Title 24--Housing and Urban Development


TEXT PDF26.1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF26.2 Hearing officer, powers and duties.
TEXT PDF26.3 Failure to comply with an order of the hearing officer.
TEXT PDF26.4 Ex parte communications.
TEXT PDF26.5 Disqualification of hearing officer.
TEXT PDF26.6 Department representative.
TEXT PDF26.7 Respondent's representative.
TEXT PDF26.8 Standards of practice.
TEXT PDF26.9 Notice of administrative action.
TEXT PDF26.10 Complaint.
TEXT PDF26.11 Answer.
TEXT PDF26.12 Amendments and supplemental pleadings.
TEXT PDF26.13 Motions.
TEXT PDF26.14 Form and filing requirements.
TEXT PDF26.15 Service.
TEXT PDF26.16 Time computation.
TEXT PDF26.17 Discovery.
TEXT PDF26.18 Depositions.
TEXT PDF26.19 Request for production of documents.
TEXT PDF26.20 Admissions as to facts and documents.
TEXT PDF26.21 Prehearing conference.
TEXT PDF26.22 Public nature and timing of hearings, transcripts.
TEXT PDF26.23 Rules of evidence.
TEXT PDF26.24 Hearing officer's determination and order.
TEXT PDF26.25 Review of determination of hearing officers.
TEXT PDF26.26 Interlocutory rulings.
TEXT PDF26.27 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF26.28 Definitions.
TEXT PDF26.29 Powers and duties of the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ).
TEXT PDF26.30 Ex parte contacts.
TEXT PDF26.31 Disqualification of ALJ.
TEXT PDF26.32 Parties to the hearing.
TEXT PDF26.33 Separation of functions.
TEXT PDF26.34 Time computations.
TEXT PDF26.35 Service and filing.
TEXT PDF26.36 Sanctions.
TEXT PDF26.37 Commencement of action.
TEXT PDF26.38 Motions.
TEXT PDF26.39 Default.
TEXT PDF26.40 Prehearing conferences.
TEXT PDF26.41 Discovery.
TEXT PDF26.42 Subpoenas.
TEXT PDF26.43 Protective order.
TEXT PDF26.44 General.
TEXT PDF26.45 Witnesses.
TEXT PDF26.46 Evidence.
TEXT PDF26.47 The record.
TEXT PDF26.48 Posthearing briefs.
TEXT PDF26.49 Initial decision.
TEXT PDF26.50 Appeal to the Secretary.
TEXT PDF26.51 Exhaustion of administrative remedies.
TEXT PDF26.52 Judicial review.
TEXT PDF26.53 Collection of civil penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF26.54 Right to administrative offset.
