Guia Del Ciudadano: La Deshalogenacion Quimica (Citizen's Guide to Chemical Dehalogenation) (Spanish)

542B96021 Guia Del Ciudadano: La Desorcion Termica (Citizen's Guide to Thermal Desorption) (Spanish)

542B96022 Guia Del Ciudadano: El Enjuage Del Suelo In Situ (Citizen's Guide to In Situ Soil Flushing) (Spanish)

542B96024 Guia Del Ciudadano: La Extraccion De Vapores Del Suelo Y La Aspersion De Aire (Citizen's Guide to Soil Vapor Extraction and Air Sparging) (Spanish)

542B96028 US EPA Studies on Regional Remediation Markets

542B97001 Tool Kit of Information Resources for Brownfields Investigation and Cleanup

542B97002 Road Map to Understanding Innovative Technology Options for Brownfields Investigation and Cleanup

542B97004 Innovative Site Remediation Technology: Volume 1, Bioremediation

542B97005 Innovative Site Remediation Technology: Design and Application, Chemical Treatment, Volume 2

542B97006 Innovative Site Remediation Technology: Volume 3, Liquid Extraction Technologies

542B97007 Innovative Site Remediation Technology: Volume 4, Design and Application, Stabilization/Solidification

542B97008 Innovative SITE Remediation Technology: Design and Application, Volume 5, Thermal Desorption

542B97009 Innovative Site Remediation Technology: Volume 6, Thermal Destruction

542B97010 Innovative Site Remediation Technology: Volume 7, Vacuum Extraction and Air Sparging

542B98001 Bibliography for Innovative Site Clean-Up Technologies, April1998 Update

542B98002 Field Sampling and Analysis Technologies Matrix and Reference Guide, First Edition

542B98005 Guidance on Innovative Technology Risk Sharing

542B98006 Site Remediation Technology InfoBase: A Guide to Federal Programs, Information Resources, and Publications on Contaminated Site Cleanup Technologies

542B98007 Guide to Documenting and Managing Cost and Performance Information for Remediation Projects

542B98009 Innovations in Site Characterization: Interim Guide to Preparing Case Studies

542B99001 Institute Permeable Reactive Barriers: Application and Deployment

542B99002 Solidification/Stabilization Resource Guide

542B99003 Phytoremediation Resource Guide

542B99004 Bibliography for Innovative Site Clean-Up Technologies, August 1999 Update

542B99005 Directory of Technology Support Services to Brownfields Localities

542B99008 Innovative Treatment Technology Developer's Guide to Support Services, Fourth Edition

542B99009 Roadmap to Understanding Innovative Technology Options for Brownfields Investigation and Cleanup, Second Edition (Includes CD-ROM)

542F00001 Innovative Remediation Technologies: Field Scale Demonstration Projects in North America, 2nd Edition

542F00002 Announcing the Field Analytic Technologies Encyclopedia (FATE)

542F00003 New Reports on Innovative Treatment Technology Commercialization (Fact Sheet/Order Form)

542F00004 Sensor Technology Information Exchange (Flyer)

542F00005 Haskell Environmental Research Studies Center Field Analytics Video (Flyer/Order Form)

542F00006 List of Documents on Innovative Remediation and Site Characterization Technologies Resources CD

542F00007 Introduction to Phytoremediation: Fact Sheet and Order Information

542F00009 Innovative Ground -Water Remediation Conferences June 6-7, 2000

542F00011 Remediation Case Studies: Fact Sheet and Order Form (Jun '00)

542F00012 Fractured Rock 2001: Call for Abstracts, March 26-28, 2001, Toronto, Ontario Canada

542F00013 Clu-In, Techdirect Flyer (Spanish)

542F00014 Engineered Approaches to In Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents: Fundamentals and Field Applications

542F00015 Innovations in Site Characterization: Geophysical Investigation at Hazardous Waste Sites

542F00016 Fractured Rock 2001: March 26-28, 2001, Toronto, Ontario Canada

542F00017 Potential Applicability of Assembled Chemical Weapons Assessment Technologies to RCRA Waste Streams and Contaminated Media: Fact Sheet and Order Information

542F00018 Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program: Site Characterization and Monitoring Technologies Center

542F00019 Innovations in Site Characterization Case Study: Site Cleanup of the Wenatchee Tree Fruit Test Plot Site Using a Dynamic Work Plan, Fact Sheet and Order Form

542F00020 Treatment Experiences at RCRA Corrective Actions

542F00900 State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners

542F01001 Citizen's Guide to Bioremediation

542F01001S Guia del Ciudadano para la Biocorreccion

542F01002 Citizen's Guide to Phytoremediation

542F01002S Guia del Ciudadano para la Fitocorreccion

542F01003 Citizen's Guide to Thermal Desorption

542F01003S Guia del Ciudadano para la Desorcion Termica

542F01004 A Citizen's Guide to Monitored Natural Attenuation

542F01004S Guia del Ciudadano para la Reduccion Natural Supervisada

542F01005 Citizen's Guide to Permeable Reactive Barriers

542F01005S Guia del Ciudadano para las Barreras Reactivas Permeables

542F01006 Citizen's Guide to Soil Vapor Extraction and Air Sparging

542F01006S Guia del Ciudadano para la Extraccion de Vapores del los Suelos y la Aeracion

542F01007 Citizen's Guide to Cleanup Methods

542F01007S Guia para el Ciudadano sobre Metodos para Eliminar la Contaminacion

542F01008 Citizen's Guide to Soil Washing

542F01008S Guia para el Ciudadano sobre Lavado del Suelo

542F01009 Citizen's Guide to Solvent Extraction

542F01009S Guia para el Ciudadano sobre Extraccion por Solventes

542F01010 Citizen's Guide to Chemical Dehalogenation

542F01010S Guia para el Ciudadano sobre Deshalogenacion Quimica

542F01011 Citizen's Guide In Situ Flushing

542F01011S Guia para el Ciudadano sobre Enjuague In Situ

542F01012 Citizen's Guide In Situ Thermal Treatment Methods

542F01012S Guia para el Ciudadano sobre Metodos de Tratamiento Termico In Situ

542F01013 Citizen's Guide to Chemical Oxidation

542F01013S Guia del Ciudadano para la Oxidacion Quimica

542F01015 A Citizen's Guide to Fracturing

542F01015S Guia para el Ciudadano sobre Fracturacion

542F01016 A Citizen's Guide to Air Stripping

542F01016S Guia para el Ciudadano sobre Extraccion con Aire

542F01017 Citizen's Guide to Vitrification

542F01017S Guia para el Ciudadano sobre Vitrificacion

542F01018 Citizen's Guide to Incineration

542F01018S Guia para el Ciudadano sobre Incineracion

542F01020 A Citizen's Guide to Activated Carbon Treatment

542F01020S Guia para el Ciudadano sobre Tratamiento con Carbon Activado

542F01022 Citizen's Guide to Capping

542F01022S Guia para el Ciudadano sobre Cobertura

542F01023 Citizen's Guide to Soil Excavation

542F01023S Guia para el Ciudadano sobre Excavacion del Suelo

542F01024 Citizen's Guide to Solidification/Stabilization

542F01024S Guía para el Ciudadano sobre Solidificación/Estabilización

542F01025 Citizen's Guide to Pump and Treat

542F01025S Guia para el Ciudadano sobre Bombeo y Tratamiento

542F01026A Innovative Remediation and Site Characterization Technologies Resources CD-ROM: Fact Sheet and Ordering Information

542F01026B Innovative Remediation and Site Characterization Technology Resources

542F01027 Measurement and Monitoring Technologies for the 21st Century

542F01028 Innovative Technology Comes to You: Internet Seminars Delivered Direct to Your Desk

542F01029 TechDirect: Technologischer Auskunftsdienst

542F01030A Improving Sampling, Analysis and Data Management for Site Investigations and Cleanup

542F01030B Resources for Strategic Site Investigation and Monitoring

542F01031 Treatment Technologies for Site Cleanup: Annual Status Report (Tenth Edition), Fact Sheet and Order Form

542F01032 Remediation Case Studies: Fact Sheet and Order Form, May 2001

542F01033 MTBE Treatment Case Studies Website

542F01034 What's New from the Technology Innovation Office

542F01035 Road Map to Understanding Innovative Technology Options for Brownfields Investigation and Cleanup, Third Edition, Fact Sheet and Order Information

542F01035S Hoja de Ruta para Comprender las Opciones de Tecnologias Innovadoras

542F01036 What's New from the Technology Innovation Office

542F01037 Status Report: Initiatives to Develop Web Sites Including Information About Brownfields Properties: Fact Sheet and Order Information

542F01038 Field Analytic Technologies Encyclopedia (FATE): Online Resource (

542F01039 Groundwater Pump and Treat Systems: Summary of Selected Cost and Performance Information at Superfund-Financed Sites, Fact Sheet and Order Information

542F01040 Remediation System Optimization Website

542F01041 Groundwater Remedies Selected at Superfund Sites: Fact Sheet and Order Information

542F01043 Use of Bioremediation at Superfund Sites: Fact Sheet and Order Information

542F01044 Internet Seminars: Technical Presentations Delivered to Your Desktop

542F02001 What's New from the Technology Innovation Office

542F02003 EPA Reach it: Innovative Technology Information at your Fingertips

542F02004 MtBE Treatment Profiles: New Website on MtBE Treatment Technologies

542F02005A Innovative Remediation and Site Characterization Technologies Resources CD ROM

542F02006 Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Cleanup Alliance

542F02007 Innovative Remediation Technologies: Online Database of Field Scale Demonstration Projects in North America

542F02008 Saving Time and Money: The Brownfields Technology Support Center

542F02009 Arsenic Treatment Technologies for Soil, Waste, and Water: Fact Sheet and Order Information

542F02010 Remediation Case Studies: Fact Sheet and Order Form June 2002

542F02011 RTFD Update: Newsletter August, 2002

542F02012 Clu-In: Hazardous Waste Clean Up Information Web Site

542F02015 Makinf the Most of Your CLU-IN Visits

542F02052 In Situ Treatment of Groundwater Contaminated with NonAqueous Phase Liquids: Fundamentals and Case Studies

542F03001 Revtech: Cleaning Up Contaminated Properties for Reuse and Revitalization: Preliminary Announcement

542F03003 In Search of Representativeness: Evolving the Environmental Data Quality Model

542F03004 Revtech: Cleaning Up Contaminated Properties for Reuse and Revitalization

542F03005 Technology Cost And Performance Case Studies {Fact Sheet/Order Information}

542F03006 EPA Reach It: Innovative Technology Information At Your Fingertips

542F03008 Conference On: Accelerating Site Closeout, Improving Performance, And Reducing Costs

542F03011 Site Characterization Library: Volume 1. Release 2.5:National Exposite Research Laboratory (NERF)Las Vegas

542F03012 Improving Decision Quality: Making The Case For Adopting Next-Generation Site Characterization Practices

542F03013 Fate- An Online Resource(

542F03014 Fact Sheet: Remediation Technology Assessment Reports: Technology Selection and Design Resource

542F03015 Evapotranspiration Landfill Cover Systems Fact Sheet

542F04001a Improving Sampling, Analysis, And Data Management For Site Investigation And Cleanup

542F04002 Improving Pumping Strategies For Pump and Treat Systems With Numerical Simulation Optimization Techniques

542F04005A Innovative Remediation And Site Characterization Technologies Resources CD-ROM

542F04005B Innovative Remediation And Site Characterization Technologies Resources Cd Rom

542F04006 Perchlorate In Ground Water: Update On The Application Of An Ion-Selective Eletrode Analytical Method

542F04008 Deployment Of Passive Vapor-Diffusion Samplers For Detecting Volatile Organic Compounds In Ground-Water Discharge Areas

542F04009 Radial Plume Mapping Of Gaseous Emissions From aClosed Landfill Using A Scanning Open-Path FTIR

542F04010 Development Of Analytical Methods For Fuel Oxygenates

542F04012 Solid Waste And Emergency Response(5102G)

542F04013 SuperFund Remedial Actions: Groundwater RODs: Selecting Groundwater Remedies(FY 1991 - 2002)

542F04014 Vendor And Developer Support: Bringing New Cleanup Technologies To Market

542F04015 The Triad Approach: A New Paradigm For Environmental Project Management

542F04016 Remedial Case Studies And Technology Assessments Fact Sheet

542F04017 The Brownfields And Land Revitalization Technology Support Center

542F04018 The Third Triad Approach: Triad Resource Center Web Site

542F04020 MtBE Treatment Profiles:

542F04021 Technologies For Treating MtBE And Other Fuel Oxygenates

542F04022 EPA REmediation And CHaracterization Innovative Technologies (EPA REACH IT)

542F04023 Remediation System Evaluation, Delphi Corporation, Vandalia, Ohio

542F04024 Remediation System Evaluation, Eliskim Facility, Anderson County, South Carolina

542F04025 Remediation System Evaluation, Former Honeywell Facility, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania

542F04026 Remediation System Evaluation Former Occidental Facility Tacoma Washington

542F04027 Remediation System Evaluation, Risdon Corporation, Danbury, Connecticut

542F04028 Remediation System Evaluation, A-Z Automotive, West Milford, New Jersey

542F04029 Remediation System Evaluation, Morgan Terminal, Brooklyn, New York

542F04030 Remediation System Evaluation, Shorco South, Mahwah, New Jersey

542F05002 Measurement And Monitoring Technolgies For The 21st Century

542F05003 Clu-in Techdirect {flyer}

542F05004 Fact Sheet Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable Remediation Case Studies and Technology Assessment Reports

542F05006 Remediation Technology Assessment Reports Summary of Selected Documents

542F05007 Road Map To Understanding Innovative Technology Options For Brownfields Investigation Ad Cleanup, 4th Edition {factsheet

542F05008 Technology Bulletin Use Of Dynamic Work Strategies Under A Triad Approach For Site Assessment And Cleanup September 2005

542F06001 Revegetating Landfills and Waste Containment Areas Fact Sheet

542F06002 Frequently Asked Questions About Ecological Revitalization of Superfund Sites

542F06003 Fact Sheet Ecological Revitalization and Attractive Nuisance Issues

542F06004 Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable Remediation Case Studies and Technology Assessment Reports Fact Sheets

542F06005 The Remediation Technologies Development Forum: Major Accomplishments (1992-2006)

542F06006 Hazardous Waste Clean-Up Information (CLU-IN) On-Line Remediation Databases Fact Sheet

542F06013 In Situ Treatment Technologies for Contaminated Soil: Engineering Forum Issue Paper

542F06018 Examples of Site-specific Support Provided by the Btsc

542F07001 Management and Interpretation of Data Under a Triad Approach Technology Bulletin, May 2007

542F07002 Fact Sheet Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable Remediation Case Studies And Technology Assessment Reports

542F07009 Treatment Technologies for 1,4-Dioxane: Fundamentals and Field Applications, Fact Sheet and Order Information

542F07010 Treatment Technologies for Mercury in Soil, Waste, and Water, Fact Sheet and Order Information

542F07012 Soil Amendments for Remediation, Revitalization, and Reuse Tools: Fact Sheet

542F08002 Incorporating Sustainable Practices into Site Remediation

542F08005 Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable, Annual Summary of Activities: August 2008

542F08006 Demonstrations of Method Applicability under a Triad Approach for Site Assessment and Cleanup Technology Bulletin August 2008

542F08009 Nanotechnology for Site Remediation: Fact Sheet

542F92001 Citizen's Guide Innovative Treatment Technologies For Contaminated Soils, Sludges, Sediment and Debris

542F92002 Citizen's Guide How Innovative Treatment Technologies Are Being Successfully Applied At Superfund Sites

542F92003 Citizen's Guide Soil Washing

542F92004 Citizen's Guide Solvent Extraction

542F92005 Citizen's Guide Glycolate Dehalogenation

542F92006 Citizen's Guide Thermal Desorption

542F92007 Citizen's Guide In Situ Soil Flushing

542F92008 Citizen's Guide Bioventing

542F92009 Citizen's Guide Using Indigenous and Exogenous Microorganisms In Bioremediation

542F92010 Citizen's Guide to Air Sparging

542F92011 Citizens Guide to Understanding Innovative Treatment Technologies

542F92012 Procuring Innovative Technologies at Remedial Sites: Q's and A's and Case Studies

542F92013 Procuring Innovative Technologies at Removal Sites: Q's and A's and Case Studies

542F92014 Guia Del Ciudadano Las Tecnicas Innovadoras De Tratamiento {Citizen's Guide Innovative Treatment Technologies} {Spanish}

542F92016 Guia Del Ciudadano: El Lavado De Suelos (Citizen's Guide to Soil Washing)

542F92017 Guia Del Ciudadano: La Extraccion De Solventes (Citizen's Guide to Solvent Extraction)

542F92018 Guia Del Ciudadano: La Deshalogenacion Por Glicoles (Citizen's Guide to Glycolate Dehalogenation)

542F92019 Guia Del Ciudadano: La Desabsorcion Termica: (Citizen's Guide to Thermal Desorption)

542F92020 Guia Del Ciudadano: El Enjuague De Suelos Por Bombeo In-Situ (Citizen's Guide to In Situ Soil Flushing)

542F92021 Guia Del Ciudadano: La Bioventilacion (Citizen's Guide to Bioventilation)

542F92022 Guia Del Ciudadano: El Uso De Microorganismos Endogenos Y Exogenos En La Rehabilitacion Biologica (Citizen's Guide to Using Indigenous and Exogenous Microorganism in Bioremediation)

542F92023 Guia Del Ciudadano: La Aspersion De Aire (Citizen's Guide to Air Sparging)

542F92026 Citizen's Guides To Understanding Innovative Treatment Technologies, December 1992

542F93001 Exchanging Technology Information on CLU-IN: Cleanup Information Bulletin Board

542F93003 Fact Sheet and Order Form: Cleaning Up the Nation's Waste Sites; Markets and Technology Trends

542F93006 Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable Fact Sheet

542F93009 Technical Support Project: First Five Years

542F93010 Forum on Remediation of Ground Contamination, February 204, 1994, Denver, Colorado

542F94004 ETI: Environmental Technology Initiative (Document Order Form)

542F94005 Accessing EPA's Environmental Technology Programs (Sept '94)

542F94006 Vendor Field Analytical and Characterization Technologies System {Vendor FACTS}

542F95001 Vendor FACTS and Fact Sheet: Vendor Field Analytical and Characterization Technologies System

542F95001A Update

542F95003 Remediation Case Studies: Fact Sheet and Order Form

542F95004 CERCLA Education Center: Course Overview and Schedule

542F95007 Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable: Five Years of Cooperation, July 1995

542F95008 Progress in Reducing Impediments to the Use of Innovative Remediation Technology

542F96001 Fact Sheet: A Citizen's Guide to Innovative Treatment Technologies for Contaminated Soils, Sludges, Sediments, and Debris

542F96002 Fact Sheet: A Citizen's Guide to Soil Washing

542F96002A Completed North American Innovative Remediation Technology Demonstration Projects

542F96003 Fact Sheet: A Citizen's Guide to Solvent Extraction

542F96004 Fact Sheet: A Citizen's Guide to Chemical Dehalogenation

542F96006 Fact Sheet: A Citizen's Guide to In Situ Soil Flushing

542F96007 Fact Sheet: A Citizen's Guide to Bioremediation

542F96008 Fact Sheet: A Citizen's Guide to Soil Vapor Extraction and Air Sparging

542F96013 Citizens' Guides to Understanding Innovative Treatment Technologies (English and Spanish)

542F96014 Citizen's Guide to Phytoremediation (Sep '96)

542F96015 Citizen's Guide to Natural Attenuation

542F96023 Guia Del Ciudadano: Medidas Biocorrectiovas (Citizen's Guide to Bioremediation) (Spanish)

542F96025 Guia Del Ciudadano: Medidas Fitocorrectivos <Citizen's Guide to Phytoremediation>

542F96026 Guia Del Ciudadano: Atenuacion Natural <Citizen's Guide to Natural Attenuation>

542F96027 Guia Del Ciudadano: Muros De Tratamiento <Citizen's Guide to Treatment Walls>

542F96028 US EPA Studies On Regional Remediation Markets

542F96029 Public-Private Partnership Program for Evaluating Innovative Technologies

542F96031 Fact Sheet: Bioremediation Action Committee

542F96032 Promoting Innovative Technologies at Brownfields Sites

542F97001 Accessing EPA's Environmental Technology Programs (May '97)

542F97003 Remediation Technologies Development Forum (Feb '97)

542F97005 RTDF Update: Results are in for Several RTDF Field Studies

542F97007 Analysis of Selected Enhancements for Soil Vapor Extraction (Dec '97)

542F97010 Cleaning Up the Nations Waste Sites: Markets and Technology Trends, Fact Sheet and Order Information, 1996 Edition

542F97011 Environmental Clean Up Technologies Conference: South Central Marketplace, November 13-14, 1997

542F97012 Remediation Technologies Development Forum (Nov '97)

542F97012A Lasagna Public-Private Partnership

542F97012B Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents Consortium (Nov '97)

542F97012C Permeable Reactive Barriers Action Team (Nov '97)

542F97012D IINERT Soil-Metals Action Team (Nov '97)

542F97013 In Situ Flushing Action Team

542F97014 Phytoremediation of Organics Action Team

542F97015 Sediments Remediation Action Team (Nov '97)

542F97016 RTDF Update, November 1997

542F97017 Remediation Technologies Development Forum: Question & Answer Sheet (Nov '97)

542F97018 Remediation Case Studies: Fact Sheet and Order Form (Nov '97)

542F97019A International Forum on Environmental Technologies: 6th Annual, Entering the Global Remediation Marketplace, February 2-4, 1998, The Adolphus Hotel, Dallas, Texas, USA

542F97019B Sixth International Forum on Environmental Technologies: Entering the Global Remediation Marketplace, February 2-4, 1998 Dallas, Texas

542F97020 Fact Sheet: Consortium for Site Characterization Technology

542F97021 Technology Verification Program: PCB Analysis Technologies, Verification Area, 1997

542F97022 Technology Verification Program: Soil/Soil Gas Sampling Technologies, Verification Area, 1997

542F97023 Technology Verification Program: Wellhead Monitoring for Volatile Organic Compounds, 1997 Verification Area

542F97024 Field Analytical and Site Characterization Technologies: Summary of Applications (Request Form)

542F97025 Remediation Technologies Development Forum (RTDF) Action Team Fact Sheets

542F98001 Innovative Technologies in the News (Feb '98)

542F98002 Recent Developments for In Situ Treatment of Metal Contaminated Soils: Fact Sheet and Order Information

542F98003 Advances in Innovative Groundwater Remediation Conference: Cathederal Hill Hotel, San Francisco CA, May 6, 1998

542F98004 Treatment Technology Vendor Information Form (VIF) Version 7.0

542F98005 Characterization and Monitoring Technology, Vendor Information Form (VIF) Version 4.0

542F98006 CERCLA Education Center Training Courses

542F98007 RTDF Update, May 1998

542F98008 Consortium for Site Characterization Technology: Environmental Technology Verification Reports

542F98010 Fact Sheet: On Sight Incineration: Overview of Superfund Operating Experience

542F98011 Citizen's Guide to Phytoremediation (Aug '98)

542F98013 Field Sampling and Analysis Technology Matrix and Reference Guide

542F98014 SITE Characterization Library Volume 1, Release 2: National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL) - Las Vegas

542F98015 What Can You Do About Y2K?

542F98017 Ground-Water Remediation Technologies Analysis Center

542F98019 RTDF Update, December 1998

542F98020 Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable: General Publications, Ordering Instructions and Form

542F98021 FRTR Remediation Case Studies and Abstract Volumes, Ordering Instructions and Form

542F98022 Fact Sheet: Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable: New Development Cost and Performance Data

542F98023 Remediation Case Studies: Fact Sheet and Order Form (Nov '98)

542F99001 EPA Reach it Bulletin

542F99002 CLU-IN/Techdirect (Flyer)

542F99005 Subsurface Remediation: Improving Long-Term Monitoring and Remedial Systems Performance, Preliminary Conference Agenda, June 8, 1999

542F99006 SW-836: Did You Know? (Flyer)

542F99007 Innovations in Site Characterization: Case Study Series

542F99008 Technology Developers: Looking for Information? (Flyer)

542F99009 Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program Site Characterization and Monitoring Technologies Pilot

542F99012 In Situ Thermal Treatment Conference

542F99014 New Publications: Technology Innovation Office

542F99016 Saving Time and Money: Brownfields Technology Support Center

542F99017 Measurement and Monitoring Technologies for the 21st Century

542F99018 In Situ Permeable Reactive Barriers: Application and Deployment (Training Course)

542F99019 Innovative Technologies in the News (Sep '99)

542F99020 Innovative Remediation and Site Characterization Technologies Resources CD-ROM: Fact Sheet and Ordering Information

542F99021 Groundwater Cleanup: Overview of Operating Experience and 28 Sites (Fact Sheet/Order Form)

542F99022 Groundwater Remedial Technologies At Fractured Bedrock Sites

542F99023 Remediation Technologies Development Forum (Nov '99)

542F99024 Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents Consortium (Nov '99)

542F99025 Lasagna Public-Private Partnership Completes Work

542F99026 Phytoremediation of Organics Action Team

542F99027 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) in Soil Subgroup

542F99028 Alternative Covers Subgroup

542F99029 Permeable Reactive Barriers Action Team (Nov '99)

542F99030 Inert Soil-Metals Action Team

542F99031 Sediments Remediation Action Team (Nov '99)

542F99032 Road Map to Understanding Innovative Technology Options for Brownfields Investigation and Cleanup, Second Edition (Fact Sheet and Order Information)

542K93002 Technology Innovation Strategy

542K94003 In Situ Remediation Technology Status Report: Surfactant Enhancements

542K94004 In Situ Remediation Status Report Treatment Walls

542K94005 In Situ Remediation Technology Status Report Hydraulic and Pneumatic Fracturing

542K94006 In Situ Remediation Technology Status Report Cosolvents

542K94007 In Situ Remediation Technology: Electrokinetics

542K94009 In Situ Remediation Technology Status Report Thermal Enhancements

542K97002 Environmental Business Council Resources

542K99022 Ground Water Remedial Technologies at Fractured Bedrock Sites

542N00001 Tech Trends: Issue 36, february 2000

542N00002 Ground Water Currents, Issue number 35, March 2000

542N00003 Tech Trends: Issue Number 37, may 2000

542N00004 Ground Water Currents: Issue Number 36, June 2000

542N00005 Tech Trends: Issue 38, August 2000

542N00006 Ground Water Currents: In Situ Chemical Oxidation fro Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Ground Water, September 2000

542N00007 Technology News and Trends Issue Number 39, November 2000

542N00008 Groundwater Currents

542N00027 Tech Trends: November 2000

542N01001 Tech Trends: March 2001

542N01002 Tech Trends: June 2001

542N01003 Tech Trends September 2001

542N01004 Tech Trends: November 2001

542N01005 Ground Water Currents: Developments in Innovative Ground Water Treatment, April 2001

542N01006 Ground Water Currents Developments in Innovative Ground Water Treatments, July 2001

542N01007 Groundwater Currents: Issue No. 41, October 2001

542N01008 Groundwater Currents Issue Number 42, December 2001

542N02001 Tech Trends: Issue number 44, March 2002

542N02002 Ground Water Currents Issue 43, April 2002

542N02003 Technology News and Trends Issue Number 1, July 2002

542N02004 Tecnology News and Trends Vol 2, September 2002

542N02005 Technology News and Trends: November 2002

542N03001 Technology News and Trends Issue Number 4, Janurary 2003

542N03002 Technology News and Trends Issue Number 5, March 2003

542N03003 Technology News and Trends: May 2003

542N03004 "Environmental Indicators Initiative" and Draft "Report On The Environment"

542N03005 Technology News and Trends: September 2003

542N03006 Technology News and Trends Issue Number 9, December 2003

542N04001 Technology News and Trends: February 2004

542N04002 Technology News And Trends Issue Number 11, March 2004

542N04003 A News Letter About Soil, Sediment, And Ground-Water Characterization And Remedation Technologies

542N04004 Technology News and Trends: July 2004

542N04005 Technology News and Trends: September 2004

542N04006 Technology News and Trends, December 2004

542N05001 Technology News And Trends Issue 16, January 2005

542N05002 Technology News And Trends Issue 17, March 2005

542N05003 Technology News and Trends: May 2005

542N05004 July 2005 Technology News and Trends Newsletter

542N05005 Technology News And Trends, Issue 20, September 2005

542N05006 Technology News And Trends Issue 21 November 2005

542N06001 Technology News And Trends Issue 22, February 2006

542N06002 Technology News And Trends Issue 23, March 2006

542N06003 Technology News And Trends Issue 24, May 2006

542N06004 Technology News And Trends Issue 25, July 25, 2006

542N06005 October 2006 Technology News and Trends Newsletter

542N06006 Technology News And Trends, Issue 27, November 2006

542N06007 Technology News and Trends A Newsletter About Soil, Sediment, and Ground-Water Characteriazation and Remediation Technologies Issue 28, January 2007

542N06008 Technology News And Trends, A Newsletter About Soil, Sediment, and Ground-Water Characterization and Remediation Technologies

542N06009 Technology News and Trends Issue 30, May 2007

542N06010 Technology News and Trends: July 2007

542N06011 Technology News and Trends Issue Number 32, September 2007

542N06012 November 2007 Technology News and Trends

542N08001 Technology News and Trends Issue Number 34, January 2008

542N08002 Technology News and Trends: Issue Number 35, April 2008

542N08004 Technology News and Trends July 2008

542N92001 Tech Trends: Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removal and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, Number 8, March 1992

542N92002 Visitt Intermittent Bulletin On A New Database For Innovative Remediation Technologies

542N92003 Tech Trends: Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, Number 9, June 1992

542N92004 Tech Trends: Natural Biodegradation of Fuel Vapors in Unsaturated Zone

542N92005 Ground Water Currents: Why We Are Here, September 1992

542N92006 Ground Water Currents: Developments in Innovative Ground Water Treatment, December 1992

542N93001 Tech Trends: Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removal and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, Number 11, January 1993

542N93003 Ground Water Currents: In Situ Degradation of Halogenated Organic by Permeable Reaction Wall, March 1993

542N93004 VISITT Vendor Information System For Innovative Treatment Technologies

542N93005 Tech Trends: Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, May 1993

542N93006 Ground Water Currents: Funnel and Gate System Directs Plumes to in Situ Treatment

542N93007 Tech Trends: Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, August 1993

542N93008 Ground Water Currents: Resonantsonic Drill Increases Speed and Depth at Hanford, September 1993

542N93010 Tech Trends: Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, December 1993

542N93011 Ground Water Currents: Tree Buffers Protect Shallow Ground Water at Contaminated sites, December 1993

542N94001 Tech Trends: Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, February 1994

542N94002 Ground Water Currents: Hydrodynamic Cavitation Oxidation Destroys Organics, March 1994

542N94003 VISITT 3.0 Bulletin: Vendor Information System for Innovative Treatment Technologies {Includes VISITT 3.0 Order Form}

542N94004 Tech Trends: The Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, May 1994

542N94005 Ground Water Currents: Low-level Uranium Removed from Ground Water, June 1994

542N94006 Tech Trends: The Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, August 1994

542N94007 Ground Water Currents: Up-to-date Ways to Assess When Bioremediation Works, September 1994

542N94008 Tech Trends: The Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, November 1994

542N94009 Ground Water Currents: Sponge Technology for Ground Water Treatment of Metals, Issue Number 10, December 1994

542N95001 Tech Trends: The Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, March 1995

542N95002 Ground Water Currents: Hydrocarbon Filtration Recovery System, Issue Number 11, April 1995

542N95003 Tech Trends: The Applied Technologies Journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, Issue Number 20, June 1995

542N95004 Ground Water Currents: Tracers Detect Aquifer Contamination, issue Number 12, July 1995

542N95005 Tech Trends: The Applied Technologies journal for Superfund Removals and Remedial Actions and RCRA Corrective Actions, Issue Number 21, August 1995

542N95006 Ground Water Currents: News Flash, Ground Water Remediation Center, Issue Number 13, September 1995

542N95007 Tech Trends: Issue Number 22, November 1995

542N95008 VISITT 4.0 Bulletin: Vendor Information System for Innovative Treatment Technologies {Includes Order Form}

542N95009 Vendor Facts Bulletin September, 1995

542N96001 Ground Water Currents: Issue Number 13, January 1996

542N96002 Technology News And Trends Issue Number 23, June 1996

542N96003 Groundwater Currents Issue Number 15, June 1996

542N96004 Tech Trends: Issue Number 24, September 1996

542N96005 Ground Water Currents: Chlorinated Solvents Biodegradation

542N96006 Visitt 5.0 Bulletin: Electronic Yellow Pages of Innovative Treatment Technologies and Vendors

542N97001 Technology News And Trends Issue Number 25, March 1997

542N97002 Ground Water Currents Technology, April 1997

542N97003 Tech Trends: Issue Number 26, July 1997

542N97004 Ground Water Currents: Issue number 25, September, 1997

542N97005 Tech Trends: Issue Number 27, October 1997

542N97006 Ground Water Currents: Issue Number 26, December 1997

542N97007 Vendor Facts 2.0 Bulletin: A Database of Innovative Site Characterization Technologies and Vendors

542N97008 Environmental Cleanup Technologies Conference, Midwest Marketplace, July 22-23, 1997

542N98001 VISITT 6.0 Bulletin: Electronic Yellow Pages of Innovative Treatment Technologies and Vendors

542N98002 Vendor Facts 3.0 Bulletin: Database of Innovative Site Characterization Technologies and Vendors

542N98003 Tech Trends: Issue Number 28, February 1998

542N98004 Groundwater Currents: Issue Number 27, March 1998

542N98005 Tech Trends: Issue Number 29, May 1998

542N98006 Groundwater Currents Issue Number 28, June 1998

542N98007 Tech Trends: August 1998

542N98008 Groundwater Currents, Issue Number 29, September 1998

542N98009 Tech Trends, Issue No. 31, October 1998

542N98010 Ground Water Currents, Issue Number 30, December 1998

542N99001 Tech Trends: Issue Number 32, February 1999

542N99002 Groundwater Currents Issue Number 31, March 1999

542N99003 TECH TRENDS: ISSUE #33, May 1999

542N99004 Ground Water Currents, June 1999

542N99005 Tech Trends: Issue Number 34, August 1999

542N99006 Ground Water Currents, Issue 33, September 1999

542N99007 Tech Trends, Issue Number 35, October 1999

542N99008 Groundwater Currents: Issue Number 34, December 1999

542R00001 Assessing Contractor Capabilities for Streamlined Site Investigations

542R00003 Innovations in Site Characterization: Geophysical Investigation at Hazardous Waste Sites

542R00004 Potential Applicability of Assembled Chemical Weapons Assessment Technologies to RCRA Waste Streams and Contaminated Media

542R00005 Resource for MGP Site Characterization and Remediation: Expedited Site Characterization and Source Remediation at Former Manufactured Gas Plant Sites

542R00006 Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 4

542R00007 Proceedings of Ground-Water/Surface-Water Interactions Workshop

542R00008 Engineered Approaches to in Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents Fundamentals and Field Applications

542R00008ES Errata (Prepared November 2000) for Engineered Approaches to In Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents: Fundamentals and Field Applications

542R00009 Innovations in Site Characterization Case Study Site Cleanup of the Wenatchee Tree Fruit Test Plot Site Using a Dynamic Work Plan

542R00010 Solidification/Stabilization Use at Superfund Sites

542R00013 Cost Analyses for Selected Groundwater Cleanup Projects: Pump and Treat Systems and Permeable Reactive Barriers

542R00900 Bioremediation and Phytoremediation of Pesticide Contaminated Sites

542R01001 NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater (Phase III) 2000 Annual Report

542R01002 NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater (Phase 3), 2000 Special Session, Decision Support Tools Number 245

542R01004 Treatment Technologies for Site Cleanup: Annual Status Report (Tenth Edition)

542R01005 Brownfields Technology Primer Requesting and Evaluating Proposals that Encourage Innovative Technologies for Investigation and Cleanup

542R01006 Brownfields Technology Primer Selecting and Using Phytoremediation for Site Cleanup

542R01008 Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 5

542R01009 Remediation Technology Cost Compendium, Year 2000

542R01010 State of the Practice of Characterization and Remediation of Contaminated Ground Water at Fractured Rock Sites

542R01011 Innovations in Site Characterization Technology Evaluation Real-Time VOC Analysis Using a Field Portable GC/MS

542R01012 Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable: Creating Tools for the Hazardous Waste Cleanup Community

542R01013 Current Perspectives in Site Remediation and Monitoring: Applying the Concept of Effective Data to Environmental Analyses for Contaminated Sites

542R01014 Current Perspectives in Site Remediation and Monitoring Clarifying DQO Terminology Usage to Support Moderization of Site Cleanup Practice

542R01015 Current Perspectives in Site Remediation and Monitoring: The Relationship Between SW-846, PBMS, and Innovative Analytical Technologies

542R01016 Current Perspectives in Site Remediation and Monitoring: Using the Triad Approach to Improve the Cost-Effectiveness of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanups

542R01017 Status Report: Initiatives to Develop Web Sites Including Information about Brownfields Properties

542R01019 Use of Bioremediation at Superfund Sites

542R01021A Groundwater Pump and Treat Systems: Summary of Selected Cost and Performance Information at Superfund Financed Sites

542R01021b Groundwater Pump and Treat Systems; Summary of Sealed Cost and Performance Information at Superfund Financed Sites

542R01022 Groundwater Remedies Selected at Superfund Sites

542R02001 NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater (Phase 3), 2001 Annual Report, Number 250

542R02002 NATO/CCMS Pilot Study: Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater (Phase III)

542R02004 Arsenic Treatment Technologies for Soil, Waste, and Water

542R02006 Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies Volume 6

542R02008A Pilot Project to Optimize Superfund-financed Pump and Treat Systems Summary Report and Lessons Learned

542R02008b Remediation System Evaluation Oconomowoc Electroplating Superfund Site Ashippun, Wisconsin

542R02008b Remediation System Evaluation Oconomowoc Electroplating Superfund Site Ashippun, Wisconsin

542R02008c Remediation System Evaluation MacGillis & Gibbs Superfund Site New Brighton, Minnesota

542R02008d Remediation System Evaluation for Elmore Waste Disposal Superfund Site Greer, South Carolina

542R02008e Remediation System Evaluation FCX-Statesville Superfund Site Statesville, North Carolina

542R02008f Remediation System Evaluation Bayou Bonfouca Superfund Site Slidell, Louisiana

542R02008f Remediation System Evaluation Bayou Bonfouca Superfund Site Slidell, Louisiana

542R02008g Remediation System Evaluation Midland Products Superfund Site Yell County, Arkansas

542R02008h Remediation System Evaluation Savage Municipal Water Supply Superfund Site Milford, New Hampshire

542R02008i Remediation System Evaluation Mattiace Petrochemical Superfund Site Glen Cove, New York

542R02008j Remediation System Evaluation Baird and McGuire Superfund Site Holbrook, Massachusetts

542R02008k Remediation System Evaluation Cleburn Street Well Superfund Site Grand Island, Nebraska

542R02008l Remediation System Evaluation Hellertown Manufacturing Company Superfund Site Hellertown, Pennsylvania

542R02008m Remediation System Evaluation Raymark Superfund Site Hatboro, Pennsylvania

542R02008n Remediation System Evaluation Claremont Polychemical Superfund Site Old Bethpage, New York

542R02008o Remediation System Evaluation Modesto Groundwater Contamination Superfund Site Modesto, California

542R02008p Remediation System Evaluation Silresim Superfund Site Lowell, Massachusetts

542R02008q Remediation System Evaluation South Tacoma Channel/Well 12A Superfund Site Tacoma, Washington

542R02008r Remediation System Evaluation McCormick and Baxter Superfund Site Portland, Oregon

542R02008s Remediation System Evaluation Ott/Story/Cordova Superfund Site Dalton Township, Muskegon County, Michigan

542R02008t Remediation System Evaluation Brewster Well Field Superfund Site Brewster, New York

542R02008u Remediation System Evaluation Selma Pressure Treating Superfund Site Selma, California

542R02009 Elements for Effective Management of Operating Pump and Treat Systems

542R02009 Elements for Effective Management of Operating Pump and Treat Systems

542R02009A Elements for Effective Management of Operating Pump and Treat Systems

542R02010 NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Evaluation Of Demonstrated And Emerging Technologies For The Treatment And Clean Up Of Contaminated Land And Groundwater (Phase III) 2002 Annual Report

542R02011 NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment and Clean Up of Contaminated Land and Groundwater (Phase 3) 2002 Special Session Report, Monitoring and Measurement, Number 256

542R02012 NATO/CCMS Pilot Study: Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment and Clean Up of Contaminated Land and Groundwater (Phase 3) 2002 Overview Report, Number 259

542R02015 Remediation System Evaluation, Bog Creek Farm Superfund Site, Howell Township, Monmouth County, New Jersey

542R02016 Remediation System Evaluation, Boomsnub/Airco Superfund Site, Hazel Dell, Washington

542R02017 Remediation System Evaluation, Groveland Wells Superfund Site, Groveland, Massachusetts

542R02018 Remediation System Evaluation, Summitville Mine Superfund Site, Summitville, Colorado

542R03007 A Review of Emerging Sensor Technologies for Facilitating Long-Term Ground Water Monitoring of Volatile Organic Compounds

542R03009 Treatment Technologies For Site Cleanup: Annual Staus Report(Eleventh Edition)

542R03011 Abstracts Of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 7

542R03013 Treatment Technologies for Historical Ponds Containing Elemental Phosphorus - Summary and Evaluation Final Report

542R03015 Remediation System Evaluation, SMS Instruments, Deer Park, New York

542R04001a Demostration Of Two Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Optimization Approaches Report

542R04001b Demonstration of Two Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Optimization Approaches: Report with Appendices

542R04002 Monitoring Arsenic in the Environment: A Review of Science and Technologies for Field Measurements and Sensors

542R04003 NATO-CCMS Pilot Study Prevention And Remediation Issues In Selected Industrial Sectors Non-ferrous Mining 2003 Annual Report

542R04004 Evaluation of Permeable Reactive Barrier Performance: Revised Report

542R04008 Case Study Of The Triad Approach: Expedited Characterization Of Petroleum Constituients And PCBs Using Test Kits And A Mobile Chromatography Labortory At The Former Cos Cob Power Plant Site

542R04009 Technologies for Treating MtBE and Other Fuel Oxygenates

542R04010 In Situ Thermal Treatment Of Chlorinated Solvents: Fundamentals And Field Applications

542R04011 A Decision-Making Framework For Cleanup Of Sites Impacted With Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids(LNAPL)

542R04012 Abstracts Of Remediation Case Studies Vol. 8

542R04013 Survey Of Technologies For Monitoring Containment Liners And Covers

542R04014 NATO/CCMS Pilot Study: Prevention And Remediation Issues In Selected Industrial Sectors: Rehabilitation Of Old Landfills

542R04015 Cleaning Up The Nation's Waste Sites Markets And Technology Trends

542R04016 DNAPL Remediation: Selected Projects Approaching Regulatory Closure Status Update

542R04017 Site Characterization Technologies For DNAPL Investigations

542R04018 Pilot Project to Optimize Ground Water Remediation Systems at RCRA Corrective Action Facilities: Summary Report and Lessons Learned

542R04019 Pilot Project to Optimize Pump and Treat Systems at State-Funded Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites Summary Report and Lessons Learned

542R04031 Remediation System Evaluation, Douglas Road Landfill, St. Joseph County, Indiana

542R04032 Optimization Support Evaluation, Greenwood Chemical Site, Newtown, Virginia

542R04033 Optimization Support Evaluation, Havertown PCP Site, Havertown, Pennsylvania

542R04034 Remediation System Evaluation: Higgins Farm Superfund Site, Princeton, New Jersey

542R04034 Remediation System Evaluation: Higgins Farm Superfund Site, Princeton, New Jersey

542R04035 Remediation System Evaluation, Reilly Tar & Chemical Corp. (Indianapolis Plant) Site, A.K.A. Reilly Industries Site, Indianapolis, Indiana

542R05001 Evaluation Of Phytoremediation For Manegement Of Chlorinated Solvents In Soil And Groundwater

542R05003 RoadMap To Long-Term Monitoring Optimization

542R05004 Streamlined Remediation System Evaluation (RSE-Lite): Circuitron Corporation Superfund Site, East Farmingdale, New York

542R05005 Streamlined Remediation System Evaluation (RSE-Lite): Cape Fear Wood Preserving Site, Fayetteville, North Carolina

542R05006 Reference Guide To Non-Combustion Technologies For Remediation Of Persistent Organic Pollutants In Stockpiles And Soil

542R05007 Sensor Technologies Used During Site Remediation Activities Selected Experiences {long Version}

542R05007A Sensor Technologies Used During Site Remediation Activities Selected Experiences {Short Version}

542R05008 Cost-Effective Design Of Pump And Treat Systems

542R05009 Effective Contracting Approaches For Operating Pump And Treat Systems

542R05010 O&M Report Template For Ground Water Remedies

542R05013 Remediation System Evaluation: Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site, Soil and Ground Water Operable Units, Bainbridge Island, Washington

542R05015 Perchlorate Treatment Technology Update

542R05016 Cost and Performance Report for LNAPL Recovery: Multi-Phase Extraction and Dual-Pump Recovery of LNAPL at the BP Former Amoco Refinery, Sugar Creek, MO

542R05017 Cost and Performance Report for LNAPL Characterization and Remediation: Partition Interwell Tracer Testing (PITT) and Rapid Optical Screening Tool (ROST) Characterization and Evaluation of the Feasibility of Surfactant Enhanced Aquifer Remediation (SEAR) at the Chevron Cincinnati Facility, Hooven, OH

542R05018 Streamlined Remediation System Evaluation (RSE-Lite) for a Ground Water Pump and Treat System, Chemko Technical Services, Inc. Facility, Mims, Florida

542R05021 Abstracts Of Remediation Case Studies Volume 9

542R05022 Understanding Procurement For Sampling And Analytical Services Under A Triad Approach

542R05024 Streamlined Remediation System Evaluation (RSE-Lite) for a Ground Water Pump and Treat System, Eaton Corporation Facility Kearney, Nebraska

542R05025 Remediation System Evaluation for a Ground Water Pump and Treat System, BP Carson Refinery Carson, California

542R05026 Streamlined Remediation System Evaluation (RSE-Lite) for a Ground Water Pump and Treat System, Engelhard Corporation Facility, Plainville, Massachusetts

542R05027 NATO/CCMS Pilot Study: Prevention and Remediation Issues in Selected Industrial Sectors: Mega-Sites, Ottawa, Canada, June 12-15, 2005

542R05028 Off-Gas Treatment Technologies For Soil Vapor Extraction Systems State Of The Practice

542R05031 Superfund Benefits Analysis : Partial Draft

542R06001 Pilot Project to Optimize Ground Water Remediation Systems at RCRA Corrective Action Facilities: Summary Report and Lessons Learned

542R06002 Abstracts Of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 10

542R06003 NATO/CCMS Pilot Study: Prevention and Remediation Issues in Selected Industrial Sectors, Athens, Greece June 4-7, 2006

542R06004 Long-Term Monitoring Network Optimization Evaluation for Wash King Laundry Superfund Site, Lake County, Michigan

542R06005 Long-Term Monitoring Network Optimization Evaluation for Operable Unit 2 Bunker Hill Mining and Metallurgical Complex Superfund Site, Idaho

542R06006a Pilot Region-based Optimization Program for Fund-lead Sites in EPA Region 3 Site Optimization Tracker: AIW Frank/Mid-County Mustang Site Exton Pennsylvania

542R06006b Pilot Region-based Optimization Program for Fund-lead Sites in EPA Region 3 Site Optimization Tracker: Crossley Farm Superfund Site Hereford and Washington Townships Berks County Pennsylvania

542R06006c Pilot Region-based Optimization Program for Fund-lead Sites in EPA Region 3 Site Optimization Tracker: Croychem Superfund Site Berks County Boyertown Pennsylvania

542R06006d Final Report Pilot Region Based Optimization Program for Fund Lead Sites in EPA Region 3 Site Optimization Tracker: Greenwood Chemical Site Newtown Virginia

542R06006e Pilot Region-based Optimization Program for Fund-lead Sites in EPA Region 3 Site Optimization Tracker: Hellertown Manufacturing Hellertown Pennsylvania

542R06006f Pilot Region-Based Optimization Program for Fund-Lead Sites in EPA Region 3 Site Optimization Tracker: Raymark Hatboro Pennsylvania

542R06006g Pilot Region Based Optimization Program for Fund Lead Sites in EPA Region 3 Site Optimization Tracker: Standard Chlorine of Delaware Superfund Site New Castle County Pennsylvania

542R06006i Pilot Region Based Optimization Program for Fund Lead Sites in EPA Region 3 Site Optimization Tracker: Croydon TCE Site Bristol Towns Pennsylvania

542R06006j Pilot Region-based Optimization Program for Fund-lead Sites in EPA Region 3 Site Optimization Tracker: Havertown PCP Site Havertown Pennsylvania

542R06006k Final Report Pilot Region Based Optimization Program for Fund Lead Sites in EPA Region 3 Site Optimization Tracker: North Penn Area 1 Superfund Site Souderton Montgomery County Pennsylvania

542R06006l Final Report Pilot Region Based Optimization Program for Fund Lead Sites in EPA Region 3 Site Optimization Tracker: Saunders Supply Company Superfund Site Chuckatuck Pennsylvania

542R06007 Innovations in Site Characterization Case Study: The Role of a Conceptual Site Model Expedited Site Characterization Using the Triad Approach at the Poudre River Site, Fort Collins, Colorado

542R06009 Treatment Technologies for 1,4-Dioxane: Fundamentals and Field Applications

542R06011 Remediation System Evaluation, Peerless Plating Site, Muskegon, Michigan, February 2006

542R06012 Remediation System Evaluation, Penta Wood Products Site, Daniels, Wisconsin, February 2006

542R06013 Remediation System Evaluation, 57th and North Broadway Site, Wichita, Kansas, June 2006

542R06014 Remediation System Evaluation, American Creosote Works Site, Pensacola, Florida, June 2006

542R06015 Remediation System Evaluation, Ellis Property Superfund Site Evesham and Medford Townships, New Jersey, September 2006

542R06016 Remediation System Evaluation, GCL Tie and Treating Superfund Site, Sidney, New York, December 2006

542R07003 Treatment Technologies for Mercury in Soil, Waste, and Water

542R07004 Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 11, August 2007

542R07005 Cost Comparison Framework for Use in Optimizing Ground Water Pump and Treatment Systems

542R07006 Options for Discharging Treated Water From Pump and Treat Systems

542R07007 Optimization Strategies for Long-Term Ground Water Remedies (with Particular Emphasis on Pump and Treat Systems)

542R07009 Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Optimization, Clare Water Supply Superfund Site, StageRight Area, Clare, Michigan

542R07010 Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Optimization, Clare Water Supply Superfund Site, Permeable Reactive Barrier and Soil Remedy Areas, Clare, Michigan

542R07011 Final Report: Pilot Region-Based Optimization Program for Fund-Lead Sites, EPA Region III

542R07012 Treatment Technologies for Site Cleanup: Annual Status Report, Twelfth Edition

542R07013 The Use of Soil Amendments for Remediation, Revitalization, and Reuse

542R07014 Report of the Pilot Study Meeting: Prevention and Remediation in Selected Industrial Sectors: Sediments, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 17-22, 2007

542R07015 Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Optimization, Newark, Muscoy, and Source Operable Units, Newmark Superfund Sites, San Bernardino, California

542R07016 Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Optimization, Taylor Road Landfill Superfund Site, Seffner, Hillsborough County, Florida

542R07017 Remediation System Evaluation, Ace Services Superfund Site, Colby, Kansas, September 2007

542R07018 Remediation System Evaluation, Northwest Pipe and Casing Site, Clackamas, Oregon, September 2007

542R07019 Remediation System Evaluation, Central City/Clear Creek Superfund Site Argo Tunnel Water Treatment Plant Idaho Springs, Colorado, September 2007

542R07020 Streamlined Remediation System Evaluation (RSE-Lite), Benfield Industries Superfund Site Waynesville, North Carolina, September 2007

542R07021 Groundwater Monitoring Network Optimization Frontier Hard Chrome Superfund Site, Vancouver, Washington

542R08001 Brownfields Technology Primer: Vapor Intrusion Considerations for Redevelopment

542R08002 Green Remediation: Incorporating Sustainable Environmental Practices into Remediation of Contaminated Sites

542R08005 User’s Guide to the Collection and Analysis of Tree Cores to Assess the Distribution of Subsurface Volatile Organic Compounds

542R92002 Procuring Innovative Treatment Technologies at Remedial Sites: Regional Experiences and Process Improvements

542R92005 CERCLA: Superfund Orientation Manual

542R92010 Technologies and Options For UST Corrective Actions Overview Of Current Practice

542R92011 Innovative Treatment Technologies Semi-annual Status Report, 4th Edition

542R92012 Cleaning Up The Nation's Waste Sites Markets and Technology Trends

542R93001 VISITT Vendor Information System for Innovative Treatment Technologies: User Manual, (VISITT Version 2.0)

542R93003 Innovative Treatment Technologies: Annual Status Report, 5th Edition

542R94002 Profile of Innovative Technologies and Vendors for Waste Site Remediation

542R94003 VISITT: Vendor Information System for Innovative Treatment Technologies, User Manual (VISITT Version 3.0) {Includes Errata Sheet}

542R94005 Innovative Treatment Technologies Annual Status Report, 6th Edition

542R94008 Proceedings: West Coast Remediation Marketplace: Business Opportunities for Innovative Technologies, Summary, November 15-16, 1994, San Francisco, California

542R95001 Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies (Includes Errata Sheet)

542R95002 Remediation Case Studies Bioremediation

542R95003 Remediation Case Studies Groundwater Treatment

542R95004 Remediation Case Studies Soil Vapor Extraction

542R95005 Remediation Case Studies Thermal Desorption, Soil Washing, And In Situ Vitrification

542R95006 Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment and Clean Up on Contaminated Land and Groundwater (Phase II), NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, Interim Status Report, Number 203

542R95008 Innovative Treatment Technologies: 7th Annual Status Report

542R95010 Market Opportunities for Innovative Site Cleanup Technologies: Middle-Atlantic States

542R95011 Surfactant Injection for Ground Water Remediation: State Regulators' Perspective and Experiences

542R96001 State Policy and Regulatory Barriers to In Situ Ground Water Remediation

542R96002 Vendor Information Form (VIF): Version 5.0

542R96005 Cleaning up the Nations Waste Sites Markets and Technology Trends, 1996

542R96005A Cleaning Up the Nation's Waste Sites: Markets and Technology Trends, Executive Summary, 1996

542R96006 Partnerships for the Remediation of Hazardous Wastes

542R96006A Vendor FACTS: Vendor Information Form, Version 2.0

542R96007 Market Opportunities for Innovative Site Cleanup Technologies: Southeastern States

542R96010 Innovative Treatment Technologies: Annual Status Report, Eighth Edition

542R96012 Common Sense Initiative (CSI) Petroleum Refining Sector One-Stop Reporting and Public Access Project

542R97002 Testing and Demonstration Sites for Innovative Ground-Water Remediation Technologies

542R97004 Recent Developments for In Situ Treatment of Metal Contaminated Soils

542R97005 Vendor Facts: Vendor Information Form Version 3.0

542R97006 Vendor Information Form (VIF) 6.0

542R97007 Analysis of Selected Enhancements for Soil Vapor Extraction (Sep '97)

542R97008 Remediation Case Studies: Bioremediation and Vitrification, Volume 5

542R97009 Remediation Case Studies: Soil Vapor Extraction and Other In Situ Technologies, Volume 6

542R97010 Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 2

542R97011 Field Analytical and Site Characterization Technologies: Summary of Applications

542R97012 On-Site Incineration Overview of Superfund Operating Experience

542R98001a Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment and Clean Up of Contaminated Land and Groundwater, NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, Phase II, Final Report

542R98001B Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment and Clean Up of Contaminated Land and Groundwater, NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, Phase II, Overview Report

542R98001c Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment and Clean Up of Contaminated Land and Groundwater, NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, Phase II, Appendix IV, Project Summaries

542R98002 NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater (Phase III) Annual Report, 1998

542R98003 NATO/CCMS Pilot Study: Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater (Phase III) Special Session: Treatment Walls and Permeable Reactive

542R98005 Evaluation of Subsurface Engineered Barriers at Waste Sites

542R98005a Evaluation of Subsurface Engineered Barriers at Waste Sites, Volume 2, Appendix B

542R98006 Innovations in Site Characterization Hanscom Air Force Base, Operable Unit 1 (Sites 1, 2, and 3)

542R98008 Field Applications of In Situ Remediation Technologies Chemical Oxidation

542R98009 Field Applications of In Situ Remediation Technologies Groundwater Circulation Wells

542R98010 Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies, Volume 3

542R98011 Remediation Case Studies: Ex Situ Soil Treatment Technologies (Bioremediation, Solvent Extraction, Thermal Desorption), Volume 7

542R98012 Remediation Case Studies: In Situ Soil Treatment Technologies, ( Soil Vapor Extraction, Thermal Processes), Volume 8

542R98013 Remediation Case Studies: Groundwater Pump and Treat ( Chlorinated Solvents ), Volume 9

542R98014 Remediation Case Studies: Groundwater Pump and Treat (Non-Chlorinated Contaminants), Volume 10

542R98015 Remediation Case Studies: Innovative Groundwater Treatment Technologies, Volume 11

542R98016 Remediation Case Studies: On Site Incineration, Volume 12

542R98017 Remediation Case Studies: Debris and Surface Cleaning Technologies, and Other Miscellaneous Technologies, Volume 13

542R98020 Geophysical Techniques to Locate DNAPLs Profiles of Federally Funded Projects

542R99001 Treatment Technologies for SITE Cleanup: Annual Status Report, Ninth Edition

542R99002 Field Applications of In Situ Remediation Technologies: Permeable Reactive Barriers

542R99003 Innovations in Site Characterization: Case Study: Dexsil L2000 PCB/Chloride Analyzer for Drum Surfaces

542R99004 Multiphase Extraction State of the Practice

542R99006 Groundwater Cleanup Overview of Operating Experience at 28 Sites

542R99007 NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Ground Water (Phase 3), Annual Report, 1999

542R99008 NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater (Phase III)

542R99011A Hydraulic Optimization Demonstration for Groundwater Pump-and-Treat Systems, Volume 1 Pre-Optimization Screening (Method and Demonstration)

542R99011B Hydraulic Optimization Demonstration for Pump-and-Treat Systems, Volume 2: Application of Hydraulic Optimization

542R99012 Profile of Innovative Treatment Technologies Providers

542R99900 Perspectives on Private Investment in Innovative Remediation Technology Companies, December, 1999

542S00001 Application of Field-Based Characterization Tools in the Waterfront Voluntary Setting

542S02002 Proven Alternatives for Aboveground Ireatment of Arsenic in Groundwater

542S04001 Introduction To Energy Conservation And Production At Waste Cleanup Sites

542S95001 Emerging Abiotic In Situ Remediation Technologies for Ground Water and Soil, Summary Report

542S98002 Preserving Our Heritage, Securing Our Future: Report to the Citizens of the Nation

542X95001 Feasibility Study Analysis, Volume 1; Findings and Analysis

542X95002 Feasibility Study Analysis: Volume 2, Site Summaries

542Z00001 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (the NCP)

543K93002 Technology Innovation Strategy Of The United States Environmental Protection Agency External Discussion Draft January 1994

543K93003 Environmental Technology Initiative: FY 1994 Program Plan

549R00010 Solidification/Stabilization Use at Superfund Sites

55019761 About Sound

550973005 Background Document For Interstate Motor Carrier Noise Emission Regulations

550974004 Information On Levels Of Environmental Noise Requisite To Protect Public Health and Welfare With An Adequate Margin Of Safety

550974005A Background Document Environmental Explanation For Proposed Interstate Rail Carrier Noise Emission Regulations

550974016 Backround Document For Proposed Portable Air Compressor Noise Emmission Regulations

550975021 Guidelines For Developing A Training Program In Noise Survey Techniques Report Of Working Group 70 Nasnrc Committee On Hearing Bioacoustics And Biomechanics

550977201 Proposed Bus Noise Emission Regulation

550977204 Information In Support Of The Proposed Regulation For Truck-Mounted Solid Waste Compactors

550977253 Background Document For Product Noise Labeling Draft

550978302 Foreign Noise Research In Machinery Construction Equipment 1977

550978305 Federal Research, Development, and Demonstration Programs In Surface Transportation Noise

550978306 Federal Research, Development, and Demonstration Programs In Machinery and Construction Noise

550978307 Federal Research, Technology and Demonstration Programs In Aviation Noise

550978308 Federal Research, Development and Demonstration Programs in Machinery and Construction Noise

550979100 Protective Noise Levels Condensed Version Of Epa Levels Document

550B00002 Guidance for Implementation of the General Duty Clause Clean Air Act Section 112(r)(1)

550B00003 Chemicals, the Press, and the Public: A Journalist's Guide to Reporting on Chemicals in the Community, Second Edition

550B00004 Semiannual Report on United States-Mexico Border Contingency Planning Activities (Issue 5)

550B00006 Risk Management Guidance for Ammonia Refrigeration

550B00007 Risk Management Program Guidance for Wastewater Treatment Plants

550B00008 General Guidance for Risk Management Programs

550B00009 Risk Management Program Guidance for Warehouses (40 CFR Part 68) (May '00)

550B01003 Title III List Of Lists Consolidated List Of Chemicals Subject To The Emergency Planning and Community Right To Know Act (EPCRA) and Section 112 (r) Of The Clean Air Act

550B82001 Bibliography of Noise Publications 1972-1982

550B89200 Chemicals, the Press, and the Public

550B93001 Guiding Principles for Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response

550B93002 Opportunities and Challenges for Local Emergency Planning Committees: Best Sellers in EPCRA

550B94001 Explosion Hazard from Ethyl Ether in Disaster Hospital Kits

550B94003 Canada-United States Joint Inland Pollution Contingency Plan

550B95001 User's Guide to Federal Accidental Release Databases

550B96012 Risk Management Plan Data Elements, May 1996

550B96013 Model Risk Management Program and Plan for Ammonia Refrigeration, May 1996

550B96014 RMP Offsite Consequence Analysis Guidance, May 1996

550B96015 Title III list of Lists: Consolidated List of Chemicals Subject to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) and Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act, As Amended

550B98002 Risk Management Programs Under Clean Air Act Section 112 (R): Guidance for Implementing Agencies ** This Document was Printed as 550-R-98-002**

550B98003 General Guidance for Risk Management Programs (40 CR Part 68)

550B98010 Risk Management Program Guidance for Wastewater Treatment Plants (40 CFR Part 68)

550B98011 Risk Management Program Guidance for Propane Storage Facilities (40 CFR Part 68)

550B98014 RMP Guidance for Ammonia Refrigeration (40 CFR Part 68)

550B98017 Title III List of Lists: Consolidated List of Chemicals Subject to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and Section 112 (R) of the Clean Air Act, As Amended

550B98018 Cameo: En Espanol; Paseo Guiado Version 1.1 (Cameo in Spanish: Guide Pass Manual) (Spanish)

550B98019 CAMEO: En Espanol; Manual para Usuarios Version 101 (CAMEO in Spanish User's Manual) (Spanish)

550B98020 Marplot: En Espanol; Manual para Usuarios Version 3.2 (Marplot in Spanish: Users Manual) (Spanish)

550B98021 Aloha: En Espanol; Manual para Usuarios Version 5.2.2 (Aloha in Spanish: Users Manual) (Spanish)

550B98022 Risk Management Program: Guidance for Propane Users and Smaller Retailers (40 CFR Part 68)

550B99001 RMP Submit User's Manual: For RMP Submit Version 1.07, Issued January 3, 1999

550B99002 Risk Management Plan ASCII File Format

550B99003 RMPs Are on the Way! How LEPCs and Other Local Agencies Can Include Information from Risk Management Plans in Their Ongoing Work

550B99004 Risk Management Program Guidance for Warehouses (40 CFR Part 68) (Jan '99)

550B99005 Risk Management Program Guidance for Chemical Distributors (40 CFR Part 68)

550B99008 Guidance for Auditing Risk Management Plans/Programs under Clean Air Act Section 112(r)

550B99009 Risk Management Program Guidance for Offsite Consequence Analysis

550B99010 Chemical Safety in Your Community: EPA's New Risk Management Program

550B99012 New Ways to Prevent Chemical Incidents

550B99013 How Safe am I? Helping Communities Evaluate Chemical Risks

550B99014 What Makes a Hazard Hazardous: Working With Chemical Information

550B99015 Evaluating Chemical Hazards in the Community: Using an RMP's Offsite Consequence Analysis

550B99017 Technical Background Document for Offsite Consequence Analysis for Anhydrous Ammonia, Aqueous Ammonia, Chlorine, and Sulfur Dioxide

550B99019 Confidential Business Information Security Manual for CEPPO Programs

550CB92002 ALOHA (Area Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) User's Manual for the Apple Macintosh

550CB92004 CAMEO (Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations) User's Manual for the Apple Macintosh

550CB92005 CAMEO DOS Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations for IBM PC and Compatible Computers

550CB92007 ALOHA (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) User's Manual for Microsoft Windows

550F00002 Chemical Safety Alert: Chemical Accident Prevention: Site Security

550F00004 The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act

550F00005 Chemical Safety Alert: Anhydrous Ammonia Theft

550F00008 EPA Capabilities: Responding to Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC) Terrorism

550F00010 Risk Management Plan (RMP) Audit Program

550F01005 LEPCs and Deliberate Releases: Addressing Terrorist Activities in the Local Emergency Plan

550F01008 EPA Region 3 Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Conference and EPA International Hazmat Spills Prevention Conference December 10-13,2001

550F03001 Hazards of Delayed Coker Unit (DCU) Operations

550F06002 Subpart J: The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) Product Schedule

550F08001 Amendments to Emergency Planning and Notification; Emergency Release Notification and Hazardous Chemical Reporting. 40 CFR Parts 355 and 370.

550F91100 Fact Sheet: Chemical Safety Audit Program

550F93002 Fact Sheet: SARA Title III: Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act

550F93004 Hazards Analysis: On the Move

550F93005 Environmental Fact Sheet: Clean Air Act Risk Management Program for Accidental Release Prevention

550F93006 Fact Sheet: Accidental Release Information Program (ARIP)

550F93007 Making it Work: Secrets of Successful SERCs, Series 9, Number 3

550F93008 Fact Sheet: Chemical Safety Audit Program, March 1993

550F94003 Fact Sheet: List of Substances for Accidental Release Prevention: Clean Air Act Section 112(r)

550F94004 Fact Sheet: Risk Management Planning for Accidental Release Prevention: Clean Air Act Section 112(r)

550F94005 Fact Sheet: U.S./Canada Border Activities: U.S. Canada Joint Inland Pollution Contingency Plan

550F94006 Fact Sheet: Accidental Release Information Program (ARIP)

550F95001 Thinking About Deliberate Releases: Steps Your Community Can Take

550F95002 Fact Sheet: Supplemental Notice to Proposed Rule for Risk Management Planning Clean Air Act Section 112(r)

550F96002 Fact Sheet: Risk Management Planning: Accidental Release Prevention, Final Rule; Clean Air Act Section 112(r)

550F96003 Fact Sheet: List of Substances for Accidental Release Prevention, Clean Air Act Section 112(r)

550F96004 Fact Sheet: Chemical Accident Prevention and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990

550F96005 Fact Sheet: Clean Air Act Section 112(r): Excerpts from Statute

550F97002A Rupture Hazard of Pressure Vessels

550F97002B Catastrophic Failure of Storage Tanks

550F97002C Lightning Hazard to Facilities Handling Flammable Substances

550F97002E Fire Hazard from Carbon Adsorption Deodorizing Systems

550F97002F Shaft Blow-Out Hazard of Check and Butterfly Valves

550F97006 Fact Sheet: EPA/OSHA Joint Accident Investigation Program: Prevention of Chemical Accidents

550F97007 List of Substances for Accidental Release Prevention: Clean Air Act Section 112(R)

550F97009 EPA's Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office

550F97010 Fact Sheet: Landview III

550F98002 Fact Sheet: Risk Management Program: RMP*Submit, RPM*Info, Clean Air Act Section 112(R)

550F98003 CAMEO: Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations

550F98004 Basic Awareness Fact Sheet for Small Business

550F98005 Regulatory Reinvention: Proposed EPCRA Sections 302-312 Revisions

550F98006 EPA's Risk Management Program: How Does it Affect Operators of Ammonia Refrigeration Systems?

550F98007 EPA's Risk Management Program: How Does it Affect POTWs?

550F98008 EPA's Risk Management Program: How Does it Affect Propane Retailers and Users?

550F98009 EPA's Risk Management Program: How Does it Affect Chemical Warehouses?

550F9801 EPA/OSHA Joint Chemical Accident Investigation Report Surpass Chemical Co., Inc. Albany, NY

550F98010 EPA's Risk Management Program: How Does it Affect Operators of Water Treatment Systems?

550F98011 EPA's Risk Management Program: How Does it Affect Chemical Distributors?

550F98012 Modifications to the List of Regulated Substances: Clean Air Act, Section 112(R)

550F98014 Fact Sheet: EPA's Role in Counter-Terrorism Activities

550F98015 Fact Sheet: Integrated Contingency Plan (1 Plan) Guidance

550F98017 Hazards of Ammonia Releases at Ammonia Refrigeration Facilities

550F98019 EPA/OSHA Joint Chemical Accident Investigation Report: Surpass Chemical Co., Albany, NY

550F98020 CAMEO99: Crowne Plaza Phoenix Downtown, Phoenix, Arizona May 25-28, 1999 (Brochure)

550F98021 Submitting Your Risk Management Plan Under Section 112R of the Clean Air Act

550F98022 RMP Series Fact Sheet: Recent Changes to the Risk Management Program Rule

550F99003 Prevent Year 2000 Chemical Emergencies

550F99004 How to Prevent Runaway Reactions: Case Study: Phenol-Formaldehyde Reaction Hazards

550F99005 Information on How to Submit Confidential Business Information and RMP Submit

550F99006 Chemical Safety Alert: Use Multiple Data Sources for Safer Emergency Response

550F99011 Addressing Year 2000 Issues in Small and Medium-Sized Facilities That Handle Chemicals

550F99012 CAMEO Letter

550F99013 Fact Sheet: Chemical Safety Information, Site Security and Fuels Regulatory Relief Act

550F99015 Hazmat 2000 Spills Prevention Conference: Gateway to the Future: Working Together, April 4-6, 2000 Regal Riverfront Hotel St. Louis, Missouri (Brochure)

550F99019 HAZMAT 2000 Spills Prevention Conference: Gateway to the Future: Working Together, April 4-6, 2000 Regal Riverfront Hotel St. Louis, Missouri

550F99020 Cameo Update (Brochure)

550K86100 EPCRA Statute: Title III: Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986

550K89100 Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act of 1986: Questions and Answers

550K90100 EPCRA Section 311 and 312: Tier One Form and Instructions

550K90101 EPCRA Section 311 and 312: Tier Two Form and Instructions

550K91100 Why You Need To Learn About Hazardous Substances

550K93001 Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Advisory: Hydrogen Fluoride

550K93002 Successful Practices in Title III Implementation: State of Florida, District 5 LEPC, Florida, Monroe County, Michigan, State of Alaska, Subject Index

550K93003 Chemicals In Your Community A Guide To The Emergency Planning And Community Right To Know Act

550K93003 Chemicals in Your Community: A guide to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act

550K94001 Chemical Accident Prevention and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: Quick Reference Fact Sheet

550K94002 1994 International Hazardous Material Spills Conference, Case Studies

550K96001 Chemical Safety for Your Community: Grant Products You Can Use

550K99019 Chemicals in Your Community

550R00001 EPA Chemical Accident Investigation Report: Accra Pac Group, Inc. North Plant, Elkhart, Indiana

550R00002 Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know: State Profiles, 1999-2000

550R89100 Proceedings: National Conference on Hazardous Materials Training, 1989, National Emergency Training Center, Emmitsburg, Maryland, March 27-30, 1989

550R90001 Chemical Safety Audit Program: A Status Report

550R93001 Hydrogen Fluoride Study: Report to Congress, Section 112(N)(6), Clean Air Act as Amended: Final Report

550R93002 Review of Federal Authorities for Hazardous Materials Accident Safety: Report to Congress Section 112(R)(10) Clean Air Act as Amended

550R94001 Nationwide LEPC Survey

550R94002 1994 International Hazardous Material Spills Conference Program

550R96001 Conference Program: 1996 International Hazardous Material Spills Conference, June 26-29, 1996, Hyatt Regency, New Orleans

550R96002 Expert Review of EPA Chemical Accident Investigation Report: Terra Industries, Inc. Nitrogen Fertilizer Facility, Port Neal, Iowa

550R97001 Nationwide Survey of LEPC Data Management Practices

550R97002 EPA/OSHA Joint Chemical Accident Investigation Report: Napp Technologies, Incorporated, Lodi, New Jersey

550R97003 Security Study: Analysis of the Terrorist Risk Associated with the Public Availability of Offsite Consequence Analysis Data under EPA's Risk Management Program Regulations

550R97004 International Hazardous Material Spills Conference, 14th, Chicago, Illinois, April 5-9, 1998

550R97005 Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know: State Profiles, 1997

550R97006 State Considerations and Strategies for Implementing the Chemical Accidental Release Prevention Program

550R98001 EPA Chemical Accident Investigation Report: Pennzoil Product Company Refinery Rouseville, PA

550R98003 EPA Chemical Accident Investigation Report: Powell Duffryn Terminals, Incorporated Savannah, Georgia

550R98005 EPA/OSHA Joint Chemical Accident Investigation Report: Shell Chemical Company, Deer Park, Texas

550R98007 Impact of CEPPO's No-Charge Distribution of CAMEO Software: 1998 Recipient Survey

550R98008 Expert Review of EPA/OSHA Chemical Accident Investigation Report Napp Technologies, Inc. Lodi, New Jersey

550R98009 EPA Chemical Accident Investigation Report: Tosco Avon Refinery, Martinez, California

550R98087 Research Plan for Endocrine Disruptors

550R99003 EPA/OSHA Joint Chemical Accident Investigation Report, BPS, Inc. Helena AR

550R99004 Expert Review of EPA/OSHA Joint Chemical Accident Investigation Report: NAPP Technologies, Inc. Lodi, New Jersey

550R99006 Joint United States-Mexico Contingency Plan for Preparedness for and Response to Environmental Emergencies Caused by Releases, Spills, Fires, or Explosions of Hazardous Substances in the Inland Border Area

550S98001 Summary Report of the Cross Border Workgroup: Convened Under the United States-Mexico Joint Response Team and the United States National Response Team's Subcommittee on Transboundary Issues

550Z93002 Federal Register: October 20, 1993. Part 2. 40 CFR Part 68. Risk Management Programs for Chemical Accidental Release Prevention; Proposed Rule

550Z93003 Federal Register: March 9, 1993, Part 3. 40 CFR Part 68 List of Regulated Substances and Thresholds for Accidental Release Prevention; Requirements for Petitions; Proposed Rule

550Z94001 Federal Register: January 31, 1994, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 9 and 68. List of Regulated Substances and Thresholds for Accidental Release Prevention and Risk Management Programs for Chemical Accident Release Prevention; Final Rule and Notice

550Z95001 Federal Register: March 13, 1995, Part 3. 40 CFR Part 68. Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Programs Under Clean Air Act Section 112(r)(7); Proposed Rule

550Z96001 Federal Register: June 5, 1996, Part 2. National Response Team's Integrated Contingency Plan Guidance; Notice

550Z96002 Federal Register: June 20, 1996, Part 3. 40 CFR Part 68. Risk Management Programs Under Section 112(r)(7) of the Clean Air Act as Amended, Guidelines; Final Rules and Notice

550Z96003 Federal Register: April 15, 1996, Part 4. 40 CFR Part 68. List of Regulated Substances and Thresholds for Accidental Release Prevention; Proposed Rule

550Z96004 Federal Register: May 7, 1996. 40 CFR Part 355. Extremely Hazardous Substances; Final Rule

550Z98002 Federal Register: April 17, 1998. 40 CFR Part 68. Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Programs Under Clean Air Act Section 112 (R7); Amendments

550Z98003 Federal Register: June 8, 1998. 40 CFR Parts 355 and 370. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Programs; Amendments to Hazardous Chemical Reporting Thresholds, Streamlining Requirements; Proposed Rule

550Z99001 Federal Register: January 6, 1999, Part 4. 40 CFR Part 68. Accidental Release Prevention Requirements; Risk Management Programs Under Clean Air Act Section 112(r)(7), Amendments; Final Rule

554980001X WQM Framework Manual

556187001 INSEA User's Manual Environmental Performance Model of Incineration at Sea Operations, Final

556187005 Proceedings: Workshop on the Sea Surface Microlayer in Relation to Ocean Disposal, December 18-19, 1985

556288001 Guides for Preparation of Quality Assurance Project Plans for the National Estuarine Program: Interim Final

5601180002 Laboratory Trials and Critical Evaluations of Soil TLC Tests Final Report

5601180008 TSCA Chemical Assessment Series: Chemical Screening: Initial Evaluations Of Substantial Risk Notices, Section 8(e), January 1, 1977 To June 30, 1979

5601180010 Proceedings Of The EPA Workshop On The Environmental Scoring Of Chemicals Washington Dc August 13-15 1979

5601180011 Chemical Hazard Information Profiles (chips) August 1, 1976, To November 20, 1979

5601180014 Support Document, Health Effects Test Rule Chlorinated Benzenes

5601180015 Support Document, Health Effects Test Rule Chloromethane

5601180016 Support Document, Decision Not To Require Testing For Health Effects Acrylamide

5601180019 Preliminary Risk Assessment, Phase I Benzidine, Its Congeners, And Their Derivative Dyes And Pigments

5601180026 Methods For Ecological Toxicology A Critical Review Of Laboratory Multispecies Tests

5601180028 Proceedings Of The Workshop On Subchronic Toxicity Testing Denver, Colorado, May 20-24, 1979

5601182501 Intermedia Priority Pollutant Guidance Documents

5601380017 Asbestos-containing Materials In School Buildings Guidance For Asbestos Analytical Programs

5601380027 Perspectives On The Top 50 Production Volume Chemicals

5601380033 TSCA Status Report For Existing Chemicals

560175002 Environmental Aspects Of Chemical Use In Rubber Processing Operations Conference Proceedings

560175004 Environmental Aspects Of Chemical Use In Well-drilling Operations Conference Proceedings May 1975, Houston, Texas

560176008 Sensitivity Of Vertebrate Embryos To Boron Compounds April 1977 Final Report

560178501 PCB Manufacturing, Processing, Distribution in Commerce and Use Ban Regulation: Proposed Rule - Support Document/Voluntary Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Environmental Protection Agency (40 CFR Part 761)

560183002 The Toxic Substances Control Act

560187011 Layman's Guide To The Toxic Substances Control Act

560188002 EPA Study Of Asbestos-containing Materials In Public Buildings A Report To Congress

560189002 Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals, Title III and Communities: An Outreach Manual for Community Groups

560191001 Toxic Substances Control Act A Guide For Chemical Importers-Exporters An Overview

56019731 Action For Environmental Quality Standards and Enforcement For Air and Water Pollution Control

56019872 Agricultural Chemicals In Groundwater Proposed Pesticide Strategy

560275006 Investigation Of Selected Potential Environmental Contaminants Haloethers

560275007 Investigation Of Selected Potential Environmental Contaminants Chlorinated Paraffins

560276001 Asbestos A Review Of Selected Literature Through 1973 Relating To Environmental Exposure And Health Effects

560276003 Investigation Of Selected Potential Environmental Contaminants Ketonic Solvents Final Report

560276005 Literature Survey Oriented Towards Adverse Environmental Effects Resultant From The Use Of AZO Comppounds, Brominated Hydrocarbons, EDTA, Formaldehyde Resins, and O-Nitrochlorobenzene

560276007 Investigation Of Selected Potential Environmental Contaminants Haloalkyl Phosphates Final Report

560276008 Investigation Of Selected Potential Environmental Contaminants Acrylamides Final Report

560289002A Toxic Chemical Release Inventory: Risk Screening Guide, Volume 1, The Process

560289002B Toxic Chemical Release Inventory: Risk Screening Guide, Volume 2, Appendices

560289003 Chemical Releases And Chemical Risks: A Citizen's Guide To Risk Screening

560291002 Carpet Policy Dialogue Compendium Report September 27, 1991

560375002 Identification Of Organic Compounds In Effluents From Industrial Sources

560375005 Technical And Microeconomic Analysis Of Cadmium And Its Compounds Final Report, Task 1

560382001 Support Document Voluntary Environmental Impact Statement and PCB Manufacturing Processing Distribution in Commerce and Use Ban Regulation

560474001 Preliminary Assessment Of The Environmental Problems Associated With Vinyl Chloride and Polyvinyl Chloride (appendices) Report On The Activities and Findings Of The Vinyl Chloride Task Force

560488001 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act Section 313 Release Reporting Requirements

560488002 Estimating Releases and Waste Treatment Efficiencies for the Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Form

560488003 Title III List Of Lists Consolidated List Of Chemicals Subject To Reporting Under Title III Of The Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Of 1986

560488004A Estimating Chemical Releases from Monofilament Fiber Manufacture: Title III Section 313 Release Reporting Guidance

560488004B Estimating Chemical Releases from Printing Operations: Title III Section 313 Release Reporting Guidance

560488004C Estimating Chemical Releases from Electrodepostion of Organic Coatings: Title III Section 313 Release Reporting Guidance

560488004D Estimating Chemical Releases from Spray Application of Organic Coatings: Title III Section 313 Release Reporting Guidance

560488004E Estimating Chemical Releases from Semiconductor Manufacturing: Title III Section 313 Release Reporting Guidance

560488004F Estimating Chemical Releases from Formulation of Aqueous Solutions: Title III Section 313 Release Reporting Guidance

560488004G Estimating Chemical Releases from Electroplating Operations: Title III Section 313 Release Reporting Guidance

560488004H Estimating Chemical Releases from Textile Dyeing: Title III Section 313 Release Reporting Guidance

560488004I Estimating Chemical Releases from Presswood and Laminated Wood Products Manufacturing: Title III Section 313 Release Reporting Guidance

560488004J Estimating Chemical Releases from Roller, Knife, and Gravure Coating Operations: Title III Section 313 Release Reporting Guidance

560488004K Estimating Chemical Releases from Paper Paperboard Production: Title III Section 313 Release Reporting Guidance

560488004L Estimating Chemical Releases from Leather Tanning and Finishing: Title III Section 313 Release Reporting Guidance

560488004P Estimating Chemical Releases from Wood Preserving Operations: Title III Section 313 Release Reporting Guidance

560488004Q Estimating Chemical Releases from Rubber Production and Compounding: Title III Section 313 Release Reporting Guidance

560488005 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Form R and Instructions

560489001 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Package For 1988 Form, Instructions and Other Information To Support Reporting Under Section 313 Of The Emergency Planning

560489002 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Questions and Answers Section 313 Of The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act Title III Of The Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization

560489005 TheToxics-Release Inventory: A National Perspective

560489006 1987 Toxics Release Inventory A National Summary

560490001 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Package For 1989

560490007 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Form R and Instructions Section 313 Of The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act Title III Of The Superfund Amendments

560490011 Consolidated List Of Chemicals Subject To Reporting Under The Emergency Planning and Community Right To Know Act (title III Of The Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act Of 1986)

560490015 Estimated Worker Exposure To 2378-tcdd and 2378-tcdf In The Manufacture, Processing, and Commercial Use Of Pulp, Paper, and Paper Products

560490016 Estimated Worker Exposure To 2378-tcdd and 2378-tcdf From Processing and Commercial Use Of Pulp and Paper Mill Sludge

560490017 Toxics in the Community - National and Local Perspectives

560491002 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act Section 313 Release Reporting Requirements

560491006 Supplier Notification Requirements Under Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act

560491007 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Form R and Instructions: Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, Revised 1990 Version

560491008 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory: Magnetic Media Submission Instruction, Revised 1990 Version

560491011 Title Iii List Of Lists Consolidated List Of Chemicals Subject To Reporting Under The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act (title III Of The Superfund Amendments

560491014 Toxics in the Community: National and Local Perspectives

560492002 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act: Section 313 Release Reporting Requirements (Aug '91)

560492011 Consolidated List Of Chemical Subject To Reporting Under The Emergency Planning and Community Right To Know Act Sara Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances

560579001 Toxic Substances Control Act Trademarks And Product Names Reported In Conjunction With The Chemical Substance Initial Inventory

560579002 Toxic Substances Control Act Trademarks And Product Names Reported In Conjunction With The Chemical Substance Initial Inventory Trademarks And Product Names Section

560581001 Asbestos-containing Materials In School Buildings Bulk Sample Analysis Quality Assurance Program Bulk Sample Round Two

560581008C1 Chemicals Identified In Human Biological Media, Data Base 3rd Annual Report, October 1981, Volume 3 Part 1

560581008C2 Chemicals Identified In Human Biological Media A Data Base Third Annual Report, October 1981

560581009A Chemical Identified In Human Biological Media, Data Base 1st Annual Report, October 1981, Volume 1

560582001 Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substances Inventory Cumulative Supplement Ii

560582002D Chemical Identified In Human Biological Media, Data Base, Interim Report, May 1982, Volume 4

560582003B Chemicals Identified In Human Biological Media A Data Base Fourth Annual Report

560582003E1 Chemcial Indentified In Human Biological Media, Data Base 4th Annual Poert, Ocotber 192, Volume 5, Part 1

560582003E2 Chemcials Indentified In Human Biological Media, Data Base 4th Annual Report, Ocotber 198, Volume 5 Part 2

560582004B Chemicals Identified In Feral and Food Animals, Data Base 2nd Annual Report, Ocotober 1982, Volume 2

560582014 Sampling And Analysis Protocol For Assessing Organic Emissions From Stationary Combustion Sources In Exposure Evaluation Division Combustion Studies Methods Manual

560583002 Guidance For Controlling Friable Asbestos-Containing Materials In Buildings

560583012F1 Chemicals Identified In Human Bioliogical Media, Data Base 5th Annual Report, October 1983, Volume 6 Part 1

560583012F2 Chemicals Identified In Human Biological Media, Data Base 5th Annual Report, Ocotber 1983, Volume 6 Part 2

560583013 Chemicals Identified In Feral and Food Animals Data Base 3rd Annual Report

560583015 Methods For Assessing Exposure To Chemical Substances Volume 2 Methods For Assessing Exposure To Chemical Substances In The Ambient Environment

560583025 Environmental Transport And Transformation Of Polychlorinated Biphenyls

560584003G1 National Body Burden Database Chemicals Identified In Human Biological Media, 1984, Volume 7, Part 1

560584003G2 National Body Burden Database, Chemicals Identified In Human Biological Media, 1984 Violume 7, Part 2

560584003G3 National Body Burden Database, Chemicals Identified In Human Biological Media, 1984 Volume 7, Part 3

560584004D1 National Body Burden Database Chemcials Identified In Feral and Food Animals, 1984, Volume 4, Part 1

560584004D2 National Body Burden Database Chemicals Identified In Feral and Food Animals, 1984 Volume 4, Part 2

560584006 Asbestos In Buildings National Survey Of Asbestos-containing Friable Materials Final Report

560585001 Methods For Assessing Exposure To Chemical Substances, Volume 1 Introduction

560585002 Methods For Assessing Exposure To Chemical Substances, Volume 2 Methods For Assessing Exposure To Chemical Substances In The Ambient Environment

560585003 Methods For Assessing Exposure To Chemical Substances Volume3 Methods For Assessing Exposure From Disposal of Chemical Substances

560585004 Methods For Assessing Exposure To Chemical Substances, Volume 4 Methods For Enumerating and Characterizing Populations Exposed To Chemical Substances

560585005 Methods For Assessing Exposure To Chemical Substances, Volume 5 Methods For Assessing Exposure To Chemical Substances In Drinking Water

560585006 Methods For Assessing Exposure To Chemical Substances, Volume 6 Methods For Assessing Occupational Exposure To Chemical Substances

560585008 Methods For Assessing Exposure To Chemical Substances Volume 8 Methods For Assessing Environmental Pathways Of Food Contamination

560585009 Methods For Assessing Exposure To Chemical Substances Volume 9 Methods For Estimating Releases Of Chemical Substances Resulting From Transportation Accidents

560585024 Guidance For Controlling Asbestos Containing Materials In Buildings

560585025 Baseline Estimates And Time Trends For Beta-benzene hexachloride, Hexachlorobenzene, and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Human Adipose Tissue

560586013A Underground Motor Fuel Storage Tanks National Survey, Volume 1 Technical Report

560586013B Underground Motor Fuel Storage Tanks National Survey, Volume 2 Appendices

560586014 Development Of A Tank Test Method For A National Survey Of Underground Storage Tanks

560586020 Analysis For Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) And Dibenzofurans (PCDF) In Human Adipose Tissue: Method Evaluation Study

560586035 Broad Scan Analysis Of Human Adipose Tissue Survey Specimens Volume I Executive Summary

560586036 Broad Scan Analysis Of Human Adipose Tissue Volume II: Volatile Organic Compounds

560586037 Broad Scan Analysis of the FY82 National Human Adipose Tissue Survey Specimens Volume III Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds

560586038 Broad Scan Analysis Of the FY82 National Human Adipose Tissue Survey Specimens Volume IV PCDD and PCDF

560586039 Broad Scan Analysis of the FY82 National Human Adipose Tissue Survey Specimens Volume V Trace Elements

560587002A Characterization of HRGC/MS Unidentified Peaks from the Analysis of Human Adipose Tissue: Volume 1, Technical Approach

560587002B Characterization Of Hrgc-ms Unidentified Peaks From The Analysis Of Human Adipose Volume II Appendices

560587003H National Body Burden Database Chemicals Identified In Humans, 1985-1986 Volume 8

560587004E1 National Body Burden Database Chemicals Identified In Animals, 1985-1986 Volume 5 Part 1

560587004E2 National Body Burden Database Chemicals Indentified In Animals 1985-1986, Volume 5 Part 2

560587004E3 National Body Burden Database Chemicals Indentified In Animals, 1985-1986, Volume 5, Part 3

560587004E4 National Body Burden Database Chemicals Indentified In Animals, 1985-1986, Volume 5, Part 4

560587008 Volatile Organic Compounds in Whole Blood-Determination by Heated Dynamic Headspace Purge and Trap Isotope Dilution GC/MS

560588011 Asbestos Content In Bulk Insulation Samples Visual Estimates And Weight Composition

560589002 Dioxins and Dibenzofurans In Adipose Tissue Of US Vietnam Veterans and Controls

560589003 Identification Of SARA Compounds In Adipose Tissue

560589004 Comparison Of Airborne Asbestos Levels Determined By Transmission Electron Microscopy (tem) Using Direct And Indirect Transfer Techniques Final Report

560590002 Transmission Electron Microscopy Asbestos Laboratories Quality Assurance Guidelines

560590005 Brominated Dioxins and Furans In Human Adipose Tissue Final Report

560590006 Pattern Recognition Analysis Of VA-EPA PCDD and PCDF Data, Final Report

560590012 Mass Spectral Confirmation Of Chlorinated and Brominated Diphenylethers In Human Adipose Tissues Final Report

560590013 Assessment of Risks from Exposure of Humans, Terrestrial and Avian Wildlife, and Aquatic Life to Dioxins and Furans from Disposal and Use of Sludge from Bleached Kraft and Sulfite Pulp and Paper Mills

560591003 Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans In The General US Population NHATS FY 87 Results

560675004 National Conference On Polychlorinated Biphenyls, November 1975, Chicago, Illinois Conference Proceedings

560676005 PCBs In The United States Industrial Use and Environmental Distribution

560676006 Assessment Of Wastewater Management, Treatment Technology, and Associated Costs For Abatement Of PCBs Concentrations In Industrial Effluents Task 2

560677005 PCBs Involvement In The Pulp and Paper Industry

560677016 Environmental Monitoring Near Industrial Sites Chromium

560681004 Ecotoxicological Test Systems Proceedings Of A Series Of Workshops

560687002 Fish Toxicity Project The Toxicrty of 3400 Chemicals to Fish and The Toxicrty of 1085 Chemicals to Fish

560689001 Fish Toxicity Screening Data

56075501 Preliminary Assessmnet Of Suspected Carcinogens In Drinking Water Appendices

56075501A Preliminary Assessment Of Suspected Carcinogens In Drinking Water

56075504 Assessment Of Health Risk From Organics In Drinking Water

560775001A Compilation Of State Data For Eight Selected Toxic Substances, Volume 1

560776001 Review Of PCB Levels In The Environment

560780001 Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substances Inventory Cumulative Supplement

560782001 Toxic Substances Control Act TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory Cumulative Supplement II

560782002 Office Of Pesticides and Toxic Substances Scientific and Technical Reports 1968-1982

560784001 Ots Information Architecture Notebook

560785002A Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substance Inventory: TSCA Inventory: 1985 Edition , Volume I

560785002B Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substance Inventory: TSCA Inventory: 1985 Edition , Volume II: User Guide and Indices to The TSCA Inventory, Substance Name Index

560785002C Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substance Inventory: TSCA Inventory: 1985 Edition , Volume III: User Guide and Indices to The TSCA Inventory, Substance Name Index

560785002D Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substance Inventory; TSCA Inventory: 1985 Edition, Volume IV, User Guide and Indices to the TSCA Inventory, Molecular Formula Index

560785002E Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substance Inventory; TSCA Inventory: 1985 Edition, Volume V, User Guide and Indices to the TSCA Inventory, UVCB Index and Regulatory Indices

560788003 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Magnetic Media Submission Instructions Section 313 Of The Emergency Planning And Community Right-to-Know Title III Of The Superfund Amendments

560789003 Office Of Toxic Substances Scientific And Technical Reports: 1983-1988

560790003 Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substance Inventory 1990 Supplement To The 1985 Edition Of The TSCA Inventory User Guides And Indices

560790005 Directory Of Public Libraries Toxic Chemical Release Inventory

560790007 Risk Assessment Management Communication A Guide To Selected Sources Volume 3 Number 2

560791008 Risk Assessment Management Communication Guide To Selected Sources Volume 4 Number 1

560975501 Transcripts Of The Conference On Hazardous Substance Regulations, October 21-23, 1974 Quality Inn, Pentagon City, Virginia

560977501A Toxic Substances Control Act (tsca) Pl 94-469 Candidate List Of Chemical Substances Volume 1

560978502 TSCA Confidential Business Information Security Manual

560979501 Support Document Premanufacture Notification Requirements And Review Procedures

560986002 Safe Drinking Water Act 1986 Amendments

560F04019 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Adrian MI

560F04021 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Anahola Homesteaders Council HI

560F04022 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Association Of South Central Oklahoma Governments

560F04023 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Astoria OR

560F04025 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Barberton OH

560F04026 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Beartooth Rc&d Area Inc. South Central Montana

560F04027 Black Warrior-Cahaba Rivers Land Trust, Jefferson County, AL

560F04028 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact SheetBridgeport, CT

560F04043 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Emeryville CA

560F04046 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Fort Worth Opportunity Center, TX

560F04048 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Franklin Regional Council of Governments, Franklin County, MA

560F04052 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Greenfield MA

560F04057 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Helena, AR

560F04061 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Housing Authority of the City of Fresno, CA

560F04101 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma

560F04102 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Akron OH

560F04103 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Ashwaubenon WI

560F04105 Grant Fact Sheet Bath ME

560F04107 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Bennington County Regional Commission VT

560F04108 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact SheetBerkshire Regional Planning Commission, Berkshire County, MA

560F04110 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact SheetBoston Redevelopment Authority, MA

560F04111 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact SheetBoston, MA

560F04117 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact SheetCapital City Development Corporation, Bosie, ID

560F04129 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Faith City International Ministries Baton Rouge LA

560F04131 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Freeport, IL

560F04135 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism

560F04168 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Pacific Northwest Salmon Center Belfair WA

560F04184 Brownfields 2004 Grant Fact Sheet Rhizome Collective Inc. Austin TX

560F04236 Brownfields 2004grant Fact Sheet Baltimore MD

560F04247 Green Buildings On Brownfields Pilot Spartanburg, SC

560F05029 Brownfields 2005 Grant Fact Sheet Lamoille County Planning Commission, VT

560F05125 Brownfields 2005 Grant Fact Sheet Lakewood, CO

560F05156 Brownfields 2005 Grant Fact Sheet Lake County OR

560F05227 Federal Brownfields Tax Incentive The Lawrence Gateway Project

560F06214 Brownfields 2006 Grant Fact SheetBrunswick, ME

560F06219 Brownfields 2006 Grant Fact Sheet Cleveland, OH

560F06243 Assessing Contractor Capabilities forn Streamlined Site Investigations --

560F06245 Anatomy of Brownfi elds Redevelopment Brownfields Solutions Series

560F06265 Funding Guidance For State And Tribal Response Programs Fiscal Year 2007

560F07233 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals

560F07234 CERCLA Brownfields And Lender Liability

560F07235 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet Northeast-Midwest Institute

560F07236 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet Northeast-midwest Institute Financial

560F07237 Brownfields Training Research And Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet The Center For Creative Land Recycling

560F07238 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet National Park Service Rivers Trails and Conservation Assistance Program

560F07239 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet U.s.conference of Mayors

560F07240 Brownfields Training Research And Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet Environmental Law Institute

560F07241 Brownfields Training Research And Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet Cherokee Nation Environmental Program

560F07242 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet University of Louisville Center for Environmental Policy and Management

560F07243 Brownfields Training Research And Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet American Planning Association

560F07244 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet National Brownfield Associations

560F07245 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet National Association of Development Organizations

560F07246 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet Northern Kentucky University’s Institute for Public Leadership and Public Affairs

560F07247 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet ICMA

560F07248 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet National Center for Neighborhood and Brownfields Redevelopment

560F07249 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet Hazardous Materials Training and Research Institute

560F07250 Brownfields Assist Ance Grant Fact Sheet Midwest Assistance Program Inc.

560F07254 Funding Guidance For State And Tribal Response Programs Fiscal Year 2008

560F08173 Brownfields 2008 Grant Fact Sheet St. Louis Development Corporation, MO

560F08206 Brownfields 2008 Grant Fact Sheet Newtown, CT

560F08207 Brownfields 2008 Grant Fact Sheet Boston MA

560F08209 Brownfields 2008 Grant Fact Sheet Wrentham, MA

560F08217 Brownfields 2008 Grant Fact Sheet Reading OH

560F08220 Brownfields 2008 Grant Fact Sheet Little Tokyo Service Center Community Development Corporation, Los Angeles, CA

560F08222 Brownfields 2008 Grant Fact Sheet OSBR Land, LLC, Baton Rouge, LA

560F08242 Recover Your Resources - Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Construction and Demolition Materials at Land Revitalization Projects

560F08245 EPA Brownfi Elds Assessment Revolving Loan Fund and Cleanup (ARC) Grant Proposal Guidelines: Key Modifications

560F08252 EPA Brownfields Assessment Grants Assessment Coalitions

560F08253 Brownfields 2008 Grant Fact Sheet Freeport, IL

560F08254 Brownfields 2008 Grant Fact Sheet Weirton, WV

560F08255 Brownfields 2008 Grant Fact Sheet The Salvation Army, Tacoma, WA

560F08256 Brownfields 2008 Grant Fact Sheet Anchorage AK

560F08259 Brownfields 2008 Grant Fact Sheet Redevelopment Authority of Easton, PA

560F08260 Brownfields 2008 Grant Fact Sheet Earth Conservancy Hanover Township PA

560F08261 Brownfields 2008 Grant Fact Sheet Naugatuck, CT

560F08264 Brownfields Sustainability Pilot Fact Sheet Anvil Mountain Neighborhood

560F08268 Brownfields Sustainability Pilot Fact Sheet Laredo Recreation Center

560F08269 Brownfields Sustainability Pilot Fact Sheet Houston Solar Project

560F08274 Brownfields Sustainability Pilot Fact Sheet Community Center Rooftop Garden

560F08280 Unlocking Brownfields Redevelopment: Establishing a Local Revolving Loan Fund Program

560F08281 Brownfields Training, Research, and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet Hazardous Materials Training and Research Institute

560F08282 Brownfields Training, Research, and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet Sustainable Community Development Group, Inc.

560F08283 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet National Brownfield Associations

560F08284 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet Pacific Studies Center/ Center for Public Environmental Oversight

560F08285 Brownfields Training, Research, and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet Delta Redevelopment Institute

560F08286 Brownfields Training, Research, and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet California Department of Toxic Substances Control

560F08287 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet West Virginia University

560F08288 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet University of Illinois at Chicago

560F08289 Brownfields Training, Research, and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet Kansas State University

560F08290 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet Carnegie Mellon University

560F08292 Brownfields At-a-glance Tillamook OR Hoquarton Natural Interpretive Trail

560F08293 Brownfields at a Glance Moorhead MN Central City Corridor

560F08294 Brownfields at a Glance Lewiston Maine Bates Mill Complex

560F08295 Brownfields at a Glance Heartland Foundation St. Joseph MO emPowerU

560F08296 Brownfields At-a-glance Lancaster County PA Grace Lease Property

560F08297 Brownfields at-a-glance Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Hennepin County, MN

560F08298 Brownfields at-a-glance Taunton, MA

560F08299 Brownfields at-a-glance Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe, Sequim Bay WA

560F08300 A Vision of Liberty is Realized

560F08301 From Poor Reputation to Model Mixed-Use

560F08302 Ely Shoshone Tribe Transforming Former Dump into Recreational Park andEconomic Opportunity

560F08304 Brownfields at-a-glance Former Litchfield Property

560F08305 Brownfields at-a-glance Coastal Range Food Bank

560F08308 Brownfields Training Research and Technical Assistance Grant Fact Sheet National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals

560OPTS86001 Guide To Respiratory Protection For The Asbestos Abatement Industry

560OPTS86002 Guidance For Preventing Asbestos Disease Among Auto Mechanics

560OPTS86003 Controlling Brake Dust To Protect Your Health What Every Auto Mechanic Should Know

560R05001 Portfields : Charting a Course for Port Revitalization

560R08001 Improving Land and Lives: 10 Years of Investment in EPA’s Brownfields Job Training Program

560R08002 Tribal Brownfields And Response Programs Respecting Our Land Revitalizing Our Communities

560R78101 Tsca Confidential Business Information Security Manual

560R80001 Portfields : A Coordinated Approach to Revitalizing Ports

560R80002 EPA Final PCB Ban Rule Over 100 Questions And Answers To Help You Meet These Requirements

560TIIS81001 Chemical Information Resources Handbook

560TIIS81005 TSCA Chemicals In Commerce Inventory: Regional and State Perspectives

560TIIS82003 Chemical Substances Designation Volume 1 Overview And Analysis

560TIIS82004 Chemical Substances Designation Volume 2 EPA

560TIIS82005 Chemical Substances Designation Volume 3 Other Federal Agencies

560TIIS82006 Chemical Substances Designation Volume 4 Designation Matrix

560TIIS83002 Overview Of The Industry File Index System

560TIIS83003 Chemical Selection Methods An Annotated Bibliography Second Edition Tiis Series

560TIIS83004 Directory Of Federal And International Coordinating Groups For Toxic Substances, 3rd Edition Tiis Series

560TIIS83005 State Integrated Toxics Management 20 Profiles (TIIS Series)

560TIIS83006 Chemical Information Resources Handbook Second Edition (TIIS Series)

560TIIS83007 Federal Activities In Toxic Substances

560TIIS84001A Status Report Chemical Activities Fourth Edition Volume 1

560TIIS84001B Status Report Chemical Activities Fourth Edition Volume II

560TS1082 Toxic Substances Control Act Existing Chemicals Program

560TS794 Explanatory Appendix Premanufacture Notice Forms

570083010 Radionuclide Removal For Small Public Water Systems

570391001 Guidance Manual For Compliance With The Filtration And Disinfection Requirements For Public Water Systems Using Surface Water Sources March 1991 Edition

57077501 Economic Impact Analysis Of A Trihalomethane Regulation For Drinking Water

570975001 Manual of Water Well Construction Practices

570976000 National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations

570976003 National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations

570977001 Report To Congress Waste Disposal Practices and Their Effects On Groundwater

570977002 Report To Congress Waste Disposal Practices and Their Effects On Groundwater Executive Summary

570977003 Survey Of Operating and Financial Characteristics Of Community Water Systems

570978001 Removal Of Excess Fluoride From Drinking Water

570978003 A Manual for Evaluating Contamination Potential Of Surface Impoundments

570978004 Surface Impoundments and Their Effects On Groundwater Quality In The United States Preliminary Survey

570978005 Surface Impoundments and Their Effects On Groundwater Quality In The United States Preliminary Survey, January 1978 Executive Summary

570978006 Human Viruses In The Aquatic Environment Status Report With Emphasis On The EPA Research Program Report To Congress

57097800C Evaluation of the Microbiology Standards for Drinking Water, Withdrawn

570979003 Environmental Lead Problem Assessment Of Lead In Drinking Water From A Multi-media Perspective

570979013 Cost Of Compliance Proposed Underground Injection Control Program Oil and Gas We

570979014 Analysis Of Costs Underground Injection Control Regulations Class I And Class III Wells, Class IV And Class V Wells

570979017 Protection Of Groundwater Resources From The Effects Of Accidental Spills Of Hydrocarbons and Other Hazardous Substances Guidance Document

570979018 Methods Of Preventing, Detecting, and Dealing With Surface Spills Of Contaminants Which May Degrade Underground Water Sources For Public Water Systems

570979019 Viruses, Organics, and Other Health-Related Constituents of the Occoquan Watershed and Water Service Area: Part I: Trihalomethanes, Pesticides, and Metals September 1979

570979020 Oxidation Techniques In Drinking Water Treatment: Drinking Water Pilot Project Report IIA Advanced Treatment Technology Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany

570979502 Guide To The Underground Injection Control Program

570980002 Viruses, Organic, and Other Health-Related Constituents of the Occoquan Watershed and Water Service Area: Part II Viruses, March 1981

570981002 Radioactivity In Drinking Water

570982001 Sampling Frequency Microbiological Drinking Water Regulations, Final Report

570982004 Manual Of Individual Water Supply Systems, 1982

570983012 Microorganism Removal for Small Water Systems

570984001 Corrosion Manual for Internal Corrosion of Water Distribution Systems

570984002 Surface Impoundment Assessment National Report

570984006 Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (NATO/CCMS)

570985001 Techniques For The Assessment Of The Carcinogenic Risk To The US Population Due To Exposure From Selected Volatile Organic Compounds From Drinking Water Via The Ingestion

570985003 Report To Congress on Injection Of Hazardous Waste

570987002 Technical Assistance Document: Corrosion, Its Detection and Control in Injection Wells

570987003 Technical Assistance Document: The Application and Calibration of Pressure Instruments, Flowmeters, and Flow Control Devices as Applied to Injection Wells

570987004 Technical Assistance Document Formation Testing, Procedures, Application, Equipment and Specifications Related To Injection Wells

570988004 Sanitary Survey: Training Instructor's Guide for Sanitarians of Micronesia

570988005 Sanitary Survey: Training Field Guide for Sanitarians of Micronesia

570989001 Lead In School Drinking Water

570989002 General Public Notification for Public Water Systems

570989007 Cross Connection Control Manual

570989008 Protecting Our Drinking Water From Microbes

570989BBB Lead Ban: Preventing the Use of Lead in Public Water Systems and Plumbing Used for Drinking Water

570989CCC Public Notification: Reporting Violations of Drinking Water Standards

570989DDD Public Water Systems Providing Our Nation's Drinking Water

570990001 Maintaining Safe Drinking Water

570990003 Federal Financial Responsibility Demonstrations For Owners and Operators Of Class 2 Oil and Gas Related Injection Wells

570990005 Citizen Monitoring: Recommendations to Public Water System Users

570990006 Citizen Monitoring: Recommendations to Household Well Users

570990007 Science Demonstration Projects in Drinking Water (Grades K-12)

570990008 Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water Criteria and Procedures Quality Assurance, 3rd Edition {Manual}

570990008A Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water: Criteria and Procedures Quality Assurance, 3rd Edition

570990013 Drinking Water From Household Wells

570990015 National Survey Of Pesticides In Drinking Water Wells, Phase 1 Report

570990500 What You Can Do To Keep Your Drinking Water Safe

570990HHH Home Water Treatment Units: Filtering Fact from Fiction

570990NPS1 National Pesticide Survey: Survey Design

570990NPS10 National Pesticide Survey: Atrazine

570990NPS11 National Pesticide Survey: Simazine

570990NPS12 National Pesticide Survey: Prometon

570990NPS13 National Pesticide Survey: Hexachlorobenzene

570990NPS14 National Pesticide Survey: 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP)

570990NPS15 National Pesticide Survey: Dinoseb

570990NPS16 National Pesticide Survey: Ethylene Dibromide (EDB)

570990NPS17 National Pesticide Survey: Lindane

570990NPS19 National Pesticide Survey: Bentazon

570990NPS2 National Pesticide Survey: Survey Analytes

570990NPS20 National Pesticide Survey: Alachlor

570990NPS3 National Pesticide Survey: Quality Assurance/Quality Control

570990NPS4 National Pesticide Survey: Analytical Methods

570990NPS5 National Pesticide Survey: Summary Results of EPA's National Survey of Pesticides in Drinking Water Wells

570990NPS6 National Pesticide Survey: Project Summary

570990NPS7 National Pesticide Survey: Glossary

570990NPS9 National Pesticide Survey: DCPA Acid Metabolites

570991000 Drinking Water Publications List: 570 Series Documents

570991001 State Drinking Water Administrative Penalty Programs An Inventory Of State Practices

570991003 Manual of Small Public Water Supply Systems

570991004 Manual Of Individual and Nonpublic Water Supply Systems

570991006 Florida Small Systems Compliance Project

570991007 Protecting Local Ground-Water Supplies Through Wellhead Protection

570991008 Wellhead Protection Strategies For Confined-aquifer Settings

570991009 Delineation of Wellhead Protection Area in Fractured Rocks

570991010 Review of Methods for Assessing Nonpoint Source Contaminated Ground-Water Discharge to Surface Water

570991011FS Fact Sheet: EPA's Strategy for Protecting the Nation's Ground Water in the 1990s

570991014 Guide For Conducting Contaminant Source Inventories For Public Drinking Water Supplies

570991019FS Fact Sheet: National Secondary Drinking Water Standards

570991020 Another Look: National Survey of Pesticides in Drinking Water Wells, Phase 2 Report

570991021 Fact Sheet: National Pesticide Survey Update and Summary of Phase II Results

570991023 Managing Ground Water Contamination Sources in Wellhead Protection Areas: A Priority Setting Approach

570991025FS National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Personal Computer Application

570991026FS Fact Sheet: The Phase I Rule, Updated 1995

570991027FS Fact Sheet: The Phase II Rule, Updated January 1995

570991031 Analysis of the Effects of EPA Restrictions on the Deep Injection of Hazardous Waste

570991033 Guide for Conducting Contaminant Source Inventories For Public Drinking Water Supplies: Technical Assistance Document

570991034 Ground-Water Indicators State Pilot Studies for Idaho, Minnesota, and New Jersey: Findings Report

570991035 Restructuring Manual

570991036 Best Management Practices for Protecting Ground Water: Summary of Class 5 Well BMP Fact Sheets

570991036A Best Management Practices for Protecting Ground Water: Automotive Service Stations Using Shallow Waste Disposal Wells; Class 5 Well BMP Fact Sheet Number 1

570991036B Best Management Practices for Protecting Ground Water: Facilities Using Shallow Industrial Waste Disposal Wells; Class 5 Well BMP Fact Sheet Number 2

570991036C Best Management Practices For Protecting Ground Water: For Dry Cleaners Using Shallow Industrial Waste Disposal Wells Class 5 Well BMP Fact Sheet Number 2A

570991036D Best Management Practices for Protecting Ground Water for Photographic Processing Establishments Using Shallow Industrial Waste Disposal Wells; Class 5 Well BMP Fact Sheet Number 2B

570991036E Best Management Practices For Protecting Ground Water: For Furniture Strippers Using Shallow Industrial Waste Disposal Wells; Class 5 Well BMP Fact Sheet Number 2C

570991036F Best Management Practices For Protecting Ground Water: For Electroplaters Using Shallow Industrial Waste Disposal Wells; Class 5 Well BMP Fact Sheet Number 2D

570991036G Best Management Practices For Protecting Ground Water: For Printed Circuit Board Manufacturers Using Shallow Industrial Waste Disposal Wells; Class 5 Well BMP Fact Sheet Number 2E

570991036H Best Management Practices For Protecting Ground Water: For Print Shops Using Shallow Industrial Waste Disposal Wells; Class 5 Well BMP Fact Sheet Number 2F

570991036I Best Management Practices For Protecting Ground Water: For Fabricated Metal Industry Facilities Using Shallow Industrial Waste Disposal Wells; Class 5 Well BMP Fact Sheet Number 2G

570991036J Best Management Practices for Protecting Ground Water: For Medical Services Facilities Using Shallow Industrial Waste Disposal Wells; Class 5 Well BMP Fact Sheet Number 2H

570991036K Best Management Practices For Protecting Ground Water: For Lawn Care Establishments Using Shallow Industrial Waste Disposal Wells; Class 5 Well BMP Fact Sheet Number 2I

570991036L Best Management Practices for Protecting Ground Water: Carwashes Using Shallow Industrial Waste Disposal Wells; Class 5 Well BMP Fact Sheet Number 3

570991036M Best Management Practices for Protecting Ground Water: Facilities Using Storm Water Drainage Wells, Improved Sinkholes, and Industrial Drainage Wells; Class 5 Well BMP Fact Sheet Number 4

570991100 Fact Sheet: 21 Water Conservation Measures for Everybody

570991200 Fact Sheet: Total Coliform Rule, Updated January 1995

570991300 Fact Sheet: Surface Water Treatment Rule, Updated January 1995

570991400 Fact Sheet: Lead and Copper Rule, Updated January 1995

570991500 Fact Sheet: Home Water Testing

570991600 Reducing Your Exposure to Radon

570991900 Possible Requirements of the Ground-Water Disinfection Rule

570991UIC1 Does Your Facility Generate Automotive Service Wastes? Federal Regulations May Affect Your Business Operations

570991UIC2 Directory of State and EPA Shallow Injection Well Control Programs

570991UIC4 Fact Sheet: Restricting Service Station Wastes in Shallow Injection Wells

570991UIC5 Does your Facility Generate Industrial Wastewaters?

570B88017 Lead Monitoring Protocol For Drinking Water Systems

570D90025 Strawman Rule for Ground Water Disinfection: Draft Discussion Document

570F91045 Standardized Monitoring Framework

570F91053 Fact Sheet: Bottled Water

570K90022 Consumer Education Guide: Organic Chemicals in Drinking Water

570K90023 Consumer Education Guide: The Value of Safe Drinking Water

570K90024 Consumer Education Guide: The Regulation of Drinking Water Under the Safe Drinking Water Act

570R89022 Development of a Ground-Water Management Aquifer Protection Plan: A Guide to Citizen Participation

570R90019 Summary of State and Federal Drinking Water Standards and Guidelines

570Z90020 Federal Register: January 18, 1990, Part 3. Drinking Water Coolers That Are Not Lead Free; Notice and Request for Comments

570Z91049 Federal Register: July 18, 1991, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Radionuclides; Proposed Rule

570Z91050 Federal Register: January 30, 1991 Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 141, 142, and 143. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Final Rule Unregulated Contaminants

570Z91052 Federal Register: July 1, 1991, Part 12. 40 CFR Parts 141, 142 and 143. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Final Rule

570Z97001 Federal Register: February 12, 1997, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 260, et al. Military Munitions Rule: Hazardous Waste Identification and Management; Explosives Emergencies; Manifest Exemption for Transport of Hazardous Waste on Right-of-Ways on Contiguous Properties; Final Rule

5752A Environmental Management Report Attachment A

5752B Environmental Management Report Attachment B

5764 Diagnosis and Treatment Of Animals Poisoned With Organophosphate Insecticides

5770 Trends In Air Pollution Control Regulations

5771 Reuse Of Fermentation Brines In The Cucumber Pickling Industry, Executive Summary

5772 Relationship Between Environment Quality and Land Use

5773 Toxicity Of Leachates Interim Progress Report April 1, 1978 To January 1979

5778 Employment Opportunities In The Environmental Protection Agency

5780 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Proposed Regulation Criteria For Classification Of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities (40 CFR Part 257)

5781 Guidelines For State and Areawide Water Quality Management Program Development

5795 Audit Guide For Construction Grant Program, Revised

5798 Ord Technical Information Policy and Guide

5800 Assessment Of Rat Problems and Associated Environmental Conditions In The City Of Gary, Indiana

5811 Draft Development Document For Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Stnadards Of Performance Organic Chemicals Industry, Phase II

5813 Region 5 Cooperative Education Program

5814 EPA Policy Guidance For Fy 1980-1981

5816 CHESS Community Health and Environmental Surveillance System

5818 Hazrdous Waste Ombudsman Handbook

5823 Hazardous Waste Pickup Problems Among Automotive Maintenance and Dry Cleaning Firms

5858 EPA Noise Control Program Progress Date

5859 Clean Water and The Rubber Processing Industry

5860 Citizen's Guide To Toxic Substances Information

5861 Citizens' Guide To Toxic Substances Information

5923 Guidance For Utilization Of Small, Minority and Women's Business Enterprises In Procurement Under Assistance Agreements 6010, 1986 Edition

5927A Results Of The Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Volume 1 Final Report

5927B Results Of The Nationawide Urban Runoff Program, Volume 2 Appendices

5927C Result Of The Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Volume 3 Data Appendix

5934 Pretreatment Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Guidance

5940 Guidance Document On The Statistical Analysis Of Groundwater Monitoring Data At RCRA Facilities Interim Final Guidance

5941 Guidance Manual For Preventing Interference At Potws

5942 Guidance Manual For The Indentification Of Hazardouswastes Delivered To Publicy Owned Treatment Works By Truck, Rail, Or Dedicated Pipe

5948 Basic Field Activities Safety Training

5980 Status Of Selected Air Pollution Control Programs May 1989

6000293 Report To The President and Congress On Noise

6000345 Interim Treatment Guide For The Control Of Chloroform and Other Trihalomethanes

6001284110 Methods of Chemical Analysis for Oil Shale Wastes

600175002 Formation Of Halogenated Organics By Chlorination Of Water Supplies

600176002 Role Of Mixed Function Oxidases In Insecticide Action

600176011 Community Health Environmental Surveillance Studies (CHESS) Air Pollution Monitoring Manual Methods {handbook}

600176017 Manual Of Analytical Quality Control For Pesticides and Related Compounds In Human and Environmental Samples - A Compendium Of Systematic Procedures Designed To Assist In The Prevention

600176019 Baseline Levels Of Platinum And Palladium In Human Tissue

60017601A Development Of Residuals Management Strategies Executive Summary

60017601B Development Of Residuals Management Strategies Report

600176021 Trace Substances And Tobacco Smoke In Interaction With Nitrogen Oxides Biological Effects

600176022 Reliability Of Bacterial Mutagenesis Techniques To Distinguish Carcinogenic And Noncarcinogenic Chemicals

600176023 Scientific And Technical Data Base For Criteria And Hazardous Pollutants-1975 Erc

600176024 Regression Using Hockey Stick Functions

600176025 Proceedings Pesticide Induced Delayed Neurotoxicity

600176027A Ozone And Other Photochemical Oxidants, Volume 1

600176027B Ozone And Other Photochemical Oxidants, Volume 2

600176028 Pharmacodynamics Of Certain Endogenous Mammalian Antioxidants During No2 Exposure

600176029 Analysis Of Blood, Hair, Urine, And Dust Samples For Heavy Metals

600176030 Dietary Sabacute Toxicity Of Ethylenebisiothicyanate Sulfide In The Laboratory Rat

600176031 In-vitro Metabolism Of Pentachloroaniline In Rhesus Monkeys

600176032 Ddt Levels In Milk Of Rural Indigent Blacks

600176033 Renovated Wastewater As A Supplementary Source For Municipal Water Supply Economic Evaluation

600176034 Nitrogen Dioxide Trends In Selected Chattanooga Communities

600176035 In-vitro Methods For Evaluating Side Effects Of Pesticides And Toxic Substances

600176036 Arsenic

600176037 Feasibility Of Applying Field Ionization Mass Spectrometry To Pesticide Research

600177001 Anphibole Mineral Study Complement The Ongoing Characterization Of Fine Particulate Environmental Contaminants For Biological Experimentation

600177002 Lung Function In School Children 1971-1972 Chattanooga Study

600177003 Copper

600177004 Assessment Of The Chess Sulfate And Nitrate Data During The Period Reta Performed The Chemical Analysis

600177005 Fuels And Fuel Additives For Highway Vehicles And Their Combustion Products A Guide To Evaluation Of Their Potential Effects On Health

600177006 Interaction Between Methyl Mercury And Radiation Effects On Nervous Systems

600177007 Effects Of Atmospheric Pollutants On Human Physiologic Function

600177008 Cost Of Removing Chloroform And Other Trihalomethanes From Drinking Water Supplies

600177010 Measures Of Noise Level Their Relative Accuracy In Predicting Objective And Subjective Responses To Noise During Sleep

600177012 Metabolism Of Carbamate Insecticides

600177013 Nitrogen Oxides

600177014 Pittsburgh Air Pollution Episode Of November 17-21, 1975 Air Quality

600177015 Evaluation Of The National Environmental Specimen Bank Survey

600177022 Toxicology Of Metals, Volume 2

600177053 Airborne Particles

600178001 Biological Effects Of Manganese {errata Sheets}

600178016 Toxicology Of Metals, Volume 3

600178021 Physiological Response To Atmospheric Pollutants

600178022 Plan For A National Environmental Specimen Bank

600178026 Reviews Of The Environmental Effects Of Pollutants, 4 Cadmium

600178035 Distribution Of Cadmium And Other Metals In Human Tissues

600178036 Respirable Particles And Mists In Mouse Pulmonary Infectivity Model Effect Of Chronic Or Intermittent Exposure

600178037C Human Scalp Hair-an Environmental Exposure Index For Trace Elements III Seventeen Trace Elements In Birmingham Al And Charlotte Nc 1972

600178038 Biomedical Data Validation Through An On-line Computer System

600178043 Comparison Of Methods For The Analysis Panel Studies

600178044 Effect Of Pesticide Interactions Upon The Reproductive System

600178045 Human Population Exposures To Mirex And Kepone

600178051 Population At Risk To Various Air Pollution Exposures-data Base popatrisk

600178053 Biological Indicator Of Summational Exposure To Lead Tooth In Children Living In Cleveland And Its Suburbs

600178054 Chromosomal Aberrations In Peripheral Lymphocytes Of Students Exposed To Air Pollutants

600178054 Chromosomal Aberrations In Peripheral Lymphocytes Of Students Exposed To Air Pollutants

600178056 Teratology Of Guthion

600178058 Multielemental Analysis Of Drinking Water Using Proton-induced X-ray Emission (pixe)

600178059 Follow Up Of Patients Receiving Diagnostic Doses Of 131 Iodine During Childhood

600178060 Toxaphene Composition And Toxicology

600178061 Assessment Of Health Effects Of Benzene Germane To Low-level Exposure

600178062 Health Effects Of A Wastewater Treatment System

600178063 Health Effects Associated With Diesel Exhaust Emissions Literature Review And Evaluation

600178064 Description Of The Cleans Human Exposure System

600178065 Mechanisms Of Pesticide Degradation

600178068 Evaluation Of Toxic Effects Of Organic Contaminants In Recycled Water

600178070 Schistosomiasis In Rural Egypt A Report Of Us-egyptian River Nile And Lake Nasser Research Project

600179002 Environmental Carcinogens And Human Cancer Estimation Of Exposure To Carcinogens In The Ambient Air

600179003 Health Effects Of Human Exposure To Barium In Drinking Water

600179004A Carcinogenic Potential Of Rotenone Phase I Dietary Administration To Hamsters

600179004B Carcinogenic Potential Of Rotenone Phase Ii Oral And Intraperitoneal Administration To Rats

600179006 Human Health Effects Of Molybdenum In Drinking Water

600179008 Manual Of Analytical Quality Control For Pesticides And Related Compounds In Human And Environmental Samples

600179009 Pyrogenic Activity Of Carbon-filtered Water

600179011 Chromosomal Abnormalities Among Welder Trainees

600179013 Guides Of Quality Assurance In Environmental Health Research

600179014 Health Effects Of Consumption Of Renovated Water Chemistry And Cytotoxicity

600179015 Viral And Bacterial Levels Resulting From The Land Application Of Digested Sludge

600179016A Health Effects Associated With Wastewater Treatment And Disposal Systems State-of-the-art Review, Volume 1

600179016B Health Effects Associated With Wastewater Treatment And Disposal Systems State-of-the-art Review, Volume 2 Part I

600179016C Health Effects Associated With Wastewater Treatment And Disposal Systems State-of-the-art Review, Volume 2 Annotated Bibliography Part 2 M Through Z

600179017 National Environmental Specimen Bank Research Program For Sampling Storage An Analysis

600179018 Pathogenic Naegleria Distribution In Nature

600179024 Model For Measuring The Health Impact From Changing Levels Of Ambient Air Pollution Morbidity Study

600179025 Absorption Characteristics Of Prolate Spheroidal Model Of Man And Animals At And Near Resonance Frequency

600179027 Environmental Monitoring Of A Wastewater Treatment Plant

600179028 Exposure To Asbestos From Drinking Water In The United States

600179030 Safety Evaluation Of Renovated Wastewater From A Poultry Processing Plant

600179034 Model For Measuring The Health Impact From Changing Levels Of Ambient Air Pollution-mortality Study

600179035 Comprehensive Progress Report For Fourier Transform Nmr Of Metals Of Environmental Significance

600179040 Survey Of Air Borne Nitrosamines

600179041 In Vitro Microbiological Mutagenicity And Unscheduled Dna Synthesis Studies Of Eighteen Pesticides

600180003 Mode Of Action Of Cyclodiene Insecticide The Nervous System Influenced By Toxaphene

600180004 Human Enteric Virus Survival In Soil Following Irrigation With Sewage Plant Effluents

600180013 Worker Reentry In Florida Citrus Pesticides In The Agriculture Environment

600180014 Carbonaceous Aerosol Generator For Inhalation Studies

600180015 Evaluation Of Microbiological Aerosols Associated With The Application Of Wastewater To Land

600180018 Pilot Study Uses Of Medicare Morbidity Data In Health Effects Research

600180019 Rapid Field Measurements Of Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues

600180020 Development And Standardization Of Identification And Monitoring Techniques For Baculovirus Pesticides

600180021 EPA Research Program Reports 1979

600180021 Health Consequences of Sulfur Oxides: A Report from CHESS, 1970-1971, May 1974, Addendum

600180023 Water Treatment Project Observations On Use Of Gac In Practice

600180024 Human Intestinal Parasitic Infections And Environmental Health Factors In Rural Egyptian Communities, July 1980

600180025 Potential Health Effects From Persistent Organics In Wastewater And Sludges Used For Land Application May 1980

600180031 Health Effects Criteria for Marine Recreational Waters

600182007 Health Effects Of Land Treatment Microbiological

600183015A US Cancer Mortality Rates and Trends, 1950-1979, Volume 1

600183015B US Cancer Mortality Rates and Trends, 1950-1979, Volume 2

600183015C US Cancer Mortality Rates and Trends, 1950-1979, Volume 3

600183015e U.S. Cancer Mortality Rates And Trends, 1950-1979: Volume IV: Maps

600184004 Health Effects Criteria for Fresh Recreational Water

600185015 Health Effects Of Land Application Of Municipal Sludge

600187014 Occurrence Of Pathogens In Distribution And Marketing Municipal Sludges

600190005A Methods for the Investigation and Prevention of Waterborne Disease Outbreaks

60019732 Environmental Protection Agency's Monitoring Programs Sm Blacker, Js Burton

60019782 Biological Significance Of Fluvial Processes In The Lotic Environment

60019894 Future Effects of Long-Term Sulfur Deposition on Surface Water Chemistry in the Northeast and Southern Blue Ridge Province (Results of the Direct/Delayed Response Project) Sections 1-6

60019894 Future Effects of Long-Term Sulfur Deposition on Surface Water Chemistry in the Northeast and Southern Blue Ridge Province (Results of the Direct/Delayed Response Project) Section 10-13

60019894 Future Effects of Long-Term Sulfur Deposition on Surface Water Chemistry in the Northeast and Southern Blue Ridge Province (Results of the Direct/Delayed Response Project) Section 7-9

60019894 Future Effects of Long-Term Sulfur Deposition on Surface Water Chemistry in the Northeast and Ssouthern Blue Ridge Province ( Results of the Direct/Delayed Response Project) Appendixs

600275009 Oil Shale Oil Pollution Control

600275019 Estimating The Kinetics Of Combustion Including Reactions Involving Oxides Of Nitrogen And Sulfur

600275027 Sewer Flow Measurement: A State-of-the-Art Assessment

600275033 Treatment Of Combined Sewer Overflows By Dissolved Air Flotation

600275035 Aerobic Stabilization Of Waste Activated Sludge: An Experimental Investigation

600275059 Proceedings Symposium On Fine Particles Minneapolis Minnesota May 1975

600275060 Ultraviolet Disinfection Of Activated Sludge Effluent Discharging To Shellfish Waters

600275062 Helical Bend Combined Sewer Overflow Regulator

600275065 An Assessment of Automatic Sewer Flow Samplers, 1975

600275071 Detention Tank For Combined Sewer Overflow Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Demonstration Project

600276006 Design and Testing of a Prototype Automatic Sewer Sampling System

600276007 Mixed Oxides For Fuel Cell Electrodes

600276026 Effect Of Gasoline Additives On Gaseous Emissions (part Ii)

600276033 X-ray Fluorescence Multispectrometer For Rapid Elemental Analysis Of Particulate Pollutants

600276035 Evaluation Of Eight Novel Fine Particle Collection Devices

600276044A Energy Supply Demand-need And The Gaps Between Monographs And Working Papers Overview Volume 1

600276044B Energy Supply Demand-need And The Gaps Between Monographs And Working Papers Volume Ii

600276082 Tertiary Treatment For Phosphorous Removal At Ely Minnesota Awt Plant April 1973 Thru March 1974

600276084 Conoco Dolomite Hot Gas Clean-up System

600276085 Gasification Combined Cycle System for Electric Power Generation

600276089A Technical Manual For Measurement Of Fugitive Emissions Upwind-downwind Sampling Method For Industrial Emissions

600276089B Technical Manual For The Measurement Of Fugitive Emissions Roof Monitor Sampling Method For Industrial Fugitive Emissions

600276089C Technical Manual For The Measurement Of Fugitive Emissions Quasi-stack Sampling Method For Industrial Fugitive Emissions

600276091 Sulfur Reduction Potential Of US Coals Revised Report Of Investigations

600276094 Rapid Method For Determining Nox Emissions In Flue Gases

600276095 Urban Runoff Pollution Control Program Overview Fy 76

600276100 University Of Washington Electrostatic Spray Scrubber Evaluation

600276105 Economic Analysis of the Environmental Impact of Highway Deicing

600276109 Development Of A Mobile Treatment System For Handling Spilled Hazardous Materials

600276110 Feasibility Study Deer Park Daylighting Project

600276118 Cascade Impactor Calibration Guidelines

600276131 Overland Flow Treatment Of Raw Wastewater With Enhanced Phosphorus Removal

600276148 Fuel And Energy Production By Biocon, Version Of Waste Materials State-of-the-art

600276152A Environmental Protection Technology Series Proceedings of the Stationary Source Combustion Symposium Volume I--Fundamental Research

600276152B Environmental Protection Technology Series Proceedings of the Stationary Source Combustion Symposium Volume II--Fuels and Process Research and Development

600276152C Environmental Protection Technology Series Proceedings of the Stationary Source Combustion Symposium Volume III--Field Testing and Surveys

600276154B APS Electrotube Evaluation

600276157 Sampling Interface For The Quantitative Transport Of Aerosols Field Prototype

600276169 Development Of A Proportional Sampler For Automobile Exhaust Emissions Testing

600276170 Particulate Sampling Strategies For Large Power Plants Including Nonuniform Flow

600276179 Cost Of Municipal Water Supply Case Study

600276180 Experimental Evaluation Of Oxygen And Air Activated Sludge Nitrification Systems - With And Without Ph Control

600276181 Evaluation Of Flow Equalization At A Small Wastewater Treatment Plant

600276184 Extensive Overburden Potentials For Soil And Water Quality

600276198 Instrumentation And Automation Experiences In Wastewater-treatment Facilities

600276218 Development and Application of a Simplified Stormwater Management Model

600276221 Removal Of Soluble Bod5 In Primary Clarifiers

600276241 Acute Toxic Effects Of Petroleum Refinery Wastewaters On Redear Sunfish

600276242 Development of a Hydrophobic Substance to Mitigate Pavement Ice Adhesion

600276243 Wastewater Flow Measurement in Sewers Using Ultrasound

600276244 Proceedings of Workshop on Microorganisms in Urban Stormwater

600276248 Chemically Active Fluid-bed Process For Sulfur Removal During Gasification Of Heavy Fuel Oil, Third Phase

600276264 Hanover Tertiary Studies At The Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago

600276271 Swirl Concentrator for Erosion Runoff Treatment

600276272 Demonstration of Void Space Storage With Treatment and Flow Regulation

600276273B Experimental and Theoretical Studies Of Solid Solution Formation In Lime and Limestone So2 Scrubbers--volume II Appendices

600276285 Recovery Of Lime and Magnesium In Potable Water Treatment

600276286 Cost Estimating Manual: Combined Sewer Overflow Storage and Treatment

600276296 Metal Removal and Cyanide Destruction In Plating Wastewaters Using Particle Bed Electrodes

600277007 Development Of A Laser Velocimeter System For Flame Studies

600277008B Experimental Evaluation Of Fuel Oil Additives For Reducing Emissions and Increasing Effeciency Of Boilers

600277013 Evaluation Of The Refuse Management Systems Of Operation Breakthrough Sites

600277014 Effect Of Land Disposal Applications Of Municipal Wastes On Crop Yields and Heavy Metal Uptake

600277017A Economic Analysis Root Control and Back-Water Flow Control as Related to Infiltration/Inflow Control

600277017C Sewer Infiltration and Inflow Control Product and Equipment Guide

600277017D Sewer System Evaluation, Rehabilitation and New Construction: A Manual of Practice

600277023C Industrial Process Profiles For Environmental Use Chapter 3 Petroleum Refining Industry

600277023J Industrial Process Profiles For Environmental Use Chapter 10 Plastics And Resins Industry

600277023L Industrial Process Profiles For Environmental Use Chapter 12 The Explosives Industry

600277023O Industrial Process Profiles For Environmental Use Chapter 15 Brine And Evaporite Chemicals Industry

600277023V Industrial Process Profiles For Environmental Use Chapter 22 The Phosphate Rock And Basic Fertilizer Materials Industry

600277029A Review And Assessment Of Deep-well Injection Of Hazardous Waste, Voume 1

600277029B Review And Assessment Of Deep-well Injection Of Hazardous Waste, Volume 2 Appendices A B & C

600277029C Review And Assessment Of Deep-well Injection Of Hazardous Waste, Volume 3 Apendix D

600277029D Review and Assessment Of Deep-well Injection Of Hazardous Waste, Volume 4 Apendices E F G H I & J

600277035 Field Evaluation Of An Autoisokinetic Stack Particulate Sampling System

600277039 Reverse Osmosis Field Test Treatment Of Watts Nickel Rinse Waters

600277042 Particulate Control Mobile Test Units 2nd Years Operation

600277049 Treatment Of Metal Finishing Wastes By Sulfide Precipitation

600277051 Catchbasin Technology Overview and Assessment

600277052 New Microbial Indicators Of Disinfection Efficiency

600277053A Handling and Disposal of Sludges from Combined Sewer Overflow Treatment Phase 1: Characterization

600277053b Handling and Disposal of Sludges From Combined Sewer Overflow Treatment, Phase II; Impact Assessment

600277053C Handling and Disposal of Sludges from Combined Sewer Overflow Treatment, Phase III; Treatability Studies

600277064 Nationwide Evaluation of Combined Sewer Overflows and Urban Stormwater Discharges, Volume 2: Cost Assessment and Impacts

600277064B Nationwide Evaluation of Combined Sewer Overflows and Urban Stormwater Discharges: Volume II: Cost Assessment and Impacts

600277064C Nationwide Evaluation of Combined Sewer Overflows and Urban Stormwater Discharge: Volume 3 Characterization of Discharges

600277069A Screening / Flotation Treatment of Combined Sewer Overflows, Volume I Bench Scale and Pilot Plant Investigations

600277071 Evaluation of Fluidic Combined Sewer Regulators Under Municipal Service Conditions

600277074 Water Quality Monitoring In Distribution Systems March 1977

600277075 Oil Spill And Oil Pollution Reports November 1976 - January 1977

600277081 Liner Materials Exposed To Hazardous and Toxic Sludges, 1st Interim Report

600277087 Microorganisms in Urban Stormwater

600277090 Soda Ash Treatment Of Neutralized Mine Drainage

600277105 Ammonium Carbonate Leaching Of Metal Values From Water Treatment Sludges

600277107A Source Assessment Agricultural Open Burning State-of-the-art

600277107C Source Assessment Overview Matrix For National Criteria Pollutant Emissions

600277107F Source Assessment Harvesting Of Grain State-of-the-art

600277107N Source Assessment Asphalt Hot Mix

600277107O Source Assessment Polychloroprene State Of The Art

600277120 Procedures for Estimating Dry Weather Pollutant Deposition in Sewerage Systems

600277149 Ammonia Absorption Ammonium Bisulfate Regeneration Pilot Plant For Flue Gas Desulfurization

600277150 Performance Testing Of Selected Inland Oil Spill Control Equipment

600277151 Multipurpose Gelling Agent And Its Application To Spilled Hazardous Materials

600277152 Wastewater Demineralization By Continuous Counter-current Ion Exchange Process

600277153A Oil Spill Decisions For Debris Disposal, Volume 1 Procedures Manual

600277153B Oil Spill-decisions For Debris Disposal, Volume 2 Literature Review And Case Study Reports

600277154 Application Of Fabry Perot Interferome Try To Remote Sensing Of Gaseous Pollu- Tants

600277156 Appraisal Of Powdered Activated Carbon Processes For Municipal Wastewater Treatment

600277157 Waste Treatment and Disposal From Seafood Processing Plants

600277161 Electrodialysis For Closed Loop Control Of Cyanide Rinse Waters

600277163 Correlation Of Oils And Oil Products By Gas Chromatography

600277168 Stormwater Runoff On Urban Areas Of Steep Slope

600277178 Electron Microscope Measurement Of Airborne Asbestos Concentrations: A Provisional Methodology Manual

600277193 Second EPA Fine Particle Scrubber Symposium

600277198 Treatment and Disposal Of Wastes Pumped From Septic Tanks

600277214 Energy Requirements For Municipal Pollution Control Facilities

600277217 Urban Runoff Treatment Methods: Non Structural Wetland Treatment, Volume 1

600277219 Evaluation Of Cam-1 Warning Device For Organophosphate Hazardous Material Spills

600277228 Laboratory Evaluation Of High-Temperature Destruction Of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Related Compounds

600277240 Introduction To The Technology Of Subsurface Wastewater Injection

600278004C Source Assessment Plastics Processing State Of The Art

600278004I Source Assessmen Polyvinyl Chloride

600278005 Oil Spill and Oil Pollution Reports August 1977 - October 1977

600278018 Sewage Sludge Entrenchment System for Use by Small Municipalities

600278025 The Construction, Technical Evaluation, and Frictional Determination of an Aluminum Storm Sewer System

600278031 Removal Of Wood-Derived Toxics From Pulping and Bleaching Wastes

600278041 Assessing The Spatial Variability Of Irrigation Water Applications

600278046 Environmental Impact Resulting From Unconfined Animal Production

600278051 A Comparison of Oxidation Ditch Plants to Competing Processes for Secondary and Advanced Treatment of Municipal Wastes

600278065A Trace Element Study At A Primary Copper Smelter Volume 1

600278065B Trace Element Study At A Primary Copper Smelter Volume 2 Report Appendix

600278070 Study Of Activated Sludge Separation By Dynamic Straining

600278072 Removal of Color, Detergents, and other Refractory Substances From Textile WasteWater

600278073 Effects of Thermal Treatment of Sludge on Municipal Wastewater Treatment Costs

600278087 Environmental Assessment At Sea And Land Based Incineration Of Organochlorine Wastes

600278090 Conventional and Advanced Sewer Design Concepts for Dual Purpose Flood and Pollution Control: A Preliminary Case Study, Elizabeth, New Jersey

600278095 Complilation And Evaluation Of Leaching Test Methods

600278098 Textile Dyeing Wastewaters Characterization And Treatment

600278110 Municipal Wastewater Aquaculture

600278114 Use Of Solar Energy To Heat Anaerobic Digesters Part I Technical And Economic Feasibility Study Part Ii Economic Feasibility Throughout The United States

600278122 Swirl Primary Separator: Development and Pilot Demonstration

600278143 Hydrolysis Of Iron From Acidic Liquors

600278154 Animal Waste Composting With Carbonaceou Material

600278158 Investigation Of Landfill Leachate Pollutant Attenuation By Soils

600278169 Demineralization Of Carbon-treated Secondary Effluent By Spiral-wound Reverse Osmosis Process

600278171 Full Scale Demonstration Of Lime Stabilization

600278173 Management Of Small Waste Flows

600278181 Computer Cost Models for Potable Water Treatment Plants

600278182 Estimating Costs For Water Treatment As A Function Of Size And Treatment Plant Efficiency

600278185A Short Course Proceedings Applications Of Computer Programs In The Preliminary Design Of Wastewater Treatment Facilties Section 1 Workshop Lectures

600278192 Assessment Of Best Available Technology Economically Achievable For Synthetic Rubber Manufacturing Wastewater

600278198 Codisposal of Sewage Sludge and Refuse in the Purox System

600278201 Evaluation Of Physical-chemical Treatment At Rosemont

600278203 Reuse Of Treated Fruit Processing Waste- Water In A Cannery

600278207 Reuse Of Fermentation Brines In The Cucumber Pickling Industry

600278208 Demonstration of Erosion and Sediment Control Technology: Lake Tahoe Region of California

600278210 Operation And Maintenance Of Particulate Control Devices In Kraft Pulp Mill And Crushed Stone Industries

600279001 Recovery Processing And Utilization Of Gas From Sanitary Landfills

600279012 Full-scale Demonstration Of Open Tank Oxygen Activated Sludge Treatment

600279015 Dual Process High-Rate Filtration of Raw Sanitary Sewage and Combined Sewer Overflows

600279016 Environmental Assessment Of Coke By-product Recovery Plants

600279019F Source Assessment Solvent Evaporation Degreasing Operations

600279022 Multiwavelength Transmissometer For Measuring Mass Concentration Of Particulate Emissions

600279023 Continuous Ready Lidar Technique For Measuring Plume Opacity

600279026 Multimedia Assessment Of Pollution Potentials Of Non-sulfur Chemical Pulping Technology

600279031A Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Program Rochester NY Volume 1 Abatement Analysis

600279031B Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Program Rochester NY Volume II Pilot Plant Evaluations

600279038 Liner Materials Exposed To Municipal Solid Waste Leachate 3rd Interim Report

600279043 Performance Eualuation Of The Existing Three-lagoon Wastewater Treatment Plant At Pawnee, Il

600279050A Maximum Utilization of Water Resources in a Planned Community

600279050B Maximum Utilization Of Water Resources Planned Community Stormwater Runoff Quality Data Collection Reduction And Analysis

600279050C Maximum Utilization of Water Resources in a Planned Community: Application of the Storm Water Management Model, Volume 1

600279056 Survey Of Solidification-Stabilization Technology For Hazardous Industrial Wastes

600279059 Animal Waste Utilization On Cropland And Pastureland A Manual For Evaluating Agronomic And Environmental Effects

600279071 Comparison of Three Waste Leaching Tests

600279078 Evaluation of Operation and Maintenance Factors Limiting Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant Performance

600279081 Ambient Air Carcinogenic Vapors Improved Sampling And Analytical Techniques And Field Studies

600279085 Combined Sewer Overflow Treatment By Screening and Terminal Ponding, Ft. Wayne, Indiana

600279089 Effect of Particulates on Ozone Disinfection of Bacteria and Viruses in Water

600279094 Accuracy Of Remotely Sensed SO2 Mass Emission Rates

600279096 Evaluation of Flow Equalization in Municipal Wastewater Treatment

600279103 Iron And Steel Plant Open Source Fugitive Emission Evaluation

600279105 Aerosol Measurements In The Submicron Size Range Studies With An Aerosol Centrifuge New Diffusion Battery Low Pressure Impactor And An Advanced Condensation Nuclei Counter

600279106A Screening/Flotation Treatment of Combined Sewer Overflows, Volume 2: Full Scale Operation, Racine, Wisconsin

600279109 Background Study On The Development Of A Standard Leaching Test

600279115 Evaluation Of Stationary Source Particulate Measurement Methods Volume III Gas Temp Control During Method 5 Sampling

600279119 Performance Evaluation Of An Electrostatic Precipitator Installed On A Copper Smelter Reverberatory Furnace

600279123 Evaluation Of Dewatering Devices For Producing High-solids Sludge Cake

600279124 Evaluation of Selective Erosion Control Techniques: Piedmont Region of South East United States

600279129 Evaluation Of The Ultraviolet Ozone And Ultraviolet Oxidant Treatment Of Pink Water

600279133 Dry-Weather Deposition and Flushing for Combined Sewer Overflow Pollution Control

600279134 Disinfection/Treatment of Combined Sewer Overflows

600279158 Computer-Aided Synthesis of Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Disposal Systems

600279160 Development of Methods and Techniques for Final Treatment of Combined Municipal and Textile Wastewater Including Sludge Utilization and Disposal

600279161 Demonstration Of NonPoint Pollution Abatement Through Improved Street Cleaning Practices

600279162A Estimating Water Treatment Costs Volume 1 Summary

600279162B Estimating Water Treatment Costs Volume 2 Cost Curves Applicable to 1 to 200 mgd Treatment Plants

600279162c Estimating Water Treatment Costs: Volume 3 Cost Curves Applicable to 2,500 gpd to 1 mgd Treatment Plants

600279162D Estimating Water Treatment Costs Volume 4 Computer User's Manual for Retrieving and Updating Cost Data

600279163 Investigations Of Biodegradability And Toxicity Of Organic Compounds

600279166 Evaluation Of Protocols For Pesticides and Pcb's In Raw Wastewater

600279172 Biological Treatment Of High Strength Petrochemical Wastewater

600279210i Status Assessment Of Toxic Chemicals: Mercury

600279210M Status Assessment Of Toxic Chemicals Trichloroethylene

600280002 Effects of Sludge Irrigation on Three Pacific Northwest Forest Soils

600280003 Upgrading Primary Tanks with Rotating Biological Contractors

600280004 Critical Review of Virus Removal by Coagulation Processes and pH Modifications

600280005 Evaluation Of Full-scale Tertiary Wastewater Filters

600280006 Performance Evaluation of the Aerated Lagoon System at North Gulfport, Mississippi

600280009 Impregnation Of Concrete Pipe For Corrosion Resistance And Strength Improvement

600280011 Quantity-quality Simulation (QQS) A Detailed Continuous Planning Model For Urban Runoff Control Vol 1 Model Description Testing And Applications

600280012A Development And Application Of A Water Supply Cost Analyis System Volume I

600280014 Lawrence Avenue Underflow Sewer System Interim Report Planning and Construction

600280016 Evaluation of Pollution Control Processes: Upper Thompson Sanitation District

600280017 Collection and Analysis of Purgeable Organics Emitted from Wastewater Treatment Plants

600280018 Samplers and Sampling Procedures for Hazardous Waste Streams

600280020 Chemical and Biological Treatment of Thermally Condition Sludge Recycle Liquors

600280021 Environmental Assessment Of Iron Casting

600280026 Portable Miniature Sampler For Potential Airborne Carcinogens In Microenvironments Phase 1 Development

600280027 Attenuation Of Water-soluble Polychlorinated Biphenyls By Earth Materials

600280028 Water Treatment Process Modifications For Trihalomethane Control And Organic Substances In The Ohio River

600280029 Method Development for Determination of Polychlorinated Hydrocarbons in Municipal Sludge

600280037 Removal and Recovery of Metals and Phosphates from Municipal Sewage Sludge

600280042B Source Assessment Residential Combustion Of Wood

600280044 Wastewater in Receiving Waters at Water Supply Abstraction Points

600280046 Reducing Wastewater From Cucumber Pickling Process By Controlled Culture Fermentation

600280052 Evaluation of Sorbents for Industrial Sludge Leachate Treatment

600280056 Potentially Toxic and Hazardous Substances in the Industrial Organic Chemicals and Organic Dyes and Pigment Industries

600280057 Toxicity Of Leachates

600280058 Removal of Fluorides from Industrial Wastewaters Using Activated Alumina

600280060 Ozone For Industrial Water And Wastewater Treatment A Literature Survey

600280072 Evaluation Of The Hoboken Converter At Glogow Poland

600280077A Treatability Studies Of Pesticide Manufacturing Wastewaters Carbary

600280084 Evaluation of Reverse Osmosis Membranes for Treatment of Electroplating Rinsewater

600280090 Wastewater Solids Utilization on Land Demonstration Project

600280092 Dissolved Oxygen Measurements in Ohio Streams Following Urban Runoff

600280094 Impact of Urban Storm Runoff on Stream Quality Near Atlanta, Georgia

600280096 Evaluation of Hot Acid Treatment for Municipal Sludge Conditioning

600280098 Design Considerations for a Thermal Decomposition Analytical System. August 1980

600280099 Fine Solids Removal Following Combined Chemical-Trickling Filter Treatment

600280100 Pilot Study Of Fluoride And Arsenic Removal From Potable Water

600280101 Evaluation of 19 On-Site Waste Treatment Systems in Southeastern Kentucky

600280102 Ultraviolet Disinfection of Municipal Wastewater Effluents

600280103 Information Programs Affect Attitudes Toward Sewage Sludge Use in Agriculture

600280104 Water Quality and Biological Effects of Urban Runoff on Coyote Creek: Phase I

600280111 Fate and Effects of Particulates Discharged by Combined Sewers and Storm Drains

600280112 Monitoring Septage Addition to Wastewater Treatment Plants, Volume 2: Vacuum Filtration of Septage

600280113 Maximum Utilization of Water Resources in a Planned Community: Contributions of Refractory Compounds By a Developing Community

600280114 Waste Activated Sludge Processing

600280117 Phosphorus Removal in Lower Great Lakes Municipal Treatment Plants

600280118 Review of Alternatives for Evaluation of Sewer Flushing Dorchester Area-Boston

600280120 Converting Rock Trickling Filters to Plastic Media - Design and Performance

600280123 Preparation and Evaluation of Powdered Activated Carbon from Lignocellulosic Materials

600280126 Movement and Effects of Combined Sewer Overflow Sediments in Receiving Waters

600280127 Maximum Utilization of Water Resources in a Planned Community: Eutrophication Potential of Surface Waters in a Developing Watershed

600280128 Sources Of Toxic Compounds In Household Wastewater

600280129 Evaluation of Operation and Maintenance Factors Limiting Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Performance: Phase II

600280131 Control Strategies for the Activated Sludge Process

600280134 Physical Chemistry of Virus Adsorption and Degradation on Inorganic Surfaces: Its Relation to Wastewater Treatment

600280135 Porous Pavement Phase I Design and Operational Criteria

600280137 Effects of Water Conservation Induced Wastewater Flow Reduction - A Perspective

600280147 Wastewater Contaminate Removal for Groundwater Recharge at Water Factory 21

600280148 Effect of Pretreatment on the Filtration of Low Turbidity Secondary Effluent

600280149 The Removal of Metals and Viruses in Advanced Wastewater Treatment Sequences

600280152 Feasibility Of Primary Copper Smelter Weak Sulfur Dioxide Control July 1980

600280154 Study of Nitrate Respiration in the Activated Sludge Process

600280155 Field Study of Nutrient Control in a Multicell Lagoon

600280161 Truck Washing Terminal Water Pollution Control

600280168 Industrial Process Profiles for Environmental Use: Chapter 27 Primary Lead Industry

600280169 Industrial Process Profiles for Environmental Use Chapter 28 Primary Zinc Industry

600280170 Industrial Process Profiles For Environmental Use Chapter 29 The Primary Copper Industry

600280183 Industrial Reuse And Recycle Of Wastewaters

600280197 Dioxins

600281019 Concentration Technologies For Hazardous Aqueous Waste Treatment

600281022 Guidelines For The Disposal Of Pcb's And Pcb Items By Thermal Destruction

600281028 Third Conference On Advanced Pollution Control For The Metal Finishing Industry

600281033A Applying For A Permit To Destroy Pcb Waste Oil Volume 1 Summary

600281033B Applying For A Permit To Destroy Pcb Waste Oil Volume 2 Documentation

600281055A Evaluation Of Pcb Destruction Efficiency In An Industrial Boiler

600281059 Manual of Analytical Quality Control for Pesticides and Related Compounds in Human and Environmental Samples, 2nd revision

600281111 Research and Development: Analysis of SOCMI VOC Fugitive Emissions Data

600281156 Treatment Techniques for Controlling Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water

600281160 Manual Of Groundwater Quality Sampling Procedures

600281175 Literature Study Of The Biodegradability Of Chemicals In Water Vol I Biodegradability Prediction Advances In And Chemical Interferences With Wastewater Treatment

600281176 Literature Study Of The Biodegradability Of Chemicals In Water Vol Ii Permutated Index Of Chemicals Microbial Populations And Wastewater Treatment Systems With Bibliography

600281186 Evaluation Of Pollution Abatement Alternatives Picillo Property Coventry Rhode Island

600281222 Survey And Evaluation Of Fine Bubble Dome Diffuser Aeration Equipment

600281224 Heavy Metal Sources And Flows In A Municipal Sewage System Literature Survey And Field Investigation Of The Kokomo Indiana Sewage System

600282001A Treatability Manual Volume I . Treatability Data

600282001B Treatability Manual Volume 2 Industrial Descriptors

600282001b Treatability Manual: Vol. II Industrial Descriptions

600282001C Treatability Manual Volume 3 Technology For Controlremoval Of Pollutants

600282001c Treatabuility Manual Volume III. Technology For Control/Removal Of Pollutants

600282001d Treatability Manual Volume IV. Cost Estimating

600282001D Treatability Manual Volume 4 Cost Estimating

600282001E Treatability Manual Volume 5 Summary

600282001e Treatability Manual: Vol. V. Summary

600282002 Technology Assessment of the Deep Shaft Biological Reactor

600282003 Technology Assessment of Fine Bubble Aerators

600282004 Technology Assessment of Anaerobic Systems for Municipal Wastewater Treatment: 1. Anaerobic Fluidized Bed: 2. Anflow

600282005 Technology Assessment of the Vertical Well Chemical Reactor

600282006 Technology Assessment of Solar Thermal Energy Applications in Wastewater Treatment

600282035 Costs Of Remedial Response Actions At Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites

600282039 Operation And Maintenance Considerations For Land Treatment Systems

600282085 Treatability Manual-user Guide-index

600282087A Feasibility Study Of Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption And On-site Regeneration, Vol I Detailed Report

600282087B Feasibility Study Of Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption And On-site Regeneration, Vol Ii Supplemental Figures And Data

600283001 Design Manual Neutralization Of Acid Mine Drainage

600283026 Design Principles For Wetland Treatment Systems

600283036 Quality Assurance Guidelines For Environmental Health Effects Research

600283054 Protocol For Bioassessment Of Hazardous Waste Sites

600283055 Standardized Procedures For Planting Vegetation On Completed Sanitary Land- Fills

600283076 Handbook For Evaluating Remedial Action Technology Plans

600283097 Hydro Brake Regulated Storage System For Stormwater Management

600283102 Development Of Standard Procedures For Evaluating Oxygen Transfer Devices

600283110 Iron And Steel Plant Open Source Fugitive Emission Control Evaluation

600283118 Treatment Of Reactive Wastes At Hazardous Waste Landfills

600284008 Retrofit Cost Relationships For Hazardous Waste Incineration

600284015 Compatibility Of Grouts With Hazardous Wastes

600284016 Reclamation Of Toxic Mine Waste Utilizing Sewage Sludge Contrary Creek Demonstration Project - Addendum Report

600284040 Geotechnical Quality Assurance Of Construction Of Disposal Facilities

600284057 Design And Development Of A Hazardous Waste Reactivity Testing Protocol

600284106 Design Information On Rotating Biological Contactors

600284113 Tar Sands Leachate Study

600284115 Logan Wash Field Treatability Studies of Wastewaters from Oil Shale Retorting Processes

600284134 Design Manual Removal Of Fluoride From Drinking Water Supplies By Activated Alumina

600284145 Technology Assessment Of Aquaculture Systems For Municipal Wastewater Treatment

600284152 Field Manual--performance Evaluation And Troubleshooting At Metal Finishing Wastewater Treatment Facilities

600284153 Auto-Oxidation Potential of Raw and Retorted Oil Shale

600284169 Liner Materials Exposed To Hazardous And Toxic Wastes

600285018 Drastic A Standardized System For The Evaluating Groundwater Pollution Using Hydrogeologic Settings

600285022 Introduction To Groundwater Tracers

600285028 Guide For Decontaminating Buildings Structures And Equipment At Superfund Sites

600285029 Test Methods For Determining The Chemical Waste Compatability Of Synthetic Liners

600285035 Settlement And Cover Subsidence Of Hazardous Waste Landfills

600285057 Evaluation Of Air Emissions From Hazardous Waste Treatment Storage And Disposal Facilities

600285100 Assessment Of Synthetic Membrane Successes And Failures At Waste Storage And Disposal Sites

600285104 Practical Guide for Ground-Water Sampling

600285105 Decontamination Techniques For Mobile Response Equipment Used At Waste Sites (state-of-the-art Survey)

600285109 Qqqqt-of-use Reduction Of Volatile Halogenated Organics In Drinking Water

600285111 Management Of Point-of-use Drinking Water Treatment Systems

600285501 Chemical Emergency Preparedness Program Interim Guidance

600286001 Underground Tank Leak Detection Methods State-of-the-art Review

600286013 Drum Handling Practices At Hazardous Waste Sites

600286026 Evaluation Of The Applicability Of Subsidence Models To Hazardous Waste Sites

600286048 Field Evaluation Of Hazardous Waste Pretreatment As An Air Pollution Control Technique

600286062 Performance And Analysis Of Aquifer Tracer Tests With Implications For Contaminant Transport Modeling

600286066 Reclamation and Redevelopment of Contaminated Land, Volume I: US Case Studies

600286073 Critical Review And Summary Of Leachate And Gas Production From Landfills

600286080 Evaluation of the Efficiency of Industrial Flares H2S Gas Mixtures and Pilot Assisted Flares

600286085 Geotextiles For Drainage Gas Venting And Erosion Control At Hazardous Waste Sites

600286095 Technical Resource Document: Treatment Technologies for Solvent Containing Wastes

600286096 Technical Resource Document: Treatment Technologies for Dioxin-Containing Wastes

600286099 Limestone Bed Contactors For Control Of Corrosion At Small Water Utilities

600286999 Estimation Of Aromatic Solute Solubility In Miscible Solventwater Systems

600287001 Data Requirements for Selecting Remedial Action Technologies: Technology Briefs

600287008 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Remediation With Emphasis On In Situ Biorestoration

600287018 Leak Prevention in Underground Storage Tanks: A State-of-the-Art Survey

600287035 Drastic A Standardized System For Evaluating Groundwater Pollution Potential Using Hydrogeologic Settings

600287040 Stabilization Of Sewage Sludge By Two- Phase Anaerobic Digestion

600287065 Construction Quality Control And Post-construction Performance Verification For The Gilson Road Hazardous Waste Site Cutoff Wall

600287093 Report On Decontamination Of Pcb-bearing Sediments Project Summary

600288012 US Production Of Manufactured Gases Assessment Of Past Disposal Practices

600288045 Determination Of Effective Porosity Of Soil Materials

600288052 Lining Of Waste Containment And Other Impoundment Facilities

600288055 Characterization And Laboratory Soil Treatability Studies For Creosote And Pentachlorophenol Sludges And Contaminated Soil

600288062 Toxicity Reduction Evaluation Protocol for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

600288068A Evaluation Of Volumetric Leak Detection Methods For Underground Fuel Storage Tanks Volume 1 {ust #34}

600288070 Generalized Methodology for Conducting Industrial Toxicity Reduction Evaluations (TREs)

600289011 Treatability Potential For EPA Listed Hazardous Wastes In Soil

600289017 Assessment Of International Technologies For Superfund Applications Technology Identification And Selection

600289026 Removal And Fate Of Rcra And Cercla Toxic Organic Pollutants In Wastewater Treatment

600289028 Groundwater Modeling Overview And Status Report

600289033 In-situ Aquifer Restoration Of Chlorinated Aliphatics By Methanotrophic Bacteria

600289038 Development Of A Methodology For Regional Evaluation Of Confining Bed Integrity

600289040 Establishment Of A Groundwater Research Data Center For Vlaidation Of Subsurface Flow And Transport Models

600290002 New Approach And Methodologies For Characterizing The Hydrogeologic Properties Of Aquifers

600290006 Enhanced Bioremediation Utilizing Hydrogen Peroxide As A Supplemental Source Of Oxygen Laboratory And Field Study

600290010 Use of Models for Granting Variances for Mandatory Disinfection of Ground Water Used as a Public Water Supply

600290025 Relationship Of Laboratory And Field Determined Hydraulic Conductivity In Compacted Clay Layer

600290045 Land Disposal Research Needs, A Forward Oriented Review

600290047 Radon Removal Using Point of Entery Water Treatment Technologies

600290048 Background Document on Clean Products Research and Implementation

600290053 Evaluation of Two Cleaning Methods for Removal of Asbestos Fibers from Carpet

600290054 Workshop On Innovative Technologies For Treatment Of Contaminated Sediments Cincinnati Ohio June 13-14 1990 Summary Report

600290061 State-of-the-Art Procedures and Equipment for Internal Inspection of Underground Storage Tanks

600291006 Techniques To Determine Spatial Variations In Hydraulic Conductivity Of Sand And Gravel

600291019 On-site Treatment Of Creosote And Pentachlorophenol Sludges And Contaminated Soil

600291024 Hospital Pollution Prevention, Case Study

600291026 Running a Conference as a Clean Product

600291029 Sourcebook Nox Control Technology Data

600291037 Chemicals Stored in UST's: Characteristics and Leak Detection

600291043 Regional Assessment Of Aquifer Vulnerability And Sensitivity In The Conterminous United States

600291044A Volumetric Leak Detection In Large Underground Storage Tanks Volume 1

600291049 Comparitive Evaluation of Two Extraction Proceedures: The TCLP and the EP

600291051 Achievements in Source Reduction and Recycling for Ten Industries in the United States

600291052 Development Of Suspended Solids Quality Control And Performance Evaluation Samples

600291053 Assessing Ust Corrective Action Technology A Scientific Evaluation Of The Mobility And Degradability Of Organic Contaminants In Subsurface Environments

600291064 Identification of Sources of Ground-Water Salinization Using Geochemical Techniques

600291065 RETC Code for Quantifying the Hydraulic Functions of Unsaturated Soils (Computer Product PB92-501329)

600294001 Part III Environmental Protection Agency

600375003A Adaption Of Gaussian Plume Model To Incorporate Multiple Station Datinput

600375003B Adaption Of Gaussian Plume Model To Incorporate Multiple Station Datinput appendices

600375005 Inputs Of Phosphorus From Precipitation To Lake Michigan

600375010A Annual Catalyst Research Program Report-summary

600375010B Annual Catalyst Research Program Report Appendices Volume I

600375010E Annual Catalyst Research Program Report Appendices Volume IV

600375010G Annual Catalyst Research Program Report Appendices-Volume VI

600375010I Annual Catalyst Research Program Report Appendices Volume VIII

600375010J Annual Catalyst Research Program Report Appendices-volume IX

600375011 Compilation Of Methodology Used For Measuring Pollution Parameters Of Sanitary Landfill Leachate

600375013 Toxaphene Effects On Reproduction, Growth, and Mortality Of Brook Trout

600376004 Herbicide Toxicity In Mangroves

600376012 Study Of Pan Type Compounds And Related Precursors

600376017 Photochemical Oxidants In The Ambient Air Of The United States

600376019 Ruthenium Its Behavior In Plant And Soil Systems

600376020 Numerical Models Of Lake Currents

600376021 Temperature Infectious Diseases And The Immune Response In Salmonid Fish

600376022 Degradation Of Persistent Pesticides By Algae

600376023 Geochemical Interaction Of Heavy Metals In Southeastern Salt Marsh Environments

600376024 Investigation Of Gas Phase Ozonolysis Reactions

600376025 Biological Transfer Of Plutonium Via In Vivo Labeled Goat's Milk

600376026 Design Guidelines For Agricultural Soil Warming Systems Utilizing Waste Heat

600376027 Biological Impact Caused By Changes On A Tropical Reef

600376028 Survey Of Marine Communities In Panama and Experiments With Oil

600376035 General Motors Environmental Protection Agency Sulfate Dispersion Experiment Selected EPA Research Papers

600376044 Nutrition Of Great Lakes Cladophora

600376045 Impacts Of Construction Activities In Wetlands Of The United States

600376067 Chemical and Photochemical Transformation Of Selected Pesticides In Aquatic Systems

600376085 Chemical Characterization Of Model Aerosols

600376087 Environmental Aerosol Measurements Using An Airborne Particle Morphokinetometer

600376088 Continuous Measurement Of Sulfur In Submicrometric Aerosols

600376089 Rfeaction Kinetics Of Ozone With Sulfur Compounds

600376091 Utility Of Reactivity Criteria In Organic Emission Control Stragegies Application To The Los Angeles Atmosphere

600376093 Analysis Of Atmospheric Organic Aerosols By Mass Spectroscopy

600376098 Effects Of Wastewater And Cooling Water Chlorination On Aquatic Life

600376103 Aspects Of Phosphate Utilization By Blue Green Algae

600376108 Atmospheric Freons And Halogenated Compounds

600376109 Transport Of Oxidant Beyond Urban Areas Compilation Of Data For The New England Study 1975

600377001A Proceedings International Conference On Photochemical Oxidant Pollution and Its Control, Volume I

600377001B Proceedings International Conference On Photochemical Oxidant Pollution and Its Control, Volume 2

600377015 Aerosol Sampling And Analysis Phoenix Arizona

600377017 Symposium Proceedings Northeast Oxidant Transport Study 1975

600377038 Atmospheric Input Of Phosphorus To Southern Lake Huron, April-October, 1975

600377039 Muskegon, Michigan Industrial-municipal Wastewater Storage Lagoons Biota And Environment

600377043 Efficiency Of Gas-wall Reactions In A Cylindrical Flow Reactor

600377044 Formation Of Photochemical Aerosols

600377045 Algal Nutrient Availability and Limitation In Lake Ontario During IFYGL, Part 2 Nitrogen Available In Lake Ontario Tributary Water Samples and Urban Runoff From Madison, Wisconsin

600377054 Regional Transport and Transformation Of Sulfur Dioxide To Sulfates In The US

600377072 Aerosol Charactersitics And Visibility

600377080 Aerosol Research Branch, Fy 1976-76a

600377081 Reactions Of Isopropoxy Radicals With Nitrogen Oxides

600377086 North American Project Study Of US Water Bodies

600377095 Impact Of Abandoned Wells On Groundwater

600377098 Agricultural Runoff Management (ARM) Model, Version 2 Refinement and Testing

600377104 Photochemical Oxidant Air Pollution Effects On A Mixed Conifer Forest

600377109A Effect Of Hydrocarbon Compoistion On Oxidant-hydrocarbon Relationships Phase I Exhaust Blends From Non-catalys &catalyst Equipment Vehicle

600377109B Effect Of Hydrocarbon Composition On Oxidant-hydrocarbon Relationships Phase Ii Blend Of Total Hydrocarbon Emissions

600377110 Measurement Of Rate Constants Of Importance In Smog

600377111 Investigation Of Important Hydroxyl Radical Reactions In The Perturbed Troposphere

600377112 Pesticide Runoff Losses From Small Water Sheds In Great Lakes Basin

600377114 International Conference On Oxidants, 1976 Analysis Of Evidence and Viewpoints

600377115 International Conference On Oxidants Analysis Of Evidence And Viewpoints Part III The Issue Of Stratospheric Ozone Intrusion

600377116 International Conference On Oxidants, 1976 Analysis Of Evidence and Viewpoints Part Iv The Issue Of Natural Organic Emission

600377117 International Conference On Oxidants, 1976 Analysis Of Evidence and Viewpoints Part V The Issue Of Oxidant Transport

600377118 International Conference On Oxidants, 1976 Analysis Of Evidence & Viewpoints Part V The Issue Of Air Quality Simulation Mode Utility

600377119 International Conference On Oxidants, 1976 Analysis Of Evidence and Viewpoints Part Vii The Issue Of Oxidant-ozone Measurement

600377120 International Conference On Oxidants, 1976 Analysis Of Evidence & Viewpoints Part Viii The Issue Of Optimun Oxidant Control Strategy

600377125 Survey of Chemical Factors in Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron)

600378004 Paleolimnological Comparison Of Burntside And Shagawa Lakes, Northeastern Minnesota

600378008 Summary Analysis Of The North American (U.S. Portion) OECD Eutrophication Project Nutrient Loading, Lake Response Relationships And Trophic State Indices

600378019 Verification Of The Isopleth Method For Relating Photochemical Oxidant To Precursors

600378023 Toxicity Of Residual Chlorine Compounds To Aquatic Organisms

600378028 Nitrate And Phosphorus Runoff Losses From Small Watersheds In Great Lakes Basin

600378031 Organic Characterization Of Aerosols And Vapor Phase Compounds In Urban Atmospheres

600378033 Effects Of Diversion And Alum Application On Two Eutrophic Lakes

600378034 Feasibility Study On Executive Program Development For Basis Ecosystem Modeling

600378039 Visibility In The Southwest An Exploration Of The Historical Data Base

600378043 Dynamics Of Automotive Sulfate Emissions

600378063 Fate And Impact Of Pentachlorophenol In A Freshwater Ecosystem

600378072 Manual For Construction And Operation Of Toxicity-testing Proportional Diluters

600378075 Visibility In The Northeast Long-term Visibility Trends And Visibility Pollutant Relationships

600379001A Modeling Of Simulated Photochemical Smog With Kinetic Mechanisms Voli Interim Report

600379010 Non-urban Hydrocarbon Concentrations In Ambient Air North Of Houston Texas

600379018 Hydrocarbons In Houston Air

600379036 Publications Gulf Breeze Laboratory

600379047 Environmental Implications Of Trends In Agriculture And Silviculture Volume III Regional Crop Trends

600379049 Effects Of Nutrient Enrichment, Light Intensity And Temperature On Growth Of Phytoplankton From Lake Huron

600379054 Nonpoint Source Model Calibration In Honey Creek Watershed

600379060 Treatment Of Lake Charles East, Indiana Sediments With Fly Ash

600379069 Distribution Of Phytoplankton In South Dakota Lakes

600379085 Spatial And Seasonal Structure Of Rotifer Communities In Lake Huron

600379091 Aqueous Ammonia Equilibrium Tabulation of Percent Un-Ionized Ammonia

600379095 Survey Of Larval Fish In The Michigan Waters Of Lake Erie 1975 And 1976

600379097 Aerosol Source Characterization Study In Miami Florida Microscopical Analysis

600379102 Management Of Bottom Sediments Containing Toxic Substances

600379103 Non-point Source-stream Nutrient Level Relationships A Nationwide Study Supplement 1nutrient Map Reliability

600379111 Atrazine Fate And Effects In A Salt Marsh

600379112 Distribution Of Phytoplankton In Arizona Lakes

600379121 Distribution Of Phytoplankton In Washington Lakes

600379122 Distribution Of Phytoplankton In Wyoming Lakes

600380020 Predicting Effect Of An Electric Generating Station On Wetland Passerine Birds

600380021 Local Land Used And Land Ownership Patterns Near A Power Plant

600380027 Microscopical Analysis Of Aerosols Collected In St Louis Missouri

600380028B Modeling Of Simulated Photochemical Smog With Kinetic Mechanisms Volume 2 Chemk A Computer Modeling Scheme For Chemical Kinetics

600380032 Characteristics Of Nonpoint Source Urban Runoff and Its Effects On Stream Ecosystems

600380036 Influence Of Advanced Wastewater Treatment On The Fishery Resource Of Shagawa Lake Minnesota

600380042 Microcosms As Potential Screening Tools For Evaluating Transport And Effects Of Effects Of Toxic Substances

600380044 Impacts Of Airborne Pollutants On Wilderness Areas Along The Minnesota-Ontario Border

600380048 Air Pollution Studies Near Coal Fired Power Plant-Wisconsin Power Plant Impact Study

600380054 Mapping Vegetation Complexes With Digitized Color Infrared Film

600380055 Sampling Strategies For Water Quality in the Great Lakes, June 1980

600380056 Mathmatical Models Of Water Quality In The Great Lakes Part I Lake Huron and Saginow Bay July 1980

600380059 Limnology Of Michigan's Nearshore Waters Of Lakes Superior And Huron

600380060 An Evaluation Of Hazardous Chemicals In Lake Ontario During IFYGL

600380061 Phytoplankton Composition And Abundance In Southern Lake Huron, July 1980

600380062 Lake Erie Nutrient Control Program An Assessment Of Its Effectiveness In Controlling Lake Eutrophication July 1980

600380065 Mathematical Models Of Water Quality In Large Lakes, Part 2 Lake Erie July 1980

600380066 Seasonal Fluctuations Of Major Diatom Species At 5 Stations Across Lake Michigan, May 1970-Oct 1972

600380067 Lake Erie Nutrient Control Effectiveness Regarding Assessment in Eastern Basin

600380068 Guide To Freshwater Mollusks Of The Laurentian Great Lakes With Special Emphasis On The Genus Pisidium

600380069 Zooplankton Grazing And Population Dynamics Relative To Water Quality In Southern Lake Huron

600380074 Limnologcal Conditions In Southern Lake Huron, 1974 And 1975

600380075 Remote Sensing Technique To Monitor Cladophoria In The Great Lakes

600380076 Element Flow In Aquatic Systems Coal Fired Power Plants Wisconsin Power Plant Impact Study

600380077 Water Constraints In Power Plant Siting And Operation Wisconsin Power Plant Impact Study

600380078 Ecological Studies Of Fish Near A Coal- Fired Generating Station And Related Laboratory Studies July 1980

600380080 Sediments Of Southern Lake Huron Elemental Composition And Accumulation Rates Aug 1980

600380082 Uptake, Metabolism And Disposition Of Xenobiotic Chemicals In Fish Wisconsin Power Plant Impact Study

600380084 Fate Of Toxic and Hazardous Materials In The Air Environment

600380094 Environmental Effects Of Western Coal Combustion Part IV Chemical and Physical Characteristics Of Coal Fly Ash

600381001 Modifications Of Models Predicting Trophic State Of Lakes

600381011 Lake Data Analysis and Nutrient Budget Modeling

600381012 Precipitation and Inactivation Of Phosphorus As A Lake Restoration Technique

600381013 Sediment Removal As A Lake Restoration Technique

600381015 Sampling Strategies for Estimating the Magnitude and Importance of Internal Phosphorus Supplies in Lakes

600381016 The Dilution/Flushing Technique In Lake Restoration

600381044 Water Quality Analysis Simulation (WASP) and Model Verification Program (MVP) Documentation

600382006 Dependence Of Nephelometer Scattering Coefficients On Relative Humidity Fronts, Nocturnal Disturbance, and Wood Smoke

600382007 Wake Of A Block Vehicle In A Shear-free Boundary Flow An Experimental And Theoretical Study

600382021 Planning Guide For Evaluating Agricultural Nonpoint Source Water Quality Controls

600382022 Laboratory Protocols For Evaluating The Fate Of Organic Chemicals In Air and Water

600382023 Exposure Analysis Modeling System (EXAMS) User Manual And System Documentation

600382024 Methodology For Overland And Instream Migration And Risk Assessment Of Pesticides

600382025 Leeches (Annelida: Hirudinea) Of North America

600382026 Fresh Water Snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) Of North America

600382033 Freshwater Tubificidae (Annelida Clitellata Oligochaeta) Of North America

600382036 EPA Complex Terrain Model Development: First Milestone Report-1981

600382040 Meteorology And Air Quality Modeling In Complex Terrain Literature Review

600382044 Frequency Analysis Of Pesticide Concentrations For Risk Assessment (franco Model)

600382045 Mathematical Model, SERATRA, for Sediment Contaminant Transport In Rivers And Its Application To Pesticide Transport In Four Mile And Wolf Creeks In Iowa

600382054 User's Manual For EXPLORE-I: River Basin Water Quality Model (Hydraulic Module Only)

600382055 User's Manual For The Instream Sediment- Contaminant Transport Model SERATRA

600382056 Meteorology And Air Quality Patterns In St Louis RAPS Program Upper Level Analyses

600382059 Maintenance And Testing Of Hydrological Simulation Program - FORTRAN (HSPF)

600382062 Experimental Study Of Turbulence In An Urban Environment

600382063 Enamap-1a Long-term So2 and Sulfate Air Pollution Model

600382073 Guide To The Identification, Environmental Requirements And Pollution Tolerence Of Freshwater Blue-Green Algae(Cyanophyta)

600382076 Atmospheric Turbidity Over The United States From 1967-1976

600382082 Distribution and Abundance Of Waterfowl and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation In Chesapeake Bay

600382083 Historical Review Of Water Quality and Climatic Data From Chesapeake Bay With Emphasis On Effects Of Enrichment

600382084 Sediment Suspension and Resuspension From Small-craft Induced Turbulence

600382085 Characterization Of The Chesapeake Bay Systematic Analysis Of Toxic Trace Elements

600382090 Biology and Propagation Of Zostera Marina, Eelgrass, In The Chesapeake Bay, Virginia

600382094 Final Evaluation Of Urban-scale Photo-chemical Air Quality Simulation Models

600383001 Photochemical Reactivity Of Perchloroethylene

600383005 User's Manual For The Chemical Transport And Fate Model (TOXIWASP) Version I

600383011 Studies In Air Quality Meteorology At North Carolina State University

600383015 EPA Complex Terrain Model Development: Second Milestone Report-1982

600383019 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Distribution And Abundance In The Lower Chesapeake Bay And The Interactive Effects Of Light Epiphytes And Grazers

600383022 Volatile Organic Compounds In The Ambient Atmosphere Of The New Jersey, New York Area

600383024 Determination Of Good-engineering Practice Stack Height Fluid Model Demonstration Study For A Power Plant

600383025 Ambient Hydrocarbon And Ozone Concentrations Near Refinery

600383028 Nitrogen Oxides Reactions Within Urban Plumes Transported Over The Ocean

600383035 Regional Scale (1000 Km) Model Of Photochemical Air Pollution Part 1 Theoretical Formulation

600383035B Regional Scale (1000 Km) Model Of Photochemical Air Pollution Part 2 Input Processor Network Design

600383035C Regional Scale (1000 Km) Model Of Photochemical Air Pollution Part 3 Tests Of The Numerical Algorithms Project Summary

600383041 Atlas Of Source Emission Particles

600383042 Meteorological Factors In The Formation Of Regional Haze

600383047 Structural And Functional Aspects Of The Biology Of Submerged Aquatic Macrophyte Communities In The Lower Chesapeake Bay Vol III Interactions Of Resident Consumers In A Temperate Estuarine

600383050 Love Canal Monitoring Program, Volume 1 Final Report

600383094 Environmental Levels Of PCB In Great Lakes Fish

600383101 EPA Complex Terrain Model Development: Third Milestone Report-1983

600383110 Ozone Plumes From Small Cities and Ozone In High Pressure Weather Systems

600384006 Pesticide Orchard Ecosystem Model (POEM) A User's Guide

600384015 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation In Upper Chesapeake Bay Studies Related To Possible Causes Of The Recent Decline In Abundance

600384035 Estimation Methods For Process Constants and Properties Used In Fate Assessments

600384038 EPA Complex Terrain Model Development Description Of A Computer Data Base From Small Hill Impaction Study No 1 Cinder Cone Butte, Idaho

600384040 Regiona Acid Deposition Design and Management Plan For A Comprehensive Modeling System By The Ncar Acid Depos Project, Boulder,co

600384041 Regional Acid Depostition Models and Physical Processes By The Ncar Acid Deposition Modeling Project, Bolder Co

600384042 Plume Concentration Algorithms With Deposition, Sedimentation, and Chemical Transformation

600384065 Application Guide For Hydrological Simulation Program FORTRAN (HSPF)

600384066 Hydrological Simulation Program Fortran (HSPF) Users Manual For Release 8

600384068 Leaching Evaluation Of Agricultural Chemicals (LEACH) {Handbook}

600384074 Air Quality Models Pertaining To Particulate Matter

600384077 A User's Guide for WASTOX, a Framework For Modeling The Fate Of Toxic Chemicals In Aquatic Environments, Part 1 Exposure Concentration

600384085 Regional-scale (1000 Km) Model Of Photochemical Air Pollution, Part 2 Input Processor Network Design

600384087 Evaluation Of The Pollution Episodic Model Using The Raps Data

600384090 Economic Effects Of Ozone On Agriculture

600384101 Atmospheric Transport Of Toxaphene To Lake Michigan

600384103 Scientific Assessment Document On Status Of Complex Terrain Dispersion Models For EPA Regulatory Applications

600384109 Users Manual For The Pesticide Root Zone Model (PRZM) Release 1

600384110 EPA Complex Terrain Model Development 4th Milestone Report-1984

600385009 Airborne Lidar Monitoring Of Fluorescent Dye Particles As Tracer To Characterize Transport and Dispersion Feasibility Study

600385010 The Vertical Redistribution Of A Pollutant Tracer Due To Cumulus Convection

600385011 Effects Of Acid Deposition On The Properties Of Portland Cement Concrete State-of-knowledge

600385019 National Dioxin Study Analytical Procedures And Quality Assurance Plan For The Analysis Of 2378-tcdd In Tier 3-7 Samples Of The Us Environmental Protection Agency National Dioxin Strate

600385022 Fluid Modeling Demonstration Of Good-Engineering-Practice Stack Height In Complex Terrain

600385027 Development Of An Adjustable Buoyancy Balloon Tracer Of Atmospheric Motion, Phase I Systems Design and Demonstration Of Feasibility

600385033 Transport Of Pollutants In Plumes and Pepes Study Of Transport Of Pollutants In Power Plant Plumes, Urban and Industrial Plumes, and Persistent Elevated Pollution Episodes

600385037 Regional-scale (1000 Km) Model Of Photochemical Air Pollution Part 3 Tests Of The Numerical Algorithms

600385038 Exposure Analysis Modeling Systems Reference Manual For EXAMS II

600385043 Field Agricultural Runoff Monitoring (Farm) Manual

600385044 Validity Of Effluent and Ambient Toxicity Tests For Predicting Biological Impact, Scippo Creek, Circleville, Ohio

600385056 Atmospheric Diffusion Modeling Based On Boundary Layer Parameterization

600385059 Windbreak Effectiveness For Storage-pile Fugitive-dust Control Wind Tunnel Study

600385060 Summary Of Complex Terrain Model Evaluation

600385064 Green River Air Quality Model Development Valmet, Valley Air Pollution Model

600385065 Computer Program Documentation For The Enhanced Stream Water Quality Model Qual2e

600385067 EPA Regional Oxidant Model Description and Evaluation Plan

600385069 Complex Terrain Model Development 5th Milestone Report, 1985

600385071 Validity Of Ambient Toxicity Tests For Predicting Biological Impact, Ohio River, Near Wheeling, West Virginia

600385072 Research On Diffusion In Atmospheric Boundary Layers Position Paper On Status and Needs

600385073A Initial Mixing Characteristics Of Municipal Ocean Discharges Volume 1 Procedures And Applications

600386002 EPA Complex Terrain Model Development Description Of A Computer Data Base From Small Hill Impaction Study No 2 Hogback Ridge New Mexico

600386006 Validity of Effluent and Ambient Toxicity Tests for Predicting Biological Impact, Kanawha River, Charleston, West Virginia

600386008 Toxicity Evaluation Of Lower Fox River Water And Sediments

600386011A Stream Transport and Agricultural Runoff of Pesticides for Exposure Assessment: A Methodology, Part A, Text and Appendices A Through F

600386014 Local Source Impact On Wet Deposition

600386016 Evaluation Of The Pem-2 Using The 1982 Philadelphia Aerosol Field Study Data Base

600386019 Computerized System For The Evaluation Of Aquatic Habitats Based On Environmental Requirements And Pollution Tolerance Associations Of Resident Organisms

600386028 Further Case Studies On The Impact Of Mesoscale Convective Systems On Regional Ozone and Haze Distributions

600386032 EPA Regional Oxidant Model Rom1 Evaluation For 3-4 August 1979

600386033 Ecoregions Of The Pacific Northwest

600386034 WASP3: A Hydronamic And Water Quality Model Theory User's Manual And Programmer's Guide

600386038 Numerical Simulations Of Photochemical Air Pollution In The Northeastern United States Rom 1 Applications

600386040 Project Condors Convective Diffusion Observed By Remote Sensors

600386050 Development Of An Adjustable Buoyancy Balloon Tracer Of Atmospheric Motion Phase II Development Of An Operational Prototype

600386054A Characteristics Of Lakes In The Western United States, Volume 1 Population Description and Physicochemical Relationships Western Lake Survey Phase 1

600386054B Western Lake Survey, Phase I Characteristics Of Lakes In The Western United States, Volume 2 Data Compendium For Selected Physical and Chemical Variables

600386058 SARAH: Surface Water Assessment Model For Back Calculating Reductions In Abiotic Hazardous Wastes

600386059 The Hanford 67-series Atmospheric Field Diffusion Measurements, Micrometeorological and Tracer Data Archive, Set 003 Documentation Report

600386061 User Manual For Two-Dimensional Multi-Class Phytoplankton Model With Internal Nutrient Pool Kinetics

600386065 Cold Weather Plume Study

600386068 EPA Complex Terrain Model Development Description Of A Computer Data Base From The Full Scale Plume Study, Tracy Power Plant, Nevada

600386070 Comprehensive Experimental Design Plan To Relate Pollutant Sources To Acidic Deposition

600387001 Guidelines For The Culture Of Fathead Minnows Pimephales Promelas For Use In Toxicity Tests

600387007 Enhanced Stream Water Quality Models QUAL2E and QUAL2E-UNCAS: Documentation and User Model

600387008 International Sulfur Deposition Model Evaluation

600387012 MINTEQA1, An Equilibrium Metal Speciation Model User's Manual

600387015 Processes, Coefficients, And Models For Stimulating Toxic Organics And Heavy Metals In Surface Waters

600387025 Ohio Stream Regionalization Project Compendium Of Results

600387037A Air Pollution Exposure Systems and Experimental Protocols, Volume1: A Review and Evaluation of Performance

600387037B Air Pollution Exposure Systems and Experimental Protocols, Volume 2: Description of Facilities

600387039 WASP4, A Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model: Model Theory, User's Manual, and Programmer's Guide

600388020 SARAH2, A Near Field Exposure Assessment Model For Surface Water

600388021A Chemical Characteristics of Streams in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern United States (National Stream Survey-Phase I) Volume I: Population Descriptions and Physico-Chemical Relationships

600388021B Chemical Characteristics of Streams in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern United States (National Stream Survey-Phase I) Volume 2: Streams Sampled, Descriptive Statistics, and Compendium

600388029 Protocols For Short Term Toxicity Screening Of Hazardous Waste Sites

600388034 Methods For Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations Phase 1 Toxicity Characterization Procedures

600388035 Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations: Phase II Toxicity Identification Procedures

600388036 Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations: Phase III Toxicity Confirmation Procedures

600388037 Ecoregions Of The Upper Midwest States

600388038 Terrestrial Ecosystem Exposure Assessment Model (TEEAM)

600388050 Effects Of Atrazine On Zostera Marina In Chesapeake Bay, Virginia

600388051A Structural and Functional Aspects Of The Ecology Of Submerged Aquatic Macrophyte Communities In The Lower Chesapeake Bay Vol I Studies On Structure and Function

600388051B Structural and Functional Aspects Of The Ecology Of Submerged Aquatic Macrophyte Communities In The Lower Chesapeake Bay Vol 2 Submarine Light Quantity and

600389005 Summary Of The 1987 EPA National Performance Audit Program On Source Measurements

600389006 National Performance Audit Program Ambient Air Audits Of Analytical Proficiency, 1987

600389013 Ecological Assessment Of Hazardous Waste Sites Field and Laboratory Reference Document

600389021 Fish Communities in Lakes in Subregion 2B (Upper Peninsula of Michigan) in Relation to Lake Acidity

600389034 ANNIE-IDE: A System For Developing Interactive User Interfaces For Environmental Models {Programmers Guide}

600389037 Evaluation Of Trend Detection Techniques For Use In Water Quality Monitoring Programs

600389038B Wetland Creation and Restoration Status Of The Science, Volume 2 Perspectives

600389048A Risk Of Unsaturated-Saturated Transport and Transformation Of Chemical Concentrations (RUSTIC), Volume 1Theory and Code Verification

600389048B Risk Of Unsaturated-Saturated Transport and Transformation Of Chemical Concentrations (RUSTIC) Volume 2 {User's Guide}

600389060 Regionalization as a Tool for Managing Environmental Resources

600389061A Direct-Delayed Response Project: Future Effects of Long-Term Sulfur Deposition on Surface Water Chemistry in the Northeast and Southern Blue Ridge Province: Volume I (Volumes A-D Sold as Set)

600389061B Direct-Delayed Response Project: Future Effects of Long-Term Sulfur Deposition on Surface Water Chemistry in the Northeast and Southern Blue Ridge Province: Volume II (Volumes A-D Sold as Set)

600389061C Direct-Delayed Response Project: Future Effects of Long-Term Sulfur Deposition on Surface Water Chemistry in the Northeast and Southern Blue Ridge Province: Volume III (Volumes A-D Sold as Set)

600389061D Direct-Delayed Response Project: Future Effects of Long-Term Sulfur Deposition on Surface Water Chemistry in the Northeast and Southern Blue Ridge Province: Volume IV (Volumes A-D Sold as Set)

600389065 Forest Survey Methods Used in the USDA Forest Service

600389083 Data Base Analyzer and Parameter Estimator (DBAPE) Interactive Computer Program User's Manual

600389084 Exposure Analysis Modeling System: User's Guide for EXAMS II Version 2.94

600390003 Nonoccupational Pesticide Exposure Study (NOPES), Final Report

600390004 National Performance Audit Program Acid Rain Audits, 1988

600390012 Expert System For Hydrodynamic Mixing Zone Analysis Of Conventional and Toxic Submerged Single Port Discharges (CORMIX1)

600390019 Biological Data for Pharmacokinetic Modeling and Risk Assessment: Report of a Work Shop Convened by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and ILSI Risk Science Institute

600390020 National Dry Deposition Network Second Annual Progress Report (1988)

600390022 Analytical Procedures and Quality Assurance Plan For The Determination Of PCDD/PCDF In Fish

600390043 Intensive Studies of Stream Fish Populations in Maine

600390051 Across North American Tracer Experiment (ANATEX) Model Evaluation Study

600390058 Assessment Of Atmospheric Exposure and Deposition To High Elevation Forests In The Eastern United States

600390060 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program Ecological Indicators

600390068 Mercury Levels in Fish from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (ELS Subregion 2B) in Relation to Lake Acidity

600390071 Environmental Research Laboratory - Duluth Bibliography of Research Products in the Fields of Freshwater Ecology and Toxicology - 1967-1990

600390073 Impacts On Quality Of Inland Wetlands Of The United States Survey Of Indicators Techniques and Applications Of Community Level Biomonitoring Data

600391003 Ecology and Management Of The Zebra Mussel and Other Introduced Aquatic Nuisance Species

600391010 Research Plan For Monitoring Wetland Ecosystems

600391012 National Surface Water Survey

600391018 National Dry Deposition Network Third Annual Progress Report, 1989

600391021 MINTEQA2/PRODEFA2: A Geochemical Assessment Model For Environmental Systems Version 3 0 User's Manual

600391022 EMAP: Surface Waters Monitoring and Research Strategy. Fiscal Year 1991

600391028 National Surface Water Survey Eastern Lake Survey Phase II Northeastern Lakes, Database Dictionary

600391039 Modeling of Nonpoint Source Water Quality in Urban and Non-Urban Areas

600391053 Design Report for EMAP

600391063 Guidelines For Conducting Early Life Stage Toxicity Tests With Japanese Medaka (Oryzias Latipes)

600391064 Guidelines for the Culture of the Medaka, Oryzias Latipes

600391072 Data User's Guide to the U.S. EPA Long-Term Monitoring Project: Quality Assurance Plan and Data Dictionary

600391073 CORMIX2: An Expert System for Hydrodynamic Mixing Zone Analysis of Conventional and Toxic Multiport Diffuser Discharges

600474002 Polluted Groundwater Estimating The Effects Of Man's Activities

600475002 Low Cost Compact X-Ray Flourescent Analyzer For On-site Measurement Of Trace Element In Airborne Particulate Emissions

600475011 Analysis Of Carbon-14 And Tritium In Reactor Stack Gas

600475505 Suspect Carcinogens In Water Supplies Interim Report

600476014 Collaborative Study Of Particulate Emissions Measurements By EPA Methods 2, 3, & 5 Using Paired Particulate Sampling Trains

600476030A Atmospheric Dispersion Parameters In Gaussian Plume Modeling, Part 1 Review Of Current Systems And Possible Future Development

600476030B Atmospheric Dispersion Parameters In Gaussian Plume Modeling, Part 2 Possible Requirements For Change In The Turner Workbook Values

600476035 Factors Affecting The Use Of CaF2:Mn Thermoluminescent Dosimeters For Low-Level Environmental Radiation Monitoring

600476036 Monitoring Groundwater Quality: Illustrative Examples

600476052 Fate Of Polchlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) In Soil Following Stabilization With Quicklime

600476053 Radioactivity Standards Distribution Program, Fy 1977

600476055 Urban Air Pollution Modeling Without Computers

600477006 Dispersion Of Roof Top Emissions From Isolated Buildings Wind Tunnel Study

600477010 Mesoscale Air Pollution Transport In Southeast Wisconsin

600477017 Regional Air Pollution Study Sulfur Compounds And Particulate Size Distribution Inventory

600477020 Air Quality Data For The Northeast Oxidant Transport Study 1975 Final Data Report

600477024 Environmental Requirements and Pollution Tolerance of Common Freshwater Chironomidae

600477027A Quality Assurance For Air Pollution Measurement Systems, Volume 2 Ambient Air Specific Methods Sections 20 Thru 208, 2010 And 23 {handbook}

600477027B Quality Assurance Handbook For Air Pollution Measurement Systems Stationary Sources Specific Methods Volume 3

600477035B New York Air Pollution Project Of 1964-1969, Volume 2 Data

600477038 A Study Of New Catalytic Agents To Determine Chemical Oxygen Demand

600477041 Regional Air Pollution Study-off-highway Mobile Source Emission Inventory

600477044 Regional Air Pollution Study Criteria and Non-criteria Pollutant Source Testing Program

600477046 Oxone Over San Francisco Means And Patterns During Pollution Episodes

600477049 Non-divergent Wind Analysis Algorithm For The St Louis Raps Network

600478001 Fortran Program For Computing The Pollutant Standards Index (psi) Environmental Monitoring Series

600478003 Residence Time Of Atmospheric Pollutants And Long-range Transport

600478004 Summary Of Audit Performance Measurement Of So2 No2 Co Sulfate Nitrate 1976

600478005 Water Quality Indices Survey Of Indices Used In The United States

600478006 Ozone Problem In The Norfolk Virginia Area

600478011 Preparation Of Water Samples For Asbestos Fiber Counting By Electron Microscopy

600478012 Methods For Measuring The Acute Toxicity Of Effluents To Aquatic Organisms

600478013 PAL A Gaussian-plume Algorithm For Point Area And Line Sources User's Guide

600478014 Prolonged Large-scale Off-season Photochemical Oxidant Episode

600478015 Evaluation Of Technicon Block Digestor System For Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen And Total Phosphorus

600478016 1974 Ozone Episode In The Baltimore To Richmond Corridor

600478019 Comparison Of Methods For The Determination Of Total Available Residual Chlorine In Various Sample Matrices

600478021 Atmospheric Dispersion Parameters In Plume Modeling

600478022 Meteorological Conditions During A Sulfate Episode In Southern California

600478027 Study Of The Subartic Heat Island At Fairbanks Alaska + Errata Sheets

600478028 Regional Air Pollution Study-point And Area Source Organic Emission Inventory

600478029 Regional Air Pollution Study

600478032 Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory Intercomparison Studies Program 1978- 1979

600478033 Radioactivity Standards Distribution Program 1978-1979

600478041 Flow Structure And Turbulent Diffusion Around A Three-dimensional Hill-fluid Modeling Study On Effects Of Stratification Part I Flow Structure

600478042 Regional Air Pollution Study-point Source Methodology And Emission Inventory

600478044 Pilot Study On Dispersion Near Roadways

600478047 Investigation Of Flow Rate Calibration Procedures Associated With The High Volume Method For Determination Of Suspended Particulates

600478048 Method Sampling And Analysis Of Poly- Chlorinated Biphenyls (pcb's) In Ambient Air

600478049 Select Research Group In Air Pollution Meterology Third Progress Report

600478050 Turbulence Modeling Applied To Buoyant Plumes

600478054 Airborne Measurements Of Copper Smelte Plume In Montan the Anaconda Company Anaconda Montana

600478060 Manual for the Identification of the Larvae of the Caddisfly Genera Hydropsyche Pictet and Symphitopsyche Ulmer in Eastern and Central North America (Trichoptera:Hydropsychidae)

600478062 Environmental Requirements And Pollution Tolerance Of Plecoptera

600478064 Automation Of An Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrometer

600479001 Regional Air Pollution Study Lambert Field Graphical Weather Summary

600479002 Analysis Of Ensemble Averaged Concentrations And Fluxes In A Tracer Puff

600479004 Regional Air Pollution Study Emission Inventory Summarization

600479005 Trophic Classification Of Selected Colorado Lakes

600479010 Commuter Exposure Modeling Methodologies

600479011 Dispersion Of Pollutants Near Highways Data Analysis And Model Evaluation

600479012 Effects Of Pollutants And Urban Parameters On Atmospheric Dispersion And Temperature

600479013 Predictions Of Highway Emissions By A Second Order Closure Model

600479019 Handbook For Analytical Quality Control In Water and Wastewater Laboratories

600479020 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes

600479021 Guide To Rotifers Of The Laurentian Great Lakes

600479026 Climatological Summaries Of The Lower Few Kilometers Of Rawinsonde Observation

600479030 Gridded Annual Air Pollutant Emissions East Of The Rocky Mountains

600479031 Regional Air Pollution Study Quality Assurance Audits

600479034 Diffusion Coefficients From Metros System Turbulence Measurements

600479035 Systematic Sensitivity Analysis Of Air Quality Simulation Models

600479036 Hydraulics Of The Atchafalaya Basin Main Channel System Considerations From A Multiuse Management Standpoint

600479039 Rapid Techniques For Calculating The Pollutant Standards Index (PSI)

600479040 Testing The Validity Of The Lognormal Probability Model Computer Analysis Of Carbon Monoxide Data From Us Cities

600479046 Relationships Between Total Suspended Particulate Sulfate and Respirable Suspended Particulate Concentrations New York City

600479051 EPA Meteorological Wind Tunnel Its Design Construction and Operating Characteristics

600479052 Dispersion Of Sulfur Dioxide From The Clinch River Power Plant A Wind Tunnel Study

600479053 Basic Studies Of Flow And Diffusion Over Hills

600479057 Technical Assistance Document For The Calibration Of Ambient Ozone Monitors

600479062 Scheme For Estimating Dispersion Parameters As A Function Of Release Height

600479063 Spatial Variability Of Ozone And Other Pollutants At St Louis Missouri

600479065 Regional Air Pollution Study Carbon Dioxide Effect On RAMS Sulfur Monitors

600479066 Modeling Wind Distributions Over Complex Terrain

600479068 Long Range Transport And Transformation Of SO2 And Sulfate

600479073 Operation Of The Old River Control Project Atchafalaya Basin Evaluation From Multiuse Management Standpoint

600479074 Analysis Of High Sulfate Concentrations In Greater New York City

600479076 Documentation Of The Regional Air Pollution Study (raps) and Related Investigations The St Louis Air Quality Control Region

600479077 One Step Method For The Determination Of Carbamate Pesticides By Derivotization With a-Bromo-2,3,4,5,6 Pentafluorotoluene

600480001 Synoptic Meteorology And Air Quality Patterns In The St Louis Raps Program

600480006 Regional Air Pollution Study Gas Laboratory Operation Chromatography

600480007 Regional Air Pollution Study Effects Of Airborne Sulfur Pollutants On Materials

600480009 Quality Assurance Bibliography

600480012 Select Research Group In Air Pollution Meterology

600480013A Evaluation Of The Real Time Air Quality Model Using The RAPS Data Base Volume 1

600480013B Evaluation Of The Real Time Air-Quality Model Using The RAPS Data Base, Volume 2 Statistical Procedures

600480013C Evaluation Of The Real Time Air Quality Model Using The Raps Data Base, Volume 3

600480013D Evaluation Of The Real Time Air Quality Model Using The RAPS Data Base Volume 4

600480016 Review Of Instrument Measuring Visibility Related Variables

600480022 Comparative Testing Of EPA Methods 5 And 17 At Nonmetallic Mineral Plants

600480024 Improvement And Evaluation Of Methods For Sulfate Analysis: Part II

600480025 Performance Tests for the Evaluation of Computerized Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Equipment and Laboratories

600480030 Validation Of Air Monitoring Data

600480032 Prescribed Procedures for Measurement of Radioactivity in Drinking Water [Includes Errata Sheet].

600480034 Identification and Detection of Water-Borne Viruses by Immunoenzymatic Methods

600480039 ENAMAP-1 Long-Term SO2 and Sulfate Pollution Model: Adaptation and Application to Eastern North America

600480053 Four Corners Air Monitoring

600480055 Effects Of A Squat Building On Short Stack Effluents Wind Tunnel Study

600481003 Results Interlaboratory Comparison Acute Toxicity Tests Using Estuarine Animals

600481015 Technical Assistance Document for the Calibration and Operation of Automated Ambient Non-Methane Organic Compound Analyzers

600481025 National Performance Audit Program 1979 Proficiency Surveys For Sulfur Dioxide Nitrogen Dioxide Carbon Monoxide Sulfate Nitrate Lead And High Volume Flow

600481028 Sampling And Analysis Of Wastes Generated By Gray Iron Foundries

600481030 Dependence Of Nephelometer Scattering Coefficients On Relative Humidity Evolution Of Aerosol Bursts

600481034 Case Studies In The Application Of Air Quality Modeling In Environmental Decision Making

600481037 Inhalable Particulate Network Annual Report Operations & Data Summary (mass Concentration Only) April 1979-june 1980

600481044 Method For The Deternination Of The Maximum Total Trihalomethane Potential Method 5101

600481045 Determination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Transformer Fluid and Waste Oils

600481053 Methods For Organochlorine Pesticides And Chlorophenoxy Acid Herbicides In Drinking Water And Raw Source Water Research And Development

600481054 Methods for Benzidine, Chlorinated Organic Compounds, Pentachlorophenol and Pesticides in Water and Wastewater

600481056 Research And Development - Total Organic Halide Method 4501 Interim

600481057 Analysis Of Aromatic Chemical Indicators Of Industrial Contamination In Water By The Purge And Trap Method - Method 5031

600481059 Determination Of Halogenated Chemical Indicators Of Industrial Contamination In Water By The Purge And Trap Method---method 5021

600481062 Determination Of Haloethers In Industrial And Municipal Wastewaters

600481067 Flow and Dispersion Of Pollutants Over 2 Dimensional Hills

600481070 Long-range Transport And Transformation Of So2 And Sulfate Refinement Applica- Tion And Verification Of Models

600482013 Determination Of Organonitrogen Pesticides In Industrial And Municipal Wastewater Method 633

600482025 Determination Of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Industrial And Municipal Wastewaters

600482029 Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preservation of Water and Wastewater

600482030A Environmental Monitoring At Love Canal Volume 1

600482030B Environmental Monitoring At Love Canal Vol Ii Part 1

600482030C Environmental Monitoring At Love Canal Vol Ii Part 2

600482030D Environmental Monitoring At Love Canal Vol III

600482042AB Quality Assurance Air Pollution Measurement Systems Volume 5 Manual For Precipitation Measurement Systems Pt 1 Quality Assurance Manual Pt 2 Operations And Maintenance Manual {handbook}

600482054 Field Evaluation of Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen Sulfide Continuous Emission Monitors at an Oil Refinery Aug 1982

600482055 Test Methods: Technical Additions to Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes

600482057 Test Methods Methods For Organic Chemical Analysis Of Municipal And Industrial Wastewater

600482060 Quality Assurance Manual For Meteorological Monitoring System

600482068 Interim Procedures For Conducting The Salmonella-microsomal Mutagenicity Assay (ames Test) (mar 1983)

600482072 Analysis Of Chlorinated Organic Compounds Formed During Chlorination Of Wastewater Products

600483011 Technical Assistance Document Quality Assurance Guideline For Visible Emission Training Programs

600483023 Guideline On The Meaning And Use Of Precision And Accuracy Data Required By 40 CFR Part 58 Appendices A And B

600483026 Summary Of The 1981 EPA National Performance Audit Program On Source Measurements

600483027 Technical Assistance Document For Sampling And Analysis Of Toxic Organic Compounds In Ambient Air

600483032 Offsite Environmental Monitoring Report Radiation Monitoring Around United States Nuclear Test Areas Calendar Year 1982

600483039 Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preservation. Addendum

600483040 Characterization Of Hazardous Waste Sites - A Methods Manual Vol Ii Available Sampling Methods

600483043 Analytical Method for Determination of Asbestos Fibers in Water

600483045 Groundwater Quality Monitoring Recommendations For In Situ Oil Shale Development

600483049 Summary Of The 1982 National Performance Audit Program On Source Measuements

600483050 Methodology To Inventory Classify And Prioritize Uncontrolled Waste Disposal Sites

600484013(r-12) USEPA Manual Of Methods For Virology: Chapter 12 Revised May 1988

600484013(R19) US EPA Manual of Methods for Virology: Chapter 9, Revised January 1987

600484013(r2) USEPA Manual of Methods for Virology: Revised May 1991, Chapter 2

600484013 US EPA Manual of Methods for Virology: Chapter 10, Revised

600484013AP US EPA Manual Of Methods For Virology Appendix Revised June 1988

600484013R10 US EPA Manual of Methods for Virology: Chapter 10, Revised December 1987

600484013R11 US EPA Manual of Methods for Virology: Chapter 11, Revised March 1988

600484013R13 USEPA Manual of Methods for Virology: Chapter 13, September 1993

600484013R7 US EPA Manual of Methods for Virology: Chapter 7, Revised September 1989

600484013R8 US EPA Manual of Methods for Virology: Chapter 8 Revised April, 1986

600484031 Study of Carbon Monoxide Exposure of Residents of Washington, DC and Denver, Colorado

600484038 Characterization Of Hazardous Waste Sites Methods Manual Volume 3 Available Laboratory Analytical Methods

600484041 Compendium Of Methods For The Determination Of Toxic Organic Compounds In Ambient Air

600484075 Characterization of Hazardous Waste Sites: A Methods Manual, Volume I: Site Investigations

600484076 Characterization Of Hazardous Waste Sites Methods Manual Available Sampling Methods

600484077 National Performance Audit Program Ambient Air Audits Of Analytical Proficiency 1983

600484082 Analytical Reference Standards And Supplemental Data The Pesticides And Industrial Chemicals Repository

600484088A Inhalable Particulate Network Report Operation And Data Summary (Mass Concentrations Only) Vol I April 1979-december 1982

600484088B Inhalable Particulate Network Report Data Listing (Mass Concentrations Only) Vol Ii April 1979--december 1982

600485004 Summary Of The 1983 EPA National Performance Audit Program On Source Measurements

600485013 Methods For Measuring The Acute Toxicity Of Effluents To Freshwater And Marine Organisms 3rd Edition

600485014 Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms

600485018 Determination Of Neutral Nitrogen-containing Pesticides In Industrial And Municipal Wastewaters--fenarimol Mgk 264 Mgk 326 And Pronamide

600485021 Determination Of Bendiocarb In Industrial And Municipal Wastewaters

600485023 Determination Of Rotenone In Industrial And Municipal Wastewaters

600485024 Determination Of Oryzalin In Industrial And Municipal Wastewaters

600485025 Determination Of Diphenylamine In Industrial And Municipal Wastewaters

600485031 Precision And Accuracy Assessments For The State And Local Air Monitoring Networks 1982

600485047 Asbestos-containing Materials In School Buildings Bulk Sample Analysis Quality Assurance Program Bulk Sample Rounds 9 10 11 And Blind Round Ii

600485048 Sediment Sampling Quality Assurance {User's Guide}

600485054 Method 531 Measurement Of N-methyl Carbamoyloximes And N-methyl Carbamates In Drinking Water By Direct Aqueous Injection Hplc With Post Column Derivatization

600485058 Guidelines For Preparing Environmental And Waste Samples For Mutagenicity Ames Testing Interim Procedures And Panel Meeting Proceedings

600485061 Acid Precipitation In North America 1983 Annual Data Summary From Acid Deposition System Database

600485072A Determination Of Dithiocarbamate Pesticides In Wastewaters: Appendix A

600485076 Test Methods for Escherichia Coli and Enterococci in Water by the Membrane Filter Procedure

600486002 Manual for Identification of Marine Invertebrates: A Guide to Some Common Estuarine Macroinvertebrates of the Big Bend Region, Tampa Bay, Florida

600486003 Identification Manual for Phytoplankton of the United States Atlantic Coast

600486005 Summary Of The 1984 EPA National Performance Audit Program On Source Measurements

600486007A Characteristics Of Lakes In The Eastern United States Volume 1 Population Descriptions And Physico-chemical Relationships

600486007B Characteristics of Lakes in the Eastern United States Volume II. Lakes Sampled and Descriptive Statistics for Physical and Chemical Variables

600486007C Characteristics of Lakes in the Eastern United States Volume III. Data Compendium of Site Characteristics and Chemical Variables

600486008 Eastern Lake Survey Phase I Quality Assurance Plan

600486009 Eastern Lake Survey Phase I Analytical Methods Manual

600486010 Eastern Lake Survey Phase I Field Operations Report

600486011 Eastern Lake Survey Phase I Quality Assurance Report

600486012 Precision And Accuracy Assessments For State And Local Air Monitoring Networks 1983

600486013 National Performance Audit Program Ambient Air Audits Of Analytical Proficiency--1984

600486024 Development Of Standard Methods For The Collection And Analysis Of Precipitation

600486026 National Surface Water Survey National Stream Survey Phase I-pilot Survey

600486031 Precision And Accuracy Assessments For State And Local Air Monitoring Networks 1984

600486032 Taxonomy of Ceriodaphnia (Crustacea: Cladocera) in US Environmental Protection Agency Cultures

600486033 Acid Precipitation In North America 1984 Annual Data Summary From Acid Deposition System Database

600486044 National Stream Survey Quality Assurance Plan

600486503 Methods For The Determination Of Organic Compounds In Finished Drinking Water And Raw Source Water

600487001 Summary Of The 1985 EPA National Performance Audit Program On Source Measurements

600487002 National Performance Audit Program Ambient Air Audits Of Analytical Proficiency - 1985

600487003 Precision And Accuracy Assessments For State And Local Air Monitoring Networks 1985

600487006 Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic Organic Compounds n Ambient Air, Supplement to EPA 600484041

600487014 National Surface Water Survey: Analysis Of Data From Long Term Monitoring Of Lakes

600487016 Survey Of Vendors Of External Petroleum Leak Monitoring Devices For Use With Underground Storage Tanks

600487025 Characterization of Hazardous Waste from Marin County, California, and New Orleans, Louisiana

600487026 Handbook of Methods for Acid Deposition Studies: Laboratory Analysis for Surface Water Chemistry

600487027 Western Lake Survey Phase I - Data Base

600487028 Short-Term Method For Estimating The Chronic Toxicity Of Effluents And Receiving Waters To Marine And Estuarine Organisms

600487030A Direct-delayed Response Project Field Operations And Quality Assurance Report For Soil Sampling And Preparation In The Northeastern United States Volume I Sampling

600487030B Direct-Delayed Response Project Field Operations And Quality Assurance Report For Soil Sampling And Preparation In The Northeastern United States Volume Ii Preparation

600487035 Acid Precipitation In North America 1985 Annual And Seasonal Data Summaries From Acid Deposition System Datbase

600487037 Western Lake Survey Phase I - Quality Assurance Report

600487038 National Performance Audit Program Ambient Air Audits Of Analytical Proficiency 1986

600487041A Direct-delayed Response Project Field Operations And Quality Assurance Report For Soil Sampling And Preparation In The Southern Blue Rigde Province Of The United States - Volume I Sampling

600487041B Direct-delayed Response Project Field Operations And Quality Assurance Report For Soil Sampling And Preparation In The Southern Blue Ridge Province Of The United States - Volume Ii

600488003 Summary Of The 1986 EPA National Performance Audit Program On Source Measurements

600488006 Validation Of SW-846 Methods 8010 8015 And 8020

600488007 Precision And Accuracy Assessments For State And Local Air Monitoring Networks 1986

600488013 Methods for Use of Caged Molluscs for IN-SITU Biomonitoring of Marine Discharges

600488018 National Stream Survey - Phase I Quality Assurance Report

600488021 Offsite Environmental Monitoring Report For Calendar Year 1987

600488023 National Stream Survey Phase I Field Operations Report

600488025 Eastern Lake Survey - Phase II And National Stream Survey - Phase I Processing Laboratory Operations Report

600488029 Heated Purge and Trap Method Development and Testing

600488030 Capillary Column Gc-ms Determination Of 77 Purgeable Organic Compounds In Two Simulated Liquid Wastes

600488032 Eastern Lake Survey Phase I Data Base

600488037 Precision And Accuracy Assessments For State And Local Air Monitoring Networks 1981-1986 Supplement To Epa-600-4-88-007

600488039 Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water

600489001 Short-Term Methods For Estimating The Chronic Toxicity Of Effluents And Receiving Waters To Freshwater Organisms

600489005 Acid Precipitation in North America: 1986 Annual and Seasonal Data Summaries from Acid Deposition System Data Base

600489017 Compendium Of Methods For The Determination Of Toxic Organic Compounds In Ambient Air

600489018 Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air, 2nd Supplement

600489020 Handbook of Methods for Acid Deposition Studies Field Operations for Surface Water Chemistry

600489026 Re-examination Of Interim Estimates Of Annual Sulfur Dry Deposition Across The Eastern United States

600489029 Eastern Lake Survey Phase II Quality Assurance Report

600489031 Direct-Delayed Response Project Quality Assurance Plan For Preparation And Analysis Of Soils From The Midappalachian Region Of The United States

600489034 Suggested Practices For The Design And Installation Of Groundwater Monitoring Wells {handbook}

600489049 Evaluation Of Sample Extract Cleanup Using Solid-Phase Extraction Cartridges

600490001 Direct-Delayed Response Project Quality Assurance Report For The Physical And Chemical Analyses Of Soils From The Mid-Appalacian Region Of The United States

600490003 Quality Assurance Handbook For Air Pollution Measurement Systems Volume 4 Meteorological Measurements, Revised {handbook}

600490004 Asbestos-Containing Materials In School Buildings Bulk Sample Analysis Quality Assurance Program Bulk Sample Rounds 16 17 And 18

600490005 Uncertainty in North American Wet Deposition Isopleth Maps: Effect of Site Selection and Valid Sample Criteria

600490013 Rationale For The Assessment Of Errors In The Sampling Of Soils

600490016 Off-Site Environmental Monitoring Report Radiation Monitoring Around United States Nuclear Test Areas Calendar Year 1989

600490017 Direct-Delayed Response Project Laboratory Operations And Quality Assurance Report For Preparation Of Soils From The Mid-appalacian Region Of The United States

600490018 Acid Precipitation in North America: 1987 Annual and Seasonal Data Summaries form Acid Deposition System Data Base

600490020 Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water, Supplement 1

600490023 Methods For Acid Deposition Studies Laboratory Analyses For Soil Chemistry {Handbook}

600490027 Methods For Measuring The Acute Toxicity Of Effluents And Receiving Waters To Freshwater And Marine Organisms

600490027F Methods Of Measuring The Acute Toxicity Of Effluents And Receiving Waters To Freshwater And Marine Organisms

600490030 Macroinvertebrate Field and Laboratory Methods for Evaluating the Biological Integrity of Surface Waters

600490031 Manual for the Evaluation of Laboratory Performing Aquatic Toxicity Tests

600490033 Near Coastal Program Plan For 1990 Estuaries

600491001 Environmental Monitoring And Assessment Program Guidelines For Preparing Logistics Plans

600491002 Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Water to Freshwater Organisms, 3RD Edition

600491003 Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Water to Marine and Estuarine Organisms, 2nd Edition

600491010 Methods for the Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples

600491012 Monitoring and Research Strategy for Forests: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP)

600491015 Environmental Monitoring And Assessment Program - 1991 Project Descriptors

600491016 Test Methods for Escherichia Coli In Drinking Water: EC Medium with Mug Tube Procedure, Nutrient Agar with Mug Membrane Filter Procedure

600491019 Environmental Monitoring And Assessment Program Surface Waters Implementation Plan - Northeast Pilot Lake Survey Summer 1991

600491025 Indoor Air Pollutants From Household Product Sources

600491029 Guide To Soil And Description For Hazardous Waste Site Characterization Volume 1 Metals

600491030 Offsite Environmental Monitoring Report Radiation Monitoring Around United States Nuclear Test Areas Calendar Year 1990

600504054 Fingerprint Analysis of Contaminant Data: A Forensic Tool for Evaluating Environmental Contamination

600573002 Bibliography Of R&d Research Reports

600573008A State Of Art Review Water Pollution Control Benefits And Costs Volume 1

600573009 Aesthetics In Environmental Planning

600573010 Managing The Environment

600573013 State Of The System SOS Model

600573015 Promoting Environmental Quality Through Urban Planning And Control

600573016 Environmental Management And Local Government

600574008 Guide To Models In Governmental Planning And Operations

600574016 Assessment Methodology For The Environmental Impact Of Water Resource Projects

600574032 Waste Automovitve Lubricating Oil Reuse As A Fuel

600576001 First Year Work Plan For A Technology Assessment Of Western Energy Resource Development

600576003 Case Studies Of Transit Energy And Air Pollution Impacts

600576006 Effects Of Automotive Fuel Conservation Measures On Air Pollution

600576007A Impacts Of Material Substitution In Automobile Manufacture On Resource Re- Covery - Vol I Results And Summary

600576010 Computer Simulation Model For Analyzing Mobile Source Air Pollution Control Strategies

600577002 Hazardous Wastes-a Risk-benefit Framework Applied To Cadmium And Asbestos

600578010 Recreation Benefits Of Water Quality Improvements-analysis Of Day Trips In An Urban Setting

600578013 Scoping Assessment Of The Environmental Health Risk Associated With Accident In The Lwr Supporting Fuel Cycle

600675004 Scientific And Technical Assessment Report On Vinyl Chloride And Polylinyl Chloride

600681003 Assessment Of (245-trichlorophenoxy) Acetic Acid (245-trichlorophenoxy) Propionic Acid (silvex) 2378-tetra- Chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (tcdd)

600682003 Carcinogen Assessment Of Coke Oven Emissions Draft

600682003F Carcinogen Assessment of Coke Oven Emissions

600682004A Water Quality Assessment Screening Procedure For Toxic And Conventional Pollutants Volume 1

600682004B Water Quality Assessment Screening Procedure For Toxic And Conventional Pollutants Volume 2

600684004 Institutional Responses to Contamination of Ground Water Used for Public Water Supplies: Implications for EPA R&D Programs

600685002A Water Quality Assessment: Screening Procedure for Toxic and Conventional Pollutants in Surface and Ground Water, Part 1, Revised 1985

600685002B Water Quality Assessment: Screening Procedure for Toxic and Conventional Pollutants in Surface and Ground Water, Part 2, Revised 1985

600687001 Evaluation of the Carcinogenicity of Unleaded Gasoline

600687002A Total Exposure Assessment Methodology (team) Study Summary and Analysis, Volume 1 Final Report

600687002B Total Exposure Assessment Methodology (team) Study Elizabeth And Bayonne New Jersey Devils Lake North Dakota And Greensboro North Carolina Volume Ii

600687002C Total Exposure Assessment Methodology (team) Study Selected Communities In Northern And Southern California Volume 3 Part 1 Final Report

600687004 Carcinogenicity Assessment of Chlordane and Heptachlor/Heptachlor Epoxide

600687006 Carcinogenicity Assessment of Aldrin and Dieldrin

600688001 Treatment Potential For 56 EPA Listed Hazardous Chemicals In Soil

600688003 Pathogen Risk Assessment Feasibility Study

600688005B Estimating Exposures To Dioxin-like Compounds

600688005CA Estimating Exposure To Dioxin-like Compounds Volume 1 Executive Summary

600688005CB Estimating Exposure To Dioxin-like Compounds Volume 2 Properties Sources Occurrence And Background Exposures

600688005CC Estimating Exposure To Dioxin-like Compounds Volume 3 Site-specific Assessment Procedures

600688006 Development of a Qualitative Pathogen Risk Assessment Methodology for Municipal Sludge Landfilling

600688007AA Cancer Risk: Specific Dose Estimate for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. External Review Draft

600688007AB Cancer Risk: Specific Dose Estimate for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Appendices A-F, External Review Draft

600688009A Total Exposure Assessment Methodology Special Study Indoor Air Study Indoor Air Quality In Public Buildings Volume 1

600688009B Total Exposure Assessment Methodology Special Study Indoor Air Study Indoor Air Quality In Public Buildings Volume 2 Final Report

600688010 Qualitative Pathogen Risk Assessment for Ocean Disposal of Municipal Sludge

600689001 Development of Risk Assessment Methodology for Land Application and Distribution and Marketing of Municipal Sludge

600689020 Handbook: Retrofitting POTWs

600690001 Development Of Risk Assessment Methodology For Surface Disposal Of Municipal Sludge

600690002A Pathogen Risk Assessment For Land Application Of Municipal Sludge Volume 1 Methodology And Computer Model

600690002B Pathogen Risk Assessment Model for Land Application for Municipal Sewage Sludge, Volume 2: User's Manual for LANDAPP, Version 4.2 (Revised, Includes Disk)

600690003 Methodology for Assessing Health Risks Associated with Indirect Exposure to Combustor Emissions, Interim Final

600690004 Laboratory Investigation Of Residual Liquid Organics From Spills Leaks And The Disposal Of Hazardous Wastes In Groundwater

600690005B Evaluation of the Potential Carcinogenicity of Electromagnetic Fields

600690006B Respiratory Health Effects of Passive Smoking: Lung Cancer and Other Disorders (DRAFT)

600690006F Respiratory Health Effects of Passive Smoking: Lung Cancer and Other Disorders

600690008 Development of Risk Assessment Methodology for Municipal Sludge Landfilling

600691001 Preliminary Risk Assessment for Parasites in Municipal Sewage Sludge Applied to Land

600691002A Response to Issues and Data Submissions on the Carcinogenicity of Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene)

600691002F Response to Issues and Data Submissions on the Carcinogenicity of Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene)

600691003 Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluation: Phase I Toxicity Characterization Procedures

600691004 Development of Risk Assessment Methodology for Municipal Sludge Incineration

600691005 Toxicity Identification Evaluation Characterization Of Chronically Toxic Effluents Phase 1

600691005F Toxicity Identification Evaluation: Characterization of Chronically Toxic Effluents, Phase I

600691006 Preliminary Risk Assessment for Bacteria in Municipal Sewage Sludge Applied to Land

60074501 Implementation Plan For The Cost Of A Clean Environment Report

600769001 Third Semi-annual Data Report Evaluation Of High Rate Trickling Filters And Aeration Devices For The Treatment Of Integrated Kraft Paper Mill Effluents

600776019 Development Program On Pressurized Fluidized-bed Combustion

600776034I Environmental Considerations Of Selected Energy Conserving Manufacturing Process Options Volix Textile Industry Report

600777015 Monitoring Environmental Impacts Of The Coal And Oil Shale Industries Research And Development Needs

600777017 Nitrate Interference In Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Determinations And Its Removal By Anion Exchange Resins

600777049 Ambient Hydrocarbon and Ozone Concentration Near Refinery Lawrenceville, 1974

600777053 Bromine Chloride-an Alternative To Chlorine For Fouling Control In Condenser Cooling Systems

600777070 Experimental Simulation Of Single and Multiple Cell Cooling Tower Plumes

600777073A PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND STATIONARY SOURCE COMBUSTION SYMPOSIUM Volume I. Small Industrial, Commercial, and Residential Systems





600777087 Assessment of Large-Scale Photovoltaic Materials Production

600777088 Analytical Quality Control In Radioanalytical Laboratories {handbook}

600777120 Orbes Phase I Interim Findings

600777127 Technical Assessment Of Nox Removal Pro- Cesses For Utility Application

600778001 Energy Consumption Of Advanced Wastewater Treatment At Ely Minnesota

600778028 Trace Element Characterization Of Coal Wastes - 1st Annual Report

600778043 Technical Manual-a Survey Of Equipment And Methods For Particulate Sampling In Industrial Process Streams

600778052B Epa Industrial Boiler Fgd Survey-second Quarter 1978

600778053 Nitrogen Dioxide Photolytic Radiometric and Meteorological Field Data

600778058B Symposium Proceedings Flue Gas Desulfurization Hollywood Fl Nov 1977 Volume 2

600778059 Field Investigation Of Cooling Tower and Cooling Pond Plumes

600778066 Review Of Regional-scale Air Quality Models For Long Distance Dispersion Modeling In The Four Corners Region

600778082 Performance Testing Of Three Offshore Skimming Devices

600778087 Third Symposium On Fabric Filters For Particulate Collection

600778118 Intercomparison Of Samplers Used In The Determination Of Aerosol Composition

600778160 Oil Pollution Reports Volume 5, Number 1, February 1978-may 1978

600778174 Energy And Economic Assessment Of Anaerobic Digesters And Biofuels For Rural Waste Management

600778203 Air Quality Impacts Using Src Versus Conventional Coal In Power Plants

600778218 Oil Pollution Reports Volume 5 No 3 June 1978 September 1978

600778230 Transport Of Oily Pollutants In The Coastal Waters Of Lake Michigan An Application Of Rare Earth Tracers

600779010A Power Plant Stack Plumes In Complex Terrain Description Of An Aerometric Field Study

600779015A Application Of Combustion Modifications To Industrial Combustion Equipment

600779044B Symposium On The Transfer And Utilization Of Particulate Control Technology Vol2fabric Filters And Current Trends In Control Equipment

600779044D Symposium On The Transfer And Utilization Of Particulate Control Technology Volume 4 Fugitive Dusts And Characterization Of Aerosols

600779060A Energy From The West Energy Resource Development Systems Report Volume I Introduction And General Social Controls

600779060C Energy From The West Energy Resource Development Systems Report Volume III Oil Shale

600779060D Energy From The West Energy Resource Development Systems Report Volume Iv Uranium

600779060E Energy From The West Energy Resource Development Systems Report Volume V Oil And Natural Gas

600779074 Western Energy Sulfate-nitrate Monitoring Network Progress Report

600779082A Energy From The West Impact Analysis Report Volume I Introduction And Summary

600779082B Energy From The West Impact Analysis Report Volume Ii Site Specific And Regional Impact Analyses

600779083 Energy From The West Policy Analysis Report

600779119 The SEAS Region Model An Assessment of Current Status and Prospects Interagnecy Energy/Environment R&D Program Report

600779138 Remote Sensing Of Sulfur Dioxide Effects On Vegetation--photometric Analysis Of Aerial Photography

600779157 Regeneration Of Sulfated Limestone From Fbcs And Corrosive Effects Of Sulfation Accelerators In Fbcs Annual Report

600779176A Multimedia Environmental Goals For Environmental Assessment Volume 3 MEG Charts And Background Information Summaries (Categories 1-12)

600779176B Multimedia Environmental Goals For Environmental Assessment Volume 4 MEG Charts And Background Information Summaries Categories 13-26

600779186 Setting Priorities For Control Of Fugitive Particulate Emissions From Open Sources

600779191 Measurement Of Polycyclic Organic Matter For Environmental Assessment

600779199B Survey Of Flue Desulfurization Systems Lawrence Energy Center Kansas Power And Light Co

600779223 Heat Generation Of Spent Bed Materials From Atmospheric Fluidized-bed Combustion Of Coal

600779242 Pollutant Measurements In Plumes From Po Plants and Cities St Louis Area July 1 A Project Mist Report

600779243 Characterization Of Visibility Reducing Aerosols In The Southwest Project Vista Progress Report No 1 Interagency Energy Environment R & D Program Report

600780005 Minisite Preparation For Reforestation Of Strip-mined Lands

600780008 Power Plant Stack Plumes In Complex Terrain Data Analysis Characterization Of Plume Behavior

600780025 Aerosol Source Characterization Study In St Louis Trace Element Analysis

600780028 Ambient Hydrocarbon And Ozone Concentrations Near A Refinery Benicia California 1975

600780041 Multimedia Environmental Goals For Environmental Assessment, Volume 1 Supplement A

600780047 Feasibility Of Recovering Useful Salts From Irrigation Wastewater Concentrates Produced By Power Plant Cooling

600780048 TVA-Hysim Hydrologic Program For Quantifying Land-use Change Effects Interagency Energy

600780057 Development Of Mesoscale Air Quality Simulation Models, Volume 2 User's Guide To Mesoplume (mesoscale Plume Segment) Model

600780058 Development Of Mesoscale Air Quality Simulation Models, Volume 3 User's Guide To Mesopuff (mesoscale Puff) Model

600780059 Development Of Mesoscale Air Quality Simulation Models, Volume 4 User's Guide To Mesogrid (mesoscale Grid) Model

600780060 Development Of Mesoscale Air Quality Simulation Models, Volume 5 User's Guide To The Mesofile Postprocessing Package

600780061 Development Of Mesoscale Air Quality Simulation Models, Volume 6 User's Guide To Mesopac (mesoscale Meteorology Package)

600780062 Review Of Concurrent Mass Emission And Opacity Measurements For Coal-burning Utility And Industrial Boilers

600780067 Behavior Of Coal Ash Particles In Water Trace Metal Leaching And Ash Setting

600780071 Vegetative Rehabilitation Of Arid Land Disturbed In The Development Of Oil Shale And Coal Interagency Energy-environment R & D Program Report

600780083 Sulfur Dioxide Oxidation In Scrubber Systems

600780090 Groundwater Quality Monitoring Designs For Municipal Pollution Sources Preliminary Designs For Coal Strip Mining Communities

600780094 Evaluation Of Two Concepts For Protection Of Fish Larvae At Cooling Water Intakes

600780112B Field Tests of Industrial Stoker Coal-fired Boilers for Emissions Control and Efficiency Improvement - Site H (Data Supplement)

600780117 Methodology To Evaluate The Potential For Groundwater Contamination From Geothermal Fluid Releases

600780125 Summary Of Oil Shale Activities At The National Bureau Of Standards 1975-1979

600780134 Monitoring In The Vadose Zone A Review Of Technical Elements And Methods

600780135 Evaluation Of Emission Factors For Waste-to-energy Systems July 1980

600780142 Nato-ccms Flue Gas Desulfurization Pilot Study Phase Ii Applicability Study

600780146 Introduction To The Coaltown Impact Assessment Model Interagency Energy Environment R&d Program Report

600780150 Observations Of Flow Around Cinder Cone Butte, Idaho

600780151 Assessment Of Energy Resource Development Impact On Water Quality The Yampa And White River Basins

600780158 Fugitive Dust from Western Surface Coal Mines

600780181 Reconnaissance Study of Leachaic Quality from Raw Mines Oil Shale: Laboratory Columns

600780183 Theoretical Investigation Of Inlet Characteristics For Personal Aerosol Samplers

600781006 Demonstration Of A Long-range Tracer System Using Perfluorocarbons Final Report

600781008 Ohio River Basin Energy Study (orbes) Main Report Interagency Energy-environment R&d Program Report

600781009 Environmental Assessment Source Test And Evaluation Report Koppers-Totzek Process

600781012A Epa Utility Fgd Survey October-december 1980 Volume 1 Categorical Summaries Of Fgd Systems

600781012B Epa Utility Fgd Survey Oct-dec 1980 Vol Ii Design And Performance Data For Operational Fgd Systems

600781013 Economic Analysis Of Wet Vs Dry Ash Disposal Systems

600781014 Technical Review Of Dry Fgd Systems And Economic Evaluation Of Spray Fgd Systems

600781020A Field Tests Of Industrial Stoker Coal-fired Boilers For Emissions Control And Efficiency Improvement--sites L1-l7

600781020B Field Tests Of Industrial Stoker Coal-fired Boilers For Emissions Control And Efficiency Improvement - Sites L1-l7 (data Supplement)

600781022 User's Manual For Premining Planning Of Eastern Surface Coal Mining Volume 5 Mine Drainage Managment And Monitoring Interagency Energy-environment R&d Program Report

600781024 Characterization of Two Core Holes from the Naval Oil Shale Reserve Number 1

600781029 Methods For Level 2 Analysis By Organic Compound Category

600781032 Asbestos-asbestiform Research In EPA Office Of Research And Development

600781036 Evaluation Of Existing Marine Intertidal And Shallow Subtidal Biological Data

600781048 Energy Consumption In The Ohio River Basin Energy Study Region 1974 By End User And Fuel Type

600781051 Energy Facility Siting Procedures Criteria And Public Participation In The Ohio River Basin Energy Study Region

600781055 Impacts On Human Health From The Coal And Nuclear Fuel Cycles And Other Tech- Nologies Associated With Electric Power Generation And Transmission

600781072 Leaching Experiments On Coal Preparation Wastes Comparisons Of The EPA Extraction Procedure With Other Methods

600781081 Assessment of Oil Shale Retort Wastewater Treatment and Control Technology: Phases 1 and 2

600781083 Epa Industrial Boiler Fgd Survey - 1979

600781084 Analysis of Oil Shale Wastes: A Review

600781088 Effects Of Experimental Oiling On Recovery Of Strait Of Juan De Fuca Intertidal Habitats

600781089 Circulation And Trajectory Calculation In The Eastern Strait Of Juan De Fuca Using A Codar System

600781090 Evaluation Of Emissions And Control Technology For Industrial Stoker Boilers

600781093 Effects Of Petroleum Hydrocarbons On Chemoreception And Behavior In The Dungeness Crab (cancer Magister)

600781094 Halogenated Organics Study For Allen Kingston And Shawnee Steam Plants

600781095A Thirty-day Field Tests Of Industrial Boilers Site 5 Gas-fired Low-nox Burner

600781095B Thirty-day Field Tests Of Industrial Boilers Site 6 Gas-fired Fire-tube Boiler

600781099 Definitive Sox Control Process Evaluations Aqueous Carbonate And Wellmanlord (acid Allied Chemical And Resox) Fgd Technologies

600781102 Enamap-1 Long-term So2 and Sulfate Pollution Model, Further Application To Eastern North America

600781106A Testing And Analysis Of A Wet-dry Crossflow Cooling Tower Vol I Test Program And Results

600781106B Testing And Analysis Of A Wet-dry Crossflow Cooling Tower Vol Ii Appendices

600781111A Emissions And Efficiency Performance Of Industrial Coal Stoker Fired Boilers

600781113 Remote Sensing Of Sulfur Dioxide Effects On Vegetation Final Report Volume 1 Summary

600781114 Remote Sensing Of Sulfur Dioxide Effects On Vegetation Final Report Volume 2 Data

600781117 Use of a Vegative Filter Zone to Control Fine-Grained Sediments from Surface Mines

600781120 Evaluation Of The Advanced Low-nox Burner Exxon And Hitachi Zosen Denox Processes

600781128 Interactive Effects Of Aromatic Hydro- Carbons Their Derivatives And Heavy Metals In Marine Fish

600781131 Field Studies on Paraho Retorted Oil Shale Lysimeters

600781142 Environmental Assessment Source Test And Evaluation Report - Lurgi (kosovo) Medium Btu Gasification Final Report

600781145 Collection Efficiency Of Field Sampling Cassettes

600781156 Marine Bird Populations Of The Strait Of Juan De Fuca Strait Of Georgia And Adjacent Waters In 1978 And 1979

600781160 Production Of Arthropod Pests And Vectors In Coal Strip Mine Ponds

600781170 Economics Of Ash Disposal At Coal-fired Power Plants

600782001 Pathology Of 2 Species Of Flatfish From Urban Estuaries In Puget Sound

600782005 Microprocessor Controlled Ion Selective Electrode Determination Of Total Chlorine: Interagency Energy/Enviroment R&D Program Report

600782016 Control of Sulfer Emissions from Oil Shale Retorts

600782036 Sampling And Data Handling Methods For Inhalable Particulate Sampling

600782037A Verification And Transfer Of Thermal Pollution Model Vol I Verification Of Three-dimensional Free-surface Model

600782037B Verification And Transfer Of Thermal Pollution Model Vol Ii User's Manual For Three-dimensional Free-surface Model

600782037C Verification And Transfer Of Thermal Pollution Model Vol III Verification Of Three-dimensional Rigid-lid Model

600782037D Verification And Transfer Of Thermal Pollution Model Vol Iv User's Manual For Three-dimensional Rigid-lid Model

600782037E Verification And Transfer Of Thermal Pollution Model Vol V Verification Of One-dimensional Numerical Model

600782037F Verification And Transfer Of Thermal Pollution Model Vol Vi User's Manual For One-dimensional Numerical Model

600782047 Green River Air Quality Model Development - Meteorological Data - August 1980 Field Study In The Piceance Creek Basin Oil Shale Resources Area

600783058 Sulfur Deposition Modeling In Support Of The Uscanadian Memorandum Of Intent On Acid Rain

600783059 Enamap-2 Air Pollution Model For Long-range Transport Of Sulfur And Nitrogen Compounds

600784032 Atmosphere And Temperature Within A Reclaimed Coal-stripmine And A Numerical Simulation Of Acid Mine Drainage From Stripmined Lands

600784033 Water Movement And Quality On Stripmined Lands A Compilation Of Computer Programs

600784034 Rill-Interrill Erosion And Deposition Model Of Stripmine Hydrology

600784035 Preliminary Model To Estimate The Strip Mine Reclamation Potential Of Selected Land Uses

600784040 Chlorine Effects On Aquatic Organisms Evaluation Of Selected Toxicity Models Interagency Energy-environment R&D Program Report

600784041 Erosion Of Strip Mine Lands Interagency Energy-environment R&D Program Report

600784042 Consolidation Of Baseline Information Development Of Methodology And Investigation Of Thermal Impacts On Freshwater Shellfish Insects And Other Biota

600784043 Influence Of Coal Surface Mining On The Aquatic Environment Of The Cumberland Plateau

600784044 Hydrology And Water Quality On Strip Mined Lands Interagency Energy-Environment R&D Program Report

600784071 Characterization of Oil Shale Mine Waters Central Piceance Basin, Colorado

600784097 Acid Deposition Annual Data Summaries 1980 1981 And 1982 National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program

600785004 Survey Of Town Gas And By-product Production And Locations In The US (1850-1950)

600785029 Alkaline and Stretford Scrubbing Tests for H2S Removal from In-Situ Oil Shale Retort Offgas

600786009A Evaluation Of Control Technologies For Hazardous Air Pollutants Volume 1 Technical Report

600786009B Evaluation Of Control Technologies For Hazardous Air Pollutants Volume 2 Appendices

600786019 Assessment of Solid Waste Characteristics and Control Technology for Oil Shale Retorting

600786020 Predicting Minesoil Erosion Potential

600786032 Control of Sulfur Emissions from Oil Shale Retorting Using Spent Shale Absorption

600786035 Leaching and Hydraulic Properties of Retorted Oil Shale Including effects from Codisposal of Wastewater

600786052 VOC Emission Factors For Napap Emission Inventory

600786057A Development Of The 1980 NAPAP Emissions Inventory

600787008 Evaluation of Retorted Oil Shale as a Liner Material for Retorted Shale Disposal Sites

600787015 Criteria Pollutant Emission Factors For The 1985 NAPAP Emissions Inventory

600788003 Air Pollution Control Alternatives for Shale Oil Production Operations

600789012A 1985 NAPAP Emissions Inventory (version 2) Development Of The Annual Data And Modelers' Tape (012b Thru Qqq Are 93 Mag Tapes 012 Rrr 7 Diskettes)

600791012 Field Studies on USBM and Tosco II Retorted Oil Shales

600873 Environmental Protection Agency's Monitoring Programs

600876001A Erosion And Sediment Control Audio- Visual Training Program Instructor's Manual

600876001B Erosion And Sediment Control Audiovisual Training Program Workbook

600877006 Manual Of Treatment Techniques For Meeting The Intrim Primary Drinking Water Regulations

600877013 Catalytic Hydroechlorinated Of Polychlorinated Pesticides And Related Substances {Executive Summary}

600877014 Urban Stormwater Management and Technology Update and User's Guide

600877017 Air Quality Criteria For Lead

600878002 Results Of Research Related To Stratospheric Ozone Protection - Report To Congress

600878004 Air Quality Criteria For Ozone And Other Photochemical Oxidants

600878008 Manual For The Interim Certification Of Laboratories Involved In Analyzing Public Drinking water Supplies: Criteria And Procedures

600878013 Economics Of Municipal Solid Waste Management-the Chicago Case

600878016A RAM Volume I Algorithm Description And Use User's Guide

600878016B RAM Volume Ii Data Preparation And Listing User's Guide

600878017 Microbiological Methods for Monitoring the Environment: Water and Wastes

600879003 Health Assessment Document For Cadmium

600879004 Urban Rainfall-Runoff-quality Data Base Update With Statistical Analysis

600879008C Plan For Air Pollution Research In The Texas Gulf Coast Area Volume 3 Summary Of Previous Air Quality Studies And Data

600879008D Plan For Air Pollution Research In The Texas Gulf Coast Area Volume IV Summary Of Previous Health Effects Studies And Data

600879008E Plan For Air Pollution Research In The Texas Gulf Coast Area Volume V Local Viewpoints On Research Needs

600879011 Assessment Of The Impact Of Resource Recovery On The Environment

600879012 Workshop On National Needs And Priorities For Ocean Research And Development And Monitoring

600879013 First Report On The Subcommittee On National Needs And Problems

600879015A Lagrangian Photochemical Air Quality Simulation Model Adaptation To The St Louis-raps Data Base Vol I Model Formulation

600879015B Lagrangian Photochemical Air Quality Simulation Model Adaptation To The St Louis-raps Data Base Volume Ii User's Manual

600879027 Cold Climate Utilities Delivery Design Manual

600879028 Research Summary Acid Rain

600879029SAV1 Distribution and Abundance Of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation In The Lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia

600879030 Chesapeake Bay Program Project Summaries

600880003 Environmental Outlook 1980

600880004 Research Summary Controlling Nitrogen Oxides

600880014 Long Term Effects Of Air Pollutants In Canine Species

600880016 MPTER Multiple Point Gaussian Dispersion Algorithm With Optional Terrain Adjustment User's Guide

600880017 Rsearch Summary: Controlling Hazardous Wates

600880020 EPA Energy Environmental Control Technology Program

600880023 Carbon Adsorption Isotherms For Toxic Organics

600880025 Manual For The Use Of Electrostatic Precipitators To Collect Fly Ash Particles

600880026 Research Summary: Industrial Wastewater

600880030 Planning Wastewater Management Facilities For Small Communities

600880032 Septage Management

600880035 Urban Stormwater Management and Technology: Case Histories

600880036 Guidelines For Water Reuse

600880037 Field Guide To Evaluate Net Primary Production Of Wetlands

600880038 Manual Of Analytical Methods For The Analysis Of Pesticide Residues In Human And Environmental Samples

600880042A Treatability Manual Volume 1 Treatability Data

600880042B Treatability Manual Volume II Industrial Descriptions

600880042C Treatability Manual Volume III Technologies For Control-removal Of Pollutants

600880042d Treatability Manual: Volume IV. Cost Estimating

600880042E Treatability Manualvolume 5 Summary

600880045 Review of Criteria for Vapor-Phase Hydrocarbons

600880046 Introduction To The Treatability Manual For Industrial Wastewater Videotape Series Workbook

600880048 Methodology for Evaluating the Impact and Abatement of Combined Sewer Overflows: User's Guide

600881002 Oil Spill Protection And Cleanup Priorities {Handbook}

600881003 Effects of Sewage Sludge on the Cadmium and Zinc Content of Crops

600881007 Operation Manual For Automatic Dichotopous Samplers Application To Beckman Dichotomous Samplers

600881008 Computerized Shawnee Lime-limestone Scrubbing Model User's Manual

600881009 Guideline For Fluid Modeling Of Atmospheric Diffusion

600881011 Conducting Life Cycle Chronic Tests With Fathead Minnows (Pimephales Promelas) User's Guide

600881016 Guide To Clean And Efficient Operation Of Coal-Stoker-Fired Boilers

600881023 Health Assessment Document for Cadmium

600882001 Health Assessment Document Carbon Tetrachloride {Draft}

600882001F Health Assessment Document of Carbon Tetrachloride

600882002 Health Assessment Document 112-Trichloro 122 Trifluoroethane (Chlorofluorocarbon CFC-113) Revised Draft

600882002F Health Assessment Document For 112-Trichloro-122-Trifluoroethane (Chlorofluorocarbon CFC-113) Final Report

600882003 Health Assessment Document 111-Trichloroethane (Methyl Chloroform) Revised Draft

600882003F Health Assessment Document for 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (Methyl Chloroform)

600882004 Health Assessment Document For Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) Draft

600882004B Health Assessment Document For Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) Review Draft

600882004F Health Assessment Document for Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride), Final Report, February 1985

600882004FF Addendum To The Health Assessment Document For Dichloromethane Methylene Chloride Updated Carcinogenicity Assessment Of Dichloromethane Methylene Chloride

600882005FA Health Assessment Document for Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene, PERC, PCE) Updates Carcinogenicity Assessment for Tetrachloroethylene, PERC, PCE PERCH. Addendum

600882006B Health Assessment Document Trichloroethylene (2nd Review Draft)

600882006F Health Assessment Document For Trichloroethylene Final Report

600882006FA Health Assessment Document for Tetrachloroethylene: Updated Carcinogenicity Assessment for Trichloroethylene: External Review Draft. Addendum

600882007F Health Assessment Document for Acrylonitrile, Final Report

600882009 Interim Study Report: Management of On-Site and Small Community Wastewater Systems

600882010 Manual Of Practice Chemical Treating Agents In Oil Spill Control

600882011 Field Manual for Oil Spills in Cold Climates

600882013 Swirl And Helical Bend Pollution Control Devices

600882014 Ptplu Single Source Gaussian Dispersion Algorithm User's Guide

600882022 Research on Fish and Wildlife Habitat

600882025 Epa Field Guide For Scientific Support Activities Associated With Superfund Emergency Response

600882026 Air Quality Criteria for Oxides of Nitrogen: Final Report

600882027 Solicitation For Research Grant Proposals

600882029A Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter and Sulfur Oxides: Volume I

600882029B Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter and Sulfur Oxides: Volume II

600882029C Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter and Sulfur Oxides, Volume 3

600882029CF Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter and Sulfur Oxides: Volume III

600883001 Southern Regional Environmental Assessment Environmental Status Report

600883003 Pollution Control Technical Manual for Tosco II Oil Shale Retorting with Underground Mining

600883004 Pollution Control Technical Manual for Modified In-Situ Oil Shale Retorting Combined with Lurgi Surface Retorting

600883005 Pollution Control Technical Manual for Lurgi Oil Shale Retorting with Open Pit Mining

600883006 Pollution Control Technical Manual Lurgi-based Indirect Coal Liquefaction And Sng

600883007 Pollution Control Technical Manual Exxon Donor Solvent Direct Coal Liquefaction

600883008 Pollution Control Technical Manual Koppers-totzek Based Indirect Coal Liquefaction

600883009 Control Technology Appendices For Pollution Control Manuals

600883010 Treatment Of Volatile Organic Compounds In Drinking Water

600883011 Control Of Organic Substances In Water And Wastewater

600883012 Health Assessment Document For Nickel

600883012F Health Assessment Document Nickel

600883012FF Health Assessment Document for Nickel and Nickel Compounds <Handbook>

600883013 Health Assessment Document For Manganese Review Draft

600883013F Health Assessment Document for Manganese, Final Report

600883014A Health Assessment Document Chromium

600883014F Health Assessment Document Chromium, Final

600883016A Acidic Deposition Phenomenon And Its Effects Critical Assessment Review Papers

600883016AF Acidic Deposition Phenomenon And Its Effects Critical Assessment Review Papers, Volume 1 Atmospheric Sciences

600883016B Acidic Deposition Phenomenon And Its Effects Critical Assessment Review Papers

600883016BF Acidic Deposition Phenomenon And Its Effects Critical Assessment Review Papers, Volume 2 Effect Sciences

600883019 Treatment Of Volatile Organic Compounds In Drinking Water

600883020 Guidelines and Format for EMSL-Cincinnati Methods

600883021A Health Assessment Document Inorganic Arsenic Review Draft

600883021F Health Assessment Document for Inorganic Arsenic, Final Report

600883023 Commuter Exposure Model, User's Guide

600883025B Health Assessment Document for Cadmium, 2nd Review Draft

600883025F Updated Mutagenicity and Carcinogenicity Assessment of Cadmium Addendum to the Health Assessment Document for Cadmium (May1981)

600883026F Biological Effects Of RadioFrequency Radiation

600883027 Environmental Monitoring Reference Manual For Synthetic Fuels Facilities

600883028AF Air Quality Criteria For Lead Volume 1 Of 4

600883028BF Air Quality Criteria For Lead Volume 2 Of 4

600883028CF Air Quality Criteria For Lead Volume 3 Of 4

600883028DF Air Quality Criteria For Lead Volume 4 Of 4

600883030 Rapid Assessment Of Potential Groundwater Contamination Under Emergency Response Conditions

600883031A Health Assessment Document For Vinylidene Chloride Draft Review

600883031F Health Assessment Document for Vinylidene Chloride

600883032F Health Assessment Document Epichlorohydrin

600883033A Evaluation Of Health Effects Associated With Carbon Monoxide Expo Sure Addendum To The 1979 EPA Air Quality Criteria Document For Carbon Monoxide, Revised

600883033F Revised Evaluation of Health Effects Associated With Carbon Monoxide Exposure: An Addendum to the 1979 EPA Air Quality Criteria Document for Carbon Monoxide

600884001A Health Assessment Document For Hexachlorocyclopentadiene

600884001F Health Assessment Document for Hexachlorocyclopentadiene: Final Report

600884002 Sampling And Analysis Methods For Hazardous Waste Combustion

600884003F Airborne Asbestos Health Assessment Update

600884004A Health Assessment Document For Chloroform

600884006A Health Assessment Document For Ethylene Dichloride

600884008 Pollution Episodic Model, User's Guide

600884009A Health Assessment Document For Ethylene Oxide

600884009F Health Assessment Document For Ethylene Oxide Final Document

600884010 The Cost Digest: Cost Summaries of Selected Environmental Control Technologies

600884013 Mesopuff Ii Model and Related Processor Programs, User's Guide

600884014A Health Assessment Document For Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins

600884014F Health Assessment Document for Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins

600884015A Health Assessment Document For Chlorinated Benzenes

600884015F Health Assessment Document for Chlorinated Benzenes, Final Report

600884019F Mercury Health Effects Update Health Issue Assessment

600884020A1 Air Quality Criteria For Ozone And Other Photochemical Oxidants Volume 1 Of 5

600884020A2 Air Quality Criteria For Ozone And Other Photochemical Oxidants Volume 2 Of 5

600884020A3 Air Quality Criteria For Ozone And Other Photochemical Oxidants Volume 3 Of 5

600884020A4 Air Quality Criteria For Ozone And Other Photochemical Oxidants Volume 4 Of 5

600884020A5 Air Quality Criteria For Ozone And Other Photochemical Oxidants Volume 5 0f 5

600884020AF Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants: Volume I of V

600884020BF Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants: Volume II of V

600884020CF Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants: Volume III of V

600884020DF Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants: Volume IV of V

600884020EF Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants: Volume V of V

600884021 Aquire Aquatic Information Retrieval Toxicity Data Base Project Description Guidelines And Procedures

600884022A Photochemical Box Model (pbm) User's Guide

600884023 Acid Deposition System (ads) For Statistical Reporting System Design And User's Code Manual

600884025 Usepa Research Grants And Centers Summary Of Awards Fy80 Thru Fy83

600884026A Health Assessment Document Beryllium {draft}

600884026B Health Assessment Document For Beryllium

600884026F Health Assessment Document for Beryllium

600884027 Inpuff Single Source Gaussian Puff Dispersion Algorithm User's Guide

600884028 Computer Program Response Factor User's Guide

600884029 Cetis Complex Effluents Toxicity Information System Data Encoding Guidelines And Procedures

600884030 Cetis Effluents Toxicity Information System-cetis Retrieval System Users Manual

600884032 User's Guide: Fugitive Dust Control Demonstration Studies

600885001 Acidic Deposition Phenomenon And Its Effects Critical Assessment Document

600885002 Rapid Assessment of Exposure to Particulate Emissions from Surface Contamination Sites

600885004A Mutagenicity And Carcinogenicity Assessment Of 1 3-butadiene

600885004F Mutagenicity and Carcinogenicity Assessment of 1,3-Butadiene

600885007A Sai Airshed Model Operations Manuals, Volume 1 User's Manual

600885007B Sai Airshed Model Operations Manual Volume II Systems Manual

600885008 EPA Guide For Minimizing Adverse Environmental Effects Of Cleanup Of Uncontrolled Hazardous-waste Sites And Spills

600885011F Summary Overview of Health Effects Associated With Chloroprene: Health Issue Assessment

600885015 Validity of Effluent and Ambient Toxicity Testing for Predicting Biological Impact on Five Mile Creek, Birmingham, Alabama

600885016 Advanced Statistical Trajectory Regional Air Pollution (astrap) Model {user's Guide}

600885021 Solicitation For Research Grant Proposals

600885026 Wastewater Treatment Plant Instrumentation {handbook}

600886001 Validity Of Effluent And Ambient Toxicity Tests For Predicting Biological Impact Back River Baltimore Harbor Maryland

600886002 Validity Of Effluent And Ambient Toxicity Tests For Predicting Biological Impact Skeleton Creek Enid Oklahoma

600886003F Summary Review of the Health Effects Associated with Phenol: Health Issue Assessment

600886004 Epa Groundwater Research Programs

600886005 Validity of Effluent and Ambient Toxicity Testing for Predicting Biological Impact, Naugatuck River, Waterbury, Connecticut

600886007F Summary Review of the Health Effects Associated With Propylene Oxide: Health Issue Assessment

600886013 Relmap Regional Lagrangian Model Of Air Pollution User's Guide

600886014A Health Assessment Document for Acrolein, Review Draft

600886015A Health Assessment Document for Acetaldehyde, Review Draft

600886017 Treatment Technology Briefs Alternatives To Hazardous Waste Landfills

600886018A Health Assessment Document For Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans

600886019 Using Foams {handbook}

600886020A Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter and Sulfur Oxides (1982): Assessment of Newly Available Health Effects Information (List of Authors/Contributors), 2nd Addendum

600886020F Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter and Sulfur Oxides (1982): Assessment of Newly Available Health Effects Information, 2nd Addendum

600886022A Health Assessment Document for Phosgene

600886024 Inpuff 2 0--a Multiple Source Gaussian Puff Dispersion Algorithm, User's Guide

600886026A Health Assessment Document for Hydrogen Sulfide (DRAFT)

600886026F Health Assessment Document for Hydrogen Sulfide

600886028 Solicitation For Research Grant Proposal

600886032A Integrated Risk Information System Supportive Documentation, Volume I

600886032B Integrated Risk Information System Chemical Files, Volume II

600886040 Pem-2 Pollution Episodic Model,version 2, User's Guide

600887001 Summary Review of the Health Effects Associated with Copper: Health Issue Assessment

600887003 The Use Of Models In Managing Ground- Water Protection Programs

600887004 Methods For Spawning Culturing And Conducting Toxicity Tests With Early Life Stages Of Four Atherinid Fishes

600887007 Ord Information Tools

600887009 Gaussianplume Algorithm For Point, Area, and Line Sources User's Guide For Pal 2 0

600887010 Roadway--a Numerical Model For Predicting Air Pollutants Near Highways User's Guide

600887011 Procedures For Conducting Daphnia Magna Toxicity Bioassays User's Guide

600887014 Epa Indoor Air Quality Implementation Plan Appendix A Preliminary Indoor Air Pollution Information Assessment

600887016 Epa Indoor Air Quality Implementation Plan Appendix E Indoor Air Reference Data Base

600887017 Acute Toxicity Chemicals To Estuarine Organisms {handbook}

600887018 Western Lake Survey Phase I Field Operations Report

600887020 Analytical Methods Manual For The Direct-delayed Response Project Soil Survey

600887021 Direct-delayed Response Project Quality Assurance Plan For Soil Sampling Preparation And Analysis

600887022F Summary Review of the Health Effects Associated With Zinc and Zinc Oxide: Health Issue Assessment

600887025 Performance Audit Procedures for Opacity Monitors: Technical Assistance Document

600887026 Western Lake Survey Phase I - Quality Assurance Plan

600887028 Prevention Reference Manual User's Guide Overview For Controlling Accidental Releases Of Air Toxics

600887029A Technical Analysis of New Methods and Data Regarding Dichloromethane Hazard Assessments External Review Draft

600887030A Update to the Health Assessment Document and Addendum for Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride): Pharmacokinetics, Mechanism of Action, and Epidemiology

600887031 EPA Indoor Air Quality Implementation Plan A Report To Congress Under Title IV Of The Superfund Amendments And Reauthorization Act Of 1986 Radon Gas And Indoor

600887032 EPA Indoor Air Quality Implementation Plan Appendix B FY 87 Indoor Air Research Program

600887033 EPA Indoor Air Quality Implementation Plan Appendix C EPA Radon Program Appendix D Indoor Air Resource History

600887034I Prevention Reference Manual Chemical Specific Volume 9 Control Of Accidental Releases Of Chlorine

600887034K Prevention Reference Manual Chemical Specific Volume 11 Control Of Accidental Releases Of Ammonia

600887038 Western Lake Survey Phase I - Analytical Methods Manual

600887039A Prevention Reference Manual Control Technologies Volume I Prevention And Protection Technologies For Controlling Accidental Releases Of Air Toxics

600887042 Selection Criteria for Mathematical Models Used in Exposure Assessments: Surface Water Models

600887043 Methods For Toxicity Tests Of Single Substances And Liquid Complex Wastes With Marine Unicellular Algae

600887044 Role Of Acute Toxicity Bioassays In The Remedial Action Process At Hazardous Waste Sites

600887045 Risk Assessment Guidelines of 1986

600887046 Ram, 2nd Edition User's Guide

600887048F Noncarcinogenic Effects of Chromium: Update to Health Assessment Document

600887050 Superfund Research Development And Demonstration Strategy And Program Plan

600887051 Research And Development Solicitation For Research Grant Proposals October 1987

600887055F Summary Review of Health Effects Associated with Naphthalene: Health Issue Assessment

600887058 Complex Terrain Dispersion Model, Volume 1 Model Description and User Instructions, User's Guide

600888001 Interactive Simulation Of The Fate Of Hazardous Chemicals During Land Treatment Of Oily Wastes Ritz User's Guide

600888003 Complex Terrain Dispersion Model (ctdm) Preprocessor System - User Guide and Program Description

600888004 Ctdm Meteorological Preprocessor (metpro) Program, User's Guide

600888005A Acid Aerosols Issue Paper

600888005F Acid Aerosols Issue Paper: Health Effects and Aerometrics

600888010 Health Effects Assessment For Acenaphthene

600888011 Health Effects Assessment For Acenaphthylene

600888012 Health Effects Assessment For Acetonitrile

600888013 Health Effects Assessment For Acrolein

600888014 Health Effects Assessment For Acrylonitrile

600888015 Health Effects Assessment For Aldrin

600888016 Health Effects Assessment For Aluminum

600888017 Health Effects Assessment For Ammonia

600888018 Health Effects Assessment For Antimony and Compounds

600888019 Health Effects Assessment For Benzidine

600888020 Health Effects Assessment For Beryllium and Compounds

600888021 Health Effects Assessment For Boron and Compounds

600888022 Health Effects Assessment For Bromomethane

600888023 Health Effects Assessment For Bis (2-chloroethyl) Ether

600888024 Health Effects Assessment For Chloromethane

600888025 Health Effects Assessment For Creosote

600888026 Health Effects Assessment For Dibenzo- Furan

600888028 Health Effects Assessment For Dichlorobenzene

600888029 Health Effects Assessment For 1,2- Dichloropropane

600888030 Health Effects Assessment For Dieldrin

600888031 Health Effects Assessment For Dimethylphenols

600888032 Health Effects Assessment For 2,4- and 2,6-dinitrotoluene

600888033 Health Effects Assessment For 1,2- Diphenylhydrazine

600888034 Health Effects Assessment For Alpha- and Beta-endosulfan

600888035 Health Effects Assessment For Endrin

600888036 Health Effects Assessment For Ethyl Chloride

600888037 Health Effects Assessment For Ethylene Dibromide

600888038 Health Effects Assessment For Ethylene Glycol

600888039 Health Effects Assessment For Ethyl Ether

600888040 Health Effects Assessment For Fluorenes

600888041 Health Effects Assessment For Fully Halogenated Methanes

600888042 Health Effects Assessment For Heptachlor

600888043 Health Effects Assessment For Hexachloroethane

600888044 Health Effects Assessment For Isophorone

600888045 Health Effects Assessment For Methyl Isobutyl Ketone

600888046 Health Effects Assessment For Mirex

600888047 Health Effects Assessment For Parathion

600888048 Health Effects Assessment For N-pentane

600888049 Health Effects Assessment for Nitrobenzene

600888050 Health Effects Assessment for Nitrophenols

600888051 Health Effects Assessment For N-nitro- Sodiphenylamine

600888052 Health Effects Assessment For 2-chlorophenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol

600888053 Health Effects Assessment For Selected Phthalic Acid Esters

600888054 Health Effects Assessment For Styrene

600888055 Health Effects Assessment For Tin and Compounds

600888056 Health Effects Assessment For Toxaphene

600888057 Health Effects Assessment For 1,2,4- Trichlorobenzene

600888058 Health Effects Assessment For 245- Trichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid (245-t)

600888059 Health Effects Assessment For Trihalo- Genated Methanes

600888060 Health Effects Assessment For Trimeth- Ylbenzenes

600888061 Health Effects Assessment For Vanadium and Compounds

600888066F Interim Methods for Development of Inhalation Reference Doses

600888070 Summary Review of the Health Effects Associated with Propylene: Health Issue Assessment

600888075 Selection Criteria for Mathematical Models Used in Exposure Assessments: Ground-Water Models

600888080 Summary Review of Health Effects Associated with Monochloroethane: Health Issue Assessment

600888080F Summary Review Of Health Effects Associated With Monchloroethane Health Issue Assessment

600888081 Summary Review of Health Effects Associated with Sodium Hydroxide: Health Issue Assessment

600888083 National Surface Water Survey Eastern Lake Survey (phase Ii -temporal Variability) Quality Assurance Plan

600888086 Solicitation For Research Grant Proposals--1989

600888087 Radon-resistant Residential New Construction

600888100 Direct-delayed Response Project Quality Assurance Report For Physical and Chemical Analyses Of Soils From The Southern Blue Ridge Province Of The United States

600888105 Summary of Selected New Information on Effects of Ozone on Health and Vegetation: Supplement to 1986 Air Quality Criteria For Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants

600888105A Summary of Selected New Information on Effects of Ozone on Health and Vegetation: Draft Supplement to Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants

600889002F Summary Review of Health Effects Associated with Hydrogen and Related Compounds: Health Issue Assessment

600889041 User's Guide to the Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for Unstable Situations (CTDMPLUS) Volume 1: Model Description and User's Instructions

600889043 Exposure Factors Handbook

600889045A Evaluation of the Potential Carcinogenicity of Lead and Lead Compounds: In Support of Reportable Quantity Adjustments Pursuant to Cercla Section 102

600889046 Soil Sampling Qa, User's Guide, Revised

600889049A EPA Air Quality Criteria Document For Lead Volume 1 Addendum (pages A1-a67) Supplement To 1986 Edition

600889049F Air Quality Criteria for Lead: Supplement to the 1986 Addendum

600889051 Health and Environmental Effects Document for 1-3-Butadiene

600889052F Summary Review of Health Effects Associated With Ammonia: Health Issue Assessment

600889054 Storm and Combined Sewer Overflow: An Overview of EPA's Research Program

600889057 Municipal Waste Combustion Assessment Combustion Control At New Facilities

600889058 Municipal Waste Combustion Assessment Combustion Control At Existing Facilities

600889063 Municipal Waste Combustion Assessment Technical Basis For Good Combustion Practice

600889067F Indoor Air Reference Bibliography

600889072 Summary Review of Health Effects Associated with Elemental and Inorganic Phosphorus Compounds: Health Issue Assessment

600889073 Alaskan Oil Spill Bioremediation Project

600889075 Documentation Of The EMS-LV Contribution To The Palmerton Pa Zinc Study

600889076 Chemflo One-dimensional Water and Chemical Movement In Unsaturated Soils

600889084 Framework For Real-time Decision-making New Bedford Harbor Pilot Dredging Study

600889085 Updated Health Effects Assessment For Acetone

600889086 Updated Health Effects Assessment For Benzene

600889088 Updated Health Effects Assessment For Carbon Tetrachloride

600889089 Updated Health Effects Assessment For Chlordane

600889090 Updated Health Effects Assessment For Chloroform

600889091 Updated Health Effects Assessment For Ddt

600889093 Updated Health Effects Assessment For Methyl Ethyl Ketone

600889094 Updated Health Effects Assessment For Naphthalene

600889095 Updated Health Effects Assessment For Phenol

600889096 Updated Health Effects Assessment For Tetrachloroethylene

600889097 Updated Health Effects Assessment For Trichloroethylene

600889098 Updated Health Effects Assessment For Xylenes

600889099 Updated Health Effects Assessment For Chlorobenzene

600890002F Summary Review of Health Effects Associated with Hydrogen Cyanide: Health Issue Assessment

600890003 Basics of Pump and Treat Ground Water Remediation Technology

600890004 Geostatistics For Waste Management A User's Manual For The Geopack (version 10) Geostatistical Software System

600890005 Technical Assistance Document For Sampling And Analysis Of Toxic Organic Compounds In Ambient Air

600890021 Health and Environmental Effects Document for Cacodylic Acid

600890025 Health and Environmental Effects Document for Bromoform

600890031 Health and Environmental Effects Document for 1-Butanol

600890033 Health and Environmental Effects Document for Benzyl Alcohol

600890037 Superfund Research Plan 1989-1990

600890038F Summary Review of Health Effects Associated with Dimethylamine: Health Issue Assessment

600890039 Oasis Parameter Estimation System For Aquifer Restoration Models User's Manual Version 20

600890041 Indoor Air Assessment: Methods of Analysis for Environmental Carcinogens

600890042 Indoor Air Assessment: Indoor Concentrations of Environmental Carcinogens

600890044 Indoor Air Assessment: A Review of Indoor Air Quality Risk Characterization Studies

600890045A Air Quality Criteria For Carbon Monoxide {draft}

600890045F Air Quality Criteria for Carbon Monoxide (Dec '91)

600890046 Measurement Of Hydraulic Conductivity Distributions Manual Of Practice

600890051 DFLOW User's Manual

600890054 Agricultural Drainage Wells Impact On Groundwater

600890057BA Health Assessment Document Diesel Emissions Volume 1 Of 2 {draft}

600890057BB Health Assessment Document Diesel Emissions Volume 2 Of 2 {draft}

600890057F Health Assessment Document for Diesel Engine Exhaust

600890064 Technical Support Document on Risk Assessment of Chemical Mixtures

600890066A Interim Methods for Development of Inhalation Reference Concentrations

600890066F Methods for Derivation Inhalation Reference Concentrations and Application of Inhalation Dosimetry

600890080F Indoor Air-Assessment: An Inventory of Indoor Air Quality Research in the United States: 1989-1990

600890083A Regional Oxidant Model (ROM) User's Guide Part 1 Rom Preprocessors

600890083B Regional Oxidant Model (ROM) User's Guide Part 2 Rom Processor Network

600890083C Regional Oxidant Model (ROM) User's Guide Part 3 Core Model

600890083D Regional Oxidant Model (ROM) User's Guide Part 4 Rom System User Tutorial (processor Network And Core Model)

600890087 CTDMPLUS Volume 2 The Screening Mode (CTSCREEN) User's Guide

600891003 Preparation Aids for the Development of Category II Quality Assurance Project Plans

600891004 Preparation Aids for the Development of Category II Quality Assurance Project Plans

600891005 Preparation Aids for the Development of Category III Quality Assurance Project Plans

600891006 Preparation Aids for the Development of Category IV Quality Assurance Project Plans

600891007 Feasibility of Environmental Monitoring and Exposure Assessment for a Municipal Waste Combustor: Rutland, Vermont Pilot Study

600891008 Geo-EAS 121 Users Guide

600891011B Dermal Exposure Assessment: Principles and Applications

600891016 Health and Environmental Effects Document for Bromochloromethane

600891031 Methodology for Assessing Environmental Releases of and Exposure to Municipal Solid Waste Combustor Residuals

600891037 Health Assessment Document for Vermiculite

600891038 Selection Criteria for Mathematical Models Used in Exposure Assessments: Atmospheric Dispersion Models

600891049A Synthesis of Environmental Evidence; Nitrogen Dioxide Epidemiology Studies

600891049AA Air Quality Criteria for Oxides of Nitrogen, Volume 1 of 3 (Draft)

600891049AF Air Quality Criteria for Oxides of Nitrogen: Volume 1 OF 3

600891049BA Air Quality Criteria for Oxides of Nitrogen, Volume 2 of 3 (Draft)

600891049BF Air Quality Criteria for Oxides of Nitrogen: Volume 2 of 3

600891049CA Air Quality Criteria for Oxides of Nitrogen: Volume 3 of 3 (Draft)

600891049CF Air Quality Criteria for Oxides of Nitrogen: Volume 3 of 3

600891052 Industrial Pollution Prevention Opportunities for the 1990s

600891053 Upper-Bound Quantitative Cancer Risk Estimate for Populations Adjacent to Sulfur Mustard Incineration Facilities

600891202 Indoor Air Assessment: Indoor Biological Pollutants

600891217 Health Assessment Document for Talc

600975003 Scientific Seminar On Automotive Pollutants

600975004A Second Joint US-USSR Symposium On The Comprehensive Analysis Of The Environment

600975008 Report On The Problem Of Halogenated Air Pollutants And Stratospheric Ozone

600976005 Quality Assurance Handbook For Air Pollution Measurement Systems - Volume 1 Principles

600976007A Symposium Proceedings Denver Air Pollution Study Volume 1 1973

600976011 Proceedings 1st Workshop On Sampling Geothermal Effluents

600976021 Polsko Symposium On Wastewater Treatment And Sludge Disposal Vol 2 February 10-12 1976

600977001 Symposium Proceedings Denver Air Pollution Study Volume 3 1973

600977007 Cleaning Up Mixed Waste Streams The Tank Truck Washing Example April 1977

600977012 Summary Of Accidents Related To Nonnuclear Energy

600977013 Advanced Fossil Fuels And The Environment

600977017 Coal Cleaning With Scrubbing For Sulfur Control An Engineering

600977022 Degradation Of Selected Pesticides In Soil

600977024 Symposium on the Recovery of Indicator Organisms Employing Membrane Filters

600977032 Energy From The West A Progress Report

600977033 Oil Shale And The Environment

600977034 Preparation Of Fuels And Feedstocks From Municipal Solid Waste

600977036 Algae And Water Pollution

600977041 Energy Environment Fact Book

600977044 Research Highlights 1977

600977145 Evaluation Of Personal Sampling Pumps In Sub-zero Temperatures

600978004 EPA DOE Symposium On High Temperature High Pressure Particulate Control September 20-21 1977 Washington DC

600978007 First American-soviet Symposium On The Biological Effects Of Pollution On Marine Organisms

600978009 Carbon Disulfide Carbonyl Sulfide

600978012 Analytical Reference Standards And Supplemental Data For Pesticides And Other Organic Compounds

600978015 Altitude As Factor In Air Pollution

600978023 Federal Non-nuclear Energy R & D Program

600978026 Viral Pesticides Present Knowledge and Potential Effects On Public and Environmental Health

600978027 Application Of Short-term Bioassays In The Fractionation And Analysis Of Complex Environmental Mixtures

600978028 Emission Of Sulfur-bearing Compounds From Motor Vehicle And Air Craft Engines A Report To Congress

600978033 Survey Of Intergovernmental Organizations The Strategies That They Use To Abate Pollution

600978041 Section II Hearings

600979001 Waterborne Transmission Of Giardiasis Proceedings Of A Symposium Held At Cincinnati Ohio On Sept 18-20, 1978

600979005 Research Outlook 1979

600979008 Health Assessment Document for Polycyclic Organic Matter

600979015 Bibliography Of The Interagency Energy Environment R & D Program (Decision Series)

600979018 Progress in Wastewater Disinfection Technology: Proceedings of the National Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 18-20, 1978

600979019 Sulfer Emission: Control Technology & Waste Management

600979023A Municipal Solid Waste Land Disposal Proceedings Of The 5th Annual Research Symposium Held At Orlando Fl March 26-28 1979

600979027 Energy From The West Summary Report

600979027 Energy from the West

600979029 Proceedings Of The Fourth National Groundwater Quality Symposium

600979034 Biodegradation And Treatability Of Specific Pollutants

600979035 Symposium Proceedings Advances In Marine Environmental Research

600979036 Acid Rain

600979037 Research Reports Of The Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory-las Vegas January-december 1978

600979038 ORD Program Guide Fy 1980 October 1, 1979 - September 30, 1980

600979041 Workshop On Atmospheric Dispersion Models In Complex Terrain

600979042 Proceedings Data Validation Conference

600979043 Sulfer Oxides Control in Japan

600979045 Npdes Best Management Practices Guidance Document

600980003 Proceedings Of The Conference On Methyl Chloroform And Other Halocarbon Pollutants

600980004 Proceedings Advances In Particle Sampling And Measurement (daytona Beach Fl Oct1979)

600980009 Energy Alternatives and the Environment: 1979 The Public Reviews the Federal Nonnuclear Engergy RD&D Program Transcript from National Hearing conducted on October 3,4 and 5, 1979

600980010 Research Symposium Disposal Of Hazardous Waste Proceedings Of The 6th Annual

600980014 Report Of Progress Merl 79 June 1980

600980019 Interlaboratory Evaluation of Microcosm Research Proceedings of the Workshop Athens, Georgia, September 18-19, 1979

600980025 1979 Research Review Industrial Environm Research Laboratory Rtp Nc

600980026 Proceedings Of The Seminar On Biological Monitoring And Its Use In The Npdes Permit Program Held At The Conrad Hilton Hotel Chicago Il Oct 2 1979

600980027 Publications Bibliography 1971-1979 Environmental Research Center Rtp

600980028 Symposium Proceedings Wastewater Aerosols And Disease December 1980

600980030 Symposium On Energy And Human Health Human Costs Of Electric Power Generation

600980036 Modeling Local Impacts Of Energy Development Proceeding Of The GPC-8 Workshop Denver Co March 18-19 1980

600980038 Acid Rain Research Inventory Fy 79-80

600980046A First National Symposium/Workshop on Rotating Biological Contactor Technology, Volume I

600980046B First National Symposium/Workshop on Rotating Biological Contactor Technology, Volume II

600980048 Proceedings of a Workshop on Exposure Assessment January 2-3, 1979 Belmont House, Maryland

600980050 Critique Of Methods To Measure Dry Deposition Workshop Summary

600980056 Proceedings: Urban Stormwater and Combined Sewer Overflow Impact on Receiving Water Bodies, National Conference, Orlando, Florida, November 26-28, 1980

600980057A International Symposium Health Effects Of Diesel Engine Emissions Volume 1

600980057B International Symposium Health Effects Of Diesel Emissions Volume 2

600981002B Land Disposal Hazardous Waste Proceedings Of The 7th Annual Research Symposium

600981014 Computer Program Documentation for the Stream Quality Model Qual-II: An Intermediate Technical Report

600981015 Center For Water Quality Modeling User's Manual For Stream Quality Model

600981018 Proceedings Second Symposium On Process Measurements For Environmental Assessment

600981020 On-site Meteorological Instrumentation Requirements To Characterize Diffusion From Point Sources

600981023 Studies Of Dust Cake Formation And Structure In Fabric Filtration

600981024 Proceedings Workshop On Transportation And Fate Of Toxic Chemicals In The Environment Norfolk Virginia December 17-20 1978

600982001 Assessment of Risks to Human Reproduction and to Development of the Human Conceptus from Exposure to Environmental Substances (ORNL-EIS-197)

600982002 Land Disposal Of Hazardous Waste Proceedings Of The 8th Annual Research Symposium

600982003 Estimating Microorganism Densities In Aerosols From Spray Irrigation Of Wastewater

600982006 Research Outlook 1982

600982009A Federal Energy Conservation Programs Perspectives From The Public And Private Sectors Volume 1 National Hearing Transcript Summary

600982009B Federal Energy Conservation Programs Perspectives From The Public And Private Sectors Volume 2 National Hearing Transcript

600982016 Chesapeake Bay Introduction To An Ecosystem

600982022 Fourth Conference On Advanced Pollution Control For The Metal Finishing Industry

600982023A Proceedings: International Conference on Fixed-Film Biological Processes, 1st, Kings Island, Ohio, April 20-23, 1982, Volume I

600982023B Proceedings: International Conference on Fixed-Film Biological Processes, 1st, Kings Island, Ohio, April 20-23, 1982, Volume II

600982023C Proceedings: International Conference on Fixed-Film Biological Processes, 1st, Kings Island, Ohio, April 20-23, 1982, Volume 3

600983002 Research Outlook - 1983

600983003 Incineration and Treatment of Hazardous Waste: Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Research Symposium

600983006 Handbook for Preparing Office of Research and Development Reports: Revised October 1989

600983007 Proceedings: National Symposium on Recent Advances in Pollutant Monitoring of Ambient Air and Stationary Sources

600983010 Research Priorities For Monitoring Viruses In The Environment

600983014 Proceedings The Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach (ekma) Validation Workshop

600983018 Land Disposal Of Hazardous Waste Proceedings Of The 9th Annual Research Symposium

600984001 Proceedings National Symposium On Recent Advances In Pollutant Monitoring Of Ambient Air And Stationary Sources

600984006 Proceedings The EPA-OECD International Conference On Long-range Transport Models For Photochemical Oxidants And Their Precursors

600984007 Land Disposal of Hazardous Waste: Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Research Symposium

600984008 Approaches To Risk Assessment For Multiple Chemical Exposures

600984014A Selected Approaches To Risk Assessment For Multiple Chemical Exposures Progress Report On Guideline Development At Ecao-cincinnati

600984016 Workshop Proceedings Approaches For Improving The Assessment Of Human Genetic Risk Human Biomonitoring

600984019 Proceedings National Symposium On Recent Advances In Pollutant Monitoring Of Ambient Air And Stationary Sources

600984021 Proceedings 8th US-Japan Conference On Sewage Treatment Technology Cincinnati Ohio October 12-13 1981 Washington Dc October 19-20 1981

600984022 Proceedings: Incineration and Treatment of Hazardous Waste, Tenth Annual Research Symposium, April 3 - 5, 1984

600984025C Fourth Symposium On The Transfer And Utilization Of Particulate Control Technology Volume 3 Economics Mechani- Cal Collectors Coal Characteristics Inhalable Particulates Advanced

600984026 Prediction Of Pesticide Behavior In The Environment Proceedings Of A Usa-ussr Symposium October 1981 Yerevan Ussr

600985002 Risk Assessment And Management Framework For Decision Making

600985007 Proceedings Seminar On Plumbing Materials And Drinking Water Quality Cincinnati Ohio May 16-17 1984

600985008 Conceptual Design for a Gulf Coast Oxidant Transport and Transformation Experiment

600985013 Proceedings Land Disposal Of Hazardous Waste Of The 11th Annual Research Symposium At Cincinnati Ohio April 29-may 1 1985

600985014 Proceedings 9th Us-japan Conference On Sewage Treatment Technology September 19-21 1983 Tokyo Japan

600985018 Proceedings Of The Workshop Biodegradation Kinetics Navarre Beach Florida 18-20 October 1983

600985021 Comprehensive Indoor Air Quality Research Strategy January 1 1985 Interagency Committee On Indoor Air Quality

600985025 Proceedings: International Conference on New Frontiers for Hazardous Waste Management

600985028 Incineration and Treatment of Hazardous Waste: Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Research Symposium

600985029 Proceedings: National Symposium on Recent Advances in Pollutant Monitoring of Ambient Air and Stationary Sources, 5th Annual

600985030 Proceedings National Workshop On Pesticide Waste Disposal Denver Colorado January 28-29 1985

600985031 Dispersion In Complex Terrain A Report Of A Workshop Held At Keystone, Colorado, May 17-20, 1983

600985035F A Bibliography for Lead

600986001 Proceedings: Research Workshop on the Treatment/Disposal of Pesticide Wastewater

600986015A Proceedings: 10th US Japan Conference On Sewage Treatment And North Atlantic Treaty Organization/Committee On The Challenges Of Modern Society Conference On Sewage Treatment Technology Volume 1 Part A

600986015B 10th US Japan Conference On Sewage Treatment And North Atlantic Treaty Organization/Committee On The Challenges Of Modern Society Conference On Sewage Treatment Technology Volume 1 Part B

600986015C 10th US Japan Conference On Sewage Treatment And North Atlantic Treaty Organization/Committee On The Challenges Of Modern Society Conference On Sewage Treatment Technology Volume 2

600986016 Workshop On Global Atmospheric Change and EPA Planning, Final Report

600986017 US EPA Workshop To Develop A Simple Model For Acid Deposition, Final Report

600986022 Land Disposal, Remedial Action, Incineration and Treatment of Hazardous Waste: Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Research Symposium (Cincinnati, OH 4/22-23/86)

600986027 ORD Annual Report 1986

600987001 Proceedings: National Workshop on Pesticide Waste Disposal, Denver, Colorado, January 27 - 29, 1986

600987003 US Environmental Protection Agency Long-range Research Agenda 1987-1991

600987007 Hazardous Waste Research Locator

600987008 Technical Assistance Directory Groundwater Research

600987009 Ord Annual Report 1987

600987013 Report of the EPA Workshop on the Development of Risk Assessment Methodologies for Tumor Promoters: Held in Bethesda, Maryland, February 3 - 5, 1987

600987015 Land Disposal, Remedial Action, Incineration and Treatment of Hazardous Waste: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Research Symposium (Cincinnati, OH 5/6-8/87)

600987016 Proceedings Stormwater And Water Quality Model Users Group Meeting March 23-24 1987 Denver Colorado

600987018F Proceedings: Second International Conference on New Frontiers for Hazardous Waste Management

600987022 Long-range Research Agenda For The Period 1988-1992

600987024 Workshop On Evaluation-documentation Of Chemical Mechanisms (held In Raleigh, Nc December 1-3, 1986)

600987030 Availability, Adequacy, and Comparability of Testing Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Established Under Section 304(h) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act: Report to Congress

600988001 Fate and Effects of Pollutants on Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems: Proceedings of USA - USSR Symposium, Athens, Georgia, October 19 - 21, 1987

600988003 Senior Environmental Employment Program {handbook}

600988005 Research Program Description Groundwater Research

600988006 Research Activity Descriptors Fy 88 October 1987 - September 1988

600988008 Long-range Research Agenda For The Period 1989-1993

600988010 Proceedings Eleventh Us- Japan Conference On Sewage Treatment Technology October 12-14 1987 Tokyo Japan

600988011 Total Human Exposure And Indoor Air Quality Automated Bibliography (BLIS) With Summary Abstracts

600988012 Proceedings: Conference on Point-of -Use Treatment of Drinking Water

600988018 Abstracts Of Publications And Presentations 1985-1986

600988021 Land Disposal, Remedial Action, Incineration and Treatment of Hazardous Waste: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Research Symposium (Cincinnati, OH 5/9-11/88)

600989001 Proceedings Stormwater And Water Quality Model Users Group Meeting October 3-4 1988 Denver Colorado

600989048 Groundwater Research Technical Assistance Directory

600989056 Acid Aerosol Measure4ment Workshop

600989058 Proceedings: US/FRG Workshop on Photochemical Ozone Problem and Its Control; US Experiences and the Situation in Europe

600989059 Research Activity Descriptors FY 89

600989072 Proceedings: International Conference on New Frontiers for Hazardous Waste Management, 3rd, Pittsburgh, Pa., September 10-13, 1989

600989073 Bioremediation of Contaminated Surface Soils

600989074 Solicitation For Research Grant Proposals 1990 Exploratory Research Grants

600989088 Ground-Water Research: Research Description

600990001 Environmental Monitoring And Assessment Program Overview

600990003 Request For Applications Pc1-90 Role Of Sediments In The Transport And Fate Of Pollutants In Freshwater And Estuaries

600990006 Proceedings: Remedial Action, Treatment and Disposal of Hazardous Waste, Fifteenth Annual Research Symposium

600990007 Request For Applications Identifica- Tion And Evaluation Of Endpoints And Indicators Of Ecosystem Health

600990008 Small Business Innovation Reserch Program

600990011 Proceedings: Fish Physiology, Fish Toxicology, and Fisheries Management, International Symposium, Guangzhou, PRC, September 14-16, 1988

600990012 Operations and Research at the U.S. EPA Incineration Research Facility: Annual Report for FY89

600990013 Leadership in Environmental Research: EPA's Andrew W. Breidenbach Environmental Research Center

600990019 Environmental Processes And Effects Research Information Guide

600990022 Protecting the Environment: A Research Strategy for the 1990s

600990027 Acid Rain Student's 1st Sourcebook

600990027A Acid Rain: A Student's First Sourcebook, December 1994

600990028 Environmental Monitoring And Assessment Program 1990 Project Descriptors

600990029 Review Of Progress In The Biotechnology Microbial Pest Control Agent Risk Assessment Program

600990031B Presentation of Risk Assessments of Carcinogens: Appendix B: List of Case Studies

600990032 Bibliography of Storm and Combined Sewer Pollution Control R&D Program Documents, Updated, January 1995

600990033 Fy-1991 EPA Research Program Guide

600990034 Role Of Health Research In Support Of Epa's Regulatory Programs

600990035 Minority Support Programs Within Ord

600990036 Proceedings: United States-Japan Conference on Sewage Treatment Technology, 12th, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 12-13, 1989

600990037 Proceedings: Remedial Action, Treatment and Disposal of Hazardous Waste, 16TH, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 3-5, 1990

600990038 Research to Improve Health Risk Assessments (RIHRA) Program

600990039 Proceedings Environmental Challenge Of The 1990's International Conference On Pollution Prevention Clean Technologies And Clean Products Washington Dc June 10-13 1990

600990040 Solicitation For Research Grant Proposals 1991 Exploratory Research Grants

600990041 Bioremediation Of Hazardous Wastes

600990042 ORD Ground Water Research Plan: Strategy for FY 1991 and Beyond

600990044 Tank Issues Design and Placement Of Vapor Monitoring Wells

600990045 Tank Issues: Design and Placement of Floating Liquid Monitoring Wells

600990046 Tank Issues: Site Characterization for External Leak Monitoring

600990048 Radon Mitigation Update: Office of Research and Development

600990049 Alternative Biological Treatment Pro- Cesses For Remediation Of Creosote- Contaminated Materials Bench-scale Treatability Studies

600990052 Abstracts Of Phase I And Phase II Awards Small Business Innovation Research Program 1990

600990053 Strategy For Environmental Health Research At EPA

600990054 Evaluation And Effective Risk Communications Workshop Proceedings

600991001 Biological Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments With Special Emphasis On The Great Lakes

600991002 Proceedings: Remedial Action, Treatment, and Disposal of Hazardous Waste: 17th Annual RREL Hazardous Waste Research Symposium

600991004 Technical Information Policy and Guide of the Office of Research and Development

600991005 Radon Mitigation Research Update

600991006 Ground-Water Research; Technical Assistance Directory-3rd Edition

600991009 ORD Health Biomarkers Program Research Strategy Document

600991010 Operations and Research at the U.S. EPA Incineration Research Facility: Annual Report for FY90

600991011 Environmental Technology Sources: Matching Solutions to Problems

600991012 Storm and Combined Sewer Pollution Control: A Compilation of Significant References

600991014 International Workshop Large-scale Reforestation Proceedings

600991016F Electric and Magnetic Fields: An EPA Perspective on Research Needs and Priorities for Improving Health Risk Assessment

600991025 Fy-1992 EPA Research Program Guide October 1 1991 - September 30 1992

600991029 Office of Research and Development: Workforce '91

600991030 Mine Waste Disposal Technology Proceedings Bureau Of Mines Technology Transfer Workshop Denver Co July 16 1981

600991031 Solicitation For Research Grant Proposals - 1992 Exploratory Research Grants

600991032 Epa's Center For Groundwater Research Robert S Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory

600991034 Quality Control: Variability In Protocols

600991035 Small Business Innovation Research Program

600991036 Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: February 1992

600991038 Radon Mitigation Research Update October 1991

600991040 Geographical Index of Environmental Articles, 1990

600991046A Alaska Oil Spill Bioremediation Project Science Advisory Board Report Sections 1 Through 6

600991046B Alaskoil Spill Bioremediation Project Science Advisory Board Draft Report Sections 7 Through 13 And Appendices

600991047 Proceedings International Workshop On Research In Pesticide Treatment- Disposal-waste Minimization

600991048 Biomarkers of Toxic Pollutants in Human Health

600991050 Safeguarding the Future: Credible Science, Credible Decisions

600A00065 Street Storage System for Control of Combined Sewer Surcharge

600A00083 Proceedings Of The Cross Discipline Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Workshop

600A93084 Visual Inspection and Arena Clearance at Asbestos Abatement Sites

600A93098 Bioremediation Treatability Trials Using Nutrient Application to Enhance Cleanup of Oil Contaminated Shoreline

600A93101 Nutrient Movement Through Beach Media: Problem and Feild Results Application to Enhance Cleanup of Oil Contaminated Shoreline

600A93270 Membranes for Removing Organics from Drinking Water

600A94023 Regulation of Municipal Sewage Sludge Under the Clean Water Act Section 503: A Model for Exposure and Risk Assessment for MSW-Compost

600A94053 Developing a Kinetic Leaching Model for Solidified/Stabilized Hazardous Wastes

600A94056 Impact of Ozonation and BiologicalTreatment on Disinfection By-Products

600A94167 Performance of Gravel Bed Wetlands in the United States


600A94188 Chemical, Microbiological, and Mutagenic Effects of Using Alternate Disinfectants for Drinking Water Treatment

600A94212 Minimization of Combustion By-Products: Toxic Metal Emissions

600A95041 Proceedings 4th Usfrgeo Workshop On Photochemical Ozone Problem And Its Control

600A96017 Utilization of Small Systems Treatment in Latin America and China

600A98057 Test Methods: Methods for Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater

600A99094 Environmental Technology Verification Program Pilot Program for Indoor Air Products

600AP92001a Chapter 1. Dispositon And Pharmacokinetics

600AP92001A Health Assessment For 2378 Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) And Related Compounds Chapter 1 Disposition And Pharmacokinetics Review Draft

600AP92001b Chapter 2.: Mechanisms Of Toxic Waste Actions: Review Draft

600AP92001B Health Assessment For 2378 Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) And Related Compounds Chapter 2 Mechanisms Of Toxic Actions Review Draft

600AP92001C Health Assessment for 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-P-Dioxin (TCDD) and Related Compounds: Chapter 3. Acute, Subchronic, and Chronic Toxicity, Review Draft

600AP92001D Health Assessment for 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-P-Dioxin (TCDD) and Related Compounds: Chapter 4: Immunotoxic Effects, Review Draft

600AP92001e Chapter 5. Reproductive And Developmental Toxicity

600AP92001E Health Assessment For 2378 Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) And Related Compounds Chapter 5 Reproductive And Developmental Toxicity Review Draft

600AP92001F Health Assessment for 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-P-Dioxin (TCDD) and Related Compounds: Chapter 6: Carcinogenicity of TCDD in Animals

600AP92001G Health Assessment for 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-P-Dioxin (TCDD) and Related Compounds: Chapter 7: Epidemiology/Human Data

600AP92001H Health Assessment For 2378 Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (tcdd) And Related Compounds Chapter 8 Dose-response Relationships Review Draft

600AP92002 Alternative Fuels Research Strategy

600AP92003 Working Paper for Considering Draft Revisions to the U.S. EPA Guidelines for Cancer Risk Assessment

600AP93001A Urban Soil Lead Abatement Demonstration Project, Volume 1: Integrated Report

600AP93001B Urban Soil Lead Abatement Demonstration Project, Volume 2: Boston Report (2 Parts)

600AP93001C Urban Soil Lead Abatement Demonstration Project, Volume 3: Baltimore Report (2 Parts)

600AP93001C Urban Soil Lead Abatement Demostration Project: Review Draft

600AP93001D Urban Soil Lead Abatement Demonstration Project, Volume 4: Cincinnati Report

600AP93003 Addendum to the Methodology for Assessing Health Risks Associated with Indirect Exposure to Combustor Emissions

600AP93004A Air Quality Criteria For Ozone And Related Photochemical Oxidants Volume 1 Of 3

600AP93004B Air Quality Criteria For Ozone And Related Photochemical Oxidants Volume 2 Of 3

600AP93004C Air Quality Criteria For Ozone And Related Photochemical Oxidants Volume 3 Of 3

600AP93004D Air Quality Criteria For Ozone And Related Photochemical Oxidants Chapter 1 Executive Summary And Chapter 9 Integrative Summary Of Ozone Health Effects {draft}

600AP94001 Guidelines For Reproductive Toxicity Risk Assessment Review Draft

600AP95001A Air Quality Criteria For Particulate Matter Volume 1 Of 3 Review Draft

600AP95001B Air Quality Criteria For Particulate Matter Volume 2 Of 3 Review Draft

600AP95001C Air Quality Criteria For Particulate Matter Volume 3 Of 3 Review Draft

600B02001 Locator: Office of Research and Development, June 2002

600B80001 Research Guidelines for Regional Modeling of Fine Particulates, Acid Deposition, and Visibility : Report of a Workshop Held at Port Deposit, Maryland

600B86001 Research Grants Program : Bibliography of Published Articles 1980 through 1985

600B86002 Research Grants Program : Bibliography of Published Articles 1986

600B88001 Geographic Information Systems Bibliography

600B89001 Water Quality Assessment : Appendix B

600B93900 Guidance for Design, Installation and Operation of Groundwater Extraction and Product Recovery Systems

600B93901 Guidance for Design, Installation and Operation of In Situ Air Sparging Systems

600B93902 Guidance for Design, Installation and Operation of Soil Venting Systems

600B94001 ORD Locator, October 1994

600B95001 Health Effects Research Laboratory Overview Functional Statements Biographical Sketches of Managers Publications (FY'94-95)

600B96001 ORD Locator, May 1996

600B99001 ORD Locator, December 1999

600BP92001A Health Assessment Document For 2378-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (tcdd) And Related Compounds Volume 1 Of 3 {draft}

600BP92001B Health Assessment Document For 2378-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (tcdd) And Related Compounds Volume 2 O 3 {draft}

600BP92001C Health Assessment Document for 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (TCDD) and Related Compounds, Volume 3 of 3, Draft

600BP92003 Draft Revisions to the Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment

600C03008 Una Base De Datos De La Cuenca Del Río San Pedro San Pedro Watershed Database (Spanish)

600C04017 Optimal Well Locator (OWL) A Screening Tool for Evaluating Locations of Monitoring Wells

600C05006 National Water Security Risk Communication Symposium San Francisco, May 2004

600C06001 AGWA - Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment

600C07015 AGWA - Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment Tool

600C92005 User's Guide to CES Beta Test Version 1.0: Closure Evaluation System

600C92006 User's Guide to FLEX: Flexible Membrane Liner Advisory Expert System, Version 3.0

600C96002 Urban Soil Lead Abatement Demonstration Project: EPA Data Dictionary With Associated Data Sets

600D00001 Planning and Scoping Guide: With Emphasis on Cumulative Risk Assessment ; Internal Review Draft

600D76001 Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States

600D77004 Cost of Air and Water Pollution Control 1976-1985 Final Draft

600D80005 Research Brief Use Of Aquatic Oligochaete Lumbriculus Variegatus For Effluent Biomonitoring

600D80019 Federal Register November, 29 1979 Appendix C Analysis Of Trihalomethane In Drinking Water Correction

600D80020 Federal Register November 29 1979 Appendix C Analysis Of Trihalomethane In Drinking Water

600D80022 Federal Register Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures For The Analysis Of Pollutant Propsed Regulations Correction Dec 18 1979

600D80036 Pilot National Environment Profile 1977

600D81009 Industrial Environmental Research Brief Status Of EPA Regulatory & Research Activities Affecting Oil Shale Development February 1981

600D81066 Review Of Occurrences And Treatment Of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

600D81113 Environmental Research Brief Electron Microscopy In Environmental Research April 1981

600D82255 Survey Of Private Sector Provision Of Operation And Maintenance Services To Publicly Owned Treatment Works

600D82256 Environmental Research Breif Reactivation Of Activated Carbon With Aqueous Chlorine Dioxide

600D82272 Environmental Research Brief Biological Effects And Interactions Of Pesticides In A Soil-plant-water Microcosm

600D82274 Development Of A Test-tube Stress Ethylene Bioassay For Detecting Phytotoxic Air Pollutants

600D82276 Oxidant Air Pollution Effects On A Western Coniferous Forest Ecosystem

600D82333 Total Alkalinity Of Surface Waters

600D82345 Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Site Control Technology Evaluation Program In Proceedings Mgmt Of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Nov 29-dec 1 1982 (a Non-epa Conference)

600D82354 ORD Technical Information Policy and Guide

600D83047 Assessment Of Natural Volatile Organic Substances And Their Effect On Air Quality In The United States

600D83070 Assessment Of Ozone As A Surrogate For Other Products Of Atmospheric Photo- Chemical Reactions

600D83117 Chemical Reactions Of Aquatic Humic Materials With Selected Oxidants

600D84001 Hazardous Chemicals In Fish Wisconsin Power Plant Impact Study Jan1984

600D84099 Diagenetic Oxygen Equivalents Model Of Sediment Oxygen Demand

600D84143 Quality and Quantity of Leachate from Raw Mined Colorado Oil Shale

600D84218 Technology Transfer Newsletter October 1984

600D84228 Leaching and Selected Hydraulic Properties of Processed Oil Shales

600D85043 Total Alkalinity Of Surface Waters A Map Of The Upper Midwest Region

600D85183 Alkaline Scrubbing of In-Situ Oil Shale Retort Offgas at Geokinetics

600D85184 Processing In-Situ Oil Shale Retort Offgas with a Stretford Plant at Geokinetics

600D85185 EPA Oil Shale Research Activities

600D85299 Handbook For Responding To Discharges Of Sinking Hazardous Substances

600D87038 Effect of Oil Shale Recovery Process on Air Emissions

600D87039 Control of Sulfur Emissions from Oil Shale Retorting Using Spent Shale Asorption Pilot Plant Testing

600D87185 Aspects of Liquid and Vapor Flow in Retorting Oil Shale

600D88006 Demetallation of Used Oil to Facilatate its Utilization as a Fuel

600D88281 The Potential Effects Of Global Climate Change On The United States Report To Congress Volume 1 Draft

600D88282 The Potential Effects Of Global Climate Change On The United States Report To Congress Volume 2 Draft

600D88283 The Potential Effects Of Global Climate Change On The United States Report To Congress Draft Executive Summary

600D89083 Drinking Water Treatment Technology For Groundwater Remediation

600D91288 Communicating About Risk: EPA and Asbestos in Schools Draft Copy for External Review

600D93902 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program Near Coastal Component 1993 Virginian Province Effort Field Operations and Safety Manual Draft

600F00002 Environmental Solutions: Commercializing SBIR Technologies

600F00003 SBIR Contacts: Small Business Innovation Research

600F00007 Request for Applications to Demonstrate Technologies to Treat Methyl-t-butyl Ether

600F00008 National Center for Environmental Assessment

600F00009 Indicators in Health and Ecological Risk Assessment, June 6-8, 2000 (Announcement)

600F00014 National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, Overview

600F01014 Providing Solutions for a Better Tomorrow: Reducing the Risks Associated with Lead in Soil

600F01019 Sustainable Technology Division: Promoting Cleaner Technologies and Tools for a Sustainable Environment

600F01800 Greenhouse Gas Control Technology Center (Fact Sheet)

600F02004 Environmental Careers At The National Risk Management Reseach Labortory(NRMRL)

600F02005 Fact Sheet: Solicitation for Treatment Technologies for Arsenic Removal for Small Drinking Water Systems, September 2002

600F03005 Groundwater Technical Support Center{Brochure}

600F03006 Inovations In Research At EPA

600F04010A Workshopr Information & Prelimenary Agenda

600F04016 Homeland Security Fact Sheet (ETV)

600F04025 Particulate Matter Research Program

600F04040 Research Facilities Available For Your Use

600F04064 ETV Program Fact Sheet

600F04203 EPA's Science To Acheive Results(STAR) Estuarine And Great Lakes(EaGLe) Program

600F04900 FACT SHEET: Selection Of Round 2 Arsenic Treatment Technology Demonstrations

600F05800 Air Pollution Control Technology Center FACT SHEET

600F06001 Aerosol Test Facility at Research Triangle Park

600F06005 Assessing The Risk From Biological Threats Government-academia Partnership For Homeland Security

600F06017 U.S. EPA's Environmental Technology Verification Program - Fuel Cells

600F06018 US EPA's Environmental Technology Verification Program - Microturbine/Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

600F06019 US EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program Baghouse Filtration Products

600F07005 Epa?s Environmental Technology Verification Program

600F07006 Workshop on Inorganic Contaminant Issues: August 21-23, 2007, Millennium Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio {ANNOUNCEMENT}

600F07008 Fellowships: Opportunities Abound for Promising Degree Candidates in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Engineering

600F07012 Science Brief Rehabilitation of Wastewater Collection Systems

600F07013 Science Brief: Advanced Concepts

600F07014 Science Brief: Condition Assessment of Collection Systems

600F07015 Aging Water Infrastructure Research Program: Addressing the Challenge Through Innovation

600F08003 Science Brief Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Center, Ada, OK

600F08004 Science Brief the Test and Evaluation Facility Cincinnati Ohio

600F08005 Science Brief Urban Watershed Research Facility, Edison, NJ

600F08006 Science Brief the Experimental Stream Facility Clermont County Ohio

600F08007 National Risk Management Research Laboratory Strategic Plan and Implementation: Overview

600F92003 Request For Applications Eng-01-92 Improved Pump-and-treat Processes For Remediation Of Superfund Sites

600F92018 Arsenic & Mercury - Workshop On Removal, Recovery, Treatment, and Disposal

600F92028 Federal Technology Transfer Act Program, July 1992

600F92031 Opportunity Bulletins

600F92032 Water and Hazardous Waste Treatment Research Division (brochure) (call Jon Herrmann Ext 7839)

600F92046 Pollution Prevention: Case Studies Compendium

600F93001 Bioremediation Action Committee

600F93002 Symposium Rrel Hazardous Waste Research, 19th, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 13-15, 1993 {registration Brochure}

600F93007 Bioremediation Action Committee

600F93009 Pollution Prevention Research Branch

600F93011 EPA Monitoring Method Approval System

600F93015 Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, Georgia, September 1993

600F93053 Rrel Research Symposium Environmental Technology For Pollution Prevention, Remediation, and Control 20th Annual, March 15-17, 1994, Cincinnati, Ohio

600F94001 Pollution Prevention Publications, January 1994

600F94035 Radon Mitigation Research Improved Technology For Environmental Protection

600F94039 Pollution Prevention Research Branch, September 1994

600F94041 Announcement: Graduate Student Fellowships Sponsored by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1995 {Include Application Kit}

600F94042 Development of a Mailing List to Announce Competitive Assistance Agreements {Announcement}

600F94044 Rrel 21st Annual Research Symposium Announcement {Brochure}

600F94046 RREL Research Symposium: Environmental Technology for Pollution Prevention, Remediation and Control, 21st Annual, April 4-6, 1995, The Westin Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio

600F95001 Bibliography of Storm and Combined Sewer Pollution Control R&D Program Documents {Revised Edition}

600F95002 Grants for Research on Reducing Uncertainty in Risk Assessment and Improving Risk Reduction Approaches, 1995

600F95002A Application Kit for Assistance, February 1995

600F95003 Fiscal Year 1995 Solicitation for Socioeconomic Projects Related to Pollution Prevention

600F95003A Application Kit for Assistance, March 1995

600F95005 Indoor Air Research: Characterizing Air Emissions from Indoor Sources

600F95008 Earth Day Handout: EPA's Research Office Lists Achievements

600F95009 Control Technology Center

600F95010 Stratospheric Ozone: Research on Replacement Chemicals to Protect the Earth's Fragile Ozone Layer

600F95012 Combustion Modification Control of Nitrogen Oxides: Taking Research from Concept to Implementation

600F95013 Flue Gas Desulfurization Technologies for Control of Sulfur Oxides Research, Development, and Demonstration

600F95016 United States Environmental Protection Agency Application Kit for Assistance

600F95017 United States Environmental Protection Agency Announces the Availability of 1996 Grants for Research on Ecological Assessment, Exposure of Children to Pesticides, Air Quality, Analytical and Monitoring Methods, Drinking Water, Environmental Fate and Treatment of Toxics and Hazardous Wastes Environmental Statistics, High-Performance Computing, Exploratory Research

600F96002 DOE/EPA/NSF/ONR Joint Program on Bioremediation: Interagency Announcement of Opportunity

600F96003 The United States Environmental Protection Agency Announces the Availability of 1996 Grants for Research on Endocrine Disruptors, Role of Interindividual Variation in Human Susceptibility to Cancer

600F96006 Women in Science and Engineering

600F96019 EPA/NASA Joint Program on Ecosystem Restoration

600F96021 EPA's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program: Innovative Solutions for Environmental

600F97004 Sustainable Technology Division: Promoting Cleaner Technologies and Tools for Environmental Protection

600F97005 Environmental Technology Verification Program (May '97)

600F97008 Permeable Reactive Subsurface Barriers for the Interception and Remediation of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon and Chromium (VI) Plumes in Ground Water

600F97020 Star Report Children's Exposure To Pesticides

600F97021 ORD Workshop: Improvement Network and Science Walk, Poster Abstracts, December 1-4, 1997

600F97025 Star Report Harmful Algal Blooms

600F98003 Star Report Ecological Assesment & Indicators Research

600F98007 Research Within The Ecological Exposure Division Cincinnati Ohio

600F98008 Providing Solutions for a Better Tomorrow: Progress Report on U.S. EPA's Drinking Water Treatment Technology Demonstrations in Ecuador, Mexico and China

600F98009 Futures: Dectecting the Early Signals Science To Achieve Results Program 1999 Grants Announcement

600F98010 Star Report Drinking Water Research

600F98012 Endocrine Disruptors Science To Achieve Results Program 1999 Interagency Grants Announcement

600F98013 Children's Vulnerability to Toxic Substances in the Environment Science To Achieve Results program 1999 Grants for Research

600F98015 Environmental Technology Verification Program (Sep '98)

600F98016 Western U.S. Mining-Impacted Watersheds: Joint Conference on Remediation and Ecological Risk Assessment Technologies, October 27-29, 1998, Denver, Colorado

600F98018 Mailing List Verification

600F98020 Environmental Careers at National Risk Management Research Laboratory

600F98021 Fact Sheet Monitored Natural Attenuation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons

600F98022 Fact Sheet Monitored Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents

600F99005 National Risk Management Research Laboratory: Providing Solutions for a Better Tomorrow

600F99006 National Exposure Research Laboratory (Announcement)

600F99009 Proyecto Transfronterizo De Contaminación Del Aire Del Valle Bajo Del Río Grande

600F99011 Enhanced Source Removal Technology Demonstrations: Technologies to Clean Up Contaminated Soils and Groundwater

600F99013 INLCA Conference April 25-27, 2000 Crystal City Hyatt, Washington DC Metro Area (Call for Speakers, Exhibitors

600F99015 Star Report Early Results From Tse Star Research Grants

600F99016 Third International Conference on the Analytic Element Method in Modeling Groundwater Flow: Brainerd, Minnesota April 17, 18, and 19, 2000

600FP93002 Supplement to the 2nd Addendum (1986) to Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter and Sulfur Oxides (1982): Assessment of New Findings on Sulfur Dioxide Acute Exposure Health Effects in Asthmatic Individuals

600FR86003 Part IV Guidelines for the Health Risk Assessment of Chemical Mixtures

600FR91001 Guidelines For Developmental Toxicity Risk Assessment

600J00001 Determination of Perchlorate at Trace Levels in Drinking Water by Ion-Pair Extraction with Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

600J00018 Ascorbic Acid Reduction of Residual Active Chlorine in Potable Water Prior to Halocarboxylate Determination

600J00042 Ascorbic Acid Reduction of Active Chlorine Prior to Determining Ames Mutagenicity of Chlorinated Natural Organic Matter (NOM)

600J00055 Issues in Managing the Risks Associated with Perchlorate in Drinking Water

600J00120 Avoiding Pitfalls in the Determination of Halocarboxylic Acids: the Photochemistry of Methylation

600J00121 Microscale Extraction of Perchlorate in Drinking Water with Low Level Detection by Electrospray-mass Spectrometry

600J00128 Perchlorate Uptake by Salt Cedar (Tamarix Ramosissima) in the Las Vegas Wash Riparian Ecosystem

600J00146 Comparative Methodology in the Determination of a-oxocarboxylates in Aqueous Solution Ion Chromatography Versus Gas Chromatography after Oximation, Extraction and Esterification

600J00195 Influences of Metal Cations on the Determination of the a-oxocarboxylates as the methyl esters of the O-(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzyl)oximes by Gas Chromatography: The Importance of Accounting for Matrix Effects

600J00196 Techniques and Methods for the Determination of haloacetic Acids in Potable Water

600J00203 Survey of Bottled Waters for Perchlorate by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS) and Ion Chromatography (IC)

600J00273 Quantitation of Perchlorate Ion: Practices and Advances Applied to the Analysis of Common Matrices

600J00278 Can Fluoridation Affect Lead(II) in Potable Water? Hexafluorosilicate and Fluoride Equilibria in Aqueous Solution

600J00290 Research Note: Inferences Due to Ozone-Scavenging Reagents in the GC-ECD Determination of Aldehydes and Ketones as the O-(2, 3, 4, 5, 6-Pentafluorobenzyl)oximes

600J00300 Carbinolamines and Germinal Diols in Aqueous Environmental Organic Chemistry

600J00301 Understanding, Deriving and Computing Buffer Capacity

600J01120 Sewer And Tank Flushing For Corroison And Pollution Control

600J03188 Sewer Sediment Control Overview Of An EPA Wet Weather Research Program

600J03262 Particle Associated Microorganisms In Stormwater Runoff

600J87286 Assessment Of Design Tradeoffs When Using Intrachannel Clarifiers

600J87998 Assessment Of Ia Facilities Seeking 100 Percent Modificationreplacement Funding Case Histories

600J88010 Trickling Filtersolids Contact Performance With Rock Filters At High Organic Loadings

600J89022 Network Design Factors For Assessing Temporal Variability In Groundwater Quality

600J90002 The Ohio River Oil Spill: A Case Study

600J90203 Approach To Bioremediation Of Contaminated Soil

600J92046 Fuel Cell Energy Recovery From Landfill Gas

600J93452 Industrial Pollution Prevention: Critical Review

600J94352 Inventory of Constructed Wetlands in the United States

600J98408 Perchlorate Chemistry: Implications for Analysis and Remediation

600J99225 New Medium for the Simultaneous Detection of Total Coliforms and Escherichia Coli in Water

600J99384 Quantitation of Perchlorate Ion by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS) Using Stable Association Complexes with Organic Cations and Bases to Enhance Selectivity

600JA00193 Treatment Of MTBE Using Fenton's Reagent

600JA01027 Get Real! Implementing Real-time Control Schemes Offers Combined Sewer Overflow Control For Complex Urban Collection System

600JA01307 Urban Wet Weather Flows

600JA02226 Wastewater Collection System Infrastructure Research Needs

600JA02406 Costs For Water Supply Distribution System Rehabilitation

600JA03117 Treatment Of Methyl Tertiary-butyl Ether (MTBE) Contaminated Waters With Fenton's Reagent

600JA03261 Cost Of Best Management Practices And Associated Land For Urban Stormwater Control

600JA99275 Historical Development Of Wet-weather For Managment

600K92001 Andrew W Breidenbach Environmental Research Center

600K92003 Seminar on the Use of Treatability Guidelines in Site Remediation

600K92003A Seminar on the Use of Treatability Guidelines in Site Remediation- Stabilization/Solidification

600K92004 Always River Activity Booklet

600K92006 Federal Technology Transfer Act: Environmental Monitoring Technologies Opportunities

600K92010 Earth day activities for the classroom.

600K92015 Seminar Handout: Wellhead Protection Technology Transfer Centerpiece Workshop

600K92016 Seminar Handout: Wellhead Protection Technology Transfer Area-Wide Workshop

600K93001 Seminars Low-cost Wastewater Collection For Small Communties

600K93002 Bioremediation of Hazardous Waste Sites: Practical Approaches to Implementation, Seminars

600K93003 Seminar On Characterizing And Remediating Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquids At Hazardous Sites {presentation Outlines And Slide Copy}

600K93004 Seminar on Regional Considerations for Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquids at Hazardous Waste Sites: Implementation and Enforcement Issues (Presentation Slide Hardcopy)

600K93006 Technical Assistance Directory Revised

600K93007 Biotechnology Research Program Overview

600K94003 EPA Research Program Guide Fy1994

600K95001 Research and Development 1994 Research Accomplishments

600K95002 Handbook for Preparing Office of Research and Development Reports Third Edition

600K96001 World of Freshwater: A Resource for Studying Issues of Freshwater Research

600K96003 Environmental Technology Verification Program Verification Strategy

600K98001 Selected Papers in High Visibility Drinking Water Research (1996-1998)

600K99002 INCLA: International Conference and Exhibition on Life Cycle Assessment: Tools for Sustainability April 25-27, 2000 Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia (Washington DC Metro Area)

600M482020 Interim Method For The Determination Of Asbestos In Bulk Insulation Samples

600M84004 Assessment Of The Role Of Nitrogen Oxides In Nonurban Ozone Formation

600M85011 Experimental Acidification Of A Stream Tributary To Hubbard Brook

600M85019 Atmospheric Acid Deposition Damage To Paints

600M85022 Instream Tests For Toxicity Persistence From Heavy Metals

600M85023 EPA Technology Transfer The Bridge Between Research And Use

600M86004 Critical Responses Of Populations Of Crustacea To Toxicants

600M86011 Belt Filter Presses Design Information Report

600M86015 Effect Of Chlorine On Chromium Speciation In Tap Water

600M86016 STARA Toxicity Data Base

600M86017 Design Information Report Recesses Filter Presses

600M86021 Removal of Barium and Radium from Groundwater

600M86023 Design Information Report Centrifuges

600M86024 Technology Transfer The Bridge Between Research & Use

600M86025 Microbial Degradation of 2,4,5-T and Chlorinated Dioxins

600M86026 Workshop On Assessment & Management Of Drinking Water Contamination

600M86027 Research Brief Description Of Unamap (version 6)

600M87002 Evaluation of Innovative Technology for the Treatment of Hazardous Aqueous Waste Streams

600M87003 Bacteria Attached To Granular Activated Carbon In Drinking Water

600M87004 Optimization Of Environmental Factors During The Life Cycle Of Mysidopsis Bahia

600M87009 Technology Transfer May 1987

600M87012 Environmental Research Brief: Biodegradation of Halogenated Hydrocarbons

600M87021 Smiles Line Notation And Computerized Interpreter For Chemical Structures

600M87029 Technology Transfer Newsletter October 1987

600M87030 Aerp Status

600M87031 Low-Cost/Low-Technology Aeration Techniques for Removing Radon from Drinking Water

600M88001 Gene Engineering of Yeasts for the Degradation of Hazardous Waste

600M88003 Influence Of An Insect Growth Regulator On Larval Development Of A Marine Crustacean

600M88007 Aerp Status

600M88011 Epa's Ecological Risk Assessment Research Program October 1985-march 1988

600M88019 Technology Transfer Newsletter September 1988

600M88020 Aerp Status October 1988

600M89002 Description Of Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory Test And Evaluation Facilities

600M89005 AERP Status April 1989

600M89009 Pathway Analysis of Chemical Hydrolysis for 14 RCRA Chemicals

600M89011 Genetic Engineering of Enhanced Microbial Nitrification

600M89014 Methods of Analysis for Waste Load Allocation

600M89016 Assessing the Environmental Partitioning of Organic Acid Compounds

600M89017 Computer Prediction of Chemical Reactivity-The Ultimate SAR

600M89018 Technology Transfer Newsletter July 1989

600M89019 Bioplume Model For Contaminant Transport Affected By Oxygen Limited Biodegradation

600M89020 Technology Transfer Newsletter

600M89022 AERP Status September 1989

600M89023 Environmental Research Brief Predicting Movement Of Selected Metals In Soil Application To Disposal Problems

600M89027 Incineration Research Facility

600M89028 Electron Microscopic Examination Of Giardia Cultures For Viruses

600M89030 Assessment of Tentatively Identified Compounds in Superfund Samples

600M89031 Lanthanide Ion Probe Spectroscopy For Metal Ion Speciation

600M89032 Transformations of Halogenated Hydrocarbons: Hydrolysis and Redox Processes

600M89033 Investigation of Failure Mechanisms and Migration of Industrial Chemicals at Wilsonville, Illinois

600M90001 AERP Status April 1990

600M90003 Environmental Research Brief: Degradation Kinetics of Chlorinated Aromatic Compounds in Saturated Subsurface Environments

600M90004 Sorption of Heavy Metals by intact Microorganisms, Cell Walls, and Clay Composites: Research Brief

600M90007 Request For Applications Innovative Restoration Technologies For Treatment Of Heavy Metals At Superfund Sites

600M90008 Technology Transfer Newsletter June 1990

600M90009 Reactive Dyes in the Aquatic Environment: A Case Study of Reactive Blue 19, Research Brief

600M90011 Monitoring The Condition Of Our Nation's Ecological Resources (Brochure)

600M90012 ORD BBS Users Manual

600M90013 Ord Publications Announcement April-august 1990

600M90014 Incineration Research Facility Bulletin Rotary Kiln Incineration Of Metal-pesti- Cide Soil From Baird and Mcguire Site In Region 1

600M90016 Guide To The Office Of Modeling Monitoring Systems And Quality Assurance (ommsqa)

600M90017 Environmental Research Brief Waste Minimization Assessment For A Manufacturer Of Printed Plastic Bags

600M90018 AERP Status September 1990

600M90020 Ord Engineering Highlights, Volume 2, November 1990

600M90023 Colloidal-Facilitated Transport of Inorganic Contaminants in Ground Water: Part I, Sampling Considerations

600M90024 Anaerobic Biotransformation Of Contaminants In The Subsurface

600M91005 Macrodispersion And Spatial Variability Of Hydraulic Conductivity In A Sand And Gravel Aquifer Cape Cod Massachusetts

600M91006 ORD Engineering Highlights Volume 3 January 1991

600M91007 Fate Constants for Some Chlorofluorocarbon Substitutes

600M91008 ORD Engineering Highlights Volume 4 March 1991

600M91012 Ensuring Safe Driking Water

600M91015 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Metal Parts Coating Plant

600M91016 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Outdoor Illuminated Signs

600M91017 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Rebuilt Railway Cars and Components

600M91018 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Brazed Aluminum Oil Coolers

600M91019 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Equipment

600M91020 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Bumper Refinishing Plant

600M91021 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for Multilayered Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing

600M91022 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Printed Circuit Boards

600M91023 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Paint Manufacturing Plant

600M91024 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Compressed Air Equipment Components

600M91025 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Aluminum Cans

600M91026 ORD Engineering Highlights Volume 5 May 1991

600M91027 Mining Waste Management

600M91028 Pesticide Waste Disposal

600M91030 Solid Waste Disposal

600M91031 Hazardous Waste Management

600M91032 Small Community Wastewater Systems

600M91033 Water Quality

600M91034 Risk Assessment

600M91035 Pesticide Usage Guidelines

600M91036 Pollution Prevention

600M91037 Environmental Impact Assessments

600M91038 EPA Information Sources

600M91039 Environmental Management

600M91040 Facilitated Transport Of Inorganic Contaminants In Groundwater Part II Colloidal Transport

600M91043 ORD Engineering Highlights Volume 6 July 1991

600M91044 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Refurbished Railcar Bearing Assemblies

600M91045 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Prototype Printed Circuit Boards

600M91046 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Speed Reduction Equipment

600M91047 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Printed Labels

600M91049 ATTIC: Alternative Treatment Technology Information Center

600M91050 ORD BBS Users Manual: Version 2.0

600M91051 EMAP Monitor: Newsletter, March 1992

600M91052 ORD Engineering Highlights Volume 7 November 1991

600N01002 Inside IAQ Spring/Summer 2001

600N03005 Inside IAQ Spring/Summer 2003

600N04196 Characterization and Monitoring Branch

600N04198 GRO TheForum June 2004

600N05001 The Great Rivers Newsletter March 2005


600N92002 ORD Engineering Highlights No 8 February 1992

600N92006 Ord Engineering Highlights, Volume 9, April 1992

600N92009 Radon Mitigation Research Update: June 1992

600N92013 Technology Transfer Newsletter September 1992

600N93002 Ord Publications Announcement April 1992-january 1993

600N93003 Technology Transfer Newsletter March 1993

600N93005 Ord Engineering Highlights Volume 10 March 1992

600N93008 ORD Engineering Highlights: Volume 11, May 1993

600N93012 ORD Engineering Highlights: Volume 12, July 1993

600N93015 Technology Transfer Newsletter September 1993

600N93016 ORD Engineering Highlights: Volume 13, September 1991

600N94001 ORD Engineering Highlights: Volume 14, January 1994

600N94002 Risk Assessment Review, December, 1993

600N94003 ORD Engineering Highlights: Volume 15, March 1994

600N94005 Technology Transfer Newsletter May 1994

600N94006 Risk Assessment Review: April 27, 1994

600N94007 ORD Engineering Highlights: Volume 16, May/June 1994

600N94013 Technology Newsletter, October 1994

600N95002 Technology Transfer Newsletter, May 1995

600N95002A Technology Transfer Update

600N95003 ORD Publications Announcement: July 1994-June 1995

600N95004 Inside IAQ, Spring/Summer 1995

600N95005 Technology Transfer Newsletter, September 1995

600N95007 Inside IAQ, Fall/Winter 1995

600N96002 Inside IAQ, Spring/Summer 1996

600N97001 Inside IAQ, Fall/Winter 1996

600N97002 ORD Science Highlights, Volume 1, Number 1, September 1997

600N97003 Inside IAQ, Spring/Summer 1997

600N97004 ORD Science Highlights, Volume 1, Number 2, November 1997

600N98001 ORD Science Highlights: Volume 2, Number 1, February 1998

600N98002 Inside IAQ, Spring/Summer 1998

600N98003 Inside IAQ, Fall/Winter 1998

600N99002 Inside IAQ, Spring/Summer 1999

600P00001 Exposure and Human Health Reassessment of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-P-Dioxin (TCDD) and Related Compounds, Part 3: Integrated Summary and Risk Characterization for 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-P-Dioxin (TCDD) and Related Compounds

600P00001AF Exposure and Human Health Reassessment of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (TCDD) and Related Compounds, Chapter 9: Toxicity Equivalence Factors (TEF) for Dioxin and Related Compounds

600P00001AGE ERRATA Sheet for Draft Dioxin Reassessment (Part 3)

600P00001AH Exposure and Human Health Reassessment of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (TCDD) and Related Compounds, Part 2, Chapter 8, Dose Response Modeling, Review Draft

600P00001BF Exposure and Human Health Reassessment of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (TCDD) and Related Compounds: Part 2, Chapter 9, Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEF) for Dioxin and Related Compounds, Review Draft

600P00001BG Exposure and Human Health Reassessment of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-P-Dioxin (TCDD) and Related Compounds: Part 3, Review Draft

600P00002A Child-Specific Exposure Factors Handbook External Review Draft

600P00002B Child Specific Exposure Factors Handbook

600P01003F Foundation For Global Action On Persistent Organic Pollutants United States Perspective

600P92001C8 Chapter 8: Dose-Response Modeling for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Health Assessment for 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and Related Compounds

600P92001C8A Chapter 8: Dose Response Modeling for 2,3,7,8-TCDD, Health Assessment Document for 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-P-Dioxin (TCDD) and Related Compounds (Disk)

600P92003C Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment; April 1996

600P93001AF Urban Soil Lead Abatement Demonstration Project, Volume I: EPA Integrated Report

600P93004AF Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Related Photochemical Oxidants, Volume I of III

600P93004BF Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Related Photochemical Oxidants: Volume II of III

600P93004CF Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Related Photochemical Oxidants, Volume 3 of 3

600P95001AF Air Quality Criteria For Particulate Matter Volume 1 Of 3

600P95001BF Air Quality Criteria For Particulate Matter Volume 2 Of 3

600P95001CF Air Quality Criteria For Particulate Matter Volume 3 Of 3

600P95002A Exposure Factors Handbook (External Review Draft)

600P95002BA Exposure Factors Handbook: General Factors, Volume 1 of 3

600P95002BB Exposure Factors Handbook: Food Ingestion Factors, Volume 2 of 3

600P95002BC Exposure Factors Handbook: Activity Factors, Volume 3 of 3

600P95002FA Exposure Factors Handbook Volume I: General Factors

600P95002FB Exposure Factors Handbook Volume 2: Food Ingestion Factors

600P95002FC Exposure Factors Handbook Volume 3: Activities Factors

600P96001A PCBs: Cancer Dose-Response Assessment and Application to Environmental Mixtures (DRAFT) (Jan '96)

600P96001F PCBs: Cancer Dose-Response Assessment and Application to Environmental Mixtures (Sep '96)

600P96002A Benchmark Dose Technical Guidance Document (Draft)

600P97001A Carcinogenic Effects of Benzene: An Update, Review Draft

600P97001F Carcinogenic Effects of Benzene: An Update

600P98001A Health Risk Assessment of 1, 3-Butadiene, Review Draft

600P98001F Health Assessment of 1, 3, Butadiene

600P98002AA Inventory of Sources of Dioxin in the United States, Review Draft

600P99001 Air Quality Criteria for Carbon Monoxide (Feb '99)

600P99001F Air Quality Criteria for Carbon Monoxide (Dec '00)

600P99002A Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter, Volume 1 (Draft)

600P99002AB Air Quality Criteria For Particulate Matter Volume 1 2nd External Review Draft

600P99002aB Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter: Volume 1

600P99002AC Third External Review Draft of Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter: Volume 1

600P99002aD Air Quality Criteria For Particular Matter, Volume 1: 4TH External Review Draft

600P99002B Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter, Volume 2 (Draft)

600P99002BB Air Quality Criteria For Particulate Matter Volume 2 2nd External Review Draft

600P99002BC Third External Review Draft of Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter: Volume 2

600P99002bD Air Quality Criteria For Particulate Matter, Volume 2: 4th External Review Draft

600P99002C Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter, Volume 3 (Draft)

600PS780128 Water Infiltration Control To Achieve Mine Water Pollution Control The Dents Run Watershed Demonstration Project

600PS780148 Environmental Assessment Of A Waste-to-energy Process, Burlington Electric's Wood and Oil Co-fired Boiler

600PS780149 Environmental Assessment Of A Waste-to-energy Process Braintree Municipal Incinerator

600PS780154 Demonstration Of Debris Basin Effectiveness In Sediment Control

600Q06002 Combustion Emissions from Hazardous Waste Incinerations, Boilers and Industrial Furnaces, and Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators - Results from Five Star Grants and Research Needs

600Q97002 National Conference on Management and Treatment on Contaminated Sediments: Research Programs and Future Directions, May 14, 1997

600R00006 Natural Attenuation of MTBE in the Subsurface under Methanogenic Conditions

600R00007 Data Quality Objectives Process For Hazardous Waste Site Investigations

600R00008 BIOCHLOR Natural Attenuation Decision Support System User’s Manual

600R00010 Stormwater Treatment at Critical Areas: Evaluation of Filtration Media

600R00015 Fish Physiology, Toxicology, and Water Quality, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium, Hong Kong, November 10 - 13, 1998

600R00016 Infiltration Through Disturbed Urban Soils and Compost-Amended Soil Effects on Runoff Quality and Quantity

600R00020 Retrofitting Control Facilities for Wet Weather Flow Treatment

600R00022 Working with WhAEM 2000: Source Water Assessment for a Glacial Outwash Wellfield, Vincennes, Indiana

600R00023 International Workshop on Life Cycle Impact Assessment Sophistication

600R00025 Regulations on the Disposal of Arsenic Residuals from Drinking Water Treatment Plants

600R00034 Statistical Estimation and Visualization of Ground-Water Contamination Data

600R00040 Evolving Vision Statement for ORD and Strategic Plan 2000: Report of the ORD Vision Group

600R00042 Landscape Indicator Interface with Hydrologic Models

600R00045 Environmental Technology Verification Report Explosives Detection Technology Research International Inc. FAST 2000

600R00049 Strategic Plan For The Analysis Of The National Human Exposure Assessment Survey (NHEXAS) Pilot Study Data

600R00058 Options for Development of Parametric Probability Distributions for Exposure Factors

600R00059 Proceedings 2000 Star Regional Scale Analysis and Assessment Progress Review Workshop, September 18-19, 2000, Las Vegas Nev

600R00063 Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Coagulation/Filtration and Lime Softening Plants

600R00068 Strategy for Research on Environmental Risks to Children

600R00073 Mercury Research Strategy

600R00074 Environmental Technology Verification Report Groundwater Sampling Technologies Burge Environmental Inc. Multiprobe 100

600R00076 Proceedings Sixth US/Germany Workshop on Ozone/Fine Particle Science

600R00079 National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory Human Studies Division: Investigating the Environment's Impact on Human Health

600R00080 Aquatic Animal Respiration and Cough Response Applied to Innovative Environmental Biomonitoring: A Bibliography

600R00081 Exposure Analysis Modeling System (EXAMSs) User Manual And System Documentation

600R00086 Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Iron Removal Plants

600R00088 Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Ion Exchange and Activated Alumina Plants

600R00094 Simulation Tool Kit For Indoor Air Quality And Inhalation Exposure (iaqx) Version 1.0 User’s Guide

600R00096 Volatilization Rates from Water to Indoor Air, Phase 2

600R00098 Projecting Land-Use Change: Summary of Models for Assessing the Effects of Community Growth and Change on Land-Use Patterns

600R00099 Sources, Emission and Exposure for Trichloroethylene (TCE) and Related Chemicals

600R00101 National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory: Annual Report of Accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2000

600R00105 Summary of the Workshop on Information Needs to Address Children's Cancer Risk

600R00106 Gathering Information for Watershed Ecological Assessments A Review of Ten Watershed Assessment

600R00107 Survey of Fish Contamination in Small Wadeable Stream in the Mid-Atlantic Region

600R00108 Comparisons of Boating and Wading Methods Used to Assess the Status of Flowing Waters

600R00109 Logistics of Ecological Sampling on Large Rivers

600R01003 Research And Development Strategic Plan

600R01003F Foundation for Global Action Persistent Organic Pollutants: United States Perspective

600R01004 Development of a Data Evaluation/Decision Support System for Remediation of Subsurface Contamination

600R01007A Multispecies Reactive Tracer Test in a Sand and Gravel Aquifer, Cape Cod, Massachusetts: Part 1 Experimental Design and Transport of Bromide and Nickel-EDTA Tracers

600R01007B Multispecies Reactive Tracer Test in a Sand and Gravel Aquifer, Cape Cod, Massachusetts: Part 2 Transport of Chromium (6) and Lead-Copper, and Zinc-EDTA Tracers

600R01009 Innovative Technology Verification Report Sediment Sampling Technology Art’s Manufacturing & Supply Inc. Split Core Sampler for Submerged Sediments

600R01010 Innovative Technology Verification Report Sediment Sampling Technology Aquatic Research Instruments Russian Peat Borer

600R01011 Research And Development Emissions Of Air Toxics From A Simulated Charcoal Kiln Equipped With An Afterburner Prepared For EPA Region 7

600R01013 Real-Time Monitoring for Toxicity Caused by Harmful Algal Blooms and Other Water Quality Perturbations

600R01016 Mountain Acid Deposition Program (MADPro) Cloud Deposition to the Appalachian Mountains 1994 to 1999

600R01017 Ecological Risk Assessment for the Middle Snake River, Idaho

600R01018 An Ecological Assessment of Invasive and Aggressive Plant Species in Coastal Wetlands of the Laurentian Great Lakes: a Combined Field Based and Remote Sensing Approach Research Plan

600R01019 Small Business Innovation Research Phase 1: Program Solicitation No. PR-NC-01_11782,

600R01020 Methods for Assessing the Chronic Toxicity of Marine and Estuarine Sediment-associated Contaminants with the Amphipod Leptocheirus Plumulosus, First Edition

600R01021 Laboratory Study on the Oxidation of Arsenic 3 to Arsenic 5

600R01025 Evaluation of the Protocol for Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents: Case Study at the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant

600R01027 Star Drinking Water Progress Review Proceedings

600R01030 Research And Development Coating Alternatives Guide (CAGE) User's Guide Prepared For Air Quality Planning And Standards

600R01031 Particulate Emission Measurements from Controlled Construction Activities

600R01033 Treatment of Arsenic Residuals from Drinking Water Removal Processes

600R01034 Exfiltration In Sewer Systems

600R01035 Bioaccumulation and Aquatic System Simulator (BASS) User's Manual Beta Test Version 2.1

600R01039 Research And Development Application Of Pollution Prevention Techiques To Reduce Indoor Air Emissions From Aerosol Consumer Products

600R01041 Global Change Proceedings Fy 2001

600R01042 Children's Environmental Health And Disease Prevention Research Progress Review Workshop

600R01043 Performing Quality Flow Measurements at Mine Sites

600R01044 Development Of A Data Evaluation-decision Support System For Remediation Of Subsurface Contamination

600R01047 Survey Of Fertilizers And Related Materials For Perchlorate

600R01049 Environmental Technology Verification Report PCB Detection Technology Dexsil Corporation L2000DX Analyzer

600R01050 Clinch and Powell Valley Watershed Ecological Risk Assessment

600R01051 Early Life-Stage Toxicity of Copper to Endangered and Surrogate Fish Species

600R01054 Chlorine Absorption in S(iv) Solutions

600R01056a Environmental Impacts of the Use of Orimulsion Report to Congress

600R01056b Environmental Impacts of the Use of Orimulsion Report to Congress

600R01058 Life Cycle Design of In-Mold Surfacing Film

600R01059 Life Cycle Design Of Air Intake Manifolds, Phase II Ford F250 Air Intake Manifold

600R01061 Asthma Research Strategy

600R01066 Mercury In Petroleum And Natural Gas Estimation Of Emissions From Production, Processing, And Combustion

600R01067 Short Term Test Method for Assessing the Reproductive Toxicity of Endrocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Using the Fathead Minnow (Pimephales Promelas)

600R01070 Development of Recommendations and Methods to Support Assessment of Soil Venting Performance and Closure

600R01071 Probabilistic Aquatic Exposure Assessment For Pesticides I: Foundations

600R01072 One-dimensional Hydrodynamic Sediment Transport Model For Stream Networks

600R01073 EFDC1D A One Dimensional Hydrodynamic And Sediment Transport Model For River And Stream Networks: Model Theory And Users Guide

600R01074 User's Guide to IPX, the In-Place Pollutant Export Water Quality Modeling Framework, Version 2.7.4

600R01075 A Landscape Assessment of the Catskill/Delaware Watersheds 1975-1998 New York City’s Water Supply Watersheds

600R01079 Heavy Duty Diesel Fine Particulate Matter Emissions Development and Application of On-Road Measurement Capabilities

600R01086 Preliminary Particulate Matter Mass Concentrations Associated with Longitudinal Panel Studies: Assessing Human Exposures of High Risk Subpopulations to Particulate Matter

600R01087 Cost Of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Application For NOx Control On Coal-Fired Boilers

600R01093 Capstone Report on the Development of a Standard Test Method for VOC Emissions from Interior Latex and Alkyd Paints

600R01094 Research and Development Fiscal Years 1999-2001: Research Accomplishments

600R01099 Remediation of Radium from Contaminated Soil

600R01102 Oxidation of Arsenic (III) by Aeration and Storage

600R01103 Real-time Monitoring For Toxicity Caused By Harmful Algal Blooms and Other Water Quality Perturbations

600R01104 Human Health Metrics for Environmental Decision Support Tools: Lessons from Health Economics and Decision Analysis

600R01106 Source Sampling Fine Particulate Matter: Wood-Fired Industrial Boiler

600R01110 Controlling Disinfection By-Products and Microbial Contaminants in Drinking Water

600R01900 Mine Waste Technology Program: 2001 Annual Report

600R02001 QTRACER2 Program for Tracer Breakthrough Curve Analysis for Tracer Tests in Karstic Aquifers and Other Hydrologic Systems

600R02002 Workshop on Monitoring Oxidation-Reduction Processes for Ground-Water Restoration Workshop Summary Dallas, Texas April 25-27, 2000

600R02003 Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology with Special Reference to Environmental Karst Hydrology: Supercedes 600R99006, 1/99

600R02003ES Insert in Pub 600R02003

600R02005 National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory

600R020051a Predicting Attenuation O Viruses During Perculation In Soils 1: Probabilistic Model

600R02007 Characterization of Mercury Emissions at a Chlor-Alkali Plant

600R02007A Characterization Of Mercury Emissions at a Chlor Alkali Plant Volume 1 Report and Appendicies A-E

600R02007B Characterization Of Mercury Emissions at a Chlor Alkali Plant Volume 2 Appendicies F-J

600R02008 Hydrogeologic Framework, Groundwater Geochemistry, and Assessment of Nitrogen Yeild from Base Flow in Two Agricultural Watersheds, Kent County, Maryland

600R02009 Procedures For The Derivation Of Equilibrium Partitioning Sediment Benchmarks (ESBS) for The Protection Of Benthic Organisms: Endrin

600R02010 Procedures For The Derivation Of Equilibrium Partitioning Sediment Benmarks(ESBS) For The Protection OF Benthic Organisms: Dieldrin

600R02013 Procedures For The Derivation Of Equilibrium Partitioning Sediment Benchmarks(ESBs) For The Protection Of Benthic Organisims: PAH Mixtures

600R02015B Predicting Attenuation O Viruses During Percolation In Soils, 2: User's Guide To The Virulo 1.0 Computer Model

600R02016 Procedures for the Derivation of Equilibrium Partitioning Sediment Benchmarks (ESBs) for the Protection of Benthic Organisms: Compendium of Tier 2 Values for Nonionic Organics

600R02017 Review Of Emission Factors And Methodologies To Estimate Ammonia Emissions From Animal Waste Handling

600R02019 Stabilization And Testing Of Mercury Containing Wastes Borden Catalyst

600R02020 Stabilization Testing Of Mercury Containing Wastes Borden Sludge

600R02021 Costs Of Urban Stormwater Control

600R02028 Toxicological Effects Of Fine Particulate Matter Derived From The Destruction Of The World Trade Center

600R02029 Decision-Support Tools For Predicting The Performance Of Water Distribution And Wastewater Collection Systems

600R02032 Characterization and Eh/pH-Based Leaching Tests of Mercury-Containing Mining Wastes from the Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine, Lake County, California Final Report

600R02033 Horizontal Configuration of the Lasagne Treatmrnt Technology: User Guide

600R02034 Economic Analysis of the Implementation of Permeable Reactive Barriers for Remediation of Contaminated Ground Water

600R02036 National Health and Environmental Effects Reasearch Laboratory

600R02038 Environmental Technology Verification Report Hydromatix 786E Ion Exchange Rinsewater Recycling System

600R02041 Report on the International Workshop on Electricity Data for Life Cycle Inventories

600R02042 Environmental Technology Verification Report Cooper Power Systems Envirotemp FR3 Vegetable Oil-Based Insulating Dielectric Fluid

600R02043 Environmental Technology Verification Report ABB Inc. BIOTEMP® Vegetable Oil-Based Insulating Dielectric Fluid

600R02044 Use Of Data From The National Health And Nutrition Examination Surveys {NHANES}: GoldMine Of Data For Environmental Health Analyses {HANDBOOK}

600R02045b Willamette Basin Alternative Futures Analysis

600R02046 AGWA - Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment

600R02050 Human Health Research Strategy

600R02051A Predicting Attenuation Of Viruses During Percolation In Soils, 1 Probabilistic Model

600R02051B Predicting Attenuation Of Viruses During Percolation In Soils, 2 User's Guide To The Virulo 1 Computer Model

600R02052 Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and Other Environmental Impacts (TRACI) Users Guide and Systems Documentation

600R02053 Mine Waste Tech Program Sulfate Reducing Bacteria Reactive Wall Demo

600R02055 Environmental Technology Verification Report Lead in Dust Wipe Measurement Technology Niton Corporation X-ray Fluorescence Spectrum Analyzer Xl-700 Series

600R02057 Environmental Technology Verification Report Lead in Dust Wipe Measurement Technology Palintest Scanning Analyzer SA-5000 System

600R02058 Environmental Technology Verification Report Lead in Dust Wipe Measurement Technology Keymaster Technologies X-Ray Fluorescence Instrument Pb-test

600R02059 Environmental Technology Verification Report Lead in Dust Wipe Measurement Technology Niton Corporation X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrum Analyzer Xl-300 Series

600R02060 Environmental Technology Verification Report Lead in Dust Wipe Measurement Technology Monitoring Technologies International PDV 5000 Trace Element Analyzer

600R02066 High Energy Electron Injection (E_Beam) Technology for the Ex-Situ Treatment of MtBE- Contaminated Groundwater

600R02067 Regional assessment of fish health a prototype methodology and case study for the Albemarle-Pamlico River Basin North Carolina

600R02068 Occurence Of Disinfection By-Products (DBPS) Of Health Concern In Drinking Water Results Of A NationWide DBP Occurence Study

600R02073 Engineering and Economic Factors Affecting the Installation of Control Technologies for Multipollutant Strategies Final Report

600R02074 Aquatic Stressors: Framework And Implementation Plan For Effects Research

600R02076 Emissions of Organic Air Toxics from Open Burning

600R02077 CSO Disinfection Pilot Study Spring Creek CSO Storage Facility Upgrade Research Summary

600R02079 Waquiot Bay Watershed Ecological Risk Assessment: The Effect of Land-derived Nitrogen Loads On Estuarine Eutrophication

600R02080 Proceedings EPA Nanotechnology and the Environment Applications and Implications Star Progress Review Workshop Aug 28-29 2002 Arlington VA

600R02081 Advances In Encapsulation Technologies For The Management Of Mercury-Contaminated Hazardous Wastes

600R02082 Simulating Radionuclide Fate and Transport in the Unsaturated Zone: Evaluation and Sensitivity Analyses of Select Computer Models

600R02090 Testing Solids Settling Apparatuses for Design and Operation of Wet-Weather Flow Solids-Liquid Separation Processes

600R02092 Innovative Technology Evaluation Report: Envirogen Propane Biostimulation Technology for In-Situ Treatment of MTBE-Contaminated Ground Water

600R02093 Primary Particles Generated by the Combustion of Heavy Fuel Oil and Coal: Review of Research Results from EPA's National Risk Management Research Laboratory

600R02097 Fish Physiology, Toxicology, and Water Quality Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium, La Paz B.C.S. Mexico January 22-26, 2001

600R02099 Assessment and Recommendations for Improving the Performance of Waste Contaminment Systems

600R02100 Continuous Deflection Separation Fuzzy Filter and UV Treatment of SSO Type Wastewaters Pilot Study Results

600R02104 Use and Release of Mercury in the United States

600R02800 Environmental Technology Verification Center for P2, Recycling, and Waste Treatment Technologies

600R03003 A Study on the Accumulation of Perchlorate in Young Head Lettuce

600R03004 A Laboratory Study to Investigate Gaseous Emissions and Solids Decomposition During Composting of Municipal Solid Wastes

600R03008 CHEMFLO - 2000 Interactive Software For Simulating Water And Chemical Movement In Unsaturated Soils

600R03019 Design Manual: Removal Of Arsenic from Driking Water by Adsorptive Media

600R03021 Environmental Technology Verification Program: Quality Management Plan

600R03025 Dilution Models for Effluent Discharges 4th Edition Visual Plumes

600R03026 Draft Protocol For Measuring Children's Non-Occupational Exposure To Pesticides By All Revelant Pathways

600R03027 Guidance Fro Obtaining Representative Laboratory Analytical Subsamples From Particulate Laboratory Samples

600R03029 CSFII Anaylsis Of Food Intake Distributions

600R03030 Prediction Of Chemical Reactivity Parameters And Physical Properties Of Organic Compounds From Molecular Structure Using SPARC

600R03032 Assessment And Management Of Toxics In The Watershed

600R03033 Verification And Validation Of The SPARC Model

600R03034 Tracer-Test Planning: Using The Efficient Hydrologic Tracer-Test Design (EHTD)Program {Includes CD}

600R03036 Example Exposure Scenarios

600R03038 Human Health Symposium - A STAR Progress Review Workshop

600R03041 Small Drinking Water Systems Handbook

600R03045a Capstone Report On The Application, Monitoring, And Performance Of Permeable Reactive Barriers For GroundWater Remediation, Volume 1 Performance Evaluations At 2 Sites

600R03045B Capstone Report on the Application Monitoring and Performance of Permeable Reactive Barriers for Ground-Water Remediation

600R03050 Report On The Environment Protection Technical Document, 2003 {DRAFT}

600R03051 The Feasibuilty Of Performing Cumaltive Risk

600R03052 Developing Relative Potency Factors For Pesticide Mixtures Biostatistical Analyses Of Joint Dose-response, Final

600R03065 A Framework For A Computational Toxicology Research Program

600R03066 Innovation And Research For A Clean Environment

600R03068 BioTechnology Research Program

600R03069 Human Health Research Implementation Plan National Health And Environmental Effects Research Labortory

600R03072 Characteristics of spilled oils, fuels, and petroleum products: 1. Composition and properties of selected oils

600R03074 Development Plan For The Casual Analysis/Diagnosis Decision Information System(CADDIS)

600R03075 Comparison of Methodsfor the Determination of Alkyl Phosphates in Urine

600R03076 Report on Bioavailability of Chemical Wastes With Respect to the Potential for Soil Bioremediation

600R03080 Design Manual: Removal Of Arsenic From Drinking Water By ION Exchange

600R03095 UV Exposure of Coral Assemblages in the Florida Keys

600R03103 Considerations in the Design of Treatment Best Management Practices to Improve Water Quality

600R03103 Considerations In The Design Of Treatment Best Management Practices To Improve Water Quality

600R03104 Evaluation Of Minimun Data Requirements For Acute Toxicity Value Extrapolation With Aquatic Organisms

600R03107 Acute-To-Chronic Estimation (ACE v 2.0) With Time-Concentration-Effect Models

600R03110 US EPA - Performance and Cost of Mercury and Multipollutant Emission Control Technology Applications on Electric Utility Boilers

600R03114F Analyses Of Laboratory And Field Studies Of Reproductive Toxicity In Birds Exposed To Dioxin-like Compounds For Use In Ecological Risk Assessment

600R03135 Environmental Technology? Verification Report Separation of Manure Solids from Flushed Swine Waste Brome Agri Sales Ltd.

600R03139 Evaluation Of Sediment Transport Models And Comparative Application Of Two Watershed Models

600R03140R Integrating Ecological Risk Assessment And Economic Analysis In Watersheds: A Conceptional Approach And Three Case Studies

600R03143 The DNAPL Remediation Challenge Is There A Case For Source Depletion?

600R03144 Ecosystem To Restoration To Restore Water Quality; An Unrealized Opportunity For Practitioners And Researchers

600R03146 Environmental Technology Verification Program Quarterly Report October 2003

600R0345B Capstone Report On The Application, Monitoring, And Performance Of Permeable Reactive Barriers For Groundwater Remediation, Volume 2: Long-Term Monitoring Of PRBS: Soil And Grounwater Sampling

600R03800 Environmental Technology Verification Drinking Water Systems Center

600R03801 Drinking Water Research Program Multi-Year Plan 2003

600R03802 Laboratories for the 21st Century Best Practices and Case Studies

600R04001 Measurement of Fugitive Emissions at a Region I Landfill

600R04024 US EPA - The Use of Surrogate Compounds as Indicators of PCDD/F Concentrations in Combustor Stack Gases

600R04026 Comprehensive Nonpoint Source Field Study For Sediment Nutrients and Pathogens In the South Fork Broad River Watershed In Northeast Georgia

600R04027 Performance Monitoring Of MNA Remedies For VOCs In Ground Water

600R04030 Predicting Toxicity To Amphipods From Sediment Chemistry

600R04034 Environmental Technology Verification Report Wet Weather Flow Monitoring Equipment Ads Environmental Model 4000 Open Channel Flow Monitor Part II Field Test Results

600R04035 Environmental Technology Verification Report Wet Weather Flow Monitoring Equipment Ads Environmental Model 3600 Open Channel Flow Monitor Part I - Laboratory Test Results

600R04037 EPA'S Role In Water Security Research

600R04039F Summary of the NCEA Colloquium on Current Use and Future Needs of Genomics in Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessment

600R04042 Risk Assessment Evaluation for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

600R04043 Identification of Time-integrated Sampling and Measurement Techniques to Support Human Exposure Studies

600R04049 Fish Physiology, Toxicology, And Water Quality

600R04051 Leachability Of Metals From Mineral Processing Waste

600R04053 Rapid Processing Od Turner Designs Model 10-AU-005 Internally Logged Fluorescence Data

600R04058 Particulate Matter Research Program

600R04059 Sewer Sediment and Control a Management Practices Reference Guide

600R04065 Report On The Homeland Security Workshop On Transport And Disposal Of Wastes From Facilities Contaminated With Chemical Or Biological Agents

600R04072 Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) Training Manual

600R04074 Guidelines for the Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Salt Marshes

600R04075 Literature Review On The Use Of Commerical Bioremediation Agents For Clean Up Of Oil-contaminated Estuarine Environments

600R04080 Analysis Of Mercury In Vermont And New Hampshire Lakes Evaluation of the Regional Mercury Cycling Model

600R04083 Analytical Tools Interface for Landscape Assessments (ATtILA)

600R04084 Environmental Technology? Verification Report Stormwater Source Area Treatment Device Arkal Pressurized Stormwater Filtration System

600R04090 Mine Waste Technology Program Phosphate Stabilization Of Heavy Metals Contaminated Phosphate Stabilization Of Heavy Metals Contaminated

600R04101 On-line Tools for Assessing Petroleum Releases

600R04103 Comparison of Hydrologic Responses at Different Watershed Scales

600R04107 US EPA's Identification of (and Respones to) Potential Effects of SCR and Wet Scrubbers on Submicron Particulate Emissions and Plume Characteristics

600R04119 Characteristics Of Spilled Oils Fuels And Petroleum Products: 2a. Dispersant Effectiveness Data

600R04120 Characteristics of Spilled Oils, Fuels, and Petroleum Products: 3a. Simulation of Oil Spills and Dispersants Under Conditions of Uncertainty

600R04121 Stormwater Best Management Practice Design Guide: Volume 1 General Considerations

600R04121A Stormwater Best Management Practice Design Guide Volume 2 Vegetative Biofilters

600R04121B Stormwater Best Management Design Guide Volume 3 Basin Best Management Practices

600R04126D Standardized Analytical Methods for Environmental Restoration Following Homeland Security Events Revision 4.0

600R04161 Asthma Research Results Highlights

600R04179 Monitored Natural Attenuation Of MTBE As A Risk Management Option At Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites

600R041790 Monitored Natural Attenuation of MTBE as a Risk Management Option at Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites

600R04182 Environmental Technology Verification Report Reduction of Nitrogen in Domestic Wastewater from Individual Residential Homes Bioconcepts Inc. Recip Rts 500 System

600R04184 Use Of Best Management Practices bmps In Urban Watersheds

600R04185 Filter Fence Design Aid For Sediment Control At Construction Sites

600R04186 Environmental Technology Verification Report Removal of Arsenic in Drinking Water Watts Premier M-series M-15 000 Reverse Osmosis Treatment System

600R04188 Environmental Technology Verification Report Removal of Arsenic in Drinking Water Delta Industrial Services Inc. Campwater Porta-5 System

600R04190 Population Models for Stream Fish Response to Habitat and Hydrologic Alteration: The CVI Watershed Tool

600R04195 Environmental Economics Research Strategy

600R04301 Monitoring Approaches For Landfill Bioreactors

600R04800 The EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program Water Quality Protection Center

600R04801 ORD Computational Toxicology Program FY04 Activity Report

600R05001 Technology Selection And System Design US EPA Aresnic Removal Technology Demonstration Program Round 1

600R05006 Environmental Accounting Using Emergy: Evaluation Of The State Of West Virgina

600R05022 Trichloroethylene Issue Paper 1: Issues in Trichloroethylene Pharmacokinetics

600R05023 Trichloroethylene Issue Paper 2: Interactions of Trichloroethylene, Its Metabolites, and Other Chemical Exposures

600R05024 Trichloroethylene Issue Paper 3: Role of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Agonism and Cell Signaling in Trichloroethylene Toxicity

600R05025 Trichloroethylene Issue Paper 4: Issues in Trichloroethylene Cancer Epidemiology

600R05028 Proceedings of the Aging Americans: Impact on Ecology and Environmental Quality Workshop, August 10-12, 2004

600R05032 Predicted Groundwater Soil And Soil Gas Impacts From US Gasolines 2004 1st Analysis Of The Autumnal Data

600R05034 Multipollutant Emission Control Technology Options for Coal-fired Power Plants

600R05036 Compilation of Available Data on Building Decontamination Alternatives

600R05038 White Paper On Improvement Of Structural Integrity Monitoring For Drinking Water Mains

600R05040 Storm Water Management Model Users Manual Version 5.0

600R05041 Evaluation of Fugitive Emissions at a Former Landfill Site in Colorado Springs, Colorado Using Ground-Based Optical Remote Sensing Technology

600R05042 Evaluation of a Former Landfill Site in Fort Collins, Colorado Using Ground-Based Optical Remote Sensing Technology

600R05043F Approaches for the Application of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Models and Supporting Data in Risk Assessment

600R05049 Method 3320 Determination Of Perchlorate In Drinking Water By Ion Chromatography With Suppressed Conductivity And Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

600R05052 Method 529 Determination Of Explosives And Related Compounds In Drinking Water By Solid Phase Extraction And Capillary Column Gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry gc-ms

600R05055 Method 4153 Determination Of Total Organic Carbon And Specific UV Absorbance At 254 Nm In Source Water And Drinking Water

600R05056 AGWA Design Documentation: Migrating to ArcGIS and the Internet

600R05060 Prevention Of Acid Mine Drainage Generation From Open-pit Highwalls Final Report Mine Waste Technology Program Activity III Project 26

600R05061 Estimating And Projecting Impervious Cover In The Southeastern United States

600R05063 Modeling Monomethylmercury and Tributyltin Speciation with EPA's Geochemical Speciation Model MINTEQA2

600R05064 Microbial Source Tracking Guide Document

600R05071 Mine Waste Technology Program Underground Mine Source Control Demonstration Project

600R05074 Partition Coefficients For Metals In Surface Water Soil And Waste

600R05076 Collection of Undisturbed Surface Sediments Sampler Design and Initial Evaluation Testing

600R05077 Empirical Models of Pb and Cd Partitioning Using Data from 13 Soils Sediments, and Aquifer Materials

600R05081 Destruction of Spores on Building Decontamination Residue in a Commercial Autoclave

600R05084 Us Environmental Protection Agency Small Business Innovation Research Success Stories

600R05085 Environmental Technology? Verification Report Stormwater Source Area Treatment Device Practical Best Management of Georgia, Inc. CrystalStream Water Quality Vault Model 1056

600R05087 Ecosystem Stress From Chronic Exposure To Low Levels Of Nitrate

600R05089 U.S. EPA 2004 Nanotechnology (STAR) Progress Review Workshop- Nanotechnology and the Environment II August 18-20, 2004

600R05093A Federal Register March 14, 2006 Volume 71, Number 49 Framework For Assessing Health Risks For Environmental Exposures To Children

600R05093F A Framework for Assessing Health Risk of Environmental Exposures to Children

600R05099 Environmental Technology Verification Report Stormwater Source Area Treatment Device Stormwater Management Inc. Stormscreen Treatment System

600R05102 Guidance Manual for the All Ages Lead Model (AALM) Draft Version 1.05

600R05103 Degradation of Chlorpyrifos in Aqueous Chlorine Solutions: Pathways, Kinetics, and Modeling

600R05106 Review of Recent Research on Vapor Intrusion

600R05107 Temporal and Spatial Variability of Fecal Indicator Bacteria: Implications for the Application of MST Methodologies to Differentiate Sources of Fecal Contamination

600R05108 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Removal Of Chemical Contaminants In Drinking Water: Kinetico Incorporated Pall/Kinetico Purefectaö Drinking Water Pall/Kinetico Purefecta, Drinking Water

600R05108S ETV Joint Verification Statement

600R05109 SPRAYTRAN User's Guide A GIS-Based Atmospheric Spray Droplet Dispersion Modeling System

600R05110 Uncertainty and the Johnson-Ettinger Model for Vapor Intrusion Calculations

600R05111 PRZM-3, A Model for Predicting Pesticide and Nitrogen Fate in the Crop Root and Unsaturated Soil Zones Users Manual for Release 3.12.2

600R05113 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Stormwater Source Area Treatment Device, Baysaver Technologies, Inc Baysaver Separation System, Model 10K

600R05117 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Removal Of Arsenic In Drinking Water: Basin Water Efficiency Ion Exchange Treatment System

600R05117S The Environmental Technology Verification Program: ETV Joint Verification Statement, Ion Exchange Used In Drinking Water Treatment Systems

600R05118 Riparian Buffer Width, Vegetative Cover, and Nitrogen Removal Effectiveness Review Of Current Science and Regulations

600R05120 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Removal Of Arsenic In Drinking Water: Pall Corporation, Microza Microfiltration System

600R05120S The Environmental Technology Verification Program: Etv Joint Verification Statement: Coagualtion And Membrane Filtration Used In Drinking Water Treatment Systems Application: Removal Of Arsenic In Drinking Water

600R05121 Microfracture Surface Characterizations Implications for in Situ Remedial Methods in Fractured Rock Bedrock Bioremediation Center Final Report

600R05122 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Removal Of Chemical Contaminants In Drinking Water: Ecowater Systems Incorporated ERO-R450E Drinking Water Treatment System

600R05122S The Environmental Technology Verification Program: ETV Joint Verification Statement: Removal Of Chemical Contaminants In Drinking Water

600R05123A Guidance for Evaluating Landfill Gas Emissions from Closed or Abandoned Facilities

600R05127s Etv Joint Verification Statement Dust Suppressant

600R05128 Environmental Technology Verification Dust Suppressant Products Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc.'s EK35

600R05128s Environmental Technology Verification Dust Suppressant Products Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc.'s EK35

600R05129 Environmental Technology Verification Report Dust Suppressant Products SynTech Products Corporation's TechSuppress

600R05129s Environmental Technology Verification Report Dust Suppressant Products SynTech Products Corporation's TechSuppress

600R05134 Environmental Technology Verification Dust Suppressant Products Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc.'s EnviroKleen

600R05135 Environmental Technology Verification Dust Suppressant Products SynTech Products Corporation's Petro Tac

600R05135s Environmental Technology VerificationStatement Dust Suppressant Products SynTech Products Corporation's Petro Tac

600R05137 Environmental Technology ? Verification Report Verification Report Stormwater Source Area Treatment Device the Stormwater Management Stormfilter Using Perlite Filter Media

600R05138 Environmental Technology: Verification Report: Stormwater Source Area Treatment Device, Stormwater Management, Inc CatchBasin StormFilter

600R05138S Environmental Technologies Verification Program: ETV Joint Verification Statement: Stormwater Management CatchBasin StormFilter

600R05140 Environmental Technology Verification Report Stormwater Source Area Treatment Device Vortechnics Inc. Vortechs System Model 1000

600R05141 Case Study Demonstrating US EPA Guidance for Evaluating Landfill Gas Emissions From Closed or Abandoned Facilities: Rose Hill Regional Landfill, South Kingstown, Rhode Island

600R05147 Assessment Of Vapor Intrusion In Homes Near The Raymark Superfund Site Using Basement And Sub-slab Air Samples

600R05151 Working With Whaem2000 Capture Zone Delineation For a City Wellfield In a Valley Fill Glacial Outwash Aquifer Supporting Wellhead Protection

600R05161 Field Study Of The Fate Of Arsenic Lead And Zinc At The Groundwater-Surface-Water Interface

600R05162 BOSC Review of the Coastal Condition Report

600R05163 BOSC Review of the Mercury Multi-Year Plan

600R05164 Control of Mercury Emissions from Coal-Fired Electric Utility Boilers: An Update

600R05165 Ecological Research Program Review

600R05166 Ecological Risk Assessment: An Evaluation of the State-of-the-Practice Deliberative Draft Proposal for Initial Reivew and Comment

600R05167 Human Health Research Program Review Final Report of the Subcommittee on Human Health

600R05168 National Center for Computational Toxicology Review

600R05169 Particulate Matter and Ozone Research Program Review Report of the Board of Scientific Counselors

600R05170 Proceedings : Nanotechnology and the Environment: Applications and Implications Progress Review Workshop III : October 26-28, 2005, Arlington, VA

600R06001 Environmental Technology Verification (etv) Program Case Studies

600R06005 Environmental Technology Verification Report Removal of Chemical Contaminants in Drinking Water Watts Premier Inc., WP-4V Drinking Water Treatment System

600R06015 Strategy For Indicator Development Border 2012: US-Mexico Environmental Program

600R06026 The US EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory's (NERL) Workshop on the Analysis of Children's Measurement Data

600R06028 Water Distribution System Analysis Field Studies Modeling And Management Reference Guide For Utilities

600R06029 Evaluation of the Role of Dehalococcoides Organisms in the Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Ethylenes in Ground Water

600R06030 Design Manual Removal Of Arsenic From Drinking Water Supplies By Iron Removal Process

600R06035A Federal Register May 23, 2006 Volume 71, Number 99 External Review Draft, Application Of Equilibrium Partitioning Theory To Soil Pah Contamination

600R06037F Application of Watershed Ecological Risk Assessment Methods to Watershed Management

600R06047 Federal Register Vol 71 No 110 Thursday, June 8, 2006/Notices

600R06058 Fate And Effects Of Nitrogen Ad Phosphorus In Shallow Vegetated Aquatic Ecosystems

600R06060 US EPA Life Cycle Assessment: Principles and Practice

600R06061 Exposure Related Dose

600R06062 Fish Physiology, Toxicology, and Water Quality Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium Chongqing, China October 12-14 2004

600R06063 Provisional Assessment of Recent Studies on Health Effects of Particulate Matter Exposure

600R06072 Engineering Issue In-situ Chemical Oxidation

600R06073 Development Of An Ecological Risk Assessment Methodology For Assessing Wildlife Exposure Risk Associated With Mercury Contaminated Sediments In Lake And River Systems

600R06082 Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program Case Studies Demonstrating Program Outcomes Volume II

600R06092 Monitoring of a Controlled Dnapl Spill Using a Prototype Dielectric Logging Tool

600R06095 User Manual for EXPRESS, the EXAMS-PRZM Exposure Simulation Shell

600R06096F Child-Specific Exposure Factors Handbook

600R06099 Environmental Technology Verification Report Removal of Arsenic in Drinking Water ARS USA, LLC ARS CFU-50 APC Electroflocculation and Filtration Water Treatment System

600R06100 Environmental Technology Verification Report Removal of Microbial Contaminants in Drinking Water Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. HF-82-35-PMPW Ultrafiltration Membrane

600R06101 Environmental Technology Verification Report Removal of Chemical and Microbial Contaminants in Drinking Water Watts Premier, Inc. M-2400 Point-of-Entry Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Treatment System

600R06103 Determining Active Oxidant Species Reacting with Organophosphate Pesticides in Chlorinated Drinking Water

600R06105 Estimation of Hydrolysis Rate Constants of Carboxylic Acid Ester and Phosphate Ester Compounds in Aqueous Systems from Molecular Structure by SPARC

600R06106 WASP7 Benthic Algae - Model Theory and User's Guide

600R06108 Evaluation of the State-of-the-Art Contaminated Sediment Transport and Fate Modeling System

600R06109 Watershed Health Assessment Tools Investigating Fisheries WHAT IF Version 2: A Manager’s Guide to New Features

600R06111 Comparison of Geoprobe Prt and Ams Gvp Soil-gas Sampling Systems with Dedicated Vapor Probes in Sandy Soil at the Raymark Superfund Site

600R06111 Comparison of Geoprobe Prt and Ams Gvp Soil-gas Sampling Systems with Dedicated Vapor Probes in Sandy Soil at the Raymark Superfund Site

600R06112 Mineralogical Preservation of Solid Samples Collected from Anoxic Subsurface Environments Ground Water Issue

600R06126 Field Operations Manual for Assessing the Hydrologic Performance and Ecological Condition of Headwater Streams

600R06127 Concepts and Approaches for the Bioassessment of Non-wadeable Streams and Rivers

600R06128 Integrated Permitting An International Collaboration Effort

600R06130 Evaluation of a Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Technology International Wastewater Systems, Inc. Model 6000 Ssequencing Batch Reactor System

600R06132 A Framework for the Assessment of the Wildlife Habitat Value of New England Salt Marshes

600R06136 Environmental Technology Verification Report Stormwater Source Area Treatment Device The Terre Hill Concrete Products Terre Kleen 09

600R06141 Technology Evaluation Report Environics USA Inc. Chempro 100 Hand-held Chemical Detector

600R0614A Use of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Models to Quantify the Impact of Human Age and Interindividual Differences in Physiology and Biochemistry Pertinent to Risk Final Report

600R06155 Wetlands and Water Quality Trading Review of Current Science and Economic Practices with Selected Case Studies

600R06167 Stony Coral Rapid Bioassessment Protocol

600R07004 A Literature Review of Wipe Sampling Methods for Chemical Warfare Agents and Toxic Industrial Chemicals

600R07008 In-situ Regeneration of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Using Fenton's Reagents: Final Project Report

600R07010 Fish Physiology, Toxicology, and Water Quality Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium Capri Italy April 24-28 2006

600R07013 Important Exposure Factors for Children: An Analysis of Laboratory and Observational Field Data Characterizing Cumulative Exposure to Pesticides

600R07024 Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Adsorptive Media - U.S. EPA Demonstration Project at Richmond Elemetary School in Susanville, CA Six-Month Evlauation Report

600R07027 Effective Risk and Crisis Communication During Water Security Emergencies: Summary Report of EPA Sponsored Message Mapping Workshops

600R07027 Effective Risk and Crisis Communication During Water Security Emergencies: Summary Report of EPA Sponsored Message Mapping Workshops

600R07053 United States Meterological Data: Daily and Hourly Files to Support Predictive Exposure Modeling

600R07062 Guide to Mapping Intertidal Eelgrass and Nonvegetated Habitats in Estuaries of the Pacific Northwest USA

600R07066 Synthesis Report on Five Dense, Nonaqueous-Phase Liquid (DNAPL) Remediation Projects

600R07069 Climate Change and Interacting Stressors: Implications for Coral Reef Management in American Samoa

600R07091 Effects of Thermal Treatments on the Chemical Reactivity of Trichloroethylene

600R07092 Ground Water Issue: Metal Attenuation Processes at Mining Sites

600R07098 Environmental Technology Verification for Air Pollution Control Technologies

600R07100 Monitored Nautral Attenuation of Tertiary Butyl Alcohol (TBA) in Ground Water at Gasoline Spill Sites

600R07103 Summary Report of Air Quality Modeling Research Activities for 2006

600R07109 Environmental Technology Verification Report Removal of Synthetic Organic Chemical Contaminants in Drinking Water Rasco Inc. Advanced Simultaneous Oxidation Process (ASOP)

600R07110 Small Drinking Water Systems: State of the Industry and Treatment Technologies to Meet the Safe Drinking Water Act Requirements

600R07115 US EPA New Technology for Environmental Solutions Collaborating for Results U.S. EPA ETV and SBIR Programs Regional Workshop May 8, 2007, U.S. EPA Region 6, Dallas, Texas

600R07123 Evaluation of Selected DNA-based Technology in Impaired Watersheds Impacted by Fecal Contamination from Diverse Sources

600R07136 Standardized Analytical Methods for Environmental Restoration following Homeland Security Events

600R07139 Monitored Natural Attenuation of Inorganic Contaminants in Ground Water Technical Basis for Assessment, Volume I

600R07140 Monitored Natural Attenuation of Inorganic Contaminants in Ground Water Assessment for Non-Radionuclides Including Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromuim, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Nitrate, Perchlorate, and Selenium, Volume II

600R08003 Systematic Approach for Evaluation of Capture Zones at Pump and Treat Systems Final Project Report

600R08004 Approach for Developing Numeric Nutrient Criteria for a Gulf Coast Estuary

600R08009 Environmental Technology Verification Program Quaity Management Plan

600R08016 Pilot-Scale Tests and Systems Evaluation for the Containment, Treatment, and Decontamination of Selected Materials FromT&E Building Pipe Loop Equipment

600R08021 Risk-Based Criteria to Support Validation of Detection Methods for Drinking Water and Air

600R08025 Environmental Technology Verification Program

600R08026 Arsenic and Uranium Removal from Drinking Water by Adsorptive Media U.S. EPA Demonstration Project at Upper Bodfish in Lake Isabella, CA Interim Evaluation Report

600R08029 U.S. EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program (ETV) Guidelines for Proper Use of the ETV Name and Logo

600R08034 Testing of Screening Technologies for Detection of Toxic Industrial Chemicals in All Hazards Receipt Facilities

600R08037 Dispersion of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products in Freshwater

600R08039 Water Quality in Small Community Distribution Systems: A Reference Guide for Operators

600R08042 Summary Report for the Workshop on Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Air Quality Decision Making

600R08043 NACEPT Environmental Technology Subcommittee Report on Venture Capital

600R08049 US EPA's Smart Energy Resources Guide

600R08051 Assessing Arsenic Removal by Metal (Hydr)Oxide Adsorptive Media Using Rapid Small Scale Column Tests

600R08054 Effects of Vapor-Based Decontamination Systems on Selected Building Interior Materials: Chlorine Dioxide

600R08055 Effectiveness of Restored Wetlands for the Treatment of Agricultural Runoff

600R08061 US EPA Quick Assessment Protocols for Measuring Relative Ecological Significance of Terrestrial Ecosystems

600R08062 Scientific and Ethical Approaches for Observational Exposure Studies

600R08065 US EPA Development of Duration-Curve Based Methods for Quantifying Variability and Change in Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality

600R08068 US EPA's Demonstration and Evaluation of an Automated Infiltration Gallery System at Port Hueneme, CA

600R08073 US EPA Summary Report of the NSF/EPA WATERS Network Workshop - May 2008

600R08074 Effects of Vapor-Based Decontamination Systems on Selected Building Interior Materials: Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide

600R08075 Persistence of Toxic Industrial Chemicals and Chemical Warfare Agents on Building Materials Under Conventional Environmental Conditions

600R08079 Testing and Quality Assurance Plan for the Evaluation of Wipe Sampling Methods for Collecting Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs), CWA Degradation Products, and Toxic Industrial Chemicals from Various Surfaces

600R08080 Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Adsorptive Media US EPA Demonstration Project at Wellman, TX Six-Month Evaluation Report

600R08081 Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Adsorptive Media: Final Performance Evaluation Report

600R08094 Comparison of the Alternative Asbestos Control Method and the NESHAP Method for Demolition of Asbestos-Containing Buildings

600R08095 Mine Waste Technology Program Electrochemical Tailings Cover

600R08096 Mine Waste Technology ProgramIn Situ Source Control

600R08097 Mine Waste Technology Program Passive Treatment for Reducing Metal Loading

600R08099 Technology Evaluation Report Bartlett Services Inc. Stripcoat TLC Free Radiological Decontamination Strippable Coating

600R08100 Technology Evaluation Repo Isotron Corp. Orion Radiological Decontamination Strippable Coating Technology

600R08110 Evaluation of Receiving Water Improvements from Stream Restoration (Accotink Creek, Fairfax City, VA)

600R71101 Pollution Affecting Shellfish Harvesting In Galveston Bay Texas

600R72101 Phosphorus Removal

600R72102 Arctic Evaluation of a Small Physical-Chemical Sewage Treatment Plant Working Paper No. 16

600R72103 Working Papers in Alternative Futures and Environmental Quality

600R72106 Handbook For Analytical Quality Control In Water And Wastewater Laboratories

600R73001 Alaska Village Demonstration Projects: First Generation of Integrated Utilities for Remote Communities Working Paper No. 22

600R76001 Sulfate Episode: 1976 August 16 to August 29, 1976

600R77001 USA - USSR Symposium on Physical-Mechanical Treatment of Waste Waters, Cincinncati, Ohio - U.S.A., April 5-6, 1977

600R78101 Pretreatment Of Industrial Wastes Joint Municipal & Industrial Seminar Seminar Handout

600R78102 Interim Treatment Guide For Controlling Organic Contaminants In Drinking Water Using Granular Activated Carbon

600R78103 Toxic and Beneficial Effects of Chrome Tannery Sludge on Crops

600R78104 Remote Sensing of Municipal Wastewater Marine Discharges : Demonstration Project

600R78105 Bulletin Nonferrous Metals Technical Awareness

600R79100 Analysis of Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water by Liquid/Liquid Extraction, Method 501.2, November, 1979

600R791002 Determining Wastewater Treatment Costs for Your Community

600R79103 Land Treatment Of Wastewater Slow Rate Irrigation Methods

600R79104 DOE Program Transfer Abstracts of Fossil Fuel Related Health and Environmental Effects Research Projects

600R80101 Guidelines and Specifications For Preparing Quality Assurance Program Plans 1980

600R80102 Guidelines and Specifications For Implementing Quality Assurance Requirements For EPA Contracts and Interagency Agreements Involving Environmental Measurements

600R80103 Strategy For The Implementation Of The Environmental Protection Agency's Mandatory Quality Assurance Program Fy 1980 and Fy 1981

600R80104 Interim Guidelines and Specifications For Preparing Quality Assurance Plans

600R80105 Proceedings : First US-France Conference on Photochemical Ozone/Oxidants Pollution, March 27-28, 1980, USEPA Environmental Research Center, Research Triangle Park, N.C.

600R81101 Guidelines and Specifications For Implementing Quality Assurance Requirements For Demonstration Projects Financial Assistance Involving Environmental Measurements

600R81102 EPA Quality Assurance Officer's Handbook Volume I

600R83001 Resource Control October 31, 1983

600R84105 IERL-RTP's Acid Deposition Research Program Program Review

600R84106 Proposed Guidelines for Exposure Assessment (FRL-2706-5) and Request for Comments

600R84107 Aerial Remote Sensing Program for Oil and Hazardous Materials Releases

600R85061 Environmental Protection Agency Part VI 40 CFR Part 136 Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act; Final Rule and Interim Final Rule and Proposed Rule; Corrections

600R85062 Integrated Air Cancer Project Interim Report

600R86001 Annual Report of the Environmental Research Grants Program FY 1986

600R86002 ProgressRreport : October 1, 1985 - September 30, 1986 : Health Effects Research Laboratory

600R86003 EPA Radon Mitigation Test Matrix: Framework and Initial Prioritization Efforts

600R86004 Recent Publications of the Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens GA : Research Results

600R87046 Environmental Research Brief Hydrautic and Water Quality Modeling of Silver Bow Creek-Upper Clark River, A Superfund Site in Montana

600R87047 Major Scientific Findings on Acid Deposition Volume III Aquatics

600R87048 Radon Diagnosis and Abatement in Residential Dwellings

600R88101 Description of RREL Test and Evaluations Facilities

600R88102 Listing of Laboratories with Expertise in the Analysis of Dioxins and Related Compounds

600R88103 Records of Decision : Abstracts from the NTIS Database

600R88104 Scientific Basis for the Development of the International Toxicity Equivalency Factor (I-TEF) Method of Risk Assessment for Complex Mixtures of Dioxins and Related Compounds

600R89101 Total Quality Management A Guide For Implementation

600R89102 Recent Publications of the Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens GA : Research Results

600R90001 Indoor Air A Report on EPA's Indoor Air Research Program 1986-1990 Annual Report

600R90013 Determination of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in Drinking Water by Gas Chromatography with High Resolution Mass Spectrometry {test} Method 513

600R90014 Subsurface Monitoring Research Activities : Advanced Monitoring Systems Division ; Aquatic and Subsurface Monitoring Branch

600R90015 Minority Institutions Assistance Program (MIA)

600R91001 Federal Register: December 5, 1991, Part 5. Guidelines for Developmental Toxicity Risk Assessment; Notice

600R91019 Statement of Work for Inorganics Analysis : Multi-Media ; High-Concentration

600R91020 Statement of Work for Organics Analysis : Multi-Media, High-Concentration

600R91021 Office of Research and Development : Workforce '91 ; Appendix

600R92000 Methods for Demetallation of Waste Oil

600R92002 General Methods for Remedial Operations Performance Evaluations

600R92004 Ground-Water Research: Research Description, Third Edition

600R92012 Analysis And Interpretation Of Zoo Plankton Samples Collected During Phase Ii Of The Eastern Lake Survey

600R92014 Limited-Use Chemical Protective Clothing for EPA Superfund Activities

600R92026 ERL-Duluth: Spotlight on Research 1991

600R92028 Proceedings: Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory Research Symposium, 18th, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 14-16, 1992, Abstract

600R92030 Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquids Workshop Summary

600R92031 Reclamation and Redevelopment of Contaminated Land: Volume 2, European Case Studies

600R92033 Characterizing Heyerogeneous Wastes: Methods and Recommendations

600R92036 GIS Technical Memorandum 3: Global Positioning Systems Technology and its Application in Environmental Programs

600R92041 Detecting Water Flow Behind Pipe in Injection Wells

600R92042 Methodologies For Evaluating In-situ Bioremediation Of Chlorinated Solvents

600R92043 Bioremediation Case Studies: An Analysis of Vendor Supplied Data

600R92044 Bioremediation Case Studies Abstracts

600R92045 Dose-Response Analysis of Ingested Benzo[a]Pyrene (CAS No. 50-32-8)

600R92046 Pollution Prevention Case Studies Compendium

600R92047 Reference Guide To Odor Thresholds For Hazardous Air Pollutants Listed In The Clean Air Act Amendments Of 1990

600R92051 Operations and Research at the U.S. EPA Incineration Research Facility: Annual Report for FY91

600R92057 Technical Aspects Of Underground Storage Tank Closure

600R92060 Wetlands Research Plan FY 92-96: An Integrated Risk Based Approach

600R92064 Preliminary Risk Assessment for Viruses in Municipal Sewage Sludge Applied to Land

600R92070 User's Guide and Data Dictionary for Kenai Lakes Investigation Project

600R92078 Inventory of Exposure-Related Data Systems Sponsored by Federal Agencies <Includes Disk>

600R92080 Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations: Phase II Toxicity Identification Procedures for Samples Exhibiting Acute and Chronic Toxicity

600R92081 Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations: Phase III Toxicity Confirmation Procedures for Samples Exhibiting Acute and Chronic Toxicity

600R92088 Facility Pollution Prevention Guide

600R92089 Study To Determine The Feasibility Of Using A Ground-penetrating Radar For More Effective Remediation Of Subsurface Contamination

600R92096 Potential Reuse of Petroleum-Contaminated Soil: A Directory of Permitted Recycling Facilities

600R92098 Andrew W. Breidenbach Environmental Research Center Small Systems Resource Directory

600R92099 Geographic Index of Environmental Articles, 1991

600R92105 Proceedings: Arsenic and Mercury Workshop on Removal, Recovery, Treatment and Disposal, Alexandra, Va., August 17-20, 1992, Abstract

600R92111 Fish Field and Laboratory Methods for Evaluating the Biological Integrity of Surface Waters

600R92121 Methods for the Determination of Chemical Substances in Marine and Estuarine Environmental samples

600R92126 Bioremediation Of Hazardous Wastes: August 1992

600R92128 Preparation Of Soil Sampling Protocols Sampling Techniques And Strategies

600R92129 Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water: Supplement 2

600R92143 Acoustic Location Of Leaks In Pressurized Underground Petroleum Pipelines

600R92147 Proceedings: Investigators' Meeting for EPA's Biotechnology-Biological Control Agent Risk Assessment Research Program, Crystal City, Virginia, April 8 - 12, 1991

600R92150 Approach to Improving Decision Making in Wetland Restoration and Creation

600R92167 Synoptic Approach to Cumulative Impact Assessment: A Proposed Methodology

600R92173 Technology Assessment of Soil Vapor Extraction and Air Sparging

600R92174 Proceedings Symposium On Soil Venting Houston Texas April 29-may 1 1991

600R92175 Opportunities for Pollution Prevention Research to Support the 33/50 Program

600R92182 Contaminants and Remedial Options at Wood Preserving Sites

600R92183 Evaluation of Terrestrial Indicators for Use in Ecological Assessments at Hazardous Waste Sites

600R92186 Direct/Delayed Response Project: Future Effects of Long-Term Sulfur Deposition on Stream Chemistry in the Mid-Appalachian Region of the Eastern United States

600R92189 Pollution Prevention Research Program

600R92199 Health Issue Assessment: Summary Review of Health Effects Associated with Mercuric Chloride

600R92213 Pollution Prevention Information Exchange System (PIES)

600R92219 Measurement and Analysis of Adsistor and Figaro Gas Sensors Used for Underground Storage Tank Leak Detection

600R92223 3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE: Numerical Codes for Delineating Wellhead Protection Areas in Agricultural Regions Based on the Assimilative Capacity Criterion

600R92226 Life Cycle Design Guidance Manual: Environmental Requirements and the Product System

600R92229 Habitat Quality Assessment of Two Wetland Treatment Systems in Mississippi; A Pilot Study

600R92238 Investigation of Inappropriate Pollutant Entries into Storm Drainage Systems: A User's Guide

600R92240 Pilot-Scale Incineration of Contaminated Sludges from the Bofors-Nobel Superfund Site

600R92245 Product Life-Cycle Assessment: Inventory Guidelines and Principles

600R92247 LNAPL Distribution And Hydrocarbon Vapor Transport In The Capillary Fringe

600R92248 Environmental Criteria And Assessment Office (ecao-cin) Annual Report Fy92

600R92251 On-Site Waste Ink Recycling: Technology Evaluation Report

600R92252 Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory

600R93008 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment: USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD

600R93010 Manual Of Instructional Problems For The Usgs Modflow Model

600R93011 Quality Assurance And Quality Control In The Development And Application Of Groundwater Models

600R93012A Demonstration of Remedial Action Technologies for Contaminated Land and Groundwater; Volume 1; Final Report

600R93012B Demonstration of Remedial Action Technologies for Contaminated Land and Groundwater; Volume 2, Final Report, Part 1

600R93012C Demonstration of Remedial Action Technologies for Contaminated Land and Groundwater; Volume 2, Final Report, Part 2

600R93015A Poolution Prevention Opportunity Assessment: Manufacturing and Fabrication Repair Laboratory at Sandia National Laboratories

600R93015B Poolution Prevention Opportunity Assessment: Geochemistry Laboratory at Sandia National Laboratories

600R93018 Method 1613: Tetra-Through Octa-Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans by Isotope Dilution HRGC/HRMS: Revision A

600R93021 Laboratory Study on the Use of Hot Water to Recover Light Oily Wastes from Sands

600R93028 Decision-Support Software for Soil Vapor Extraction Technology Application: HyperVentilate

600R93029 ERL-Duluth: Spotlight on Research 1992

600R93035 Office of Environmental Engineering and Technology Demonstration: Annual Report, Innovative Technologies Progress, FY 1991 - FY 1992

600R93036 Pilot-Scale Incineration of Contaminated Soil from the Chenical Insecticide Corporation Superfund Site

600R93038 Report to Congress: Fundamental and Applied Research at the Environmental Protection Agency

600R93039 Conference on the Risk Assessment Paradigm After Ten Years: Policy and Practice, Then, Now, and in the Future

600R93040 Proceedings: RREL Hazardous Waste Research Symposium, Abstract, 19th

600R93041 Predicting Acid Generation from Non-Coal Mining Wastes; Notes of Workshop, July 1992

600R93042 Determination of Ethylene Thiourea (ETU) in Water Using Gas Chromatography with a Nitrogen-Phosphorus Detector Method 509, Revision 1.0

600R93046 PRZM-2, A Model for Predicting Pesticide Fate in the Crop Root and Unsaturated Soil Zones: User Manual for Release 2.0

600R93047 Pilot Scale Incineration of Contaminated Soils from the Drake Chemical Superfund Site

600R93051 Onsite Engineering Report for Solidification/Stabilization Treatment Testing of Contaminated Soils

600R93054 Symposium On Bioremediation Of Hazardous Wastes Research, Development, and Field Evaluations, Abstracts

600R93055 Interim Report on Data and Methods for Assessment of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Risks to Aquatic Life and Associated Wildlife

600R93059 A Primer for Financial Analysis of Pollution Prevention Projects

600R93066 On-Site Engineering Report of the Slurry-Phase Biological Reactor for Pilot-Scale Testing on Contaminated Soil

600R93070 LDCRS Flow from Double-lined Landfills and Surface Impoundments

600R93073 An X-Ray Fluorescence Survey of Lead Contaminated Residential Soils in Leadville, Colorado: A Case Study

600R93079 Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, GA: 1992 Highlights

600R93084 Carbon Cycling in Boreal Forests and Sub-Arctic Ecosystems

600R93086 Ink and Cleaner Waste Reduction Evaluation for Flexographic Printers

600R93087 Operations and Research at the U.S. EPA Incineration Research Facility: Annual Report for FY92

600R93089 Provisional Guidance For Quantitative Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

600R93092 Stress Cracking Behavior of Hope Geomembranes and its Prevention

600R93095 Study of the Use of Recycled Paving Material

600R93098 Handbook on Pollution Prevention Opportunities for Bleached Kraft Pulp and Paper Mills

600r93099 Parameters Affecting the Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity for Solidified/Stabilized Waste

600R93100 Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Substances in Environmental Samples

600R93102 Thermal Degridation Characteristics of Environmentally Sensitive Pesticide Prodducts

600R93104 Research Needs for Risk Assessment of Inhaled Particulate Matter: Report of a Workshop Sponsored by the Office of Health and Environmental Assessment, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

600R93107 Case Studies in Wellhead Protection Area Delineation and Monitoring

600R93111 Geographic Index of Environmental Articles 1992

600R93112 Proceedi9ngs of the Workshop on Geomembrane Seaming: Data Acquisition and Control

600R93113A Chemical Shoreline Cleaning Agents: Evaluation of Two Laboratory Procedures for Estimating Performance

600R93113B Chemical Shoreline Cleaning Agents for Oil Spills: Update State-of-the-Art on Mechanisms of Action and Factors Influencing Performance

600R93114 Mobile On-Site Recyclingof Metalworking Fluids

600R93117 Habitat Quality Assessment of Two Wetland Treatment Systems in The Arid West; A Pilot Study

600R93118 Compilation Of Groundwater Models

600R93122 Public Health, Occupational Safety, and Environmental Concerns in Municipal Solid Waste Recycling Operations

600R93133 Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory Site Remediation Technical Support Program: FY92 Annual Report

600R93135 North American Landscape Characterization (NALC); Research Plan

600R93136 Disinfection By-Product Formation by Alternative Disinfectants and Removal by Granular Activated Carbon

600R93137A Behavior and Assimilation of Organic and Inorganic Priority Pollutants Codisposed with Municipal Waste: Volume 1

600R93137B Behavior and Assimilation of Organic and Inorganic Priority Pollutants Codisposed with Municipal Waste: Volume 2 Appendicies

600R93139 Dilution Models For Effluent Discharges 3rd Edition {disk Included}

600R93140 Behavior and Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Soil, A Literature Review

600R93142 Hazardous Air Pollutants: Profiles of Noncancer Toxicity from Inhalation Exposures

600R93143 Fluorescent Tracer Evaluation of Protective Clothing Performance

600R93144 Evaluation of Ultrafiltrationtto Recover Aqueous Iron Phosphating/Degreasing Bath

600R93149 Replacement of Hazardous Material in Wide Web Flexographic Printing Process

600R93150 Watts Nickel and Rinse Water Recovery Via an Advanced Reverse Osmosis System

600R93151 Measuring Pollution Prevention Progress Proceedings

600R93152 Airborne Asbestos Concentrations Three Years After Abatement in Seventeen Schools

600R93153 Scientific Research on Diseases and Mortalities of Dolphins in U.S. Waters

600R93154 Fluid Sorbent Recycling Device for Industrial Fluid Users

600R93155 Evaluation of Three Cleaning Methods for Removing Asbestos from Carpet

600R93157 Proceedings: Fish Physiology, Toxicology, and Water Quality Management; International Symposium, Sacramento, Ca, USA, September 18-20, 1990

600R93159 Airborne Asbestos Concentrations During Buffing of Resilient Floor Tile

600R93160 Recycling Nickel Electoplating Rinse Waters by Low Temerature Evaporation and Reverse Osmosis

600R93162 Weatherability of Enhanced Degradable Plastics

600R93163 Evaluation of Collier County, Florida Landfill Mining Demonstration

600R93164 Bioremediation Using the Land Treatment Concept

600R93165 Evaluation of an Automated Sorting Process for Post-Consumer Mixed Plastic Containers

600R93166 Evaluation of Recycled Plastic Lumber for Marine Applications

600R93167 Evaluation of Solidification/Stabilization Treatment Processes for Municipal Waste Combustion Residues

600R93168 Waste Minimization Practices at Two CCA Wood-Treatment Plants

600R93171 Report of Workshop on Geosynthetic Clay Liners

600R93172 Use of Alternative Materials for Daily Covers at Municipal Solid Waste Landfils

600R93174 Hydrological Simulation Program: Fortran User's Manual for Release 10

600R93175 Innovative Clean Technologies Case Studies

600R93182 Technical Guidance Document: Quality Assurance and Quality Control for Waste Containment Facilities

600R93183 Guidance Manual Bedded Sediment Bioaccumulation Tests

600R93184 Evaluation Of An Unsaturated-vadose Zone Models For Superfund Sites

600R93187A Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook: Volume 1 of 2

600R93187B Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook, Appendix: Literature Review Database, Volume 2 of 2

600R93190 Episodic Acidification of Streams in the Northeastern United States: Chemical and Biological Results of the Episodic Response Project

600R93191 Minimizing Pollution in Cleaning and Degreasing Operations

600R93194 Solicitation for Research Grant Proposal: 1994 Exploratory Research Grants

600R93195 Use of Chemical Dispersants for Marine Oil Spills

600R93201 Carbon Black Dispersion Pre-Plating Technology for Printed Wire Board Manufacturing

600R93202 Review and Assessment of Factors Affecting Hydraulic Conductivity Values Determined from Slug Tests

600R93203 Dupont Chambers Works: Waste Minimization Project

600R93206 Assessment of Potential Health Risks of Gasoline Oxygenated With Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE)

600R93209 Multilevel Pumping Wells as a Means for Remediating a Contaminated Costal Aquifer

600R93217 Research Perspectives for Dolphin Mortalities in North America

600R93222 Habitat Quality Assessment of Two Wetland Treatment Systems in Florida; A Pilot Study

600R93223 Ultrasonic Cleaning as a Replacement for a Chlorofluorocarbon-Based System

600R93241 Phase I and Phase II Awards: Small Business Innovation Research Program 1993, Abstracts

600R93242 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments (arcs) Program Quality Assurance Program Plan

600R93274 CARA

600R93275 Global Climate Change Engineering R & D Program Draft Background Report Submitted to Global Climate Change Engineering Research Subcommittee EPA Science Advisory Board

600R94006 A Literature Review Summary of Metals Extraction Processes Used to Remove Lead From Soils

600R94009 Indoor Air: Reference Bibliography

600R94011 Proceedings: RREL Research Symposium, 20th Annual Abstract

600R94024 Methods for Measuring the Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of Sediment-Associated Contaminants with Freshwater Invertebrates

600R94025 Methods for Assessing the Toxicity of Sediment-Associated Contaminants with Estuarine and Marine Amphipods

600R94026 Onsite Solvent Recovery

600R94027 Minipilot Solar System: Design/Operation and Results of Non Solar Testing at MRI

600R94028 Identification And Compilation Of Unsaturated-vadose Zone Models

600R94032 GeneTox Manager System: User's Guide-VAX Component

600R94033 GeneTox Manager System: Programmer's Guide-VAX Component

600R94034 GeneTox Manager System: Personal Computer Software Programmer's Guide

600R94035 GeneTox Manager System: Bacterial Mutagenesis Assays: User's Guide

600R94036 Evaluating ACQ as an Alternative Wood Preservative System

600R94038A Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems, Volume 1: A Field Guide to Environmental Quality Assurance 1993

600R94038B Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems: Volume 2: Ambient Air Specific Methods (Interim Edition)

600R94038C Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems: Volume 3: Stationary Source-Specific Methods

600R94038D Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems Volume IV: Meteorological Measurements (As Revised March, 1995)

600R94038E Quality Assurance Handbook For Air Pollution Measurement Systems Volume 5 Precipitation Measurement Systems {handbook}

600R94039A Hydrocarbon Spill Screening Model (hssm), Volume 1 User's Guide

600R94039B Hydrocarbon Spill Screening Model (HSSM), Volume 2: Theoretical Background and Source Codes

600R94043 Evaluation of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Technology to Reduce Solvent in Spray Coating Applications

600R94047 Mercury Usage and Alternatives in the Electrical and Electronics Industries

600R94050 Cadmium and Chromium Recovery from Electroplating Rinsewaters

600R94057 EPANET Users Manual

600R94063 Wash Solvent Reuse in Paint Production

600R94067 Assessment of Alternative Management Practices and Policies Affecting Soil Carbon in Agroecosystems of the Central United States

600R94068 Spotlight on Research 1994: ERL-Duluth

600R94071 Evaluation of an Electrodialytic Process for Purification of Hexavalent Chromium Solutions

600R94074 Substitution of Cadmium Cyanide Electroplating with Zinc Chloride Electroplating

600R94075 Symposium On Bioremediation Of Hazardous Wastes Research Development And Field Evaluations Abstracts June 28-30 1994

600R94079 Geographic Index of Environmental Articles, 1993

600R94084 Evaluation of Asbestos Management Programs in 17 New Jersey Schools: Case Studies Report

600R94086 Dilution Models for Effluent Discharges, 3rd Edition

600R94091 Operations and Research at the U.S. EPA Incineration Research Facility: Annual Report for FY93

600R94092 Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, Ga 1993 Highlights

600R94093 FinePore Difuser System Evaluation for the Green Bay Metropolitan Sewage District

600R94094 Oxygen Transfer Efficiency Surveys at the Jones Island Treatment Plants 1985-1988

600R94095 Fine Pore Diffuser Fouling: Los Angeles Studies

600R94096 Oxygen Transfer Studies at the Madison Metropalitan Sewage District Facilities

600R94097 Longterm Performance Characteristics of Fine Pore Ceramic Difusers at Monroe Wisconsin

600R94098 Case History of Fine Pore Difuser Retrofit atJersey

600R94099 Oxygen Transfer Efficiency Surveys at the South Shore Wastewater Treatment Plant, 1985-1987

600R94100 Fine Pore Difuser Case History for Frankenmuth, Michigan

600R94101 Off-Gas Analysis Results and Fine Pore Retrofit Information for Glastonbury, Connecticut

600R94102 Measurement and control of Fouling in Fine Pore Difuser Systems

600R94103 Fouling of Fin Pore Difused Aerators, An Interplant Comparison

600R94104 Survey and Evaluation of Porous Polyethlyene Media Fine Bubble Tube and DiskAreators

600R94106 Case Study Report on Milwaukee Ceramic Plate Aeration Facilities

600R94107 Investigations into Biofouling Phenomena in Fine Pore Aeration Devices

600R94110 Preliminary Risk Assessment for Pathogens in Landfilled Municipal Sewage Sludge

600R94111 Methods for the Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples, Supplement 1

600R94112 Development and Evaluation of a Quantitative Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for Polychlorinated Biphenlys

600R94114 Removal and Containment of Lead-Based Paint Via Needle Scalers

600R94117 Residual Soil Radioactivity at the Gnome Test Site in Eddy County, New Mexico

600R94119 Evaluation of Sampling and Field-Filtration Methods for the Analysis of Trace Metals in Ground Water

600R94120 Evaluation Of Technologies For Cleanup Of Dnapl Contaminated Sites

600R94122 Research, Development, and Technical Services at EPA: Report to the Administrator July 1994

600R94123 Methods for Monitoring Pump-and-Treat Performance

600R94124 Temperature Radioactive Tracer And Noise Logging For Inspection Well Integrity

600R94125 Proceedings: Workshop on Green Syntheses and Processing in Chemical Manufacturing

600R94127 Bicarbonate of Soda Blasting Technology for Aircraft Wheel Depainting

600R94128 A Review of Computer Process Simulation in Industrial Pollution Prevention

600R94129 Stormwater Pollution Abatement Technologies

600R94134 Method 100.2: Determination of Asbestos Structures Over 10 UM in Length in Drinking Water

600R94138 Proceedings: Fish Physiology, Toxicology and Water Quality Management; 3rd Biennial International Symposium, Nanjing, PRC, November 3-5, 1992

600R94140 National Incinerator Testing and Evaluation Program Environmental Characterization Of Refuse-derived Fuel (rdf) Combustion Technology, Mid-connecticut Facility, Hartford, Ct

600R94142 Field Investigation of Effectiveness of Soil Vapor Extraction Technology

600R94143 Evaluation of Watershed Quality in the Minnesota River Basin

600R94144 Waste Reduction Evaluation of Soy Based Ink at a Sheet-Fed Offset Printer

600R94145 Evaluation of Oxygen-Enriched MSW/Sewage Sludge Co-Incineration Demonstration Program

600R94148 Alkaline Noncyanide Zinc Plating with Reuse of Recovered Chemicals

600R94149 Characterizing Containerized Mixed Low-Level Waste for Treatment: A Workshop Proceedings

600R94154 Federal Facility Pollution Prevention: Tools for Compliance

600R94155 Environmental Studies in the Nemunas River Basin, Lithuania

600R94156 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment: United States Coast Guard Aviation Training Center Mobile, Alabama

600R94157 Development of a Pollution Prevention Factors Methodology Based on Life-Cycle Assessment: Lithographic Printing Case Study

600R94158 Annual Report Of The Research Grants Program 1994 Office Of Exploratory Research

600R94162 Symposium on Natural Attenuation of Ground Water

600R94164 Mite Program Evaluation: Evaluation of the Weight-Based Collection Project in Farmington, Minnesota

600R94165 Cost Evaluation of Automated and Manual Post-Consumer Plastic Bottle Sorting Systems

600R94168 Hydrolic Evaluation of Landfill Performance ???

600R94168A Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP) Model: A (Set Includes, A- User's Guide for Version 3 w/disks, B-Engineering Documentation for Version 3

600R94168B Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP) Model: B (Set Includes, A- User's Guide for Version 3 w/disks, B-Engineering Documentation for Version 3

600R94169 Innovative Clean Technologies Case Studies Second Year Project Report

600R94170 Electronic Component Cooling Alternatives: Compressed Air and Liquid Nitrogen

600R94171 NASA Langley Research Center and the Tidewater Interagency Pollution Prevention Program

600R94173 Technical Notes on Drinking Water Methods {Includes 2 Errata Sheets}

600R94174 Czaem User's Guide Modeling Capture Zones Of Groundwater Wells Using Analytic Elements

600R94176 Evaluation of Propylene Carbonate in Air Logistics Center (ALC) Depainting Operations

600R94177 Chemical Hazard Evaluation Management Strategies: A Method for Ranking and Scoring Chemicals by Potential Human Health and Environmental Impacts

600R94178 The Product Side of Pollution Prevention Evaluating the Potential for Safe Substitutes

600R94179 Germany, Garbage, and the Green Dot: Challenging the Throwaway Society

600R94183 Managing Ecological Risks at EPA: Issues and Recommendations for Progress

600R94197 Experimental Evaluation Of Two Sharp Front Models For Vadose Zone Non-aqueous Phase Liquid Transport

600R94202 Contaminants and Remedial Options at Pesticide Sites

600R94203 Contaminants and Remedial Options at Solvent Contaminated Sites

600R94205 Ground Water Sampling A Workshop Summary, Dallas, Texas, November 30-December 2, 1993

600R94210 Whaem Program Documentation For The Wellhead Analytic Element Model

600R94901 Summary Of Data Analyses And Experimental Design For Investigation Of Iron Chemistry In Lead-contaminated Materials

600R94902 IDEA System - Aggregate Database Analysis: National Profile Three-Digit SIC Categories for Air, NPDES & RCRA Permits (TRI Releases, Noncompliance, Median Days Since Last Inspection, & 1989-1994 Enf. Actions) Sorted by 8-Qtr % NC

600R95003 Composites from Recycled Wood and Plastics

600R95006 Parts Washing Alternatives Study: United States Coast Guard

600R95012 Proceedings: RREL Research Symposium, 21st Annual, Abstract

600R95016 Pathogen Risk Assessment Methodology for Municipal Sewage Sludge Landfilling and Surface Disposal

600R95029 Bench Scale Recovery of Lead Using an Electromembrane Chelation Process

600R95036 Pollution Prevention Case Studies Compendium, Second Edition

600R95040 Assessing UST Corrective Action Technologies: Lessons Learned About In Situ Air Sparging at the Denison Avenue Site Cleveland, Ohio

600R95041 Improvements in Pump Intake Basin Design

600R95045 Office Equipment: Design, Indoor Air Emissions, and Pollution Prevention Opportunities

600R95047 Analysis of the Potential Effects of Toxics on Municipal Solid Waste Management Options

600R95051 RCRA Subtitle D (258): Seismic Design Guidance for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facilities

600R95061 Pollution Prevention Research Within the Federal Community

600R95067 Geographic Index of Environmental Articles, 1994

600R95068 Calcium Carbonate Dissolution Rate in Limestone Contactors

600R95069 Ecosystem Management Research In The Pacific Northwest 5 Year Research Strategy

600R95070 Pollution Prevention Possibilities for Small and Medium-Sized Industries: Results of the White Projects

600R95071 Operations and Research at the U.S. EPA Incineration Research Facility: Annual Report for FY94

600R95076 Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development, and Field Evaluations, Abstracts, The Rye Town Hilton, Rye Brook, NY, August 8-10, 1995

600R95077 Laboratory Methods for Soil and Foliar Analysis in Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Programs

600R95078 Measurement and Analysis of Vapor Sensors Used at Underground Storage Tank Sites

600R95080 Supercritical Water Oxidation Model Development for Selected EPA Priority Pollutants

600R95081 Performance Demonstrations of Alternative Screen Reclamation Products for Screen Printing

600R95085 Effect of pH, DIC, Orthophosphate and Sulfate on Drinking Water Cuprosolvency

600R95086 Castnet National Dry Deposition Network 1990-1992 Status Report

600R95087 Chromate Recovery from Chromating Rinsewater in the Metal Finishing Industry

600R95098 Particle TEAM (PTEAM) Study: Analysis of the Data, Volume 3, Final Report

600R95107 Life Cycle Design Framework and Demonstration Projects: Profiles of AT&T and Allied Signal

600R95109 MITE Program Evaluation: Evaluation of Diversion and Cost for Selected Drop-Off Recycling Programs

600R95110 Characterization of Mercury Contamination at the East Fork Poplar Creek Site, Oak Ridge Tennessee, A Case Study

600R95118 Effect of Freeze Thaw on the Hydraulic Conductivity of Barrier Materials Laboratory and Field Evaluation

600R95120 Demonstration of Alternative Cleaning Systems

600R95122 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment United States Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh Engineer Warehouse and Repair Station and Emsworth Locks and Dams, Pittsburgh, PA

600R95123 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment of the United States Army Corps of Engineers Garrison Dam Hydroelectric Powerplant, Riverdale, ND

600R95124 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers John H. Kerr Dam and Reservor, Boydton, VA

600R95125 MITE Program Evaluation: Environmental, Economic and Energy Impacts of Material Recovery Facilities

600R95127 Pollution Prevention Alternatives for Public Works Center (Transportation) Waste Fluids at Naval Station Mayport

600R95128 Investigation of Waste Rag Generation at Naval Station Mayport

600R95129 Municipal Solid Waste Combustor Ash Demonstration Program: The Boathouse

600R95130 Development of Computer Supported Information System Shell for Measuring Pollution Prevention Progress

600R95131 Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water, Supplement 3, ( Include Errata Sheet )

600R95135 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment United States Naval Base Norfolk Naval Air Station

600R95136 Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to West Coast Marine and Estuarine Organisms

600R95138 Advanced Composites Technology Case Study at NASA Langley Research Center

600R95139 Urban Soil Lead Abatement Demonstration Project: EPA Integrated Report (Review Draft)

600R95140 Mite Program Evaluation: Household Hazardous Waste Characterization Study for Palm Beach County, Florida

600R95141 Leachate Clogging Assessment of Geotextile and Soiul Landfill Filters

600R95146 Seminar Publication: Landfill Bioreactor Design and Operation, March 23-24, 1995, Wilmington, DE

600R95153 Evaluation Of Watershed Quality In The Saginaw River Basin

600R95156 Champion International Superfund Site Libby Montana Bioremediation Field Performance Evaluation Of The Prepared Bed Land Treatment System Volumes 1 And 2

600R95173 Assessment Of Nitrogen Loads To Aquatic Systems

600R95176 National R and D Strategy for Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Solid Waste

600R95178 ICR Microbial Laboratory Manual

600R96018 Trace Metal Cleanroom

600R96027 Guidance for the Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Quality-Related Documents: EPA QA/G-6

600R96029 Use of Surrogate Species in Assessing Contaminant Risk to Endangered and Threatened Fishes, September 1995, Final Report

600R96031 UST Corrective Action Technologies: Engineering Design of Free Product Recovery Systems

600R96041 Assessing UST Corrective Action Technologies: Diagnostic Evaluation of In Situ SVE-Based System Performance

600R96042 Assessing UST Corrective Action Technologies: In Situ SVE-Based Systems for Free Recovery and Residual Hydrocarbon Removal

600R96047A Blind A Performance Evaluation Study Statistical Evaluation Of The October 17 1995 Data

600R96047B Blind B Performance Evaluation Study Statistical Evaluation Of The October 17 1995 Data

600R96052 Proceedings: Delmarva's Coastal Bay Watersheds: Not Yet Up the Creek, A Conference on Ecology and Economy, March 8-9, 1996, Ocean City, MD

600R96054 Marine Toxicity Identification Evaluation (TIE): Phase I Guidance Document

600R96055 Guidance for the Data Quality Objectives Procedures EPA QA/G-6

600R96056 Data Quality Objectives Decision Error Feasibility Trials (DQO/DEFT): User's Guide, Version 4.0

600R96059 Strategic Plan for the Office of Research and Development

600R96060 Analysis of Soil and House Dust for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

600R96064 Report to Congress The Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Program

600R96082 Bioindicators For Assessing Ecological Integrity Of Prairie Wetlands {includes Disk}

600R96084 Guidance for Data Quality Assessment: Practical Methods for Data Analysis: EPA QA/G-9, QA96 Version

600R96090 Proceedings Problems Of Aquatic Toxicology, Biotesting and Water Quality Management Usa-russia Symposium Borok, Jaroslavi Oblast, July 21-23, 1992

600R96092 Waste Oil Reduction for Diesel Engines

600R96094 Life Cycle Assessment for PC Blend 2 Aircraft Radome Depainter

600R96095 UNSODA Unsaturated Soil Hydraulic Database, User's Manual Version 1.0

600R96100 National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, 1995 Annual Report

600R96103 Stagnation Time, Composition pH and Orthophosphate Effects on Metal Leaching From Brass

600R96104 Life Cycle Assessment for Chemical Agent Resistant Coating

600R96110 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment United States Postal Inspection Service Forensic and Technical Services Division, National Forensic Laboratory, Dulles VA

600R96111 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment, United States Postal Service, Bulk Mail Center, Dallas, TX

600R96112 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment, United States Postal Service, Stamp Distribution Network, Kansas City, MO

600R96113 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment, United States Postal Service, Operations, Merrifield, VA

600R96114 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment, United States Postal Service, Post Offices, Pittsburgh, PA Area

600R96115 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment United States Postal Service Materials Distribution Center Topeka, KS

600R96125 1997 EPA Research Grants Announcement.

600R96134 New Approach for Demonstrating Attainment of the Ambient Ozone Standard: Modeling, Analysis, and Monitoring Considerations

600R96140 Risk Management Research Plan For Wet Weather Flows

600R96145 Enhanced Bioremediation of BTEX Nutrients: Field Demonstration and Monitoring

600R96148 Descriptive Statistics Tables from a Detailed Analysis of the National Human Activity Pattern Survey (NHAPS) Data

600R96149 Report of 1995 Workshop on Geosynthetic Clay Liners

600R97003 Modelo Para Evaluacion de Derrames de Hidrocarburos (HSSM) Guia del Usuario (Model for Evaluation of Hydrocarbons Spills Users Guide, Spanish Version)

600R97007 Ground-Water Model Testing: Systematic Evaluation and Testing of Code Functionality and Performance

600R97008 Research and Development: Research Accomplishments, Fiscal Years 1995-1996

600R97009 Evaluation of Low Order Stream Quality in Central Iowa

600R97015 ORD's Strategic Plan, 1997 Update

600R97019 Site Characterization and Analysis Penetrometer System (SCAPS) Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) Sensor and Support System

600R97020 Rapid Optical Screening Tool (ROST) Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) System for Screening of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Subsurface Soils

600R97023 Investigation of Hydrogeologic Mapping to Delineate Protection Zones Around Springs: Report of Two Case Studies

600R97032 Evaluation of Alternatives to Chlorinated Solvents for Metal Cleaning

600R97034 Field and Laboratory Evaluations of a Real-Time PAH Analyzer

600R97037 Alternative to Chrome Etching Processes for Metals

600R97044 Champion International Superfund Site, Libby, Montana, Field Performance Evaluation Bioremediation Unit: In Situ Bioremediation of the Upper Aquifer

600R97047 Exposure Analysis Modeling System (exams Ii) User's Guide For Version 2 97 5 {includes Disk}

600R97048 Developing and Using Production-Adjusted Measurements of Pollution Prevention

600R97053 3DFATMIC Three-dimensional Subsurface Flow Fate and Transport of Microbes and Chemicals Model User’s Manual Version 1.0

600R97055 Field Validation of a Penetrometer-Based Fiber-Optic Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricant (POL) Sensor

600R97059 Air Concentrations and Inhalation Exposure to Pesticides in the Agricultural Health Pilot Study

600R97063 Evaluation of the Implementation of Operations and Maintenance Programs in New Jersey Schools

600R97069 Ostrava Human Exposure and Biomarker Study

600R97072 Methods for the Determination of Chemical Substances in Marine and Estuarine Environmental Matrices, Second Edition

600R97078 Risk Management Research Plan for Ecosystem Restoration in Watersheds

600R97085 State-of-the-Art Procedures and Equipment for Internal Inspection and Upgrading of Underground Storage Tanks

600R97098 Fish Physiology, Toxicology and Water Quality: Proceeding of the Fourth International Symposium, Bozeman, Montana USA September 19-21, 1995

600R97099 Michigan Soil Vapor Extraction Remediation (MISER) Model: A Computer Program to Model Soil Vapor Extraction and Bioventing of Organic Chemicals in Unsaturated Geological Material

600R97102 NAPL Simulator Documentation

600R97109 Field Evaluation of Screening Techniques for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, 2,4-Diphenoxyacetic Acid, and Pentachlorophenol in Air, House Dust, Soil, and Total Diet

600R97114 Review of Single Species Toxicity Tests: Are the Tests Reliable Predictors of Aquatic Ecosystem Community Responses?

600R97115 Air Emissions from Scrap Tire Combustion

600R97122 Research Plan for Microbial Pathogens and Disinfection By-Products in Drinking Water

600R97128a Estimation of Infiltration Rate in the Vadose Zone Compilation of Simple Mathematical Models, Volume 1

600R97128b Estimation of Infiltration Rate in the Vadose Zone Application of Selected Mathematical Models, Volume 2

600R97130 Ecological Assessment of the United States Mid-Atlantic Region

600R97134A Evaluation of Emissions from the Open Burning of Household waste in Barrels, Volume 1: Technical

600R97136 Minutes of the Stakeholder Meetings on the Report of the JSA Shrimp Virus Work Group

600R97139 National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (nelac) Constitution and Bylaws

600R97144 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer, HNU Systems SEFA-P

600R97145 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer, Spectrace TN 9000 and TN Pb Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzers

600R97145VS Environmental Technology Verification Program: Verification Statement: Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer, Spectrace TN 9000 and TN PB Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzers ???

600R97146 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer, Metorex X-Met 920-P and 940

600R97147 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer, Scitec MAP Spectrum Analyzer

600R97148 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Field Portable Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer; Viking Instruments Corporation

600R97149 Environmental Verification Report: Field Portable Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer; Bruker-Franzen Analytical Systems Inc

600R97150 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer, Niton XL Spectrum Analyzer

600R97151 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Field Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer, Metorex X-MET 920-MP

600R97154 Atlantic Ecology Division Narragansett, Rhode Island

600R97155 Risk Characterization : A Practical Guidance for NCEA-Washington Risk Assessors

600R980035 Verification Testing of Emissions from the Combustion of A-55® Clean Fuels in a Firetube Boiler

600R98010 Bioplume III Natural Attenuation Decision Support System User's Manual, Version 1.0

600R98018 EPA Guidance For Quality Assurance Project Plans EPA QA/G-5

600R98020 Monitoring and Assessment of In-Situ Biocontainment of Petroleum Contaminated Ground-Water Plumes

600R98025 Field Study to Compare Performance of Stainless Steel Research Monitoring Wells With Existing On-Farm Drinking Water Wells in Measuring Pesticide and Nitrate Concentrations

600R98027 Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNet) Deposition Summary Report (1987 - 1995)

600R98038 Sustainability and Resource Assessment: A Case Study of Soil Resources in the United States

600R98042 Research Plan for Arsenic in Drinking Water

600R98044 Leaching of Metals from Household Plumbing Materials: Impact of Home Water Softeners

600R98045 Demonstration of Packaging Materials Alternatives to Expanded Polystyrene

600R98048 Oxygenates in Water: Critical Information and Research Needs

600R98058 Application of the Electromagnetic Borehole Flowmeter

600R98064 Environmental Technology Verification Program: Quality and Management Plan for the Pilot Period (1995-2000)

600R98065 Clean Products and Processes Phase: NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, Annual Report, 1998

600R98067 Environmental Profile for N-Methylpyrrolidone

600R98068 Environmental Profile for Propylene Carbonate

600R98070 Life-Cycle Impact Assessment Demonstration for the GBU-24

600R98079 Action Plan for Beaches and Recreational Waters

600R98086 Ecological Research Strategy

600R98091 Environmental Technology Verification Report Soil Sampling Technology Clements Associates Inc. JMC Environmentalist’s Subsoil Probe

600R98093 Environmental Technology Verification Report Soil Sampling Technology Art’s Manufacturing and Supply Ams Dual Tube Liner Sampler

600R98104 Synthetic-Based Drilling Fluids: An Assessment of the Spatial Distribution of Toxicants in Sediments from Gulf of Mexico Drilling Platforms

600R98106 Quality Assurance of Multi-Media Model for Predictive Screening Tasks

600R98109 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Electrochemical Technique/Ion Specific Electrode, Dexsil Corporation L2000 PCB/Chloride Analyzer

600R98110 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Immunoassay Kit, Hach Company PCB Immunoassay Kit

600R98111 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Immunoassay Kit, Strategic Diagnostics Inc. Rapid Assay System for PCB Analysis

600R98112 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Immunoassay Kit, Strategic Diagnostics Inc. D Tech PCB Test Kit

600R98113 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Immunoassay Kit, Strategic Diagnostics Inc. EnviroGard PCB Test Kit

600R98114 Environmental Technology Verification Report Portable Gas Chromatograph/ Surface Acoustic Wave Detector Electronic Sensor Technology 4100 Vapor Detector

600R98118 Method 300.1: Determination of Inorganic Anions in Drinking Water by Ion Chromatography, Revision 1.0

600R98123 Pollution Prevention Research Strategy

600R98125 Permeable Reactive Barrier Technologies for Contaminant Remediation

600R98127 Metals Adsorption Workshop, May 5-6, 1998 Cincinnati, Ohio

600R98128 Technical Protocol for Evaluating Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Ground Water

600R98135 User's Guide to the Patch Model (Manual and CD ROM)

600R98141 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Field-Portable Gas Chromatograph, Electronic Sensor Technology Model 4100

600R98142 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Field-Portable Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer, Inficon, Inc. HAPSITE

600R98143 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Photoacoustic Infrared Monitor, Innova AirTech Instruments Type 1312 Multi-gas Monitor

600R98144 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Field-Portable Gas Chromatograph, Perkin-Elmer Photovac Voyager

600R98145 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Field-Portable Gas Chromatograph, Sentex Systems, Inc. Scentograph Plus II

600R98147 Condition of the Mid-Atlantic Estuaries

600R98151 National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (nelac) Constitution and Bylaws

600R98152 User Guide Acute to Chronic Estimation

600R98154 Waste Research Strategy

600R98156A QTRACER Program CD ROM

600R98156AB QTRACER Program for Tracer-Breakthrough Curve Analysis of Karst and Fractured-Rock Aquifers

600R98157 Sewer and Tank Sediment Flushing: Case Studies

600R98159 3DHYDROGEOCHEM: A 3-Dimensional Model of Density-Dependent Subsurface Flow and Thermal Multispecies-Multicomponent HYDROGEOCHEMical Transport

600R98160 Environmental Technology Verification Report NSF International Ann Arbor Michigan Inactivation of Cryptosporidium Parvum Oocysts in Drinking Water Calgon Carbon Corporation’s Sentinel Ultraviolet Reactor

600R98160VS Ultraviolet Radiation Used in Packaged Drinking Water Treatment Systems

600R98162 Drinking Water Progress Review Workshop for the 1995 - 1998 Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Grants, December 8-9, 1998 Arlington, Virginia

600R98173 Environmental Technology Verification Report Immunoassay Kit, Envirologix, Inc. PCB In Soil Tube

600R98173 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Immunoassay Kit, Envirologix, Inc. PCB In Soil Tube

600R98182 January 1999: Errata for the Effluent and Receiving Water Toxicity Testing Manuals

600R98200 Application Kit for Assistance

600R99004 Environmental Technology Verification Report: Ultrasonic Aqueous Cleaning Systems Smart Sonic Corporation SMarT Sonic

600R99004VS Environmental Technology Verification Statement: Ultrasonic Aqueous Cleaning Systems, Smart Sonic, Smart Sonic Corporation

600R99005 Environmental Technology Verification Report Rechargeable Alkaline Household Battery System Rayovac Corporation, Renewal

600R99005VS Environmental Technology Verification Statement Rechargeable Alkaline Household Battery System, Renewal, Rayovac Corporation

600R99006 Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology with Special Reference to Environmental Karst Hydrology

600R99007 Characterization of Mine Leachates and the Development of a Ground-Water Monitoring Strategy for Mine Sites

600R99008 Pesticide Exposure and Health Effects in Young Children, Part 1: Pesticide Data

600R99011 Three-Dimensional NAPL Fate and Transport Model

600R99016 Ecological Assessment of the Louisiana Tensas River Basin

600R99017 Stormwater Treatment at Critical Areas: The Multi-Chambered Treatment Train (MCTT)

600R99022 Evaluation and Analysis of Microscale Flow and Transport During Remediation

600R99025 Risk Characterization Materials for Peer Review, March, 1999, Review Draft

600R99027 Report on the Shrimp Virus Peer Review and Risk Assessment Workshop: Developing a Qualitative Ecological Risk Assessment

600R99028 Reliability-Based Uncertainty Analysis of Groundwater Contaminant Transport and Remediation

600R99029 Innovative Urban Wet Weather Flow Management Systems

600R99030 Science Algorithms of the EPA Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling System

600R99041 Laser Fluorescence EEM Probe for Cone Penetrometer Pollution Analysis

600R99055 EPA 3rd Generation Air Quality Modeling System Models 3 Version 30 User's Manual

600R99057 System Installation And Operation Manual For The EPA 3rd Generation Air Quality Modeling System (models 3 Version 30)

600R99058 Ecological Risk Assessment in the Federal Government, May, 1999

600R99060 Sociodemographic Data Used for Identifying Potentially Highly Exposed Populations

600R99064 Methods for Measuring the Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of Sediment-Associated Contaminants with Freshwater Invertebrates, Second Edition

600R99065 Using Mm5 Version 2 With Models 3cmaq User's Guide And Tutorial

600R99066 PrimeNet: Ultraviolet Radiation/Amphibian Populations Research Planning Workshop, February 1-3, 1999

600R99069 Potential Species for Phytoremediation of Perchlorate

600R99080 Guidance On Technical Audits And Related Assessments For Environmental Data Operations

600R99081 Summary of the US EPA Workshop on the Relationship Between Exposure Duration and Toxicity

600R99085 Comparative Toxicity Testing of Selected Benthic and Epibenthic Organisms for the Development of Sediment Quality Test Protocols

600R99095a In Situ Permeable Reactive Barrier for the Treatment of Hexavalent Chromium and Trichloroethylene in Ground Water Design and Installation, Volume 1

600R99095b An in Situ Permeable Reactive Barrier for the Treatment of Hexavalent Chromium and Trichloroethylene in Ground Water: Volume 2 Performance Monitoring

600R99095c In Situ Permeable Reactive Barrier for the Treatment of Hexavalent Chromium and Trichloroethylene in Ground Water Multicomponent Reactive Transport Modeling, Volume 3

600R99098 Assessing Contaminant Sensitivity of Endangered and Threatened Species: Toxicant Classes

600R99099 Assessing Contaminant Sensitivity of Endangered and Threatened Species: Effluent Toxicity Tests

600R99100 Cost Evaluation Strategies for Technologies Tested Under the Environmental Technology Verification Program

600R99104 Hydrogeologic Foundations in Support of Ecosystem Restoration Base-Flow Loadings of Nitrate in Mid-Atlantic Agricultural Watersheds

600R99105 Land Cover Trends: Rates, Causes, and Consequences of Late-Twentieth Century U.S. Land Cover Change

600R99106 Research and Development: Research Accomplishments, Fiscal Years 1997-1998

600R99107 Introduction to Phytoremediation

600R99108 New Perspectives in Electrofishing

600R99110 Analytic Element Modeling of Coastal Aquifers

600R99111 Workshop Report on Characterizing Ecological Risk at the Watershed Scale July 7-8, 1999 Arlington, VA

600R99902 Marinas and Recreational Boating : Management Measures for Sources of Nonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters

600Ro4018 The Lake Michigan Mass Balance Project

600S00001 Environmental Research Brief Analytic Element Modeling of Ground Water Flow and High Performance Computing

600S00302 Influence of Reagent Parity on the Ion Chromatographic Determination of Bromate in Water Using 3,3'-Dimethoxybenzidine as a Prochromophore for Photometric Detection

600S02001 Environmental Research Brief: Long Term Performance of Permeable Reactive Barriers Using Zero-valent Iron: Evaluation at Two Sites

600S02002 Issue Paper: Advances in Restoration Science, Number 1: Research Needs in Riparian Buffer Resturation

600S02003 Issue Paper: Advances in Restoration Science, Number 2: Opportunities in Nitrogen Management Research: Improving Applications for Proven Technologies and Identifying New Tools for Manageing Nitrogen Flux and Input in Ecosystems

600S04057 The EPA Particulate Matter Research Program

600S04073 Naval Base Ventura County Port Hueneme California EPA Characterization Test Cell Report on Electromagnetic Surveys in the Test Cell Area

600S05002 Environmental Research Brief The Impact of Ground-Water/Surface-Water Interactions on Contaminant Transport with Application to an Arsenic Contaminated Site

600S05004 New Indicators of Coastal Ecosystem Condition

600S05005 New Index Of Environmental Condition For Coastal Watersheds In The Great Lakes Basin

600S05006 Treatment Technologies For Arsenic Removal

600S06002 Manager's Guide To Indicator Selection

600S06003 The MESA Air Pollution Study

600S06004 Technology for a Sustainable Environment Grant Program: A Decade of Innovation

600S06005 Highlights from the Interagency Research Program on the Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (ECOHAB)

600S06006 Synthesis Report Of Research From Epa’s Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Grant Program Feasibility Of Estimating Pesticide Exposure And Dose In Children Using Biological Measurements

600S06013 Synthesis Report Of Research From EPA’s Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Grant Program Mercury Transport and Fate Through a Watershed

600S06152 US EPA Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Iron Removal USEPA Demonstration Project at Climax, MN Project Summary

600S07002 US EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program Dioxin Emission Monitoring Systems

600S07003 US EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program Stormwater Technologies

600S07004 US EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program Residential Nutrient Reduction

600S07005 U.S. EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program Arsenic Monitoring Technologies

600S07006 US EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program Mercury Continuous Emission Monitors (CEMs)

600S07007 US EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program Arsenic Treatment Technologies

600S07009 US EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program Ambient Ammonia Monitors

600S07012 US EPA, Environmental Technology Verification Program ETV and Animal Feeding Operations

600S07015 US EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection Systems for Secondary Wastewater Effluent and Water Reuse

600S07016 US EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program Immunoassay Test Kits for Atrazine

600S07019 US EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program Nanofiltration for Removal of Drinking Water Disinfection By-Product Precursors

600S07028 US. EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program Portable Technologies for Measuring Lead in Dust

600S07029 US EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program Eductor Vapor Recovery Unit

600S07038 A Decade of Children's Environmental Health Research: Highlights from EPA's Science to Achielve Results Program, Summary Report

600S07072 US EPA Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Adsorptive Media Demonstration Project at Springfield, OH Project Summary

600S08002 Draft Nanomaterial Research Strategy (NRS)

600S08012 Determination of Rates and Extent of Dechlorination in PCB-Contaminated Sediments During Monitored Natural Recovery

600S08013 Measuring Contaminant Resuspension Resulting from Sediment Capping

600S08014 Use of Sediment Core Profiling in Assessing Effectiveness of Monitored Natural Recovery

600S180035 Effects Of Sulfur Oxide Pollutants On Respiratory Functionparticle Deposition And Bronchial Clearence May 1981

600S181002 Health Risks Of Human Exposure To Wastewater

600S181003 Effect Of Industrial Particulate Samples On Alveolar Macrophages

600S181004 Air Pollution And Health Effects In Children Residing In Akron OH

600S181006 Potential Health Effects From Viable Emissions And Toxins Associated With Wastewater Treatment Plants And Land Application Sites April 1981

600S181009 Investigation Of Effects Of Prolonged Inhalation Of Nickel-enriched Fly Ash In Syrian Golden Hamsters

600S181010 Effects Of Halogenated Aromatic Compound On The Metabolism Of Foreign Organic Compounds

600S181011 Sensitive Biochemical And Behavioral Indicators Of Trace Substance Exposure Part 1 Cerium

600S181013 Chronic Toxicity Of Lead And Cadmium11 Changes In The Central Nervous System Of The F1 Generation Of Rats After Chronic

600S181014 Effect Of Chlorine Dioxide Chlorite And Nitrite On Mice With Low And High Levels Of Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydro- Genase (g6pd) In Their Erythrocytes

600S181015 Sensitive Biochemical And Behavioral Indicators Of Trace Substance Exposure Part 11 Platinum

600S181016 Assessment Of Mutagenic Potential Of Mixtures Of Organic Substances In Renovated Water

600S181017 Mutagenesis Screening Of Pesticides Using Drosophila

600S181018 Ultrastructure and X-ray Microanalysis of Macrophages Exposed to Non-criteria Pollutants with Emphasis on Certain Metals

600S181019 Tradescantia Mcn-in-tetrad Mutagen Test For On-site Monitoring And Further Validation

600S181020 Determining Effect Of Pollutants On The Immune System

600S181021 Tracheal Organ Culture As Air Pollution Damage Indicator May 1981

600S181023 Epidemiological Study Of Klebsiella Pneumoniae Among Pulp And Paper Mill Workers

600S181024 Method Development For The Assessment Of Possible Human Exposure To Pesticides And Industrial Chemicals

600S181025 Pilot Program For The National Environmental Specimen Bank-phase 1 May 1981

600S181026 Sewage Sludge Viral And Pathogenic Agents In Soil-plant-animal Systems

600S181027 Health Effects Of Swimming In Lake Pontchartrain At New Orleans

600S181028 Aerosols Generated By Liquid Sludge Application To Land

600S181029 Mutagenic Activity And Chemical Characterization For The Palo Alto Wastewater Reclamation And Groundwater

600S181030 Evaluation Of The Health Risks Associated With The Treatment And Disposal Of Municipal Wastewater

600S181031 Effects Of Ozone On Leukocyte Dna

600S181032 Health Effects Of Sewage Aerosols Additional Serological Surveys And Search For Legionella Pneumophila

600S181033 Effects Of Particulate Air Pollution On Asthmatic Subjects

600S181034 Skeletal Variants As An Indicator Of Biological Effects Of Environmental Contaminants

600S181035 Teratology And Postnatal Studies In Rats Of The Propylene Glycol Butyl Ether Ands Isooctyl Esters Of

600S181036 Interaction Of Acid Sulfates And The Respiratory System

600S181037 Carcinogenic Potential Of Rotenone Sub- Chronic Oral And Peritoneal Administra- Tion To Rats And Chronic Dietary

600S181038 Effect Of Conventional And Advanced Coal Conversion By-products On The Pulmonary System

600S181039 Report Of Workshop On Epidemiologic Studies Of Airborne Particles

600S181040 Temporal Variability of Toxic Contaminants in Animal Diets

600S181041 Microwaves, Hyperthermia, and Human Leukocyte Function

600S181043 Development Of An In Vitro Neurotoxicity Assay

600S181044 Effects Of Sulfuric Acid Mist Exposure On Pulmonary Function

600S181045 Potency Ranking Of Chemicals Based On Enhancement Of Viral Transformation

600S181046 Improved Scoring of Chemical Transformation of C3H10T12 Cells

600S181047 Hematologic And Immunologic Studies Of Humans Exposed To So2

600S181048 Effects Of Post-implantation Exposure To Selected Pesticides On Reproductivity In Rats

600S181049 Sewage Sludge Pathogen Transport Model Project

600S181050 University Of Akron Urban Air Pollution And Human Health Study

600S181051 Ozone Exposure And Pulmonary Metabolic Effects Of Mediators And Hormones

600S181052 New Approaches To Quantitating The Pulmonary Effects Of Inhaled Pollutants

600S181053 Epidemiological Studies Of Otitis Externa Report Of A Prospective And Of A Retrospective Study Of Otistis

600S181054 Respiratory Carcinogenicity Of Diesel Fuel Emissions

600S181056 Evaluation Of Mutagenic Effects Of Diesel Emissions 1 Test For Heritable And Germ-cell Effects In The Mouse

600S181057 Association Between Birth Defects And Exposure To Ambient Vinyl Chloride

600S181058 Development Of Methodology For Determin- Ing Risk Assessment When Sludge Is Applied To Land

600S181059 Recreational Water Quality And Health

600S181060 Health Implications Of Coal Related Energy Development Mining Impacts

600S181062 Organic And Organotin Compounds Leached From Pvc And Cpvc Pipe Feb1982

600S181063 Mechanisms Of Cadmium Absorption In Rats

600S181064 Community Health Associated With Arsenic In Drinking Water In Millard County Utah

600S181065 Effects Of Short-term Intermittent Air Pollutants On Incidence And Severity Of Acute Respiratory Disease

600S181066 Studies In Children Exposed To Low Levels Of Lead

600S181067 Determination Of The Effects Of Material From Alternate Energy Sources On The Upper Respiratory Tract Clearance

600S181068 Study Of Chlorine Dioxide And Its Metabolites In Man

600S181069 Development And Evaluation Of An Ambient Viable Microbial Air Sampler

600S182001 Toxicology Of Pesticides

600S182004 Short-term Screening Test For Quick Responses To Pollutants Where Health August 1982

600S182006 Chronic Toxicity of Lead and Cadmium: III. Effects of Chronic Intoxication on the Reproductive Function of the F1 Generation and on the Central Nervous System of the F2 Generation of Rats, June 1982

600S182008 Effects Of Heavy Metals On The Differentiation Of Metabolic Pathways In The Cns Nov 1982

600S182009 Effects Of Selected Organic Drinking Water Contaminants On Male Reproduction

600S182010 Speciation Of Arsenic Compounds In Water Supplies Nov1982

600S182011 Chemistry and Mode of Action of Insecticides: Phase 2

600S182012 Pulmonary Function and Bronchial Reactivity in Human Subjects with Exposure to Ozone and Respirable Sulfuric Acid Aerosol: An Environmental Chamber Study, Sept 1982

600S182013 Cross Transmission Of Giardia Jan1983

600S182014 Effects Of 200 591 And 2450 Mhz Microwaves On Cerebral Energy Metabolism

600S182015 Human Epithelial Cell Activation Systems

600S182017 Potential Human Study Populations For Non-ionizing (Radio Frequency) Radiation Health Effects Mar1983

600S183001 Evaluation Of The Adsorption Properties Of Silicalite For Potential Application To Isolating Polar Low-molecular-weight Organics From Drinking Water

600S183002 Development Of A Model Of Toluene Blood Level Following Subcutaneous Injection Of Toluene In The Rat

600S183003 Chlorinated Hydrocarbonsinsecticide Versus Carcinogenic Action

600S183004 Determination of Minimal Infectious Dose of an Enterovirus in Drinking Water

600S183005 Detection Of Carcinogenicity Based On Mutagenicity In Arabidopsis

600S183006 Detection of Mutagenic Properties of Pesticides Used in Commercial Corn Production

600S183007 Fetotoxic Effects of Nickel in Drinking Water in Mice

600S183008 Microwaves Hyperthermia and Human Leukocyte Function

600S183009 Immunological And Hematological Effects Ofmicrowave Power Transmission From A Satellite Power System

600S183011 Studies of Waterborne Agents of Viral Gastroenteritis

600S183012 Enteric Virus Removal In Wastewater Treatment Lagoon Systems Sept1983

600S183013 Study Of Microbial Aerosols Emitted From A Water Reclamation Plant

600S183014 Determination Of The Use Of Solid Particle Samplers For Giardia Cysts In Natural Waters

600S183016 Evaluation Of The Mutagenicity Of Municipal Sewage Sludge

600S183017 Inhalation Teratology Studies Of Captan And Folpet In Mice

600S183018 Viruses In Water And Reclaimed Wastewater

600S184001 Responses Of Air Borne Biota To Microwave Transmission From Satellite Power System (SPS)

600S184002 Interaction Of Complex Pollutant Mixtures And Particulates In Causation Of Pulmonary Disease

600S184003 In Vitro Mutagenicity Studies Of Environmental Chemicals

600S184006 Retrospective Epidemiological Study Of Disease Associated With Wastewater Utilization

600S184007 The Effects of Cadmium on Renal Aging a Chronic Cadmium Feeding Study in Rats

600S184008 Epidemiological Study Of The Incidence Of Cancer As Related To Industrial Emissions In Contra Costa County California

600S184011 Use Of Short-term Genotoxic Bioassays In The Evaluation Of Unregulated Automobile Exhausts

600S184013 Recovery Of Trace Organic Compounds By The Parfaitdistillation Method

600S184014 Evaluation Of Health Risks Associated With Wastewater Treatment And Sludge Composting

600S184015 Effects Of Pollutants On Human Viral Respiratory Disease

600S184017 Adjustment of Incidence Rates for Migration in Indirect Ecologic Studies

600S184018 Isolation Or Concentration Of Organic Substances From Water An Evaluation Of Reverse Osmosis Concentration

600S184019 Water Distribution System As A Potential Source Of Mutagens In Drinking Water

600S184020 Gcms Analysis Of Organics In Drinking Water Concentrates & Advanced Waste Treatment Concentrates

600S184021 Measurement Of Cadmium Lead Zinc And Calcium In Selected Populations In The United States

600S184022 Reoviruses In Water Pollution Testing

600S184023 Chromosome Studies On Human Subjects Exposed To Arsenic In Drinking Water

600S184024 The Role Of Spontaneous Abortion Studies In Environmental Research

600S184025 Isolation & Concentration Of Organic Substances From Jan 1985 Water Using Synthetic Resins & Graphitized Carbon Black

600S184026 Sorption Properties Of Model Compounds On C18 Adsorbents

600S184027 Effects Of Selected Waterborne Particulates On Cellular And Molecular Parameters

600S184028 Project Summary-isolation & Concentration Of Organic Substances From Water--an Evaluation Of Supercritical Fluid Extraction

600S184029 The Health Effect Potential Of Resuing Fruit Processing Jan 1985 Wastewater The Health Effect Potential Of Reusing Treated Fruit Processing

600S185001 Investigation Of The Metabolism Of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons In Subhuman Species

600S185002 Occurrence Of Giardia In Connecticut Water Supplies and Watershed Animals

600S185003 Asbestos Sampling Plan For The San Francisco Bay Area, California

600S185004 Respiratory Carcinogenicity Of Diesel Fuel Emissions

600S185005 Experiments In Microwave Exposure In The Rat Body Temperature, Serum Chemistry, and The Use Of Chemical Restraint Project Summary

600S185006 In Vitro Microbiological Mutagenicity and Unscheduled Dna Synthesis Studies Of 15 Pesticides Project Summary

600S185007 Teratogenic Effects Of Microwave Radiation

600S185008 Morphometric Studies Of The Effects Of Ozone On Rodent Lungs

600S185009 Assessment Of Cadmium Exposure and Toxicity Risk In An American Vegetation Population

600S185012 Bacteria Of Public Health Significance Associated With Fish Reared In Treated Wastewater

600S185013 Isotopic Study Of Inhalation Toxicology Of Oxidants

600S185015 Health Effects Of Land Application Of Municipal Sludge

600S185016 Dosimetry For In-vitro Chick Brain Calcium-ion Efflux Experiments By Numerical Methods Based On Zonal Harmonic Expansions

600S185017 Virus Removal During Conventional Drinking Water Treatment

600S185018 Investigation On The Potential Environmental Hazards Of Pesticidal Viruses

600S185019 Investigation Of Legionella Pneumophila In Drinking Water

600S185020 Evaluation Of Methods For The Isolation Or Concentration Of Organic Substances From Water Using Xad-4 Quaternary Resin

600S185021 System For Measurement Of Small Vibrations At Material Interfaces Induced By Electrostrictive Forces Project Summary

600S185022 Investigation Of Parasites In Sludges and Disinfection Techniques Project Summary

600S186002 Final Report On The Evaluation Of Four Toxic Chemicals In An In Vivo-in Vitro Toxicological Screen Acrylamide, Chlordecone, Cyclophosphamide, and Diethylstilbestrol

600S186003 Carcinogenic Potential Of Arsenic Compounds In Drinking Water

600S186004 Cadmium Intake Via Oysters & Health Effects In New Zealand Cadmium Intake, Metabolism and Effects In People With A High Intake Of Oysters In New Zealand

600S186005 Toxicological Testing Of Organic Substances From Concentrated Drinking & Wastewaters

600S186006 Effects Of 60-hz Fields On Human Health Parameters

600S187002 Millimeter-wave Emissivity Of Cellular Systems

600S187003 Specific Absorption Rate Distributions In A Heterogeneous Model Of The Human Body At Radio Frequencies

600S187005 Availability Of Cadmium To Rats From Crops Grown On Cadmium Enriched Soil

600S187007 Carcinogenic Effects Of Arsenic Compound In Drinking Water

600S187008 Formation and Distribution Of Organic N-chloramines From The Ingestion Of Chlorinated Drinking Water

600S187010 Effects Of 4,4'-methylene-bis- (2-chloroaniline) and Benzotrichloride In Human And-or Animal Tissues

600S187011 Cytochemical Methods For Assessing Giardia Cysts Viability

600S187012 Behavior, Physiology, and Energy Deposition In Rats Chronically Exposed To 2450 Mhz Radiation

600S187013 The Kinetics Of Ingested 222 Rn In Humans Determined From Measurements With 133 Xe `

600S187014 Occurrence Of Pathogens In Distribution and Marketing Municipal Sludges

600S188001 Trace Organics and Inorganics In Distribution and Marketing Municipal Sludges

600S188002 Stability and Mobility Of Mutagenic Activity From Wastewater and Sludge In Agricultural Soils

600S188003 Health Hazard Evaluation Of Wastewater Using Bioassays Preliminary Concepts

600S188004 Cerebellar Histogenesis In Rats Exposed To 2450 Mhz Microwave Radiation

600S188005 Behavioral Effects Of Microwaves Relationship Of Total Dose and Dose Rate

600S188006 Characterization Of The Ah Receptor

600S189001 Fractionation Of Mutagens From Municipal Sludge and Wastewater Project Summary

600S189005 Interaction Between Water Pollutants Quantitative Electron Microscopy Of Hepatic Morphological Changes Induced By 1,2-dichloroethane (dce) and 1-1 Dichloroethylene (vdc)

600S189006 The Isolation and Identification of Electrophilic Mutagens Produced During Chlorine Disinfection

600S190006 Performance Evaluation at a Long-Term Food Processing Land Treatment Site

600S280077 Treatability Studies Of Pesticide Manufacturing Wastewaters

600S280105 Volatilized Lubricant Emissions From Steel Rolling Operations

600S280107 Physical-chemical Treatment Of Blast Furnace Wastewaters Using Mobile Pilot Units

600S280178 Cost Of Alternative Flue Gas Desulfurization (fgd) Sludge Disposal Regulations - Project Summary

600S280186 Evaluation and Application Of Sox Measurement Procedures For Kraft Recovery Furnaces

600S280188 Cost Comparisons Of Treatment and Disposal Alternatives For Hazardous Materials Vol I and Ii

600S280193 Evaluation Of Solid Sorbents For Water Sampling

600S280194 Gc-ms Analysis Of Ambient Aerosols In The Houston, Texas Area

600S280195 Modified Factor Analysis Of Selected Raps Aerosol Data

600S280196 Gc-ms Methodology For Measuring Priority Organics In Municipal Wastewater Treat- Ment

600S280199 Production Of Non-food-chain Crops With Sewage Sludge

600S280200 Feasibility Study For An Asbestos Aerosol Monitor

600S280201 Ambient Air Non-methane Hydrocarbon Monitor

600S280202 Metal Particulate Emissions From Stationary Sources Vol 1

600S280203 Metal Particulate Emissions From Stationary Sources Volume 2

600S280204 Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds-synthesis and Purification

600S280206 Development Of A Chemical Toxicity Assay For Pulp Mill Effluents

600S280209 Textile Warp Size Reclamation Using Thermal Precipitation

600S280210 Innovative Destruction Of Complex Industrial Wastes-auto Oxidation Of Tannery Beamhouse Wastewater

600S280211 Process Spill Monitoring, Control and Recovery In The Pulp and Paper Industry

600S281002 Response Factors Of Voc Analyzers Calibrated With Methane For Selected Organic Chemicals

600S281003 Frequency Of Leak Occurrence For Fitting In Synthetic Organic Chemical Plant Process Units

600S281007 Mutagenistic Testing Of Industrial Wastes From Representative Organic Chemical Industries

600S281008 Multimedia Pollution Assessment Of The Wood Products Industries

600S281009 Assessment Of Organic Emissions In The Flexible Packaging Industry

600S281012 Long Term Effects Of The Barge Florida Oil Spill

600S281013 Analysis System For Total Sulfuric Acid In Ambient Air--development and Preliminary Evaluation

600S281014 Firefly Luciferase Atp Assay Development For Monitoring Bacterial Concentrations In Water Supplies April 1981

600S281015 Chemical Analysis Of Particle Size Fractions From Glass Melting Furnaces

600S281016 Chlorination Of Aquatic Humic Substances

600S281017 Catalytic Incineration Of Low Concentration Organic Vapors

600S281018 Particle Size Variation Effects On Landfilled Solid Waste Cold Climate Studies March 1981

600S281019 Concentration Technologies For Hazardous Aqueous Waste Treatment

600S281021 Vapor Pressure Distribution Of Selected Organic Chemicals May1981

600S281022 Guidelines For The Disposal Of Pcbs and Pcb Items By Thermal Destruction

600S281023 Field Tests Of Corrosion Control To Project Asbestos Cement Pipe

600S281024 Helminth and Heavy Metals Transmission From Aerobically Digested Sewage Sludge

600S281025 Nationwide Assessment Of Receiving Water Impacts From Urban Stormwater Pollution, Volume 1 Summary

600S281026 Emission Of Volatile Organic Compounds From Drum-mix Asphalt Plants

600S281027 Evaluation Of Powdered Activated Carbon For Removal Of Trace Organics At New Orleans, Louisana March 1981

600S281029 Removal Of Nitrate From Contaminated Water Supplies For Public Use

600S281031 Evaluation Of Mixing Systems For Biogasification Of Municipal Solid Waste

600S281032 Biodegradation and Carbon Adsorption Of Carcinogenic and Hazardous Organic Compounds

600S281033 Applying For A Permit To Destroy Pcb Waste Oil Volumes 1 and 2

600S281034A Irrigation Tailwater Management

600S281035 Interrelationship Of Bacterial Counts With Other Finished Water Quality Parameters Within Distribution Systems

600S281036 Hot Metal Desulfurization, Bof Charging, and Oxygen Blowing Level 1 Environmen- Tal Assessment

600S281037 Report Of The Interagency Ad Hoc Work Group For The Chemical Waste Incineration Ship Program

600S281038 Level 1 Environmental Assessment Of Electric Submerged-arc Furnaces Producing Ferroalloys

600S281041 Integrated Control Of Combined Sewer Regulators Using Weather Radar April 1981

600S281042 Evaluation Of Solvent Loss From Vapor Degreaser Systems May 1981

600S281043 Removal Of Phenolic Compounds From Wood Preserving Wastewaters

600S281044A Offshore Platform Hazardous Waste Incineration Facility Feasibility Study Summary

600S281045 Automotive Crankcase Oil Detection In A Coastal Wetlands Environment April 1981

600S281046 Analysis Methods Evaluation For Applicability In Leachate Analysis

600S281047 Xad-2 Thermal Blank Determination

600S281048 Monitoring Techniques For Carbon Fiber Emissions Evaluation A

600S281049 Investigation Of New Techniques For Control Of Smelter Arsenic-bearing Wastes

600S281050 Selective Enhancement Of Rdf Fuels

600S281051 Response Factors Of Voc Analyzers At A Meter Reading Of 10,000 Ppmv For Selected Organic Compounds

600S281052 Two-stage Biological Treatment Of Coke Plant Wastewater

600S281053 Physical-chemical Treatment Of Coke Plant Wastewater

600S281054 Plan To Develop and Implement A Quality Assurance Program For The Ames-salmonella Test

600S281057 Effectiveness Of Activated Carbon For Removal Of Toxic And-or Carcinogenic Compounds From Water Supplies

600S281058 Areal Predictions Of Water and Solute Flux In The Unsaturated Some June 1981

600S281061 Joint Dry-wet Weather Treatment Of Municipal Wastewater At Clatskanie, Oregon

600S281062 Chemical Speciation Of Flue Gas Desulfurization (fgd) Sludge Constituents

600S281063 Field Evaluation Of A Swirl Degritter At Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia

600S281065 Cropping Systems For Treatment and Utilization Of Municipal Wastewater and Sludge

600S281066 Wood Preserving Industry Multimedia Emission Inventory

600S281067 Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption and Aquaculture For Removing Toxic

600S281069 Soil Temperature and Sewage Effects On Plant and Soil Properties June 1981

600S281070 Development Of Measurement Methodology For Evaluating Fugitive Particulate Emissions

600S281071 Filter Media For Collecting Diesel Particulate Matter

600S281072 Evaluation Of Solvent Loss From Vapor Degreaser Systems Phases 2 and 3 Effect Of Crosscurrent Air Velocity On

600S281073 Evaluation Of The Walkthrough Survey Method For Detection Of Volatile Compound Leaks

600S281074 Safe Disposal Methods For Agricultural Pesticide Wastes

600S281075 Engineering Assessment Of Vermicomposting Municipal Wastewater Sludges

600S281076 Lime Stabilization and Ultimate Disposal Of Municipal Wastewater Sludges

600S281077 Removing Trace Organics From Drinking Water Using Activated Carbon and Polymeric Adsorbents

600S281080 Evaluation Of Maintenance For Fugitive Voc Emissions Control

600S281081 Characterization Of Boliden's Sulfide-lime Precipitation System

600S281082 Equilibrium Fluoride Capacity Of Activated Alumina

600S281083 Fugitive Emission Sources and Batch Operations In Synthetic Organic Chemical Production

600S281084 Facultative Lagoon Effluent Polishing Using Phase Isolation Ponds

600S281086 Evaluation Of Ion Exchange Technology For Toxic and Non-conventional Pollutant Reduction In Bleach Plant Effluents

600S281087 Origin and Chemical Composition Of Androscoggin River Foam

600S281088 Virus Inactivation In Wastewater Effluents By Chlorine,ozone,and Ultraviolet Light

600S281089 Sources Of Halogenated Hydrocarbons In An Urban Water Supply

600S281091 Wastewater Treatment by Rooted Aquatic Plants in Sand and Gravel Trenches: Project Summary

600S281092 Chlorine Dioxide For Wastewater Disinfection Feasibility Study

600S281093 Overland Flow Treatment Of Poultry Processing Wastewater In Cold Climates

600S281095 Feasibility Study Of Open Tank Oxygen- Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment

600S281096 Modification of Optical Instrument for In-Stack Monitoring of Respirable Particle Size: Project Summary

600S281097 Compatibility Of Source Separation and Mixed-waste Processing For Resource Recovery

600S281098 Effect Of Flue Gas Cleaning Sludges On Selected Liner Materials

600S281099 Maintenance Of The Organic Chemical Producers Data Base

600S281102 Ferrous Metals Recovery At Recovery 1, New Orleans, Louisiana

600S281104 Data Reduction Techniques For Aerosol Size Distribution Measuring Instruments

600S281105 Evaluation of the Full-Scale Application of Anaerobic Sludge Digestion at the Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Facility - Washington, DC

600S281106 Potential Atmospheric Carcinogens Analytical Technique and Field Evaluation

600S281107 Two Stage Particle Fractionator Using Large Pore Nuclepore Surfaces

600S281109 Voc Fugitive Emissions Data High Density Polyethylene Process Unit

600S281110 Response Of Portable Voc Analyzers To Chemical Mixtures

600S281111 Analysis Of Socmi Voc Fugitive Emissions Data

600S281112 Protein Recovery From Beef Packing Effluent

600S281113 Combined Sewer Overlow Abatement Program Rochester, Ny, Volume 1 Abatement Analy- Sis

600S281114 Pilot-scale Anaerobic Filter Treatment Of Heat Treatment Liquor

600S281115 Inorganic Contaminant Removal From Drinking Water By Reverse Osmosis

600S281116 Physical Properties and Leach Testing Of Solidified-stabilized Flue Gas Cleaning Wastes

600S281121 Recovery Of Aluminum From Municipal Solid Waste At Recovery 1, New Orleans

600S281122 Liners Of Natural Porous Materials To Minimize Pollutant Migration

600S281123 Resource Recovery From Plastic and Glass Wastes

600S281126 Characterizing Baghouse Performance To Control Asbestos Manufacturing Source Emissions

600S281127 High Altitude Testing Of Residential Wood-fired Combustion Equipment

600S281129 Laboratory Studies Of Priority Pollutant Treatability

600S281130 Nickel Recovery From Electroplating Rinsewaters By Electrodialysis

600S281131 Voc Emissions Control Technologies For Ship Painting Facilities

600S281132 Demonstration Of Zinc Cyanide Recovery Using Reverse Osmosis and Evaporation

600S281138 Securing Containerized Hazardous Wastes With Polyethylene Resins and Fiberglass Encapsulates

600S281139 Securing Containerized Hazardous Wastes With Welded Polyethylene Encapsulates

600S281140 Securing Containerized Hazardous Wastes By Encapsulation With Spray-on-brush-on Resins

600S281141 Using Coherent Water Jets To Control Oil Spills

600S281142 Treatment Of Metal Finishing Wastes By Use Of Ferrous Sulfide

600S281143 Group Treatment Evaluation For Metal Finishers

600S281144 Small Size-range Extension Of An Optical Particle Counter

600S281145 Monitoring Techniques For Carbon Fiber Emissions Evaluation B

600S281146 Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance A Monitor For Short-term Measurement Of Fine Aerosol Mass Concentration

600S281147 Removal Of Heavy Metals and Suspended Solids From Battery Wastewaters Application Of Hydroperm Tm Cross-flow

600S281149 Potential Environmental Problems Of Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery Techniques

600S281150 Nitrogen and Phosphorus Reaction In Overland Flow Of Wastewater

600S281151 Soil Filtration Of Sewage Effluent Of A Rural Area

600S281152 Ultraviolet Disinfection Of A Secondary Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent

600S281153 Assessment Of Emerging Technologies For Metal Finishing Pollution Control Three Case Studies

600S281154 Performance Testing Of The Soviet Oil- Debris Skimmer

600S281155 Parallel Evaluation Of Air-and Oxygen-activated Sludge

600S281157 Alternatives For Sodium Cyanide For Flotation Control, October 1981

600S281158 Fate Of Toxic and Nonconventional Pollutants In Wastewater Treatment Systems Within The Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Sept 1981

600S281159 Full-scale Demonstration Of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Utilizing Du Ponts Pact Process

600S281161 Source Resolution Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In The Los Angeles Atmosphere Application Of A Chemical

600S281162 Water Vapor Monitor Using Differential Infrared Absorption

600S281163 Field Investigation Of Contaminant Loss From Chemically Stabilized Industrial Sludges

600S281164 Critical Factors Controlling Vegetation Growth On Completed Sanitary Landfills

600S281165 Portable Miniature Sampler For Potential Airborne Carcinogens In Microenviron- Ments Phase 2 Evaluation May 1982

600S281166 Parasites In Southern Sludges and Disinfection By Standard Sludge Treatment

600S281167 Design Optimization Of The Chlorination Process, Volume 1 Comparison Of Optimized Pilot Systems With Existing Full Scale Systems

600S281168 Deployment Configurations For Improved Oil Containment With Selected Sorbent Booms

600S281169 Wastewater Dechlorination State-of-the-art Field Survey and Pilot Studies

600S281170 Density Levels of Pathogenic Organisms in Municipal Wastewater Sludge -- A Literature Review: Project Summary

600S281171 Engineering and Economic Assessment Of Autoheated Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion

600S281172 Dispersant Application System For The US Coast Guard 32-foot Wpb

600S281173 Demonstration Physical Chemical Sewage Treatment Plant Utilizing Biological Nitrification: Project Summary

600S281174 Effect Of Halogens On Giardia Cyst Viability

600S281175 Literature Study Of The Biodegradability Of Chemicals In Water Vol 1 and 2

600S281177 Granular Activated Carbon Installations

600S281178 Evaluation Of On-site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Options

600S281179 Production Engineering and Marketing Analysis Of The Rotating Disk Evaporator

600S281180 Fundamental Considerations For Preparing Densified Refuse-derived Fuel

600S281181 Impediments To Energy and Materials Recovery Facilities For Municipal Solid Waste

600S281182 Revegetating Strip-mined Land With Municipal Sewage Sludge

600S281183/184 Coal dRFD Demonstration Test in an Industrial Spreader Stoker Boiler Volumes I and II

600S281185 Evaluation Of Abatement Alternatives Through The Use Of Remote Sensing Devices

600S281188 Densification Of Refuse-derived Fuels Preparation, Properties and Systems For Small Communities

600S281189 Performance Testing Of Four Skimming Systems

600S281190 Environmental Impacts Of Special Types Of Landfills

600S281191 Attenuation Of Polybrominated Biphenyls and Hexachlorobenzene By Earth Materials

600S281192 Treatment Effectiveness Oil Tanker Ballast Water Facility

600S281193 Options For Resource Recovery and Disposal Of Scrap Tires Volume 1

600S281195 Removal Of Water Soluble Hazardous Materials Spills From Waterways By Activated Carbon

600S281196 Evaluation Of A Treatment Lagoon For Combined Sewer Overflow

600S281197 Assessment Of Oil Production Volatile Organic Compound Sources

600S281198 Detection and Mapping Of Insoluble Sinking Pollutants

600S281199 Oil Slick Dispersal Mechanics

600S281200 Field Test Kit For Oil-brine Effluents From Offshore Drilling Platforms

600S281201 Development Of Methods For The Stabilization Of Pyrolytic Oils

600S281205 Guidelines For The Use Of Chemicals In Removing Hazardous Substances Discharges

600S281206 Development Of A Multidetector Petroleum Oil-in-water Monitor

600S281207 Techniques For Handling Landbone Spills Of Volatile Hazardous Substances

600S281208 Restoring Hazardous Spill-damaged Areas Technique Identification-assessment

600S281209 Oil Content In Produced Brine On Ten Louisiana Production Platforms

600S281210 Pipeline Landfalls Impact Management Techniques {handbook}

600S281211 Use Of Selected Sorbents and An Aqueous Film Forming Foam Floating Hazardous Materials

600S281212 Hazardous Materials Spill Warning System

600S281213 Feasibility Of Commercialized Water Treatment Techniques For Concentrated Waste Spills

600S281214 Modification Of Spill Factors Affecting Air Pollution Vol 1 An Evaluation Of Cooling As A Vapor Mitigation

600S281215 Modification Of Spill Factors Affecting Air Pollution Vol Ii The Control Of The Vapor Hazard From Spills Of

600S281216 Tests Of The Shell Sock Skimmer Aboard Usns Powhatan July 1982

600S281217 Stress Function For Evaluating Strategies For Water Quality Management

600S281218 Hourly Diurnal Flow Variations In Publicly-owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities

600S281219 Mobile Stream Diversion System For Hazardous Materials Spills Isolation

600S281220 Data Base For Influent Heavy Metals In Publicly Owned Treatment Works

600S281221 Comparative Study Of Air Classifiers

600S281222 Survey and Evaluation Of Fine Bubble Dome Diffuser Aeration Equipment

600S281223 Areawide Stormwater Pollution Analysis With The Macroscopic Planning (abmac) Model

600S281224 Heavy Metal Sources and Flows In A Municipal Sewage System Literature Survey and Field Investigation Of The Kokomo

600S281225 Livestock and The Environment A Bibliography With Abstracts-vol 7 Dec 1981

600S281226 Infiltration Land Treatment Of Stabilization Pond Effluent Dec 1981

600S281227 Performance Of Activated Sludge Processes Reliability, Stability and Variability

600S281228 Performance Of Trickling Filter Plants Reliability, Stability and Variability

600S281229 Performance Testing Of The Diperna Sweeper Dec 1981

600S281230 Animal Waste Effects Upon Crop Production,soil and Runoff Waters Dec 1981

600S281231 Barrel and Drum Reconditioning Industry Assessment

600S281234 Herl Biological Exposure Chamber Conceptual Design Technical Note

600S281235 Possible Approaches To The Health Effects Testing Of Fuels and Fuel Additives

600S281237 Techniques For The Measurement Of Aerosol Carbon Content

600S281238 Urban Rainfall-runoff-quality Data Base

600S281239 Guide For Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Inspectors

600S281240 Technical Assistance In Support Of Permitting Activities For The Thermal Destruction Of Pcbs Aug 1982

600S281241 Monitoring To Detect Groundwater Problems Resulting From Enhanced Oil Recovery

600S281242 Physical and Chemical Characteristics Of Synthetic Asphalt Produced From Liquefaction Of Sewage Sludge

600S281244 Organic Emissions Evaluation Of A Paint Bake Oven With Catalytic Incineration

600S281245 Investigation Of Foreign By-product Coke Plant and Blast Furnace Wastewater Control Technology and Regulation

600S281246 Survey Of On-going and Completed Remedial Action Projects

600S282007 Compilation Of Ames Salmonella Typhimurium Plate Incorporation Test Protocols Jan 1983

600S282010 Comparison Of Ames Salmonella Typhimurium Plate Incorporation Test Protocols

600S282011 Emerging Technologies For The Control Of Hazardous Wastes Oct, 1982

600S282012 Effect Of Total Water Reuse and Alum Control On 1st Pass Retention

600S282013 Assessment Of Waste Fuel Use In Cement Kilns Oct, 1982

600S282014 Engineering Assessment Of Hot-acid Treatment Of Municipal Sludge For Heavy Metals Removal May 1982

600S282015 Model Protocol For The Comprehensive Evaluation Of Publicly Owned Treatment Works

600S282016 Evaluation and Control Of Sidestreams Generated In Publicly Owned Treatment Works May 1982

600S282017 Nonvolatile Organicss In Disinfected Wastewater Effluents Chemical Charac- Terization and Mutagenicity Sept ,1982

600S282018 Seattle Distribution System Corrosion Control Study Vol 3 Aug 1982

600S282019 Spreading Lagooned Sewerage On Farmland May 1982 Case History

600S282020 Biological Processes In The Treatment Of Municipal Water Supplies

600S282021 Sodium Fluxing and In-situ Glass- Ification For Hazardous Materials Disposal

600S282022 Virion Aggregation and Disinfection Of Water By Chlorine and Bromine

600S282023 Autoheated,aerobic Thermophilic Digestion With Air Aeration May 1982

600S282024 Removal Of Virus From Public Water Supplies Aug 1982

600S282025 Increasing Arcat Test Sensitivity Examination Of Potable Waters May 1982

600S282026 Seattle Distribution System Corrosion Control Study Vol 1

600S282027 Removal Of Organic Contaminants From Drinking Water Supply At Glen Cove,ny Phase 2

600S282028 Collection and Treatment Of Wastewater Generated By Pesticide Applicators

600S282029 Evaluation Of Foams For Mitigating Air Pollution From Hazardous Spills July 1982

600S282030 Sorbent Materials For Clean-up Of Hazardous Spills

600S282031 Top-feed Vacum Filtration Of Waste-activated Sludge

600S282032 Apparatus and Procedure For Determining Oil Droplet Size Determination

600S282033 Determinants and Options For Water Distribution System Management a Cost Evaluation

600S282034 Chemical Composition Of Produced Water At Some Offshore Oil Platforms Aug 1982

600S282035 Costs Of Remedial Response Actions At Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites March,1983

600S282036 Oil Spill Response Scenarios For Remote Artic Environments

600S282037 Alternative Water Disinfection Schemes For Reduced Trihalomethane Formation, Volume 1 Prototype Studies

600S282038 Carbon Fiber Data Base Review and Assessment Of Carbon Fiber Release Into The Enviroment Aug 1982

600S282039 Operation and Maintenance Considerations For Land Tretment Systems (jan 1983)

600S282040 Petroleum Pipeline Leak Detection Study (april 1983)

600S282042 Removal Of Nitrate From Contaminated Water Supplies For Public Use final Report Aug 1982

600S282043 Water Reclamation and Automated Water Quality Monitoring

600S282044 Evaluation and Documentation Of Mechanical Reliability Of Conventional Wastewater Treatment Plant Components

600S282045 Evaluation Of Secondary Environmental Impacts Of Urban Runoff Pollution Control Aug 1982

600S282046 Pilot Scale Evaluation Of Biological Activated Carbon For The Removal Of Thm Precursors Aug 1982

600S282047 Co-gasification Of Densified Sludge and Solid Waste In A Downdraft Gasifier

600S282048 Stormwater Management To Improve Lake Water Quality

600S282049 Toxicity Of Leachates comparison Of Extraction Procedure Extracts and Landfill Leachates July 1982

600S282050 Evaluation and Documentation Of The Effects Of Operation and Maintenance Practices On The Performance Of

600S282051 Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection and Granular Activated Carbon Absorption

600S282053 Innovative Co-precipitation Technique For Removing Heavy Metals From Wastewater

600S282054 Persistence and Detection Of Coliforms In Turbid Finished Drinking Water

600S282055 Drinking Water Cost Equations (apr 1983)

600S282056 Volatile Organics In Aeration Gases At Municipal Treatment Plants

600S282057 Full-scale Evaluation Of Activated Bio- Filter Wastewater Treatment Process

600S282058 Environmental Considerations For Emerging Copper Winning Processes Aug 1982

600S282059 Tomato Cleaning and Water Recycle

600S282060 Evaluation Of Waste Citrus Activated Sludge In Poultry Feeds

600S282061 Reclamation Of Toxic Mine Waste Utilizing Sewage Sludge Contrary Creek Demonstration Aug 1982

600S282062 Emissions and Residue Values From Waste Disposal During Wood Preserving Aug 1982

600S282063 Chemical Stabilizers For The Control Of Fugitive Asbestos Emissions From Open Sources

600S282065 Powdered Activated Carbon Absorption For Selected Tannery Effluents Aug 1982

600S282066 Development and Demonstration Of Concept For Improving Coke-oven Door Seals Final Report

600S282067 Supercritical Fluid Regeneration Of Activated Carbon Used For Volatile- Organic-compound Vapor Adsorption

600S282068 Preliminary Operations Plan and Guidelines For The At Sea Incineration Of Liquid Pcb Wastes (apr 1983)

600S282069 Interim Guidelines For The Disposal Destruction Of Pcs's and Pcb Items By Non-thermal Methods July, 1982

600S282070 Acid Rain Mitigation Study Volumes 1 and 2 Dec 1982

600S282070C Acid Rain Mitigation Study Volume 3 Industrial Boilers and Processes Nov 1982

600S282071 Demonstration Of Irrigation Return Flow Water Quality Control In The Mesilla Valley, New Mexico

600S282072 Assessment and Implications Of Bacterial Regrowth In Water Distribution Systems

600S282073 Minimizing Salt In Return Flow Through Irrigation Management Nov 1982

600S282074 Case Study Of The Muncie, Indiana Water Quality Control Program

600S282075 Treatment Compatibility Of Municipal Waste and Biologically Hazardous Industrial Compounds

600S282076 Powdered Carbon-activated Sludge-- Filtration Processes For Petroleum Refinery Wastewater

600S282077 Optimizing Salinity Control Strategies For The Upper Colorado River Basin Feb 1983

600S282078 Evaluating Furrow Irrigation Systems For Regional Water Quality Planning Oct, 1982

600S282079 Nitrates In Groundwater Resulting From Manure Applications To Irrigated Cropland

600S282080 Rapid-Infiltration System for Wastewater Renovation and Beneficial Reuse Sept, 1982

600S282081 Effect Of Aeration Basin Configuration Of Bulking At Low Organic Loading Aug 1982

600S282083 Pneumatic Conveying Test Rig For Municipal Solid Waste Fractions (see Project 600-s2-82-082-083)

600S282086 Use Of Wetlands For Water Pollution Control

600S282087 Feasibility Study Of Granular Activated Carbon Absorption and On-site Regeneration Nov 1982

600S282088 Testing Truck-mounted Vacum and Air Conveyor Systems For Oil Spill Recovery Nov 1982

600S282089 Type A Viral Hepatitis effect Of Chlorine On Infectivity Nov 1982

600S282090 Sources Of Urban Runoff Pollution and Its Effects On An Urban Creek Dec,1982

600S282091 Organic Emissions From Iron Ore Sintering Plants determination Of Causes and Methods Of Abatement Jan 1983

600S282092 Critical Review Of Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Disposal By Landfilling

600S282093 Leachability and Revegetation Of Solid Waste From Mining March,1983

600S282094 Characteristics and Treatability Of Urban Runoff Residuals Jan ,1983

600S282095 Measurement Of Volatile Chemical Emissions From Wastewater Basins

600S282096 Industrial Residue Management Alternatives For Allegheny County (pittsburgh) Pennsylvania Mar ,1983

600S282097 Liner Materials Exposed To Municipal Solid Waste Leachate (mar 1983)

600S282099 Physical Properties and Leach Testing Of Solidified-stabilized Industrial Wastes Feb 1983

600S282100 Factors Influencing Metal Accumulation By Algae Mar 1983

600S282101 Performance Characteristics Of Package Water Treatment Plants Mar 1983

600S282102 Determination Of Explosion Venting Requirements For Municipal Solid Waste Shredders (mar 1983)

600S282103 Status,trends and Implications Of Carbon Fiber Material Use (mar 1983)

600S283002 Reduced-pollution Corrosion-protection Systems

600S283003 Trihalomethane Removal By Coagulation Technigues In A Softening Process (mar 1983)

600S283004 Swine Lagoon Effluent Applied To Coastal Bermudagrass (Apr 1983)

600S283005 Multiple Water Reuse In Poultry Processing case Study In Egypt (apr 1983)

600S283006 Significance Of Size Reduction In Solid Waste Management, Vol III Effects Of Machine Parameters On Shredder Performance

600S283007 Advanced Biological Treatment Of Municipal Wastewater Through Aquaculture (mar 1983)

600S283008 Economic Benefits Of Controlling Water Pollution In An Irrigated River Basin Methodology and Application (apr 1983)

600S283009 Considerations In Granular Activated Carbon Treatment Of Combined Industrial Wastewaters (apr 1983)

600S283010 Environmental Assessment Data Base For Petroleum Refining Wastewaters and Residuals (apr 1983)

600S283011 Effects Of Livestock Pasturing On Nonpoint Surface Runoff (apr 1983)

600S283012 Effects On Cattle From Exposure To Sewage Sludge, April 1983

600S283014 Evaluation Of The Union Carbide Purasiv Hr Vapor Recovery System

600S283015 Overland Flow Treatment Of Municipal Sewage May 1983 At Easley, Sc

600S283016 Effects Of Organic Solvents On The Permeability Of Clay Soils (apr ,1983)

600S283017 Rangeland Watershed Water Budget and Grazing Cattle Waste Nutrient Cycling (june 1983)

600S283018 Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure Facilities For Bio-effects Research

600S283019 Evaluation Of Filter Feeding Fishes For Removing Excessive Nutrients and Algae From Wastewater

600S283020 Full-scale Study Of Sequencing Batch Reactors (april 1983)

600S283021 Biochemical Analysis For Detection and Assessment Of Pollution In The Subsurface Environment (may 1983)

600S283022 Reducing Runoff Pollution Using Vegetated Borderland For Manure Application Sites, June 1983

600S283023 Optimization Of Wastes Treatment With Reference To Biogas and Protein Recovery (july 1983)

600S283024 Resource Conservation and Utilization In Animal Waste Management (may 1983)

600S283025 Nonpoint Sediment Production In The Colusa Basin Drainage Area,california (june 1983)

600S283026 Design Principles For Wetland Treatment Systems

600S283027 Closed Cycle Textile Dyeing full-scale Hyperfiltration Demonstration (june 1983)

600S283028 Impact Of Coal Refuse Disposal On Groundwater (june 1983)

600S283029 Automated Inhalation, June 1983 Exposure Methodology (iem), User's Guide

600S283030 Analysis Of Geothermal Wastes For Hazardous Components (june 1983)

600S283031 Pilot Plant Treatment Of Acid Mine Drainage By Reverse Osmosis (june 1983)

600S283032 Organic Contaminant In Lower Mississippi River Drinking Water By (june 1983)

600S283033 Industrial Process Profiles For Environmental Use chapter 30,the Electronic Componet Manufacturing Industry (july 1983)

600S283034/35 Survey of Industrial Applications of Aqueous-Phase and Vapor-Phase Activated Carbon Adsorption for Control of Pollutant Compounds from Manufacture of Organic Compounds: Project Summary

600S283034 Survey Of Industrial Applications Of Aqueous-phase and Vapor-phase Activated Carbon Adsorption For Control Of Pollutant Compounds From Manufacture Of Organic Compounds

600S283037 Emission Testing and Evaluation Of The Enclosed Coke Pushing and Quenching System

600S283039 Test Procedure For Iodine-131 In Drinking Water interlaboratory Collaborative Study (july 1983)

600S283040 Extraction Of Pesticides From Process Streams Using High Volatility Solvents A Feasibility Study (july 1983)

600S283041 Control Of Hydrocarbon Emissions From Cotton and Synthetic Textile Finishing Plants

600S283042 Optimizing Coagulation-adsorption For Haloform and Total Organic Carbon Reduction

600S283043 Evaluation Of Catchbasin Performance For Urban Stormwater Pollution Control

600S283044 Demonstration Of The Use Of Charged Fog In Controlling Fugitive Dust From Large Scale Industrial Sources

600S283045 Development and Assessment Of Procedures For Collection, Chemical Characterization and Mutagenicity Testing Of Ambient Air

600S283046 Field Verification Of Liners From Sanitary Landfills

600S283047 Predicting Preferential Adsorption Of Organics By Activated Carbon

600S283048 Removing Organics from Philadelphia Drinking Water by Combined Ozonation and Adsorption

600S283049 Combined Sewer Overflow Characteristics From Treatment Plant Data

600S283050 Adaption Of The Simplex Gasification Process To The Co-conversion Of Municipal Solid Waste and Sewerage Sludge

600S283051 Removal Of Metals In Combined Treatment Systems

600S283052 Flare Efficiency Study Jan 1984

600S283053 Lawrence Avenue Underflow Sewer System Monitoring & Evaluation

600S283055 Standardized Procedures For Planting Vegetation On Completed Sanitary Landfills

600S283056 Seattle Distribution System Corrosion Control Study volume 4 On-site Evaluation Of Corrosion Treatment Oct 1983

600S283057 Land Treatment Field Studies

600S283058 Field Assessment Of Site Closure,boone County,kentucky

600S283060 Wet Oxidation and Ozonation Of Specific Organic Pollutants Oct 1983

600S283061 Activated Carbon Process For The Treatment Of Cadmium (2) Containing Wastewaters

600S283062 Microbiological Alterations In Distributed Water Treated With Granular Activated Carbon

600S283063 Evaluation Of Alternative Wastewater Collection and Treatment Methods for Three Small Kansas Communities

600S283064 Demonstration Of Sewer Relining By The Insituform Process,northbrook,illinois

600S283065 Treatment of Gaseous Emissions from Steelplants Containing Small Concentrations of Hydrocarbon Vapors, Oct 1983

600S283066 Cyanide Removal From Coke Making and Blast Furnace Wastewaters

600S283067 Wastewater Treatment With Plants In Nutrient Films

600S283068 Investigation Of Selected Dye Carriers Used In Commercial Dyeing Of Hydrophobic Fibers

600S283069 Development & Application Of A Water Supply Financial Reporting System Volumes 1 & 2

600S283070 Evaluation Of The Efficiency Of Industrial Flares: Background -- Experimental Design -- Facility

600S283071 Effect Of Animal Grazing On Water Quality Of Nonpoint Runoff In The Pacific Northwest

600S283072 Irrigation Return Flow Water Quality Monitoring,modeling and Variability In The Middle Rio Grande Valley,new Mexico

600S283073 Determination Of Activated Sludge Biokinetic Constants For Chemical and Plastic Industrial Wastewaters Jan 1984

600S283074 Land Treatability Of Refinery and Petrochemical Sludges

600S283075 Water Hyacinth Wastewater Treatment Systems opportunities and Constraints In Cooler Climates

600S283077 Fate Of Organic Pollutants In A Wastewater Land Treatment System Using Lagoon Impoundment and Spray Irrigation

600S283078 Swine Manure and Lagoon Effluent Applied To Fescue

600S283079 Evaluating Swine Drylot Runoff Impact On A Coastal Plain Stream

600S283080 Combined Treatment Of Liquid Wastes From Industrial Swine Farms Using Blwrs

600S283081 Comparison Of Alternative Manure Management Systems--effect On The Environment,total Energy Requirement, Nutrient

600S283082 Groundwater--mineralogy Relationship For In Situ Oil Shale Retorting

600S283083 Plant-scale Demonstration Of Sludge Incinerator Fuel Reduction

600S283084 Demonstrate Real Time Automatic Control Of Combined Sewer Systems

600S283085 Polishing Industrial Waste Stream Effluents Using Fly Ash-natural Clay Sorbent Combination

600S283086 EPA Macroscopic Planning Model (epamac) For Stormwater and Combined Sewer Overflow Control Application Guide

600S283087 Value Of Flow Calibration For Decision- Making In Infiltration-inflow Studies

600S283088 Feasibility Of In Situ Solidification- Stabilization Of Landfilled Hazardous Wastes

600S283089 Characterization and Treatment Of Aqueous Wastes and Residue From Petroleum Refineries

600S283091 Bromination Process For Disposal Of Spilled Hazardous Materials Dec 1983

600S283092 Multimedia Environmental Assessment Of Electric Submerged Arc Furnaces Producing Ferroalloys

600S283093 Control Of Air Pollution Emissions From Molybdenum Roasting

600S283094 Alternate Treatment Of Organic Solvents and Sludges From Metal Finishing Operations Final Report

600S283095 Application Of Municipal Sludges On Energy Crops A Feasibility Analysis

600S283096 Evaluation Of Subsurface Conditions At Dec 1983 Refinery Land Treatment Sites

600S283097 Hydro Brake Regulated Storage System For Stormwater Jan 1984

600S283098 Evaluation Of Deep Shaft Biological Wastewater Treatment Process At Ithaca, New York

600S283099 Fail-safe Transfer Line For Hazardous Fluids

600S283100 Mobile System For Extracting Spilled Hazardous Materials From Excavated Soils

600S283101AB Study Of Pcb Destruction Efficiency and Performance For A Coal-fired Utility Boiler

600S283102 Development Of Standard Procedures For Evaluating Oxygen Transfer Devices

600S283104 Granilar Activated Carbon Adsorption and Fluid-bed Reactivation At Manchester, New Hampshire

600S283105 Sewage Sludge Incinerator Fuel Reduction At Nashville, Tennessee

600S283106 Stormwater Hydrological Characteristics Of Porous and Conventional Paving System

600S283107 Equilibrium Arsenic Capacity Of Activated Alumina

600S283108 Literature-review Screening Techniques For The Evaluation Of Land Treatment Of Industrial Wastes

600S283109 Potential Clogging Of Landfill Drainage Systems

600S283110 Iron and Steel Plant Open Source Fugitive Emission Control Evaluation Jan 1984

600S283111 Nitrification Inhibition Biokinetics

600S283112 Evaluation Of A Containment Barrier For Hazardous Material Spills In Watercourse

600S283113 Effects Of Using Sewage Sludge On Agricultural and Disturbed Lands

600S283114 Recovery,reuse,and Recycle Of Industrial Waste July 1984

600S283115 Three New Techniques For Floating Pollutant Spill Control and Recovery

600S283116 Design Of A Remotely Controlled Hovercraft Vehicle For Spill Reconnaissance

600S283117 Microbial Degradation Of Selected Haz- Ardous Materials Pentachlorophenol, Hexachlorocyclopentadiene, and

600S283118 Treatment Of Reactive Wastes At Hazardous Waste Landfills

600S283119 Management Of Industrial Pollutants By Anaerobic Processes

600S283120 Process Modifications Toward Minimization Of Environmental Pollutants In The Chemical Processing Industry

600S283121ABC Water Supply Simulation Model, Volumes I, Ii, and Iii

600S283122 Electroplating Plant Operating Condition Related To Wastewater Sludge Leachability

600S283124 Guidelines For The Monitoring Of Urban Runoff Quality Jan 1984

600S283125 Development Of Methods To Define Water Quality Jan 1984 Effects Of Urban Runoff

600S283126 Automated Control a Review and Applications In Industrial Environmental Protection

600S283127 Evaluation Of Stable Labeled Compounds As Internal Standards For Quantitative Gc-ms Determinations

600S284003 Organic Emissions From Ferrous Metallurgical Industries compilation Of Emission Factors

600S284005 Alternative Water Disinfection Schemes For Reduced Trihalomethane Formation, Volume 2 Algae As Precursors For

600S284006 Removal and Treatment Of Contaminated River Bottom Muds field Demonstration

600S284007 Spill Alert Device For Earth Dam Failure Warning

600S284008 Retrofit Cost Relationships For Hazardous Waste Incineration

600S284009 Pilot Plant For Removing Organic Substances From Drinking Water

600S284010 Conversion Of Sewage Sludge To Oil By Hydroliquefaction

600S284011 Stability and Effectiveness Of Chlorine Disinfectants In Water Distribution Systems

600S284012 Water Soluble Organics

600S284013 Determination Of Dioxin Levels In Carbon Reactivation Process Effluent Streams

600S284014 Control Of Asbestos Fiber Loss From Asbestos-cement Watermain

600S284015 Compatibility Of Grouts With Hazardous Wastes

600S284016 Reclamation Of Toxic Mine Waste Utilizing Sewage Sludge contrary Demonstration Project,addendum,report

600S284017 Biological Countermeasures For The Control Of Hazardous Material Spills

600S284018 Mobile Drinking Water Treatment Research Facility For Inorganic Contaminants Removal Design,construct- Ion,

600S284019 Limestone Scrubber Slurry Automatic Control Systems

600S284020 Procedures For Estimating Dry Weather Sewage In-line Pollutant Deposition Phase 2

600S284021 Laboratory Studies Of Soil Bedding Requirements For Flexible Membrane Liners

600S284022 Evaluation Of The RCRA Extraction Procedure lysimeter Studies With Municipal-industrial Wastes

600S284023 Sulfide Precipitation Of Heavy Metals Effect Of Complexing Agents

600S284024 Guide To The Selection Of Materials For Monitoring Well Construction & Groundwater Sampling

600S284025 Research Planning Task Group Study Thermal Destruction Final Report

600S284026 Inspection and Operating and Maintenance Guidelines For Secondary Lead Smelter Air Pollution Control

600S284027 Extended Evaluation Of Unpaved Road Dust Suppressants In The Iron and Steel Industry

600S284028 Chemical Reclamation Of Scrap Rubber

600S284029 Removal Of Organic Contaminants From The Drinking Water Supply At Glenn Cove,ny

600S284030 Rubber Processing Chemicals Data Base

600S284031 Advanced Treatment For Wastewater Reclamation At Water Factory 21

600S284032 The Organic Dyes and Pigments Data Base May 1984

600S284033 Hydrocarbon Solvent Recovery In The Presence Of Resin Contaminants May 1984

600S284034 Organic Chemical Producers Data Base Development and Update May 1984

600S284035 Strip Mine Reclamation With Municipal Sludge

600S284036 Improved Techniques For Residual Ozone

600S284037 Genetic Engineering & The Development Of New Pollution Control Technologies

600S284038 Analysis and Assessment Of Incinerated Municipal Sludge Ashes & Leachates

600S284040 Geotechnical Quality Assurance Of Construction Of Disposal Facilities

600S284042 Evaluation Of An Air Curtain Hooding System For A Primary Copper Converter

600S284043 Waste Management Control Dairy Food Plants {handbook}

600S284044 On-farm Improvements To Reduce Sediment and Nutrients In Irrigation Return Flow

600S284046 Characterization Of Sewage Sludge and Sewage Sludge-soil Systems

600S284047 Volatilization Of Organic Pollutants In Wastewater Treatment-model Studies

600S284048 Trial Burn Protocol Verification At A Hazardous Waste Incinerator May 1984

600S284049 Evaluation Of The Feasibility Of Incinerating Hazardous Waste In High- Temperature Industrial Processes

600S284050 Landfill Research At The Boone County Field Site Apr 1984

600S284052 Profile Of Existing Hazardous Waste Incineration Facilities & Manufacturers In The United States

600S284054 Acid Precipitation and Drinking Water Quality In The Eastern United States

600S284055 Technology Evaluation For Priority Pollutant Removal From Dyestuff Manufacture Wastewaters

600S284056 Biologically Mediated Corrosion and Water Quality Deterioration In Distribution Systems

600S284057 Design & Development Of A Hazardous Waste Reactivity Testing Protocol

600S284058 Innovative Concepts For Detecting and Locating Leaks In Waste Impoundment Liner Systems: Acoustic Emission

600S284059 Cost Equations For Small Drinking Water Systems

600S284060 Equilibrium Distribution Coefficients For Extraction Of Organic Priority Pollutants From Water Apr 1984

600S284061 Priority Pollutants In The Cedar Creek Reclamation-recharge Facilities

600S284062 Restoration Of Faling On-lot Sewage Disposal Areas

600S284063 Performance and Economic Feasibility Of A Sludge-wastepaper Gasifier System

600S284064 Laboratory Feasibility Studies For The Fluidized-bed Combustion Of Spent Potlining From Aluminum Reduction May 1984

600S284065 Seattle Distribution System Corrosion Control Study volume 2 Tolt River Water Pilot Study

600S284066 Seattle Distribution System Corrosion Control Mar 1984 Study Volume V Counteractive Effects Of Disinfection & Corrosion

600S284067 Response Of Crude Oil Slicks To Dispersant Treatment At Sea

600S284068 Removal Of Trihalomethane Precursors By Direct Filtration & Conventional Treatment

600S284069 Removal Of Giardia Iamblia Cysts By Drinking Water Treatment Plants May 1984

600S284070 Wastewater Recycle and Reuse Potential For Indirect Discharge Textile Finishing Mills

600S284072 Assessment Of Atmospheric Emissions From Quenching Of Blast Furnace Slag With Blast Furnace Blowdown Water

600S284074 Ohmsett Test Series 77 Global Oil Recovery Skimmer,veegarm Skimming Arm, Kebab 600, and The May 1984

600S284075 Effects Of Sewage Sludge On Corn Silage and Animal Products May 1984

600S284077 Evaluation Of Process Systems For Effect Effective Management Of Aluminum Finishing Wastewaters and Sludges

600S284078 Oxides Of Nitrogen-ammonia Control Technology For Oil Shale Retort Emission, Interim Report, July 1984

600S284079 Estimating Costs Of Granular Activated Carbon Treatment For Water and Wastewater May 1984

600S284080 Evaluation Of Voc Emissions From Wastewater Systems (secondary Emissions) May 1984

600S284081 Characterization Of Operating and Maintenance Practices For Wastewater Treatment Systems In The Iron and Steel Industry

600S284083 Water Filration At Duluth

600S284084 Capture-and-containment Systems For Hazardous Material Spills On Land

600S284085 Surface Treatment Agents For Protection Of Shorelines From Oil Spills

600S284086 Laboratory-scale Flame-mode Hazardous Waste Thermal Destruction Research

600S284087 Operation and Maintenance Of Selected Ozone and Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems

600S284088 Effective Filtration Methods For Small Water Supplies

600S284089 Controlled Air Incineration Of Pentachlorophenol-treated Wood

600S284090 Trihalomethane Precursor Removal By The Magnesium Carbonate Process

600S284091 Testing and Evaluation Of An Alcohol Production Facility Utilizing Potatoes As A Feedstock

600S284092 Production and Management Of Leachate From Municipal Landfills summary and Assessment

600S284093 Barium and Radium Removal From Groundwater By Ion Exchange

600S284094 Effect Of Particulates On Disinfection Of Enteroviruses In Water By Chloramines

600S284095 Evaluation Of The Efficiency Of Industrial Flares Test Results July 1984

600S284096 In Situ Field Portable Fine Particle Measuring Device July 1984

600S284098 Annotated Literature References On Land Treatment Of Hazardous Waste June 1984

600S284099 Review Of Recent Research In Indoor Air Quality

600S284100 Investigation Of Textile Dyebath Reconstitution and Reuse

600S284101 Characterization Of Soil Disposal System Leachates

600S284102 Monitoring Integrated Energy Systems At A Wastewater Treatment Plant In Maine

600S284103 The Use Portable Instrumentation For The Monitoring Of Fugitive Organic Emissions From Hazardous Waste Incinerators

600S284104 Thermal Treatment Of Municipal Sewage Sludges

600S284106 Design Information On Rotating Biological Contactors

600S284107 Evaluation Of Septic Tank System Effects On Groundwater Quality

600S284108 Laboratory Assessment Of Potential Hydrocarbon Emissions From Land Treat- Ment Of Refinery Oily Sludges

600S284109A Stormwater Management Model

600S284110 Methods Of Chemical Analysis For Oil Shale Wastes

600S284111 Wastes From Manufacture Of Dyes and Pigments

600S284112 Predicting Toxic Waste Concentrations In Community Drinking Water Supplies Analysis Of Vulnerability To Upstream Industrial

600S284113 Tar Sands Leachate Study

600S284114 Filtration Of Giardia Cysts and Other Substances Volume 1 Diatomaceous Earth Filtration

600S284115 Logan Wash Field Treatability Studies Of Wastewaters From Oil Shale Retorting Processes

600S284116 Evaluation Of Urban Runoff and Combined Sewer Overflow Mutagenicity

600S284117 Chlorinated Organic Compounds In Digested,heat-conditioned, & Purifax- Treated Sludges

600S284118 Control Of Industrial Voc Emissions By Catalytic Incineration

600S284119 Isolation,& Characterization,& Identification Of Microorganisms From Laboratory & Fuul-scale Landfills

600S284120 Paper Production & Processing- Occupational Exposure & Environmental Release Study

600S284121 Methods For Determining The Mechanical Integrity Of Class 2 Injection Wells

600S284122 Windrow and Static Pile Composting Of Municipal Sewage Sludges

600S284123 The Effect Of Underground Coal Gasification On Groundwater

600S284124 Comparison Of Leachate Characteristics From Selected Municipal Solid Waste Test Cells

600S284125 Solvent Recovery At Vandenberg Air Force Base

600S284128 Long-term Use Of Sewage Sludge On Agricultural and Disturbed Lands

600S284129 Evaluation Of Hazardous Waste Incineration In Cement Kilns At San Juan Cement Company

600S284130 Seattle Distribution System Corrosion Control Study volume 6, Use Of A Rotating Disc Electrode To Assess Copper Corrosion

600S284131 Hydraulic Characteristics Of Activated Sludge Secondary Clarifiers

600S284132 Evaluation Of Hazardous Waste Incineration In A Lime Kiln Rockwell Lime Company

600S284133 In Situ Analysis Of Corrosive & Passive Surfaces By Laser-excited Raman Spectroscopy

600S284135 Use Of Short-term Bioassays To Evaluate Environmental Impact Of Land Treatment Of Hazardous Industrial Waste

600S284136 Pilot-scale Evaluation Of Photolytic Ozonation For Trihalomethane Precursor Removal

600S284137 Toxicity Treatability Of Iron & Steel Plant Wastewaters a Resource Document

600S284138 Determination Of The Thermal Decomposition Properties Of 20 Selected Hazardous Organic Compounds

600S284139 Process Design Manual Stripping Of Organics

600S284140 Demonstration Of Vapor Control Technology For Gasoline Loading Of Barges

600S284141 Landfill Gas Production From Large Landfill Simulators

600S284142 Demonstration Of Thermophilic Aerobic- Anaerobic Digestion At Hagerstown, Maryland

600S284144 Developing Methods For Analyzing Oil Dispersants In Seawater

600S284145 Technology Assessment Of Aquaculture Systems For Municipal Wastewater Treatment

600S284146 Sewage Sludge Incinerator Fuel Reduction Hartford,connecticut

600S284147 Closed Cycle Textile Dyeing Extended Evaluation Of Full-scale Hyperfiltration Demonstration

600S284148 Molten Salt Destruction Of Hcb and Chlordane Bench- and Pilot-scale Tests

600S284149 Description and Operation Of A Thermal Decomposition Unit-gas Chromatographic System

600S284150 Environmental Characterization Of Disposal Of Waste Oils By Combustion In Small Commercial Boilers

600S284151 Swirl & Helical Bend Regulator- Concentrator For Storm and Combined Sewer Overflow Control

600S284152 Field Manual Performance & Troubleshooting At Metal-finishing Wastewater Treatment Facilities

600S284153 Auto-oxidation Potential Of Raw and Retorted Oil Shale

600S284154 Technology Assessment Of Wetlands For Municipal Wastewater Treatment

600S284155 Sewage Sludge Versus Commercial Methods For Reclaiming Strip-mine Soils

600S284156 Evaluation Of An Esca- Leachate Analytical Scheme To Characterize Process Stream Wastes

600S284157 Oregon Onsite Experimental Systems Program

600S284158 City Of Tampa Management Analysis & Report System (mars)

600S284159 Hot Flue Gas Spiking & Recovery Study For Tetrachlorodibenzodioxins (tcdd) Using Modified Method 5 and Sass Sampling

600S284160 Ultraviolet Disinfection Of A Secondary Effluent Measurement Of Dose and Effects Of Filtration

600S284161 Overland Flow Treatment Of Domestic Wastewater In Northern Climates

600S284162 Closure Evaluation For Petroleum Residue Land Treatment

600S284163 Overland Flow Treatment Of Municipal Wastewater In Florida

600S284165 Granular Activated Carbon For Removing Nontrihalomethane Organics From Drinking Water

600S284166 Injury and The Improved Recovery Of Coliform Bacteria In Drinking Water

600S284167 Technical-economic Study Of Sewage Sludge Disposal On Dedicated Land Jan 1985

600S284168 Field Studies Of Liner Installation Methods At Landfills & Surface Impoundments

600S284169 Project Summary - Liner Materials Exposed To Hazardous and Toxic Wastes

600S284170 Project Summary - Methods-materials Matrix For Ultimate Disposal Techniques For Spilled Hazardous Materials

600S284171 Project Summary-feasibility Of Using Chemical Liners For Landfilling Electroplating Sludges

600S284172 Project Summary-evaluation Of Processed Municipal Wastes In Landfill Cells

600S284173 Project Summary - Assessment Of Hazardous Waste Surface Impoundment Technology Case Studies & Perspectives Of Experts

600S284174 Project Summary-systems Reliability & Performance Pilot-scale Incineration Of Chlorinated Benzenes At The Combustion Research Facility

600S284175 Capital and O & M Cost Relationships For Hazardous Waste Incineration

600S284176 Demonstration Of A Maximum Recycle, Sidestream Softening System At A Petrochemical Plant & A Petroleum Refinery

600S284177 Engineering Assessment Report--hazardous Waste Cofiring In Industrial Boilers

600S284178 Environmental Effects Of Utilizing Solid Waste As A Supplementary Power Plant Fuel

600S284179 Environmental & Energy Benefits Of Microprocessor Control Of Oven Airflows From A Coil Coating Operation A Case Study

600S284180 Project Summary - Electrical Resistivity Technique To Assess The Integrity Of Geomembrane Liners

600S284181 Performance Evaluation Of Full-scale Hazardous Waste Incinerators

600S284182 State Of The Art Of Aquifer Restoration

600S284183 1984 Bibliography Of Small Wastewater Flows Summary

600S284184 Estimation Of Small System Water Treatment Costs (mar 1985)

600S284188 Recommended Practices For Flow Measure- Ments In Wastewater Treatment Plants

600S284189 Project Summary-fail-safe Devices For The Prevention Of Hazardous Material Spills

600S284190 Speciation Of Selenium In Groundwater

600S284191 Feasibility Study Of Alternative Technology For Small Community Water Supply

600S284193 Land Treatment Of Petroleum Refinery Sludges

600S284194 Project Summary-hazardous-toxic Air Pollutant Control Technology A Literature Review

600S284195 Liquid-liquid Extraction Of Trace Level Pesticides From Process Streams

600S284196 Sludge Demetalization By The Union Carbide Corporation Electrochemical Process

600S284197 Technical Overview Of The Concept Of Disposing Of Hazardous Wastes In Industrial Boilers

600S284198 Project Summary-trace Metal Retention When Firing Hazardous Waste In A Fluidized-bed Incinerator

600S284200 Technology Assessment Of Carver-greenfield Municipal Sludge Drying Process

600S285001 Determining The Stability Of Treated Municipal Wastewater Sludges

600S285002 Recommended Practices For On-line Measurement Of Residual Chlorine In Wastewaters

600S285003 Removal Of Heavy Metals Using Aluminum Salts For Phosphorus Removal

600S285004 Capital and O&m Cost Relationships For Hazardous Waste Incineration, Addendum 1 Ionizing Wet Scrubber Costs Project Summary

600S285005 Liquid Waste Composting

600S285006 Barium and Radium In Water Treatment Plant Wastes

600S285007 Technology Assessment Of Sequencing Batch Reactors

600S285008 Emerging Technology Assessment Of Phostrip, A-o, and Bardenpho Processes For Biological Phosphorus Removal

600S285009 Land Treatment Of An Oily Waste-- Degradation, Immobilization, and Bioaccumulation

600S285010 Textile Dyes and Dyeing Equipment Classification, Properties

600S285011 Measurement Of Volatile Organic Compound Capture Efficiency

600S285012 Full-scale Carbon Adsorption Application Study

600S285013 Preliminary Assessment Of Costs and Credits For Hazardous Waste Co-firing

600S285014 Microwave System For Locating Faults In Hazardous Material Dikes

600S285015 Treatment Technology For Pesticide Manufacturing Effluents Bentazon Project Summary

600S285016 Optimization Of Nitrogen Removal By Rapid Infiltration

600S285017 Integration Of Building and Energy Technology With Onsite Waste Management In The Year 2000

600S285018 Drastic A Standardized System For Evaluating Groundwater Pollution Potential Using Hydrogeologic Settings

600S285019 Economic Modelling Of Water Supply An Econometric Analysis Of The Multiproduct Firm

600S285020 Selected Topics Related To Infiltration & Inflow In Sewer Systems

600S285021 Using Mined Space For Long Term Retention Of Nonradioactive Hazardous Waste

600S285022 An Introduction To Groundwater Tracers

600S285023 Optional Cost Models For Landfill Disposal Of Municipal Solid Waste

600S285024 Combined Sewer Overflow Sediment Transport Model Documentation and Evaluation Project Summary

600S285025 Specification Of Hazardous Inorganic Compounds By Fourier Infrared (ftir) Spectroscopy Project Summary

600S285026 Filtration Of Giardia Cysts & Other Substances Vol 2 Slow Sand Filtration

600S285027 Filtration Of Giardia Cysts, Volume 3 Project Summary

600S285028 Guide For Decontaminating Buildings, Structures, and Equipment At Superfund Sites

600S285029 Test Methods For Determining The Chemical Waste Compatibility Of Synthetic Liners

600S285030 Evaluation Of Hazardous Waste Incineration In An Aggregate Kiln, Florida Solite Corporation Project Summary

600S285031 Co-firing Of Solid Wastes and Coal At Ames Pulverized Coal

600S285032 Demonstration Test Of Refuse-derived Fuel As A Supplemental Fuel In Cement Kilns

600S285033 Review Of Current Rbc Performance & Design Procedures

600S285034 Enforcement Of Regulations Governing Groundwater Contamination From Underground Injection Or Disposal Of Salt Water In Kansas and Texas Project Summary

600S285035 Settlement and Cover Subsidence Of Hazardous Waste Landfills

600S285036 Assessment Of Pcdds and Pcdfs From Pcb Transformer and Capacitor Fires

600S285037 Risk Assessment Of Wastewater Disinfection

600S285038 Characterizing and Controlling Urban Runoff Through Street and Sewerage Cleaning

600S285039 Evaluation Of Color Infrared Aerial Surveys Of Wastewater Soil Absorption Systems

600S285040 The Loves Creek Anaerobic, Upflow (anflow) Pilot Plant Performance Summary

600S285041 Parametric Evaluation Of Voc-hap Destruction Via Catalytic Incineration Project Summary

600S285042 Controlling Asbestos Loss from Asbestos-Cement Pipe in Aggressive Waters. Project Summary

600S285043 Characterization Of The Water Quality Of The Lower Mississippi River

600S285044 Environmental Release Of Asbestos From Commercial Product Shaping

600S285045 Laboratory Evaluation of Critical Fluid Extractions for Environmental Applications

600S285046 Sources Of Copper Air Emissions

600S285047 Literature Review and Survey Of Emissions From Residential Wood Combustion and Their Impact Project Summary

600S285048 Enzyme Based Detection Of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons In Water

600S285049 Innovative Thermal Hazardous Waste Treatment Processes

600S285050 Determination Of Toxic Chemicals In Effluent From Household Septic Tanks

600S285051 Investigations Of Existing Pressure Sewer Systems

600S285052 Slow and Filter and Package Treatment Plant Evaluation Operating Costs and Removal Of Bacteria, Giardia, and Trihalomethanes Project Summary

600S285053 Determination and Prediction Of Chemical Forms Of Trace Metals In Sewage Sludges and Sludge-amended Soils

600S285054 Removal and Recovery Of Fluoborates and Metal Ions From Electroplating Wastewater Project Summary

600S285055 Evaluation Of Donnan Dialysis For Treatment Of Nickel Plating Rinsewater

600S285056 Slow Sand Filter Maintenance Costs and Effects On Water Quality Project Summary

600S285057 Evaluation Of Air Emissions From Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities

600S285058 Solidification-stabilization Of Sludge and Ash From Wastewater Treatment Project Summary

600S285059 The Rutgers Strategy For Composting Process Design & Control

600S285060 Alternative Processes For Treatment Of Sinter Plant Wastewater

600S285061 Enumeration and Identification Of Heterotrophic Bacteria From Drinking Water

600S285062 Demonstration Of Acceptable Systems For Land Disposal Of Sewage Sludge

600S285063 Microprocessor-controlled Anodic Stripping Voltammeter For Trace Metal Analysis In Tap Water

600S285064 Destruction Of Vocs By A Catalytic Paint Drying (1r) Device

600S285065 Plume 2d Two-dimensional Plumes In Uniform Groundwater Flow

600S285066 Upcoming Of A Salt-freshwater Interface Below A Pumping Well Project Summary

600S285067 Plume 3d Three-dimensional Plumes In Uniform Groundwater Flow

600S285068 Cost Comparisons Of Selected Technologies For The Control Of Sulfur Dioxide From Copper Smelters

600S285069 Evaluation Of Emerging Technologies For The Destruction Of Hazardous Wastes

600S285070 Design and Management Of Subsurface Soil Absorption Systems

600S285071 Engineering Evaluation To Examine Air Pollution Control Technology Used In Foreign Practice Of Steelmaking

600S285072 Evaluation Of New and Emerging Technologies In The Metal Finishing Industry

600S285073 Batch Pretreatment Process Technology For Abatement Of Emissions and Conservation Of Energy In Glass Melting Furnaces, Phase Iia Project Summary

600S285074 Selenium Removal From Drinking Water By Ion Exchange

600S285075 Centralized Treatment Of Metal Finishing Wastes At A Cleveland Resource Recovery Park, Part 1 Design and Costs, Part 2 Financing, Part 3 Site Investigation Project Summary

600S285076 Strategies For Water and Waste Reduction In Dairy Food Plants

600S285077 Anaerobic-aerobic Treatment Process For The Removal Of Priority Pollutants

600S285078 Technical Assistance For Huntington Park Group Treatment Facility

600S285079 Corrosion and Calcium Carbonate Saturation Index In Water Distribution Systems

600S285080 Fabrication and Pilot Scale Testing Of A Prototype Donnan Dialyzer For The Removal Of Toxic Metals From Electroplating Rinse Waters Project Summary

600S285081 Pilot Plant Evaluation Of Critical Fluid Extractions For Environmental Applications

600S285082 Pic Minimization In A Research Combustor, Interim Report

600S285083 Feasibility Of Using Uv Photolysis and Apeg Reagent For Treatment Of Dioxin Contaminated, Interim Report Project Summary

600S285084 Evaluation Of The Resistance Of A Chlorinated Polyethylene Protective Garment Material To Permeation and Degradation By Liquid Chemicals Project Summary

600S285088 Industrial Process Profiles For Environmental Use The Plastics and Resins Industry Summary Covers 600-2-85-085,086,087

600S285089 Delineating Toxic Areas By Canine Olfaction

600S285091 Study Of Codisposed Municipal and Treated-untreated Industrial Wastes Project Summary

600S285092 Ultraviolet Disinfection Of Water For Small Water Supplies

600S285093 Prediction Of Selectivity For Activated Carbon Adsorption Of Trace Organic (homologue) Contaminants

600S285094 Pilot Study For Removal Of Arsenic From Drinking Water At The Fallon, Nevada, Naval Air Station

600S285095 Use Of Sewage Sludge For Forest-tree Seedling Production

600S285096 Application Of Adsorptive-absorptive Resins and Membranes For Toxic and Hazardous Waste Reduction

600S285097 Destruction Of Hazardous Wastes Cofired In Industrial Boilers Pilot-scale Parametrics Testing

600S285098 Investigation Of Fluid Bed Combustion Of Municipal Solid Waste

600S285099 Corrosivity Studies In Coincineration Of Sewage Sludge and Solid Waste Project Summary

600S285100 Assessment Of Synthetic Membrane Successes & Failures At Waste Storage & Disposal Sites

600S285102 Organic Chemical Fate Prediction In Activated Sludge Treatment Processes

600S285103 Chemical & Microbial Aspects Of Sludge Composting & Land Application

600S285104 Practical Guide For Groundwater Sampling

600S285105 State-of-the-art Survey Decontamination Techniques For Mobile Response Equipment Used At Waste Sites

600S285106 Evaluation Of The Efficiency Of Industrial Flares Flare Head Design and Gas Composition Project Summary

600S285107 Transfer Efficiency Of Improperly Maintained Or Operated Spray Painting Equipment Sensitivity Studies

600S285108 Destruction Of Pcbs Environmental Applications Of Alkali Metal Polyethylene Glycolate Complexes Project Summary

600S285112 Point-of-use Treatment To Control Organic and Inorganic Contaminants In Drinking Water

600S285113 Test Firing Refuse-derived Fuel In An Industrial Coal-fired Boiler

600S285114 Cofiring Of Solid Wastes and Coal At Ames Stoker Boilers Project Summary

600S285115 Assessment Of Organic Contaminants In Emissions From Refuse-derived Fuel Combustion

600S285116 Emissions Assessment For Refuse-derived Fuel Combustion

600S285117 Emission Assessment Of Refuse-derived Fuel Combustion Suspension Firing

600S285118 Dioxin Emissions From Industrial Boilers Burning Hazardous Materials

600S285119 Trihalomethane Precursor Removal By Coagulation Techniques In A Lime Softening Plant, 3 Phased Study Project Summary

600S285120 Evaluation Of Fabric Filter Performance At Ames Solid Waste Recovery System

600S285121 Evaluation Of Pilot Scale Air Pollution Control Devices On A Refuse and Coal Fired Boiler Project Summary

600S285122 Evaluation Of Pilot-scale Air Pollution Control Devices On A Municipal Waterwall Incinerator

600S285123 Soil Physicochemical Parameters Affecting Metal Availability In Sludge Amended Soils Project Summary

600S285124 In Situ Methods For The Contrl Of Emissions From Surface Impoundments & Landfills

600S285125 Effects Of Residual Organic Matter On Elemental Analyses By Spark Source Mass Spectrography (ssms)

600S285126 Evaluation Of Erosion Feed Chlorinators

600S285127 Resistance Of Flexible Membrane Liners To Chemicals and Wastes

600S285128 Metal Value Recovery From Metal Hydroxide Sludges

600S285129 Treatment Of Contaminated Soils With Aqueous Surfactants

600S285130 Interim Protocol For Diving Operations In Contaminated Water

600S285131 Demonstration Of Service Lateral Testing and Rehabilitation Techniques Project Summary

600S285132 Insituform and Other Sewer Rehabilitation Techniques Project Summary

600S285134 Field and Laboratory Evaluation Of Petroleum Land Treatment System Closure Project Summary

600S285135 Fate Of Selected Metals & Emissions From A Sludge-wastepaper Gasifier

600S285136 Coal Rdf Co-firing Project

600S285137 High Temperature Dilute Acid Hydrolysis Of Waste Cellulose

600S285138 Cost and Performance Evaluation Of Inplant Trihalomethane Control Techniques Project Summary

600S285139 Hyperfiltration For Textile Preparation Caustic Discharge Reduction

600S285140 Automation Of Sludge Processing Conditioning, Dewatering, and Incineration

600S285141 Protocol Development For The Prediction Of The Fate Of Organic Priority Pollutants In Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems

600S285142 Survival Of Parasite Eggs In Stored Sludge

600S286001 Unerground Tank Leak Detection Methods A State-of-the-art Review

600S286002 Pilot Anaerobic Biological Treatment of Pulp Mill Evaporator Foul Condensate. Project Summary

600S286003 Stability Of Parts-per-billion Hazardous Organic Cylinder Gases & Performance Audit Results Of Source Test & Ambient Air Measurement Systems-status Report #2

600S286004 Evaluation Of Activated Carbon For Enhanced Cod Removal From Pharmaceutical Wastewater

600S286005 Ultraviolet Disinfection Of Wastewaters From Secondary Effluent & Combined Sewer Overflows

600S286006 Pic Formation Under Pyrolytic & Starved Air Conditions

600S286007 Computer Assisted Preliminary Design For Drinking Water Treatment Process Systems

600S286009 Design Scale-up Suitability For Air-stripping Columns

600S286010 Toxic & Priority Organics In Municipal Sludge Land Treatment Systems

600S286011 Control Of Air Emissions From Hazardous Waste Combustion Sources Field Evaluations Of Pilot-scale Air Pollution Control Devices

600S286012 Guidance Manual On Overtopping Control Techniques For Hazardous Waste Impoundments

600S286013 Drum Handling Practices At Hazardous Waste Sites

600S286015 Design & Construction Of A Mobile Activated Carbon Regenerator System

600S286016 Documentation & Analysis For Prevention and Control Of Hazarous Waste Material Spills

600S286017 Leachate Collection and Gas Migration and Emission Problems at Landfills and Surface Impoundments, Project Summary

600S286018 Rotating Biological Contactors: Hydraulic Verses Organic Loading

600S286019 Status Of Porous Biomass Support Systems For Wastewater Treatment An Innovative Alternative Technology Assessment

600S286020 Grouting Techniques In Bottom Sealing Of Hazardous Waste Sites `

600S286021 Arsenic (111) Oxidation and Removal From Drinking Water

600S286022 Small Diameter Gravity Sewers An Alternative For Unsewered Communities

600S286023 Large Soil Absorption Systems For Wastewaters From Multiple-home Developments

600S286027 The Lubbock Land Treatment System Research & Demonstration Project

600S286027D The Lubbock Land Treatment System Research & Demonstration Project Volume IV Lubbock Infection Surveillance Study (liss)

600S286028 Preliminary Assessment Of Hazardous Waste Pretreatment As An Air Pollution Control Technique

600S286029 Groundwater and Leachate Treatability Studies at Four Superfund Sites, Project Summary

600S286030 Requirements Study Of An Automated Advisory System For Review Of Rcrpermits

600S286031 Selenium Oxidation and Removal By Ion Exchange

600S286032 Treatment Of Drinking Water By Bromide Addition and Powered Activated Carbon Adsorption Project Summary

600S286034 Stors The Sludge-to-oil Reactor System

600S286035 Evaluation & Disposal Of Waste Materials Within 19 Test Lysimeters At Center Hill

600S286037 Costs Of Remedial Actions At Uncontrolled Hazarodus Waste Sites Worker Health and Safety Considerations

600S286038 Non-flame Hazardous Waste Thermal Destruction, Interim Report

600S286039 Determining The Effectiveness Of An Afterburner To Reduce Dioxins and Furans Project Summary

600S286040 Investigation Of The Thermal Destructibility Of Hazardous Wastes Using The Thermal Decomposition Analytical System

600S286041 Gas Characterization Microbiological Analysis & Disposal Of Refuse In Gri Landfill Simulators

600S286042 Dissolved Oxygen & Oxidation-reduction Potentials In Groundwater

600S286043 Wet Oxidation of Municipal Sludge by the Vertical Tube Reactor. Project Summary

600S286044 Evaluation Of A Fluidized-bed Sewage Sludge Incinerator Using Wood Chips For Fuel

600S286045 Toxic Substance Removal In Activated Sludge and Pac Treatment Systems Project Summary

600S286046 Trickling Filter- Solids Contact Process Full Scale Studies

600S286047 Inactivation of Enteric Pathogens During Aerobic Digestion of Wastewater Sludge, Project Summary

600S286048 Field Evaluation Of Hazardous Waste Pretreatment As An Air Pollution Control Technique

600S286049 Reclamation Of Alkaline Ash Piles

600S286050 Trial Burns For Hazardous Waste Incinerators

600S286051 Sulfide Precipitation of Nickel and Other Heavy Metals from Single- and Multi-Metal Systems, Project Summary

600S286052 Evaluation Of Septic Leachate Detection

600S286053 Assessment Of Assay Method For Evaluating Asbestos Abatement Technology

600S286054 Effect Of Fees On Water Service Cutoffs and Payment Delinquencies Project Summary

600S286055 Predicting The Effectiveness Of Chemical Protective Clothing Model and Test Method Development

600S286056 Copper-induced Corrosion Of Galvanized Steel Pipe

600S286057 Estimating Leachate Production From Closed Hazardous Waste Landfills

600S286058 Avoiding Failure Of Leachage Collection & Cap Drainage Systems

600S286059 Field Evaluation Of Resource Recovery Of Hazardous Wastes Project Summary

600S286060 Forecasting Onsite Soil Absorption System Failure Rates

600S286062 Performance and Analysis Of Aquifer Tracer Tests With Implications For Contaminant Transport Modeling

600S286063 Evaluation Of Alternatives To Toxic Organic Paint Strippers

600S286064 Automated Inhalation Exposure Methodology (iem) Addendum I, User's Guide

600S286066 Reclamation and Redevelopment Of Contaminated Land Volume I U S Case Studies

600S286067 Inactivation Of Microbial Agents By Chemical Disinfectants

600S286068 Microprocessor Control Of Rotogravure Airflows

600S286069 Field Investigation of Biological Toilet Systems and Grey Water Treatment

600S286070 Assessment of Assay Methods for Evaluating Asbestos Abatement Technology at the Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory, Project Summary

600S286071 Evaluation Of Volatilization Of Hazardous Constituents At Hazardous Waste Land Treatment Sites

600S286072 Critical Review Of Open Source Particulate Emission Measurements Field Comparison

600S286073 Critical Review and Summary Of Leachate and Gas Production From Landfills

600S286074 Testing and Evaluation Of Permeable Materials For Removal Pollutants From Leachates At Remedial Action Sites

600S286075 Dewatering Wastewater Treatment Sludge By Clathrate Freezing A Bench-scale Feasibility Study

600S286076 Soil, Clay, and Caustic Soda Effects On Solubility, Sorption, and Mobility Of Hexachlorocyclopentadiene

600S286077 Instrumental Monitoring Of Nonmethane Hydrocarbons At A Hazardous Waste Incinerator Project Summary

600S286078 Air Pollution Impacts When Quenching Blast Furnace Slag With Contaminated Water

600S286079 Destruction Of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons By Catalytic Oxidation

600S286080 Evaluation of the Efficiency of Industrial Flares: H2S Gas Mixtures and Pilot Assisted Flares. Project Summary

600S286081 Application Of Recombinant Dna Technology To Methane Biosynthesis

600S286083 Efficiency Of Soil Core and Soil-pore Water Sampling Systems

600S286084 Enzyme Addition To The Anaerobic Digestion Of Municipal Wastewater Primary Sludge

600S286085 Geotextiles For Drainage, Gas Venting and Erosion Control At Hazardous Waste Sites

600S286091 Incinerator Operating Parameters Which Correlate With Performance

600S286092 Supercritical Fluid Chromatography For High Molecular Weight Organic Analysis December 1986

600S286093 Incinerator and Cement Kiln Capacity For Hazardous Waste Treatment

600S286094 Evaluation Of The Hsa Reactor For Metal Recovery and Cyanide Oxidation In Metal Plating Operations

600S286095 Technical Resource Document Treatment Technologies For Solvent Containing Wastes

600S286096 Technical Resource Document: Treatment Technologies for Dioxin-Containing Wastes, Project Summary

600S286097 Precision and Reliability Of Laboratory Permeability Measurements

600S286098 Preliminary Assessment Of Air Emissions From Aerated Waste Treatment Systems At Tsdfs

600S286099 Limestone Bed Contactors For Control Of Corrosion At Small Water Utilities

600S286100 Test Method Evaluations and Emissions Testing For Rating Wood Stoves

600S286101 Dioxin and Furan Contamination In The Manufacture Of Halogenated Organic Chemicals

600S286102 Costs Of Air Pollution Abatement Systems For Sewage Sludge Incinerators

600S286103 Pilot Plant Demonstration Of The Hyperbaric Oxyozosynthesis Process

600S286104 Seasonal Variability In Prickly Pear Creek Water Quality and Macroinvertebrate Communities

600S286105 Report For Non-flame Hazardous Waste Thermal Destruction

600S286106 Regrowth Of Salmonellae In Composted Sewage Sludge

600S286107 Nitrate Removal From Drinking Water In Glendale, Arizona

600S286108 Retention Of Zinc, Cadmium, Copper, and Lead By Geologic Materials

600S286109 Geotechnical Analysis For Review Of Dike Stability (gards)

600S286110 Evaluation of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Cover Designs

600S286111 Yorehole Sensing Methods For Groundwater Investigations At Hazardous Waste Sites

600S286112 Pcb Sediment Decontamination--technical- Economic Assessment Of Selected Alternative Treatments

600S286113 Catalytic Dehydrohalogenation A Chemical Destruction Method For Halogenated Organics

600S286114 Stochastic Prediction Of Dispersive Contaminant Transport

600S286115 Nitrate Removal From Contaminated Water Supplies Volume 1 Design and Initial Performance Of A Nitrate Removal Plant

600S286116 Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems on Severely Limited Sites

600S286117 Stability Of Parts-per-million Organic Cylinder Gases and Results Of Source Test Analysis Audits Status Report #8

600S286118 Destruction and Stabilization Of Sludge By Multiple-stage Digestion and Thermal Treatment

600S286120 Evaluation Of Spark Source Mass Spectrometry and Plasma Emission Spectroscopy For Comprehensive Elemental Analysis Of Environmental Samples

600S286121 Pilot-scale Incineration Test Burn Of Tcdd-contaminated Trichlorophenol Production Waste

600S287002 Factors Affecting The Bioavailability Of Cadmium

600S287003 Use of Lined Pits for Disposal of Dilute Pesticide Waste

600S287004 Characterization Of Pcb Transformer- Capacitor Fluids and Correlation With Pcdds and Pcdfs In Soot

600S287005 Near Critical Co2 Extraction Of Hazardous Organics From Acrylonitile, Pesticides and Steel Mill Wastes

600S287006 Alternative Disinfectants and Granular Activated Carbon Effects On Trace Organic Contaminants

600S287007 Evaluation Of The Problems Associated With Application Of Low Solvent Coatings To Wood Furniture

600S287008 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Remediation With Emphasis On In Situ Biorestorations

600S287009 Field Assessment Of Aerated Lagoon Emissions and Their Control Using An Inflated Dome

600S287010 Evaluation Of Bacteroides As Indicator Bacteria In Drinking Water Project Summary

600S287011 Treatment Alternatives For Controlling Chlorinated Organic Contaminants In Drinking Water Project Summary

600S287013 Stack Testing Of The Mobile Plasma Arc Unit

600S287014 Reduction Of Total Toxic Organic Discharges and Voc Emissions From Paint Stripping Operations Using Plastic Media Blasting

600S287015 Evaluation Of Flexible Membrane Liner Semas After Chemical Exposure and Simulated Weathering

600S287016 Water Quality Characterization Of An Eastern Coal Slurry

600S287017 Characterization Of Hazardous Waste Incineration Residuals Project Summary

600S287019 Evaluation Of Thirteen Spill Response Technologies

600S287020 Dewatering Of Dilute Aqueous Hazardous Wastes Using Reversible Gel Absorption

600S287022 Aqueous-Phase Oxidation of Sludge Using the Vertical Reaction Vessel System. Project Summary

600S287023 The Block Displacement Method Field Demonstration and Specifications

600S287024 Water Main Evaluation For Rehabilitation-replacement

600S287025 Prediction-mitigation Of Subsidence Damage To Hazardous Waste Landfill Covers

600S287026 Shredded Rubber Tires as a Bulking Agent for Composting Sewage Sludge, Project Summary

600S287027 Soil-Gas Measurement for Detection of Subsurface Organic Contamination: Project Summary

600S287028 Survival and Transport of Pathogens in Sludge-Amended Soil: A Critical Literature Review. Project Summary

600S287029 Effect If Capillarity and Soil Structure On Flow In Low Permeability Saturated Soils At Disposal Facilities

600S287030 Model Statewide Compliance Strategy Incorporating The Composite Correction Program (ccp)

600S287031 Evaluation Of Silicate and Phosphate Compounds For Corrosion Control

600S287033 Destruction Of Dioxin-contaminated Solids and Liquids By Mobile Incineration

600S287034 Nitrate Removal From Contaminated Water Supplies, Volume II

600S287035 Drastic A Standardized System For Evaluating Groundwater Pollution Potential Using Hydrogeologic Settings

600S287036 Relationships Between Water Quality and Corrosion Of Plumbing Materials In Buildings Project Summary

600S287037 An Evaluation Of Pristine Lignin For Hazardous Waste Treatment

600S287038 Assessment Of Techniques For In Situ Repair Of Flexible Membrane Liners Final Report

600S287039 Design, Construction, and Maintenance Of Cover Systems For Hazardous Waste An Engineering Guidance Document

600S287041 Calibration and Evaluation Of A Dispersant Application System

600S287042 Corrosion In Water Distribution Systems Of The Pacific Northwest

600S287043 Composition Of Leachates From Actual Hazardous Waste Sites

600S287044 Retrospective Evaluation Of The Effects Of Selected Industrial Wastes On Municipal Solid Waste Stabilization In Simulated Landfills

600S287045 Influence Of Phosphate Corrosion Control Compounds On Bacterial Growth Project Summary

600S287046 Potential Emissions of Hazardous Organic Compounds from Sewage Sludge Incineration. Project Summary

600S287047 Guidance Manual For Selection and Use Of Sorbents For Liquid Hazardous Substance Releases

600S287048 Reactivation Of Granular Carbon In An Infrared Traveling Belt Furnace

600S287049 Verification Of The Lateral Drainage Component Of The Help Model Using Physical Models

600S287050 Verification Of The Hydrologic Evaluation Of Landfill Performance (help) Model Using Field Data

600S287051 Pcb Trial Burn Report For The U.S.EPA Combustion Research Facility Liquid Injection Incinerator System

600S287052 Ecological Recovery After Reclamation Of Toxic Spoils Left By Coal Surface Mining Phase II An Assessment Of Environmental Changes Following Inten- Sive Remedial

600S287053 Separation Of Dilute Hazardous Organics By Low Pressure Composite Membranes

600S287054 Distribution Of Trace Element Emissions From The Liquid Injection Incinerator Combustion Research Facility

600S287055 Waste Minimization Audits at Generators of Corrosive and Heavy Metal Wastes

600S287056 Waste Minimization Audit Report Case Studies Of Minimization Of Cyanide Waste From Electroplating Operations

600S287057 Waste Minimization Audit Report Case Studies Of Minimization Of Solvent Waste From Parts Cleaning and From Electronic Capacitor Manufacturing Operations

600S287058 Safe Drinking Water Act Cost Impacts On Selected Water Systems

600S287059 Simulation Of Leachate Generation From Municipal Solid Waste

600S287062 Quantification Of Leak Rates Through Holes In Landfill Liners

600S287063 Investigation Of Slurry Cutoff Wall Design and Construction Methods For Containing Hazardous Wastes

600S287064 Total Mass Emissions From A Hazardous Waste Incinerator

600S287066 Method For Estimating Fugitive Particulate Emissions From Hazardous Waste Sites

600S287067 Development Of Chemical Compatibility Criteria For Assessing Flexible Membrane Liners

600S287068 Manual For Preventing Spills Of Hazardous Substances At Fixed Facilties

600S287069 Reference Manual Of Countermeasures For Hazardous Substance Releases

600S287070 Evaluation Of Oil Spill Dispersant Testing Requirements

600S287071 Sensitivity Analysis For Application Of The Inhalation Exposure Methodology (iem) To Studies Of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities

600S287072 Field Dispersant Effectiveness Test

600S287074 Evaluation Of The Two-zone Wastewater Treatment Process At Norristown, Pennsylvania

600S287076 Removal Of Uranium From Drinking Water By Ion Exchange and Chemical Clarification

600S287077 Technical Assessment Of Low-pressure Pipe Wastewater Injection Systems

600S287079 Analysis Of Modified Wet-air Oxidation For Soil Detoxification

600S287080 Developments At Thirteenth International Conference On Water Pollution Research

600S287081 Destruction and Removal Of Pohcs In Iron Making Blast Furnaces

600S287082 Two Test Procedures For Radon In Drinking Water Interlaboratory Collaborative Study

600S287083 Sampling Regimes and Bacteriological Tests For Coliform Detection In Groundwater

600S287084 Electrostatic Precipitator Efficiency On A Multiple-hearth Incinerator Burning Sewage Sludge

600S287085 Field Evaluation Of The Land-o-matic Dry Pellet Chlorination System

600S287086 Field Assessment Of Air Emissions and Their Control At A Refinery Land Treatment Facility

600S287087 Compendium Of Costs Of Remedial Technologies At Hazardous Waste Sites

600S287088 Decision Support System For Drinking Water Research Using Microcomputers and Mainframes

600S287090 Municipal Landfill Gas Condensate

600S287092 Effect Of Wastewater Disinfectants On Survival Of R-factor Coliform Bacteria

600S287093 Report On Decontamination Of Pcb Bearing Sediments

600S287094 Case Studies Of Hazardous Waste Treatment To Remove Volatile Organics

600S287095 Hazardous Waste Combustion In Industrial Processes Cement and Lime Kilns

600S287096 Field Evaluation Of In-situ Biodegradation For Aquifer Restoration

600S287097 Geosynthetic Design Guidance For Hazardous Waste Landfill Cells and Surface Impoundments

600S287098 Technical Resource Document Treatment Technologies For Halogenated Organic Containing Wastes, Volume 1

600S287099 Technical Resource Document Treatment Technologies For Corrosive Containing Wastes, Volume 2

600S287100 The Fate Of Chromium (iii) In Chlorinated Water

600S287101 Physics Of Immiscible Flow In Porous Media

600S287102 Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of Chemical Dust Suppressants On Unpaved Roads

600S287103 Reclamation Of Aluminum Finishing Sludges

600S287104 Development and Assessment Of Methods For Estimating Protective Clothing Performance

600S287105 The Influence Of Sorbent Physical Properties Upon Reactivity With Sulfur Dioxide

600S287106 Technical Resource Document Treatment Technologies For Metal-cyanide Containing Wastes, Volume 3

600S287107 Treatment Of Municipal Wastewaters By The Fluidized Bed Bioreactor Process

600S287108 Centralized Management Of Small Treatment Plants Using Instruments and Remote Alarms

600S287109 Reverse Osmosis Treatment To Remove Inorganic Contaminants From Drinking Water

600S287110 Field Studies Of In Situ Soil Washing

600S288001 Survey and Evaluation Of Fine Bubble Dome and Disc Diffuser Aeration Systems In North America

600S288002 Gold-silver Heap Leaching and Management Practices That Minimize The Potential For Cyanide Releases Project Summary

600S288003 Control Technology Overview Report Cfc Emissions From Rigid Foam Manufacturing

600S288004 Control Technology Overview Report Cfc-11 Emissions From Flexible Polyurethane Foam Manufacturing

600S288005 Copper Dump Leaching and Management Practices That Minimize The Potential For Environmental Releases

600S288007 Removal Of Chromium From Ion Exchange Regenerant Solution

600S288008 Waste Minimization In The Printed Circuit Board Industry Case Studies Project Summary

600S288009 Study Of Possible Economical Ways Of Removing Radium From Drinking Water

600S288010 Waste Minimization Audit Report Case Studies Of Minimization Of Solvent Waste and Electroplating Wastes At A Dod Installation

600S288011 Waste Minimization Audit Report Case Studies Of Minimization Of Mercury-bearing Wastes At A Mercury Cell Chloralkali Plant Project Summary

600S288012 US Production Of Manufactured Gases Assessment Of Past Disposal Practices

600S288013 Assessment Of So2 and NOx Emission Control Technology In Europe Project Summary

600S288014 Selection Guide for Volatilization Technologies for Water Treatment

600S288015 Freeboard Determination and Management In Hazardous Waste Surface Impoundments Project Summary

600S288016 Review and Evaluation Of The Influence Of Chemicals On The Conductivity Of Soil Clays

600S288017 Factors In Assessing The Compatibility Of Fmls and Waste Liquids

600S288018 Oxidative Degradation Of Organic Acids Conjugated With Sulfite Oxidation In Flue Gas Desulfurization Project Summary

600S288019 Metal Value Recovery From Metal Hydroxide Sludges Removal Of Iron and Recovery Of Chromium

600S288020 Control Of Volatile Organic Contaminants In Groundwater By In-well Aeration

600S288021 Reactivity Of Various Grouts To Hazardous Wastes and Leachates Project Summary

600S288022 Aeration Equipment Evaluation, Phase I Clean Water Test Results Project Summary

600S288023 Improved Laboratory Dispersant Effectiveness Test

600S288024 Effects Of Composted Municipal Sludge On Soilborne Plant Pathogens

600S288025 The EPA Manual For Waste Minimizaton Opportunity Assessments

600S288026 Development Of Proposed Standard Test Method For Spray Painting Transfer Efficiency

600S288027 Pilot Scale Evaluation Of Sludge Landfilling 4 Years Of Operation Project Summary

600S288028 Ethylene Oxide Control Technology Development For Hospital Sterilizers

600S288030 Fate Of Water Soluble Azo Dyes In The Activated Sludge Process Project Summary

600S288031 Destruction Of Cyanide In Wastewaters Review and Evaluation

600S288032 Evaluation Of Biological Treatment Of Pharmaceutical Wastewater With Pac Addition

600S288033 Pesticide Exposure To Florida Greenhouse Applicators Project Summary

600S288034 Toxicity Reduction Evaluation At The Patapsco Wastewater Treatment Plant

600S288035 The Electrical Leak Location Method For Geomembrane Liners

600S288036 Factors Affecting Trace Metal Mobility In Subsurface Soils

600S288037 Effect Of Relative Humidity and Additives On The Reaction Of Sulfur Dioxide With Calcium Hydroxide

600S288038 D-ssys, A Computer Model For The Evaluation Of Competing Alternatives

600S288039 Radium Removal For A Small Community Water Supply System Project Summary Project Summary

600S288040 Loading Point Puncturability Analysis Of Geosynthetic Liner Materials Project Summary

600S288041 Survey Of Industrial Hazard Anticipation Technology

600S288042 Technical Considerations For Deminimis Pollutant Transport Through Polymeric Liners Project Summary

600S288043 Alternative Energy Sources For Wastewater Treatment Plants Project Summary

600S288044 Alternative Oxidant and Disinfectant Treatment Strategies For Controlling Trihalomethane Formulation

600S288045 Determination Of Effective Porosity Of Soil Materials

600S288046 Hydrologic-hydrochemical Characterization Of Texas Gulf Coast Saline Formations Used For Deep - Well Injection Of Chemical Wastes

600S288047 Rate Controlling Processes and Enhancement Strategies In Humidification For Duct So2 Capture Project Summary

600S288048 Evaluation Of Hydrologic Models In The Design Of Stable Landfill Covers

600S288049 Quick Indicator Tests To Characterize Bentonite Type Project Summary

600S288051 Evaluation Of The B E S T Tm Solvent Extraction Sludge Treatment Technology Twenty-four Hour Test Project Summary

600S288053 Performance Of Air Stripping and Gac For Soc and Voc Removal From Groundwater

600S288054 Determination and Enhancement Of Anaerobic Dehalogenation Degradation Of Chlorinated Organics In Auqeous Systems

600S288055 Characterization and Laboratory Soil Treatability Studies For Creosote and Pentachlorophenol Sludges and Contaminated Soil

600S288056 Engineering Assessment Of Edb Pesticide Destruction Technologies

600S288057 Manganese Dioxide Coated Filters For Removing Radium From Drinking Water Project Summary

600S288060 Demonstration and Evaluation Of The Captor Process For Sewage Treatment

600S288061 Evaluation Of Perchloroethylene Emissions From Dry Cleaned Fabrics

600S288063 Evaluation, Development and Verification of Field Methods for Rapid, On-site Determination of Appropriate Chemical Protective Clothing. Project Summary

600S288064 Treatment Of Hazardous Landfill Leachates and Contaminated Groundwater

600S288065 Oxygen Utilization In Activated Sludge Plants Simulation and Model Calibration

600S288066 Proposed Test Protocol To Determine Toxicant Leaching Into Potable Water

600S288067 Field and Laboratory Testing Of A Compacted Soil Liner

600S288069 Fundamental Studies Of Dry Injection Of Calcium-based Sorbents For So2 Control In Utility Boilers

600S288071 Volatile Organic Compound and Particulate Emission Studies Of Af Paint Booth Facilities Phase I Project Summary

600S288072 Reductions Of Enteric Microorganisms During Aerobic Sludge Digestion Comparison Of Conventional and Autoheated Digesters Project Summary

600S288073 Field Measurements Of Full-scale Hazardous Waste Treatment Facilities Organic Solvent Wastes Project Summary

600S289001 Comparative Evaluation Of Mesophilic and Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion Project Summary

600S289002 Test Report For The Trial Burn Of Dinoseb In A Pilot-scale Incinerator

600S289003 Capital and O&m Cost Estimates For Attached Growth Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes

600S289004 Method to Measure Protective Clothing Permeation Under Intermittent Chemical Contact Conditions

600S289005 Evaluation Of The Secondary Effects Of Air Stripping

600S289006 N20 Field Study

600S289007 Novel and Simple Approach To Elimination Of Dilute Toxic Wastes Based On Photoelectrochemical Systems

600S289008 Radio Frequency Enhanced Decontamination of Soils Contaminated with Halogenated Hydrocarbons. Project Summary

600S289009 Evaluation Of Refrigerant From Mobile Air Conditioners Project Summary

600S289010 Evaluation Of Asbestos Levels In Two Schools Before and After Asbestos Removal Project Summary

600S289011 Treatability Potential For EPA Listed Hazardous Wastes In Soil

600S289012 Uranium Removal From Drinking Water Using A Small Full-scale System Project Summary

600S289013 Evaluation Of Solidification-stabilization As A Best Demonstrated Available Technology For Contaminated Soils

600S289014 Evaluation Of New In-facepiece Sampling Procedures For Full and Half Facepieces

600S289015 Persistence Of Pathogens In Lagoon-stored Sludge

600S289016 Baghouse Efficiency On A Multiple Hearth Incinerator Burning Sewage Sludge Project Summary

600S289017 Assessment Of International Technologies For Superfund Applications Technology Identification and Selection Project Summary

600S289018 Evaluation of Solidified Residue from Municipal Solid Waste Combustors

600S289019 Protozoan Sources Of Spontaneous Coliform Occurrence In Chlorinated Drinking Water Project Summary

600S289020 Development and Evaluation Of A Rubber Duck Bill Tide Gate

600S289021 Continuous Performance Monitoring Techniques For Hazardous Waste Incinerators

600S289022 Cost and Performance Of Membranes For Organic Control In Small Systems Flagler Beach and Punta Gorda, Florida

600S289023 Synthetic Organic Compound Rejection By Nanofiltration

600S289024 State Of Technology Review Soil Vapor Extraction Systems Project Summary

600S289025 Effects Of Burn Rate, Wood Species, Moisture Content and Weight Of Wood Loaded On Woodstove Emissions

600S289026 Removal and Fate Of RCRA and CERCLA Toxic Organic Pollutants In Wastewater Treatment Project Summary

600S289027 Point-of-entry Drinking Water Treatment Systems For Superfund Applications Project Summary

600S289028 Groundwater Modeling An Overview and Status Report Project Summary

600S289029 Removal Of Dbcp From Groundwater, Volume 1 Poe-pou Treatment Devices Institutional and Jurisdictional Factors Project Summary

600S289030 Nutrients For Bacterial Growth In Drinking Water Bioassay Evaluation Project Summary

600S289032 Removal Of Humic Substances and Algae By Dissolved Air Flotation Project Summary

600S289033 In-situ Aquifer Restoration Of Chlorinated Aliphatics By Methanotrophic Bacteria Project Summary

600S289034 Cleaning Excavated Soils Using Extraction Agents: A State-of-the Art Review. Project Summary

600S289035 Kinematic Modeling Of Multiphase Solute Transport In The Vadose Zone Project Summary

600S289037 Potential Technologies For Collection and Destruction Of Cfc's, Halons, and Related Compounds Project Summary

600S289039 Sensitive Parameters Evaluation for a Vadose Zone Fate and Transport Model

600S289040 Establishment Of A Groundwater Research Data Center For Validation Of Subsurface Flow and Transport Models Project Summary

600S289041 Evaluation Of Airborne Asbestos Concentrations Before and During O&m Activity A Case Study Project Summary

600S289042 In Situ Bioremediation Of Spills From Underground Storage Tanks New Approaches For Site Characterization, Project Design, and Evaluation Of Performance

600S289043 Source Characterization and Control Technology Assessment Of Methylene Chloride Emissions From Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N Y Project Summary

600S289046 Predicting The Inactivation Of Giardia Lamblia A Mathematical and Statistical Model

600S289047 Observational Study Of Final Cleaning and Ahera Clearance Sampling Project Summary

600S289048 Experimental Investigation Of Critical Fundamental Issues In Hazardous Waste Incineration

600S289049 Selection and Measurement Of Physical Properties For Characterization Of Chemical Protective Clothing Materials Project Summary

600S289050 Point-of-use Treatment Of Drinking Water In San Ysidro, Nm Project Summary

600S289051 Aerobic and Anaerobic Treatment Of C I Disperse Blue 79

600S289052 Assessing Chemical Releases and Worker Exposures From A Filter Press

600S289054 Characterization of Emissions from the Simulated Open Burning of Scrap Tires. Project Summary

600S289055 Demonstration Of Autonomous Air Monitoring Through Robotics

600S289056 Morphology and Microchemistry Of Solidified-stabilized Hazardous Waste Systems

600S289057 Stability Of Lined Slopes At Landfills and Surface Impoundments Project Summary

600S289060 Incineration of Creosote and Pentachlorophenol Wood-Preserving Wastewater Treatment Sludges. Project Summary

600S289061 Alternative Formulations to Reduce CFC Use in U.S. Exempted and Excluded Aerosol Products. Project Summary

600S289062 Aerosol Industry Success In Reducing Cfc Propellant Usage Project Summary

600S289063 Exposure To Chemical Additives From Polyvinyl Chloride Polymer Extrusion Processing Project Summary

600S289064 Management Of Household and Small- Quantity-generator Hazardous Waste In The United States

600S289065 Furnace Sorbent Reactivity Testing for Control of SO2 Emissions from Illinois Coals

600S289066 Technologies Of Delivery Or Recovery For The Remediation Of Hazardous Waste Sites

600S289067 Interference Mechanisms In Waste Stabilization-solidification Processes Project Summary

600S290001 Effects of Appliance Type and Operating Variables on Woodstove Emissions. Project Summary

600S290002 New Approach and Methodologies For Characterizing The Hydrogeologic Properties Of Aquifers

600S290003 Estimation of Emissions from Charcoal Lighter fluid and Review of Alternatives. Project Summary

600S290004 Adsorption of Organic Cations to Soils and Subsurface Materials. Project Summary

600S290006 Enhanced Bioremediation Utilizing Hydrogen Peroxide As A Supplemental Source Of Oxygen A Laboratory and Field Study

600S290007 Separated Flow Conditions at Pipe Walls of Water Distribution Mains

600S290008 Users Guide for the Conversion of Navy Paint Spray Booth Particulate Emission Control Systems from Wet to Dry Operation. Project Summary

600S290009 Denitrification in Nonhomogeneous Laboratory Scale Aquifers: 1. Preliminary Model for Transport and Fate of a Single Compound. Project Summary

600S290012 Performance of Activated Sludge-Powdered Activated Carbon-Wet Air Regeneration Systems

600S290013 Treatability of RCRA Compounds in a BOD/Nitrification Wastewater Treatment System with Dual Media Filtration. Project Summary

600S290014 Composite Sampling For Detection Of Coliform Bacteria In Water Supply Project Summary

600S290015 Technology Assessment of the Biological Aerated Filter

600S290016 Test and Evaluation of a Polymer Membrane Preconcentrator

600S290017 Innovative Processes For Reclamation Of Contaminated Subsurface Environments

600S290018 Mobility and Degradation Of Residues At Hazardous Waste Land Treatment Sites At Closure

600S290019 Assessment of VOC Emissions from Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing. Project Summary

600S290020 Transport of Macromolecules and Humate Colloids Through a Sand and a Clay Amended Sand Laboratory Column. Project Summary

600S290021 Preliminary Assessment of Life-Cycle Costs of Protective Clothing

600S290022 A Feasibility Study of the Effectiveness of Drilling Mud as a Plugging Agent in Abandoned Wells. Project Summary

600S290023 Pesticide Spray Penetration and Thermal Comfort of Protective Apparel for Pesticide Applicators

600S290024 Emission Factors for Iron and Steel Sources: Criteria and Toxic Pollutants. Project Summary

600S290025 Relationship of Laboratory- and Field-Determined Hydraulic Conductivity in Compacted Clay Layer. Project Summary

600S290026 Treating Chlorinated Wastes With the KPEG Process

600S290028 Refinement of a Model to Predict the Chemical Permeation of Protective Clothing Materials. Project Summary

600S290029 Development of a Data Base on Chemical Migration from Polymeric Materials

600S290031 Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment: Fort Riley, Kansas. Project Summary

600S290032 Recovery of Metals Using Aluminum Displacement. Project Summary

600S290033 Machine Coolant Waste Reduction by Optimizing Coolant Life

600S290034 Biological Degradation of Cyanide by Nitrogen-Fixing Cyanobacteria

600S290035 Metal Recovery/Removal Using Non-Electrolytic Metal Recovery

600S290036 Radon Removal Techniques for Small Community Public Water Supplies. Project Summary

600S290037 Effect of Recycling Thermophilic Digested Sludge on the Activated Sludge Process

600S290038 Fuel-Efficient Sewage Sludge Incineration

600S290039 Minimization and Control of Hazardous Combustion Byproducts

600S290040 Abiotic Reductive Dechlorination of Carbon Tetrachloride and Hexachloroethane by Environmental Reductants. Project Summary

600S290041 Fundamental Approach To Service Life Of Flexible Membrane Liners (fml's)

600S290042 EPA Mobile Incineration System Modifications, Testing and Operations - February 1986 to June 1989. Project Summary

600S290043 Fate of Trace Metals in a Rotary Kiln Incinerator with a Venturi/Packed Column Scrubber

600S290044 Emission Factors for Iron Foundries: Criteria and Toxic Pollutants. Project Summary

600S290046 Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment: Philadelphia Naval Shipyard

600S290047 Radon Removal Using Point-of-Entry Water Treatment Techniques

600S290048 Background Document on Clean Products Research and Implementation. Project Summary

600S290049 Radon Removal by POE GAC Systems: Design, Performance, and Cost. Project Summary

600S290050 Standard Test Procedures for Evaluating Leak Detection Methods: Pipeline Leak Detection Systems

600S290051 VOC Emission Reduction Study at the Hill Air Force Base Building 515 Painting Facility

600S290052 Degreaser System Pollution Prevention Evaluation. Project Summary

600S290053 Evaluation of Two Cleaning Methods for the Removal of Asbestos Fibers from Carpets

600S290054 Workshop on Innovative Technologies for Treatment of Contaminated Sediments June 13-14, 1990 Summary Report. Project Summary

600S290055 Characterization and Treatment of Wastes from Metal-Finishing Operations

600S290056 Impact of Lead and Other Metallic Solders on Water Quality. Project Summary

600S290057 Solvent Emission Reduction Study at Newark AFB, Ohio

600S290058 Solvent Chemical Inventory of the Neward AFB Building 4 Facility. Project Summary

600S290059 Evaluation of Innovative Volatile Organic Compound and Hazardous Air Pollutant Control Technologies for U.S. Air Force Paint Spray Booths

600S290060 In-Situ Biotransformation of Carbon Tetrachloride Under Anoxic Conditions. Project Summary

600S290062 Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment, U.S. Coast Guard Support Center, Governors Island, New York. Project Summary

600S291002 Compilation of Information on Alternative Barriers for Liner and Cover Systems

600S291003 Assessment of Asbestos Removal Carried Out Using EPA Purple Book Guidance. Project Summary

600S291004 Asbestos Fiber Reentrainment During Dry Vacuuming and Wet Cleaning of Asbestos-Contaminated Carpet. Project Summary

600S291005 PROTOCOL- A Computerized Solid Waste Quantity and Composition Estimation System. Project Summary

600S291007 Emissions of Metals and Organics from Municipal Wastewater Sludge Incinerators

600S291008 Factors Controlling Minimum Soil Liner Thickness

600S291009 Nitrate for Biorestoration of an Aquifer Contaminated with Jet Fuel. Project Summary

600S291010 Movement Of Bacteria Through Soil and Aquifer Sand

600S291011 Arsenic(III) and Arsenic(V) Removal from Drinking Water in San Ysidro, New Mexico. Project Summary

600S291012 Feasibility of Hydraulic Fracturing of Soil to Improve Remedial Actions

600S291013 Integrated Model for Predicting the Fate of Organics in Wastewater Treatment Plants. Project Summary

600S291014 Denitrification in Nonhomogeneous Laboratory Scale Aquifers: 4. Hydraulics, Nitrogen Chemistry, and Microbiology in a Single Layer

600S291015 Approximate Multiphase Flow Modeling by Characteristic Methods. Project Summary

600S291016 Forced Air Ventilation for Remediation of Unsaturated Soils Contaminated by VOC. Project Summary

600S291017 Migration Of Hazardous Substances Through Soils Project Summary

600S291018 Diaper Industry Workshop Report. Project Summary

600S291021 Rate of Flow of Leachate Through Clay Soil Liners. Project Summary

600S291022 State-of-the-Art Field Hydraulic Conductivity Testing of Compacted Soils

600S291023 Evaluation of Soil Washing Technology: Results of Bench-Scale Experiments on Petroleum-Fuels Contaminated Soils. Project Summary

600S291024 Hospital Pollution Prevention Case Study. Project Summary

600S291025 Landfill Leachate Clogging of Geotextile (and Soil) Filters. Project Summary

600S291027 Microbial Degradation of Alkylbenzenes under Sulfate-Reducing and Methanogenic Conditions. Project Summary

600S291028 AHERA Clearance at Twenty Abatement Sites. Project Summary

600S291029 Sourcebook: NOx Control Technology Data

600S291030 Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment: Naval Undersea Warfare Engineering Station Keyport, Washington. Project Summary

600S291031 Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment: Optical Fabrication Laboratory, Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center, Denver, Colorado. Project Summary

600S291032 The Fate of Trace Metals in a Rotary Kiln Incinerator with a Single-Stage Ionizing Wet Scrubber

600S291033 The Swelling Properties of Soil Organic Matter and Their Relation to Sorption of Non-Ionic Organic Compounds. Project Summary

600S291035 Radiation-Curable Coatings. Project Summary

600S291036 Effect of Bromide on Chlorination Byproducts in Finished Drinking Water. Project Summary

600S291037 Chemicals Stored In Usts Characteristics and Leak Detection Project Summary

600S291038 Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment: a Truck Assembly Plant. Project Summary

600S291039 Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment: A photofinishing Facility. Project Summary

600S291040 Compatibility of Flexible Membrane Liners and Municipal Solid Waste Leachates

600S291041 Recovery of Metals from Sludges and Watsewaters. Project Summary

600S291042 Modeling Multiphase Organic Chemical Transport in Soils and Ground Water. Project Summary

600S291043 Regional Assessment of Aquifer Vulnerability and Sensitivity in the Conterminous United States. Project Summary

600S291044 Volumetric Leak Detection in Large Underground Storage Tanks. Project Summary

600S291045 Separation of Hazardous Organics by Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis Membranes: Phase II, Final Report. Project Summary

600S291046 Bench-Scale Evaluation of Ammonia Removal from Wastewater by Steam Stripping

600S291047 Removal of DBCP from Groundwater, Volume 2: Field Pilot Plant Operation

600S291048 Evaluation of the MIDDAS System for Designing GAC Adsorbers. Project Summary

600S291049 A Comparative Evaluation of Two Extraction Procedures: The TCLP and the EP. Project Summary

600S291054 Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment: Scott Air Force Base

600S291055 Analysis of Factors Affecting Methane Gas Recovery from Six Landfills. Project Summary

600S291056 Manual for Non-CFC Aerosol Packaging: Conversion from CFC to Hydrocarbon Propellants

600S291057 Liquid and Gaseous Fuel Distribution System

600S291058 Pilot-Scale Incineration of Contaminated Soil from the Purity Oil Sales and McColl Superfund Sites

600S291059 Improvement of PMN Review Procedures to Estimate Protective Clothing Performance. Executive Summary Report

600S291060 Review of Energy Efficiency of Refrigerator/Freezer Gaskets. Project Summary

600S291061 Evaluation of VOC Emissions from Heated Roofing Asphalt. Project Summary

600S291062 A Model of Virus Transport in Unsaturated Soil. Project Summary

600S291063 Radium Removal from Water by Manganese Dioxide Adsorption and Diatomaceous Earth Filtration. Project Summary

600S291064 Identification of Sources of Ground-Water Salinization Using Geochemical Techniques. Project Summary

600S291065 RETC Code for Quantifying the Hydraulic Functions of Unsaturated Soils. Project Summary

600S291066 Automotive and Heavy-Duty Engine Coolant Recycling by Filtration. Project Summary

600S291067 Evaluation of Five Waste Minimization Technologies at the General Dynamics Pomona Division Plant. Project Summary

600S380093 Application Of Fourier Transform Spectroscopy To Air Pollution Problems

600S380095 Aerosol Formation From Diesel Exhaust and So2 Chamber Study

600S380098 Houston Aerosol Characterization Study

600S380100 Phytoplankton Water Quality Relationships in U.S. Lakes, Part VIII: Algae Associated with or Responsible for Water Quality Problems

600S381001 Modifications Of Models Predicting Trophic State Of Lakes Adjustment Of Models

600S381003 Effects Of Fluctuating, Sublethal Applications Of Heavy Metal Solutions Upon The Gill Ventilatory Response Of Bluegills (lepomis Macrochirus) Apr 1981

600S381005 Interlaboratory Comparison Acute Testing Set

600S381006 Development Of A Protocol For Testing Effects Of Toxic Substances On Plants

600S381008 Water Temperature Dynamics In Experimen- Tal Field Channels Analysis and Modeling

600S381017 Monitoring Of The Restoration Of The Dredging Of Collins Lake,scotia,new York

600S381018 Some Effects Of Petroleum On Nearshore Alaskan Marine Organisms

600S381021 Natural Variation In Abundance Of Salmonid Poplations In Streams and Its Implication For Design

600S381022 Precision Of The Astm Bioconcentration Test

600S381023 Production In Coastal Salt Marshes Of Southern California May 1981

600S381024 Experimental Protocol For Determining Ozone Reaction Rate Constants May 1981

600S381025 Development Of Bioassay Procedures For Defining Pollution Of Harbor Sediments

600S381026 Atmospheric Measurements Of Trace Pollutants Long Path Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

600S381029 State-of-the-art Of Structure Activity Methods Development

600S381030 Historical Emission and Ozone Trends In The Houston Area

600S381032 Atmospheric Measurements Of Selected Hazardous Organic Chemicals

600S381033 Oxygen-consuming Organics In Nonpoint Source Runoff

600S381036 Microcosms As Test Systems For The Ecological Effects Of Toxic Substances An Appraisal With Cadmium

600S381037 Evaluation Of Remote Sensing Data For Input Into Hydrological Simulation Program - Fortran (hspf)

600S381038 Behavior Of Ddt,kepone,and Permethrin In Sediment-water Systems Under Different Oxidation-reduction

600S381039 Effects Of Planform Geometry On Tidal Flushing and Mixing In Marinas

600S381040 Modeling Of So2 Oxidation In Smog

600S381041 Characterization Of Scrubbed and Unscrubbed Power Plant Plumes

600S381043 Reduction Of Toxicity To Aquatic Organisms By Industrial Wastewater Treatment

600S381046 Early Diagenesis and Chemical Mass Transfer In Lake Erie Sediments (feb 1983)

600S381048 Influence Of Diet and Starvation On Toxicity Of Endrin To Fathead Minnows (pimephales Promelas)

600S381049 Nutritional Requirements Of Marine Larval and Juvenile Fish

600S381050 Nearshore Marine Trace Metal Geochemistry

600S381051 Experimental Protocol For Determining Absorption Cross Sections Of Organic Compounds

600S382002 Review Of Aquatic Habitat Assessment Methods

600S382003 Agricultural Runoff and Reservoir Drawdown Effects On 2760-hectare Reservoir , January 1983

600S382005 Preliminary Assessment Of Multiphase Restoration Efforts At Liberty Lake, Washington

600S382006 Dependence Of Nephelometer Scattering Coefficients On Relative Humidity

600S382007 Wake of a Block Vehicle in a Shear-Free Boundary Flow -- An Experimental and Theoretical Study

600S382008 Feasibility Of Developing Source Sampling Methods For Asbestos Emissions

600S382009 In-situ Aerodynamic Sizing Of Aerosol Particles With The Spart Analyzer May 1982

600S382010 Measurement Of Loblolly Pine Terpene Emissions June 1982

600S382011 Estimating Cloud Parameters For Neros I Sept 1982

600S382012 Petroleum Contamination Quantification and Passive Tagging In Organisms and Sediments

600S382013 Sublethal Effects Of No 2 Fuel Oil On Lobster Behavior and Chemoreception

600S382015 Validation Of The Ekma Model Using Historical Air Quality Data May 1982

600S382016A Outdoor Smog Chamber Experiments To Test Photochemical Models June 1982

600S382017 Development Of Techniques and Methodology For The Laboratory Culture Of Striped Bass,morone Saxatilis(walbuam July 1982

600S382018 Effects Of Soluble Fractions Of Drilling Fluids and Hexavalent Chromium On The Developement Of The Crabs June 1982

600S382027 Conservation Tillage and Conventional Tillage A Comparative Assessment Sept 1982

600S382028 Modeling The Fate Of Toxic Organic Materials In Aquatic Environments Sept 1982

600S382029 Application Of Water Quality Models To A Small Forested Watershed Aug 1982

600S382030 Persistence In Model Ecosystems May 1982

600S382031 Resource and Environmental Impacts Of Trends In U S Agriculture

600S382032 Field To Stream Transport Of Agricult Chemicals & Sediment In An Iowa Watershed Part 1 Data Base For Model Testing (1976-1978)

600S382037 Vegetative Delineation Of Coastal Salt Marsh Boundaries evaluation Of Methodology (feb 1983)

600S382038 Experimental Protocol For Determining Hydroxyl Radical Reaction Rate Constants Oct 1982

600S382039 Design,fabrication and Testing Of Ambient Aerosol May 1982

600S382040 Meteorology and Air Quality Modeling In Complex Terrain A Literature Review May 1982

600S382042 Determination Of Dry Deposition Rates For Ozone Oct 1982

600S382043 Evaluation Of Four Urban-scale Photo- Chemical Air Quality Simulation Models Sept , 1982

600S382046 Hydrological Simulation Program Fortran (hspf) September 1982 {executive Summary}

600S382047 Feasibility of Developing a Comprehensive Methodology for Source Identification and Environmental Loading (Materials Balance)

600S382048 Energy Model Of A Cadmium Stream With Correlation Of Embodied Energy and Toxicity

600S382049 Analysis Of Mathematical Models For Pollutant Transport and Dissipation Sept , 1982

600S382050 Organization and Adaptation Of Aquatic Laboratory Ecosystems Exposed To The Pesticide Dieldrin Dec 1982

600S382051 Factors Influencing Growth & Survival Of White Sucker, Catostomus Commersoni Oct 1982

600S382052 Numerical & Graphical Procedures For Estimation Of Community Photosynthesis and Respiration In Experimental Streams Dec 1982

600S382053 Cadmium and Endrin Toxicity To Fish In Waters Containing Mineral Fibers Oct 1982

600S382056 Meteorology and Air Quality Patterns In St Louis Raps Program-upper Level Analyses

600S382057 River Basin Validation Of The Water Quality Assessment Methodology For Screening Nondesignated 208 Areas Vol 1 and Vol 2 Sept 1982

600S382058 Components Identified In Energy-related Wastes and Effluents

600S382059 Maintenance and Testing Of Hydrological Simulation Program--fortran (hspf)

600S382060 Retention and Transformations Of Selected Pesticides & Phosphorus In Soil-water Systems A Critical Sept , 1982

600S382062 Experimental Study Of Turbulence In An Urban Environment

600S382063 ENAMAP-1A Long-term SO2 and Sulfate Air Pollution Model: Refinements Of Transformation and Deposition Sept 1982

600S382064 Fate and Biological Effects Of Oil Well Drilling Fluids In The Marine Environment A Literature Review Sept , 1982

600S382065 Photosynthesis and Respiration Rates In The Monticello Experimental Streams 1976-77 Diel Field Data and Oct 1982

600S382066 Assessment Of Wind Characteristics and Wind Energy Conversion Systems For Electric Utilities Wisconsin Oct 1982

600S382068 Impact Of Air Pollution On Vegetation Near The Columbia Generating Station: Wisconsin Power Plant Impact Study, Oct. 1982

600S382069 Trends In U S Irrigation Three Regional Studies

600S382070 Consumption Rates Of Potentially Hazardous Marine Fish Caught In The Metropolitan Los Angeles Area, Jan. 1983

600S382071 Spring and Springbrook Fauna Of The Piceance Basin, Colorado Oct 1982

600S382072 Impact Of A Once Through Cooling System On The Yellow Perch Stock In The Western Basin Of Lake Erie Oct 1982

600S382074 Cycling Of Xenobiotics Thru Marine and Estuarine Species Sept , 1982

600S382075 Usefulness Of The Self-fertilizing Cyprinodontid Fish, Rivulas Marmoratus As An Experimental Animal In Studies Involving Sept '82

600S382076 Atmospheric Turbidity Over The U S From 1967 To 1976

600S382078 Estimating Concentrations Downwind From An Instantaneous Puff Release Oct 1982

600S382079 Analytical Solutions Of A Gradient-transfer Model For Plume Deposition and Sedimentation Nov 1982

600S382080 Method For Measuring Carbon Fiber Emissions From Stationary Sources

600S382081 Water Quality Of The Three Major Tributaries To The Chesapeake Bay, Potomac,and James Rivers,january 1979 Dec,1982

600S382082 Distribution and Abundance Of Waterfowl and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation In Chesapeake Bay Jan 1983

600S382083 Historical Review Of Water Quality & Climatic Data From Chesapeake Bay With Emphasis On Effect Of Enrichment Dec 1982

600S382084 Sediment Suspension and Resuspension From Small Craft Induced Turbulence Oct 1982

600S382085 Characterization Of The Chesapeake Bay A Systematic Analysis Of Toxic Trace Elements

600S382086 Development Of A Charged Grid Sensor For Airborne Carbon Fibers Dec 1982

600S382087 Causes Of Papillomas On Fish Living In Chlorinated Sewage Effluent, February 1983

600S382088 Governing Chesapeake Waters A History Of Water Quality Controls On Chesapeake Bay,1607-1972 (feb 1983

600S382089 Fate,transport,and Transformation Of Toxics significance Of Suspended Sediment and Fluid Mud Jan 1983

600S382090 Biology and Propagation Of Eel Grass Zostera Marina,in Chesapeake Bay

600S382091 Development Of A Carcinogen Assay System Utilizing Estuarine Fishes March,1983

600S382092 Atmospheric Chemistry Of Several Toxic Compounds (april 1983)

600S382093 Community Structure,nutrient Dynamics, and The Degradation Of Diethyl Phthalate In Aquatic Laboratory Microcosms Feb ,1983

600S382094 Final Evaluation Of Urban-scale Photochemical Air Quality Simulation Models Mar ,1983

600S382095 Inorganic Compound Identification Of Fly Ash Emissions From Municipal Incinerators

600S382096 Experiments and Experiences In Biomanipulation studies Of Biological Ways To Reduce Algal Abundance and Eliminate Blue-greens, (apr 1983)

600S383001 Photochemical Reactivity Of Perchloroethylene March,1983

600S383002 Measurements Of Hazardous Organic Chemicals In The Ambient Atmosphere

600S383003 Evaluation Of The Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach (ekma) March,1983

600S383004 Acidity, Nutrients, and Minerals In Atmospheric Precipitation Over Florida Deposition Patterns, Mechanisms and (june 1983)

600S383006 Habitat Preservation For Midwest Stream Fishes principles and Guidelines (apr 1983)

600S383007 Verification Of A Toxic Organic Substance Transport and Bioaccumulation Model (apr 1983)

600S383010 Lake Restoration A Five Year Evaluation Of The Mirror and Shadow Lakes Project Waupaca,wisconsin

600S383011 Studies In Air Quality Meteorology At North Carolina State University (may 1983)

600S383012 Chesapeake Bay Sediment Trace Elements (june 1983)

600S383013 Physiological Effects Of Drilling Muds On Reef Corals (july 1983)

600S383016 Regional Recreation Demand and Benefits Model

600S383017 Bacterial Bioassay For Level 1 Toxicity Assessment (june 1983)

600S383018 Organic Compounds In Surface Sediments and June 1983 Oyster Tissues From The Chesapeake Bay

600S383019 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation June 1983 Distribution and Abundance In The Lower Chesapeake Bay and

600S383020 Effects Of Agriculture On Stream Fauna In Central Indiana (june 1983)

600S383021 Effects Of Drilling Fluids On Embryo Development

600S383022 Volatile Organic Compounds In The Ambient Atmosphere Of The New Jersey, New York Area

600S383023AB 1978 Houston Oxidant Modeling Study Volumes 1 and 2 (june 1983)

600S383023C Houston Oxidant Modeling Study-1978 Vol 3 Characterization Of Data Quality (june 1983)

600S383025 Ambient Hydrocarbon and Ozone Concentrations (june 1983)

600S383026 Ps Studies Of No3 Reactions and O3 Transport (june 1983)

600S383027 Volatile Organic Chemical In The Atmosphere an Assessment Of Available (june 1983)

600S383028 Nitrogen Oxides Reactions Within Urban Plumes Transported Over The Ocean Sept1983

600S383029 Long Path Laser Ozone Monitor Evaluation (june 1983)

600S383033 Animal-sediment Relationships Of The Upper and Central Chesapeake Bay (june 1983)

600S383035 Regional Scale Model (1000 Km) Of Photochemical Air Pollution part 1 Theritical Formulation (july 1983)

600S383036 Evaluation Of Management Tools In The Occoquan Watershed

600S383037 Animal-sediment Relationships a Case Study Of The Papapsco River (june 1983)

600S383039 Implementation Of Innovative Dredging Techniques In The Chesapeake Bay Region (july 1983)

600S383042 Meteorological Factors In The Formation Of Regional Haze (july 1983)

600S383045 Modeling Fine Sediment Transport In Estuaries

600S383046 Analyzing Natural Systems analysis For Regional Residuals-environmental Quality Management

600S383047 Biology Of Submerged Aquatic Macrophyte Communities In The Lower Chesapeake Bay, Volume 3

600S383048 Baseline Sediment Characteristics and Sedimentation Patterns On The Virginia Portion Of The Chesapeake Bay

600S383050 Love Canal Monitoring Program-final Report Volume 1

600S383051 Interlaboratory Root Elongation Testing Of Toxic Substances On Selected Plant Species

600S383052 Stratigraphic Evidence Of Human Disturbance In Some Chesapeake Bay Tributaries

600S383053 Fates and Biological Effects Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Aquatic Systems

600S383054 Fluvial Transport and Processing Of Sediments and Nutrients In Large Agri- Cultural River Basins Jan 1984

600S383055 Experimental Marine Microcosm Test Protocol and Support Document

600S383056 Development Of Instrumentation For Monitoring Carbon Fiber Emission

600S383057 Response Of Skinner Lake (indiana) To Agricultural Drainage

600S383058 Optimization Of Gc-ms Based Tenax Collection Method For Toxic Organics

600S383059 Acidic Deposition and The Corrosion and Deterioration Of Materials In The Atmosphere Bibliography

600S383060 Effects Of Suspended Sediments On Penetration Of Solar Radiation Into Natural Waters

600S383061 Simple Transmission Network Planning Method Wisconsin Power Plant Impact Study

600S383062 Evaluation Of A Fathead Minnow Pimehales Promelas Embryo-larval Test Guideline Using Acenaphthene and Isophorone

600S383064 Methodology For Estimating Environmental Loadings From Manufacture Of Synthetic Organic Chemicals

600S383065 Potential For Biological Controls Of Cladophora Glomerata

600S383069 Applicatin Of Hydrologic Simulation Program-fortran (hspf) In Iowa Agricultural Watersheds

600S383070 Investigation Of Resonant Opyoacoustic Cells

600S383072 Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Dynamics Study

600S383073 Development, Design and Operation of a Cascade Impactor to Collect Aerosol Samples for Wavelength-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis

600S383074 Changes In The Zooplankton Community In Response To Reductions In Nutrient Loading To Saginaw Bay (lake Huron)

600S383075 Effects Of Phosphorus Loading On Phytoplankton Distribution and Certain Aspects Of Cytology In Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron

600S383076 Detection Of Mutagenic-carcinogenic Alteration In Fish

600S383077 Influence Of Diet and Body Lipids On The Bioconcentration Of Endrin From Water In The Fathead Minnow

600S383078 Ware River Intensive Watershed Study

600S383079 Ecosystem Responses to Alternative Pesticides in the Terestrial Environment: Project Summary

600S383080 Intensive Watershed Study The Patuxent River Estuary

600S383081 Response of Carex-Dominated Wetlands to Altered Temperature and Flooding Pattern

600S383082 Effects Of Thermal Additions On The Dynamics Of Fouling Communities At Beaufort,north Carolina

600S383083 Effects On Toxicity Of Volatile Priority Pollutants Added To A Conventional Wastewater Treatment System

600S383084 Prediction Of Ecological Effects Of Toxic Chemicals overall Strategy and Theoretical Basis For The Ecosystem Model

600S383085 Chemistry, Physics, and Optical Properties Of Plumes and Background Air In The Southwest United States

600S383086 Evaluation Of Chemical Reaction Mechanisms For Photochemical Smog Part 1 Mechanism Descriptions and Documentation

600S383087 Characterization Of Emissions and Fuel Economy Of In-use Diesel Automobiles Jan 1984

600S383088 Adsorption and Desorption Of Hexachlorobiphenyl

600S383091 Phytoplankton Abundance, Species Distri- Bution, and Community Structure In Saginaw Bay and Southern Lake Huron

600S383092 Annotated Bibliography Of Environmental Research Conducted Within The St Louis River Estuary 1903-1982

600S383093 Chemistry and Visual Impact Of The Plumes From Dec 1983 Four Corners Power Plant and San Manuel Copper Smelter

600S383094 Environmental Levels Of Pcb In Great Lakes Fish

600S383097 Toxicological Studies With Herbicides, Selected EPA Priority Pollutants, and Related Chemicals In Aquatic Organisms

600S383098 Ecological Impact Of Integrated Chemical and Biological Aquatic Weed Control

600S383100 Experimental Protocol For Determining Photolysis Reaction Rate Constants Jan 1984

600S383102 Formation Of A Detached Plume From A Cement Plant

600S383103 Green River Air Quality Model Development Related Studies,general Information and Bibliography

600S383104 Effect of Load Simulation on Auto Emissions and Model Performance: Project Summary

600S383105 Intercomparison Of Periodic Fine Particle Sulfur and Sulfate Concentra- Tion Results

600S383106 Exhaust Emissions From A Diesel Engine

600S383107 Identificaion Of Compounds In Particulate Pollution By X-ray Diffraction

600S383108 Synthesis Of The Rural Model Reviews

600S383109 Emission Characterization Of Major Fossil Fuel Power Plants In The Ohio River Valley

600S383110 Ozone Plumes From Small Cities and Ozone In High Pressure Water Systems

600S383111 Effects Of Photochemical Kinetic Mechanisms On Oxidant Model Predictions

600S384001 Natural Hydrocarbon Emission Rate Measurements From Selected Forest Sites Jan 1984

600S384002 Evaluation Of The Methods Used To Determine Potential Health Risks Associated With Organic Contaminants In The Great Lakes Basin

600S384005 Interlaboratory Comparison Of Continuous Flow, Early Life Stage Testing With Fathead Minnows

600S384007 Generalization Of Water Quality Criteria Using Chemical Models Development Of The REDEQL-UMD System

600S384008 Pcbs In Saginaw Bay development Of Functional Indices To Estimate

600S384009 Aquatic Toxicity Tests To Characterize The Hazard Of Volatile Organic Chemicals In Water

600S384010 Data Base For Plumes With Significant Plume And Background Particle Scattering

600S384011 Watershed Sensitivity Measurement Strategy For Identifying Resources At Risk From Acidic Deposition

600S384012 Damage Cost Models For Pollution Effects On Material

600S384013 Structure And Organization Of Persistent Aquatic Laboratory Communities Exposed To Insecticide Dieldrin

600S384014 Documentation Of The Data Base Wisconsin Power Plant Impact Study

600S384015 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation In Upper Chesapeake Bay Studies Related To Possible Causes Of The Recent Decline In Abundance

600S384016 Nutritional Ecology Of Great Lakes Cladophora

600S384017 Distribution,abundance And Entrainment Of Larval Fishes In The Western And Central Basins

600S384019 Estimation Of Parameters For Modeling The Behavior Of Selected Pesticides And Orthophosphate

600S384021 Characterization of Carbon Fiber Emissions from Current and Projected Activities for the Manufacture and Disposal of Carbon Fiber Products, Project Summary

600S384023 Source Receptor Methodology for Some Chlorinated Hydrocarbons: Project Summary

600S384025 Limnetic Zooplankton of Lakes in Katmai National Monument, Alaska

600S384026 Age-dependent Model Of Pcb In Lake Michigan Food Chain

600S384027 Impact Of Algal-available Phosphorus On Lake Erie Water Quality mathematical Modeling

600S384029 Derivation Of Site-Specific Water Quality Criteria For Cadium And The St. Louis River Basin, Duluth, Minnesota

600S384033 Modeling The Transport,speciation,& Fate Of Heavy Metals In Aquatic Systems

600S384038 EPA Complex Terrain Model Development Description Of A Computer Data Base From Small Hill Impaction Study No 1

600S384040 Regional Acid Deposition design And Management Plan For A Comprehensive Modeling System

600S384041 Project Summary: Regional Acid Deposition: Models and Physical Processes

600S384043 Microbial Transformation Kinetics Of Xenobiotics In Aquatic Environment May 1984

600S384044 Determination Of Cloud Parameters For Neros 11 From Digital Satellite Data

600S384045 Developemnet And Evaluation Of Dilution Probes Used For Sampling To Determine Source Signatures

600S384047 Chemical And Physical Characterization Of Municipal Sludge Incinerator Emissions May 1984

600S384048 Drill Mud Assessment Chemical Analysis Apr 1984 Reference Volume

600S384050 Physico-chemical Model Of Toxic Substances In The Great Lakes

600S384051 Change In Terrestrial Ecology Related To A Coal-fired Power Plant Wisconsin Power Plant Impact Study May 1984

600S384052 Air Land Water Analysis System (alwas) Multi-medimodel For Toxic Substances

600S384053 Instrumentation,recording,and Processing Of Meteorological Data Near Portage, Wisconsin Wisconsin Power Plant

600S384054 Insect Inter-Laboratory Toxicity Test Comparison May 1984 Study For The Chironomid (Paratanytarsus Sp) Procedure

600S384056 Miniature Acid-condensation System Design And Operation

600S384058 Method For Collection And Analysis Of Chlorobenzenes

600S384059 Assessment Of Solid Waste Disposal Practices In Rural Communities In Alaska

600S384060 Intrauterine Exposure Of Humans To Pcbs Newborn Effects

600S384061 Intermediate-range Grid Model And User's Guide For Atmospheric Sulfur Dioxide And Sulfate Concentrations And Depositions

600S384062 Evaluation Of Sampling Methods For Gaseous Atmospheric Samples

600S384063 Evaluation Of Chemical Reaction Mechanisms For Photochemical Smog Part Ii Quantitative Evaluation Of The

600S384064 Chemical & Biological Studies Related To The Water Quality Of St Louis Bay Of Lake Superior June 1984

600S384067 Acute Toxicity Of 8 Laboratory-prepared Generic Drilling Fluids To Mysids (mysidopsis Bahia)

600S384070 Impacts Of Coal Combustion On Trace Elements In The Environment Wisconsin Power Plant Impact Study

600S384071 Survey Of The Toxicity And Chemical Composition Of Used Drilling Muds

600S384072 Reactions Of Dissolved Pollutants With Ozone In Aqueous Solutions

600S384073 Investigation Of The Performance Of Sulfation And Nitration Plates

600S384074 Air Quality Models Pertaining To Particulate Matter Aug 1984

600S384075 Impact Of High Chemical Contaminant Concentrations On Terrestrial

600S384078 Receiving Water Quality Database For Testing Of Mathematical Models

600S384079 Evaluation Of Alternative Gaussian Plume Dispersion Modeling Techniques In Estimating Short-term Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations

600S384081 Analysis Of Persistence In Model Ecosystems deterministic & Stochastic Food Web Models

600S384082 Reactivity-volatility Classification Of Selected Organic Chemicals Existing Data

600S384083 Polychlorinated Biphenyl Transport In Coastal Marine Foodwebs

600S384084 Analysis & Characterization Of Organic Carbon Compounds In Atmospheric Particulate Matter

600S384085 Regional-scale (1000 Km) Model Of Photochemical Air Pollution Part 2 Input Processor Network Design

600S384086 Spatial & Temporal Interpolation Of Neros Radiosonde Winds

600S384087 Evaluation Of The Pollution Episodic Model Using The Raps Data

600S384088 Urban Aerosol Modeling

600S384091 Indirect Estimation Of Convective Boundary Layer Structure For Use In Routine Dispersion Models

600S384092 Field Validation Of Exposure Assessment Models

600S384093 Evaluation Of Trained Visible Emission Observers For Fugitive Emission Opacity Measurement

600S384094 Gaseous Hc1 And Chlorinated Organic Compound Emissions From Refuse Fired Waste To Energy Systems

600S384095 Project Summary - Continued Research In Mesoscale Air Pollution Simulation Modeling

600S384096 Meteorological Factors Responsible For High Co Levels In Alaskan Cities

600S384097 Effect Of Dredging Lilly Lake, Wisconsin

600S384099 Guidelines For Deriving Numerical Aquatic Site-specific Water Quality Criteria By Modifying National Criteria

600S384100 Biological Availability Of Sediment Phosphorus Inputs To The Lower Great Lakes

600S384101 Atmospheric Transport Of Toxaphene To Lake Michigan

600S384104 Characterization Of Heavy-duty Motor Vehicle Emissions Under Transient Driving Conditions

600S384105 Comparative Evaluation Of Gc-ms Data Analysis Processing

600S384106 Green River Air Quality Model Development Meteorological & Tracer Data July-august 1982 Field Study In Brush Valley, Colorado

600S384108 Characterization Of Emissions From Advanced Automotive Jan 1985 Power Plant Concepts

600S384111 Evaluation Of Wind Measurements By Four Doppler Sodars

600S384112 Evaluation Of Two Numerical Integrator Schemes

600S384113 Hazardous Air Pollutants Wet Removal Rates and Mechanisms

600S384114 Project Summary-hazardous Air Pollutants Dry-deposition Phenomena

600S384115 Outdoor Chamber Study To Test Multi-day Effects Volumes 1,11, and 111

600S385001 Testing and Evaluation Of Tox-screen Model

600S385005 Site-specific Water Quality Studies Of The Straight River, Minnesota Complex Effluent Toxicity, Zinc Toxicity, and Biological

600S385008 Sampling Of Automobile Interiors For Organic Emissions

600S385010 Vertical Redistribution Of A Pollutant Tracer Due To Cumulus Convection Project Summary

600S385011 Effects Of Acid Deposition On The Properties Of Portland Cement Concrete State-of-knowledge

600S385012 Methods For Simulating Gas Phase So2 Oxidation In Atmospheric Models Project Summary

600S385013 Ozone Production and Transport In The Atlanta, Georgia Region

600S385014 Receptor Models For Airborne Organic Species

600S385015 Chemical Transformation Modules For Eulerian Acid Deposition Models, Volume 1 The Gas-phase Chemistry Project Summary

600S385016 Chemical Transformations In Acid Rain, Volume 1 New Methodologies For Sampling & Analysis Of Gas-phase Peroxide

600S385017 Chemical Transformations In Acid Rain, Volume 2 Investigation Of Kinetics and Mechanism Of Aqueous Phase Peroxide Information Project Summary

600S385018 Deterioration Of Marble A Retrospective Analysis Of Tombstone Measurements In The New York City Area

600S385021 Analysis Of Aldehydes and Ketones In The Gas Phase

600S385023 Haze Over Eastern North America part1 Haze Properties

600S385024 So2 Concentration Estimates For New York City, 1880-1980

600S385025 Modeling Of Auto Exhaust Smog Chamber Data For Ekma Development

600S385026 Development Of A Chemical Kinetic Mechanism For The Usepa Regional Oxidant Model

600S385027 Development Of An Adjustable Buoyancy Balloon Tracer Of Atmospheric Motion, Phase I Systems Design and Demonstration Of Feasibility Project Summary

600S385028 Atmospheric Reaction Products From Hazardous Air Pollutant Degradation

600S385029 Outdoor Smog Chamber Experiments To Test Photochemical Models, Phase II Project Summary

600S385030 Measurement Of Sulfur and Carbon Species Emissions From Oil Fired Commercial and Institutional Boilers Project Summary

600S385031 Reactions Of Ozone With Organics In Aqueous Solutions

600S385032 Outdoor Smog Chamber Experiments Using Automobile Exhaust

600S385033 Transport Of Pollutants In Plumes and Pepes A Study Of Transport Of Pollutants In Power Plant Plumes, Urban and Industrial Plumes, and Persistent Elevated Pollution Episodes Project

600S385034 Aerial Photography and Ground Verification At Power Plant Sites Wisconsin Power Plant Impact Study Project Summary

600S385035 Trends In Sulfur Dioxide Emissions From The Electric Utility Industry and Ambient Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations In The Northeastern United States, 1975 To 1982 Project Summary

600S385036 Chemical Transformation Modules For Eulerian Acid Deposition Models, Volume 2 The Aqueous Phase Chemistry Project Summary

600S385037 Regional Scale (1ooo Km) Model Of Photochemical Air Pollution Part 3 Test Of The Numerical Algorithms

600S385039 Temporal and Spatial Variability Of The Effects Of Stack Plumes Project Summary

600S385041 Emission Inventory For Urban Particle Model Validation In The Philadelphia Aqcr Project Summary

600S385042 Evaluation Of Chemical Reaction Mechanisms For Photo Chemical Smog, Part 3 Sensitivity Of Ekma To Chemical Mechanism and Input Parameters Project Summary

600S385045 Evaluation Of Environmental Stress Imposed By A Coal Ash Effluent Project Summary

600S385048 Development and Evaluation Of An Instantaneous Atmospheric Corrosion Rate Monitor Project Summary

600S385049 Reproduction and Distribution Of Fishes In A Cooling Lake Wisconsin Power Plant Impact Study

600S385050 Pollutant Sorption To Soils and Sediments In Organic-aqueous Solvent Systems

600S385051 Exposure Assessment Modeling For Aldicarb In Florida Project Summary

600S385056 Atmospheric Diffusion Modeling Based On Boundary Layer Parameterization

600S385057 Field Comparison Of In Situ Meteorological Sensors

600S385058 Experimental Protocol For Determining Hydroxyl Radical Reaction Rate Constants For Organic Compounds Estimation Of Atmospheric

600S385059 Windbreak Effectiveness For Storage-pile Fugitive-dust Control A Wind Tunnel Study

600S385060 Summary Of Complex Terrain Model Evaluation

600S385062 Preparation, Archiving, and Documentation Of Available Meteorological and Tracer Data For Model Evaluation

600S385063 Atmospheric Fates Of Organic Chemicals Prediction Ozone and Hydroxyl Radical Reaction Rates and Mechanisms Project Summary

600S385064 Green River Air Quality Model Development Valmet, A Valley Air Pollution Model Project Summary

600S385066 Impact Of Primary Sulfate and Nitrate Emissions From Selected Major Sources, Phase I Coal Fired Power Plant Project Summary

600S385067 EPA Regional Oxidant Model Description and Evaluation Plant Project Summary

600S385069 EPA Complex Terrain Model Development: 5th Milestone Report - 1985, Project Summary

600S385070 Ozone Behavior In The Combined Baltimore-washington, Dc Plume

600S385072 Research On Diffusion In Atmospheric Boundary Layers A Position Paper On Status and Needs Project Summary

600S385073 Initial Mixing Characteristics Of Municipal Ocean Discharges

600S385074 Acute and Chronic Effects Of Water Quality Criteria Based Metal Mixtures On 3 Aquatic Species Project Summary

600S385075 Automatic Radio Tracking Of Fish In Experimental Channels

600S385076 Determination Of Materials Distribution In Suburban & Rural Areas

600S385077 Stormwater Management Model (swmm) Bibliography

600S386001 Control Of Cadmium Carbonate Precipitation Interferences During The Dialysis Of Cadmium In High Bicarbonate Alkalinity Aquatic-life Bioassay Waters

600S386002 Complex Terrain Model Development Description Of A Computer Data Base From Small Hill Impaction Study No 2 Hogback Ridge, New Mexico

600S386003 Impact Of Primary Sulfate and Nitrate Emissions From Selected Major Sources Phase 11 Sulfuric Acid Plant and Pulp and Paper Mill

600S386004 Guidelines For Using Ozipm-3 With Cbm-x Or Optional Mechanisms

600S386005 The Primary Photochemical Processes Of Acrolein

600S386010 Feasibility Of Using Radioactive Sulfur In Long-range Transport Experiments

600S386012 Development Of Cbm-x Mechanisms For Urban & Regional Aqsms

600S386013 Validation Of Oh Radical Reaction Rate Constant Test Protocol

600S386014 Local Source Impact On Wet Deposition

600S386015 Elemental Tracers Applied to Transport of Aerosol from Midwest to Northeast Project Summary

600S386016 Evaluation Of The Pem 2 Using The 1982 Philadelphia Aerosol Field Study Data Base

600S386017 Description Of The Savannah River Laboratory Meteological Data Base For 1975 To 1979

600S386018 Sources, Fates & Effects Of Aromatic Hydrocarbons In The Alaskan Marine Environment With Recommendations For Monitoring Strategies

600S386019 Computerized System For The Evalution Of Aquatic Habitats Based On Environmental Requirements & Pollution Tolerance Associations Of Resident Organisms

600S386023 Effects Of Variable Hardness, Ph Alkalinity, Suspended Clay, & Humics On The Chemical Speciation & Aquatic Toxicity Of Copper

600S386024 Preliminary Evaluation Studies With The Regional Acid Deposition Model (radm)

600S386026 Evaluation Of Site-specific Criteria For Copper and Zinc An Integration Of Metal Addition Toxicity, Effluent &

600S386028 Further Case Studies On The Impact Of Mesoscale Convective Systems On Regional Ozone and Haze Distributions

600S386029 Investigation Of The Formation Of A Portland Cement Plant Detached Plume

600S386030 Development Of Land Disposal Decisions For Metals Using Minteq Sensitivity Analyses

600S386031 Development & Testing Of A Surrogate Species Chemical Reaction Mechanism

600S386032 EPA Regional Oxidant Model Rom1 Evaluation For 3-4 April 1979

600S386035 Oxygen 18 Study Of So2 Oxidation In Rainwater By Peroxides

600S386036 Applications Of Decision Theory Techniques In Air Pollution Modeling

600S386037 Dry Deposition Module For Regional Acid Deposition

600S386038 Numerical Simulations Of Photochemical Air Pollution In The Northeastern United States Rom1 Applications

600S386039 Study Of The Formation & Transport Of Acidic Species By Non-precipitating Cumulus Clouds During Ventex-84

600S386040 Project Condors Convective Diffusion Observed By Remote Sensors

600S386042 Anaerobic Transformation Processes A Review Of The Microbiological Literature

600S386043 Measurement Of Hydrolysis Rate Constants For Evaluation Of Hazardous Waste Land Disposal Volume 1 Data On 32 Chemicals

600S386044 Modeling the Benthos-Water Column Exchange of Hydrophobic Chemicals: Project Summary

600S386045 Case Studies and Model Testing Of The Metals Exposure Analysis Modeling System (mexams)

600S386047 Toxic Chemicals In The Environment A Program Of Field Measurements

600S386047 Toxic Chemicals in the Environment: A Program of Field Measurments : Project Summary

600S386048 Urban Aerosol Modeling Incorporation Of An So2 Photochemical Oxidation Module In Arosol

600S386049 Mutagenic Activities Of Wood Smoke Photooxidation Products

600S386050 Development Of An Adjustable Buoyancy Balloon Tracer Of Atmospheric Motion Phase II Development Of An Operational Prototype

600S386051 Ozone Formation In Pollutant Plumes A Reactive Plume Model With Arbitrary Crosswind Resolution

600S386052 Local and Regional Contributions To Urban Particulate Matter

600S386053 Development Of A Micrometeorological and Tracer Data Archive Project Summary

600S386055 Characterization Of Stack Emissions From Municipal Refuse-to-energy Systems - Project Summary

600S386056 Hydroxyl Radical Rate Constant Intercomparison Study - Project Summary

600S386057 Gets, Simulation Model For Dynamic Bioaccumulation Of Nonpolar Organics By Gill Exchange, User's Guide

600S386059 The Hanford 67 Series Atmospheric Field Diffusion Measurements, Micrometeorological and Tracer Data Archive, Set 003 Documentation Report

600S386060 Loran C Tetroon Transponder and Tracking System

600S386063 Ambient Air-source Transport and Transformation Relationships For Selected Hazardous Air Pollutants

600S386064 Phase Distributions of Low Volatility Organics in Ambient Air

600S386065 Cold Weather Plume Study

600S386067 Project Mistt Measurements and Data Base

600S386068 EPA Complex Terrain Model Development Description Of A Computer Data Base From The Full Scale Plume Study, Tracy Power Plant, Nevada

600S386069 Comprehensive Field Studdy Plan to Relate Pollutant Sources to Acidic Deposition: A Preliminary Study of Uncertainties : Project Summary

600S386071 Haze Climate of the United States: Project Summary

600S386072 Structure-reactivity Relationships For Predicting Environmentally Hazardous Chemicals

600S387001 Guidelines For The Culture Of Fathead Minnows, Pimephales Promelas For Use In Toxicity Tests

600S387002 Further Studies Of Parameterized Air Quality Modeling Methods For Materials Damage Assessment

600S387003 Validation Data For Photochemical Mechanisms

600S387004 Atmospheric Persistence Of Eight Air Toxics

600S387006 Response Of Benthic Ecosystems To Deep Ocean Sewage Outfalls In Hawaii Nutrient Cycling Approach To Biological Impact Assessment and Monitoring

600S387008 International Sulfur Deposition Model Evaluation

600S387009 Report On The Usefulness Of Avhrr and Czcs Sensors For Delineating Potential Disposal Operations At The 106 Mile Site

600S387010 Joint Epa-epri Cold Weather Plume Study (cwps) Overview Of Measurements and Data Base Project Summary

600S387011 Physiological Impact Of Dredged Sediment On Two Benthic Species

600S387013 Rocky Mountain Acid Deposition Model Assessment Review Of Existing Mesoscale Models For Use In Complex Terrain

600S387014 Surrogate Species Chemical Reaction Mechanism For Urban-scale Air Quality Simulation Models

600S387016 Field Validation Of Multi-species Laboratory Test Systems For Estuarine Benthic Communities

600S387019 Measurement Of Hydrolysis Rate Constants For Evaluation Of Hazardous Waste Land Disposal Volume 2 Data On 54 Chemicals

600S387020 The Production Of Mutagenic Compounds As A Result Of Urban Photochemistry

600S387021 Development Of Computer Modules Of Particulate Processes For Regional Particulate Model

600S387022 Analyses Of Pem-2 Model Evaluation Results For Short-term Urban Particulate Matter

600S387023 Estimating Inaccessible Source Strengths Using Tracer Techniques A Sensitivity Analysis

600S387025 Ohio Stream Regionalization Project Compendium Of Results

600S387026 Contributions Of The Fluid Modeling Facility To Epa's Complex Terrain Model Development Program

600S387027 Mesoscale Acid Deposition Model Preliminary Applications and A Guide For User Interface

600S387032 Microinjection Of Fish Embryos As A Laboratory Assay For Chemical Carcinogens

600S387033 An Experimental and Modeling Study Of The Photochemical Reactivity Of Heatset Printing Oils

600S387034 Sensitivity Analysis and Preliminary Evaluation Of Relmap Involving Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter

600S387035 Evaluation Of A Method Using An Fid For Methanol Measurement In Auto Exhaust

600S387038 Fgets (food and Gill Exchange Of Toxic Substances) A Simulation Model For Predicting Bioaccumulation Of Nonpolar Organic Pollutants By Fish

600S387045 Nonmethane Organic Carbon Concentrations In Air Masses Advected Into Urban Areas In The United States

600S387046 Review Of The Ucr Protocol For Determination Of Oh Rate Constants With Vocs and Its Applicability To Predict Photochemical Ozone Production

600S387047 Tropospheric Ultraviolet Radiation Assessment Of Existing Data and Effects On Ozone Formation

600S387048 Developments In National Weather Service Meteorological Data Collection Programs As Related To EPA Air Pollution Models

600S387049 Computer Architect For Research In Meteorology and Atmospheric Chemistry

600S388001 Stormwater Management Model, User's Manual, Version 4 Project Summary

600S388006 EPA Complex Terrain Model Development Final Report

600S388007 Interim Protocol For Measuring Microbial Transformation Rate Constants For Suspended Bacterial Populations In Aquatic Systems

600S388008 Rocky Mountain Acid Deposition Model Assessment Evaluation Of Mesoscale Acid Deposition Models For Use In Complex Terrain

600S388009 Evaluation and Assessment Of Unamap Project Summary

600S388010 National Ambient Volatile Organic Compounds (vocs) Data Base Update Project Summary

600S388011 Parametric Methodologies Of Cloud Vertical Transport For Acid Deposition Models

600S388012 Development and Testing Of The Cbm-iv For Urban and Regional Modeling

600S388013 Cormix1, An Expert System For Mixing Zone Analysis Of Toxic and Conventional, Single Port Aquatic Discharges Project Summary

600S388014 Interim Protocol For Measuring Hydrolysis Rate Constants In Aqueous Solutions

600S388015 Development Of An Adjustable Buoyancy Balloon Tracer Of Atmospheric Motion Phase 3 Refinement Of The Operational Prototype System

600S388017 Simulated Effects Of Hydrocarbon Emissions Controls On Seasonal Ozone Levels In The Northeastern United States Preliminary Study

600S388025 Improved Parameterizations For Surface Resistance To Gaseous Dry Deposition In Regional-scale, Numerical Models Project Summary

600S388026 Development and Evaluation Of Composite Receptor Methods

600S388027 Theoretical Damage Function For The Effects Of Acid Deposition On Galvanized Steel Structures

600S388028 Measurement Of Hydrolysis Rate Constants For Evaluation Of Hazardous Waste Land Disposal, Volume 3 Data On 70 Chemicals Project Summary

600S388031 Project Pepe-neros (1980) Description Of The Data Base Project Summary

600S388032 Improved Analytical Technique For The Determination Of Gas and Aqueous Phase Hydrogen Peroxide Instrument Manual

600S388040 Investigation Of Analyzer Problems In The Measurement Of NOx From Methanol Vehicles

600S388041 Validation Data For Photochemical Mechanisms Experimental Results

600S388042 Rocky Mountain Acid Deposition Model Assessment Acid Rain Mountain Mesoscale Model Arm3

600S388043 Meteorological Processor For Regulatory Models (mprm-1 1) User's Guide Project Summary

600S388044 Analytical Techniques For Measuring The Effects Of Acid Deposition On Coatings On Wood Project Summary

600S388045 Analytical Techniques For Assessing The Effects Of Acid Deposition On Painted Steel Substrates Project Summary

600S388046 Climate Change and Its Interactions With Air Chemistry Perspectives and Research Needs

600S388047 Guideline For Design, Installation, Operation, and Quality Assurance For Dry Deposition Monitoring Networks Project Summary

600S388048 Effects Of Temperature and Redox Conditions On The Degradation Of Chlorinated Phenols In Freshwater Sediments Projecy Summary

600S388055 Pm-10 Source Measurement Methodology Field Studies Project Summary

600S388056 Development Of Sampling Methods For Source Pm-10 Emissions

600S388057 Application Guide For Source Pm-10 Measurement With Constant Sampling Rate Project Summary

600S388058 Application Guide For The Source Pm-10 Exhaust Gas Recycle Sampling System Project Summary

600S389001 Geographic Information System Documentation Of Watershed Data For Direct-delayed Response Project Northeast Database

600S389002 Geographic Information System Documentation of Watershed Data for Direct/Delayed Response Project -- Southern Blue Ridge Province Database

600S389004 Sampling and Analysis Of Butadiene At A Synthetic Rubber Plant

600S389007 National Atmospheric Deposition Program National Trends Network (nadp-ntn) Site Visitation Program, October 1986 Through September 1987

600S389009 Mountain Cloud Chemistry Project, Wet, Dry and Cloud Water Deposition

600S389010 Validation Testing Of New Mechanisms With Outdoor Chamber Data

600S389011 Automated Monitoring System For Fish Physiology and Toxicology Project Summary

600S389012 Quality Assurance Support For The National Atmospheric Deposition Program and National Trends Network Monitoring Activities 1987-1990, Interim Report

600S389014 Stability Of Parts-per-billion Hazardous Organic Cylinder Gases and Performance Audit Results Of Source Test and Ambient Air Measurement Systems Status Report Number 5

600S389015 Precision and Accuracy Assessments For State and Local Air Monitoring Networks 1987 Project Summary

600S389016 Analytical Method Evaluation For Measuring Ethylene Oxide Emissions From Commercial Dilute-acid Hydrolytic Control Units Project Summary

600S389017 Stability Of Parts-per-million Organic Cylinder Gases and Results Of Source Test Analysis Audits - Status Report #10

600S389018 Analysis Of Acid Precipitation Samples Collected By State Agencies January 1987 - December 1987 Project Summary

600S389019 Evaluation Of Hc1 Continuous Emission Monitors

600S389020 Review Of Current Methods For Measuring Particulate Matter Including Condensables From Stationary Sources

600S389023 Annual Report On Performance Audit Results For Pohc Testing During RCRA Trial Burns Project Summary

600S389024 Quality Assurance Audits Of The EPA State Operated Precipitation Collection Network Project Summary

600S389025 Climatology Of Temperature and Precipitation Variability In The United States Project Summary

600S389026 Annual Report On Establishment and Operation Of The Eastern Fine Particle and Visibility Network Project Summary

600S389027 Data Assessment Reports For Cems At Subpart Da Facilities

600S389028 Construction and Testing of Electrochemical NO2 PSDS

600S389029 Annular Denuder Sampler For Phase-distributed Semivolatile Organic Chemicals

600S389030 Regional Analysis Of Wet Deposition For Effects Research Project Summary

600S389031 Materials Aerometric Database For Use In Developing Materials Damage Functions

600S389032 Paint Coatings Controlled Field and Chamber Experiments

600S389036 Evaluation Of A Ftir Mobile Source Measurement System

600S389037 Evaluation Of Trend Detection Techniques For Use In Water Quality Monitoring Programs Project Summary

600S389040 Characterization Of Painted Surfaces In The United States From The Perspective Of Potential Damage From Acidic Deposition

600S389044 Development of the Regional Oxidant Model Version 2.1 - Project Summary

600S389049 Quality Assurance Procedures Method 28 Certification and Auditing Of Wood Heaters

600S389050 Quality Assurance Procedures Method 5g Determination Of Particulate Emissions From Wood Heaters From A Dilution Tunnel Sampling Location Project Summary

600S389051 Quality Assurance Procedures Method 28a Measurement Of Air To Fuel Ratio and Minimum Burn Rate For Wood-fired Appliances Project Summary

600S389055 Statistical Comparison Of Results Of Two Indoor Air Pilot Studies

600S389056 Evaluation and Sensitivity Analyses Results Of The Mesopuff Ii Model With Captex Measurement Project Summary

600S389057 EPA Regional Oxidant Model (rom2 0) Evaluation On 1980 Neros Data Bases

600S389058 Determination Of C2 To C12 Ambient Air Hydrocarbons In 39 U S Cities From 1984 Through 1986

600S389062 Trends Of Seasonal Haziness and Sulfur Emissions Over The Eastern US

600S389063 Hydrolysis Rate Constants for Enhancing Property-Reactivity Relationships: Project Summary

600S389064 Laboratory and Field Evaluation Of A Methodology For Determination Of Hydrogen Chloride Emissions From Municipal and Hazardous Waste Incinerators

600S389066 Effects Of Acid Deposition On Painted Wood Substrates

600S389068 Sensitivity Of A Regional Oxidant Model To Variations In Climate Parameters, Volume 1 and 2

600S389070 Analysis Of Ambient Polar Volatile Organic Compounds Using Chemical Ionization-ion Trap Detector Project Summary

600S389071 Air Quality Simulation Model Performance For 1 Hour Averages Project Summary

600S389080 Structure-Activity Relationships and Estimation Techniques for Biodegradation of Xenobiotics. Project Summary

600S389082 Role Of Grid-based, Reactive Air Quality Modeling In Policy Analysis Perspective and Implications As Drawn From A Case Study

600S390001 Evaluation of the RADM Gas-Phase Chemical Mechanism

600S390003 Nonoccupational Pesticide Exposure Study (NOPES). Project Summary

600S390005 Development and Validation of a Test Method for Formaldehyde Emissions. Project Summary

600S390006 Annual Report on Performance Audit Results for POHC Testing During RCRA Trial Burns: Status Report #2. Project Summary

600S390007 Validation of Emission Test Method for PCDDs and PCDFs

600S390008 Project Summary: Precision and Accuracy Assessments for State and Local Air Monitoring Networks: 1988

600S390009 Laboratory and Field Evaluations of Methodology for Measuring Emissions of Chlorinated Solvents from Stationary Sources. Project Summary

600S390010 Efficiency of Dioxin Recovery from Fly Ash Samples During Extraction and Cleanup Process

600S390013 Evaluation of Methods Used to Desorb the Constituents Adsorbed on the Charcoal Contained in Automotive Evaporative Canisters. Project Summary

600S390017 Urban Aerosol Transformation and Transport Modeling. Project Summary

600S390018 Quality Assurance Support For The National Atmospheric Deposition Program and National Trends Network Monitoring Activities 1987-1990, 2nd Interim Report

600S390024 Rocky Mountain Acid Deposition Model Assessment: ARM3 Model Performance Evaluation

600S390025 Flow and Dispersion of Pollutants within Two-Dimensional Valleys: Summary Report on Joint Soviet-American Study. Project Summary

600S390026 Strategies for the Development of Climate Scenarios for Impact Assessment Phase 1 Final Report

600S390027 Evaluation of the Wake Effects on Plume Dispersion Using Video Image Analysis

600S390028 Analysis of Acid Precipitation Samples Collected by State Agencies: Sampling Period: January 1988 - December 1988. Project Summary

600S390029 The Role of Biogenic Organics in the Southeast Ozone Problem: Preliminary Assessments and Implications. Project Summary

600S390030 Field Evaluation of a High Volume Surface Sampler for Pesticides in Floor

600S390031 Available Models for Estimating Emissions Resulting from Bioremediation: A Review

600S390032 Preliminary Exposure Study to Determine the Effects of Acid Deposition on Coated Steel Substrates

600S390033 Audit Materials for Semivolatile Organic Measurements During Hazardous Waste Trial Burns. Project Summary

600S390034 Laboratory and Field Evaluations of Extrasensitive Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Dioxide Analyzers for Acid Deposition Monitoring

600S390038 Freshwater Assay Using Soil Eluates As Sample Material (Single Laboratory Evaluation)

600S390039 Galvanized Steel - National Distribution Study. Project Summary

600S390040 Summary Report for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN) Site Visitation Program for the Period October 1987 Through September 1988

600S390044 Impact of NADP/NTN Sampling Protocols on Winter Storm Estimates of Wet Deposition in Central Pennsylvania. Project Summary

600S390046 Evaluation of the Regional Oxidant Model (Version 2.1) Using Ambient and Diagnostic Simulations. Project Summary

600S390047 Validation of Emission Sampling and Analysis Test Method for PCDDs and PCDFs II. Project Summary

600S390048 Development of a Sampling Procedure for Large Nitrogen and Sulfur-Bearing Aerosols

600S390049 Measurements of Exhaled Breath Using A New Portable Sampling Method

600S390051 The Across North America Tracer Experiment (ANATEX) Model Evaluation Study. Project Summary

600S390052 A Chamber and Modeling Study to Assess the Photochemistry of Formaldehyde. Project Summary

600S390054 Laboratory Method to Estimate Hydrogen Chloride Emission Potential Before Incineration of a Waste

600S390055 Evaluation of an Anion Exchange Resin for Sampling Ambient Level Phenolic Compounds

600S390056 Accuracy and Reliability of CEMS Subpart Da (Electric Utilities) Facilities

600S390057 Application Guide for Measurement of PM(2.5) at Stationary Sources. Project Summary

600S390058 An Assessment of Atmospheric Exposure and Deposition to High Elevation Forests in the Eastern United States. Project Summary

600S390059 Estimation of Seasonal and Annual Acidic Deposition Through Aggregation of Three-Day Episodic Periods

600S390064 Progress Report: Comparison of Precipitation Measurements by Nipher-Shielded and Standard Belfort Recording Rain Gages at NADP/NTN Sites. Project Summary

600S390065 Sampling and Analysis of Butadiene at a Neoprene Plant

600S390083 Adaptation Of The Advanced Statistical Trajectory Regional Air Pollution (astrap) Model To The Epvax Computer - Modification and Testing

600S390088 Development of Real-Time Monitors for Gaseous Formaldehyde

600S390089 An Overview of Climate Information Needs for Ecological Effects Models

600S390091 Evaluation of Particle Beam Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Polar Semivolatile Organic Compounds in Air Samples

600S390093 Development of Sampling Methodology for Dilution Air Sampling of Condensible Emissions from Stationary Sources

600S390094 Problem POHC Reference Directory

600S390097 Gas Chromatography/Matrix Isolation-Infrared Spectrometry for Air Sample Analysis

600S391002 Atmospheric Transport and Depostion of Polychloniated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans. Project Summary

600S391004 Chemical-specific Parameters For Toxicity Characteristic Contaminants Project Summary

600S391005 Snow/Rain Collector Sampler

600S391013 Two Indoor Air Exposure Modeling Studies: CONTAM Remodeling Results, and Serial Correlation Effects. Project Summary

600S391015 A Study Using a Three Dimensional Photochemical Smog Formation Model Under Conditions of Complex Flow: Application of the Urban Airshed Model to the Tokyo Metropolitan Area

600S391016 Microbial Transformation Rate Constants of Structurally Diverse Man-Made Chemicals

600S391017 Sorption of Ionizable Organic Compounds to Sediments and Soils

600S391018 National Dry Deposition Network: Third Annual Progress Report (1989). Project Summary

600S391019 Preliminary Testing, Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis for the Terrestrial Ecosystem Exposure Assessment Model (TEEAM). Project Summary

600S391020 Modal Aerosol Dynamics Modeling. Project Summary

600S391033 Study on Distributions and Recoveries of Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin and Octachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin in a MM5 Sampling Train

600S391045 FATE, The Environmental Fate Constants Information System Database. Project Summary

600S391049 Temperature Scenario Development Using Regression Methods. Project Summary

600S391050 Development of Ozone Reactivity Scales for Volatile Organic Compounds

600S391051 Forest Health Monitoring Plot Design and Logistics Study. Project Summary

600S391052 Laboratory and Field Evaluations of a Methodology for Determining Hexavalent Chromium Emissions from Stationary Sources

600S391065 A Regional Fine Particle Field Study: Data Base and Initial Results. Project Summary

600S391070 Tropospheric Nitrogen: The Influence of Anthropogenic Sources on Distributions and Deposition. Project Summary

600S391071 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation, The Delaware SITE Study, 1989

600S391074 Role of Climate in Forest Monitoring and Assessment: A New England Example

600S391094 Chemical-Specific Parameters for Toxicity Characteristic Contaminants

600S480026 Correlations Between Age-adjusted Mortality Rates For White Males and Females In The United States,by County 1968-1972 Oct 1982

600S480048 Application Of Cluster Analysis To Aerometric Data Aug 1982

600S481001 Remote Monitoring Of Organic Carbon In Surface Waters April 1981

600S481002 Methodology For The Design Of An Optimum Air Quality Monitoring Network

600S481006 Aerosol Analysis For The Regional Air Pollution Study

600S481008 Potential Flow Model For Gaussian Plume Interaction With Simple Terrain Features April 1981

600S481010 Reaction Products From The Chlorination Of Seawater May 1981

600S481012 Optimum Meteorological and Air Pollution Sampling Network Selection In Cities Vol 3 Objective Variational Analysis Model April 1981

600S481017 Development Of Analytical Test Procedures For Organic Pollutants In Wastewater--application To Pesticides

600S481021 Development Of Methods and Analysis Of Particulate Sampler Data From Taps

600S481022 Water Quality and Mangrove Ecosystem Dynamics

600S481023 Evaluation Of Sampling Techniques For Atmospheric Emissions From Sintering In The Iron and Steel Industry

600S481024 Evaluation Of Molecular Sieves For Sampling NOx Emissions At Electric Utility Plants

600S481025 National Performance Audit Program 1979 Proficiency Surveys For Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide

600S481026 Meadowland Natural Treatment Processes In The Lake Tahoe Basin A Field Investigation April 1981

600S481027 Evaluation Of The Procedures For Identification Of Hazardous Wastes, Part 1 Sampling, Extraction, and Inorganic Analytical Procedures

600S481028 Sampling and Analysis Of Wastes Generated By Gray Iron Foundries

600S481029 Summary Of The EPA National Source Performance Audit Program 1979

600S481030 Dependence Of Nephelometer Scattering Coefficients On Relative Humidity Evolution Of Aerosol Bursts

600S481032 Design Of A Laboratory For Particulate Analysis

600S481033 Waste Discharge Monitoring Requirements Under The Npdes Permits Program

600S481034 Case Studies In The Application Of Air Quality Modeling In Environmental Deci- Sion Making

600S481043 Evaluation Of The Hewlett-packard 5993b Gas Chromatograph-mass Spectro- Meter

600S481060 Geothermal Environmental Assessment Baseline Study-vegetation and Soils Of The Roosevelt Hot Springs Geothernal Research Area

600S481062 Determination Of Haloethers In Industrial and Municipal Wastewaters

600S481063 Determination Of Phthalates In Industrial and Municipal Wastewaters

600S481064 Continuous Flow Analyzer Automation System

600S481067 Flow and Dispersion Of Pollutants Over Two-diensional Hills summary Report On Joint Soviet-american Study Jan 1982

600S481068 Impact Of Topographic Circulations On The Transport and Dispersion Of Air Pollutants

600S481069 Carbon Monoxide Commuter Exposure Data Base A 5-day Study In Los Angeles

600S481070 Long-range Transport and Transformation Of So2 and Sulfate Refinement, Application, and Verification Of Models

600S481071 Determination Of Volatile Organics In Industrial and Municipal Wastewaters

600S481072 Tissue Assays and Population Characteristics Of Roosevelt Hot Springs' Animals

600S481074 Air Quality Data for Nonmetallic Inorganic Ions: Nitrate and Sulfate for 1977 and 1978 from the National Air Surveillance Networks

600S481077 Summary Of The EPA National Source Performance Audit Program--1980

600S481079 Evaluation Of Short-term No2 Plume Models For Pointg Sources volumes 1 and 2 (july 1983)

600S481080 Analysis Of Commercial Cylinder Gases Of Nitric Oxide, Sulfur Dioxide, and Carbon Monoxide At Source Concentrations

600S482001 Application and Evaluation Of Analytical Procedures For Trace Metals,total Cyanide and Phenolics

600S482015 Direct Measurement Of Volatile Organic Compounds In Breathing-zone Air,drinking Water,breath,blood and Urine

600S482016 Determination Of Nitrosamines In Industrial and Municipal Wastewaters May 1982

600S482017 Standard Calibration Instrument Automation System For The Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

600S482018 Techniques To Determine A Companie's Ability To Conduct A Quality Stack Test Aug 1982

600S482019 Laboratory Evaluation Of Non-methane Organic Carbon Determination In Ambient Air By Cryogenic Preconcentration

600S482021 Bulk Sample Analysis For Asbestos Content evaluation Of The Tentative Method May 1982

600S482022 Determination Of Benzidines In Industrial and Municipal Wastewaters May 1982

600S482023 Determination Of Pesticides and Pcb's In Industrial and Municipal Wastewaters June 1982

600S482024 Determination Of Nitroaromatic Compounds and Isophorne In Industrial and Municipal Wastewaters June 1982

600S482025 Determination Of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Industrial & Municipal Wastewaters

600S482026 Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Cellular Proliferative Disorders May 1982

600S482028 Determination Of Tcdd In Industrial Wastewaters June 1982

600S482031 Laboratory Evaluation Of Commercially Available Passive Organic Personal Monitors Aug 1982

600S482032 Ambient Perchloroethylene Levels Inside Coin-operated Laundries With Dry Cleaning Machines On The Premises

600S482034 Determination Of An Empirically Derived Ip-tsp Relationship May 1982

600S482035 Method Development For Determination Of Polychlorinated Hydrocarbons In Municipal Sludge Sept 1982

600S482036 Quality Assurance In Support Of Energy Related Monitoring Activities Annual Report #3 Sept , 1982

600S482038 Analytical Methods For Hazardous Organic In Liquid Wastes From Coal Gasification and Liquefaction Processes June 1982

600S482040 Wide Range Aerosol Classifier Sept 1982

600S482041 Application Of EPA Method 610 To The Analysis Of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Leachate Samples

600S482043 Study To Evaluate and Improve EPA Reference Method 16

600S482046 Comparative Evaluation Of Seven Automated Ambient Non-methane Organic Compound Analyzers

600S482048 Literature Review Of Personal Air Monitors For Potential Use In Monitoring Of Organic Compounds

600S482050 Computer Interface For A Perkin-elmer 5000 Atomic Absorption Instrument

600S482053 Ultraviolet-visible Spectrophotometer Automation System

600S482058 National Air Pollution Background Network 1976-1980

600S482059 Sampling Air For Gaseous Organic Chemicals Using Solid Adsorbents Application To Tenax Dec 1982

600S482062 Techniques to Measure Volumetric Flow & Particulate Concentrations in Stacks with Cyclonic Flow

600S482064 Stability Of Organic Audit Materials and Results Of Source Test Analysis Audits Jan 1983

600S482067 Development Of A Tunable Zeeman Spectrometer For Analysis Of Toxic Organic Compounds Jan 1983

600S482069 Plutonium Burdens In People Living Around The Rocky Flats Plant March,1983

600S483001 Mobility Of Organic Compounds From Hazardous Wastes (mar 1983)

600S483002 Development and Evaluation If Analytical Test Procedures For Priority Pollutants (apr 1983)

600S483003 Performance Tests Results and Comparative Data For Designated Reference and Equivalent Methods For Ozone (apr 1983)

600S483006 Preconcentration Methods For Trace Element Determination (may 1983)

600S483008 Validation and Improvement Of EPA Reference Method 25-determination Of Gaseous Nonmethane Organic Emissions As Carbon (may 1983)

600S483010 Validation Of Samplers For Inhaled Particulate Matter (june 1983)

600S483011 Technical Assistance Document Quality Assurance May 1983 Guideline For Visible Emission Training Programs

600S483012 Quantitation Of Viruses In Waste and Other Waters (may 1983)

600S483013 Performance Test Results and Comparative Data June 1983 For Designated Reference Methods For Carbon Monoxide

600S483015AB Preparation and Evaluation Of New Sorbents For Environmental Monitoring (june 1983)

600S483017 Prototype Computer-interactive Ground- Water Monitoring Methodology An Example For Sedimentation Ponds

600S483018 Test Procedures For Gama Emitters In Drinking Water Interlaboratory (august 1983)

600S483019 Performance Test Results and Comparative Data For Designated Reference and Equivalent Methods For Nitrogen Dioxide (june 1983)

600S483020 Preparation Of Soil Sampling Protocol Techniques and Strategies

600S483021 Mathematical Models Associated With Point and Lime Source Discharges In Rivers

600S483022 Armco Special Study Report (july 1983)

600S483024 Field Validation Of EPA Reference Method 23

600S483025 Carbon Monoxide Concentrations In Four U S Cities During The Winter Of 1981 Aug,1981

600S483027 Technical Assistance Document For Sampling and Analysis Of Toxic Organic Compounds In Ambient Air

600S483029 Computer Survey Of Gc-ms Data Acquired In Epa's Priority Pollutant Screening Analysis System and Results

600S483030 Guidelines For Field Testing Aquatic Fate and Transport Models final Report

600S483031 Laboratory Evaluation Of An Impinger Collection-ion Chromatographic Source Test Method For Formaldehyde

600S483034 Development of a Continuous Monitor for Detection Of Toxic Organic Compounds Oct 1983

600S483036 Measurement Of Mass Spectra For The EPA Toxic Substances Data Base Oct 1983

600S483038 Test Procedure For Uranium In Drinking Water interlaboratory Collaborative Study

600S483040 Characterization Of Hazardous Waste Sites- A Methods Manual, Volume Ii, Available Sampling Methods Jan 1984

600S483044 Asbestos Fiber Determination In Water Samples Preparation Techniques, Improved Analytical Method, and Rapid Screening

600S483046 Guidelines For Monitoring Indoor Air Quality

600S483050 Methodology To Inventory, Classify, and Prioritize Uncontrolled Waste Disposal Sites

600S483051 Technical Assistance Document quality Assurance Guideline For Process Feed Rate Monitors In The Portland Cement and Lime Industries

600S483052 Optimization Of Liquid-liquid Extraction Methods For Analysis Of Organics In Water

600S483053 Air Quality Datfor Metals 1977 Through 1979 From The National Air Surveillance Networks

600S483054 Development and Evaluation Of Procedures For The Analysis Of Simple Cyanides, Total Cyanide,and Thiocyanate In Water

600S483055 Groundwater Monitoring Recommendations For Oil Shale Development

600S483056 Guidelines For Conducting Single Laboratory Evaluations Of Biological Methods Jan 1984

600S484022 Project Summary: Two Methods for Analyzing Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water by Purge and Trap and Liquid-Liquid Extraction Techniques

600S484034 Project Summary: USEPA Method Study 39, Method 504, 1, 2, Dibromoethane (EDB) and 1, 2, Dibromo 3 Chloropropane (DBCP) in Water by Microextraction and Gas Chromatography

600S484037 Project Summary: EPA Method Study 26, Method 613: 2, 3, 7, 8 Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin

600S484039 Project Summary: EPA Method Study 22 Method 612 Chlorinated Hydrocarbons

600S484042 Project Summary: EPA Method Study 25, Method 602, Purgeable Aromatics

600S484044 Project Summary: EPA Method Study 14 Method 604, Phenols

600S484045 Project Summary: EPA Method Study 12, Cyanide in Water

600S484051 Project Summary: EPA Method Study 17, Method 607, Nitrosamines

600S484052 Project Summary: EPA Method Study 21, Method 611, Haloethers

600S484054 EPA Method Study 29, Method 624 — Purgeables: Project Summary

600S484056 Project Summary: EPA Method Study 16, Method 606, Phthalate Esters

600S484061 Project Summary: EPA Method Study 18 Method 608, Organochlorine Pesticides and PCB's

600S484062 Project Summary: EPA Method Study 15 Method 605, Benzidines

600S484063 Project Summary: EPA Method Study 20, Method 610, PNA's

600S484064 Project Summary: EPA Method Study 24, Method 601, Purgeable Halocarbons by the Purge Trap Method

600S484069 Mobility Of Toxic Compounds From Hazardous Wastes

600S484072 Application of an Analysis Protocol to Identify Organic Compounds Not Identified by Spectrum Matching: Project Summary

600S484078 Project Summary: EPA Method Study 28, PCBs In Oil

600S484086 Stability Evaluation of Sulfur Dioxide, Nitric Oxide and Carbon Monoxide Gases in Cylinders: Project Summary

600S485001 Evaluation Of EPA Method 603, Modified Project Summary

600S485002 Evaluation Of Cryogenic Trapping As A Means For Collecting Organic Compounds In Ambient Air Project Summary

600S485003 Standard Operating Procedures For Conducting Sampling and Sample Bank Audits Project Summary

600S485005 Technical Assistance Document For Monitoring Sulfuric Acid Vapor From Stationary Sources Project Summary

600S485008 Master Analytical Scheme For Organic Compounds In Water

600S485009 Thermally Modulated Electron Affinity Detector For Priority Pollutant Analysis

600S485010 Single Laboratory Validation Of EPA Method 8030 Acrolein, Acrylonitrile, and Acetonitrile Project Summary

600S485011 Evaluation Of Methods For The Determination Of Total Organic Halide In Water and Waste

600S485012 Field Experience With Four Portable Voc Monitors

600S485014 Short Term Methods For Estimating The Chronic Toxicity Of Effluents and Receiving Waters To Freshwater Organisims Project Summary

600S485029 Development Of Methods For Pesticides In Wastewaters

600S485031 Precision and Accuracy Assessments For For The State and Local Air Monitoring Networks, 1982 Project Summary

600S485032 Stability Of Parts Per Billion Hazardous Organic Cylinder Gases and Performance Audit Results Of Source Test and Ambient Air Measurement System, Status Report 1 Project Summary

600S485034 Evaluation Of Passive Sampling Devices (psds)

600S485036 Sensitivity Analysis Of The Enhanced Simulation Of Human Air Pollution Exposure (shape) Model Project Summary

600S485037 Develop, Evaluate and Validate Continuous Emission Monitors For Designated Hazardous Pollutants Project Summary

600S485038 National Air Pollution Background Network Final Project Project Summary

600S485039 Field Validation Of Laboratory-derived Multispecies Aquatic Test Systems

600S485040 Wastox A Framework For Modeling The Fate Of Toxic Chemicals In Aquatic Environments, Part 2 Food Chain Project Summary

600S485043 Development Of An Optical Monitor For Toxic Organic Compounds In Air

600S485044 Ambient Monitoring For Pcb Near Three Landfills In The Bloomington, Indiana Area

600S485045 Review Of Sampling and Analysis Methodology For Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds In Air From Mobile Sources

600S485046 Application Of The Microenvironment Monitoring Approach To Assess Human Exposure To Carbon Monoxide

600S485048 Sediment Sampling Quality Assurance, User's Guide

600S485050 Evaluation Of 10 Pesticide Methods

600S485051 EPA Method Study 27, Method 200 7 Trace Metals By Icp

600S485052 Standardization Of EPA Method 8610

600S485053 Evaluation Of Ignitability Methods (liquids)

600S485055 Evaluation Of Polyurethane Foam Cartridges For Measurement Of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Air

600S485056 Choosing Cost-effective Qa-qc Programs For Chemical Analysis

600S485057 Preliminary Evaluation Of A Modified Nbs Pm 10 Sampler For Indoor Particulate Measurements

600S485059 Application Of Chemical Fractionation-aquatic Bioassay Procedure To Hazardous Waste Site Monitoring Project Summary

600S485060 Single-laboratory Validation Of EPA Method 8150 For The Analysis Of Chlorinated Herbicides In Hazardous Waste

600S485062 Direct Calibration Of Gc-ms Systems Using Srm Gas Cylinders

600S485063 Cryogenic Preconcentration-direct Fid (pdfid) Method For Measurement Of Nmoc In Ambient Air Project Summary

600S485064 Stability Of Organic Audit Materials and Results Of Source Test Analysis Audits, Status Report 7 Project Summary

600S485065 Evaluation Of Sampling and Analytical Methodology For Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds In Indoor Air Project Summary

600S485066 Gas Chromatographic-fourier Transform Infrared Analysis Of Trace Organics Feasibility Of Analysis After Collection Of Organic

600S485067 Comparison Of Ambient Air Sampling Techniques For Volatile Organic Compounds

600S485068 Determination Of Phenols In Industrial and Municipal Wastewaters

600S485069 Determination Of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons In Industrial and Municipal Wastewaters Project Summary

600S485070 EPA Method Study 31 Trace Metals By Atomic Absorption, Furnace Techniques Project Summary

600S485071 Usepa Extraction Method Development Study For Trace Metals In Leachate

600S485072 Determination Of Dithiocarbamate Pesticides In Wastewaters

600S485073 Validation Of Soxhlet Extraction Procedure For Sw-846

600S485074 Improved Methods Of Analysis For Chlorate, Chlorite, and Hypochlorite Ions At The Sub-mg-l Level Project Summary

600S485075 Laboratory and Field Evaluation Of The Semi-vost Method

600S485077 Comparison Of Solid Adsorbent Sampling Techniques For Volatile Organic Compounds In Ambient Air

600S485078 Gc-ft-ir & Gc-ft-ir-ms Techniques For Routine Environmental Analysis

600S485079 Development Of A Sampler For Particulate Associated and Low Volatility Organic Pollutants In Residential Air Project Summary

600S485080 EPA Method Study 32 Method 450 1 Total Organic Halides (tox) Project Summary

600S485081 Development Of Method For Semivolatile Organic Priority Pollutants In Fish

600S485082 Single-laboratory Evaluation Of The RCRA Method For Analysis Of Dioxin

600S486001 Evaluation Of Methods For Hazardous Chemicals Listed In Appendix D To 40 CFR 122 (table V)

600S486002 Manual For Identification Of Marine Invertebrates Guide To Some Common Estuarine Macroinvertebrates Of The Big Bend Region, Tampa Bay, Florida Project Summary

600S486003 Identification Manual For Phytoplankton Of The United States Atlantic Coast

600S486004 Protocol For The Analysis Of 2,3,7,8- Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin By High- Resolution Gas Chromatography-high- Resolution Mass Spectrometry

600S486006 Gravimetric Technique For The Preparation Of Accurate Trace Organic Gas Standards

600S486007 Characteristics Of Lakes In The Eastern United States

600S486010 National Surface Water Survey Eastern Lake Survey Phase I--synoptic Chemistry Field Operations Report

600S486011 National Surface Water Survey Eastern Lake Survey, Phase I Synoptic Chemistry, Quality Assurance Report Project Summary

600S486012 Precision and Accuracy Assessments For State and Local Air Monitoring Networks 1983

600S486014 Validation Of The Volatile Organic Sampling Train (vost) Protocol

600S486015 EPA Method Study 33 Ignitability Characteristics Of Solids

600S486016 Synthesis Of Aromatic Polyimides For Use As Solid Sorbents

600S486017 Supercritival Fluid Extraction Of Particuate and Adsorbent Materials

600S486018 Ambient Monitoring For Pcb After Remedial Cleanup Of 2 Landfills In The Bloomington Indiana Area

600S486019 Inhalable Particulate Network Report Data Summary (mass Concentrations Only) Vol 111, January 1983- December 1984

600S486021 Performance Of RCRA Method 8280 For The Analysis Of Dibenzo P Dixons and Dibenzofurans In Hazardous Waste Samples

600S486023 User Friendly Ibm Computer Programs

600S486024 Development Of Standard Methods For The Collection and Analysis Of Precipitation

600S486025 US EPA Method Study 7 Analyses For Trace Elements In Water By Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (direct Aspiration) and Colorimetry

600S486027 Test Procedure For Gross Alpha Particle Activity In Drinking Water Interlaboratory Collaborative Study

600S486029 Stabiltiy Of Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds Collected From Air On Quartz Fiber Filters and Xad-2 Resin

600S486031 Precision and Accuracy Assessments For State and Local Air Monitoring Networks 1984

600S486032 Taxonomy Of Ceriodaphnia In (crustacea Cladocera) In US Environmental Protection Agency Cultures

600S486034 Comparison Of Polyurethane Foam and Xad-2 Resin As Collection Media For Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Air

600S486036 Pilot Study Of Sampling and Analysis For Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds In Indoor Air

600S486037 Evaluation Of An EPA High-volume Air Sampler For Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p Dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans

600S486038 Standardization Of EPA Method 8610, Part 2

600S486039 Determination Of Stable Valence States Of Chromium In Aqueous and Solid Waste Matrices-experimental Verification Of Chemical Behavior

600S486040 US EPA Method Study Method 510 0 The Determination Of The Maximum Total Trihalomethane Potential

600S486041 Evaluation Of Photovac 10s50 Portable Photoionization Gas Chromatograph For Analysis Of Toxic Organic Pollutants In Ambient Air

600S486042 Investigation Of Source Emission Pm10 Particulate Matter Field Studies Of Candidate Methods

600S486043 Development Of Preservation Techniques and Establishment Of Maximum Holding Times Inorganic Constituents Of The National Pollutant Discharge

600S486045 Nbs-epa Certified Reference Material Performance Audit Program Status Report 2

600S486046 Laboratory and Field Evaluation Of The Semi-vost Method Project Summary

600S486047 Environmental Methods Testing Site Project Project Management Plan Project Summary

600S486048 Laboratory and Field Evaluation Of Methodology For Measurement Of Cadmium In Stationary Source Stack Gases

600S487003 Precision and Accuracy Assessments For State and Local Air Monitoring Networks 1985

600S487004 Pm10 Sampler Evaluation Program Jan 1985 To July 1986

600S487005 Carcinogen-dna Adducts Introduction, Literature, Summary, and Recommendations

600S487006 Supplement To Epa-600-4-84-041 Compendium Of Methods For The

600S487007 Stability Of Parts-per-billion Hazardous Organic Cylinder Gases and Performance Audit Results Of Source Test and Ambient Air Measurement Systems, Status Report #3 Project Summary

600S487008 Intercomparison Of Sampling Techniques For Toxic Organic Compounds In Indoor Air

600S487009 Single Laboratory Validation Of EPA Method 8140

600S487010 Development and Evaluation Of A Real Time Ph and Conductivity Rain Monitor

600S487011 Sampling and Analytical Methods Development For Dry Deposition Monitoring

600S487012 Single Laboratory Evaluation Of Phytotoxicity Test

600S487013 Analysis Of Nitrite In No2 Diffusion Tubes Using Ion Chromatography

600S487015 Hazardous Waste In Selected Florida Counties

600S487016 Survey Of Vendors Of External Petroleum Leak Monitoring Devices For Use With Underground Storage Tanks - Project Summary

600S487019 Quality Assurance Audits Of The EPA State Operated Precipitation Collection Network

600S487021 Evaluation Of A Prototype Field-portable X-ray Fluorescence System For Hazardous Waste Screening

600S487022 Single-laboratory Evaluation Of Method 8080--organochlorine Pesticides and Pcbs

600S487023 Environmental Methods Testing Site Project Data Management Procedures Plan

600S487024 Gc-ms Suitability Testing Of RCRA Appendix Viii and Michigan List Analytes

600S487025 Characterization Of Household Hazardous Waste From Marin County, California, and New Orleans, Louisiana

600S487029 Improved Methods For Hepatitis A Virus and Rotavirus Concentration and Detection In Recreational, Raw Potable, and Finished Waters

600S487030 Direct-delayed Response Project Field Operations and Quality Assurance Report For Soil Sampling and Preparation In The Northeastern United States

600S487031 Evaluation Of Sampling and Analytical Methods For Nicotine and Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon In Indoor Air

600S487032 An Interlaboratory Study Of Inductive Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Method 6010 and Digestion Method 3050

600S487033 Supercritical Fluid Extraction--gas Chromatography Of Volatile Organic Compounds Voc From Tenax Devices

600S487034 Benzene Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems For Gasoline Bulk Storage

600S487036 Summary Report for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN) Site Visitation Program - December 1984 through September 1986: Project Summary

600S487039 Chemical Characterization Of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon Degradation Products From Sampling Artifacts

600S487040 Supercritical Fluid Extraction Of Particulate and Adsorbent Materials Part Ii

600S487041 Direct-delayed Response Project Field Operations and Quality Assurance Report For Soil Sampling and Preparation In The Southern Blue Ridge Province Of The United States

600S487043 Comparative Study Of Water Chemistry Analyses From Canada, Norway, and The United States Analytical Methods and Raw Data

600S487044 Evaluation Of Existing Total Human Exposure Models

600S488001 Development Of A Capillary Wick Unsaturated Zone Pore Water Sampler

600S488002 Stability Of Parts-per-million Organic Cylinder Gases and Results Of Source Test Analysis Audits--status Report #9

600S488004 Quality Assurance Support For The National Atmospheric Deposition Program and National Trends Network Monitoring Activities 1984-1987 Project Summary

600S488005 Screening Of Semivolatile Organic Compounds For Extractability and Aqueous Stability By Sw-846 Method 3510 Project Summary

600S488006 Validation Of Sw-846 Methods 8010, 8015, and 8020

600S488008 Florida Hazardous Waste and Sanitary Landfill Report Project Summary

600S488009 Wet Deposition and Snowpack Monitoring Final Project Report Project Summary

600S488010 Guide To The Application Of Quality Assurance Data To Routine Survey Data Analysis

600S488011 Interlaboratory Evaluation Of Sw-846 Methods 7470 and 7471 For The Determination Of Mercury In Environmental Samples Project Summary

600S488012 Single Laboratory Evaluation Of Sw-846 Methods 7090-7091 Determination Of Beryllium By Flame and Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Project Summary

600S488014 Review Of Methods For Remote Sensing Of Atmospheric Emissions From Stationary Sources

600S488015 Identification Of Subpart Da Sources and EPA Regional-state Agency Contacts For The Implementation Of Appendix F, Procedure 1

600S488016 Stability Of Parts-per-billion Hazardous Organic Cylinder Gases and Performance Audit Results Of Source Test and Ambient Air Measurement Systems Project Summary

600S488017 Sampling-analytical Method Evaluation For Ethylene Oxide Emission and Control Unit Efficiency Determinations Project Summary

600S488019 Soil-gas and Geophysical Techniques For Detection Of Subsurface Organic Contamination Project Summary

600S488020 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry Of Ambient Aerosols Project Summary

600S488022 Investigation Of 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine Impregnated Adsorbent Tubes For The Collection Of Airborne Aldehydes Project Summary

600S488023 National Stream Survey - Phase I Field Operations Report Project Summary

600S488025 Eastern Lake Survey Phase II and National Stream Survey - Phase I Processing Laboratory Operations Report Project Summary

600S488026 Determination Of Ph By Flow Injection Analysis and By Fiber Optrode Analysis Project Summary

600S488027 Comparison Of The Radm Dry Deposition Module With Site-specific Routines For Inferring Dry Deposition Project Summary

600S488028 Field Evaluation Of Sampling and Analysis For Organic Pollutants In Indoor Air Project Summary

600S488029 Heated Purge and Trap Method Development and Testing

600S488030 Capillary Column Gc-ms Determination Of 77 Purgeable Organic Compounds In Two Simulated Liquid Wastes

600S488033 Geo Eas User's Guide Project Summary

600S488034 US EPA Method Study 39 Method 504, 1,2-dibromoethane (edb) and 1,2-dibromo- 3-chloropropane (dbcp) In Water By Microextraction and Gas Chromatography Project Summary

600S488036 Development Of A High Volume Surface Sampler For Pesticides In Floor Dust Project Summary

600S488037 Precision and Accuracy Assessments For State and Local Air Monitoring Networks 1981-1986 Supplement To 6000488007

600S488038 Production and Management Of Small-quantity-generator Hazardous-waste In Florida Project Summary

600S488040 Evaluation Of Control Chart Methodologies For RCRA Waste Sites Project Summary

600S489001 Short-term Methods For Estimating The Chronic Toxicity Of Effluents and Receiving Waters To Freshwater Organisms Organisms Project Summary

600S489002 Experimental Design and Data Analysis Applicable to Assays for Monitoring Waterborne Viruses. Project Summary

600S489007 Biological Monitoring Systems For Hazardous Waste Sites Production and Analysis Of Analytical Reference Materials Project Summary

600S489008 Use Of Industrial Hygiene Samplers For Soil-gas Measurement Project Summary

600S489010 US EPA Method Study 36 Sw-846 Methods 8270-3510 Gc-ms Method For Semivolatile Organics Capillary Column Technique Separate Funnel Liquid-liquid Extraction

600S489011 US EPA Method Study 38 Sw-846 Method 3010 Acid Digestion Of Aqueous Samples and Extracts For Total Metals For Analysis By Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

600S489012 US EPA Method Study 37 Sw-846 Method 3050 Acid Digestion Of Sediments, Sludges, and Soils

600S489015 US EPA Method Study 35 Sw-846 Method 3005 Acid Digestion Of Waters For Total Recoverable Or Dissolved Metals For Analyses By Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Project Summary

600S489018 Compendium Of Methods For The Determination Of Toxic Organic Compounds In Ambient Air, 2nd Supplement Project Summary

600S489021 Single-laboratory Evaluation Of Osmium Analytical Methods

600S489022 Performance Testing Of Method 1312 Qa Support For RCRA Testing

600S489026 Re-examination Of Interim Estimates Of Annual Sulfur Dry Deposition Across The Eastern United States Project Summary

600S489027 Enclosed Aquatic Multispecies Test System For Testing Microbial Pest Control Agents With Non-target Species

600S489029 Eastern Lake Survey Phase II Quality Assurance Report

600S489031 Direct-delayed Response Project Quality Assurance Plan For Preparation and Analysis Of Soils From The Mid-appalachian Region Of The United States Project Summary

600S489032 Sampling Frequency For Groundwater Quality Monitoring

600S489035 Protein Adduct Forming Chemicals For Exposure Monitoring Chemicals Selected For Further Study Project Summary

600S489036 Direct-delayed Response Projects Interlaboratory Differences In The Northeastern Soil Survey Data

600S489037 Direct-delayed Response Project Quality Assurance Report For Physical and Chemical Analyses Of Soils From The Northeastern United States

600S489038 Proximity Of Louisiana Sanitary Landfill To Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats Project Summary

600S489039 Single-laboratory Evaluation Of Method 8060-phthalate Esters

600S489040 Proximity Of New Jersey Sanitary Landfills To Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats Project Summary

600S489041 Proximity Of Florida Sanitary Landfills To Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats Project Summary

600S489042 Proximity Of Washington State Sanitary Landfills To Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats Project Summary

600S489043 Pre-concentration Method For Inductively Coupled Plasma-mass Spectrometry Project Summary

600S489044 Proximity Of Connecticut Sanitary Landfills To Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats Project Summary

600S489045 Proximity Of Delaware Sanitary Landfills To Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats Project Summary

600S489046 Proximity Of New York Sanitary Landfills To Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats Project Summary

600S489047 Proximity Of Pennsylvania Sanitary Landfills To Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats Project Summary

600S489048 Proximity Of Georgia State Sanitary Landfills To Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats (a) Statewide Results

600S489049 Evaluation Of Sample Extract Cleanup Using Solid-phase Extraction Cartridges Project Summary

600S490001 Direct/Delayed Response Project: Quality Assurance Report for Physical and Chemical Analyses of Soils from the Mid-Appalachian Region of the United States

600S490002 Multispectral Identification and Confirmation of Organic Compounds in Wastewater Extracts

600S490008 Field Demonstration for Mobile FT-IR for detection of Volatile Organic Chemicals

600S490010 Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Air Pollutants in Indoor Air. Project Summary

600S490011 User's Guide -- Micronucleus Assay Data Management and Analysis System: Software and User's Guide. Project Summary

600S490012 Proximity of Sanitary Landfills to Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats: An Evaluation and Comparison of 1,153 Sanitary Landfills in 11 States. Project Summary

600S490013 Rationale for the Assessment of Errors in the Sampling of Soils

600S490014 Proximity of Texas Sanitary Landfills to Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats. Project Summary

600S490015 Analysis of Solid Waste: Performance Data for SW-846 Methods 8270, 8081, and 8141

600S490019 Wet Deposition Temporal and Spatial Patterns in North America, 1987. Project Summary

600S490021 Application of Open-Tubular Columns to SW-846 GC Methods. Project Summary

600S490022 Performance Evaluation of Particle Beam Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry for the Measurement of Acid Herbicides. Project Summary

600S490023 Methods For Acid Deposition Studies, Laboratory Analyses For Soil Chemistry Project Summary {handbook}

600S490024 Modification of Methods 9030 and 9031 for the Analysis of Sulfide by Specific Ion Electrode

600S490026 Method for the Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Soils/Sediments

600S490028 Field Comparison Of Groundwater Sampling Devices For Hazardous Waste Sites An Evaluation Using Volatile Organic Compounds

600S490032 Evaluation of a Remote Sensor for Mobile Source CO Emissions

600S490034 Evaluation Of Exposure Markers

600S491004 Multispectral Identification of Potentially Hazardous Byproducts of Ozonation and Chlorination: Part I, Studies of Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Properties of MX

600S491006 Time Spent in Activities, Locations, and Microenvironments: A California National Comparison. Project Summary

600S491008 Direct Delayed Response Project Soil Characterization Comparison. Project Summary

600S491009 Background Hydrocarbon Vapor Concentration Study for Underground Fuel Storage Tanks

600S491011 Molecular Optical Spectroscopic Techniques for Hazardous Waste Site Screening

600S491013 Agroecosystem Monitoring and Research Strategy: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. Project Summary

600S491014 Wetlands Detection Methods Investigation. Project Summary

600S491018 Arid Ecosystems Strategic Monitoring Plan, 1991, Environmental Monitoring ans Assessment Program (EMAP). Project Summary

600S491019 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Surface Waters Implementation Plan-Northeast Pilot Lake Survey, Summary 1991

600S491025 Indoor Air Pollutants from Household Product Sources. Project Summary

600S491026 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Example Environmental Assessment Report for Estuaries

600S491027 Watershed Characterization Using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) Satellite Imagery: Blackfoot River, Montana

600S491028 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Demonstration Plan for Westinghouse Bio-Analytic Systems Pentachlorophenol Immunoassays, Project Summary

600S491029 Guide To Soil and Description For Hazardous Waste Site Characterization Volume 1 Metals Project Summary

600S491032 Measurement of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soils and Sediments by Particle-Beam/High-Performance/Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, Project Summary

600S581001 Socioeconomic Analysis Of Hazardous Waste Management Alternatives Methodo- Logy and Demonstration

600S582001 Socioeconomic Impacts Of Water Quality Strategies

600S583001 Effect Of Agricultural Land Use Practice On Stream Water Quality economic Analysis

600S584001 Sociological Factors In The Adoption Of Agricultural Best Management Practices

600S586001 Groundwater Quality Protection State and Local Strategies

600S587001 Analysis Of Costs For The Treatment Of Dental Fluorosis

600S587002 Planning Models For Urban Water Supply Expansion

600S587003 Statistical Models For Water Main Failures

600S587004 Statistical Abstract Of The Unsewered U S Population

600S682003F Carcinogen Assessment Of Coke Oven Emmisions

600S683001 Direct Biological Effects Of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Levels

600S683002 Assessment Of Potential Environmental Problems Concerning Water Availability

600S684001 Assessment For Future Environmental Problems--ocean Dumping

600S684002 Mini-assessment Total Exposure Assessment and Exposure-dose Relation- Ships

600S684004 Institutional Responses To Comtamination Of Groundwater Used For Public Water Supplies implications For EPA R&D Programs

600S684005 Assessment For Future Environmental Problems--agricultural Residues

600S684008 Testing and Evaluation Of On-farm Alcohol Production Facilities

600S685001 Assessment Of The Mutagenic Potential Of Carbon Disulfide, Carbon Tetrachloride, Dichloromethane, Ethylene Dichloride

600S685003 New Jersey Industrial Waste Study (waste Projection and Treatment)

600S686002 Development Of Advisory Levels For Polychlorinated Biphenyls Pcbs Cleanup

600S686003 Water-soil Treatability Studies For Four Complex Industrial Wastes Methodologies and Results , Volumes 1 and 2

600S687001 Evaluation Of The Carcinogenicity Of Unleaded Gasoline

600S687002 Total Exposure Assessment Methodology (team) Study Project Summary

600S687003 Fate and Persistence In Soil Of Selected Toxic Organic Chemicals

600S687004 Carcinogenicity Assessment Of Chlordane and Heptachlor-heptachlor Epoxide

600S687005 Processes Affecting Subsurface Transport Of Leaking Underground Tank Fluids

600S687006 Carcinogenicity Assessment Of Aldrin and Dieldrin

600S687007 Investigation Of Cancer Risk Assessment Methods

600S687008 Recommendations For and Documentation Of Biological Values For Use In Risk Assessment

600S688001 Treatment Potential For 56 EPA Listed Hazardous Chemicals In Soil Project Summary

600S688003 Pathogen Risk Assessment Feasibility Study Project Summary

600S688004 Reference Physiological Parameters In Pharmacokinetic Modeling Project Summary

600S688006 Development Of A Qualitative Pathogen Risk Assessment Methodology For Municipal Sludge Landfilling Project Summary

600S688008 Estimating The Risk Of Lung Cancer From Inhalation Of Radon Daughters Indoors Review and Evaluation

600S688009A Indoor Air Quality in Public Buildings, Volume 1. Project Summary

600S688009B Indoor Air Quality in Public Buildings, Volume 2. Project Summary

600S688010 Qualitative Pathogen Risk Assessment For Ocean Disposal Of Municipal Sludge Project Summary

600S689002 Assessment Of The Potential For Transport Of Dioxins and Codisposed Materials To Groundwater Project Summary

600S690001 Development of Risk Assessment Methodology for Surface Disposal of Municipal Sludge

600S690002 Pathogen Risk Assessment for Land Application of Municipal Sludge Volume 1: Methodology and Computer Model Volume 2: User's Manual. Project Summary

600S690003 Methodology for Assessing Health Risks Associated with Indirect Exposure to Combustor Emissions. Project Summary

600S690004 Laboratory Investigation of Residual Liquid Organics from Spills, Leaks and the Disposal of Hazardous Wastes in Groundwater. Project Summary

600S691001 Preliminary Risk Assessment for Parasites in Municipal Sewage Sludge Applied to Land. Project Summary

600S691004 Development of Risk Assessment Methodology for Municipal Sludge Incineration. Project Summary

600S691006 Preliminary Risk Assessment for Bacteria in Municipal Sewage Sludge Applied to Land. Project Summary

600S780153 Preliminary Environmental Assessment Of Afterburner Combustion Systems

600S780161 Environmental Assessment Of Waste-to- Energy Process Union Carbide's Purox Process

600S780169 Environmental Impact Of Coal Transfer and Terminal Operations

600S780170 Environmental Assessment Of Waste-to- Energy Process Gsa-pentagon Co-fired Boiler Tests

600S780173 Environmental, Operational and Economic Aspects Of Thirteen Selected Energy Technologies

600S780174 Public Health Effects From Industrial Amines Production, A Preliminary Evaluative Approach

600S780177 Aerosol Characterization Of Ambient Air Near Commercial Lurgi Coal Gasification Plant

600S780181 Reconnaissance Study Of Leachate Quality From Raw Mined Oil Shale-laboratory Columns

600S781003A Emission Assessment Of Conventional Stationary Combustion Systems Vol III

600S781003B Emissions Assessment Of Conventional Stationary Combustion Systems Vol Iv

600S781003C Emissions Assessment Of Conventional Stationary Combustion Systems Vol V Industrial Combustion Sources

600S781003D Emissions Assessment Of Conventional Stationary Combustion Systems Summary Report

600S781004 Hydrologic Impacts From Potential Coal Strip Mining--northern Cheyenne Reservation

600S781008 Ohio River Basin Energy Study (orbes)

600S781009 Environmental Assessment Source Test and Evaluation Report Koppers-totzek Process

600S781011 Impact Of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act On Fbc Residue Disposal April 1981

600S781012C EPA Utility Fgd Survey, January-march 1981

600S781012D EPA Utility Fgd Survey April-june 1981

600S781012E EPA Utility Fgd Survey July-sept 1981

600S781015 Interagency Flue Gas Desulfurization Evaluation

600S781016 Planning Study To Model and Monitor Coal Pile Runoff

600S781017 Effect Of Scrubbing Operating Conditions On Adipic Acid Degradation

600S781018 Second Survey Of Dry S02 Control Systems

600S781019 Comparison Of Relative Emissions From Double Mechanical Pump Seals To Other Types Of Pump Shaft Seals

600S781021 Environmental Characterization Of Geokinetics' In Situ Oil Shale Retorting Technology April 1981

600S781023 Summary Of Coal-based Synthetic Fuel Initiatives

600S781024 Characterization Of Two Core Holes From The Naval Oil Shale Reserve Number 1

600S781025 Environmental Aspects Of Synfuel Utili- Zation

600S781026 Effect Of Collisional Lifetime In Optoacoustic Detection Of Pollutant Gases

600S781027 Performance Of A High-velocity Pulse- Jet Filter, 3

600S781028 Effect Of Parameters Of Filtration On Dust Cleaning Fabrics

600S781029 Methods For Level 2 Analysis By Organic Compound Category

600S781030 Selective Catalytic Reduction and NOx Control In Japan

600S781031 Facilities Evaluation Of High Efficiency Boiler Destruction Pcb Waste

600S781032 Asbestos-asbestiform Research In EPA Ord

600S781033 Limestone-lime Treatment Of Acid Mine Drainage - Full Scale

600S781034 Greenhouse Production Of All Bedding and Foliage Plants With Industrial Heat

600S781035 Environmental Effects Of In-situ Gasification Of Texas Lignite

600S781037 Fabric Filter Systems Study Second Annual Report

600S781038 Batch Treatment Process Technology For Abatement Of Emissions and Conservation Of Energy In Glass

600S781039 Control Of Utility Boilers and Gas Turbine Pollutant Emissions By Combus- Tion Modification, Phase II

600S781041 Technique For Measuring Reduced Forms Of Sulfur In Ambient Air

600S781070 EPA Coal Cleaning Program Fy 1979 Progress Report

600S781071A Environmental Assessment Source Test and Evaluation Report-coal Preparation Plant No 1

600S781071B Environmental Assessment Source Test and Evaluation Report--coal Preparation Plant No 2

600S781075 Environmental Aspects Of Fluidized-bed Combustion

600S781076 Environmental Assessment Source Test and Evaluation Report--b&w Alliance Atmospheric Fluidized-bed May 1982

600S781077 Environmental Assessment Source Test and Evaluation Report--exxon Miniplant Pressurized Fluidized July 1982

600S781078 Continuous Emission Monitoring At The Georgetown University Fluidized-bed Boiler March,1983

600S781080 Bioassay and Chemical Analysis For Hazardous Materials In Residual Oils

600S781081 Assessment Of Oil Shale Retort Waste- Water Treatment and Control Technology, Phases I and Ii

600S781082 Water Pollution Potential Of Coal-slurry Pipelines

600S781084 Analysis Of Oil Shale Wastes July 1981

600S781085 Sulfur Dioxide Oxidation Reactions In Aqueous Solutions

600S781086 Coal Resources and Sulfur Emissions Regulations A Summary Of Eight Eastern and Midwestern States

600S781087 Trace Element Characterization Of Coal Wastes Fifth Annual Progress Peport

600S781090 Evaluation Of Emissions and Control Technology For Industrial Stoker Boilers

600S781091 Control Of Emissions From Residential Wood Burning By Combustion Modification

600S781092 Secondary Formation Products In Power Plant Plumes

600S781096 Vapor-phase Cracking and Wet Oxidation as Potential Pollutant Control Techniques for Coal Gasification

600S781097 Third Survey Of Dry So2 Control Systems

600S781098 Coal Gasifier Parameters Influencing Environmental Pollutant Production

600S781100 Evaluation Of Relative Environmental Hazards From A Coal Gasifier

600S781101 Environmental Hazard Rankings Of Pollutants Generated In Coal Gasification Processes

600S781102 Enamap-1 Long Term So2 and Sulfate Pollution Model Further Application Of Eastern North America

600S781103 Disposal Of Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastes EPA Shawnee Field Evaluation, Final Report

600S781104 Source Test and Evaluation Report D H Mitchell Unit No 11, Northern Indiana Public Service Co

600S781105 Control Of Particulate Emissions From Atmospheric Fluidized-bed Combustion With Fabric Filters

600S781107 Coal and The Environment Abstract Series Bibliography On Disposal Of Mine and Cleaning Plant Refuse

600S781108 Assessment Of Hazard Potential From Combustion Of Wastes In Industrial Boilers

600S781109 Performance Evaluation Of The Braintree Electric Light Department Dry Cooling Tower

600S781110 Mixing Phenomena In Industrial Fume Afterburner Systems

600S781111 Emissions and Efficiency Performance Of Industrial Coal-stoker-fired Boilers

600S781112 Power Plant Cooling System Water Consumption and Nonwater Impact Reports {executive Summary}

600S781117 Use Of A Vegetative Filter Zone To Control Fine-grained Sediments From Surface Mines

600S781119 Inventory Of Current Indoor Air Quality- Related Research

600S781121 Control Of Hydrocarbon Emissions From Gasoline Loading By Refrigeration Systems

600S781122 Combustion Modification Controls For Stationary Gas Turbine

600S781123 Combustion Modification Controls For Residential and Commercial Heating Systems

600S781125 Spray Charging and Trapping Scrubber For Fugitive Particle Emission Control

600S781126 Industrial Boiler Combustion Modification NOx Controls

600S781127 Environmental Assessment Of Combustion Modification Controls For Stationary Internal Combustion Engines

600S781129 Photoacoustic Detection Of Particulate Carbon

600S781130 Final Report On The Workshop On Energy Development Issues Affecting Appalachia

600S781131 Field Studies On Paraho Retorted Oil Shale Lysimeters Leachage, Vegetation, Moisture, Salinity 1977-1980

600S781132 Energy Use Patterns and Environmental Implications Of Direct-fired Industrial Processes

600S781133 Environmental and Economic Comparison Of Advanced Processes For Conversion Of Coal and Biomass Into Clean Energy

600S781134 Source Test and Evaluation Report Cane Run Unit No 6, Louisville Gas and Electric Company

600S781135 Level 1 Bioassay Sensitivity

600S781136 On-site Gc-ms Analysis Of Chapman Gasification Separator Liquor

600S781137 Pilot-scale Development Of A Low-nox Coal-fired Tangential System

600S781138 Sampling and Analysis Of Potential Geothermal Sites

600S781139 Field Studies On Usbm and Tosco Ii Retorted Oil Shales Vegetation, Moisture, Salinity, and Runoff, 1977-80

600S781140 Demonstration Of Wellman-lord-allied Chemical Fgd Technology Final Report and Demonstration Test Second Year Results

600S781141A Evaluation Of The Limestone Dual Alkali Prototype System At Plant Scholz System Design and Program Plan

600S781141B Evaluation Of The Limestone Dual Alkali Prototype System At The Plant Scholz Final Report

600S781142 Environmental Assessment Source Test and Evaluation Report--lurgi (kosova) Medium-btu Gasification, Final Report

600S781143 Performance Evaluation Of An Industrial Spray Dryer For So2 Control

600S781146 Use Of Coal Cleaning For Compliance With So2 Emission Regulations

600S781148 Flux Force-condensation Scrubbing For Collecting Fine Particulate From Iron Melting Cupolas

600S781150 Feasibility Of Coal Burning In Catalytic Combustors Oct 1981

600S781151 Fuel No X Control By Catalytic Combustion Oct 1981

600S781152 Long-term Effects Of Slow-rate Land Application Of Municipal Wastewater

600S781153 Environmental and Economic Aspects Of Indirect Coal Liquefaction Processes A Report Emphasizing The Relationship

600S781154 Study Of Automatic Control Systems To Maintain Constant Percentage So2 Retention Ina Pressurized Fbc

600S781155 Pilot Field Studies Of Fgd Waste Disposal At Louisville Gas and Electric

600S781157 Electric Rates and Boiler Fuel Choice

600S781158 Fuel Decomposition and Flame Reactions In Conversion Of Fuel Nitrogen To NOx

600S781159 Dual Alkali Acceptance Test At Louisville Gas and Electric Company

600S781166 Solar Energy For Pollution Control

600S781169 Emissions From Refinery Process Heaters Equipped With Low-no Burners August, 1982

600S781171C Developement Of Criteria For Extension Of Applicability Of Low Emission, High Efficency Coal Burners, 3rd Annual Report

600S782009 Measurement Of High-temperature High Pressure Processes, Summary Report

600S782014 Dry-wet Performance Of A Plate-fin Air-cooled Heat Exchanger With Continuous Corrugated Fins

600S782015 Recovery Of Calcium Carbonate and Sulphu Sulphur From Fgd Scrubber Waste

600S782016 Control Of Sulfur Emissions From Oil Shale Retorts

600S782017 Assessment Of Central-station Cogenera- Tion Systems For Industrial Complexes

600S782018 Source Test and Evaluation Report Alcohol Facility For Gasohol Production Aug , 1982

600S782021 Application Of Advanced Combustion Modifications To Industrial Process Equipment--subscale Test Results

600S782022 Description and Analysis Of Inspection- Maintenance Programs For Oil-fired Heating Systems In Switzerland and West Germany

600S782025A Ammonium Sulfate and Bisulfate Formation In Air Preheaters

600S782025B Impact Of No Selective Catalytic Reduction Processes On Flue Gas Cleaning Systems Aug 1982

600S782026 Mechanisms Of Dry So2 Control Processes June 1982

600S782027 Rates and Equilibria Develatilization and Trace Element Evolution In Coal Pyrolysis Sept 1982

600S782028 Pilot-scale Assessment of Conventional Particulate Control Technology for Pressurized Fluidized-bed Combustion Emissions

600S782029 Effects Of Fuel Properties and Atomization Parameters On NOx Control For Heavy Liquid Fuel Fired Package Boilers Oct 1982

600S782030 Waste Heat Recovery Potential In Selected Industries

600S782031 Inventory Of Used and By-product Hydrocarbon Streams

600S782032 Studies Of Flue Gas Desulfurization At Louisville Gas and Electric's Paddy's Run Station Oct 1982

600S782033 Interpretation Of Low Resolution Mass Spectra For Level 1 Analysis Of Environmental Mixtures

600S782034 Environmental Assessment Of Stationary Source NOx Control Technologies Final Report

600S782035 Compendium Of Synfuel End-use Testing Programs

600S782036 Sampling and Data Handling Methods For Inhalable Particulate Sampling Sept 1982

600S782037 Verification and Transfer Of Thermal Pollution Model Dec 1982

600S782038 Environmental Assessment Of A Low- Emission Oil-fired Residential Hot Water Condensing Heating System Sept , 1982

600S782040 Environmental Assessment Measurement Methods For Organic Species

600S782044 Augmentation Of Fine Particle Collection In The Epxp Scrubber Sept 1982

600S782045 Combustion Of Oil Shale In Fluidized- Bed Combustors An Overview Sept 1982

600S782046 Prospects For Increasing Direct Use Of Coal In Industrial Boilers Oct 1982

600S782047 Green River Air Quality Model Development Meteorological Data--aug ,1980 Field Study In The Piceance Creek Basin Oil Shale Sept , 1982

600S782048 Laboratory Evaluation Of Level 1 Organic Analysis Procedures Sept , 1982

600S782049 Evaluation Of The Maintenance Effect On Fugitive Emissions From Refineries In The South Coast Air Quality Sept ,1982

600S782051 Technology Overview Circulating Fluidized-bed Combustion

600S782052 Further Characterization Of Sorbents For Environmental Sampling--ii Sept , 1982

600S782053 Unconventional Natural Gas Resources An Overview Covering The Resources and Environmental Aspects Of Production Jan 1983

600S782054 Coal Gasification/Gas Cleanup Test Facility: Volume III. Environmental Assessment of Operation with New Mexico Subbituminous Coal and Chilled Methanol: Project Summary

600S782054 Unconventional Natural Gas Resources An Overview Covering The Resources and Environmental Aspects Of Production Jan 1983

600S782055 Procedures For Predictive Analysis Of Selected Hydrologic Impacts Of Surface Mining Jan 1983

600S782057A Hitachi Zosen NOx Flue Gas Treatment Process vol 1 Pilot Plant Evaluation March,1983

600S782057B Hitachi Zosen NOx Flue Gas Treatment Process vol 2 Independent Evaluation March,1983

600S782058 EPA Utility Fgd Survey October-december 1981

600S782059 Application Of LIMB To Pulverized Coal Boilers - A System Analysis: Limestone Feed and Boiler Systems, Project Summary

600S782060 Use Of Sorbents To Recuce So-2 Emissions From Pulverized-coal Flames Under Low- No-x Conditions (progress Report) Jan 1983

600S782061 Estimates Of Sulfur Oxide Emissions From The Electric Utility Industry Volume 1 and Volume 2 (mar 1983)

600S782062 Electrostatic Augmentation Of Fabric Filtration pulse-jet Pilot Unit Experience (apr 1983)

600S782063 Evaluation Of Potential Voc Screening Instruments (feb 1983)

600S782064 Shell Nox-so2 Flue Gas Treatment Process Independent Evaluation March,1983

600S782065A Adipic Acid Enhanced Flue Gas Desulfurization Process For Industrial Boilers, Volume 1 Field Tests Results

600S782065B Adipic Acid Enhanced Flue Gas Desulfurization Process For Industrial Boilers, Volume 2 Technical Assessment

600S782066 Photovoltaic Energy Systems Environmental Concerns and Control Technology Needs March,1983

600S782067 Effect Of Trace Metals and Sulfite Oxidation On Adipic Acid Degradation In Fgd Systems Mar 1983

600S783005 Trace and Potentially Toxic Elements Associated With Uranium Deposits In South Texas Mar 1983

600S783006 Survey and Analysis of Current European Technologies for Wood Combustion

600S783007 Waste and Water Management For Conventional Coal Combustion assessment Report-1980 (may 1983)

600S783008 Assessment Of The Effects Of Active Solar Thermal Technologies On Urban Emissions (april 1983)

600S783009 Disposal Of Spent Sorbent From Dry Fgd Processes (apr 1983)

600S783010 Thirty-Day Field Test of a Refinery Process Heater Equipped with Low-NOX Burners

600S783012 Analysis Of Long-term No Emission Data From Pulverized Coal-fired Utility Boilers (may,1983)

600S783021 Preliminary Assessment Of The Use Of Heat Transfer Fluids For Solar Thermal Energy Systems (april 1983)

600S783022 Refinery Process Heater NOx Reductions Using Staged Combustion Air Lances (june 1983)

600S783023 Audit of the Vulcanus Incineration Ship Prior to the August 1982 PCB Burn Mobile, Alabama

600S783024 At-Sea Incineration of PCB-Containing Wastes Onboard the M/T VULCANUS

600S783025 Bench-scale Evaluation Of Non-u S Coals For NOx Formation Under Excess Air and Staged Combustion Conditions

600S783026 Chemical Analysis Of Waste Crankcase Oil Combustion Samples (june 1983)

600S783027 Nox Abatement For Stationary Sources In Japan (july 1983)

600S783028 So2 Abatement For Coal-fired Boilers In Japan

600S783029 Economic Evaluation Of Limestone and Lime Flue Gas Desulfurization Processes

600S783035 Full-scale Utility Fgd System Adipic Acid Demonstration Program

600S783036 Fugitive Emission Testing At The Kosovo Coal Gasification Plant

600S783037 Environmental and Energy Benefits Of Microprocessor Control Of Oven Airflows From Metal Painting Operations

600S783038 Characterization Of The NOx and So2 Control Performances southern Indiana Gas & Electric Company,a B Brown Unit 1

600S783039 Full-scale Dual Alkali Fgd Demonstration At Louisville Gas & Electric Company

600S783040 Control Of Criteria and Non-criteria Pollutants From Coal-oil Mixture Combustion

600S783041 Status Of Dry So2 Control System Fall 1982

600S783042 Evaluation Of Combustion Modification Effects On Emissions and Efficiency Of Wood-fired Industrial Boilers

600S783043 Limestone Dissolution In Flue Gas Desulfurization Processes

600S783044 Assessment Of Discharges From Sasol I Lurgi-based Coal Gasification Plant

600S783045 Evaluation of Combustion Variable Effects on NOx Emissions from Mineral Kilns

600S783046 Preliminary Environmental Assessment On Formcoke Cokemaking Process

600S783047 Theoretical Investigation of Selected Trace Elements in Coal Gasification Plants

600S783048 Shell Nox-so2 Flue Gas Treatment Process Pilot Plant Evaluation

600S783049 Long Term Optimum Performance-corrosion Tests Of Combustion Modifications For Utility Boilers--host Site Columbus

600S783050 Mathematical Model Of Electrostatic Precipitation For The Texas Instruments Programmable 59 Calculator

600S783052 Coal Gasification-gas Cleanup Test Facility volume 5 Preliminary Environmental Assessment Of The Gasification

600S783053 Coal Gasification-gas Cleanup Test Facility volume 4 A Mathematical Model Of The Packed Column Acid Gas Absorber

600S783054 Evaluation Of Tubewall Corrosion Rates On A Coal-fired Utility Boiler Using Staged Combustion For NOx Reduction

600S783055 Variability and Correlation in Raw and Clean Coal: Measurement and Analysis

600S783056 Analysis Of Low NOx Operation Of Two Pulverized-coal-fired Utility Boilers

600S783057 Evaluation Of Low Gravity Dense Media Cyclone Performance In Cleaning Fine Coal

600S783058 Sulfur Deposition Modeling In Support Of The U S -canadian Memorandum Of Intent On Acid Rain Jan 1984

600S783059 Enamap-2 Air Pollution Model For Long-range Transport Of Sulfur and Nitrogen Compounds

600S783060 Analysis Of Residential Coal Stove Emissions

600S783061 Evaluation and Demonstration Of Low NOx Burner Systems For Teor Steam Generators Test Report preliminary Evaluation Of

600S783062 Current Status Of Commercial Utility Flue Desulfurization Systems

600S784001 Control Of Criteria and Non-criteria Pollutants From Coal-liquid Mixture Combustion

600S784002 Fabric Filter System Study third Annual Report

600S784003 Long-term Optimum Performance -corrosion Tests Of Combustion Modifications For Utility Boilers

600S784007 Process Gas Chromatography Study Of A Selexol Acid Gas Removal System

600S784008 Conversion Of Organic Wastes To Unleaded, High-octane Gasoline

600S784009 Study Of The Steam Gasification Of Organic Wastes

600S784010 Environmental Assessment Of Surface Mining Methods: Head-of-Hollow Fill and Mountaintop Removal

600S784011 Pilot Demonstration Of Magnetic Filtration With Continuous Media Regeneration Apr 1984

600S784012 Pollutant Control Techniques For Package Boilers Hardware Modifications and Alternate Fuels

600S784014 Environmental Assessment source Test & Evaluation Report-rectisol Acid Gas Removal

600S784017B Development Of Criteria For Extension Of Applicability Of Low Emission, High Efficiency Coal Burners, 2nd Annual Report

600S784019 Marketing Of Byproduct Gypsum From Flue Gas Desulfurization

600S784022 Coal Mine Related Stream Sediment Geochemistry In Southern Illinois

600S784023 Cogeneration: Status and Environmental Issues

600S784024B Evaluation Of Low Emission Coal Burner Technology On Industrial Boilers second Annual Report (1980) Apr 1984

600S784024C Evaluation Of Low Emission Coal Burner Technology On Industrial Boilers Third Annual Report

600S784025 Economic Evaluation Of Advanced Limestone, Davy S-h, and Dowa Gypsum Producing Fgd Processes

600S784026 Pollutant Formation During Fixed-bed & Suspension Coal Combustion

600S784027 Distributed Mixing Burner (dmb) Engineering Design For Application To Industrial and Utility Boilers

600S784029 Studies Of Particulate Removal From Diesel Exhaust May 1984

600S784031 Evaluation and Demonstration Of The Chemically Active Fluid Bed

600S784036 Mineral Matter and Trace Elements In The Herrin and Springfield Coals, Illinois Basin Coal Field

600S784037 Continued Assessment Of A High Velocity Fabric Filtration System Used To Control Fly Ash Emissions

600S784038 Characterization Of Emissions From A Fluidized-bed Wood-chip Home Heating Furnace Apr 1984

600S784039 Pilot Plant Tests Of Chloride Ion Effects On Wet Fgd Systems Performance

600S784045 Pilot-scale Parametric Testing Of Spray Dryer So2 Scrubber For Low-to-moderate Sulfur Coal Utility Applications May 1984

600S784046 Study Of The Effectiveness Of A Catalytic Combustion Device On A Wood Burning Appliance

600S784047 Long-term Continuous Monitor Demonstration Program Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Company, Conesville Unit 6

600S784048 Improved Emission Factors For Fugitive Dust From Western Surface Coal Mining Sources

600S784049 Fundamental Study Of Sulfate Aerosol Formation Condensation,and Growth May 1984

600S784050 Infiltration and Permeability Testing At Geokinetics Oil Shale Site

600S784051 Investigation Of Coal Mine Effluents-- Regrade To Bond Release May 1984

600S784052 Buffer Additives For Lime-limestone Slurry Scrubbing Synthesis,mass Transfer and Degradation

600S784053 Flare Efficiency Monitoring By Remote Infrared Sensing A Feasibility Demonstration

600S784054 Computor Programs For Estimating The Cost Of Particulate Control Equipment May 1984

600S784055 Procedures For Comparing Combustion Emissions From Synthetic and Petroleum Fuels Phase 1

600S784056 Comparative Analysis Of Contaminated Heating Oils

600S784057 Stable Isotope Dilution For Hazardous Waste Incineration June 1984

600S784058 Buffer Additives For Lime-limestone Slurry Scrubbing Sulfite Oxidation With Enhanced Oxygen Absorption

600S784059 Methodology For Development Of An Independent Combustion Source NOx Inventory and Its Application To 150 Countries

600S784060 Feasibility Of Using Solid Adsorbents For Dioxin Sampling

600S784061 Control Of Wood Stove Emissions Using Improved Secondary Combustion

600S784062 Feasibility Of Ultrasonic & Other Methods For Direct Measurement Of Con- Denser Biofouling

600S784063 Macroinvertebrate Inventories Of The White River,colorado and Utah Significance Of Annaul,seasonal,and Spatial Variation In The Design Of Biomonitoring

600S784064 Geophysical Techniques For Sensing Buried Wastes and Waste Migration

600S784065 Results Of The 1st 2 Years Of Commercial Operation Of An Organic-acid -enhanced Fgd System

600S784066 Correlation Of Coal Properties With Environmental Control Technology Technology Needs For Sulfur and Trace Elements

600S784067 The Feasibility Of Using Fiber Optics For Monitoring Groundwater Contaminants

600S784068 Mathematical Model for a Fluidized-Bed Coal Gasifier

600S784069 Mathematical Model Of Electrstatic Precipitation (revision 3)

600S784070 Kinetic Studies Related To The Limb Burner

600S784071 Characterization Of Oil Shale Mine Waters,central Piceance Basin,colorado

600S784072 Waste Crankcase Oil Heater Study Phase Ii, Organic and Inorganic Speciation Analyses

600S784073 Environmental Assessment Of A Reciprocating Engine Retrofitted With Nonselective Catalytic Reduction

600S784074 Environmental Assessment Of A Crude-oil Heater Using Staged Air Lances For NOx Reduction

600S784075 Combustion Modification Tests On A Subscale Cement Kiln For NOx Reduction

600S784076 Evaluation & Demonstration Low-nox Burner Systems For Teor Steam Generators Design Phase Report

600S784077 Paved Road Particulate Emissions--source Category Report

600S784078 Candidate Sampling and Analysis Methods For 21 Suspect Carcinogens In Combustion Emissions

600S784079 Evaluation Of Long Term NOx Reduction On Pulverized Coal-fired Steam Generators

600S784080 Evaluation Of Natural-and Forced-draft Staging Air Systems For Nitric Oxide Reduction In Refinery Process Heaters

600S784082 Analysis Of Volatile Products From The Slow Pyrolysis Of Coal

600S784084 Development Of A New Gravity Sedimentation Process For Dewatering Flue Gas Cleaning Wastes

600S784085 Electrostatic Augmentation Of Fabric Filtration reverse-air Pilot Unit Experience

600S784086 Status Of Dry So2 Control Systems Fall 1983

600S784087 Development Of Criteria For Extension Of Applicability Of Low Emission, High Efficiency Coal Burners, 4th Annual Report

600S784088 Project Summary - Monitoring Approaches For Assessing Quality Of High Altitude Lakes Colorado Flat Tops Wilderness Area

600S784089 Collection Efficiency Evaluation Of Mercury-trapping Media For The Sass Train Impinger System

600S784090 Homer City Multistream Coal Cleaning Demonstration a Progress Report

600S784091 Status Report On The Development Of The Napap Emission Inventory For The 1980 Base Year and Summary Of Preliminary Data

600S784092 Environmental Assessment Source Test and Evaluation Report--riley Gas Producer

600S784093 Evaluation Of Waterborne Radon Impact On Indoor Air Quality and Assessment Of Control Options

600S784094 Characterzation Of Emissions From The Combustion Of Wood and Alternative Fuels In A Residential Woodstove

600S784095 Environmental Assessment Of A Firetube Boiler Firing Coal-oil- Water Mixtures

600S784096 Project Summary economic Evaluation Of A Sodium-limestone Double-alkali Fgd Process

600S784099 Evaluation Of The Disposal Of Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastes In Coal Mines and The Ocean Mine Disposal Demonstration Tests

600S784100 Project Summary - Feasibility Of Producing Commodities & Electricity For Space Shuttle Operations At Vandenberg Air Force Base

600S785001 Project Summary Evaluation Of At-sea Disposal Of Fgc Wastes

600S785002 Particulate Emissions and Control In Fluidized-bed Combustion Modeling and Parametric Performance

600S785003 The Relationship Of Fly Ash Composition, Refractive Index, and Density To In-stack Opacity

600S785004 Survey Of Town Gas & By-product Production & Locations In The U S (1880-1950)

600S785005 Project Summary Flue Gas Conditioning

600S785006 Economics Of Nitrogen Oxides, Sulfur Oxides, and Ash Control Systems For Coal-fired Utility Power Plants

600S785007 Assessment Of Fluidized-bed Combustion Solid Wastes For Land Disposal

600S785008 Performance Evaluation Of An Improved Street Sweeper

600S785009 Historic Emissions Of Sulfur and Nitrogen Oxides In The United States, 1900 To 1980

600S785010 Development and Evaluation Of Improved Fine Particulate Filter Systems

600S785011 Porous Dike Intake Evaluation

600S785012 Bench-scale Process Evaluation Of Reburning & Sorbent Injection For In-furnace NOx Sox Reduction

600S785013 Evulation & Demonstration Of Low-nox Burner Systems For Teor Stream Generators Final Report

600S785014 Technical & Economic Evaluation Of Organic Acid Addition To A Commercial Fgd System

600S785015 Long Term Optimum Performance-corrosion Test Of Combustion Modifications For Utility Boilers-host Site utah Power

600S785016 Economics Of Retrofitting Big Rivers Electric Corporation's Lime Based-fgd System To Organic Acid Enhanced Limestone Operations

600S785017 Laboratory Evaluation of NOx Reduction Techniques for Refinery CO Boilers

600S785018 Field Evaluation Of A Low NOx Firing System For Tangentially Coal Fired Utility Boilers

600S785019 Biological Treatibility Of Krw Energy Systems Gasifier Pdu Wastewaters

600S785020 Field Evaluation Of A Utility Dry Scrubbing System

600S785021 Pilot-scale Investigation Of Closed-loop Fly Ash Sluicing

600S785022 Model For Refinery and Synfuels Voc Emission Data

600S785023 Process Improvement Studies On The Battelle Hydrothermal Coal Process

600S785024 Coal Sampling and Analysis Methods and Models

600S785025 Bench Scale Studies Of Limestone Injection For So2 Control

600S785026 Testing Of Wall-fired Furnaces To Reduce Emissions Of NOx and Sox

600S785027 Fundamental Studies Of Sorbent Calcination and Sulfation For So2 Control From Coal-fired Boilers

600S785028 Full-scale Field Evaluation Of Waste Disposal From Coal-fired Electric Generating Plants

600S785029 Alkaline and Stretford Scrubbing Tests For H2s Removal From In-situ Oil Shale Retort Offgas

600S785031A An Evaluation Of Full-scale Fabric Filters On Utility Boilers Sps Harrington Station Unit 3

600S785031B An Evaluation Of Full-scale Fabric Filters On Utility Boilers Pp and L Brunner Island Station Unit 1

600S785032 Economic Evaluation Of Oil Agglomeration For Recovery Of Fine Coal Refuse

600S785033 Assessment Of Energy Recovery Potential Of Industrial Combustion Equipment

600S785034 Inferring Willingness To Pay For Housing Amenities From Residential Property Values

600S785035 National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program Emission Inventory Allocation Factors

600S785036 Framework For Uncertainty Analysis Of The Napap Emissions Inventory

600S785037 Primary Sulfate Emission Factors For The Napap Emissions Inventory

600S785038 Modeling Of So2 Removal In Spray-dryer Flue-gas Desulfurization System

600S785039 Computer Economics Of Physical Coal Cleaning & Flue Gas Desulfurization

600S785040 Recent Development In So2 and NOx Abatement Technology For Stationary Sources In Japan

600S785041 Hydrogen Chloride & Hydrogen Fluoride Emission Factors For The Napap Emission Inventory

600S785042 Application Of Oil Agglomeration For Effluent Control From Coal Cleaning Plants

600S785043 Feasibility Study Of Enhanced Combustion Via Improved Wood Stove Firebox Design

600S785044 Mathematical Modeling Of Emissions From Cooling Towers Using Coal Gasification Wastewater

600S785045 Evaluation Of The Riley Stoker Corporation Distributed Mixing Burner

600S785046 Prototype Evaluation Of Commercial Second Generation Low-nox Burner Performance & Sulfur Dioxide Capture Potential

600S785047 Assessment Of NOx Emission Factors For Direct-fired Heaters

600S785048 Fundamental Combustion Research Applied To Pollution Formation Volume I Fcr Program Overview & Gas-phase Chemistry

600S785049 Development Of Advanced Esff Technology

600S785050 Thermophilic Anaerobic Biodegradation Of Phenolics

600S785051 Size Specific Particulate Emission Factors For Industrial & Rural Roads Source Category Report

600S786001 Environmental Assessment Of NOx Control On A Compression-ignition, Large-bore, Reciprocating Internal-combustion Engine

600S786002 Environmental Assessment Of NOx Control On A Spark-ignited, Large-bore, Reciprocating Internal-combustion Engine

600S786003 Environmental Assessment Of An Enhanced Oil Recovery Steam Generator Equipped With A Low-nox Burner

600S786004 Environmental Assessment Of A Watertube Boiler Firing A Coal-water Slurry

600S786005 Environmental Assessment Of Nh3 Injection For An Industrial Package Boiler

600S786006 Environmental Assessment Source Test and Evaluation Report--stoic Low- Btu Gasifier

600S786007 Environmental Assessment Source Test & Evaluation Report Addendum - Lurgi-type Medium-btu Gasification

600S786008 Coal-waste Artificial Reef Program

600S786009 Evaluation Of Control Technologies For Hazardous Air Pollutants

600S786010 Fly Ash Resistivity Prediction Improvement With Emphasis On Sulfur Trioxide

600S786011 Environmental Assessment Of A Commercial Boiler Fired With A Coal-waste Plastic Mixture

600S786012 Environmental Assessment Of A Coal-water Slurry Fired Industrial Boiler

600S786013 Environmental Assessment Of An Enhanced Oil Recovery Steam Generator Equipped With An EPA Heavy Oil Low-nox Burner

600S786014 Environmental Assessment Of A Reciprocating Engine Retrofitted With Selective Catalytic Reduction

600S786015A Coal Gasification Environmental Data Summary Low- and Medium-btu Waste- Waters

600S786015B Coal Gasification Environmental Data Summary Sulfur and Nitrogen Species

600S786015C Coal Gasification Environmental Data Summary Solid Wastes & By-product Tars

600S786015D Coal Gasification Environmental Data Summary Organics

600S786015E Coal Gasification Environmental Data Summary Trace Elements

600S786016 Hood System Capture Of Process Fugitive Particulate Emissions - Technical Manual

600S786017 Evaluation Of Conventional and Advanced Coal Cleaning Techniques

600S786019 Assessment Of Solid Waste Characteristic & Control Technology For Oil Shale Retorting

600S786021 Catalytic Combustion Component & System Prototype Development

600S786022 Literature Survey Of Environmental Concerns Associated With In Situ Coal-oil Shale Operations

600S786023 Boiler Design Criteria For Dry Sorbent So2 Control With Low NOx Burners

600S786024 Comparison Of Pilot Plant Data With Predictions From The US EPA Spraymod Computer Program

600S786025 Recovery Of Principal Organic Hazardous Constituents & Products Of Incomplete Combustion From A Volatile Organic Sampling Train

600S786026 Prototype Evaluation Of Commercial Second Generation Low-nox Burner Performance and Sulfur Capture

600S786027 Field Evaluation of Windscreens as a Fugitive Dust Control Measure for Material Storage Piles

600S786028 Boiler Simulator Studies On Sorbent Utilization For So2 Control

600S786029 Analysis Of Utility Control Strategies Using The Limb Technology

600S786030 Demonstration, Operation, and Testing Of A Fabric Filter On An Industrial Boiler For An Extended Period Of Time December 1986

600S786031 Lime and Cement Industry Particulate Emissions Source Category Report Volume I Lime Industry

600S786032 Control Of Sulfur Emissions From Oil Shale Retorting Using Spent Shale Absorption December 1986

600S786033 Preliminary Operation Of The Fluidized- Bed Combustion Facility For Hazardous Waste Disposal Research Test Results and Evaluation

600S786034 Evaluation Of Primary Air Vitiation For Nitric Oxide Reduction In A Rotary Cement Kiln

600S786035 Leaching and Hydraulic Properties Of Retorted Oil Shale Including Effects From Codisposal Of Wastewater

600S786036 Iron and Steel Industry Particulate Emissions Source Category Report

600S786037 Assessment Of Coal Cleaning Technology Final Report

600S786038 Asphaltic Concrete Industry-source Category Report

600S786039 Ferroalloy Industry Particulate Emissions Source Category Report

600S786040 Reactivity Study Of So2 Control With Atmospheric and Pressure Hydrated Sorbents

600S786041 Pilot Demonstration Of The Air Curtain System For Fugitive Particle Control

600S786042 Pilot-scale Evaluation Of Top-inlet and Advanced Electrostatic

600S786043 External Combustion Particulate Emissions Source Category Report

600S786044 The Establishment Of Design Criteria For Optimum Burners For Application To Heavy Fuel Fired Package Boilers

600S786045 Simplified Volatile Organic Sampler

600S786046 Pollution Control Technical Manual For Unishale B and Unishale C Oil Shale Retorting

600S786047 Toxic Organic Emissions From Synfuels and Related Industrial Wastewater Treatment Systems

600S786049 Nonferrous Industry Particulate Emissions: Source Category Report

600S786050 Metallurgical Coke Industry Particulate Emissions Source Category Report

600S786051 In-process Control Of Nitrogen and Sulfur In Entrained-bed Gasifiers

600S786052 Voc Emission Factors For Napap Emission Inventory

600S786053 Boiler Design Criteria For Dry Sorbent So2 Control With Low-nox Burners New Unit Applications

600S786054 Gray Iron Foundry Industry Particulate Emissions Source Category Report

600S786055 Estimation Of Uncertainty For The 1980 Napap Emissions Inventory

600S786056 The Napap Utility Reference File For 1980

600S786057 Development Of The 1980 Napap Emissions Inventory

600S787001 Ammonia Emission Factors For The Napap Emission Inventory

600S787002 Fundamental Studies Of Calcium Based Sorbents For So2 Control From Coal- Fired Boilers

600S787003 Evaluation Of Sulfur Capture Capability Of A Prototype Scale Controlled-flow- Split-fame Burner

600S787004 Vapor-liquid Equilibria Of Constituents From Coal Gasification In Refrigerated Methanol Recycled Per W-a 2494

600S787005 Bench-scale Performance Testing and Economic Analyses Of Electrostatic Dry Coal Cleaning

600S787006 Kraft Pulp Industry Particulate Emissions: Source Category Report

600S787008 Evaluation Of Retorted Oil Shale As A Liner Material For Retorted Shale Disposal Sites

600S787009 Evaluation Of Fabric Filter On Boiler 108 At The Naval Amphibious Base, Little Creek, Va

600S787010 Environmental Assessment Of A Wood-waste Fired Industrial

600S787011 Reburning Application To Firetube Package Boilers

600S787012 Environmental Assessment Of A Wood-waste-fired Industrial Watertube Boiler

600S787013 Effective Mixing Processes For Sox, Sorbent, and Coal Combustion Products

600S787014 Status and Evaluation Of Calcitic So2 Capture Analysis Of Facilities Performance

600S787015 Criteria Pollutant Emission Factors For The 1985 Napap Emissions Inventory

600S787016 Evaluation Of Boiler Design Modifications For Enchanced Limb Application

600S787017 Regeneration Of Refrigerated Methanol In Conditioning Gases From Coal

600S787018 Evaluation Of Utility Boiler Radiant Furnace Residence Time-temperature Characteristics Field Tests and Heat Transfer Modeling

600S787019 Pilot Scale Evaluation Of Limb Technology

600S787020 Influence Of Coal Mineral Matter On The Effectiveness Of Dry Sorbent Injection For So2 Control

600S787021 Wall-fired Boiler Design Criteria For Dry Sorbent So2 Control With Low-nox Burners

600S787022 Chemically Active Fluid Bed Process For Sulfur Removal During Gasification Of Carbonaceous Fuels

600S787023 Performance and Modeling Of A Hot Potassium Carbonate Acid Gas Removal System In Treating Coal Gas

600S787024 Pollution Control Considerations For Low-and Medium-btu Coal Gasification Processes

600S787025 Flexible Regional Emissions Data System (freds) Documentation For The 1980 Napap Emissions Inventory

600S787026 The Northeast Cooperative Woodstove Study

600S787027 Fundamental Combustion Research Applied To Pollution Formation Volume IV Engineering Analysis

600S787028 Conceptual Designs and Cost Estimates For E-sox Retrofits To Coal-fired Utility Power Plants

600S788001 Fundamental Combustion Research Applied To Pollution Formation Volume 2 Physics and Chemistry Of Two-phase Systems Project Summary

600S788002 Fundamental Combustion Research Applied To Pollution Formation Volume 3 Support Studies Measurement Studies Project Summary

600S788003 Project Summary: Air Pollution Control Alternatives for Shale Oil Production Operations

600S788004 Us-german Limb Technology Transfer Project Summary

600S788005 Clinton, New Jersey, Radon Mitigation Follow-up and Long-term Monitoring Project Summary

600S788006 Role Of Rogue Droplet Combustion In Hazardous Waste Incineration Project Summary

600S788007 Effect Of Fuel Sulfur On Nitrogen Oxide Formation In Combustion Processes Project Summary

600S788008 Historic Emissions Of Volatile Organic Compounds In The United States From 1900 To 1985 Project Summary

600S788009 Comparison Of Historic So2 and NOx Emission Data Sets Project Summary

600S788010 Testing Of Toxicology and Emissions Sampling Methodology For Ocean Incineration Of Hazardous Wastes

600S788011 Development Of A Breadboard Co2 Laser Photoacoustic Toxic Vapor Monitor Project Summary

600S788012 Cost Of Controlling Directly Emitted Acidic Emissions From Major Industrial Sources Project Summary

600S788013 Development Of Sorbent Injection Criteria For Sulfur Oxides Control From Tangentially Fired Coal Boilers Project Summary

600S788014 Ohio-kentucky-tva Coal-fired Utility So2 and NOx Retrofit Study Project Summary

600S788015 Fired Heaters Nitrogen Oxides Emissions and Controls Project Summary

600S788017 Mixture Effects In The Catalytic Oxidation Of Vocs In Air

600S788018 Mathematical Modeling Of Single Droplet Trajectories In Combustor Flow Fields Project Summary

600S788019 Evaluation Of Low-emission Coal Burner Technology On Industrial Boilers Project Summary

600S788020 Evaluations Of Electrostatic Precipitator Performance At Edgewater Unit 4 Limb Demonstration

600S788021 Kinetic Modeling Of NOx Formation and Destruction and Combustibles Burnout

600S788022 Anthropogenic Emissions Data For The 1985 Napap Inventory Project Summary

600S788023 Effects Of Sorbent Injection For Sulfur Dioxide Removal On Particulate Control Systems For Coal Fired Boilers Project Summary

600S788024 Documentation Of Spatial Allocation Factor Procedures For The 1980 Napap Emissions Inventory Project Summary

600S789001 Humidification Of Flue Gas To Augment S02 Capture By Dry Sorbents

600S789002 Woodstove Emission Sampling Methods Comparability Analysis and In-situ Evaluation Of New Technology Woodstoves Project Summary

600S789003 Development Of A Vortex Containment Combustor For Coal Combustion Systems Project Summary

600S789004 Experimental Study Of High Levels Of S02 Removal In Atmospheric-pressure Fluidized-bed Combustors

600S789005 Bench-scale Studies To Identify Process Parameters Controlling Reburning With Pulverized Coal Project Summary

600S789006A Evaluation Of Fgd Dry Injection Sorbents and Additives Volume 1 Development Of High Reactivity Sorbents Project Summary

600S789006B Evaluation Of Fgd Dry Injection Sorbents and Additives Volume 2 Pilot Plant Evaluation Of High Reactivity Sorbents Project Summary

600S789007 Evaluation Of Internally Staged Coal Burner and Sorbent Jet Aerodynamics For Combined So2-nox Control In Utility Boilers Volume 1, Testing In A 10 Million Btu-hr Experimental Furnace

600S789008 Reranking Of Area Sources In Light Of Seasonal-regional Emission Factors and State-local Needs

600S789009 Evaluation Of Internally Staged Coal Burners and Sorbent Jet Aerodynamics For Combined S02-n0x Control In Utility Boilers Volume 2, Testing In A 100 Million Btu-hr Experimental Furnace

600S789010A Napap Emissions Inventory Overview Of Allocation Factors, 1985

600S789010DE 1985 Napap Emissions Inventory Development Of Temporal Allocation Factors Project Summary

600S789011 Technologies for CFC/Halon Destruction. Project Summary

600S789012 Napap Emissions Inventory (version 2) Development Of The Annual Data and Modelers' Tape, 1985

600S789013 Napap Emissions Inventory (version 2) Development Of The National Utility Reference File, 1985

600S789014 Reporting Of Selected Epa-sponsored From Eia-767 Data For 1985-1987

600S789015 Field Evaluation Of Low-emission Coal Burner Technology On Utility Boilers Project Summary

600S790001 Design Report: Low-NOx Burners for Package Boilers

600S790002 Low NOx Strategy for Combusting High Nitrogen Content Fuels

600S790003 A Model of Turbulent Diffusion Flames and Nitric Oxide Generation

600S790004 Characterization of Population and Usage of Unvented Kerosene Space Heaters

600S790005 Development of County-Level Wind Erosion and Unpaved Road Alkaline Emission Estimates for the 1985 NAPAP Emissions Inventory

600S790006 Comparison of Measurement Techniques for Quantifying Selected Organic Emissions from Kerosene Space Heaters

600S790007 Three-Stage Combustion (Reburning) on a Full Scale Operating Boiler in the U.S.S.R.

600S790008 Verification of Simplified Procedures for Site-Specific SO2 and NOx Control Cost Estimates

600S790009 Comparison of West German and U.S. Flue Gas Desulfurization and Selective Catalytic Reduction Costs

600S790010 Emissions and Cost Estimates for Globally Significant Anthropogenic Combustion Sources of NOx, N20, CH4, CO and CO2

600S790011 An Evaluation of the E-SOx Process on the EPA Pilot Electrostatic Precipitator

600S790012 Project Summary: Development of Infrared Methods for Characterization of Inorganic Sulfur Species Related to Injection Desulfurization Process

600S790013 Assessment of Physical Coal Cleaning Practices for Sulfur Removal. Project Summary

600S790014 Development and Selection of Ammonia Emission Factors for the 1985 NAPAP Emissions Inventory

600S790015 Costs for Advanced Coal Combustion Technologies

600S790016 Investigation of Radon Entry and Effectiveness of Mitigation Measures In Seven Houses In New Jersey

600S790017 Technoeconomic Appraisal of Integrated Gasification Combined-Cycle Power Generation

600S790018 Assessment of Control Technologies for Reducing Emissions of SO2 and NOx from Existing Coal-Fired Utility Boilers

600S790019 Field Performance of Advanced Technology Woodstoves in Glens Falls, NY, 1988-89

600S790020 LIMB Process Development Studies

600S790021 Retrofit Costs For So2 and NOx Control Options At 200 Coal-fired Plants Project Summary

600S790022 Integrated Air Pollution Control System, Version 4.0

600S791001 A Self-Consistent Deutschian ESP Model. Project Summary

600S791002 Approach for Estimating Global Landfill Methane Emissions. Project Summary

600S791003 Global Warming Mitigation Potential of Three Tree Plantation Scenarios

600S791004 Technology for the Control of Particulates and Sulfur Oxides by Electrostatic Techniques

600S791005 Field Performance of Woodburning and Coalburning Appliances in Crested Butte During the 1989-1990 Heating Season

600S791006 Development of Seasonal and Annual Biogenic Emissions Inventories for the U.S. and Canada

600S791007 Feasibility Study for the Coprocessing of Fossil Fuels with Biomass by the Hydrocarb Process. Project Summary

600S791008 Waste Combustion System Analysis

600S791009 Measurement and Prediction of the Resistivity of Ash/Sorbent Mixtures Produced by Sulfur Oxide Control Processes

600S791010 Experimental Investigation of PIC Formation in CFC Incineration

600S86002 Summary of Research Grants awarded by the Office of Exploratory Research (OER) during the Fiscal Year 1986

600S87005 Processes Affecting Subsurface Transport Of Leaking Underground Tank Fluids

600S879029 Distribution and Abundance Of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation In The Lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia Oct 1982

600S880039 Distribution Of Submerged Vascular Plants, Chesapeake Bay,maryland

600S881017 Limestone FGD Scrubbers: User's Handbook : Project Summary

600S881020 Assessment Of Future Environmental Trends and Problems Industrial Dec 1981

600S881024 Ierl-rtp Procedures Manual level 1 Environmental Assessment,biological Tests Oct 1982

600S882001F Health Assessment Document For Carbon Tetrachloride

600S882002F Health Assessment Document For 1,1,2- Ticchloro- 1,2,2 Trifluoroethane (chloroflurocarbon Cfc-113) Final Report

600S882003F Health Assessment Document For 1,1,1- Trichloroethane (methyl Chloroform)

600S882008F Health Assessment Document For Toluene

600S882015 Chavg Program For Computing Averages Of Hourly Air Pollutant Concentrations, User's Guide

600S882019 Assessment Of Future Environmental Trends and Problems Of Increase Use, Recycling, and Combustion Of Fiber

600S882020 Environmental Implications Of Changes In The Brominated Chemicals Industry Sept ,1982

600S882023 Pal-ds Model Pal Model Including Deposition and Sedimentation, User's Guide

600S882024 Mpter-ds the Mpter Model Including Deposition and Sedimentation, User's Guide Nov 1982

600S882028 Engineering Design Manual For Solid Waste Size Reduction Equipment

600S883010 Synthetic Fuel Pollution Control Technical Manuals

600S883012 Health Assessment Document For Nickel

600S883013F Health Assessment Document For Manganese, Final Report

600S883015 Complex-PFM Air Quality Model, User's Guide (July 1983)

600S883017 Guidelines For The Reduction Of Emissions and Efficiency Improvement For Refinery Process Heaters

600S883021F Health Assessment Document For Inorganic Arsenic, Final Reprort

600S883022/023 Commuter Exposure Model: Description of Model Methodology and Code, and Users's Guide: Project Summary

600S883027 Environmental Monitoring Reference Manual For Synthetic Fuels Facilities

600S883030 Rapid Assessment Of Potential Ground- Water Combination Under Emergency Response Conditions Jan 1984

600S883031F Health Assessment Document For Vinylidene Chloride

600S883034 Quality Control and Quality Assurance Procedures For Level 1 Health Effects Bioassays

600S884002 Sampling and Analysis Methods For Hazardous Waste Combustion

600S884004F Health Assessment Document For Chloroform

600S884007 Protocol For The Collection and Analysis Of Volatile Pohcs Using Vost

600S884011 Feasibility Study For Adapting Present Combustion Source Continuous Monitoring Systems To Hazardous Waste June 1984

600S884012 Particulate Data Reduction System (padre) User Guide May 1984

600S884013 Mesopuff 11 Model and Related Processors Programs May 1984, User's Guide

600S884014F Health Assessment Document For Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins

600S884016 Cost & Performance Models For Electrostatically Stimulated Fabric Filtration

600S884017 Particulate Data Reduction (padre) System Reference Manual

600S884019F Mercury Health Effects Update Health Issue Assessment

600S884026 Health Assessment Document For Beryllium

600S885003 Modified Method 5 Train and Source Assessment Sampling System Operator's Manual

600S885005 An Interim User's Manual For The Advanced Scavenging Module Version 1 2

600S885006 Shawnee Flue Gas Desulfurization Computer Model Users Manual

600S885007 SAI Airshed Model Operations Manuals

600S885009 Methodology For Characterization Of Uncertainty In Exposure Assessments

600S885010 Development Of Statistical Distributions Or Ranges Of Standard Factors Used In Exposure Assessments

600S885014 Synfuel-petrofuel Conditioning & Delivery Facility Operations Manual

600S885016 Advanced Statistical Trajectory Regional Air Pollution (astrap) Model {user's Guide}

600S885017 Green River Air Quality Model Development A Mesoscale Air Quality Model For Complex Terrain

600S885020 Evaluation Of Methods For Analysis Of Human Fat, Skin, Nails, Hair, Blood, Urine and Breath

600S885022 Low NOx Firing System For Tangentially Coal Fired Boilers Applications Guideline Manual

600S885023 Flue Gas Desulfurization Information System (fgdis) Data Base User's Manual

600S885024 Lime-limestone Flue Gas Desulfurization Inspection & Performance Evaluation Manual

600S885025 Microcomputer Programs For Particulate Control

600S885026 Wastewater Treatment Plant Instrumentation {handbook}

600S885027 Trs-80 In-stack Opacity Computer Programs User & Programmer Manual

600S885028 Methods For Mesoscale Modeling For Materials Damage Assessment, User's Guide

600S885029 Cdm-2 0 Climatological Dispersion Model, User's Guide Project Summary

600S886004 EPA Groundwater Research Programs

600S886006 Aneuploidy Test Development Kinetochore Staining In Mammalian System

600S886010 Tupos--a Multiple Source Gaussian Dispersion Algorithm Using On-site Turbulence Data

600S886011 Mpda-1 Meteorological Processor For Diffusion Analysis, User's Guide

600S886012 Tupos-p--a Program For Analyzing Hourly and Partial Concentration Files Produced By Tupos

600S886013 Relmap Regional Lagrangian Model Of Air Pollution, User's Guide

600S886016 Lime Spray Dryer Flue Gas Desulferization Computer Model Users Manual

600S886021 Mpter Addendum To The User's Guide

600S886023 Identification, Assessment, and Control Of Fugitive Particulate Emissions

600S886024 Inpuff 2 0--a Multiple Source Gaussian Puff Dispersion Algorithm, User's Guide

600S886025 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Plan For The Napap 1985 Emission Inventory

600S886027 Addendum To Tupos Incorporation Of Hesitant Plume Algorithm Project Summary

600S886029 Aeerl Procedures Manual Level 1 Environmental Assessment Terrestrial Ecological Tests

600S886030 An Interactive Computer Model For Calculating V-1 Curves In Esps Version 1 0

600S886031 User's Manual For The Integrated Air Pollution Control System Design and Cost-estimating Model, Version 2

600S886033 Human Variability In Susceptibility To Toxic Chemicals - 1 Noncarcinogens

600S886034 Radm Scavenging Module Version 1 0, Interim User's Guide

600S886035 EPA Workshop On N2o Emission From Combustion (durham, Nc, February 13-14, 1986)

600S886036 EPA Limb Development and Demonstration Status Report (april 1985)

600S886037 Sampling and Analysis For High-molecular Weight Polar Organic Compounds

600S886038 Coal-cleaning and Flue Gas Desulfurization Computer Model Users Manual

600S886039 Mobile Laboratory For On-site Monitoring Of Hazardous Waste Incinerators

600S886040 Pem-2 Pollution Episodic Model, Version 2, User's Guide

600S886041 Addendum To The User's Manual For Single-source (crster) Model

600S886042 Addendum To Ptplu Single Source Gaussian Dispersion Algorithm

600S887002 Characteristics, Deposition and Fate Of Inhaled Particulate Matter

600S887006 Treatment Of Hazardous Waste Leachate {handbook}

600S887008 Development Of Vost Sample Analysis Protocol For Water-soluble Volatile Pohcs and Pics

600S887009 Pal 2 0, A Gaussian- Plume Algorithm For Point, Area, and Line Sources, User's Guide

600S887010 Roadway Numerical Model For Predicting Air Pollutants Near Highways, User's Guide

600S887012 Multimedia Approaches To Assessment and Management Of Hazardous Air Contaminants

600S887013 State-of-the Art Report Injection Of Hazardous Wastes Into Deep Wells

600S887018 National Surface Water Survey, Western Lake Survey-phase I (synoptic Chemistry) Field Operations

600S887019 National Surface Water Survey, National Stream Survey, Pilot Survey--field Operations Report

600S887020 Analytical Methods Manual For The Direct Delayed Response Project Soil Survey

600S887023 Environmental Methods Testing Site Users' Guide

600S887024 Wet Deposition and Snowpack Monitoring Operations and Quality Assurance Manual

600S887026 National Surface Water Survey Western Lake Survey ( Phase I - Synoptic Chemistry ) Quality Assurance Plan

600S887027 Development and Demonstration Of Indoor Radon Reduction Measures For 10 Homes In Clinton, New Jersey

600S887028 Prevention Reference Manual Overview For Controlling Accidental Releases Of Air Toxics, User's Guide

600S887034A Prevention Reference Manual Chemical Specific Vol I Control Of Accidental Releases Of Hydrogen Fluoride (scaqmd)

600S887034B Prevention Reference Manual Chemical Specific, Volume 2 Control Of Accidental Releases Of Chlorine (scaqmd)

600S887034C Prevention Reference Manual Chemical Specific Volume 3 Control Of Accidental Releases Of Hydrogen Cyanide (SCAQMD)

600S887034D Prevention Reference Manual Chemical Specific, Volume 4 Control Of Accidental Releases Of Ammonia (SCAQMD)

600S887034F Prevention Reference Manual Chemical Specific, Volume 6 Control Of Accidental Releases Of Carbon Tetrachloride (scaqmd)

600S887034G Prevention Reference Manual Chemical Specific, Volume 7 Control Of Accidental Releases Of Chloropicrin (scaqmd)

600S887034H Prevention Reference Manual Chemical Specific, Volume 8 Control Of Accidental Releases Of Hydrogen Fluoride

600S887034I Prevention Reference Manual Chemical Specific, Volume 9 Control Of Accidental Releases Of Chlorine

600S887034J Prevention Reference Manual Chemical Specific, Volume 10 Control Of Accidental Releases Of Hydrogen Cyanide

600S887034K Prevention Reference Manual Chemical Specific, Volume 11 Control Of Accidental Releases Of Ammonia

600S887034L Prevention Reference Manual Chemical Specific, Volume 12 Control Of Accidental Releases Of Sulfur Dioxide

600S887034M Prevention Reference Manual Chemical Specific, Volume 13 Control Of Accidental Releases Of Methyl Isocyanate

600S887034N Prevention Reference Manual: Chemical Specific, Volume 14 Control of Accidental Releases of Phosgene

600S887034O Prevention Reference Manual Chemical Specific Vol 15 Control Of Accidental Releases Of Sulfur Trioxide

600S887035 An Environmental Source Book On The Photovoltaics Industry

600S887036 Soil Gas Sensing For Detection and Mapping Of Volatile Organics

600S887037 Pohc Analysis Methods For Hazardous Waste Incineration

600S887038 National Surface Water Survey Western Lake Survey (phase I--synoptic Chemistry Analytical Methods Manual

600S887039A Prevention Reference Manual Control Technologies Volume 1 Prevention and Protection Technologies For Controlling Accidental Releases Of Air Toxics

600S887039B Prevention Reference Manual Control Technologies, Vol 2 Post-release Mitigation Measures For Controlling Accidental Releases Of Air Toxics

600S887040 Technical Support To The South Coast Air Quality Management District Toxic Chemical Accidental Air Releases

600S887042 Selection Criteria For Mathematical Models Used In Exposure Assessments Surface Water Models

600S887046 RAM 2nd Edition User's Guide

600S887047 English-russian, Russian-English Glossary Of Coal Cleaning Terms

600S887049 Remedial Action Costing Procedures Manual

600S887056 Manual Of Procedures and Criteria For Inspecting The Installation Of Flexible Membrane Liners In Hazardous Waste Facilities

600S887057 The National Surface Water Survey National Stream Survey Phase I - Pilot Survey Summary Of Quality Assurance Data Results

600S887058 Complex Terrain Dispersion Model, User's Guide

600S887059 Volatile Organic Compound Emission Projection Model User's Manual (version 1 8)

600S888001 Interactive Simulation Of The Fate Of Hazardous Chemicals During Land Treatment Of Oily Wastes Ritz User's Guide

600S888002 Installation and Testing of Indoor Radon Reduction Techniques in 40 Eastern Pennsylvania Houses

600S888004 Dectdm Meteorological Preprocessor (metpro) Program, User's Guide Project Summary

600S888007 Industrial Combustion Emissions Model (version 6 0) User's Manual Project Summary

600S888009 Industrial Combustion Emissions Model (version 6 0) Software Description Project Summary

600S888064 Development Of The Fuel Choice Module In The Industrial Combustion Emissions Model Project Summary

600S888065 Industrial Boiler Furnace Sorbent Injection Algorithm Development Project Summary

600S888067 Computer Data Base From Epa's Complex Terrain Field Studies Description Of A Sas Computer Data Base From Tracer Field Studies At Cinder Cone Butte, Id, Hogback Ridge, Nm, and The Tracy

600S888071 Advanced Utility Simulation Model Project Summary

600S888072 Health and Environmental Effects Profiles: Fiscal Year 1984. Project Summary

600S888074 Prevention Reference Manual Overviews On Preventing and Controlling Accidental Releases Of Selected Toxic Chemicals Project Summary

600S888075 Selection Criteria For Mathematical Models Used In Exposure Assessments Groundwater Models Project Summary

600S888077 Description Of The Industrial Combustion Emissions Model, Version 6 0 Project Summary

600S888078 Revision Of The Industrial Combustion Emissions Model To A Base Year Of 1980 Project Summary

600S888079 Epa-noaa-nasa-usda N20 Workshop Measurement Studies and Combustion Sources, Boulder, Colorado, September 15-16, 1987, Volume 1 Project Summary

600S888082 Executing Ozipm-4 With Cbm-iv Or Urban and Regional Modeling, User's Guide Project Summary

600S888084 Preliminary Diagnostic Procedures For Radon Control Project Summary

600S888085 Guidelines For Stack Testing At Municipal Waste Combustion Facilities Project Summary

600S888087 Radon-resistant Residential New Construction Project Summary

600S888088 Volatile Organic Compound Model Quality Assurance and Sensitivity Testing, (Version 1.8) Project Summary

600S888090 Projection Methodology For Future State Level Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Stationary Sources Version 1 8 Project Summary

600S888091 Industrial Boiler Low NOx Combustion Retrofit Cost Algorithm Development Project Summary

600S888092 Tutorial Manual For Cat (controlling Air Toxics), Version 1 0 Project Summary

600S888093 Bioplume Ii Computer Model Of 2-dimensional Contaminant Transport Under The Influence Of Oxygen Limited Biodegradation In Groundwater User's Manual Version 1 0, Preprocessor

600S888095 User's Manual For The Personal Computer Version Of The Process Model Projection Technique Version 3 0 Project Summary

600S888097 Indoor Air Quality Model Version 1 0 Project Summary

600S888098 Follow Up Alpha Track Monitoring In 40 Eastern Pennsylvania Houses With Indoor Radon Reduction Systems (winter 1987-88)

600S888101 Description Of The Process Model Projection Technique (prompt) (version 3 0) Project Summary

600S888102 Baseline Emissions Forecasts For Industrial Non-boiler Sources Project Summary

600S888104 Projections Of Regional Fuel Oil and Natural Gas Prices Project Summary

600S888106 Area Source Documentation For The 1985 National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program Inventory Project Summary

600S889001 Radon Reduction and Radon Resistant Construction Demonstrations In New York Project Summary

600S889042 Assessment Of National Regional Acid Deposition Precursor Emission Trends Project Summary

600S889043 Exposure Factors Project Summary {handbook}

600S889046 Soil Sampling Quality Assurance, User's Guide 2nd Edition

600S889057 Municipal Waste Combustion Assessment Combustion Control At New Facilities

600S889058 Municipal Waste Combustion Assessment Combustion Control At Existing Facilities Project Summary

600S889059 Municipal Waste Combustion Assessment Fossil Fuel Co-firing

600S889060 Municipal Waste Combustion Assessment Waste Co-firing Project Summary

600S889061 Municipal Waste Combustion Assessment Fluidized Bed Combustion Project Summary

600S889062 Municipal Waste Combustion Assessment Medical Waste Combustion Practices At Municipal Waste Combustion Facilities Project Summary

600S889063 Municipal Waste Combustion Assessment Technical Basis For Good Combustion Practice Project Summary

600S889064 Municipal Waste Combustion Multipollutant Study, Emission Test Report, Maine Energy Recovery Company, Refuse Derived Fuel Facility, Biddeford, Maine Project Summary

600S889068 Applications Of An Exact Noael Procedure For Dichotomous Data From Animal Experiments Project Summary

600S889069 Bench Scale Fixation of Soils from the Tacoma Tar Pits Superfund Site. Project Summary

600S889070 Guidance Document For The Write Pilot Program With State and Local Governments Project Summary

600S889071 Testing Of Indoor Radon Reduction Techniques In Central Ohio House Phase I, Winter 1987-88 Project Summary

600S889074 Indoor Air Sources Using Small Environmental Test Chambers To Characterize Organic Emissions From Indoor Materials and Product

600S889076 Chemflo One-dimensional Water and Chemical Movement In Unsaturated Soils

600S889080 Pohcs and Pics Screening Protocol

600S889083 Follow-up Alpha-track Monitoring In 40 Eastern Pennsylvania Houses With Indoor Radon Reduction Systems (winter 1988-89) Project Summary

600S889102 Mouse (modular Oriented Uncertainty System) A Computerized Uncertainty Analysis System

600S890004 Geostatistics for Waste Management: A User's Manual for the GEOPACK (Version 1.0) Geostatistical Software System

600S890005 Technical Assistance Document for Sampling and Analysis of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air. Project Summary

600S890039 Oasis Parameter Estimation System For Aquifer Restoration Models User's Manual Version 2 0

600S890049 Pulverized Coal Combustion: Pollutant Formation and Control, 1970-1980. Project Summary

600S890050 Testing of Indoor Radon Reduction Techniques in Central Ohio Houses: Phase 2 (Winter 1988-1989)

600S890052 Evaluation of Emission Factors for Formaldehyde from Certain Wood Processing Operations

600S890053 Recommended Operating Procedure No.45 Analysis of Nitrous Oxide from Combustion Sources. Project Summary

600S890056 Testing of Indoor Radon Reduction Techniques in 19 Maryland Houses

600S890060 A User-Friendly Data Entry Routine for the ESP Model. Project Summary

600S890061 Radon Mitigation Studies: Nashville Demonstration

600S890062 Interim Radon-Resistant Construction Guidelines for Use in Florida--1989

600S890065 Statistical Methods for Estimating Risk for Exposure Above the Reference Dose

600S890069 User's Guide for Executing OZIPR. Project Summary

600S890070 Identification of Candidate Houses for the North Florida Portion of the Florida Radon Mitigation Project. Project Summary

600S890071 Literature Review of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Biogenic Sources

600S890072 Summary of EPA's Radon Reduction Research in Schools During 1989-90

600S890073 National- and State-level Emissions Estimates of Radiatively Important Trace Gases (RITGs) from Anthropogenic Sources

600S890074 Classification of Materials as Potential Sources of Indoor Air Pollution. Project Summary

600S890075 Assessment of the Controllability of Condensible Emissions. Project Summary

600S890076 Testing of Indoor Radon Reduction Techniques in Basement Houses Having Adjoining Wings

600S890079 Evaluation Of Significant Anthropogenic Sources Of Radioactively Important Trace Gases

600S890081 Follow-Up Annual Alpha-Track Monitoring in 40 Eastern Pennsylvania Houses with Indoor Radon Reduction Systems (December 1988 - December 1989)

600S890083 The Regional Oxidant Model (ROM) User's Guide Part 1: The ROM Preprocessors. Project Summary

600S890085 Landfill Air Emissions Estimation Model User's Manual. Project Summary

600S890086 Users Guide: Chromosomal Aberration Data Analysis and Interpretation System

600S890087 User's Guide to CTDMPLUS: Volume 2. The Screening Mode (CTSCREEN). Project Summary

600S891002 Global Inventory of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Anthropogenic Sources. Project Summary

600S891004 Data User's Guide to the Mountain Cloud Chemistry Project

600S891007 Feasibility of Environmental Monitoring and Exposure Assessment for a Municipal Waste Combustor at Rutland, Vermont

600S891009 Data Users Guide to the Mountain Cloud Chemistry Project. Project Summary

600S891010 Follow-Up Durability Measurements and Mitigation Performance Improvement Tests in 38 Eastern Pennsylvania Houses Having Indoor Radon Reduction Systems

600S891013 EXPOSURE Version 2, A Computer Model for Analyzing the Effects of Indoor Air Pollutant Sources on Individual Exposure. Project Summary

600S891014 Indoor Air Quality Simulator for Personal Computers, Volume 1: Technician Manual. Project Summary

600S891031 Methodology for Assessing Environmental Releases of and Exposure to Municipal Solid Waste Combustor Residuals. Project Summary

600S891032 MOBILE4 Sensitivity Analysis. Project Summary

600S891036 Recommended Operating Procedure No. 51: Glass Source Assessment Sampling System (Glass SASS). Project Summary

600S891041 Health Effects Assessment Documents Project Summary

600S891042 Updated Health Effects Assessment Documents. Project Summary

600S891043 Protein Adducts for Exposure Monitoring: A Computerized Database (Software and User's Manual)

600S891045 Selection of Adduct-Forming Chemicals for Human Monitoring Studies. Project Summary

600S891046 Feasibility and Approach for Mapping Radon Potentials in Florida

600S891050 An Assessment of Soil-Gas Measurement Technologies. Project Summary

600S891051 Recommended Operating Procedure No. 2.3: Sampling and Analysis of Total Hydrocarbons from Sources by Continuous Emission Monitor. Project Summary

600S891052 Industrial Pollution Prevention Opportunities for the 1990s

600S891200 Parametric Analysis of the Installation and Operating Costs of Active Soil Depressurization Systems for Residential Radon Mitigation

600S891206 Recommended Foundation Fill Materials Construction Standard of the Florida Radon Research Program. Project Summary

600S891208 Recommended Sub-slab Depressurization Systems Design Standard of the Florida Radon Research Program

600S891210 Development of Alternate Performance Standard for Radon Resistant Construction Based on Short-term/Long-term Indoor Radon Concentrations

600S891211 HAP-PRO User's Manual (For Use With Version 1.0). Project Summary

600S891212 Standard Measurement Protocols: Florida Radon Research Program

600S92001 Biodegradation of Atrazine in Subsurface Environments

600S92002 Multiphase Chemical Transport in Porous Media

600S92003 Waste Reduction Activities and Options at a Printer of Forms and Supplies for the Legal Profession

600S92004 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Chemicals

600S92005 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Dairy

600S92006 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Metal-Cutting Wheels and Components

600S92007 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Automotive Air Conditioning Condensers and Evaporators

600S92008 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Printed Circuit Board Manufacturer

600S92009 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Components for Automobile Air Conditioners

600S92010 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Aluminum Extrusions

600S92011 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer Producing Galvanized Steel Parts

600S92012 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer Commercial Ice Machines and Ice Storage Bins

600S92013 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Water Analysis Instrumentation

600S92014 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Can-Manufacturing Equipment

600S92015 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Metal Bands, Clamps, Retainers, and Tooling

600S92016 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Permanent-Magnet DC Electric Motors

600S92017 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Military Furniture

600S92018 Waste Minimization Assessment for an Aluminum Extrusions Manufacturer

600S92019 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Metal-Plated Display Racks

600S92020 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Motor Vehicle Exterior Mirrors

600S92021 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Sheet Metal Cabinets and Precision Metal Parts

600S92022 Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer Producing Treated Wood Products

600S92023 Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Stabilization/Solidification of Heavy Metal Sludge. Project Summary

600S92024 Construction, Monitoring, and Performance of Two Soil Liners. Project Summary

600S92025 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Nuclear Powered Electrical Generating Station

600S92026 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a State Department of Transportation Maintenance Facility

600S92027 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Local Board of Education in New Jersey

600S92028 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Industrial Coatings

600S92029 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Cutting and Welding Equipment

600S92030 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Finished Metal Components

600S92031 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Machined Parts

600S92032 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Injection-Molded Car and Truck Mirrors

600S92033 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer Producing Printed Circuit Boards

600S92034 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Custom Molded Plastic Products

600S92035 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Sheet Metal Components

600S92036 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Silicon-Controlled Rectifiers and Schottky Rectifiers

600S92037 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Penny Blanks and Zinc Products

600S92039 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of Finished Leather

600S92040 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of Paints Primarily for Metal Finishing

600S92041 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of Writing Instruments

600S92042 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of Room Air Conditioning Units and Humidifiers

600S92043 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for an Autobody Repair Facility

600S92044 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Fabricator and Finisher of Steel Computer Cabinets

600S92045 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of Artists Supply Paints

600S92046 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of Wire Stock Used for Production of Metal Items

600S92047 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of Commercial Refrigeration Units

600S92048 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Transporter of Bulk Plastic Pellets

600S92049 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of Electroplated Wire

600S92050 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of Systems to Produce Semiconductors

600S92051 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Remanufacturer of Automobile Radiators

600S92052 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of Fire Retardant Plastic Pellets and Hot Melt Adhesives

600S92053 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Printing Plate Preparation Section of a Newspaper

600S92054 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of General Purpose Paints and Painting Supplies

600S92055 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of Fine Chemicals Using Batch Processes

600S92056 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a laminator of Paper and Cardboard Packages

600S92057 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of Hardened Steel Gears

600S92058 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Scrap Metal Recovery Facility

600S92059 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of Electroplating Chemical Products

600S92060 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of Plastic containers by Injection Molding

600S92061 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Fossil Fuel Fired Electrical Generating Station

600S92062 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of Commercial Dry Cleaning Equipment

600S92063 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for an Electrical Utility Transmission System Monitoring and Maintenance Facility

600S92064 Environmental Research Brier: Waste Reduction Activities and Options for a Manufacturer of Orthopedic Implants

600S92065 Chemical Oil Spill Dispersants: Update State-of-the-Art on Mechanism of Action and Laboratory Testing for Performance

600S93002 Environmental Research Brief: Oxidation-Reduction Mechanisms in Iron-Bearing Phyllosilicates

600S93004 Environmental Research Brief: Complex Mixtures and Groundwater Quality

600S93005 Environmental Research Brief: North American Landscape Characterization (NALC)

600S93006 Environmental Research Brief Spatial Heterogeneity Of Geochemical And Hydrologic Parameters Affecting Metal Transport In Groundwater

600S93007 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Baseball Bats and Golf Clubs

600S93008 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Product Carriers and Printed Labels

600S93009 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Rotogravure Printing Cylinders

600S93010 Environmental Research Brief: PATRIOT- A Methodology and Decision Support System for Evaluating the Leaching Potential of Pesticides

600S94001 Design Information on Fine Pore Aeration Systems. Project Summary

600S94002 Environmental Research Brief: The Use of Cationic Surfactants to Modify Aquifer Materials to Reduce the Mobility of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds

600S94003 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Screwdrivers

600S94004 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Pliers and Wrenches

600S94005 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Finished Metal and Plastic Parts

600S94006 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Prewashed Jeans

600S94007 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Paints and Lacquers

600S94008 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Gravure-Coated Metalized Paper and Metalized Film

600S94009 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Surgical Implants

600S94010 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Aluminum and Steel Parts

600S94011 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Aerial Lifts

600S94012 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Mountings for Electronic Circuit Components

600S94013 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Felt Tip Markers, Stamp Pads, and Rubber Cement

600S94014 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Coated Parts

600S94015 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Microelectronic Components

600S94016 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Corn Syrup and Corn Starch

600S94017 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Caulk

600S94018 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Electrical Rotating Devices

600S94019 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Parts for Truck Engines

600S95001 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment: General Mail and Vehicle Maintenance Facility, United States Postal Service, Buffalo, NY. Project Summary

600S95002 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Bourbon Distillery

600S95003 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Paper Rolls, Ink Rolls, Ink Ribbons, and Magnetic and Thermal Transfer Ribbon

600S95004 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Labels and Flexible Packaging

600S95005 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of New and Reworked Rotogravure Printing Cylinders

600S95006 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Steel Fabricator

600S95007 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for Rotogravure Printing Cylinder Manufacturing

600S95008 Environmental Research Brief: Waste Minimization Assessment for a Manufacturer of Iron Castings and Fabricated Sheet Metal Parts

600S95009 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Paints and Coatings

600S95010 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Bourbon Whiskey

600S95011 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Automotive Battery Separators

600S95012 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Automotive Lighting Equipment and Accessories

600S95013 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Locking Devices

600S95014 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessments of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Facilities. Project Summary

600S95015 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Combustion Engine Piston Rings

600S95016 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Metal Fasteners

600S95017 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention assessment for a Manufacturer of Stainless Steel Pipes and Fittings

600S95018 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Outboard Motors

600S95019 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Electroplated Truck Bumpers

600S95020 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Printed Circuit Board Plant

600S95021 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Folding Paperboard Cartons

600S95022 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Rebuilt Industrial Crankshafts

600S95023 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Tape

600S95024 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention assessment for a Manufacturer of Wooden Cabinets

600S95025 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention assessment for a Manufacturer of Power Supplies

600S95026 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Food Service Equipment

600S95027 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention assessment for a Metal Parts Coater

600S95028 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention assessment for a Manufacturer of Gear Cases for Outboard Motors

600S95029 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Electrical Load Centers

600S95030 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Pharmaceuticals

600S95031 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Components for Outboard Motors

600S95032 Environmental Research Brief: Pollution Prevention Assessment for a Manufacturer of Aircraft Landing Gear

600S96001 Hydrogeologic Characterization of Fractured Rock Formations: A Guide for Ground Water Remediators. Project Summary

600S96002 Environmental Research Brief: Surfactant-Enhanced DNAPL Remediation: Surfactant Selection, Hydraulic Efficiency, and Economic Factors

600S96004 Freeze-Thaw Cycling and Cold Temperature Effects on Geomembrane Sheets and Seams. Project Summary

600S96005 Environmental Research Brief Measuring Octanol/Water Partition Coefficients by the ''Slow-Stirring'' Method

600S96006 Environmental Research Brief: Octanol/Water Partition Coefficients for Eight Phthalate Esters

600S97001 Environmental Research Brief: Characterization of Organic Matter in Soil and Aquifer Solids

600S97002 Priorities for Ecological Protection: An Initial List and Discussion Document for EPA

600S97003 Environmental Research Brief: Anaerobic Biodegradation of BTEX in Aquifer Material

600S97004 Determination of Pollutant Distribution and Movement by Controlled Laboratory Experiments. Summary Report

600S97005 Environmental Research Brief: Innovative Measures for Subsurface Chromium Remediation: Source Zone, Concentrated Plume, and Dilute Plume

600S97007 Environmental Research Brief: Development and Application of Protocols for Evaluation of Oil Spill Bioremediation

600S97008 Environmental Research Brief: Effectiveness and Safety of Strategies for Oil Spill Bioremediation: Potential and Limitation, Laboratory to Field

600S98001 Environmental Research Brief: Bioaugmentation with Burkholderia Cepacia PR1301 for In Situ Bioremediation of Trichloroethylene Contaminated Groundwater

600S98002 Environmental Research Brief: Importance of the Dynamics of Bacteriophage-Host Interactions Bacterial Abundance and Genetic Diversity in Aquatic Environments

600S98003 Environmental Research Brief: Impacts of Fire and Solar Ultraviolet Radiation on Trace Gas Exchange in the Boreal Forest Biome: A Review

600S98004 Environmental Research Brief: Storage/Sedimentation Facilities for Control of Storm and Combined Sewer Overflows: Design Manual

600S98005 Environmental Research Brief: In Situ Bioremediation of Trichloroethylene Using Burkholderia Cepacia G4PR1: Analysis of Microbial Ecology Parameters for Risk Assessment

600S980054 Proceedings EPA-industry Forum On Coal Liquefaction (October 1979)

600S98008 Environmental Research Brief: In-Situ Bioremediation of Trichloroethylene Using Burkholderia Cepacia G4 PR1: Analysis of Transport Parameters for Risk Assessment

600S981006 Proceedings Symposium On Environmental Aspects Of Fuel Conversion Technology, September 1980, St Louis, Mo

600S981017 Proceedings Symposium On Iron and Steel Pollution Abatement Technology For 1980

600S981018 Second Symposium On Process Measurements For Environmental Assessment Feb 25-27,1980

600S981019 Proceedings Symposium On Flue Gas Desulfurization Houston, October 1980

600S981021 Proceedings Of The Conference On Combined Municipal-industrial Wastewater Treatment Feb 1983

600S981028 Proceedings Of The Joint Symposium On Stationary Combustion NOx Control

600S981029 Proceedings Conference On Wood Combustion Environmental Assessment (New Orleans, Feb 1981)

600S981041 Proceedings 4th Symposium On Fugitive Emissions Measurement and Control (New Orleans, LA, May 1980)

600S982005A Third Symposium On The Transfer and Utilization Of Particulate Control Technology volume 1 Control Of Emissions

600S982005B Third Symposium On The Transfer and Utilization Of Particulate Control Technology Volume 2 Electrostatic Precipitators

600S982005C Third Symposium On The Transfer and Utilization Of Particulate Control Technology Vol 3 Particulate

600S982005D Third Symposium On The Transfer and Utilization Of Particulate Control Technology vol 4 Atypical Applications

600S982008 Proceedings 3rd Conference On Waste Heat Management and Utilization May 1982 Miami Beach Fl July1982

600S982010 Mini-Assessment Of Environmental Trends and Problems Alternative Feedstocks

600S982011 Nineteenth Century Technology- Twentieth Century Problems a Retrospective Mini-Assessment Oct 1982

600S982012 Proceedings EPA's Industry Briefing On The Adipic Acid Enhanced Limestone FGD Process (July 1981) September 1982

600S982017 Proceedings Symposium On Environmental Aspects Of Fuel Conversion Technology-- 6,a Symposium On Coal-based Synfuels- Oct 1981 Feb 1983

600S982021 Proceedings Symposium On Iron and Steel Pollution Abatement Technology For 1981 (may,1983)

600S982022 4th Conference On Advanced Pollution Control For The Metal Finishing Industry (proceedings) March,1983

600S983001 Proceedings Th Fundamental Combustion Research Contractors Workshop (may,1983)

600S983016 Proceedings Symposium On Iron and Steel Pollution Abatement Technology For 1982

600S983020 Proceedings Symposium On Flue Gas Desulfurization Hollywood, Flordia, May 1982

600S984007 Land Disposal Of Hazardous Waste Proceedings Of The 10th Annual Research Symposium

600S984011 Eads Gaseous Emissions Data System 1982 Annual Report

600S984012 Eads Liquid Effluents Data System 1982 Annual Report June 1984

600S984013 Eads Solid Discharge Data System 1982 Annual Report June 1984

600S984016 Workshop Proceedings Approaches For Improving The Assessment Of Human Genetic Risk Human Biomonitoring

600S984017 Eigth Symposium On Flue Gas Desulfurization, New Orleans, La November 1983

600S984018 Conceptual Development Of A Toxic Screening Model

600S984023 Atmospheric Deposition To Mountain Forest Systems Workshop Proceedings April 1984

600S984025A Fourth Symposium On The Transfer and Utilization Of Particulate Control Technology, Volume 1 Fabric Filtration {Summary}

600S984025B Fourth Symposium On The Transfer and Utilization Of Particulate Control Technology, Volume 2 Electrostatic Precipitation {Summary}

600S984025C Fourth Symposium On The Transfer and Utilization Of Particulate Control Technology, Volume 3 Economics, Mechanical {Summary}

600S985005 Proceedings Seminar-workshop On Aeration System Design, Testing, Operation, and Control

600S985008 Conceptual Design For A Gulf Coast Oxidant Transport & Transformation Experiment Workshop Proceedings & Recommendations

600S985009 Proceedings Epa's Industry Briefing On The Organic Acid Enhanced Limestone Fgd Process (july 1984)

600S985011 Third U S -u S S R Symposium On Particulate Control

600S985013 Land Disposal Of Hazardous Waste Proceedings Of The Eleventh Annual Research Symposium

600S985015 Proceedings 1st Annual Acid Deposition Emissions Inventory Symposium

600S985020 Proceedings 1st Joint Symposium On Dry So2 and Simultaneous So2-nox Control Technologies

600S985022 Proceedings Of The 1982 Joint Symposium On Stationary Combustion NOx Control

600S985027 Workshops For The Development Of Methodology For Health Risk Assessment

600S985030 Proceedings National Workshop On Pesticide Waste Disposal, Denver, Colorado, January 28-29, 1985

600S985031 Dispersion In Complex Terrain A Report Of A Workshop Held At Keystone, Colorado, May 17-20, 1983

600S985033 Proceedings 9th Symposium On Flue Gas Desulfurization, Cincinnati, Ohio June 1985 Project Summary

600S986004 Report On The Research Planning Workshop On Bioavailability Of Dioxins-- September 1984

600S986007 Developments At Twelfth International Conference On Water Pollution Research Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Sept 17-21, 1984

600S986008 Proceedings 5th Symposium On The Transfer & Utilization Of Particulate Control Technology

600S986010 Proceedings 2nd Annual Acid Deposition Emission Inventory Symposium Nov 1985

600S986016 EPA Workshop On Global Atmospheric Change and EPA Planning Final Report

600S986017 U S EPA Workshop To Develop A Simple Model For Acid Deposition Final Report

600S986018 Workshop On Model Evaluation Protocols Chairman's Report

600S986020 Proceedings of an Engineering Foundation Conference on Management of Atmospheres in Tightly Enclosed Spaces

600S986021 Proceedings 1985 Joint Symposium On Stationary Combustion NOx Control

600S986022 Land Disposal, Remedial Action, Incineration and Treatment Of Hazardous Waste Proceedings Of The Twelfth Annual Research Symposium

600S986026 Workshop Report On The Complex Terrain Model Development Project (february 4-6 1986)

600S986029 Proceedings 1986 Joint Symposium On Dry So2 and Simultaneous So2-nox Control Technologies

600S986030 Environmental Epidemiology The Importance Of Exposure Assessment

600S986031 Proceedings 6th Symposium On The Transfer and Utilization Of Particulate Control Technology

600S987001 Proceedings National Workshop On Pesticide Waste Disposal Denver, Colorado, January 27-29, 1986

600S987004 Proceedings 10th Symposium On Flue Gas Desulfurization, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1986

600S987005 Pollutant Emission Factors For Gas Stoves A Literature Survey

600S987006 Comparison Of Weekly and Daily Wet Deposition Sampling Results

600S987011 Pic Analysis Methods

600S987012 8th Aesf-epa Conference On Pollution Control For The Metal Finishing Industry Recycled Per W-a 2494

600S987013 Report Of The EPA Workshop On The Development Of Risk Assessment Methodologies For Tumor Promoters

600S987014 Characterization Of Indoor Sources Of Air Contaminants Report On A Technical Conference

600S987015 Land Disposal, Remedial Action, Incineration and Treatment Of Hazardous Waste Proceedings Of The Thirteenth Annual Research Symposium Recycled Per W-a 2494

600S987020 Summary Of Indoor Air Quality Research Through 1984

600S987031 Proceedings 3rd Conference On Progress In Chemical Disinfection (cd-lll)

600S988009 Findings Of The Chlorofluorocarbon Chemical Substitutes International Committee Project Summary

600S988011 Computerized Bibliographic Literature Information System For Total Human Exposure Monitoring Research

600S988022 Control Technology Center Current Status and Future Plans Project Summary

600S988023 Protection Of River Basins, Lakes and Estuarines, Fifteen Years Of Cooperation Toward Solving Environmental Problems In The Ussr and Usa Project Summary

600S988026 Proceedings Joint Symposium On Stationary Combustion No X Control, New Orleans, La, March 1987 Project Summary

600S989006 Proceedings Symposium On Radon and Radon Reduction Technology, Denver, Co , October 17-21, 1988 Project Summary

600S989036 Proceedings Combined Fgd and Dry So2 Control Symposium, 1st, St Louis, Mo , October 25-28, 1988 Project Summary

600S989046 Proceedings Symposium On The Transfer and Utilization Of Particulate Control Technology, 7th Project Summary

600S989047 Flexible Regional Emissions Data System (freds) Documentation For The 1985 Napap Emissions Inventory

600S989057 Proceedings of the Radon Diagnostic Workshop, April 13-14, 1987 : Project Summary

600S989089 EPA/IFP European Workshop on the Emission of Nitrous Oxide from Fossil Fuel Combustion : Project summary

600S99001 Environmental Research Brief Colloid Mobilization and Transport in Contaminant Plumes Field Experiments, Laboratory Experiments, and Modeling

600S990017 Control Technology Center, 1989, A Year of Growth and a Promising Future

600S99004 Resumen De La Comunidad Proyecto Transfronterizo De Contaminación Del Aire Del Valle Bajo Del Río Grande (tapp)

600S99005 Environmental Research Brief: Modeling Soil-Water Distribution of Aromatic Amines in Water Saturated Soil Systems

600S990054 Evaluation and Effective Risk Communications Workshop Proceedings Project Summary

600S991001 Biological Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, With Special Emphasis on the Great Lakes

600S991007 Proceedings: 2 Highway Vehicle emission Inventory Workshops. Project Summary

600S991015 Proceedings: SO(2) Control Symposium, New Orleans, LA., May 8-11, 1990. Project Summary {Cover All 4 Volumes}

600S991019 Analysis of Historical Radiatively Important Trace Gases (RITG) Emissions: Development of a Trace Gas Accounting System (T-Gas) for 14 Countries. Project Summary

600S991023 Control Technology Center, 1990, A Year of Expanding Service. Project Summary

600S991024 Proceedings: EPA/NGA Workshop on Global Climate and State Actions, December 3-4, 1990. Project Summary

600S991026 Proceedings: The 1990 International Symposium on Radon and Radon Reduction Technology, 1990. Project Summary

600S991037 Proceedings: International Symposium on Radon and Radon Reduction Technology, 1991. Project Summary {Covers All 4 Volumes}

600S991044 Proceedings: Workshop on Radon Potential Mapping, Florida Radon Research Program. Project Summary

600S991047 Proceedings International Workshop On Research In Pesticide Treatment- Disposal-waste Minimization Project Summary

600SC93002 Updated User-Friendly Computer Programs for Solving Sampling and Statistical Problems

600SR00092 Evaluation of Process to Convert Biomass to Methanol Fuel, Project Summary

600SR01011 Emissions Of Air Toxics From A Simulated Charcoal Kiln Equipped With An Afterburner Project Summary

600SR01039 Application Of Pollution Prevention Techniques To Reduce Indoor Air Emissions From Aerosol Consumer Products Project Summary

600SR01055 Field Demonstration Of Lead-based Paint Removal And Inorganic Stabilization Technologies Project Summary

600SR01056 Environmental Impacts Of The Use Of Orimulsion Report To Congress On Phase 1 Of The Orumulsion Technology Assessment Program Project Summary

600SR01066 Mercury In Petroleum And Natural Gas Estimation Of Emissions From Production, Processing, And Combustion Project Summary

600SR01087 Cost Of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Application For Nox Control On Coal-fired Boilers

600SR01093 Capstone Report On The Development Of A Standard Test Method For VOC Emissions From Interior Latex And Alkyd Paints Project Summary

600SR01106 Source Sampling Fine Particulate Matter Wood-fired Industrial Boiler

600SR02007 Characterization Of Mercury Emissions At A Chlor-alkali Plant Project Summary

600SR02017 Review Of Emission Factors And Methodologies To Estimate Ammonia Emissions From Animal Waste Handling Project Summary

600SR04001 Measurement Of Fugitive Emissions At A Region I Landfill

600SR87104 Gulf Breeze Laboratory Titles and Abstracts 1986, 1987, In Press and In Review Publications

600SR92001 Documentation of AIRS AMS National Methodologies

600SR92003 Emissions of Metals, Chromium and Nickel Species, and Organics from Municipal Wastewater Sludge Incinerators. Project Summary

600SR92005 Greenhouse Gases from Small-scale Combustion in Developing Countries - A Pilot Study in Manila

600SR92006 Identification and Characterization of Missing or Unaccounted for Area Source Categories

600SR92007 Demonstration of Fuel Cells to Recover Energy from Landfill Gas: Phase I Final Report: Conceptual Study

600SR92008 Radon Pressure Differential Project: Phase I Florida Radon Research Program

600SR92009 Standardized Costs for Water Supply Distribution Systems

600SR92010 Recommended HVAC Standard of the Florida Radon Research Program. Project Summary

600SR92014 Limited-Use Chemical Protective Clothing for EPA Superfund Activities

600SR92017 The Performance of Chlorine-Free Binary Zeotropic Refrigerant Mixtures in a Heat Pump

600SR92023 Reduction of Disinfection By-Product Precursors by Nanofiltration

600SR92024 Automotive and Heavy-Duty Engine Coolant Recycling by Distillation. Project Summary

600SR92025 Indoor Air Quality Data Base for Organic Compounds

600SR92027 Asbestos Concentrations Two Years after Abatement in Seventeen Schools

600SR92031 Reclamation and Redevelopment of Contaminated Land: Volume II. European Case Studies

600SR92032 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Report for the Westinghouse Bio-Analytic Systems Pentachlorophenol Immunoassays. Project Summary

600SR92035 Separation of Hazardous Organics by Low Pressure Membranes: Treatment of Soil-Wash Rinse-Water Leachates

600SR92037 Development of an Empirical Model of Methane Emissions from Landfills. Project Summary

600SR92039 Exposure and Release Estimations for Filter Press and Tray Dryer Operations Based on Pilot Plant Data

600SR92048 Removing Radium from Water by Plain and Treated Activated Alumina. Project Summary

600SR92049 Permeation of Multifunctional Acrylates through Three Protective Clothing Materials. Project Summary

600SR92050 Evaluation of the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer for Particle-Associated Ammonium Sulfate Determination

600SR92052 Proceedings: 1989 International Conference on Municipal Waste Combustion, Hollywood, Florida, April 11 - 14, 1989. Project Summary covers all 4 volumes

600SR92053 A Performance Evaluation of a Variable Speed, Mixed Refrigerant Heat Pump

600SR92055 Theoretical Evaluation of Stability of Volatile Organic Chemicals and Polar Volatile Organic Chemicals in Canisters

600SR92057 Technical Aspects of Underground Storage Tank Closure

600SR92058 Controlling Odorous Emissions from Iron Foundries

600SR92059 Natural Basement Ventilation as a Radon Mitigation Technique. Project Summary

600SR92064 Preliminary Risk Assessment for Viruses in Municipal Sewage Sludge Applied to Land. Project Summary

600SR92065 Pilot-Scale Evaluation of the Thermal Stability POHC Incinerability Ranking. Project Summary

600SR92067 Sensitivity of Modeled Ozone Concentrations to Uncertainties in Biogenic Emissions

600SR92068 Pilot-Scale Incineration of PCB-Contaminated Sediments from the New Bedford Harbor Hot Spot Superfund Site. Project Summary

600SR92069 Evaluation of the Chemical Resistance of Geotextiles, Geonets and Pipe. Project Summary

600SR92072 Directory to Literature on Stool-Shed Viruses and Shellfish: Illness Outbreaks and Virus Detection Methods

600SR92079 A Status Report on Planktonic Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae) and Their Toxins. Project Summary

600SR92083 Oil and Gas Field Emissions Survey

600SR92084 Development of a Core Combustion Research Program Plan for EPA. Project Summary

600SR92089 A Study to Determine the Feasibility of Using a Ground-Penetrating Radar for More Effective Remediation of Subsurface Contamination. Project Summary

600SR92090 Simplified Modeling of Air Flow Dynamics in SSD Radon Mitigation Systems for Residences with Gravel Beds

600SR92091 Statistical Approach to Predicting Chronic Toxicity of Chemicals to Fishes from Acute Toxicity Test Data

600SR92093 Proceedings: 1991 Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control

600SR92094 Tests of Indoor Air Quality Sinks. Project Summary

600SR92096 Potential Reuse of Petroleum-Contaminated Soil: A Directory of Permitted Recycling Facilities. Project Summary

600SR92102 Effects of Natural and Forced Basement Ventilation on Radon Levels in Single Family Dwellings. Project Summary

600SR92104 ESPVI 4.0 Electrostatic Precipitator V-I and Performance Model: User's Manual. Project Summary

600SR92106 Fourth Progress Report: Quality Assurance Support for the National Atmospheric Deposition and National Trends Network Monitoring Activities 1990 - 1991

600SR92112 Protocols for Evaluating Oxidant Mechanisms for Urban and Regional Models. Project Summary

600SR92114 Modifications to Reduce Drag out at a Printed Circuit Board Manufacturer. Project Summary

600SR92115 Demonstration of Sorbent Injection Technology on a Wall-fired Utility Boiler (Edgewater LIMB Demonstration). Project Summary

600SR92116 Landfill Gas Energy Utilization: Technology Options and Case Studies. Project Summary

600SR92117 Inorganic Chemical Characterization of Water Treatment Plant Residuals

600SR92119 Modeling Radon Entry Into Florida Houses with Concrete Slabs and Concrete-Block Stem Walls, Florida Radon Research Program

600SR92120 Total Hydrocarbon Emission Testing of Wastewater Sludge Incinerators. Project Summary

600SR92124 Air Emissions from the Treatment of Soils Contaminated with Petroleum Fuels and Other Substances

600SR92125 HVAC Systems in the Current Stock of U.S. K - 12 Schools. Project Summary

600SR92127 Mutagenicity of Emissions From the Simulated Open Burning of Scrap Rubber Tires

600SR92128 Preparation of Soil Sampling Protocols: Sampling Techniques and Strategies. Project Summary

600SR92138 Higher Plant Accumulation of Organic Pollutants from Soils. Project Summary

600SR92141 Recommended Operation Procedure No. 56: Collection of Gaseous Grab Samples from Combustion Sources for Nitrous Oxide Measurement

600SR92142 On-Site Engineering Report for the Low-Temperature Thermal Desorption Pilot-Scale Test on Contaminated Soil. Project Summary

600SR92143 Acoustic Location of Leaks in Pressurized Underground Petroleum Pipelines. Project Summary

600SR92145 Auto MOUSE, An Improvement to the MOUSE Computerized Uncertainty Analysis System Operational Manual. Project Summary

600SR92151 Summary Report for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trend Network Site Visitation Program for the Period October 1989 to September 1990

600SR92152 Summary Report for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trend Network Site Visitation Program for the Period October 1988 to September 1989

600SR92157 Atlanta Ozone Precursor Monitoring Study Data Report

600SR92158 Energy Use of Ice Making in Domestic Refrigerators. Project Summary

600SR92159 Surface-coating-free Materials Workshop Summary Report. Project Summary

600SR92169 Annual Report: Control Technology Center FY91: A Fifth Year of Growth

600SR92170 Soil Vapor Extraction Column Experiments on Gasoline Contaminated Soil. Project Summary

600SR92171 Mobile Air-Conditioning Recycling Manual

600SR92173 A Technology Assessment of Soil vapor Extraction and Air Sparging. Project Summary

600SR92184 Toxicity Reduction Evaluation: Case Histories at High Point and Fayetteville, North Carolina

600SR92187 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment: Histology Laboratory Xylene Use Fort Carson, Colorado. Project Summary

600SR92188 An Automated Aqueous Rotary Washer for the Metal Finishing Industry. Project Summary

600SR92191 Guidance for Research House Studies of the Florida Radon Research Program, Volumes 1 and 2

600SR92192 Emission Test Report: OMSS Field Test on Carbon Injection for Mercury Control

600SR92196 Effects of E-SOX Technology on ESP Performance

600SR92197 Combustion Area Sources: Data Sources

600SR92198 Recommended Performance Standard of the Florida Radon Research Program. Project Summary

600SR92201 Alternative VOC Control Technique Options for Small Rotogravure and Flexography Facilities

600SR92203 Literature Review: Heat Transfer Through Two-Phase Insulation Systems Consisting of Powders in a Continuous Gas Phase. Project Summary

600SR92207 Radon Mitigation Studies: South Central Florida Demonstration

600SR92208 Volatile Organic Sampling Train - Soot Interference Report. Project Summary

600SR92209 Proceedings: International Conference on Municipal Waste Combustion, Tampa, Florida, April 16-19, 1991. Project Summary {Covers All 3 Volumes}

600SR92214 Development of Size-Specific Data from Particulate Control Technology Research Reports

600SR92218 Use of Expert Systems in Water Quality. Project Summary

600SR92219 Measurement and Analysis of Adsistor and Figaro Gas Sensors Used for Underground Storage Tank Leak Detection. Project Summary

600SR92221 Application of a Data-Assimilating Prognostic Meteorological Model to Two Urban Areas

600SR92222 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physical Fate of HCFCs and HFCs and Their Degradation Products. Project Summary

600SR92224 Review and Evaluation of Current Methods and User Needs Other Stationary Combustion Sources. Project Summary

600SR92226 Life Cycle Design Manual: Environmental Requirements and the Product System. Project Summary

600SR92233 Evaluation of Source Term Initial Conditions for Modeling Leachate Migration from Landfills

600SR92238 Investigation of Inappropriate Pollutant Entries into Storm Drainage Systems: A User's Guide. Project Summary

600SR92239 Revised Emissions Estimation Methodologies For Industrial, Residential, and Electric Utility Stationary Combustion Sources

600SR92240 Pilot-Scale Incineration of Contaminated Sludges from the Bofors-Nobel Superfund Site. Project Summary

600SR92242 Evaluation of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions Data From TVA Coal-Fired Boilers

600SR92245 Life-Cycle Assessment: Inventory Guidelines and Principles. Project Summary

600SR92251 On-site Waste Ink Recycling. Project Summary

600SR93004 Evaluation of POHC and PIC Screening Methods. Project Summary

600SR93006 Analysis of Acid Precipitation Samples Collected by State Agencies-Sampling Period January 1990-December 1990. Project Summary

600SR93008 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center Beltsville, Maryland

600SR93009 Advanced Insulations for Refrigerator/Freezers: The Potential for New Shell Designs Incorporating Polymer Barrier Construction

600SR93011 Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the Development and Application of Ground-water Models. Project Summary

600SR93012 Pilot Study on Demonstration of Remedial Action Technologies for Contaminated Land and Groundwater Volumes 1 and 2. Project Summary

600SR93015 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment for Two Laboratories at Sandia National Laboratories. Project Summary

600SR93019 Characterization of PM-10 Emissions from Antiskid Materials Applied to Ice and Snow-Covered Roadways

600SR93020 Rates of Reaction and Process Design Data for the Hydrocarb Process. Project Summary

600SR93021 Laboratory Study on the Use of Hot Water to Recover Light Oily Wastes from Sands. Project Summary

600SR93022 DNAPL Site Evaluation. Project Summary

600SR93027 Reference Manual for RASSMIT Version 2.1: A Sub-slab Depressurization System Design Performance Simulation Program

600SR93028 Decision-support Software For Soil Vapor Extraction Technology Appplication Hyperventilate Project Summary

600SR93032 Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Soils Using Equilibrium Headspace Analysis and Capillary Column Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry - Evaluation of the Tekmar 7000 HA Analyzer

600SR93036 Pilot-Scale Incineration of Contaminated Soil from the Chemical Insecticide Corporation Superfund Site. Project Summary

600SR93043 Radon Reduction and Radon-Resistant Construction Demonstrations in New York. Project Summary

600SR93044 Characterization of Emissions from the Simulated Open-burning of Non-metallic Automobile Shredder Residue. Project Summary

600SR93045 Identification and Characterization of Five Non-Traditional Source Categories: Catastrophic/Accidental Releases, Vehicle Repair Facilities, Recycling, Pesticide Applications, and Agricultural Operations. Project Summary

600SR93047 Pilot-Scale Incineration of Contaminated Soils from the Drake Chemical Superfund Site. Project Summary

600SR93048 South San Francisco Bay Water Quality Modeling and Waste Load Allocation Study. Project Summary

600SR93050 Particle Total Exposure Assessment Methodology (PTEAM): Riverside, California Pilot Study - Volume I. Project Summary

600SR93051 Onsite Engineering Report for Solidification/Stabilization Treatment Testing of Contaminated Soils. Project Summary

600SR93052 Proceedings of the Indoor Radon Modeling Workshop, Florida Radon Research Program. Project Summary

600SR93053 Evaluation of Portable Multisorbent Air Samplers for Use with An Automated Multitube Analyzer. Project Summary

600SR93057 Analysis of Atmosphere Deposition Samples from Easton, PA. Project Summary

600SR93058 Solar World Congress, 1991; Volumes 1 through 4. Project Summary

600SR93063 Methodologies for Estimating Air Emissions From Three Non-Traditional Source Categories: Oil Spills, Petroleum Vessel Loading and Unloading, and Cooling Towers. Project Summary

600SR93064 Proceedings: 1991 SO(2) Control Symposium. Project Summary

600SR93066 On-Site Engineering Report of the Slurry-Phase Biological Reactor for Pilot-Scale Testing on Contaminated Soil. Project Summary

600SR93067 Economic Growth Analysis System (E-GAS). Project Summary

600SR93070 LDCRS Flow from Double Lined Landfills and Surface Impoundments. Project Summary

600SR93073 An X-Ray Fluorescence Survey of Lead Contaminated Residential Soils in Leadville, Colorado: A Case Study. Project Summary

600SR93075 Relationships Between Ozone Precursor Levels and Response to Emissions Reductions: Analysis of Regional Oxidant Model Results for the Northeastern United States. Project Summary

600SR93077 Evaluation of Innovative Painting Processes. Project Summary

600SR93078 Experimental Investigation of PIC Formation in CFC-12 Incineration. Project Summary

600SR93080 Kress Indirect Dry Cooling System: Bethlehem Steel's Coke Plant Demonstration at Sparrows Point, Maryland. Project Summary

600SR93081 MULTIMED, the Multimedia Exposure Assessment Model for Evaluating the Land Disposal of Wastes--Model Theory. Project Summary

600SR93082 A Subtitle D Landfill Application Manual for the Multimedia Exposure Assessment Model (MULTIMED). Project Summary

600SR93083 The 1992 International Symposium on Radon and Radon Reduction Technology. Project Summary

600SR93086 Project Summary: Ink and Cleaner Waste Reduction Evaluation for Flexographic Printers

600SR93088 Development of Sampling and Analytical Methods for the Measurement of Nitrous Oxide from Fossil Fuel Combustion Sources. Project Summary

600SR93090 Control Technology Center, FY92: A Summary of Program Accomplishments. Project Summary

600SR93091 Recommended Foundation Barrier Construction Standard of the Florida Radon Research Program. Project Summary

600SR93092 Stress Cracking Behavior of HDPE Geomembranes and its Prevention. Project Summary

600SR93096 Development of Residential Wood Consumption Estimation Models. Project Summary

600SR93099 Parameters Affecting the Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity for Solidified/Stabilized Wastes. Project Summary

600SR93101 Field Test of Generic Method for Halogenated Hydrocarbons

600SR93102 Thermal Degradation Characteristics of Environmentally Sensitive Pesticide Products

600SR93103 Characterization of the Organic Emissions from the Thermal Destruction of CFCs. Project Summary

600SR93107 Case Studies in Wellhead Protection Area Delineation and Monitoring. Project Summary

600SR93108A Catalog of Materials as Sources of Potential Indoor air Emissions, Volume I. Insulation, Wallcoverings, Resilient Floor Coverings, Carpet, Adhesives, Sealants and Caulks, and Pesticides

600SR93113 Chemical Surface Washing Agents for Oil Spills: Update State-of-the-Art on Mechanisms of Action and Evaluation of Two Laboratory Effectiveness Tests. Project Summary

600SR93114 Mobile Onsite Recycling of Metalworking Fluids. Project Summary

600SR93115 Development of an Analysis Method for Total Nonmethane Volatile Organic Carbon Emissions from Stationary Sources. Project Summary

600SR93118 Compilation of Ground-Water Models. Project summary

600SR93123 Laboratory Validation of VOST and SemiVOST for Halogenated Hydrocarbons from the Clean Air Act Amendments List. Project Summary

600SR93124 In-Situ Bioremediation of Ground Water and Geological Material: A Review of Technologies. Project Summary

600SR93125 Leachate Generation and Migration at Subtitle D Facilities: A Summary and Review of Processes and Mathematical Models. Project Summary

600SR93131 Anaerobic Dehalogenation and Its Environmental Implications. Project Summary

600SR93132 Environmental Fate Constants for Organic Chemicals Under Consideration for EPA's Hazardous Waste Identification Projects. Project Summary

600SR93136 Disinfection By-Product Formation by Alternative Disinfectants and Removal by Granular Activated Carbon

600SR93137 Behavior and Assimilation of Organic and Inorganic Priority Pollutants Codisposed with Municipal Refuse. Project Summary

600SR93140 Behavior and Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Soil: A Literature Review. Project Summary

600SR93143 Florescent Tracer Evaluation of Protective Clothing Performance. Project Summary

600SR93144 Evaluation of Ultrafiltration to Recover Aqueous Iron Phosphating/Degreasing Bath. Project Summary

600SR93149 Replacement of Hazardous Material in Wide Web Flexographic Printing Process. Project Summary

600SR93150 Watts Nickel and Rinse Water Recovery via an Advanced Reverse Osmosis System. Project Summary

600SR93152 Airborne Asbestos Concentrations Three Years After Abatement in Seventeen Schools. Project Summary

600SR93154 A Fluid Sorbent Recycling Device for Industrial Fluid Users. Project Summary

600SR93155 Evaluation of Three Cleaning Methods for Removing Asbestos from Carpet: Determination of Airborne Asbestos Concentrations Associated with Each Method

600SR93158 Investigation of Possible Uses of Surplus CFC/Halon Chemicals. Project Summary

600SR93159 Airborne Asbestos Concentrations During Buffing of Resilient Floor Tile. Project Summary

600SR93160 Recycling Nickel Electroplating Rinse Waters by Low Temperature Evaporation and Reverse Osmosis. Project Summary

600SR93161 Initial Assessment of Emissions from Heat Setting Carpet Yarn. Project Summary

600SR93162 Weatherability of Enhanced Degradable Plastics. Project Summary

600SR93167 Evaluation of Solidification/Stabilization Treatment Processes for Municipal Waste Combustion Residues. Project Summary

600SR93169 Measurement of the Surface Permeability of Basement Concretes. Project Summary

600SR93170 Biomass Gasification Pilot Plant Study. Project Summary

600SR93172 The Use of Alternative Materials for Daily Cover at Municipal Solid Waste Landfills. Project Summary

600SR93173 RFP Tracking System: User's Manual. Project Summary

600SR93177 Contribution to Indoor Ozone Levels of an Ozone Generator. Project Summary

600SR93181 Emission Test Report: Field Test of Carbon Injection for Mercury Control, Camden County Municipal Waste Combustor. Project Summary

600SR93182 Quality Assurance and Quality Control for Waste Containment Facilities. Project Summary

600SR93184 Evaluation of Unsaturated/Vadose Zone Models for Superfund Sites. Project Summary

600SR93187 Wildlife Exposure Factors Handbook. Project Summary

600SR93188 Evaluation of Simultaneous SO(2)/NO(x) Control Technology. Project Summary

600SR93191 Minimizing Pollution in Cleaning and Degreasing Operations. Project Summary

600SR93197 Follow-up Radon Measurements In 14 Mitigated Schools. Project Summary

600SR93198 Proceedings: EPA/AEERL's Indoor Air Quality/Pollution Prevention Workshop. Project Summary

600SR93201 Carbon-Black Dispersion Preplating Technology for Printed Wire Board Manufacturing. Project Summary

600SR93211 Case Studies of Radon Reduction Research in Maryland, New Jersey, and Virginia Schools. Project Summary

600SR93212 Evaluation of the Polyad FB Air Purification and Solvent Recovery Process for Styrene Removal

600SR93213 Emissions from Burning Cabinet Making Scraps. Project Summary

600SR93214 Conceptual Designs for a New Highway Vehicle Emissions Estimation Methodology. Project Summary

600SR93218 Characteristics of School Buildings in the U.S. Project Summary

600SR93223 Ultrasonic Cleaning as a Replacement for a Chlorofluorocarbon-Based System. Project Summary

600SR93225 Case Studies of Radon Reduction Research in 13 School Buildings. Project Summary

600SR93226 Determination of Hemoglobin Adducts Following Acrylamide Exposure. Project Summary

600SR93229 Closed Cycle Cooler for VOC Preconcentration. Project Summary

600SR93239 Characterization of Air Emissions from the Simulated Open Combustion of Fiberglass Materials. Project Summary

600SR93242 Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments (ARCS) Program; Quality Assurance Program Plan. Project Summary

600SR94000 Project Summary: Mobility of Dioxins, Furans and Trace Metals from Stabilized MSW Combustor Ash in Seawater

600SR94001 Supplement to Standard Measurement Protocols: Florida Radon Research Program. Project Summary

600SR94002 Assessment of the Effects of Weatherization on Residential Radon Levels. Project Summary

600SR94003 Evaluation and Reporting of County Gasoline Use Methodologies. Project Summary

600SR94005 Determination of Capillary Pressure-Saturation Curves Involving TCE, Water and Air for a Sand and a Sandy Clay Loam

600SR94006 Literature Review Summary of Metals Extraction Processes Used to Remove Lead from Soils. Project Summary

600SR94007 Improved Equipment Cleaning in Coated and Laminated Substrate Manufacturing Facilities (Phase I). Project Summary

600SR94008 Proceedings: The 1992 Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Mitigation Research Symposium

600SR94012 Comparison of the 1985 NAPAP Emissions Inventory with the 1985 EPA Trends Estimate for Industrial SO2 Sources

600SR940129 Stormwater Pollution Abatement Technologies. Project Summary

600SR940131 Replacing Solvent Cleaning With Aqueous Cleaning. Project Summary

600SR94017 State Acid Rain Research and Screening System Version 1.0 User's Manual. Project Summary

600SR94018 Abiotic Transformation of Carbon Tetrachloride at Mineral Surfaces

600SR94019 Evaluation of Volatile Organic Emissions Data for nonprocess Solvent Use in 15 Commercial and Industrial Business Categories. Project Summary

600SR940191 Lake Michigan Urban Air Toxics Study. Project Summary

600SR940192 Sampling Carbonaceous Aerosols: A Review of Methods and Previous Measurements. Project Summary

600SR940193 Woodstove Durability Testing Protocol. Project Summary

600SR940196 Graphical Representations of 1991 Steam-Electric Power Plant Operation and Air Emissions Data. Project Summary

600SR94022 Proceedings Pollution Prevention Conference on Low- and No-VOC Coating Technologies. Project Summary

600SR94026 Onsite Solvent Recovery. Project Summary

600SR94027 Minipilot Solar System: Design/Operation of System and Results of Non-Solar Testing at MRI. Project Summary

600SR94028 Identification and Compilation of Unsaturated/Vadose Zone Models

600SR94036 Evaluating ACQ as an Alternative Wood Preservative System. Project Summary

600SR94043 Evaluation of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Technology to Reduce Solvent in Spray Coating Applications. Project Summary

600SR94047 Mercury Usage and Alternatives in the Electrical and Electronics Industries. Project Summary

600SR94049 Proceedings: Eighth Symposium on the Transfer and Utilization of Particulate Control Technology. Project Summary

600SR94050 Cadmium and Chromium Recovery from Electroplating

600SR94051 Potential Groundwater Contamination from Intentional and Nonintentional Stormwater Infiltration. Project Summary

600SR94052 Characteristics of Florida Fill Materials and Soils 1990. Project Summary

600SR94053 Laboratory Assessment of the Permeability and Diffusion Characteristics of Florida Concretes: Phase I. Methods Development and Testing. Project Summary

600SR94057 EPANET Users Manual. Project Summary

600SR94059 Analysis of Real-time Vehicle Hydrocarbon Emissions Data. Project Summary

600SR94060 Application of Pulse Combustion to Incineration of Liquid Hazardous Waste. Project Summary

600SR94061 Field Performance of Woodburning Stoves in Crested Butte During the 1991-1992 Heating Season. Project Summary

600SR94063 Wash Solvent Reuse in Paint Production. Project Summary

600SR94064 Soil and Fill Laboratory Support - 1991, Florida Radon Research Program. Project Summary

600SR94069 SAGE 2.0, Solvent Alternatives Guide, User's Guide. Project Summary

600SR94070 Pilot-Scale Evaluation of the Potential for Emissions of Hazardous Air Pollutants from Combustion of Tire-Derived Fuel. Project Summary

600SR94071 Evaluation of an Electrodialytic Process for Purification of Hexavalent Chromium Solutions. Project Summary

600SR94074 Substituting Cadmium Cyanide Electroplating with Zinc Chloride Electroplating. Project Summary

600SR94080 Test Method for the Measurement of Methanol Emissions from Stationary Sources. Project Summary

600SR94081 On the Feasibility of Using Satellite Derived Data to Infer Surface-Layer Ozone Concentration Patterns. Project Summary

600SR94082 Field Tests of Chloroform Collection/Analysis Methods. Project Summary

600SR94084 Evaluation of Asbestos Management Programs in 17 New Jersey Schools: A Case Studies Report. Project Summary

600SR94085 Multiple Projections System (MPS): User's Manual Version 1.0. Project Summary

600SR94112 Development and Evaluation of a Quantitative Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for Polychlorinated Biphenyls. Project Summary

600SR94113 Field Test of a Generic Method for Halogenated Hydrocarbons: a VOST Test at a Chemical Manufacturing Facility. Project Summary

600SR94114 Removal and Containment of Lead-Based Paint Via Needle Scalers. Project Summary

600SR94115 Physical and Numerical Modeling of ASD Exhaust Dispersion Around Houses. Project Summary

600SR94119 Evaluation Of Sampling And Field-filtration Methods For The Analysis Of Trace Metals In Groundwater Project Summary

600SR94120 Evaluation Of Technologies For Cleanup Of Dnapl Contaminated Sites Project Summary

600SR94126 Evaluation of Containment and Control Options for Methyl Bromide in Commodity Treatment. Project Summary

600SR94127 Bicarbonate of Soda Blasting Technology for Aircraft Wheel Depainting. Project Summary

600SR94129 Stormwater Pollution Abatement Technologies. Project Summary

600SR94130 Field test of a Generic Method for Halogenated Hydrocarbons: A VOST test at a Chemical Manufacturing Facility Using a Modified VOST Sampling Method. Project Summary

600SR94131 Replacing Solvent Cleaning With Aqueous Cleaning Project Summary

600SR94139 Economic Growth Analysis System: Version 2.0. Project Summary

600SR94141 Characterization of Emissions from Carpet Samples Using a 10-Gallon Aquarium as the Source Chamber. Project Summary

600SR94142 Field Investigation of Effectiveness of Soil Vapor Extraction Technology. Project Summary

600SR94144 Waste Reduction Evaluation of Soy-Based Ink at a Sheet-Fed Offset Printer

600SR94148 Alkaline Noncyanide Zinc Plating and Reuse of Recovered Chemicals. Project Summary

600SR94156 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment, U.S. Coast Guard Aviation Training Center, Mobile, Alabama. Project Summary

600SR94163 Experimental Investigation Of PIC Formation During The Incineration Of Recovered Cfc-11 Project Summary

600SR94166 Estimate of Methane Emissions from U.S. Landfills. Project Summary

600SR94169 Innovative Clean Technologies Case Studies, Second Year Project Report. Project Summary

600SR94170 Electronic Component Cooling Alternatives: Compressed Air and Liquid Nitrogen. Project Summary

600SR94175 Radon Generation and Transport Through Concrete Foundations. Project Summary

600SR94176 Evaluation of Propylene Carbonate in Air Logistics Center (ALC) Depainting Operations. Project Summary

600SR94180 Ventilation Research: A Review of Recent Indoor Air Quality Literature. Project Summary

600SR94184 Demonstration of Sorbent Injection Technology on a Tangentially Coal-Fired Utility Boiler (Yorktown LIMB Demonstration)

600SR94187 Ambient Measurement Methods and Properties of the 189 Clean Air Act Hazardous Air Pollutants. Project Summary

600SR94188 Evaluation of HVS3 Sampler for Sampling Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Polychlorinated Biphenyls. Project Summary

600SR94189 Development and Evaluation of Monitoring Methods for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in House Dust and Track-In Soil

600SR94190 Development and Selection of Ammonia Emission Factors

600SR94191 Lake Michigan Urban Air Toxics Study Project Summary

600SR94192 Sampling Carbonaceous Aerosols A Review Of Methods And Previous Measurements Project Summary

600SR94193 Woodstove Durability Testing Protocol Project Summary

600SR94195 RAETRAD Version 3.1 User Manual. Project Summary

600SR94196 Graphical Representations Of 1991 Steam-electric Power Plant Operation And Air Emissions Data Project Summary

600SR94198 RAETRAD Model of Radon Gas Generation, Transport, and Indoor Entry. Project Summary

600SR94201 Development of a Lumped-Parameter Model of Indoor Radon Concentrations. Project Summary

600SR94208 NOx Control Technologies Applicable to Municipal Waste Combustion. Project Summary

600SR94210 Demonstration of the Analytic Element Method for Wellhead Protection. Project Summary

600SR94211 Evaluation of a Liquid Chemical Scrubber System for Styrene Removal. Project Summary

600SR94214 Demonstration of Split-flow Ventilation and Recirculation as Flow-reduction Methods in an Air Force Paint Spray Booth

600SR94215 Multiple Projections System (MPS) Version 2.0: User's Manual. Project Summary

600SR94218 Soil Radon Potential Mapping of Twelve Counties in North-Central Florida. Project Summary

600SR95001 Assessment of Pollution Prevention Opportunities for Five Industries. Project Summary

600SR95003 Composites from Recycled Wood and Plastics. Project Summary

600SR95004 The Development and Improvement of Temporal Allocation Factor Files. Project Summary

600SR95006 Parts Washing Alternatives Study United States Coast Guard. Project Summary

600SR95007 Recycling of Electric Arc Furnace Dust: Jorgensen Steel Facility. Project Summary

600SR95011 Solvent-Based to Waterbased Adhesive-Coated Substrate Retrofit

600SR95013 Air Infiltration Measurements Using Tracer Gases A Literature Review

600SR95014 HVAC Systems as Emission Sources Affecting Indoor Air Quality: A Critical Review. Project Summary

600SR95015 Proceedings 1993 SO(2) Control Symposium. Project Summary

600SR95019 Estimate of Global Methane Emissions from Landfills and Open Dumps. Project Summary

600SR95020 Feasibility of Characterizing Concealed Openings in the House-Soil Interface for Modeling Radon Gas Entry. Project Summary

600SR95028 Investigation of Ammonia Equipment Configurations for Supermarket Applications. Project Summary

600SR95029 Bench-Scale Recovery of Lead Using an Electromembrane/Chelation Process. Project Summary

600SR95032 Radon Generation and Transport in Aged Concrete. Project Summary

600SR95034 Demonstration of Fuel Cells to Recover Energy from an Anaerobic Digester Gas Phase 1 Conceptual Design, Preliminary Cost, and Evaluation Study. Project Summary

600SR95035 Landfill Gas Energy Utilization Experience Discussion of Technical and Non-Technical Issues, Solutions, and Trends. Project Summary

600SR95039 Environmental Fate Constants for Additional 27 Organic Chemicals Under Consideration for EPA's Hazardous Waste Identification Projects. Project Summary

600SR95040 Assessing UST Corrective Action Technologies: Lessons Learned about In Situ Air Sparging at the Denison Avenue Site, Cleveland, Ohio. Project Summary

600SR95041 Improvements in Pump Intake Basin Design. Project Summary

600SR95046 Glycol Dehydrator BTEX and VOC Emission Testing Results at Two Units in Texas and Louisiana. Project Summary

600SR95048 Analysis of Acid Precipitation Samples Collected by State Agencies- Sampling Period January 1992-December 1992

600SR95049 SAGE 2.1, Solvent Alternatives Guide: User's Guide. Project Summary

600SR95060 Evaluation Barriers to the Use of Radiation-Cured Coatings in Screen Printing. Project Summary

600SR95061 Pollution Prevention Research Within the Federal Community. Project Summary

600SR95064 Technology Evaluation Report Support for MACT Determination for Degreasing. Project Summary

600SR95065 Ventilation Technology Systems Analysis. Project Summary

600SR95066 Alternative Technologies for Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Applications. Project Summary

600SR95068 Calcium Carbonate Dissolution Rate in Limestone Contactors. Project Summary

600SR95077 Laboratory Methods for Soil and Foliar Analysis in Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Programs. Project Summary

600SR95079 Radome Depainting Evaluation at Tinker Air Force Base. Project Summary

600SR95080 Supercritical Water Oxidation Model Development for Selected EPA Priority Pollutants. Project Summary

600SR95081 Performance Demonstrations of Alternative Screen Reclamation Products for Screen Printing. Project Summary

600SR95086 CASTNet: National Dry Deposition Network 1990-1992 Status Report. Project Summary

600SR95087 Chromate Recovery from Chromating Rinsewater in the Metal-Finishing Industry. Project Summary

600SR95088 Microbiological screening of the Indoor Air Quality in the Polk County Administration Building. Project Summary

600SR95089 Methodologies for Quantifying Pollution Prevention Benefits from Landfill Gas Control and Utilization. Project Summary

600SR95090 Lumped-Parameter Model Analyses of Data from the 1992 New House Evaluation Project-Florida Radon Research Program. Project Summary

600SR95091 User's Guide to the Personal Computer Version of the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (PC-BEIS2). Project Summary

600SR95097 Improved Equipment Cleaning for the Coated and Laminated Substrate Manufacturing Industry, Phase II. Project Summary

600SR95098 Particle Team (PTEAM) Study: Analysis of the Data

600SR95103 Laboratory Assessment of the Permeability and Diffusion Characteristics of Florida Concretes: Phase II. Field Samples and Analyses. Project Summary

600SR95106 Effects of Changing Coals on the Emissions of Metal Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Combustion of Pulverized Coal. Project Summary

600SR95113 New Chemical Alternatives For The Protection Of Stratospheric Ozone Project Summary

600SR95114 Evaluation Of Building Design, Construction, and Performance For The Control Of Radon In Florida Houses Evaluation Of Radon Resistant Construction Techniques In 8 New

600SR95117 Tracer Studies of Transport and Transformation in Cumuli. Project Summary

600SR95118 Effects of Freeze-Thaw on the Hydraulic Conductivity of Barrier Materials: Laboratory and Field Evaluation. Project Summary

600SR95120 Demonstration of Alternative Cleaning Systems. Project Summary

600SR95121 Airborne Asbestos Concentrations During Buffing Burnishing, and Stripping of Resilient Floor Tile. Project Summary

600SR95126 Field Testing and Evaluation of Zerpol Technology at Pioneer Metal Finishing. Project Summary

600SR95127 Pollution Prevention Alternatives for Public Works Center (Transportation) Waste Fluids at Naval Station Mayport, Florida. Project Summary

600SR95129 Project Summary: Municipal Solid Waste(MSW) Combustor Ash Demonstration Program "The Boathouse"

600SR95135 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment United States Naval Base Norfolk Naval Air Station. Project Summary

600SR95138 Advanced Composites Technology Case Study at NASA Langley Research Center. Project Summary

600SR95141 Leachate Clogging Assessment of Geotextile and Soil Landfill Filters. Project Summary

600SR95149 Design and Testing of Sub-Slab Depressurization for Radon Mitigation in North Florida Houses: Part I - Performance and Durability

600SR95154 Ozone Generators in Indoor Air Settings

600SR95158 Identification of CFC and HCFC Substitutes for Blowing Polyurethane Foam Insulation Products

600SR95167 Evaluation of the High Volume Collection System (HVCS) for Quantifying Fugitive Organic Vapor Leaks

600SR95168 Two-Phase Flow of Two HFC Refrigerant Mixtures Through Short-Tube Orifices

600SR95171 Characterization of Mud/Dirt Carryout onto Paved Roads from Construction and Demolition Activities

600SR95173 Assessment of Nitrogen Loads to Aquatic Systems. Project Summary

600SR96008 Efficiency Optimization Control of AC Induction Motors: Initial Laboratory Results

600SR96009 Compilation of Saturated and Unsaturated Zone Modeling Software. Project Summary

600SR96026 Evaluation of Barriers to the Use of Radiation-Cured and Hot Melt Coatings in Coated and Laminated Substrate Manufacturing

600SR96028 Development of a Radon Protection Map for Large Buildings in Florida

600SR96031 UST Corrective Action Technologies: Engineering Design of Free Product Recovery Systems

600SR96041 Assessing UST Corrective Action Technologies: Diagnostic Evaluation of In Situ SVE-Based System Performance

600SR96049 Analysis of Acid Precipitation Samples Collected by State Agencies : Sampling Period, January 1993 - December 1993. Project Summary

600SR96067 Sources and Factors Affecting Indoor Emissions from Engineered Wood Products: Summary and Evaluation of Current Literature

600SR96068 Proceedings Multipollutant Sorbent Reactivity Workshop Project Summary

600SR96075 Evaluation of Pollution Prevention Opportunities for Mold Release Agents

600SR96091 Evaluation of CAAA Compounds: Approaches for Stationary Source Method Development

600SR96092 Waste Oil Reduction for Diesel Engines. Project Summary

600SR96094 Life Cycle Assessment for PC Blend 2 Aircraft Radome Depainter. Project Summary

600SR96098 Evaluation and Selection of Analytical Methods for Lawn-Applied Pesticides

600SR96104 Life Cycle Assessment for Chemical Agent Resistant Coating. Project Summary

600SR96110 Pollution Prevention Assessment U.S. Postal Inspection Service National Forensic Laboratory. Project Summary

600SR96111 Pollution Prevention Assessment U.S. Postal Service Bulk Mail Center, Dallas, TX. Project Summary

600SR96112 Pollution Prevention Assessment U.S. Postal Service Stamp Distribution Network, Kansas City, MO. Project Summary

600SR96113 Pollution Prevention Assessment U.S. Postal Service Facilities, Merrifield, VA. Project Summary

600SR96114 Pollution Prevention Assessment U.S. Postal Service Post Offices, Pittsburgh, PA Area. Project Summary

600SR96115 Pollution Prevention Assessment U.S. Postal Service Materials Distribution Center Topeka, KS. Project Summary

600SR96145 Enhanced Bioremediation Of Btex Using Immobilized Nutrients Field Demonstration And Monitoring Project Summary

600SR96150 Environmental Assessment of Shop Towel Usage in the Automotive and Printing Industries: Project Summary

600SR96152 Finishing Fabricated Metal Products with Powder Coating. Project Summary

600SR97007 Project Summary Ground Water Model Testing Systematic Evaluation and Testing of Code Functionality and Performance

600SR97010 Fuzzy Logic Based Intelligent Control of a Variable Speed Cage Machine Wind Generation System

600SR97011 Fractional Penetration of Paint Overspray Arrestors

600SR97023 Investigation of Hydrogeologic Mapping to Delineate Protection Zones Around Springs Report of 2 Case Studies. Project Summary

600SR97024 Project Summary: Testing The performance Of Real-Time Incinerator Emission Monitors

600SR97025 Removal of Cryptosporidium and Giardia Through Conventional Water Treatment and Direct Filtration. Project Summary

600SR97032 Project Summary: Evaluation of Alternatives to Chlorinated Solvents for Metal Cleaning

600SR97034 Field and Laboratory Evaluations of a Real-Time PAH Analyzer. Project Summary

600SR97035 Evaluation of a Gossen, GmbH Model PAS 1001I Photoelectric Aerosol Sensor for Real-Time PAH Monitoring. Project Summary

600SR97052 User's Manuals for Two-(2DFATMIC) and Three-(3DFATMIC) Dimensional Subsurface Flow, Fate and Transport of Microbes and Chemicals Models. Project Summary

600SR97054 Theoretical and Experimental Modeling of Multi-Species Transport in Soils Under Electric Fields. Project Summary

600SR97055 Field Validation of a Penetrometer-Based Fiber Optic Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricant (POL) Sensor. Project Summary

600SR97059 Air Concentrations and Inhalation Exposure to Pesticides in the Agricultural Health Pilot Study. Project Summary

600SR97061 SITE Program Evaluation of the Sonotech Pulse Combustion Burner Technology

600SR97063 Evaluation of the Implementation of Operations and Maintenance Programs in New Jersey Schools. Project Summary

600SR97080 Project Summary: Hydrological Simulation Program- FORTRAN User's Manual For Version 11

600SR97081 Life Cycle Design of Amorphous Silicon Photovoltaic Modules. Project Summary

600SR97082 Life Cycle Design of Milk and Juice Packaging. Project Summary

600SR97083 Utilizing Low Volatile Organic Content Exterior Coatings for Wood Furniture

600SR97099 Project Summary Michigan Soil Vapor Extraction Remediation (MISER) Model A Computer Program to Model Soil Vapor Extraction and Bioventing of Organic Chemicals in Unsaturated Geological Material

600SR97101 Powder Coat Applications

600SR97102 NAPL Simulator Documentation. Project Summary

600SR97107 Round-Robin Testing of Methods for Collecting Dislodgeable Residues from Carpets

600SR97110 Development of Analytical Methods for Specific Lawn-Applied Pesticides in House Dust

600SR97118 Life Cycle Design of a Fuel Tank System. Project Summary

600SR97120 Bioremediation of BTEX, Naphthalene, and Phenanthrene in Aquifer Material Using Mixed Oxygen/Nitrate Electron Acceptor Conditions

600SR97140 Acetonitrile Field Test

600SR97142 Research on Numerical Transport Algorithms for Air Quality Simulation Models

600SR98002 Demonstration of Fuel Cells to Recover Energy from Landfill Gas--Phase III. Demonstration Tests, and Phase IV. Guidelines and Recommendations

600SR98015 Effect of Lubricant Contamination on the Performance and Reliability of Heat Pumps Charges with R-407c

600SR98020 Monitoring and Assessment of In-Situ Biocontainment of Petroleum Contaminated Ground-Water Plumes. Project Summary

600SR98027 Clean Air Status and Trends Network Deposition Summary Report (1987-1995)

600SR98030 Field Evaluation of EPA Method 0040 (Volatiles Using Bags)

600SR98033 Heat Transfer Evaluation of HFC-236ea with High Performance Enhanced Tubes in Condensation and Evaporation

600SR98037 Transport Property Measurements of HFC-236ea

600SR98040 Guidance for Landfilling Waste in Economically Developing Countries

600SR98056 Demonstration of the Environmental and Demand-side Management Benefits of Grid-connected Photovoltaic Power Systems - 1994-1997

600SR98058 Application of the Electromagnetic Borehole Flowmeter. Project Summary

600SR98070 Life-Cycle Impact Assessment Demonstration for the GBU-24. Project Summary

600SR98072 Field Demonstration of Lead Paint Abatement Technologies in Residential Housing. Project Summary

600SR98124 Substitution Reactions for the Detoxification of Hazardous Chemicals

600SR98147 MAIA Condition of the Mid-Atlantic Estuaries, Project Summary

600SR98159 3DHYDROGEOCHEM: 3 Dimensional Model of Density-Dependent Subsurface Flow and Thermal Multispecies-Multicomponent HYDROGEOCHEMical Transport. Project Summary

600SR99007 Project Summary: Characterization of Mine Leachates and the Development of a Ground-Water Monitoring Strategy for Mine Sites

600SR99012 Biotransformation of Gasoline Contaminated Groundwater Under Mixed Electron-Acceptor Conditions. Project Summary

600SR99110 Analytic Element Modeling of Coastal Aquifers, Project Summary

600SV95001 Natural Bioattenuation of Trichloroethene at the St. Joseph, Michigan Superfund Site. Project Summary

600X06002 Using Landscape Metrics to Develop Indicators of Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Condition

600X92001 Evaluation of Portable Supercritical Fluid Extraction Apparatus

600X92148 MMSOILS: Multimedia Contaminant Fate, Transport, and Exposure Model Documentation and User's Manual

600X94029 Ecological Risk Assessment of the Marine Sediments at the United Heckathorn Superfund Site

600X99031 Development of Bench-Scale Settling Apparatus: Settling Velocity Data for Design and Operation of Wet-Weather Flow Solids-Liquid Separation Processes Interim Report

600Z04800 Code Of Federal Regulations: 40 Parts 100 to 135, Revised as of July 1, 2004

600Z04801 Code Of Federal Regulations: 40 Parts 136 to 149: Revised as of July 1, 2004

600Z92001 Federal Register: May 29, 1992, Part 6. Guidelines for Exposure Assessment; Notice

600Z92002 Part V: Environmental Protection Agency Draft Report

600Z93001 Federal Register: August 17, 1994 Part III Final Report: Principles of Neurotoxicity Risk Assessment; Notice

600Z96001 Federal Register: April 23, 1996, Part 2. Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment: Notice

601N00001 The Monitor, Volume 3, Number 1

601N00002 The Monitor, Volume 3, Number 2

601N00005 The Monitor, Volume 3, Number 5

602R94105 Off-Gas Analysis Results and Fine Pore Retrofit Case History for Hartford, Connecticut

6030 Oswer Directive System Fact Sheet

6088 Region 3-oppe-state Of Maryland Radon Risk Communication Project An Evaluation Of Radon Risk Communication Approaches

6135 Environmental Impact Statement Alternative Waste Treatment Systems For Rural Lake Projects Case Study Number 1 Crystal Lake Area Sewage Disposal Authority, Benzie County Michigan

6159 Guide For Preparing RCRA Permit Applications For Existing Storage Facilities

615R01001 Technology Support Center for Monitoring and Site Characterization FY01 : Second Quarter Report ; January - March 2001

615R01002 Technology Support Center for Monitoring and Site Characterizaion FY01 : Third Quarter Report ; April - June 2001

615R02001 Technology Support Center for Monitoring and Site Characterization FY02 : First Quarter Report ; October - December 2001

615R02002 Technology Support Center for Monitoring and Site Characterization FY02 : Second Quarter Report ; January - March 2002

615R98001 Environmental Technology Verification Program Site Characterization Monitoring Technologies Pilot Oak Ridge National Laboratory And Sandia National Laboratories

6160 Superfund Alternatives For Manageing Hazardous Waste

6168 Protocol For Evaluating Interim Status Closure-post Closure Pland

620N05002 The Great Rivers Newsletter Vol. 1 No. 2 April 2005

620N05003 The Great Rivers Newsletter Vol. 1 No. 3 July 2005

620N05004 The Great Rivers Newsletter Vol. 1 No. 4 October 2005

620N06001 The Great Rivers Newsletter Vol. 2 No. 1 January 2006

620N06002 The Great Rivers Newsletter Vol. 2 No. 2 March 2006

620N06003 The Great Rivers Newsletter Vol. 2 No. 3 June 2006

620N06004 The Great Rivers Newsletter Vol. 2 No. 4 November 2006

620N93001 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program

620N93002 Introducing the Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program

620N93003 EMAP Monitor: Newsletter, February 1994

620R00001 Proceedings of the Delmarva Coastal Bays Conference 3: November, 1999, Ocean City, Maryland

620R00002 Coastal 2000 Northeast Component Field Operations Manual

620R00003 MAIA Project Summary Birds Indicate Ecological Condition of the Mid-Atlantic Highlands

620R00005a EPA Costal Communications EMAP Western Pilot Coastal Ecosystems

620R00005b EPA Costal Communications National Coastal Assessment 2000

620R00005d EPA Costal Communications Gulf of Mexico Aquatic Mortality Network

620R00005e National Coastal Report Card 2000 Gulf of Mexico

620R00005f EPA Costal Communications Georgia Coastal Assessment

620R00005g EPA Costal Communications Evaluation Guidelines for Ecological Indicators

620R00005h EPA Costal Communications Coastal Conditions in the Virginia Province

620R00005i Coastal Communications Integrated Monitoring of the Mid-atlantic Estuaries

620R00005j Coastal Communications Dissolved Oxygen Moving Towards

620R00005k Coastal Communications - Earth Day Outreach and Education Efforts

620R00005L Coastal Communications National Coastal Report Card Coastal 2000 North Carolina Coastal Assessment

620R00005M Coastal Communications - National Coastal Report Card Coastal 2000 - Puerto Rico Assessment

620R00005n Coastal Communications - National Coastal Report Card Coastal 2000 - Gulf Of Maine Assessment

620R00005o Coastal Communications New Bedford Harbor Long-term Monitoring Program (nbh-ltm)

620R00005P Coastal Communications National Coastal Report Card Coastal 2000 Massachusetts Assessment Ord-region 1-ow-ma Czm

620R00005Q Coastal Communications - National Coastal Report Card Coastal 2000 - Albemarle-pamlico Assessment

620R00005R Coastal Communications National Coastal Assessment Coastal 2000 Long Island Sound Ord-regions 1 & 2-ow-lis-ct Dep-ny Dec

620R00005S Coastal Communications National Coastal Report Card Coastal 2000 Florida Coastal Assessment Ord-region Iv-florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission

620R00005T Coastal Communications National Coastal Assessment Coastal 2000 New Jersey Ord-region 2-ow-nj Dep

620R00005U Coastal Communications National Coastal Research and Monitoring Strategy Epa(ow &ord)-noaa-doe(usgs)usda

620R00005V Coastal Communications Emap Symposium 2001 Coastal Monitoring Through Partnerships

620R00005W Coastal Communications National Coastal Assessment Coastal 2000 New Hampshire Ord-region 1-ow-nh Des

620R00005X Coastal Communications National Coastal Assessment Coastal 2000 New York Ord-region 2-ow-ny Dec

620R00005Y Coastal Communications Computer Aided Tomography Used To Diagnose Health Of Estuaries

620R00005Z Coastal Communications Endangered Species Sensitivity and Ecological Risk Assessment Ord-ow-oppts-usgs-university Of Missouri

620R00007 Surface Waters: Field Operations and Methods for Measuring the Ecological Condition of Non-Wadeable Rivers and Streams

620R01001A Coastal Communications National Coastal Report Card Coastal 2000 Maryland Costal Waters Ord-mdnr-region 1-cbp-ow

620R01001B Coastal Communications Coastal 2000 - Gulf Of Mexico Veracruz Pilot Program

620R01001C Coastal Communications National Coastal Assessment Rhode Island Ord-region 1-ow-ri Dem

620R01001D Coastal Communications National Coastal Assessment Delaware Bay Ord-regions 2 & 3-ow-drbc

620R01001E Coastal Communications National Coastal Assessment Alabama Ord-adem-region 4-ow

620R01001F Coastal Communications National Coastal Assessment Maine Ord-region 1-ow-cbnep

620R01001G Coastal Communications Ocean Response Coastal Analysis System (orca) Ord-nrl-nmoc-uri-u Cal-santa Cruz-wetlabs, Inc -subchem Systems, Inc

620R01001H Coastal Communications Remote Sensing Of Coastal and Estuarine Waters and Habitats

620R01001I Coastal Communications National Coastal Assessment South Carolina Ord-scdnr-scdhec-region 4-ow-nos

620R01001J Coastal Communications Science To Achieve Results (star) Estuarine and Great Lakes (eagle) Program Ord-ow-epa Regions-states-nasa

620R01001K Coastal Communications National Coastal Assessment Mississippi Ord-mdeq-region 4-ow

620R01001L Coastal Communications National Coastal Assessment Louisiana Ord-ldwf-region 6-ow

620R01001M Coastal Communications National Coastal Assessment Texas Ord-tpwd-region 6-ow

620R01001N Coastal Communications National Coastal Assessment Delaware Ord-region 3-ow-dnrec

620R01002 National Coastal Assessment: Quality Assurance Project Plan 2001 - 2004

620R01003 National Coastal Assessment: Field Operations Manual

620R01005 National Coastal Condition Report

620R01005ES National Coastal Condition Report (ERRATA SHEET)

620R02001A Coastal Communications National Coastal Assessment Alaska Ord-region 10-ow-adec

620R02001B Coastal Communications Barataria-terrebonne, Louisiana, National Estuary Program, National Coastal Assessment Ord-ow-region 6-btnep-ldwf

620R02001C Coastal Communications Galveston Bay, Texas National Estuary Program Ord-ow-region 6-gbnep-tpwd

620R02001D Coastal Communications National Coastal Assessment

620R02001E Coastal Communications National Coastal Assessment Training & Quality Assurance

620R02001F Coastal Communications Development Of Nitrogen Loading-response Models For Northeast U s Estuaries

620R02001G Coastal Communications EMAP Symposium 2004 Integrated Monitoring & Assessment For Effective Water Quality Management

620R02002 EMAP Research Strategy

620R02003 Mid-Atlantic Intgrated Assessment (MAIA) Estuaries 1997-98 Summary Report

620R02004 Presentation and Discussion of Uncertainty and Variability in IRIS : Assessments ; EPA Screening Evaluation Report

620R03001 Response Of Surface Water Chemistry To The Clean Air Act Amendments Of 1990

620R03002 National Coastal Condition Report II

620R05005 An Ecological Assessment of Western Streams and Rivers

620R06002 Great River Ecosystems Field Operations Manual

620R92001 Great Lacks Monitoring and Research Strategy

620R93001 Arid Colorado Plateau Pilot Study 1992 Implementation Plan EMAP

620R93002 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Forest Health Monitoring 1992 Activities Plan

620R93003 Surface Waters 1991 Pilot Report EMAP

620R93006 Virginian Province Demonstration Report: EMAP-Estuaries: 1990

620R93007 Statistical Summary: EMAP Estuaries Louisianian Province, 1991 (Includes Errata Sheet)

620R93008 Evaluation Of The EMAP-Wetlands Sampling Design Using National Wetlands Inventory Data

620R93009 EMAP Project Descriptions

620R93010 EMAP: Agroecosystem, Pilot Project Plan, 1992

620R93013 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Master Glossary

620R93014 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Agroecosystem Pilot Field Program Plan, 1993

620R93016 Arid Ecosystems 1993 Implementation Plan Colorado Plateau Plot Design Pilot Study

620R94001 Louisianian Province Demonstration Report, EMAP, Estuaries, 1991

620R94002 Statistical Summary: EMAP-Estuaries Louisianian Province, 1992

620R94004F Surface Waters: Field Operations and Methods for Methods for Measuring the Ecological Condition of Wadeable Streams

620R94005 Statistical Summary: EMAP-Estuaries Virginian Province, 1991

620R94007 Forest Health Monitoring: 1991 Georgia Indicator Evaluation and Field Study

620R94009 Landscape Monitoring and Assessment Research Plan, 1994

620R94014 Agroecosystem Pilot Field Program Report, 1992

620R94015 Arid Ecosystems 1992 Pilot Report

620R94016 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Assessment Framework.

620R94017 Information Management Strategic Plan: 1993-1997, EMAP

620R94019 Statistical Summary: EMAP-Estuaries Virginian Province, 1992

620R94020 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Pilot Project

620R94021 Ecosystem Monitoring and Ecological Indicators An Annotated Bibliography

620R94022 Indicator Development Strategy (EMAP)

620R94023 Assessing the Suitability of Windbreaks as Wildlife Habitat: 1994 Pilot Plan

620R94024 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) Cumulative Bibliography

620R94026 Statistical Summary EMAP-Estuaries Virginian Province 1990 To 1993

620R94027 Forest Health Monitoring: Field Methods Guide

620R94028 Forest Health Monitoring Statistical Summary, 1991

620R94029 Indicator Development Seagrass Monitoring and Research In The Gulf Of Mexico

620R95001 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program Methods Format Guidance

620R95003 Mid-Atlantic Landscape Indicators Project Plan {EMAP}

620R95004 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Agricultural Lands Pilot Field Program Report 1993

620R95005 Coastal Wetlands Indicator Study: EMAP-Estuaries Louisianian Province, 1991

620R95006 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP): Cumulative Bibliography

620R96001 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) Chemical Method Evaluation Guidance

620R96003 EMAP Estuaries Louisianian Province, 1993, Statistical Summary

620R96004 Assessment of the Ecological Condition of the Delaware and Maryland Coastal Bays

620R97001 Surface Waters: Field Operations Manual for Lakes

620R98001 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) Research Strategy

620R98004 Ecological Condition of Estuaries in the Gulf of Mexico

620R99001A EMAP Information Management Plan: 1998-2001

620R99001B EMAP Information Management Plan: 1998-2001, Appendices

620R99003 Surface Waters: Quantifying Physical Habitat in Wadeable Streams (Includes CD Rom)

620R99004 Virginian Province Four-Year Assessment, 1990-1993

620R99005 Evaluation Guidelines for Ecological Indicators

620SR93001 EMAP: Arid Colorado Plateau Pilot Study - 1992: Implementation Plan. Project Summary

620SR93002 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Forest Health Monitoring 1992 Activities Plan. Project Summary.

620SR93010 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Agroecosystem 1992 Pilot Project Plan

620SR93013 Project Summ: EMAP Master Glossary

620SR93014 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Agroecosystem Pilot Field Program Plan: 1993

620SR93016 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Arid Ecosystems 1993 Implementation Plan; Colorado Plateau Plot Design Pilot Study. Project Summary

620SR94006 Forest Health Monitoring: Southeast Loblolly/Shortleaf Pine Demonstration Interim Report. Project Summary

620SR94007 Forest Health Monitoring 1991 Georgia Indicator Evaluation and Field Study. Project Summary

620SR94010 Forest Health Monitoring 1992 Annual Statistical Summary. Project Summary

620SR94014 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Agroecosystem Pilot Field Program Report - 1992. Project Summary

620SR94015 Arid Ecosystems 1992 Pilot Report. Project Summary

620SR94015 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program - Arid Ecosystems 1992 Pilot Report. Project Summary

620SR94016 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Assessment Framework. Project Summary

620SR94017 EMAP Information Management Strategic Plan 1993 - 1997. Project Summary

620SR94020 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Chesapeake Bay Watershed Pilot Project. Project Summary

620SR94023 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program, Assessing the Suitability of Windbreaks as Wildlife Habitat, 1994 Pilot Plan. Project Summary

620SR94028 Forest Health Monitoring 1991 Statistical Summary. Project Summary

620SR95004 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program Agricultural Lands Pilot Field Program Report - 1993. Project Summary

624279022 Capsule Report: Bahco Flue Gas Desulfurization and Particulate Removal System

6251080001 Environmental Regulations And Technology The Electroplating Industry

6251084003 Environmental Regulations and Technology: Use and Disposal of Municipal Wastewater Sludge

6251084004 Environmental Regulations and Technology: Fugitive VOC Emissions in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry

6251085001 Environmental Regulations and Technology: The Electroplating Industry

6251086005 Environmental Regulations and Yechnology: National Pretreatment Program

6251089006 =Environmental Regulations and Technology: Control of Pathogens inMunicipal Wastewater Sludge

6251090007 Environmental Regulations and Technology: Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion of Municipal Wastewater Sludge

6251190001 User Documentation: POTW Expert: Version 1.1 (Include Disk)

6251191002 User Documentation: A Ground Water Information Tracking System with Statistical Analysis Capability; Grits/Stat, Version 4.2

6251191004 User's Guide: Strategic Waste Minimization Waste Initiative (SWAMI): Version 2.0 (Includes Disk)

6251291002 Description and Sampling of Contaminated Soils: Field Pocket Guide

625171002A Process Design Manual For Carbon Adsorption

625171004A Process Design Manual For Upgrading Existing Wastewater Treatment Plants

625173002 Process Design Manual Carbon Adsorption

625174005 Process Design Manual For Sulfide Control In Sanitary Sewerage Systems

625174006 Process Design Manual Sludge Treatment And Disposal

625176001A Process Design Manual For Phosphorus Removal

625177009 Wastewater Treatment Facilities For Sewered Small Communities

625178010 Process Design Manual For Municipal Sludge Landfills

625180012 Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems

625181013 Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater: Process Design Manual

625181013A Process Design Manual: Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater; Supplement on Rapid Infiltration and Overland Flow

625182014 Design Manual Dewatering Municipal Wastewater Sludges

625183015 Design Manual for Municipal Wastewater Stabilization Ponds

625183016 Process Design Manual: Land Application of Municipal Sludge

625185017 Operation And Maintenance Manual For Electrostatic Precipitators - Manual

625185018 Design Manual: Odor and Corrosion Control in Sanitary Sewerage Systems and Treatment Plants

625185019 Manual: Flue Gas Desulfurization Inspection and Performance Evaluation

625186020 Operation And Maintenance Manual For Fabric Filters

625186021 Design Manual: Municipal Wastewater Disinfection

625187001 Design Manual Phosphorus Removal

625187014 Design Manual: Dewatering Municipal Wastewater Sludges

625188022 Design Manual: Costructed Wetlands and Aquatic Plant Systems for Municipal Wastewater Treatment

625189023 Design Manual: Fine Pore Aeration Systems

625191024 Alternative Wastewater Collection Systems (Manual)

625273001A EPA Technology Transfer Capsule Report Recycling Zinc In Viscose Rayon Plants By 2 Precipitation

625273001a EPA Technology Transfer Capsule Report

625273003 Pollution Abatement In A Copper Wire Mill

625273005 EPA Technology Transfer Capsule Report: Dry Caustic Peeling Of Clinstone Peaches

625274006 Pollution Abatement In A Brewing Facility

625275007 Capsule Report: Fuel Desulfurization and Sulfuric Acid Production Via Magnesia Scrubbing

625275008 Second Progress Report Limelimestone Wet-scrubbing Test Results At The EPA Alkali Scrubbing Test Facility

625275009 Magnesium Carbonate - A Recycled Coagulant From Water Treatment

625276010 Third Progress Report Limelimestone Wet-scrubbing Test Results At The EPA Alkali Scrubbing Test Facility

625277011 Wellman Lord SO2 Recovery Process Flue Gas Desulfurization Plant

625277012 Swirl Device for Regulating and Treating Combined Sewer Overflows: EPA Technology Transfer Capsule Report

625277013 Capsule Report: Fabric Filter Particulate Control on Coal Fired Utility Boilers Nucla Co and Sunbury, PA

625277014 Capsule Report: Static Pile Composting of Wastewater Sludge

625278016 Capsule Report: Double Alkali Flue Gas Desulfurization System Applied at the General Motors Parma Ohio Facility

625278017 Capsule Report Recovery of Spent Sulfuric Acid from Steel Pickling Operations

625278018 Capsule Report: Forced Oxidation Test Results at the EPA Alkali Scrubbing Test Facility

625279020 Control Of Acidic Air Pollutants By Coated Baghouses

625279021 Capsule Report: Particulate Control by Fabric Filtration on Coal Fired Industrial Boilers

625279022 Capsule Report Bahco Flue Gas Desulfurization And Particulate Removal System

625279023 Capsule Report: First Progress Report: Physical Coal Cleaning Demonstration at Homer City , Pennsylvania

625279024 Capsule Report: Accustic Monitoring to Determine the Integrity of Hazardous Waste Dams

625280025 Capsule Report Restoration Of Medical Lake

625280027 Capsule Report: Lake Restoration in Cobbossee Watershed

625280028 Capsule Report: Disposal of Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastes, Shawnee Field Evaluation

625282029 Capsule Report: Adipic Acid Enhanced Lime/Limestone Test Results at the EPA Alkali Scrubbing Test Facility

625284031 Capsule Report: Benefits of Microprocessor Control of Curing Ovens for Solvent Based Coatings

625291032 Radon-resistant Construction Techniques for New Residential Construction: Technical Guidance {includes errata sheet}

625373001B Pretreatment Of Poultry Processing Wastes Upgrading Poultry-processing Facilities to Reduce Pollution, Volume 2

625373001C Pretreatment Of Poultry Processing Wastes Upgrading Poultry-processing Facilities to Reduce Pollution, Volume 3

625373002 In-process Pollution Abatement, Volume 1 Upgrading Metal Finishing Facilities To Reduce Pollution

625373002B Waste Treatment Upgrading Metal Finishing Facilities To Reduce Pollution, Volume 2

625373003A Choosing The Optimum Financial Strategy Upgrading Meat Packing Facilities To Reduce Pollution, Volume 3

625373004 In-process Modifications and Pretreatment Upgrading Meat Packing Facilities To Reduce Pollution, Volume 1

625373501B Waste Treatment Upgrading Meat Packing Facilities To Reduce Pollution

625373501C Choosing The Optimum Financial Strategy Upgrading Meat Packing Facilities To Reduce Pollution Volume 3

625374003 Upgrading Meat Packing Facilities To Reduce Pollution Vols 1, 2, & 3

625374004 In Plant Control of Pollution: Upgrade Textile Operations to Reduce Pollution

625374004B Wastewater Treatment Systems Upgrading Textile Operations To Reduce Pollution, 2

625376005 Choosing Optimum Finacial Strategies

625376006A Erosion and Sediment Control: Surface Mining in the Eastern U.S. Volume 1: Planning

625376006B Erosion and Sediment Control: Surface Mining in the Eastern U.S. Volume 2: Design

625377007A Pollution Abatement In The Fruit And Vegetable Industry Basics Of Pollution Control Case Histories

625377007B Pollution Abatement In The Fruit And Vegetable Industry In-plant Control Of Process Wastewater

625377007C Pollution Abatement In The Fruit And Vegetable Industry Wastewater Treatment

625377008 Choosing Optimun Management Strategies: Pollution Control Systems

625377009A Controling Pollution From The Manufacturing And Coating Of Metal Products Metal Coating Air Pollution Control

625377009B Controlling Pollution from the Manufacturing and Coating of Metal Products Solvent Metal Cleaning Air Pollution Control

625377009C Controlling Pollution from the Manufacturing and Coating of Metal Products Water Pollution Control

625379010 Seminar Publication: Pollution Control in the Forest Products Industry

625386011 Proliferative Hepatocellular Lesions of the Rat: Review and Future Use in Risk Assessment

625387012 Interim Procedures For Estimating Risks Associated With Exposures To Mixtures Of Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins And -dibenzofurans (cdds And Cdfs)

625387013 Special Report on Ingested Inorganic Arsenic: Skin Cancer; Nutritional Essentiality

625387013A Special Report On Ingested Inorganic Arsenic Skin Cancer Nutritional Essentiality Review Draft

625388014A Thyroid Follicular Cell Carcinogenesis: Mechanistic and Science Policy Considerations

625389015 Workshop Report On EPA Guidelines For Carcinogen Risk Assessment

625389016 Interim Procedures for Estimating Risks Associated with Exposures to Mixtures of Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and -Dibenzofurans (CDDs and CDFs) and 1989 Update

625390017 Workshop Report on EPA Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment: Use of Human Evidence

625391018 Summary Report on Issues in Ecological Risk Assessment

625391019A Alpha 2u-Globulin: Association with Chemically Induced Renal Toxicity and Neoplasia in the Male Rat Review Draft

625391019D Alpha-2u-globulin Association With Chemically-induced Renal Toxicity and Neoplasia In The Male Rat, Part 4

625391019F Alpha 2u-Globulin: Association with Chemically Induced Renal Toxicity and Neoplasia in the Male Rat, 1991

625391020 Workshop Report On Toxicity Equivalency Factors For Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners

625391021 Report of the EPA Peer Review Workshop Report on Alpha2u-Globulin: Association with Renal Toxicity and Neoplasia in the Male Rat

625391022 Peer Review Workshop Report on a Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment

625473001B Upgrading Lagoons

625473001b Upgrading Lagoons: EPA Technology Transfer Seminar Publication

625473002A Physical-chemical Wastewater Treatment Plant Design

625473003A Oxygen Activated-sludge Wastewater Treatment Systems Design Criteria And Operating Experience

625473004A Nitrification And Denitrification Facilities Wastewater Treatment

625474006 Flow Equalization

625474007A Wastewater Filtration Design Considerations

625474008 Physical-Chemical Nitrogen Removal Wastewater Treatment

625476010 Land Treatment Of Municipal Wastewater Effluents {volumes 1, 2 & 3}

625477003A Status Of Oxygen-activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment

625477011 Alternatives for Small Wastewater Treatment Systems: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

625477011A Alternatives For Small Wastewater Treatment Systems Volume 1 On-site Disposal Septage Treatment And Disposal

625477011B Alternatives For Small Wastewater Treatment Systems - Volume 2 Pressure Sewers Vacuum Sewers

625477011C Alternatives For Small Wastewater Treatment Systems - Volume 3 Cost-effectiveness Analysis

625478012A Sludge Treatment And Disposal Volume 1 Sludge Treatment

625478012B Sludge Treatment And Disposal Volume 2 Sludge Disposal

625485014 Seminar Publication Composting Of Municipal Wastewater Sludges

625485015 Municipal Wastewater Sludge Combustion Technology

625485016 Seminar Publication Protection Of Public Water Supplies From Groundwater Contamination

625487017 Seminar Publication: Permitting Hazardous Waste Incinerators; Seminars for Hazardous Waste Incinerator Permit Writers, Inspectors, and Operators

625487018 Seminar Publication: Meeting Hazardous Waste Requirements for Metal Finishers

625489019 Seminar Publication: Transport and Fate of Contaminants in the Subsurface

625489020 Seminar Publication: Corrective Action: Technologies and Applications

625489021 Seminar Publication: Solvent Waste Reduction Alternatives

625489022 Seminar Publication: Requirements for Hazardous Waste Landfill Design, Construction, and Closure

625489023 Technologies for Upgrading Existing or Designing New Drinking Water Treatment Facilities

625489024 Seminar Publication: Risk Assessment, Management and Communication of Drinking Water Contamination

625491025 Seminar Publication: Design and Construction of RCRA/CERCLA Final Covers

625491026 Seminar Publication: Site Characterization for Subsurface Remediation

625491027 Seminar Publication: Nonpoint Source Watershed Workshop

625491030 Seminar Publication: Medical and Institutional Waste Incineration: Regulations, Management, Technology, Emissions, and Operations

625576011 Logging Roads And Water Quality

625576012 Environmental Pollution Control Alternatives Municipal Wastewater

625576013 Forest Narfesting And Water Quality

625578014 Irrigated Agriculture And Water Quality Management

625579012 Environmental Pollution Control Alternatives Municipal Wastewater Revised

625579016 Environmental Pollution Control Alternatives Economics Of Wastewater Treatment Alternatives For The Electroplating Industry

625581017 Environmental Pollution Control Alternatives Centralized Waste Treatment Alternatives For The Electroplating Industry

625582018 Sludge Handling Dewatering And Disposal Alternatives For The Metal Finishing Industry

625585016 Environmental Pollution Control Alternatives: Reducing Water Pollution Control Costs in the Electroplating Industry

625586019 Technical Guidance: Radon Reduction Techniques for Detached Houses

625586020 Nitrogen Oxide Control For Stationary Combustion Sources

625587019 Radon Reduction Technique for Detached Houses: Technical Guidance, 2nd Edition

625587021 Solar-Powered Environmental Monitoring

625587022 Emission Control Technologies And Emission Factors For Unpaved Road Fugitive Emissions

625588024 Application Of Radon Reduction Methods

625590025 Environmental Pollution Control Alternatives: Drinking Water Treatment for Small Communities

625673002 Monitoring Industrial Wastewater {Handbook}

625674003 Methods For Chemical Analysis Of Water And Wastes

625674003A Methods For Chemical Analysis Of Water And Wastes

625678004 HANDBOOK: Industrial Guide for Air Pollution

625679005 HandBook: Continuous Air Pollution Source Monitoring Systems

625682006 Remedial Action At Waste Disposal Sites {Handbook}

625682007 Identification And Correction Of Typical Design Deficiencies At Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities {Handbook}

625684008 Handbook: Improving POTW Performance Using the Composite Correction Program Approach

625684009 Handbook - Septage Treatment and Disposal

625685006 Remedial Action At Waste Disposal Sites, Revised {Handbook}

625685010 Handbook: Estimating Sludge Management Costs

625686013 Handbook: Stream Sampling for Waste Load Allocation Applications

625686014 Control Technologies For Hazardous Air Pollutants

625687015 Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Technologies

625687016 Groundwater {Handbook}

625687017 Handbook: Retrofitting POTWs for Phosphorus Removal in the Chesapeake Bay Drainage Basin

625688018 Guide to Technical Resources for the Design of Land Disposal Facilities

625689019 Handbook: Guidance on Setting Permit Conditions and Reporting Trial Burn Results: Volume II of the Hazardous Waste Incineration Guidance Series

625689021 Hazardous Waste Incineration Measurement Guidance Manual: Volume 3 of the Hazardous Waste Incineration Series

625689022 Stabilization/Solidification of CERCLA and RCRA Wastes-Physical Tests, Chemical Testing Procedures, Technology Screening, and Field Activities

625689023 Handbook: Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Procedures for Hazardous Waste Incineration

625689024 Handbook: Operation and Maintenance of Hospital Medical Waste Incinerators

625689025 Assessing the Geochemical Fate of Deep-Well-Injected Hazardous Waste: A Reference Guide

625689025A Assessing The Geochemical Fate Of Deep-well Injected Hazardous Waste Reference Guide

625689025B Assessing the Geochemical Fate of Deep-Well Injected Hazardous Waste: Summaries of Recent Research

625690016A Groundwater, Volume 1 Groundwater And Contamination Handbook

625690016B Handbook: Ground Water, Volume 2: Methodology

625691014 Control Technologies for Hazardous Air Pollutants (Handbook)

625691026 Handbook: Stabilization Technologies for RCRA Corrective Actions

625691027 Handbook: Optimizing Water Treatment Plant Performance Using the Composite Correction Program

625691028 Remediation of Contaminated Sediments {Handbook}

625691029 Handbook: Sub-Slab Depressurization for Low-Permeability Fill Material: Design & Installation of a Home Radon Reduction System

625691030 Handbook: Sewer System Infrastructure Analysis and Rehabilitation

625691031 Material Recovery Facilities for Municipal Solid Waste

625691032 Handbook: Assessment Protocols: Durability of Performance of a Home Radon Reduction System, Sub-Slab Depressurization Systems

625776001 Pulp And Paper Industry Part 1Air (Oct 1976)

625778002 Environmental Pollution Control Textile Processing Industry

625788003 Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment Manual

625790004 Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Pesticide Formulating Industry

625790005 Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Paint Manufacturing Industry

625790006 Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Fabricated Metal Products Industry

625790007 Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing Industry

625790008 Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Commercial Printing Industry

625790009 Guides to Pollution Prevention: Selected Hospital Waste Streams

625790010 Guides to Pollution Prevention: Research and Educational Institutions

625790011 Approaches for Remediation of Uncontrolled Wood Preserving Sites

625790013 Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Automotive Repair Industry

625791012 Guides To Pollution Prevention Photo Processing Industry

625791014 Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Fiberglass-Reinforced and Composite Plastics Industry

625791015 Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Marine Maintenance And Repair Industry

625791016 Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Automotive Refinishing Industry

625791017 Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Pharmaceutical Industry

625879001 Summary Report: Sulfur Oxides Control Technology Series: Flue Gas Desulfrization, Wellman-Lord Proces

625879002 Summary Report: Control Technology for The Metal Finishing Industry: Evaporators

625880003 Summary Report: Control and Treatment Technology for the Metal Finishing Industry, Sulfide Precipitation

625880004 Summary Report Sulfur Oxides Control Technology Series Flue Gas Desulfurization Dual Alkali Process

625881005 Summary Report: Sulfur Oxides Control Technology Series: Flue Gas Desulfrization, Magnesium Oxide Process

625881007 Summary Report: Control and Treatment Technology for the Metal Finishing Industry, Ion Exchange

625882008 Summary Report: Control and Treatment Technology for the Metal Finishing Industry, In-Plant Changes

625882009 Summary Report: Sulfur Oxides Control Technology Series: Flue Gas Desulfrization, Spray Dryer Proces

625885010 Summary Report: Fine Pore (Fine Bubble) Aeration Systems

625886011 Summary Report Sequencing Batch Reactors

625887012 Summary Report: The Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking and Foaming

625887013 Biomonitoring to Achieve Control

625887014 Compendium of Technologies Used in the Treatment of Hazardous Wastes

625889015 Biomonitoring for Control of Toxicity in Effluent Discharges to the Marine Environment

625889016 Summary Report: In-Vessel Composting of Municipal Wastewater Sludge

625890017 Summary Report: Optimizing Water Treatment Plant Performance with the Composite Correction Program

625977001 Environmental Conciderations Of Energy-Conserving Industrial Process Changes

625977002 Environmental Sampling Of Paraho Oil Shale Retort Process at Anvil Points

625977502 National Conference On Less Costly Wastewater Treatment Systems For Small Communities

625979003 Environment Assessment: Short-Tem Tests For Carcinogens, Mutagens and Other Genotoxic Agents

625979004 The Diesel Emissions Research Program

625981005 Environmental Assessment: Perspective On The Emerging Oil Shale Industry

625985006 Protecting Health and Safety at Hazardous Waste Sites: An Overview

625987007 Injection Well Mechnical Integrity

625988008 Experience in Incineration Applicable to Superfund Site Remediation

625989007 Injection Well Mechanical Integrity

625989009 Volumetric Tank Testing: An Overview (UST #34B)

625C05002 Proceedings Report: Symposium on cooling Water Intake Technologies to Protect Aquatic Oraganisms

625C99001 Proceedings: National Conference on Retrofit Opportunities for Water Resource Protection in Urban Environments, Chicago, IL February 9-12, 1998 (CD)

625F00001 Workshop on the Characterization, Modeling, Remediation, and Monitoring of Mining-Impacted Pit Lakes: Sands Regency Casino Hotel, Downtown Reno, Nevada April 4 - 6, 2000

625F00002 Phytoremediation: State of the Science Conference, May 1-2, 2000 RTDF Annual Phytoremediation Action Team Meeting, May 3, 2000

625F00003 Request for Application to Demonstrate Technologies to Treat Methyl-T-Butyl Ether (MTBE) (Fact Sheet and Order Information)

625F00004 Assessing and Managing Mercury from Historic and Current Mining Activities

625F00005 Announcing the National Risk Management Research Laboratory's Listserver

625F00006 Preliminary Announcement and Call for Abstracts: Workshop on the Fate, Transport, and Transformation of Mercury in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments

625F00006A Workshop on the Fate, Transport, and Transformation of Mercury in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments

625F01001 Inventory of Ecological Restoration Projects within the MAIA Region

625F01002 Effective Risk Management of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: September 18-19, 2001 Cincinnati, Ohio

625F01003 Hardrock Mining 2002: May,2002 Westminster, CO

625F02001 Hardrock Mining 2002: Issues Shaping the Industry

625F02002 Workshop on Urban Growth in the Mid-Atlantic Region

625F02003 Call for Abstracts for A Symposium on Cooling Wayer Intake Technologies to Protect Aquatic Organisms

625F02004 Workshop on Mining Impacted Native American Lands 2003: Call for Abstracts

625F02004A Workshop On Mining Impacted Native American Lands 2003: September 9-11, 2003, Reno, Nevada{Annoucement}

625F03007 The EMPACT Collection

625F94006 Seminar: Landfill Bioreactor Design and Operation, March, 1995

625F95002 Seminar: Air Emissions Control At Waste Management Facilities

625F95003 Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes: Research, Development, and Field Evaluations Symposium, the Rye Town Hilton, Rye Brook, New York, August 8-10, 1995

625F97001 National Conference on Management and Treatment of Contaminated Sediments, May 13-14, 1997 <Announcement>

625F97002 National Satellite Video Conference on Source Protection of Drinking Water Supplies, May 14, 1997 <Announcement>

625F97003 Seminar Series on Wood Preserving Site Remediation, 1997

625F97004 EPA Standards Network Fact Sheet: ISO 14000: International Environmental Management Standards

625F98001 Ecosystem Restoration: Symposium to Bring Together Ecosystem Restoration Practioners and Researchers, July 31, 1998

625F99001 Environmental Problem Solving with Geographic Information Systems: National Conference, September 1999

625F99002 Innovative Clean-up Approaches: Investments in Technology Development, Results & Outlook for the Future (Announcement)

625F99003 Abiotic In-Situ Technologies for Groundwater Remediation, August 31 - September 2, 1999 Dallas

625F99005 Sustainable Urban Water Resources Infrastructure: Vision of the Future

625F99006 Technical Seminar: Real Time Control, September 23rd and 24th 1999 Quebec City, Canada

625F99007 Innovative Clean-up Approaches: Investments in Technology Development, Results and Outlook for the Future, November 2-4, 1999 Indian Lakes Resort Bloomingdale, Illinois

625F99008 Innovative Cleanup Approaches: Investments in Technology Development, Results and Outlook for the Future: Don't Miss the Opportunity to Attend!

625F99009 Workshop on Mercury in Products, Processes, Waste and the Environment: Eliminating, Reducing, and Managing Risks from Non-Combustion Sources, Omni Inner Harbor Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland, March 22-23, 2000

625K93001 Seminar on Technologies for Remediating Sites Contaminated With Explosive and Radioactive Wastes

625K94001 Seminars: Construction Quality Assurance/Construction Quality Control (CQA/CQC) for Waste Containment Facilities. Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP) Model

625K94002 Seminar Series on Managing Environmental Problems at Inactive and Abandoned Metals Mine Sites

625K94003 Seminars Combined Sewer Overflow Control

625K96001 Seminars: Bioremediation of Hazardous Waste Sites: Practical Approaches to Implementation

625K97001A National Satellite Videoconference on Source Protection of Drinking Water Supplies: Presentation Materials

625K97001B National Satellite Videoconference on Source Protection of Drinking Water Supplies, Evaluation

625K97001C National Risk Management Research Laboratory: Organization and Contacts

625K97002 Seminar Series on Wood Preserving Site Remediation

625K98001 Monitored Natural Attenuation for Ground Water Seminar Series

625N00001 Technology Transfer Highlights, August, 2000

625N02001 Technology Transfer: Product List and Order Form

625N03001 Technology Transfer: Product List & Order Form

625N96001 Technology Transfer Highlights, September 1996

625N97001 Technology Transfer Highlights, September 1997

625N98001 Technology Transfer Highlights, September 1998

625N99001 Technology Transfer Highlights, September 1999

625R00001 National Conference on Tools for Urban Water Resource Management and Protection: Proceedings Chicago, IL, February 7-10, 2000

625R00002 Workshop on Source Emission and Ambient Air Monitoring of Mercury: September 13-14, 1999, Bloomington, MN

625R00003 Report of the December 15, 1999 EPA Satellite Forum on Ozone Monitoring, Mapping, and Public Outreach

625R00005 In Situ Treatment of Soil and Groundwater Contaminated with Chromium. Technical Resource Guide

625R00008 Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Manual

625R00009 Technical Approaches to Characterizing and Cleaning up Brownfields Sites

625R00012 Lead-Safe Yards Developing and Implementing a Monitoring, Assessment, and Outreach Program for Your Community

625R00013 Delivering Timely Water Quality Information to Your Community: Lake Access Minneapolis Project

625R00014 Proceedings and Summary Report: Workshop on Mercury in Products, Processes, Waste and the Environment: Eliminating, Reducing and Managing Risks from Non-Combustion Sources

625R00015 Removal of Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals Using Drinking Water Treatment Processes

625R01001A Summary of Workshop on Biodegradation of MTBE February 2000

625R01002 NATO/CCMS Pilot Study: Clean Products and Processes (Phase 1), 2000 Annual Report, Number 242

625R01003 Organizational Guide to Pollution Prevention

625R01004 Handbook on Advanced Nonphotochemical Oxidation Processes

625R01005 Delivering Timely Water Quality Information to Your Community: Jefferson Parish Louisiana Project

625R01006 Providing Timely Drinking Water and Source Water Quality Information to Your Community: Des Moines Water Works' Project

625R01007 Developing and Implementing a Bird Migration Monitoring, Assessment, and Public Outreach Program for Your Community: The Birdcast Project

625R01010 Delivering Timely Environmental Information to your Community: Boulder Area Sustainability Information Network(BASIN)

625R01011A Summary of the Phytoremediation State of the Science Conference

625R01012 State of the Practice for Bioreactor Landfills: Workshop on Bioreactor Landfills Arlington, Virginia, September 6-7, 2000

625R02001 Technical Approaches to Characterizing and Cleaning up Automative Recycling Brownfields: Site Profile

625R02002 Technical Approaches to Characterizing and Redeveloping Brownfields Sites: Municipal Landfills and Illegal Dumps, Site Profile

625R02004 Consideration In Risk Communication: A Digest Of Risk Communication As A Risk Management Tool

625R02005 Proceedings and Summary Report: Workshop on the Fate, Transport and Transformation of Mercury in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments

625R02005ES ERRATA SHEET: Proceedings and Summary Report: Workshop on the Fate, Transport and Transformation of Mercury in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments

625R02006 Technical Approaches to Characterizing and Cleaning up Brownfields Sites: Pulp and Paper Mills, Site Profile

625R02007 Technical Approaches to Characterizing and Cleaning up Brownfields Sites: Railroad Yards Site Profile

625R02008 Community Based UV Risk Education: SunWise Program Handbook

625R02009 Environmental Curricula Handbook: Tools in Your Schools

625R02010 Developing and Implementing an Estuarine Water Quality Monitoring, Assessment, and Outreach Program: MYSound Project

625R02011 Risk Communication Action: Environmental Case Studies

625R02012 Planning And Implementing A Real-Time Air Pollution Monitoring And Outreach Program For Your Community: AirBeat Project Of Roxbury, Massachusetts

625R02013 Delivering Timely Air Quality, Traffic, And Weather Information To Your Community

625R02014 Developing And Implementing A Lead Dust Outreach, Monitoring, And Education Program In Your Community: Syracuse Lead Dust Project

625R02016 Urban Sprawl Modeling, Air Quality Monitoring, And Risk Communication: The Northeast Ohio Project

625R02018 Delivering Timely Water Quality Information to Your Community: Chesapeake Bay and National Aquarium Baltimore EMPACT Projects

625R02020 Facilitating Public Access To Government Environmental Monitoring Data: Living Everglades Web Site

625R03002 Delivering Timely Water Quality Information To Your Community: River Index Project: Lower Great Miami River Watershed

625R03005 Capsule Report: Nickel Plating: Industry Practices Control Technologies And Environmental Management

625R04102 Proceedings and Summary Report Workshop on Assessing and Managing Mercury from Historic and Current Mining Activities

625R04102 Proceedings And Summary Report: Workshop On Assessing And Managing Mercury From Historic And Current Mining Activities

625R04108 2004 Guidelines For Water Reuse

625R05002 Security Information Collaboratives: A Guide for Water Utilities

625R05003 Risk Communication in Action: The Risk Communication Workbook

625R06012 Risk Communication in Action: The Tools of Message Mapping

625R06013 Risk Communication in Action: Case Studies in Fish Advisories

625R06014 Engineering Issue Management and Treatment of Water from Hard Rock Mines

625R06015 In Situ and Ex Situ Biodegradation Technologies for Remediation of Contaminated Sites

625R06016 Process Design Manual Land Treatment Of Municipal Wastewater Effluents {pub

625R92001 Seminar Publication: Control of Biofilm Growth in Drinking Water Distribution Systems

625R92002 Handbook: Vitrification Technologies for Treatment of Hazardous and Radioactive Waste

625R92003 Seminar Publication: Organic Air Emissions From Waste Management Facilities

625R92004 Guidelines for Water Reuse (Manual)

625R92005 Wastewater Treatment/Disposal for Small Communities: Manual

625R92006 Seminar Publication: The National Rural Clean Water Program Symposium

625R92007 Reference Guide: Use of Airborne, Surface, and Borehole Geophysical Techniques at Contaminated Sites

625R92008 Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Mechanical Equipment Repair Industry

625R92009 Guides to Pollution Prevention: Metal Casting and Heat Treating Industry

625R92010 Summary Report: Small Community Water and Wastewater Treatment

625R92011 Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Metal Finishing Industry

625R92012 Control of Air Emissions from Superfund Sites

625R92013 Environmental Regulations and Technology: Control of Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage Sludge

625R92014 Proceedings: RCRA Corrective Action Stabilization Technologies

625R92016 Radon Prevention in the Design and Construction of Schools and Other Large Buildings Third Printing With Addendum June 1994

625R93001 Seminar Publication Control of Lead and Copper in Drinking Water

625R93002 Seminar Publication Wetland Protection Guide for Small Communities

625R93003A Subsurface Characterization and Monitoring Techniques: Desk Reference Guide, Volume 1: Solids and Ground Water Appendices A and B

625R93003B Subsurface Characterization and Monitoring Techniques: A Desk Reference Guide, Volume 2: The Vadose Zone, Field Screening and Analytical Methods Appendices C and D

625R93004 Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention and Control Planning (Handbook)

625R93005 Handbook: Control Techniques for Fugitive VOC Emissions from Chemical Process Facilities

625R93006 Guides to Pollution Prevention: Municipal Pretreatment Programs

625R93007 Combined Sewer Overflow Control (Manual)

625R93008 Seminar Publication: Operational Parameters for Hazardous Waste Combustion Devices

625R93009 Guides to Pollution Prevention: Non-Agricultural Pesticide Users

625R93010 Process Design Manual: Nitrogen Control

625R93011 Radon Reduction Technique for Existing Detached Houses: Technical Guidance for Active Soil Depressurization Systems, 3rd Edition

625R93012 R-EMAP Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program

625R93013 Handbook: Approaches for the Remediation of Federal Facility Sites Contaminated with Explosive or Radioactive Wastes

625R93014 Guides to Pollution Prevention: Wood Preserving Industry

625R93015 Guide to Cleaner Technologies: Organic Coating Removal

625R93016 Guide to Cleaner Technologies: Alternative to Chlorinated Solvents for Cleaning and Degreasing

625R93017 Guide to Cleaner Technologies: Cleaning and Degreasing Process Changes

625R94001 Ground Water and Wellhead Protection (Handbook)

625R94002 Guide to Septage Treatment and Disposal

625R94003 Alternative Methods for Fluid Delivery and Recovery (Manual)

625R94004 Recycling and Reuse of Material Found on Superfund Sites (Handbook)

625R94005 Ground-Water and Leachate Treatment Systems (Manual)

625R94006 Guide to Cleaner Technologies: Organic Coating Replacements

625R94007 Guide to Cleaner Technologies Alternative Metal Finishes

625R94008 Seminar Publication: Design, Operation, and Closure of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills

625R94009 Environmental Planning For Small Communities: A Guide for Local Decision-Makers

625R94010 Environmental Regulations and Technology: Managing Used Motor Oil

625R95001 Process Design Manual Land Application of Sewage Sludge and Domestic Septage

625R95002 Process Design Manual: Surface Disposal of Sewage Sludge and Domestic Septage

625R95003 National Conference on Urban Runoff Management: Enhancing Urban Watershed Management at the Local, County, and State Levels, Seminar Publication

625R95004 Seminar Publication: National Conference on Environmental Problem Solving with Geographic Information Systems

625R95005 Pump and Treat Ground Water Remediation: A Guide for Decision Makers and Practitioners

625R95006 Solid Waste Options for Municipal Planners Version 3.1 A Software Tool for Preliminary Planning User Documentation {Includes Disk}

625R95008 Technology Transfer Handbook: Management of Water Treatment Plant Residuals

625R96001 Control of NOx Emissions by Reburning

625R96002 Drinking Water Treatment Plant Advisor: User Documentation

625R96003 Pollution Prevention in the Paints and Coatings Industry, Manual

625R96004 Best Management Practices for Pollution Prevention in the Textile Industry, Manual

625R96005 Best Management Practices for Pollution Prevention in the Slabstock and Molded Flexible Polyurethane Foam Industry

625R96007 National Conference on Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs), April 24-26, 1995, Washington, DC (Seminar Publication)

625R96008 Capsule Report: Evaporation Report

625R96009 Capsule Report: Reverse Osmosis Process

625R96010A Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Compounds in Ambient Air

625R96010B Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air, Second Edition

625R97001 Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems for Non-Criteria Pollutants {Handbook}

625R97002 Capsule Report: Sources and Air Emission Control Technologies at Waste Management

625R97003 ISO 14000 Resource Directory

625R97004 Capsule Report: Aqueous Mercury Treatment

625R97008 Proceedings: National Watershed Water Quality Project Symposium

625R97009 Treatment Technology Performance and Cost Data for Remediation of Wood Preserving Sites

625R98001 Proceedings: National Conference on Management and Treatment of Contaminated Sediments, Cincinnati, Ohio May 13-14, 1997

625R98002 Capsule Report: Hard Chrome Fume Suppressants and Control Technologies

625R98003 Environmental Planning for Communities: Guide to the Environmental Visioning Process Utilizing a Geographic Information System (GIS)

625R98004 Advanced Photochemical Oxidation Processes, Handbook

625R98006 Technical Approaches to Characterizing and Cleaning Up Metal Finishing Sites under the Brownfields Initiative

625R98007 Technical Approaches to Characterizing and Cleaning Up Iron and Steel Mill Sites Under the Brownfields Initiative

625R98008 Technical Approaches to Characterizing and Cleaning Up Automotive Repair Sites Under the Brownfields Initiative

625R99001 Cost Estimating Tools and Resources for Addressing Sites Under the Brownfields Initiative

625R99002 Proceedings: National Conference on Retrofit Opportunities for Water Resource Protection in Urban Environments, Chicago, IL, February 9-12, 1998

625R99003 Guide to Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency

625R99005 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Recovery Seminar

625R99006 NATO/CMS Pilot Study: Clean Products and Processes, Phase 1

625R99007 Ozone Monitoring, Mapping and Public Outreach Delivering Real-Time Ozone Information to Your Community

625R99008 Capsule Report: Approaching Zero Discharge in Surface Finishing

625R99009 Capsule Report: Managing Cyanide in Metal Finishing

625R99010 Manual: Constructed Wetlands Treatment of Municipal Wastewaters

625R99012 Abiotic In Situ Technologies for Groundwater Remediation Conference: Proceedings, Dallas, TX, August 31 - September 2, 1999

625R99900 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Recovery Seminar

625S1081002 Environmental Regulations and Technology The Dry Cleaning Industry

6284 Residential Water Conservation Annoted Bibliography

6286 Clean Lakes Program 1987 Annual Report

6293 EPA Permits Consolidated Task Force Report To The Administrator

630P02001F Framework For Cumulative Risk Assessment

630P02002F Review Of Reference Dose And Reference Concentration Processes: RISK ASSESSMENT FORUM

630P02004F Generic Ecological Assessment Endpoints(GEAEs) For Ecological Risk Assessment

630P03001B Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment

630P03003F Guidance On Selecting Age Groups For Monitoring And Assessing Childhood Exposures To Environmental Contaminants

630P04068B Framework for Inorganic Metals Risk Assessment Draft

630R00002 Supplementary Guidance for Conducting Health Risk Assessment of Chemical Mixtures

630R00002ES Supplementary Guidance for Conducting Health Assessment of Chemical Mixtures (ERRATA SHEET)

630R00002ES1 Supplementary Guidance for Conducting Health Assessment of Chemical Mixtures (ERRATA SHEET)

630R00002ES2 Supplementary Guidance for Conducting Health Assessment of Chemical Mixtures (ERRATA SHEET)

630R00003 Summary Report for the Workshop on Issues Associated with Dermal Exposure and Uptake

630R00004 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment

630R00005 Summary Report of the Technical Workshop on Issues Associated with Considering Developmental Changes in Behavior and Anatomy when Assessing Exposure to Children

630R01002 Workshop Report on the Application of 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD Toxicity Equivalence Factors to Fish and Wildlife

630R03003F Supplemental Guidance for Assessing Susceptibility from Early-Life Exposure to Carcinogens

630R06001 Federal Register May 23, 2006 Volume 71, Number 99 Harmonization In Interspecies Extrapolation Use Of Bw 3-4 As Default To Derivation Of The Oral Rfd

630R92001 Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment: Risk Assessment Forum

630R92002 Report on the Ecological Risk Assessment Guidelines Strategic Planning Workshop

630R92003 Report of the Neurotoxicity Risk Assessment Guidelines Peer Review Workshop

630R92004 Workshop Report on Development Neurotoxic Effects Associated With Exposure to PCB's

630R92005 Review of Ecological Assessment Case Studies from a Risk Assessment Perspective

630R94001 Report on the Technical Workshop on WTI Incinerator Risk Issues

630R94002 Workshop on the Use of Available Data and Methods for Assessing the Ecological Risks of 2,3,7,8,-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin to Aquatic Life and Associated Wildlife

630R94003 Review of Ecological Assessment Case Studies from a Risk Assessment Perspective, Volume 2

630R94004A Draft Ecological Risk Assessment Issue Papers

630R94005 Report on the Workshop on Cancer Risk Assessment Guidelines Issues

630R94005A Report On The Workshop On Cancer Risk Assessment Guidelines Issues

630R94006 Report on the Technical Review Workshop on the Reference Dose for Aroclor 1016

630R94007 Use of the Benchmark Dose Approach in Health Risk Assessment

630R94008 Peer Review Workshop Report on Ecological Risk Assessment Issue Papers

630R94009 Ecological Risk Assessment Issue

630R95001F Federal Register: May 14, 1998, Part 3. Guidelines for Neurotoxicity Risk Assessment; Notice

630R95002 Draft Proposed Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment (External Review Draft)

630R95002B Proposed Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment

630R95002F Federal Register: May 14, 1998, Part 2. Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment: Notice

630R96001 Report on the US EPA Technical Workshop on WTI Incinerator Risk Assessment Issues

630R96002 Peer Review Workshop Report on Draft Proposed Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment

630R96003 Report on the Peer Review Workshop on Revisions to the Exposure Factors Handbook

630R96004A Ecological Risk Assessment Planning and Problem Formulation: Waquoit Bay Watershed: June 13, 1996, Draft

630R96005A Ecological Risk Assessment Planning and Problem Formulation: Clinch Valley Watershed, June 13, 1996, Draft

630R96006A Ecological Risk Assessment Planning and Problem Formulation: Big Darby Creek Watershed, June 14, 1996, Draft

630R96007A Ecological Risk Assessment Planning and Problem Formulation: Middle Platte River Floodplain, June 17, 1996, Draft

630R96008A Ecological Risk Assessment Planning and Problem Formulation: Middle Snake River Watershed, June 17, 1996, Draft

630R96009 Guidelines for Reproductive Toxicity Risk Assessment

630R96010 Summary Report for the Workshop on Monte Carlo Analysis

630R96011 Report on the Benchmark Dose Peer Consultation Workshop

630R96012 Special Report on Environmental Endocrine Disruption: An Effects Assessment and Analysis

630R97001 Guiding Principles for Monte Carlo Analysis

630R97002 Assessment of Thyroid Follicular Cell Tumors

630R98002 Guidelines for the Health Risk Assessment of Chemical Mixtures

630R98003 Guidelines for Mutagenicity Risk Assessment

630R98004 Report of the Workshop on Selecting Input Distributions for Probabilistic Assessments

630Z96001 Federal Register: October 4, 1995, Part 2. Proposed Guidelines for Neurotoxicity Risk Assessment; Notice

6316 Guide To The Office Of Water Accountability System and Regional Evaluations, Fiscal Year 1991

6318 Clean Air Act Amendments Of 1990

6322 Women, Minorities, and Handicapped In Science and Technology Report Of The Administrator

6327 Information Resources Management Review Program, Fy 1991 Report

635R00005F Characterization of Data Variability and Uncertainty Health Effects Assessments in the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) in response to Congress, HR 106-379

635R02001F Toxicological Review of Benzene (Noncancer Effects)

635R02003 Report on the Peer Review of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's Draft External Review Document "Perchlorate Environmental Contamination: Toxicological Review and Risk Characterization"

635R02003 Report on the Peer Review of the U.s. Environmental Protection Agency’s Draft External Review Document Perchlorate Environmental Contamination: Toxicological Review and Risk Characterization”

635R03012 Toxicological Review Of N-Hexane In Support Of Summary Information On The Integrated Risk Information Ystem (iris)

635R05003 Peer Consultation Workshop on Research Needs Related to the IRIS Draft Toxicological Review of Naphthalene Final Report

635R07005F Toxicological Review of 2 2' 4 4'-tetrabromodiphenyl Ether (BDE-47) in Support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)

635R07006F Toxicological Review of 2 2' 4 4' 5-Pentabromodiphenyl Ether (BDE 99) (CAS No. 60348-60-9)

635R08003F Toxicological Review of Propionaldehyde

640K93001 Preventing Waterborne Disease Duplicate

640K93001a Previniendo EnFermedades Propagada Porcl Agua

640K93001A Previniendo Enfermedades Propagadas Por El Agua Un Enfoque En La Investigacion Del EPA {preventing Waterborne Disease Focus On Epa's Research} {spanish}

640K93002 Bioremediation: Innovative Pollution Treatment Technology, a Focus on EPA's Research

640K94003 Drinking Water Treatment for Small Communities: A Focus on EPA's Research

640K95004 Stratospheric Ozone Depletion: A Focus on EPA's Research

641E03002 Open the Door to Clean Lakes

642R02010 NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment and Clean Up or Contaminated Land and Groundwater (Phase 3) 2002 Anual Report, Number 255

645R73101 Health Effects Research Laboratory

645R97101 Pesticides And Children Health Effects Research

645R97102 Program Updates Health And Environmental Effects Research

6464 GLNPO Health, Safety and Environmental Compliance Manual

6476 A Guide To The Office Of Water Accountability System and Mid-year Evaluations Fy 1989

6476A A Guide To The Office Of Water Accountability System and Regional Evaluations FY 1991

650174001 Use Of Panelist As Substitutes For Taxicab Drivers In Carbon Monoxide Exposure

650174004 Health Consequences Of Sulfur Oxides Report From Chess 1970-1971

650273001 Chemical And Physical Characterization Of Automotive Exhaust Particulate Matter In The Atmosphere (year Ending June 30 1972)

650273013 EPA Alkali Scrubbing Test Facility Sodium Carbonate And Limestone Test Results

650273016 Development Of An Instrumental Monitoring Method For Measurement Of Asbestos Concentrations In Or Near Sources

650273025 Application Of Odor Technology To Mobile Sources Emission Instrumentation

650273026 Remote Sensing Of Air Pollution In Urban Areas

650273048A Evaluation Of The Fluidized-bed Combustion Process Volume 1 Pressurized Fluidized-bed Combustion Process Devel- Opment And Evaluation

650274019 Development And Testing Of An Air Monitoring System

650274023 Flame Characterization Probes

650274025 Applicability Of The Meyers Process For Chemical Desulfurization Of Coal Initial Survey Of Fifteen Coals

650274035 Evaluation Of Equations For Designing Ammoniacal Scrubbers To Remove Sulfur Oxides From Waste Gas

650274049A Pilot Plant Study Of An Ammonia Absorption-ammonium Bisulfate Regeneration Process Topical Report Phases I And Ii

650274052 Study Of Potential Problems And Optimum Opportunities In Retrofitting Industrial Processes To Low And Intermediate Energy Gas From Coal

650274054 Occurrence And Distribution Of Poten- Tially Volatile Trace Elements In Coal

650274058 Applying Fabric Filtration To Coal Fired Industrial Boilers Preliminary Pilot Scale Investigation

650274059 No2 Measuring System

650274071A Improved Air Pollution Control For Kraft Recovery Boiler Modified Recovery Boiler No 3

650274071B Improved Air Pollution Control For A Kraft Recovery Boiler Recovery Boiler No 4

650274072 Sasol Type Process For Gasoline Methanol-sng And Low Btu Gas From Coal

650274078A Field Testing Application Of Combustion Modifications To Control Pollutant Emissions From Industrial Boilers - Phase I

650274079 Techniques For Measuring Fly Ash Resis- Tivity

650275036 Asbestos Fiber Atlas

650275067 Development Of Air Sampling Methodology

650373001 User's Manual For The APRAC-1a Urban Diffusion Model Computer Program

650373002 Determination of the Formation Mechanisms and Composition of Photochemical Aerosols

650374002 Haze Formation Its Nature And Origin

650374003 Wind Tunnel Tests Of Negatively Buoyant Plumes

650374004A Study Of Factors Affecting Reactions In Environmental Chambers - Final Report On Phase II

650374005 Precipitation Scavenging Of Inorganic Pollutants From Metropolitan Sources

650374006 Structure And Reactivity Of Adsorbed Oxides Of Sulfur

650374007 Role Of Solid-gas Interactions In Air Pollution

650375003 Travels Of Airborne Pollen

650375008 Oxidation Of Halocarbons

650375009 Regional Air Pollution Study Program Objectives And Plans

650375011 Outdoor Smog Chamber Studies Effect Of Hydrocarbon Reduction On Nitrogen Dioxide

650473001 Mesoscale Windfield Analysis Of Los Angeles Basin

650473002 Lidar Studies Of Stack Plumes In Rural and Urban Environments

650474001 Application Of Repro-modeling To The Analysis Of A Photochemical Air Pollution Model

650474002 Meteorological Episodes Of Slowest Dilution In Contiguous United States

650474005A Guidelines For Development Of A Quality Assurance Program Volume I, Determination Of Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate (type-s Pilot Tube)

650474005B Guidelines For Development Of A Quality Assurance Program Vol 2 Gas Analysis For Carbon Dioxide Excess Air and Dry Molecular Weight

650474005C Guidelines For Development Of A Quality Assurance Program Volume III Determination Of Moisture In Stack Gas

650474005D Guidelines For Development Of A Quality Assurance Program Volume IV - Determination Of Particulate Emissios From Stationary Sources

650474005E Guidelines For Development Of A Quality Assurance Program-volume 5-determination Of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions From Stationary Sources

650474005F Guidelines For Development Of Quality Assurance Program Volume VI Determination Of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions From Stationary Sources

650474005G Guidelines For Development Of A Quality Assurance Program Volume VII - Determination Of Sulfuric Acid Mist and Sulfur Dioxide Emissions From Stationary Sources

650474005H Guidelines For Development Of A Quality Assurance Program, Volume VIII Determination Of Co Emissions From Stationary Sources By Ndir Spectrometry

650474005I Guidelines For Development Of A Quality Assurance Program, Volume Ix Visual Determination Of Opacity Emissions From Stationary Source

650474005K Guidelines For Development Of A Quality Assurance Program Volume Xi - Determination Of Beryllium Emissions From Stationary Sources

650474005M Guidelines For Development Of A Quality Assurance Program Volume 13 Test For Lead In Gasoline By Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

650474005N Guidelines For Development Of A Qualtiy Assurance Program Volume Xiv - Screening Determination Of Lead In Gasoline

650474005O Guidelines For Development Of A Quality Assurance Program Volume Xv Determination Of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions From Stationary Sources By Continuous Monitors

650474006 Methodology For Treating Large Localized Emissions Of Reactive Pollutants

650474007 Determination Of Energetic Characteristics Of Urban-rural Surfaces In Greater St Louis Area

650474008 Hiway, Highway Air Pollution Model, User's Guide

650474019A Collaborative Testing Of Methods For Measurements Of No2 In Ambient Air Volume 1 - Report Of Testing

650474021 Collaborative Study Of Method For The Determination Of Particulate Matter Emissions From Stationary Sources (fossil Fuel-fired Steam Generators)

650474022 Collaborative Study Of Method For The Determination Of Particulate Matter Emission From Stationary Sources (municipal Incinerators)

650474030 Development Of Air Particulate Monitoring Systems

650474032 Sources and Natural Removal Processes For Some Atmospheric Pollutants

650474035 Invariant Modeling Of Turbulence and Diffusion In The Planetary Boundary Layer

650474037 Atmospheric Measurement Of Photochemical Smog Reactions - A Preliminary Analysis

650474038 Proceedings Of The Symposium On Statistical Aspects Of Air Quality Data, Held At The Carolina Inn, Chapel Hill, Nc On Nov 9-10, 1972

650474040 Mathematical Simulation Of Smog Chamber Photochemical Experiments

650474042 Study Of Indoor Air Quality

650474044 Laboratory and Numerical Simulation Of Plume Dispersion In Stably Stratified Flow Over Complex Terrain

650474045A Select Research Group In Air Pollution Meteorology Second Annual Progress Report - Volume I

650474045B Select Research Group In Air Pollution Meterology Second Annual Progress Report-volume Ii

650474050 Development Of Sampling Devices For Gaseous Atmospheric Tracers

650474051 Feasability Of Metrac System For Regional Air Pollution Study

650475002 Comprehensive Technical Report On All Atmospheric Contaminants Associated With Photochemical Air Pollution

650475003 Collaborative Study Of Method For The Determination Of Sulfuric Acid Mist And Sulfur Dioxide Emission From Stationary Sources

650475004 Studies Of Pollutant Concentration Frequency Distributions

650475005 Objective Procedures For Optimum Location Of Air Pollution Observation Stations

650475006 Spectroscopic Study Of California Smog

650475010 Statistical Questions Relating To The Validation Of Air Quality Simulation Models

650475012 Relationship Between Circumsolar Sky Brightness and Atmospheric Aerosols

650475015 Some Topics Relating To Modeling Of Dispersion In Boundary Layer

650475017 Effects Of Atmospheric Aerosols On Infrared Irradiance At The Earth's Surface In A Non-urban Environment

650475018A Evaluation Of The Multiple Source Gaussian Plume Diffusion Model - Phase 1

650475018B Evaluation Of The Multiple Source Gaussian Plume Diffusion Model Phase 2

650475024G Guidelines For Quality Assurance Programs For Mobile Source Emissions Measurement Systems Phase Iv Heavy- Duty Gasoline Engines - Quality Assurance Guidelines

650573002 Assessment Of Economic Impact Of Air Pollutants On Vegetation In The United States 1969 And 1971

650975001A World's Air Quality Management Standards Vol 1- The Air Quality Management Standards Of The World

650975001B World's Air Quality Management Standards Vol 2 - The Air Quality Management Standards Of The United States

650978 Ozone Its Effects And Control

650R80009A International Seminar On Control Of Nutrients In Municipal Wastewater Effluents Volume 1 Phosphorous

650R80009B International Seminar On Control Of Nutrients In Municipal Wastewater Effluents Volume 2 Nitrogen

650R80009C International Seminar On Control Of Nutrients In Municipal Wastewater Effluents Volume 3 Nitrogen And Phosphorous

655R04001 US EPA Particulate Matter Research Publications

660273008 Mercury In The Environment

660273009 Evaluation Of A Microwave-induced Plasma Spectrometer For Trace Analysis

660273023 Regeneration Of Chromated Aluminum Deoxidizers - Phase I Report

660273031 Proceedings 4th National Symposium On Food Processing Wastes Held In Syracuse, NY March 26-28, 1973

660273039 Measurement Of Residual Chlorine Levels In Cooling Water-Amperometric Method

660274028 Environmental Protection Technology Series

660274032 Pesticide Movement From Crop Lands Into Lake Erie

660274034 Liquid Aerobic Composting of Cattle Wastes and Evaluation of By-Products

660274055 Physical-chemical Treatment Of Municipal Wastes By Recycled Magnesium Carbonate

660274057 Soil Modification For Denitrification And Phosphate Reduction Of Feed Lot Wastes

660274058 Proceedings 5th National Symposium On Food Processing Wastes

660274079 Ion-Selective Membrane Electrodes For Water Pollution Monitoring

660274091 Continuous Inplant Hot Gas Blanching Of Vegetables

660275021 Optimizing A Petrochemical Waste Bio- Oxidation System Through Automation

660275023 Cost Estimating Methodology For Once-Through Cooling Water Discharge Modifications

660275027 Turbulent Bed Cooling Tower

660373020 Effects Of Temperature On Diseases Of Salmonid Fishes

660374024 A Conceptual Model For The Movement Of Pesticides Through The Environment

660374032 Nutrient Inactivation As A Lake Restora- Tion Procedure-laboratory Investigations

660375033 Lake Classification-a Trophic Characterization Of Wisconsin Lakes

670273042 Activated Sludge Process Using Pure Oxygen

670273077 Combined Sewer Overflow Seminar Papers

670274009 Analysis Of Polltuion Control Costs

670274013 State Of Maryland Waste Oil Recovery and Reuse Program

670274022 Computer Management of a Combined Sewer System

670274026 Swirl Concentrator as a Grit Separator Device

670274033 Manual for Deicing Chemicals: Storage and Handling

670274040 Urban Stormwater Management and Technology: An Assessment

670274045 Manual for Deicing: Application Practices

670274054 Sources Of Oil And Water In Bilges Of Great Lakes Ships

670274056 Development Of On-shore Treatment System For Sewage From Watercraft Retention System

670274078 Industrial Chemicals Solid Waste Generation - The Significance Of Process Resource Recovery And Improved Disposal

670274088 Promising Technologies For Treating Hazardous Waste

670274097 Characterization Of Vessel Waste In Duluth-superior Harbor

670275008 System Alternatives In Oxygen Activated Sludge

670275010 Multi-purpose Combined Sewer Overflow Treatment Facility, Mount Clemens, Michigan

670275011 Physical and Settling Characteristics of Particulates in Storm and Sanitary Wastewaters

670275017 Stormwater Management Model, Version 2 User's Manual

670275020 Sewerage System Monitoring and Remote Control

670275033d Characterization and Utilization of Municipal and Utility Sludges and Ashes: Vol. IV. Municipal Incinerator Residues

670275044 Oil Spill And Oil Pollution Reports - November 1974 And February 1975

670275046 Rainfall-Runoff Relations on Urban and Rural Areas

670275049 Review Of Landspreading Of Liquid Municipal Sewage Sludge

670275050A Direct Filtration Of Lake Superior Water For Asbestiform Fiber Removal - Summary Report

670275050B Direct Filtration Of Lake Superior Water For Asbestiform Fiber Removal - Appendix A, Weather And Lake Level Data, Water Quality Data, And Raw Water Pumping Schedule

670275050C Direct Filtration Of Lake Superior Water For Asbestiform Fiber Removal - Appendix B, Design, Installation And Operation Of Pilot Filters Appendix C, Summary Of Data For Individual Filter Runs

670275050D Direct Filtration Of Lake Superior Water For Asbestiform Fiber Removal - Appendix D, Head Loss And Turbidity Curves For Individual Filter Runs

670275050E Direct Filtration Of Lake Superior Water For Asbestiform Fiber Removal - Appendix E, Ontario Research Foundation Electron Microscope Analysis Results Appendix F

670275050F Direct Filtration Of Lake Superior Water For Asbestiform Fiber Removal - Appendix H, Comparison Of Turbidimeters

670275050G Direct Filtration Of Lake Superior Water For Asbestiform Fiber Removal - Appendix I, Diatomite Filters For Asbestiform Fiber Removal From Water

670275053 Use Of Domestic Waste Glass For Urban Paving - Summary Report

670275057 Guidelines for the Disposal of Small Quantities of Unused Pesticides

670275059 Oil Spill And Oil Pollution Reports, February 1975 - April 1975

670473001 Biological Field and Laboratory Methods For Measuring The Quality Of Surface Waters and Effluents

670474005 Environmental Requirements and Pollution Tolerance Of Freshwater Diatoms

670474007 Evaluation Of The Ryan's Waterproof Thermograph (model F-30)

670474009 Determination Of Volatile Organic Compounds At The Ug-1 Level In Water By Gas Chromatography

670475001 Performance Of The Osco Model 1391 Water Wastewater Sampler

670475002 Interfacing A 24-point Analog Recorder To A Computer Controlled Telemetry Line

670475003 Application And Procurement Of Automatic Wastewater Samplers

670475004A Fortran Programs For Analyzing Collaborative Test Data Part I, General Statistics

670475004B Fortran Programs For Analyzing Collaborative Test Date Part Ii, Scatter Plots

670475005 Investigation Of The Orion Research Cyanide Monitor

670475006 Activities And needs Related To Radioactivity Standards For Environmental Measurements

670R73101 Viruses In Waste Renovated And Other Waters

6718 Proposed Modification Of The Great Lakes Atmospheric Deposition (GLAD) Network To Include Toxic Organics

6743 Summary Report Of Research Conducted On The Lower Fox River By Staff Of The Environmental Research Laboratory-Duluth and By Personnel On Cooperative Agreements

6792 The PCB Contamination Problem In Waukegan, Illinois

68017259 Office Of Solid Waste And Response: Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1988

680473001A Radioactivity Standards Distribution Program, 1973-1974

680473001B Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory Intercomparison Studies Program, 1973 1974

680475002A Radioactivity Standards Distribution Program - 1975

680475002B Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory Intercomparison Studies Program - 1975

68862 Chemical Safety Audits Environmental Response Training Program

68864 Hazardous Materials Incident Response Operations Environmental Response Training Program

68865 Inland Oil Spills Environmental Response Training Program

68868 Introduction To Site Inspection Training

68W60004 Feasibility Assessment for Gas-To-Energy at Selected Landfills in Sao Paulo, Brazil

6941 A Risk Analysis Of Twenty-six Environmental Problems

69701990 Fiscal Year 1990 Record Of Decision Forum, Regional Package

69701991 Fiscal Year 1991 Record Of Decision Forum Regional Package

70019881 Summary Of State Commissioners Meetings On EPA Proposed Strategy On Agricultrual Chemicals In Groundwater

7006 US EPA Region 8 Video Training In RCRA Public Involvement Self Teaching Package

700780184 Prototype Gas Analysis System Using A Miniature Gas Chromatograph

700887001 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Texas Ecologists, Inc , Robstown, Texas

700887002 Evaluation Of CEOCS International, Inc , Livingston, Louisiana

700887003 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of CID, Calumet City, Illinois

700887005 Evaluation Of Proteccion Tecnica Ecologica (Proteco), Penuelas,Puerto Rico

700887006 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of It Corporation Facility, Imperial Valley, California

700887007 Hazardous Waste Groundwater Task Force Evaluation Of Fondessy Enterprises Inc Oregon, Ohio

700887008 Evaluation Of E.I Dupont Denemour And Company, Deepwater, New Jersey

700887009 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Koppers Tie Plant Grenada, Mississippi

700887011 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Ashland Petroleum Catlettsburg, Kentucky

700887012 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Peoria Disposal Co , Peoria, Il

700887013 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of The Four County Landfill, Fulton County, In

700887014 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Envirosafe Services, Inc , Site B, Grandview, Idaho

700887015 Ground Water Monitoring Evaluation IT Panoche Disposal Facility, Benicia, California

700887016 Hazardous Waste Groundwater Task Force Evaluation of the Black Hawk County Landfill Waterloo Iowa

700887016A Hazardous Waste Groundwater Task Force Evaluation Of The Black Hawk County Landfill, Wateroo, Iowa

700887031 Groundwater Monitoring Evaluation Bfi-cecos International, Inc , Calcasieu Facility, Lake Charles, Louisiana

700887032 Evaluation Of Cecos International, Inc Aber Road Facility, Williamsburg, Ohio

700887033 Ground Water Monitoring Evaluation Southern Wood Piedmont Augusta, Georgia

700887035 Evaluation Of Chemical Waste Management, Inc Emelle, Alabama

700887036 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of The Boston Industrial Products, Hohenwald, Tennessee

700887037 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Hughes Aircraft, U s Air Force Plant No 44, Tucson, Arizona

700888038 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Texaco Refining And Marketing, Inc , Anacortes, Washington

700888039 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Rollins Environmental Services, Inc , Baton Rouge, Louisiana

700888040 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Koppers Company, Inc , North Little Rock, Arkansas

700888042 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Dover Air Force Base, Dover, Delaware

700888043 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Conoco Billings Refinery, Billings, Montana

700888044 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Ground Water Evaluation, Chemical Waste Management, Inc , Vickery, Ohio

700888045 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Chevron U s a Inc , Honolulu, Hawaii

700888046 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant, Desoto, Kansas

700888047 Evaluation Of Land Reclamation, LTD , Racine, Wisconsin

700888048 Evaluation Of Rollins Environmental Services, Bridgeport, NJ

700888049 Ground Water Monitoring Evaluation Mineral Research And Development Corporation, Harrisburg, North Carolina

700888050 Hazardous Waste Groundwater Task Force Evaluation Of Environmental Sanitary Landfill Inc Elwood Will County Illinois

700888051 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Texaco Inc , Casper, Wyoming

700888052 Evaluation Of Wyman-Gordon Company, North Grafton, MA

700888053 Ground Water Monitoring Evaluation Amoco Oil Company, Yorktown, Virginia

700888054 Hazardous Waste Ground Water Task Force Evaluation Of Adams Center Sanitary Landfill, Fort Wayne Indiana

700B01001 Telephone Directory

700B76001 Interim Procedures & Guidelines for Health Risk and Economic Impact Assessments of Suspected Carcinogens

700B81001 Toxic Substances Control Act : Bibliography of Technical and Selected Publications and Federal Register Notices Available in the Industry Assistance Office

700B92001 Guide To Performing Reinspections Under The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (ahera)

700D86001 Polychlorinated Biphenyls: A Bibliography of Regulatory Action and EPA Research : Draft

700F84009 Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Containing Motor Fuels A Chemical Advisory

700K88100 Ecad l Regional Risj Screening and Assessment Support

700K92002 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory: Reporting Form R and Instructions, Revised 1991 Version

700K92004 Pesticide Reregistration, May 1992

700K92005 Healthy Lawn, Healthy Environment: Caring for Your Lawn in an Environmentally Friendly Way

700R86001 Instructions for Reporting for the Partial Updating of the TSCA Chemical Inventory Data Base

700R90101 Enforcement Response Policy For The Federal Insecticide Fungicide And Rodenticide Act

700R91107 Consolidated TSCA Cooperative Agreement Guidance for FY'92

700R92001 Pesticide Reregistration Progress Report, April 1992

700R92001A Pesticide Reregistration Progress Report, January 1992

700R92001B Pesticide Reregistration Progress Report, April 1992

700R92010 NHATS Comparability Study

700R93001 Pesticide Reregistration Progress Report, April 1993

700R96001 Consumer Labeling Initiative: Phase 1 Report

700S92002 1990 Toxics Release Inventory

700S92003 Toxics Release Inventory: Public Data Release, 1990, State Fact Sheet {Includes Errata Sheet}

701D94101 Project A.I.R.E Air Information Resources For Education (k-12) A Guide For Instructors

701R02001 Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Silver, and Zinc: Proposed Sediment Guidelines for the Protection of Benthic Organisms: Technical Basis and Implementation

701R86001 Plan for Integrating the Regulation of Chlorinated Solvents

701R88101 1986-1987 Survey Of Selected Firms In The Commercial Hazardous Waste Management Industry

702B00001 EPCRA Section 313 Inspector Training Manual

703R92001 Methods for the Detection of Microorganisms in the Environment

710R81001 Role of Local Governments in Toxics Control : Draft 2

710R86001 ASA-EPA Conferences On Interpretation Of Environmental Data

7111 EPA's Air State Implementation Plan Program Consolidated Report

7115 Operational Guidance On Control Technology For New and Modified Municipal Waste Combustors (MWC's)

720R87001 Statement of Work : Dioxin Analysis ; Multi-Media ; Multi-Concentration

722B92003 Standard Operating Procedures for Enforcement Case Review for Regional Offices and Headquarters

722R83001 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Compliance/Enforcement Guidance Manual

722R91001 Compliance/Enforcement Strategy for the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)

7235A Accession Bulletin Solid Waste Information Retrieval System, Volume 2, Number 7-8

7235B Accession Bulletin Solid Waste Information Retrieval System, Volume 2 Number 11-12

7239 Regional Laboratories Audit Report

7244 Environmental Protection Agency Phosphate Criteria

724F01023 National Pollution Prevention Resource Guide

724R91001 National Qualitative Review of the FY 89 State Pesticide Enforcement Cooperative Agreement Program

73019851 National Pesticides Monitoring Plan

730B93001 Guidelines for the Use of Anticipated Residues in Dietary Exposure Assessment

730B94001 Catalog of OPP Publications and Other Information Media

730B95001 Catalog of OPP Publications and Other Information Media, June 1995

730D96001 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 96-?: Toxicologically Significant Levels of Pesticide Active Ingredients <Draft>

730F00001 Chlorfenapyr Fact Sheet

730F00009 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2000-2: FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) Endangered Species Task Force

730F00010 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2000-3: First Aid Statements on Pesticide Product Labels

730F00011 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2000-4: Instructions for Transmitting Information to the Office of Pesticide Programs

730F01005 Would You Like to Receive PR Notices Faster by Email?

730F01006 Pesticide Alert: Pesticide Safety and Site Security

730F01007 Pesticide Safety Advisory

730F89101 Abcs Of Asbestos In Schools

730F91001 Asbestos in Schools: Evaluation of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) A Fact Sheet

730F95001 Fact Sheet: Electronic Availability of REDS

730F95002 Partners for Pesticide Environmental Stewardship

730F95002 Partners for Pestiside Environmental Stewardship

730F97003 Fact Sheet: Labeling Alert, Number 4, Winter 1997

730F99008 New Pesticide Fact Sheet N-Methylneodecanamide MNDA

730K95001 Citizen's Guide to Pest Control And Pesticide Safety

730L76100 The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act As Amended, September 1976

730L97001 Federal Insecticide Fungicide And Rodenticide Act fifra And Federal Food Drug And Cosmetic Act ffdca As Amended By The Food Quality Protection Act fqpa Of August 3 1996

730N00001 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2000-1: Applicability of the Treated Articles Exemption to Antimicrobial Pesticides

730N00002 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2000-5: Guidance for Mandatory and Advisory Labeling Statements

730N00003 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2000-6: Minimum Risk Pesticides Exempted Under FIFRA Section 25(b) Clarification of Issues

730N00004 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2000-7: Non-Dietary Exposure Task Force

730N00005 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2000-8: Reportability of Attorneys' Opinions and Conclusions Under 40 CFR Part 159 and FIFRA Section 6(a)(2)

730N00006 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2000-9: Worker Risk Mitigation for Organophosphate Pesticides

730N00007 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2000-10: Changes to Effective Date and Procedures for PR Notice 2000-1, Applicability of the treated Articles Exemption to Antimicrobial Pesticides

730N01001 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2001-1: First Aid Statements on Pesticide Product Labels

730N01002 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2001-2: Acute Toxicity Data Requirements for Granular Pesticide Products, Including Those with Granular Fertilizers in the Product

730N01003 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2001-2: Insect Repellents: Labeling Restrictions and Reregistration of Pesticide Products

730N01004 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2001-4: Elimination of Phenol Resistance Testing for Anitimicrobial Disinfectant and Sanitizer Pesticides

730N01005 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2001-5: Guidance for Pesticide Registrants on Pesticide Resistance Management Labeling

730N01006 Draft PRN Concerning Spray and Dust Drift Label Statements for Pesticide Products

730N01007 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 2001-6: Disposal Instructions on Non-Antimicrobial Residential Household Use Pesticide Product Labels

730N02001 Pesticide Registration (PR Notice) Notice 2002-1, List of Pests of Significant Public Health Importance

730N02002 Pesticide Registration (PR Notice) Notice 2002-2, Guidelines for Submitting Requests for Threshold of Regulation (TOR) Decisions to the Office of Pesticide Programs

730N03001 Labeling of Pesticide Products Under the National Organic Program

730N04003 PR Notice 2004-1

730N05001 Pesticide Registration (pr) Notice 2005-1 Labeling Statements On Products Used For Adult Mosquito Control

730N06001 Pesticide Registration PR Notice 2006-1 New Instructions For Transmitting Information To The Office Of Pesticide Programs Including New Addresses

730N94001 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 94-3 : Notice to Manufacturers, Formulators, Producers and Registrants of Pesticide Products

730N95001 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 95-3 Notice To Manufacturers, Producers, Formulators and Registrants Of Agricultural Pesticides

730N95002 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 95-4

730N95003 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 95-5: Labeling Revisions Required by the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for Sale or Distribution of Certain Agricultural Pesticides after October 23, 1995

730N96002 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 96-4: Label Statements Involving Product Efficacy and Potential for Harm to Property

730N96004 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 96-5: Interim Use of the Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment

730N96005 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 96-6: Pet Pesticide Product Label Statements

730N96006 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 96-7: Termiticide Labeling

730N96007 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 96-8: Toxicologically Significant Levels of Pesticide Active Ingredients

730N97001 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 97-1: Agency Actions under the Requirements of the Food Quality Protection Act

730N97002 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 97-2: New Chemical, New Use, EUP, Non-Fast Track Amendments and Inert Ingredient Registration Priorities for Conventional Pesticides

730N97004 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 97-3: Guidelines for Expedited Review of Conventional Pesticides under the Reduced-Risk Initiative and for Biological Pesticides

730N97005 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 97-4: Consumer Access Numbers on Pesticide Labels

730N97006 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 97-5: Use of Common Names for Active Ingredients on Pesticide Labeling

730N97007 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 97-6: Use of Term Inert in the Label Ingredients Statement

730N97008 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 97-7: Existing Stocks for Labeling Changes in PR Notices

730N97009 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 97-8: Time Extension of PR Notice 96-7 - Termiticide Labeling

730N97010 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 97-9: Electronic Submission of Child-Resistant Packaging Test Data for All Pesticides and Child-Resistant Testing of Prefilled, Nonrefillable Insecticide Bait Stations Not Designed or Intended to be Opened or Activated in a Manner that Exposes the Contents to Human Contact

730N98001 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 98-1: Self-Certification of Product Chemistry Data

730N98002 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 98-2: Liquid Chemical Sterilant Products

730N98003 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 98-3: Guidance on Final FIFRA Section 6(a)(2) Regulations for Pesticide Product Registrants

730N98004 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 98-5: New Forms for the Certification with Respect to Citation of Data

730N98005 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 98-6: Flammability Labeling Requirements for Total Release Fogger Pesticides

730N98006 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 98-4: Additional Guidance on Final FIFRA Section 6(a)(2) Regulations for Pesticide Product Registrants

730N98007 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 98-7: Changes to Registration Priority System Involving Organophosphate (OP) Alternatives and Reduced Risk Candidates

730N98008 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 98-8: Waiver of Fees Associated with Tolerance Objections

730N98009 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 98-9: Modification of Respirator Statements for Pesticide Product Labels

730N98010 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 98-10: Notifications, Non-Notifications and Minor Formulation Amendments

730N99001 Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice 99-1: Import of Unregistered Pesticides Intended for Export

730R00001 Report on Minor Use Pesticides

730R00002 Neurotoxicity of Chemical Mixtures: Aggregate and Cumulative Exposure Symposium

730R04002 Development Decision Paper RCRIS (the Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System)

730R71101 Study Book For The Training Course Safety And Pesticide Usage

730R73101 EPA Compendium Of Registered Pesticides Vol 2 Fungicides And Nematicides

730R73102 EPA Compendium of Registered Pesticides Vol 3 Insecticides Acaricides Molluscicides and Antifouling Compounds

730R73103 EPA Compendium of Registered Pesticides Vol 3 Insecticides Acaricides Molluscicides and Antifouling Compounds Part 2

730R73104 EPA Compendium Of Registered Products Vol 5 Disinfectants

730R74101 Standards for Certification of Pesticide Applicators

730R74101A EPA Compendium Of Registered Pesticides Volume 1

730R74101B EPA Compendium Of Registered Pesticides Volume 2

730R74101C EPA Compendium Of Registered Pesticides Volume 3

730R74101D EPA Compendium Of Registered Pesticides Volume 4

730R74102 EPA List of Insects and Other Organisms (Second Edition) (For Use with Volume III of the EPA Compendium of Registered Pesticides, and on Pesticide Labeling)

730R76101 Principles Of Pesticides Use, Handling, And Application

730R76102 Food Processing Pest Control Apply Pesticides Correctly A Guide for Commercial Applicators

730R76103 Industrial, Institutional, Structural and Health Related Pest Control Apply Pesticides Correctly A Guide for Commercial Applicators

730R76104 Ornamental and Turfgrass Pest Control A Guide for Commercial Applicators

730R76105 Public Health Pest Control : Apply Pesticides Correctly ; A Guide for Commercial Applications

730R76106 Right-of-Way Pest Control : A Guide for Commercial Applicators

730R76107 Digest Of State Pesticide Use And Application Laws

730R78001 Apply Pesticides Correctly A Guide for Commercial Applicators Agricultural Pest Control--Plant

730R78002 Regulatory Pest Control : Apply Pesticides Correctly ; A Guide for Commercial Applicators

730R82101 Manual Of Chemical Methods For Pesticides And Devices Third Update, August 1982

730R83001 Status Report on Rebuttable Presumption Against Registration (RPAR) or Special Review Process : Registration Standards, and the Data Call in Program ; September 1983

730R83002 Status Report on Rebuttable Presumption Against Registration (RPAR) or Special Review Process : Registration Standards and the Data Call in Programs ; June 1983

730R85001 Directory of Volunteer Monitoring Programs in the Great Lakes Region Excerpts from the Fifth Edition of the National Directory of Volunteer Environmental Monitoring Programs

730R86101 Pesticide Safety For Non-certified Mixers Loaders And Applicators

730R87101 Citizens Guide To Pesticides

730R87102 Agricultural Chemicals In Ground Water Proposed Pesticide Strategy

730R90001 Risk Assessment Methodology for Fish

730R93001 Pesticide Reregistration Progress Report, April 1993

730R95001 Office of Pesticide Programs: Report on Customer Satisfaction with Program Services, Targeting OPP Customer Service Improvements

730R95002 Office of Pesticide Programs: Annual Report for 1995

730R97001 Pesticides and New Audio Technology, Summary Report

730S97001 Food Safety Advisory Committee

731N94001 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 94-3: How to Obtain Information from the Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP)

731N94002 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 94-5: Requests for Re-considerations of Carcinogenicity Peer Review Decisions Based on Changes in Pathology Diagnoses

731R94001 Workshop Report : Pesticide Use/Risk Reduction Workshop, February 2-3, 1994, Crystal City, Virginia

732F97001 For Your Information: Maintenance Fees Under the Food Quality Protection Act

732R87101 Selected Management Articles Technical Expert Turner Manager

732R96002 Pesticide Data Submitters List by Chemical

733B94001 Chemicals Registered for the First Time as Pesticidal Active Ingredients Under FIFRA

733F94001 Fact Sheet: The Role of Bead in Pesticide Regulation

733K92001 Pesticides Industry Sales And Usage: 1990 And 1991 Market Estimates

733K94001 Pesticides Industry Sales and Usage: 1992 and 1993 Market Estimates

733N94001 Pest Smart Update: Information on EPA's Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program, Update 2

733N97001 PEST Smart Update: EPA'S Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program Number 5, March 1997

733R02001 Pesticides Industry Sales and Usage: 1998 and 1999 Market Estimates

733R04001 Pesticides Industry Sales And Usage: 2000 And 2001 Market Estimates

733R89001 Pesticide Industry Sales and Usage: 1988 Market Estimates

733R91001 Pesticide Industry Sales and Usage : 1989 Market Estimates

733R96002 Final Report Survey of the 1993 Pesticide Usage by Certified Commercial Applicators of Non-Agricultural Pesticides

733R97002 Pesticides Industry Sales and Usage: 1994 and 1995 Market Estimates

733R99001 Pesticides Industry Sales and Usage: 1996 and 1997, Market Estimates

7341292001 Pesticides in Ground Water Database: A Compilation of Monitoring Studies: 1971 - 1991, National Summary

734K06001 Effective Control Of Roaches And Rodents

734K06002 Effective Control Of Roaches And Rodents Spanish

734R88100 Pesticides In Groundwater Data Base 1988 Interim Report

734R95001 Ecological Risk: A Primer for Risk Managers

734R97003 Office of Pesticide Programs Annual Report for FY 1997

735B03001 Label Review Manual, 3rd Edition

735B03002 Protect Yourself From Pesticides Guide For Agricultural Workers {Portugese-English}

735B05002 How To Comply With The Worker Protection Standard For Agricultural Pesticides What Employees Need To Know Revised September 2005

735B06002 How To Comply With the Worker Protection Standard For Agricultural Pestisides What Employers Need To Know, Revised September 2005, Reprinted June 2006

735B93001 Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides: How to Comply, What Employers Need to Know

735B93002 Protect Yourself From Pesticides Guide For Agricultural Workersprotejase De Los Pesticidas Guia Para Los Trabajadores Agricolas {spanishenglish}

735B93002J Protect Yourself From Pesticides Guide For Agricultural Workersproteja-se Contra Pesticidas Guia Para Os Trabalhadores Agricolas Portuguese

735B93002VN Protect Yourself From Pesticides: Guide For Agricultural Workers {Vietnamese}

735B93003 Protect Yourself from Pesticides: Guide for Pesticide Handlers

735B93004 Guide for Understanding the Atrazine Ground and Surface Water Risk Reduction Measures

735B93005A Guidance For Pesticides and Groundwater State Management Plans

735B94001 Protejase De Los Pesticidas: Guia Para Los Que Manejan Pesticidas (Protect Yourself from Pesticides: Guide for Pesticide Handlers, Spanish Version

735B94002 Worker Protection Standard: Materials Developed by EPA, States and Other Organizations

735B97900 ESL for Farm Safety (Teacher's Manual)

735B97901 ESL for Farm Safety (Workbook Manual)

735E04003 Poison Prevention Read The Label 1st! Community Action Kit

735E07007 NIOSH Fact Sheet: Reducing Pesticide Exposure at Schools

735F01004 Socorro! Una Cucaracha! (Help It's a Roach) (Spanish)

735F01011 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures: Washington Parish Louisana

735F01012 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures: Grant Parish Louisana

735F01013 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures: St. Tammany Parish Louisana

735F02014 Protecting Children in School from Pests and Pesticides

735F02015 Why Read Labels?

735F03001 10 Tips to Protect Children from Pesticides and Lead Poisoning {Spanish/English}

735F03002 A Backyard Activity Book For Kids On Intergrated Pest Management

735F03008 Steps To Protect Yourself From Pesticides-medidas De Proteccao Pessoal Contra Pesticidas {portugues-English}

735F05015 Steps To Protect Yourself From Pesticides {Khmer-English}

735F05016 Protect Yourself From Pesticides Guide For Agricultural Workers {Khmer-English}

735F07001 Join Our Pest Patrol on Integrated Pest Management: Backyard Activity Book for Kids

735f07002 Preventing Pests at Home

735F07003 Pesticides and Their Impact on Children: Key Facts and Talking Points

735F07010 Poison-proof Your Home: One Room at a Time

735F07011 Head Start Staff: What You Need to Know About Pesticide Poisoning

735F07019 Poison-Proof Your Home: One Room at a Time, Pesticide Poison Prevention Checklist {Spanish}

735F07020 Preventing Pests at Home {Spanish}

735F07021 Play It Safe: Reduce Your Child's Chances of Pesticide Poisoning {Spanish}

735F77100 Pesticides Read The Label First

735F93005 Personal Protective Equipment Guide: Coveralls, Gloves, and Other Skin Protection

735F93006 Protective Eyewear: Personal Protective Equipment Guide

735F93007 Protection for Pesticide Handlers: Protect Yourself, Brush up on Covering Up

735F93008 Choosing Chemical Resistant Personal Protective Equipment

735F93012 Pest Control in the School Environment: Adopting Integrated Pest Management

735F93017 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Boyd County, Nebraska

735F93018 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Brown County, Nebraska

735F93019 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Buffalo County, Nebraska

735F93020 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Butler County, Nebraska

735F93021 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Cass County, Nebraska

735F93022 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Cedar County, Nebraska

735F93023 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Colfax County, Nebraska

735F93024 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Cuming County, Nebraska

735F93025 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Dawson County, Nebraska

735F93026 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Dixon County, Nebraska

735F93027 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Dodge County, Nebraska

735F93028 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Douglas County, Nebraska

735F93029 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Gosper County, Nebraska

735F93030 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Hall County, Nebraska

735F93031 Protecting Endangered Species

735F93032 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Holt County, Nebraska

735F93033 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Howard County, Nebraska

735F93034 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Kearney County, Nebraska

735F93035 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Keith County, Nebraska

735F93036 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Keya Paha County, Nebraska

735F93037 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Knox County, Nebraska

735F93038 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Madison County, Nebraska

735F93039 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Merrick County, Nebraska

735F93040 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Nance County, Nebraska

735F93041 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Phelps County, Nebraska

735F93042 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Platte County, Nebraska

735F93043 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Polk County, Nebraska

735F93044 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Rock County, Nebraska

735F93045 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Sarpy County, Nebraska

735F93046 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Saunders County, Nebraska

735F93047 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Stanton County, Nebraska

735F93048 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Valley County, Nebraska

735F93049 Protecting Endangered: Species Interim Measures Clark County, Nevada

735F93050 For Your Information: Pesticides and Child Safety

735F93052R For Your Information: Using Insect Repellents Safely

735F93068 Proteccion De Especies En Peligro De Extincion Medidas Interinas Municipios De Guanica Quebradillas E Isabela Puerto Rico {protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures} {Spanish}

735F93070 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Jackson County, Florida

735F93071 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Liberty County, Florida

735F95002 Steps to Protect Yourself From Pesticides Pasos a Seguir Para Protegerse De Los Pesticides

735F96004 How to Obtain Information From EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs

735F96005 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Chatham County, North Carolina

735F96006 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Columbus County, North Carolina

735F96007 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Edgecomb County, North Carolina

735F96008 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Franklin County, North Carolina

735F96009 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Granville County, North Carolina

735F96010 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Halifax County, North Carolina

735F96011 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, McIntosh County, Georgia

735F96012 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Johnston County, North Carolina

735F96013 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Lee County, North Carolina

735F96014 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Macon County, North Carolina

735F96015 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Mitchell County, North Carolina (Sep '96)

735F96016 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Moore County, North Carolina

735F96017 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Nash County, North Carolina

735F96018 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Randolph County, North Carolina

735F96019 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Swain County, North Carolina

735F96020 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Union County, North Carolina

735F96021 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Vance County, North Carolina

735F96022 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Wake County, North Carolina

735F96023 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Warren County, North Carolina

735F96024 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Wilson County, North Carolina

735F96025 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Yancy County, North Carolina

735F96026 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Brantley County, Georgia

735F96027 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Brooks County, Georgia

735F96028 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Bryan County, Georgia

735F96029 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Burke County, Georgia (Sep '96)

735F96031 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Camden County, Georgia

735F96032 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Colquitt County, Georgia

735F96033 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Emanuel County, Georgia

735F96034 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Glynn County, Georgia

735F96035 Protectin Endangered Species Intrim Measures: Jenkins County, Georgia

735F96036 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Jenkins County, Georgia

735F96037 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Liberty County, Georgia

735F96038 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Long County, Georgia

735F96039 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Murray/Whitfield County, Georgia

735F96040 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Screven County, Georgia

735F96041 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Thomas County, Georgia

735F96042 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Wayne County, Georgia

735F97001 Ten Tips to Protect Children from Pesticide and Lead Poisonings Around the Home

735F97002 Fact Sheet: Labeling Alert, Number 5, Summer 1997

735F98004 For Your Information: Consumer Products Treated with Pesticides

735F98015 Roaches: Adults/Parent's Cockroach Control Leaflet

735F98016 Help! Its a Roach! Roach Prevention Activity Book for Kids

735F98019 For Your Information: Screening and Testing Chemicals for Endocrine Disrupting Properties

735F98020 Press Advisory: Endocrine Disruptors, October 5, 1998

735F99010 Pesticides and Food: What You and Your Family Need to Know (Spanish)

735F99024 For Your Information: Spray Drift of Pesticides

735K04001 Healthy Lawn: Healthy Environment

735K04002 Citizen's Guide Pest Control And Pesticide Safety

735K04900 Help Yourself To A Healthy Home

735K04901 Hogar Sano

735K07003 Play It Safe: Reduce Your Child's Chances of Pesticide Poisoning

735K08001 Save Our Species: Endangered Species Coloring Book

735K08003 Protect Yourself from Pesticides: Guide for Agricultural Workers {English/Russian}

735K91100 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Maricopa County, Arizona

735K91101 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Clare County, Michigan

735K91102 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Crawford County, Michigan

735K91103 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Missaukee County, Michigan

735K91104 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Montmorency County, Michigan

735K91105 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Emmons County, North Dakota

735K91106 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Ward County, North Dakota

735K91107 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Rutherford County, Tennessee

735K92100 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Harford County, Maryland

735K94001 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Allen County, Kentucky Duplicate

735K94002 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Ballard County, Kentucky

735K94003 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Barren County, Kentucky

735K94004 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Bell County, Kentucky

735K94005 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Butler County, Kentucky

735K94006 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Campbell County, Kentucky

735K94007 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Carter County, Kentucky

735K94008 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Edmonson County, Kentucky

735K94009 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Fleming County, Kentucky

735K94010 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Greenup County, Kentucky

735K94011 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Harlan County, Kentucky

735K94012 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Hart County, Kentucky

735K94013 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Jackson County, Kentucky

735K94014 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Kenton County, Kentucky

735K94015 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Laurel County, Kentucky

735K94016 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Letcher County, Kentucky

735K94017 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Livingston County, Kentucky

735K94018 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Logan County, Kentucky

735K94019 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Marshall County, Kentucky

735K94020 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, McCracken County, Kentucky

735K94021 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, McCreary County, Kentucky

735K94022 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Nelson County, Kentucky

735K94023 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Nicholas County, Kentucky

735K94024 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Pendleton County, Kentucky

735K94025 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Pulaski County, Kentucky

735K94026 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Robertson County, Kentucky

735K94027 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Rockcastle County, Kentucky

735K94028 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Warren County, Kentucky

735K94029 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Wayne County, Kentucky

735K94030 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Whitley County, Kentucky

735K94031 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Autauga County, Alabama

735K94032 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Cherokee County, Alabama (Aug '94)

735K94033 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Chilton County, Alabama

735K94034 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Colbert County, Alabama

735K94035 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, DeKalb County, Alabama

735K94036 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures, Elmore County, Alabama

735K94037 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures, Etowah County, Alabama

735K94038 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures, Greene County, Alabama

735K94039 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Jackson County, Alabama

735K94040 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Jefferson County, Alabama

735K94041 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Lamar County, Alabama

735K94042 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Lauderdale County, Alabama

735K94043 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Limestone County, Alabama

735K94044 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Madison County, Alabama

735K94045 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Marshall County, Alabama

735K94046 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Morgan County, Alabama

735K94047 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Pickens County, Alabama

735K94048 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, St. Clair County, Alabama

735K94049 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Sumter County, Alabama

735K94050 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Barton County, Kansas

735K94051 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Clark County, Kansas

735K94052 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Comanche County, Kansas

735K94053 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Meade County, Kansas

735K94054 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Reno County, Kansas

735K94055 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Rice County, Kansas

735K94056 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Stafford County, Kansas

735K94057 Protecting Endangered Species Interim Measures Bon Homme County, South Dakota

735K94058 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Campbell County, South Dakota

735K94059 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Corson County, South Dakota

735K94060 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Charles Mix County, South Dakota

735K94061 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Clay County, South Dakota

735K94062 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Day County, South Dakota

735K94063 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Dewey County, South Dakota

735K94064 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Gregory County, South Dakota

735K94065 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Haakon County, South Dakota

735K94066 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Hughes County, South Dakota

735K94067 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Meade County, South Dakota

735K94068 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Pennington County, South Dakota

735K94069 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Potter County, South Dakota

735K94070 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Stanley County, South Dakota

735K94071 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Sully County, South Dakota

735K94072 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Union County, South Dakota

735K94073 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Walworth County, South Dakota

735K94074 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Yankton County, South Dakota

735K94075 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Ziebach County, South Dakota

735K95001 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Dekalb County, Indiana

735K95002 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Posey County, Indiana

735K95005 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Arkansas County, Arkansas

735K95006 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Clark County, Arkansas

735K95007 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Clay County, Arkansas

735K95008 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Cross County, Arkansas

735K95009 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Dallas County, Arkansas

735K95010 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Desha County, Arkansas

735K95011 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Grant County, Arkansas

735K95012 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Hot Spring County, Arkansas

735K95013 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Howard County, Arkansas

735K95014 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Independence County, Arkansas

735K95015 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Jackson County, Arkansas

735K95016 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Lawrence County, Arkansas

735K95018 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures Little River County, Arkansas

735K95019 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Mississippi County, Arkansas

735K95020 Protection Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Monroe County, Arkansas

735K95021 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Montgomery County, Arkansas

735K95022 Protection Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Phillips County, Arkansas

735K95023 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Poinsett County, Arkansas

735K95024 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Polk County, Arkansas

735K95025 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Prairie County, Arkansas

735K95026 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Ouachita County, Arkansas

735K95027 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Randolph County, Arkansas

735K95028 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Saline County, Arkansas

735K95029 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Sevier County, Arkansas

735K95030 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Sharp County, Arkansas

735K95031 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, St. Francis County, Arkansas

735K95032 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Stone County, Arkansas

735K95033 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, White County, Arkansas

735K95034 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Woodruff County, Arkansas

735K97003 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Barry County, Missouri

735K97004 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures

735K97005 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Bollinger County, Missouri

735K97006 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Butler County, Missouri

735K97007 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Camden County, Missouri

735K97008 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Cedar County, Missouri

735K97009 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Christian County, Missouri

735K97010 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Clark County, Missouri

735K97011 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Cole County, Missouri

735K97012 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Dade County, Missouri

735K97013 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Dallas County, Missouri

735K97014 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Dunklin County, Missouri

735K97015 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Franklin County, Missouri

735K97016 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Gasconade County, Missouri

735K97017 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Greene County, Missouri

735K97018 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Hickory County, Missouri

735K97019 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Jasper County, Missouri

735K97020 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Jefferson County, Missouri

735K97021 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Lawrence County, Missouri

735K97022 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Lewis County, Missouri

735K97023 Protecting Endangered Species

735K97024 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Cherokee County, Alabama (Feb '97)

735K97025 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Miller County, Missouri

735K97026 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Newton County, Missouri

735K97027 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Osage County, Missouri

735K97028 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Pike County, Missouri

735K97029 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Polk County, Missouri

735K97030 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Ralls County, Missouri

735K97031 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Ripley County, Missouri

735K97032 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Stone County, Missouri

735K97033 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures: St. Clair County, Missouri

735K97034 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, St. Louis County, Missouri

735K97035 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Wayne County, Missouri

735K97036 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Webster County, Missouri

735K97037 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Apache County Arizona

735K97038 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Cochise County, Arizona

735K97039 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Coconino County, Arizona

735K97040 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Gila County, Arizona

735K97041 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Graham County, Arizona (Feb '97)

735K97042 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Greenlee County, Arizona

735K97043 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, La Paz County, Arizona

735K97044 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measure: Maricopa County, Arizona

735K97045 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Mohave County, Arizona (Feb '97)

735K97046 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Navaho County, Arizona

735K97047 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Pima County, Arizona

735K97048 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Pinal County, Arizona

735K97049 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Santa Cruz County, Arizona

735K97050 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Yuma County, Arizona

735K97051 Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures, Yavapai County, Arizona (Feb '97)

735R00002 Annual Report 2000: Office of Pesticide Programs

735R01002 Milestone Report: The North American Initiative, Report of the North American Free Trade Agreement Technical Working Group on Pesticides

735R01004 Partners and Stakeholders: Working Together to Protect Public Health and the Environment, Office of Pesticide Programs Annual Report, FY 2001

735R02900 National Strategies For Health Care Providers Pesticides Initiative Implementation Plan, March 2002

735R03001 Promoting Safety For America's Future Office Of Pesticide Programs Fy 2002 Annual Report

735R03900 National Pesticide Practice Skills Guidelines Medical and Nursing Practice

735R03901 National Pesticide Competency Guidelines Medical and Nursing Education

735R90001 Pesticides, Agriculture, and Hot Weather in the Mississippi Delta

735R95001 Office of Pesticide Programs Annual Report 1994

735R96001 Office of Pesticide Programs Annual Report for 1996

735R97001 National Dialogue on the Workers Protection Standards: Part 1: Transcripts of the Public Meetings

735R97002 Proceedings: August 1996 National Workshop, Pesticides and Ground Water State/Tribal Management

735R97003 Office Of Pesticide Programs Annual Report For FY 1997

735R98001 Pesticides and National Strategies for Health Care Providers: Workshop Proceedings, April 23-24, 1998

735R98002 Dialogo Nacional Acerca de Ias Normas de Proteccion para el Trabajador, Anexos: Comentarios Escritos

735R98002A Dialogo Nacional Acerca de las Normas de Proteccion para el Trabajador: Tomo Uno: Transcripciones de las Vistas Publicas, Primera Parte

735R98003 Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings, 5th Edition

735R98004 Reconocimiento y Manejo de los Envenenamientos por Pesticidas (Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings, 5th Edition (Spanish)

735R99001 Implementing the Food Quality Protection Act

735R99002 Office of Pesticide Programs Biennial Report for FY 1998 and 1999

735Z92001 Federal Register: Friday August 21, 1992, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 156 and 170. Worker Protection Standard, Hazard Information, Hand Labor Tasks on Cut Flowers and Ferns Exception; Final Rule, and Proposed Rules

735Z95001 Federal Register: January 11, 1995, Part III. 40 CFR Parts 156 and 170. Worker Protection Standards; Grace Period and Retraining Activities, Exception of Certified and Licensed Crop Advisors, Exceptions to the Early Entry Restrictions for Irrigation Activities, Limited Contact Activities, and Reduced Entry Intervals for Certain Low Risk Pesticides; Proposed Rules

736B88001 Epidemiologic Bibliography: Cancer, Pesticides, and Farming

736B94001 Guidance Manual for Selecting Protective Clothing for Agricultural Pesticides Operations

736R94011 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): N6-Benzyladenine

736R98001 Hazard Identification Toxicology Endpoint Selection Process A Guidance Document

737B96001 Label Review Manual 2nd Edition

737F96005 New Pesticide Fact Sheet

737F96007 Fact Sheet: Labeling Alert, Number 1, July 1996

737N94009 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 94-4: Interim Measures for the Registration of Antimicrobial Products/Liquid Chemical Germicides with Medical Device Use Claims Under the Memorandum of Understanding Between EPA and FDA

737N94010 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 94-6: Pesticide Products Registered for Use on Humans to Control Lice (Pediculicides)

737N94011 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 94-7: Label Improvement Program for the Revision of Use Directions for Commensal Rodenticides and Statement of the Agency's Policies on the Use of Rodenticide Bait Stations

737N94012 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 94-8: Water Soluble Packaging (WSP)

737N95001 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 95-1: Effluent Discharge Labeling Statements

737N95002 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 95-2: Notifications, Non-Notifications and Minor Formulation Amendments

737N96001 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 96-2: Changes to Child-Resistant Packaging (CRP) Testing Requirements

737N96002 Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 96-3: Pesticide Products Used to Disinsect Aircraft

737R80001 3-alpha-acetonylfurfuryl-4-hydroxycoumarin Fumarin Pesticide Registration Standard

737R96001 Registration Division Progress Report: Fiscal Year 1995

737R97002 Conduct of Acute Toxicity Studies

738B92001 Pesticide Reregistration Rejection Rate Analysis Residue Chemistry Follow-Up Guidance for: Conducting Plant and Metabolism Studies

738B93001 Pesticide Reregistration Rejection Rate Analysis Residue Chemistry/Environmental Fate Follow Up Guidance for Conducting Rotational Crop Studies

738B94002 Selected Terms and Acronyms: Office of Pesticide Programs

738F00001 Fact Sheet: Bensulide Facts

738F00001 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision (IRED) Bensulide

738F00002 Cadusafos Facts

738F00003 Chlorethoxyfos Facts

738F00005 Profenofos Facts

738F00007 R.E.D. Facts: Diclofop-Methyl

738F00008 Coumaphos Facts

738F00010 Fenitrothion Facts

738F00011 Fenthion Facts

738F00012 Mevinphos Facts

738F00013 Oxamyl Facts

738F00014 Phorate Facts

738F00015 Phostebupirim Facts

738F00016 Propetamphos Facts

738F00017 R.E.D. Facts: Etridiazole (Terrazole)

738F00018 Temephos Facts

738F00019 R.E.D. Facts Triallate

738F00020 Tribufos Facts

738F00021 R.E.D. Facts: Vinclozolin

738F01001 Phosalone Facts

738F01002 Ethion Facts

738F01004 Pirimiphos-methyl Facts

738F01006 Chlorpyrifos Facts

738F01007 Methidathion Facts

738F01008 Trichlorfon Facts

738F01013 Acephate Facts

738F02002 R.E.D. FACTS Thiabendazole And Salts

738F02004 Ethoprop Facts

738F02005 Terbufos Facts

738F02006 Fact Sheet Dicrotophos Facts

738F02007 Naled Facts

738F02008 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision (IRED): Methamidophos

738F02009 Disulfoton Facts

738F02011 R.E.D Facts

738F02012 R.E.D. Facts

738F02015 R.E.D Facts: (Oxyfluorfen)

738F03002 RED Fact Sheet Propanil

738F03003 RED Facts Dinocap

738F04001 Fact Sheet Red Facts Sodium Acifluorfen (Blazer)

738F04002 Lactofen TRED Facts

738F04003 EPA R.E.D. Facts

738F04004 I.R.E.D. FACTS: Diazinon

738F04007 RED Facts Benfluralin

738F04008 RED. Facts Ziram

738F04009 R.E.D. Facts Cycloate

738F04010 R.E.D. Facts Carboxin

738F05001 R.E.D. Facts 2,4-DB

738F05002 RED Facts Dimethipin

738F05003 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) for Nitrapyrin

738F05007 RED Facts Chloroneb

738F05012 RED Facts Pyrazon

738F06014 Coppers Fact Sheet

738F07004 Aliphatic Alcohols Facts

738F08001 Inorgnaic Chlorates Facts

738F91100 R.E.D. Facts Carbon

738F92005 R.E.D. Facts Alkyl Amine Hydrochloride

738F92010 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Chlorinated Isocyanurates

738F92015 R.E.D. Facts Allium Sativum (Garlic)

738F92016 R.E.D. Facts Capsaicin

738F92017 R.E.D. Facts Citric Acid

738F93002 R.E.D. Facts Iron Salts

738F93004 R.E.D. Facts Biobor

738F93006 R.E.D. Facts Boric Acid

738F93008 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Wood Oils and Gums (Cedarwood Oil)

738F93010 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Thymol

738F93011 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Glyphosate

738F93012 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Sulfuryl Fluoride

738F93014 R.E.D. Facts Butylate

738F93015 R.E.D. Facts Inorganic Halides

738F93018 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Lithium Hypochlorite

738F93019 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Barium Metaborate

738F93023 R.E.D. Facts Bromine

738F94002 EPA R.E.D. Facts: Methiocarb

738F94004 RED) Facts Periplanone B

738F94005 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Hexadecadienol Acetates

738F94006 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility (RED): Facts Tebuthiuron

738F94007 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision: (RED): Pronamide

738F94009 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision: (RED): Maleic Hydrazide

738F94012 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Oryzalin

738F94013 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Metalaxyl

738F94014 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision: (RED): Difenzoquat

738F94017 R.E.D. Facts Disodium Cyanodithioimido Carbonate (DCDIC)

738F94019 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Hexazinone

738F94020 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Mevinphos

738F94021 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Fenbutatin-oxide

738F94022 R.E.D. Facts M-Cresol And Xylenol

738F94023 R.E.D. Facts 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilo-propionamide (DBNPA)

738F94026 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Bentazon

738F94027 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Sodium and Zinc Salts 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole

738F94028 R.E.D. Facts Chloroxylenol

738F94029 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Piperalin

738F94030 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Limonene

738F95003 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Linuron

738F95004 EPA R.E.D. Facts: Ethephon

738F95006A Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Terbuthylazine

738F95007 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Metolachlor

738F95010 R.E.D. Facts Bromohydroxy-acetophenone (BHAP)

738F95012 R.E.D. Facts Aliphatic Alcohols

738F95016 R.E.D. Facts Dowicil CTAC

738F95017 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Fenitrothion

738F95018 R.E.D. Facts: Picloram

738F95020 R.E.D. Facts Agrobacterium Radiobacter

738F95021 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Asulam

738F95023 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Dimethoxane

738F95025 R.E.D. Facts Cytokinin

738F95027 R.E.D. Facts Ancymidol

738F95028 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Prometryn

738F95029 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Bronopol

738F95030 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Nabam

738F95031 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Propamocarb Hydrochloride

738F95033 R.E.D. Facts Methyl Nonyl Keton

738F95034 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Alkyl Imidazoline

738F95036 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Tetrachlorvinphos

738F96001 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Hydroxyethyl Octyl Sulfide

738F96002 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Amitrole

738F96003 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Starlicide (3-chloro-p-toluidine hydrochloride)

738F96006 EPA R.E.D. Facts: Desmedipham

738F96007 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): 4,4-Dimethyloxazolidine (Feb '96)

738F96008 R.E.D. Facts p-Chloro-m-cresol

738F96009 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Furanone

738F96011 Fact Sheet Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) Dibromodicyano-Butane

738F96012 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Norflurazon

738F96013 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Bromacil

738F96014 R.E.D. Facts Coumapos

738F96016 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Cryolite

738F96018 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Paraquat Dichloride

738F96021 Fact Sheet Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) Tridecenyl Acetates

738F96022 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Mitin FF

738F96023 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Chlorpropham

738F96025 Fact Sheet Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) Chlorhexidine diacetate

738F96026 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f.sp. aeschynomene

738F96027 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Ortho-Benzyl-P-Chlorophenol

738F96028 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Bis(trichloromethyl) Sulfone

738F96031 R.E.D. Facts Amitraz

738F97001 R.E.D. Facts 4-Chlorophenoxy-acetic Acid (4-CPA)

738F97004 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): 1,3,5-Triethylhexahydro-s-triazine

738F97005 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Methylene BIS(Thiocyanate)

738F97006 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Metribuzin

738F97007 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Pendimethalin

738F97009 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Propoxur

738F97010 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Diphenylamine

738F97011 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Terbacil

738F97013 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Thiobencarb

738F97016 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Paranitrophenol

738F98001 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Bacillus Thuringiensis

738F98002 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Dacthal (DCPA)

738F98003 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Zinc Phosphide

738F98004 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Rodenticide Cluster

738F98005 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Dichlobenil

738F98006 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Deet

738F98007 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Triclopyr

738F98009 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Butralin

738F98011 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Bromoxynil

738F98013 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Propachlor

738F98015 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Aluminum and Magnesium Phosphide

738F98016 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Dicofol

738F98017 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Iprodione

738F98019 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Methomyl

738F98020 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Thiodicarb

738F98022 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Hydramethylnon

738F98023 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): 1,3-Dicholoropropene

738F98024 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Methylisothiazolinone

738F99001 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Chlorine Gas

738F99003 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Virelure

738F99008 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Chlorothalonil

738F99009 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Pebulate

738F99010 R.E.D. Facts Bendiocarb

738F99011 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): EPTC

738F99013 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Niclosamide

738F99014 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Triphenyltin Hydroxide

738F99015 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Captan

738F99016 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Folpet

738F99019 R.E.D. Facts Isofenphos

738K94001 Pesticide Reregistration Rejection Rate Analysis Residue Chemistry: Follow-Up Guidance, June 1994

738R00001 Status of Chemicals in Special Review

738R00002 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision (IRED): Bensulide

738R00003 Report on FQPA Tolerance Reassessment Progress and Interim Risk Management Decision for Chlorethoxyfos

738R00005 Report on FQPA Tolerance Reassessment Progress and Interim Risk Management Decision: Cadusafos

738R00006 Interim Registration Eligibility Decision (RED): Profenofos

738R00009 Registration Eligibility Decision (RED) Diclofop-Methyl

738R00010 Registration Eligibility Decision Addendum and FQPA Tolerance Reassessment Progress Report: Coumaphos

738R00012 Report on FQPA Tolerance Reassessment Progress and Interim Risk Management Decision for Fenitrothion

738R00013 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Fenthion

738R00014 Report on FQPA Tolerance Reassessment Progress and Interim Risk Management Decision: Mevinphos

738R00015 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision (IRED): Oxamyl

738R00016 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Phorate

738R00017 Report on FQPA Tolerance Reassessment Progress and Interim Risk Management: Phostebupirim

738R00018 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision(IRED): Propetamphos

738R00019 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Etridiazole (Terrazole)

738R00020 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Temephos

738R00021 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Triallate

738R00022 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision (IRED): Tribufos

738R00023 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Vinclozolin

738R01001 Report on FQPA Tolerance Reassessment Progress and Interim Risk Management Decision for Phosalone

738R01003 Reports On FQPA Tolerance Reassessment Progress And Interim Risk Management Decisions (treds) Chlorpyrifos-methyl

738R01004 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Pirimiphos-methyl

738R01006ES IRED PHORATE (Errata Sheet)

738R01007 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Chlorpyrifos

738R01008 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Methidathion

738R01009 Report on FQPA Tolerance Reassessment Progress and Interim Risk Management Decision (TRED) for Trichlorfon

738R01013 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Acephate

738R02001 Report of the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) Tolerance Reassessment Progress and Risk Management Decision (TRED), Diquat Dibromide

738R02002 Report of the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) Tolerance Reassessment Progress and Risk Management Decision (TRED), Difenzoquat

738R02003 Reregistration Eligibility Decision For Thiabendazole And Salts

738R02005 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision (IRED) Ethoprop

738R02006 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Terbufos

738R02008 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Naled

738R02010 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision (IRED) Disulfoton

738R02011 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) Benomyl

738R02012 Reregistration Eligibility Decision For Endosulfan

738R02014 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): OXYFLUOREN

738R04001 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED)

738R04002 Reports On Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) Tolerance Reassessment Progress And Interim Risk Management Decisions (TRED) for Lactofen

738R04003 Reregerstration Eligibility Decision For Oxadiazon

738R04005 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision (ired) Dicrotophos

738R04006 Intrim ReRegistration Eligibility Decision (IRED): DIAZINON

738R04007 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Lindane

738R04011 Ethoxyquin Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED)

738R04012 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Benfluralin

738R04014 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) for Cycloate

738R04015 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Carboxin

738R05001 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for 2,4-DB

738R05002 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for 2,4-D

738R05004 Report of the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) Tolerance Reassessment Progress And Risk Management Decisions (TRED) for Cyhexatin

738R05007 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for 1,2-Benzisothiazolin-3-one (BIT)

738R05015 Report Of The Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) Tolerenace Reassessment Progress And Risk Management Decision (TRED) for Bitertanol

738R06006 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for N-Octyl Bicycloheptene Dicarboximide (MGK-264)

738R06008 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Simazine

738R06015 Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Formetanate Hydrochloride

738R06017 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) for Permethrin

738R06021 Revised Reregistration Eligibility Decision for MSMA, DSMA, CAMA, and Cacodylic Acid

738R06028 Addendum to the 2002 Lindane RED

738R06030 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) for Malathion

738R06031 Carbofuran Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision

738R07005 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Rotenone

738R0707017 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) Naphthaleneacetic Acid Its Salts Ester and Acetamide Revised October 2007

738R08005 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Methyl Bromide

738R08006 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Methyldithiocarbamate Salts - Metam Sodium/Potassium and MITC

738R08007 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Dazomet

738R90102 Toxics Information Series: Asbestos

738R91100 Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED) Carbon And Carbon Dioxide

738R91110 Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED): Warfarin and Its Sodium Salt

738R92001 Pesticide Reregistration Rejection Rate Analysis Residue Chemistry

738R92002 Pesticide Reregistration Progress Report, October 1992

738R92010 Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED) Citric Acid

738R92019 Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED) : Citric Acid

738R93001 Pesticide Reregistration Progress Report, January 1993

738R93004 Pesticide Reregistration Rejection Rate Analysis Toxicology

738R93005F Mt. View Project: A Community Success Story

738R93006 Pesticide Reregistration Progress Report, July 1993

738R93007 10,10'-OXYBISPHENOX-ARSINE (OBPA) EPA Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED)

738R93008 Pesticide Reregistration Rejection Rate Analysis: Occupational And Residential Exposure

738R93010 Pesticide Reregistration Rejection Rate Analysis: Environmental Fate

738R93014 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) Glyphosate

738R93015 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Glyphosate

738R93016 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Sulfuryl Fluoride

738R93017 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Boric Acid and its Sodium Salts

738R93018 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Butylate

738R93019 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Inorganic Halides

738R93020 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Tris(hydroxymethyl)Nitromethane

738R93022 Pesticide Reregistration Progress Report, October 1993

738R93023 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Lithium Hypochlorite

738R93024 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Barium Metaborate

738R93027 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Bromine

738R93028 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): 2-[(Hydroxymethyl)-amino]ethanol

738R93029 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Mineral Acids

738R93030 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Peroxy Compounds

738R93031 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Flower and Vegetable Oils

738R94001 Pesticide Reregistration Progress Report, January 1994

738R94002 Reregistration Eligibilty Decision(RED): Methiocarb

738R94004 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Periplanone B

738R94005 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Hexadecadienol Acetates

738R94006 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Tebuthiuron

738R94007 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Pronamide

738R94008 Status of Pesticides in Reregistration and Special Review, June 1994

738R94009 Pesticide Reregistration Program Report, April 1994

738R94010 Reregistration Eligibilty Decision(RED): MALEIC HYDRAZIDE

738R94014 Pesticide Reregistration Progress Report, July 1994

738R94016 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Oryzalin

738R94017 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Metalaxyl

738R94018 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Difenzoquat

738R94020 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Sodium Cyanide

738R94021 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision: (RED): Disodium Cyanodithioimido-Carbonate (DCDIC)

738R94022 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Hexazinone

738R94024 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Fenbutatin-oxide

738R94025 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision: (RED): M-Cresol and Xylenol

738R94026 Reregistration Eligibility Decision(RED): 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide(DBNPA)

738R94027 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) Sodium and Zinc Salts of 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole

738R94028 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision: (RED): (Z)-9-Tricosene

738R94029 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Bentazon

738R94030 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Nuosept 145

738R94031 Pesticide Reregistration Progress Report: October 1994

738R94032 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Chloroxylenol

738R94033 Reregistration Eligibility Decision(RED): Piperalin

738R94034 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Limonene

738R94035 Pesticide Reregistration Rejection Rate Analysis: Ecological Effects

738R95001 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Ethalfluralin

738R95002 Reregistration Eligibility Decision(RED): Linuron

738R95003 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Ethephon

738R95004 Reregistration Eligibility Decision(RED): Fosamine ammonium

738R95005 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision: (RED): Terbuthylazine (Includes Errata Sheet)

738R95006 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Metolachlor

738R95007 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Polybutene

738R95010 Pesticide Reregistration Progress Report, January 1995

738R95011 Pesticide Reregistration Rejection Rate Analysis Environmental Fate Follow-up Guidance for: Submission of Raw Data

738R95013 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Aliphatic Alcohols

738R95016 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Diquat Dibromide

738R95017 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Dowicil (registered) CTAC

738R95018 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Fenitrothion

738R95019 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Picloram

738R95020 Pesticide Program Progress Report, April 1995

738R95023 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Agrobacterium radiobacter

738R95024 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Asulam

738R95025 Registration Eligibility Decision (RED): Sodium Fluoroacetate

738R95028 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Dimethoxane

738R95029 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Nuranone

738R95030 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Cytokinin

738R95031 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Sodium Omadine

738R95032 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Ancymidol

738R95033 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Prometryn

738R95034 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Bronopol

738R95035 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Nabam

738R95036 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Propamocarb Hydrochloride

738R95038 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Methyl Nonyl Ketone

738R95039 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Alkyl Imidazoline

738R95040 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Trifluralin

738R95041 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Tetrachlorvinphos

738R96001 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Hydroxyethyl Octyl Sulfide

738R96002 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Amitrole

738R96003 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Starlicide (3-chloro-p-toluidinehydrochloride)

738R96004 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Hydroxypropyl Methanethiosulfonate

738R96005 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Gibberellic Acid

738R96006 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Desmedipham

738R96007 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): 4,4-Dimethyloxazolidine (Aug '96)

738R96008 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): p-Chloro-m-Cresol

738R96009 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Furanone

738R96011 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Dibromodicyanobutane

738R96012 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Norflurazon

738R96013 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Bromacil

738R96014 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Coumaphos

738R96016 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Cryolite

738R96017 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Trichlorfon

738R96018 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Paraquat Dichloride

738R96019 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) Mepiquat Chloride

738R96021 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Tridecenyl Acetates

738R96022 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Mitin FF

738R96023 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Chlorpropham

738R96025 Reregistration Eligibility Decision(RED): Chlorhexidine diacetate

738R96026 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f.sp aeschynomene

738R96027 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Ortho-Benzyl-P-Chlorophenol

738R96028 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Bis(trichloromethyl) sulfone

738R96030 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): S-Kinoprene

738R96031 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Amitraz

738R96033 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Strychnine

738R97001 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): 4-Chlorophenoxy-acetic Acid (4-CPA)

738R97003 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): 3-Iodo-2-propynyl Butylcarbamate (IPBC)

738R97004 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): 1,3,5-Triethylhexahydro-s-triazine

738R97005 Methylene bis(thiocyanate): Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED)

738R97006 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Metribuzin

738R97007 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Pendimethalin

738R97008 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Diflubenzuron

738R97009 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Propoxur

738R97010 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Diphenylamine

738R97011 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Terbacil

738R97013 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Thiobencarb

738R97016 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Paranitrophenol

738R97042 Rejection Rate Analysis for Submissions of Product Chemistry Data, Confidential Statement of Formula, and Product Label for Registration and Reregistration

738R98001 Status of Chemicals in Special Review (Feb '98)

738R98002 Status of Pesticides in Registration, Reregistration, and Special Review

738R98003 Pesticide Reregistration Progress Report for 1997

738R98004 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Bacillus Thuringiensis

738R98005 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): DCPA

738R98006 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Zinc Phosphide

738R98007 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Rodenticide Cluster

738R98008 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Dichlobenil

738R98009 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Butralin

738R98010 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): DEET

738R98011 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Triclopyr

738R98013 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Bromoxynil

738R98015 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Propachlor

738R98017 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): AL & MG Phosphide

738R98018 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Dicofol

738R98019 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Iprodione

738R98020 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Alachlor

738R98021 Fact Sheet: Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Methomyl

738R98022 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Thiodicarb

738R98023 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Hydramethylnon

738R98024 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): 1,3-Dichloropropene

738R98025 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Methylisothiazolinone

738R99001 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Chlorine Gas

738R99003 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Virelure ((Z)-11-Hexadecenal)

738R99004 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Chlorothalonil

738R99005 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Pebulate

738R99006 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): EPTC

738R99007 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) 3-Trifluoro-Methyl-4-Nitro-Phenol and Niclosamide

738R99008 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (Red): 3-Trifluoro-Methyl-4-Nitro-Phenol and Niclosamide

738R99009 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Triphenyltin Hydroxide (TPTH)

738R99010 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (Red): Captan

738R99011 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Folpet

738R99012 US EPA Reregistration Eligibility Decision: Sulfotepp

738S93009 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Lauryl Sulfate Salts

738S93012 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Cedarwood Oil

738S93014 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED): Thymol (Pesticide Reregistration Handbook Attached)

738S95001 Pesticide Reregistration Rejection Rate Analysis: Summary Report, February 1995

739R05003 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) for PHMB

739R05004 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) for Oleic Acid Sulfonates

739R05010 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Azadioxabicyclooctane

739R08004 Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Formaldehyde and Paraformaldehyde

739R08009 Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) for Triclosan List B

739R93011 Reregistration Eligibility Decision Document: DAMINOZIDE

739R97001 Streamlining Registration of Antimicrobial Pesticides, EPA Progress Report, 1997

739R99003 Streamlining Registration of Antimicrobial Pesticides: EPA Progress Report, 1998-1999

739S98001 Environmental Protection Agency's White Paper on Bacillus Thuringiensis Plant-Pesticide Resistance Management

740B91001 Chemical Engineering Branch Manual For The Preparation Of Engineering Assessments

740D96001 OPPTS Harmonized Test Guidelines Series 850 Ecological Effects Test Guidelines Volume I Guidelines 850.1000 - 850.1950 Draft

740F00001 Read the Label First: Protect Your Kids

740F00002 Read the Label First: Protect Your Pet

740F00003 Read the Label First: Protect Your Garden

740F00004 Read the Label First: Protect Your Household

740F08001 Contratistas Seguridad Contra El Plomo Durante La Renovaciónlead (Safety During Renovation)

740F08002 Renovate Right Important Lead Hazard Information For Families Child Care Providers And Schools

740K79001 School Asbestos Program Questions And Answers

740N93001 Chemical In Progress Bulletin

740R06002 Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) Project Plan

740R73101 Digest Of State Pesticide Use And Application Laws 1973

740R78101 Toxic Substances Control Act Tsca Candidate List Of Chemical Substances Addendum 1 Generic Terms Covering Petroleum Refinery Process Streams

740R78102 Toxic Substances Control Act Tsca Candidate List Of Chemical Substances Addendum 2 Substance Names Formulas And Cas Numbers

740R78103 Toxic Substances Control Act Tsca Candidate List Of Chemical Substances Addendum 3 Chemical Substances Of Unknown Or Variable Composition Complex Reaction Products And Biological Materials

740R79101 Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substances Inventory Supplement I

740R79102 Administration Of The Toxic Substances Control Act Second Annual Report 1978

740R81101 Tsca Confidential Business Information Security Manual 1981

740R82101 Intermedia Priority Pollutant Guidance Documents

740R83001 Calcium and Sodium Hypochlorite Salts : Pesticide Registration Standard Part 1

740R83101 Pcb Regulations Under Tsca Over 100 Questions And Answers To Help You Meet These Requirements

740R84101 Exposure Assessments Tools, Techniques and Example Applications

740R84102 Tsca Confidential Business Information Security Manual 1984

740R88101 The Emergency Planning And Community Right To Know Act Of 1986 Extremely Hazardous Substances Listed Under Title 3 Section 302 Chemical Profiles

740R90001 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory on The National Library of Medicine's Toxicology Data Network (TOXNET) System

740R94001 Series 875 - Occupational and Residential Exposure Test Guidelines : Group B - Post Application Exposure Monitoring Test Guidelines ; Version 3.2 ; Working Draft

740R95001 Title III List of Lists: Consolidated List of Chemicals Subject to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) and Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act, As Amended

740R97001 Toxic Release Inventory Relative Risk-Based Environmental Indicators : Sumamry of Comments Received on the Draft 1992 Methodology and Responses to Comment

740S87010 Agricultural Chemicals In Ground Water Summary Minutes From The 1987 Pesticide Strategy Workshop, July 23 and 24, 1987

741R92002 Total Cost Assessment: Accelerating Industrial Pollution Prevention Through Innovative Project Financial Analysis with Applications to Pulp and Paper Industry

741R92003 Evaluation of Environmental Marketing Terms in the United States

742A98001 Executive Order 13101: Greening the Government Through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition

742B00001 Environmental Accounting Products Available from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

742B01001 Environmental Justice Through Pollution Prevention 2001 Grant Guidance

742B01002 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Guide: Greening Your Purchase of Cleaning Products

742B01003 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Guide: Greening Your Purchase of Carpet

742B01004 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Guide: Greening Your Meetings and Conferences

742B01005 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Guide: Greening Your Purchase of Electronics

742B01007 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Guide: Greening Your Purchase of Food Serviceware

742B01008 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Guide: Greening Your Purchase of Copiers

742B88100 Profiting from Waste Reduction in Your Small Business

742B89100 Guidelines for Waste Reduction and Recycling: Metal Finishing, Electroplating, Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing

742B91001 Cost of Illness Handbook

742B92100 Practical Guide to Pollution Prevention Planning for the Iron and Steel Industries

742B93001 Reference Guide to Pollution Prevention Resources, 1993

742B93002 Ongoing Efforts by State Regulatory Agencies to Integrate Pollution Prevention into Their Activities

742B93003 Creative Approaches to Pollution Prevention Training: Compendium of Exercises and Activities

742B93004 La Minimizacion De Residuos En La Industria Del Acabado De Metales (Waste Minimization of the Metal Finishing Industry)

742B93005 Waste Minimization for the Metal Finishing Industry

742B94001 Abstracts of Pollution Prevention Case Study Sources

742B94005 Pollution Prevention Directory

742B94006 Directory of Pollution Prevention in Higher Education: Faculty and Programs, 1994

742B95003 Introduction to Pollution Prevention, Training Manual

742B96005 Environmental Accounting Resource Listing

742B96006 EPA'S Environmental Accounting Network Directory

742B96007 P2/Finance Version 3.0 in Lotus 1-2-3 Version 3.4A for DOS, User's Guide

742B96008 P2/Finance Version 3.0 in Microsoft Excel Version 5.0 for Windows, User's Guide

742B97003 Guide to Accessing Pollution Prevention Information Electronically

742B97004 Pollution Prevention for the Printing Industry: Manual for Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance Providers

742B97005 Pollution Prevention for the Metal Finishing Industry: Manual for Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance Providers

742B97006 Making the Most of Your Cleaning Business: Dry Cleaning/Wet Cleaning Case Studies and Financial Analysis Worksheets

742B97008 P2/Finance for Screen Printers, Version 2.0, User's Guide

742B98001 Environmental Justice Through Pollution Prevention Grant Guidance For Fy 1998

742B98002 Environmental Management Systems Voluntary Project Evaluation Guidance

742B98003 Pilot Project Approach on Use of Non-Government Entities to Implement Section 503 of Executive Order 12873 on Federal Acquisition, Recycling and Waste Prevention

742B98004 Environmental Accounting Products Available from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

742B98005 Pollution Prevention in Metal Painting and Coating Operations: Manual for Technical Assistance Providers

742B98006 Pollution Prevention in the Primary Metals Industry: A Manual for Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance Providers

742B98008 Gis, Pollution Prevention, and Public Health

742B99001 Environmental Justice Through Pollution Prevention Grant Guidance 1999

742D97001 Study of Industry Motivation for Pollution Prevention, Draft

742D97009 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: New Publications, Fall 1998

742D98001 Multimedia Strategy for Priority Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Pollutants

742D98002 Action Plans for PBT Pollutants, EPA Action for Mercury (Draft)

742E01001 Why Should We Care About Preventing Waste?

742F00001 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: New Publications, Winter 2000

742F00002 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: New Publications, Spring 2000

742F00003 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: New Publications, Summer 2000

742F00004 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: New Publications, Fall 2000

742F00005 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Quarterly List, Pollution Prevention Publications, Spring 2000

742F00006 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Quarterly List, Pollution Prevention Publications, Fall 2000

742F00007 Environmental Accounting Project: Quick Reference Fact Sheet

742F00008 Federal Pioneers Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Success Stories from the Federal Government

742F01002 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Summer 2001, New Publications

742F01004 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Quarterly List, Pollution Prevention Publications, Winter 2001

742F01009 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Winter 2001, New Publications

742F01021 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Spring 2001, New Publications

742F01022 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Quarterly List, Pollution Prevention Publications, Spring 2001

742F01023 National Pollution Prevention Resource Guide

742F01024 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Quarterly List, Pollution Prevention Resources, Fall 2001

742F01025 Fact Sheet: Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC)

742F01026 Pollution Prevention at EPA: Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics

742F01027 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Fall 2001 New Publications

742F02001 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Winter 2002 New Publications

742F02002 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Quarterly List, Pollution Prevention Resources, Winter 2002

742F02004 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC) Spring 2002 Quarterly List, Pollution Prevention Resources

742F02005 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC) Spring 2002 New Publications

742F02006 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC): Quaterly List Pollution Prevention Resources, Summer 2002

742F02007 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Summer 2002 New Publications

742F02008 Pollution Prevention Programs at EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics

742F02009 Fact Sheetpollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC)

742F02010 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Quaterly List Fall 2002

742F02011 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Fall 2002 New Publications

742F03001 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Winter 2003 New Publications

742F03002 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Quaterly List, Pollution Prevention Resources, Spring 2993

742F03003 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Quarterly List, Pollution Prevention Resources, Summer 2003

742F03004 Quarterly List: Pollution Prevention Resources: Fall 2003

742F04003 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse(PPIC)

742F04004 Current Best Practices for Preventing Asbestos Exposure Among Brake and Clutch Repair Workers

742F05001 Design For The Environment Furniture Flame Retardancy Partnership Flame-retardant Alternatives For Furniture Foam

742F08001 PPIC Customer Satisfaction Survey

742F88002 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Pollution Prevention Conferences, Workshops and Training, Summer 1998

742F89100 Case Studies from the Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC): Printing

742F90100 101st Congress 2nd Session, H.R. 5931: Pollution Prevention Act of 1990

742F90101 Saving Money, Reducing Waste (Order Form)

742F92001 Pollution Prevention: EPA Statement of Definition

742F93001 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse

742F93002 Pollution Prevention Incentives for States, Fall 1993

742F93004 Pollution Prevention Fact Sheet: Setting Up A Pollution Prevention Program

742F93005 Pollution Prevention Fact Sheet: Pollution Prevention Act of 1990

742F93007 Design for the Environment: Environmental Accounting and Capital Budgeting Project Update, Number 1

742F93009 Pollution Prevention Policy Statement: New Directions for Environmental Protection

742F94001 Pollution Prevention at POTWs Case Studies

742F95002 What You Should Know About Using Paint Strippers

742F95005 EPA Standards Network Fact Sheet: Role of Voluntary Standards

742F95006 EPA Standards Network Fact Sheet: ISO 14000: International Environmental Management Standards

742F95007 Pollution Prevention Fact Sheet: Credit Assistance Pilot Project

742F95008 Design for the Environment: Screen Printing Project, Bulletin 1: Screen Printing, Technology Alternatives for Screen Reclamation

742F95008A Design for the Environment: Proyecto De Impresion, Boletin 1: Serigrafia, Alternativas Tecnologicas En La Recuperacion De Tamices (Spanish)

742F95009 Design for the Environment: Screen Printing Project, Bulletin 2: Screen Printing, Smarter, Safer Screen Reclamation Alternative System Epsilon

742F95009A Design for the Environment: Proyecto De Impresion, Boletin 2: Alternativas Quimicas En La Recuperacion De Tamices (Spanish)

742F95010 Design for the Environment: Screen Printing Project, Bulletin 3: Screen Printing Work Practice Alternatives for Screen Reclamation

742F95010A Design for the Environment: Proyecto De Impresion, Boletin 3: Serigrafia, Practicas De Trabajo Alternativas Para La Recuperacion De Tamices

742F95011 Design for the Environment: Screen Printing Project, Bulletin 4: Screen Printing, Smarter, Safer, Safer Screen Reclamation Alternative System Chi

742F95011A Design for the Environment: Proyecto De Impresion, Boletin 4: Serigrafia, Practicas De Trabajo Alternativas Para La Recuperacion De Tamices

742F95012 Green Lights Economics: Graphic Design Considers a Lighting Upgrade

742F95013 Pollution Prevention and Public Health: Unified Approach to Disease Prevention and Environment

742F95015 EPA and the PWB Industry Team Up on Environmental Assessment of Technologies

742F95016 Reinventing Government Through Common Sense and Design

742F96002 Environmental Preferable Purchasing Program Update 1

742F96003 Pollution Prevention Fact Sheet: Pollution Prevention Information Clearing House, October 1996

742F96008 Environmental Preferable Purchasing Program, Update #1

742F97001 Cleaning Products Pilot: Fact Sheet

742F97002 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Update, Issue #2

742F97003 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing in Action: Parking Lot Project Fact Sheet, Paving the Road to Success

742F97004 Drinking Water, Pollution Prevention and Public Health: Matrix for Disease Prevention and Environmental Protection

742F97005 Environmental Accounting Project : Quick Reference Fact Sheet

742F97006 Environmental Accounting Products Available from the US Environmental Protection Agency **See 742F98018 for Update**

742F97007 Design for the Environment Project Releases Direct Metallization Performance Results

742F98001 Environmental Preferable Purchasing Program: Quick Reference Fact Sheet

742f98003 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Quarterly List of Pollution Prevention Publications, Spring 1998

742F98004 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Quarterly List of Pollution Prevention Publications, Summer 1998

742F98005 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Quarterly List of Pollution Prevention Publications, Fall 1998

742F98006 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: New Publications, Winter 1998

742F98007 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: New Publications, Spring 1998

742F98008 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: New Publications, Summer 1998

742F98010 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Pollution Prevention Conferences, Workshops and Training, February 1998

742F98011 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Pollution Prevention Conferences, Workshops and Training, April 1998

742F98012 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Pollution Prevention Conferences, Workshops and Training, June 1998

742F98015 Pollution Prevention Conferences, Workshops and Training

742F98016 Membership Form for US EPA's Environmental Accounting Project's Network Directory

742F98017 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Customer Satisfaction

742F98018 Help Your Business Succeed: P2?Finance for Screen Printers

742F98019 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Update: EPP Could save Academia $2.6 Billion Annually

742F98020 Fact Sheet: EPA's Multimedia Strategy for Priority Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Pollutants (Draft)

742F98022 Fact Sheet: Consumer Labeling Initiative

742F98023 Fact Sheet: EPA Action Plan for Mercury (Draft)

742F98024 IPC-EPA Dfe Direct Metalization Seminars Wrap up in Phoenix

742F98025 Parking Lot Product Fact Sheet An Epp Pilot Project Update

742F99001 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Quarterly List, Pollution Prevention Publications, Winter 1999

742F99002 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Quarterly List, Pollution Prevention PUblications, Spring 1999

742F99003 Pollution Prevention Quarterly List of Publications, Summer 1999

742F99004 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Quarterly List, Pollution Prevention Publications, Fall 1999

742F99005 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: New Publications, Winter 1999

742F99006 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: New Publications, Spring 1999

742F99008 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: New Publications, Pollution Prevention Publications, Fall 1999

742F99009 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Pollution Prevention Conferences, Workshops, and Training

742F99010 Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Pollution Prevention Conferences, Workshops and Training, Spring 1999

742F99011 Pollution Prevention Conferences, Workshops and Training List, June 1999

742F99016 Fact Sheet: Voluntary Partnership with the American Hospital Association to Reduce Hospital Waste

742F99018 Memorandum of Understanding Between the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the American Hospital Association

742F99020 Pollution Prevention Fact Sheet: May 1999

742F99021 IPC/DfE Printed Wiring Board Project: Publishes Direct Metalization Results and Evaluates Alternative Surface Finishes

742F99022 Design for the Environment Printed Wiring Board Project: Partnership to Identify Cleaner Technologies

742K00001 Promoting Environmental Justice Through Pollution Prevention

742K00002 BEES 2.0: Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability Technical Manual and User Guide (Manual/CD ROM)

742K93001 Pollution Prevention Incentives for States, Spring 1994

742K93003 Agent Regeneration and Hazardous Waste Minimization, IBM Corporation Endicott, New York Facility

742K93004 Pollution Prevention and Profitability: Primer for Lenders

742K94002 Degreaser Replacement at Ford Motor Company's Climate Control Division

742K96001 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program: Summary of 1996 Award Entries and Recipients

742K96002 Environmental Accounting and EMS: Environmental Accounting Can Help Measure and Manage Environmental Performance

742K96900 Great Printers Project: Progress in Making Pollution Prevention Standard Practice in Printing Industry

742K97002 Selling Environmental Products to the Federal Government

742L90100 Public Law: Pollution Prevention Act of 1990

742N00001 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Update: Issue 6, April, 2000

742N00002 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Update: Issue 7, September, 2000

742N01001 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Update: Issue 8, February 2001

742N01002 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Update: Issue 9, August 2001

742N02001 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Update: Issue 10, January 2002

742N02002 EPP Update: Issue 11, August 2002

742N03001 EPP Update: Buying Biobased: Implications of the 2002 Farm Bill

742N04001 EPP Update Issue 13 January 2004

742N06001 EPP Update Issue 17 September 2006

742N96006 Pollution Prevention News, October-November 1996

742N97003 Pollution Prevention News, April-May 1997

742N97003A Pollution Prevention News, June/July/August, 1997

742N97004 Pollution Prevention News, September-October 1997

742N97005 Pollution Prevention News, November-December 1997

742N98001 Pollution Prevention News, January/February/March, 1998

742N98002 Pollution Prevention News, April-May-June, 1998

742N99001 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Update: Issue 4, March 1999

742N99002 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Update: Issue 5, September 1999

742R00001 Lean and Green Supply Chain: Practical Guide for Materials Manager and Supply Chain Managers to Reduce Costs and Improve Environmental Performance

742R00002 Enhancing Supply Chain Performance with Environmental Cost Information: Examples from Commonwealth, and Ashland Chemical

742R00004 State and Local Government Pioneers: How State and Local Governments are Implementing Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Practices

742R01001 Qualitative Measurement of Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Among Federal Employees in 2000

742R01003 PBT Program Accomplishments, 2000

742R01033 2000: PBT Program Accomplishments

742R02001A BEES 3.0 Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability Technical Manual and User Guide

742R03001 Breaking The Cycle: PBT Program Accomplishments, 2001-2002

742R04001 Buying Green Online: Greening Government E-Procurement of Office Supplies

742R07001 Bees 4.0: Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability: Technical Manual and User Guide

742R93001 Status Report on the Use of Environmental Labels Worldwide

742R93003 Use of Life Cycle Assessment in Environmental Labeling

742R93004 Total Cost Assessment: Accelerating Industrial Pollution Prevention Through Innovative Project Financial Analysis with Applications to the Pulp and Paper Industry, Revised Executive Summary

742R93013 Pollution Prevention Educational Resource Compendium: Chemical Engineering

742R94001 Determinants of Effectiveness for Environmental Certification and Labeling Programs

742R94002 Accounting and Capital Budgeting for Environmental Cost Workshop: Workshop Proceedings

742R94003 Stakeholders' Action Agenda: Report of the Workshop on Accounting and Capital Budgeting for Environmental Costs (December 5 -7, 1993)

742R94004 Summary of Focus Group Discussions With Screen Printers and Lithographers for the Environment Printing Project

742R94005 Pollution Prevention Educational Resource Compendium: Accounting

742R94006 Incentives and Disincentives for Adoption of Pollution Measures Under the Water Program

742R94007 Pollution Prevention Educational Resource Compendium: Environmental Studies

742R95001 Introduction to Environmental Accounting as a Business Management Tool: Key Concepts and Terms

742R95003 Environmental Accounting Case Studies: Green Accounting at AT&T

742R95004 Environmental Accounting Case Studies: Full Cost Accounting for Decision Making at Ontario Hydro

742R95005 Environmental Cost Accounting for Capital Budgeting: National Survey for Management Accountants

742R95006 Incorporating Environmental Costs and Considerations in to Decision-Making: Review of Available Tools and Software

742R95007 McDonald's/EDF Case Studies and Notes

742R95008 Pollution Prevention Educational Resources Compendium: Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

742R95009 Pollution Prevention Educational Resource Compendium: Industrial Ecology

742R95010 Pollution Prevention Educational Resource Compendium: Business Law

742R95011 Preventing Pollution in Our Cities and Counties: Compendium of Case Studies

742R95012 Pollution Prevention Educational Resource Compendium: Chemistry

742R96001 Preventing Pollution Through Regulations: Source Reduction Review Project, An Assessment

742R96002 Pollution Prevention Success Stories

742R96003 Valuing Potential Environmental Liabilities for Managerial Decision-Making: A Review of Available Techniques

742R96005 Summary of Comments at the Public Meeting on Proposed Guidance on Acquisition of Environmentally Preferable Products and Services, Final Report

742R96006 Pollution Prevention Incentives for States (PPIS) Grant Program: Assessment Study

742R96007 Study of State and Local Government Procurement Practices that Consider Environmental Performance of Goods and Services

742R97001 Pollution Prevention 1997: National Progress Report

742R97002 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program: Cleaning Products Pilot Project

742R97003 Applying Environmental Accounting to Electroplating Operations: An In-Depth Analysis

742R97004 Environmental Cost Accounting for Chemical and Oil Companies: A Benchmarking Study

742R97005 Leading By Example: Two Case Studies Documenting How the Environmental Protection Agency Incorporated Environmental Features into New Buildings

742R97006 Leading by Example 2 Case Studies Documenting How the Environmental Protection Agency Incorporated Environmental Features Into New Buildings

742R97007 Paving the Road to Success Department of Defense's Parking Lot Repair and Maintenance Contract An Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Case Study

742R97008 Pathway to Product Stewardship: Life-Cycle Design as a Business Decision-Support Tool

742R97010 Federal Agencies Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary Standards

742R97011 Role of National Standards Bodies and Key Stakeholder Groups in the ISO/TC 207 Environmental Management Systems Standards Development Activity

742R98001 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program: The City of Santa Monica's Environmental Purchasing, A Case Study

742R98002 Green Spending: Case Study of Massachusetts' Environmental Purchasing Program

742R98003 Pollution Prevention Incentives for States (PPIS) FY 1998 Grant Guidance

742R98005 Searching for the Profit in Pollution Prevention: Case Studies in the Corporate Evaluation of Environmental Opportunities

742R98006 Snapshots of Environmental Cost Accounting

742R98009 Environmental Labeling Issues, Policies, and Practices Worldwide

742R99001 Private Sector Pioneers: How Companies are Incorporating Environmentally Preferable Purchasing

742R99002 Defending the Environment at the Department of Defense: Using Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Procedures to Maintain the Pentagon and Other DOD Facilities

742R99004 Consumer Labeling Initiative: Phase 2 Report

742R99005 Painting the Town Green: Aberdeen Proving Ground's Paint Pilot Project

742S94001 Summary of Pollution Prevention Case Studies with Economic Data (By SIC Codes)

742S96001 Pollution Prevention Incentives for States (PPIS) Assessment Study: Executive Summary

742S97001 Pollution Prevention 1997: National Project Report, Executive Summary

742Z93001 Federal Register: October 22, 1993. Presidential Documents, Executive Order 12873 of October 20, 1993. Federal Acquisition, Recycling, and Waste Prevention

742Z95001 Federal Register: September 29, 1998, Part 9. Guidance on Acquisition of Environmentally Preferable Products and Services, Solicitation of Comments and Meeting; Notices

742Z99001 Federal Register January 15 1999 Development Of Voluntary Consensus Standards For Environmentally Preferable Goods And Services

742Z99002 Federal Register: August 20, 1999, Final Guidance on Environmentally Preferable Purchasing for Executive Agencies; Notice, Part 7

743F00008 Federal Pioneers: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Success Stories from the Federal Government

743F95001 New Chemicals Program

743R94001 US EPA/EC Joint Project on the Evaluation of (Quantitative) Structure Activity Relationships

744B04001 Community Air Screening How-To Manual A Step-by-Step Guide to Using a Risk-Based Approach to Identify Priorities for Improving Outdoor Air Quality

744B92001 Common Synonyms: For Chemicals Listed Under Section 313 Of The Emergency Planning And Community Right-To-Know Act

744B93001 Planner's Library on User-Friendly SoftWare: User's Guide

744B94001 Federal Environmental Regulations Potentially Affecting the Commercial Printing Industry

744B95001 Design for the Environment Printed Wiring Board Project: Federal Environmental Regulations Affecting the Electronics Industry

744B96001 Design for the Environment: Environmental Cost Accounting and Capital Budgeting: Handouts to Accompany Videotape Seminar

744B96002 Environmental Cost Accounting and Capital Budgeting for Small to Midsized Manufacturers: Handouts to Accompany Videotape Seminar, December 1995

744B98001 Design for the Environment: Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment of Professional Fabricare Processes

744B99001 Design for the Environment: EPA and the Navy: Pollution Prevention Partnership

744B99002 Design for the Environment: Wetcleaning Directory

744F00002A Mejores Practicas Para Retocadores de Automoviles Usando Pistolas de Rocio

744F00003 US EPA: Best Practices for the Paint Mixing Room

744F00003A Mejores Practicas en el Cuarto de Mezclar Pintura

744F00004 HVLP Spray Guns: Cost-Effective Environment-Friendly Technology

744F00004A Pistolas de Rocio de HVLP: Tecnología de costo-efectivo y buena para el ambiente

744F00005 US EPA: Choosing the Right Gloves For Painting Cars

744F00007 Supplied-Air Respirators in Auto Shops: Get the Best Protection

744F00010 Design for the Environment: Printed Writing Board Project Publications, Project Summaries

744F00011 Healthy Indoor Painting Practices: Safety Guide for Residents, Property Managers, Painters

744F00011A Practicas Saludables de Pintura Interior (Healthy Indoor Painting Practices) (Spanish)

744F00017 Managing Worker Health and Safety: An Auto Refinish Shop Success Story

744F00020 Design for the Environment Program: Partnerships for a Cleaner Future

744F01001 Design for the Environment Gravure Partnership: Effect of Ink Temperature on Solvent Losses and Print Quality

744F01002 Design For the Environment: Environmental Management System Case Study 1, Using an Integrated Environmental Management System (IEMS) to Manage Environmental Concerns

744F01003 Design for the Environment: Garment and Textile Care Program Fact Sheet, Military Uniform Cleaning Study

744F01004 Design for the Environment, May 2001

744F01010 Pollution Prevention: Resources for EPA New England Region

744F01011 Pollution Prevention: Resources for EPA Region 2

744F01012 Pollution Prevention: Resources for EPA Region 3

744F01013 Pollution Prevention: Resources for EPA Region 4

744F01014 Pollution Prevention: Resources for EPA Region 5

744F01015 Pollution Prevention: Resources for EPA Region 6

744F01016 Pollution Prevention: Resources for EPA Region 7

744F01017 Pollution Prevention: Resources for EPA Region 8

744F01018 Pollution Prevention: Resources for EPA Region 9

744F01019 Pollution Prevention: Resources for EPA Region 10

744F02003 Developing Cleaner Ink Formulations: Flowchart for Ink Formulators

744F02004 Options for Cleaner Flexo Inks: Highlights from the Flexo CTSA

744F02005 Green Chemistry Expert System (GCES) Version 0.99

744F02007 Design for the Environment: Lead Free Solder Partnership, Assessing Life Cycle Impacts in the Electronics Industry

744F02011 Pollution Prevention: Tips for Flexographic Printers

744F02013 How to Order DfE's Flexography Partnership Materials

744F03001 DfE Felxography Partnership

744F04002 Furniture Fire Safety Standards

744F05003 Design For The Environment Lead-free Solder Partnership Solders In Electronics Life-cycle Assessment

744F05004 Design For The Environment Wire & Cable Partnership Assessing Life-cycle Impacts In The Wire And Cable Industry

744F07001 Protecting the Health of Nail Salon Workers

744F07001A Protecting the Health of Nail Salon Workers {Vietnamese}

744F07001B Protecting the Health of Nail Salon Workers {Korean}

744F07005 EPA’s Design for the Environment Vacuum Sanders: Reducing Dust and Hazardous Air Pollutants

744F08001 EPA’s Design for the Environment Program Auto Refinishing Project Spray Booth Filters: the Key to Quality Jobs and Clean Emissions

744F08003 EPA’s Design for the Environment Program Auto Refinishing Project Using Waterborne Basecoats in Collision Repair Shops: A Case Study

744F08008 The Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award Recipients 1996-2008

744F89100 Introduction to EPA's Design for the Environment Program

744F93004 Design for the Environment: Dry Cleaning Project, Cleaner Clothes, Cleaner Neighborhoods, Cleaner Solutions

744F93004S Diseno Para El Medio Ambiente: Programa De Cuidado De Prendas Y Textiles (Design for the Environment: Garment and Textile Care Program)

744F93005 Design for the Environment: Chemical Design Project

744F93010 Design for the Environment Fact Sheet: Multiprocess Wet Cleaning Demonstration Study

744F93015 Design for the Environment: Printing Project Case Study 2: Screen Printing, Reducing the Use of Reclamation Chemicals in Screen Cleaning

744F93015A Design for the Environment: Caso de Estudio, de Serigrafia Numero 1: Serigrafia, Reduccion Del Uso de Reactivos Quimicos de Recuperacion en Serigrafia

744F93024 Design for the Environment: Printed Wiring Board, Case Study 5: Printed Wiring Board Project, A Continuous-Flow System for Reusing Microetchant

744F94002 Environmentally Preferable Products: Proposed Guidance

744F94003 EPA's Design for the Environment Program

744F95001 Fact Sheet: Design for the Environment; Printed Wiring Board Project, Making the Connection

744F95003 Fact Sheet: Design for the Environment: Screen Printing Project, Designing Solutions for Screen Printers

744F95003A Diseno Para el Ambiente: Proyecto de Impresion de Serigrafia, Diseno de Soluciones Para la Impresion de Serigrafia

744F95004 Fact Sheet: Design for the Environment: Printed Wiring Board Case Study 1, Pollution Prevention Work Practices

744F95005 Design for the Environment: Printed Wiring Board Case Study 2

744F95006 Design for the Environment: Flexography Project: Focusing on Flexo Inks

744F95008 Design for the Environment: Lithography Project, Blanket Wash Solutions for Small Printers

744F95009 Design for the Environment: Printed Wiring Board, Case Study 3: Printed Wiring Board Project, Opportunities for Acid Recovery and Management

744F96001 Design for the Environment: Lithography Project, Case Study 2: Pollution Prevention at Custom Print

744F96001A Design for the Environment: Proyecto de Litografia Caso de Estudio 2, la Prevencion de la Cotaminacion en la Compania Custom Print (Spanish)

744F96002 Design for the Environment: Lithography Project, Bulletin 1: Substitute Blanket Washes: Making Them Work

744F96002A Design for the Environment: Proyecto de Litografia Boletin 1, Haciendo Funcionar Los Solventes Substitiuo en el Lavado de Mantillas o Placas de Goma

744F96003 Design for the Environment: Printed Wiring Board, Case Study 4: Printed Wiring Board Project, Plasma Desmear: A Case Study

744F96008 Design for the Environment: Lithography Project, Bulletin 2: Workplace Practices Make the Difference

744F96008A Design for the Environment: Proyecto de Litografia Boletin 2, la Diferencia Radica en la Practica Empleada en el Trabajo (Spanish)

744F96009 Solutions For Lithographic Printers: An Evaluation of Substitute Blanket Washes

744F96010 Designing Solutions For Screen Printers Evaluation Of Screen Reclamation Systems

744F96011 Design for the Environment: Screen Printing Project, Case Study 2: Screen Printing, Changing Equipment and Reducing Solvent Use in Screen Reclamation

744F96011A Design for the Environment: Caso De Estudio, De Serigrafia Numero 2: Impresion de Serigrafia, Cambio de Equipo y Reduccion del Uso de Solvente en la Recuperacion de Tamices

744F96012 Design for the Environment: Screen Printing Project, Case Study 3: Innovations in Adhesives, Screen Cleaning, and Screen Reclamation

744F96012A Design for the Environment: Caso de Estudio, de Serigrafia Numero 3: Innovaciones de Adhesivos, Limpieza de Tamices, y Recuperacion de Tamices

744F96013 Design for the Environment: Flexography Project, Case Study 1: Reducing VOCs in Flexography

744F96013A Design for the Environment: Caso De Estudio 1, Del Proyecto De Flexografia, Rduccion De VOC En La Flexografia

744F96014 Design for the Environment: Lithography Project, Bulletin 3: Vegetable Ester Blanket Washes

744F96014A Design for the Environment: Proyecto de Litografia Boletin 3, Esteres Vegetales Usados Como Solventes Para el Lavado de Mantilla (Spanish)

744F96015 Design for the Environment: Lithography Project, Bulletin 4: Worksheet to Help You Choose a Better Wash

744F96015A Design for the Environment: Proyecto de Litografia Boletin 4, Un Formulario de Trabajo Para Ayudarle a Escoger un Mejor Solvente Para el Lavado de Mantillas (Spanish)

744F96016 Design for the Environment: Flexography Project, Case Study 2: Learning from 3 Companies that Reduced VOC Emissions

744F96016A Design for the Environment: Caso De Estudio 2, Del Proyecto De Flexogafia

744F96018 EPA's Design for the Environment Program: Partnerships for a Cleaner Future

744F96018A Design for the Environment: Partnership for a Cleaner Future

744F96019 Design for the Environment: Printing Wiring Board Project Publications

744F96020 Design for the Environment: Printed Wiring Board Project, Making the Connection

744F96021 Design for the Environment: Screen Printing Project Publications List (English/Spanish)

744F96022 Design For The Environment Lithography Project Publications List

744F96023 Design for the Environment: Your Screen Reclamation System

744F96024 Design For The ENVIRONMENT: Case Study 5

744F97001 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge: Awards and Grants for Chemistry Designed for the Environment, April 1998

744F97002 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge: Quick Reference Fact Sheet

744F97003 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge: Program Scope And Objectives

744F97004 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge: Award Program Selection Criteria

744F97005 Environmental Marketing Claims: Message to Vendors from the EPA and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

744F97006 Design for the Environment: Printed Wiring Board Case Study 6: Printed Wiring Board Project, Pollution Prevention Beyond Regulated Materials

744F97007 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge: Research Grants Opportunities

744F97008 Announcing the New DfE Website at:

744F97009 Design for the Environment: Printed Wiring Board Case Study 7: Printed Wiring Board Project, Identifying Objectives for Your Environmental Management System

744F97010 Design for the Environment: Printed Wiring Board Case Study 8: Printed Wiring Board Project, Building an Environmental Management System: H-R Industries' Experience

744F97011 Design for the Environment: Flexography Project Evaluation Card

744F97012 Design for the Environment: Screen Printing Project Evaluation Card

744F97013 Design for the Environment: Lithography Project Evaluation Card

744F98001 Evaluation Card: Design for the Environment Lithography Project

744F98002 Evaluation Card: Design for the Environment Screen Printing Project

744F98003 Evaluation Card: Design for the Environment Flexography Project

744F98004 Design for the Environment: Environmental Management System Bulletin 1, Using Design for the Environment Concepts in Your EMS

744F98005 Design for the Environment: Computer Display Project: Assessing Life-Cycle Impacts

744F98006 Design For the Environment: Printed Wiring Board Project: Making the Connection

744F98010 Design for the Environment: Computer Display Project, Assessing Life-Cycle Impacts

744F98011 Design for the Environment Garment and Textile Care Program Fact Sheet Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment for Professional Fabricare Processes

744F98011K Design for the Environment: Garment and Textile Care Programs Fact Sheet, Cleaner Technology Substitutes Assessment for Professional Fabricare Processes (Korean)

744F98011S Design for the Environment: Garment and Textile Care Programs Fact Sheet, Cleaner Technology Substitutes Assessment for Professional Fabricare Processes (Spanish)

744F98012 Design for the Environment: Garment and Textile Care Program Fact Sheet, Cleaner Clothes, Cleaner Neighborhoods, and Cleaner Solutions

744F98012K Design for the Environment: Garment and Textile Care Programs Fact Sheet, Cleaner Clothes, Cleaner Neighborhoods, and Cleaner Solutions (Korean)

744F98012S Design for the Environment: Garment and Textile Care Programs Fact Sheet, Cleaner Clothes, Cleaner Neighborhoods, and Cleaner Solutions (Spanish)

744F98013 US EPA: Small Automotive Refinishing Project In Philadelphia

744F98016 Design for the Environment: Case Study: Wetcleaning Systems For Garment Care

744F99002 Design for the Environment: Garment and Textile care Program Case Study: Liquid Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Surfactant System for Garment Care

744F99004 Design for the Environment: Printed Wiring Board Case Study 9: Flexible Simulation Modeling of PWB Costs

744F99005 Design for the Environment: Garment and Textile Care Program Fact Sheet, List of Major Federal Regulations and Standards Affecting Petroleum Cleaners

744F99006 Design for the Environment: Printed Wiring Board Project, Making the Connection

744K00001 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program: Nomination Package for 2001 Awards

744K01001 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program: Nomination Package for 2002 Awards

744K02001 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program: Nomination Package for 2003 Awards

744K03002 The Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program: Nomination Package For 2004 Awards

744K05002 The Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program: Nomination Package for 2006 Awards

744K06001 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program - Nomination Package for 2007 Awards

744K93001 Design for the Environment: Printing Project, Case Study 1: Printing Industry Case Study, Managing Solvents and Wipes

744K96002 Wet Cleaning

744K96002S Limpieza Moderna Con Agua

744K96004 Resource Guide for Garment and Textile Care Professionals

744K96004K Resource Guide for Garment and Textile Care Professionals (Korean)

744K96004S Guia De Recursos Para Los Profesionales De Limpieza De Prendas Y Textiles (Resource Guide for Garment and Textile Care Professionals)

744K97002 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program: Nomination Package for 1998 Awards

744K97003 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge: Award Recipients

744K98001 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program: Nomination Package For 1999 Awards

744K98002 Design for the Environment: Garment and Textile Care Program, Frequently Asked Questions About Drycleaning

744K98002K Design for the Environment Frequently Asked Questions About Dry Cleaning (Korean)

744K98002S Design for the Environment: Programa de Limpieza de Tejidos y Prendas de Vestir (Spanish)

744K98005 Design for the Environment: Garment and Textile Care Resource Guide

744K98017 Design for the Environment: Garment and Textile Care Program Case Study: Water-Based Cleaning System for Suede and Leather

744K99001 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program: Nomination Package for 2000 Awards

744P98001 Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment for Professional Fabricare Processes: Response to Peer Review Comments

744R00001 The Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program: Summary of 1999 Award Entries and Recipients

744R00001S Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program Resumen De Propuestas Y Premios Otorgados En 1999 {Spanish}

744R00002 Implementing Cleaner Printed Wiring Board Technologies: Surface Finishes

744R00004A Flexographic Ink Options: Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment, Volume 1

744R00004B Flexographic Ink Options: Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment, Volume 2 Appendices

744R00010 Sampling and Analysis of Consumer Garden Products That Contain Vermiculite

744R00011 Integrated Environmental Management Systems: Implementation Guide

744R00012 Integrated Environmental Management Systems: Company Manual Template for Small Business

744R00013A Printed Wiring Board Surface Finishes: Volume 1, Draft Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment

744R00013B Printed Wiring Board Surface Finishes: Volume 2 Appendices, Draft Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment

744R01001 Alternative Technologies for Surface Finishing: Cleaner Technologies for Printed Wiring Board Manufacturers

744R01003A Printed Wiring Board Surface Finishes: Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment, Volume 1

744R01003B Printed Wiring Board Surface Finishes: Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment, Volume 2, Appendices

744R01004A Desktop Computer Displays: Life Cycle Assessment, Volume 1

744R01004B Desktop Computer Displays: Life Cycle Assessment, Volume 2: Appendices

744R01005 Life-Cycle Assessment of Desktop Computer Displays: Summary of Resulys

744R02001A Flexographic Ink Options: Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment, Volume 1

744R02001B Flexographic Ink Options: Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment, Volume 2

744R02002 Evaluation of Flexographic Inks on Wide-Web Film: Summary Booklet

744R05001 Solders In Electronics Life-cycle Assessment

744R08001 Wire and Cable Insulation and Jacketing: Life-Cycle Assessments for Selected Applications

744R93004 Multiprocess Wet Cleaning Cost And Performance Comparison Of Conventional Dry Cleaning And An Alternative Process

744R93005 Guidelines for Developing Community Emergency Exposure Levels for Hazardous Substances

744R94003 Printing Industry and Use Cluster Profile

744R94005 Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment: Executive Summary Industry: Screen Printing, Use Cluster: Screen Reclamation, Draft

744R95002 Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment: Methodology and Resource Guide

744R95005 Printed Wiring Board Industry and Use Cluster Profile: Design for the Environment Printed Wiring Board Project

744R95006 Design for the Environment Printed Wiring Board Project: Printed Wiring Board Pollution Prevention and Control; Analysis of Survey Results

744R95008 Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment: Lithographic Blanket Washes {Draft}

744R96001 Design for the Environment: Pollution Prevention Experiences in 3 Flexographic Printing Facilities, Printing Project

744R96002 Proceedings: Apparel Care and the Environment, Alternative Technologies and Labeling

744R97001 Design for the Environment: Printed Wiring Board Project, Implementing Cleaner Technologies in the Printed Wiring Board Industry: Making Holes Conductive

744R97002A Design for the Environment Printed Wiring Board Project: Printed Wiring Board Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment: Making Holes Conductive, Volume 1 <Draft>

744R97002B Design for the Environment Printed Wiring Board Project: Printed Wiring Board Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment: Making Holes Conductive, Volume 2: Appendices <Draft>

744R97004A Training Curriculum for Alternative Clothes Cleaning

744R97004B Training Curriculum for Alternative Clothes Cleaning <Instructor's Manual>

744R97006 Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment: Lithographic Blanket Washes, Final

744R98001 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program: Summary of 1998 Award Entries and Recipients

744R98002 Alternative Technologies for Making Holes Conductive: Cleaner Technologies for Printed Wiring Board Manufacturers

744R98003 Printed Wiring Board Pollution Prevention and Control Technology: Analysis of Updated Survey Results

744R98004A Printed Wiring Board Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment: Making Holes Conductive, Volume 1

744R98004B Printed Wiring Board Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment: Making Holes Conductive, Volume 2: Appendices

744R98005 Computer Display Industry and Technology Profile

744R98006 Garment and Textile Care Program: An Eye to the Future: 1998 Conference Proceedings

744R99001 Wetcleaning Equipment Report: Report on Washers, Dryers, Finishing Equipment, and Detergents for Machine-Based Professional Wetcleaning

744R99003 Design for the Environment: Building Partnerships for Environmental Improvement

744R99003ES DFE Printing Projects: Communications Plan and Communication Products (Errata Sheet)

744S05001 Solders In Electronics Life-cycle Assessment summary

744S08001 Wire and Cable Insulation and Jacketing: Life-cycle Assessments for Selected Applications Summary

744S93001 Design for the Environment: Workshop on Identifying a Framework for the Future of Human Health and Environmental Risk Ranking: Proceedings Document

744S93002 Evaluating Cleaner Technologies: Workshop on Identifying a Framework for the Future of Human Health and Environmental Risk Ranking

744S93004 Multiprocess Wet Cleaning: Cost and an Alternative Process, Executive Summary

744S94001 Summary of a Report on Multipurpose Wet Cleaning

744S97001 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program: Summary of 1997 Award Entries and Recipients

744S98001 Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment for Professional Fabricare Processes: (Summary)

744S98002 Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment for Professional Fabricare Processes: Peer Review Process

745B00001 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Forms and Instructions, Revised 1999 Version (Manual)

745B00005 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act Section 313 Reporting Guidance for the Printing, Publishing, and Packaging Industry

745B00008 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act Section 313 Reporting Guidance for the Textile Processing Industry

745B00012 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act Section 313 Reporting Guidance for the Leather Tanning and Finishing Industry

745B01001 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Forms and Instructions: Revised 2000 Version, Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, Title 3 of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986

745B90100 Section 313 Reporting Issue Paper, Clarification and Guidance For The Metal Fabrication Industry

745B94001 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory List of Toxic Chemicals

745B94003 Toxics Release Inventory: List of Toxic Chemicals within Ethylenebisdithiocarbamic Acid Category

745B94004 Toxic Release Inventory: List of Toxic Chemicals within Warfarin Category

745B95002 Emergency Planning And Community Right-To-Know Section 313: List of Toxic Chemicals

745B95004 List of Toxic Chemicals within the Chlorophenols Category

745B96001 Executive Order 12856: Federal Facility Environmental Outreach Guide

745B96002 Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Section 313: List of Toxic Chemicals

745B97002 RCRA, Superfund and EPCRA Hotline Training Module, Introduction to : Toxics Release Inventory: Exemptions

745B97004 RCRA, Superfund and EPCRA Hotline Training Module, Introduction to : Toxics Release Inventory: Estimating Releases (EPCRA 313; 40 CFR Part 372)

745B97005 RCRA, Superfund and EPCRA Hotline Training Module, Introduction to : Toxics Release Inventory: Using the Toxics Release Inventory (EPCRA 313; 40CFR Part 372)

745B97006 RCRA, Superfund and EPCRA Hotline Training Module, Introduction to : Interface with Other Federal Regulatory Programs

745B97007 Internet Guide to Promote Concern for the Environment and to Generate Support for Community-Based Involvement

745B97008 EPCRA Section 313 Questions and Answers, Revised 1997 Version: Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory

745B97011 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act Section 313: Guidance for Metal Mining Facilities, Version 1.0

745B97012 Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act Section 313: Guidance for Coal Mining Facilities, Version 1.0

745B97014 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act Section 313: Guidance for Petroleum Bulk Storage Facilities, Version 1.0

745B97015 Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act Section 313: Guidance for RCRA Subtitle C, TSD Facilities and Solvent Recovery Facilities, Version 1.0

745B97016 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act Section 313: Guidance for Electricity Generating Facilities

745B98001 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act Section 313 Addendum to the Guidance Documents for the Newly Added Industries

745B98003 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act Section 313 Guidance for Metal Mining Facilities (Version 1.1)

745B98004 EPCRA Section 313 Questions and Answers, Revised 1998 Version: Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory

745B99001 EPCRA Section 313 Industry Guidance: Metal Mining Facilities

745B990014 Emergency Planning And Community Right-To-Know Act-Section 313

745B99002 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, Section 313 Industry Guidance: Coal Mining Facilities

745B99003 EPCRA Section 313 Industry Guidance: Electricity Generating Facilities

745B99004 EPCRA Section 313 Industry Guidance: RCRA Subtitle C TSD Facilities and Solvent Recovery Facilities

745B99005 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, Section 313 Industry Guidance: Chemical Distribution Facilities

745B99006 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, Section 313 Industry Guidance: Petroleum Terminals and Bulk Storage Facilities

745B99007 EPCRA Section 313 Reporting Guidance for Semiconductor Manufacturing

745B99008 Constructive Engagement Resource Guide: Practical Advice for Dialogue Among Facilities, Workers, Communities and Regulators

745B99013 Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Section 313: List of Toxic Chemicals within the Chlorophenols Category

745B99014 Emergency Planning And Community Right To Know Section 313 Guidance For Reporting Hydrochloric Acid Acid Aerosols Including Mists Vapors Gas Fog And Other Airborne Forms Of Any Particle Size

745F00001 EPA Announces New Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting Requirements for Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic (PBT) Chemicals

745F00002 ATRS 1999 Quick Reference

745F00003 1998 Toxics Release Inventory: Public Data Release, State Fact Sheets

745F09002g Chemical Right to Know: High Production Volume Chemicals Frequently Asked Questions

745F89001 What It Means To You: A Videotape On The Emergency Planning And Community Right-To-Know Act

745F91100 Fact Sheet: Asbestos in Schools: Evaluation of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)

745F93001 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Data Quality Checks to Prevent Common Reporting Errors on Form R

745F93002 Toxics Release Inventory: Public Data Release, State Fact Sheets, 1991

745F93005 Answers to Your Questions about the TSCA Section 8(E)

745F93006 Asbestos in Your Home

745F94001 Toxic Release Inventory: 1992 Public Data Release; State Fact Sheets

745F95001 EPA: Expanding Community Right-To_know: Recent Changes In The Toxics Release Inventory

745F95002 Toxics Release Inventory: Public Data Release, State Fact Sheets, 1993

745F96001 Toxics Release Inventory: Public Data Release, State Fact Sheets, 1994

745F97001 State Fact Sheets Toxic Release Inventory Public Data Release 1995

745F98001 State Fact Sheets: Toxics Release Inventory: Public Data Release - 10 Years of Right-to-Know, 1996

745F98002e Chemical Right to Know Fact Sheet Series Resources

745F99001 State Fact Sheets: Toxics Release Inventory, Public Data Release, 1997

745F99002 Automated TRI Reporting Software: Submit Electronically With ATRS98!

745F99003 Chemical Right to Know HPV Challenge Program; Fact Sheet on Animal Welfare

745K93001 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory: Reporting Form R and Instructions, Revised 1992 Version

745K93017 The ABCs of Asbestos in Schools

745K94001 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory: Reporting Form R and Instructions, Revised 1993 Version (Kit Includes Disk)

745K94004 EPA's 33-50 Program Company Profile Aladdin Industries Inc

745K94005 EPA's 33-50 Program Company Profile Aldan Rubber Company

745K94018 EPA's 33/50 Program Company Profile: Eastman Kodak Company

745K95001 EPA's 33/50 Program Sixth Progress Update: Continuing Progress Toward Ultimate Reduction Goal

745K95002 EPA's 33/50 Program Company Profile: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company

745K95003 EPA's 33/50 Program Company Profile: Inland Steel

745K95004 EPA's 33/50 Program Company Profile: Unisys

745K95005 EPA's 33/50 Program Company Profile: Lockheed Martin

745K95006 EPA's 33/50 Program Company Profile: Emerson

745K95007 EPA's 33/50 Program Company Profile: Chrysler Corporation

745K95008 EPA's 33/50 Program Company Profile: Monsanto

745K95009 EPA's 33/50 Program Company Profile: Eaton

745K95010 EPA's 33/50 Program Company Profile Reduction Highlights, Volume 2

745K95051 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Form R and Instructions: Revised 1994 Version, Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act

745K95051A EPA Errata Sheet For Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Form R And Instructions

745K95052 The Emergency Planning and Community Right-To Know Act: Section 313, Release Reporting Requirements

745K96001 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory: Reporting Form R and Instructions, Revised 1995 Version

745K97001 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Form R and Instructions, Revised 1996 Version

745K97002 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act: Section 313, Release Reporting Requirements (Dec '97)

745K98001 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Forms and Instructions, Revised 1997 Version

745K99001 Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Forms and Instructions, Revised 1998 Version (Manual)

745K99002 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act: Section 313, Release Reporting Requirements (Jun '99)

745N00001 EPA Tribal News, Fall 2003-winter 2004

745N92001 Chemicals In Progress Bulletin April 1992

745N92002 Chemicals In Progress Bulletin September 1992

745N93001 Chemicals-in-progress Bulletin

745R00001 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act -- Section 313: Reporting Modifications Beginning With Reporting Year 2000

745R00003 EPCRA Section 313: Question and Answers Addendum for Federal Facilities

745R00004 Toxic Release Inventory List Of Toxic Chemicals Within The Glycol Ethers Category

745R00005 Emergency Planning And Community Right-To-Know Act Section 313 Guidance For Reporting Aqueous Ammonia

745R00007 1998 Toxics Release Inventory: Public Data Release

745R00009 Office of Enivronmental Information Year 2000 Action Plan April 2000

745R89001 Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act of 1986 : Questions and Answers

745R93001 EPA's 33-50 Program 3rd Progress Update Reducing Risks Through Voluntary Action

745R93003 Toxics Release Inventory: Public Data Release, 1991

745R93005 EPA's 33-50 Program 4th Progrss Report

745R94001 Toxics Release Inventory: Public Data Release, 1992

745R95001 Toxics Release Inventory: List of Toxic Chemicals within the Polychlorinated Alkanes Category and Guidance for Reporting

745R95002 Toxics Release Inventory: List of Toxic Chemicals Within the Water Dissociable Nitrate Compounds Category and Guidance For Reporting

745R95003 Toxics Release Inventory: Guidance for Reporting Toxic Chemicals within the Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds Category

745R95004 Toxics Release Inventory: List of Toxic Chemicals within the Nicotine And Salts Category

745R95005 Toxics Release Inventory List Of Toxic Chemicals Within The Strychnine and Salts Category

745R95006 Toxics Release Inventory: List of Toxic Chemicals Within The Glycol Ethers Category

745R95007 Toxics Release Inventory: Copper Phthalocyanine Compounds Excluded from the Reporting Requirements under the Copper Compounds Category on the EPCRA Section 313 List

745R95008 Common Synonyms for Chemicals Listed Under Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act

745R95009 Toxics Release Inventory: Reporting Modifications Beginning with 1995 Reporting Year {Insert for Form R}

745R95010 1993 Toxics Release Inventory: Public Data Release

745R95011 Federal Compliance With Right-to-know Laws and Pollution Prevention Requirements Questions and Answers: Executive Order 12856

745R95012 Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Section 313: Guidance for Reporting Aqueous Ammonia

745R96002 Toxics Release Inventory: Public Data Release, 1994

745R96005 Office Of Pollution Prevention And Toxics Annual Report FY95

745R97001 OPPT Annual Report: Fiscal Year 1996RT

745R97005 Toxic Release Inventory Public Data Release 1995

745R97007 Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act Section 313: Guidance for Reporting Sulfuric Acid (Acid Aerosols Including Mists, Vapors, Gas, Fog, and Other Airborne Forms of any Particle Size)

745R97009 RCRA, Superfund and EPCRA Hotline Training Module, Introduction to : Toxics Release Inventory: Reporting Requirements (EPCRA 313; 40 CFR Part 372)

745R98002 Toxic Release Inventory Data Quality Report 1994-1995

745R98003 Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics: Annual Report, FY 1997

745R98005 Toxics Release Inventory: Public Data Release, Ten Years of Right-to-Know, 1996

745R98007 RCRA, Superfund and EPCRA Hotline Training Module, Introduction to : Toxics Release Inventory: Exemptions (EPCRA 313; 40 CFR Part 372)

745R98008 RCRA, Superfund and EPCRA Hotline Training Module, Introduction to : Toxics Release Inventory: Pollution Prevention Act Requirements (EPCRA 313; 40 CFR Part 372)

745R98011 EPCRA Section 313 Reporting Guidance for Food Processors

745R98016 Toxic Release Inventory: Data Quality Report, 1996

745R98018 Toxics Release Inventory Public Data Release: Ten Years of Right-to-Know Industry Sector Analysis, 1996

745R99002 1994 and 1995 Toxic Release Inventory: Data Quality Report

745R99003 Toxic Release Inventory, 1997

745R99004 US EPA, 33/50 Program: The Final Record

745R99008 Toxic Release Inventory: List of Toxic Chemicals within the Water, Dissociable Nitrate, Compounds Category and Guidance for Reporting

745R99009 Toxic Release Inventory: Guidance for Reporting Toxic Chemicals within the Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds Category

745S00001 1998 Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Data Summary

745S95001 Toxics Release Inventory Public Data Release Executive Summary, 1993

745S96001 Toxics Release Inventory: Public Data Release, Executive Summary, June 1996

745Z94001 Federal Register: January 12, 1994, Part 4. 40 CFR Part 372. Addition of Certain Chemicals; Toxic Chemical Release Reporting; Community Right-To-Know; Proposed Rule

745Z94002 Federal Register: November 30, 1994, Part 5. 40 CFR Part 372. Addition of Certain Chemicals; Toxic Chemical Release Reporting; Community Right-To-Know; Final Rule

747B00002 Lead Sampling Technician Training Course Trainer Manual

747B00005 Model Training Course Minimizing Lead-Based Paint Hazards During Renovation, Remodeling, & Painting Student Manual

747B00006 Model Training Course Minimizing Lead-Based Paint Hazards During Renovation, Remodeling, & Painting Instructor Manual

747B98002 Lead In Your Home: A Parent's Reference Guide

747B98003 Application and Instructions for Training Program Accreditation of Lead Based Paint Activity Training Programs

747B99004 Lead-based Paint Pre-renovation Education Rule Contractors Property Managers And Maintenance Personnel

747F02001 Combata El Envenenamiento Con Plomo Con Una Dieta Saludable {Fight Lead Poisoning With A Healthy Diet Lead Poisoning Prevention Tips For Families} {Spanish}

747F04004 Current Best Practices For Preventing Asbestos Exposure Among Brake And Clutch Repair Workers

747F94001 Environmental Fact Sheet: Lead Leaching From Submersible Well Pumps

747F96001 Epa And Hud Real Estate Notification And Disclosure Rule Questions And Answers

747F96002 EPA and HUD Move to Protect Children from Lead-Based Paint Poisoning; Disclosure of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing Fact Sheet

747F96006 Finding a Qualified Lead Professional for Your Home

747F96007 Fact Sheet: Identifying Lead Hazards In Your Home

747F98003 Fact Sheet: Lead Hazard Prevention in Homes Pamphlet Released

747F98005 Proposed Rule On The Management and Disposal Of Lead-based Paint Debris

747F98006 Fact Sheet Generators' and Transporters' Responsibilities For Management and Disposal Of Lead-based Paint Debris

747F98007 Fact Sheet Proposed Rule On The Management and Disposal Of Lead-based Paint Debris

747K00001 Testing Your Home For Lead In Paint Dust And Soil

747K01001S Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home

747K04001 El ABC del Asbesto en las Escuelas

747K94001 Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home

747K94001S Proteja a Su Familia del Plomo En Su Casa (Spanish Version, Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home)

747K95001 Lead Poisoning and Your Children (Spanish)

747K97001 Reducing Lead Hazards When Remodeling Your Home (Sep '97)

747K97002 Reduccion De Los Riesgos De Contaminacion Por Plomo Cuando Remodela Su Casa Remodela Su Casa (Reducing Lead Hazards When Remodeling Your Home) (Spanish)

747K99001 Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home

747K99001V Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home

747N01002 EPP Update

747N98001 Chemicals in Our Community News and Information Welcome to Chemicals in Our Community

747N99001 Chemicals in Our Community News and Information Our Approach to

747R00004A Risk Analysis to Support Standards for Lead in Paint, Dust, and Soil : Supplemental Report ; Volume I: Chapters 1 to 7

747R00004B Risk Analysis to Support Standards for Lead in Paint, Dust, and Soil : Supplemental Report ; Volume II: Appendices

747R01005 Analysis of Lead Dust Clearance Testing Final Report

747R03002 CAPRM II Chemical and Pesticides Results Measures

747R08001 Mercury and Chemical Management in Schools: Teachers and School Administrators Participant’s Manual in Southeast Asia

747R08002 Mercury and Hazardous Chemicals in Schools: a Manual for Students in Southeast Asia

747R08003 Mercury and Chemical Management in Schools: an Instructor’s Guide for Trainers in Schools in Southeast Asia

747R91001 Environmental Concerns of Polymers

747R92005 Pb Based Paint Laboratory Accreditation: Curricula Recommendations for Assessor Training Programs Revision 1.0

747R92006 PB Based Paint Laboratory Operations Guidelines Analysis Of Pb In Paint Dust And Soil

747R93006 Applicability of RCRA Disposal Requirements To Lead-Based Paint Abatement Wastes; Final Report

747R93007 Comprehensive Abatement Performance Pilot Study Volume 1 Results Of Lead Data Analysis

747R93009 Sampling Guidance For Scrap Metal Shredders Field Manual

747R94002 Reducing Lead Hazards When Remodeling Your Home (Apr '94)

747R94003 Seasonal Rhythms of Blood-Lead Levels: Boston, 1979-1983

747R95001 Residential Sampling For Lead Protocols For Dust And Soil Sampling Final Report

747R95002A Field Test Of Lead-based Paint Testing Technologies Summary Report

747R95006 Review Of Studies Addressing Lead Abatement Effectiveness

747R95007 Sampling House Dust For Lead Basic Concepts And Literature Review

747R95008 Methodology For XRF Performance Characteristic Sheets

747R95009 Effect of In-Home Educational Intervention on Children's Blood Lead Levels in Milwaukee

747R95010 Seasonal Trends in Blood Lead Levels in Milwaukee: Statistical Methodology

747R95012 Lead Paint Abatement and Repair and Maintenance Study In Baltimore

747R96005 Lead Exposure Associated With Renovation and Remodeling Activities, Summary Report

747R96006 Lead Exposure Associated With Renovation and Remodeling Activities Worker Characterization and Blood-Lead Study

747R96007 Lead Exposure Associated With Renovation and Remodeling Activities Environmental Field Sampling Study, Volume 1 Technical Report

747R96008 Lead Exposure Associated With Renovation and Remodeling Activities Environmental Field Sampling Study, Volume 2 Appendices

747R96010 Survey of State Lead Laboratory Accreditation Programs

747R96013 Environmental Assessment of Polymers Under The U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act

747R97002 Laboratory Study Of Lead-cleaning Efficacy

747R97004 Archive Operations and Protocols

747R98001a Summary Of Studies Addressing The Source Of Soil Lead Volume 1 Technical Summary

747R98001b Summary Of Studies Addressing The Source Of Soil Lead Volume 2 Study Abstracts

747R98003 Background Report on Fertilizer Use, Contaminants and Regulations

747S00001 Lead Exposure Associated With Renovation and Remodeling Activities Final Summary Report

747Z94001 Federal Register: March 9, 1994, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 745. Lead; Requirements for Hazard Education Before Renovation of Target Housing; Proposed Rule. Lead Hazard Information Pamphlet; Notice of Availability; Notice

748R93002 ECOSAR: Computer Program for Estimating the Ecotoxicity of Industrial Chemical Based on Structure Activity Relationships, Users Guide

748R98001 OPPTS Harmonized Test Guidelines Series 870 Health Effects Volume II of III

748R98002 OPPTS Harmonized Test Guidelines Series 870 Health Effects Volume I of III

749B94001 Risk Assessment Management Communication Guide To Selected Sources, Volume 5, Number 1-2

749B98001 Instructions for Reporting for the 1998 Partial Updating of the TSCA Chemical Inventory Data Base

749C95004 Toxic Release Inventory 1987-1993 {CD Rom User's Manual}

749C96003 Toxic Release Inventory 1987-1994 {CD Rom}

749C97003 Toxic Release Inventory 1987-1995 {CD Rom} {includes Binder, CD Rom, User's Guide & Quick Reference}

749F94002 Toxic Release Inventory Kit {Folder With 13 Inserts}

749F94017 Chemicals in the Environment: Methyl-Tert-Butyl Ether (CAS No. 1634-04-4)

749F94020 Chemicals in the Environment: Perchloroethylene (CAS No. 127-18-4)

749F94022 Chemicals in the Environment: 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (CAS NO. 95-63-6)

749F95002 US EPA, OPPT Chemical Fact Sheets: Aniline Fact Sheet

749F95002a US EPA, OPPT Chemical Fact Sheets: Aniline Fact Sheet: Support Document

749F95003 US EPA, OPPT Chemical Fact Sheets: Biphenyl

749F95003a US EPA, OPPT Chemical Fact Sheets: Biphenyl Fact Sheet: Support Document

749F95007 US EPA, OPPT Chemical Fact Sheet: Chlorobenzene

749F95007a US EPA, OPPT Chemical Fact Sheets: Chlorobenzene Fact Sheet: Support Document

749F98003 Environmental Accounting Products Available from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

749R92001 Tsca Confidential Business Information Security Manual

749R94003 Toxic Release Inventory: 1987-1992 CD-ROM User's Manual

749R95002 Chemicals In The Environment Public Access Information Issues 1 2 And 3

749R96001a Chemicals In The Emvironment

749R96001A Chemicals In The Environment Public Access Information 3 R's Of Risk

749R96001B Chemicals In The Environment Public Access Information, Spring-summer

749R96001C Chemicals in the Environment: Public Access Information, TSCA at 20

749R97001A Chemicals in the Environment, Public Access Information: International Chemicals Management

749R97001B Chemicals in the Environment, Public Access Information: Toxics Release Inventory

750B92001 A Guide to Heat Stress In Agriculture

750D72001 Draft Report of EPA Task Force on Environmental Education

750D96001 Process for Selecting Indicators and Supporting Data : Second Edition Draft

750F95001 Controlling Heat Stress in Agriculture

750F95002 Controlling Heat Stress in Agriculture (Spanish)

750R90001 Title X : Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 : Interim Enforcement Response Policy

750R98001 Report from the Workshop on the Application of 2,3,7,8-TCDD Toxicity Equivalency Factors to Fish and Wildlife : Chicago Hilton & Towers, Chicago, Illinois, January 20-22, 1998

774R92002 Proceedings International Roundtable on Pollution Prevention and Control in the Drycleaning Industry, May 27-28, 1992, Falls Church, Va.

80019801 208 Data Clearinghouse

80019991B Co-occurrence Of Drinking Water Contaminants Literature Search Final Draft Report

800879028 Research Summary: Acid Rain

800B87001 Workshop on Guidance for the Wellhead Protection and Sole Source Aquifer Demonstration Programs: Hydrogeologic Criteria

800B87002 Workshop on Guidance for the Wellhead Protection and Sole Source Aquifer Demonstration Programs : Management Protection Plans

800B89001 Aluminum, Copper, and Nonferrous Metals Forming and Metal Powders Pretreatment Standards: A Guidance Manual

800B89101 User's Guide to the Menu-Driven Storet Interface

800B92001 Office of Water Environmental and Program Information Systems Compendium: FY 1992

800B92002 Lead Poisoning and Your Children

800B93001 Npdes Storm Water Sampling Guidance Manual

800B93003 Staying on Course A Guide for Office of Water Work Assignment Managers

800B93005 Water-Related Newsletters

800B93006 Nutrient Enrichment Action Agenda (3.2) for the Gulf of Mexico

800B94002 Habitat Degradation Action Agenda for the Gulf of Mexico: 1st Generation-Management Committee Report

800B94003 Coastal and Shoreline Erosion Action Agenda for the Gulf of Mexico: 1st Generation-Management Committee Report

800B94004 Nutrient Enrichment Action Agenda for the Gulf of Mexico: 1st Generation-Management Committee Report

800B94005 Toxic Substances and Pesticides Action Agenda for the Gulf of Mexico: 1st Generation-Management Committee Report

800B94006 Freshwater Inflow Action Agenda for the Gulf of Mexico: 1st Generation-Management Committee Report

800B94007 Living Aquatic Resources Action Agenda for the Gulf of Mexico: 1st Generation-Management Committee Report

800B94010 Clean Water Reference Book

800B98001 EPA Water Program Information Systems Compendium, FY 1998

800B99001 Education Projects in the Office of Water: How-To Guide for Developing Environmental Education Projects

800D76101 Draft Environmental Impact Statement State Underground Injection Control Program

800D96001 Externalization of EPA's Water Laboratory Performance Evaluation Programs Options Paper Draft

800D99001 Co-Occurrence of Drinking Water Contaminants Primary and Secondary Constituents Draft Report

800D99002 Co-Occurrence of Drinking Water Contaminants Primary and Secondary Constituents Appendices A-D Draft Report

800D99003 Co-Occurrence of Drinking Water Contaminants Primary and Secondary Constituents Appendices E-F Draft Report

800F02001 Using Water Wisely in the Home

800F87100 Municpal Facility-waterbody Computerized Information Introduction

800F92001 Working to Ensure Abundant, Safe, and Clean Water Resources

800F93001 Fact Sheet: Office of Water

800F93002 Office of Wastewater Enforcement and Compliance

800F93003 Fact Sheet: Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds

800F93004 Office of Science and Technology

800F93005 Fact Sheet: Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water

800F93008 Fact Sheet: Volunteer Monitoring

800F96001 Why Watersheds?

800F98001 Year 2000 Water Fact Sheet

800F98002 Surfing EPA's Water Web Sites

800H95002 Water: Every Living Thing Depends on it, Turtle Bookmark

800H95003 Water: Every Living Thing Depends on it, Frog Bookmark

800H95004 Water: Every Living Thing Depends on it, Duck Bookmark

800K93001 Public Health Action Agenda for the Gulf Of Mexico

800P83001 Comments on the Draft Tampa Bay EIS and EPA's Response to Those Comments Appendix G

800R00002 Clean Water Action Plan: Second Year Report: Progress Through Partnerships

800R00003 Watershed Success Stories: Applying the Principles and Spirit of the Clean Water Action Plan

800R00004 Storm Water Training Course : Participant's Manual

800R00005 Lead and Copper Rule : San Francisco, CA May 24 and 25, 2000

800R01001 National Program Guidance for the Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, FY2002-03

800R08001 National Water Program Strategy: Response to Climate Change

800R68101 Federal Water Pollution Administration Public Hearing October 8 1968

800R68900 Report Of The Committee On Water Quality Criteria

800R71007 Floating Oil Recovery Device

800R71101 Current List Of Water Publications 1965-1971

800R73101 Guidelines For Developing Or Revising Water Quality Standards Amended April 1973

800R73102 Guidelines For Developing Or Revising Water Quality Standards Amended January 1973

800R74101 State Cost Estimates For Construction Of Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities 1974 Needs Survey

800R74102 First Things First A Strategy Against Water Pollution

800R74103 Towards Cleaner Water

800R74104 O And M Making Wastewaster Treatment Work In Your Community

800R75101 Building For Clean Water

800R75102 National Organics Reconnaissance Survey For Halogenated Organics In Drinking Water

800R75103 Preservation Of Wastewater Effluent Samples Forms Of Nitrogen And Phosphorus

800R76101 Planning Methodologies For Analysis Of Land Use Water Quality Relationships

800R76102 Annotated Bibliography For Water Quality Management

800R76103 Interim Treatment Guide For The Control Of Chloroform And Other Trihalomethanes

800R76104 Financial Arrangements For Water Quality Management Planning

800R76105 Managing The Money How EPA Assures Financial Integrity In The Federal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program

800R76106 All You Need To Know About Sewage Treatment Construction Grants

800R77101 The Public And Construction Grants Building Together For Clean Water

800R77102 Nonpoint Source Control Guidance Silviculture

800R79001 Manager's Guide to STORET

800R79101 Potential Production Impacts From The Underground Injection Control Regulations

800R80101 Moving Toward Safe Drinking Water

800R80901 General Provisions Freedoms Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries A Compilation Of State Federal Criteria

800R80902 Nitrogen Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries A Compilation Of State Federal Criteria

800R80903 Other Elements Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries A Compilation Of State Federal Criteria

800R80904 Pesticides Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries A Compilation Of State Federal Criteria

800R80905 Water Quality Management Five Year Strategy FY 81 Baseline

800R80906 Ambient Water Quality Criteria For Dissolved Oxygen

800R80907 Analysis Of The Expected Economic Impacts Of The Proposed Uic Regulations

800R80908 Operation Of Wastewater Treatment Plants

800R80909 Annotated Bibliography For Area Wide Water Quality Management

800R80910 Acceptable Methods Based Upon Current Knowledge For The Utilization Or Disposal Of Sludges From Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Plants

800R80911 Antidegradation Policies Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries A Compilation Of State-federal Criteria

800R80912 Agricultural Activities And Consolidated Permitting

800R82101 Streamlining The Environmental Permitting Process A Survey Of State Reforms Final Report

800R83101 Assessment Of Projected Water Quality Benefits From Implementation Of The Regulations Defining Best Available Technology Economically Achievable For The Organic Chemicals Plastics And Synthetics

800R83101 Benefit-Cost Assessment Handbook for Water Programs Volume 1

800R83102 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Tampa Harbor, Florida Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation Final

800R84101 Financial Capability Summary Foldout A Simplified Approach

800R84102 Pretreatment Implementation Review Task Force : Interim Report to the Administrator

800R85102 Local Limits Requirements for POTW Pretreatment Programs

800R86001 Guidance Manual for Leather Tanning and Finishing Pretreatment Standards

800R87001 Report on the Activities and Programs Implemented Under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act as Amended by the Water Quality Act of 1987 : Fiscal Year 1987

800R88100 Interim Sediment Criteria Values For Nonpolar Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants

800R88101 Public - Private Partnerships : The Small Water System Challenge ; October 26, 1988, The Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C.

800R89001 Water Quality Improvement Study : Report to Congress

800R90102 Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS-II) Data Entry Instructions

800R90103 Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS-II) Interactive Retrieval Users Guide

800R90104 Clean Water Act Compliance Enforcement Policy Compendiumm NPDES Program

800R90105 Clean Water Act Compliance Enforcement Policy Compendium Civil Litigation Guidance Interpreting

800R90106 Clean Water Act Compliance Enforcement Policy Compendium Example Permit Language Requiring POTWS to Implement Pretreatment Programs

800R91001 Storm Water Permit Application Workshop January-February 1991

800R91101 Proposed Guidelines Specifying Management Measures For Sources Of Nonpoint Pollution In Costal Waters

800R92001 Human Resources Council, Office Of Water FY 90-91 Accomplishments Planned FY 92-93 Activities

800R92002 Sources and Quantities of Nutrients Entering the Gulf of Mexico from Surface Waters of the United States

800R92003 Status and Trends of Emergent and Submerged Vegetated Habitats, Gulf of Mexico, U.S.A.

800R92004 Updated Summary Of Status And Trends In indicators Of Nutrient Enrichment In The Gulf Of Mexico

800R92005 Status of the Gulf of Mexico: Preliminary Report on Inflows From Streams

800R92009 Drinking Water Toxicity Profiles, September 1992

800R93001A Clean Water and The American Economy, Proceedings Surface Water, 1st October 19-21, 1992

800R93001B Proceedings Clean Water and The American Economy Groundwater, Volume 2, October 19-21, 1992

800R93002 Gulf of Mexico Symposium: Issues and Opportunities, December 10-12, 1992, Tarpon Springs, Florida

800R94001 President Clinton's Clean Water Initiative

800R94002 President Clinton's Clean Water Initiative: Analysis of Benefits and Costs

800R94003 Clean Water: A Memorial Day Perspective

800R94004 Office of Water Performance Evaluation Study Project: Final Report

800R95007 Aldicarb, Aldicarb Sulfoxide and Aldicarb Sulfone

800R96001 Framework for Watershed-Based Trading, Draft

800R96002 Liquid Assets: A Summertime Perspective on the Importance of Clean Water to the Nation's Economy

800R96003 Hexazinone Drinking Water Health Advisory

800R97002 Pretreatment Training Course

800R99001 Clean Water Action Plan: The First Year, The Future

800R99002 National Program Guidance for the Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, FY2000-01

800S83001 Underwater Television and Side Scan Sonar Survey of Bottom Sediments at Several Areas West of Tampa Bay, Florida : Appendix F

800S94001 President Clinton's Clean Water Initiative: Analysis of Benefits and Costs, Executive Summary

810185999 Rural Clean Water Program Status Report On The Cm&e Projects

810B92001 Quality Assurance Project Plan For The National Pesticide Survey Of Drinking Water Wells

810B92002 Quality Assurance Project Plan For The National Pesticide Survey Of Drinking Water Wells Analytical Method 1 - Nitrogen-phosphorous Pesticides and Analytical Method 3

810B92003 Quality Assurance Project Plan For The National Pesticide Survey Of Drinking Water Wells Analytical Method 2 Chlorinated Pesticides

810B92004 Quality Assurance Project Plan For The National Pesticide Survey Of Drinking Water Wells Analytical Method 4 Carbamates

810B92005 Quality Assurance Project Plan For The National Pesticide Survey Of Drinking Water Wells Analytical Method 5 Methyl Carbamates

810B92006 Quality Assurance Project Plan For The National Pesticide Survey Of Drinking Water Wells Analytical Method 6

810B92007 Quality Assurance Project Plan For The National Pesticide Survey Of Drinking Water Wells Analytical Method 7, Fumigants

810B92008 Quality Assurance Project Plan For The National Pesticide Survey Of Drinking Water Wells Analytical Method 9 Nitrate and Nitrite

810B92009 Quality Assurance Project Plan For The National Pesticide Survey Of Drinking Water Wells Referee Analyses For Analytical Method 2 Organochlorine Pesticides, Analytical Method 4 Carbamates

810B92010 Quality Assurance Project Plan For The National Pesticide Survey Of Drinking Water Wells Analytical Method 1

810B92011 Quality Assurance Project Plan For The National Pesticide Survey Of Drinking Water Wells Analytical Method 3

810B92012 Quality Assurance Project Plan For The National Pesticide Survey Of Drinking Water Wells Analytical Method 6, Ethylene Thiourea

810B92013 Quality Assurance Project Plan For The National Pesticide Survey Of Drinking Water Wells Hydrogeologic Characterization and Second-Stage Stratification Activities

810B92014 Quality Assurance Project Plan For The National Survey Of Pesticides In Drinking Water Wells Well Sampling, Data Collection and Processing

810B92015 Quality Assurance Project Plan For The National Pesticide Survey Of Drinking Water Wells Survey Statistics, Data Collection and Processing

810B92016 Drinking Water Handbook for Public Officials

810B94001 Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water Publications (Sep '94)

810B94004 Federal Register Citations for The Safe Drinking Water Act: A Compilation of References

810B94006 Drinking Water Glossary: A dictionary of Technical and Legal Terms Related To Drinking Water

810B95001 Drinking Water Activities For Teachers and Students

810B95004 Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water Publications (May '95)

810B96001 Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water Publications (Jun '96)

810B98002 SDWIS/FED Basic Retrieval Training Overview

810B99001 Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water Publications (Sep '99)

810B99002 Drinking Water Activities for Students, Teachers, and Parents

810D73101 Guidelines Water Quality Management Plans Section 303(e) Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments Of 1972

810D91001 Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS) Reporting Phase II Implementation Guidance Draft Final

810D99001 Draft Economic Analysis for Final Rule: Revisions to the Underground Injection Control Regulations for Class V Injection Wells

810F00001 Drinking Water Public Service Announcements: Newspaper Format

810F00002 Drinking Water Public Service Announcement: Magazine Format, Now it Comes with a List of Ingredients

810F00003 Drinking Water Public Service Announcements, Small, Black and White, Newspaper Format (Spanish)

810F00004 Drinking Water Public Service Announcements, Small, Black and White, Magazine Format (Spanish)

810F03006 WaterWatchers: Helping To Protect Your Local Water System

810F07001 Using the Class V Experimental Technology Well Classification for Pilot Geologic Sequestration Projects UIC Program Guidance (UICPG #83)

810F90021 Fact Sheet: Lead in Drinking Water Coolers

810F92002 Fact Sheet: Ground Water Protection: A Citizen's Action Checklist

810F92003 Student Activity Sheets For Drinking Water Projects

810F93001 Lead in Your Drinking Water; Actions You Take To Reduce Lead In Drinking Water

810F93002 Fact Sheet: Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water

810F93003 Student Activity Sheet: Tracking Pollution, A Hazardous Whodunit

810F93004 Administration Recommendations for Safe Drinking Water Act Reauthorization

810F94001 Fact Sheet: National Primary Drinking Water Standards

810F94001A Fact Sheet: National Primary Drinking Water Standards +

810F94002 Is Your Drinking Water Safe?

810F94003 Fact Sheet: Water Trivia Facts (Apr '94)

810F94004 Designated Sole Source Aquifers Nationally Fact Sheet with Designated Aquifers and Pending Petitions Listed

810F95001 Fact Sheet: Water Trivia Facts (Apr '95)

810F95004 Environmental Education: Water Filtration

810F95005 Fact Sheet: Environmental Education: Build Your Own Aquifer

810F96001 Fact Sheet: Environmental Education: Aquifer in a Cup (Aquifer on the Go)

810F97001 Water on Tap: Consumer's Guide to the Nation's Drinking Water

810F97002 Safe Drinking Water Act: One Year Later, Success In Advancing Public Health Protection

810F98001 Water Purification By Evaporation and Condensation

810F98003 Environmental Education Build Your Own Watershed

810F98004 Environmental Education Nonpoint Source Solution

810F99003 Drinking Water Public Service Announcements: Black and White Newspaper Format, 85 Line Screen

810F99004 Drinking Water Public Service Announcements: Black and White, Newspaper Format, 85 Line Screen (Spanish)

810F99005 Drinking Water Public Service Announcements: Black and White Magazine Format, 110 Line Screen

810F99006 Drinking Water Public Service Announcements: Black and White, Magazine Format, 110 Line Screen (Spanish)

810F99008 Drinking Water Pour Over The Facts {poster} {black-white}

810F99013 Drinking Water Treatment

810F99014 Drinking Water Costs and Federal Funding

810F99015 Protecting Drinking Water Sources

810F99016 U.S. EPA's Safe Drinking Water Goals for 2005

810F99017 Drinking Water Standards and Health Effects

810F99018 Drinking Water Monitoring, Compliance, and Enforcement

810F99019 USEPA's Program to Regulate the Placement of Waste Water and other Fluids Underground

810F99020 Water Facts

810F99021 Public Access to Information and Public Involvement

810F99022 Resources With Links to More Information

810F99023 Safe Drinking Water Act: Glossary

810F99024 Understanding the Safe Drinking Water Act

810K00001 Los Ninos Y Los Estandares Del Agua Potable (Children and Drinking Water Standards)

810K92001 Secondary Drinking Water Regulations: Guidance for Nuisance Chemicals

810K93001 Safe Drinking Water Act: Pocket Guide to the Requirements for the Operators of Small Water Systems, June 1993

810K94001 Safe Drinking Water: Health/Safety Requirements and Resulting Costs

810K94002 Safe Drinking Water Act Source Book

810K95001 Non-Transient, Non-Community Water Systems

810K99002 It's Your Drinking Water: Get to Know It and Protect It

810K99004 25 Years of the Safe Drinking Water Act: Protecting Our Health from Source to Tap

810R02002 Baseline Threat Information for Vulnerability Assessments of Community Water Systems

810R02002ES Drinking Water Security Information Baseline Threat Information for Vulnerability Assessment of Community Water Systems (Errata Sheet)

810R04001 Controlling Lead in Drinking Water for Schools and Day Care Facilities A Summary of State Programs

810R04002 Lead and Copper Rule - Clarification of Requirements for Collecting Samples and Calculating Compliance

810R05101 Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey Abd Assessment

810R71101 Special Study Trace Metals And The Cleveland Water Supply

810R72101 Water Pollution and Environmental Studies Volume 1 Activities

810R72102 Water Pollution and Environmental Studies Volume 2 Appendices

810R73102 Inventory Of Interstate Carrier Water Supply Systems

810R76101 Public Participation Handbook For Water Quality Management

810R76103 Npdes Compliance Evaluation Inspection Manual September 1976

810R77101 Clean Water And The Land Local Governments Role

810R78101 Operation Maintenance And Management Of Wastewater Treatment Facilities

810R79101 Water Quality Management Five Year Strategy FY80 Baseline

810R79102 Dissolved Solids Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State Federal Criteria

810R79103 Bacteria Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State Federal Criteria

810R79104 Dissolved Oxygen Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State Federal Criteria

810R79105 Acidity-alkalinity (ph) Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State Federal Criteria

810R79106 Supplement To Draft Environmental Impact Statement On Us EPA 40 CFR Part 146 State Underground Injection Control Program Reproposed Regulations

810R79107 EPA Workshop On Water Quality Screening Methodology For Non-designated 208 Areas Streams And Rivers

810R80101 Phosphorous Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries A Compilation Of State Federal Criteria

810R80102 Temperature Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State Federal Criteria

810R80103 Intermittent Streams Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries A Compilation Of State Federal Criteria

810R80104 Designated Uses Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries A Compilation Of State Federal Criteria

810R80105 Definitions Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries A Compilation Of State Federal Criteria

810R80106 Managers Guide To Storet

810R80107 Innovative Technology Meeting The Challenge Of The 80s

810R80108 Groundwater Protection Water Quality Management

810R81101 Proposed Effluent Guidelines Rulemaking For Pulp, Paper, And Paperboard Builders Paper And Board Mills Point Source Categories

810R82101 Iron And Steel Industry Regulation Response To Public Comments

810R84001 Groundwater Protection Standards For Hazardous Waste Land Disposal Facilities: Will They Prevent More Superfund Sites? Staff Memorandum

810R85101 Selected State And Territory Ground-water Classification Systems

810R86101 National Guidance For Oversight Of Npdes Programs Fy 1986

810R86102 Chlorinated Solvents Integration Report Committee Final Report

810R86103 Ground - Water Protection Update

810R89001 Technologies and Costs for the Removal of Synthetic Organic Chemicals from Potable Water Supplies

810R90001 Drinking Water Information Guide

810R90101 National Drinking Water Advisory Council December 1990

810R90102 National Drinking Water Advisory Council Meeting Minutes April 1990

810R90103 Suggested Guidelines for the Disposal of Drinking Water Treatment Wastes Containing Naturally Occurring Radionuclides

810R91001 Inventory of State Drinking Water Information Systems

810R91002 Office of Drinking Water Publications

810R91003 Status Report on Development of Regulations for Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products

810R92001 EPA's Ground Water and Drinking Water Program: Making a Difference

810R92005 Clean Water and the American Economy October 19-21, 1992

810R93001 Technical and Economic Capacity of States and Public Water Systems to Implement Drinking Water Regulations: Report to Congress

810R94001 Case Studies Assessing Low-Cost, In-Place Technologies at Small Water Systems

810R94003 Methods for Assessing the Viability of Small Water Systems: A Review of Current Techniques and Approaches

810R94003 Survey of Community Water Systems Operated in Conjunction with Mobile Home Parks or Other Businesses

810R95001 Strengthening the Safety of Our Drinking Water: A Report on Progress and Challenges and an Agenda for Action

810R95002 Restructuring Small Drinking Water Systems: Options and Case Studies

810R95003 Methods for Assessing the Viability of Small Water Systems: A Review of Current Techniques and Approaches

810R96001 Methods for Assessing Small Water System Capability: A Review of Current Techniques and Approaches

810R96003 National Drinking Water Program Redirection Strategy

810R97002 National Drinking Water Advisory Council Minutes of April 30 - May 2, 1997 Meeting, Washington, D.C.

810R99002 Source Water Protection :The Safe Drinking Water Act ; New State Source Water Assessment Programs

810S94001 Safe Drinking Water Act Reauthorization Overview

810S96001 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996: General Guide to Provisions

810Z95001 Federal Register: June 29, 1995, Part 10. 40 CFR Part 141. National Primary and Secondary Drinking Water Regulations; Analytical Methods for Regulated Drinking Water Contaminants; Final Rule

81119855 Questions & Answers On Antidegradation

81119876 Guide To Nonpoint Source Pollution Controlling Nonpoint Source Pollution

81119877 Guidelines For The Preparation Of The 1988 State Water Quality Assessment (305(b) Report)

811296001 Part II Environmental Protection Agency

811D93001 Small Water System Byproducts Treatment and Disposal Cost Document

811D93002 Large Water System Byproducts Treatment and Disposal Cost Document

811F92001 Fact Sheet: The Phase V Rule, Updated, January 1995

811F93001 Fact Sheet: Status of DBP Regulatory Negotiation

811F94003 Fact Sheet: EPA Efforts to Reduce Risks from Microbial Contaminants and Disinfectants/Disinfection By-products

811F94004 Fact Sheet: Controlling Microbial Contaminants and Disinfectants/Disinfection By-products: Benefits and Costs

811F94005 Fact Sheet: EPA Efforts to Control Microbial and Byproduct Risk (Jun '94)

811F94006 Fact Sheet: Sulfate, An Innovative Approach to Regulating a Naturally-Occurring Contaminant

811F94007 Fact Sheet: Sulfate, A State and Local Perspective

811F94008 Fact Sheet: Sulfate Highlights of the Proposed Rule

811F95001 Fact Sheet: Analytical Methods, Final Rule

811F95002C National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Contaminant Specific Fact Sheets, Inorganic Chemicals, Consumer Version

811F95002T National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Contaminant Specific Fact Sheets, Inorganic Chemicals, Technical Version

811F95003C National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Contaminant Specific Fact Sheets, Synthetic Organic Chemicals, Consumer Version

811F95003T National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Contaminant Specific Fact Sheets, Synthetic Organic Chemicals, Technical Version

811F95004C National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Contaminant Specific Fact Sheets, Volatile Organic Chemicals, Consumer Version

811F95004T National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Contaminant Specific Fact Sheets, Volatile Organic Chemicals, Technical Version

811F96001 Fact Sheet: Information Collection Rule, Summary for the Public

811F96003 Fact Sheet: Information Collection Rule, Key Issues

811F96004 Fact Sheet: Information Collection Rule, Technical Summary

811F96005 Fact Sheet: EPA Efforts to Control Microbial and Byproduct Risk (May '96)

811F96007 Fact Sheet: ICR Optional Public Notice Language for Cryptosporidium

811K94001 Drinking Water Standard Setting: Question and Answer Primer

811R92001 Simulation Of Raw Water And Treatment Parameters In Support Of The Disinfection By-products Regulatory Impact Analysis

811R92006 Status Report on the Development of Draft MCLGs for Disinfectants and By-Products

811R92007 Analysis of Potential Trade-Offs in Regulation of Disinfection By-Products: Exhibits and Appendix Material

811R92008 Analysis of Potential Trade-Offs in Regulation of Disinfection By-Products

811R94001 Report to the United States Congress on Radon in Drinking Water: Multimedia Risk and Cost Assessment of Radon

811R94001A Report to the United States Congress on Radon in Drinking Water: Multimedia Risk and Cost Assessment of Radon (Incomplete)

811R96002 Ultraviolet Light Disinfection Technology in Drinking Water Application: An Overview

811R96003 Proceedings: Groundwater Disinfection Rule: Workshop on Predicting Microbial Contamination of Groundwater Systems July 10-11, 1996

811S92002 Technologies and Costs for Control of Disinfection By-Products: Executive Summary

811Z91100 Federal Register: January 14, 1991, Part 5. Priority List of Substances Which May Require Regulation Under the Safe Drinking Water Act; Notice

811Z92001 Federal Register: May 27, 1992, 40 CFR, Parts 141, 142, 143. National Primary Drinking Regulations; Aldicarb, Aldicarb Sulfoxide, and Aldicarb Sulfone; Postponement of Certain Provisions of Final Rule

811Z92002 Federal Register: July 17, 1992, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142, National Primary Drinking Regulations; Synthetic Organic Chemicals and Inorganic Chemicals; Final Rule

811Z94002 Federal Register: February 10, 1994, Part 2, 40 CFR Part 141. Monitoring Requirements for Public Drinking Water Supplies. Proposed Rule

811Z94003 Federal Register: July 29, 1994, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Requirements; Proposed Rule

811Z94004 Federal Register: July 29, 1994, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Disinfectants and Disinfection By Products; Proposed Rule

811Z94005 Federal Register: Part 2, 40 CFR Parts 141, 142, and 143, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, Sulfate; Proposed Rule

811Z94006 Federal Register: December 5, 1994, Part 2.40 CFR Parts 141 and 143. Analytical Methods for Regulated Drinking Water Contaminants; Final Rule

812B92001 Guidance to Protect POTW Workers From Toxic and Reactive Gases and Vapors

812B92002 Lead in Drinking Water Regulation Public Education Guidance

812B92003 Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving < 100 Persons

812B92005 Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 501 to 3,300 Persons

812B92006 Lead and Copper Monitoring Guidance for Water Systems Serving 3301 to 10000 Persons

812B94001 State Reporting Guidance For Unregulated Containminant Monitoring

812B94002 Lead In Drinking Water In Schools And Non-residential Buildings

812B94003 Sampling for Lead in Drinking Water in Nursery Schools and Day Care Facilities

812B95001 Consolidated Summary of State Reporting Requirements for the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS)

812B96001 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper Flow Charts, Annotated to Show Effect of Proposed Revisions

812B96002 Regulatory Impact Analysis Addendum Proposed Changes for National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper

812B96003 Information Collection Request Proposed Changes for National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper

812D94001 Consolidated Regulations for The Chemical Phases: Draft

812D96001 Conceptual Approach For Contaminat Identification {Draft}

812F93001 Fact Sheet: Safe Drinking Water Hotline (Feb '93)

812F95002 Fact Sheet: Update on Lead Leaching from Submersible Well Pumps and Private Drinking Water Systems

812F96001 Fact Sheet: Lead and Copper Rule Proposed Minor Revisions

812F96002 Fact Sheet: Lead and Copper Rule, Technical Summary of Proposed Minor Revisions

812F97001 Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey

812K92001 Helping Small Systems Comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act: The Role of Restructuring

812K93001 Lead in Drinking Water: An Annotated List of Publications

812P96001 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, Interim Guidance

812R78001 Annotated Bibliography For Water Quality Management

812R92001 Overview of Existing State Alternative Financing Programs: Financing Drinking Water System Capital Needs in the 1990's

812R92003 Guidance on Enforcement of the Requirements of the Surface Water Treatment Rule

812R92004 Lead and Copper Rule Definitions and Federal Reporting for Milestones, Violations and SNCs

812R93001 Evaluation of Demonstration Technologies Quail Creek Water Supply System

812R93002 Institutional Solutions to Drinking Water Problems: Maine Case Studies

812R93004 Innovative Options For Financing Nongovernmental Public Water Supplies' Needs

812R94002 Small Systems Technology Initiative: Evaluation of Demonstration Technologies; Freestone, California Water System

812R95001 The National Public Water System Supervision Program: Compliance Report, FY 1994

812R97001 Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey: 1st Report to Congress

812S94001 Consolidated Rule Summary for the Chemical Phases

812Z94001 Federal Register: June 30, 1994, Part 5. 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142. Drinking Water; Maximum Contaminant Level Goals and National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper; Final Rule

812Z95001 Federal Register: June 28, 1995, Part 10. 40 CFR Part 142. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations Implementation Primary Enforcement Responsibility; Final Rule

812Z96001 Federal Register: April 12, 1996, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142. Maximum Contaminant Level Goals and National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper; Proposed Rule

813B92002 Definitions for the Minimum Set of Data Elements for Ground Water Quality

813B93001 Minimum Set of Data Elements For Ground Water Quality, Brochure

813B93002 WATERS: Well Activities Tracking, Evaluation And Reporting System Ver. 2.0 User Guide

813B93003 Federal Agency Ground Water Technical Assistance Directory

813B94001 Ground Water Information Systems Roadmap: A Directory of EPA Systems Containing Ground Water Data

813B95004 Business Benefits of Wellhead Protection: Case Studies

813B95005 Benefits and Costs of Prevention: Case Studies of Community Wellhead Protection, Volume 1

813B95006 Benefits and Costs of Prevention: Case Studies of Community Wellhead Protection, Volume 2

813F93001 Private Wells - Guidance for What to do After the Flood

813F93004 Minimum Set of Data Elements for Ground Water Quality: Fact Sheet on Implementation for States, Local Governments, Tribes, Federal Agencies, Grantees, Associations and the ...

813F94001 Underground Injection Wells and Your Drinking Water

813F94003 Fact Sheet Class Ii Injection Wells And Your Drinking Water

813F95001 Fact Sheet: The Wellhead Protection Program: Forerunner to Source Water Protection Efforts Across the Nation

813F95004 Fact Sheet: Is Your Community's Drinking Water At Risk? Misused Septic Systems Can Cost Millions

813F95005 Fact Sheet: Source Water Protection: Protecting Drinking Water Across the Nation

813F97013 Fact Sheet: Information Collection Rule Federal Database

813F97014 Fact Sheet: Safe Drinking Water Hotline (Oct '97)

813K95001 Why Do Wellhead Protection? Issues and Answers in Protecting Public Drinking Water Supply Systems

813R84101 Groundwater Protection Strategy

813R85101 Survey Of State Groundwater Quality Protection Legislation 1985

813R86001 Guidelines For Groundwater Classification Under The EPA Groundwater Protection Strategy

813R87101 Sole Source Aquifer Designation Petitioner Guidance

813R92001 Development and Use of Enhanced Geographic Information System (GIS) Technology In Wellhead Protection for Carroll County, Maryland

813R92002 Case Studies in Wellhead Protection: 10 Examples of Innovative Wellhead Protection Programs

813R93001 Guide for Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Benefit Analysis of State and Local Ground Water Protection Programs

813R93002 Review of Methods Assessing Aquifer Sensitivity and Ground Water Vulnerability to Pesticide Contamination

813R93003 Ground Water Resource Assessment

813R95001 Tribal Wellhead Protection Demonstration Projects

813R96001 Report to Congress: National Water Quality Inventory, 1994, Ground Water Chapters

813S96001 Assessment of the Ecological Impacts of Ground Water Overdraft on Wetlands and Riparian Areas in the United States

814B92001 Pocket Sampling Guide for Operators of Small Water Systems

814B92002 Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water: Criteria and Procedures Quality Assurance, 3rd Edition, Change 2

814B94001 Pocket Sampling Guide for Operators of Small Water Systems: Phases 2 and 5

814B95001 Information Collection Requirements Rule: Protozoa and Enteric Virus Sample Collection Procedures

814B95002 Virus Monitoring Protocol for the Information Collection Requirements Rule

814B95003 ICR Protozoan Method for Detecting Giardia Cysts and Cryptosporidium Oocysts in Water by a Fluorescent Antibody Procedure

814B96001 ICR Sampling Manual

814B96002 DBP/ICR Analytical Methods Manual

814B96003 ICR Manual for Bench and Pilot-Scale Treatment Studies

814B96004A ICR Water Utility Database System Users' Guide Release 1.1

814B96005A ICR Laboratory Quality Control Database System Release 1.1

814B96006 Reprints of EPA Methods for Chemical Analysis under the Information Collection Rule

814B96007 Information Collection Rule (ICR) Understanding the ICR, Reference Manual

814F71100 Fdderal Water Pollution Control Act

814F79100 Questions and Answers On Water Quality Standards, July 1979

814F94001 Fact Sheet: Information Collection Rule

814F96001 Fact Sheet: ICR Implementation, EPA ICR Fact Series, Number 1, Requirements

814F96002 Fact Sheet: ICR Implementation, EPA ICR Fact Series, Number 2, Laboratory Approval

814F96003 Fact Sheet: ICR Implementation, EPA ICR Fact Series, Number 3, Treatment Studies

814K80100 Water Quality Bulletin Famers and Clean Water Working Together

814K93001 EPA Labcert Bulletin

814N95001 EPA Labcert Bulletin: August 1995

814R73100 Water Strategy Paper Statement Of Policy For Implementing Certain Requirements Of The 1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments

814S92001 Use of Microbial Risk Assessment in Setting U.S. Drinking Water Standards

815B01002 Method 531.2. Measurement Of N-methylcarbamoyloximes And N-methylcarbamates In Water By Direct Aqueous Injection HPLC With Postcolumn Derivatization

815B03002 Method 552.3 Determination of Haloacetic Acids and Dalapon in Drinking Water by Liquid-Liquid Microextraction, Derivatization, and Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture Detection

815B06001 Initial Distribution System Evaluation Guide For Systems Serving Fewer Than 10,000 People, For The Final Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule

815B06002 Initial Distribution System Evaluation Guidance Manual For The Final Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule

815B97001 Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water: Criteria and Procedures Quality Assurance, 4th Edition

815B97003 Information Pertaining to Lead in Drinking Water at Transient Non-Community Water Systems

815B97004 Effect of Temperature on Corrosion Control

815B98001 ICR Update Index

815D00001 Arsenic Occurrence in Public Drinking Water Supplies Public Comment Draft

815D01002 Analysis of National Occurrence of the 1998 Contaminant Candidate List ((((((((((((((((((((CCL) Regulatory Determination Priority Contaminants in Public Water Systems

815D02001 Water T^reatment Technology Feasibility Support Document for Chemical Conyaminants in Support of EPA Six Year Review of National Primary Drinking Water Regulations

815D02002 Analytical Feasilbility Support Document for the Six Year Review of Existing National Primary Drinking Water Regulations

815D02003 Draft: Consideration of Other Regulatory Revisions for Chemical Contaminants in Support of the Six Year Review of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations

815D02004 Epa Protocol for the Review of Existing National Primary Drinking Water Regulations

815D02005 Occurrence Estimation Methodology and Occurrence Findings Report for the Six-Year Review of Existing National Primary Drinking Water Regulations

815D02006 Occurrence Summary and Use Support Document for the Six Year Review of National Primary Drinking Water Regulations

815D03007 Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidance Manual

815D03008 Membrane Filtration Guidance Manual Proposal Draft June 2003

815D99002 Regulatory Impact Analysis and Revised Health Risk Reduction and Cost Analysis for Radon in Drinking Water, Public Comment Draft

815D99003 Methods, Occurrence and Monitoring Document for Radon From Drinking Water, Public Comment Draft

815D99004 Technologies and Costs for the Removal of Radon from Drinking Water, Public Comment Draft

815F00011 Technical Fact Sheet: Proposed Rule for Arsenic in Drinking Water and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring

815F00015 Drinking Water Standard for Arsenic

815F00016 Technical Fact Sheet: Final Rule for Arsenic in Drinking Water

815F01003 Summary: New Statutory and Regulatory Requirements for Large Public Water Systems to Conduct Unregulated Containment Monitoring

815F01003A Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation: Monitoring for List 1 Contaminants by Large Public Water Systems

815F01004 Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation Monitoring for List 1 Contaminants by Selected Small Public Water Systems

815F01005 Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation: Screening Survey for List 2 Contaminants by Selected Large Public Water Systems

815F01006 Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation Screening Survey for List 2 Contaminants by Selected Small Public Water Systems

815F01007 Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation: Monitoring by Index Systems

815F01008 Revisions to the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule: Fact Sheet

815F01800 Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation: Interim Update on Reporting, December 2000 (Includes Letter)

815F02002 Fact Sheet: Announcement of the Results of EPA's Review of Existing Drinking Water Standards and Request for Public Comment

815F02003 Fact Sheet: Announcement of Preliminary Regulatory Determinations for primary Contaminants on the Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List

815F02004 Drinking Water Research Information Management Network

815F03001 Fact Sheet Announcement Of Completion Of Epa's Review Of Existing Drinking Water Standards

815F03002 Desk Statement: Minor Clarification of National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for Arsnenic; Final Rule

815F03003 U.S. EPA Drinking Water Methods for Chemical Parameters

815F05002 Fact Sheet Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule

815F05003 Fact Sheet Stage 2 Disinfectants And Disinfection Byproducts Rule

815F06003 Final Ground Water Rule

815F06004 Announcement of Final Rule: Revisions to the Unregulated Containment Monitoring Regulation (UCMR) for Public Water Systems

815F07001 Federal Register Notice: Expedited Approval of Test Procedures for the Analysis of Contaminants Under the Safe Drinking Water Act: Analysis and Sampling Procedures

815F07003 Fact Sheet: Revisions to the Regulations Controlling Lead in Drinking Water

815F08001 Fact Sheet: Third Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List (CCL 3)

815F08004 Ground Water Rule Triggered and Representative Monitoring: A Quick Reference Guide

815F08006 Supplement 1 to the Fifth Edition of the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water

815F08007 Ground Water Rule Sample Collection and Transport: A Quick Reference Guide

815F08008 Ground Water Rule Compliance Monitoring: A Quick Reference Guide

815F97002 ICR Treatment Study Fact Sheet: The Simulated Distribution System Test

815F98002 Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List

815F98003 Lead and Copper Rule Minor Revisions: New Data, New Regulatory Options

815F98008 Safe Drinking Water is in Our Hands (Poster)

815F99004 Safe Drinking Water is in Our Hands: Existing Standards and Future Priorities

815K00005 Guia Para Individuos Con El Sistema Inmunologico Severamente Debilitado (Spanish)

815K00006 Desinfeccion de Emergencia del Agua Potable (Spanish)

815K00007 Estandares del Reglamento Nacional Primaro de Agua Potable (National Primary Drinking Water Standards) (Spanish)

815K00008 Estableciendo Estandares para Agua Potable Segura (Setting Standards for Safe Drinking Water) (Spanish)

815K00009 Plomo en el agua potable: Lo que usted puede hacer para reducir el plomo en el agua potable (Spanish)

815K97002 Water On Tap: A Consumer's Guide to the Nation's Drinking Water

815K99001 Children and Drinking Water Standards

815K99002 Criteria for Evaluation of Proposed Protozoan Detection Methods

815M97002 Labcert Bulletin, June 1997

815N00001A Labcert Bulletin, January 2000

815N00002 ICR Update Issue Number 21, June 2000

815N01001A UCMR Update Issue Number 1 January, 2001

815N01001B UCMR Monitoring Update: March 2001

815N01002a Labcert Bulletin, March 2001

815N02001A Labcert Bulletin, January 2002

815N02002A UCMR Update:February 2002

815N02002B UCMR Update: Number 4, August 2002

815N02002C UCMR Update: Issue 5, The Turkey, Stuffing, and Humble Pie Issue

815N03001 Labcert Bulletin: March 2003

815N03002A UCMR Update: Issue 6April 2003

815N05001A Ucmr Update Issue Number 8 September 2005

815N06001A Ucmr Update Issue Number 9, March 2006

815N07002A Admit One For UCMR 2 Premier

815N97002 ICR Update Issue Number 2, April 1997

815N97003 ICR Update Issue Number 3, June 1997

815N97004 ICR Update Issue Number 4, August 1997

815N97005 ICR Update Issue Number 5, September 1997

815N97006 ICR Update Issue Number 6, October 1997

815N97008 ICR Update Issue Number 8, January 1998

815N98001B ICR Update Issue Number 10, March 1998

815N98001C ICR Update Issue Number 11, May 1998

815N98001E ICR Update Issue number 13, August 1998

815N98001F ICR Update Issue Number 14, October 1998

815N98001G ICR Update Issue Number 15, December 1998

815N99001A ICR Update Issue Number 16, February 1999

815N99001B ICR Update Issue Number 17, April 1999

815N99001C ICR Update Issue Number 18, June 1999

815N99001D ICR Update Issue Number 19, October 1999

815N99001E ICR Update Issue Number 20, December 1999

815N99002A Labcert Bulletin, June 1999

815N99002B Labcert Bulletin, November 1999

815R00002 Supplement A to the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation Analytical Methods and Quality Control Manual

815R00006 Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation Analytical Methods and Quality Control Manual

815R00010 Analytical Methods Support Document For Arsenic In Drinking Water

815R00011 Small Systems Compliance Technology List For The Aresenic Rule

815R00012 Technologies and Costs For The Removal Of Arsenic From Drinking Water

815R00014 Methods for the Determination of Organic and Inorganic Compounds in Drinking Water: Volume 1

815R00015 Report to Congress EPA Studies on Sensitive Subpopulations and Drinking Water Contaminants

815R00024 Geometrics And Characteristics Of Public Water Systems Final Report

815R00026 Arsenic in Drinking Water Rule Economic Analysis

815R00029 Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations Radionuclides; Notice of Data Availability Proposed Rule

815R01002 Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation Guidance for Operators of Public Water Systems Serving 10,000 or Fewer People

815R01004 Statistical Design and Sample Selection for the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation (1999)

815R01008 Contaminant Candidate List Preliminary Regulatory Determination Support Document for Naphthalene

815R01009 Contaminant Candidate List Preliminary Regulatory Determination Support Document for Hexachlorobutadiene

815R01010 Contaminant Candidate List Preliminary Regulatory Determination Support Document for Metribuzin

815R01011 Contaminant Candidate List Preliminary Regulatory Determination Support Document for Aldrin and Dieldrin

815R01013 Contaminant Candidate List Preliminary Regulatory Determination Support Document for Manganese

815R01014 Contaminant Candidate List Preliminary Regulatory Determination Support Document for Sodium

815R01015 Contaminant Candidate List Preliminary Regulatory Determination Support Document for Sulfate

815R01023 Reference Guide for the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation

815R01024 Statistical Analysis of MTBE Odor Detection Thresholds in Drinking Water

815R01025 Small System Requirements for the Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule Small Entity Compliance Guide

815R01028 UCMR (1999) List 1 and List2 Chemical Analytical Methods and Quality Control Manual

815R01029 Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation Reporting Guidance

815R02001 Radionuclides in Drinking Water: Small Entity Compliance Guide

815R02003 Report to Congress: Small Systems Arsenic Implementation Issues

815R02005A Community Water System Survey 2000 Volume 1: Overview

815R02005B Community Water System Survey 2000, Volume 2 Detailed Tables and Survey Methodology

815R03002 EPA Protocol For The Review Of Existing National Primary Drinking Water Regulations

815R03003 Analytical Feasibility Support Document: 6 Year Review of Exsisting national Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Reassessment of Feasibilty For Chemical Contaminants

815R03004 Water Treatment Technology Feasibility Support Document For Chemical Containments: In Support Of EPA 6 Year Review Of National Primary Drinking Water Regulations

815R03005 Concideration Of Other Regulatory Revisions For Chemical Contaminants In Support Of The Six-Year Review Of The National Primary Drinking Water Regulations

815R03006 Occurence Estimation Methodology And Occurance Findings Report For The 6 Year Review Of Existing National Primary Drinking Water Regulations

815R05004 Manual For The Certification Of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water: Criteria And Procedures Quality Assurance

815R05007 Determination of Perchlorate in Drinking Water by Liquid Chromatography Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

815R06001 Economic Analysis for the Final Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule

815R06002 Occurence and Exposure Assessment for the Final Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule

815R06005 Source Water Monitoring Guidance Manual for Public Water Systems

815R06006 Microbial Laboratory Guidance Manual For The Final Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule

815R06007 Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidance Manual for the Final Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule

815R06009 Membrane Filtration Guidance Manual November 2005

815R07014 Complying with the Stage 2 Disinfectant and Disinfection Byproducts Rule: Small Entity Compliance Guide: One of the Simple Tools for Effective Performance (Step) Guide Series

815R07015 Complying with the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule: Small Entity Compliance Guide: One of the Simple Tools for Effective Performance (STEP) Guide Series

815R07017 Simultaneous Compliance Guidance Manual for the Long Term 2 and Stage 2 Dbp Rules

815R07018 Complying with the Ground Water Rule: Small Entity Compliance Guide

815R07019 Ground Water Rule Source Water Monitoring Methods Guidance

815R07020 Consecutive System Guide For The Ground Water Rule

815R07022 Economic and Supporting Analyses: Short-Term Regulatory Changes to the Lead and Copper Rule

815R07023 Ground Water Rule Source Assessment Guidance Manual

815R91100 Water Qaulity Standards For The 21st Centoury Proceeding Of A Conference

815R97001A Community Water System Survey: Overview, Volume 1

815R97001B Community Water System Survey: Detailed Survey Result Tables and Methodology Report, Volume 2

815R97002 Small System Compliance Technology List for the Surface Water Treatment Rule

815R98001 Small System Compliance Technology List for the Surface Water Treatment Rule and Total Coliform Rule

815R98002 Small System Compliance Technology List for the Non-Microbial Contaminants Regulated Before 1996

815R98003 Variance Technology Findings for Contaminants Regulated Before 1996

815R98005 Empirically Based Models for Predicting Chlorination and Ozonation By-Produts: Trihalomethanes, Haloacetic Acids, Chloral Hydrat, and Bromate

815R98016 Technologies And Costs For Point Of Entry (POE) Ad Point Of Use (POU) Devices For Control Of Disinfection Byproducts

815R98900 Conservation: It's About Community, A Land Ethic for Today

815R99001 Health Effects from Exposure to High Levels of Sulfate in Drinking Water Study

815R99002 Health Effects from Exposure to Sulfate in Drinking Water Workshop

815R99003 National Representative Sample of Small Public Water Systems: Statistical Design and State Plans for the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation

815R99004 Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation Analytical Methods and Quality Control Manual

815R99007 Technical Background Information for the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation Printed

815R99010 Guidance Manual for Compliance with the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule: Turbidity Provisions

815R99011 Uncovered Finished Water Reservoirs Guidance Manual

815R99012 Enhanced Coagulation and Enhanced Precipitative Softening Guidance Manual

815R99013 Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking Guidance Manual

815R99014 Alternative Disinfectants and Oxidants Guidance Manual

815R99015 Microbial and Disinfection Byproduct Rules Simultaneous Compliance Guidance Manual

815R99016 Guidance Manual for Conducting Sanitary Surveys of Public Water Systems: Surface Water and Ground Water Under Direct Influence (GWUDI) of Surface Water

815R99019 How to Determine Compliance with Optimal Water Quality Parameters as Revised by the Lead and Copper Rule Minor Revisions

815R99022 Notification and Reporting Requirements for Partial Lead Service Line Replacement Under the Lead and Copper Rule

815Z00001 Federal Register: April 10, 2000, Part 2, 40 CPR parts 141 and 142, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment and Filter Backwash Rule; Proposed Rule

815Z00002 Federal Register: May 10, 2000, Part 2, 40 CPR Parts 141 and 142, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Ground Water Rule; Proposed Rules

815Z00003 Federal Register: April 20, 2000 Part 4, 40 CPR Parts 141 and 142, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Radionuclides; Notice of Data Availability; Proposed Rule

815Z00004 Federal Register: June 22, 2000, Part 2, 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Arsenic and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring: Proposed Rule

815Z00006 Federal Register: December 7, 2000, Part 2, 40 CFR Parts 9, 141, and 142, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Radionuclides; Final Rule

815Z00006ES Federal Register: December 7, 2000, Part 2 40 CFR Parts 9, 141, and 142, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Radionuclides; Final Rule, (ERRATA)

815Z0001 Environmental Protection Agency Part II 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment and Filter Backwash Rule; Proposed Rule

815Z01001 Federal Register: January 22, 2001, Part 8, 40 CFR Parts 9, 141, and 142, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Arsenic and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring: Final Rule

815Z01002 Federal Register: June 8, 2001, Part 4, 40 CFR Parts 9, 141, and 142, National Primary Drinking Water; Filter Backwash Recycling Rule; Final Rule

815Z01003 Federal Register: July 19, 2001, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Arsenic and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring

815Z02001 Federal Register: Janaurary 14, 2002, 40 CFR Parts 9, 141, and 142, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule: Final Rule

815Z02002 Federal Register April 17, 2992. Part3 40 mCFR Part 141, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Announcement of the Results of EPA's Review of Existing Drinking Water Standards and Request for Public Comment; Proposed Rule

815Z02004 Federal Register June 3, 2002, Part3 40CFR Part 144: Announcement of Preliminary Regulatory Determinations for Priority Contaminants on the Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List

815Z02005 Federal Register: October 23, 2002 Part 3 40 CFR Parts 136, 141, and 143Guidelines Establishing Teast Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act: Final Rule

815Z03001 Federal Register: July 18, 2003 Part VI. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Announcement Of Completion Of EPA'S Review Of Existing Drinking Water Standards; Notice

815Z03002 Federal Register : March 25, 2003 Part 2, 40 CFR Part 141 Minor Clarification of National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for Arsenic: Final Rule

815Z03003 Federal Register: Part V Enviromental Protection Agency

815Z03004 Federal Register August 11, 2003 Part 2, 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule; Proposed Rule

815Z03005 Federal Register: August 18,2003 Part 2. 40CFR Parts 141,142,and 143, National Primary Driking

815Z04002 Federal Register/Vol. 69, No. 124 Tuesday June 29, 2004/Rules And Regulations

815Z06001 Federal Register January 5 2006 Part 2 40 Cfr Parts 9 141 And 142 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule Final Rule

815Z06002 Federal Register January 4 2006 Part 2 40 Cfr Parts 9141 And 142 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations Stage 2 Disinfectants And Disinfection Byproducts Rule Final Rule

815Z06004 Request For Nominations Of Drinking Water Contaminants For The Contaminant Candidate List

815Z06005 Environmental Protection Agency: Federal Register: 40 CFR PARTS 9, 141, AND 142, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Ground Water Rule; Final Rule

815Z07001 Federal Register: March 12, 2007, Part 3. 40 CFR Part 122, 136, et al. Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act; National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; and National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations; Analysis and Sampling procedures; Final Rule.

815Z07002 Federal Register: April 10, 2007. Expedited Approval of Test Procedures for the Analysis of Contaminants Under the Safe Drinking Water Act; Analysis and Sampling Procedures

815Z07003 Federal Register: October 10, 2007 Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper: Short-Term Regulatory Revisions and Clarifications; Final Rule

815Z08001 Federal Register: February 21,2008 Part II. Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List 3, Draft; Notice

815Z08002 Drinking Water: Regulatory Determinations Regarding Contaminants on the Second Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List Notice

815Z97001 Federal Register: November 3, 1997, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule. Notice of Data Availability; Proposed

815Z97002 Federal Register: November 3, 1997, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts; Notice of Data Availability; Proposed Rule

815Z97003 Federal Register: October 6, 1997, Part 3. announcement of the Draft Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List; Notice

815Z98001 Federal Register: March 2, 1998, Part 3. Announcement of the Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List; Notice

815Z98002 Federal Register: September 3, 1998, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 141 and 143. Final; National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Analytical Methods for Regulated Drinking Water Contaminants; Final Rule and Proposed Rule

815Z98003 Federal Register: July 31, 1998, Part 3. 40 CFR Part 141. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Analytical Methods for Certain Pesticides and Microbial Contaminants; Proposed Rule

815Z98004 Federal Register: April 22, 1998, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142. Maximum Contaminant Level Goals and National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper; Proposed Rule

815Z98005 Federal Register: March 31, 1998, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Notice of Data Availability; Proposed Rule

815Z98007 Federal Register: August 18, 1998. 40CFR Part 141. Volume 63 Number 159. Maximum Contaminant Level Goals and National Primary Drinking Water Regulations of Lead and Copper

815Z98008 Federal Register: December 16, 1998, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 9, 141, and 142. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts; Final Rule

815Z98009 Federal Register: December 16, 1998, Part 5. 40 CFR Parts 9, 141, and 142. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment: Final Rule

815Z99003 Federal Register: April 30, 1999 Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142. Revisions to the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation for Public Water Systems; Proposed Rule

815Z99004 Federal Register: September 17, 1999; Part 2: 40 CFR Parts 9, 141 and 142, Revisions to the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation for Public Water System; Final Rule

815Z99005 Federal Register: January 12, 1999. 40 CFR Parts 9, 141, and 142. National Primary Dinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper; Final Rule

815Z99006 Federal Register: November 2, 1999, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Radon-222: Proposed Rule

816B00001 Public Notification Handbook

816B02001 Compilation of Quick Guides

816B04001 Complication Of Quick Reference Guides

816B05001 3Ts for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Child Care Facilities: Revised Guidance

816B05004 Complying With the Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule: Basic Guide One of the Simple Tools for Effective Performance (STEP) Guide Series For Small Systems Adding Any Chemical Disinfectant

816B05005 Complying With the Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule: Supplement A One of the Simple Tools for Effective Performance (STEP) Guide Series For Small Systems Adding Chlorine Dioxide or Ozone

816B05006 Complying With the Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule: Supplement B One of the Simple Tools for Effective Performance (STEP) Guide Series For Small Subpart H Systems Using Conventional Filtration Treatment

816B05008 3t's For Reducing Lead In Drinking Water In Schools Revised Technical Guidance

816B05009 3ts For Reducing Lead In Drinking Water In Schools

816B06005 Water Quality Funding Sources For Schools: Resource For K-12 Schools And Child Care Facilities

816B07001 Restructuring and Consolidation of Small Drinking Water Systems: A Compendium of State Authorities, Statutes, and Regulations

816B07002 Compilation of Quick Reference Guides

816B08001 Step-by-Step Guide to the Data Collection and Tracking System (DCTS)

816C99001 CCR Writer V1.5: EPA's Software for Creating Your Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report

816D00002 Implementation Guidance for Radionuclides Draft

816D03001 Draft for Comment: The Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatement Rule (LT2ESWTR) Implementation Guidance

816D04001 Tribal Drinking Water Operator Certification Program

816D05001 Getting the Lead Out - A Guide to Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Schools Draft 10-06-05

816D070005 Lead and Copper Rule: Public Education & Other Public Information Requirements for Community Water Systems Draft

816D08003 Draft Technical Guidance Manual for the Proposed Aircraft Drinking Water Rule (ADWR)

816D97002 Information for States on Implementing the Capacity Development Provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act

816E05006 3t's For Reducing Lead In Drinking Water In Schools and Child Care Facilities {toolkit}

816E08001 Help Wanted: Trainers needed for CUPSS, the Check-Up Program for Small Systems {Postcard}

816E08002 Asset Management Made Easy! CUPSS: Check-Up Program for Small Systems {Postcard}

816F00001 Drinking Water Academy: Training for Federal, State, and Tribal Drinking Water Professionals (Brochure)

816F00002 Drinking Water: Past, Present, and Future

816F00005 Drinking Water Quality in Indian Country: Protecting Your Sources

816F00006 History of Drinking Water Treatment

816F00007 Lead and Copper Rule Minor Revisions Fact Sheet for Public Water Systems that Serve 3,300 or Fewer Persons

816F00008 Lead and Copper Rule Minor Revisions Fact Sheet for Public Water Systems that Serve 3,301 to 50,000 Persons

816F00009 Lead and Copper Rule Minor Revisions Fact Sheet for Public Water Systems that Serve More Than 50,000 Persons

816F00010 Lead and Copper Rule Minor Revisions Fact Sheet for Large Water System Owners and Operators

816F00020 Final Drinking Water Public Notification Regulations

816F00021 Drinking Water Public Notification, May 2000

816F00025 Community Involvement in Drinking Water Source Assessments

816F00026 Public Notification Rule: Quick Reference Guide, May 2000

816F00028 The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund: Protecting the Public through Drinking Water Infrastructure Improvements

816F00029 Class 5 Rule: Quick Reference Guide for Regulators

816F01001 Fact Sheet 1999 Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey

816F01002 Fact Sheet 1999 Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey: American Indian and Alaska Native Village Water Systems

816F01003 Radionuclides Rule: A Quick Reference Guide

816F01004 Arsenic Classifications To Compliance And New Source Monitoring Rule: A Quick Reference Guide

816F01007 National Primary Drinking Water Standards

816F01009 Class V Injection Wells EPA Proposes to Continue with its Existing Approach for Managing Class V Injection Wells

816F01010 Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule: Quick Reference Guide

816F01011 Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule: A Quick Reference Guide

816F01012 Drinking Water Priority Rulemaking: Microbial and Disinfection Byproduct Rules

816F01019 Filter Backwash Recycling Rule: A Quick Reference Guide

816F01021 Source Water Protection Practices Bulletin - Managing Septic Systems to Prevent Contamination of Drinking Water

816F01023 Source Water Protection Practices Bulletin Managing Underground Storage Tanks to Prevent Contamination of Drinking Water

816F01025 Source Water Protection Practices Bulletin Managing Small Quantity Chemical Use to Prevent Contamination of Drinking Water

816F01029 Source Water Protection Practices Bulletin Managing Turfgrass and Garden Fertilizer Application to Prevent Contamination of Drinking Water

816F01031 Source Water Protection Practices Bulletin Managing Small-Scale Application of Pesticides to Prevent Contamination of Drinking Water

816F01035 Total Coliform Rule: A Quick Reference Guide

816F01039 Using the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund for Source Water Protection Loans

816F02001 Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule: A Quick Reference Guide

816F02004 Using DWSRF Funds to Comply with the new Arsenic Rule

816F02005 Using DWSRF Funds to Comply with the Long Term I Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule

816F02006 Using DWSRF Funds to Comply with the Filter Backwash Recycling Rule

816F02007 Using DWSRF Funds to Comply with the Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule

816F02008 Using DWSRF Funds To Comply With The Radionuclides Rule

816F02009 Checklist: Disinfection Profiling for the LT1ESWTR

816F02010 Fact Sheet: Class 5 Injection Wells, June 2002

816F02012 Protect Your Drinking Water

816F02013 National Primary Drinking Water Standards

816F02015 Water: Is it Safe to Drink?

816F02017 The Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure Gap Analysis

816F02020 Comprehensive Performance Evaluation (CPE): The Basics

816F02021 Stage 1 Disinfectants And Disinfection Byproducts Rule: Laboratory Quick Reference Guide

816F02024 Tap Into It (Order Form)

816F02026 Consumer Confidence Report Rule: A Quick Reference Guide

816F02028 Arsenic and Surface Water Treatment Rules Training by Satellite Broadcast January 29 and 30, 2003

816F02900 Threat Assessment (Letter)

816F03001 When Are Storm Water Discharges Regulated as Class V Wells?

816F03002 When Is A Septic System Regulated As A Class V Well?

816F03003 Using DWSRF Funds for Transmission and Distribution Infrastructure Needs

816F03004 Protect the Source.... 2003 National Source Water Protection Conference (Mailer)

816F03007 Fact Sheet: Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking for LT1ESWTR

816F03008 Source Water Protection: It's In Our Hands{Brochure}

816F03013 Case Study - Arsenic Treatment Technologies Scottsdale, AZ

816F03016 National Primary Drinking Water Standards

816F03019 Implementing AWOPS Through The Capacity Development And DWSRF Programs

816F03020 Implementing AWOPS Through The Capacity Development And DWSRF Programs

816F03021 Order Form Drinking Water Publications

816F03022 Funding Water Efficiency Through the State Revolving Fund Programs

816F04005 Variances and Exemptions: A Quick Reference Guide

816F04006 EPA Requests Comments On Final Draft Of Tribal Drinking Water Operator Certification Program Guidelines

816F04008 Public Water System Supervision(PWSS) Program: FY2004 State Grant Allotments

816F04009 Lead And Copper Rule: A Quick Reference Guide

816F04010 The Standardized Monittoring Framework: A Quick Reference Guide

816F04013 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund(DWSRF) Annul State Allotments

816F04030 Understanding The Safe Drinking Water Act

816F04031 Drinking Water Monitoring, Compliance, And Enforcement

816F04032 Protecting Drinking Water Sources

816F04034 Drinking Water Treatment

816F04035 Drinking Water Glossary

816F04036 Water Facts

816F04037 Drinking Water Standards & Health Effects

816F04038 Drinking Water Costs & Federal Funding

816F04039 Public Access To Information & Public Involvement

816F04040 US EPA's Program To Regulate The Placement Of Waste Water And Other Fluids Underground

816F04042 Are You Aware Of The Minor Corrections And Revisions To The Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule(LT1ESWTR)

816F05008 Improving Security Through Capacity Development: Capacity Self-Assessments

816F05016 Fact Sheet Safe Drinking Water Tools For Public Water Systems

816F05020 Los Estandares Del Reglamento Nacional Primario De Agua Potable {national Primary Drinking Water Regulations} {Spanish}

816F05021 Fact Sheet What to Do After the Flood

816F05023 Desinfeccion de Emergencia del Agua Potable Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water

816F05024 Fact Sheet Emergency Disinfection Of Drinking Water {vietnamese}

816F05025 What To Do After The Flood {vietnamese}

816F05027 Sistema Septico Que Hacer Despues De Una Inundacion {septic Systems What To Do After The Flood} {spanish}

816F05029 Septic Systems What to Do after the Flood

816F06011 System's Guide To The Identification And Disposal Of Hazardous And Non-hazardous Water Treatment Plant Residuals

816F06012 System's Guide To The Management Of Radioactive Residuals From Drinking Water Treatment Technologies

816F06027 Emergency Disinfection Of Drinking Water

816F06028 Emergency Disinfection Of Drinking Water {Spanish}

816F06029 Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water {Vietnamese}

816F06030 Emergency Disinfection Of Drinking Water {Arabic}

816F06033 Recordkeeping Rules Quick Reference Guide

816F06034 Talking To Your Decision Makers Best Practices Guide

816F06035 Cross-connection Control Best Practices Guide

816F06036 Water System Owner Roles And Responsibilities Best Practices Guide

816F06037 Water System Operator Roles And Responsibilities Best Practices Guide

816F06038 Distribution Systems Best Practices Guide

816F06044 Using The Dwsrf To Support Brownfield Redevelopment

816F06045 Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water {French}

816F06047ES Memorandum: Eratta Sheet: Interested Stakeholders

816F07002 Arsenic in Your Drinking Water: Just the Facts for Consumers

816F07005 Arsenic and Your Distribution System

816F07010 Using Technical, Managerial, and Financial Capacity to Improve System Security: Suggestions for States

816F07022 Talking to Your Customers About Chronic Contaminants in Drinking Water: A Best Practices Guide

816F07023 3Ts for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Child Care Facilities Fact Sheet for Public Water Suppliers

816F07024 PNiWriter

816F08014 Asset Management: A Best Practices Guide

816F08015 Asset Management for Local Officials

816F08016 Building an Asset Management Team

816F08025 Ground Water Rule Factsheet: Monitoring Requirements

816F08027 Ground Water Rule Factsheet: Sanitary Surveys

816F08028 Ground Water Rule Factsheet: General Rule Requirements

816F08029 Ground Water Rule: A Quick Reference Guide

816F08033 Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Program: Tentative FY2009 PWSS Grant Allotment Targets

816F08127 Lead in Drinking Water: Activity Page Lesson Plan/Activity Page

816F97001 Funds Available For Source Water Assessments And Protection

816F97003 Fact Sheet: EPA Allotment of Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Monies

816F97008 Safe Drinking Water Information in Environments

816F97009 Getting Involved in Protecting Your Community's Source of Drinking Water

816F97010 New Federal Funding for Land Acquisition and Conservation Easements

816F97011 Fact Sheet: SDWIS/FED

816F97012 Fact Sheet: SDWIS/State

816F98006 Information Available from the Safe Drinking Water Information System

816F98007 Consumer Confidence Reports: Final Rule

816F99001 America's Drinking Water 1997

816F99002 Revisions to Drinking Water Public Notice Regulations

816F99005 Guidance for People With Severely Weakened Immune Systems

816F99010 Public Drinking Water Information

816F99018 National Primary Drinking Water Standards, December 1999

816H02005 Acta para asegurar el suministro de agua potable saludable programa de control de la inyeccion subterranea (UIC) {electronic resource} :

816H07001 Thirstin Trading Card {Grades K-5}

816H07002 Thirstin Trading Card {Grades 6-8}

816H07003 Thirstin Trading Card {Grades 9-12}

816K00001 El Agua Potable y la Salud: lo que usted debe saber (Drinking Water and Health: What you Need to Know) (Spanish)

816K00006 Ensuring Safe Drinking Water for Tribes

816K01001 Protect Our Health From Source to Tap: National Drinking Water Program Highlights

816K01004 Factoids: Drinking Water and Ground Water Statistics for 2000

816K01006 Building Water Capacity: Guide for Tribal Administrators

816K01008 Risky Waste Disposal Practices Can Cost You Plenty, Manager's Guide To Protecting Community Drinking Water

816K02001 Protecting Drinking Water Through Underground Injection Control Drinking Water Pocket Guide #2

816K02002 Consider the Source: Pocket Guide to Protecting Your Drinking Water

816K02003 Drinking Water from Household Wells

816K02004 Factoids: Drinking Water and Ground Water Statistics for 2001

816K02005A Sources of Technical and Financial Assisstance for Small Drinking Water Systems

816K03002 Taking Stock Of Your Water System: A Simple Asset Inventory For Very Small Drinking Water Systems

816K03003 Consumer Confidence Reports: Building Public Trust: National Drinking Water Standards; Drinking Water Pocket Guide #1

816K03004 Funding for Source Water Protection Activities Federal Funding Examples

816K03005 Analysis and Findings of The Gallup Organization's Drinking Water Customer Satisfaction Survey

816K03007 Water On TAp What You Need To Know

816K04001 Tap Into Prevention: Driking Water Information For Health Care Providers

816K04002 Thirstin's Wacky Water Adventure

816K04003 In Different Language

816K05002 Water Health Series Filtration Facts

816K05003 Water Health Series Bottled Water Basics

816K05005 Agua Potable De Pozos Residenciales {drinking Water From Household Wells} {spanish}

816K05006 El Agua De La Llave Lo Que Usted Debe Saber {water On Tap What You Need To Know} {spanish}

816K06004 How-To Manual: Update and Enhance Your Local Source Water Protection Assessments

816K06005 Multiple Barrier Approach To Public Health Protection

816K07003 National Capacity Development Strategic Plan

816K99001 Drinking Water and Health: What You Need to Know

816K99004 EPA Safewater: Tap Into It! (Folder)

816N00004 SRF State Activity Update : Accelerated Loan Commitment in the SRF Program

816N00005 SRF State Activity Update : Massachusetts' Extended Bond Purchase Program

816N00006 SRF State Activity Update : Michigan's Short Term Cross-Investment Structure

816N00007 SRF State Activity Update : New Jersey's Cross-Collateralization Structure

816N00008 SRF State Activity Update : New York's Short-Term Cross-Investment Structure

816R00004 The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program Case Studies in Implementation II. Capacity Assessment

816R00005 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program Case Studies in Implementation III. Disadvantaged Communities

816R00012 Report of the National Drinking Water Advisory Council Small Systems Implementation Working Group

816R00013 National Water Quality Inventory: 1998 Report to Congress, Ground Water and Drinking Water Chapters

816R00016 Technical Assistance Document (TAD) for Delineating Other Sensitive Ground Water Areas

816R00018 Small Entity Compliance Guide: How the New Motor Vehicle Waste Disposal Well Rule Affects Your Business

816R00021 Implementation of Transfers in the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs Report to Congress

816R00022 Operator Certification Guidelines: Implementation Guidance

816R00023 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund: Financing America's Drinking Water

816R01004 Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey: Second Report to Congress

816R01006 Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey American Indian and Alaska Native Village Water Systems Survey

816R01007 Class 1 Underground Injection Control Program: Study of the Risks Associated with Class 1 Underground Injection Wells

816R01008 Risky Waste Disposal Practices Can Cost You Plenty: Manager's Guide to Protecting Community Drinking Water

816R01010 Final State Implementation Guidance for the Public Notification (PN) Rule

816R01011 Implementation Guidance for the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule

816R01012 Implementation Guidance for the Stage 1 Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts Rule

816R01014 Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule: What Does it Mean to You?

816R01015 Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule: What Does it Mean to You?

816R01017A Small Systems Guide to the Total Coliform Rule: Monitoring Drinking Water to Protect Public Health

816R01017B Total Coliform Rule Monthly Monitoring Worksheets: (To be Used with USEPA's A Small Systems Guide to the Total Coliform Rule: Monitoring Drinking Water to Protect Public Health, EPA 816R01017A

816R01018 State Programs to Ensure Demonstration of Technical, Managerial, and Financial Capacity of New Water Systems: Comprehensive Summary of State Responses to Section 1420(a) of the Safe Drinking Water Act

816R01019 State Strategies to Assist Public Water Systems in Acquiring and Maintaining Technical, Managerial, and Financial Capacity: Comprehensive Summary of State Responses to Section 1420(c) of the Safe Drinking Water Act

816R01020 Economic Analysis for the Filter Backwash Recycling Rule

816R01021 State Implementation Guidance for the Lead and Copper Rule Minor Revisions

816R02004 Drinking Water Regulation 1st Step For Small Drinking Water Systems In Understanding Drinking Water Regulation

816R02008A Arsenic Rule Planning and Monitoring Worksheets

816R02008B Arsenic Rule Planning And Monitoring Worksheets

816R02013 Filter Backwash Recycling Rule: Rule Summary for Systems

816R02014 Filter Backwash Recycling Rule: Technical Guidance Manual

816R02015 Delineation of Source Water Protection Areas in Karst Aquifers of the Ridge and Valley and Appalachian Plateaus Physiographic Provinces: Rules of Thumb for Estimating the Capture Zones of Springs and Wells

816R02020 The Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure Gap Analysis

816R02022 Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water Publications: Order Form

816R02025 Technical Program Overview Underground Injection Control Regulations

816R03002 Cross-Connection Control Manual

816R03004 LT1ESWTR Disinfection Profiling And Benchmarking: Technical Guidance Manual

816R03009 Report To Congress: Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program: Financing America's Drinking Water From The Source To The Tap

816R03010 Relative Risk Assessment Of Management Option For Treated Wastewater in South Florida

816R03012 How to Conduct a Sanitary Survey of Small Water Systems: A Learner's Guide

816R03014 Arsenic Treatment Technology Evaluation: Handbook For Small Systems

816R03015 Strategic Planning Small Water Systems One Of The Simple Tools For Effective Performance (step) Guide Series {handbook}

816R03016 Asset Management: Small Water Systems: 1 Of The Simple Tools For Effective Performance (Step)Guide Series(HandBook)

816R03017 Small Systems Guide To Safe Drinking Water Act Regulations

816R03018 Coordinating Funding For Water And Wastewater Infrastructure: Compilation Of State Approaches {Handbook}

816R03022 Drinking Water Inspector's Field Reference: For Use When Conducting a Sanitary Survey of a Small Surface Water System

816R03023 Drinking Water Inspector's Field Reference: For Use When Conducting a Sanitary Survey of a Small Ground Water System

816R03023 Drinking Water Inspectors's Field Reference For Use When Conducting a Sanitary Survey of a Small Ground Water System

816R04006 Implemetation Guidance For The Filter Backwash Recycling Rule

816R04007 Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule Turbidity Provisions Technical Guidance Manual

816R04008 The Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule(LT1ESWTR) Implementation Guidance

816R04009 Report of the CCL Classification Process Work Group to the National Drinking Water Advisory Council

816R05001 State and Federal Source Water Assessment and Protection Program Measures - Final Reporting Guidance

816R05002 Preparing Your Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report Revised Guidance for Water Suppliers

816R05003 Tribal Drinking Water Operator Certification Program

816R05004 Regulators' Guide To The Management Of Radioactive Residuals From Drinking Water Treatment Technologies

816R05006 Setting Small Drinking Water System Rates For A Sustainable Future One Of The Simple Tools For Effective Performance step Guide Series

816R05007 Case Studies Of Sustainable Drinking Water System Pricing

816R05008 Evaluating Arsenic Treatment Providers Guide For Public Water Systems

816R05009 3t's For Reducing Lead In Child Care Facilities

816R06003 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program Delivering Sustainable Public Health Protection for America 2005 Annual Report

816R06004 Analysis on the Use of Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Set-Asides: Promoting Capacity Development

816R06005 System Partnership Solutions to Improve Public Health Protection-Volume II

816R07003 Revised Public Notification Handbook

816R07004 Public Notification Handbook for Transient Non-community Water Systems

816R07005 Expert Workshop on Full Cost Pricing of Water and Wastewater Service: November 1-3, 2006, Michigan State University Institute for Public Utilities, Final Summary Report

816R07006 Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2ESWTR) Implementation Guide

816R07007 Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (Stage 2 DBPR) Implementation Guidance

816R07010 2006 Drinking Water Data Quality Analysis and Action Plan For State Reported Public Water System Data in the EPA Safe Drinking Water Information System / Federal Version (SDWIS/FED)

816R08005 Getting Started With Cupss a Workbook for Users

816R87100 Health Advisories For Legionella and 7 Inorganics (including Barium, Cadmium, Chromium, Cyanide, Mercury, Nickel-nitrite)

816R97005 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program Guidelines

816R97007 State Source Water Assessment and Protection Programs Guidance (Draft Guidance)

816R97008 State Methods for Delineating Source Water Protection Areas for Surface Water Supplied Sources of Drinking Water

816R97009 State Source Water Assessment and Protection Programs Guidance, Final Guidance

816R97012 Delineation of Source Water Protection Areas, A Discussion for Managers; Part 1: A Conjunctive Approach for Ground Water and Surface Water

816R97013 Ambient Ground Water Quality Monitoring Cost Analysis

816R98002 Information for States on Developing Affordability Criteria for Drinking Water

816R98003 The National Public Water System Supervision Program: F96 Compliance Report

816R98006 Guidance on Implementing the Capacity Development Provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996

816R98008 Information for States on Implementing the Capacity Development Provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996

816R98009 Information for the Public on Participating with States in States in Preparing Capacity Development Strategies

816R98010 Hypothetical State Programs for Ensuring that All New Community Water Systems and Non-Transient Non-Community Water Systems Demonstrate Technical, Managerial and Financial Capacity

816R98011 National Water Quality Inventory: 1996 Report to Congress, Groundwater Chapters

816R98017 Drinking Water and Ground Water Data Within the 305(b) Program

816R98018 Biological Indicators of Ground Water - Surface Water Interaction: Update

816R98019 Protecting Source Drinking Water: Selected Case Studies in Watershed Management

816R98020 Drinking Water Infrastructure Grants: Tribal Set-Aside Program, Final Guidelines

816R98021 Literature Review of Methods for Delineating Wellhead Protection Areas

816R99002 Preparing Your Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report: Guidance for Water Suppliers

816R99004 Public Notification Handbook, Draft for Comment

816R99006 Review of Contaminant Occurrence in Public Water Systems

816R99007 25 Years of the Safe Drinking Water Act: History and Trends

816R99008 State Implementation Guidance for the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Rule

816R99009 Consolidated Water Rates: Issues and Practices in Single-Tariff Pricing

816R99010 National Characteristics of Drinking Water Systems Serving Populations Under 10,000

816R99011 Small System Regulatory Requirements Under the Safe Drinking Water Act as Amended 1996: Fact Sheets for existing and Future Rules; Case Studies; Cost Estimates of Small System Compliance

816R99012 Handbook for Capacity Development: Developing Water System Capacity Under the Safe Drinking Water Act as Amended in 1996

816R99016 Safe Drinking Water Act, Section 1429 Ground Water Report to Congress

816S97001 Initial Summary of Current State Capacity Development Activities

816Z00001 Federal Register: May 4, 2000 Part 2. 40 CPR Part 9 et al, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Public Notification Rule; Final Rule

816Z01002 Underground Injection Control Program, Notice of Proposed Determination for Class 5 Wells, 40 CFR Parts 144 and 146

816Z01003 Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Consumer Confidence Reports for Community Water Systems

816Z01005 Federal Register: June 1, 2001 Vol 66 No 106, EPA Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Comment Collection Request; First National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Stage 1 Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts Rule and Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule

816Z01006 Notice of Availability of Funds for Source Water Protection

816Z01007 Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation for Public Water Systems: Amendment to the List 2 Rule and Partial Delay of Reporting of Monitoring Results, 40 CFR Part 141

816Z01008 Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation for Public Water Systems: Amendment to the List 2 Rule and Partial Delay of Reporting of Monitoring Results, 40 CFR Part 141

816Z02001 Federal Register March 12, 2002, 40 CFR, Part 141, Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation for Public Water Systems: Establishment of Reporting Date, Direct Final Rule

816Z02003 Federal Register: June 7, 2002 Part5, 40 CFR Part 144 Underground Injection Control Program, Notice of Final Determination for Class 5 Wells: Final Rule

816Z02004 Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; 2003 Drinking Water Infrastucture Needs Survey

816Z03001 Underground Injection Control Revisions of Underground Injection Control Requirements for Class 1 Municipal Wells in Florida; Notice of Availability

816Z03002 Underground Injection Control Revisions of Underground Injection Control Requirements for Class 1 Municipal Wells in Florida; Notice of Data Availibility

816Z03004 Federal Register

816Z04001 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request

816Z04003 Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request

816Z04004 Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission To OMB For Review And Approval; Comment Request

816Z05003 Federal Register December 28 2005 Notice Of An Initial Scoping Workshop On The Development Of Regulations To Aircraft Public Water Systems

816Z07001 Notice of a Second Workshop on the Development of Regulations for Aircraft Public Water Systems

816Z08003 Federal Register: April 9, 2008 Part III. 40 CFR Part 141. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Drinking Water Regulations for Aircraft Public Water Systems; Proposed Rule

816Z98001 Federal Register: February 13, 1998, Part 7. 40 CFR Parts 131 and 142. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Consumer Confidence; Proposed Rule

816Z98002 Federal Register: May, 1999, 40 CFR Parts 141, 142, and 143, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, Part 2

816Z98003 National Public Water System Supervision Program: Compliance Report, FY 96

816Z98005 Federal Register: August 19, 1998, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 141 and 142. National Primary Drinking Water Regulation: Consumer Confidence Reports; Final Rule

817B04001 Security Product Guide

817B06001 A Water Security Handbook: Planning for and Responding to Drinking Water Contamination Threats and Incidents

817D04001 Response Protocol ToolBox: Planning For And Responding To Drinking Water Contamination Threats And Incidents

817F03001 Water Security Progress and Resources

817F03002 - A Website for Health Care Providers on Water Terrorism Preparedness

817F03003 Drinking Water Supply And WasteWater Collection Systems Emergency Prepareness And Security For Law Enforcement {Visor Card}

817F05004 Fact Sheet: Emergency Response Tabletop Exercises for Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems

817F05007 Water Contaminant Information Tool (WCIT)

817F07001 Water Contaminant Information Tool

817F07008 Using the Class V Experimental Technology Well Classification for Pilot Geologic Sequestration Projects: UIC Program Guidance #83

817F07009 Water Sector Incident Command System (ICS) and National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training

817F07010 Water Laboratory Alliance

817F07011 Drinking Water Laboratory Response Preparedness Project

817F07015 Water Sector Mutual Aid and Assistance: Utilities Helping Utilities

817F08002 National Environmental Methods Index for Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Methods (NEMI-CBR)

817F08003 Water/wastewater Agency Response Network (WARN): Tabletop Exercise Facilitator Guide

817F08004 Decontamination and Recovery Planning: Water and Wastewater Utility Case Study

817K06002 Lt2 Rule, Cryptosporidium And E Coli Sample Collection Recommendations Pocket Guide

817R05001 Drinking Water Security For Small Systems Serving 3300 Or Fewer Persons One Of The Simple Tools For Effective Performance (step) Guide Series

817R08005 Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (WARN): Tabletop Exercise Facilitator Guide

817R08006 Interim Voluntary Security Guidance for Wastewater/Stormwater Utilities, December 9, 2004

817R08007 Interim Voluntary Guidelines for Designing an Online Contaminant Monitoring System, December 9, 2004

817R08009 Guidelines for the Physical Security of Water Utilities: American National Standard for Trial Use, December 2006, Draft

817R08010 Interim Voluntary Security Guidance for Water Utilities, December 9, 2004

819K02005 Sources of Technical and Financial Assistance for Small Drinking Water Systems

820B01002 Office of Science and Technology: What We Do

820B80100 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Auto and Other Laundries, Point Source Category

820B92001 Office Of Science And Technology Primer

820B95001 Water Quality Guidance For The Great Lakes System Supplementary Information Document (SID)

820B95003 Information Collection Request For The Great Lakes Water Quality Guidance

820B95004 Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative Criteria Documents For The Protection Of Aquatic Life In Ambient Water

820B95005 Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative Technical Support Document For The Procedure To Determine Bioaccumulation Factors

820B95006 Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative Criteria Documents For The Protection Of Human Health

820B95007 Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative Technical Support Document For Human Health Criteria And Values

820B95008 Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative Criteria Document For The Protection Of Wildlife

820B95009 Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative Technical Support Document for Wildlife Criteria

820B95010 Assessment Of Compliance Costs Resulting From Implementation Of The Final Great Lakes Water Quality Guidance

820B95011 Regulatory Impact Analysis of the Great Lakes Water Quality Guidance: Final Report

820B95013 Catalog of Publications Office of Science and Technology: 1995

820B95014 Primer: Office of Science and Technology

820B96001 Water Quality Criteria Documents for the Protection of Aquatic Life in Ambient Water, 1995 Updates

820B97001 Office of Science and Technology: Catalog of Publications, 1997 Version

820B97001A Response to Congress on Privatization of Wastewater Facilities

820B98001 Catalog of Publications: Office of Science and Technology, 1998 Edition

820B99001 Catalog of Publications: Office of Science and Technology, 1999 edition

820D81001 Prediction of Chemical Partitioning in the Environment An Assessment of Two Screening Models Final Draft Report

820D87001 Vinyl Chloride Health Advisory Draft, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820F08001 Ideas for Science Fair Projects on Surface Water Quality Topics for Middle School Students and Teachers

820F93001 Industrial Pollution Prevention Project (IP3): Overview

820F95001 Fact Sheet: Final Great Lakes Water Quality Guidance Critical Provisions

820F95002 Fact Sheet: Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative Case Studies Show Benefits Outweigh Costs

820F95004 Protecting the Great Lakes: The Costs and Benefits of Reducing Toxic Pollution in 3 Communities

820F97002 BEACH Program

820F98002 Pulp and Paper Cluster Rule Incentives Program

820K87001 Tetrachloroethylene Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K87003 Trans-1,2-dichloroethylene Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US EPA

820K87005 Toluene Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US EPA

820K87007 Dichloromethane Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US EPA

820K87009 Benzene Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US EPA

820K87012 Ethylene Glycol Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K87013 Ethylbenzene Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K87101 Chlorobenzene Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K87104 Carbon Tetrachloride Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K87109 Xylenes Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K87110 Hexachlorobenzene Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K87113 Methyl Ethyl Ketone Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K87114 1,1,1-trichloroethane Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K87115 1,1-dichloroethylene Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K87117 1,2-dichloroethane Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K87118 Ortho-, Meta-, and Para-dichlorobenzenes Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water U S Environmental Protection Agency

820K87120 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water U S Environmental Protection Agency

820K87121 Acrylamide Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K87128 P-dioxane Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmntal Protection Agency

820K88001 Terbufos Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88002 Terbacil Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88003 Fonofos Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88004 Fluometuron Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88005 Glyphosate Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88006 Endothall Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88007 Bromacil Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection

820K88008 Bentazon Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88009 Baygon Propoxur Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88011 Fenamiphos Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88100 Chlorothalonil Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88101 Chloramben Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88102 Ammonium Sulfamate Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88103 Dcpa (dacthal) Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88104 Cyanazine Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88105 Ametryn Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88106 Carboxin Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88107 Carbaryl Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88109 Propazine Health Advisory, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88110 Propachlor Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88111 Pronamide Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88112 Prometon Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88113 Metribuzin Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88114 Methomyl Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88115 Methyl Parathion Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88116 Metolachlor Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88117 Diphenamid Health Advisory Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88118 Dinoseb Health Advisory Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88120 Disulfoton Health Advisory Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88123 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water U S Environmental Protection Agency

820K88124 Butylate Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88125 Simazine Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88126 Picloram Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88127 Maleic Hydrazide Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Peotection Agency

820K88128 Mcpa (4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)-acetic Acid Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water U S Environmental Protection Agency

820K88129 Paraquat Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K88145 Hexazinone Health Advisory Office Of The Dinking Water US EPA

820K89101 Dalapon Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K90001 Trifluralin Drinking Water Health Advisory, Office Of Water, US Environmental Protection Agency

820K90100 Cis-1,2-dichloroethylene Drinking Water Health Advisory, Office Of Water US Environmental Protection Agency

820K94001 Water Quality Criteria and Standards for the 21st Century: 4th National Conference, Program Agenda

820K97001 Before You Go To The Beach

820R88100 Analytical Methods For The National Sewage Sludge Survey

820R91100 Second Report To Congress On Great Lakes Water Quality {Draft}

820R92100 Synopsis of Water-Effect Ratios for Heavy Metals as Derived for Site-Specific Water Quality Criteria

820R92103 Drinking Water Criteria Document for 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Final

820R92104 Drinking Water Criteria Document for Antimony Final

820R92105 Drinking Water Criteria Document for Dalapon Final

820R92106 Drinking Water Criteria Document for Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate Final

820R92107 Drinking Water Criteria Document for Dinoseb Final

820R92108 Drinking Water Criteria Document for Diquat Final

820R92109 Drinking Water Criteria Document for Endothall Final

820R92110 Drinking Water Criteria Document for Glyphosate Final

820R92111 Drinking Water Criteria Document for Oxamyl (vydate) Final

820R92112 Drinking Water Criteria Document for Picloram Final

820R92113 Drinking Water Criteria Document for Simazine Final

820R92114 Drinking Water Criteria Document for Thallium Final

820R92115 Quantification of Toxicological Effects for Dichloromethane : Final

820R93900 Angler Attitudes and Behavior Associated With Ohio River Health Advisories

820R94002 How Best to Promote Industrial Prevention Through the Effluent Guidelines Process: Recommendations of the Industrial Pollution Prevention Project (IP3) Focus Group

820R94003 Providing Waivers From NPDES Permit Compliance Schedules for Industrial Pollution Prevention Technology: An Analysis of Sections 301(k) and 307(e) of the Clean Water Act

820R94005 International (Non-U.S.) Industrial Pollution Prevention: A Case Study Compendium

820R95001 Proceedings: Water Quality Criteria and Standards for the 21st Century, 4th National Conference, Arlington, Va., September 13-15, 1994

820R95003 Report of EPA Efforts to Replace Freon for the Determination of Oil and Grease and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons: Phase II

820R95004 The Merrimack Project: A Demonstration Project of the Industrial Pollution Prevention Project (IP3)

820R95005 The Merrimack Project: A Report by EPA Region 1 (New England), A Demonstration Project of the Industrial Pollution Prevention Project (IP3)

820R95006 Effluent Guidelines, Leather Tanning, and Pollution Prevention: A Retrospective Study

820R95008 Consideration of Pollution Prevention in EPA's Effluent Guideline Development Process

820R95009 Pollution Prevention at an Aging Midwestern Manufacturing Facility

820R95010 Pollution Prevention at Industrial Laundries: Assessment Observations and Waste Reduction Options

820R95011 Pollution Prevention Assessment and Implementation at a Pulp and Paper Mill in the Pacific Northwest

820R95012 Pollution Prevention at Industrial Laundries: A Collaborative Approach in Southern California

820R96001 Catalog of Publications: Office of Science and Technology, 1996 Edition

820R99001 Integrated Approach to Assessing the Bioavailability and Toxicity of Metals in Surface Waters and Sediments

820S95001 Fact Sheet: Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative, A Summary

820Z95001 Federal Register: March 23, 1995, Part III. 40 CFR 9, 122, 123, 131 and 132. Final Water Quality Guidance for the Great Lakes System; Final Rule

82119891 EPA Policy Promoting The Beneficial Use Of Sewage Sludge And The New Proposed Technical Sludge Regulations

821B00001 Coal Remining Statistical Support Document (Draft)

821B00002 Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Coal Mining Industry Remining and Western Alkaline Subcategories

821B00005 Development Document for the Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Metal Products and Machinery Point Source Category

821B00005ES Development Document for the Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Metal Products and Machinery point Source Category (ERRATA Table 12-5)

821B00006 Statistical Support Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Metal Products and Machinery Industry

821B00007 Cost effectiveness Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Metal Products and Machinery Industry

821B00008 Economic, Environmental, and Benefits Analysis of the Proposed Metal Products and Machinery Rule

821B00009 Economic Analysis of the Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Iron and Steel Manufacturing Point Source Category

821B00010 Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines for the Iron and Steel Industry

821B00011 Development Document for the Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Iron and Steel Manufacturing Point Source Category

821B00012 Economic Analysis of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Synthetic-Based Drilling Fluids and Other Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluids in the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category

821B00013 Development Document for Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Synthetic-Based Drilling Fluids and Other Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluids in the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category

821B00014 Environmental Assessment of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Synthetic-Based Drilling Fluids and Other Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluids in the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category

821B00015 Statistical Analyses Supporting Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Synthetic-Based Drilling Fluids and Other Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluids in the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category

821B01001 Environmental Assessment of Proposed Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulation and the Effluent Guidelines for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

821B01003 Small Entity Compliance Guide Centralized Waste Treatment Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Pretreatment Standards (40 CFR 437)

821B01006 Economic Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Meat and Poultry Products Industry

821B01007 Development Document for the Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Meat and Poultry Products Industry Point Source Category (40 CFR 432), Document and Appendices

821B01008 Environmental Assessment of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Meat and Poultry Products Industry Point Source

821B01010 Coal Remining: Best Management Practices Guidance Manual

821B01011 Coal Remining Statistical Support Document

821B01012 Development Document for Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Western Alkaline Coal Mining Subcategory

821B01014 Statistical Analysis of Abandoned Mine Drainage in the Assessment of Pollution Load ('' The Griffiths Report'')

821B02001 Urban Stormwater BMP Performance Monitoring

821B02002 Draft Guidance for Aquatic Animal Production Facilities to Assist in Reducing the Discharge of Pollutants

821B03004 EPA Microbiological Alternate Test Procedure (ATP) Protocol for Drinking Water, Ambient Water, and Wastewater Monitoring Methods Guidance April 2004

821B04005 Revised Assessment of Detection and Quantiftation Approaches

821B04006 Managing Manure Nutrients At Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: August 2004

821B04009 Managing Manure Nutrients At Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations December 2004

821B04009 Managing Manure Nutrients At Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

821B05001 Compliance Guide for the Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production Point Source Category

821B05005 Preliminary Engineering Report: Steam Electric Detailed Study

821B05007 Preliminary Report: Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Detailed Study

821B88006 SITE Clearinghouse : Hotline Training and Reference Materials

821B89100 Method 1620: Metals by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

821B93001 Guidance on Evaluation, Resolution, and Documentation of Analytical Problems Associated with Compliance Monitoring

821B94004B Method 1664: N-Hexane Extractable Material (HEM) and Silica Gel Treated N-Hexane Extractable Material (SGT-HEM) by Extraction and Gravimetry, revised, Updated April 1995

821B94005 Method 1613: Tetra-Through Octa-Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans by Isotope Dilution HRGC/HRMS, September 1994

821B95001 Guidance on Establishing Trace Metal Clean Rooms in Existing Facilities {Draft}

821B95002 Guidance on the Documentation and Evaluation of Trace Metals Data Collected for Clean Water Act Compliance Monitoring (Apr '95)

821B96001 Guidance on Establishing Trace Metal Clean Rooms in Existing Facilities

821B96002 Guidance on the Documentation and Evaluation of Trace Metals Data Collected for Clean Water Act Compliance Monitoring (Jan '96)

821B96003 Guidelines and Format for Methods to be Proposed at 40 CFR Part 136 or Part 141

821B96005 Methods for Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater

821B97005 Economic and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Landfills Point Source Category

821B97006 Statistical Support Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Landfills Point Source Category

821B97007 Environmental Assessment for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Landfills Point Source Category

821B97008 Statistical Support Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Industrial Waste Combustors

821B97009 Environmental Assessment of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Industrial Waste Combustors

821B97010 Economic Analysis and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Industrial Waste Combustors

821B97011 Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Industrial Waste Combustors

821B98007 Statistical Support Document for Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry

821B98008 Environmental Assessment of the Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry

821B98009 Economic Analysis of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry

821B98010 Cost Effective Analysis of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry

821B98011 Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Transportation Equipment Cleaning Category

821B98012 Economic Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Transportation Equipment Cleaning Category

821B98013 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Transportation Equipment Cleaning Category

821B98014 Statistical Support Document of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Transportation Equipment Cleaning Category

821B98015 Environmental Assessment of Proposed Effluent Limitation Guidelines and Standards for the Transportation Equipment Cleaning Category

821B98017 Pollution Prevention (P2) Guidance Manual for the pesticide Formulating, Packaging, and Repackaging Industry: Implementing the P2 Alternative, Final

821B98019 Environmental Assessment of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Synthetic-Based Drilling Fluids and Other Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluids in the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source

821B98020 Economic Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Synthetic-Based Drilling Fluids and Other Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluids in the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category

821B98021 Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Synthetic-Based Drilling Fluids and Other Non-Aqueous Drilling Fluids in the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category

821B99001 Phase 1: Uniform National Discharge Standards for Vessels of the Armed Forces, Technical Development Document

821B99005 Economic Analysis of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Landfills Point Source Category

821B99008 Economic Analysis of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Commercial Hazardous Waste Combustors

821C02003 Estimated Per Capita Fish Consumption in the United States

821D96004 Guide to Method Flexibility and Approval of EPA Water Methods

821D96006 Guide To Method Flexibility And Approval Of EPA Water Methods {draft}

821F02011 Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act: Methods Update; Final Rule

821F02012 Fact Sheet, Cooling Water Intake Structures At Large Existing Power Plants, Phase II

821F02017 Effluent Guidelines Program Plan for 2002/2003


821F04011 Managing Manure at Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

821F05006 Permit Guidance Document: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Point Source Category (40 CFR Part 439)

821F06005 Fact Sheet; Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Under the Clean Water Act; National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; and National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations; Analysis and Sampling Procedures.

821F93003 Fact Sheet: Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the Production of Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard - Industry Subcategory Definitions

821F93004 Fact Sheet: Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the Production of Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard; Overview

821F93005 Fact Sheet: Effluent Guidelines: Protecting our Nation's Waters from Industrial Discharges

821F96001 Fact Sheet: The Alaska-Juneau Gold Mine Project

821F96005 Fact Sheet: Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Coastal Subcategory of the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category

821R00004 Economic Assessment for the Final Action Regarding Pretreatment Standards for the Industrial Laundries Point Source Category

821R00005 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for the Final Action Regarding Pretreatment Standards for the Industrial Laundries Point Source Category

821R00006 Technical Development Document for the Final Action Regarding Pretreatment Standards for the Industrial Laundries Point Source Category

821R00007 Coal Remining: Best Management Practices Guidance Manual (Draft)

821R00008 Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Western Alkaline Coal Mining Subcategory

821R00012 Final Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Transportation Equipment Cleaning Category

821R00013 Economic Analysis of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Transportation Equipment Cleaning Category

821R00014 Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Transportation Equipment Cleaning Category

821R00016 Preliminary Data Summary: Airport Deicing Operations (Revised)

821R00019 Economic and Engineering Analyses of the Proposed 316(b) New Facility Rule

821R00020 Development Document for the Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry, Final, Volume 1

821R00020A Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry, Final, Volume 2

821R00021 Detailed Costing Document for the Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry

821R00024 Economic Analysis of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry

821R00026 Method 1605 Aeromonas In Finished Water By Membrane Filtration

821R01001 Economic Analysis of the Proposed Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulation and the Effluent Guidelines for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

821R01002 Environmental and Economic Benefit Analysis of Proposed Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulation and the Effluent Guidelines for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

821R01003 Development Document for the Proposed Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulation and the Effluent Guidelines for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

821R01006 Method 1632A: Chemical Speciation of Arsenic in Water and Tissue by Hydride Generation Quartz Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

821R01011 Method 2009 Trace Elements In Water, Solids, And Biosolids By Stabilizated Temperature Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

821R01017 Managing Manure Nutrients at Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Draft Guidance

821R01018 Cost Methodology Report for Swine and Poultry Sectors

821R01019 Cost Methodology Report for Beef and Dairy Animal Feeding Operations

821R01021 Permit Guidance Document: Transportation Equipment Cleaning Point Source Category (40 CFR-442)

821R01035 Economic Analysis of the Final Regulations Addressing Cooling Water Intake Structures for New Facilities

821R01036 Technical Development Document for the Final Regulations Addressing Cooling Water Intake Structures for New Facilities

821R01039 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Application and Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for CAFOS

821R02001 Economic and Benefits Analysis for the Proposed Section 316(b) Phase 2 Existing Facilities Rule, April 2002

821R02002A-B Part A-B Case Study Analysis for the Proposed Section 316(b) Phase 2 Existing Facilities Rule, May 2002

821R02002C-E Part C-E Case Study Analysis for the Proposed Section 316(b) Phase 2 Existing Facilities Rule, May 2002

821R02002F-G Part F-G Case Study Analysis for the Proposed Section 316(b) Phase 2 Existing Facilities Rule, May 2002

821R02002H-I Part H-I Case Study Analysis for the Proposed Section 316(b) Phase 2 Existing Facilities Rule, May 2002

821R02003 Technical Development Document for the Proposed Section 316(b) Phase 2 Existing Facilities Rule, April 2002

821R02004 Development Document for Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Iron and Steel Manufacturing Point Source Category: April 2002

821R02005 Environmental Assessment of the Final Effluent Guidelines for the Iron and Steel Industry, April 2002

821R02006 Economic Analysis of the Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Iron and Steel Manufacturing Point Source Category, April 2002

821R02007 Development Document for Proposed Effluent Guidelines and Standards for the Construction and Development Category: June 2002

821R02008 Economic Analysis of Proposed Effluent Guidelines and Standards for the Construction and Devolpment Category, May 2002

821R02009 Environmental Assessment for Proposed Effluent Guidelines

821R02011 Preliminary Data Summary for Industrial Container and Drum Cleaning Industry

821R02015 Economic and Environmental Impact Analysis of the Proposed Effluenet Limitations GuideLines and Standards for the Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production Industry

821R02016 Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production Industry Point Source Category

821R03001 Devlopment Document for the Final Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulation and the Effluent Guidelines for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: December 2002

821R03002 Economic Analysis of the Final Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulation and the Effluent Guidelines for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, December 2002

821R03003 Environmental and Economic Benefit Analysis of Final Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulation and the Effluent Guidelines for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, December 2002

821R03004 Cost Methodolog For The Final Revisions To The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulation and The Effluent Guidelines For Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

821R03010 Producers' Compliance Guide For CAFOs

821R04005 Economic And Benefits Analysis For The Final Section 316(b) Phase 2 Existing Facilities Rule

821R04008 Results Of The Interlaboratory Validation Of EPA Method 1600 (MEI) For Enterococci In Wastewater Effluent February 2004

821R04009 Results Of The Interlaboratory Validation Of EPA Method 1603 (Modified MTEC) For E Coli In Wastewater Effluent February 2004

821R04010 Economic and Environmental Benefits Analysis of the Final Meat and Poultry Products Rule

821R04011-1 Technical Development Document For The Final Effluent Limitations: Guidelines And Standards For The Meat And Poultry Products: Point Source Category (40 CFR 432) Vol. 1 of 4

821R04011-2 Technical Development Document For The Final Effluent Limitations : Guidelines And Standards For The Meat And Poultry Products Point Source Category(40 CFR 432) Vol. 2 of 4

821R04011-3 Technical Development Document For The Final Effluent Limitations: Guidelines And Standards For The Meat And Poultry Products Point Source Category(40 CFR 432) Vol. 3 of 4

821R04011-4 Technical Development Document For The Final Effluent Limitations: Guidelines And Standards For The Meat And Poultry Products: Point Source Category(40 CFR 432) Vol. 4 of 4

821R04011 Technical Development Document for the Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Meat and Poultry Products Point Source Category (40 CFR 432)

821R04012 Technical Development Document For The Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines And New Source Performance Standards For The Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production Point Source Category(Revised August 2004)

821R04014 Technical Support Document for the 2004 Effluent Guidelines Program Plan

821R04015 Technical Development Document For The Proposed Section 316(b) Phase III Rule: November 2004

821R04016 Economic Analysis For The Proposed Section 316(b) Rule For Phase III Facilities

821R04017 The Regional Benefits Assessment For The Proposed Section 316(b) Rule For Phase III Facilities - November 2004

821R06001 Economic and Benefits Analysis for the Final Section 316(b) Phase III Existing Facilities Rule

821R06015 Interim Detailed Study Report for the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category

821R06016 Final Report: Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Detailed Study

821R07001 UAAs and Other Tools for Managing Designated Uses

821R08006 Results of the Interlaboratory Testing Study for the Comparison of Methods for Detection and Enumeration of Enterococci and Escherichia coli in Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs)

821R08010 Unused Pharmaceuticals in the Health Care Industry: Interim Report

821R08011 Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category: 2007/2008 Detailed Study Report

821R08013 Health Services Industry Study Management and Disposal of Unused Pharmaceuticals Interim Technical Report

821R08014 Health Services Industry Detailed Study: Dental Amalgam

821R08015 Technical Support Document for the 2008 Final Effluent Guidelines Plan

821R91100 Analytical Method For Determination of Acid Volatile Sulfide in Sediment, Draft

821R92001 Proceedings EPA Conference On Analysis Of Pollutants In The Environment, 14th Annual, May 8-9, 1991

821R92002 Interim Guidance on Interpretation and Implementation of Aquatic life Criteria for Metals

821R92003 Economic Impact Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for The Pesticide Manufacturing Industry

821R92004 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations, Guidelines and Standards for the Pesticide Manufacturing Industry

821R92007 Proceedings: EPA Conference on Analysis of Pollutants in the Environment, 15th Annual, May 6-7, 1992

821R93001 Economic Benefits of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry

821R93002 Regulatory Impact Analysis of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry

821R93003 Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Offshore Subcategory of the Oil and Gas Extraction, Point Source Category, Final

821R93004 Economic Impact Analysis of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards of Performance for the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry

821R93005 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry

821R93006 Regulatory Impact Analysis of the Part 503 Sewage Sludge Regulation, Final

821R93007 Supplement to the Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Organic Chemicals, Plastics, and Synthetic Fibers Point Source Category, Final

821R93008 Re-Evaluation of the Economic Impact Analysis of Effluent Limitations Guidelines for the Organic Chemicals, Plastics, and Synthetic Fibers Industry

821R93009 Preliminary Report Of EPA Efforts To Replace Freon For The Determination Of Oil And Grease

821R93010A Methods For The Determination Of Nonconventional Pesticides In Municipal And Industrial Wastewater Volume 1

821R93010B Methods For The Determination Of Nonconventional Pesticides In Municipal And Industrial Wastewater Volume 2

821R93011 Preliminary Report of EPA Efforts to Replace Freon for the Determination of Oil and Grease

821R93012 Economic Impact Analysis of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pesticide Manufacturing Industry

821R93013 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines And Standards For The Pestcid Manufacturing Industry

821R93014 Oil and Grease Workshop Norfolk, Virginia May 4, 1993

821R93015 Oil and Grease Workshop Boston, Massachusetts June 30, 1993

821R93016 Development Documant For Effluent Limitations Guidelines, Pretreatment Standards, And New Source Performance Standards For The Pesticide Chemicals Manufacturing Point Source Category

821R93017 Analytical Methods for the Determination of Pollutants in Pulp and Paper Industry Wastewater

821R93018 Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines for the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Industry

821R93019 Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Point Source Category

821R93020 Regulatory Impact Assessment of Proposed Effluent Guidelines and NESHAP for the Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Industry

821R93021 Economic Impact and Regulatory Flexibility Analysis if the Proposed Effluent Guidelines and NESHAP for the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Industry

821R93022 Water Quality Assessment of proposed Effluent Guidelines for the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Industry

821R94001 Proceedings The EPA Conference On Analysis Of Pollutants In The Environment 16th Annual May 5-6 1993

821R94002 Development Document for Best Available Technology, Pretreatment Technology, and New Source Performance Technology for the Pesticide Formulating, Packaging, and Repackaging Industry, Proposed

821R94003 Economic Impact Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pesticide Formulating, Packaging, and Repackaging Industry

821R94004 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pesticide Formulating, Packaging, and Repackaging Industry

821R94006 Preliminary Data Summary for the Metal Finishing Industry

821R95001 Economic Impact of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry

821R95002 Detailed Costing Document for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry (Jan '95)

821R95003 Environmental Assessment of Proposed Effluent Guidelines for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry

821R95004 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry

821R95005 Statistical Support Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry

821R95006 Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry

821R95008 Proceedings EPA Conference On Analysis Of Pollutants In The Environment 17th Annual May 3-5 1994

821R95009 Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Coastal Subcategory of the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category

821R95010 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Coastal Subcategory of the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category

821R95011 Water Quality Benefit Analysis for the Proposed Effluent Guidelines for the Coastal Subcategory of the Oil and Gas Extraction Industry

821R95012 Economic Impact Analysis for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Coastal Subcategory of the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category

821R95013 The Potential Benefits of Effluent Limitation Guidelines for Coastal Oil and Gas Facilities in Cook Inlet, Alaska

821R95015 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry

821R95016 Statistical Support Document for the Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry

821R95017 Regulatory Impact Assessment of Proposed Effluent Guidelines for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry

821R95018 Economic Impact and Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Of Proposed Effluent Guidelines For The Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry

821R95019 Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Point Source Category

821R95021 Development Document for the Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for The Metal Products and Machinery Phase 1 Point Source Category

821R95022 Economic Impact Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Metal Products and Machinery Industry (Phase 1)

821R95023 Regulatory Impact Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Metal Products and Machinery Industry (Phase1)

821R95024 Industry Profile for the Metal Products and Machinery Industry, Phase I

821R95025 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Metal Products and Machinery Industry (Phase 1)

821R95027 Method 1631: Mercury in Water by Oxidation, Purge, and Trap, and Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry

821R95028 Method 1632: Determination of Inorganic Arsenic in Water by Hydride Generation Flame Atomic Absorption {Draft}

821R95029 Method 1636: Determination of Hexavalent Chromium by ion Chromatography

821R95030 Method 1637 Determination Of Trace Elements In Ambient Waters By Chelation Preconcentration With Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption

821R95031 Method 1638: Determination of Trace Elements in Ambient Waters by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (Apr '95)

821R95032 Method 1639 Determination Of Trace Elements In Ambient Waters By Stabilized Temperature Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption

821R95033 Method 1640: Determination of Trace Elements in Ambient Waters by On-Line Chelation Preconcentration and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (Apr '95)

821R95034 Method 1669: Sampling Ambient Water for Trace Metals at EPA Water Quality Criteria Levels (Apr '95)

821R95035 Comparison of VOA Compositing Procedures

821R95037 Preliminary Study of the Iron and Steel Category 40 CFR Part 420 Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards

821R96001 Method 1631: Mercury in Water by Oxidation, Purge and Trap, and Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence

821R96002 Method 1632: Determination of Inorganic Arsenic in Water by Hydride Generation Flame Atomic Absorption

821R96003 Method 1636: Determination of Hexavalent Chromium by Ion Chromatography

821R96004 Method 1637: Determination of Trace Elements in Ambient Waters by Chelation Preconcentration with Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption

821R96005 Method 1638: Determination of Trace Elements in Ambient Waters by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (Jan '96)

821R96006 Method 1639: Determination of Trace Elements in Ambient Waters by Stabilized Temperature Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption

821R96007 Method 1640: Determination of Trace Elements in Ambient Waters by On-Line Chelation Preconcentration and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (Jan '96)

821R96008 Method 1669: Sampling Ambient Water for Trace Metals at EPA Water Quality Criteria Levels (Jan '96)

821R96012 Method 1631: Mercury in Water by Oxidation, Purge and Trap, and Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry

821R96013 Method 1632: Inorganic Arsenic in Water by Hydride Generation Quartz Furnace Atomic Absorption

821R96017 Economic Analysis of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pesticide Formulating, Packaging, and Repackaging Industry

821R96018 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pesticide Formulating, Packaging, and Repackaging Industry

821R96019 Development Document for Best Available Technology, Pretreatment Technology, and New Source Performance Technology for the Pesticide Formulating, Packaging, and Repackaging Industry, Final

821R96021 Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Coastal Subcategory of the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category

821R96022 Economic Impact Analysis of Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Coastal Subcategory of the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category

821R96023 Development Document for Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Coastal Subcategory of the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category

821R96024 Water Quality Benefits Analysis of Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Coastal Subcategory of the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category

821R97001 Method 1668: Toxic Polychlorinated Biphenyls by Isotope Dilution High Resolution Gas Chromatography/High Resolution Mass Spectrometry

821R97004 Improved Enumeration Methods for the Recreational Water Quality Indicators: Enterococci and Escherichia Coli

821R97005 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Proposed Pretreatment Standards for Existing and New Sources for the Industrial Laundries Point Source Category

821R97006 Statistical Support Document for Proposed Pretreatment Standards for Existing and New Sources for the Industrial Laundries Point Source Category

821R97007 Technical Development Document for Proposed Pretreatment Standards for Existing and New Sources for the Industrial Laundries Point Source Category

821R97008 Economic Assessment for Proposed Pretreatment Standards for Existing and New Sources for the Industrial Laundries Point Source Category

821R97009 Water Quality Benefits Analysis for Proposed Pretreatment Standards for Existing and New Sources for the Industrial Laundries Point Source Category

821R97011 Supplemental Technical Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Category: Subpart B (Bleached Papergrade Kraft and Soda) and Subpart E (Papergrade Sulfate)

821R97012 Economic Analysis for the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Category; Phase 1

821R97014 Voluntary Advanced Technology Incentivies Program Technical Support Document

821R97015 Technical Support Document for Best Management Practices for Spent Pulping Liquor Management, Spill Prevention, and Control

821R97016 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants; Proposed Standards for Hazardous air Pollants from Chemical Recovery Combustion Sources at Kraft, Soda, Suffite, and Stand Alone Semichemical Pulp Mills

821R97018 Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Point Source Category: Part 430; Final Rule

821R97019 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Category: Pulp and Paper Production Effluent Limitations Guidelines, Pretreatment Standards, and New Source Performance Standards: Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Category, 40 CFR Parts 63, 261, and 430

821R97020 Amendments to the Effluent Limitations Guidelines, Pretreatment Standards, and New Source Performance Standards for the Bleached Papergrade Kraft and Soda Subcategory of the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Point Source Category, Part 430; Proposed Rule

821R97022 Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Landfills Point Source Category

821R97022ES Development Document for Proposed Effluent limitations Guidelines and Standards for the landfills Point Source Category (Errata Sheet)

821R97023 Method 1622: Cryptosporidium in Water by Filtration/IMS/FA (Draft)

821R98002 Method 1664, Revision A: N-Hexane Extractable Material (HEM; Oil and Grease) and Silica Gel Treated N-Hexane Extractable Material (SGT-HEM; Non-polar Material) by Extraction and Gravimetry

821R98005 Development Document for Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Point Source Category

821R98009 Technical Development Document: Proposed Phase I Uniform National Discharge Standards for Vessels of the Armed Forces

821R98016 Detailed Costing Document for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry (Dec '98)

821R98017 Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines, Pretreatment Standards, and New Source Performance Standards for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry

821R98018 Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry

821R98019 Economic Analysis of Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry

821R98020A Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry, Volume 1

821R98020B Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Centralized Waste Treatment Industry: Volume 2 of 2

821R99013 Method O1a 1677 Available Cyanide By Flow Injection Ligand Exchange And Amperdmetry

821R99019 Development Document for Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Landfills Point Source Category

821Z03001 Federal Register: February 12, 2003 Part 2 40 CFR Parts 9, 122, 123, and 612, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Regulation and Effluent Limitation Guidelines and Standards for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, Final Rule

821Z93001 Federal Register: December 17, 1993, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 63 and 430. Effluent Limitations Guidelines, Pretreatment Standards, and New Source Performance Standards: Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Category; National Emission for Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Category: Pulp and Paper Production; Proposed Rule

821Z98001 Federal Register: April 15, 1998, 40 CFR Part 430, Ammendments to the Effluent Limitations Guidelines, Pretreatment Standards, and New Source Performance Standards for the Bleached Papergrade Kraft and Soda Subcategory of the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Point Source Category; Proposed Rule

822B00001 Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance Manual: Lakes and Reservoirs, First Edition

822B00002 Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance Manual: Rivers and Streams

822B00004 Methodology for Deriving Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health (2000)

822B00005 Methodology for Deriving Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health (2000), Technical Support Document, Volume 1: Risk Assessment

822B00007 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Lakes and Reservoirs in Nutrient Ecoregion II

822B00008 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Criteria, Lakes and Reservoirs in Nutrient Ecoregion 6

822B00009 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Lakes and Reservoirs in Nutrient Ecoregion 7

822B00010 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Lakes and Reservoirs in Nutrient Ecoregion 8

822B00011 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Lakes and Reservoirs in Nutrient Ecoregion 9

822B00012 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Lakes and Reservoirs in Nutrient Ecoregion 11

822B00013 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Lakes and Reservoirs in Nutrient Ecoregion 12

822B00014 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Lakes and Reservoirs in Nutrient Ecoregion XIII

822B00015 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Criteria, Rivers and Streams in Nutrient Ecoregion 2

822B00016 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Rivers and Streams in Nutrient Ecoregion 3

822B00017 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Rivers and Streams in Nutrient Ecoregion 6

822B00018 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Rivers and Streams in Nutrient Ecoregion 7

822B00019 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Criteria, Rivers and Streams in Nutrient Ecoregion 9

822B00020 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Criteria, Rivers and Streams in Nutrient Ecoregion 11

822B00021 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Rivers and Streams in Nutrient Ecoregion 12

822B00022 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Rivers and Streams in Nutrient Ecoregion 14

822B00023 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Wetlands in Nutrient Ecoregion XIII

822B00024 Estuarine and Coastal Marine Waters: Bioassessment and Biocriteria Technical Guidance

822B00025 Stressor Identification Guidance Document

822B01003 Nutrient Criteria Technical Guidance Manual: Estuarine and Coastal Marine Waters

822B01008 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Lakes and Reservoirs in Nutrient Ecoregion 3

822B01011 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Lakes and Reservoirs in Nutrient Ecoregion 14

822B01012 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Rivers and Streams in Nutrient Ecoregion 1

822B01013 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Rivers and Streams in Nutrient Ecoregion 4

822B01014 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Rivers and Streams in Nutrient Ecoregion 5

822B01015 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of the State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Rivers and Streams in Nutrient Ecoregion VIII

822B01016 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations Information Supporting The Development Of State And Tribal Nutrient Criteria Rivers And Streams In Nutrient Ecoregion 10

822B01188 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Recommendations: Information Supporting the Development of State and Tribal Nutrient Criteria, Rivers and Streams in Nutrient Ecoregion 10

822B02001 Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria: Tributyltin(TBT){Draft}

822B04002 Drinking Water Health Advisory for Oxamyl

822B91001 Special Interest Group (SIG) Forum for Fish Consumption Risk Management: Users Manual, v. 1.0

822B92002 Procedures for Initiating Narrative Biological Criteria

822B92003 Human Health Risk Assessment for the Use and Disposal of Sewage Sludge: Benefits of Regulation, 1992

822B92004 Interim Guidance On Interpretation And Implementation Of Aquatic Life Criteria For Metals

822B94001 Biological Criteria : Technical Guidance for Streams and Small Rivers

822B96001 Biological Criteria: Technical Guidance for Streams and Small Rivers, Revised Edition

822B96002 Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories

822B97002 Biological Criteria: Technical Guidance For Survey Design and Statistical

822B98005 Ambient Water Quality Criteria Derivation Methodology Human Health: Technical Support Document, Final Draft

822D00001 2000 Update of Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Cadmium Draft

822D01002 Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Atrazine - Draft

822D04001 Draft Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Selenium - 2004

822D87102 Propachlor : Health Advisory : Draft

822D87103 Propham : Health Advisory : Draft

822D94002 Equilibrium Partitioning Approach To Predicting Metal Bioavailability In Sediments And The Derivation Of Sediment Quality Criteria For Metals Volume 1 Briefing Report To The Science

822D97001 Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Tributyltin (Draft)

822D990052 Draft Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen (Saltwater): Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras

822F02006 Biological Assessments and Criteria Crucial Components of Water Quality Programs

822F02048 Summary of Biological Assessment Programs and Biocriteria Development for States, Tribes, Territories and Interstate Commissions: Streams and Wadeable Rivers

822F03009 Technical Components Of State And Tribal Biqassessment Programs

822F05001 Fact Sheet: Final Recommended Aquatic Life Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Diazinon

822F92001 Availability of Removal Credits (Revisions to 40 CFR Part 403) -- Fact Sheet

822F92002 Fact Sheet: Sewage Sludge Use and Disposal Rule (40 CFR Part 503)

822F92100 Fact Sheet on Water Chlorination

822F93001 Fact Sheet: Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Aniline

822F93002 Fact Sheet: Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for 2,4-Dimethylphenol

822F93003 Fact Sheet: Sediment Quality Criteria for the Protection of Benthic Organisms: Phenanthrene

822F93004 Fact Sheet: Sediment Quality Criteria for the Protection of Benthic Organisms: Fluoranthene

822F93005 Fact Sheet: Sediment Quality Criteria for the Protection of Benthic Organisms: Endrin

822F93006 Fact Sheet: Sediment Quality Criteria for the Protection of Benthic Organisms: Acenaphthene

822F93007 Fact Sheet: Sediment Quality Criteria for the Protection of Benthic Organisms: Dieldrin

822F93008 Fact Sheet: Guidelines for Deriving Site-Specific Sediment Quality Criteria for the Protection of Benthic Organisms

822F93010 Fact Sheet: Fluoride in Drinking Water

822F93012 Fact Sheet: Technical Basis for Deriving Sediment Quality Criteria for Nonionic Organic Contaminants for the Protection of Benthic Organisms by Using Equilibrium Partitioning

822F94001 Fact Sheet: Amendments to Final Sewage Sludge Use and Disposal Rule

822F95004 Fact Sheet: Addition of Dioxins/Dibenzofurans and Coplanar PCB'S to the List of Pollutants covered by the Sewage Sludge Regulation

822F97002 Watershed Ecological Risk Assessment: Folder with separate Case Studies

822F97003 Ecological Risk Assessment Case Study: Middle Platte River Watershed

822F97004 Ecological Risk Assessment Case Study: Waquoit Bay Watershed

822F97005 Ecological Risk Assessment Case Study: Clinch River Watershed

822F97006 Ecological Risk Assessment Case Study: Mid-Snake River

822F97008 Drinking Water Advisory: Consumer Acceptability Advice and Health Effects Analysis on Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE)

822F97009 Fact Sheet: Drinking Water Advisory: Consumer Acceptability Advice and Health Effects Analysis on Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE)

822F98002 Fact Sheet: National Strategy for the Development of Regional Nutrient Criteria

822F98004 Fact Sheet Draft Revisions To The Methodology For Deriving Ambient Water Quality Criteria For The Protection Of Human Health

822K87100 Styrene Health Advisory, Office Of Drinking Water US Environmental Protection Agency

822K87101 Availability Of External Review Draft Health Advisories For 50 National Pesticides Survey Anlaysis {memo}

822R00001 Estimated Per Capita Water Ingestion and Body Weight in the United States - An Update Based on Data Collected by the United States Department of Agriculture's 1994-96, 98 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals

822R00008 Estimated Per Capita Water Ingestion in the United States

822R00012 Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen (Saltwater): Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras

822R01001 2001 Update of Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Cadmium

822R01003 EPA Office of Water: Health Effects Support Document for Acanthamoeba, External Review Report

822R01005 Streamlined Water-Effect Ratio Procedure for Discharges of Copper

822R02001 Six Year Review, Chemical Contaminants, Health Effects Technical Support Document

822R02003 Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: Number 13 Biological Assessment Methods for Birds

822R02012 National Recommended Water Quality Criteria: 2002, Human Health Criteria Calculation Matrix

822R02014 Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: #1 Introduction to Wetland Biological Assessment

822R02015 Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: Number 4 Study Design for Monitoring Wetlands

822R02016 Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: Number 6 Developing Metrics and Indexes of Biological Integrity

822R02017 Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: Number 7 Wetlands Classification

822R02018 Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: Number 8 Volunteers and Wetland Biomonitoring

822R02019 Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: #9 Developing an Invertabrate Index of Biological Integrity for Wetlands

822R02020 Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: Number 10 Using Vegetation to Assess Environmental Conditions in Wetlands

822R02021 Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: #11 Using Algae to Assess Environmental Conditions in Wetlands

822R02022 Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: Number 12Using Amphibians in Bioassessments of Wetlands

822R02024 Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: Number 16 Vegetation Based Indicators of Wetland Nutrient Enrichment

822R02025 Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: Number 17 Land-Use Characterization for Nutrient and Saediment Risk Assessment

822R02027 Health Effects Support Document for Aldrin/Dieldrin; External Review Draft

822R02028 Health Effects Support Document for Hexachlorobutadiene: External Review Draft

822R02029 Health Effects Support Document for Manganese: External Review Draft

822R02030 Health Effects Support Document for Metribuzin: External Review Draft

822R02031 Health Effects Support Document for Naphthalene, External Review Draft

822R02032 Drinking Water Advisory: Consumer Acceptability Advice and Health Effects Analysis on Sodium

822R020323 Drinking Water Advisory: Consumer Acceptability Advice and Health Effects Analysis on Sulfate

822R02034 Statistical Support Document for the Development of Round 2 Biosolids Use or Disposal Regulations

822R02048 Summary Of Biological Assessment Programs And Biocriteria Development For States, Tribes,Territories, And Interstate Commissions: Streams and Wadeable Rivers

822R02080 Health Effects Support Document for Metribuzin: External Review Draft

822R03001 Health Effects Support Document: Aldrin/Dieldrin

822R03002 Health Effects Support Document: Hexachlorobutadiene

822R03004 Health Effects Support Document: Metribuzin

822R03005 Health Effects Support Document: Naphthalene

822R03006 Drinking Water Advisory: Consumer Acceptability Advice And Health Effects Analysis On Sodium

822R03007 Drinking Water Advisory: Consumer Acceptability Advice And Health Effects Analysis On Sulfate

822R03012 Health Effects Support Document: Acanthamoeba

822R03013 Methods For Evaluating Wetland Condition #14: Wetland Biological Assessment Case Studies

822R03023 Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Atrazine - Revised Draft

822R03031 Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria For Tributyltin (TBT) Final

822R03088 6 Year Review: Chemical Contaminants, Health Effects Technical Support Document

822R04005 2004 Edition of the Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories

822R05001 Use of Biological Information to Better Define Designated Aquatic Life Uses in State and Tribal Water Quality Standards: Tiered Aquatic Life Uses Draft

822R05006 Aquatic Life Ambient Water Quality Criteria Diazinon (CAS Registry Number 333-41-5) Final

822R06018 Aeromonas Human Health Criteria Document

822R07001 Aquatic Life Ambient Freshwater Quality Criteria-Copper 2007 Revision

822R08001 Methodology for Deriving Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health (2000) Draft Technical Support Document Volume 3: Development of Site-Specific Bioaccumulation Factors

822R08010 Drinking Water Health Advisory for 2,4-Dinitrotoluene and 2,6-Dinitrotoluene

822R08011 Drinking Water Health Advisory for Dacthal and Dacthal Degradates Tetrachloroterephthalic acid (TPA) and Monomethyl Tetrachloroterephthalic acid (MTP)

822R08012 Drinking Water Health Advisory for 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane

822R08013 Drinking Water Health Advisory for Boron

822R86100 Guidelines for Deriving Ambient Aquatic Life Advisory Concentrations

822R87100 Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol

822R88100 Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Phenanthrene

822R91100 Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Tributyltin

822R91101 Policy on the Use of Biological Assessments and Criteria in the Water Quality Program

822R92001 Consumption Surveys for Fish and Shellfish: A Review and Analysis of Survey Methods

822R93001A Technical Support Document for Land Application of Sewage Sludge, Volume 1

822R93001B Technical Support Document for Land Application of Sewage Sludge, Volume 2: Appendices

822R93002 Technical Support Document for the Surface Disposal of Sewage Sludge

822R93004 Technical Support Document for Reduction of Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage Sludge

822R93006 Wildlife Criteria Portions Of The Proposed Water Quality Guidance For The Great Lakes System

822R93007 Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative Criteria Documents For The Protection Of Wildlife, (proposed), Ddt Mercury 2, 3, 7, 8-tcdd Pcbs

822R93011 Proposed Technical Basis for Establishing Sediment Quality Criteria for Nonionic Organic Chemicals by using Equilibrium Partitioning

822R93012 Sediment Quality Criteria for the Protection of Benthic Organisms: Fluoranthene

822R93013 Sediment Quality Criteria for the Protection of Benthic Organisms: Acenaphthene

822R93014 Sediment Quality Criteria for the Protection of Benthic Organisms: Phenanthrene

822R93015 Sediment Quality Criteria for the Protection of Benthic Organisms: Dieldrin

822R93016 Sediment Quality Criteria for the Protection of Benthic Organisms: Endrin

822R93017 Proposed Guidelines For Deriving Site-Specific Sediment Quality Criteria For The Protection Of Benthic Organisms

822R93022 Overview of the Health Effects of Selected Munitions Chemicals

822R93023 Health and Ecological Criteria Division 1993 Annual Report, November 1993

822R93024 Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria For Aniline: (CAS Registry Number 62-53-3)

822R93025 Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for 2, 4-Dimethylphenol, Draft

822R94001 Drinking Water Regulations And Health Advisories

822R94002 Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative Technical Support Document For The Procedure To Determine Bioaccumulation Factors July 1994

822R94003 Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories, November 1994

822R95001 Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories, May 1995 {Include Errata Sheet}

822R95002 Speed Action Of Metals Acute Toxicity To Aquatic Life

822R96001 Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories, February 1996

822R96003 Technical Support Document for the Round Two Sewage Sludge Pollutants

822R97003 Arsenic And Fish Consumption

822R98001 Investigation of Alternative Means for Demonstrating Compliance with the Part 503 Total Hydrocarbon Operational Standards

822R98002 National Strategy for the Development of Regional Nutrient Criteria

822R98003 Water Quality Criteria and Standards Plan: Priorities for the Future, Interim Final

822R98004 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health: Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD), Draft

822R98005 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health: 1,3-Dichloropropene (1,3-DCP), Draft

822R98006 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health: Acrylonitrile, Draft

822R98007 Report on the Peer Consultation Workshop on Selenium Aquatic Toxicity and Bioaccumulation

822R98041 Federal Register: December 10, 1998, Part 4. National Recommended Water Quality Criteria; Notice; Republication

822R99001 Legionella: Human Health Criteria Document

822R99014 Update of Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Ammonia, 1999

822S95001 Summary of Aquatic Life Toxicity Information for: Di-2-Ethylhexyl Phthalate (DEHP)

822S98100 Summary Of Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices For Constituents Of Municipal Sludge Methods and Results

822Z93001 Federal Register: February 19, 1993. 40 CFR Part 257. Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge; Final Rules

822Z98001 Draft Water Quality Criteria Methodology: Human Health, Federal Register Notice

822Z99001 Federal Register: National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, Correction

823B00007 Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisories: Volume 1, Fish Sampling and Analysis, Third Edition

823B00008 Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisories: Volume 2 Risk Assessment and Fish Consumption Limits, Third Edition

823B01001 Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources, BASINS, Version 3.0

823B01002 Methods for Collection, Storage and Manipulation of Sediments for Chemical and Toxicological Analyses: Technical Manual

823B02002 How Water Quality Standards Protect Tribal Waters

823B02003 Implementation Guidance for Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria, May 2002 Draft

823B02004 National Beach Guidance and Required Performance Criteria for Grants: June 2002

823B05001 Aquatox (release 21) Modeling Environmental Fate And Ecological Effects In Aquatic Ecosystems Volume 3 Users Manual For The Basins (version 31) Extension To Aquatox Release 21

823B05002 Aquatox For Windows Modular Fate And Effects Model For Aquatic Ecosystems Release 21 Addendum To Release 2 Technical Documentation

823B93001 Selecting Remediation Technique for Contaminated Sediment

823B93002 Water Quality Standards 2nd Edition {handbook}

823B93003 National Fish Tissue Data Repository, User's Manual, Version

823B93005 National Listing of State Fish and Shellfish Consumption Advisories and Bans (printout current through July 22, 1993)

823B94001 Interim Guidance on the Determination and Use of Water-Effect Ratios for Metals

823B94002 Evaluation Of Dredged Material Proposed For Discharge In Waters Of The Us Testing Manual {draft} Inland Testing Manual

823B94004 Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisories, Volume 2: Risk Assessment and Fish Consumption Limits

823B94005 Water Quality Standards Handbook: 2nd Edition

823B94005A Water Quality Standards Handbook: 2nd Edition (Set Includes Parts A & B)

823B94005B Water Quality Standards Handbook 2nd Edition Appendices

823B94006 Water Quality Standards Handbook: 2nd Edition, Update 1

823B95001 QA/QC Guidance for Sampling and Analysis of Sediments, Water, and Tissues for Dredged Material Evaluations: Chemical Evaluations

823B95002 Interim Economic Guidance For Water Quality Standards {workbook}

823B95004 Introduction To Water Quality Standards 1995

823B96005 Help Card National Listing of Fish and Wildlife Consumption Advisories

823B96006 Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for use in Fish Advisories: Volume 3, Overview of Risk Management

823B96007 The Metals Translator Guidance for Calculating A Total Recoverable Permit Limit from A Dissolved Criterion

823B97002 Technical Guidance Manual for Developing Total Maximum Daily Loads, Book 2: Streams and Rivers, Part1: Biochemical Oxygen Demand/Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrients/Eutrophication

823B97004 Water Quality Standards Academy Basic Course Participant Manual 1997 Edition

823B97008 Listing of Fish and Wildlife Advisories

823B97009 Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisories: Risk Assessment and Consumption Limits, Second Edition, Volume 2

823B98006 Better Assessment Science Integrating Nonpoint Sources: Basins Version 2.0, User's Manual

823B98007 Guidance for Conducting Fish and Wildlife Consumption Surveys

823B99005 Guidance to States, Tribes, and Regions on Priorities for the Water Quality Standards Program for FY 2000-2002

823C93001 SWMM 4.21, 1993

823C94001 SWMM Windows Interface User's Guide, Draft

823D00001 Implementation Guidance for Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria--1986 Draft

823D82100 Water Quality Standards Handbook Draft

823E05002 Healthy Waters Start With Water Quality Standards {crossword Puzzle}

823F000003 National Health Protection Survey of Beaches - 2000 Swimming Season

823F00015 Fact Sheet: Aquatox Release 1: Simulation Model for Aquatic Ecosystems

823F00016 Update: National Listing of Fish Consumption Advisories

823F01002 Memorandum of Agreement Between the Environmental Protection Agency, Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service Regarding Enhanced Coordination under the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act

823F01010 Update: National Listing of Fish Consumption Advisories

823F01011 Fact Sheet Mercury Update: Impact on Fish Advisories

823F01012 Should I Eat the Fish I Catch? Guide to Healthy Eating for Women and Children

823F01013 Are Your Patients at Risk from Eating Fish? (Card)

823F01014 Should I Eat the Fish I Catch? (Korean)

823F01015 Should I Eat the Fish I Catch? (Vietnamese)

823F01016 Should I Eat the Fish I Catch? (Cambodian)

823F02004 Before You go to the Beach

823F02005 Guide to Healthy Eating of the Fish You Catch

823F02007 Update: National Listing of Fish Consumption Advisories

823F02014 Antes de ir a la Playa

823F03003 Update: National Listing of Fish Consumption Advisories

823F03011 Fact Sheet: Strategy For Quality Standards And Criteria: Setting Priorities To Strengthen The Foundation For Protecing And Restoring The Nation's Waters

823F04001 FACT SHEET: Aquatox(Release2): Modeling Environmental Fate And Ecological Effects In Aquatic Ecosystems

823F04009 What You Need To Know About Mercury In Fish And Shellfish

823F04010 Lo Que Usted Necestia Saber Sobre el Mercurio En el Pescado y Los Mariscos

823F04016 National Listing of Fish Advisories Fact Sheet

823F04024 Before You Go to the Beach

823F04025 Before You Go to the Beach {Spanish}

823F04026 Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and NonPoint Sources, Version 3.1 (Basins 3.1) Fact Sheet

823F05004 Update: National Listing of Fish Consumption Advisories (2004)

823F05011 Beach Grants EPA Makes Grants Available to States to Implement Water Quality Mmonitoring and Public Notification Programs at the Nation's Beaches

823F06010 EPA's BEACH Report: 2005 Swimming Season

823F06015 Aquatox (Release 2.2): Modeling Environmental Fate and Ecological Effects in Aquatic Ecosystems

823F08001 Youth Lead Community Efforts Toward a Cleaner, Greener Anacostia Watershed

823F08002 Who Needs Clean Water?

823F08006 EPA’s BEACH Report: 2007 Swimming Season

823F92001 Fact Sheet: National Study of Chemical Residues in Fish

823F93009 Questions and Answers About Contaminated Sediments

823F93010 Great Lakes Water Quality Guidance : Docket Index

823F93011 Protecting Our Nation's Waters Through Water Quality-Based Controls

823F94001 Fact Sheet EPA Contaminated Sediment Management Strategy

823F94002 Fact Sheet: Draft Inland Testing Manual (ITM)

823F94003 Fact Sheet: EPA's Proposed Contaminated Sediment Management Strategy

823F95004 Fact Sheet: National Listing of Fish Consumption Advisories, Update

823F96006 Fact Sheet: National Listing of Fish and Wildlife Consumption Advisories, Update

823F96011 Fact Sheet: Water Quality Standards for Pennsylvania

823F97009 Should I Eat the Fish I Catch? Guide to Healthy Eating of the Fish You Catch

823F98002 Developing Criteria to Protect Our Nation's Waters

823F98009 Fact Sheet: Listing of Fish and Wildlife Advisories, 1997 Updates

823F98010 Help Card: Listing of Fish and Wildlife Consumption Advisories, April 1998

823F98012 Recent Accomplishments of the BEACH Watch Program: 1998 Update

823F98017 Debo Comer Los Peces Que yo Pesco

823F98018 Kuv Noj Puas Tau Cov Ntses Ua Nuv Tau?

823F99005 Fact Sheet Update National Listing of Fish and Wildlife Advisories

823F99006 Introduction to Contaminated Sediments

823F99015 Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Related Compounds Update: Impact on Fish Advisories

823F99016 Fact Sheet Mercury Update: Impact on Fish Advisories

823F99018 Toxaphene Update: Impact on Fish Advisories

823F99019 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Update: Impact on Fish Advisories

823F99020 Introduction to Water Quality Standards

823F99021 Basins 2.01 Update

823F99022 Fact Sheet: Implementation of the Water Quality-Based Provisions in the CSO Control Policy: Outline of Draft EPA Guidance

823N00003 Water Quality Criteria and Standards Newsletter: New Concept for Core Federal Water Quality Standards in indian Country Waters

823N92001A Contaminated Sediments News, Number 1, August 1989

823N92001a Contaminated Sediments News, Number 6, August 1992

823N92001B Contaminated Sediments News, Number 2, April 1990

823N92001b Contaminated Sediments News, Number 8, May 1993

823N92001C Contaminated Sediments News, Number 3, April 1991

823N92001D Contaminated Sediments News, Number 4, February 1992

823N92001E Contaminated Sediments News, Number 5, April 1992

823N92001G Contaminated Sediments News, Number 7, December 1992

823N92001I Contaminated Sediments News, Number 9, August 1993

823N93001 Contaminated Sediments News, Number 10, December 1993

823N94002 Contaminated Sediments News, Number 11, May 1994

823N94003 Contaminated Sediments News, Number 12, September 1994

823N95004 Contaminated Sediments News, Number 14, July 1995

823N95005 Contaminated Sediments News, Number 15, September 1995

823N95006 Water Quality Criteria and Standards {Newsletter}

823N96002 Contaminated Sediments News, Number 16, April 1996

823N96004 Water Quality Criteria and Standards Newsletter, Basins

823N96005 Contaminated Sediments News, Number 17, September/October 1996

823N97001 Contaminated Sediments News, Number 18, Winter 1997

823N97005 Water Quality Criteria Standards Newsletter: Water Quality Criteria Steering Committee and Technical Review Committees

823N97006 Contaminated Sediments News, Number 19, Summer 1997

823N97007 Contaminated Sediments News, Number 20, Winter 1998

823N98002 Water Quality Criteria and Standards Newsletter, Winter-Spring 1998

823N98003 Contaminated Sediments News, Number 21, Spring 1998

823N98007 Contaminated Sediments News, Number 22, Fall 1998

823N99001 Water Quality Criteria and Standards Newsletter, Spring/Summer 1999

823N99003 Contaminated Sediments News, Number 23, Spring 1999

823R00001 Bioaccumulation Testing and Interpretation for the Purpose of Sediment Quality Assessment, Status and Needs

823R00002 Chemical Specific Summary Tables: Bioaccumulation Testing and Interpretation for the Purpose of Sediment Quality Assessment, Status and Needs

823R00002ES Chemical Specific Summary Tables, ERRATA Sheet

823R00003 Regional Beach Program Conferences, 1999 Proceedings

823R00006 AQUATOX for Windows: Modular Fate and Effects Model for Aquatic Ecosystems, Release 1, Volume 1: User's Manual

823R00007 AQUATOX for Windows: Modular Fate and Effects Model for Aquatic Ecosystems, Release 1, Volume 2: Technical Documentation

823R00008 Aquatox for Windows: Modular Fate and Effects Model for Aquatic Ecosystems, Release 1, Volume 3: Model Validation Reports

823R01001 Water Quality Criterion for the Protection of Human Health: Methylmercury, Final

823R01005 Draft: National Beach Guidance and Performance Criteria for Recreation Waters

823R01007 Aquatox: A Modular Fate and Effects Model for Aquatic Ecosystems, Release 1.1: Volume 2, Technical Documentation (Addendum)

823R01008 Aquatox for Windows: Modular Fate and Effects Model for Aquatic Ecosystems, Release 1.1, Volume 3: Model Validation Reports Addendum

823R02003 Memorandum of Agreement Between the Environmental Protection Agency, Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service Regarding Enhanced Coordination Under the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act

823R03009 Protecting Our Beaches: Learn What EPA Is Doing To Protect Public Health At Beaches And How You Can Get Involved

823R03010 Strategy For Water Quality Standards And Criteria Office Of Science And Technology

823R03010ES Office Of Water Letter

823R04001 Aquatox(RELEASE 2): Modeling Environmental Fate And Ecological Effects In Aquatic Ecosystems: Vol. 1 User's Manual

823R04002 Aquatox (RELEASE 2): Modeling Environmental Fate And Ecological Effects In Aquatic Ecosystems Vol. 2: Technical Documentation

823R04003 AQUATOX(Release 2): Modeling Environmental Fate And Ecological Effects In Aquatic Ecosystems

823R04006 Proceedings of the 2004 National Forum on Contaminants in Fish January 25-28, 2004

823R04007 Incidence and Severity of Sediment Contamination in Surface Waters of the United States

823R05001 Proceedings of the 2004 National Beaches Conference

823R05006 Proceedings of the 2005 National Forum on Contaminants in Fish

823R06001 Implementing the Beach Act of 2000: Report to Congress, October 2006

823R06004 Case Studies in Tribal Water Quality Standards Programs: The Hoopa Valley Tribe

823R06005 Case Studies in Tribal Water Quality Standards Programs: The Sokaogon Chippewa Community

823R06006 Case Studies in Tribal Water Quality Standards Programs: The Hualapai Tribe

823R06007 Case Studies in Tribal Water Quality Standards Programs: Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation

823R06008 Aquatox (Release 2.2): Modeling Environmental Fate and Ecological Effects in Aquatic Ecosystems: Technical Documentation (addendum)

823R07002 Biological Nutrient Removal Processes and Costs

823R69001 Proceedings: Progress Evaluation Meeting in the Matter of the Interstate and Intrastate Waters of the Upper Mississippi River and its Tributaries - Minnesota and Wisconsin, July 22, 1969 Minneapolis Minnesota

823R80001 Chromium Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest, A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria

823R86100 EPA's Review And Approval Procedure For State Submitted Tmdlswlas

823R88100 Guidance for State Implementation of Water Quality Standards for CWA Section 303(C)(2)(B)

823R91100 Guidance on Water Quality Standards and 401 Certification Programs Administered by Indian Tribes

823R92003 Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allocations: Book 3, Estuaries, Part 2: Application of Estuarine Waste Load Allocation Models

823R92004 Technical Guidance

823R92005 Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allocations: Book 3, Estuaries, Part 4, Critical Review of Coastal Embayment and Estuarine Waste Load Allocation Modeling

823R92006 Sediment Classification Methods Compendium

823R92007 Proceedings: The EPA's Contaminated Sediment Management Strategy Forums

823R92008A National Study of Chemical Residues: Volume I

823R92008B National Study of Chemical Residues in Fish: Volume 2

823R92008C EPA National Study of Chemical Residues in Fish: Press Package, November 1992

823R92009 Proceedings: Water Quality Standards For the 21st Century, 3rd, Las Vegas, Nevada, August 31-September 3, 1992

823R93001 Tiered Testing Issues for Freshwater and Marine Sediments

823R93002 Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative

823R93003 Proceedings: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Technical Workshop ''PCBS in Tissue'', May 10-11, 1993, Washington, D.C. (Include Letter)

823R93005 Chronological Summary Of Federal Water Quality Standards And Applied Science Division

823R93006 Great Lakes Water Quality Guidance

823R94001 EPA's Contaminated Sediment Management Strategy

823R94002 Proceedings: The National Sediment Inventory Workshop, April 26-27, 1994 Washington, D. C.

823R94003 Framework for the Development of the National Sediment Inventory

823R95001 Guidance For Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisories, Volume IV: Risk Communication

823R95002 Proceedings: National Forum on Mercury in Fish, September 27-29, 1994 New Orleans, Louisiana

823R95003 Allocated Impact Zones for Areas of Non-Compliance

823R95004 Fact Sheet: National Listing of Fish Consumption Advisories, Update

823R95005 Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Effluent Guidelines for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry

823R95006 National Sediment Containminant Point Source Inventory: Analysis Of Release Data For 1992

823R95007 Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisories: Fish Sampling and Analysis, Volume 1: 2nd Edition

823R96001 Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources: Basins, Version 1.0, User's Manual

823R96002 Combined Sewer Overflows and the Multimetric Evaluation of Their Biological Effects: Case Studies in Ohio and New York

823R97005 Assessment of Sediments from the Upper Mississippi River, Final Report, June 1997

823R97006 Incidence and Severity of Sediment Contamination in Surface Waters of the United States, Volume 1: National Sediment Quality Survey

823R97007 Incidence and Severity of Sediment Contamination in Surface Waters of the United States: Data Summaries for Areas of Probable Concern, Volume 2

823R97008 Incidence and Severity of Sediment Contamination in Surface Waters of the United States, Volume 3: National Sediment Contaminant Point Source Inventory

823R98001 EPA's Contaminated Sediment Management Strategy

823R98002 Proceedings: National Sediment Bioaccumulation Conference

823R98003 Bacterial Water Quality Standards Status Report

823R98004 National Beach Conference: Report on Action Items, October 15-16, 1997

823R99014 National Survey of Mercury Concentrations in Fish: Data Base Summary 1990-1995

823R99015 Implementation of the water Quality-based Provisions in the CSO Control Policy: Outline of Draft EPA Guidance

823R99016 Summary of Participants' Comments at the EPA-WEF Experts Workshop on Implementing the WQ-Based Provisions in the CSO Control Policy

823R99017 Summary of the Listening Sessions Observations and Recommendations for Guidance and Technical Assistance to Facilitate Water Quality and Designated Use Reviews for Waters Impacted by Combined Sewer

823Z83100 Federal Register: November 8, 1983, Part 2. Water Quality Standards Regulation

823Z92001 Federal Register: December 22, 1992, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 131. Water Quality Standards; Establishment of Numeric Criteria for Priority Toxic of Numeric Criteria for Priority Toxic Pollutants; States' Compliance; Final Rule

823Z9300 Correction Notice

823Z93001 Federal Register: April 16, 1993, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 122 et al. Water Quality Guidance for the Great Lakes System and Correction; Proposed Rules

823Z98002 Federal Register: July 7, 1998, Part 2 40 CFR Part 131 Water Quality Standards Regulation; Proposed Rule

825F99015 Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Related Compounds Update: Impact on Fish Advisories

825F99018 Mercury Update: Impact on Fish Advisories

825F99019 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Update: Impact on Fish Advisories

830B74100 Manual For Preparation Of Environmental Impact Statements For Wastewater Treatment Works, Facilities Plansm and 208 Areawide Treatment Management Plans

830B89100 Guide to the Office of Water Accountability System and Mid-Year Evaluations FY 1990

830B94001 Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Control Policy

830B94002 Working Together for a Cleaner Environment: Selected Resources to Help Improve EPA-Stakeholder Relations

830B95001 Office of Wastewater Management Catalog of Publications (Mar '95)

830B95002 Annotated Bibliography of Environmental Indicators to Assess the Effectiveness of Municipal and Industrial Stormwater Control Programs

830B96001 Office of Wastewater Management Catalog of Publications (Apr '96)

830D94001 Combined Sewer Overflows Guidance for Permit Writers Working Draft

830F89100 It's Your Choice: Small Community Wastewater Options

830F90001 Public-private Partnerships Save Cities Millions Environmental Management Option

830K80100 Alternative Is Conservation

830K94001 Office of Wastewater Management Primer

830R70001 Wastewater Monitoring Data Reports

830R79001 Report on Reevaluation of the 1977 Effluent Limitations for the Hilo-Hamakua Coast of the Island of Hawaii : Raw Cane Sugar Processing Subcategory

830R80101 1990 A Strategy For Municipal Wastewater Treatment

830R82100 Cost Effectiveness Analysis

830R85901 NPDES Self-monitoring System Users Guide

830R88101 Final Guidance For Implementation Of Requirements Under Section 304(1) Of The Clean Water Act As Amended

830R92002 Construction Grants and State Revolving Fund Implementation Package for FY 1992

830R93001 Office of Wastewater Enforcement and Compliance Strategic Plan

830R99001 Implementation Guidance for the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule and the Stage 1 Disinfectants Disinfection Byproducts Rule.

830S78001 Updated Summary of the Operational Control Procedures for the Activated Sludge Process

830S89001 Literature Summaries Prepared for a CSO Guidance Document

830Z00002 Federal Register July 13, 2000, Part 6, 40 CFR Part 9, Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and Management Regulation and Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program in Support of Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and Management Regulations: Final Rule

831B93002A Preparing Sewage Sludge For Land Application Or Surface Disposal Guide For Preparers Of Sewage Sludge On The Monitoring Recordkeeping And Reporting Requirements Of The Federal

831B93002a Preparing Sewage Sludge For Land Application Or Surface Disposal

831B93002B Land Application of Sewage Sludge A Guide for the Land Appliers on the Requirements of the Federal Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge, 40 CFR Part 503

831B93002C Surface Disposal Of Sewage Sludge Guide For Ownersoperators Of Surface Disposal Facilities On The Monitoring Recordkeeping And Reporting Requirements Of The Federal

831F92001 US EPA Pretreatment Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement System Version 3 0, User's Guide

831F93001 Permit Compliance System: Public Access to PCS Data Products

831R77101 NPDES Compliance Sampling Manual

831R81100 NPDES Compliance Evaluation Inspection Manual

831R84100 Npdes Compliance Inspection Manual

831R92001 Review of Water Quality Standards, Permit Limitations, and Variances for Thermal Discharges at Power Plants

831S92001 What is the MWPP Program?

831S92002 Introduction to Water Quality-Based Toxics Control of the NPDES Program

832A93001 Privatization of Public Facilities: Panacea or Pipe Dream?

832B00001 Nomination Guidance: 2000 Beneficial Use of Biosolids Awards Program: for Operating Projects, Technology Development, Research, and Public Acceptance

832B00002 Guidance on the Privatization of Federally Funded Wastewater Treatment Works

832B00005 Office of Wastewater Management Catalog of Publications (Aug '00)

832B00007 Guide to Field Storage of Biosolids

832B01003 SRF Fund Management Handbook

832B02003 Cases in Water Conservation: How Efficiency Programs Help Water Utilities Save Water and Avoid Costs

832B02005 Homeowner's Guide to Septic Systems

832B02006 Homeowner's Guide to Septic Systems

832B02007 How a House Works: What Happens After the Flush

832B03001 Voluntary National Guidelines For Management Of Onsite And Clustered (Decentralized) Wastewater Treatment Systems

832B04003 National Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET)Implementation GuidanceUnder the NPDES Program Draft

832B05001 Handbook For Managing Onsite And Clustered (decentralized) Wastewater Treatment Systems Introduction To Management Tools And Information For Implementing Epa's Management Guidelines

832B06002 Homeowner's Guide to Septic Systems {Spanish Brochure}

832B76105 Design of Wastewater Treatment Facilities

832B77104 Accounting Guide For Construction Grants Projects Office Of Resource Management, Financial Management Division

832B78100 Applications Of Sludges and Wastewaters On Agricultural Land Planning and Educational Guide

832B83100 Management of Construction Change Orders: Guide for Grantees

832B83105 Operator Training Programs

832B86100 Management Of A Construction Project Guide For Grantees

832B88102 Srf Initial Guidance For State Revolving Funds

832B89102 Guidance For Developing Control Authority Enforcement Response Plans

832B92001 Municipal Water Pollution Prevention Bibliography

832B92002 Grants Information and Control System Directory - GICS June 1992

832B92003 Determining Wastewater User Service Charge Rates: A Step By Step Manual (Includes Diskette)

832B92004 Road to Financing: Assessing and Improving Your Community's Creditworthiness

832B92005 Domestic Septage Regulatory Guidance: A Guide to The EPA 503 Rule

832B93003 Designing a Water Conservation Program: An Annotated Bibliography of Source Materials

832B93004 Water-related Giss (Geographic Information Systems) Along The US Mexico Border

832B93005 Guide to the Biosolids Risk Assessments for the EPA Part 503 Rule

832B94010 Utility Manager's Guide to Water and Wastewater Budgeting

832B94011 Grants Information and Control System Directory - GICS September 1994

832B95002 Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Long-Term Control Plan

832B95003 Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Nine Minimum Controls

832B95004 Combined Sewer Overflows: Screening And Ranking Guidance

832B95005 Emerging Technology Report: Preliminary Status of Airplane Deicing Fluid Recovery Systems

832B95007 Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Funding Options

832B95008 Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance For Permit Writers

832B96002 Interim Report: Evaluation of the Advanced Ecologically Engineered System (AEES) ''Living Machine'' Wastewater Treatment Technology, Frederick, Maryland

832B96005 Clean Water State Revolving Fund Funding Framework Funding To Solve Our Nation's Water Quality Problems

832B96006 Assessment of Vortex Solid Separators for the Control and Treatment of Wet Weather Flow

832B96007 Environmental Management Systems: Implementation Guide for Small And Medium-Sized Organizations

832B96008 Catalog of Financial Support Sources for U.S.-Mexico Border Water Infrastructure

832B97003 State Match Options for the State Revolving Fund Program

832B97004 Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Financial Capability Assessment and Schedule Development

832B97005 Office of Wastewater Management Catalog of Publications (Jul '97)

832B98003 Guide to Using EPA's Automated Clearing House for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program

832B98005 Clean Water Tribal Resource Directory for Wastewater Treatment Assistance

832B98006 Office of Wastewater Management Catalog of Publications (Sep '98)

832B98014 Lineamientos Para El Plan De Conservacion Del Agua {water Conversation Plan Guidelines} {spanish}

832B99001 Nomination Guidance: 1999Beneficial Use of Biosolids Awards Program: For Operating Projects, Technology Development, Research, and Public Acceptance

832B99002 Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Monitoring and Modeling

832B99004 Office of Wastewater Management Catalog of Publications (Oct '99)

832D00001 Office of Wastewater Management Common Sense Guide to Quality Management: Pilot Test Draft: July 2000

832D03001 DRAFT HandBook For Management Of Onsite And Clustered (Decentralized) WasteWater Treatment Systems

832D98001 Water Conservation Plan Guidelines

832D98002 Environmental Indicators For the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F00001 Protecting Drinking Water with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F00002 Funding Shellfish Restoration and Remediation Projects with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F00003 WAVE Partners: Office Buildings

832F00004 Fact Sheet: Funding MTBE Prevention and Remediation Projects with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F00005 Benefits of Protecting Your Community from Sanitary Sewer Overflows

832F00006 Funding Biosolid Projects Using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F00010 WAVE, Saving Vital Resources: Water, Energy and Your Money

832F00011 Frequently Asked Questions About U.S. EPA's Voluntary Water-Efficiency Program

832F00013 Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet Oxidation Ditches

832F00016 Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet Package Plants

832F00017 Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption and Regeneration

832F00018 Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet Chemical Precipitation

832F00022 Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet Dechlorination

832F00024 Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet Free Water Surface Wetlands

832F00031 Folleto Informativo De Sistemas Descentralizados Tratamiento Aeróbico

832F00047 Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet High-Efficiency Toilets

832F00052 Biosolids Technology Fact Sheet Alkaline Stabilization of Biosolids

832F00053 Biosolids Technology Fact sheet Centrifuge Thickening and Dewatering

832F00057 BiosolidsTechnology Fact Sheet Belt Filter Press

832F00058 Biosolids Technology Fact Sheet Recessed-Plate Filter Press

832F00061 Biosolids Technology Fact Sheet In-Vessel Composting of Biosolids

832F00064 Biosolids Technology Fact Sheet Land Application of Biosolids

832F00067 Biosolids and Residuals Management Fact Sheet Odor Control in Biosolids Management

832F00068 Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet Pipe Construction and Materials

832F00073 Collection Systems Technology Fact Sheet Sewers, Lift Station

832F00074 Funding Class V Injection Well Closures with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F00075 Environmental Management Systems and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F00076 Wastewater Treatment Programs Available to Native Americans

832F00077 Fact Sheet: Rural Community Assistance Program (RCAP) Help for Small Community Wastewater Projects

832F01001 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Based Water Quality Standards and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F01001ES Addendum for Municipal Wastewater Disinfection: Protecting Aquatic Life and Human Health from the Impacts of Chlorination 1991

832F01007 Brownfield Remediation Through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F02001 Clean Water Revolving Fund Activity Update: Ohio's Restoration Sponser Program Integrates Point Source and Nonpoint Source Projects

832F02002 Water Efficient Landscaping: Preventing Pollution and Using Resources Wisely

832F02004 Innovative use of Clean Water State Revolving Funds for Nonpoint Source Pollution

832F02020 Storm Water Technology Fact Sheet Sorbent Materials in Storm Water Applications

832F02021 Decentralized Systems Technology Fact Sheet Septic Tank Polishing

832F02023 Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet Rock Media Polishing Filter for Lagoons

832F02025 Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet the Living Machine®

832F03001 Clean Water State Relvolving Fund: Activity Update, One Stop Shopping in the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program

832F03002 Fact Sheet: Use of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund to Implement Security Measures at Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Works

832F03003 Activity Update: Funding Decentralized Wastewater Systems Using the Cleane Water State Revolving Fund

832F03004 Fact Sheet: Cleaning Up Polluted Runoff with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F03006 Homeowner Septic System Checklist

832F03007 If You Have a Septic System: Utility Bill Inserts

832F03008 Where Does All the Dirty Water Go? Protect the Environment in Our Community

832F03009 Funding Nonpoint Source Activities With The Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F03011 Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet Screening and Grit Removal

832F03015 U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service Water and Waste Disposal Programs Fiscal Year 2003

832F03027 Water and Wastewater Pricing An Informational Overview

832F04001 Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F05023 Fact Sheet List Of Contacts For Decentralized Wastewater Treatment

832F05024 List Of Publications Available On Onsite And Small Community Wastewater Treatment

832F06012 List Of EPA Contacts For Decentralized Wastewater Treatment

832F06013 List Of Publications Available On Onsite and Small Community Wastewater Treatment

832F06014 Fact Sheet: Every Drop Counts

832F06018 Fact Sheet: WaterSense Labeled High-Efficiency Toilets (HETs)

832F06019 Fact Sheet: The Watersense Label

832F07002 List of EPA Contacts for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment

832F07005 List of Publications Available on Onsite and Small Community Wastewater Treatment

832F08053 List of Publications Available on Onsite and Small Community Wastewater Treatment

832F08054 A Day in the Life of a Drop; Worksheet 1

832F08055 NPDES Voluntary Permit Fee Incentive for Clean Water Act Section 106 Grants Allotment Formula

832F08058 Watersense Labeled New Homes

832F92001 Source Reduction: Integral Part of the MWPP Program

832F92003 Developing Public-Private Partnerships Option For Wastewater Financing

832F93001 Youth and the Environment Training and Employment Program

832F93004 Partners Rebuilding America Public-private Partnerships In Wastewater Finance

832F93006 Fact Sheet: Pollution Prevention Opportunity Checklists, Case Studies

832F93007 Fact Sheet: Enforcement Requirements, Case Studies

832F93008 Fact Sheet: Streamlining Administrative Requirements, Case Studies

832F93009 Fact Sheet: Centralized Treatment and Recovery, Case Studies

832F93010 Fact Sheet: Source Reduction Workshops, Case Studies

832F93011 Fact Sheet: Toxics Minimization Task Force, Case Studies

832F93013 Municipal Wastewater Management Fact Sheets: Storm Water Best Management Practices

832F94002 Combined Sewer Overflow Control Policy: A Consensus Solution to Improve Water Quality

832F94003 Introducing WAVE: Water Alliances for Voluntary Efficiency: Hotel Water Management for the 21st Century

832F94004 Fact Sheet: The Most Commonly Asked Questions about U.S. EPA's Voluntary Water-Efficiency Program

832F94005 Fact Sheet: WAVE-Saver Water Management Software

832F94006 Fact sheet: Becoming a WAVE Partner

832F95001 Fact Sheet: Becoming a WAVE Supporter

832F96001 Municipal Wastewater Management Fact Sheets Storm Water Best Management Practices

832F96003 Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program

832F97001 Hardship Grants Program for Rural Communities

832F97003 Fact Sheet: Rural Community Assistance Program (RCAP) Help for Small Community Wastewater Projects

832F97004 Federal Funding Sources for Small Community Wastewater Systems

832F97006 Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Water Act Indian Set-Aside Grant Program

832F97014 Protecting Wetlands with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F98001 Cleaning Up Polluted Runoff with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F98003 Clean Water State Revolving Fund and the Clean Water Action Plan

832F98005 Funding Estuary Projects Using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F98006 Funding Brownfield Remediation with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F99001 Funding Decentralized Wastewater Systems Using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F99002 Storm Water Technology Fact Sheet: Turf Reinforcement Mats

832F99003 Storm Water Management Fact Sheet: Dust Control

832F99004 Storm Water O and M Fact Sheet: Preventive Maintenance

832F99005 Storm Water Management Fact Sheet: Record Keeping

832F99006 Storm Water Technology Fact Sheet Vegetated Swales

832F99007 Storm Water Technology Fact Sheet: Sand Filters

832F99008 Combined Sewer Overflow Technology Fact Sheet: Floatables Control

832F99009 Storm Water Management Fact Sheet: Coverings

832F99010 Storm Water Management Fact Sheet Employee Training

832F99011 Storm Water O and M Fact Sheet: Catch Basin Cleaning

832F99012 Storm Water Technology Fact Sheet: Bioretention

832F99013 Fact Sheet: Rural Communities Assistance Program (RCAP) Help for Small Community Wastewater Projects

832F99015 Storm Water O&M Fact Sheet Handling and Disposal of Residuals

832F99016 Storm Water Management Fact Sheet Minimizing Effects From Highway Deicing

832F99017 Storm Water Technology Fact Sheet Hydrodynamic Separators

832F99021 Storm Water Management Fact Sheet Materials Inventory

832F99025 Storm Water Technology Fact Sheet: Storm Water Wetlands

832F99032 Collection Systems O&M Fact Sheet Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation

832F99034 Combined Sewer Overflow Technology Fact Sheet Chlorine Disinfection

832F99036 Moving Toward a Cleaner Environment: Managing Onsite/Decentralized Wastewater Systems

832F99038 Combined Sewer Overflow Management Fact Sheet Pollution Prevention

832F99043 Storm Water Technology Fact Sheet Airplane Deicing Fluid Recovery Systems

832F99044 Storm Water Technology Fact Sheet: Modular Treatment Systems

832F99046 Storm Water Management Fact Sheet: Visual Inspection

832F99048 Storm Water Technology Fact Sheet: Wet Detention Ponds

832F99050 Funding Water Conservation and Reuse with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F99051 The Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program

832F99052 Using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund for Watersheds Impaired By Mining

832F99057 Funding of Small Community Needs Through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

832F99058 EPA 1996 Clean Water Needs Survey: Small Community Wastewater Needs

832F99059 USDA Loan and Grant Funding for Small Community Waste Water Projects

832F99060 U.S. Census Data on Small Community Housing and Wastewater Disposal and Plumbing Practices

832F99062 Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet: Chlorine Disinfection

832F99063 Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet: Ozone Disinfection

832F99064 Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet: Ultraviolet Disinfection

832F99065 Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet: Fine Bubble Aeration

832F99066 Water Efficiency Technology Fact Sheet Composting Toilets

832F99067 Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet: Intermittent Sand Filters

832F99068 Decentralized Systems Technology Fact Sheet: Septage Treatment/Disposal

832F99069 WAVE: Water Management for the 21st Century

832F99070 WAVE Partners: Hotels and Motels

832F99071 Storm Water Management Fact Sheet Spill Prevention Planning

832F99079 Decentralized Systems Technology Fact Sheet Recirculating Sand Filters

832F99080 Using Water Efficiently: Ideas for Commercial Businesses

832F99081 Using Water Efficiently: Ideas for Industry

832F99082 Using Water Efficiently: Ideas for Residences

832F99083 Using Water Efficiently: Ideas for Communities

832F99084 Water Saver: Water Management Software

832F99085 Benefits of Water Efficiency Go Beyond Your Bottom Line!

832F99093 Usando ei Agua Eficientemente: Ideas para los Negocios Comerciales

832F99094 Usando ei Agua Eficientemente: Ideas para la Industria

832F99095 Usando ei Agua Eficientemente: Ideas para las Residencias

832F99096 Usando ei Agua Eficientemente: Ideas para las Communidades

832K03001 Irrigation Controllers: Timers for the Homeowner

832K03002 2003 National Clean Water Act: Recognition Awards Ceremony

832K05005 National Clean Water Act Recognition Awards Ceremony 2005

832K08001 Watering Can Be Efficient

832K80100 Primer for Wastewater Treatment

832K92001 Water Resource Management: Ideas for Community Officials, Poster, 1992

832K96001 Sanitary Sewer Overflows: What are They, and How do We Reduce Them?

832K97002 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About the U.S. EPA Clean Water Indian Set-Aside Grant Program

832K99002 Irrigation Controllers for the Homeowner: Recommended Water Saving Features

832N00001 SRF's Up: Newsletter for the Clean Water and Drinking Water SRF Program

832N01001 SRF's Up: Newsletter for the Clean Water and Drinking Water SRF Programs

832N08001 SRF’s Up A Newsletter for the CleanWater SRF

832N92001 Municipal Support Division: Publications List

832N94001 Municipal Support Division: Publication List

832N99001 SRF's Up

832R00001 Status Report on the Water-Wastewater Infrastructure Program for the US-Mexico Borderlands

832R00002 Wastewater Treatment Programs Serving Small Communities

832R00002A Programas de Sistemas de Tratamiento de Aguas Residualas Sirviendo a Paquenas Comunidades

832R00003 Final Report: US EPA Environmental Management System Pilot Program for Local Government Entities

832R00004 Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator On-Site Technical Assistance Training Program - 104(g)(1) End of Year 1999 Accomplishment Report

832R00005 Small Communities Team Outreach and Technical Assistance Programs: End of Year 1999 Accomplishment Report

832R00007 Status Report on the Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Program for the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands

832R00008 Progress In Water Quality Evaluation Of The National Investment In Municipal Wastewater Treatment {executive Summary}

832R00008A Progress in Water Quality: Evaluation of the National Investment in Municipal Wastewater Treatment

832R00010 Potential Roles for Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs in Smart Growth Initiatives

832R00011 Financing America's Clean Water Since 1987: Report of Progress and Innovation

832R00012 National Evaluation of the Wastewater Operator 104g 1 Training Program, 1999

832R01001 Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator On-Site Technical Assistance Training Program - 104(g)(1) End of year 2000 Accomplishment Report

832R01002 Integrate Planning and Priority Setting in the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program

832R01003 Development Selection and Pilot Demonstration of Preliminary Environmental Indicators for the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Program, Volume 1: Task Force Report

832R01003A Development Selection and Pilot Demonstration of Preliminary Environmental Indicators for the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Program: Volume 2: Technical Appendices

832R02004 Wastewater Treatment Programs Serving Small Communities

832R03001 Clean Watersheds Needs Survey 2000: Report To Congress

832R03002 ISCORS Asessment of Radioactivity in Sewage Sludge: Radiological Survey Results and Analysis

832R03002B ISCORS Assessment Of Radioactivity In Sewage Sludge: Recommendations On Management Of Radioactive Materials In Sewage Sludge And Ash At Publicly Owned Treatmrnt Works

832R04001 Primer For Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems

832R04002 EPA Funds Available For Forestry Projects

832R05001 2004 Annual Report Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs Proven Integrity and Performance

832R05002 Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems: A Program Strategy

832R05004 Compost Use in Forest Land Restoration

832R05006 Development of Water Quality Analyses for the Shared Waters of the United States and Mexico

832R06001 2005 Annual Report Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs Recognizing Performance Demonstrating Results

832R06003 Guidance on Awards of Grants to Indian Tribes under Section 106 of the Clean Water Act for Fiscal Years 2007 and Beyond

832R06007 Tribal Resource Directory for Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment

832R07001 2006 Annual Report Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs Reaching Communities, Achieving Success

832R08001 2007 Annual Report Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs

832R77101 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program References Regulations Guidance Procedures

832R78103 Wastewater Stabilization Pond Linings

832R79100 Energy Requirements for Small Flow Wastewater Treatment Systems

832R80101 Financial Building Blocks: For Self-Sustaining Municipal Wastewater Facilities

832R83100 Methane Recovery

832R83102 Emerging Technology: Biological Aerated Filter, A Promising Biological Process

832R83103 Emerging Technology: Aquaculture, An Alternative Wastewater Treatment Approach

832R83104 Emerging Technologies: Counter-Current Aeration, A Promising Process Modification

832R83105 Emerging Technology: Intrachannel Clarification, A Project Assessment

832R83106 Emerging Technology: Sequencing Batch Reactors, A Project Assessment

832R83109 Practical Technology: A Practical Technology Rapid Infiltration, A Viable Land Treatment Alternative

832R84100 The Constructive Incentive Program

832R84101 Intermittent Sand Filtration

832R84102 Emerging Technology: Vacuum-Assisted Sludge Dewatering Beds, an Alternate Approach

832R84103 Financial Capability Summary Foldout: A Simplified Approach

832R84104 Granular Activated Carbon Systems: Problems and Remedies

832R84106 Is Your Proposed Wastewater Project Too Costly? Options for Small Communities

832R84108 Lime Handling Systems: Problems and Remedies

832R84109 Overland Flow an Update: New Information Improves Reliability

832R84111 Practical Technology: Hydrograph Controlled Release Lagoons, A Promising Modification

832R84113 Tertiary Granular Filtration: Problems and Remedies

832R84114 Value Engineering for Wastewater Treatment Works

832R84121 FY 1983 Status Report : The National Public Water System Program

832R85100 Technology Assessment of Intermittent Sand Filters

832R85101 Financial Management: For Publicly Owned Treatment Works

832R85102 Sidestreams in Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plants: Problems and Remedies

832R85106 Water Reuse Via Dual Distribution Systems

832R85107 Innovative and Alternative Technology Projects 1985 Progress Report

832R85108 Report to Congress on Training for Operators of Publicly Qwned Wastewater Treatment Plants

832R86102 Disinfection with Ultraviolet Light: Design, Construct, and Operate for Success

832R86103 Intrachannel Clarification: An Update

832R86104 Large Soil Absorption Systems: Design Suggestions for Success

832R86105 Management of a Construction Project: An Opportunity and a Challenge

832R86110 Innovative and Alternative Technology Projects 1986 Progress Report

832R87100 Hydrograph Controlled Release Lagoons Update For A Promising Technology

832R87101 Innovations in Sludge Drying Beds: A Practical Technology

832R87102 In-Vessel Composting A Technology Assessment

832R87103 Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment in Cold Climates

832R89001 Analysis Of Performance Limiting Factors (PLFs) At Small Sewage Treatment Plants

832R90109 State Revolving Fund (SRF) : Final Report to Congress ; Draft

832R91001 Construction Grants and State Revolving Fund Implementation Package for FY 1991

832R92001 Detection, Control, and Correction of Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion in Existing Wastewater Systems

832R92002 Sequencing Batch Reactors for Nitrification and Nutrient Removal

832R92003 Evaluation of Oxidation Ditches for Nutrient Removal

832R92004 Ultraviolet Disinfection Technology Assessment

832R92005 Storm Water Management for Construction Activities: Developing Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices

832R92006 Storm Water Management for Industrial Activities: Developing Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices

832R92007 Technical Evaluation of the Vertical Loop Reactor Process Technology

832R92900 Assessment of On-Site Graywater and Combined Wastewater Treatment and Recycling Systems

832R93002 Needs Survey Report To Congress 1992

832R93003 A Plain English Guide to the EPA Part 503 Biosolids Rule

832R93005 Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment and Wildlife Habitat: 17 Case Studies

832R93005A Carolina Bays: A Natural Wastewater Treatment Program

832R93005B Natural Wetlands for Wastewater Polishing: Houghton Lake, Michigan

832R93005C Cannon Beach: Wooded Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment

832R93005D Reuse of Municipal Wastewater By Volunteer Freshwater Wetlands: Vermontville, Michigan

832R93005E Natural System for Wastewater Reclamation and Resource Enhancement: Arcata, California

832R93005F The Mt. View Project: A Community Success Story

832R93005G Wetlands as a Part of Reuse and Disposal: Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District

832R93005H Wetlands from Wastewater: The Hayward Marsh Expansion Project

832R93005I Wetland Treatment Systems: A Case History. The Orlando Easterly Wetlands Reclamation Project

832R93005J Wetland Treatment Systems: A Case History. The Lakeland Wetland Treatment System

832R93005K Incline Village General Improvement District Wetlands Enhancement Facility: A Total Evaporative Constructed Wetland Treatment/Disposal System

832R93005L Pintail Lake and Redhead Marsh: Created Wetlands in Northern Arizona

832R93005M Jacques Marsh: A Created Wetland in Northeastern Arizona

832R93005N Fort Deposit, Alabama: Constructed Wetland Treatment System Case History

832R93005O West Jackson County, Mississippi: Constructed Wetland Treatment System Case History

832R93005P Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve: Hillsboro, Oregon

832R93005Q Des Plaines River Wetlands Project: Wetlands for River Water Quality Improvement

832R93008 Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands For Wastewater Treatment: A Technology Assessment

832R94009 Biosolids Recycling: Beneficial Technology for a Better Environment

832R94012 Survey of Private Community Water Systems

832R94013 Survey of Public Community Water Systems

832R95001 Clean Water State Revolving Fund Financing America's Environmental Infrastructure, A Report of Progress

832R95003 Case Studies in Residual Use and Energy Conservation at Wastewater Treatment Plants: Interagency Energy and Environmental Research Report

832R95006 Wastewater Stabilization Ponds on the Mexico USA Border Performance and Upgrading Potential

832R95007 Sanitary Sewer Overflow Workshop

832R96002 Environmental Management System Demonstration Project: Final Report

832R97001A Response To Congress On Privatization Of Wastewater Facilities

832R97001B Response to Congress on Use of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems

832R97002 Response to Congress on the AEES ''Living Machine'' Wastewater Treatment Technology

832R97003 Clean Water Needs, Report to Congress

832R97004 Clean Water State Revolving Fund: Practical Approaches to Improving Pace

832R98001 Outreach and Technical Assistance Programs: 1997 Accomplishments, Small Underserved Communities Team

832R99001 Waster Treatment Plant Operator On-Site Technical Assistance Training Program 104(G)(1): End of Physical Year 1998 Accomplishment Report

832R99900 Joint NRC/EPA Sewage Sludge Radiological Survey: Survey Design and Test Site Results

832S91100 Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion: Its Consequences, Detection and Control

832S99001 Treatment Wetland Habitat and Wildlife Use Assessment: Executive Summary

832S99002 Free Water Surface Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment: A technology Assessment, June 1999

832Z97001 Federal Register: March 20, 1997, Part 10. Rural Communities Hardship Grants Program Implementation Guidelines; Notice

833A07001 Erratum Sheet for Whole Effluent Toxicity Training Video Series Freshwater Series

833A89100 Abstracts of Toxicity Reduction Evaluations

833B00001 Guidance Manual for Conditional Exclusion from Storm Water Permitting Based on ''No Exposure'' of Industrial Activities to Storm Water

833B03002 After the Storm: Citizen's Guide to Understanding Stormwater

833B03003 Make Your Home the Solution to Stormwater Pollution: A Homeowner's Guide to Healthy Habits for Clean Water

833B03004 Watershed-Based National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permitting Implementation Guidance

833B04001 NPDES Permit Writers' Guidance Manual and Example NPDES Permit for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

833B06003 Using Smart Growth Techniques As Stormwater Best Management Practices

833B80001 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training Sampling Procedures

833B83100 Guidance Manual For Potw Pretreatment Program Development

833B85100 NPDES Self-Monitoring System: User Guide

833B85200 Guidance Manual for Preparation and Review of Removal Credit Applications

833B85201 Guidance Manual for the Use of Production-Based Pretreatment Standards and the Combined Wastestream Formula

833B86100 Pretreatment Compliance Inspection and Audit Manual for Approval Authorities

833B86101 Guidance Manual for Leather Tanning and Finishing Pretreatment Standards

833B87201 Guidance Manual for Preventing Interference at POTWS

833B87202 Guidance Manual on the Development and Implementation of Local Discharge Limitations Under the Pretreatment Program

833B88002 Final Guidance for Implementation of Requirements Under Section 304 (1) of the Clean Water Act as Amended

833B89100 POTW Sludge Sampling and Analysis Guidance Document

833B90100 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training: Overview

833B90101 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training: Sampling

833B90102 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training: Legal Issues

833B90104 State Sludge Management Program Guidance Manual

833B92001 NPDES Stormwater Sampling Guidance Document

833B92002 Guidance Manual for the Preparation of Part 2 of the NPDES Permit Applications for Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems

833B92003 Model Pretreatment Ordinance

833B92005 List Of Hazardous Substance And Reportable Quantities 9-92 Guidance Bill Swietlik 260-9529

833B93002 Guidance for the Preparation of Discharge Monitoring Reports Facilities Required to Report Semi-Annual Monitoring Results Under NPDES Storm Water General Permits

833B93004 Guidance Manual for Developing Best Management Practices (BMP)

833B93005 NPDES Industrial Permit Abstracts 1993

833B94003 THC Continuous Emission Monitoring Guidance for Part 503 Sewage Sludge Incinerators

833B94004 NPDES and Sewage Sludge Program Authority: A Handbook for Federally Recognized Indian Tribes

833B94005 Multijurisdictional Pretreatment Programs: Guidance Manual

833B94006 Guidance Document for Testing and Permitting Sewage Sludge Incinerators Revised Draft Final Report

833B95001 Guide Manual On NPDES Regulations For Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Final

833B96001 Interim Guidance for Performance-Based Reduction of NPDES Permit Monitoring Frequencies

833B96003 U.S. EPA NPDES Permit Writers' Manual

833B97001 U.S. EPA NPDES Permit Writers' Course Workbook 1997

833B97001 U.S. EPA NPDES Permit Writers' Course Workbook Revised January 2001 Sacramento, California January 22-26, 2001

833B97001 U.S. EPA NPDES Permit Writers' Course Workbook Revised May 2000 Austin, Texas May 8-12, 2000

833B98002 Introduction to the National Pretreatment Program

833B98003 Guidance Manual for the Control of Wastes Hauled to Publicly Owned Treatment Works

833B99001 Guidance Manual for the Monitoring and Reporting Requirements of the NPDES Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit

833B99002 Toxicity Reduction Evaluation Guidance for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

833C06001 Whole Effluent Toxicity Training Video Series: Freshwater Series {Manual,/DVD}

833D00002 Guidance on Implementing the Water Quality based Provisions in the CSO Control Policy: Draft

833D90001 Summary of Appeals to the EPA Administrator : From NPDES Appeal No. 75-1 to Appeal No. 89-20 ; Draft

833D91100 Construction Site Stormwater Discharge Control An Inventory of Current Practices

833D94001 Assessment and Control of Bioconcentratable Contaminants In Surface Waters

833D94002 Appendix I Of The Assessment And Control Of Bioconcentratable Contaminents In Surface Waters: Field Evaluation Of Residue Prediction Procedures

833D96001 Interim Permitting Approach for Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations In Storm Water Permits

833D98002 US Department of Agriculture, US EPA, Unified National

833E93001 Storm Water General Permits Briefing

833F00001 Stormwater Phase II Rule: An Overview

833F00003 Stormwater Phase II Rule: Who’s Covered? Designation and Waivers of Regulated Small MS4s

833F00005 Stormwater Phase II Rule: Public Education and Outreach Minimum Control Measure

833F00012 Stormwater Phase II Rule: Federal and State-Operated MS4s: Program Implementation

833F020010 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act Requirements: What Are the Federal Requirements for Beef Cattle and Veal Calf CAFOs?

833F020013 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act Requirements: What Are the Federal Record Keeping and Reporting Requirements?

833F02006 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act Requirements: Will My Operation Be Regulated?

833F02007 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act Requirements: What Are the Federal Requirements for Swine CAFOs?

833F02008 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act Requirements: What Are the Federal Requirements for Chicken and Turkey CAFOs?

833F02009 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act Requirements: What Are the Federal Requirements for Dairy Cow and Heifer CAFOs?

833F02011 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act Requirements: What Are the Federal Requirements for Hoarse and Sheep CAPOs?

833F02012 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act Requirements: What Are the Federal Requirements for Duck CAPOs?

833F02015 Operaciones Concentradas De Alimentacion De Animales (CAFOs)

833F02016 Operaciones Concentradas De Alimentacion De Animales: Requisitos Establacidos Par La Ley De Aquas Limpias, Cuales Son Los Requisitos Federales Para Cafos De Cerdos?{What are the Federal Requirements

833F02017 Operaciones Concentradas De Alimentacion De Animales: Requistos Establecidas Para La Ley De Aquas Limpias, Cuales Son Los Requistos Fedarales Para Cafos Para Pollos Y Pavos? {What are the Federal Re

833F02018 Operaciones Concentradas De Alimentacion De Animales: Requisitos Establacidos Par La Ley De Aquas Limipas, Cuales Son Los Requisitos Federales Para Cafos Para Vacas Lecheras Y Becerras? {Dairy Cattle

833F02019 Operaciones Concentradas De Alimentacion De Animales: Requisitos Establecidos Par La Ley De Aquas Limipas, Cuales Son Los Requisitos Federales Para Cafos Para Vacuno Para Carne Y Terneras {Beef Cattle

833F02020 Operaciones Concentradas De Alimentacion De Animales: Requisitos Establecidos Par La Ley Aquas Limipas, Cuales Son Los Requisitos Federales Para Cafos Para De Caballos Y Ovejas? {Horse and Sheep}

833F02022 Operaciones Concentadas De Alimentacion De Animales: Requistos Estableccidos Par La Ley De Aqua Limpias,Cuales Son Los Requisitos Federales Para Archivar Documentos E Informes? {RecordKeeping And Rep

833F03001 EPA's National Pretreatment Program: 30 Years Of Protecting The Environment

833F03002 Stormwater Pollution Found in your Area (Doorhanger)

833F03004 Watershed-Based NPDES Permitting: Rethinking Permitting As Usual

833F03005 Clean Water: State Revolving Fund

833F04002 How Do I Get Stormwater Permit Coverage for My Construction Site? Construction Site Operator's Guide to EPA's Stormwater Permit Program

833F04003 Resource List For Stormwater Management Programs

833F04005 Necesita Su Sitio De Construccion Un Permiso De Escorrentia? (Does Your Construction Site Need A Stormwater Permit?) {Spanish}

833F05003 Stormwater Structures & Mosquitoes

833F05004 Five Star Restoration Program

833F06006 National Pretreatment Program (40 CFR 403) Pretreatment Streamlining Rule Fact Sheet 1.0: Summary of Changes Made Under the Streamlining Rule

833F06011 National Pretreatment Program (40 CFR 403) Pretreatment Streamlining Rule Fact Sheet 5.0: New Classifications for Categorical Industrial Users

833F07008 Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Final Rulemaking: Date Extension

833F07009 Understanding Impaired Waters and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Requirements for Municipal Stormwater Programs

833F07010 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Municipal Stormwater Programs

833F07011 Incorporating Environmentally Sensitive Development Into Municipal Stormwater Programs

833F93001 Overview of the Storm Water Program (Mar '93)

833F93002 NPDES Storm Water Program: Question and Answer Document, Volume 1

833F93002B NPDES Storm Water Program: Question and Answer Document, Volume 2

833F94001 Fact Sheet: Summaries of CWA 104(b)(3) Grants Maryland Model Construction General Permit

833F94002 Fact Sheet: Summaries of CWA 104(b)(3) Grants District of Columbia Floating Debris Program

833F94004 Summaries of Storm Water Special Projects, Whole Effluent Toxicity of Storm Water Discharges from an Airport

833F94005 EPA's Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Control Policy {Information Sheet and Nonpoint Source Bulletin Board System Instructions}

833F94006 Fact Sheet: Storm Water

833F94011 Summaries of Ms4 Permits NPDES Ms4 Permit for Charlotte NC

833F94015 The National Sewage Sludge Program

833F94016 Programa Nacional De Lodos Residuales Cloacales {national Sewage Sludge Program}{Spanish}

833F94017 Fact Sheet Sewage Sludge Or Biosolids Use Or Disposal Documents

833F94018 Publicaciones Sobre El Uso Y Eliminacion De Lodo Residual Cloacal Y Biosolidos {fact Sheet Sewage Sludge Or Biosolids Disposal Documents}{Spanish}

833F95001 Fact Sheet: Point Source Information and Provision Exchange System (PIPES)

833F98002 How Wastewater Treatment Works: Basics

833F98003 Water Pollution Control: Twenty Five Years of Progress and Challenges for the New Millennium

833F99019 Draft Guidance Manual and Example Npdes Permit for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

833H03001 Stormwater and the Construction Industry Poster

833K92001 U.S. EPA NPDES Basic Permit Writers' Course Workbook 1992

833K93001 Urban Runoff Management Information and Education Products

833K94002 Report to Congress: Storm Water Discharges Potentially Addressed By Phase II of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Storm Water Program

833K98001 Wastewater Primer

833N08002 Introducing U.S. EPA's New Guide: Developing Your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: A Guide for Construction Sites

833R00001 Report to Congress on The Phase I Storm Water Regulations

833R00003 Understanding and Accounting for Method Variability in Whole Effluent Toxicity Applications Under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program

833R01002 Guidance: Coordinating CSO Long-Term Planning With Water Quality Standards Reviews

833R01003 Report to Comgress: Implemetation and Enforcement of the Combined Sewer Overflow Control Policy

833R02002 Summary of the August 14- 15, 2002, Experts Workshop on Public Health Impacts of Sewer Overflows

833R04001 Report To Congress: Impacts And Control Of CSOs And SSOs

833R04002A Local Limits Development Guidance

833R04002B Local Limits Development Guidance Appendices

833R04101 Illicit Discharge Detection And Elimination

833R06004 Developing Your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: A Guide For Construction Sites

833R07004 Water Quality Trading Toolkit for Permit Writers

833R85201 Guidance Manual For The Use Of Production-based Pretreatment Standards And The Combined Wastestream Formula

833R85202 OWEP Establishes a Pretreatment Bulletin

833R86001 Program Survey - Biological Toxicity Testing in the NPDES Permits Program

833R89001 Industrial User Permitting Guidance Manual

833R90101 Sediment And Erosion Control Inventory Of Current Practices, April 20, 1990

833R91100 Construction Site Storm Water Discharge Control: An Inventory Of Current Practices June 26, 1991

833R92001 Storm Water Management for Construction Activities: Developing Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices; Summary Guidance

833R92002 Storm Water Management for Industrial Activities: Developing Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices; Summary Guidance

833R93002 Assessment And Control Of Bioconcentratable Contaminants In Surface Waters Field Evaluation Of Residue Prediction Procedures 1993 Draft Appendix 1

833R95001 Part 503 Implementation Guidance

833R96001 Moving the NPDES Program to a Watershed Approach

833R96002 NPDES Watershed Strategy

833R96003 Regional Guidance for Development of State-By-State Watershed Protection Assessments and Action Plans

833R96006 Statewide Watershed Management Course

833R96007 NPDES Permit Issuance Flexibility Policy in Watershed Permitting

833R96008 Overview of the Storm Water Program (Jun '96)

833R96009 Improving Industrial Pretreatment Success Factors, Challenges, and Project Ideas: Findings from EPA Sites Visits to California, Indiana, and Virginia

833R98001 Cost Accounting and Budgeting for Improved Wastewater Treatment

833R99002 Economic Analysis of the Final Phase II Storm Water Rule

833R99900 United National Strategy for Animal Feeding Operations

833S91100 Technical Support Document for Water Quality-Based Toxics Control, Responsiveness Summary

833Z01001 Federal Register Janurary 12, 2001, Part 2 40 CFR parts 122 and 412: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Regulation and Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations; Proposed Rule

833Z03001 Federal Registar: Wednesday, Febuary 12, 2003 Part 2.40 CFR Parts 9, 122, 123 and 412. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Regualation and Effluent Limitation Guidelines and Standards for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations(CAFOs); Final Rule

833Z90100 Federal Register: November 16, 1990, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 122, 123, and 124. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Application Regulations for Storm Water Discharges; Final Rule

833Z90101 Federal Register: July 24, 1990 Part II. 40 CFR Parts 122 and 403. General Pretreatment and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulations; Final Rule

833Z92001 Federal Register: September 9, 1992. Part 2. Construction Permit Language; Final NPDES General Permits for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Sites; Permit Language

833Z92002 Non-Contruction-Industrial Fact Sheet

833Z92003 Federal Register: September 9, 1992, Part 3. Non Construction-Industrial Permit Language; Final NPDES General Permits for Storm Water Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity

833Z92005 Federal Register: September 9, 1992, Part 4. 40 CFR Part 122. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, Request for Comment on Alternative Approaches for Phase II Storm Water Program

833Z92006 Federal Register: April 2, 1992, Part 4. 40 CFR Part 122. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Application Deadlines, General Permit Requirements and Reporting Requirements for Storm Water Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity; Final Rule

833Z94001 Federal Register: April 19, 1994, Part 7. Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Control Policy; Notice

833Z95001 Federal Register: April 7, 1995, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 122 and 124. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits for Storm Water Discharges Under Section 402(p)(6) of the Clean Water Act; Direct Final and Proposed Rule

833Z95002 Part II Environmental Protection Agency: Federal Register

833Z95003 Federal Register: September 29, 1995, Part 14, Final National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Activities; Notice

833Z95006 Part II Environmental Protection Agency

833Z97001 Federal Register: June 2, 1997, Part 2. Proposed Reissuance of NPDES General Permits for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Activities; Notice Agency Information Collection Activities: Notice

833Z97002 Federal Register: July 11, 1997, Part 4. Proposed Modification of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Activities; Notice

833Z97003 Federal Register: October 22, 1997, Part 3. Proposed Modification of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Activities; Notice

833Z98001 FEderal Register: January 9, 1998, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 122 and 123. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System; Proposed Regulations for Revision of the Water Pollution Control Program Addressing Storm Water Discharges; Proposed Rule

833Z98001A Federal Register: February 17, 1998, Part 2. Reissuance of NPDES General Permits for Storm Water Discharge form Construction Activities; Notice (Addenda)

833Z98002 Part II - Environmental Protection Agency

833Z98003 Federal Register: September 30, 1998, Part 7. Final Modification of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Strom Water Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Activities Termination of the EPA NPDES Storm Water Baseline Industrial General Permit Notice

833Z99002 Federal Register: August 4, 1999, Part 2, 40 CPR Parts 9, 122, 123, 124, and 501, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Application Requirements for Publicly Owned Treatment Works and Other Treatment Works Treating Domestic Sewage; Final Rule

833Z99003 Federal Register: December 1999, Part 2, 40 CFR Parts 9, 122, 123 and 124, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. Regulations for Revision of the Water Pollution Control Program Addressing Storm Water Discharges; Final Rule, Report to Congress on the Phase 2 Storm Water Regulations; Notice

84019791 Partnership State-EPA Agreement

84075003 US National Focal Point For United Nations Environmental Program International Referral System

84081011 US Directory Of Environmental Sources

84081016 Chlorofluorocarbons A Selected Bibliography

84082018 Drinking Water A selected bibliography

84082019 Acid Rain Bibliography

84083023 Emissions Trading (Bubble Policy) A Selected Bibliography

840A93001 What Progress in Improving Water Quality?

840B00001 Liquid Assets 2000: America's Water Resources at a Turning Point

840B00002 Atlas of America's Polluted Waters

840B01001 Water Drop Patch Program

840B01002 Watershed Events: Mississippi River or ''Father of Waters''

840B02001 Watershed Patch Project

840B04001 Watershed Patch Project 2004

840B04002 Linking Girls To The Land: Building Partnerships With Natural Resource Conservation Agencies And Girl Scouts Of The USA

840B07001 Water Drop Patch Project Making a Difference

840B83001V2 Technical Support Manual Waterbody Surveys And Assessments For Conducting Use Attainability Analyses Volume Iiestuarine Systems

840B83022 Acid Rain Bibliography

840B92002 Guidance Specifying Management Measures For Sources Of Nonpoint Pollution In Coastal Waters {3 Hole Punch}

840B92002A Guidance Specifying Management Measures for Sources for Nonpoint Pollution In Coastal Waters (3 hole Punch) (Include Fact Sheet)

840B92002B Guidance Specifying Management Measures for Sources of Nonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters {Bound Volume}

840B93001 Xeriscape Landscaping Preventing Pollution And Using Resources Efficiently

840B93002 Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds 1993 Publication List

840B95001 Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds 1995 Publication List, 1995

840B98001 Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds 1998 Publication List

840B98002 Directory of Environmental Protection Agency Publication Offices and Special Files

840B99003 Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds

840B99004 Water Drop Patch Project

840D00001 National Management Measures to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution from Marinas and Recreational Boating Draft

840F02001 Adopt Your Watershed!

840F02004 Before You Go To The Beach

840F05003 EPA Watershed Tools August 2005

840F05004 Adopt Your Watershed {Brochure}

840F93001A Agriculture and the Environment: Our Water Resources and Watershed Protection

840F93001B Agriculture and the Environment: The Problem of Nonpoint Source Pollution

840F93001C Agriculture and the Environment: Management Measures for Controlling Coastal Nonpoint Source Pollution

840F93001D Agriculture and the Environment: For Further Information and Assistance

840F96001 Watershed Progress: Rouge River Watershed, Michigan

840F96002 Watershed Progress: New York City Watershed Agreement

840F96003 Watershed Progress: Hot Creek Watershed Mimbres River Basin

840F96004 Watershed Progress: Massachusetts' Approach

840F96005 Watershed Progress: New York City Watershed Agreement

840F97001 Top Ten Watershed Lessons Learned

840K89100 Protecting the Coastal Zone Through Growth Management: The Experience of Five Coastal State

840K94001 Migratory Songbird Conservation

840K94002 Will We Lose Our Songbirds: Not If We Can Help It

840N00002 Watershed Events: Fall 2000

840N92001 Watershed Events, Fall 1992

840N92003 Watershed Events, March 1992

840N92004 Watershed Events, July 1992

840N93002 Watershed Events, Winter 1993

840N94002 Watershed Events, Summer 1994

840N94003 Watershed Events, Fall 1994

840N95001 Watershed Events, Spring 1995

840N95002 Watershed Events, Summer 1995

840N95003 Watershed Events, Fall 1995

840R00001 Protecting and Restoring America's Wetlands: Status, Trends, and Initiatives in Watershed Management

840R00002 Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds: A Watershed Decade

840R04001 Targeted Watersheds Many Faces Many Reasons One Watershed EPA's 2003 Targeted Watershed Grants

840R06001 EPA's Targeted Watershed Grants 2005 Annual Report Many Faces Many Reasons One Watershed

840R06101 Voluntary Estuary Monitoring Methods Manual

840R83003 Proceedings Of Annual Seminar For Analytical Methods For Priority Pollutants

840R87001 Clean Lakes Program 1987 Annual Report

840R91001 Clean Lakes Program 1990 Annual Report

840R93901 Partners in Flight: A Day for the Birds, Summer 1993 Volume 3 Number 2

840R94002 Proceedings: Watershed '93: A National Conference on Watershed Management, March 21-24, 1993 Alexandria, Virginia

840R96001 Coastal Protection Program Workshops in Innovative Management Techniques for Estuaries, Wetlands, and Near Coastal Waters A Two-Day Short Course

840R97001 Long Island Sound Study: Proposal for Phase 3 Actions for Hypoxia Management

840R97002 Watershed '96: Moving Ahead Together, Plenary Proceedings

840R98001 Clean Water Action Plan: Restoring and Protecting America's Waters

840S01001 Final Report of the National Watershed Forum: June 27 - July 1, 2001 Arlington, Virginia

840S92001 Protecting The Nation's Wetland Oceans And Watersheds Overview Of Programs And Activities

840S93001 Watershed Protection Approach: Annual Report 1992

840S94001 Watershed Protection Approach: 1993/1994 Activity Report

840S96001 Watershed Approach Framework

841899002 Rapid Bioassessment Protocols For Use In Wadeable Streams And Rivers

841A95001 National Water Quality Inventory 1994 Executive Summary Report To Congress

841A95002 National Water Quality Inventory 1994 Individual State And Territorial Summaries Report To Congress

841B00001 Watershed Analysis and Management (WAM) Guide for Tribes

841B00002 Low Impact Development Hydrologic Analysis: Site Planning, Hydrology, Distributed IMP Technologies, Erosion and Sediment Control, Public Outreach

841B00003 Low Impact Development Design Strategies: Integrated Design Approach

841B00004 Big Darby Creek Case Study: Profile of Watershed Threats and Protection in a Midwest Landscape

841B00005 Low Impact Development (LID) Literature Review

841B00008 Watershed Analysis and Management (WAM) Guide for Tribes

841B01002 EPA Watershed Training Opportunities

841B01004 What's Up With Our Nation's Waters?

841B01005 National Management Measures Guidance to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution from Marinas and Recreational Boating

841B01006 Managing Lakes and Reservoirs

841B02002 Twenty Needs Report How Research Can Improve the TMDL Program

841B02003 National Management Measures To Control Nonpoint Source Pollution From Urban Areas

841B03001 Shipshape Shores and Waters: Handbook for Marina Operators and Recreational Boaters

841B03002 Getting In Step Guide For Conducting Watershed Outreach Campaigns

841B03003 Elemenys of a State Water Monitoring and Assessment Program: March 2003

841B03004 National Management Measures For The Control Of Nonpoint Pollution from Agriculture

841B03007 Water Shed Analysis And Management[WAM] Guide For States And Communities

841B04001 Water Quality Trading Assessment Handbook

841B05001 National Management Measures to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution from Forestry

841B05003 National Management Measures To Protect And Restore Wetlands And Riparian Areas For The Abatement Of Nonpoint Source Pollution

841B05004 National Management Measures To Control Nonpoint Source Pollution From Urban Areas

841B05005 Handbook For Developing Watershed Plans To Restore And Protect Our Waters {draft}

841B06001 EPA Watershed Training Opportunities {catalog}

841B06002 Wadeable Streams Assessment A Collaborative Survey of the Nations Streams Draft

841B06002 Wadeable Streams Assessment: A Collaborative Survey Of The Nation's Streams

841B07002 National Management Measures to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution from Hydromodification

841B86108 Methodology for Analysis of Detention Basins for Control of Urban Runoff Quality

841B87100 Setting Priorities Key To Nonpoint Source Control

841B87110 Setting Priorities: The Key to Nonpoint Source Control

841B87111 Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Guide Executive Summary

841B92002 Volunteer Monitoring on the Nonpoint Source Electronic Bulletin Board System

841B93001 Geographic Targeting: Selected State Examples

841B93002 Watershed Protection: Catalog of Federal Programs

841B93003 Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program: Program Development and Approval Guidance: January, 1993 (Include Fact Sheet)

841B93004 Guidelines for Preparation of the 1994 State Water Quality Assessments (305(b) Reports)

841B93005 Water Quality Effects and Nonpoint Source Control For Forestry: An Annotated Bibliography

841B94001 National Directory of Volunteer Environmental Monitoring Programs: 4th Edition

841B94003 Proceedings Symposium On Ecological Restoration March 1993

841B94005B Evaluating the Effectiveness of Forestry Best Management Practices in Meeting Water Quality Goals or Standards

841B95001 Guidelines for Preparation of the 1996 State Water Quality Assessments (305(b) Reports)

841B95002 Cleaner Water Through Conservation

841B95003 Knowing our Waters: Tribal Reporting under Section 305(b)

841B95004 Generic Quality Assurance Project Plan Guidance for Programs Using Community Level Biological Assessment in Wadable Streams and Rivers

841B95005 Watershed Tools Directory A Collection of Watershed Tools

841B96003 Volunteer Monitor's Guide to Quality Assurance Project Plans

841B96004 Monitoring Guidance for Determining the Effectiveness of Nonpoint Source Controls

841B97001 Green Development Literature Search

841B97002A Guidelines for Preparation of the Comprehensive State Water Quality Assessments (305(b)Reports and Electronic Updates: Report Contents

841B97002B Guidelines for Preparation of the Comprehensive State Water Quality Assessments (305(b)Reports and Electronic Updates: Supplement

841B97003 Volunteer Stream Monitoring: A Methods Manual

841B97004 Tribal Nonpoint Source Planning Handbook

841B97005 Land Cover Digital Data Directory for the United States

841B97006 Compendium of Tools for Watershed Assessment and TMDL Development

841B97007 Linear Regression of Nonpoint Source Pollution Analyses

841B97008 Catalog of Federal Funding Sources for Watershed Protection

841B97009 Techniques for Tracking, Evaluating, and Reporting the Implementation of Nonpoint Source Control Measures

841B97010 Techniques for Tracking, Evaluating and Reporting the Implementation of Nonpoint Source Control Measures: Agriculture

841B98001 Watershed Training Opportunities

841B98007 Lake and Reservoir Bioassessment and Biocriteria: Technical Guidance Document

841B98009 National Directory of Volunteer Environmental Monitoring Programs

841B99002 Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Wadeable Streams and Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic Macroinvertebrates, and Fish

841B99003 Catalog of Federal Funding Sources for Watershed Protection, (Second Edition)

841B99004 Protocol for Developing Sediment TMDLs, First Edition

841B99006 Remotely Monitoring Water Resources: EPA/NASA Workshop

841B99007 Protocol for Developing Nutrient TMDLs, First Edition

841B99008 Guidelines for Preparation of State Water Quality Assessments (305(b) Reports) and Electronic Updates for the 2000 Reporting Cycle

841D01003 The National Costs of the Total Maximum Daily Load Program Draft for Review and Comment

841D06001 National Management Measures to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution from Hydromodification Draft

841D97001 Watershed Academy Catalogue of Watershed Training Opportunities

841D97002 Revisions to Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Rivers Periphyton, Benthic Macroinvertebrates, and Fish Draft

841D98001 Inventory of Watershed Training Courses

841F00002 Achieving Cleaner Waters Across America Supporting Effective Programs To Prevent Water Pollution From Forestry Operations

841F00003 Principles for the Ecological Restoration of Aquatic Resources

841F00005 What's Up With Our Nation's Waters?

841F00006 Water Quality Conditions in the United States Profile from the 1998 National Water Quality Inventory Report to Congress

841F00010 Watershed Academy Web-Based Training

841F00032 Achieving Cleaner Waters Across America: Supporting Effective Programs to Prevent Water Pollution from Forestry Operations

841F02002 What's Up with the Nation's Waters?

841F03001 Catalog of Federal Funding Sources for Watershed Protection

841F030018 Dip Into Volunteer Monotoring With The Great North America Secchi Dip-In

841F03003 Protecting Water Quality from Urban Runoff

841F03004 Protecting Water Quality from Agricultural Runoff

841F03009 Do Not Pick Up Hitchhikers!

841F03010 Be Part Of Something Big

841F03012A STORET: Connecting STORET With Other Applications Using ODBC

841F03012B Fact Sheet Storet Connecting Storet With Other Applications Using Odbc

841F03012C STORET: A System For Managing Biological Monotoring Data

841F0312D Using The STORET Data Warehouse

841F04001 Watershed Academy Web Online Watershed Management Training {Flyer}

841F04003 Yoyu Watershed Needs You

841F05003G Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Nevada Best Management Practices Drastically Reduce Sediment and Restore Water Quality in Las Vegas Wash

841F05004A Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story North Carolina Basin-wide Cleanup Effort Reduces Instream Nitrogen

841F05004B Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story North Carolina Tar-Pamlico Basin Agricultural Management Strategy Reduces Instream Nutrients

841F05004C Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Idaho Forestry, Agricultural, and Stormwater Best Management Practices Improve Quality of Reservoir

841F05004E Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Iowa Sediment Basins at Slip Bluff Lake Reduce Sediment by 85 Percent

841F05004H Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Kentucky Acid Mine Drainage Abated in Rock Creek

841F05004I Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Virginia Concerted Watershed Effort Improves Several Streams

841F05004J Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story District of Columbia Oil and Grease Water Quality Goals Achieved in DC Area Streams

841F05004K Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story West Virginia Success Countering Acid Mine Drainage in Cheat River Watershed

841F05004L Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Minnesota Phosphorus Reductions Achieved in Sauk River Chain of Lakes

841F05004M Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story West Virginia North Fork Potomac Watershed Farmers Improve Water Quality

841F05004N Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Maryland Collaborative Planning Leads to Community-Wide Solutions

841F05004O Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Washington, Lummi Nation : Nooksack River Water Quality Improvements Benefit Portage Bay Shellfish

841F05004P Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Tennessee Best Management Practices Reduce Siltation and Contaminated Runoff

841F05004Q Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Tennessee Best Management Practices Reduce Pathogens in Cane Creek

841F05004R Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Tennessee Nnew Grazing Practices Minimize Impacts on Little Shoal Creek

841F05004S Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Wisconsin Phosphorus Reductions in Bass Lake Restore Fishery

841F05004T Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Missouri Stream Restoration Efforts on Upper Cedar Creek Reduces Impacts of Acid Mine Drainage

841F05004U Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Nevada Improved Grazing and Agricultural Management Reduces Nitrogen in the Truckee River Watershed

841F05004V Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Washington Changes in Irrigation Practices Reduce Turbidity in the Lower Yakima River

841F05004W Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Minnesota Nutrient Concentrations in the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes Nearly Returned to Presettlement Conditions

841F05004X Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Colorado London Extension Mine Drainage Treatment Project Removes Heavy Metals

841F05004Y Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Ohio Dam Modification Project Helps Restore Water Quality in the Middle Cuyahoga River

841F05004Z Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Washington and Jamestown S'Klallan Tribe Dungeness River Tributary Achieves Bacteria Target Levels at Several Monitoring Sites

841F06001 The Wadeable Streams Assessment: A Collaborative Survey of the Nation's Streams

841F06003A Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Vermont Stream Restored through Improved Agricultural Practices and Erosion Control Work

841F06003B Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story American Samoa Outreach and Enforcement Reduce Instream E. coli Levels and Disease Risk

841F06003C Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Alabama Best Management Practices, Public Outreach Help River Recover from Impairments

841F06003D Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story North Carolina Aquatic Life Use Restored in Agricultural Watershed

841F06003E Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story New Hampshire Project Improves Water Quality and Saves Eroding Farmland

841F06003F Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Texas Iimproved Herbicide Management Restores Safety of Drinking Water Source

841F06005 Stormwater Management at EPA Headquarters

841F07001 National Estuary Program: Overview

841F07003 The National Water Quality Inventory: Report to Congress for the 2002 Reporting Cycle - A Profile

841F07006 Reducing Stormwater Costs Through Low Impact Development (LID) Strategies and Practices

841F08001CC Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Wyoming's Rock Creek

841F08001F Alaska's Granite Creek, Section 319 Success Story

841F08001G Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Utah

841F08001H New York's Niagara River, Section 319 Success Story

841F08001I Tennessee's Dry Creek Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story

841F08001K Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Alaska

841F08001L Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Alaska

841F08001M Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Iowa

841F08001N Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Vermont

841F08001O Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story New York

841F08001P Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story New York Watershed Grazing Initiative Reduces Nutrient and Sediment Impacts

841F08001Q Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story New York Multitiered Management Efforts Reduce Sediment and Phosphorus Impacts

841F08001R Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Wyoming Coordinated Efforts Reduced Sediment Input and Restored Waterbody

841F08001S Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Nebraska's Swan 5A Reservoir

841F08001T Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Nebraska's Kirkmans Cove Reservoir

841F08001U Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Wyoming's Lower Hunter Creek

841F08001W Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Pennsylvania's Semiconon Run

841F08001X Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program Success Story Missouri's Vandalia Lake

841F89100 Retrofitting Stormwater Management Basins for Phosphorus Control

841F92011 TMDL Case Study: The Lower Minnesota River, Number 6, December 1992

841F92012 TMDL Case Study: Sycamore Creek, Michigan, December 1992, Number 7

841F93001 TMDL Case Study: Denver Metro, The South Platte River Segment 15, Number 1, April 1992

841F93002 TMDL Case Study: South Fork of the Salmon River, August 1992, Number 2

841F93003 TMDL Case Study: West Fork of Clear Creek, November 1992, Number 3

841F93004 TMDL Case Study: Nomini Creek Watershed, November 1992, Number 4

841F93005 TMDL Case Study: Albemarle/Pamlico Estuary, November 1992, Number 5

841F93006 TMDL Case Study: Boulder Creek, Colorado, June 1993, Number 8

841F93007 TMDL Case Study: Appoquinimink River, Delaware, Number 9, August 1993

841F93009 Paired Watershed Study Design

841F93010 TMDL Case Study: Tar-Pamlico Basin, North Carolina, Number 10, September 1993

841F94001 TMDL Case Study: Lake Chelan, Washington, January 1994, Number 11

841F94002 National Water Quality Inventory, 1992, Report to Congress

841F94004 TMDL Case Study: Modeling the Appoquinimink River, April 1994, Number 12

841F94005 Polluted Water Runoff

841F94006 TMDL Case Study: Truckee River, Nevada, August 1994, Number 4

841F95003 Watershed Protection: Clean Lakes Case Study: Watershed and In-lake Practices Improve Green Valley Lake, Iowa

841F95007 Ecological Restoration: A Tool to Manage Stream Quality

841F95010 Fact Sheet: Water Quality Conditions in the United States: A Profile from the 1994 National Water Quality Inventory Report to Congress

841F95011 Fact Sheet: Report to Congress: National Water Quality Inventory, 1994

841F96001 Environmental Indicators of Water Quality in the United States (Fact Sheets)

841F96004A Nonpoint Pointers: Nonpoint Source Pollution: The Nation's Largest Water Quality Problem, Pointer No. 1

841F96004B Nonpoint Pointers: Opportunities for Public Involvement in Nonpoint Source Control, Pointer No. 2

841F96004C Nonpoint Pointers: Programs for Nonpoint Source Control, Pointer No. 3

841F96004D Nonpoint Pointers: The National Nonpoint Source Management Program, Pointer No. 4

841F96004E Nonpoint Pointers: Protecting Coastal Waters from Nonpoint Source Pollution, Pointer No. 5

841F96004F Nonpoint Pointers: Managing Nonpoint Source Pollution from Agriculture, Pointer No. 6

841F96004G Nonpoint Pointers: Managing Urban Runoff, Pointer No. 7

841F96004H Nonpoint Pointers: Managing Nonpoint Source Pollution from Forestry, Pointer No. 8

841F96004I Nonpoint Pointers: Managing Nonpoint Source Pollution from Boating and Marinas, Pointer No. 9

841F96004J Nonpoint Pointers: Managing Nonpoint Source Pollution from Households, Pointer No. 10

841F96004K Nonpoint Pointers: Managing Wetlands to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution , Pointer No. 11

841F97002 Watershed Protection: Clean Lakes Case Study: Use of Aquatic Weevils to Control a Nuisance Weed in Lake Bomoseen, Vermont

841F97003 Fact Sheet: National Water Quality Inventory: 1996 Report To Congress

841F97900 Working Trees for Communities

841F99003A Clean Waters Across American Indentifing and Restoring Our Polluted Waters

841F99003B Clean Waters Across American Indentification Of Polluted Waters

841F99003C Clean Waters Across American Restoration Plan For Polluted Waters

841F99003D Clean Waters Across American Actions On The Ground

841H02002 You Can Help Your Watershed (Book Mark)

841H03005 Monitor Your Watershed

841H97001 Watersheds: Where We Live, Poster for Grade School

841J94900 Nutrient Management: Supplement to the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Volume 49, Number 2, March/April 1993 (Insert Included)

841K06001 Watershed Academy Webcasts

841K92001 Quality of Our Nation's Water, 1990

841K94001 State and Local Government Guide to Environmental Program Funding Alternatives

841K94003 Developing Successful Runoff Control Programs for Urbanized Areas

841K94005 Watershed Protection: TMDL Note #1 An Introduction to the TMDL Note Series

841K94005A Watershed Protection: TMDL Note #2 Bioassessment and TMDLs

841K94005B Watershed Protection: TMDL Note #3 TMDL Endpoints

841K97001 Water: A Story of Hope

841N00004 Nonpoint Source News Notes, December 2000, Issue Number 63

841N01001 Nonpoint Source News Notes, Number 64, March 2001

841N02002 Nonpoint Source News Noyes, June 2002, #68

841N02003 Nonpoint Source News Notes, Number 69, September 2002

841N02004 Nonpoint Source News Notes Number 67, January 2002

841N90100 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation: Volume 45, Number 1, January/February 1990

841N92005 EPA News-Notes: The Condition of the Environment and the Control of Nonpoint Sources of Water Pollution, Volume Number 23, August-September 1992

841N92009 News Notes: Number 25, November-December 1992

841N93001 NPS News-Notes: Number 26, January-February 1993

841N95001 The Water Monitor, Regional and State Activities, December 1994/January 1995

841R00001 National Water Quality Inventory: Report to Congress

841R00002 Protocol for Developing Pathogen TMDLs: First Edition

841R01001 Moving Into the Mainstream: Proceedings, 6th National Volunteer Monitoring Conference, April 2000

841R02001 National Water Quality Inventory: 2000 Report

841R07001 National Water Quality Inventory: 2002 Report to Congress

841R84100 Report to Congress: Nonpoint Source Pollution in the United States

841R86001 U.S. EPA Nonpoint Source Strategy : Agencywide and Regional Strategies FY 1986-87 Update

841R89100 Rural Clean Water Program: A Report

841R89101 A Probabilistic Methodology for Analyzing Water Quality Effects of Urban Runoff on Rivers and Streams, Final Report

841R92002 Compendium of Watershed-Scale Models for TMDL Development

841R92004 Proceedings: National Citizens' Volunteer Water Monitoring Conference: Building Partnerships in the Year of Clean Water, 3rd, Annapolis, Maryland, March 29-April 2, 1992

841R93001 Commitment to Watershed Protection: A Review of the Clean Lakes Program

841R93002 Fish and Fisheries Management in Lakes and Reservoirs: Technical Supplement to the Lake and Reservoir Restoration Guidance Manual

841R93003 Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Lake Water Quality Trends

841R93005 Evaluation Of The Experimental Rural Clean Water Program

841R94001 National Water Quality Inventory: 1992 Report to Congress

841R94003 Proceedings: National Citizen's Volunteer Monitoring Conference, Putting Volunteer Information to Use, 4th, April 10-14, 1994, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon

841R95003 Watershed Protection: A Project Focus

841R95004 Watershed Protection: A Statewide Approach

841R95005 Report to Congress: National Water Quality Inventory, 1994

841R95006 National Water Quality Inventory: 1994 Report to Congress: Appendixes

841R96001 TMDL Development Cost Estimates: Case Studies of 14 TMDLs

841R96002 Environmental Indicators Of Water Quality In The United States

841R96003 Clean Marinas-Clear Value: Environmental and Business Success Stories

841R97001 Section 319 Success Stories: Highlights of State and Tribal Nonpoint Source Programs, Volume 2

841R97004 Information Management for the Watershed Approach in the Pacific Northwest

841R97005 Designing an Information Management System for Watersheds

841R97006 Monitoring Consortiums Cost Effective Means To Enhancing Watershed Data Collection And Analysis

841R97007 Proceedings: 5th National Volunteer Monitoring Conference Promoting Watershed Stewardship, August 3-7, 1996, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin

841R97008 National Water Quality Inventory: 1996 Report to Congress

841R97009 Urbanization and Streams: Studies of Hydrologic Impacts

841R97011 Statewide Watershed Management Facilitation

841R98900 Steam Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices

841S00001 Quality of Our Nation's Waters Summary of the National Water Quality Inventory 1998 Report to Congress

841S01001 Section 319 Success Stories Volume III: Successful Implementation of the Clean Water Acts Section 319 Nonpoint Source Pollution Program

841S02001 Summary of the Watershed Analysis and Management (WAM): Guide for Tribes

841S84107 Best Management Practices for Agricultural Nonpoint Source Control

841S89006 Nonpoint Sources Agenda for the Future

841S92001 Administrator's Point/Nonpoint Source Trading Initiative Meeting: A Summary

841S93001 Summary of Current State Nonpoint Source Control Practices for Forestry

841S94002 The Quality of Our Nation's Water: 1992

841S94003 Tribal Guide to the Section 319(H) Nonpoint Source Grant Program

841S94004 Section 319 Success Stories: A Close-Up Look at the National Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program

841S94006 Section 319: National Monitoring Program Projects, 1994 Summary Report

841S95001 A Phase I Inventory of Current EPA Efforts to Protect Ecosystems

841S95002 Economic Benefits of Runoff Controls

841S95003 Clean Lakes Program: Annual Report, 1993/1994

841S95004 The Quality of Our Nation's Water: 1994

841S96001 National Monitoring Program Projects, Section 319, Summary Report, 1995

841S96002 National Monitoring Program Projects, Section 319, Summary Report, 1996

841S97001 The Quality of Our Nation's Water: 1996

841S97002 Updated 305b Guidelines: Advantages and Expectations

841S97003 Section 319 National Monitoring Program: An Overview

841S97004 Quality of Our Nation's Water, 1996

841Z00001 Federal Register: July 13, 2000 Part 6, 40CFR Part 9 et al, Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and Management Regulations and Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program in Support of Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and Management Regulation; Final Rules

842B01003 Community Culture and the Environment Guide to Understanding a Sense of Place

842B02002 Assessing and Monitoring Floatable Debris

842B04002 Dredged Material Management: Action Agenda For The Next Decade

842B05002 Overview Of EPA Authorities For Natural Resource Managers Developing Aquatic Invasive Species Rapid Response And Management Plans

842B05003 Community-Based WaterShed Management:112

842B06001 National Estuary Program Coastal Condition Report

842B06002 National Guidance: Best Management Practices for Preparing Vessels Intended to Create Artificial Reefs

842B92001 Global Oceans Directory: A Compendium of Organizations Dedicated to Marine Conservation

842B92002 National Estuary Program Guidance: Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plans: Content and Approval Requirements

842B92003 Turning the Tide on Trash: A Learning Guide on Marine Debris

842B92004 Monitoring Guidance for the National Estuary Program: Final

842B92006 Dredged Material Ocean Dumping Reference Document

842B92007 Guidance Manual for the Review of Permitted and Civil Works Projects for the Ocean Disposal of Dredged Material

842B92008 Framework For Evaluating Environmental Acceptability Of Dredged Water Management Alternatives

842B92009 Summary of Implementations and Demonstration Projects in Bays and Estuaries

842B92010 Plastic Pellets in the Aquatic Environment: Sources and Recommendations. Final Report

842B93001 National Estuary Program Guidance: Base Program Analysis

842B93003 Usted Puede Ayudar A Detener La Marea De Basura: Guia Didactica Sobre La Basura En El Mar (Turning the Tide on Trash: Learning Guide on Marine Debris)

842B93004 Volunteer Estuary Monitoring: A Methods Manual

842B93008 Using Nonprofit Organizations To Advance Estuary Program Goals

842B94002 Clean Water Act Section 403 Compendium

842B94003 CWA Section 403: Procedural and Monitoring Guidance

842B94004 Protecting Coastal Waters from Vessel and Marina Discharges: A Guide for State and Local Officials, Volume I, Establishing No Discharge Areas Under S312 of the Clean Water Act

842B94005 Recreational Vessel Sewage Discharge Control: A Primer for State and Local Outreach Campaigns

842B94006 National Estuary Program Guidance Technical Characterization In The National Estuary Program

842B94007 Amended Section 301(h) Technical Support Document

842B94008 Measuring Progress of Estuary Programs: A Manual

842B94009 Measuring Progress of Estuary Programs: Highlights

842B95002 Bibliography of Methods for Marine and Estuarine Monitoring

842B95003 Case Studies: Organizational Structures Relevant to Implementation of Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plans

842B96001 Treasured Waters: Protecting Our Coastal and Marine Resources

842B96002 Beyond SRF: A Workbook for Financing CCMP Implementation

842B97002 Principiles for Federal Managers of Community Based Programs

842B98002 Local Planning Groups and Development of Dredged Material Management Plans: Guidance by the National Dredging Team

842D04002 Draft Draft National Guidance Best Management Practices for Preparing Vessels Intended to Create Artificial Reefs

842F00002 Using Your Head to Help Protect Our Aquatic Resources

842F00005S Punta Gorda Waterfront Juvenile Fisheries Habitat Project

842F01006Y Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary Program

842F02001 National Coastal Condition Report Fact Sheet

842F02008 Growth and Water Resources

842F02009 National Estuary Program Contacts

842F02900 Society For Applied Anthropology {Letter}

842F02901 Environmental Anthropology: Community Involvement in Watershed Management

842F02902 Environmental Anthropology: Making a Difference in the World Applied Antropology Internships

842F02903 Environmental Anthropology: Restoring the Florida Everglades: Social Impacts

842F02904 Environmental Anthropology: Human Dimensions of Environmental Policy

842F02905 Environmental Anthropology: Environmental Stewardship in Indian Country

842F03001 Estuaries: Where Rivers Meet The Sea

842F05001A Ocean Survey Vessel (OSV) Bold

842F05004 Bienvenido a Bordo del Barco De Reconocimiento Oceanografico Bold de la EPA, OSV Bold

842F07002 National Estuary Program: A Network Protecting and Restoring Coastal Ecosystems

842F93002 National Estuary Program: Bringing our Estuaries New Life {Include Insert}

842F93007 Environmental Education Activity Kit

842F95001A Fact Sheet: Biological Nutrient Removal Project, Demonstrating Practical Tools for Watershed Management Through the National Estuary Program, Long Island Sound, Connecticut and New York

842F95001B Buttermilk Bay Coliform Control Project: Demonstrating Practical Tools for Watershed Management Through the National Estuary Program, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts

842F95001C Fact Sheet: Georgetown Stormwater Management Project, Demonstrating Practical Tools for Watershed Management Through the National Estuary Program, Delaware Inland Bays, Delaware

842F95001D Fact Sheet: Texas Coastal Preserves Project, Demonstrating Practical Tools for Watershed Management through the National Estuary Program, Galveston Bay, Texas

842F95001E Fact Sheet: Shell Creek Stormwater Diversion Project: Demonstrating Practical Tools for Watershed Management Through the National Estuary Program, Puget Sound, Washington

842F95001F Fact Sheet: City Island Habitat Restoration Project, Demonstrating Practical Tools for Watershed Management Through the National Estuary Program, Sarascta Bay, Florida

842F97002I Coquina Baywalk at Leffis Key: Demonstrating Practical Tools for Watershed Management Through the National Estuary Program

842F98002K National Estuary Program: Ten-Year Perspective

842F98003N Evaluation of Shrimp Bycatch Reduction Devices in Texas Coastal Bend Waters

842F98006 Your Coastal Watershed

842F98007 Nearshore Waters and Your Coastal Watershed

842F98008 Coral Reefs and Your Coastal Watershed

842F98009 Estuaries and Your Coastal Watershed

842F98010 The Beach and Your Coastal Watershed

842F98011 What your Should Know About Pfiesteria Piscicida (A thru C)

842F99001 National Estuary Program: Protecting Our Nation's Estuaries

842F99004P Bay Scallop Restoration Project in Chincoteague Bay

842F99004Q Clear Creek Wetland Restoration Project

842F99004R Tampa Bay Watch High School Wetland Nursery Program

842F99040 Evaluating Simple, Cost Effective Solutions for Reducing Stormwater and Urban Runoff Pollution

842K07001 National Estuary Program {Booklet}

842K92001 O.S.V. Anderson: Working to Protect Our Oceans and Coasts

842K93001 National Environmental Benefits of the Clean Water Act: Progress Made in the United States Through the Secondary Treatment of Municipal Wastewater

842K94002 Status of Efforts to Control Aquatic Debris

842K97001 New Options for Dredging in Barataria-Terrebonne: Demonstrating Practical Tools for Watershed Management Through the National Estuary Program

842N92007 News Notes: Number 24, October 1992

842R00001 Successful Coastal Management Solutions

842R04002 Benefits of Reducing Mercury in Saltwater Ecosystems A Case Study Final Report

842R07004 Monitoring and Assessing the Health of our Ocean and Coastal Waters: OSV Bold Annual Report 2006

842R92001 Harbor Studies Program: March 1989 through April 1991

842R92002 Protecting Coastal and Wetlands Resource Guide for Local Governments

842R94001 Clean Water Act Section 403 Report to Congress: Phase II<Point Source Discharges Inside the Baseline

842R94004 Update of Implementation of Recommendationns from the NRT Following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

842R98003 Office of Water Proceedings: Hard Clams: Getting Scarce or Just Hiding, 1996 International Conference on Shellfish Restoration Panel Discussion

842R98004 Office of Water Proceedings: 1994 Annual meeting of the National Shellfisheries Association, Shellfish Stock Enhancement Session

842R98005 Year of the Ocean: Discussion Papers, March 1998

842S86101 Proceedings and Summary of the Workshop on Finfish as Indicators of Toxic Contamination, Arlie, Va., July 27-28, 1986

842S92001 Final Report Summer 1988 106-Mile Site Survey

842S92002 Summary of Characteristics of Municipal Sludges Dumped at the 106-Mile Site

842S92003 Contaminant Body Burdens in Mesopelagic Fish (Myctophidae) Collected Near the 106-Mile Site

842S92004 Nearfield Monitoring of Sludge Plumes at the 106-Mile Deepwater Municipal Sludge Site: Results of a Survey Conducted August 31 Through September 5, 1987

842S92005 Final Revision to Initial Report on Results of Studies Conducted in the Vicinity of 106-Mile Deepwater Municipal Sludge Site

842S92006 Determination of Sludge Dumping Rates for the 106-Mile Site

842S92007 Final Data Report for Analysis of Water Quality Samples Taken During a new York Bight Survey in July 1988

842S92008 Characteristics of Sewage Sludge from the Northern New Jersey-New York City Area, August 1988

842S92009 Final Draft Monitoring Plan for the 106-Mile Deepwater Municipal Sludge Site

842S92010 Final Draft Implementation Plan for the 106-Mile Deepwater Municipal Sludge Site Monitoring Program

842S92011 Final Report for 106-Mile Deepwater Dumpsite Winter 1988 Survey

842S92012 Final Report on Current Meter Measurements at the 106-Mile Site in Support of Municipal Waste Disposal

842S93001 Plastic Pellets in the Aquatic Environment Sources and Recommendations: A Summary

842S94001 Long Island Sound Study: Summary of the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan, July 1994

842S98001 National Ocean Conference: Oceans of Commerce, Oceans of Life

842S99001 Dredged-Material Management and State Coastal Management Programs: Lessons from a workshop in New Orleans, Louisiana January 1999

842S99002 National Symposium on Contaminated Sediments: Coupling Risk Reduction with Sustainable Management and Reuse

842Z94001 Federal Register: August 9, 1994, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 125. Discharges Into Marine Waters; Modification of Secondary Treatment Requirements; Final Rule

843B00001 Volunteer Wetland Monitoring: Introduction and Resource Guide

843B00003 Guiding Principles for Constructed Treatment Wetlands: Providing for Water Quality and Wildlife Habitat

843B00005 Handbook of Constructed Wetlands: Guide to Creating Wetlands for; Agricultural Wastewater, Domestic Wastewater, Coal Mine Drainage, Stormwater in the Mid-Atlantic Region, General Considerations Volume 1

843B87100 Field Testing Wetland Indentification and Delineation Manual

843B89001 Wetlands and 401 Certification: Opportunities and Guidelines for States and Eligible Indian Tribes

843B89100 Wetlands and 401 Certification Opportunities and Guidelines For States and Eligible Indian Tribes

843B89101 Section 404 Enforcement Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Procedures Regtarding the Applicability of Previously Issued Corps Permits

843B89102 Memorandum of Agreement Between the Department of the Army and the EPA Concerning the Determination of the Geographic Jurisdiction of the Section 404 Program and the Application of the Exemptions Under Section 404(f) of the Clean Water Act

843B89103 Memoradum of Agreement Between the Department of the Army and the EPA Concerning Federal Enforcement for the Section 404 Program of the Clean Water Act

843B90100 Clean Water Act Section 404 Regulatory Program and Agricutural Activities

843B90101 Memorandum of Agreement Between the Department of the Army and the EPA Concerning the Determination of Mitigation Under the Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines

843B91113 Watershed Monitoring And Reporting For Section 319 National Monitoring Program Projects (binder)

843B92001 Memorandum of Agreement Between the Department of the Army and the EPA

843B92003 Clarification and Interpretation of the 1987 Manual

843B93002 Memoradum to the Field: Approate Level of Analysis Required for Evaluating Compliance with the Section 404(b)(f) Guidelines Alternatives Requirements

843B93003 Memorandum to the Field: Establishment and Use of Wetland Mitigation Banks in the Clean Water Act Section 404 Regulatory Program

843B94002 Wetlands Reading List: Pre-Kindergarten Through Grade 12

843B94003 Memorandum of Agreement: Among the Department of Agriculture, the EPA, the Department of the Interior and the Department of the Army Concerning the Delineation of Wetlands for Purposes of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Subtitle B of the Food Security Act

843B94004 Questions and Answers on the Agricultural MOA

843B95001 Memorandum to the Field: Corps and EPA Regulatory Programs Chiefs, Application of Best Management Practices to Mechanical Silvicultural Site Preparation Activities for the Establishment of Pine Plantations in the Southeast

843B95002 Memorandum to the Field: Individual Permit Flexibility for Small Landowners

843B96001 Protecting Natural Wetlands: Guide to Stormwater Best Management Practices

843B96002 Memorandum to the Field: Applicability of Exemptions Under Section 404(f) to Deep Ripping Activities in Wetlands

843B96003 USDA 1996 Farm Bill Conservation Provisions Overview

843B98002 US EPA And Department Of The Army Guidance For Corps And EPA Office Regarding Clean Water Act Section 404 Jurisdiction Oover Isolated Waters In Light Of US Vs James Wilson

843F00001 Constructed Wetlands Domestic Wastewater, Volume 2

843F00002 Constructed Wetlands Agricultural Wastewater, Volume 3

843F00003 Constructed Wetlands coal Mine Drainage, Volume 4

843F00004 Constructed Wetlands Stormwater, Volume 5

843F01002A Fact Sheet: Wetlands Overview

843F01002B Fact Sheet: Types of Wetlands

843F01002C Fact Sheet: Functions and Values of Wetlands

843F01002D Fact Sheet: Threats to Wetlands

843F01002e Fact Sheet Wetland Restoration

843F01002F Funding Wetland Projects

843F01002G Wetland Monitoring and Assessment: Wetlands Provide Beneficial Services

843F01002i Funding Wetland Projects Wetland Program Development Grants

843F01002J Teaching About Wetlands

843F01002k Sustainable Communities

843F01002L Volnuteering for Wetlands

843F02002 Hypoxia and Wetland Retoration

843F02002H Wetland Monitoring & Assessment Technical Framework

843F02002h Wetland Monitoring and Assessment: A Technical Framework

843F02004 Protecting Vernal Pools Using the CWSRF

843F03005 May is American Wetlands Month

843F03012 Wetlands And West Nile Virus

843F03013 Constructed Treatment Wetlands

843F03017 WetLands Protection: Partering With Land Trusts

843F04001 Wetland Regulatory Authority

843F04002 Does Your Construction Site Need a Stormwater Permit? A Construction Site Operator's Guide to EPA's Stormwater Permit Program

843F04010 Wetlands & West Nile Virus

843F04011J Teaching About Wetlands

843F05002 Fact Sheet Functions And Values Of Wetlands

843F06001 Wetlands Protecting Life And Property From Flooding

843F06004 Economics Benefits Of Wetlands

843F06008 Wetlands Walk, A Guide to Wetlands and Wildlife Sanctuaries in the Washing, DC, Metropolitan Area

843F89100 Highlights of Section 404 Federal Regulatory Program to Protect Waters of the United States

843F92001 Wetlands Coloring Book

843F93001a Wetlands Fact Sheet # 1 Wetlands Protection - Overview

843F93001aa Wetlands Fact Sheet # 27 What is a State Wetland Conservation Plan?

843F93001aff EPA Wetlands Fact Sheets 1 - 32

843F93001b Wetlands Fact Sheet # 2 Values and Functions of Wetlands

843F93001bb Wetlands Fact Sheet # 28 Advance Identification (ADID)

843F93001c Wetlands Fact Sheet # 3 Consequences of Wetland Loss and Degradation

843F93001cc Wetlands Fact Sheet # 29 EPA's Outreach Efforts

843F93001d Wetlands Fact Sheet # 4 Economic Benefits of Wetlands

843F93001dd Wetlands Fact Sheet # 30 Partnerships with Landowners

843F93001e Wetlands Fact Sheet # 5 Facts About Wetlands

843F93001ee Wetlands Fact Sheet # 31 Environmental Protection Agency: Directory

843F93001f Wetlands Fact Sheet # 6 Wetland Quotes

843F93001ff Wetlands Fact Sheet # 32 Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program Directory

843F93001g Wetlands Fact Sheet # 7 Clean Water Act §404: Overview

843F93001h Wetlands Fact Sheet # 8 Clean Water Act §404: Permits

843F93001i Wetlands Fact Sheet # 9 Definition and Delineation

843F93001j Wetlands Fact Sheet # 10 Was the 404 Program Intended to Regulate Wetlands

843F93001k Wetlands Fact Sheet # 11 Clean Water Act §404(q):Case Specific Elevation

843F93001l Wetlands Fact Sheet # 12 Clean Water Act §404(c):Veto Authority

843F93001m Wetlands Fact Sheet # 13 Wetlands Enforcement

843F93001n Wetlands Fact Sheet # 14 Wetlands Mitigation Banking

843F93001o Wetlands Fact Sheet # 15 Wetlands Categorization

843F93001p Wetlands Fact Sheet # 16 What About Takings?

843F93001q Wetlands Fact Sheet # 17 Wetland Acquisition and Restoration: Funding and Technical Assistance

843F93001r Wetlands Fact Sheet # 18 Section 404 Regulatory Program: Issues and Examples

843F93001s Wetlands Fact Sheet # 19 Agriculture and Wetlands:§ 404 and Swampbuster

843F93001t Wetlands Fact Sheet # 20 Clean Water Act § 404(f) Exemptions

843F93001u Wetlands Fact Sheet # 21 State, Tribal, Local and Regional Roles in Wetlands Protection

843F93001v Wetlands Fact Sheet # 22 State Wetlands Grants Program

843F93001w Wetlands Fact Sheet # 23 State Assumption of the § 404 Permit Program

843F93001x Wetlands Fact Sheet # 24 401 Certification and Wetlands

843F93001y Wetlands Fact Sheet # 25 Wetlands and Runoff

843F93001z Wetlands Fact Sheet # 26 Wetlands and Watersheds

843F93005 Cryptic Clus: The Wetland Classroom

843F93006 Young Scientist's Introduction to Wetlands

843F93007 Welcome to Nature's Nusery

843F95001 Wetland Fact Sheets

843F95001A Fact Sheet Wetlands Protection, Overview

843F95001B Fact Sheet Values and Functions Of Wetlands

843F95001C Fact Sheet Consequences Of Wetlands Loss and Degradation

843F95001CC Fact Sheet Epa's Outreach Efforts

843F95001D Fact Sheet Economic Benefits Of Wetlands

843F95001DD Fact Sheet Partnerships With Landowners

843F95001E Fact Sheet Facts About Wetlands

843F95001EE Fact Sheet Environmental Protection Agency Directory

843F95001F Fact Sheet Wetland Quotes

843F95001G Fact Sheet Clean Water Act Section 404 Overview

843F95001I Fact Sheet Definition and Delineation

843F95001K Fact Sheet Clean Water Act Section 404(q) Case Specific Evaluation

843F95001Q Fact Sheet Wetland Acquisition and Restoration Sources Of Funding and Technical Assistance

843F95001R Fact Sheet Section 404 Regulatory Program Issues and Examples

843F95001S Fact Sheet Agriculture and Wetlands Section 404 and Swampbuster

843F95001Y Fact Sheet Wetlands and Runoff

843F95001Z Fact Sheet Wetlands and Watersheds

843F95004 Wetlands and Agriculture: Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Swampbuster in the Food Security Act

843F98001 Wetland Bioassessment Fact Sheets

843F99001 Unlocking the Secrets of America's Wetlands

843H04001 It Pays To Save Wetlands

843H98001 Bienvenido a las Tierras Pantanasas (Welcome to the Wetlands) (Spanish)

843K95001 America's Wetlands: Our Vital Link Between Land and Water

843R05001 Guidance for 2006 Assessment, Listing and Reporting Requirements Pursuant to Sections 303(d), 305(b) and 314 of the Clean Water Act

843R91101 Revised Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Vegetated Wetlands : Draft

843R93001 Natural Wetlands and Urban Stormwater: Potential Impacts and Management

843R95001 Report on the Natural History and Nature Writing Workshop Berkeley Springs, WV June 19-21, 1994

843R99002 Tribal Wetland Program Highlights

843S97001 Wetlands: Biological Assessment Methods and Criteria Development Workshop. Proceedings September 18-20, 1996 Boulder, Colorado

843Z00001 Federal Register: March 9, 2000 Part 3 Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Final Notice of Issurance and Modification of Nationwide Permits; Notice

843Z00002 Federal Register: April 20, 20000 Part 5 Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers 33CFR Part 323, 40 CFR Part 232; Proposed Revisions to the Clean Water Act Regulatory Definitions of Fill Material and Discharge of Fill Material; Proposed Rule

843Z00003 Federal Register: August 10, 2000, Department of Defense, Department of the Army Corps of Engineers 33 CFR part 323, 40 CFR part 252 Further Revisions to the Clean Water Act Regulatory Definition of Discarge of Dedged Material: Proposed Rule

843Z01002 Federal Register: August 9, 2001, Part 4 Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Proposal to Reissue and Modify Nation Wide Permits, Notice

843Z02001 Federal Register: Janurary 15, 2002 Part 1 Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Issuance of Nationwide Permits; Notice

843Z02002 Federal Register:August 26, 2002FYO# Wetland Program Development Grants Guidelines

843Z88101 Federal Register: June 6,1988 Part 5 40 CFR Part 232 and 233 Clean Water Section 404 Program Definition and Permit Exemptions; Section 404 State Program Regulations; Final Rule

843Z92001 Federal Register: April 2, 1992Part5 40CFR Part 122, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Application Deadlines, General Permit Requirements and Reporting Requirements for Storm Water Discharges Assuciated with Industerial Activity; Final Rule

843Z92002 Federal Register: November 4, 1992 Part 8, 40CFR Part 230 Exception from Wetlands Mitigation Sequance for Alaska; Proposed Rule

843Z93001 Federal RegisterJanuary 19,1993 Notices

843Z93002 Federal Register: February 11, 1993 Part 4 40CFR Parts 232 and 233, Clean Water Act; Section 404 Tribal Regulations; Rule

843Z93003 Federal Register: August 25, 1993 Part 5 Department of the Army Corps of Engineers, 33 CFR Parts 323 and 326, 40 CFR Part 110 et al. Clean Water Act Regulatory Programs; Final Rule

843Z95001 Federal Register: March 14, 1995 Proposed Rules

843Z95002 Federal Register July 27, 1995 Part 5 Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army, Issuance of Nationwide Permit for Single Family Housing Notice

843Z96001 Federal Register: August 14 1996, Vol 61 No 158, 7 CFR Parts 620 a1467Wetlands Reserve Program

843Z96002 Federal Register: August 16, 1996 Vol 61 No 160, Notices

843Z96003 Federal Register: September 4, 1996 7 CFR Part 12 Highly Erodible Land and Wetland Conservation

843Z96005 Federal Register: December 13, 1996 Part 7 Department of the Army Corps of Engineers, Final Notice of Issuance, Reissuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits; Notice

843Z97006 Federal Register: June 9, 1997 Part 5 Department of the Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Guidance Letters Issued by the Corps of Engineers; Notice

843Z97007 Federal Register: June 20, 1997 Vol 62 no. 119 Notices, National Action Plan to Implement the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions

843Z98001 Federal Register: July 1, 1998 Part 2 Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Proposal to Issue and Modify Nationwide Permits; Notice

843Z99001 Federal Register: March 5, 1999, Part 4 Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, 33CFR Parts 320, 326, and 331, Adminstrative Appeal Process Establishment for the Regulatory Program of the Corps of Engineers; Final Rule

843Z99002 Federal Register: May 10, 1999, Part 2 Department of the Army Corps of Engineers, 23 CFR Part 323, 40 CFR Part 232 Revisions to the Clean Water Act Regulatory Definition of Discharge of Dredged Material; Final Rule

843Z99003 Federal Register: July 21 1999, Part 3 Department of Defense, Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Proposal to Issue and Modify Nationwide Permits: Notice

846B92002 Alternatives Analysis under the Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines for Projects Subject to Modification Under the Clean Air Act

850R02001 Strategic SDWA Compliance Planning for Small Systems

850R70001 Record for Establishment of BCT, BAT, NSPS, PSES, and PSNS for the Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Industry Point Source Category

850S86001 Feasibility Study for the Pretreatment Permits and Enforcement Tracking System (PPETS)

850S88001 Paying for Cleaner Water : The State Funding Study

851B96001 Working Effectively with Tribal Governments : Participant Manual, Interim Final

855B96001 Citizen's Pollution Prevention Handbook: Gulf of Mexico Program

855B97001 Constructed Wetlands for Animal Waste Treatment: A Manual on Performance, Design, and Operation With Case Histories

855B97900 Corporate Recycling Councils: A Handbook for Starting State and Local Councils

855F94001 Gulf at a Glance: Reflections on the Gulf of Mexico

855K97001 Constructed Wetlands and Wastewater Management for Confined Animal Feeding Operations

855K97002 Recognizing Wetlands in the Gulf of Mexico Region

855R97001 Proceedings: 1st Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Management Conference; Distribution of Bottom Water Hypoxia In Mid-Summer for 1992-1995, Kenner, Louisiana December 5-6, 1995

855R97003 Gulf of Mexico Program: 1997 Shareholder Report

86069999 Underground Storage Tanks (UST) New Federal Law

8700-13A/B 2003 Hazardous Waste Report Instructions And Forms: EPA Form 8700-13 A/B

8700-23 Hazardous Waste Permit Application Part A

901193001 Fy92 Enforcement Accomplishments Report

901194001 Fy 93 Enforcement Accomplishments Report

901388001 Index To EPA Test Methods

901388003 Cape Cod Aquifer Management Project (CCAMP) Executive Summary

901592001 Compendium of Materials on Municipal Solid Waste: Defining Degradability

901976003A Economic Law Enforcement Volume 1 Overview

901976003B Economic Law Enforcement Volume 2 Strengthening Environmental Law Enforcement Air Pollution

901976003C Economic Law Enforcement Volum 3 Strengthening Environmental Law Enforcement Water Pollution

901976003D Economic Law Enforcement Volume 4 Strengthening Environmental Law Enforcement Illegal Filling

901976003E Economic Law Enforcement Volume 5 Ensuring Proper Operation And Maintenance Environments Next Regulatory Problem

901976003F Economic Law Enforcement Volum E6 Legal Issues

901976007 Ozone In The Northeastern United States

901977002 Analysis Of Photochemical Oxidant and Particulate Pollution Patterns In New England Using Remote Sensing Data

901978004 Asbestos Hazards Selected Bibliography

901D89001 Executive Summary Draft Environmental Impact Statement Evaluation of the Continued Use of the Massachusetts Bay Dredged Material Disposal Site

901E06001 Top 10 List: Pandemic and Natural Disasters Notebook: Updating Emergency Response Plans (ERP) for Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems

901F03006 Colleges and Universities Site Security Awareness Safeguarding Against Terrorism

901F07007 It's a Shore Thing - Clean New England Beaches

901F08005 Boston Harbor Commercial No Discharge Area (NDA )Fact Sheet

901F08006 Boston Harbor Recreational No Discharge Area (NDA) Fact Sheet

901F08008 It's a Shore Thing Clean New England Beaches

901K07001 Hogares Saludables

901R07002 Cleaner Cities Healthier Cities, Urban Environmental Challenges, Urban Successes

901R07004 The Local Landscape October 2007

901R07005 The Local Landscape Winter 2008

901R07006 The Local Landscape: Environmental News in New England for for Municipal Leaders, Summer 2008

901R82001 Regional Administrator's Annual Report : Environmental Quality in New England

901R92001 New Risk-Based Occupational Medical Surveillance Program for U.S. EPA Region 1, For the Period 1992-1995

901R93001 Report Of The National Technical Forum On Source Reduction Of Heavy Metals In Municipal Solid Waste

901R94001 Case Studies Held by the Research Library for RCRA, by J. T. Newton

901R94901 New Chapter For Recycling Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) To Improve The Market Development And Transportion Of Recycled Materials

901R94911 Clean Water And Productive Rangelands

901R95901 Opportunities For Government Procurement Of New And Innovative Recycled Content Products

901R96001 State Of The New England Environment Report, 1996

902172252 Environmental Impact Statement On Wastewater Treatment Facilities Construction Grants For Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York

90219821 Overview Of Environmental Pollution In The Niagara Frontier, New York March 1982

902800 OSWER's System Life-cycle Management Guidance

902800C OSWER's System Life Cycle Management Guidance, Part 3 Practice Papers, Data Modeling and Application Security Management

902887001 Niagara River Action Plan

902973001 Proceedings Of Conference On Land Disposal Of Municipal Effluents And Sludges Held At Rutgers-the State University Of New Jersey On March 12-13 1973

902974001 Traces Of Heavy Metals In Water Removal Processes And Monitoring

902974002 Pretreatment And Ultimate Disposal Of Wastewater Solids

902975001 Proceedings Of A Conference On Emerging Environmental Problems Acid Precipitation

902977001A Comprehensive Ifygl Materials Balance Study For Lake Ontario Basin Part 1

902977001B Comprehensive Ifygl Materials Balance Study For Lake Ontario Basin Part 2

902977001C Comprehensive Ifygl Materials Balance Study For Lake Ontario Basin Part 3

902977002 Proceedings Symposium On Environmental Quality And Land Use Planning

902B01002 Region 2 Asthma Summit: May 31 - June 1, 2000

902F93001 Building Near Wetlands: The Dry Facts

902R03002 Final Report Sediment Quality of the NY/NJ Harbor System: a 5-year Revisit 1993/4 - 1998

902R68101 Regional Water Pollution Profile Fwpca Northwest Region

902R70101 Design And Construction Of A Saltwater Environment Simulator

902R72001 Summary Of Recent Technical Information Concerning Thermal Discharges Into Lake Michigan

902R72002 Control Strategies For In Use Vehicles

902R72101 Arkansas Water Quality Standards Summary

902R73001 Recycling Municipal Sludge And Effluents On Land

902R75101 Summary Of Public Hearings On Possible Administration Proposals To Amend The Federal Water Pollution Control Act As It Relates To The Municipal Waste Treatment Construction Grants Program

902R75102 Cost Estimates For Construction Of Publicaly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities 1974 Needs Survey

902R76001 Region 2 Planning Commission Areawide Treatment Management Plan Appendix 1

902R76002 Waste Management Technology And Resource And Energy Recovery

902R77101 Economic Analysis Of Proposed Regulations On Organic Contaminants In Drinking Water

902R78001 Disinfectant Test Method Update Final Technical Report

902R78001 Dispersant Utilization Report Dredge Barge Pennsylvania Oil Spill, Rockaway Jetty, New York, 7/31/78 - 8/14/78

902R80001 Environmental Impact Statement For 106 Mile Ocean Waste Disposal Site Designation

902R82001 Baseline Sediment Studies To Determine Distribution Physical Properties Sedimentation Budgets and Rates In The Virginia Portion Of The Chesapeake Bay

902R87101 Niagara River Action Plan August 1987 Update

902R90001 Office of Policy & Management Accomplishments and Goals FY 89/90

902R97003 Multimedia Pollution Prevention Permitting Project: Project Report

902R97503 A commitment to address the environmental and development problems of The Wider Caribbean

902R98001 Final Report Sediment Quality of the NY/NJ Harbor System

902R98002 Long Island Sound Study: Phase 3 Actions for Hypoxia Management, July 1998

902R98003 State Of The Environment 1998

902R99002 Customer Service In Permitting Toolkit For Regions States Tribes And Local Permitting Authorities

903891002 Exposure Point Concentrations In Groundwater

903973001A Environmental Survey Of An Interim Ocean Dumpsite Middle Atlantic Bight Cruise Report 1-5 May 1973

903973006 Water Quality Assessment Report Kanawha River Basin

903973007 Contingency Plan For Spills Of Oil and Other Hazardous Materials For Inland Waters Of Region III

903973009 Bod5-do Ratio A New Analytical Tool For Water Quality Evaluation

903974008 Chemical and Biological Evaluation Of Three Mine Drainage Treatment Plants

903974010A Environmental Survey Of Two Interim Dumpsites Middle Atlantic Bight Operation Fetch

903974010B Supplemental Reportenvironmental Survey Of Two Interim Dumpsites, Middle Atlantic Bight

903974011 Potomac River Estuary In The Washington Metropolitan Area A History Of Its Water Quality Problems and Their Solution

903974012 Distribution Of Metals In Baltimore Harbor Sediments

903974014 Summary and Conclusions Nutrient Transport and Accountability In The Lower Susquehanna River Basin

903975015 Effects Of Ocean Disposal Activities On Mid-continental Shelf Environment Of Delaware and Maryland

903975016 Monongahela River Basin Aquatic Biology Fish Population Studies Of The Monongahela River

903975017 Land Application Of Wastewater

903975019 Wind Tunnel Modeling Study Of The Dispersion Of Sulfur Dioxide In Southern Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

903976023 Distribution Of Metals In Elizabeth River Sediments

903976024 Study Of SO2 Around The Crane, Riverside and Wagner Power Stations In Metropolitan Baltimore Final Report

903977028 Inspection Manual For Toxic Air Pollutant Emissions

903977029 Effects Of Ocean Dumping Activity, Mid-atlantic Bight, 1976 Interim Report

903977030 Emission Inventory and Sulfur Dioxide Alternatives For The Metropolitan Philadelphia Region

903978001 Water Quality Modelling Study of the Delaware Estuary, January 1978

903978002 Final Report On Environmental Aspects Of The New-source NPDES Permit Program For The West Virginia Surface Coal Mining Industry, 1977-1980

903978003 Philadelphia Particulate Study Final Report

903978005 Statistical Analysis Of Dissolved Oxygen Sampling Procedures Employed By The Annapolis Field Office

903978006 Analysis Of Sulfur In Fuel Oils By Energy-dispersive X-ray Fluorescence

903978007 Analysis Of Organic Air Pollutants In The Kanawha Valley, WV and The Shenandoah Valley, VA

903978008 Region 3 Annapolis Field Office Working For A Better Environment

903978009 Summary Of Ohio River Fishery Surveys, 1968-76

903978010 Summary Of Available Information On Chesapeake Bay Submerged Vegetation

903978011 Proceedings Of The Kepone Seminar 2

903978012A Chesapeake Bay Review Research and Responsibilities Prepared For The Chesapeake Bay Program, Volume 1

903978013 Suspended Sediment In The Chesapeake and Delaware Canal

903978014 Transport Processes In Estuaries Recommendations For Research

903978017A Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition Toxics In The Chesapeake Bay

903978018 Analysis Of Fish Tissue For Kepone, Mirex, Atrazine, Linuron and Alachlor

903978019 PCB Concentrations In Striped Bass and Eggs Final Report

903978020 Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Report Appendix 2

903978021 Sampling Program For Nutrient Transport Into Subestuaries Of The Chesapeake Bay

903978022 Water Quality Monitoring Programs For Selected Sub-estuaries Of The Chesapeake Bay

903978023 Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition Dredging and Spoil Disposal Appendix 6

903978024 Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition Appendix 4, Eutrophication

903978025 Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition Shellfish Bed Closures

903978026 Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition Hydrologic Modifications Appendix 8

903978027 Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition Modification Of Fisheries Appendix 7

903978028 Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition Wetlands Alteration Appendix Ix

903978029 Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition Effects Of Boating and Shipping On Water Quality Appendix X

903978030 Chesapeake Bay Baseline Data Acquisition Appendix XI, Shoreline Erosion

903979002 Algal Nutrient Studies Of The Potomac Estuary

903979003 Carbonaceous And Nitrogenous Demand Studies Of The Potomac Estuary

903979004 Lehigh River Intensive

903979005 Biochemical Studies Of The Potomac Estuary

903979006 Simplified Nod Determination

903979007 Estuarine Response To Nutrient Enrichment, A Counterpart Of Eutrophication A Bibliography

903979008A Estuarine Response To Nutrient Enrichment, A Counterpart Of Eutrophication An Annotated Bibliography

903979008B Estuarine Response To Nutrient Enrichment, A Counterpart Of Eutrophication An Annotated Bibliography

903980001 User's Manual For The Dynamic Delware Estuary Model Technical Report 64 Annapolis Field Office US EPA Region 3

903980002 Assessment Of 1978 Water Quality Conditions In The Upper Potomac Estuary

903980004 Method Of Standard Additions and Effects Of Dilution

903981001 Calculations From Compliance Emissions Of Long- and Short- Term SO2 Concentrations In The Southwest Pennsylvania Air Quality Control Region

903981003 Survey Of The Huntington And Philadelphia River Water Supplies For Purgeable Organic Contaminants

903981502 Selected Bibliography And Analysis On Superfund

903982002 Allegheny County VOC and NOx Point Source Emission Inventory

903982004B User's Instructions For The Shortz and Longz Computer Program Volume 2

903982004C User's Instructions For The Shortz and Longz Computer Programs, Volume I

903982005 Improving Performance Of The Maryland Air Management Administration Ozone Model (OZIPM)

903982006 Implementation Of The PSD Permit Program In Region 3

903982008A NSR and PSD Program Assistance and Development In EPA Region 3, Volume 2

903982008B NSR and PSD Program Assistance and Devlopment In EPA Region 3, Volume 2

903983001 Guide To The Use Of Selected Unamap Version 4 Dispersion Models On The Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania Computer System Final Report

903983002 Westvaco Luke, Maryland Monitoring Program Data Analysis and Dispersion Model Validation Final Report

903B00004 Mid-atlantic Highlands Streams Assessment: Technical Support Document

903B01001 Chesapeake Bay Program Nutrient Trading Fundamental Principles and Guidelines

903B93002 Wellhead Protection Workbook

903B94001 Environmental Targeting Systems

903B94002 Mitigation Technical Guidance Chesapeake Bay Wetlands

903B95003 Facility Response Plan (frp) Information Guide

903B97004 Who's Who In The Chesapeake Bay Program September 1997

903B97005 Beyond Sprawl Land Management Techniques To Protect The Chesapeake Bay, Handbook For Local Governments {handbook}

903B97006 Hazard Evaluation Guide To Removal Actions, 4th Edition {handbook}

903B98001 Protecting Your Watershed Through A Source Water Assessment and Protection Program How To Workbook For Communities and Watershed Groups

903B98002 Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Information Guide

903B99001 Disposal Handbook Guide To Managing Classification And Disposal Of Hazardous Waste At Superfund Sites

903B99002 Better Backyard Citizen's Resource Guide To Beneficial Landscaping and Habitat Restoration In The Chesapeake Bay Watershed

903D00001 Small Watershed Grants Program Fy 1998, Final Report

903D03001 Public Hearing Draft Programmatice Eis Mountaintop Mining-valley Fills In Appalachian Charleston, West Virginia {draft}

903D03002 Public Hearing Draft Programmatic EIS Mountaintop Mining-valley Fills In Appalachian Charleston, West Virginia , Evening Session {Draft}

903D04001 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS) for the Design Modifications and Recreational Enhancements to the Wyoming Valley Levee Raising Project at the Wilkes-Barre Pa River Commons

903D05001 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Proposed Federal Correctional Institution, Southern West Virginia, December 2003

903D05002 Model Report For Christina River Basin, Pennsylvania, Delware, And Maryland, High Flow Nutrient And Do Tmdl Development {draft}

903D06001 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Section 4040 Evaluation Woodhaven Road Project Philadelphia, Bucks And Montgomery Counties, Pa

903D88100 Draft Removing Impediments To Migratory Fishes N The Chesapeake Bay Watershed

903D94001 Draft Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Management Plan

903D94002 Draft Chesapeake Bay Oyster Management Plan

903D99001 Chesapeake 2000 Agreement A Watershed Partnership Draft for Public Review and Comment

903F00002 How Will Climate Change Affect the Mid-Atlantic Region?

903F01003 What is the State of the Environment in the Mid-Atlantic Region?

903F02004 Calvert County Maryland's Success In Controlling Sprawl

903F02005 Montgomery County Maryland Uses Biological Monitoring To Better Understand And Manage Watersheds

903F02007 Watershed Partnership Stabilizes Streambanks Of Central Pennsylvania Watersheds

903F03005 June Bugs Invade Links

903F04002 The North Fork Potomac Watershed Story

903F04005 High Radium Levels in Anne Arundel County Drinking Water Corrected Partnerships and collaboration made the difference

903F04006 Poultry Litter And Renewable Resouce Seminar

903F04006A Poultry Litter & Renewable Resource Seminar, May 5th 2004 Attendee List

903F04007 Fact Sheet NPDES Permit

903F04008 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility AK Steel Corporation

903F04009 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Federal Mogul Friction Products

903F04010 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Bingham And Taylor

903F05008 Final Supplemental Wyoming Valley Levee Raising Project, Design Modifications And Recreational Enhancements, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania

903F05010 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Sunoco Schuylkill River Tank Farm

903F05011 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Lancaster Metals Science Corporation

903F05012 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Osram Sylvania Incorporated Formerly GTE

903F05013 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Hauer Custom Manufacturing Inc (Formerly Kiwi)

903F05014 Region 3 Gpra Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Industrial Solvents & Chemicals Company

903F05015 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Action Manufacturing

903F05016 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility CCSWA Stabilized Disposal Site

903F05017 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Envirotrol Incorporated

903F05018 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Aldan Industries Incorporated

903F05019 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Bethlehem Steel Corporation Bethelhem Works

903F05020 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Spectrum Control Incorporated (Formerly AMP-Elizabethtown)

903F05021 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility General Chemical Corporation

903F05022 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Faciliity Exide Technologieis (General Battery Corporation)

903F05023 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Faciliity Sunrise Medical Incorporated Incorporated (DeVilbiss Co)

903F05024 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility BFI - Solley Road

903F05027 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility SPS Technologies (SPS)

903F05028 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Chemical Leaman Tank Lines

903F05029 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility GROWS Incorporated Land Fill

903F05030 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Western Berks Refuse Authority

903F05031 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Industrial Wastes Incorporated

903F05033 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Koppel Steel Corporation

903F05034 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility PECO Energy Company Chester Facility

903F05035 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility University Of Virginia

903F05037 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Merck And Company Incorporated

903F05038 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility E.I. Dupont De Nemours Abd Company Inc

903F05039 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility International Paper, Franklin Mill

903F05040 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Firestone Fiber (Formerly Allied Signal)

903F05041 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Wood Preservers Incorporated

903F05042 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Invista (Formerly E.I. Dupont De Nemours And Company Inc)

903F05043 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility E.I. Dupont De Nemours And Company Inc

903F05045 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility CSX Transportatio Incorporated (Formerly Beazer East)

903F05046 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Hercules Incorporated

903F05047 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation

903F05049 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Koppers Industries Incorporated

903F05050 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Bayer Incorporated

903F05052 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Honeywell-Chesterfield (Formerly Allied Signal)

903F05053 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Cooper Industries

903F05055 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Atlantic Research Corporation

903F05056 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Nevamar Company LLC (Fomerly International Paper-Masonite Corp)

903F05057 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility BWX Technologies Incorporated

903F05059 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility International Paper Richmond Gravure

903F05060 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Sunoco Partners Marketing And Terminal (former Mobil Oil-Toscio-Conoco Phillips Terminal)

903F05061 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility BP-Amoco-Giant Yorktown Refinery

903F05065 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility IBM Manassas

903F05066 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Honeywell Hopewell (Fomerly Allied Signal)

903F05067 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Viasystems Technologies Corporation (formerly Lucent, Circo Craft, AT&T)

903F05068 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility GE Lighting (Formerly Winchester Lamp Plant GE)

903F05069 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Schrader-Bridgeport International Incorporated (Formerly Piedmont Manufacturing Company

903F05070 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility General Motors Corporation Powertrain Group

903F05072 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Giant Resource Recovery Inc (Formerly Oldover Corporation Arvonia)

903F06001 Developing Biological Indicators Lessons Learned From Mid-Atlantic Streams

903F06004 Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Safety Kleen Corporation

903F93002 Directive No. 93-4 Fish Passage Goals

903K08001 Mid-Atlantic Brownfields: Recasting the Future of Manufacturing and Mining Lands

903K92001 Canaan Valley: A National Treasure

903K92002 Pollution Prevention & Recycling Ideas At Work

903K93001 Protecting the Environment: Whose Job Is It Anyway?

903K94001 Migratory Birds And Our Habitat 2nd School Curriculum

903K95003 Assessing Dermal Exposure From Soil

903K97003 Citizen's Handbook To Address Contaminated Coal Mine Drainage

903K98001 Local Government Pollution Prevention Toolkit Tools and Models To Help Local Governments Implement Pollution Prevention (p2) and Protect The Chesapeake Bay, Its Rivers and Streams

903N95004 Chesapeake Bay Quarterly Noncompliance Report 1st Quarter Fiscal Year 1995, October 1 Through December 31, 1995

903P05001A Mountain Top Mining Valley Fills In Appalachia Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Public Comments Volume 1

903R00001 Chesapeake Bay Introduction To An Ecosystem

903R00006 Ambient Toxicity Testing In Chesapeake Bay, Year 7 Report

903R00009ES Maryland Agriculture and Your Watershed: (ERRATA SHEET)

903R00014 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Water Quality and Habitat Based Requirements and Restoration Targets 2nd Technical Synthesis

903R00015 Mid-Atlantic Highlands Streams Assessment

903R00015ES Errata: Mid-Atlantic Highlands Streams Assessment

903R00016 Environmental Outcome Based Management Using Environmental Goals and Measures In The Chesapeake Bay Program

903R00017 Chespeake Bay 2000 Living Resource Protection And Restoration

903R00018 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency : Region III Environmental Justice Update and Accomplishments

903R00039 Maryland Agriculture and Your Watershed

903R01002 Ambient Toxicity and Chemical Characterization Of 4 Bayside Creeks Of The Eastern Shore

903R01005 Who's Who In The Chesapeake Bay Program

903R01007 Bay B C's Multidisciplinary Approach To Teaching About The Chesapeake Bay

903R01008 Using the Sediment Quality Triad to Characterize Toxic Conditions in the Chesapeake Bay (1999): An Assessment of Tidal River Segments in the Bohemia, Magothy, Patuxent, Potomac, James, and York Rivers

903R02007 Recommendations For Coordinating Phosphorus-based Nutrient Management In The Chesapeake Bay Region

903R02008 Biological Indicator Variability And Stream Monitoring Program Integration: A Maryland Case Study

903R03003 Developing Biological Indicators: Lessons Learned From Mid-Atlantic Streams

903R03005 Pilot Study For Montgomery County and Maryland DNR Data Integration: Comparison of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling Protocols for Freshwater Streams

903R03008 A "Who's Who" in the Chesapeake Bay Program

903R03009 An Assessment Of The Macroinvertebrate Communities Of The Indian Creek Watershed, Tazewell County, Virginia

903R04003 Chesapeake Bay Introduction To An Ecosystem

903R04010 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Individual Permit For The Discharges From National World War II Memorial

903R04011 Final Report On The Mid-atlantic States Electronic Recycling Pilot

903R05002 Mountain Top Mining Valley Fills In Appalachia Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement

903R05003 Proof Of Concept for Integrating Bioassessment Results from Three State Probabilistic Monitoring Programs

903R06001A Chesapeake Bay 2005 Health and Restoration Assessment A Draft Report to the Citizens of the Bay Region Part One: Ecosystem Health

903R06001B Chesapeake Bay 2005 Health and Restoration Assessment A Draft Report to the Citizens of the Bay Region Part Two: Restoration Efforts

903R06004 Proceedings of the Workshop on Stormwater Management and Mosquito Control

903R62100 Comprehensive Water Quality Project Chesapeake Bay Susquehanna River Basins {prospectus}

903R62101 Investigation Of The Lower Roanoke River Basin Virginia And North Carolina

903R64100 Water Rsource Studyt Salem Church Reservoir Rappahannock River, Va

903R64101 Waste Disposal Practices At Federal Installations Patuxent River Basin

903R65100 Water Supply and Water Quality Study Gathright Reservoir James River Basin Virginia

903R68002 Mine Drainage Susquehanna River Basin

903R68100 Evaluation Of Water Quality Trends Shenandoah River, Virginia Front Royal Berryville Technical Report 2

903R70101 A Gardener's Guide To A Healthier Environment What You Can Do To Prevent Pollution

903R70102 Current Water Quality Conditions and Investigations In The Upper Potomac River Tidal System

903R70103 Consolidated Water Quality Survey Of The Potomac Estuary

903R70104 An Appraisal Of Water Pollution Control In The Washington Metropolitan Area

903R70105 Thermal Pollution Study Interim Report Upper Ohio River Basin October 1967-december 1969

903R70106 Chemical Water Quality Data Report For Potential Upstream Reservoir Sites Susquehanna River Basin

903R70107 Water Quality Control Needs, Connoquenessing Creek and Lower Beaver River, Beaver River Basin, Pennsylvania

903R70108 Community Water Supply Study Charleston, West Virginia Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area

903R70109 Water Quality Survey Of The Upper Potomac Estuary Enforcement Conference Area 1970 Data Report Number 29

903R70110 Water Quality Survey Of The Potomac Estuary Embayments and Transects 1970 Data Report Number 28

903R70111 Biological Studies Of The Smith River, Virginia 1970

903R70115 Recommended Uniform Effluent Concentrations EPA Region 3 Enforcement Division

903R71001 Interstate Pollution Of Ohio River Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Area

903R71100 Interstate Pollution Of Ohio River Wheeling West Virginia - Steubenville, Ohio Area

903R71101 Concepts and Equations For Multilayered, Variable Density Estuarine Hydraulics

903R71102 Interstate Pollution Of Ohio River Wheeling, W Va - Steubenville, Ohio Area

903R71103 Water Resource-water Supply Study Of The Potomac Estuary

903R72100 Water Quality Conditions In The Chesapeake Bay System

903R72101 Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Input Study Technical Report 47

903R73001 Preliminary Discussion Of The Lower Potomac Stp Allowable Effluent Flow Rate

903R73002 Pre-impoundment Water Quality Investigation For The Proposed Trexler Lake

903R74100 The Schuylkill River 1973 Some Interesting Biological Effects Of The Oil Spill During Hurricane Agnes

903R74101 Water Pollution Control Practices At Seven Major Industrial Plants Int He Kanawha River Valley Of West Virginia

903R74102 1974 Pesticide Profile Region III

903R75100 Curretn Nutrient Assessment Upper Potomac Estuary

903R75101 Water Quality Model and Waste Load Allocation Analysis Of The Rappahannock River Below Fredericksburg Va

903R76100 Listing Of All Instances Of Non-compliance With Npdes Permit Compliance Schedules (period Ending October 31, 1976)

903R76101 Statement Of Daniel J Snyder III Regional Administrator Environmental Protection Agency

903R76900 An Assessment Of The Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Program Plan

903R76901 Allegheny County Air Pollution Episode : November 16, 1975 - November 20, 1975

903R77001 The Potomac Estuary Current Assessment Paper Number 2

903R77100 Supplemental Report 1975-1977, Volume 24

903R77101 Listing Of All Instances Of Non-compliance With Npdes Permit Compliance Schedules (period Ending January 31, 1977)

903R78001 Particulate Matter Study For The Metropolitan Baltimore Intrastate Air Quality Control Region

903R78002 Preliminary Case Report For The Henrico County Virginia Wastewater Treatment Facilities Deep Bottom West

903R78100 Special Reports, 1978 Volume 25

903R78101 Biological Services Program A Conceptual Ecological Model For Chesapeake Bay

903R79100 Special Presorts 1979, Volume 26

903R79106 Geomet Report Number Eh-788 Socio-economic Analysis Of Water Resources A Bibliography Final Report

903R80001 North Branch Potomac River Basin West Virginia Supplement Information Document Area Wide Environmental Assessment For Issuing New Source Npdes Permits For Coal Mines

903R80002 West Virginia Surface Impoundment Assessment Program Final Report

903R80003 Water Quality Monitoring Of Three Major Tributaries To The Chesapeake Bay Interim Data Report

903R80004 Final Environmental Impact Statement Horsham Warminster Warrington Pennsylvania Wastewater Treatment Facilities

903R80005 General Assessment Of Selected Dredging Disposal Options For Three Federal Dredging Projects In Upper Chesapeake Bay

903R80006 EPA Region 3 Summer Oxidants Study Final Report

903R81001 Monongahela River Basin West Virginia Supplement Information Document Area Wide Environmental Assessment For Issuing New Source Npdes Permits For Coal Mines

903R81002 A Land Use Decision Methodology For Mine Lands In Appalachia Final Report

903R81003 The RCRA Subtitle D Program In US EPA Region 3

903R81004 The RCRA Subtitle D Program In US EPA Region 3 Alternative Means For Continuing State Programs

903R81005 Assessment and Updating Of Particulate Emissions Data For The Southwest Pennsylvania Intrastate Air Quality Control Region Volume 1

903R81006 Assessment and Updating Of Particulate Emissions Data For The Southwest Pennsylvania Intrastate Air Quality Control Region Volume 2

903R81007 Effects Of Wastewater Spray Irrigation Systems On Adjacent Residential Property Values

903R81008 Significance Of Suspended Trace Metals and Fluid Mud In Chesapeake Bay

903R81100 Areawide Environmental Assessment For Issuing Npdes New Source Coal Mining Permits In West Virginia

903R81102 Peat Mining An Initial Assessment Of Wetlands Impacts and Measures To Mitigate Adverse Effects

903R82002 Environmental Status Report Assessment Of 1981 Air Quality EPA Region 3

903R82003 Water Quality Of Three Major Tributaries To The Chesapeake Bay The Susquehanna Potomac and James River January 1979 April 1981

903R82100 Chesapeake Bay Program Technical Studies A Synthesis

903R83001 Environmental Management Report 1983

903R83002 Vapor Controls For Vehicle Tank Refueling At Retail Gasoline Service Stations

903R83003 Chesapeake Bat Basin Model

903R83004 Vapor Controls For Barge Loading Of Gasoline

903R83005 Philadelphia Camden Port Environmental Enhancement Plan

903R83006 Environmental Status Report Assessment Of 1982 Air Quality EPA Region 3

903R83007 Volatile Organic Compound Emission Controls For The Automobile Refinishing Industry

903R83008 Chesapeake Bay Program Findings and Recommendations

903R83009 Philadelphia Camden Port Environmental Enhancement Plan Volume 1 Report

903R83010 Chesapeake Bay A Framework For Action

903R83011 Chesapeake Bay A Profile Of Environmental Change Appendices

903R83012 Chesapeake Bay A Profile Of Environmental Change

903R83013 Volatile Organic Compound Emission Controls For Petroleum Refinery Secondary Wastewater Separators

903R83100 Chesapeake Bay Program Findings and Recommendations

903R83101 Final Environmental Impact Statement West Ocean City Wastewater Treatment Facilities Worcester County, Maryland

903R84001 Operators Compliance Manual For Class 1 Injection Wells In Pennsylvania

903R84002 Volatile Organic Compound Emission Controls For Witco Chemical Corporation Plant In Trainer Pennsylvania

903R84003 Volatile Organic Compound Emission Controls For Tablet Coating At Pharmaceutical Plants

903R85001 Review Of Methyl Isocyanate (mic) Production At The Union Carbide Corporation Facility Institute, West Virginia

903R85002 Environmental Management Report 1985

903R85003 State Of The Chesapeake Bay Second Annual Monitoring Report

903R85004 Dioxin Analysis Of Philadelphia Northwest Incinerator Summary Report Volume 2 Appendices A Thru F

903R85100 First Annual Progress Report Under The Chesapeake Bay Agreement

903R86001 Investigation Of Potential Environmental Hazards At Tinicum National Environmental Center

903R86002 The Function Assessment Of Selected Wetlands Of Chincoteague Island Virginia

903R86003 Final Report Of The Philadelphia Integrated Environmental Management Project

903R86010 Summary Report Dioxin Analysis Of Philadelphia Northwest Incinerator

903R87001 Nitrogen and Phosphorus Determinations In Estuarine Waters A Comparison Of Methods Used In Chesapeake Bay Monitoring

903R87002 Perspectives On The Chesapeake Bay Recent Advances In Estuarine Sciences

903R87006 Distribution Of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation In The Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries 1985

903R87007 Distribution Of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation In The Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries 1984

903R87008 Distribution Of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation In The Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries and Chincoteague Bay

903R87100 Second Annual Progress Report Under The Chesapeake Bay Agreement

903R87101 State Voc Regulatory Review EPA Region III, December 1987

903R87102 Survey Of Tributyltin and Dibutyltin Concentrations At Selected Harbors In Chesapeake Bay, Final Report

903R87103 Available Technology For The Control Of Nutrient Pollution In The Chesapeake Bay Watershed

903R87104 Chesapeake Bay Mainstem Monitoring Program Statistical and Analytical Support Contract, Final Report Volume 2

903R87105 Chesapeake Bay Mainstem Monitoring Program Statistical and Analytical Support Contract, Final Report Volume 1

903R87106 Kanawha Valley Toxics Screening Study Final Report

903R87107 Implementation Committee A Commitment Renewed Restoration Progress and The Course Ahead Under The 1987 Bay Agreement

903R87108 Descriptive Summary Report Suitability Of Chincoteague Island For Section 404 Activities

903R87109 1987 Chesapeake Bay Agreement

903R87110 Estimates Of Sediment Denitrification and Its Influence On The Fate Of Nitrogen In Chesapeake Bay

903R87111 Sub-basin Tabulation Of River Mile Indexes, Susquehanna River Basin

903R87112 GroundWater Publication Sources in the Region III Information Resource Center A Special Information Service

903R88001 Our Environmental Challenge People and Progress

903R88002 Chesapeake Bay Program Schedule For Developing Baywide Resource Management Strategies

903R88005 Understanding The Estuary Advances In Chesapeake Bay Research

903R88101 Stock Assessment Plan Chesapeake Bay Program

903R88102 Baywide Conventional Pollutants Control Strategy

903R88103 Comprehensive Research Plan

903R88104 Review Of Technical Literature and Characterization Of Aquatic Surface Microlayer Samples

903R88105 A Commitment Renewed Restoration Progress and The Course Ahead Under The 1987 Bay Agreement

903R88107 Assessment Of Cost and Effectiveness Of Biological Dual Nutrient Removal Technologies In The Chesapeake Bay Drainage Basin, Volume 1

903R88108 Assessment Of Cost and Effectiveness Of Biological Dual Nutrient Removal Technologies In The Chesapeake Bay Drainage Basin, Volume 2

903R88109 Baywide Communication Plan

903R88110 Baywide Nutrient Reduction Strategy

903R88111 Chesapeake Bay Basinwide Toxics Reduction Strategy

903R88112 Strategy For Removing Impediments To Migratory Fishes In The Chesapeake Bay Watershed

903R88113 Stock Assessment Plan

903R88114 Chesapeake Bay Program

903R88115 Chespeake Bay Wetlands Policy

903R88116 Population Growth and Development In The Chesapeake Bay Watershed Ot The Year 2020

903R88117 Living Resources Monitoring Plan Chesapeake Bay Program Agreement Commitment Report

903R88118 Public Access Strategy

903R88119 On-scene Coordinator's Report Ashland Oil Terminal Major Oil Spill Floreffe, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

903R88120 EPA Staff Papers Presented At The Chesapeake Bay Research Conference March 1988

903R89001 Hazardous Waste Minimization Manual For Small Quantity Generators

903R89003 Sludge Management Study Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant Washington Dc Draft Environmental Impact Statement

903R89004 Chesapeake Bay Striped Bass Management Plan

903R89005 Bay Barometer Series April 1987 To March 1989

903R89006 Chesapeake Bay Citizen Monitoring Program Report Appendix 2 Data Listing By Site

903R89007 Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Management Plan

903R89008 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Policy For The Chesapeake Bay and Tidal Tributaries

903R89009 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Development Policies and Guidelines

903R89010 Chesapeake Bay Oyster Management Plan

903R89011 Chesapeake Bay Basin Monitoring Program Atlas Volume 2 Biological and Living Resource Monitoring Programs

903R89012 Chesapeake Bay Basin Monitoring Program Atlas Volume 1 Water Quality and Other Physiochemical Monitoring Programs

903R89013 Distribution Of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation In The Chesapeake Bay 1989

903R89014 EPA Region 3 Air Quality Trends Report 1989

903R89015 Implementation Plan For Removing Impediments To Migratory Fishes In The Chesapeake Bay Watershed

903R89016 Chesapeake Bay Alosid Management Plan

903R89017 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Development Policies and Guidelines

903R89100 The First Progress Report Under The 1987 Chesapeake Bay Agreement

903R89101 The State Of The Chesapeake Bay Third Biennial Monitoring Report 1989

903R89102 Baywide Nutrient Reduction Strategy Progress Report

903R89103 The Second Progress Report Under The 1987 Chesapeake Bay Agreement

903R89104 Cleaning Up Of Chesapeake Bay The Federal Role

903R90001 Perspectives On The Chesapeake Bay 1990 Advances In Estuarine Sciences

903R90002 Report On Radon and Real Estate Problems In Eastern Pennsylvania

903R90003 EPA Region 3 20 Years Of Making A Difference Say No To Air, Land and Water Pollution

903R90004 EPA Region 3 Record Of Decision Sludge Management Study For The Blue Plains Waste Water Treatment Facility

903R90009 Synopsis 1990 Federal Facilities Conference US Environmental Protection Agency Region 3

903R90010 Chesapeake Bay Coordinated Split Sample Program Annual Report 1989

903R90011 EPA Region 3 Air Quality Trends Report 1990

903R90012 Chesapeake Bay Ambient Toxicity Assessment Workshop Report

903R90013 Chesapeake Bay Living Resources Monitoring Plan First Annual Report To Congress

903R90014 The Chesapeake Bay Segmentation Scheme

903R90100 Chesapeake Bay Weakfish and Spotted Seatrout Fishery Management Plan

903R90102 Perspectives On The Chesapeake Bay, 1990 Advances In Estuarine Sciences

903R90103 Ichthyoplankton Monitoring and Research On The Chesapeake Bay

903R90104 Land Use For The Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model

903R90105 Nonpoint Source Pollution Loading Factors and Related Parameters from the Literature

903R90106 Report and Recommendations of the Nonpoint Source Evaluation Panel

903R90107 EPA Region III Comparative Risk Project

903R91001 Draft Chesapeake Bay Summer Flounder Fishery Management Plan Chesapeake Bay Program

903R91003 Chesapeake Bay American Eel Fishery Management Plan Agreement Commitment Report 1991

903R91004 Palustrine Wetland Creation Mitigation Effectiveness In Pennsylvania 1985-1989

903R91005 The Chesapeake Bay a Progress Report 1990-1991

903R91006 Chesapeake Bay Coordinated Split Sample Program Implementation Guidelines Revision 3

903R91007 Chesapeake Bay Atlantic Croaker and Spot Fishery Management Plan

903R91008 Chesapeake Bay Toxics Of Concern List Information Sheets

903R91009 Chesapeake Bay Program Annual Progress Report The Waterfowl Workgroup Living Resources Subcommittee

903R91050 Targeted Permit Oversight EPA Region 3

903R91100 The Chesapeake Bay Program an Action Agenda

903R91101 The Chesapeake Bay a Progress Report 1990-1991

903R91102 Chesapeake Bay Program Status and Workplan 1991 Report to the United States Congress

903R91104 Surface Microlayer Sampling Results for the Chesapeake Bay : Spring 1988

903R91105a Watershed Model Application to Calculate Bay Nutrient Loadings : Final Findings and Recommendations ; Appendix A Hydrology Calibration Results

903R91105d Watershed Model Application to Calculate Bay Nutrient Loadings : Final Findings and Recommendations ; Appendix D Meterologic and Precipitation Data Development

903R91105e Watershed Model Application to Calculate Bay Nutrient Loadings : Final Findings and Recommendations ; Appendix E Land Use and Selected Parameter Values

903R92001 Chesapeake Bay Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Habitat Requirements and Restoration Targets: A Technical Synthesis

903R92002 Development of a Chronic Sediment Toxicity Test for Marine Benthic Amphipods: December 1992; Chesapeake Bay Program

903R92003 Chesapeake Bay American Eel Fishery Management Plan Agreement Commitment Report 1991

903R92004 Chesapeake Bay Alosid, Blue Crab, and Oyster Fishery Management Plans

903R92005 Chesapeake Bay Atlantic Croaker and Spot Fishery Management Plan Agreement Commitment Report 1991

903R92006 Chesapeake Bay Summer Flounder Fishery Management Plan

903R92007 Road To Rod Tips For Remedial Project Managers

903R92008 Restoration Of The Anacostia River Report To Congress

903R92009 Chesapeake Bay Citizen Monitoring Program Report Conestoga River (october 1986-june 1990)

903R92010 Chesapeake Bay Dissolved Oxygen Goal For Restoration Of Living Resource Habitats

903R92011 Current Approaches For Modeling Estuarine Ecosystem Processes

903R92012 Chesapeake Bay Program Annual Progress Report, June 1992

903R92013 Annual Compliance-enforcement Report Public Water System Supervision Program EPA Region 3

903R92014 A Comprehensive List Of Chesapeake Bay Basin Species

903R92016 Distribution Of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation In The Chesapeake Bay, 1991

903R92017 Development Of A Chronic Sediment Toxicity Test For Marine Benthic Amphipods December 1992

903R92018 Chesapeake Bay Fall Line Toxics Monitoring Program 1992 Final Report

903R92100 Status and Assessment Of Chesapeake Bay Wildlife Contamination

903R92101 CBP Directory a Who's Who in Chesapeake Bay Program Activities

903R93001 Selecting Exposure Routes and Contaminants Of Concern By Risk-based Screening

903R93002 Chemical Indexing System For The Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Part 1 Chronic Index

903R93005 Chesapeake Bay Program Nutrient Reduction Strategy Reevaluation, Report Number 8

903R93006 Incorporating Uncertainty Associated With Censored Water Quality Data In Parametric Trend Analysis

903R93007 Chesapeake Bay Coordinated Split Sample Program Annual Report, 1990-1991

903R93008 Chesapeake Bay Program Progress At The Chesapeake Bay Program '92 & '93

903R93009 Chesapeake Bay Striped Bass Fishery Management Plan, Annual Progress Report

903R93011 Chesapeake Bay Contaminated Sediments Critical Issue Forum Proceedings: Basinwide Toxics Reduction Strategy Reevaluation Report

903R93012 A Work In Progress: A Retrospective on the First Decade of the Chesapeake Bay Restoration; Chesapeake Bay Program

903R93013 Chesapeake Bay Basinwide Toxics Reduction Strategy Reevaluation Report

903R93015 Enforcement Accomplishments Report, Fiscal Year 1992

903R93017 Recycling Markets, Marketing And Market Development: A Primer for Government Officials

903R93018 Wellhead Protection Program: Borough of Rouseville, Pennsylvania

903R93019 Wellhead Protection Program: Borough of Grove City, Pennsylvania

903R93020 Pollution Prevention Financing: The Banking Outreach Project

903R93022 Fisheries Management Plan Re-Assessment Task Force Report

903R93023 Comparison Of Mid-Bay and Lateral Station Water Quality Data In The Chesapeake Bay Mainstem

903R93024 Chesapeake Bay Groundwater Toxics Loading Workshop Proceedings

903R93025 The Procurement and Use Of Recycled Products A Primer For Government Officials

903R93026 Guide To Using Chesapeake Bay Program Water Quality Monitoring Data

903R93027 Reassessment Task Force Report On The Chesapeake Bay Wetlands Policy Implementation Plan

903R93028 Cost Of Providing Governmental Services To Alternative Residential Patterns

903R93029 Survey To Measure The Impacts Of Public Outreach Strategies On Compliance With Environmental Regulations

903R93100 Chesapeake Bay Water Column Contaminants Critical Issue Forum Proceedings

903R94014 Chesapeake Bay Basin toxics Loading and Release Inventory: Basinwide Toxics Reduction Strategy Commitment Report

903R94017 Chesapeake Bay Basinwide Toxics Reduction Strategy Reevalutation Report, Cbp-trs 117

903R94021 Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Coast Horseshoe Crab Fishery Management Plan, Agreement Commitment Report 1994

903R94026 Effect Of Salinity On Acute Toxicity Of Total Dissolved and Free Cadmium To The Copepod Eurytemora Affinis and The Larval Fish Cyprinodon Variegatus

903R94028 Ecosystem Process Modeling Of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation In The Lower Chesapeake Bay

903R94032 Chesapeake Bay Atmospheric Deposition Study, Phase I Final Report, July 1990-december 1991

903R94044 Response Of The Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Model To Loading Scenarios

903R94045 Pilot Study For Ambient Toxicity Testing In Chesapeake Bay Year 3 Report

903R94050 Trends In Phosphorus Nitrogen Secchi Depth and Dissolved Oxygen In Chesapeake Bay 1984 To 1992

903R94051 Chesapeake Bay Benthic Community Restoration Goals

903R95004 Water Quality Functions of Riparian Forest Buffer Systems in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

903R95010 Chesapeake Bay Introduction To An Ecosystem

903R95015 Directive No. 94-3 Framework for Habitat Restoration

903R95017 Trends Report Our Mid Atlantic Environment 25 Years Of Progess

903R95018 Chesapeake Bay Communities Making The Connection Catalog Of Local Initiatives To Protect And Restore The Chesapeake Bay Watershed

903R95019 The First Biennial Progress Report Of The Agreement Of Federal Agencies On Ecosystem Management In The Chesapeake Bay

903R95100 The State Of The Chesapeake Bay 1995

903R96001 Chesapeake Bay Area Nutrient Management Programs, Overview

903R96002 Chesapeake Bay Fall Line Toxics Monitoring Program, Final Report, 1994

903R96003 Contaminants in Chesapeake Bay sediments, 1984-1991

903R96007 Chesapeake Bay Program Biological and Living Resources Monitoring Data, 1996 {user's Guide}

903R96008 Removing Impediments To Migratory Fishes In The Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Annual Progress Report, 1995

903R96009 Black Sea Bass Fishery Management Plan, Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Coast, October 1996

903R96011 Environmental Results Based Management In EPA Region 3

903R96014 Chesapeake Bay Basinwide Monitoring Strategy From Airsheds To Living Resource Populations

903R97002 Chesapeake Bay Wetlands: Vital Link Between the Watershed and the Bay

903R97003 Southern Maryland Heritage Area Plan

903R97004 Comprehensive List Of Chesapeake Bay Basin Species, 1997

903R97005 Chesapeake Bay Living Resources 1995-96 Living Resources Subcommittee Biennial Report

903R97008 Protecting Wetlands Tools For Local Governments In The Chesapeake Bay Region

903R97011 Pilot Study For Ambient Toxicity Testing In Chesapeake Bay, Year 4 Report

903R97014 Second Biennial Progress Report Of The Agreement Of Federal Agencies On Ecosystem Management In The Chesapeake Bay

903R97015 Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Fishery Management Plan, June 1997

903R97017 Ecosystem Models Of Chesapeake Bay, 1994 Thru 1996

903R97018 Integrating Build-out Analysis and Water Quality Modeling To Predict The Environmental Impacts Of Alternative Development Scenarios

903R97024 Chesapeake Bay Introduction To An Ecosystem

903R97030 Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Reducation Progress and Future Directions Nutrient Reduction Reevaluation Summary Report, October 1997

903R97032 Chesapeake Bay Program Biological and Living Resources Monitoring Data, 1997, User's Guide

903R97033 Atlas Of Chesapeake Bay Basin Biological and Living Resources Long Term Monitoring Programs, 1997

903R97034 Pilot Multi-media Environmental Health Characterization Study Of South and Southwest Philadelphia, Final Report

903R97035 Pilot Multi-media Environmental Health Characterization Study Of South and Southwest Philadelphia, Final Report Appendices

903R98001 Catfish Populations In Chesapeake Bay, January 1998

903R98004 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Application and Calculation Of Nutrient and Sediment Loadings, Appendix A Phase IV Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Hydrology Calibration Results

903R98005 Acute and Chronic Toxicity Of Copper To The Estuarine Copepod Eurytemoraffinis, Final Report

903R98008 Ambient Toxicity Testing In Chesapeake Bay, Year 5 Report

903R98009 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Application and Calculation Of Nutrient and Sediment Loadings, Appendix H Tracking Best Management Practice Nutrient Reductions In The Chesapeake Bay Program

903R98011 Who Pays For Sprawl Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts Of Sprawl Development

903R98013 Comprenshive List Of Chesapeake Bay Basin Species, 1998

903R98014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Application and Calculation Of Nutrient and Sediment Loadings, Appendix F Point Source Loadings

903R98015 Chesapeake Bay Living Resources Living Resources Subcommittee Annual Report, 1997

903R98018 Proceedings Chesapeake Bay Program Regional Land Forums, 1997

903R98021 Standard Operating Procedures For Conducting Acute and Chronic Aquatic Toxicity Tests With Eurytemora Affinis, A Calanoid Copepod

903R98022 Standard Operating Procedures For Conducting Subchronic Aquatic Toxicity Tests With Sago Pondweed Potamogeton Pectinatus Submersed Aquatic Angiosperm

903R98023 Probabilistic Ecological Risk Assessment Of Tributyltin In The Chesapeake Bay Watershed

903R98105 1997 Distribution Of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation In The Chesapeake Bay

903R98811 Special Panel on Combined Sewer Overflows and Storm Water Management in the District of Columbia

903R99001 Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Coast Tautog Fishery Management Plan, 1998

903R99002 Riparian Forest Buffers Linking Land and Water

903R99004 Community Watershed Initiative Strategy Recognizing Shared Vision, Realizing Shared Goals

903R99005 Challenge Ahead Mid-Atlantic States State Of The Environment 1998

903R99005A Remember The Past Protect The Future 30 Years Of Environmental Progress

903R99006 Chesapeake Bay Basin Toxics Loading and Release Inventory

903R99008 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Its Land and People

903R99010 Targeting Toxics: A Characterization Report A Tool for Directing Management & Monitoring Actions in the Chesapeake Bay's Tidal Rivers

903R99012 Removing Impediments To Migratory Fishes In The Chesapeake Bay Watershed Annual Report 1997-1998

903R99013 State Of The Chesapeake Bay Report To The Citizens Of The Bay Region

903R99014 Environmental Outcome-based Management Using Environmental Goals and Measures In The Chesapeake Bay Program

903R99015 Center For Chesapeake Communities Summit Report Toward A Sustainable Chesapeake Tools and Techniques To Promote Smart Growth, Protect The Environment and Preserve Quality Of Life

903R99019 Who's Who In The Chesapeake Bay Program

903R99020 Evaluation Of Wastewater Treatment Plants For Bnr Retrofits Using Advances In Technology

903R99023 From the Mountains to the Sea: State of Maryland's Freshwater Streams

903R99025 Chesapeake Bay Area Public Access Technical Assistance Report, 2nd Edition

903S72001 Water Quality Standards Summary for Interstate Waters of the Commonwealth of Virginia

9041084124 Environmental Assessment Mountain Communities Wastewater Management Alternatives Report Volume 1 Summary Document

9041084125 Environmental Assessment Mountain Communities Wastewater Management Alternatives Report Volume 2 Technical Engineering Alternatives

9041084126 Environmental Assessment Mountain Communities Wastewater Management Alternatives Report Volume 3 Institutional Management Alternatices

9041084127 Environmental Assessment Mountain Communities Wastewater Management Alternatives Report Volume 4 Financial Alternatives

904585140 Use Of Risk Assessment In EPA Regional Operations

904684119 Environmental Impact Statement North Jefferson County Kentucky Wastewater Facilities

904684121 Supplemental To Final Environmental Impact Statement Final Designation Georgetown Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site {draft}

904685132 Coastal Marinas Assessment Handbook

904685133 Eighth Annual Environmental Review Conference October 18-19 1984 Presidental Hotel Atlanta Georgia

904688001 Application Of Dye-Tracing Techniques For Determining Solute-transport Characteristics Of Groundwater In Karst Terranes

904974002 Ecosystems Analysis Of The Big Cypress Swamp And Estuaries

904975001 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Crabtree Kreeb Wake County North Carolina EPA Project C370344

904975006 Draft Environmental Impact Statement City Of Jacksonville Fl Wastewater Management Facilities Arlington-east Service District

904976018 Final Environmental Impact Statment Crabtree Cree Wake County North Carolina Interceptor Sewer

904976021 Final Environmental Impact Statement City Of Jacksonvill Florida Wastewater Management Facilities Arlington -east Service District

904977028 Determination Of Emission Rates Of Hydrocarbons From Indigenous Species Of Vegetation In The Tampast Petersburg, Florida Area

904978021 Environmental Imact Statement Draft Greensboro-Guilford County North Carolina Horsepen Creek Interceptor EPA Project No C37036901

904978024 Environmental Impact Statement Conference

904979040 Environmental Impact Statement Conference, February 22-23, 1979 Region 5 US Epa, Atlanta Civc Center

904979044 Environmental Impact Statement Draft Estech General Chemical Corporation Duette Min Manatee County Florida

904980059 National Waste Oil Chattanooga, Tennessee

904981058 Environmental Impact Statement Draft Mississippi Chemical Corporation Hardee County Phosphate Mine Hardee County Florida

904981091 Environmental Impact Statement Hilton Head South Carolina Wastewater Facilities

904982096 Environmental Impact Statement Jacksonville Electric Authority St Johns River Power Park

904983107 Environmental Impact Statement Phase I Report Freshwater Wetlands For Wastewater Management

904983110 Sixth Annual Environmental Review Conference October 21-22 1982 Atlanta Marriott Hotel Atlanta Georgia

904983112A Environmental Management Report, Region Iv, (Pilot Project) Parts 1 and 2

904983112B Environmental Management Report Region 5, Pilot Project Appendices 1 and B

904983114 Areawide Environmental Assessment On The Development Of A NEPA Coal Mining Activity In The Eastern Kentucky Coal Field

904983116 Areawide Environmental Assessment On The Development Of A NEWPA Compliance Strategy For New Source Coal Mining Activity In The Western Kentucky Coal Field

904984118 Draft Environmental Impact Statement For South Escambia And Santa Rosa Counties Florida Wastewater Management

904985135 Freshwater Wetlands For Wastewater Management {handbook}

904986142 Utilization Of A Saltwater Marsh Ecosystem For The Management Of Seafood Processing Wastewater

904993001A Environmental Impact Statement Cedar Bay Cogeneration Project Jacksonville Florida Final

904993001B Appendix To The Environmental Impact Statement Cedar Bay Cogeneration Project Jacksonville Florida Final

904B80001 Field Health and Safety

904B92005 Workshop On Risk and Decision Making

904B96001 Wetlands Reading List {pre-kindergarten Through Grade 12}

904B96002 Beyond The Estuary Importance Of Upstream Wetlands In Estuarine Processes

904B97001 Supervisors' Handbook : Student Career Experience Program

904D90001 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Pascagoula Harbor Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation Pascagoula, Mississippi

904F91101 U.S. EPA Issues A Proposed Plan for Ground-Water Cleanup at the Mallory Capacitor Co. Superfund Site

904K86100 Coastal Marinas and Environmental Approach

904R00002 Remember The Past Protect The Future

904R00005 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency : Region 4 Environmental Justice Update

904R05005 Quality Assurance Project Plan : Hurricane Katrina Response, Environmental Soil and Sediment Sampling, Gulf Coast of Mississippi, September, 2005

904R73105 The Ohio River - Mcalpine Pool Report Kentucky - Indiana

904R90104 The Status of Water Quality in Tennessee 1990 305(b) Report Summary Report April 1990

904R90111 Final Environmental Impact Statement for Canaveral Harbor, Florida Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation A Supplement to the Jacksonville Harbor Dredged Material Disposal Final Environmental Impact Statement

904R92009 1992 Environmental Education Report EPA Region IV Office of Public Affairs

904R93905 Recommended Best Management Practices for Forestry in Georgia

904R94008 Don't Let Your Next Conference Go To Waste Go For The Green

904R95909 Results of a National Survey Addressing Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Requirements

904R95910 Wetlands Reading List : Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12

904R97901 Model Wetlands Protection Ordinance Georgia Department of Community Affairs

904R99008 A Citizen's Guide to Risk Assessments and Public Health Assessments at Contaminated Sites

904S06001 Summary of Federal Funding for Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Damaged by Hurricane Katrina in Mississippi's Six Southern Counties

905183001 Epidemiology Ofmobile Home Formaldehyde Vapor Concentration And Residents' Health Status

905185100 Manual For Evaluating Predicted and Actual Impacts Of Construction Grants Projects

905276001 Technological Problems Of Burning Low-sulfur Western Coal

905276002 Technical Support Document Sulfur Dioxide Control Strategy For The State Of Ohio

905276004 Wastewater Is Muskegon County's Solution Your Solution

905277001 Emission Update And Projections For Ohio Air Quality Maintenance Analysis Final Report

905277002A Emissions Update And Projections For Indiana Air Quality Maintenance Areas Volume 2 Marion County Final Report

905277003 Detergent Phosphate Ban Position Paper

905277004 Environmental Assessment Guidance Municipal Sewage Treatment Works Program

905278001 Regulatory Guidance For Control Of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From 15 Categories Of Stationary Sources

905278003 Evaluation Of Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection And Maintenance Programs In Wisconsin Phase 2 Final Report

905278006 Evaluation Of Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection And Maintenance Programs In Ohio Phase 2 Final Report

905278007 Evaluation Of Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection And Maintenance Programs In Ohio Phase 3 Final Report

905278009 Evaluation Of Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection And Maintenance Programs In Wisconsin Phase 3 Final Report

905279001 Evaluation Of Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Maintenance Programs In Minnesota

905279002 Management And Technical Procedures For Operation And Maintenance Of Air Pollution Control Equipment

905279003A Evaluation Of Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection-maintenance Programs For Michigan Volume I Executive Summary

905279003B Evaluation Of Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection-maintenance Programs For Michigan Volume II Draft

905279003C Evaluation Of Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection-maintenance Programs For Michigan Volume I

905279004 Task 2 Report Evaluation Of Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection-maintenance Programs For The State Of Illinois

905279005 Comparison Of Parameter And Exhaust Testing Approaches For A Vehicle Emissions Inspection And Maintenance Program

905279006 Data Processing Proecedurs And Equipment For The Wisconsin Inspection And Maintenance Program Final Report

905280002 Design Considerations For Minimizing Operation And Maintenance Problems Of Particulate Control Equipment

905280003 Handbook For Motor Vehicel Noise Enforcement

905280004 Muskegon County Wastewater Management System Progress Report 1968 Through 1975

905280005 Determination Of Capture And Destruction Efficiencies Of Selected Volatile Organic Compound Control Devices In The State Of Illinois

905280006 Region 5's Guidance For Developing A State Malfunction Notifcation And Correction Program

905280007 Industrial Process Fugitive Emissions Inventory For The Region V Great Lakes Shoreline

905281001 Evaluation Of Continuous Monitoring Systems For Pressurized Baghouses

905281003 Guidance For Bat-equivalent Control Of Selected Toxic Pollutants

905282002 Coal Preparation Survey

905283001 Impact Of Coal Cleaning As A Sulfur Reduction Strategy In The Midwest

905284001 Inspector's Guide For Fugitive Dust Emission Sources Causes And Control Techniques Recommendations And Exampls

905284002 Experimental Study Of Lake Loading By Aerosol Transport And Dry Deposition In The Lake Erie Basin

905284003 Test Report For Getty Synthetic Fuels Inc Calumet City Illinois

905285001A In-systems Storage Controls For Reduction Of Combined Sewer Overflow Saginaw Michigan Executive Summary

905285001B In-system Storage Controls For Reduction Of Combined Sewer Overflow Saginaw Michigan Technical Report

905286001 Northern Wayne County Conservation Tillage Demonstration Project

905287001 Water Quality Demonstration Project Allen County Ohio

905287002 Oswego County-lake Ontario Water Quality Demonstration Project

905287003 Tri-state Tillage Project Modeling Component Applying The Answers Model To Assess The Impacts Of Conservation Tillage On Sediment And Phosphorus Yields To Lake Erie -

905287004 Accelerated Conservation Tillage Demonstration Program 1981-1985

905287005 Controlling Discharge And Storage In A Combined Interceptor Sewer - Cleveland Ohio (hydrobrakes)

905287006 Proceedings Of The Diesel Particulate Control - Alternative Fuels Symposium January 27-28, 1987

905377001 Report On Toxic-hazardous Organic Compounds In The Wabash River Basin

905378001 Bat Management In The United States Survey Of Legislative Actions Court Decisions And Agency Interpretations

905378003 Illustrated Key To The Planktonic Rotifers Of The Laurentian Great Lakes

905378004 Investigation Of Chlorinated And Nonchlorinated Compounds In The Lower Fox River Watershed

905379001 Phytoplankton Assemblages Of The Nearshore Zone Of Southern Lake Michigan

905379002 Green Bay Phytoplankton Composition Abundance And Distribution

905379003 Utilization Of Natural Ecosystems For Wastewater Renovation

905381001 Assessment Of The Impacts Of Water Intakes On Alewife Rainbow Smelt And Yellow Perch Populations In Lake Michigan

905381002 Habitat Evaluation Of The Upper Des Plaines River and Adjacent Wetlands, 1979-80

905382001 Zooplankton Community Composition In Nearshore Waters Of Southern Lake Michigan

905382002 Zooplankton Community Composition In Green Bay Lake Michigan

905383001 Contaminant Analysis Of 1981 Fall Run Coho Salmon (oncorhynchus Kisutch)

905383002 Technical Report Effects Of Wastewater Treatment Facilities On Wetlands In The Midwest

905383003 Limnology Of Michigan's Nearshore Waters Of Lake Michigan

905384001 1981 Buffalo New York Area Sediment Survey (bass)

905384002 Ecological Impacts Of Wastewater On Wetlands An Annotated Bibliography

905384003 Contaminants In Fish From Great Lakes Harbors And Tributary Mouths 1980-81

905384004 Contaminant Analysis Of 1982 Fall Run Coho Salmon (oncorhynchus Kisutch)

905384005 Bioaccumulation Of Toxic Substances Associated With Dredging And Dredged Material Disposal Literature Review

905384006 Polychlorinated Dioxins And Polychlorinated Furans In Fish From The Great Lakes And Midwest

905384007 Flow-through Bioassay For Measuring Bioaccumulation Of Toxic Substances From Sediment

905385001 Contaminant Trends In Lake Trout ('salvelinus Namaycush') Of The Upper Great Lakes

905385003 Limnology And Phytoplankton Structure In Nearshore Areas Of Lake Ontario 1981

905385004 Phytoplankton Composition Abundance And Distribution In Lake Huron

905388001 Phytoplankton And Zooplankton In Lakes Erie Lake Huron And Lake Michigan 1984

905390002 Public Involvement And The Environmental Impact Statement

905390003 Phytoplankton And Zooplankton In Lakes Erie, Huron And Michigan, 1985

905475001 Michigan Tributary Loadings To The Upper Great Lakes

905475002 Sampling And Analysis Of Minnesota Tributaries And Municipal Point Sources To Lake Superior

905475003 Wisconsin Tributary Loadings To The Upper Great Lakes

905475005 Atmospheric Inputs To The Upper Great Lakes By Dry Deposition Processes

905475006 High Volume and Gas Bubbler Sampler Preparation, Installation, and Audit Procedures

905477002 Determination Of Antimony, Arsenic, Beryllium, Cadmium, Lead, Selenium, Silver and Tellurium In Environmental Water Samples By Flameless Atomic Absorption

905477003 Asbestos Fiber Concentrations In The Drinking Water Of Communities Using The Western Arm Of Lake Superior As A Potable Water Source

905477004 Quality Assurance Practices and Procedures

905477005 National And Regional Air Sampling Netowrk 1958 Through 1976 Air Quality Data For Particulates Sulfur Dioxide And Nitrogen Dioxide

905478003 Water Quality Studies Of Lower And Middle Green Bay 1938-1977

905479014 Chemistry Laboratory Manual For Bottom Sediments And Elutriate Testting

905479016 Experimental Study Of Lake Loading By Aerosol Transport And Dry Deposition In The Southern Lake Michigan Basin

905479028 Availability Of Pollutants Associated With Suspended Or Settled River Sediments Which Gain Access To The Great Lakes

905479029A Menomonee River Pilot Watershed Study Summary And Recommendations

905479029B Ijc Menomonee Eiver Watershed Study Land Use Population And Physical Characteristics Of The Menomonee River Watershed

905479029C Ijc Menomonee River Watershed Study Surface Water Monitoring Data

905479029D Ijc Menomonee River Watershed Study Description And Calibration Of A Pollutant Loading Model Landrum

905479029E Ijc Menomonee River Watershed Study Simulation Of Pollutant Loadings And Runoff Quality

905479029F Ijc Menomonee River Watershed Study Dispersibility Of Soils And Elemental Composition Of Soils Sediments And Dust And Dirt From The Menomonee River Watershed

905479029G IJC Menomonee River Watershed Study Groundwater Hydrology

905479029H Ijc Menomonee River Watershed Study Atmospheric Chemistry Of Lead And Phosphorus Volume 8

905479029I IJC Menomonee River Watershed Study Atmospheric Chemistry Of Pcbs And Pahs Volume 9

905479029J The IJC Menomonee River Watershed Study Effects Of Tributary Inputs On Lake Michigan During High Flows

905479029L Ijc Menomonee River Watershed Study Surface Water Quality From 1975 To 1979

905480001 Quality Assurance Program Guidelines And Specifications, Criteria And Procedures, Region V

905480003A Lake Michigan Intensive Survey 1976-1977

905480003B Lake Michigan Intensive Survey 1976-1977 Management Report

905480007 Interregional Tsp Study For The Steubenville-weirton-wheeling Interstate Air Quality Control Region

905480008 Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Solvent Cleaning Operations In The State Of Illinois

905480009 Evaluation Of Suspected Environmental Contamination Of The Hemlock, Michigan Area

905481001 Assessment Of The Region 5 Water Monitoring Activities

905482002 Non-methane Organic Compound Continuous Monitoring In Cleveland and Cincinnati 1981 Ozone Monitoring Study

905484001 Lake Erie Intensive Study 1978-1979 Final

905484002 Great Lakes National Program Office Harbor Sediment Program Lake Ontario 1981 Rochester New York Oswego New York Olcott New York

905484003 Great Lakes National Program Office Harbor Sediment Program Lake Superior 1981 Ashland Wisconsin Black River Michigan L'anse Michigan

905484007 Lake Erie Water Quality 1970-1982 Management Assessment

905485001 Preliminary Evaluation Of Chemical Migration To Groundwater And The Niagara River From Selected Waste Disposal Sites

905485002 Investigation Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Dischargess To Water In The Vicinity Of Buffalo New York

905485004 Methods Manual For Bottom Sediment Sample Collection

905485005 Soil Screening Survey At Four Midwestern Sites

905486001 Report On An Investigation Of Sediment Contamination - The Milwaukee Estuary Wisconsin Sampled July 29-31 1980

905487001 Design Of A Great Lakes Atmospheric Inputs And Sources (glais) Network

905487003 Detroit Michigan Area Sediment Survey 1982

905488001 Sediment Nutrient And Pesticide Transport In Selected Lower Great Lakes Tributaries

905488002 Great Lakes Atmospheric Deposition (glad) Network 1982 And 1983

905488003 Michigan Dioxin Studies Dow Chemical Wastewater Characterization Study Tittabawassee River Sediments And Nattive Fish

905488003A Dow Chemical Untreated Wastewaters And In Plant Sludegs Appendix A

905488004 Michigan Dioxin Studies Dow Chemical Building 703 Incinerator Exhaust And Ambient Air Study

905488005 Risk Assessment For Dioxin Contaminated Midland Michigan

905488006 Proposed Risk Management Actions For Dioxin Contaminated Midland Michigan

905488008 Risk Management Recommendations For Dioxin Contamination At Midland Michigan Final Report

905490001 Estimated Loading From Seven Michigan Tributaries And Recommendation For Tributary Sampling Strategies

905490002 Field Intercomparison Of Precipitation Samplers For Assessing Wet Deposition Of Organic Contaminants

905576003A Study Document Number 3 Financial Impact Of The Proposed And Revised Sulfur Dioxide Regulations In The State Of Ohio

905578001 Economic Impact Of Implementing Ract Guidelines In The State Of Illinois

905578003 Economic Impact Of Implementing Ract Guidelines In The State Of Ohio

905578004 Economic Impact Of Implementing Ract Guidelines In The State Of Wisconsin

905579001 Effects Of Environmental Regulations On Cement Production and Expansion In EPA Region V

905581002 Economic Impact Of Implementing Volatile Organic Compound Group II Regulations In Ohio

905689001 Water Quality In The Middle Great Lakes Results Of The 1985 US EPA Survey Of Lakes Erie Huron And Michigan

90573001 Water Quality Model Of The Lower Fox River, Wisconsin

90574002 Environmental Impact Of Land Use On Water Quality Operations Manual For The Black Creek Study Maumee River Basin Allen County, Indiana

90579006B Applicability Of Land Treatment Of Wastewater In The Great Lakes Area Basin Effectiveness Of Sandy Soils At Muskegon County Michigan For Renovating Wastewater

905888005 Great Lakes Demonstration Program Section 108a

905889001 Green Bay-Fox River Mass Balance Study

905889002 Green Bay-Fox River Mass Study {Executive Summary}

905974003 Saginaw Bay Evaluation Of Existing And Historical Conditions University Of Michigan Great Lakes Resource Management Program

905974004 Ohio River Cooling Water Study

905974005 Water Quality Baseline Assessment For Cleveland Area Lake Erie

905974006 Lower Green Bay An Evaluation Of Existing And Historical Conditions The Wisconsin Department Of Natural Resources

905974007 Actionmycete Dsitribution In Northern Green Bay And The Great Lakes Taste And Odor Relationships To Euthrophication Of Nearshore Water & Bayments

905974008 Water Pollution Investigation Ashtabula Area Calspan Inc

905974009 Water Pollution Investigation Black River Of The New York Hydroscience Inc

905974010 Water Pollution Investigation Buffalo River Versar Inc

905974011A Water Pollution Investigation Calumet Area Of Lake Michigan Iit Research Institute

905974011B Water Pollution Investigation Calumet Area Of Lake Michigan Iit Research Institute - Volume 2 Appendices

905974012 Water Pollution Investigation Cuyahoga River And Cleveland Area Eco-Labs Inc

905974013 Warer Pollution Investigation Detriot And St Clair Rivers Environmental Control Technology Inc

905974014 Water Pollution Investigation Duluth-Superior Area Midwest Research Institute

905974015 Water Pollution Investigation Erie Pennsylvania Area Betz Environmental Engineers Inc

905974016 Water Pollution Investigation Genesee River And Rochester Area O'Brien And Gere Engineers Inc

905974017 Water Pollution Investigation Lower Green Bay And Lower Fox River Wisconsin Department Of Natural Resources

905974018 Water Pollution Investigation Maumee River And Toledo Area Environ-Control Inc

905974019 Management Assistance Study For The Environmental Protection Branch Of The Michigan Department On Natural Resources

905975001 Water Quality Baseline Assessment For The Cleveland Area Lake Erie Volume 2 Fishes

905975003 Study Of Propective Water Pollution Control Activities For The Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (orsanco)

905975006 Environmental Impact Of Land Use On Water Quality Progress Report

905975007 Nonpoint Source Pollution Seminar Section 108(A) Demonstration Projects (Pollution Control In Great Lakes) November 20 1975 Chicago Il

905976002 Impact Of Nonpoint Pollution Control On Western Lake Superior Red Clay Project Work Plan

905976003 Analytical Studies For Assessing The Impact Of Sanitary Sewage Facilities Of Delaware Co , Ohio

905976004 Environmental Impact Of Land Use On Water Quality Progress Report

905976005 Best Management Practices For Nonpoint Source Pollution Prevention Seminar

905976006 Conference On Muskegon County Michigan Wastewater System

905977001 Washington County Project Work Plan

905977007A Environmental Impact Of Land Use On Water Quality

905977007B Environmental Impact Of Land Use On Water Quality

905977007C Environmental Impact Of Land Use On Water Quality Project Data Final Report Black Creek Project Technical Report

905977007D Environmental Impact Of Land Use On Water Quality Supplemental Comments Final Report On The Black Creek Project

905977009 Minority Consulting Professional Firms

905978001 Voluntary And Regulatory Approaches For Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Conference May 22-23 1978 Chicago Il

905978002 Felton-Herron Creek Mill Creek Pilot Watershed Study 1) Lansing 2) Grand Rapids

905979002 Impact Of Nonpoint Pollution Control On Western Lakes Superior

905979002B Red Clay Project Impact Of Nonpoint Pollution Control On Western Lake Superior

905979002C Red Clay Project Impact Of Nonpoint Pollution Control On Western Lake Superior Final Part 3

905979003 Chemical Effects Of Red Clays On Western Superior

905979004 Red Clay Turbidity And Its Transport In Lake Superior

905979005A Maumee River Pilot Watershed Study Watershed Characteristics And Pollutant Loadins Defiance Ohio

905979005B Maumee River Pilot Watershed Study Sediment Phosphates And Heavy Metal Transport Defiance Area Ohio

905979005C Maumee River Pilot Study Watershed Study Continued Watershed Monitoring 1978-1980

905979005C Maumee River Pilot Study Watershed Study Continued Watershed Monitoring 1978-1980

905979006A Applicability Of Land Treatment Of Wastewater In The Great Lakes Area Basin Impact Of Wastewater Diversion Spray Irrigation On Water Quality In The Muskegon County Michigan Lakes

905980001 Seek And Find Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Problem That Calls For Everyone's Cooperation

905980001 Seek And Find Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Problem That Calls For Everyone's Cooperation

905980002 National Conference On Urban Erosion And Sediment Control Institutions And Technology

905980003 Washington County Project

905980004 Profile Of Air Quality In Region V

905980005 Toxic Substances In The Great Lakes

905980006A Post-Pluarg Evaluation Of Great Lakes Water Quality Management Studies And Programs Volume 1

905980006B Post-Pluarg Evaluation Of Great Lakes Water Quality Management Studies And Programs Volum 2

905980007 Water Quality Planning Activities In The US Great Lakes Basin Review Of State And Areawide Agency Five Year Strategies And Work Programs

905980008 Films From US EPA Ewgion 5

905980009 Seminar On Water Quality Management Trade-offs (point Source Vs Diffuse Source Pollution) Conference Held At Pick Congress Hotel Chicago Illinois September 16-17 1980

905980010 Environmental Hotline '81

905981001 Madison Seminar Proceedings Waste Management In Universities And Colleges - July 9-11

905981002 Best Management Practices Implementation Rochester New York

905981003 Environmental Impact Of Land Use On Water Quality Final Report On The Black Creek Project - Phase 2

905981004 Summary Of The Black Creek Project (progress Report) Report Through 1980 Project Year Based On Seminars In Washington D C February 1980 Chicago Illinois March 1980

905981005 Institutional And Legal Complexities Of Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Washington County Project Summary Report

905981006 Major Non-ctg Voc Sources In Region 5 Areas Requiring 1982 Ozone Sips

905981014 Closing The Loop - Purchasing Recycled Paper A Guide For Purchasing Officials

905981015 Marketing Waste Paper Recycling Coordinator's {handbook}

905982001 Answers Areal Nonpoint Source Watershed Environment Response Simulation User's Manual

905982002 Description And Critique Of Soil And Water Conservation Programs In Washington County Wisconsin

905982003 Environmental Evaluation Of European Powerplant Cooling Systems A Polish Research Project

905982004 Conservation Tillage Test Results Allen County Ohio For 1981

905982005 Air Quality Non-attainment Areas In Region V

905984001 An Experimental Study Of Lake Loading By Aerosol Transport And Dry Deposition In The Lake Erie Basin

905984002 Watershed Handbook Appendix G Users Manual For Watershed Computer Program

905984002A Watershed Handbook Appendix G Users Manual For Watershed Computer Program

905984003A Master Plan For Improving Water Quality In The Grand Calumet River-indiana Harbor Canal

905984003B Master Plan For Improving Water Quality In The Grand Calumet River-indiana Harbor Canal Final Report

905984003C Master Plan For Improving Water Quality In The Grand Calumet River-indiana Harbor Canal Final Report

905985002 Five Year Program Strategy For Great Lakes National Program Office 1986-1990

905985003 Environmental Hotline '86

905986001 Overview And Evaluation Of Section 108-a Great Lakes Demonstation Programs

905987001 Defiance County Lost Creek Demonstration Project

905988001 Introductory Guide To The Statutory Authorities Of The United States Environmental Protection Agency

905988002 Overview Of Sediment Quality In The United States

905989001 Five Year Program Strategy For The Great Lakes National Program Office Fy 1989-1993

905989003 Proceedings 1st National Workshop On Biological Criteria Lincolnwood Illinois December 2-4 1987

905989004 Fy 1988 Region 5 Enforcement Accomplishments Report

905989005 US Progress In Implementing The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Annual Report To Congress 1988

905989006 US Progress In Implementing The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Annex Reports To The International Joint Commissions 1988

905989007 Proceedings Of The 1989 Midwest Pollution Control Biologists Meeting Chicago Il February 14-17 1989

905990001 Fy 1989 Region 5 Enforcement Accomplishments Report

905990005 Proceedings Of The 1990 Midwest Pollution Control Biologists Meeting Chicago Il April 10-13 1990

905991002 Wastewater Treatment By Overland Flow At Paw Paw Michigan

905991003 Sludge Fertilization Of State Forest Land In Northern Michigan

905991004 Bean Creek Watershed Conservation Tillage Demonstration Project

905991005A Genesee River Watershed Study Volume 1 Summary

905991005B Genesee River Watershed Study Volume 2 Special Studies New York State

905991005C Genesee River Watershed Study Volume 3 Special Studies Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute Cornell University

905991005D Genesee River Watershed Study Volume 4 Special Studies US Geological Survey

905991006A Agricultural Nps Control Of Phosphorus In The New York State Lake Ontario Basin Volume 1 Delivery Of Phosphorus To Lake Ontario For Cultivated Mucklands In Oak Orchard Creek Watershed

905991006B Agricultural Nps Control Of Phosphorus In The New York State Lake Ontario Basin Volume 2 Fertilizer Trials On Organic Soils In The Lake Ontario Drainage Basin

905991006C Agricultural Nps Control Of Phosphorus In The New York State Lake Ontario Basin Volume 3 Influence Of Tillage On Phosphorus Losses From Manured Cropland

905991007 Otter Creek Conservation Tillage Demonstration Project October 1987

905991008A Maumee River Basin Pilot Watershed Study Volume 4 Continued Watershed Monitoring (1981-1985) And Rainulator Study (1986)

905991010 Cost Effective Corn And Soybean Production Without Tillage Fact Or Fiction- May 1988

905991013 Effects of No-Till and Fall Plowing on Pesticide Movement in Runoff and Tile Drainage

905991016 Risk Analysis Of Twenty-six Environmental Problems

905991017 Environmental Risk Your Guide To Analyzing And Reducing Risk

905991018 Chemical Contamination And Physical Characteristics Of Sediments In The Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels 1985

905991021 Pollution Prevention Meeting The Environmental Challenges Of The 1990s Region 5 Fy91 Accomplishments

905991025 Development Of Index Of Biotic Integrity Expectations For The Ecoregions Of Indiana Central Corn Belt Plain

905991025A Development Of Index Of Biotic Integrity Expectations For The Ecoregions Of Indiana Central Corn Belt Plain Appendicies

905B02001A Guidance Manual To Support The Assessment Of Contaminated Sediments In Freshwater Ecosystems Volume 1 Ecosystem-based Framework For Assessing And Managing Contaminated Sediments

905B02001B Guidance Manual To Support The Assessment Of Contaminated Sediments In Freshwater Ecosystems Volume 2 Design And Implementation Of Sediment Quality Investigations

905B02001C Guidance Manual To Support The Assessment Of Contaminated Sediments In Freshwater Ecosystems Volume 3 Interpretation Of The Results Of Sediment Quality Investigations

905B04001 Radionuclide Biological Remediation Resource Guide

905B74001 Environmental Impact Statement Directory

905B74002 Operations Manual Black Creek Study Allen County Indiana

905B80100 Guidebook Regional Planning Process, EPA Region 5

905B84001 Directory Of Environmental Data Base

905B85001 Manual For Evaluatin Predicted and Actual Impacts Of Construction Grant Prohjects

905B86100 A Better Way Guide To The RCRA Permitting Process

905B93001 US EPA Region 5 Publication Listing

905B94001 Pesticide Poisoning Action Guide Agricultural Pesticide In The Midwest Resource Directory

905B94002 Arcs Assessment Guidance Document

905B96003 Design Performance And Monitoring Of Dredged Material Confined Disposal Facilities In Region 5 Guidance Document

905B96004 Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments ARCS Program

905B97001 Illegal Dumping Prevention

905D73001 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Water Quality Management Planning For The Huron River Basin Portion Of Southeast Michigan

905D76101 Environmental Impact Statement For The Tunnel Component Of The Reservoir Plan (tarp) Proposed By The Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago Draft

905D76102 Environmental Impact Statement Sludge Disposal and Land Reclamation In Fulton County, Illinois Draft

905D76103 Environmental Impact Statement Olentangy Environmental Control Center And Interceptor System Draft

905D76107 Environmental Impact Statement Tunnel Component Of The Tunnel and Reservoir Plan Proposed By The Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago Calumet Tunnel System Draft

905D76107S Environmental Impact Statement Tunnel Component Of The Tunnel and Reservoir Plan Proposed By The Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago Calumet Tunnel System Draft Summary Report

905D77001 Environmental Impact Statement Tunnel Component Of The Tunnel And Reservoir Plan Proposed By The Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago Draft

905D77001S Environmental Impact Statement Tunnel Component Of The Tunnel and Reservoir Plan Proposed By The Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago Draft Summary

905D77002 Region 5 Policy For Unusual Ambient Air Quality Data Draft

905D77003 Mahoning River Waste Load Allocation Study

905D79103 Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Treatment Facilities For The City Of Portage Wisconsin

905D79104 Environmental Impact Statement Supplemental Eis Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago O'hare Water Reclamation Plant Draft

905D80101 Environmental Impact Statement Bemidji Wastewater Treatment System Beltrami County Minnesota

905D81102 Environmental Impact Statement Alternative Waste Treatment Systems For Rural Lake Projects Case Study Number 6 Williams County Commissioners Nettle Lake Area Williams County, Ohio Draft

905D81103 Alternative Waste Treatment Systemd For Rural Lake Projects Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement

905D82100 Final Report Of 1981 Main Lake Water Quality Conditions For Lake Erie {Draft}

905D82101 Environmental Impact Statement Indian Lake Sister Lakes Wastewater Treatment System Berrien Cass And Van Buren Counties Michigan Draft

905D83102 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Moose Lake-Windemere Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment System Pine and Carlton Counties, Minnesota Apendices

905D84101 Environmental Impact Statement Middle East Fork Area Clermont County Ohio Draft

905D84102 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Treatment Facilities for the Geneva Lake Area, Walworth County, Wisconsin

905D87001 Lake Erie Tributary Loading Studies 1987 Water Year Draft Report

905D87999A Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria For 245 Trichlorophenol

905D87999B Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria For Di-2-ethylhexyl Phthalate Draft

905D88001 Us Agricultural Tillage Practices In The Great Lakes Basin 1988 Draft

905D88999B Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria For Antimony(iii) Draft

905D88999C Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria For Hexachlorobenzene Draft

905D95002 Risk Assessment For The Waste Technologies Industries wti Hazardous Waste Incinerators Facility east Liverpool Ohio Draft Do Not Cite Or Quote Volume 2 Introduction

905D95002A Risk Assessment For The Waste Technologies Industries (WTI) Hazardous Waste Incinerator Facility East Liverpool Ohio Draft Volume I Summary

905D95002C Risk Assessment For The Waste Technologies Industries WTI Hazardous Waste Incinerator Facility East Liverpool Ohio Draft Volume 3 Characterization Of The Nature And Magnitude Of Emissions

905D95002D Risk Assessement for the Waste Technologies Industries WTI Hazardous Waste Incincerator Facility East Liverpool Ohio Vol IV Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition Modeling of Emissions

905D95002E Risk Assessment For The Waste Technologies Industries WTI Hazardous Waste Incinerator Facility East Liverpool Ohio Draft Volume 5

905D95002F Risk Assessment For The Waste Technologies Industries (WTI) Hazardous Waste Incinerator Facility (east Liverpool Ohio) Draft Volume 6 Screening Ecological Risk Assessment (SERA)

905D95002G Risk Assessment For The Waste Technologies Industries WTI Hazardous Waste Incinerator Facility East Liverpool Ohio Draft Volume 7

905F01003 Great Lakes National Program Office

905F01004 Celebrating Our Successes In 2001

905F02003 Metro East Environmental Resource Guide

905F05002 State Of The Great Lakes 2005 Can We Eat The Fish?

905F05003 State Of The Great Lakes 2005 Can We Drink The Water?

905F05004 State Of The Great Lakes 2005 Can We Swim At The Beach?

905F05005 State Of The Great Lakes 2005 Are We Making Progress To Improve Air Quality?

905F06900 State Of The Great Lakes What Is The State Of Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands?

905F06901 State Of The Great Lakes 2005 What Is The State Of Great Lakes Forests?

905F06903 State Of The Great Lakes 2005 Why Are Non-native Aquatic Species A Problem In The Great Lakes And How Are They Getting Here?

905F06904 State of the Great Lakes 2005 What Is the State of Great Lakes Amphibians?

905F06905 State Of The Great Lakes What Is The State Of The Great Lakes Alvars And Cobble Beaches?

905F06906 State Of The Great Lakes What Is The State Of Great Lakes Top Predator Fish?

905F06907 State Of The Great Lakes 2005 What Is The State Of Great Lakes Birds?

905F06911 State Of The Great Lakes 2005 What Are The Current Pressures Impacting Lake Michigan?

905F06912 State Of The Great Lakes 2005 What Are The Current Pressures Impacting Lake Ontario?

905F06913 State Of The Great Lakes 2005 What Are The Major Pressures Impacting the St. Lawrence River?

905F06914 State Of The Great Lakes 2005 What What Are The Current Pressures Impacting Lake Huron?

905F67100 Clean Water Is Kid Stuff A Film On Water Problems and Solutions

905F72100 Clean Water Understanding The Law

905F80100 Genesee County Wastewater Treatment Project

905F84100 Rcra Ep Toxicity Test Applied To Dredged Material

905F87100 Rcra Region 5 Policy On Groundwater Restoration At Solid Waste Management Units {memorandum}

905F87101 Interim Final RCRA 3008(h) Correction Action Interim Measures {memorandum}

905F92001 Guide To R-v Lake Guardian

905F96001 Toward A Brighter Future EPA Region 5 First 25 Years 1970-1995

905F97005 Special Alert For People With Asthma And Other Respiratory Problems In The Southeast Wisconsin Area {Brochure}

905F97012 Planning For Lake Michigan Information {folder}

905F98003 Environmental Quality And Community Growth How To Avoid Flooding Traffic Congestion And Your Higher Taxes In Your Community

905F98006 The Economic Dislocation Early Warning System

905K00001 Charlie Goes To Town Epa's Charlie Chipmunk Is Dedicated Tp Keeping All Children Lead Free {Activity Book}

905K01001 2001 Honor Awards

905K87001 Wood Preservatives For Consumers

905K91001 US Environmental Protection Agency Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Action Plan

905K93001 Scrap Tire Handbook

905K94001 Abc's Of Environmental Education

905K95001 Cleaning Up Contaminated Sediment Citizen's Guide

905K96002 Agenda For Action

905K96007 Ozone Action For The Better Health In Southeast Michigan

905K97002 Spill Prevention Control And Countermeasure spcc Regulations 40 CFR 112 Facility Owner-operator Guide To Oil Pollution Prevention

905K98002 Agenda For Action

905K98003 Agenda For Action

905M89001 Green Bay-fox River Mass Balance Study Study Of Toxic Contaminants In The Green Bay Ecosystem

905M90002 Happy Earth Day Activity Book

905M90004 Great Minds- Great Lakes Don't Miss The Boat With Environment Education

905N00001 Environmental Fact Sheet Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Action Plan

905N79001 Technology Transfer Summary Of National Operational and Maintenance Cause and Effect Survey

905N79002 Technology Transfer ERIC Now CERI

905N80001 Technology Transfer Hydraulic Considerations That Affect Secondary Clarifier Performance

905N80002 Technology Transfer Design Manual For Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems Featured At 1980 WPCF Conference

905N89001 Safe Drinking Water Program Update

905N93001 Northwest News August 1993

905R00002 30 Years Environmental Progress Report Remember The Past-protect The Future

905R00003 Proceedings Workshop On Actions To Take For Children's Health

905R00007 Prediction Of Sediment Toxicity Using Consensus-Based Freshwater Sediment Quality Guidelines

905R01001 Great Lakes Ecosystem Report 2000

905R01003 State of the Great Lakes 2001

905R01010 Results of the Lake Michigan Mass Balance Study: Atrazine Data Report December 2001

905R01011 Results Of The Lake Michigan Mass Balance Study Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Trans-nonachlor Data Report

905R01012 Results of the Lake Michigan MassBalance Study Mercury Data Report February 2004

905R01015 Rcra Corrective Action Conference, January 17-18,2001 Chicago Il

905R0121 Superfund Records Of Decision Volume 6 Number 1

905R02001 Results from GLNPO’s Biological Open Water Surveillance Program of the Laurentian Great Lakes 1999

905R02007 US EPA Region 5 State Of The Waters 2002

905R02009 Quality Management Plan for the Great Lakes National Program Office

905R02011 Celebrating Success In 2002

905R03001 Evaluating Ecosystem Results of Pcb Control Measures Within the Detroit River-western Lake Erie Basin

905R03003 Implementing Indicators 2003 A Technical Report

905R03005 Guidance and Summary of Information Regarding the RCRA Used Oil Rebuttable Presumption, March 2005

905R03008 Mercury Use Reduction & Waste Prevention in Medical Facilities

905R04001 Phase II Investigation of Sediment Contamination in White Lake

905R05004 Pollution Solutions II Continuing to Promote Pollution Prevention in the Great Lakes Basin

905R05901 'Cutting-Edge' Techniques Proposed for Nease Cleanup Nease Chemical Site Columbiana County, Ohio June 2005

905R60001 Waste Stabilization Lagoons

905R61001 Great Lakes Illinois River Basins Comprehensive Study Interim Report

905R63001 Protecting Water Quality In The Midwest

905R63100 Pollution Of The Interstate Waters Of Raritan Bay and Adjacent Interstate Waters Session (2nd) Held At New York, New York On May 9, 1963 Transcript Of Conference

905R63101A Report On The Illinois River System Water Quality Conditions Part I Text

905R63101B Report On The Illinois River System Water Quality Conditions Part II Tables Chapters 2 and 3

905R63101C Report On The Illinois River System Water Quality Conditions Part II Tables Chapters 4 Through 9

905R63102 Report On The Illinois River System Stream Flows Required For Water Quality Control

905R65001 Water Supply and Water Quality Control Study Louisville Reservoir Helm Reservoir Wabash River Basin Illinois

905R65100 Proceedings Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries

905R65101 Proceedings Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of Lake Erie And Its Tributaries Volume 2

905R65102 Proceedings Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries, Volume 1

905R65103 Proceedings Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries Held At Cleveland, Ohio On 3-6 Aug 65, Volume 4

905R65104 Pollution Of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries Proceedings Of Conference Held At Cleveland, Ohio On August 3-6, 1965 Volume 2

905R65105 Pollution Of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries Proceedings Of Conference Held At Cleveland, Ohio On August 3-6, 1965 Volume 4

905R65106 Pollution Of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries Proceedings Of Conference Held At Cleveland, Ohio On August 3-6, 1965 Volume 3

905R65107 Water Quality Recreation Project Geist Reservoir Indianapolis, Indiana Comprehensive Report

905R65108 Annual Report Accomplishments Fiscal Year 1964 Work Plan 1965 Region V

905R65109 Annual Report Fiscal Year 1965 Work Plans For Fy 1966

905R65110C Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of The Interstate Waters Of The Grand Calumet River Little Calumet River Calumet River Wolf Lake Lake Michigan And Their Tributaries Proceedings March 2-9 1965

905R65110D Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of The Interstate Waters Of The Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River, Calumet River, Wolf Lake, Lake Michigan and Their Tributaries Proceedings

905R65111 Report On The Pollution Of The Detroit River, Michigan Waters Of Lake Erie and Their Tributaries Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

905R65112 Proceedings Volume 1 Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of The Navigable Waters Of The Detroit River And Lake Erie And Their Tributaries In The State Of Michigan

905R65113 Proceedings Volume 2 Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of The Navigable Waters Of The Detroit River And Lake Erie And Their Tributaries In The State Of Michigan

905R66001B Interstate Air Pollution Study Phase II Project Report Ii Air Pollutant Emission Inventory

905R66001C Interstate Air Pollution Study Phase II Project Report III Air Quality Measurements

905R66001D Interstate Air Pollution Study Phase II Project Report Iv Odors Results Of Surveys

905R66001E Interstate Air Pollution Study Phase II Project Report V Meteorology and Topography

905R66001F Interstate Air Pollution Study Phase II Project Report VI Effects Of Air Pollution

905R66001G Interstate Air Pollution Study Phase II Project Report VII Opinion Surveys and Air Quality Statistical Relationships

905R66001H Interstate Air Pollution Study Phase II Project Report VIII A Proposal For An Air Resource Management Program

905R66002 Report On The Bacteriological Pollution From Municipal and Industrial Waste Discharges On The Red River Of The North

905R66003 Pollution Of The Upper Mississippi River and Major Tributaries

905R66101 Statement On Water Pollution In The Lake Erie Basin

905R66102A Proceedings Third Meeting In The Matter Of Pollution Of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries Volume 1

905R66102B Proceedings Third Meeting In The Matter Of Pollution Of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries Volume 2

905R66103 Statement On Water Pollution In The Lake Ontario Basin

905R66104 Comprehensive Water Pollution Control Program For The Lake Michigan Basin Milwaukee Area

905R66105 Comprehensive Water Pollution Control Program For The Lake Michigan Basin Green Bay Area

905R66106 Water Supply And Water Quality Control Study Big Walnut Reservoir Big Blue Reservoir Downeyville Reservoir Wabash River Basin Indiana

905R66107 Project Report Experimental Treatment Of Lake Erie Water, Erie Pennsylvania, Water Plant

905R67001 Lake Michigan Basin Population and Economy

905R67100 Pollution Of The Interstate Waters Of The Grand Calumet River, Little Calumet River, Calumet River, Wolf Lake, Lake Michigan and Their Tributaries, Proceedings Of Conference

905R67101 Lake Currents Lake Michigan Basin

905R67102 Lake Ontario Basin Water-oriented Outdoor Recreation

905R67103B Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of The Interstate and Intrastate Waters Of The Upper Mississippi River and Its Tributaries - Minnesota and Wisconsin Second Session Minneapolis

905R67103C Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of The Interstate and Intrastate Waters Of The Upper Mississippi River and Its Tributaries - Minnesota and Wisconsin Second Session Minneapolis

905R67104 Green Bay Pilot Study Green Bay, Wisconsin

905R67107 The Alewife Explosion The 1967 Die-off In Lake Michigan

905R68001 Lake Erie South Shore Tributary Loading Data Summary 1967

905R68002 Lake Michigan Basin Physical and Chemical Quality Conditions

905R68004 Lake Erie Environmental Summary 1963-1964

905R68101 Pollution Of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries, Indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania Proceedings Of Conference, Session (4th) Held At Cleveland, Ohio On October 4, 1968

905R68102 Pollution Of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries--Indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania Proceedings Of Conference, Technical Session Held At Cleveland, Ohio On August 26, 1968

905R68103A Conference Proceedings Pollution Of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin Chicago Illinois, Jan 31, Feb 1-2, 5-7, 1968 Executive Session March 7, 8, and 12, 1968 Volume 1

905R68103B Conference Proceedings Pollution Of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin Chicago Illinois, Jan 31, Feb 1-2, 5-7, 1968 Executive Session March 7, 8, and 12, 1968 Volume 2

905R68103C Conference Proceedings Pollution Of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin Chicago Illinois, Jan 31, Feb 1-2, 5-7, 1968 Executive Session March 7, 8, and 12, 1968 Volume 3

905R68103D Conference Proceedings Pollution Of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin Chicago Illinois, Jan 31, Feb 1-2, 5-7, 1968 Executive Session March 7, 8, and 12, 1968 Volume 4

905R68104 Seminar On Phosphorous Removal May 1-2, 1968 Chicago, Illinois

905R69001 FWPCA Presentations Orsanco Engineering Committee Sixty-Ninth Meeting Netherland Hilton Hotel, Cincinnati Ohio, May 13-14, 1969

905R69002 Chemistry Laboratory Manual Bottom Sediments

905R69100 Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of Lake Superior And Its Tributary Basin In The States Of Minnesota Wisconsin And Michigan

905R69101 Pollution Of Lake Superior and Its Tributary Basin, Minnesota-Wisconsin-Michigan Proceedings Of Conference Held At Duluth, Minn , On May 13-15, 1969 Volume 1

905R69102 Pollution Of The Interstate Waters Of The Hudson River And Its Tributaries New York And New Jersey Proceedings Of Conference Session (3rd) Held At New York New York On June 18-19 1969

905R69103 Pollution Of Lake Michigan And Its Tributary Basin Illinois Indiana Michigan And Wisconsin Proceedings Of Conference Session (2nd) Held At Chicago Illinois On February 25 1969 Volume 2

905R69104 Proceedings Volume 1 Pollution of Lake Michigan and its Tributary Basin Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin

905R69105 Proceedings Progress Evaluation Meeting In The Matter Of The Interstate and Intrastate Waters Of The Upper Mississippi River and Its Tributaries Minnesota and Wisconsin

905R69106 An Appraisal Of Water Pollution In The Lake Superior Basin

905R69107 Lake Erie Ohio Intake Water Quality Summary 1968

905R69108 Conference Proceedings Pollution Of Lake Superior And Its Tributary Basin Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan - Duluth Minnesota May 13-14-15 1969 Executive Session Sept 30 Oct 1 1969

905R69108A Conference Proceedings Pollution Of Lake Superior and Its Tributary Basin Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan - Duluth Minnesota May 13-14-15, 1969 Executive Session Sept 30, Oct 1 1969 Volume 1

905R69108B Conference Proceedings Pollution Of Lake Superior and Its Tributary Basin Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan - Duluth Minnesota May 13-14-15, 1969 Executive Session Sept 30, Oct 1 1969 Volume 2

905R69108C Conference Proceedings Pollution Of Lake Superior and Its Tributary Basin Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan - Duluth Minnesota May 13-14-15, 1969 Executive Session Sept 30, Oct 1 1969 Volume 3

905R69108D Conference Proceedings Pollution Of Lake Superior And Its Tributary Basin Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan - Duluth Minnesota May 13-14-15 1969 Executive Session Sept 30 Oct 1 1969 Volume 4

905R69109A Progress Evaluation Meeting In The Matter Of Pollution Of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries (indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania) Proceedings Volume 1

905R69109B Progress Evaluation Meeting In The Matter Of Pollution Of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries (indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania) Proceedings Volume 2

905R69110 Stream Pollution By Coal Mine Drainage In Appalachia

905R69120 Appendix G Water Supply And Stream Quality Comprehensive Water Resources Study Of The Grand River Basin Michigan

905R70001 Investigation Of Mercury In The St Clair River Lake Erie Systems

905R70002 Feasibility Of Alternative Means Of Cooling For Thermal Power Plants Near Lake Michigan

905R70003 Glossary Of Water Resource Terms

905R70101 Factors Affecting Construction Cost Of Municipal Sewer Projects Draft

905R70101A Conference Proceedings Pollution Of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin Third Session Reconvened In Workshop Sessions September 28, 29 30, October 1, 2, 1970 Chicago, Illinois Vol 1

905R70101B Conference Proceedings Pollution Of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin Third Session Reconvened In Workshop Sessions September 28, 29 30, October 1, 2, 1970 Chicago, Illinois Vol 2

905R70101C Conference Proceedings Pollution Of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin Third Session Reconvened In Workshop Sessions September 28, 29 30, October 1, 2, 1970 Chicago, Illinois Vol 3

905R70101D Conference Proceedings Pollution Of Lake Michigan And Its Tributary Basin Third Session Reconvened In Workshop Sessions September 28 29 30 October 1 2 1970 Chicago Illinois Vol 4

905R70101E Conference Proceedings Pollution Of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin Third Session Reconvened In Workshop Sessions September 28, 29 30, October 1, 2, 1970 Chicago, Illinois Vol 5

905R70102 Lake Erie Ohio Intake Water Quality Summary 1969

905R70103A Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries (indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio) Proceedings Fifth Session Detroit June 3,4 1970 Volume 1

905R70103B Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of Lake Erie And Its Tributaries (indiana Michigan New York Ohio) Proceedings Fifth Session Detroit June 34 1970 Volume 2

905R70104 Report On The Effect Of The St Louis Metropolitan Area On Water Quality In The Mississippi River

905R71001 Lake Erie Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York Intake Water Quality Summary 1970

905R71002 Algae-temperature Nutrient Relationships and Distribution In Lake Erie 1968

905R71003 Macroinvertebrate Collections and Water Quality Monitoring In The Ohio River Basin, 1963-1967

905R71004 Final Environmental Impact Statement July 1971

905R71005 Final Environmental Impact Statement For Sewerage Project Number I11-754

905R71012 Chemical Physical Processes

905R71100 Pollution Of Lake Superior And Its Tributary Basin-minnesota-wisconsin-michigan Proceedings Of Conference Second Meeting Of The Session (2nd) (reconvened) Duluth Minnesota January 14-15 1971

905R71101 Pollution Of Lake Superior and Its Tributary Basin-Minnesota-Wisconsin-Michigan Proceedings Of Conference, Second Meeting Of The Session (2nd) (Reconvened) Held At Duluth, Minnesota

905R71101A Conference Proceedings: Pollution Of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin Third Session Reconvened In Workshop Sessions March 24-25, 1971 Chicago, Illinois Vol 1

905R71101B Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of Lake Michigan And Its Tributary Basin Third Session March 24 25 1971 Chicago Illinois Volume 2

905R71101C Conference In The Matter Of Pollution Of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin Third Session March 24, 25 1971 Chicago, Illinois Volume 3

905R71102 Pollution Of Lake Superior and Its Tributary Basin-minnesota-wisconsin-michigan Proceedings Of Conference, Third Meeting Of The Session (2nd) (reconvened)

905R71103 EPA Noise Abatement Program

905R71104 Public Hearings On Noise Abatement And Control Manufacturing And Transportation Noise Volume 2

905R71105 Summary Conclusions And Recommendations From Report To The President And Congress On Noise

905R71106 Evaluation Of Storm Standby Tanks Columbus Ohio

905R72001 Land Disposal Of Wastewater A Land Use Case Study

905R72100 Evaluation Of The Ohio Water Supply Program

905R72101 Remote Sensing Study Of Thermal Discharges To Lake Michigan

905R72102 Summary Of Recent Technical Information Concerning Thermal Discharge Into Lake Michigan

905R72103 Report On Remote Sensing Study Of Thermal Discharges To Lake Michigan

905R72104 Summary Of Recent Technical Information Concerning Thermal Discharges Into Lake Michigan

905R72105 Evaluation Of The Ohio Water Supply Program, Summary

905R72106A Public Session Pollution Of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin November 9, 1972 Chicago, Illinois

905R72106B Conference Pollution Of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin September 19-21, 1972 Chicago, Illinois Volume 2

905R72106C Conference Pollution Of Lake Michigan And Its Tributary Basin Illinois Indiana Michigan And Wisconsin September 19-21 1972 Chicago Illinois Volume 3

905R72106D Conference Pollution Of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin September 19-21, 1972 Chicago, Illinois Volume 4

905R72106E Conference Pollution Of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin September 19-21, 1972 Chicago, Illinois Volume 5

905R72107 Regional Oil and Hazardous Materials Pollution Contingency Plan Region 5

905R72108 O'Hare Noise Study Data Report

905R72109 Noise Control Act Of 1972 Highlights

905R72110 Water Works Operator Training Aids Available From Manufacturers

905R72111 Public Session Of Lake Michigan States And The Environmental Protection Agency

905R72112 Evaluation Of The Ohio Water Supply Program - Summary

905R72113 Lead Pesticides Man And The Environment

905R72114 Evaluation Report On The Indiana Stream Pollution Control Board FY 1972 Water Pollution Control Program Plan

905R72115 Biota Of Freshwater Ecosystems Identification Manual 1 Freshwater Planarians Turbellaria Of North America

905R72116 Biota Of Freshwater Ecosystems Identification Manual 9 Crayfishes Astacidae Of North America

905R72117 Biota Of Freshwater Ecosystems Identification Manual 8 Freshwater Leeches Annelida Hirudinea Of North America

905R73001 Index of EPA Legal Authority Statutes & Legislative History Executive Orders, Regulations

905R73002 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Water Quality Management Planning For The Huron River Basin Portion Of Southeast Michigan

905R73003 Ohio Pesticide Profile EPA Region 5 Pesticides Branch

905R73004 Illinois Pesticide Profile EPA Region 5 Pesticides Branch

905R73005 Wisconsin Pesticide Profile EPA Region 5 Pesticides Branch

905R73006 Minnesota Pesticide Profile EPA Region 5 Pesticides Branch

905R73007 Indiana Pesticide Profile EPA Region 5 Pesticides Branch

905R73100 Environmental Impact Of Land Use On Waste Quality {work Plan}

905R73101 Grosse ILE Laboratory US EPA Quarterly Report

905R73102 Choose A Career Which Allows A Future

905R73104 Bibliography On Federal Guidance National Environmental Policy and Environmental Impact Statement Information

905R73105 Central Regional Laboratory: Region V

905R73106 Michigan Pesticide Profile EPA Region V Pesticides Branch

905R73107 Biota Of Freshwater Ecosystems Identification Manual 11 Freshwater Unioncean Clams Mollusca Pelecypoda Of North America

905R73108 Biota Of Freshwater Ecosystems Identification Manual 10 Genera Of Freshwater Nematodes Nematoda Of Eastern North America

905R74001 Thermal Discharge And Its Effect On Macroinvertebrates And Periphyton In The Wasbash And White Rivers Indiana

905R74002 Remote Sensing Study Of Steam Electric Power Plant Thermal Discharges To Lake Erie Detroit And St Clair Rivers Ohio And Michigan

905R74101 International Joint Commission Menomonee River Pilot Watershed Study Workplan

905R74102 Remote Sensing Study Of Steam-electric Power Plant Thermal Discharges To Lake Erie Detroit And St Clair Rivers Ohio And Michigan

905R74104 Environment Midwest Together, US EPA Region 5

905R74105 Evaluation Of The Laforce Modified AMC Hornet

905R74106 Generic Environmental Statement Mixed Oxide Fuels For Recycle Plutonium In Light Water Cooled Reactors

905R74107 Implications Of Alternative Policies For The Use Of Permanent Controls And Supplemental Control Systems

905R74251C Conference Pollution Of Lake Michigan And Its Tributary Basin Illinois Indiana Michigan And Wisconsin Volume 3 4th Session

905R74253 Regional Oil And Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan Region V Inland

905R74253 Response Of Euthropic Shagawa Lake Minnesota Usa To Point-source Phosphorus Reduction

905R74254 Regional Oil And Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan Region 5 Inland

905R74255 Area And Agency Designation Handbook For Section 208 Area Wide Waste Treatment Management Planning

905R75001 Region 5 Joint Federal State Survey Of Organics And Inorganics In Selected Drinking Water Supplies Draft

905R75002 Region 5 Joint Federal State Survey Of Organics And Inorganics In Selected Drinking Water Supplies 2nd Draft

905R75003 208 Public Participation Cook Book

905R75004 Report On Kent Lake Oakland and Livingston Counties Michigan

905R75010 Report On Deer Lake Marquette County Michigan

905R75011 Report On Card Reservoir Tuscola County Michigan EPA Region 5 Working Paper No 190

905R75100 International Joint Commission Menomonee River Pilot Watershed Study Semiannual Report

905R75101 International Joint Commission Menomonee River Pilot Watershed Study Semiannual Report

905R75104 An Anatomy Of Risk

905R75105 An Evaluation Of Section 208 As A Model For Air Quality Planning And Management

905R75106 A Report Assessment Of Health Risk From Organics In Drinking Water By An Ad Hoc Study Group To The Hazardous Materials Committee

905R75107 Interim Report On Loading Functions For Assessment Of Water Pollution From Nonpoint Sources

905R75108 Grosse Ile Laboratory Annual Report May 1975

905R75109 First Report On Status And Progress Of Noise Research And Control Programs In The Federal Government Draft

905R75110 Environment Midwest Together

905R75111 1975 Gas Mileage Guide For New Car Buyers In California

905R75112 Region 5 Joint Federalstate Survey Of Organics & Inorganics In Selected Drinking Water Supplies

905R75113 Railroad Noise Emission Standard

905R75114 Returnable Beverage Containers For Beer And Soft Drinks Questions And Answers

905R75115 Preliminary Report On Sangchris County Illinois

905R76010 Report On Versailles Lake Ripley County Indiana

905R76100 Summary Report Final Environmental Impact Statement For The Tunnel Component Of The Tunnel Reservoir Plan (tarp) Proposed By The Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago

905R76101 International Joint Commission Menomonee River Pilot Watershed Study Semiannual Report

905R76102 International Joint Commission Menomonee River Pilot Watershed Study Semiannual Report

905R76103 Environmental Impact Statement Part Ii Organic Solids Reuse Plan And Environmental Assessment

905R76104 Draft Environmental Impact Statement For The Tunnel Component Of The Tunnel and Reservoir Plan (tarp) Proposed By The Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago

905R76105 Environmental Impact Statement Part I Organic Solids Reuse Plan

905R76106 Handbook Of Procedures Construction Grants Program For Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Transmittal Memorandum No 76-1 August 1976

905R76108 Environmental Impact Statement Sewage Treatment Facilities For The South Bloomington and Lake Monroe Service Areas Bloomington, Indiana

905R76109 Environmental Impact Statement Cuyahoga Valley Interceptor Cleveland Regional Sewer District

905R76110 Notice On Proposed Rulemaking On Special Local Determinations Procedures For Interstate Railroad Noise Emissions Standards

905R76111 Guidelines For Establishing A Library Within The EPA

905R76112 Radioactive Wastes

905R76113 Environmental Impact Statement Olentangy Environmental Control Center And Interceptor System

905R76114 Environmental Impact Statement

905R77012 PCB Hearing Special Meeting Of Us Epa Region 5

905R77013 Earthline Corp Landfill Evaluation

905R77101 PCB Hearing Speical Meeting Of US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5 Chicago, Il

905R77102 Environment Midwest Together, 1976-1977

905R77105 Environmental Midwest Together

905R77106 Guidelines For The Pollution Classification Of Great Lakes Harbor Sediments

905R77108 Clean Air Act Amendments Of 1977 A Synopsis

905R77109 Guidelines For The Interpretation Of Air Quality Standards

905R77110 MERL Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory

905R77111 Appendix 1 To The Report Of Sub Group A Of The Us Senior Review Group On Review Of The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement April 29 1977

905R77112 Report Of Sub Group A Of The Us Senior Review Group On Review Of The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement April 29 1977

905R77113 Environment Midwest Together Annual Report

905R77114 Report Of Subgroup A Of The United States Senior Review Group On Review Of The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

905R77115 Fugitive Dust Policy Sip's And New Source Review

905R77116 Guidance On Sip Development And New Source Review In Areas Impacted By Fugitive Dust

905R77117 Toxic Substances Control Act November 1977

905R77118 U S Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 Workshop On Management And Coordination Of Manpower Development And Training Programs Proceedings

905R78001 Epa's Rulemaking Program and Strategies Fro Reducing Surface Transpiration Noise

905R78100 International Joint Commission Menomonee River Pilot Watershed Study Summary Pilot Watershed Report

905R78102 National Ambient Air Quality Standard For Lead

905R78103 Environmental Impact Statement September 1978

905R78103 Environmental Impact Statement September 1978#001

905R78104 Federal Register Preamble And Regulations For State Implementation And Advance Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking Ambient Monitoring Requirements For Significant Lead Point Sources

905R78105 Reference Method For The Determination Of Lead In Suspended Particulate Matter Collected From Ambient Air And Proposed Equivalency Regulations

905R78106 Planning And Resources FY 1978 End Of Year Report Fy 1979 Operating Plan Process

905R78107 Regional Oil And Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan Region 5 Inland

905R78108 Staff Resources For Noise Control

905R78109 Ambient Monitoring Near The Land Disposal Site For Taconite Tailings Reserve Mining Company Silver Bay Minnesota

905R78110 EPA Datalib Cataloging Manual

905R78112 Open Letter To Elected Officials Business Leaders And Concerned Citizens

905R78113 Public Participation In Programs Under The Resource Conservation And Recovery Act The Safe Drinking Water Act And The Clean Water Act

905R78114 Public Participation In 201 Projects A Review In Regions 1 3 5 6 And 9

905R78115 Manual Of Custody And Non Custody Sample Handling Procedures Second Edition

905R78116 Improving Environmental Regulations

905R78117 Lake Michigan Study Some Preliminary Findings June 1978

905R78118 Lake Michigan Study Summary June 1978

905R78119 Thermal Infrared Survey Rock River Illinois June 5 1978

905R78120 Aerial Photographic Survey Rock River Illinois June 5 1978

905R79001 Draft Environmental Statement Salem Utility District Number 2 Kenosha County Wisconsin, June 30 1979 Volume 1

905R79002 Draft Environmental Statement Salem Utility District Number 2 Kenosha County Wisconsin, June 30 1979 Volume 2 Appendices

905R79003 Profile Of Environmental Quality Region 5 Midwest

905R79012 Public Hearing Proposed Consolidation Permit Regulations Dallas Texas 1979

905R79013 Public Hearing Reproposed Underground Injection Control Program Dallas Texas 1979


905R79101 International Joint Commission Menomonee River Pilot Watershed Study Draft Final Report, Volume 5

905R79103 State Information System, Part 2 Minnesota, Ohio , Wisconsin

905R79104 Affirmative Action Plan For Employment Of The Handicapped

905R79105 Toxic Substances Control Act Trademarks And Product Names Reported In Conjunction With The Chemical Substance Initial Inventory Reporting Company Section

905R79106 A Review Of The International Surveillance Program For The Great Lakes As It Relates To Water Quality

905R79107 Subtitle C Resource Conservation And Recovery Act Of 1976

905R79108 Subtitle C Resource Conservation And Recovery Act Of 1976 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Appendices

905R79109 EPA Region 5 1997 Honors Award Ceremony

905R79110 FY 80 State EPA Agreement Guidance

905R79111 Land Application Of Wastewater State Regulations And Guidance For The States Of Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Illinois And Indiana

905R79112 Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical Substances Inventory Supplement I

905R79113 Resource Recovery Facilities In The United States

905R79114 Toxic Substances Control Act Overview Of Its Authorities And Major Activities

905R79116 Improving Environmental Regulations Final Report Implementing Executive Order 12044

905R79117 Legislation Programs And Organization Revised January 1979

905R79118 Evaluation Of The Procedures For Identification Of Hazardous Waste Interim Report August 1979

905R79119 Technology Transfer Collection - Region 5 Library

905R80001 Great Lakes America

905R80011 Great Miami River Dilution And Exposure Risk Study

905R80013 Location And Magnitude Of Maximum Short Term Ground Level Impacts Of Effluents From Tall Stacks

905R80014 Ratio Of Peak One Hour Average Concentrations To Peak Concentration Of Other Averaging Times For Various Pollutants And Differing Sources

905R80015 Model Permit For Hazardous Waste Treatment Storage And Disposal Facilities

905R80100 Quality Assurance Program Guidelines and Specifications Criteria and Procedures, Region 5

905R80101 Evaluation Of Suspected Environmental Contamination Of The Hemlock, Michigan Area

905R80103 Comparison Of The 1978 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Water Quality Objectives To State Standards and Ontario Objectives Applicable To The Great Lakes

905R80104 Environmental Impact Statement Alternative Waste Treatment Systems For Rural Lake Projects Case Study Number 5 Ottertail County Board Of Commissioners Ottertail County, Minnesota Final

905R80105 Environmental Impact Statement Supplemental Eis Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago O'hare Water Reclamation Plant Final

905R80106 Comparison Of The 1978 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Water Quality Objectives To State Standards and Ontario Objectives Applicable To The Great Lakes

905R80107 A Review And Analysis Of The Good Faith Of The Automobile Industry In Attempting To Comply With The Statutory 04 Nox Standard

905R80108 Guidance For The Control Of Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted By Ten Selected Source Categories

905R80109 Final Draft Summary Of Findings On Remaining Segments Of Tunnel And Reservoir Project And Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago

905R80110 Method 645 Analysis Of Certain Amine Pesticides And Lethane In Wastewater By Gas Chromatography

905R80111 Method 608 2 Analysis Of Certain Organochlorine Pesticides In Wastewater By Gas Chromatography

905R80112 Method 643 Analysis Of Bentazon In Wastewater By Liquid Chromatography

905R80113 Method 641 Analysis Of Thiabendazole In Wastewater By Liquid Chromatography

905R80114 Measurement Of Trihalomethanes In Drinking Water With Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry And Selected Ion Monitoring Method 501 3

905R80115 Region 5 Strategy For Permitting Pcb Disposal Sites

905R80117 Noise Legislation Trends And Implications

905R80118 Noise Impact Assessment Manual For Selected Transportation Sources

905R80119 Noise A Community Problem A Community Solution Facts About The Echo Program

905R80120 Public Participation In The Construction Grants Program

905R80122 Toxicity Of Some Industrial Effluents And Their Effects Upon Fox River Water Quality

905R80123 Rcra Part 8 Permit Strategy US EPA Region 5

905R80124 Rachel Carson

905R80125 Guidelines For Answering Public Inquiry

905R80126 Toxics Information Series

905R80127 Environmental Fact Sheet Highlights Us Epa Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Action Plan

905R80128 Guidance For Identification And Evaluation Of The Nature And Extent Of Pollution From Salt Water Intrusion

905R80129 National Assessment Of The Ground-water Contamination Potential Of Waste Impoundments

905R80130 Federal Financial Assistance For Pollution Prevention And Control 1980

905R80132 Remedial Action Standards For Inactive Uranium Processing Sites

905R80133 Toxic Substances Control Act Protecting People And The Environment From Dangerous Chemicals

905R80134 Occupational Medical Monitoring Program For EPA Employees

905R80135 Quality Assurance Program An Overview

905R80136 Final Inventory Reporting Regulations Toxic Substances Control Act (tsca) Questions And Answers

905R80137 Profile On Environmental Quality Iowa

905R80138 Technology Transfer Design Manual For Onsite Wastewater Treatment And Disposal Systems Featured At 1980 Wpcf Conference

905R80139 Guidelines For The Preparation Of An Environmental Assessment

905R81001 Public Participation Requirements Within The Programs Of Region 5

905R81012 S And A Policies And Procedures Manual

905R81014 State EPA Agreement Fiscal Year 1981

905R81102 Environmental Impact Statement St Croix, Wisconsin and Taylor Falls Minnesota, Water Treatment Systems

905R81103 PCB Contamination Problem In Waukegan, Illinois

905R81104 Regional Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, Region 5 Inland

905R81105 Environmental Impact Statement Rehabilitation Of Wastewater Facilities Streator, Illinois

905R81106 Environmental Impact Statement Rehabilitation Of Wastewater Facilities Streator, Illinois Final

905R81107 Alternative Waste Treatment Systems For Rural Lake Projects {draft Generic}

905R81108 Report Of The Toxics Integration Project

905R81109 Resource Inventory And Septic System Survey Moose Lake Windemere Sewer District Minnesota October November 1980 Appendices

905R81110 Region 5 Support Package For Area By Area Toxics Control With An Emphasis On Area Specific Dilution Studies

905R81111 Analytical Method For Analyzing Fish For Organic Compounds

905R81112 Review Of Railroad Project Related Environmental Impact Statements For Noise Concerns A Brief Outline And Checklist

905R81113 Review Of Residential Commercial And Industrial Project Related Environmental Impact Statements For Noise Concerns A Brief Outline And Checklist

905R81114 Review Of Highway Project Related Environmental Impact Statements For Noise Concerns A Brief Outline And Check Sheet

905R81115 Review Of Airport Project Environmental Impact Statements For Noise Concerns A Brief Outline And Check Sheet

905R81116 Health Effects Manual Of Appendix 7 & Appendix 8 Substances

905R81118 Common Concerns On Analytical Methods Ad Hoc Meeting

905R81119 Report On Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins (pcdds) And Polychlorinated Dibnezofurans (pcdfs) A Summary Of Studies Conducted In The Great Lakes Area

905R81120 Site Specific Needs Determination And Alternative Planning For Unsewered Areas Region 5 Guidance

905R81121 Regional Affirmative Action Equal Employment Opportunity Multi Year Program Plan FY 1982 FY 1986

905R82001 Assessment Of Region 5

905R82100 1982 Conservation Tillage Test Results, Allen County Ohio

905R82101 Preliminary Report On The Distribution Of Cladophora In The Western Basin Of Lake Erie

905R82102 Water Quality Trends At Two Nearshore Stations In Western Lake Erie

905R82104 Report On Combined Sewer Overflow Facilities Planning For The Detroit Water And Sewerage Department Detroit Michigan

905R82106 A Compilation Of Water Quality Standards For Marine Waters

905R82107 Monitoring And Evaluation Guidebook

905R82108 St Joseph And Benton Harbor Sediment Quality

905R82111 Responsiveness Summary For Public Meeting And Written Comments On The Report On Combined Sewer Overflow Facilities Planning For The Detroit Water And Sewerage Department

905R82112 Public Hearing Re Standards For Owners And Operators Of Hazardous Waste Treatment Storage And Disposal Facilities

905R82113 Sample Handling Protocol For Hazardous Waste

905R83001 Report On The Environment Region 5, 1983

905R83002 Guide To Manual Environmental Data Systems Available For Reference In US EPA Region 5

905R83003 Dow Chemical Company Midland Plant Wastewater Characterization Study Preliminary Summary Of Results

905R83012 Cost Recovery Actions Under The Cercla

905R83100 Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Management In Rural Lake Areas, Final Generic

905R83101 1983 Conservation Tillage Test Results, Allen County OH

905R83102 Cladophora Surveillance Program Western Basin Of Lake Erie, 1982 Season

905R83103 1982 Open Lake Water Quality Conditions Forlake Erie Preliminary Report

905R83104 Lake Erie Water Quality 1970-1982 Management Assessment

905R83105 Environmental Report Middle Door County Wisconsin Wastewater Treatment Facilities

905R83106 Environmental Impact Statement Indian Lake Sister Lakes Wastewater Treatment System Berrien Cass And Van Buren Counties Michigan

905R83108 Technical Reference Document Final-generic Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Management In Rural Lake Areas

905R83109 Technical Reference Document Final-generic Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Management In Rural Lake Areas Volume 2

905R83110 Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Management In Rural Lake Areas Final-generic

905R83111 Technical Evaluation Impact Of Combined Sewer Overflow Control Alternatives For The Ecorse Creek Basin, Wayne County, Michigan

905R83112 Waste Management Division Fy 1983 Annual Report

905R83113 An Assessment Of Potential Groundwater Contamination From Septic Tanks In Indiana

905R83114 Assessment Of Potential Groundwater Contamination In Indiana

905R83115 Sample Handling Protocol For Hazardous Waste Remfit Contract

905R83116 Polymer Manufacturing Industry - Background Information For Proposed Standards Preliminary Draft

905R83117 PCBPhaseout Meeting With Utility CEO Metcalfe Federal Building

905R83119 Studies Of Sediment Nutrient And Pesticide Loading In Selected Lake Erie And Lake Ontario Tributaries

905R83120 Environment Management Report Attachment B

905R83121 Environment Management Report Parts 1 And 2

905R83122 Regional Contingency Plan

905R84003 Environmental Risk And Hazard Assessments For Various Isomers Of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Monochlorobiphenyl Through Hexachlorobiphenyl And Decachlorobiphenyl

905R84100 Agricultural Land Preservation In Reigon 5

905R84103 1983-1984 Oxygen Depletion Study

905R84104 Technical Report Literature Review Of Wetland Evaluation Methodologies

905R84105 Agricultural Land Preservation In Region 5

905R84106 Technical Report Literature Review Of Wetland Evaluation Methodologies

905R84107 1983-1984 Oxygen Depletion Study

905R84108 Water Quality (august 1984)

905R84109 1981 Atmospheric Loading For Lake Eries

905R84110 Standard Operating Procedure for the GC Ms Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds Collected on Tenax

905R84111 Interim Report Of Selected Information On State And Local Agency Air Toxics Activities

905R84112 State Agency Access To The National Contractor Laboratory Program

905R84113 Region 5 Air Quality

905R84114 Environmental Impact Statement : Middle East Fork Area ; Clermont County, Ohio ; Final

905R84115 US Phosphorus Load To Lake Erie Lake Ontario And Saginaw Bay For 1982

905R84116 Dioxin Tier 4 Study

905R84117 Organochlorine Contaminates Of Wintering Ducks Foraging On Detroit River Sediments

905R84118 Interim Status Ground-water Monitoring Implementation Study Phase 3

905R84119 Directory Of Environmental Data Bases

905R84120 Rotating Biological Contractors (RBCS) Checklist For A Trouble-free Facility

905R84121 Lime Handling Systems problems And Remedies

905R84122 Land Treatment Rapid Infiltration Plan Design And Construct For Success

905R84123 Report On The Environment Region 5 1983

905R84124 Great Lakes National Program Office

905R84125 FY 1982 And 1983 Implementation Strategy For The Mandatory Quality Assurance Program

905R84126 Water Quality Region 5

905R85001 Prototype Evaluations Based On A Manual For Evaluating Predicted and Actual Impacts Of Construction Grants Projects

905R85013 Fine Particulate Matter Particle Size Analysis Size Consist Evaluation And Control Technology Summary

905R85100 Region 5 FY 1985 Environmental Management Report

905R85101 Bibliography Of Selected Epa Reports And Federal Register Notices

905R85102 Preliminary Scientific Report Of The Epa Risk Assessment Guidelines For Carcinogenicity, Mutagenicity, Chemical Mixtures, Developmental Effects And Exposure Assessment

905R85103 Report On The Review Panel On Total Human Exposure

905R85104 Mid-year Review Of Region V Water Programs

905R85105 Region 5 Hazardous Waste and Toxic Substances

905R85105 Senior Staff Conference May 13-15 1985

905R85106 Listing Background Document Dioxins

905R85107 US Task Force Plan For Phosphorus Load Reductions From Non Point And Point Sources On Lake Erie Lake Ontario And Saginaw Bay

905R85108 Michigan Dioxin Studies Screening Survey If Surface Water Supplies Potable Ground Water And Dow Chemical Brine Operations

905R85109 Region 5 FY 1985 Environmental Management

905R85110 Environmental And Economic Impacts Of Detergent Phosphorus Bans On Great Lakes Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems

905R85111 The Day Before Chemical Response Planning Through Simulation

905R85112 Method 680 Determination Of Pesticides And Pcbs In Water And Soil Sediment By Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

905R86001 Proceedings and Summary Of The National Estuary Program Review and Technical Workshop

905R86002 Dow Chemical Wastewater Characterization Study Tittabawassee River Sediments and Native Fish

905R86010 Report On Assessment Of Wisconsin Department Of Natural Resources Ambient Water Quality Monitoring Network

905R86013 Superfund Amendments And Reauthorization Act Of 1986 Conference Report

905R86100 Proceedings Progress Evaluation Meeting Pollution Of Lake Erie And It 5 Tributaries

905R86102 An Introductory Guide To The Statutory Authorities Of The US Environmental Protection Agency, October 1986

905R86103 Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act Of 1986

905R86104 Soviet Nuclear Accident

905R86105 Regional Planning And Management System

905R86106 Region 5 Fish Tissue Report

905R86107 Lake Michigan Toxic Pollutant Controlreduction Strategy

905R86108 Report Of Audit EPA Planning Negotiation Awarding And Administering Of Emergency Response Cleanup Services Contracts

905R86109 Performance Management System (pms) For Performance Management And Recognition System Employees 1986 Edition

905R86110 Pathfinder To EPA nforcement Databases

905R87002 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Treatment Facilities for the Columbus Ohio Metropolitan Area

905R87003 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Treatment Facilities for the Columbus Ohio Metropolitan Area

905R87005 Toxic Chemicals What They Are How They Affect You

905R87010 Contract Operation And Maintance The Answer For Your Town

905R87100 Variation Among and Within Procedures For Bioavailable Phosphorus

905R87102 Lake Michigan Atmospheric Loading

905R87103 Report On Assessment Of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Ambient Water Quality Monitoring Network

905R87104 Summary Report An Integrated Approach To A Study Of Contaminants And Toxicity In Monroe Harbor (river Raisin) Michigan A Great Lakes Area Of Concern

905R87105 Great Lakes National Program Office Activities Report For Period Ending December 23 1987

905R87106 Great Lakes National Program Office Activities Report For The Period Ending November 10 1987

905R87107 Assessment Of Human Resource Needs

905R87108 Methods For Toxicity Reduction Evaluations Phase 1 Toxicity Characterization Procedures Draft

905R87109 Selected Letter And Abbreviated Name Guide

905R87111 Superfund Records Of Decision Update Collection - Region 5

905R87112 Proposed Water Quality Management Regulations

905R88001 Variable Grade Sewers Special Evaluation Project

905R88002 US EPA Region 5 Waste Minimization-p2 Conference 1998

905R88003 Ultra Violet Disinfection Special Evaluation Project

905R88100 Our Air, Our Land, Our Water

905R88101 Five Year Program Strategy For Great Lakes National Program Office, FY 1989-1993

905R88102 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Treatment Facilities For The Columbus, Ohio Metropolitan Area

905R88104 US EPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement Of Work For Organics Analysis

905R88105 Environmental Impact Statement Cleveland Hilltop Planning Area, Ohio

905R88106 Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels Study Volume 2 Final Report

905R88107 Lawn Care For Your Home

905R88108 Wastewater Treatment Facilities for the Columbus, Ohio Metropolitan Area : Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement ; Chapters 1-8, 9 revised appendix pages

905R88109 Evaluation Of Predicted And Actual Impacts Of Construction Grants Projects In Three River Basins Of Region 5

905R88109 Great Lakes National Program Office Activities Report For The Period Ending February 4 1988

905R88110 Complete Data Base For Evaluation Of Predicted And Actual Impacts Of Construction Grants Projects In Three River Basins Of Region 5

905R88111 Technology Transfer The Bridge Between Research And Use

905R88112 Summary Of Risk Assessment And Proposed Risk Management Actions Midland Michigan

905R88113 Michigan Dioxin Studies Incinerator Exhaust And Ambient Air Study Fact Sheet

905R88115 Superfund Records Of Decision Update April 1988

905R88116 Superfund Records Of Decision Update January 1988

905R89005 Annual Review Of The Memorandum Of Understanding On Control Of Toxic Substances

905R89011 Region 5 Land Disposal Restriction Violation Classification Guidance

905R89012 Geographic Information Systems Management Office First Year Of Operations

905R89100 Effects Of No-till and Fall Plowing On Pesticide Movement In Runoff and Tile Drainage

905R89101 Technical and Management Options For Lakewide Management Planning, 2nd Draft

905R89103 Estimation and Evaluation Of Cancer Risks Attributed To Air Pollution In Southeast Chicago

905R89104 Interim Guidance For The Design and Execution Of Sediment Sampling Abd Testintg Efforts Relating To Navigational Maintenance Dredging In Region 5

905R89105 1989 Fuel Economy Guide

905R89106 Alternative Sewers Operation & Maintenance

905R89107 Office Of Municipal Pollution Control Publication List

905R89109 Innovative Technology Best Solvent Extraction Process

905R89110 Superfund Records Of Decision Update December 1989

905R89111 Superfund Records Of Decision Update August 1989

905R90002 US EPA Region 5 Example Of A Combined Sewer System Operational Plan

905R90010 Assessment and Remediation Of Containments Sediments (arcs) Work Plan

905R90100 Survey Of Great Lakes Bathing Beaches, 1990

905R90102 Survey Of Great Lakes Bathing Beaches, 1991

905R90103 Air Toxics Emissions Inventories For The Lake Michigan Region

905R90104 Assessment and Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments (arcs) Work Plan

905R90105 Arcs V Remedial Activities At Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites In Region 5 Agency Review Draft GH Landfill Site

905R90106 The Use Of Geographic Information Systems (gis) To Integrate And Analyze Toxic Release Inventory (tri) Data

905R90107 Example Of A Combined Sewer System Operational Plan

905R90108 Ashtabula Ohio Geographic Information Systems Demonstration Project Final Report

905R90109 RCRA CME Handbook

905R90110 Ashtabula Ohio Geographic Information System Demonstration Project

905R90111 Urban Targeting And Bmp Selection An Information And Guidance Manual For State Nonpoint Source Program Staff Engineers And Managers

905R90112 Facts About Stormwater Management Progams In The State Of Florida

905R90114 Financing Mechanisms For Bmps

905R90115 Uses Of Wetlands In Stormwater Management

905R90116 Stormwater Management Ordinances For Local Governments

905R90117 Impacts Of Changes In Hydrology Due To Urbanization

905R90118 Integrated Stream Management Programs Reduce Impacts To Aquatic Habitat

905R90119 Region 5 Earth Day Kick Off Award Ceremony Earth Day 1990 You Can Make A Difference

905R90120 EPA Region 5 20th Anniversary Award Ceremony 1970 1990 Making A Difference

905R90122 Superfund Record Of Decision Update September 1990

905R90124 Superfund Record Of Decision Update June 1990

905R90126 Superfund Record Of Decision Update February 1990

905R91001 Midwest Pollution Control Biologists Meeting US EPA Region 5 Testing The Toxicity Of Field Collected Sediments 1991

905R91100 Arcs Assessment and Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments

905R91102 Health And Safety Manual Region 5

905R91103 Region 5 Comparative Risk Project Fact Sheet

905R91104 1992 Gas Mileage Guide EPA Fuel Economy Estimates

905R91106 Regional Stormwater Management Planning

905R91107 Urban Runoff Impacts To Receiving Waters

905R91108 Superfund Record Of Decision

905R91110 Ground Water Quality Variability Related To Sampling Frequency

905R92001 Environmental Indicators For Surface Water Quality Programs Pilot Study

905R92003 1991 Midwest Pollution Xontrol Biologists Meeting Environmental Indicators Measurement And Assessment Endpoints Lincolnwood Illinois March 19-22 1991

905R92006 Biological Critical Development For Large Rivers With An Emphasis On An Assessment Of The White River Drainage Indiana

905R92007 Development Of Index Of Biotic Integrity Expectations For The Ecoregions Of Indiana 2 Huron Erie Lake Plain

905R92007A Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments arcs Program Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment Ashtabula River Ohio Area Of Concern

905R92008 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments arcs Program Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment Saginaw River Mi Area Of Concern

905R92011 Linkage To EPA and Other Federal Agency Programs Part 2

905R92100 Assessment and Remediation On Contaminated Sediments (arcs) 1992 Work Plan

905R92101 Seminar Operation Parameters For Hazardous Waste Combustion Devises - Speaker Slide Copy And Appendices

905R92902 Index To Osw Document Collection On Microfilm

905R92904 EPA Region 5 Library GLNPO Collection Acquisitions List

905R93001 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments arcs Program Baseline Assessment Of Human Health Risks Resulting From Pcb Contamination At The Sheboygan River Wisconsin Area Of Concern

905R93002 Region 5 Enforcement Accomplishment Report Fy 1992

905R93005 Pilot-scale Demonstrations Of Thermal Desorption For The Treatment Of Buffalo River Sediments

905R93006 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments arcs Program Biological And Chemical Assessment Of Contaminated Great Lakes Sediment

905R93007 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments arcs Program Risk Assessment And Modeling Overview Document

905R93008 Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment Buffalo River, New York, Area Of Concern

905R93009 Region 5 Fiscal Year 1992 Superfund Accomplishments

905R93010 Region 5 Standard Operating Procedure For Validation Of Clp Inorganic Data

905R93011 Long Term Strategic Plan Environmental Sciences Division

905R93012 Northwest Indiana Southeast Cook County Gei Environmental Progress 1988 1992 A Report On Selected Environmental Indicators

905R93100 Great Lakes Water Quality Intiative Technical Support Document For The Procedute Tyo Determine Bioaccumulation Factors

905R93101 Continuous Quality Improvement

905R93102 Water Strategy Paper Statement Of Policy

905R93103 Comparison Of Proposed HHBAF's For The GLI

905R93104 Report On The Status Of The Environment

905R94001 Superfund Accomplishments in 1993

905R94002 Summary Of Contaminated Sediment Activities Within The United States Great Lakes Areas Of Concern

905R94003 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments arcs Program Pilot Scale Demonstration Of Solvent Extraction For The Treatment Of Grand Calumet River Sediments

905R94004 Great Lakes Ecosystem Report To Congress

905R94005 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments arcs Program Model Data Requirements And Mass Loading Estimates For Buffalo River Mass Balance Study

905R94006 Pollutant Loading To The Buffalo River Area Of Concern From Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites

905R94007 Bench-scale Evaluation Of Zimpro's Wet Air Oxidation Process On Contaminated Sediments From The Grand Calumet River

905R94008 Bench-scale Evaluation Of Retec's Thermal Desorption Technology On Contaminated Sediments From The Ashtabula River

905R94009 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments arcs Program Bench-scale Evaluation Of Soiltech's Anaerobic Thermal Process Technology

905R94010 Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments ( ARCS) Program: Bench Scale Evaluation of Rcc's Basic Extractive Sludge Treatment (B E S T) Process on Contaminated Sediments

905R94013 Superfund: Progress at National Priorities List Sites, Illinois, 1996 Update

905R94014 Superfund Progress At National Priorities List Sites 1994 Npl Update Indiana

905R94015 Superfund: Progress at National Priorities List Sites, Michigan, 1996 Update

905R94016 Superfund Progress At National Priorities List Sites 1994 Npl Update Minnesota

905R94017 Superfund Progress At National Priorities List Sites 1994 Npl Update Ohio

905R94018 Superfund Progress At National Priorities List Sites 1994 Npl Update Wisconsin

905R94019 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments arcs Program Pilot-scale Demonstration Of Sediment Washing For The Treatment Of Saginaw River Sediments

905R94020 Progress Of The Great Lakes Remedial Action Plans

905R94021 Pilot-scale Demonstration Of Thermal Desorption For The Treatment Of Ashtabula River Sediments Final Report

905R94022 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments (arcs) Program Mineral Processing Pretreatment Of Contaminated Sediments

905R94023 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments (arcs) Program Bench-scale Evaluation Of Sediment Treatment Technologies Summary Report

905R94024 Asessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments ( ARCS) Program: Hazard Ranking of Contaminated Sediments Based on Chemical Analysis Laboratory Toxicity Tests and Benthic Community Structure.

905R94025 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments (arcs) Program Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment Grand Calument River-indiana Harber Canal Indiana Area Of Concern

905R94027 Minnesota Superfund Cooperative Agreement Ritari Post and Pole

905R94028 Region 5 Procedures To Ensure Drinking Water Data Integrity

905R94101 Procurement Under Michigan Superfund Cooperative Agreements Report Of Audit

905R94102 Fiscal 1993 Superfund Performance Measures Region 5 Report Of Audit

905R94103 Greater Leadership Opportunity (glo) Program 11th Graduation Ceremony Metcalfe Federal Building Chicago Illinois

905R94104 Waste Minimization And Combustion Roundtable Metcalfe Federal Building Chicago Illinois

905R95001 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments (arcs) Program Baseline Risk Assessment For Aquatic Life For Buffalo New York Area Of Concern

905R95002 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments (arcs) Program Detection Of Genotoxins In Contaminated Sediments Evaluation Of A New Test For Complex Environmental Mixtures

905R95007 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments (arcs) Program Application Of Mass Balance Modeling To Access Remediation Options For The Buffalo River

905R95008 Comparative Human Health And Wildlife Risk Assessment Buffalo River, Ny, Area Of Concern

905R95015 Nutrients Trends And System Response

905R95017 Report To Congress Effects Of Great Lakes Contaminants On Human Health

905R95020 United States Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 Reinvention Implementation Plan, March 1995

905R95021 Illinois Superfund Cooperative Agreements

905R95101 Immunoassay Technology Workshop

905R95102 Residents' Guide To Temporary Relocation

905R96001 Assessment And Remediaiton Of Contaminated Sediments (arcs) Program Estimating Contaminant Loses From Components Of Remediation Alternative For Contaminated Sediments

905R96002 Development Of Index Of Biotic Integrated Expectations For The Ecoregions Of Indiana Volume 3 Northern Indiana Till Plain

905R96004 Development Of Index Of Biotic Integrated Expectations For The Ecoregions Of Indiana Volume 5 Eastern Corn Belt Plain

905R96005 Development Of Index Of Biotic Integrated Expectations For The Lake Agassiz Plain Ecoregion

905R96007 Biological Characterization Of The Middle Fork Anderson River Perry County Indiana

905R96008 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments (arcs) Program Calculation And Evaluation Of Sediment Effect Concentrations For The Amphipod Hyalella Azteca Midge Chironomus Riparius

905R96009 Assessment And Remediation Of Contaminated Sediments (arcs) Program Assessment Of Sediments In The Indian Harbor Area Of Concern

905R96010 Assessment Of Sediments In Saginaw River Area Of Concern

905R96011 Assessment Of Sediments In The Buffalo River Area Of Concern

905R96012 Bench-scale Evaluation Of Bioremediation For The Treatment Of Sediments From The Ashtabula, Buffalo, Saginaw And Sheboytan Rivers

905R96015 Field And Laboratory Support Results, Buffalo River, Ma Balance Project

905R96018 Columbus Waste-to-energy Municipal Incineraor Dioxin Soil Sampling Project

905R96019 Phase II Investigation Of Dioxin-furan Emission Impact On Soils In The Vicinity Of The Columbus, Ohio Waste-to-energy Facility

905R96020 Phase I Investigation Of Dioxin-furan Soil Levels In Columbus, Oh

905R97001 Customer Service In Region 5

905R97002A Risk Assessment For The Waste Technologies Industries (wti) Hazardous Waste Incinerators Facility, Final, Volume 1 {executive Summary}

905R97002B Introduction Volume 2

905R97002C Characterization Of The Nature And Magnitude Of Emissions Volume 3

905R97002D Atmospheric Dispersion And Desposition Modeling Volume 4

905R97002E Human Health Risk Assessment Evaluation Of Potential Risks From Multipathway Exposure To Emissions Volume 5

905R97002F Risk Assessment For The Waste Technologies Industries (eti) Hazardous Waste Incineration Facility (east Liverpool Ohio) Volume 6 Screening Ecological Risk Assessment

905R97002G Risk Assessment For The Waste Technologies Iindustries (ETI) Hazardous Waste Incineration Facility (East Liverpool) Volume 7 Accident Analysis Selection and Assessment of Potential Release Scenarios

905R97002H Risk Assessment For The Waste Technologies Industries (wti) Hazardous Waste Incineration Facility (east Liverpool Ohio) Volume 8 Additional Analysis In Response To Peer Review Recommendations

905R97003 Summary Of US Great Lakes Beach Closing 1981-1994

905R97021 US EPA Region 5 Waste Minimization-p2 Conference 1997

905R97101 Report And Recommendation Of The Resources Management Division And The Office Of Regional Council Pursuant To 40 Cfr Part 30 Subpart L

905R98002 Linking The Land And Water Nonpoint Source Management

905R98101 Audit Report

905R99001 EPA/CMA Root Cause Analysis Pilot Project: An Industry Survey

905R99007 Assessment of Contaminated Sediments in Slip C Duluth Harbor Minnesota

905R99008 State of the Great Lakes1999

905R99009 Evaluation of Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of Contaminants in Sediments Samples from Waukegan Harbor Illinois

905R99010 Preliminary Investigation of the Extent of Sediment Contamination in the Lower Grand River

905R99100 Toxic Chemicals What They Are, How They Effect You

905R99101 Water EPA Great Lakes Program

905R99102 Decision And Order Of The Regional Administrator And The Report And Recommendation Of The Resources Management Division Water Division And Office Of Regional Council

905S03001 Region-ord Workshop On Emerging Pollutants Summary Report August 11-14, 2003 Chicago Il

905S94001 Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments (ARCS) Program: Final Summary Report

905Z04101 40 Cfr Parts 136 To 149 Revised As Of July 1 2004

906976001 Technical Support Document Hydrocarbonphotochemical Oxidant Control Strategy For The State Of Texas

906976002 Environmental Noise Assessment Lawton Oklahoma

906B05001 Guia del due no de hogar para sistemas septicos.

906B93001 Clean Water in Your Watershed: A Citizens Guide to Watershed Protection

906B98001 A Guide To EPA Programs In Indian Country

906D98001 User’s Guide For The US EPA Region 6 Delisting Risk Assessment Software (DRAS) Interim Final

906E71100 Auntie Pollution For Boys and Girls activity Book

906F04001 Pollution Prevention Practices for Nail Salons - A guide to Protect the Health of Nail Salon Workers and their Working Environment

906F04002 De Bao Ve Suc Khoe Va Moi Trutong Lam Viec Cua Nhan Vien Trong Tiem

906F06001 Water-Wastewater System Incident Checklist

906F92004 Managing Containerized Nurseries For Pollution Prevention

906F94001 Pollution Control For Horse Stables And Backyard Livestock

906F94002 Landscape Design And Maintenance For Pollution Control

906K92001 Progress at Superfund Sites in Texas

906K97003 Progress at Superfund Sites in Oklahoma

906K97004 Progress at Superfund Sites in Louisiana

906K97005 Progress at Superfund Sites in New Mexico

906K97006 Progress at Superfund Sites in Arkansas

906R00001 Remember The Past Protect The Future

906R02001 Region 6 OECA FY 2002 Memorandum Of Agreement End Of Year Narrative Report

906R05001 Explanation of Significant Differences Mountain Pine Pressure Treating Superfund Site, Plainview, Yell County, Arkansas

906R72001 Investigation Of Fish Kills

906R72101 Designing To Remove Phosphorus Using Metal Salts And Polymers In Conventional Plants

906R73101 State Agencies Regulating Confined Animal Feeding Operations

906R77101 EPA Eutrophication Survey Report On Lake Meredith Hutchinson Moore And Potter Counties Texas

906R77102 Deseritfication

906R78101 Cadmium Additions To Agricultural Lands Via Commercial Phosphate Fertilizers

906R80001 Final Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Treatment Facilities Northeast El Paso, Texas

906R80101 Sewer System Evaluation For Infiltration Inflow

906R80102 Technology Transfer Capsule Report

906R82101 Technologies For Remedial Action At Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites

906R82102 Land Disposal Of Hazardous Waste - The Research Effort

906R82103 Reclamation Of Toxic Mine Waste Utilizing Sewage Sludge Contrary Creek Demonstration Project Addendum Report

906R84101 Compendium Of Cost Of Remedial Technologies At Hazardous Waste Sites

906R85001 Water Quality Data Assessment Seminar/Workshop : Proceedings, November 19-21, 1985, Dallas, Texas

906R85101 Toxicology Handbook

906R85102 Superfund Remedial Design And Remedial Action Guidance

906R87101 Wastes From The Exploration Development And Production Of Crude Oil Natural Gas And Geothermal Energy Vol 1 Chapter 1

906R87102 Wastes From The Exploration Development And Production Of Crude Oil Natural Gas And Geothermal Energy Vol 1 Chapter 2

906R87103 Wastes From The Exploration Development And Production Of Crude Oil Natural Gas And Geothermal Energy Vol 1 Chapter 3

906R87104 Wastes From The Exploration Development And Production Of Crude Oil Natural Gas And Geothermal Energy Vol 1 Chapter 4

906R87106 Wastes From The Exploration Development And Production Of Crude Oil Natural Gas And Geothermal Energy Vol 1 Chapter 6

906R87107 Wastes From The Exploration Development And Production Of Crude Oil Natural Gas And Geothermal Energy Vol 1 Chapter 7

906R87108 Wastes From The Exploration Development And Production Of Crude Oil Natural Gas And Geothermal Energy Vol 2

906R87109 Proposed Regulations For Underground Storage Tanks Your Financial Responsibilities

906R87110 Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (site) Program

906R88101 Overview Of Epa Penalty Practices

906R89101 Meeting The Challenge Human Resources Management At EPA

906R89102 Audit Report No E5bgl9-06-0134-0100079 Interim Audit Sikes Disposal Site No 22 Superfund Cooperative Agreement V006450-01 Texas Water Commission - Austin Texas March 1 1986-june 30 1989

906R89103 Water Quality Standards For The 21st Century

906R89104 Procedures For Estimating And Allocating Area Source Emissions Of Air Toxics

906R89105 Status Of Selected Air Pollution Control Programs

906R89106 Transmittal Memorandum 89 1 Handbook Of Procedures Construction Grants Program For Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works

906R90101 Mexico's Strategy On Ozone Layer Protection A Case Study On The Cost Of Implementing The Montreal Protocol

906R90102 Personal Property Management Policy

906R90103 Primer On The Office Of Water Enforcement And Permits And Its Programs

906R91101 Information Resources Management Review Program Fy 1991 Report

906R91102 Determination Of Mercury In Tissues By Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

906R91103 Sample Preparation Procedure For Spectrochemical Determination Of Total Recoverable Elements In Biological Tissues Method 2003

906R92101 Summary Environmental Plan For The Mexican-us Border Area

906R92901 Science Advisory Board Fy1992 Staff Director's Annual Report Getting Results

906R92902 Report To Congress United States Gulf Environmental Technical Assistance From January 27 - July 31 1991

906R93001 Progress Report: Texas Colonias Sub-Group, July 1993

906R95001 Winter Season Air Pollution In El Paso-Ciudad Juarez

906R96101 Management Of Federal Information Resources

906R98002 Galveston Bay 1993 Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program

906R98101 New Source Review Workshop Manual

907974001 Water Quality Index Application In The Kansas River Basin

907974005 Wastewater Sampling Methodologies And Flow Measurement Techniques

907975002 Wastewater Laboratory Procedures And Chemistry

907977001 Evaluation Of The Standard Sampling Technique For Suspended Solids

907977002 State Environmental Programs A Compendium Of Federal And State Programs Prepared For The Congressional Delegations

907979002 1978 Winter Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility Performance Report

907980004 Environmental Impact Statement Final Proposed Sewerage Facilities Marion County Lake Improvement District Marion County Kansas

907981008 Emission Test Report Prestolite Lead Acid Battery Plant Manchester, Iowa

907983004 Evaluation of Ambient Air Quality In the State of Kansas Based on Monitoring Data Through 1982

907983005 Evaluation of Ambient Air Quality In the State of Missouri Based on Monitoring Data Through 1982

907983006 Evaluation of Ambient Air Quality In the State of Nebraska Based on Monitoring Data Through 1982

907984003 Final Environmental Impact Statement Proposed Wastewater Treatment Facilities Greene County, Missouri

907984006 Evaluation of Ambient Air Quality In the State of Kansas Based on Monitoring Data Through 1983

907984007 Carbon Monoxide Nonattainment Study for Whichita, Kansas Final

907984008 Area Source Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) and Nitrogen Oxides Emission Inventory for the Kansas City Metropolitan Area Final

907986003 Environmental Impact Statement Proposed Wastewater Treatment Facilities for Eastern St. Charles County, Missouri Final

907B80100 Oil and Hazardous Substances Response Manual

907B94001 Pollution Prevention Bibliography October 25 1994

907E71100 Adventures of Walter Waterdrop Coloring Book

907F08001 Mercury the Liquid Metal Letter To Parents

907F08002 Mercury - Elementary School Brochure

907F08003 Mercury - Middle School Brochure

907F08004 Mercury High School Brochure

907F91100 Fact Sheet: Environmental Educational Resources In Region 7

907F91104 Citizen's Look at Superfund

907F92001 States are Banning Yard Wastes from Landfills! What's the Answer

907K08001 Background Information for Educators

907K08003 Disposal of Mercury and Mercury-containing Devices

907K08004 Mercury-free and Non-Hazardous Alternatives for Schools

907K08005 Elementary School Activities

907K08006 Mercury - Middle School Activities

907K08007 Mercury - High School Activities

907K08008 Mercury in Schools, Middle School Presentation

907K08009 Getting Mercury Out of Schools, High School Presentation

907K08602 What to Do When Mercury Is Spilled Spill Response Information

907K92001 Restoring and Creating Wetlands: A Planning Guide for the Central States Region: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska

907K92003 World Fit For Chipmunks and Other Living Things

907R03090 Radiation Risk Assessment Workshop Proceedings November 5-7 2001 Las Vegas Nevada

907R77001 Final Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Steam Electric Power Plant George Neal Steam Electric Station Neal Unit #4 Port Neal Industrial District Salix, Woodbury County, Iowa

907R90100 Nebraska Air Quality Progress Report

907R90101 Missouri Air Quality Progress Report

907R90102 Kansas Air Quality Progress Report

907R90103 Iowa Air Quality Progress Report

907R92002 Everything You Wanted to Know About Environmental Regulations...But were Afraid to Ask: A Guide for Small Communities

907R92003 Everything You Wanted to Know About Environment Regulations But Were Afraid to Ask A Guide for Missouri Communities

907R93008 Programs and Proceedings of Symposium on Agricultural Nonpoint Sources of Contaminants: A Focus on Herbicides, Lawrence, Kansas, September 28-29, 1993

907R93009 Everything You Wanted to Know About Environmental Regulations But Were Afraid to Ask A Guide for Kansas Communities

907R94001 Progress at Region 7 National Priorities List (NPL) Superfund Sites Missouri August 1994

907R95002 Everything You Wanted to Know About Environmental Regulations...But Were Afraid to Ask: A Guide for Indian Nations

907R95004 Progress at Region 7 National Priorities List (NPL) Superfund Sites Missouri August 1995

907R95005 Progress at Region 7 National Priorities List (NPL) Superfund Sites Nebraska August 1995

907R95006 Progress at Region 7 National Priorities List (NPL) Superfund Sites, Iowa, August 1995

907R95007 Progress at region 7 National Priorities List (NPL) Superfund Sites Kansas August 1995

907S91100 Regulatory Planning for Nebraska's Rainwater Basin Wetlands: Advanced Identifications of Disposal Areas, Summary

907V08001 Teachers Guide to Mercury Educational Videos

908001 Hazardouse Waste Groundwater Task Force Protocol For Groundwater Evaluations

908178001 Vanpooling An Overview

908178002 Overview Of Ridesharing And Mass Transit Employer Incentives

908376001 Ammonia Toxicity

908478008 Trace Elements Of Fly Ash Emissions From Coal-Fired Steam Plants Equipped With Hot-side And Cold-side Electrostatic Precipitators For Particulate Control

908578001C Metro Denver Sludge Management Plan Facilities For Metropolitan Denver Sewage Disposal District No 1 Commerce City Colorado

908579002B Final Environmental Impact Statement Northglenn Water Management Program City Of Northglenn Colorado

908579002C Environmental Impact Statement Northglenn Water Management Program City Of Northglenn Colorado Appendix

908983001 Environmental Management Report 1983

908A08002 Open Space Conservation on Former Mining Sites in Summit County, Colorado

908E03001 Toxic Release Inventory (tri) It's Your Right To Know {folder}

908F95002 Historic Hardrock Mining West's Toxic Legacy, The Critical Link Between Water Quality and Abandoned Mine Sites

908F98002 South Platte River in Colorado.

908R00001 Cleaning National Parks Using Environmentally Preferable Janitorial Products at Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks

908R03001 Ground Water in Region 8 States - A Report on the Status of Ground-Water Management and Protection

908R78012 Lake Michigan Study Summary

908R78013 Final Action on the Denver Regional Environmental Impact Statement for Wastewater Facilities and the Clean Water Program

908R80015 Simultaneous Multielement Analysis Of Liquid Sample By Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy

908R80016 Cooperative Agreement Between The Colorado Department of Health and Region VIII of the United States Environmental Protection Agency for The Conduct of Environmental Health Programs in Colorado

908R80017 State/EPA Agreement : North Dakota/EPA Region VIII ; FY81

908R81001 State/EPA Agreement : South Dakota/Region VIII ; Fiscal Year 1981

908R81002 State/EPA Agreement : Utah/Region VIII ; FY81

909976001 Lake Tahoe Study

909B00002 Removing PCBs from Light Fixtures: Protecting Students from Hidden Dangers, Guide for School Maintenance Personnel

909B00003 Removing PCBs from Light Fixtures: Protecting Students from Hidden Dangers, Guide for School Administrators

909B03001 Applying for and Administering CWA Section 319 Grants: A Guide for State Nonpoint Source Agencies

909B03001ES Applying for and Administering CWA Section 319 Grants: A Guide for State Nonpoint Source Agencies (Memorandum)

909B96001 Guia Para La Proteccion de las Aguas Subterraneas (Spanish)

909E02001 Eliminating Mercury In Hospitals

909E99001 Pollution Prevention Toolkit: Best Environmental Practices for Auto Repair

909E99002 Pollution Prevention Toolkit: Best Environmental Practices for Fleet Maintenance

909F04008 Clean Water Act Requirements for Construction Projects in Indian Country

909K08001 Programs Tools and Resources to Assist Local Governments Implementing Your Climate Action Plans

909K93001 On the Trail of the Missing Ozone

909K96001 Wastewater Treatment Alternatives To Septic Systems Guidance Document

909K97001 TheClean Water State Revolving Fund: How To Fund Nonpoint Source And Estury Enhancement Projects

909R04001 Summary Report for the Removal Action at the Metales y Derivados Site Tijuana Mexico RCRA Enforcement Permitting and Assistance Contract Zone III

909R06005 US/Mexico Environmental Program Border 2012 Implementation and Mid-term Report 2007 {English/Spanish}

909R08002 Environmental Results Through Tribal/EPA Partnerships

909R69101A Clean Water For The Nations Estuaries Proceedings Public Meeting On Water Quality Management For Estuaries San Francisco Ca February 18-19 1969 Volume 1

909R69101B Clean Water For The Nations Estuaries Proceedings Public Meeting On Water Quality Management For Estuaries San Francisco Ca February 18-19 1969 Volume 2

909R72101 Proceedings Of The Interagency Conference On The Environment October 17-19 1972 Livermore California

909R80001 Environmental Impact Report and Statement : South Bay Dischargers Authority Treated Wastewater Disposal Program ; Final

909R80002 Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory Las Vegas

909R87001 Environmental Impact Statement for Los Angeles/Long Beach (LA-2) Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Site Designation

909R87002 Environmental Impact Statement for San Diego (LA-5) Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Site Designation

909R88901 Surface-based Electrical Surveys For Injection Well Fluids

909R95901 Fourth International Symposium Field Screening Methods For Hazardous Waste Site Investigations February 22-24 1995 Platform & Poster Session Abstracts

909R95902 Fourth International Symposium Field Screening Methods For Hazardous Waste Site Investigations February 22-24 1995supplemental Platform Poster And Breakout Session Abstracts

909R98001 US/Mexico Border 21 Program: United States-Mexico Border Environmental Indicators, 1997

909R99001 Indicadores Ambientales para la Region Fronteriza 1997

910973006 Idaho Water Supply Program Evaluation

910973006A Summary Idaho Water Supply Program Evaluation

910975007 Logging Roads And Protection Of Water Quality

910975009 Auburn Interceptor (green River Sewerage Area) King County Washington

910975012 Final Environmental Impact Statement Central Kitsap County Wastewater Facilities

910975012A Draft Environmental Impact Statement Central Kitsap County Wastewater Facilities

910975013 North Fremont County

910975014 Final Environmental Impact Statement Redwood Service Dicstric Josephine County Oregon

910975015 Final Environmental Impact Statement For Chambers Creek Sewerage System Pierce County Wa

910976020 Forest Harvest Residue Treatment Reforestation And Protection Of Water Quality Annotated Bibliography

910976021 Final Environmental Impact Statement August 1976 Southwest Lincoln County Sanitary District

910976021A Draft Environmental Impact Statement Southwest Lincoln County Sanitary District

910976022 Final Environment Impact Statement August 1976 Bay To Bay Sanitary District Lincoln County Oregon

910976024 Evaluation Of The Status Of Hazardous Waste Management In Region X

910976026 Environmental Quality Profile 1976

910976027 Final Environmental Impact Impact Statement City Of Jerome Wastewater Facilities Project Jerome County Idaho

910976028 Assessment Of The Air Quality Impact Of SO2 Emissions From The Asarco-Tacoma Smelter Final Report

910976032 Draft Environmental Impact Statement November 1976 Westside Truck District Jackson County Oregon

910976034 Draft Environmental Impact Statement For City Of Jacksonville Jackson County Oregon

910977036 Silvicultural Chemicals And Protection Of Water Quality

910977037 National Environmental Quality Indicators How To Improve The Way EPA Measures And Reports The State Of The Environment And Progress In Improving Environemental Quality

910977047 Environmental Statement Impact Statement Final Sinclair Inlet Wastewater Facilities Project Kitsap County Washington

910979057 Wastewater Treatment Plant Design Guidelines For Operability, Flexibility and Maintainability

910982088 Environmental Imnpact Statement Final Wastewater Facilities For The City Of Coeur D'alene Idaho

910982089A Residential Wood Combustion Study Task 1 Ambient Air Quality Impact Analysis

910982089B Residential Wood Combustion Study Task 1 Ambient Air Quality Impact Analysis Appendices

910982089C Residential Wood Combustion Study Task 2a Current And Projected Air Quality Impacts

910982089D Residential Wood Combustion Study Task 2b Information Survey

910982089E Residential Wood Combustion Study Taks 3 Wood Fuel Use Projection

910982089F Residential Wood Combustion Study Task 4 Technical Analysis Of Wood Stoves

910982089G Residential Wood Combustion Study Task 5 Emissions Testing Of Wood Stoves Volumes 1 &2

910982089H Residential Wood Combustion Study Task 5 Emissions Testing Of Wood Stoves Volume 3 & E Appendices

910982089I Residential Wood Combustion Study Task 6 Control Strategy Analysis

910982089J Residential Wood Combustion Study Task 7 Indoor Air Quality Final Report

910982089K Residential Wood Combustion Study 1980-1982 Executive Summary

910982095 Diagnostic Operational Modeling Programs For Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Field Evaluation and Process Review Project Report

910982096 Diagnostic Operational Modeling

910983111 Environmental Impact Statement Red Dog Mine Project Northwest Alaska {draft}

910983111A Draft Environmental Impact Statement Red Dog Mine Project Northwest Alaska Volume 2 Appendices

910984122A Environmental Impact Statement Final Red Dog Mine Project Northwest Alaska

910984122B Final Environmental Impact Statement Red Dog Mine Project Northwest Alaskavolume 2 Appendices

910985134A Commencement Bay Nearshore-Tideflats Remedial Investigation Summary Report

910985134B Commencement Bay Nearshore-tideflats Remedial Invesitgation Volume 1

910988202R Fugitive Dust Model (fdm) Final Report User's Guide Revised

910989013 Air Toxics Technical Assistance For The State Of Alaska, Final Report {microform}

910989027 Chetco, Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation Draft Environmental Impact Statement

910991001 Monitoring Guidelines to Evaluate Effects of Forestry Activities on Streams in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska

910991008 Decisionmaker's Guide to Recycling Plastics

910991009 Riparian Policy Summary And Analysis

910991028 Environmental Impact Statement Rogue Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS) Designation Draft

910991030 Air Pollution and the New Clean Air Act: What It Is and How It Affects the Northwest

910991033 Characteristics of Successful Riparian Restoration Projects in the Pacific Northwest

910992027 Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment And Implementation Plan For Simpson Tacoma Kraft Company Tacoma Washington

910992030 Model Pollution Prevention Plan For The Kraft Segment Of The Pulp and Paper Industry

910992031 Pollution Prevention For The Kraft Pulp And Paper Industry Bibliography

910B92001 Health and Safety Training for Underground Storage Tank Inspectors: Instructor's and Student Guide, June, 1992

910B94003 Public Interest Groups and Environmental Education Directory 1994/1995

910F03002 Construction Projects in Idaho Need Erosion and Sediment Controls

910F93002 A Region 10 Superfund Update

910F93004 PCBs un Fluorescent Light Fixyures: Fact Sheet, 1993

910F93007 Carbon Monoxide Kills

910F99004 Questions A Customs Inspector May Have About Pesticides and Pesticide Devices

910K92001 Asbestos In the Home: A Homeowner's Guide

910N07001 So FARR, the Newsletter: Federal Air Rules for Indian Reservations in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington

910R00007 Remember The Past Protect the Future 30 Years of Environmental Progress in the Pacific Northwest

910R01004 Application of 1-D Heat Budget Model to the Columbia River System

910R04005 Ecological Condition of Western Cascades Ecoregion Streams

910R06001 Ecological Condition of the Estuaries of Oregon and Washington

910R67101 Pollution Effects Of Pulp And Paper Mill Wastes In Puget Sound March 1967

910R69101 US Department Of The Interior Alaska Water Laboratory Quarterly Research Report October 1 December 31 1969

910R70101 US Department Of The Interior Alaska Water Laboratory Quarterly Research Report January 1 March 31 1970

910R70102 US Department Of The Interior Alaska Water Laboratory Quarterly Research Report April 1 June 30 1970

910R70103 US Department Of The Interior Alaska Water Laboratory Quarterly Research Report July 1 - September 30 1970

910R70104 US Department Of The Interior Alaska Water Laboratory Quarterly Research Report October 1 - December 31 1970

910R71101 US Department Of The Interior Alaska Water Laboratory Quarterly Research Report January 1 - March 31 1971

910R71102 US Department Of The Interior Alaska Water Laboratory Quarterly Research Report April 1 - June 30 1971

910R71103 US Department Of The Interior Alaska Water Laboratory Quarterly Research Report July 1 - September 30 1971

910R71104 US Department Of The Interior Alaska Water Laboratory Quarterly Research Report October 1 - December 31 1971

910R72101 US Department Of The Interior Alaska Water Laboratory Quarterly Research Report January 1 - March 31 1972

910R73101 Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines Region 10

910R74101 Publications and Reports Resulting From Research Grants Funded Through Coastal Pollution Branch

910R74102 Staff Report On Engineering And Economic Aspects Of Wet And Dry Cooling Systems

910R80002 Montana/Environmental Protection Agency Agreement

910R81001 Alaska State/EPA Agreement

910R94001 Asarco Tacoma Smelter Superfund Projects: A Brief Overview

910R94006 Citizen's Guide to Wetland Restoration: Approaches to Restoring Vegetation Communities and Wildlife Habitat Structure in Freshwater Wetland Systems

910R95007 Superfund Sites in the Pacific Northwest, EPA Region 10, 1995

910R97013 Oregon Superfund Progress Report October 1997

910R9909 Superfund Cleanup at Bunker Hill An Overview

916F01009 Fact Sheet: Class 5 Injection Wells, EPA Proposes to Continue with its Existing Approach for Managing Class 5 Injection Wells, April 2001

916F01026 Source Water Protection Practices Bulletin Managing Livestock, Poultry, and Horse Waste to Prevent Contamination of Drinking Water

916F01027 Source Water Protection Practices Bulletin Managing Pet and Wildlife Waste to Prevent Contamination of Drinking Water

916F01028 Source Water Protection Practics Bulletin Managing Agricultural Fertilizer Application to Prevent Contamination of Drinking Water

916F01030 Source Water Protection Practices Bulletin Managing Large-Scale Application of Pesticides to Prevent Contamination of Drinking Water

916F01032 Source Water Protection Practices Bulletin Managing Sanitary Sewer Overflows and Combined Sewer Overflows to Prevent Contamination of Drinking Water

918R03009 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program Financing America's Drinking Water From The Source To The Tap Report To Congress

9200214 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan Plan

9200301B Superfund Comprehensive Accomplishments Plan (SCAP) Manual, Volume 2 Fiscal Year 1989

9200301C Superfund Program Management Manual Fiscal Year 1990, Volume 1

9200301C2 Superfund Program Management Manual, Fiscal Year 1990, Volume 2 Appendices

9200301H1 Superfund Program Implementation Manual, Fiscal Year 1993, Volumes 1 Final

9200301H2 Superfund Program Implementation Manual, Fiscal Year 1993, Volumes 2 Final

9200301H3 Highlights Superfund Program Management Fiscal Year 1993

92003141 Superfund Program Implementation Manual, Fiscal Year 1994, Volume 1 Program Goals and Planning Requirements

9200507A Superfund Reporting On Cleanup Activities Through Environmental Indicators FY 1991 Update

92005402A Contracting and Subcontracting Guide To The Superfund Program

9200701 Catalog Of Superfund Program Directives, Interim Edition

9202115A Status Of Regional Superfund Pilots End-of-year Report

922301A Chemical Emergency Preparedness Program Interim Guidance

924001 User's Guide to the Contract Laboratory Program

9242201B Emergency Response Cleanup Services Contracts Ercs Users Manual

932F00007 WAVE Partners: Educational Institutions

932F00008 Becoming a WAVE Supporter

9360706 Guidance for Federal Facilities on Release Notification Requirements Under CERCLA and SARA Title III

950B76001 Occupational Safety and Health Manual

950R80004 Hear Here

999Zd0149 Poison Prevention: Read The Label First!

AAAQAB9301 Evaluation Of A Four-mode Steady-state Test With Acceleration Simulation Modes As An Alternative Inspection And Maintenance Test For Enhanced Im Programs

AP104A Biological Aspects Of Lead: An Annotated Bibliography, Part 1

AP104B Biological Aspects Of Lead An Annotated Bibliography Part 2

AP117 Control Techniques For Asbestos Air Pollutants

AP40 Air Pollution Engineering Manual

AP402 Air Pollution Engineering Manual Second Edition

AP42 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors

AP4210 Supplement No 10 For Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, 3rd Edition Including Supplements 1-7

AP4212 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition (including Supplements 1-7) Supplement 12

AP4213 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition, Supplement 13 (including Supplements 1-7

AP4214 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition, Supplement No 14 (including Supplements 1-7)

AP4215 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition, Supplement No 15 (including Supplements 1-7

AP421A Supplement A To Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Volume 1 Stationary Point And Area Sources

AP422 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Second Edition

AP4221 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Second Edition Supplement 1

AP4222 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Second Edition Supplement 2

AP4223 Supplement Number 3 For Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors 2nd Edition

AP4224 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Second Edition Supplement 4

AP4225 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Second Edition Supplement 5

AP4226 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Second Edition Supplement 6

AP4227 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Second Edition Supplement 7

AP422A Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Second Edition Part A

AP422B Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Second Edition Part B

AP42313 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Third Edition Supplement 13

AP42314 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Third Edition Supplement 14

AP42315 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Third Edition Supplement 15

AP4239 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Third Edition Supplement 9

AP423B Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Third Edition Part B

AP4241 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Fourth Edition Supplement A

AP4242 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Fourth Edition Supplement B

AP424A Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Fourth Edition Volume 1

AP424B Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Fourth Edition Volume 2

AP4251 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Fifth Edition Volume 1

AP42511 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Fifth Edition Volume 1 Part 1

AP4252 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Fifth Edition Volume 1 Part 2

AP4253 Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Fifth Edition Volume 1 Part 3

AP428 Supplement No 8 For Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, 3rd Edition Including Supplements 1-7

AP429 Supplement No 9 For Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, 3rd Edition Including Supplements 1-7

AP42A Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition Supplements 1-6

AP42B Supplement B To Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Volume 1 Stationary Point And Area Sources

AP42C Supplement C To Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Volume 1 Stationary Point And Area Sources

AP42D Supplement D To Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Volume 1 Stationary Point And Area Sources

AP42E Supplement E To Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Volume 1 Stationary Point and Area Sources

AP42F Supplement F To Compilation Of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Volume 1 Stationary Point And Area Sources

AP44 Handbook Of Air Pollution

AP45 Thanksgiving 1966 Air Pollution Episode In The Eastern United States

AP47 Guide To Research In Air Pollution

AP50 Air Quality Criteria For Sulfur Oxides

AP84 Air Quality Criteria For Nitrogen Oxides

AP85 Cost Of Air Pollution Damage Status Report

AP90 Environmental Lead And Public Health

APTD0576 Maintenance Calibration And Operation Of Isokinetic Source-sampling Equipment

APTD0731 Oil Availability By Sulfur Levels

APTD0744 Particulate Pollutant System Study Volume Ii Fine Particle Emissions

APTD0753 Background Information-proposed National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutantsasbestos Beryllium Mercury

APTD0768 The High Sulfur Combustor: A Study of Systems for Coal Refuse Processing. VOLUME I. Narrative Summary

APTD0805 Exhaust Gases from Combustion and Industrial Processes

APTD0852 Particulate Emissions Plume Rise And Diffusion From A Tall Stack Volume 1

APTD0902 Comparison Of Ambient Air Measurement And Source Measurement

APTD0904 Collaborative Study Of Reference Method For The Determination Of Suspended Particulates In The Atmosphere (high Volume Method)

APTD1161 Proceedings Of Second International Limelimestone Wet-scrubbing Symposium

APTD1374 Low NOx Emission Combustor Development For Automobile Gas Turbine Engines

APTD1449 Field Surveillance And Enforcement Guide Combustion And Incineration Sources

APTD1514 Second Annual Report On Gasoline Composition And Vehicle Exhaust Gas Polynuclear Aromatic Content

APTD1515 Rapid Methods Of Analysis For Trace Quantities Of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons And Phenols In Automobile Exhaust Gasoline And Crankcase Oil

APTD1524 State Of The Art Instrumentation For Measurement Of Particulate Emissions From Combustion Sources Particle Size Volume 3

APTD1560 Third Annual Report On Gasoline Composition And Vehicle Exhaust Gas Polynuclear Aromatic Content

APTD1566 Optimum Working Fluids For Automotive Rankine Engines Volume Iv Engine Design Optimization

APTD1572 Study Of Baseline Emissions On 6000-14000 Pound Gross Vehicle Weight Trucks

APTD68 National Inventory Of Sources And Emissions Cadmium - 1968

AWBERC9109 Always a River: Supplemental Environmental Education Curriculum on the Ohio River and Water: Grades K - 12

CAACAC95022 SAB Report Physical Effects Review Documents For The Caa Retrospective Benefit-cost Analysis

CASAC06001 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Peer Review of the

CASAC06003 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Peer Review of the Agency’s Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Related Photochemical Oxidants (Second External Review Draft), Volumes I, II, and III, (EPA/600/R-05/004aB, bB, and cB, August 2005)

CASAC06005 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Peer Review of the Agency’s Air Quality Criteria for Lead (First External Review Draft), Volumes I and II (EPA/600/R-05/144aA-bA, December 2005)

CASAC06007 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Teleconference Meeting to Provide Additional Advice to the Agency Concerning Chapter 8 (Integrative Synthesis) of the Final Ozone Air Quality Criteria Document (AQCD)

CASAC06008 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Peer Review of the Agency’s Air Quality Criteria for Lead (Second External Review Draft), Volumes I and II (EPA/600/R-05/144aB-bB, May 2006)

CASAC06010 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Review of the 2nd Draft Lead Air Quality Criteria Document

CASAC07001 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Peer Review of the Agency’s 2nd Draft Ozone Staff Paper

CASAC07004 CASAC Consultation on the 1st Draft Lead Renovation, Repair, & Painting (LRRP) Assessment

CASAC07007 Agency Response to EPA-CASAC-07-007 Nov 29, 2007

CASAC08001 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Consultation on EPA’s Nitrogen Dioxide Health Assessment Plan: Scope and Methods for Exposure and Risk Assessment (September 2007 Draft)

CASAC08002 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Peer Review of EPA’s Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) for Oxides of Nitrogen Health Criteria (First External Review Draft, August 2007)

CASAC08003 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) NOX & SOX Secondary NAAQS Review Panel’s Consultation on EPA’s Draft Plan for Review of the Secondary NAAQS for Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide (September 2007 Draft)

CASAC08004 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Particulate Matter Review Panel’s Consultation on EPA’s Draft Integrated Review Plan for the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter

CASAC08005 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Peer Review of EPA’s Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) for Sulfur Oxides Health Criteria First External Review Draft, September 2007

CASAC08006 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Consultation on EPA’s Sulfur Dioxide Health Assessment Plan: Scope and Methods for Exposure and Risk Assessment (November 2007 Draft)

CASAC08007 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Review of the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) for the NAAQS for Lead

CASAC08008 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee Recommendations Concerning the Implementation of EPA’s Revised NAAQS Review Process

CASAC08009 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee Recommendations Concerning the Final Rule for the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone

CASAC08010 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Ambient Air Monitoring & Methods (AAMM) Subcommittee Consultation Concerning Ambient Air Monitoring Issues related to the Lead NAAQS

CASAC08011 CASAC Consultation on EPA's Draft & Methods Plan NOx & SOx (March 2008 Draft)

CASAC08012 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Peer Review of EPA’s Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) for Oxides of Nitrogen and Sulfur Environmental Criteria (First External Review Draft, December 2007)

CASAC08013 Consultation on EPA's Draft Plan for Rev of the Primary NAAQS for CO (March 2008),

CASAC08014 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Peer Review of EPA’s Risk and Exposure Assessment to Support the Review of the NO2 Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard: First Draft

CASAC08015 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Peer Review of EPA’s Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) for Oxides of Nitrogen – Health Criteria (Second External Review Draft)

CASAC08016 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Comments and Recommendations Concerning the Proposed Rule for the Revision of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Lead

CASAC08017 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Peer Review of EPA’s Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) for Sulfur Oxides – Health Criteria (Second External Review Draft, May 2008)

CASAC08018 CASAC Ambient Air Monitoring & Methods (AAMM) Subcommittee Consultation on Approaches for Developing a Low-Volume Ambient Air Monitor for Lead in Total Suspended Particulate (Pb-TSP) Federal Reference Method (FRM) or Federal Equivalent Method (FEM)

CASAC08019 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Peer Review of EPA’s Risk and Exposure Assessment to Support the Review of the SO2 Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standards (First Draft, July 2008)

CASAC08020 CASAC Ambient Air Monitoring & Methods (AAMM) Subcommittee Peer Review of the Draft Federal Reference Method (FRM) for Lead in PM10

CASAC08021 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee’s (CASAC) Peer Review of EPA’s Risk and Exposure Assessment to Support the Review of the NO2 Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard: Second Draft

CASACADV99002 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASCA) Advisory On The Pm25 Monitoring Program

CASACCON99001 Notification Of A Consultation On The Development Of Schedule For The Carbon Monoxide Staff Paper

CASACLTR96007 Casac Comments On Air Quality Modeling For The Section 812 Retrospective Study

CASACLTR96008 Closure By The Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (casac) On The Staff Paper For Particulate Matter

CASACLTR99001 Review Of The Office Of Research and Development's Ozone Research Needs Document

CERI90114 Federal Technology Transfer Act Opportunities For Cooperative Biosystems Research And Development With The US EPA

CERI9045 Seminar Incineration and Alternative Treatment Of Energetic Compounds To Mnimize Effects To Air, Soil, and Water Supplies

COUNCIL07001 Benefits and Costs of Clean Air Act Air Quality Modeling Issues

DMRQA17THANKS Thank You letter for Discharge Monitoring Report QA

DMRQA18ANNOU DMR-QA Study 18 Announcement

DMRQA18CHEMF Discharge Monitoring Report Quality Assurance Study 18: Chemistry From

DMRQA18CHEMI Discharge Monitoring Report Quality Assurance Study 18: Chemistry Instructions

DMRQA18CHEMR Discharge Monitoring Report Quality Assurance Study 18: Reporting Instructions

DMRQA18FORM Discharge Monitoring Report: Quality Assurance Study 18, NPDES Toxicity Laboratory Data Report Form

DMRQA18INSTR Discharge Monitoring Report: Quality Assurance (DMR-QA) Study 18 (Instruction)

DMRQA18PERMF Discharge Monitoring Report Quality Assurance Study 18: Data Report Form

DMRQA18PERMI Discharge Monitoring Report Quality Assurance Study 18: Permittee Instructions

DMRQA18THANKS 1998 Discharge Monitoring Report Performance Evaluation

ECAOCING028 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For P-chloro-m-cresol

ECAOCING039 Research And Development Health And Environmental Effects Document For Cyanohydrins

ECAOCING056 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For Crotonaldehyde

ECAOCING101 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Document For Bromochloromethane

ECAOCINP197 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Profile For Hexachlorocyclohexanes

ECAOCINP223 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Profile For 3,3'-dimethylbenzidine

ECAOCINP226 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Profile For Phenanthrene

ECAOCINP229 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Profile For Benzo(k)fluoranthene

ECAOCINP276 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Profile For Benzo(ghi)perylene

ECAOCINP277 Research and Development Health and Environmental Effects Profile For Pyrene

EECLTR97011 To Filter, Or Not To Filter That Is The Question

EEOCSSA Side by Side Analysis of the Changes to 29 C.F.R. Part 1614 Regulations by the Office of Federal Operations

EERFMANUAL783 Environmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System (erams)

EIS753833D Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago O'hare Service Area Wastewater Conveyance System

EIS753833F Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago O'hare Service Area Wastewater Conveyance System Final

EIS753835D Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago O'hare Water Reclamation Plant and Solids Pipeline

EIS753835F1 Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago O'hare Water Reclamation Plant and Solids Pipeline Final Volume 1

EIS753835F2 Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago O'hare Water Reclamation Plant and Solids Pipeline Final Volume II

EIS764918D Environmental Impact Statement Sewage Treatment Facilities For The South Bloomington and Lake Monroe Service Areas, Bloomington, Indiana

EIS764918F Environmental Impact Statement Final Sewage Treatment Facilities For The South Bloomington and Lake Monroe Service Areas, Bloomington, Indiana

EIS764923F Final Environmental Impact Statement Phase I Cuyahoga Valley Interceptor

EIS770301F Environmental Impact Statement Tunnel Component Of The Tunnel And Reservoir Plan Proposed By The Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago - Calumet Tunnel System

EIS770942F Environmental Impact Statement Organic Solids Reuse Plan Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District Dane County Wisconsin

EIS771334D Tunnel Component Of The Tunnel And Reservoir Plan Proposed By The Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago Lower Des Plaines Tunnel System Final Environmental Impact Statement Draft

EIS771334DS Tunnel Component Of The Tunnel and Reservoir Plan Proposed By The Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago Lower Des Plaines Tunnel System Final Environmental Impact

EIS771334F1 Tunnel Component Of The Tunnel And Reservoir Plan Proposed By The Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago Lower Des Plaines Tunnel System Final Environmental Impact Statement

EIS780437D Draft Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Treatment Facilities For The Metropolitan Area Columbus Ohio

EIS780437D1 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Treatment Facilities For The Metropolitan Area, Columbus, Ohio Summary

EIS780885D Environmental Impact Statement Detroit Water Pollution Control System Segmented Facilities, Detroit Michigan Draft

EIS780885F Environmental Impact Statement Detroit Water Pollution Control System Segmented Facilities, Detroit Michigan Final

EIS781131D1 Environmental Impact Statement Part I Wastewater Treatment And Discharge Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District Dane County Wisconsin

EIS781131D2 Environmental Impact Statement Part II Summary Plan And Environmental Assessment Wastewater Treatment And Discharge Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District Dane County Wisconsin

EIS790190D Environmental Impact Statement Huron Valley Wastewater Control System Wayne County Michigan

EIS79019OD Environmental Impact Statement Huron Valley Wastewater Control System

EIS790974D Draft Environmental Impact Statement Alternative Wastewater Treatment Systems For Rural Lake Projects Case Study No 2, The Green Lake Sanitary Sewer and Waste District

EIS790975D1 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Alternative Wastewater Treatment Systems For Rural Lake Projects Case Study No 1, Crystal Lake Area Sewage Disposal Authority, Benzie County, Michigan

EIS790976F Final Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Treatment Facilities For The Metropolitan Area, Columbus, Ohio Volume 1

EIS790976F1 Final Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Treatment Facilities For The Metropolitan Area, Columbus, Ohio Volume 3

EIS790976F2 Final Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Treatment Facilities For The Metropolitan Area, Columbus, Ohio Volume 2

EIS791225F Huron Valley Wastewater Control System Facilities Plan Wayne And Oakland Counties Michigan Final Environmental Impact Statement Volume 2

EIS791225F1 Huron Valley Wastewater Control System Facilities Plan Wayne And Oakland Counties Michigan Final Environmental Impact Statement Volume 1

EIS791362D Rehabilitation Of Wastewater Facilities, Streator, Illinois Draft Environmental Impact Statement

EIS791363D Draft Environmental Impact Statement For The Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago, Des Plaines - O'hare Water Reclamation Plant

EIS800191F City Of Portage Wastewater System Columbia County Wisconsin Final Environmental Impact Statement

EIS800856F Environmental Impact Statement Alternative Waste Treatment Systems For Rural Lake Projects Case Study Number 1 Crystal Lake Area Sewage Disposal Authority Benzie County, Michigan

EIS801072D Environmental Impact Statement Milwaukee Water Pollution Abatement Program Draft

EIS801072DB Environmental Impact Statement Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Water Pollution Abatement Program Appendix Ii Jones Island Draft Appendix III South Shore

EIS801072DC Environmental Impact Statement Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Water Pollution Abatement Program Draft Appendix Iv Solids Management

EIS801072DD Environmental Impact Statement Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Water Pollution Abatement Program Draft Appendix V Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement

EIS801072DE Environmental Impact Statement Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Water Pollution Abatement Program Draft Appendix Vi Local Alternatives Appendix Vii Water Quality

EIS801072DF Environmental Impact Statement Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Water Pollution Abatement Program Draft Appendix Viii Interceptor Alignment

EIS801072DG Environmental Impact Statement Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Water Pollution Abatement Program Draft Appendix Ix Secondary Growth Impacts

EIS801072DH Environmental Impact Statement Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Water Pollution Abatement Program Draft Appendix X Fiscal-economic Impacts

EIS801072DS Environmental Impact Statement Milwaukee Water Pollution Abatement Program Draft Executive Summary

EIS80172F Environmental Impact Statement Milwaukee Water Pollution Abatement Program Final

EIS80172F11 Environmental Impact Statement Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Water Pollution Abatement Program Appendix Xi Public Comments

EIS80172F7 Environmental Impact Statement Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Water Pollution Abatement Program Addenda Appendix VII

EIS810056F Final Environmental Impact Statement Alternative Wastewater Treatment Systems For Rural Lake Projects Case Study No 5 Otter Tail County Board Of Commissioners

EIS810147F Environmental Impact Statement Wastewater Treatment and Discharge Part 1 Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, Dane County, Wisconsin

EIS810223F Final Environmental Impact Statement Alternative Wastewater Treatment Systems For Rural Lake Projects Case Study No 4 Steuben Lakes Regional Waste District, Steuben County, Indiana

EIS810225F Environmental Impact Statement Alternative Waste Treatment Systems For Rural Lake Projects Case Study Number 2 Green Lake Sanitary Sewer and Water District Kandiyohi County Minnesota

EIS810463F Environmental Impact Statement Milwaukee Water Pollution Abatement Program Final Executive Summary

EIS810533F1 Environmental Impact Statement Bemidji Wastewater Treatment System Beltrami County Minnesota Final Volume 1

EIS810533F2 Environmental Impact Statement Bemidji Wastewater Treatment System Beltrami County Minnesota Final Volume 2

EISWA76X054 Designation Of A Site In The Gulf Of Mexico For Incineration Of Chemical Wastes Final Environmental Impact Statement

EP12C43 Child-resistant Packages For Pesticides

EP12P4325 Regulating Pesticides

EP12P69 Platform & Poster Session Abstracts Fourth International Symposium On Field Screening Methods For Hazardous Wastes and Toxic Chemicals Tropicana Hotel, Las Vegas, Nv, February 22-24, 1995

EPACOUNCIL08001 Council's Benefits of Reducing Benzene Emissions in Houston, 1990-2020

EPACOUNCIL08002 Council's Characterizing Uncertainty in Particulate Matter Benefits Using Expert Elicitation

FWPCA001 Laboratory Quality Control Manual

GAD27903 State and Local Grant Awards

GAD2802 State and Local Grant Awards

GAD48001 State Priority Lists For Construction Grants For Wastewater Treatment Works

GAD67901 General Grant Regulations and Procedures Applicable To Federal Register

GAD77801 General Grant Regulations and Procedures Applicable To Federal Register

GAD77901 General Grant Regulations and Procedures Applicable To Federal Register

GAD87901 Implementation Of Procedures On The National Environmental Policy Act

HW1013 Background Information National Priorities List Final Rule

HW1013S National Priorities List, Supplementary Lists and Supporting Materials

HW1014 Background Information National Priorities List Final Rule

HW1015 Backgrounf Information National Priorities List, Final Rule

HW1015S National Priorities List Supplementary Lists And Supporting Materials February 1991

HW2 Environmental Response Team

HW3A EPA's Emergency Response Program

HW3B EPA's Emergency Response Program, 2nd Edition

HW3C EPA's Emergency Response Program, 3rd Edition

HW4 Superfund's Remedial Response Program

HW71 Hazardous Waste Site National Priorities List

HW814 Descriptions Of 43 RCRA Sites Proposed For The National Priorities List

HW819 Descriptions Of 93 Sites Placed On The Final National Priorities List In September 1989

HW820 Descriptions Of 25 Sites In Proposed Update # 10 To The National Priorities List In 1989

HW821 Descriptions Of 29 Sites Placed On The Final National Priorities List In 1989

HW824 Desriptions Of 137 Sites Proposed For The National Priorities List As Of February 1990

HW826 Descriptions Of 20 Sites Proposed For The National Priorities List As Of August 1990

HW84 Hazardous Waste Sites Descriptions Of 244 Sites Proposed Update #2 To National Priorities List, October 1984

HW85 Hazardous Waste Sites Descriptions Of Sites On Curretn National Prioeities List, October 1984

IMSD85002 Bibliography On Indoor Air Pollution

IMSD85003 Information Resources Management

IMSD85004 Bibliography For An Estuarine Management Program

IMSD86001 Bibliography On Asbestos In Schools

IMSD86002 Indoor Radon Pollution

IMSD87001 Pathfinder To Major EPA Dockets

IMSD87002 Risk Assessment Management Communication A Guide To Selected Sources

IMSD87002A Risk Assessment, Management, Communication A Guide To Selected Sources

IMSD87002B Risk Assessment Management Communication A Guide To Selected Sources Second Update

IMSD87002C Risk Assessment, Management, Communication A Guide To Selected Sources Third Update

IMSD87006 Supervisors and Human Resources Management

IMSD87007 Bibliographic Series: Waste Minimization Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Solid Waste 1980 to Present

IMSD87009 Selected Management Articles - Entrepreneurship The Emerging Force

IMSD87010 Hazardous Waste Collection Database Thesaurus

IMSD87011 Selected Management Articles - Resistance To Change

IMSD87012 Guide To The Headquarters Library's Management Collection

IMSD87501 Technical Expert Turned Manager

IMSD88002A Risk Assessment, Management, Communication A Guide To Selected Sources Volume 2, Number 1

IMSD88002B Risk Assessment, Management, Communication: A Guide to Selected Sources Volume 2, Number 2

IMSD88003 Managing In The Public Sector

IMSD88004 Technology Transfer An Overview

IMSD88007 Selected Management Articles Management Transition

IMSD88009 Bibliographic Series Wetlands Protection

IMSD88014 Indoor Radon Pollution Update

IMSD88015 Office Of The Future The Manager's Role

IMSD89001 Stratospheric Ozone Depletion

IMSD89002 Effective Performance Appraisals

IMSD89003 Communication Skills For Effective Management

IMSD89004A Risk Assessment Management Communication A Guide To Selected Sources Volume 3 Number 1

IMSD89007 Leadership Quality Management For The Future

IMSD89009 Total Quality Management

IMSD90003 Technology Transfer Hotlines Us Environmental Protection Agency

IMSD90013 Hazardous Waste Collection Superfund Collection Database Thesaurus

IMSD90014 EPA E-z Ref Database

IMSD91001 Slected Management Aticles Contract Management

IMSD91003 Hazardous Waste Superfund Collection Access To Journals

IMSD91006 Public Policy Mechanisms Non-regulatory Options For Environmental Protection

IMSD91008 Space Planning and Design For Libraries

IMSD91010 EPA Journal Holding Report, 1991

IMSD91011 National Library Network Program

IMSD91020 Model Regional Records Management Operating Procedures Manual {draft}

KF3775B38 Basic Documents Concerning Federal Programs To Control Environmental Pollution From Federal Government Activities

KF5407U541975 Manuals Related To Operation And Maintenance Of Wastewater Treatment Facilities

MCD0211 Program Requirements Memoranda For Fiscal Year 1981 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program

MCD027 Program Requirements Memoranda Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program

MCD60 Energy Requirements For Small Flow Wastewater Treatment Systems

NTID3003 Community Noise

NTID3004 Laws And Regulatory Schemes For Noise Abatement

NTID731 Noise Source Regulation In State And Local Noise Ordinances

OAQPS12103 Workshop On Requirements For Nonattainment Area Plans Compilation Of Presentations

OARMRTP996 EPA At Research Triangle Park Twenty Five Years Of Environmental Protection

OCLC00572536 Challenge Of The Environment - A Primer Of Epa's Statutory Authority

OCLC01868069 Micromanpower Planning In The Public Sector

OCLC02608360 Review Of Pesticide Disposal Research

OCLC04866321 Better Health & Regulatory Reform 1978 Report

OCLC06065012 Interaction Of Heavy Metals And Biological Sewage Treatment Processes

OCLC06365822 Toward A New Environmental Ethic

OCLC07065263 Citizens' Guide To Toxic Substances Information

OCLC10454139 Guidelines For Evaluation Of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Water Quality Projects

OCLC10766000 Dioxin Strategy

OCLC11859214 Environment Sweden

OCLC11859254 Environment Switzerland

OCLC11859332 Environment Canada

OCLC11859377 Environment France

OCLC13104862 Great Lakes National Program Office

OCLC14701843 Superfund Public Health Evaluation Manual Draft

OCLC15691319 Factors Affecting The Algal Assay Procedure

OCLC17460824 Kepone In The Marine Environment Publications And Prepublications

OCLC17829175 Defiance County - Lost Creek Demonstration Project 1983 Demonstration Report

OCLC17829197 Defiance County Lost Creek Demonstration Project 1982 Demonstration Report

OCLC17835659 1983 Conservation Tillage Test Results, Allen County, Ohio

OCLC17847461 1982 Conservation Tillage Test Results, Allen County, Ohio

OCLC18097987 Black River Waste Load Allocation Report

OCLC18297605 Methodology For Choosing Among Alternatives To Reduce Pollutant Contributions From Watersheds

OCLC18409274 Bacterial Water Quality Of The Southern Nearshore Zone Of Lake Erie In 1978 And 1979 Final Report

OCLC18441038 Lake Erie Demonstration Projects Evaluating Impacts Of Conservation Tillage On Cost, Yield, Environment

OCLC19016504 Data Report On Trace Elements In The Waters Of Lake Ontario During August 1985

OCLC19043617 Review Of The Municipal Waste Water Treatment Works Program

OCLC19043701 Management And Organization Review Of The Great Lakes National Program Office A Management Review

OCLC19083440 Estimation And Evaluation Of Cancer Risks Attributed To Air Pollution In Southeast Chicago Draft

OCLC19175746 Cbe Citizens Guide How To Protect Illinois's Environment Through Surface Water Discharge Permits

OCLC19175789 Defiance County Lost Creek Demonstration Project 1981 Demonstration Report

OCLC20363160 1980 Conservation Tillage Test Results, Allen County, Ohio

OCLC20916702 Ground-water Flow And Quality Near The Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels, Michigan

OCLC21707880 Geographic Information Systems Handbook Summer 1989

OCLC24225633 Strategic Targeted Activities For Results System FY 1990 Goals, Objectives, Commitments And Measures

OCLC25532704 Compendium Of CERCLA Arars Fact Sheets And Directives

OCLC27155222 Standard Operating Safety Guides

OCLC27258558 Pesticide Concentrations In Lake Erie Tributaries 1987 Appendix 3

OCLC29019631 Estimation And Evaluation Of Cancer Risks Attributed To Air Pollution In Southwest Chicago Final Summary Report

OMB20800021 Water Supply Laboratory Performance Evaluation Study, Study Number WS040

OPA1148 1978 Report Better Health & Regulatory Reform

OPA118 Measuring Air Quality New Pollutant Standards Index

OPA1240 Toxic Information Series Cfcs Ozone and Health

OPA1499 Environmental Planning For The 80s

OPA160 Efficiency and Compassion Carter Regulatory Program

OPA169 Trends In The Quality Of The Nation's Air Report To The People

OPA179 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act As Amended

OPA220 The Toxic Substances Control Act Protecting People and The Environment From Dangerous Chemicals

OPA39 Ozone Its Effects and Control

OPA580 Environmental Information Controlled Trading

OPA590 Txoxics Information Series Pcb's

OPA778 Safe Storage And Disposal Of Pesticides

OPA86004 Citizen's Guide To Radon What It Is and What To Do About It

OPA86005 Radon Reducation Methods Homeowner's Guide

OPA87006 Lead and Your Drinking Water

OPA87017 Glossary Of Environmental Terms and Acronym List

OPA87019 Tends In The Quality Of The Nation's Air

ORD112002 Region ORD Workshop On Cumulative Risk Assessment November 4-8 2002 Dallas Texas

ORDWR61702 Region ORD Workshop On Critical Ecosystem Assessment Summary Report

ORPCSD751V1 Proceedings Of Public Hearings Plutonium and The Other Transuranium Elements Volume I Proceeding Of Hearings In Washington, D C (12-74)

ORPCSD751V2 Proceedings Of Public Hearings Plutonium and The Other Transuranium Elements Volume I Proceeding Of Hearings In Denver, Colorado (1-75)

ORPCSD751V3 Proceedings Of Public Hearings: Plutonium And The Other Transuranium Elements Volume III Additional Materials Received (3-73)

ORPEAD784 Near-field Radiation Properties Of Simple Linear Antennas With Applications To Radiofrequency Hazards And Broadcasting

ORPEAD792 Investigation Of Energy Densities In The Vicinity Of Vehicles With Mobile Communications Equipment And Near A Hand-held Walkie Talkie

ORPLV781 Radiological Surveys Of Idaho Phosphate Ore Processing - The Wet Process Plant

ORPLV803 Radioactive Emissions From Yellowcake Processing Stacks At Uranium Mills

ORPLV804 Airborne Particulate Radioactivity Measurements In Pocatello, Idaho

ORPLVF811 Emissions Of Naturally Occurring Radioactivity Fireclay Mine And Refractory Plant

ORPSID711 Radioactive Waste Discharges To The Environment From Nuclear Power Facilities

ORPSID723 Reference Data For Radiofrequency Emission Hazard Analysis

ORPTAD-79-02 On Board Corrosion Analysis of a Recovered Nuclear Waste Container

ORPTAD-79-10 Sediment Characteristics of the 2800 Meter Atlantic Nuclear Waste Disposal Site: Radionuclide Retention Potential

ORPTAD762 Determination Of Radium Removal Efficiencies In Illinois Water Supply Treatment Processes

ORPTAD764 Available Methods Of Solidification Fro Low Level Radioactive Wastes In The United States

OSW000345 Report to Congress: Disposal of Hazardous Wastes

OSW000356 Heuristic Routing for Solid Waste Collection Vehicles

OSW000754 Technology, Prevalence and Economics of Landfill Disposal of Solid Waste

OSW000758 Demonstrating Leachate Treatment: Report on a Full-Scale Operating Plant

OSW000776 National Survey of Separate Collection Programs

OSW000784 Solid Waste Management: Abstracts from the Literature 1975-1978, Waste Exchanges and Clearinghouse

OSW000791 Developing A State Resource Conservation and Recovery Program

OSW000797 Small Modular Incinerator Systems with Heat Recovery

OSW000802 Comprehensive Sludge Study Relevant to Section 8002(g) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976

OSW000809 Siting of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities and Public Opposition

OSW000822 Multimaterial Source Separation in Marblehead and Somerville, Massachusetts: Collection and Marketing, Volume 2

OSW000823 Multimaterial Source Separation in Marblehead and Somerville, Mass. Composition of Source-Separated Materials and Refuse, Volume 3

OSW000824 Multimaterial Source Separation in Marblehead and Somerville, Mass. Energy Use and Savings from Source Separated Materials and Other Solid Waste Management Alternatives for Marblehead. Volume 4

OSW000825 Multimaterial Source Separation in Marblehead and Somerville, Mass. Citizens Attitudes Toward Source Separation, Volume 5

OSW000851 Hazardous Wastes Information Facility Standards: Rules for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Facilities

OSW000867 Evaluating Cover Systems for Solid and Hazardous Waste

OSW000868 Hydrologic Simulation on Solid Waste Disposal Sites

OSW000871 Management of Hazardous Waste Leachate

OSW000872 Guide to the Disposal of Chemically Stabilized and Solidified Waste

OSW000873 Closure of Hazardous Waste Surface Impoundments

OSW000887 Waste Exchanges: Background Information, December 1980

OSW000894 Hazardous Waste Generation and Commercial Hazardous Waste Management Capacity

OSW0008979 Notification to EPA of Hazardous Waste Activities Region 9

OSW000904 Hazardous Waste Facilities: Storage/Treatment Standards, A Summary of the Regulations

OSW000908 Hazardous Waste Facilities: Standards for Incinerators, A Summary of the Regulations

OSW000913 Draft Guidance: Standards Applicable to Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities, 1981

OSW000972 Background Document Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Subtitle C Hazardous Waste Management Section 3002 Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest

OSWER-101289 FEDERAL REGISTER: OCTOBER 12, 1989, PART2. 40 CFR Part 370. Community Right-to-Know Reporting Requirements; Interim Final Rule and Supplemental Notice to Proposed Rule

OSWER-101587 Federal Register: October 15, 1987, Part 4. 40 CFR Part 370. Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory Forms and Community Right-to-Know Reporting Requirements; Final Rule

OSWER-32989 Federal Register: March 29, 1989, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 350, 355, 370 and 372. Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory Forms and Community Right-to-Know Reporting Requirements; Implementation of Reporting Requirements for Indian Lands; Proposed Rule

OSWER-42287 Federal Register: April 22, 1987, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 300 and 355. Extremely Hazardous Substances List and Threshold Planning Quantities; Emergency Planning and Release Notification Requirements; Final Rule

OSWER-72690 Federal Register: July 26, 1990, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 350, 355, 370 and 372. Community Right-to-Know Reporting Requirements; Final Rule

OSWER-72988 Federal Register: July 29, 1988, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 350. Trade Secrecy Claims for Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Information; and Trade Secret Disclosures to Health Professionals; Final Rule

OSWER-EHS-1 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986: List of Extremely Hazardous Substances

OSWER-HED Health and Environment Digest, January/February 1992

OSWER305B Review of Emergency Systems Report to Congress Section 305B, Title III, Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986

OSWER87003 Federal Register: March 19, 1987 Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 264, 265, and 270. Proposed Amendments for Landfill, Surface Impoundment, and Waste Pile Closures; Proposed Amendment to Rule

OSWER880001 Technical Guidance for Hazards Analysis: Emergency Planning for Extremely Hazardous Substances

OSWER88005 Community Right to Know and Small Business: Understanding Sections 311 and 312 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act of 1986

OSWER88006 Guide to Exercises in Chemical Emergency Preparedness Programs

OSWER88NRT National Response Team: A Report on the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Response System

OSWER89006.1 Successful Practices in Title III Implementation: Technical Assistance Bulletin 6, Volume 1; Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention

OSWER89006.2 Successful Practices in Title III Implementation: Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Technical Assistance Bulletin: Calhoun County, AL, Pampa, TX, State of Wisconsin, Cuyahoga County, OH, Racine County, Wisconsin, State of Idaho

OSWER89006.3 Successful Practices in Title III Implementation: Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Technical Assistance Bulletin: Woodbury County, IA, State of Virginia, Fairfax County

OSWER89008.1 Why Accidents Occur: Insights from the Accidental Release Information Program

OSWER89009 Technical Bulletin: Report of a Conference on Risk Communication and Environmental Management

OSWER89TORT Tort Liability in Emergency Planning; Technical Assistance Bulletin Number 7, Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention

OSWER89VALDZ Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: A Report to the President

OSWER90004 It's Not Over in October!: A Guide for Local Emergency Planning Committees Implementing the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know (SARA Title III)

OSWER90006.2 Successful Practices in Title III Implementation: Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Technical Assistance Bulletin, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, State of Connecticut

OSWER90006.3 Successful Practices in Title III Implementation: Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Assistance Bulletin: State of Ohio, Hamilton County, Ohio, Wallingford, Connecticut, Oauchita Parish, Louisiana

OSWER90008.1 Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Advisory: Swimming Pool Chemicals: Chlorine

OSWER91006.1 Successful Practices in Title III Implementation: Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Technical Assistance Bulletin: Cameron County, Texas, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Harford County, Maryland, Dallas County, Texas

OSWER91006.2 Successful Practices in Title III Implementation: Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Technical Assistance Bulletin: Cherry Hill, New Jersey, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, Greene County, Missouri, State of Hawaii, Arapahoe County, Colorado, New Subject Index

OSWER91008.2 Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Advisory: Ammonia

OSWER91009.1 Making it Work: Title III Compliance the Public's Right-To-Know

OSWER92006.1 Successful Practices in Title III Implementation: Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Technical Assistance Bulletin: Natrona County, Colorado, Erie County, New York, State of Arizona, Mohave County, Arizona, Subject Index

OSWER92009.1 Making it Work: Hazardous Analysis, Why Conduct A Hazardous Analysis?

OSWER92009 Title III on Indian Lands: A Guide to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act

OSWER9242201B Emergency Response Cleanup Services Contracts (ERCS) User's Manual

OSWER924221A Emergency Response Cleanup Services Contracts (ERCS) User's Manual

OSWER9260501 Redelegation of Authority Under CERCLA and SARA.

OSWER9285101B Standard Operating Safety Guides

OSWER928541 Superfund Public Health Evaluation Manual

OSWER928551 Superfund Exposure Assessment Manual Draft

OSWER9285612A Superfund Sediment Resource Center

OSWER9285701A Risk Assessment Guidance For Superfund Volume 1 Human Health Evaluation Manual Part A Interim Final

OSWER9285705 Interim Final Guidance For Data Useability In Risk Assessment

OSWER9285709A Guidance For Data Useability In Risk Assessment Part A Final

OSWER9285709B Guidance For Data Useability In Risk Assessment (part B) Final

OSWER9285750 Superfund Lead-Contaminated Residential Sites Handbook

OSWER9345104 Prescore Software Users Manual & Tutorial Version 1 0

OSWER935507A Data Quality Objectives Development Guidance For Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Site Remedial Response Activities Draft

OSWER9355317 Compendium Of ROD Language For Fy 1993 Focus Areas

OSWER9355405 Evaluation Of Ground Water Extraction Remedies Phase II Volume 1 Summary Report

OSWER9355606 ROD Annual Report Fy 1992

OSWER936000 Removal Cost Management Manual

OSWER9360003B Superfund Removal Procedures Revision 3

OSWER9360012 Guidance on Implementation of the Revised Statutory Limits on Removal Actions

OSWER9360013 Guidance on Implementation of the Contribute to Efficient Remedial Performance Provision

OSWER9360015 The Role of Expedited Response Actions (EPA) Under SARA.

OSWER936003A Superfund Removal Procedures Revision Number 2

OSWER9360305 Superfund Removal Procedures Public Participation Guidance For On Scene Coordinators Community Relations and The Administrative Record

OSWER9360405 Compendium Of Ert Air Sampling Procedures

OSWER9360408 Compendium of ERT Toxicity Testing Procedures

OSWER9375111 Guidance Procurement Under Superfund Remedial Cooperative Agrements

OSWER9375608B Analysis Of State Superfund Programs 50 State Study 1991 Update

OSWER938003 Guidance Document For Cleanup Of Surface Tank & Drum Sites

OSWER938006 Guidance Document For Cleanup Of Surface Impoundment Sites

OSWER94320584 Definition of Treatment as Defined in 40 CFR Section 260.10 Subpart B - Definitions

OSWER9435001 Procedures For Developing Regulations and Guidance Documents September 1987

OSWER9441002 Guidance Manual On The RCRA Regulation Of Recycled Hazardous Wastes

OSWER9472001 Permit Writers Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Land Storage and Disposal Facilities Phase I Final Draft

OSWER9476006 Guidance Manual Cost Estimates For Closure and Post-closure Plans (subparts G and H)

OSWER9476007 Rcra Policy Compendium For Subparts G and H

OSWER9477003 Finanical Requirements Interim Status Standards 40 CFR 265 Subpart H

OSWER9480004 Lining Of Waste Impoundment and Disposal Facilities

OSWER9480005 Management Of Hazardous Waste Leachate

OSWER9483001 Technical Resource Document For The Storage and Treatment Of Hazardous Waste In Tank Systems

OSWER9483501A Guidance Manual For Hazardous Waste Tank Standards Subpart J

OSWER9484001B Interim Status Surface Impoundments Retrofitting Variances

OSWER9488003 Engineering Handbook For Hazardous Waste Incineration

OSWER9488006 Hazardous Waste Incineration Permitting Study

OSWER95001A Guidance on Public Involvement in the RCRA Permitting Program

OSWER9502005 RCRA Facility Investigation Guidance

OSWER9502006C RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) Guidance Volume 4

OSWER95050001 RCRA Public Involvement Manual

OSWER9523005 Permit Applicants' Guidance Manual For Hazardous Waste Land Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities

OSWER9527001A Guidance Manual For Research, Development, and Demonstration Permits Under 40 CFR Section 270 65

OSWER9540009 State Consolidated RCRA Authorization Manual (SCRAM)

OSWER95410020 State Program Advisory 14

OSWER9545006A RCRA Program Evaluation Guide Appendices

OSWER9610.10A Cost Recovery Policy For The Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund

OSWER9610.16 Guidance for Federal Field Citation Enforcement

OSWER9610.17 Use of Risk Based Decision-Making in UST Corrective Action Programs

OSWER9610.5-1 Transition Tasks List

OSWER961010A Cost Recovery Policy For The Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund

OSWER9630.10 State UST Program Grant Guidance

OSWER9650.10 LUST Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement Guidelines

OSWER9650.13 Streamlined Implementation of UST Corrective Action Requirements

OSWER9650.14 Monitoring the Financial Soundness of Approved State Assurance Funds

OSWER983431A Potentially Responsible Party Search Manual

OSWER98346 Potentially Responsible Party Search Manual Final Report

OSWER983513 Comparative Analysis Of Remedies Selected In The Superfund Program During Fy 87, Fy88 and Fy 89

OSWER98372 Enforcement Project Management Handbook

OSWER98372A Enforcement Project Management Handbook 1991

OSWER99380 Rcra Inspection Manual

OSWER99920 Enforcement Actions Under RCRA and CERCLA At Federal Facilities

OSWER99924 Federal Facilities Hazardous Waste Compliance

OSWERDIR9285731 Short Sheet: Overview of the IEUBK Model for Lead in Children

OSWERHCHAP Handbook of Chemical Hazard Analysis Procedures (Includes Computer Disk)

OSWERNRT-1 Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Guide

OSWERNRT-1A Criteria for Review of Hazardous Materials Emergency Plans

OSWERNRT-2 Developing a Hazardous Materials Exercise Program: A Handbook for State and Local Officials

OSWFR79004 Federal Register: February 16, 1979. Part 5. Public Participation in Programs Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, The Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Act; Final Regulations

OSWFR80011 Federal Register: May 19, 1980. Hazardous Waste and Consolidated Permit Regulations

OSWFR80016 Federal Register: October 30, 1980, Part 11. Hazardous Waste Management System: Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste, and Interim Status Standards for Owners and Operators of Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities; Final, Interim, and Proposed Regulations

OSWFR80018 Federal Register: November 12, 1980, Part 7. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste-Finalizing the Lists of Hazardous Wastes(262.31 and 261.32) and Proposal to Amend 261.32

OSWFR80020 Federal Register: November 19, 1980, Part 3. Hazardous Waste Management System: Mining and Cement Kiln Wastes Exemptions; Small Quantity Generator Standards; Generator Waste Accumulation Amendment; Hazardous Waste Spill Response Exemption, and Clarification of Interim Status Requirements

OSWFR80021 Federal Register: November 20, 1980, Part 5. Guideline for Federal Procurement of Cement and Concrete Containing Fly Ash

OSWFR80022 Federal Register: November 25, 1980, Part 10. Hazardous Waste Management System: Clarification of Regulations on Hazardous Waste In Containers; Exemption of Certain Treated-Wood Wastes; Final List of Commercial Products Which Are Hazardous Wastes if Discarded (S261.33); Exclusions in Response to Delisting Petitions

OSWFR80024A Federal Register: December 31, 1980. Hazardous Waste Management System: Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste (Book 1 of 2 Books)

OSWFR80024B Federal Register: December 31, 1980, Part 20. Hazardous Waste Management System: Storage by Transporters; Shipments from Treatment, Storage, of Disposal Facilities; Transportation by Rail

OSWFR81027 Federal Register: January 23, 1981, Part 4. Incinerator Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities; Interim Final Rule and Proposed Rule

OSWFR81028 Federal Register: January 26, 1981, Part 6. Requirements for Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Programs

OSWFR81029 Federal Register: February 5, 1981, Part 2, Hazardous Waste Management System; Standards Applicable to Owners and Operators of Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities; and Permit Program

OSWFR81030 Federal Register: February 13, 1981, Part 3. Standards Applicable to Hazardous Wasteland Disposal Facilities; Proposed Regulations

OSWFR81037 Federal Register: November 17, 1981, Part 5. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Labeling of Hazardous Waste

OSWFR81038 Federal Register: November 17, 1981, Part 6. Interim Status Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities

OSWFR82041 Federal Register: February 25, 1982, Part 2. Hazardous Waste Management; Interim and Proposed Regulations

OSWFR82043 Federal Register: March 22, 1982, Part 7. Hazardous Waste Management System Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities

OSWFR82044 Federal Register: April 7, 1982, Part 2. Standards Applicable to Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities; Financial Requirements

OSWFR82045 Federal Register: April 8, 1982, Part 5. Hazardous Waste Management System; General and EPA Administered Permit Program; and Requirements for State Hazardous Waste Programs; Final Rule

OSWFR82046 Federal Register: April 16, 1982, Part 6, Standards Applicable to Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities: Liability Requirements

OSWFR82047 Federal Register: June 24, 1982, Part 5. Standards Applicable to Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities; Consolidated Permit Regulations; and the Hazardous Waste Management System

OSWFR82049 Federal Register: July 26, 1982, Part 2. Hazardous Waste Management System; Permitting Requirements for Land Disposal Facilities

OSWFR82050 Federal Register: August 18, 1982, Part 2. Hazardous Waste Management Systems: Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste

OSWFR82051 Federal Register: October 12, 1982, Part 2. Hazardous Waste Management System

OSWFR82052 Federal Register: December 13, 1982, Part 4. Hazardous Waste Management System; Proposed Rule

OSWFR83053 Federal Register: January 3, 1983, Part 3. Hazardous Waste Management System; Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste; Proposed Rule

OSWFR83054 Federal Register: January 19, 1983, Part 3. Hazardous Waste Management System; Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities; Hazardous Waste Permit Program; Final Rule

OSWFR83056 Federal Register: January 24, 1983, Part 4. Cement and Concrete Containing Fly Ash; Guideline for Federal Procurement

OSWFR83057 Federal Register: February 8, 1983, Part 3. Hazardous Waste Permit Program; Standards Applicable to Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities; Proposed Rule

OSWFR83058 Federal Register: April 4, 1983, Part 2. Hazardous Waste Management System; Proposed Rule

OSWFR83059 Federal Register: April 4, 1983, Part 3. Hazardous Waste Management System; Proposed Rule

OSWFR83060 Federal Register: May 10, 1983, Part 4. Hazardous Waste Management System; The Hazardous Waste Permit Program; Proposed Rules

OSWFR84062 Federal Register: February 10, 1984, Part 5, 40 CFR Parts 261. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Interim Final Rule and Proposed Rule

OSWFR84063 Federal Register: February 15, 1984, Part 2. 40 CFR Ch. 1. Hazardous Waste Management System; Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

OSWFR84065 Federal Register: March 20, 1984, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 260, 262, and 271. CFR Parts 171 and 172. Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest; Joint EPA/DOT Rule

OSWFR85073 Federal Register: January 4, 1985, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 260, 261, 264, 265, and 266. Hazardous Waste Management System; Definition of Solid Waste; Final Rule

OSWFR85075 Federal Register: June 26, 1985 Part 2, 40 CFR Parts 260, 262, 264, 265, and 270. Hazardous Waste Management System; Standards for Hazardous Waste Storage and Treatment Tank Systems; Proposed Rule

OSWFR85076 Federal Register: January 11, 1985, Part 3. 40 CFR 266. Hazardous Waste Management System: Standards for the Management of Specific Wastes and Specific Types of Facilities; Proposed

OSWFR85079 Federal Register: July 15, 1985, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 260, 261, 262, 264, 265, 266, 270, 271, and 280. Hazardous Waste Management System: Final Rule

OSWFR85080 Federal Register: August 1, 1985, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 270, and 271. Hazardous Waste Management System; Proposed Rule and Request for Comment

OSWFR86001 Federal Register: January 14, 1986, Part 3. 40 CFR Part 260et al. Hazardous Waste Management System Land Disposal Restrictions; Proposed Rule

OSWFR86005 Federal Register: June 13, 1986, Part 2, 40 CFR Parts 261, 271, and 302. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Notification Requirements; Reportable Quantity Adjustments; Proposed Rule

OSWFR86007 Federal Register: October 9, 1986, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 262, 265, and 271. Hazardous Waste Management System; Hazardous Waste Accumulation Tank System Standards for Generations of 100 to 1,000 Kilograms Per Month; Proposed Rules

OSWFR87001 Federal Register: March 19, 1987, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 265. Interim Status Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities; Final Rule

OSWFR87002 Federal Register: November 7, 1986, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 260 et al. Hazardous Waste Management System; Land Disposal Restrictions; Final Rule

OSWFR87004 Federal Register: December 11, 1986, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 260, 261, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, and 271. Hazardous Waste Management System; Land Disposal; Proposed Rule

OSWFR87006 Federal Register: January 22, 1987, Part 3. 40 CFR Part 300. Amendment to National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan; the National Priorities List; Proposed Rule

OSWFR87007 Federal Register: February 5, 1987, Part 2. CFR Parts 261, 264, 265, 269, 270, and 271. Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities; Air Emission Standards for Volatile Organics Control; Proposed Rule

OSWFR87008 Federal Register: March 19, 1987, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 264, 265, and 270. Proposed Amendments for Landfill, Surface Impoundment, and Waste Pile Closures; Proposed Amendment to Rule

OSWFR87009 Federal Register: March 24, 1986, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 260, 261, 262, 263, 270, and 271. Hazardous Waste; Generators of Hazardous Waste (100 to 1000 Kilograms Per Month), on Site Storage, etc,; Final

OSWFR87010 Federal Register: April 17, 1987, 40 CFR Parts 264, and 265. Hazardous Waste Management System; Minimum Technology Requirements

OSWFR87011 Federal Register: May 1, 1987, Part 8. 40 CFR Part 262. Exception Reporting for Small Quantity Generators of Hazardous Waste; Proposed Rule

OSWFR87013 Federal Register: May 29, 1987, Part 3. 18 CFR Parts 2 and 380. Regulations Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

OSWFR87014 Federal Register: June 3, 1987, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 260, 265, and 270. Permitting Mobile Hazardous-Waste Treatment Units and Delisting Hazardous Wastes; Tentative Response to Petition; Proposed Rule

OSWFR87015 Federal Register: June 4, 1987, 40 CFR Parts 260, 261, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, and 271 . Hazardous Waste Management System; Land Disposal Restrictions; Corrections

OSWFR87016 Federal Register: July 8, 1987, Part 5. 40 CFR Parts 264, 270. List (Phase 1) of Hazardous Constituents for Ground-Water Monitoring; Final Rule

OSWFR87017 Federal Register: July 9, 1987, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 264 270. List (Phase 1) of Hazardous Constituents for Ground-Water Monitoring; Final Rule

OSWFR87018 Federal Register: August 12, 1987, Part 2, 40 CFR Part 268. Hazardous Waste Management System; Land Disposal Restrictions; California List Constituents; Notice of Availability and Request for Comments

OSWFR87020 Federal Register: August 24, 1987, Part 7. 40 CFR Part 264. Statistical Methods for Evaluating Ground-Water Monitoring from Hazardous Waste Facilities; Final Rule

OSWFR87021 Federal Register: September 23, 1987, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 124, 264 and 270. Permit Modifications for Hazardous Waste Management Facilities; Proposed Rule

OSWFR87022 Federal Register: September 23, 1987, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 262 and 271. Exception Reporting for Small Quantity Generators of Hazardous Waste; Final Rule

OSWFR88003 Federal Register: December 10, 1987, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 144, 260, 264 and 270. Hazardous Waste Miscellaneous Units; Standard; Applicable to Owners and Operators; Final Rule

OSWFR88004 Federal Register: January 8, 1988, 40 CFR Part 261. ID Listing of Hazardous Waste Amendments to Definition of Solid Waste

OSWFR88005 Federal Register: April 8, 1988, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 264, 265, 268, and 271. Land Disposal Restrictions for First Third of Scheduled Wastes; Proposed Rule

OSWFR88006 Federal Register: May 17, 1988, Part 4. 40 CFR Part 264, etc. Land Disposal Restrictions for First Third Scheduled Wastes; Proposed Rule

OSWFR88007 Federal Register: May 19, 1988, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 261. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Notice of Data Availability and Request for Comments; Supplement to Proposed Rule

OSWFR88008 Federal Register: May 24, 1988, Part 4. 40 CFR Part 268. Land Disposal Restrictions; Proposed Rule

OSWFR88010 Federal Register: July 19, 1988, Part 4. 40 CFR Part 260 and 261. Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste Treatability Studies Sample Exemptions; Final Rule

OSWFR88011 Federal Register: August 17, 1988, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 264 etc. Land Disposal Restrictions for First Third Scheduled Wastes; Final Rule

OSWFR88012 Federal Register: July 26, 1988, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 264 and 270. Groundwater Monitoring Hazardous Waste Facilities; Proposed Amendment to Rule

OSWFR88013 Federal Register: August 30, 1988, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 257 and 258. Solid Waste Disposal Facility Criteria; Proposed Rule

OSWFR88014 Federal Register: September 2, 1988, 40 CFR Parts 260, 264, 265 and 270. Hazardous Waste Management System; Standards for Hazardous Waste Storage and Treatment Tank Systems

OSWFR88015 Federal Register: September 1, 1988, Part 3. 40 CFR Part 264 and 265. Standards Applicable to Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities; Liability Coverage; Final Rule

OSWFR88017 Federal Register: September 13, 1988, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 261 and 302. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; and Designation, Reportable Quantities, and Notification; Final Rule

OSWFR89001 Federal Register: October 11, 1989, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 264. Statistical Methods for Evaluating Ground-Water Monitoring From Hazardous Waste Facilities; Final Rule

OSWFR89002 Federal Register: October 20, 1988, Part 3. 40 CFR Part 261. Mining Waste Exclusion; Notice of Proposed Rule Making

OSWFR89003 Federal Register: December 30, 1988, Part 10. 40 CFR Part 260 et al. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing; Proposed Rule and Request for Comments

OSWFR89004 Federal Register: December 30, 1988. 40 CFR Part 261. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Tentative Petition Denial

OSWFR89006 Federal Register: January 23, 1989 Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 260, 261, 262, 264, 265, 268 and 270. Hazardous Waste Management System; Testing and Monitoring Activities; Proposed Rule

OSWFR89007 Federal Register: March 24, 1989, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 22 and 259. Standards for the Tracking and Management of Medical Waste; Interim Final Rule and Request for Comments

OSWFR89009 Federal Register: April 17, 1989, Part 4. 40 CFR Part 261. Mining Waste Exclusion Under Subtitle C of RCRA; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

OSWFR89010 Federal Register: May 2, 1989, Part 8. 40 CFR Part 268. Land Disposal Restrictions; Final Rule

OSWFR89011 Federal Register: June 23, 1989, Part 3. 40 CFR Part 148 et al. Land Disposal Restrictions for Second Third Scheduled Wastes; Final Rule

OSWFR89013 Federal Register: June 12, 1989, Part 4. Draft Guidance to Hazardous Waste Generators on the Elements of a Waste Minimization Program; Notice and Request for Comment

OSWFR89014 Federal Register: June 6, 1989, Part 5. 40 CFR Part 259. Standards for the Tracking and Management of Medical Waste; Notice Identifying Participating States, Delaying Effective Date for Certain States, and Extending Comment Period

OSWFR89014A Medical Waste Tracking From

OSWFR89016 Federal Register: June 27, 1989, Part 5. 40 CFR Part 260. Hazardous Waste Management System; Requirements of Rulemaking Petitions; Final Rule

OSWFR89018 Federal Register: October 6, 1989, Part III. 40 CFR Parts 261, 271, and 302. Hazardous Waste Management System: Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste and CERCLA Hazardous Substance Designation; Reportable Quality Adjustment Methyl Bromide Production Wastes; Final Rule

OSWFR89019 Federal Register: December 11, 1989, Part 6. 40 CFR Parts 261, 271, and 302. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste CERCLA Hazardous Substance Designation; Reportable Quantity Adjustment; Final Rule

OSWFR89020 Federal Register: November 22, 1989, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 148 et al. Land Disposal Restrictions for Third Scheduled Wastes; Proposed Rule

OSWFR89021 Federal Register: August 4, 1989, Part 6. 40 CFR Parts 261 and 302. Hazardous Waste Management Systems; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Reportable Quantity Adjustment; Proposed Rule

OSWFR89023 Federal Register: August 14, 1989, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 264, 265, and 270. Delay of Closure Period for Hazardous Waste Management; Final Rule

OSWFR89024 Federal Register: October 26, 1989, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 260 et al. Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces; Supplement to Proposed Rule

OSWFR89025 Federal Register: September 25, 1989, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 260, 261, and 262. Mining Waste Exclusion and Definition of Designated Facility; Proposed Rule

OSWFR89026 Federal Register: March 29, 1990, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 261 et al. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Toxicity Characteristics Revisions; Final Rule

OSWFR90001 Federal Register: September 29, 1989, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 260 and 261. Hazardous Waste Management System; Testing and Monitoring Activities; Final Rule

OSWFR90002 Federal Register: October 12, 1989, Part 5. 40 CFR Part 260. Hazardous Waste Management System; Use of Ground-Water Data in Delisting Decisions; Proposed Rule and Request for Comments

OSWFR90003 Federal Register: December 30, 1990, Part 10. 40 CFR Parts 260 et al. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing; Proposed Rule and Request for Comments

OSWFR90005 Federal Register: November 17, 1988, Part 5. 40 CFR Part 253. Guideline for Federal Procurement of Retread Tires; Final Rule

OSWFR90007 Federal Register: April 27, 1990, Part 2, 40 CFR Parts 260, 261, 264 and 270, Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Wastes Incinerators and Burning of Hazardous Wastes in Boilers and industrial Furnaces; Proposed and Supplemental Proposed Rule, Technical Corrections, and Request for Comments

OSWFR90008 Federal Register: April 6, 1990, Part 7. Hazardous and Solid Waste; Conditional Variance to Department of Energy Pilot Plant; Notice of Proposed Decision

OSWFR90010 Federal Register: June 1, 1990, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 148 et al. Land Disposal Restrictions for Third Scheduled Wastes; Rule

OSWFR90011 Federal Register: May 2, 1990, Part 4. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Substance Designation and Reportable Quantity Adjustment -1,1-Demethylhydrazine Production Wastes; Final Rule and Proposed Rule

OSWFR90012 Federal Register: July 27, 1990, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 264, 265, 270, and 271. Corrective Action for Solid Waste Management Units at Hazardous Waste Management Facilities; Proposed Rule

OSWFR90013 Federal Register: January 23, 1990, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 260, 261, and 262. Mining Waste Exclusion; Section 3010 Notification for Mineral Processing Facilities; Designated Facility

OSWFR90014 Federal Register: June 29, 1990, Part 5. 40 CFR Parts 261, 264, 265, 268, 271, and 302. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Toxicity Characteristic Revisions; Final Rule

OSWFR90015 Federal Register: June 21, 1990, Part 3. CFR Parts 260, 261, 264, 265, 270, 271. Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities-Organic Air Emission Standards for Process Vents

OSWFR90016 Federal Register: July 2, 1990, 40 CFR Part 259. Standards for the Tracking and Management of Medical Waste; Technical Corrections

OSWFR90018 Federal Register: July 19, 1990, 40 CFR Parts 260, and 270. Hazardous Waste Management System; General and EPA-Administered Permit Programs: The Hazardous Waste Permit Program

OSWFR90019 Federal Register: August 2, 1990, 40 CFR Parts 260, 264, 265, 268, 271, and 302. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Toxicity Characteristic Revisions

OSWFR90020 Federal Register: September 27, 1990, 40 CFR Parts 261, 264, 265, 268, 271 and 302. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste, Toxicity Characteristic

OSWFR90021 Federal Register: October 5, 1990, 40 CFR Part 261. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Toxicity Characteristic; Hydrocarbon Recovery

OSWFR91001 Federal Register: October 5, 1990. 40 CFR Parts 260-266, 268, 270 and 271. Waste Minimization Incentives

OSWFR91002 Federal Register: October 2, 1990. 40 CFR Parts 260, 261, 262, 264, 265, 270, and 271. Hazardous Waste Management System; Land Disposal Restrictions

OSWFR91003 Federal Register: October 3, 1990. 40 CFR Parts 248, 249, 250, 252, and 253. Guidelines for Federal Procurement of Products Containing Recovered Materials

OSWFR91004 Federal Register: October 9, 1991, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 257 and 258. Solid Waste Disposal Facility Criteria; Final Rule

OSWFR91005 Federal Register: February 13, 1991, Part 4. 40 CFR Part 261. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Toxicity Characteristic; Interim Final Rule

OSWFR91007 Federal Register: November 2, 1990, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 261, 271, and 302. Hazardous Waste Management Systems; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Final Rule

OSWFR91008 Federal Register: December 6, 1990, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 260 et al, Wood Preserving; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Final Rule

OSWFR91009 Federal Register: November 14, 1990, Part 6. Department of Energy Waste Isolation Pilot Plant; Notice of Final No Migration Determination

OSWFR91014 Federal Register: January 18, 1991, Part 4. 40 CFR Part 265. Hazardous Waste Management System; Amendments to Interim Status Standards for Downgradient Ground-Water Monitoring Well Locations at Hazardous Waste Facilities; Proposed Rule

OSWFR91015 Federal Register: April 2, 1991, 40 CFR Part 261. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Toxicity Characteristic; Hydrocarbon Recovery Operations

OSWFR91017 Federal Register: April 12, 1991, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 261, 268, and 271. Land Disposal Restrictions for Electric Arc Furnace Dust (K061); Proposed Rule

OSWFR91018 Federal Register: June 13, 1991, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 261. Special Wastes from Mineral Processing (Mining Waste Exclusion); Final Regulatory Determination and Final Rule

OSWFR91019 Federal Register: May 13, 1991, 40 CFR Parts 261, 271, and 302. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; CERCLA Hazardous Substance Designation , Petroleum Refinery Primary and Secondary Oil/Water/Solids Separation Sludge Listings (F037 and F038)

OSWFR91020 Federal Register: May 30, 1991, Part 2. 40 CFR Part 268. Land Disposal Restrictions; Potential Treatment Standards for Newly Identified and Listed Wastes and Contaminated Debris; Proposed Rule

OSWFR91021 Federal Register: July 26, 1991, Part 6. 40 CFR Parts 261, 271, and 302. Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Coke By-Products Waste; Proposed Rule and Request for Comments

OSWFR91023 Federal Register: September 23, 1991, Part 6. 40 CFR Parts 261, and 266. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Used Oil; Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

OSWFR91024 Federal Register: June 13, 1991, Part 3. 40 CFR Parts 261, 264, and 265. Hazardous Waste Management System; Final Rule

OSWFR91025 Federal Register: July 1, 1991, Part 8. 40 CFR Parts 264, 265, et al. Standards Applicable to Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities; Liability

OSWFR91026 Federal Register: July 17, 1991, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 260, et al. Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces; Final Rule

OSWFR91027 Federal Register: July 18, 1991, 40 CFR Parts 261. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Proposed Use of EPA's Composite Model for Landfills (EPACML)

OSWFR91028 Federal Register: July 22, 1991, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 60 et al. Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities; Organic Air Emission Standards for Tanks, Surface Impoundments, and Containers; Proposed Rule

OSWFR91029 Federal Register: August 19, 1991, Part 2. 40 CFR Parts 261, 268, 271. Land Disposal Restrictions for Electric arc Furnace Dust; Final Rule

OSWFR91030 Federal Register: August 27, 1991, Part 4. 40 CFR Parts 261, 265, and 266. Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces; Final Rule

OSWFR91031 Federal Register: September 5, 1991, 40 CFR Part 266. Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces

OSWFR91032 Federal Register: October 2, 1991, Part 4. Guidance for the Use of the Terms Recycled and Recyclable and the Recycling Emblem in Environmental Marketing Claims; Notice of Public Meeting

OSWFR91033 Federal Register: August 29, 1991, Policy on Enforcement of RCRA Section 3004 (K) Storage Prohibition at Facilities Generating Mixed Radioactive/Hazardous Wastes

OSWFR91036 Federal Register: December 5, 1991, Part 8. 40 CFR Parts 261, 264, 265, and 302. Wood Preserving; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; Standards and Interim Status Standards for Owners

OSWFR92001 Federal Register: January 9, 1992. 40 CFR Parts 148, 260, 261, et al. Land Disposal Restrictions for Newly Listed Wastes and Contaminated Debris; Proposed Rule

OTS560587005 Household Solvent Products - A National Usage Survey

OTSFR021688 Federal Register February 16 1988 Part 2 40 CFR Part 372 Toxic Chemical Release Reporting Community Right-to-know Final Rule

OWEP89001 Abstracts of Industrial NPDES Permits

PM-220 Comparing Risks And Setting Environmental Priorities Overview Of Three Regional Projects

QAG4 Guidance For The Data Quality Objectives Process

QAR2 Interim Draft EPA Requirements For Quality Management Plans

QE488U54 Oil and Hazardous Materials Technical Assistance Data System

QH5415E8H31 Habitat Requirements For Chesapeake Bay Living Resources

R173004 Research Study To Determine The Range Of Carboxyhemoglobin In Various Segments Of The American Population Annual Report October 1 1970 - September 30 1971

R173005 Survey Of Air and Population Lead Levels In Selected American Communities Final Report

R272067 Improved Manual Method For NOx Emission Measurement

R272088 Investigation Of Odor Control In The Rendering Industry

R272106 Evaluation Of Monitoring Methods And Instrumentation For Hydrocarbons And Carbon Monoxide In Stationary Source Emission

R273025 Anaerobic - Aerobic Ponds For Beet Sugar Waste Treatment

R273182 X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer For Airborne Particulate Monitoring

R273194 Identification and Control Of Petrochemical Pollutants Inhibitory To Anaerobic Processes

R273246 Tentative Method For The Calibration Of Nitric Oxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Ozone Analyzers By Gas Phase Titration

R273247A Water Pollution Control In The Primary Nonferrous-metals Industry Vol I, Copper, Zinc, and Lead Industries

R273247B Water Pollution Control In The Primary Nonferrous-metals Industry Vol Ii, Aluminum, Mercury, Gold, Silver, Molybdenum, and Tungsten

R273255 Ion Exchange Color and Mineral Removal From Kraft Bleach Wastes

R273257 Water Pollution and Associated Effects From Street Salting

R273266 Herbicide Contamination Of Surface Runoff Waters

R273284 Nitrogen Oxide Abatement Technology In Japan, 1973

R273291 Nitric Oxide Formation In Combustion Processes With Strong Recirculation

R372003 Evaluation Of Ddt and Dieldrin In Lake Michigan

R372015 Specific Method For The Determination Of Ozone In The Atmosphere

R372027 Research On The Optical State Of The Atmosphere

R373026 Shagawa Lake Project Lake Restoration By Nutrient Removal From Wastewater Effluent

R373028A Annotated Bibliography Of Lake Ontario Limnological and Related Studies Prepared For Office Of Research and Monitoring, U s Environmental Protection Agency

R373028C Annotated Bibliography Of Lake Ontario Limnological and Related Studies, Volume 3 Physical

R373030 Effects Of Sulfur Oxides In The Atmosphere On Vegetation Revised Chapter 5 For A I R Q U A L I T Y C R I T E R I A F O R S U L F U R O X I D E S

R373033 Water Quality Criteria 1972

R373035 Environmental Effects On Toxaphene Toxicity To Selected Fishes and Crustaceans

R373039 Rates Of Photosynthesis and Phytoplankton Growth In Shagawa Lake, Minnesota

R373046 Effects Of Methoxychlor On Aquatic Biota

R373047 Natural Precipitation Washout Of Sulfur Compounds From Plumes

R472001 Growth and Decay Of Turbulent Mixing In The Planetary Boundary Layer

R572001 Quantitative Methods For Preliminary Design Of Water Quality Surveillance Systems

R573012 Bibliography Of R & M Research Reports

R573023A Capital and Operating Costs Of Pollution Control Equipment Modules, Volume 1 User Guide

R573023B Capital and Operating Costs Of Pollution Control Equipment Modules, Volume 2 Data Manual

RODR0596295 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Lauer 1 Sanitary Landfill, (Boundary Road), Menomonee Falls, WI 3/11/1996

RODR0596296 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Ripon City Landfill, Ripon, WI 3/27/1996

RODR0596297 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Douglas Road/Uniroyal, Inc. Landfill, Mishawaka, IN 5/3/1996

RODR0596298 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: National Presto Industries, Inc., Eau Claire, WI 5/15/1996

RODR0596299 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Kohler Company Landfill, Kohler, WI 6/26/1996

RODR0596301 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Reilly Tar and Chemical (O.U. 3 and 4), Indianapolis Plant, Indianapolis, IN 9/27/1996

RODR0596303 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Tomah Fairgrounds Landfill Site, Monroe County, WI 9/26/1996

RODR0596304 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Lower Ecorse Creek Dump, Wyandotte, MI 7/17/1996

RODR0596306 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Better Brite Chrome and Zinc Shops, DePere, WI 9/24/1996

RODR0596307 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Parson's Casket Hardware Co., Belvidere, IL 9/30/1996

RODR0596308 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Yeoman Creek Landfill, Waukegan, IL 9/30/1996

RODR0596309 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Wright-Patterson AFB, (21 No Action Sites), Dayton, OH 9/30/1996

RODR0596310 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Continental Steel Corp. Superfund Site, Kokomo, IN 8/16/1996

RODR0596311 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Feed Materials Production Center, (USDOE) Operable Unit 3, aka Fernald Environmental Management Project, Fernald, OH 9/24/1996

RODR0596312 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Feed Materials Production Center, (USDOE) Operable Unit 5, aka Fernald Environmental Management Project, Fernald, OH 1/31/1996

RODR0687015 Superfund Record Of Decision Mid-south Wood Products Ar First Remedial Action

RODR0687018 Superfund Record Of Decision Petro-chemical Systems TX

RODR0687025 Superfund Record Of Decision Compass Industries Landfill Ok First Remedial Action - Final

RODR0688016 Superfund Record Of Decision Gurley Pit AR

RODR0688023 Superfund Record Of Decision Koppers Texarkana TX

RODR0688026 Superfund Record Of Decision Odessa Chromium 1 TX

RODR0688027 Superfund Record Of Decision Odessa Chromium Ii TX

RODR0688028 Superfund Record Of Decision Old Midland Products AR

RODR0688029 Superfund Record Of Decision Sol Lynn TX First Remedial Action

RODR0688030 Superfund Record Of Decision French Limited TX Microform

RODR0688031 Superfund Record Of Decision Brio Refining TX

RODR0688032 Superfund Record Of Decision Dixie Oil TX First Remedial Action

RODR0688033 Superfund Record Of Decision Sand Springs OK Second Remedial Action

RODR0688034 Superfund Record Of Decision North Cavalcade TX First Remedial Action - Final

RODR0688035 Superfund Record Of Decision Bailey Waste Disposal TX First Remedial Action - Final

RODR0688036 Superfund Record Of Decision Industrial Waste Control AR

RODR0688037 Superfund Record Of Decision South Valley Edmunds Street NM

RODR0688038 Superfund Record Of Decision Stewco TX

RODR0688040 Superfund Record Of Decision Sol Lynn Industrial Transformers TX First Remedial Action - Final

RODR0688041 Superfund Record Of Decision South Valleys NM

RODR0688043 Superfund Record Of Decision South Valley (pl-83) NM

RODR0688044 Superfund Record Of Decision United Nuclear Corporation NM

RODR0689047 Superfund Record Of Decision Pesses Chemical TX

RODR0689049 Superfund Record Of Decision Sheridan Disposal Services TX First Remedial Action

RODR0689050 Superfund Record Of Decision Homestake Mining NM First Remedial Action - Final

RODR0689051 Superfund Record Of Decision Sheridan Disposal Services TX Second Remedial Action - Final

RODR0689052 Superfund Record Of Decision Motco TX

RODR0689053 Superfund Record Of Decision United Creosoting TX Second Remedial Action - Final

RODR0690054 Superfund Record Of Decision Hardagecriner OK First Remedial Action (amendment)

RODR0690055 Superfund Record Of Decision Jacksonville Municipal Landfill AR First Remedial Action - Final

RODR0690056 Superfund Record Of Decision Vertac AR First Remedial Action

RODR0690057 Superfund Record Of Decision Texarkana Wood Preserving TX First Remedial Action

RODR0690058 Superfund Record Of Decision Pagano Salvage NM First Remedial Action - Final

RODR0690059 Superfund Record Of Decision Tenth Street Dump Junkyard OK First Remedial Action - Final

RODR0690060 Superfund Record Of Decision Cimarron Mining NM First Remedial Action

RODR0690061 Superfund Record Of Decision Tinker AFB (soldier Creekbldg 3001) OK First Remedial Action

RODR0690062 Superfund Record Of Decision Crystal Chemical TX First Remedial Action - Final

RODR0690063 Superfund Record Of Decision Rogers Road Municipal Landfill AR First Remedial Action - Final

RODR0690064 Superfund Record Of Decision Arkwood AR First Remedial Action - Final

RODR0691066 Superfund Record Of Decision Petro-chemical (Turtle Bayou) TX Second Remedial Action - Final

RODR0691067 Superfund Record Of Decision Cimarron Mining MN Second Remedial Action - Final

RODR0692068 Superfund Record Of Decision Koppers (Texarkana Plant) (amendment) TX First Remedial Action - Amendment

RODR0692069 Superfund Record Of Decision Oklahoma Refining OK First Remedial Action - Final

RODR0692070 Superfund Record Of Decision Mosley Road Sanitary Landfill OK First Remedial Action - Final

RODR0692071 Superfund Record Of Decision Crystal Chemical (amendment) TX First Remedial Action - Final

RODR0692072 Superfund Record Of Decision Fourth Street Refinery OK First Remedial Action - Final

RODR0692073 Superfund Record Of Decision Double Eagle Refinery OK

RODR0692074 Superfund Record Of Decision Prewitt Abandoned Refinery NM First Remedial Action - Final

RODR0692075 Superfund Record Of Decision Gulf Coast Vacuum Services (operable Unit 2) LA First Remedial Action - Interim

RODR0692076 Superfund Record Of Decision Gulf Coast Vacuum Services (operable Unit 1) LA Second Remedial Action - Subsequent To Follow

RODR0693080 Superfund Record Of Decision Vertac AR

RODR0693082 Superfund Record Of Decision Tenth Street Dumpjunkyard (amendment) OK

RODR0693085 Superfund Record Of Decision Tinker Afb (soldier Creekbuilding 3001) OK

RODR0694087 Superfund Record Of Decision Double Eagle Refinery Site (ou2) Oklahoma City OK

RODR0694088 Superfund Record Of Decision Dutchtown Treatment Plant Operable Unit 1 LA

RODR0694089 Superfund Record Of Decision South 8th Street Landfill (ou1) West Memphis AR

RODR0694090 Superfund Record Of Decision Dl Mud Inc (ou1) Abbeville LA

RODR0695092 Superfund Record Of Decision Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant (burning Ground 3) TX

RODR0696099 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: RSR Corporation, Operable Unit 4, Dallas, TX 2/28/1996

RODR0696100 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, (No Further Action at LHAAP 13 and 14) Karnack, TX 2/14/1996

RODR0696101 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Monroe Auto Equipment (Paragould Pit), Paragould, AR 9/26/1996

RODR0696102 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Vertac Superfund Site, Operable Unit 2, Jacksonville, AR 9/17/1996

RODR0696103 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Vertac Superfund Site, Operable Unit 3, Jacksonville, AR 9/17/1996

RODR0696105 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Air Force Plant #4 (General Dynamics), Fort Worth, TX 8/26/1996

RODR0796082 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Cherokee County Superfund Site, Cherokee County, KS 7/29/1996

RODR0796083 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Cleburn Street Well Site, Grand Island, NE 6/7/1996

RODR0796084 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Fort Riley (Southwest Funston Landfill), Operable Unit 1, Hutchinson, KS 1/19/19996

RODR0796086 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Oronogo-Duenweg Mining Belt Site, Operable Units 2 and 3, Jasper County, MO 8/1/1996

RODR0796087 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Weldon Spring Former Army Ordnance Works, Operable Unit 1: Soils and Pipeline, St. Charles County, MO 9/26/1996

RODR0896110 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Silver Bow/Bute Creek (Rocker Timber Framing & Treating Plant O.U.), MT 12/22/1995

RODR0896112 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Silver Bow/Butte Creek, Streamside Tailings O.U., MT 11/29/1995

RODR0896114 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Ellsworth Air Force Base, Operable Unit 6, SD 10/18/1995

RODR0896115 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Ellsworth Air Force Base, Operable Unit 12, Rapid City, SD 5/10/1996

RODR0896116 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Ellsworth Air Force Base, Operable Unit 10, Rapid City, SD 5/10/1996

RODR0896117 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Ellsworth Air Force Base, Operable Unit 9, Rapid City, SD 5/10/1996

RODR0896118 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Ellsworth Air Force Base, Operable Unit 1, Rapid City, SD 5/10/1996

RODR0896119 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Ellsworth Air Force Base, Operable Unit 2, Rapid City, SD 5/10/1996

RODR0896120 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Ellsworth Air Force Base, Operable Unit 3, Rapid City, SD 6/7/1996

RODR0896121 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Ellsworth Air Force Base, Operable Unit 4, Rapid City, SD 5/10/1996

RODR0896122 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Ellsworth Air Force Base, Operable Unit 5, Rapid City, SD 6/7/1996

RODR0896123 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Ellsworth Air Force Base, Operable Unit 7, Rapid City, SD 6/7/1996

RODR0896124 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Ellsworth Air Force Base, Operable Unit 8, Rapid City, SD 6/7/1996

RODR0896125 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Operable Unit 3; Landfill 6, Cheyenne, WY 1/22/1996

RODR0896126 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Operable Unit 3, Nob Hill, Cheyenne, WY 3/13/1996

RODR0896127 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Anaconda Company Smelter, Anaconda, MT 9/30/1996

RODR0896128 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Rocky Mountain Arsenal, (Offpost Site) Adams County, CO 12/19/1995

RODR0896129 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Rocky Mountain Arsenal (US Army), On-Post Site Operable Unit, Adams County, CO 6/11/1996

RODR0896130 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Hill Air Force Base, Operable Unit 2, Ogden, UT 9/30/1996

RODR0896131 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Petrochem/Recycling Corporation/Ekotek Plant, Salt Lake City, UT 9/27/1996

RODR0996143 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base (O.U. 1), CA 12/7/1995

RODR0996144 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Treasure Island Naval Station, Hunters Point Annex, Parcel A, San Francisco, CA 11/28/95

RODR0996145 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Sharpe Army Depot, (Basewide O.U.), Lathrop, CA 3/5/1996

RODR0996146 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Schofield Army Barracks, Operable Unit 1, Oahu, HI 1/24/1996

RODR0996147 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Moffett Naval Air Station (o.U. 5), Mountain View, CA 6/28/1996

RODR0996148 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: March Air Force Base, Operable Unit 1, Area 5 and Site 4, Riverside County, CA 6/20/1996

RODR0996149 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Mather Air Force Base, Soil and Groundwater Operable Units, Sacramento, CA 6/21/1996

RODR0996150 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Fresno Municipal Sanitary Landfill, Fresno, CA 9/30/1996

RODR0996152 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Operating Industries, Inc., Landfill, Monterey Park, CA 9/30/1996

RODR0996153 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Williams Air Force Base, Operable Unit 3, Chandler, AZ 6/8/1996

RODR0996154 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: McColl Superfund Site, (Groundwater O.U.), Fullerton, CA 5/15/1996

RODR0996155 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Schofield Barracks (U.S. Army), Operable Unit 4, Oahu, HI 9/26/1996

RODR1096132 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: USDOE Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, (O.U. 5.05, 6-01, & 10 No Action Sites), ID 12/1/1995

RODR1096133 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Tulalip Landfill Site, Marysville, WA 3/01/96

RODR1096134 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Hanford 100 Area (USDOE), O.U. 100-HR-3 and 100-KR-4, Hanford Site, Benton County, WA 3/26/96

RODR1096136 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Fairchild Air Force Base, Priority 2 Sites, Spokane County, WA 12/20/1995

RODR1096137 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Fort Wainwright, Operable Unit 3, Fairbanks-North Star Borough, AK 4/9/1996

RODR1096138 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Union Pacific Railroad Tie Treatment, The Dalles, OR 3/27/1996

RODR1096139 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Bangor Naval Submarine Base (Operable Unit 7), Silverdale, WA 4/16/1996

RODR1096140 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: McCormick and Baxter Creosoting Company, Portland Plant, Portland, OR 3/29/1996

RODR1096141 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Standard Steel and Metal Salvage Yard, (USDOT) Superfund Site, Anchorage, AK 7/16/1996

RODR1096142 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Naval Air Station, Whidbey Island - Ault Field, Operable Unit 5, Areas 1, 52, and 31, Oak Harbor, WA 7/10/1996

RODR1096143 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Hanford 300 Area (USDOE), 300-FF-1 and 300-FF-5 Operable Units, Benton County, WA 7/17/1996

RODR1096147 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Idaho National Engineering Lab, (USDOE) Operable Unit 26 (Stationary Low-Power Reactor-1 and Boiling Water Reactor Experiment-I Burial Grounds), Idaho Falls, ID 12/1/1995

RODR1096150 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Fort Wainwright, Operable Unit 4, Fairbanks, North Star Borough, AK 9/24/1996

RODR1096151 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Hanford 100 Area (USDOE), 100-IU-1, 100-IU-3, 100-IU-4 & 100-IU-5 Operable Units, Benton County, WA 2/2/1996

RODR1096152 EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Eielson Air Force Base, Fairbanks-North Star Borough, AK 9/30/1996

SAB-DWC-95002 Science Advisory Board Report: Safe Drinking Water Future Trends and Challenges

SAB-EC-90-021A Report of The Ecology and Welfare Subcommittee, Relative Risk Reduction Project

SAB-EC-90-021B Report of The Human Health Subcommittee, Relative Risk Reduction Project

SAB-EC-95007 Beyond the Horizon: Using Foresight to Protect the Environmental Future

SAB-EC-95007A Science Advisory Board Report: Futures Methods and Issues A Technical Annex to Beyond the Horizon: Protecting the Future with Foresight

SAB-EC-95008 Science Advisory Board: What's Next? Report of the SAB Reinvention Committee

SAB-EEC-95004 Science Advisory Board: Future Issues in Environmental Engineering, Report of Future Issues and Challenges in Environmental Engineering and Technology by the Environmental Engineering Committee

SAB-EPEC93002 Science Advisory Board Report: Review of Sediment Criteria Development Methodology for Non-Ionic Organic Contaminants, Prepared by the Sediment Quality Subcommittee of the Ecological Processes and Effects Committee

SAB-EPEC94003 Science Advisory Board Report: Evaluation of Draft Technical Guidance on Biological Criteria for Streams and Small Rivers, Prepared by the Biological Criteria Subcommittee of the Ecological Processes and Effects Committee

SAB-EPEC95003 Science Advisory Board Report: Ecosystem Management Imperative for a Dynamic World

SAB-RAC-95006 Science Advisory Report: Future Issues in Environmental Radiation, Report on Future Issues and Challenges in the Study of Environmental Radiation, with a Focus Toward Future Institutional Readiness by the Environmental Protection Agency

SAB01002 Science Advisory Board Fy 2000 Annual Staff Report Making Science Real

SAB04002 Implementation Plan For The New Structural Organization Of The EPA Science Advisory Board A Report Of The EPA Science Advisory Board Staff Office

SAB04003 Review of EPA's Draft Supplemental Guidance for Assessing Cancer Susceptibility from Early-Life Exposure to Carcinogens : A Report by the Supplemental Guidance for Assessing Cancer Susceptibility Review Panel of the EPA Science Advisory ...

SAB04006 Recommendations on the FY2003 Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards (STAA) Nominations : A Report by the Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards Panel of the EPA Science Advisory Board

SAB04007 Review of Environmental Economics Research Strategy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency : A Report by the EPA Science Advisory Board Environmental Economics Advisory Committee

SAB05002 EPA's Air Toxics Res Strategy & Air Toxics Multi-Year Plan

SAB05004 Advisory on EPA’s Draft Report on the Environment 2003

SAB05005 Recommendations on the FY2004 Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards (STAA) Nominations : A Report by the STAA Panel of the EPA Science Advisory Board

SAB06004 Recommendations on the FY2005 Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards (STAA) Nominations

SAB06006 SAB Review of EPA's Draft Risk Assessment of the Potential Human Health Effects Associated with PFOA and Its Salts

SAB06009 Review Of Agency Draft Guidance On The Development Evaluation And Application Of Regulatory Environmental Models And Models Knowledge Base By The Regulatory Environmental Modeling Guidance Review Panel Of The EPA Science Advisory Board

SAB07008 Advisory on EPA’s Assessments of Carcinogenic Effects of Organic and Inorganic Arsenic: A Report of the US EPA Science Advisory Board

SAB07009 Consultation on EPA's Risk and Technology Review (RTR) Assessment Plan

SAB08001 SAB Advisory on EPA's Issues in Valuing Mortality Risk Reduction

SAB08002 Advice to EPA on Advancing the Science and Application of Ecological Risk Assessment in Environmental Decision Making A Report of the US EPA Science Advisory Board

SAB08003 Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

SAB08004 Review of Office of Research and Development (ORD) Draft Assessment

SAB08005 FY2007 Recommended Scientific & Technological Achievement Awards (STAA)

SAB08006 Advisory on Agency Draft White Paper Entitled Modifying EPA Radiation Risk Models Based on BEIR VII

SAB08007 SAB Advisory on EPA’s Draft Report on the Environment 2007 Science Report

SAB08008 Comments on EPA’s Research Budget for Fiscal Year 2009: A Report of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Science Advisory Board (SAB)

SAB08009 Consultation on EPA’s Office of Water Methodology entitled, “Drinking Water Program Health Outcome Based Performance Measures for Chemical Contaminants and Microbial Contaminants (Measures Document)

SAB08010 Review of Draft Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Assessment of Materials and Equipment (MARSAME) Manual

SAB08011 SAB Advisory on the EPA Ecological Research Program Multi-Year

SAB09001 Consultation on EPA's Proposed Aircraft Drinking Watwr Rule (ADWR)

SAB74001 Herbicide Report Chemistry And Analysis Environmental Effects Agriculture And Other Applied Uses

SAB95001 Science Advisory Board Fy1994 Annual Staff Report The Year Of Reinvention

SABACCACA96003 SAB Report Review Of Clean Air Act Section 812, Retrospective Study Of Costs And Benefits

SABADV04003 Advisory Report on the Science and Research Budgets for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for Fiscal Year 2005; A Report by the EPA Science Advisory Board

SABADV05002 Science and Research Budgets for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Fiscal Year 2006 : An Advisory Report by the EPA Science Advisory Board

SABADV05002 Science and Research Budgets for the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Fiscal Year 2006 Avisory Report by the EPA Science Advisory Board

SABADV05003 Ad Advisory of the Illegal Competitive Advantage (ICA) Economic Benefit (EB) Advisory Panel of the EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB)

SABADV06003 Science and Research Budgets for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for Fiscal Year 2007; An Advisory Report by the Science Advisory Board

SABCAACAC95022 SAB Report Physical Effects Review Documents For The CAA Retrospective Benefit-cost Analysis

SABCASAC04004 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Particulate Matter (PM)

SABCASAC04008 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Particulate Matter (PM) Review Panel’s Ongoing Peer Review of the Agency’s Fourth External Review Draft of Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter (June 2003)

SABCASAC05012 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Review of the EPA Staff Recommendations Concerning a Potential Thoracic Coarse PM Standard in the Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter: Policy Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information

SABCASAC06007 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee's (CASAC) Teleconference Meeting to Provide Additional Advice to the Agency Concerning Chapter 8 (Integrative Synthesis) of the Final Ozone Air Quality Criteria Document (AQCD)

SABcASAC86021 A Review Of The Consumer Product Safety Commission's Health Effects And Exposure Assessment Documents On Nitrogen Dioxide

SABCASAC87009 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Has Completed Its Review Of Two Documents Related To The Development Of National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NMQS) For Particulate Matter And Sulfur Oxides.

SABCASAC99001 CASAC Review Of The Draft Diesel Health Assessment Document Review Of The Office Of Research and Development's Draft Diesel Health Assessment Document

SABCASACLTR02003 Review of the Air Quality Criteria Document for Particulate Matter:

SABCASACLTR04002 Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) Particulate Matter (PM) Review Panel’s Review of the Agency’s Fourth External Review Draft of Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter (June 2003)

SABCASACLTR92017 Casac Review Comments Draft Air Quality Criteria For Oxides Of Nitrogen

SABCASACLTR96003 CASAC Comments on the Nov, 1995 Drafts of the Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter and the Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter: Policy Assessment of Scientific and Technical Information (OAQPS)

SABCASACLTR96006 Closure By The Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee On The Secondary Standard Portion Of The Staff Paper For Ozone

SABCON04004 Valuation of Mortality Risk Reduction : A Science Advisory Board Notification of a Consultation

SABCON91004 SAB Biological Criteria For Water Quality Meeting Review

SABCOUNCILADV04004 Review of the Draft Analytical Plan for EPA's Second Prospective Analysis - Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act 1990-2020

SABDWC03005 Disinfection Byproducts And Surface Water Treatment: A EPA Science Advisory Board Review Of Certain Elements Of The Stage 2 Regulatory Proposals A Review By The Drinking Water Committee Of The EPA Science Advisory Board Executive Committee

SABDWC92002 Sab Report Review Of Drinking Water Health Criteria Document Review Of The Office Of Drinking Water's Health Criteria Document On Chlorinated Acidsalcoholsaldehydesketones

SABDWC93001 Sab Report Review Of Drinking Water Research Program

SABDWC95002 Safe Drinking Water Future Trends And Challenges An Environmental Futures Report

SABDWC97003 Sab Report Review Of The Research Plan For Microbial Pathogens and Disinfection Byproducts In Drinking Water

SABDWCADV95002 Advisory by the Science Advisory Board's Drinking Water

SABDWCADV96001 Advisory By The Science Advisory Board (SAB) Drinking Water Committee (DWC) Concerning EPA Proposed Drinking Water Distribution System Research Project

SABDWCADV96002 Advisory By The Science Advisory Board (SAB) Drinking Water Committee (DWC) Concerning The Health Significance Of HPC Bacteria Eluted From Poupoe (point Of Usepoint Of Entry)

SABDWCCON93001 Notification Of A Consultation On The Draft Drinking Water Criteria Documents For Chlorine And For Chloramines

SABDWCCON98005 Notification of a Consultation on a Method for Estimating

SABDWCLTR97010 Science Advisory Board Review Of The Agency Report An Evaluation Of The Statistical Performance Of A Method For Monitoring Protozoan Cysts In The US Source Waters (june 26, 1996)

SABEC00003 SAB Report on EPA's Per Capita Water Estimates for the United States

SABEC00009 Review of the Draft Chloroform Risk Assessment

SABEC00016 Review Of The EPA’s Draft Revised Cancer Risk Assessment Guidelines Pertaining To Children Review Of The Draft Cancer Risk Assessment Guidelines By The Science Advisory Board

SABEC87026 Science Advisory Board 1986 Scientific and Technological Awards (STAA) Subcommittee Review of Papers

SABEC88040 Future Risk: Research Strategies for the 1990's, September 1998

SABEC89034 Review of the Report to Congress: Policy Options for Stabilizing Global Climate

SABEC90021 Reducing Risk Setting Priorities and Strategies For Environmental Protection

SABEC90021A Report Of The Ecology And Welfare Subcommittee Relative Risk Reduction Project

SABEC90021B The Report Of The Human Health Subcommittee Relative Risk Reduction Project Reducing Risk Appendix B

SABEC90021C The Report Of The Strategic Options Subcommittee Relative Risk Reduction Project Reducing Risk Appendix C

SABEC94010 Sab Report Review Of Epa's Approach To Screening For Radioactive Waste Materials At A Superfund Site In Uniontown, Ohio

SABEC95007 Beyond The Horizon Using Foresight To Protect The Environmental Future

SABEC95007A SAB Report Futures Methods And Issues A Technical Annex To Beyond The Horizon Protecting The Future With Foresight

SABEC95021 Second Look At Dioxin Review Of The Office Of Research and Development's Reassessment Of Dioxin and Dioxin-like Compounds By The Dioxin Reassessment Review Committee

SABEC96002 Sab Report Review Of A Methodology For Establishing Human Health And Ecologically Based Exit Criteria For The Hazardous Waste Identification Rule (hwir)

SABEC97006 SAB Report Recommendations On The 1996 Scientific and Technological Achievement Award (STAA) Nominations

SABEC97007 SAB Report Review Of Environmental Goals For America

SABEC98001 SAB Report Review Of The EPA Draft Mercury Study Report To Congress Review Of The Epa's Mercury Report To Congress By The Mercury Review Subcommittee

SABEC98013 SAB Report Review Of The Usepa's Report To Congress On Residual Risk

SABEC99010 An SAB Report: Data Suitability Assessment Review of the Center for Environmental Information and Statistic's (CEIS) Draft Data Suitability Assessment of Major EPA Databases

SABEC99013 Review of the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program by a Joint Subcommittee of the Science Advisory Board and Scientific Advisory Panel

SABECADV99003 SAB Advisory On The Trim fate Module Of The Total Risk Integrated Methodology

SABECADV99009 Advisory on the Charter for the Council on Regulatory Environmental Modeling (CREM)

SABECCOM095001 The Science Advisory Board (SAB) Women In The Environment And The United Nations Fourth World Conference On Women

SABECCOM97002 Commentary On The Question Of Agency Benchmark Values For Ecological Toxicity

SABECCON03001 Data Quality And Reproducibility: An EPA Science Advisory Board Notification Of A Consultation

SABECCON98002 Notification Of A Consultation On Screening and Testing Of Endocrine Disruptors

SABECCON98003 Notification Of A Consultation On Environmental Computer Models

SABECLTR94002 Overview Of SAB Comments On The Proposed RIA For RCRA Corrective Action Rule

SABECLTR97003 First Report From The Science Advisory Board (SAB) Lookout Panel Focus On Water Issues

SABECLTR97013 Report From The Science Advisory Board (SAB) Lookout Panel On Freshwater Ecosystmes

SABECWKSHP02001 Workshop On The Benefits Of Reductions In Exposure To Hazardous Air Pollutants: Developing Best Estimates Of Dose-response Functions An Sab Workshop Report Of An EPA SAB Workshop

SABEEAC99020 An SAB Report On The EPA Guidelines For Preparing Economic Analyses A Review By The Environmental Economics Advisory Committee

SABEEACADV98005 SAB Advisory on Economic Research Topics and Priorities

SABEEACCON02002 Market Incentives A Science Advisory Board Notification of a

SABEEC01004 Monitored Natural Attenuation: USEPA Research Program An EPA Science Advisory Board Review Review By The Environmental Engineering Committee (EEC) Of The EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB)

SABEEC03001 Review of the Office of Solid Waste's Study, Industrial Surface

SABEEC86010 Report On The Review Of Alternate Concentration Limit Guidance Together With Two Case Studies Demonstrating That Guidance

SABEEC86017 Report on the review of the Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (Site) Program : Draft Strategy and Program Plan

SABEEC89035 Science Advisory Board's Review Of The Office Of Water's Proposed Sludge Use And Disposal Regulation 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503

SABEEC92003 Leachability Phenomena Recommendations and Rationale For Analysis Of Contaminant Release By The Environmental Engineering Committee

SABEEC92020 SAB Report Review Of Explosives and Flammables Critieria

SABEEC92026 SAB Report Review Of Bioremediation Research Program Strategy Review Of The Office Of Research And Development's Bioremediation Research Program Strategy

SABEEC93004 SAB Report Review Of Hydrogen Fluoride Study Report To Congress

SABEEC93013 SAB Report Review of the Assessment Framework for Ground Water Model Applications Review of the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Assessment Framework for Ground Water Model Applications

SABEEC95004 Sab Report Future Issues In Environmental Engineering Report On Future Issues and Challenges In Environmental Engineering and Technology By The Environmental Engineering Committee

SABEEC95010 SAB Report Review Of EPA's Composite Model For Leachate Migration With Transformation Products - EPACMTP

SABEEC95016 SAB Report Verification Strategies For Entice

SABEEC95017 SAB Report Improving The Use Cluster Scoring System

SABEEC95018 SAB Report Verification Of CEMS For HAPS

SABEEC96004 Review Of The Waste Incineration Research Program

SABEEC97005 Review Of The Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program

SABEEC97011 SAB Report Review Of The National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL)

SABEEC97012 SAB Report Review Of The Sector Facility Indexing Project (SFIP)

SABEEC98007 An SAB Report: Review Of The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Relative Risk-Based Environmental Indicators Methodology

SABEEC98008 Review Of The Office Of Research and Development's Draft Pollution Prevention Research Strategy By The Environmental Engineering Committee

SABEECCOM94004 Commentary On Strategic Research And Development Planning

SABEECCOM95005 Commentary On Appropriateness Of SAB Reviews Of Computer Environmental Transport and Fate Models Developed For Regulatory Decisionmaking

SABEETFC882 Report Of The Environmental Effects, Transport and Fate Committee

SABEHC03002 Review Of Draft Trichloroethylene Health Risk Assessment: Synthesis And Characterization: An EPA Science Advisory Board Report A Review By The TCE Review Panel Of The Environmental Health Committee Of The Us EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB)

SABEHC88037 Science Advisory Board's Review Of The Selenium Health Criteria Document

SABEHC90001 Report Of The Joint Study Group On Lead Review Of Lead Carcinogenicity And EPA Scientific Policy On Lead

SABEHC93007 Review Of The Office Of Solid Waste And Emergency Responses Draft Risk Assessment Guidance For Superfund Human Health Evaluation Manual By The Environmental Health Committee

SABEHC94005 SAB Report Review Of The Epidemiological And Other Data On Potential Carcinogenicty Of 2,4,-D

SABEHC99002 SAB Report Review Of The RFC Methods Case Studies Review Of Case Studies Associated With The Document Methods For Derivation Of Inhalation Reference Concentrations

SABEHC99003 SAB Report Review Of The Health Risk Assessment Of 1,3-Butadiene

SABEHC99004 SAB Report Technical Review Of The Proposed TSCA Section 403 Regulation Identification Of Dangerous Levels Of Lead

SABEHC99005 SAB Report Developmet Of The Acute Reference Exposure

SABEPEC90018 Report of the Sediment Criteria Subcommittee of the Ecological Processes and Effects Committee : Evaluation of the Sediment Classification Methods Compendium

SABEPEC91003 Report of the Ecoregions Subcommittee of the Ecological Processes and Effects Committee : Evaluation of the Ecoregion Concept

SABEPEC9100J Review Of The Ecoregions Concept

SABEPEC92007 SAB Report Evaluation Of EPA Wetlands Research Program

SABEPEC92014 SAB Report Review Of A Testing Manual For Evaluation Of Dredged Material Proposed For Ocean Disposal

SABEPEC92023 SAB Report Review Of The Process and Rationale For Developing Ecological Risk Assessment Guidelines

SABEPEC92024 SAB Report Review Of Rationale For Development Of Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria For Tcdd (Dioxin)

SABEPEC92025 SAB Report Review Of Synoptic National Assessment Of Comparative Risks To Biological Diversity and Landscapes Types

SABEPEC94003 Evaluation of Draft Technical Guidanc on Biological Criteria for Streams and Small River Prepared By the Biological Criteria Subcommittee of the Ecological Processes and Effects Committee

SABEPEC94007 SAB Report Evaluation Of A Testing Manual For Dredged Material Proposed For Discharge In Inland and Near Coastal Waters

SABEPEC94012 Sab Report Review Of The Midwest Agrichemical Surfacesubsurface Transport And Effects Research (master) Program

SABEPEC94014 SAB Report Review Of The Strategic Plan For The Terrestrial Elements Of EPA's Global Climate Change Research Program

SABEPEC95003 SAB Report Ecosystem Management Imperative For A Dynamic World

SABEPEC95019 SAB Report Review Of The Acid Deposition Standard Feasibility Study Report To Congress

SABEPEC95020 SAB Report Review Of The Agency's Approach For Developing Sediment Criteria For Five Metals

SABEPEC97002 SAB Report Review Of The Agency's Draft Ecological Risk Assessment Guidelines

SABEPEC97009 SAB Report Evaluation Of The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) Research Strategy and Research Plan

SABEPEC98011 Sab Report Evluation Of The Blackstoen Rive Initiative

SABEPECADV94001 Advisory On The Development Of A National Wildlife Criteria Program

SABEPECADV97002 Advisory To The Need To Develop Ecological Risk Management Guidelines

SABEPECCON98007 Notification of a Consultation on Possible Further Guidance on

SABEPECDWCCOM95006 Commentary On Bioaccumulation Modeling Issues

SABEPECLTR94004 Review Of The Environmental Monitoring And Assessment Program's Draft Assessment Framework

SABEPECLTR97007 Review of the Draft Guidance for Lakes and Reservoir Bioassessment and Biocriteria

SABEPECLTR97009 Evaluation Of Superfund Ecotox Threshold Benchmark Values For Water And Sediment

SABIAQC91007 SAB Report: Review of Draft Environmental Tobacco Smoke Health Effects Document

SABIAQC92015 An SAB Report Review Of Draft Final Exposure Asessment Guidelines

SABIAQC95005 Human Exposure Assessment A Guide To Risk Ranking Risk Reduction And Research Planning

SABIAQCLTR93003 Science Advisory Board Review Of The Risk Assessment Forum's Draft Guidance Document On Assessing Health Risks Of Gasoline Vapors In Buildings

SABIHEC98004 An SAB Report: Review of the Source Ranking Database

SABlAQC94009b Draft Addendum To The Methodology For Assessing Health Risks Associated With Indirect Exposure To Combustor Emissions

SABLTR06001 Science Advisory Board (SAB) Rapid Consultative Advice Related to Hurricane Katrina

SABRAC94013 SAB Report Review Of Diffuse Norm Draft Scoping Document

SABRAC95006 An SAB Report: Future Issues in Environmental Radiation

SABRAC95009 SAB Report Retrospective Review Of SAB-RAC Activities

SABRAC95023 SAB Report Review Of Radionuclide Clean-up Levels For Soil

SABRAC97008 SAB Report Review Of The Multi-agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARRSIM)

SABRAC99009 Sab Report Review Of Health Risks Fromlow-level Environmental Exposures To Radio-nuclides (FRG-13 Report)

SABRACADV96003 Radiation Advisory Committee (RAC) Advisory on

SABRACADV98001 Sab Report Environmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System (ERAMS) II

SABRACADV99006 An SAB Advisory Modeling Of Radionuclide Releases From Disposal Of Low Activity Mixed Waste Advisory On The Office Of Radiation And Indoor Air’s Draft Proposals On Modeling Of Radionuclide Releases From Disposal Of Low Activity Mixed Waste By The Radiation Advisory Committee

SABRACCON99002 Notification Of A Consultation On Approaches To Calculating Radon Risks

SABRSAC00007 SAB Report: Review Of The FY2001 Presidential Science And Technology Budget Request For The Environmental Protection Agency

SABRSAC94015 SAB Report Review On Mitre Corp Draft Report On The EPA Laboratory Study

SABRSACCPM9800 Commentary On The Process For Science Advisory Board Review Of The Ord Presidential Budget Request

SABRSACLTR96004 Review Of The Strategic Plan Of The Office Of Research And Development By The Research Strategies Advisory Committee Of The Science Advisory Board

SABRSCALTR9400 Review Of The FY 1995 Presidential Budget Request For The Office Of Research And Development

SABSO04001 Advisory Committee Meetings and Report Development: Process for Public Involvement A Report of the Science Advisory Board Staff Office

SABSO05001 Science Advice for EPA: The Path Forward the EPA Science Advisory Board Staff Office and Science Advisory Committees Accomplishments Report for Fiscal Years 2003-2004

SRIC706 Improved Instrumentation For The Determination Of Exhaust Gas Oxygenate Content

SW-826 Everybody's Problem - Hazardous Waste

SW-84634A Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, Sw-846, 3rd Edition, Update 4A Draft

SW-846A Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste Volume 1a - Laboratory Manual Physical-chemical Methods

SW-846B Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste Volume 1b - Laboratory Manual Physical-chemical Methods

SW-874 Hazardous Waste Land Treatment

SW-966 Guidance Manual For Hazardous Waste Incinerator Permits

SW1 Solid Waste Disposal Act Title Ii Of Public Law 89-272, 89th Congress, S 306 October 20, 1965

SW103OF Auto Dismantling Industry Survey Of Solid Waste Management Practices In Four Cities

SW10401 User's Guide Tot He Solid Waste Information Retrieval System Thesaurus

SW105 Once There Lived A Wicked Dragon Activity Book

SW108TS Solid Waste Management Glossary

SW10C Recovery and Utilization Og Municipal Solid Waste

SW10D Automobile Scrapping Processes and Needs For Maryland

SW10P Transcript First Public Meeting On The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 December 16, 1976 Washington Dc

SW10RG Comprehensive Studies Of Solid Waste Management Third Annual Report

SW11 Soid Waste Disposal Act Amended

SW110 Creating As County Wide Solid Waste Management System

SW110OF Environmental Assessmetn Of Potential Gas and Leachate Problems At Land Disposal Sites

SW111 Environmental Assessment Of Municipal -scale Incinerators

SW111C1 Evaluation Of Solid Waste Baling and Balefills, Volume 1 and 2

SW1122OF Publishing By The Office Of Solid Waste In Fiscal Year 1968-1977

SW1123 Bibliography Publishing By Epa's Office Of Solid Waste, Fiscal Year 1968-1978

SW113 Heuristic Routing For Solid Waste Collection Vehicles

SW113C Evaluation Of Small Modular Incinerators In Municipal Plants

SW115 Report To Congress Disposal Of Hazardous Wastes

SW115C3 Analysis Of Demand and Supply For Secondary Fiber In The U s Paper and Paperboard Industry Volume Three Appendices

SW115TS Citizen's Solid Waste Manegemet Project Mission 5000

SW118C Assessment Of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practices Organic Chemicals Pesticides And Explosives Industries

SW11P Transcript Regional Public Meetings On The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 February 15 and 16 1977, Kansas City Missouri

SW12 Solid Waste Disposal Act As Amended, 3rd Revision

SW122C4 Destroying Chemical Wastes In Commercial Scale Incinerators

SW124C Cost Estimating Handbook For Transfer Shredding And Sanitary Landfilling Of Solid Waste

SW125 Energy Conservation Through Improved Solid Waste Management

SW129C Assessment Of Hazardous Waste Practices In The Petroleum Refining Industry

SW12P Transcript Regional Public Meetings On The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 February 17 and 18, 1977 Richmond Virginia

SW12RG Pollution Of Subsurface Water By Sanitary Landfills

SW12TS Report On A Study Of The Alexandria, Virginiaincinerator

SW13 Solid Waste Disposal Act Title Ii Of Public Law 89-272 89th Congress, S 3 6

SW130C Waste Clearinghouses and Exchanges Summary New Ways For Indentifying and Transferring Resuable Industrial Process Wastes

SW138 Hazardous Wastes

SW13OF Stuff We Throw Away Open File Report

SW13P Transcript Regional Public Meetings On The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 February 28 and March 1, 1977 Pittsburgh, PA

SW14 Initiating A National Effort To Improve Solid Waste Management

SW141 Incineration In Hazardous Waste Management

SW142 Resource Recovery And Conservation Activities A Nationwide Survey

SW142C Yosemite National Park Beverage Container Deposit Experiment Final Report

SW144C Assessment In Industrial Hazardous Waste Management Petroleum Re-refining Industry

SW145C2 Assessment Of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practices In The Metal Smelting and Refining Industry Volume II Primary and Secondary Nonferrous Smelting and Refining

SW145C3 Assessment Of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practices In The Metal Smelting and Refining Industry Volume III Ferrous Smelting and Refining

SW146C Technical Environmental and Economic Evaluation Of The Glass Recovery Plant At Franklin, Ohio

SW148C Physical, Chemical, and Biological Treatment Techniques For Industrial Wastes Executive Summary

SW14C1 Making Polyethylene More Disposable

SW14D Collection And Disposal Of Skid Waste For The Des Moines Metropolitan Area Planning Phase

SW14P Transcript Regional Public Meetings On The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 An Appendix Conference On The Management Of Non-nuclear Hazardous Wastes Feb 23, 1977 New York City

SW14R Summaries Of Solid Waste Intramural Research and Development Projects

SW14TS Study Report On A Pilot-plant Conical Incinerator

SW15 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Public 94-580, 94th Congress

SW152C Study Of Environmental Impacts Of Selected Disposable Versus Reusable Products With Health Considerations

SW154C Analysis Of The Materials and Natural Resourc Requirements and Residuals Generation Of Personal Consumption Expenditure Items

SW155 Residential Paper Recovery

SW156C Municipal Sludge Agricultural Utilization Practices - An Environmental Assessment Volume 2

SW1574 Financing Guidelines For Municipal Officials

SW1575 Procurement Guidelines For Municipal Officials

SW15P Transcript Regional Meetings On The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 February 23 and 24 1977, Atlanta GA

SW15RG Acid Hydrolysis Of Refuse

SW15TS Accounting System For Sanitary Landfill Operations

SW16C New Chemical Concepts For Utilization Of Waste Plastics

SW16P Transcript Regional Public Meetings On The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 February 25 and 26, 1977 Worcester MA

SW16TS Solid Waste Management Inr Ecreational Forest Areas

SW176C1 European Refuse Fired Systems Evaluation Of Design Practices Volume 1

SW176C10 European Refuse Fired Energy Systems Evaluation Of Design Practices Volume 10 The Hague Refuse Fired Power Plant, The Hague, Netherlands

SW176C11 European Refuse Fired Energy Systems Evaluation Of Design Practices Volume 11i Co-disposal Refuse and Sewage Sludge Plants, Dieppe and Deauville, France

SW176C12 European Refuse Fired Energy Systems Evaluation Of Design Practices Volume Xii Copenhagen Amager, Denmark

SW176C13 European Refuse Fired Energy Systems Evaluation Of Design Practice Volume13 Copenhagen West Denmark

SW176C14 European Refuse Fired Energy Systems Evaluation Of Design Practices Volume14 Krefeld Co-disposal Plant, Krefeld, West Germany

SW176C15 European Refuse Fired Energy Systems Evaluation Of Design Practices Volume 15 Wuppertal Refuse Fired Power Plant, Wuppertal, West Germany

SW176C16 European Refuse Fired Energy Systems Evaluation Of Design Practices Volume 16 Duesseldorf-flingern Plant, West Germany

SW176C17 European Refuse Fired Energy Systems Evaluation Of Design Practices Volume 17 Baden-brugg Plant, Turgi, Aargau, Switzerland

SW176C18 European Refuse Fired Energy Systems Evaluation Of Design Practices Volume 18

SW176C19 European Refuse Fired Energy Systems Evaluation Of Design Practices Volume 19 Hamburg Stellinger Moor, West Germany

SW176C2 European Refuse Fired Energy Systems Evaluation Of Design Practices, Volume 2

SW176C5 European Refuse Fired Energy Systems Evaluation Of Design Practices Volume 5 Werdenberg-liechtenstein Plant, Buchs, St Gallen, Switzerland

SW176C6 European Refuse Fired Energy Systems Evaluation Of Design Practices Volume 6 Horsens Refuse Fired Heating and Sludge Drying Plant, Horsens, Denmark

SW176C7 European Refuse Fired Energy Systems Evaluation Of Design Practices Volume 7 Uppsala Plant, Sweden

SW176C8 European Refuse Fired Energy Systems Evaluation Of Design Practices Volume8 Zurich Hagenholz, Switzerland

SW176C9 European Refuse Fired Energy Systems Evaluation Of Design Practices Volume 9 Gothenburg-savanas Plant, Sweden

SW177C Small Modular Incinerator Systems With Heat Recovery A Technical, Environmental, and Economic Evaluation

SW17C Guidelines For Local Governments On Solid Waste Management

SW17C1 Citizen Support For Solid Waste Management

SW17P Transcript Regional Public Meetings On The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 March 3 and 4 1977 Denver Colorado and Salt Lake City Utah

SW17TS Accounting System For Incinerator Operations

SW180C Assessment Of Solid Waste Management Problems And Practices In The Inorganic Chemicals Industry

SW181C Development Of Governmental Procurement Guidelines For Construction Products Containing Recovered Materials

SW182C Economic Impact Analysis Of Hazardous Waste Management Regulations On Selected Generating Industries

SW183C Hazardous Waste Management Issues Pertinent To Section 3004 Of The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976

SW18P Transcript Regional Public Meetings On The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 March 8 and 9, 1977 Dallas Texas

SW18TS Solid Waste Management In The Territory Of Guam

SW19C Ocean Disposal Of Barge-delivered Liquid and Solid Wastes From US Coastal Cities

SW19P Transcript Regional Public Meetings On The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 March 10 and 11 1977 San Francisco, California

SW19TS Analysis Of Solid Waste Compiosition Statistical Technique To Determine Sample Size

SW1C Solid Waste Disease Relationships A Literature Survey

SW1RG Mathematical Modeling Of Solid Waste Collection Policies

SW1S1 Abstracts Selected Patents On Refuse Handling Facilities For Buildings

SW1TG Regulation Of Solid Wastes By Public Laws In West Virgina

SW20P Transcript Regional Public Meetings On The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 March 17 and 18 1977 Seattle Washington

SW21D Gainesville Compost Plant Final Report On A Solid Waste Management Demonstration , Volume 1 General Report, Volume 2 Technical Evaluation

SW21P Transcript Regional Public Meetings On The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 March 21 and 22 1977 Chicago Illinois

SW22C Rubber Reuse and Solid Waste Management

SW22P Waste Management Technology and Resource & Energy Recovery Proceedings Of The Fifth National Congress

SW23C Methods Of Predcicting Solid Waste Characteristics

SW23P Transcript Public Meeting On The Proposed Revisions To EPA Grant Regulations For Implementation Of The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976, June 30, 1977

SW24C Construction Of A Chemical-microbial Pilot Plant For Production Of Single-cell Protein From Cellulosic Wastes

SW24P Transcript Public Meeting On The Public Participation Guidelines, Section 7004(b) Of The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976

SW25P Public Meeting On The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 Subtitle C Hazardous Waste Management

SW26C Role of Nonpackaging Paper in Solid Waste Management 1966 to 1976

SW26P Transcript Public Meeting On The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 Subtitle C, Hazardous Waste Management October 13 and 14 1977, St Louis Missouri

SW27C1 Solid Waste Management In High-rise Dwellings

SW27P Transcript Public Meeting On The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 Subtitle C Hazardous Waste Management

SW27TS Acocunting System For Solid Waste Collection

SW28C Blueprint For A Comprehensive Solid Wastr Training Program

SW28P Transcript Public Meeting On The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 October 26, 1977, Des Plaines, IL

SW28TS Accounting System For Solid Waste Management In Small Communities

SW29 The Salvage Industry What It Is How It Works

SW29C Salvage Markets For Materials In Solid Wastes

SW29C1 Salvage Industry What It Is How It Works

SW2C Solid Waste Management Composting European Activity and American Potential

SW2R American Composting Concepts

SW2RG Solid Waste Management Abstracts and Excerpts From The Literature

SW2TG Analysis Of Institutional Solid Wastes

SW2TS Effects Of Land Disposal Of Solid Wastes On Water Quality

SW2TSG Solid Waste Management Study California 1668 And Plan 1970

SW3004 Resource Recovery Technology Implementation Seminar Workbook

SW30C Air Classifaction Of Solid Wastes

SW30D Agricultural Benefits and Environmental Changes Resulting From The Use Of Digested Sewage Sludge On Field Crops, Interim Report

SW30P Transcript Public Meeting Of The Resource Conservation Committee On Solid Waste Product Charge Issue, November 17, 1977, Washington, DC

SW31P Transcript Public Meeting Of The Resource Conservation Committee On Solid Waste Product Charge Issue, November 18, 1977, Cincinnati, Ohio

SW31TS Report On Dekalb County Incinerator Study

SW32C1 Incentives For Tire Recycling and Reuse

SW32D High-pressure Compaction & Bailing Of Solid Waste

SW32P Transcript Public Meeting Of The Resource Conservation Committee On Solid Waste Product Charge Issue, November 21, 1977, Portland, Oregon

SW32TS Aerial and Automotive Reconnaissance Of Solid Waste Disposal Sites

SW34C Diposal Of Polymer Solid Wastes By Primary Polymer Producers and Plastics Fabricators

SW34D1 Solid Waste Handling and Disposal In Multistory Buildings and Hospitals, Volume 1 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

SW35TS Pert Concepts And Application To Solid Waste Management

SW36C Pipeline Transport Of Shredded Solid Waste

SW36COF Pipeline Transport Of Shredded Solid Waste

SW36DI Energy Recovery from Waste

SW36DIII Refuse As A Supplementary Fuel For Power Plants, November 1973 Through March 1974 Interim Progress Report

SW38C Digest Of Selected Local Solid Waste Management Ordinances

SW38P Transcript Public Hearing On The Proposed Classification Criteria For Solid Waste Disposal Facilities

SW38TS Accounting System For Transfer Station Operations

SW3C Dismantling Railraod Freight Cars

SW3D Solid Waste Management Demonstration Grant Projects - 1971 For Grants Awarded During The Period June 1, 1966-June 30, 1971

SW3P Design Of Consumer Containers For Reuse Or Disposal

SW3RG Comprehensive Studies Of Solid Waste Management First and Second Annual Reports

SW3S Preliminary Data Analysis 1968 National Survey Of Community Solid Waste Practices

SW3TA Testing Manual For Solid Waste Incinerators

SW3TG Solid Waste Characteristics At The Alanta State Farmers Market

SW3TSG Omaha Council Bluffs Solid Waste Management Plan Status Report 1969

SW40C Solid Waste Laws In The US Territories and States

SW41C1 Incentives For Recycling and Reuse Of Plastics Sumamry Report

SW41TS State Solid Waste Planning Grants, Agencies, and Progress 1970

SW42TS Developing A State Solid Waste Manegement Plan

SW432 Resource Recovery And Waste Reduction Activities

SW43C1 Training Sanitary Landfill Employees, Instructor's Manual

SW43P Public Hearing On Proposed Program For Resource Recovery Development Projects Under The President's Urban Policy, August 18, 1978

SW44P Public Hearing On Proposed Rules For Notification Of Hazardous Waste Activities, August 18, 1978, Cleveland Oh, August 21, 1978

SW45P Public Meeting On EPA's Current Schedule For Promulgating Under The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, September 15, 1978, Washington, DC

SW46C Alternatives To the Management Of Hazardous Wastes At National Sites, Report To The Environmental Protection Agency

SW46C1 Alternatives To The Management Of Hazardous Wastes At National Disposal Sites Volume II Appendices

SW46D Ski Mountain A Conceeptual Feasability Study In Solid Waste Managment Metropolitan Sanitary District Of Greater Chicago

SW46P Transcript, Public Hearing On Proposed Regulation For Development and Implementation Of State Solid Waste Management Plans, October 26, 1978, Washington, D c

SW47COF Solid Waste In The Household Appliance Industry

SW47D1 Franklin, Ohio's Solid Waste Disposal and Fiber Recovery Demonstration Plant, Volume 1

SW47D172 Solid Waste and Fiber Recovery Demonstration Plant For The City Of Franklin, Ohio An Interim Report

SW47D2 Franklin, Ohio's Solid Waste Disposal and Fiber Recovery Demonstration Plant, Volume 2

SW47P Public Meeting On Policy Guidance Memorandum For Permits For Solid Waste Disposal Facilities In Waters Of The United States, December 11, 1978, Washington, DC Transcript

SW47R Composting Of Municipal Solid Wastes In The United States

SW48P Public Hearing On The Proposed Regulations Implementing Sections 3001 To 3004 Of The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

SW49P Public Hearing On The Proposed Hazardous Waste Regulations, February 7-9, 1979, New York , New York

SW49R Pathogens Associated With Solid Waste Processing A Progress Report

SW4C Solid Waste Processing State Of The Art Report On Unit Operations And Processes

SW4P Solid Waste Demonstration Projects Proceedings Of A Symposium

SW4RG Sanitary Landfill A Bibliography

SW4TS Sanitary Landfill Facts

SW4TS1 Sanitary Landfill Facts

SW501C Resource Recovery Industry A Survey Of The Industry and Its Capacity

SW50P Transcript, Public Hearing On Proposed Hazardous Waste Regulations, February 14-16, 1979, St Louis, Missouri

SW51D1 The Private Sector In Solid Waste Management

SW51TS1J Seven Incinerators Evaluation, Discussions, and Author's Closure

SW52P1 Proposed Hazardous Waste Regulations, Volume 1 March 12, 1979, San Francisco, CA Transcript

SW52P2 Proposed Hazardous Waste Regulations, Volume 2, March 13, 1979, San Francisco CA Transcripts

SW52P3 Proposed Hazardous Waste Regulations, Volume 3, March 13, 1979, San Francisco CA Transcripts

SW52P4 Proposed Hazardous Waste Regulations, Volume 4, March 14, 1979, San Francisco CA Transcripts

SW536 Resource Conservation And Recovery Current Reports

SW5363 Resource Conservation And Recovery Current Reports

SW548 Wrapping Up The Solid Waste Management Problem A Model For Regional Solid Waste Management Planning

SW54C2 Program For The Management Of Hazardous Wastes, Final Report Appendices

SW54P Transcript, Public Hearing On Proposed Landfill Disposal Guidelines, Section 1008(a), May 17, 1979, Houston, Texas

SW570 Technology Update From The US EPA A Review Of Energy Recovery Technologies

SW571C Office Paper Recovery, An Implementation Manual

SW575 Technology Update From The US EPA Resource Recovery Through Multi-material Source Separation

SW57C User's Manual For Colmis Collection Management Information System For Solid Waste Management, Volume 1

SW57D Effective Use Of High Water Table Areas For Sanitary Landfill

SW57TS Financing Solid Waste Management In Small Communities

SW5810 Solid Waste Management List Of Available Literature , April 1971

SW5811 Solid Waste Management List Of Available Literature, July 1971

SW5812 Solid Waste Management List Of Available Literature

SW5813 Solid Waste Management List Of Available Literature , January 1972

SW5814 Solid Waste Management List Of Available Literature , Pril 1972

SW5815 Solid Waste Management List Of Available Literature , July 1972

SW5816 Available Information Materials Solid Waste Management, October 1972

SW5817 Available Information Materials Solid Waste Management, January 1973

SW5819 Available Information Materials Solid Waste Management, July 1973

SW5820 Available Information Materials Solid Waste Management, October 1973

SW5821 Available Information Materials Solid Waste Management, May 1974

SW5822 Available Information Materials Solid Waste Management, December 2974

SW5823 Available Information Materials Solid Waste Management, March 1975

SW5826 Solid Waste Management Available Information Materials, Total Listing, 1966-1976

SW583 Treatment Ans Utilization Of Landfill Gas

SW585 Solid Waste Management Liist Of Availabel Literature

SW587 Solid Waste Management List Of Available Literature

SW588 Solid Waste Management List Of Available Literature, September 1970

SW58C User's Manual Colmis Collection Management Information System For Solid Waste Manaegement, Volume 2

SW5C Role Of Packaging In Solid Waste Management 1966 To 1976

SW5C2 Role Of Packaing In The Solid Waste Management 1966 To 1976

SW5P Sanitary Landfilling Conference

SW5R2 Summaries Of Solid Waste Research And Training Grants 1970

SW5RG1 Computer Planning For Efficient Solid Waste Collection

SW5TSG Solid Waste Management Plan New York New York Status Report 1970

SW611 Procedures Manual For Ground Water Monitoring At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities

SW614D Composting Sewage Sludge By High Rate Suction Aeration Techniques

SW623 The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 How Will It Impact On Resource Recovery and Conservation

SW62D1 Solid Waste Milling and Disposal On Land Without Cover, Colume 1 Summary and Major Findings, City Of Madison, Wisconsin

SW62D2 Solid Waste Milliing and Disposal On Land Without Cover, Volume 2 Data Condensation, City Of Madison, Wisconsin

SW65TS Sanitary Land Fill Design and Operation, 1971

SW65TSA Sanitary Land Fill Desaign and Operation, 1972

SW66 Solid Waste Managemenyt Abstracts From The Literature, 1971

SW661 Solid Waste Management Abstracts From The Literature, 1965

SW662C Solid Waste Management Abstracts From The Literature

SW663 Epa Activities Under The Resource Conservation And Recovery Act

SW664C Solid Waste Management Abstracts Fron The Literature, 1968

SW67R Resource Recovery In Solid Waste Management

SW686 Thermal Methods For The Codisposal Of Sludges And Municipal Residues

SW688 Industrial Waste Exchange

SW68R Methods For Bacteriological Examination Of Solid Waste and Waste Effluents

SW6C Conversion Of Organic Solid Wastes Into Yeast An Economic Evaluation

SW6D Comprehensive Study Of Solid Waste Disposal In Cascade County, Montana Final Report On A Solid Waste Demonstration

SW6RG Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation For Designing Municipal Refuse Collection and Haul Services

SW7 Mechanics Of Style p Guide For Bureau Of Solid Waste Management Authors, Secretaries, and Contractors

SW707 Technical Assistance To State And Local Governments

SW70TS1 Solving The Abandoned Care Problem In Small Communities

SW71D Disposal Of Sewage Sludge Into A Sanitary Landfill

SW722 Siting Solid Waste Facilities

SW7233 Corrosion Studies In Municipal Incinerators

SW7244 Analysis Of Federal Programs Affecting Solid Waste Generation and Recycling

SW73 Management Of Solid Wastes From Hospitals Problems and Technology

SW734 Refuse Report Summaries Of The Latest Happenings In Solid Waste

SW737 Hazardous Waste Information

SW73D Suggested Solid Waste Management Ordinance For Local Governement

SW745 Draft Economic Impact Analysis Subtitle C Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 Regulatory Analysis Supplement

SW750 Preliminary Assessment Of Cleanup Costs For National Hazardous Waste Problems

SW754 Technology, Prevalence, and Economics Of Landfill Disposal Of Solid Waste

SW755 EPA Activities Under The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Of 1976 Annual Report To The President and The Congress, Fiscal Year 1978

SW756 Solid Waste Management Abstracts From The Literature, 1974-1978 Hazardous Waste

SW758 Demonstrating Leachate Treatment Report On A Full-scale Operating Plant

SW75DI Balitmore Demonstrates Gas Pyrolysis Resource Recovery From Solid Waste

SW765 Hazardous Waste A Guide For Obtaining Permits and Authorization For State Programs

SW768 Resource Recovery Management Model

SW768A Resource Recovery Management Model Overview

SW77 Patent Abstracts US Management, 1945-1969

SW771 Refuse Fired Energy Systems In Europe An Evaluation Of Design Practices Executive Summary

SW772 Identification Of Regions and Agencies For Solid Waste Management Status Report

SW773 Dust and Airborne Bacteria At Solid Waste Processing Plants

SW776 National Survey Of Separate Collection Programs

SW783 Solid Waste Management Abstracts From The Literature 1975-1978 Sewage Sludge Processing Disposal Or Use

SW784 Solid Waste Management Abstracts From The Literature 1975-1978 Waste Exchanges and Clearinghouses

SW785 Solid Waste Management Abstracts From The Literature 1975-1978 Beverage Container Recycling and Reuse

SW786 Solid Waste Management Abstracts From The Literature 1975-1978 Economics Of Managing Solid Wastes

SW787 Solid Waste Management Abstracts From The Literature 1974-1978 Health and Safety

SW789 Fourth United States Japan Governmental Conference On Solid Waste Management March 12-13 1979 Washington Dc

SW78C Patent Abstracts International Solid Waste Management 1945-1969

SW790 State Resource Conservation and Recovery Activities 1978

SW791 Developing A State Resource Conservation and Recovery Program

SW796 Status Of State Programs For Hazardous and Solid Waste Management 1978

SW797 Small Modular Incinerator Systems With Heat Recovery A Technical, Environmental, and Economic Evaluation Executive Summary

SW7D Proposals For A Refuse Disposal System In Oakland County, Michigan Final Report On A Solid Waste Demonstration Grant Project

SW7P Proceedings 1975 Conference Waste Reduction

SW7RG Partial Oxidation Of Solid Organic Wastes

SW7TG M'as Alla De La Lata De Basura

SW800 Waste Alert! A Citizen's Introduction To Public Participation In Waste Management

SW801 Regional Management Of Solid Wastes Planning Study

SW806 Garbage Guide Landfills Leftover Legacy

SW806A Federal Register Criteria For Classification Of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities and Practices Final Interim Final and Proposed Regulations September 13 1979

SW809 Siting Of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities and Public Opposition Final Report

SW80D2 San Diego County Demonstrates Pyrolysis Of Solid Waste

SW81 Recycling Assessment & Prospects For Success

SW814 What Is Waste Alert

SW818 Assessment Of RCRA-EP Test Results On FBC Residue Part II - Proposed Procedure In Federal Register, Dec 18, 1978

SW819A Design Of A Public Consultation Program For Hazardous Waste Management Facilities

SW81TS Technical Guides and Model Contract For Collection Of Residential Solid Wastes

SW821 Environmental Impact Statement Criteria For Classification Of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities and Practices

SW822 Multimaterial Source Separation In Marblehead and Somerville, Massachusetts

SW823 Multimaterial Source Separation In Marblehead and Somerville, Massachusetts Composition Of Source-separated Materials and Refuse Volume 3

SW824 Multimaterial Source Separation In Marblehead and Somerville, Massachusetts Energy Use and Savings Source-Separated Materials and Other Solid Waste Management Alternatives Volume 4

SW825 Multimaterial Source Separation In Marblehead and Somerville, Massachusetts Citizen Attitudes Toward Source Separation Volume 5

SW828 Classifying Solid Waste Disposal Facilities A Guidance Manual Draft

SW82TS1 Satellite Vehicle Waste Collection Systems

SW835 Our Hidden National Product A New Film

SW839 Hazardous Waste Information Generators

SW839A Hazardous Waste Information Generators

SW839B Hazardous Waste Information Generators

SW840 Hazardous Wastes Information Notification Requirements

SW843 Municipal Solid Waste

SW845 Attack On Hazardous Waste The Challenge Of The 1980's

SW846 Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste Physicalchemical Methods

SW8461 Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste Physical-Chemical Methods 2nd Edition

SW8461B Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste Volume 1b Laboratory Manual Physicalchemical Methods

SW84632 Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste Physicalchemical Methods Sw-846 3rd Edition Final (promulgated) Updates 2 And 2a

SW84633A Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste: Physical/Chemical Methods; Third Edition; Final Update 3A

SW8463A Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste Physicalchemical Methods 3rd Edition Proposed Update 2

SW8463C Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste Physicalchemical Methods 3rd Edition Proposed Update 1

SW846PU31 Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste Third Edition Physical Chemical Methods Proposed Update III Third Edition Part 1 Of 3

SW846PU32 Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste Third Edition Physical Chemical Methods Proposed Update III Third Edition Part 2 Of 3

SW846PU33 Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste Third Edition Physical Chemical Methods Proposed Update III Third Edition Part 3 Of 3

SW847 Hazardous Waste Information State Programs

SW847A Hazardous Waste Information State Programs

SW850A Hazardous Waste Information Identification and Listing

SW851 Hazardous Wastes Information Facility Standards

SW852 Hazardous Waste Information Facility Permits

SW852A Hazardous Waste Information Facility Permits

SW853 Questions and Answers On Hazardous Waste Regulations With Guide To The May 19, 1980 Federal Register

SW85TSOF Water Quality-land Disposal Solid Waste Bibiography

SW865 Hazardous Waste Facility Siting A Critical Problem

SW868 Hydrologic Simulation On Solid Waste Disposal Sites

SW869 Landfill and Surface Impoundment Performance Evaluation

SW869A Landfill and Surface Impoundment Performance Evaluation Manual

SW86TS Recommended Standards For Sanitary Landfill Design, Construction, and Evaluation & Model Sanitary Landfill Operation Agreement

SW87 Closing The Circle

SW870 Lining Of Waste Impoundment and Disposal Facilities

SW871 Management Of Hazardous Waste Leachate

SW872 Guide To The Disposal Of Chemically Stabilized and Solidified Waste

SW873 Closure Of Hazardous Waste Surface Impoundments

SW875 Applicability Of The Regulations To Sludge Generated By A POTW

SW876 Hazardous Waste Management A Guide To The Regulations

SW880 RCRA Training Newsletter

SW881 Effects Of Sewage Sludge On The Cadmium and Zinc Content Of Crops

SW882 Sewage Sludge Factors Affecting The Uptake Of Cadmium By Food Chain Crops Grown On Sludge Amended Soils

SW884 Trade-name Products and Synonyms A Directory

SW886 Groundwater Protection

SW8871 Waste Exchanges Background Information

SW8875 Industrial Waste Exchanges Recovery and Reuse Of Solid and Hazardous Wastes

SW889 Engineering Handbook For Hazardous Waste Incineration

SW88TS Sanitary Landfill Design, Construction and Evaluation

SW892 Used Oil Burned As A Fuel

SW894 Hazardous Waste Generation and Commercial Hazardous Waste Management Capacity An Assessment

SW8941 Review Of Activities Of Major Firms In The Commercial Hazardous Waste Management Industry 1981 Update

SW8971 Notification To EPA Of Hazardous Waste Activities Region 1

SW89710 Notification to EPA of Hazardous Waste Activies,Region 10

SW8972 Notification To EPA Of Hazardous Waste Activities Region 2

SW8973 Notification To EPA Of Hazardous Waste Activities Region 3

SW8974 Notification To EPA Of Hazardous Waste Activities Region 4

SW8975 Notification To EPA Of Hazardous Waste Activities Region 5

SW8976 Notification To EPA Of Hazardous Waste Activities Region 6

SW8977 Notification To EPA Of Hazardous Waste Activities Region 7

SW8978 Notification To Epa Of Hazardous Waste Activities Region 8

SW8979 Notification To EPA Of Hazardous Waste Activities Region 9

SW898 Siting Hazardous Facilities Everybody's Repsonsibility

SW8P Waste Management Technology and Resource & Energy Recovery

SW9 America The Beautiful Collection Of The Nation's Trashiest Humor

SW900 Hazardous Waste Facilities Financial Responsibilities Sumamry Of Regulations

SW902 Hazardous Waste Facilities Closure and Postclosure Requirements Summary Of The Regulations

SW904 Hazardous Waste Facilities Storage-treatment Standards Summary Of The Regulations

SW905 Land Application Of Municipal Sewage Sludge For The Production Of Fruits and Vegetables Statement Of Federal Policy and Guidance

SW908 Hazardous Waste Facilities Standards For Incinerators Sumamry Of The Regulations

SW909 Report To Congress Listing Waste Oil As A Hazardous Waste

SW912 Information Retrieval Services Of Epa's Office Of Solid Waste Programs

SW912A Draft Guidance Standards Applicable To Owners and Operators Of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities Under Rcra, Subtitle C, Section 3004

SW912B Draft Guidance Standards Applicable To Owners and Operators Or Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities Under The Rcra, Subtitle C, Section 3004 Addendum

SW913 Standards Applicable To Owners and Operators Of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities Under Rcra, Subtitle C, Section 3004, Financial Requirements

SW915 Rcra Personnel Training Guidance Manual For Owners Or Operators Of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities

SW91D Demonstration Of Leachate Teatment Plant

SW91TS Design Criteria For Solid Waste Management In Recreationsl Areas

SW921 Plans, Recordkeeping, Vatriances, and Demonstrations For Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities Interim Status Requirements

SW924 Solid Waste Leaching Procedure Technical Resource Document For Public Comment

SW925 Soil Properties, Classification, and Hydraulic Conductivity Testing Technical Resource Document For Public Comment

SW926 Financial Assurance and Liability Insurance Requirements For Owners and Operators Of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities Under Rcra, Subtitle C, Subpart H

SW934 Administrative Procedures Of RCRA Permits For Hazardous Waste Facilities, Draft

SW935 US DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations As They Apply To The US EPA Hazardous Waste Regulations

SW939 Hazardous Waste Regulations Under RCRA Sumamry

SW93TSJ Economic Realities Of Reclaiming Natural Resources In Solid Waste

SW942 Using Compensation and Incentives When Siting Hazardous Waste Management Facilities

SW943 Reporting and Recordkeeping Under The Resource Conservations and Recovery Act, Subtitle C Burden Reducation Options Status Report

SW944 Using Mediation When Siting Hazardous Waste Management Facilities

SW947 Land Disposal Of Hazardous Waste Summary Of Panel Discussions

SW951 Siting Hazardous Waste Management Facilities Dilemma and Challenge Draft

SW954 Interim Status Groundwater Monitoring Program Evaluation Guidance Manual

SW956 Study Of State Fee Systems For Hazardous Waste Management Programs

SW957 Draft Manual For Infectious Waste Managment

SW959 Controlling Hazardous Waste Under RCRA Land Disposal Regulations Outline Of The Federal Register, Volume 47, Number 143

SW960 Hazardous Waste Information Standards For Permitting Land Disposal Facilities

SW961 Liability Coverage Requirements For Owners and Operators Of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities Guidance Manual

SW962 Federal Financial Requirements For Owners and Operators Of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities Summary

SW963 Groundwater Monitoring Guidance For Owners and Operators Of Interim Status Facilities

SW963A Groundwater Monitoring Guidance For Owners and Operators Of Interim Status Facilities , Revised

SW967 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act What Is Is How It Works

SW968 Permit Applicants' Guidance Manual For The General Facility Standards Of 40 CFR 264

SW969 Test Protocols For Determining The Free Liquid Content Of Hazardous Waste

SW99 Solid Waste Transfer Stations State Of The Art Report On Systems Incorpating Highway Transportation

SW9C1 Study Of Solid Waste Collection Systems Comparing One Man With Multi Man Crews

SW9PA Proceedings Public Meetings On Hazardous Waste Management, Volume 1

SW9PB Proceedings Public Meetings On Hazardous Waste Management, Volume 2

SW9RG Proceedings Of The First National Conference On Packaging Wastes Sept 22-24 1969

TD1040096 Owpe RCRA Correction Action Handbook

TD171R46 Report If The EPA Regional Enforcement Impacts Task Force

TD171U56 Environmental Protection Agency Legislative, Programs and Organizayion

TD1786N281 Abstracts 2nd National Conference On The Interagency Energy-environment R&D Program, June 6 and 7, 1977 Sheraton Park Hotel

TD1787B58 Bibliography Of Interagency Energyenvironment R&D Program Publications

TD1788R64 Robert S Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory

TD1788U58 Office Of Research and Development Briefing Book

TD180N271980 National Accomplishment In Pollution Control 1970-1980 Some Case Histories

TD180U551985 Drfat RCRA Preliminary Assessment-site Investigation Guidance

TD1946E627 Epa's Office Of The Inspector General Annual Superfund Report To The Congress For Fiscal 1987

TD223A37 Environmental Assessment Of Water Quality Management Plans, January 1977

TD223B24 Subsurface Pollution Problems In The United States

TD223U521973A Water Strategy Paper Statement Of Policy For Implementing Certain Requirements Of The 1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments

TD223U6M59 Mixing Zone Water Quality Standards Criteria Digest A Compilation Of State-federal Critiera

TD225C54P228 Pesticide Use In The Chesapeake Bay Basin

TD225C54T64 Chesapeake Bay Basin Comprehensive List Of Toxic Substances

TD23A1N38 1991 National Environmental Information Conference Informationl Catalsyt For Environmental Risk Reduction, Proceedings

TD365W324 Water Cleanup and Recreation Making It Work For People

TD427P35S7 State Program Briefs Pesticides In Ground Water

TD653M15 Management Of A Construction Project A Guide For Grantees

TD657U732 Urban Runoff and Stormwater Management Handbook

TD746R421985 Reducing The Cost Of Operating Municipal Wastewater Facilities

TD772E61 Epa's Policy Promoting The Beneficial Use Of Sewage Sludge and The New Proposed Technical Sludge Regulations

TD793U616 Solid Waste Management Glossary

TD7945U575 Report To Congress On Resource Recovery

TD8111H64 Land Disposal Of Hazardous Waste The Research Effort

TD8115H176 Hazardous Waste Sites On Indian Lands Report To Congress Under Section 126(c) Of The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act Of 1980

TD893U531978 EPA Noise Control Program Progress To Date March 1978

TD893U551979 Noise Control Program Progress To Date, April 1979

TD8975S25197 Sampling and Analysis Procedures For Screening Of Industrial Effluents For Priority Pollutants

TECH35 Legal And Institutional Approaches To Water Quality Mamagement Planning And Implementation

TR50975 Pathological Clinical And Epidemiological Research About Minamata Disease 10 Years After (2nd Year)

TS766C Pesticide Safety For Farmworkers Uso Seguro De Pesticidas Para Los Trabajadores Del Campo

TSAMD82095 Landsat Mss Classification Of Near Shore Water Quality In Lake Ontario

TSAMD82905 Landsat Mass Classification Of Near Shore Water Quality In Lake Ontario, August 18, 1981

TSAMD84141 Tributary Input Of Sediments Into The Great Lakes

TSP1199 TSP Open Season: Make Your Own Magic!, November 15, 1999 - January 31, 2000

unknown Areawide Environmental Assessment for Issuing New Source NPDES Permits for Coal Mines, Gauley River Basin, West Virginia

WH550G Overview Of State Ground Water Program Summaries Volume 1 State Ground Water Program Summaries Volume 2

WP040-COVMEM Water Pollution Performance Evaluation Study 40: Cover Memo

WP040-FORM Water Pollution Performance Evaluation Study 40: Form

WP040-INSTR Water Pollution Performance Evaluation Study 40: Instruction Package

WP489 Millwood Reservoir Hempstead Howard Little River And Sevier Counties Arkansas

WP656 Oc Fisher Reservoir Tom Green County Texas

WP658 Report On Ev Spence Reservoir Coke County Texas

WPD037604 Proceedings Urban Stormwater Management Seminars Atlanta Georgia November 4-6, 1975 Denver, Colorado December 2-4, 1975

WPD37601 Residual Waste Model State Legislation March 1976

WRSIC72220E Subsurface Water Pollution A Selective Annotated Bibliography Part I Subsurface Waste Injection

WRSIC72221E Subsurface Water Pollution A Selective Annotated Bibliography Part Ii Saline Water Intrusion

WRSIC72222E Subsurface Water Pollution A Selective Annotated Bibliography Part III Percolation From Surface Sources

WRSIC72222E Subsurface Water Pollution A Selective Annotated Bibliography Part III Percolation From Surface Sources

WS040-INSTR Water Supply Performance Evaluation Study 40, (WS040), Instruction Package

WS041-COVER Water Supply Laboratory Performance Evaluation (PE) Study 41 (WSO41) (Cover Letter)

WS041-FORM Water Supply Laboratory Performance Evaluation Study 41 (WSO41) (Form)

WS041-INSTR Water Supply Laboratory Performance Evaluation Study 41 (WSO41) (Instruction Package)

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