Title 24--Housing and Urban Development



TEXT PDF983.1 When the PBV rule (24 CFR part 983) applies.
TEXT PDF983.2 When the tenant-based voucher rule (24 CFR part 982) applies.
TEXT PDF983.3 PBV definitions.
TEXT PDF983.4 Cross-reference to other Federal requirements.
TEXT PDF983.5 Description of the PBV program.
TEXT PDF983.6 Maximum amount of PBV assistance.
TEXT PDF983.7 Uniform Relocation Act.
TEXT PDF983.8 Equal opportunity requirements.
TEXT PDF983.9 Special housing types.
TEXT PDF983.10 Project-based certificate (PBC) program.
TEXT PDF983.51 Owner proposal selection procedures.
TEXT PDF983.52 Housing type.
TEXT PDF983.53 Prohibition of assistance for ineligible units.
TEXT PDF983.54 Prohibition of assistance for units in subsidized housing.
TEXT PDF983.55 Prohibition of excess public assistance.
TEXT PDF983.56 Cap on number of PBV units in each building.
TEXT PDF983.57 Site selection standards.
TEXT PDF983.58 Environmental review.
TEXT PDF983.59 PHA-owned units.
TEXT PDF983.101 Housing quality standards.
TEXT PDF983.102 Housing accessibility for persons with disabilities.
TEXT PDF983.103 Inspecting units.
TEXT PDF983.151 Applicability.
TEXT PDF983.152 Purpose and content of the Agreement to enter into HAP contract.
TEXT PDF983.153 When Agreement is executed.
TEXT PDF983.154 Conduct of development work.
TEXT PDF983.155 Completion of housing.
TEXT PDF983.156 PHA acceptance of completed units.
TEXT PDF983.201 Applicability.
TEXT PDF983.202 Purpose of HAP contract.
TEXT PDF983.203 HAP contract information.
TEXT PDF983.204 When HAP contract is executed.
TEXT PDF983.205 Term of HAP contract.
TEXT PDF983.206 HAP contract amendments (to add or substitute contract units).
TEXT PDF983.207 Condition of contract units.
TEXT PDF983.208 Owner responsibilities.
TEXT PDF983.209 Owner certification.
TEXT PDF983.251 How participants are selected.
TEXT PDF983.252 PHA information for accepted family.
TEXT PDF983.253 Leasing of contract units.
TEXT PDF983.254 Vacancies.
TEXT PDF983.255 Tenant screening.
TEXT PDF983.256 Lease.
TEXT PDF983.257 Owner termination of tenancy and eviction.
TEXT PDF983.258 Security deposit: amounts owed by tenant.
TEXT PDF983.259 Overcrowded, under-occupied, and accessible units.
TEXT PDF983.260 Family right to move.
TEXT PDF983.261 When occupancy may exceed 25 percent cap on the number of PBV units in each building.
TEXT PDF983.301 Determining the rent to owner.
TEXT PDF983.302 Redetermination of rent to owner.
TEXT PDF983.303 Reasonable rent.
TEXT PDF983.304 Other subsidy: effect on rent to owner.
TEXT PDF983.305 Rent to owner: effect of rent control and other rent limits.
TEXT PDF983.351 PHA payment to owner for occupied unit.
TEXT PDF983.352 Vacancy payment.
TEXT PDF983.353 Tenant rent; payment to owner.
TEXT PDF983.354 Other fees and charges.
