Title 24--Housing and Urban Development


TEXT PDF81.1 Scope of part.
TEXT PDF81.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF81.11 General.
TEXT PDF81.12 Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Goal.
TEXT PDF81.13 Central Cities, Rural Areas, and Other Underserved Areas Housing Goal.
TEXT PDF81.14 Special Affordable Housing Goal.
TEXT PDF81.15 General requirements.
TEXT PDF81.16 Special counting requirements.
TEXT PDF81.17 Affordability--Income level definitions--family size and income known (owner-occupied units, actual tenants, and prospective tenants).
TEXT PDF81.18 Affordability--Income level definitions--family size not known (actual or prospective tenants).
TEXT PDF81.19 Affordability--Rent level definitions--tenant income is not known.
TEXT PDF81.20 Actions to be taken to meet the goals.
TEXT PDF81.21 Notice and determination of failure to meet goals.
TEXT PDF81.22 Housing plans.
TEXT PDF81.41 General.
TEXT PDF81.42 Prohibitions against discrimination.
TEXT PDF81.43 Reports; underwriting and appraisal guideline review.
TEXT PDF81.44 Submission of information to the Secretary.
TEXT PDF81.45 Obtaining and disseminating information.
TEXT PDF81.46 Remedial actions.
TEXT PDF81.47 Violations of provisions by the GSEs.
TEXT PDF81.51 General.
TEXT PDF81.52 Requirement for program requests.
TEXT PDF81.53 Processing of program requests.
TEXT PDF81.54 Review of disapproval.
TEXT PDF81.61 General.
TEXT PDF81.62 Mortgage reports.
TEXT PDF81.63 Annual Housing Activities Report.
TEXT PDF81.64 Periodic reports.
TEXT PDF81.65 Other information and analyses.
TEXT PDF81.66 Submission of reports.
TEXT PDF81.71 General.
TEXT PDF81.72 Public-use database and public information.
TEXT PDF81.73 GSE request for proprietary treatment.
TEXT PDF81.74 Secretarial determination on GSE request.
TEXT PDF81.75 Proprietary information withheld by order or regulation.
TEXT PDF81.76 FOIA requests and protection of GSE information.
TEXT PDF81.77 Requests for GSE information on behalf of Congress, the Comptroller General, a subpoena, or other legal process.
TEXT PDF81.81 General.
TEXT PDF81.82 Cease-and-desist proceedings.
TEXT PDF81.83 Civil money penalties.
TEXT PDF81.84 Hearings.
TEXT PDF81.85 Public disclosure of final orders and agreements.
TEXT PDF81.86 Enforcement and jurisdiction.
TEXT PDF81.87 Judicial review.
TEXT PDF81.91 Maintenance of GSE Securities.
TEXT PDF81.92 Law governing rights and obligations of United States, Federal Reserve Banks, and GSEs; rights of any Person against United States, Federal Reserve Banks, and GSEs; Law governing other interests.
TEXT PDF81.93 Creation of Participant's Security Entitlement; security interests.
TEXT PDF81.94 Obligations of GSEs; no adverse claims.
TEXT PDF81.95 Authority of Federal Reserve Banks.
TEXT PDF81.96 Withdrawal of Eligible Book-entry GSE Securities for conversion to definitive form.
TEXT PDF81.97 Waiver of regulations.
TEXT PDF81.98 Liability of GSEs and Federal Reserve Banks.
TEXT PDF81.99 Additional provisions.
TEXT PDF81.101 Equal employment opportunity.
TEXT PDF81.102 Verification and enforcement to ensure GSE data integrity.
