Title 7--Agriculture



TEXT PDF729.101 Paperwork Reduction Act assigned number.
TEXT PDF729.102 Applicability.
TEXT PDF729.103 Definitions.
TEXT PDF729.104 Administration.
TEXT PDF729.105 Types of peanuts.
TEXT PDF729.106 Extent of calculations and rule of fractions.
TEXT PDF729.107 Location of farms for administrative purposes.
TEXT PDF729.108 Request for reconsideration or appeal.
TEXT PDF729.109 Instructions and forms.
TEXT PDF729.201 Apportionment of National poundage quota to States.
TEXT PDF729.202 Reserve for corrections.
TEXT PDF729.203 Quota not produced.
TEXT PDF729.204 Temporary seed quota allocation.
TEXT PDF729.205 Farms ineligible for farm poundage quota.
TEXT PDF729.206 Determining a farm's basic quota.
TEXT PDF729.207 Tenants sharing in increased quota.
TEXT PDF729.208 Allocation of quota for experimental and research programs.
TEXT PDF729.209 Tillable cropland limitation.
TEXT PDF729.210 Determining a farm's effective quota.
TEXT PDF729.211 Determination of farm yields.
TEXT PDF729.212 Approval of farm yield and farm poundage quota and notice to farm operator.
TEXT PDF729.213 Erroneous notice of effective farm poundage quota.
TEXT PDF729.214 Transfer of quota by sale, lease, owner, or operator.
TEXT PDF729.215 Release and reapportionment of quota.
TEXT PDF729.216 National poundage quota.
TEXT PDF729.301 Issuance of cards.
TEXT PDF729.302 Identification of producer marketings.
TEXT PDF729.303 Designation of category for marketing peanuts.
TEXT PDF729.304 Marketing card entries.
TEXT PDF729.305 Peanuts on which penalties are due and refund of excess penalty collected.
TEXT PDF729.306 Farms with one acre or less of peanuts.
TEXT PDF729.307 Assessment of penalties; joint and several liability.
TEXT PDF729.308 Lien for penalty.
TEXT PDF729.309 Persons to pay penalty or collect debts.
TEXT PDF729.310 Payment of penalty or other debt.
TEXT PDF729.311 Peanuts on which penalties are not to be assessed.
TEXT PDF729.312 Reduction or waiver of penalty.
TEXT PDF729.313 Failure to comply with program.
TEXT PDF729.314 Schemes and devices.
TEXT PDF729.315 Handling Segregation 3 peanuts.
TEXT PDF729.316 Marketing assessments.
TEXT PDF729.317 Increased marketing assessments.
TEXT PDF729.401 Peanuts marketed to persons who are not registered handlers.
TEXT PDF729.402 Report on marketing card.
TEXT PDF729.403 Report of marketing green peanuts.
TEXT PDF729.404 Report of acquisition of seed peanuts.
TEXT PDF729.405 Report of production and disposition.
TEXT PDF729.406 Persons engaged in more than one business.
TEXT PDF729.407 Penalty for failure to keep records and make reports.
TEXT PDF729.408 Examination of records and reports.
TEXT PDF729.409 Length of time records and reports are to be kept.

