Bitterroot Range, Montana
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BLM Trails System

The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) trail system provides access to a wide range of recreation opportunities including hiking, backpacking, mountain biking, trail riding, and equestrian use. BLM manages more than 16,000 miles of multiple use trails distributed over the approximately 258 million acres of BLM-administered public lands.

Hikers walking along trail - Moab, UT Field Office
The BLM defines a trail as a linear route managed for human-powered, stock, or off-highway vehicle forms of transportation or for historical or heritage values. Trails are not generally managed for use by four-wheel drive or high-clearance vehicle.
BLM Trail Management – BLM trails are managed in accordance with guidance provided in the BLM Land Use Planning Handbook and other BLM Directives System documents, and to accomplish goals and objectives stated within each Field Office’s current Resource Management Plan (RMP). The BLM uses two internal databases as management tools for the 16,000-mile system. These databases are the Facilities Assets Management System (FAMS), and the Recreation Management Information System (RMIS). 
National Trails System & the BLM – The National Trails System is the network of scenic, historic, and recreation trails created by the National Trails System Act of 1968. These trails provide for outdoor recreation needs; promote the enjoyment, appreciation, and preservation of outdoor areas and historic resources; and encourage public access and citizen involvement. The National Trails System includes National Historic, Scenic, and Recreation Trails for public use. Approximately 6,000 miles of the 16,000 mile BLM trails system are included within the National Trails System.  BLM is one of several Federal agencies that manage trails within the National Trails System.  To learn more about BLM trails within the National Trail System, click here.
National Trails System Websites – Following are links to two National Trails System websites:
Recreation – To locate recreation opportunities along BLM trails, visit individual BLM State Office recreation web pages where you can look for trails or hiking information. To do so, click here and use the interactive map. You can also directly contact a BLM Field or State Office for additional information on trails within their particular planning areas.
Trails Links & Technical Reference – Access more trail-related links, as well as BLM technical reference materials.
BLM Trails System Contacts – View a list of BLM National and State Office Contacts for the BLM Trails System.