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Environmental Update
Fall 2004
This is an archived article. Facts and links are current as of publication date.
Building Machines-graphic
CH-47 Chinook cargo helicopter

About 380 of these Army workhorses, first introduced in the early 1960s, will be completely remanufactured — including a new fuselage — over the next 17 years. Approximately 50 more will be built.

  • Replacement of worn components – minimizing fluid leakage
  • Reduced amount of hazardous chromium used during aluminum pretreatment
  • Engine air filter – prolongs engine life, reducing maintenance and associated waste disposal
  • Active vibration reduction system – less vibration wear on parts, improved component life
  • New digital avionics – safer flight, reduced crash risk
  • Highly leak-resistant extended-range fuel tanks
  • More powerful and fuel-efficient engines with fewer hazardous components
Joint Common Missile

The Joint Common Missile is an extended range, precision guided, air-to-surface weapon for use by joint service and allied manned and unmanned aircraft. About 49,000 will replace the Hellfire, TOW, and Maverick over the next two decades.

  • Modular design extends service life and reduces the amount that must be disposed. Obsolete and expired parts, rather than the whole missile, can be replaced
  • Upgradable to safer munitions
Stryker combat vehicle

The Stryker joined the Army inventory in 2002 and is already seeing action in Operation Iraqi Freedom. With more than 2,000 of the vehicles in 10 configurations on order, the light armored vehicle is changing the way the Army fights.

  • Seamless lower hull contains fuel spills and leaks
  • Weapon station catch bags used during training hold shell casings for recycling or disposal
  • Ozone-depleting compounds removed from the fire suppression system in the engine and crew compartments
  • Hazardous hexavalent chromium eliminated from paint primer, zinc plating, and aluminum parts
  • Oil exchanger mixes used engine oil with diesel to reduce the possibility of waste oil spilling during changes
  • Ozone-depleting compounds eliminated from the air conditioning system
  • Technical manual revised to cover safe disposal of contaminated water in the hull
The Environmental Support Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition,

Logistics and Technology at Environmental Support Office is responsible
for pollution prevention in the materiel acquisition life cycle.
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